Main / Jun2907

Jun 29 07 - Taxes are Evil

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jun 29 18:51:37 EDT 2007 ====

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:53:19 EDT 2007

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:53:39 EDT 2007

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:56:49 EDT 2007

[mikE] hey lor

[DM] Ramone moved 4'07".

[DM] Kit moved 19'10".

[DM] Arilyn moved 1'05".

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:57:48 EDT 2007

[DM] Wilson, Pepe and Mal moved 25'00".

[DM] Pepe moved 32'00".

[DM] jun 22 07.html moved 57'00".

[DM] Enya moved 12'01".

[DM] Druid Sensor moved 3'05".

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:58:24 EDT 2007

[DM] Percival moved 24'01".

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 20'01".

[Lorie] Hey Mike..Bibo and Sean

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 18:58:34 EDT 2007

[Lorie] Hi Bunny

[SPC] Hey!

SPC is receiving the map Base Map...

SPC has received the map Base Map.

[John] hello all present

[Bunny] Greetings!

[Lorie] :: waves :: JOHN!!!!

Bunny is receiving the map Base Map...

Bunny has received the map Base Map.

[DM] tryign to load Kylia just a sec sorry

[John] who knows how long I can stay

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 38'05".

[John] can I attack the druid sensor?

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] Hmmmm

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no, we want to know when the druids are around

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] no map loading for me?

[John] i doubt that is how it works

[mikE] no character for you.

[Lorie] It says "character is not available for centering" when I try to load the map

[mikE] klooge doesn't like her now

[Lorie] Okies... I can go sleep

[mikE] well, you're going to do that anyway

[John] she is KID naped

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 21'09".

[Bunny] Somebody looking for a druid?

[John] NOT

[DM] Kylia is on the map lower right of the roadhaven circle

[Bunny] (key.) -1

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] everyone else is ok with their charcters?

[Lorie] :: shrugs :: can't load the map

[Lorie] and I am not going AFK so why does it keep saying I'm back ?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no map for you!

[John] i have come to terms with my characters yes

[Bunny] Ooops. I better stay quiet and out of the way.

[John] my counler helped me out

[John] still looking for a tudor

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am as okay with my character as I ever will be

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:04:52 EDT 2007

[DM] wanting to make sure that Lorie gets the base map, etc.

[DM] everyone should be ok now I think

[Lorie] Hey Christy!

[Bunny (to DM only)] So, Bob, why is there a druid sensor? Do I need to read the rest of last week's chat room?

[Lorie] This week was your trip right? How was it?

[DM (to Bunny only)] she is here to introduce the adventure, and the end of the week would be good

[Christy] could have been better but we're home now. came home a day early

[DM] Click me for Map #1 moved 4 mi., 3462'.

[Christy] Hans is getting the kids ready for bed but will be along very shortly

[Lorie] Ugh... so sorry to hear that

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Christy] how do we get the map?

[DM] Varn moved 4 mi., 235'.

[DM] you should be able to double click on your character to get the map

[DM] only Lorie seemed to have an issue

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[John] no real need for this map

[DM] Gretchen moved 2'09".

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[DM] but it allows you to load maps

[DM] most of the night tonight will be on teh base map

[DM] but want to show the other two also

[DM] Varn is on the Overland map

[DM] showing Roadhaven adn the protectorate

[DM] Gretchen is on the map of the valley behind Roadhaven

Bunny is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Bunny has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[DM] if you want to load those

[DM] Mike made the roadhaven map

John is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

John has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

[mikE] and it is very pretty

mikE is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

mikE has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

Bunny is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

Bunny has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

Christy is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Christy has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[John] I thiught we were silgtly off the road

[John] but yes spiffy

SPC is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

SPC has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

John is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

John has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[DM] the protectorate John?

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[DM] the trade route runs right up the middle of your lands

[John] no roadhaven

[DM] roadhavenis on teh road

[DM] the road follows the river up into the mountains

[DM] then branches off

SPC is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

SPC has received the map Robert-Overland01.

Christy is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

Christy has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

[DM] just so that everyone knows that Hallstatt is to the far East off the edge of that map

[John (to DM only)] how do you spell Hainin (Roberts's character)?

[DM (to John only)] that looks good

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:17:33 EDT 2007

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:17:49 EDT 2007

[DM] Lorie is reloading

[Sweetums (SPC)] hello?

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:18:06 EDT 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh, I'm here.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bunny isn't.

[DM] ok,

[Sweetums (SPC)] she's coming back online

[DM] brb have to adjust here

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:18:28 EDT 2007

Lorie is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Lorie has received the map Robert-Overland01.

Lorie is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

Lorie has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

Bunny is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Bunny has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[DM] John you are good on maps adn able to move Paul etc?

[DM] Sean you can do the same?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Get the maps? Sure.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 76'10".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 67'03".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Move Paul? Haven't tried.

Bunny is receiving the map Base Map...

Bunny has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 37'07".

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[Bunny] Enya moved 5'00".

[DM] So there is a problem with Kylia's Icon

[DM] does anyone else have a problem with thiers

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[John] mine is not big enough

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] mine could use more gp

[mikE] Mal moved 1'00".

[John] i cannot click on Kylia either

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] xp too

[John] icons don't get xp

SPC is receiving the map Base Map...

SPC has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sure they do

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm okay

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 20'02".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Mal moved 3'11".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 5'06".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 36'00".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 46'05".

[John] so you want a 3rd level icon as a familar

[Sweetums (SPC)] No problem moving Sweetums.

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 23'01".

[John] Pepe moved 13'01".

[John] Ramone moved 19'02".

[John] Mal moved 26'08".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 1'03".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 13'00".

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Druid Sensor. Distance: 15'04"

[John] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Druid Sensor.

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 0'00"

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Druid Sensor. Distance: 15'04"

[John] i cannot target the druid sensor

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:05 EDT 2007

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:06 EDT 2007

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:08 EDT 2007

John has left the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:08 EDT 2007

[Sweetums (SPC)] did I leave the game?

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:25 EDT 2007

[DM] No Sean

[John] back

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:26:41 EDT 2007

Sweetums (SPC) bites tonge

[DM] trying to find out what is wrong with these characters

Bunny is receiving the map Base Map...

Bunny has received the map Base Map.

[DM] not sure why there is any issue with logging in and out

[John] i have no issue logging in

[John] not sure why i logged off

[John] maybe because i tried to attack the druid sensor?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we can use any enemy sensor we can get

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 8'00".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] never know when those druids might try sneaking up on us

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Kylias-Valley-2...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Kylias-Valley-2.

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:29:52 EDT 2007

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

[DM] to continue while I am working on this issue

[DM] Enya

[Bunny] Yes?

[DM] did you read the end of last week?

[DM] did anyone have any questions for the Druid Sensor?

[John] no

[Enya (Bunny)] No. Can you send it to me? I got about 2/3 of the way before I had to leave the game.

[DM] you are not in IM right no

[DM] now

[John] questions for the sensor?

[DM] so any questions?

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:33:24 EDT 2007

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] do we have to keep this tax evader alive?

[John] ah, that situation

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's much easier to take things from a dead evil necromancer than a living one

Beth is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth has received the map Base Map.

[John] are we sure who the debit collector is?

[Druid Sensor] of course it is preferable to keep him alive

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] is he a gnome? I bet he's a gnome.

[Druid Sensor] becasue then he can pay more taxes in the future

Saban has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:34:46 EDT 2007

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] and he won't just not pay later because....?

[John] what is the intrest penality?

[Druid Sensor] he has not paid in the past 4 years

[Druid Sensor] this will be year 5

Percival is receiving the map Base Map...

Percival has received the map Base Map.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yes. so if he pays this year, whats to stop him from stopping next year. we gonna have to rough him up every year?

[Druid Sensor] we think that the example of the Dragonslayers going after him will prevent that from being an issue

[Lorie] We're supposed to put the fear of my deity in him so he doesn't remain delinquent

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 19:36:46 EDT 2007

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh. does your diety do curses?

[Lorie] :: points :: hence why she's here

[Percival (Percival)] Sounds good.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we could give him a nice one. with boils

[Druid Sensor] and of course we expect to see very few others join in his delinquence

Christy is receiving the map Base Map...

Christy has received the map Base Map.

[Lorie] He's a necromancer... boils aren't going to do the trick

[Lorie] :: waves at Hans and Beth ::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so who is it already?

[Druid Sensor] (give him daisies?)

[Percival (Percival)] ::waves back, smiling::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] okay, we could curse him so he develops necrophobia

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (HELLO HANS!)

[Beth] (~waves~ :))

[Percival (Percival)] Sir Paul ::bowing head slightly::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] would be funny to watch him run in terror from his servants

[Beth] oooh, wouldn't THAT be interesting!

[Druid Sensor] coughs, I am not sure if he is actually a necromancer

[Druid Sensor] he does seem to have dead things around him

[Mal (mikE)] "Or we can give him necrophelia and he'd never leave the house."

[Druid Sensor] and the local villiagers are all terified of him

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so it is a new NPC?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] isn't that the definition of a necromancer?

[Percival (Percival)] I'm sure we can come to terms with this miscreant so he will pay what he owes.

[Druid Sensor] puzzled, someone that sleeps with the dead?

[Druid Sensor] oh, you get to keep anything you can collect from him

[Percival (Percival)] ::necrophilia is what you're talking about, I think::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that sounds like a licence to steel

[Druid Sensor] it is more the threat of the dragonslayers visited upon others that the Grand Druid is worried about

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Right, so we are looting everything he has in the name of owed backtaxes

[Lorie] Great...those body parts will be great rewards

[Percival (Percival)] ::'love of the dead'::

[Lorie] Seriously... you couldn't get anyone else to do this?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] don't forget the penalties

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] interest too

Druid Sensor coughs

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] and the collection fee

[Percival (Percival)] ::oh, I see Mike's statement now...::

Druid Sensor um um

[Druid Sensor] we did

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] and convenience fee

[Druid Sensor] they did not return

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] restocking fee

[Lorie] Wait... how many of you can actually count... aside from the magic users and the paladin?

[Druid Sensor] each year we have sent a group to collect

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] don't break my legs fee

[Mal (mikE)] "Pepe can."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] that would be a supstancial fee for early withdrawls

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[Percival (Percival)] I am afraid I never learned to count ::and I've actually role-played that!::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] oh and of course a licensing fee

[Druid Sensor] Pepe moved 10'06".

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Druid Sensor] Pepe moved 13'02".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] and royalties

[Lorie] uh huh

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] for use of the dragonslayers and their likeness in tax collection

[Lorie] And what is the magical number we're collecting from the wizard

mikE is receiving the map Entrance area...

mikE has received the map Entrance area.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there isn't one. we collect whatever we can get

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] you know, wizard organs sell well on the black market

[John] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I'm sure he has some he doesn't technically need

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(16+3)] -8. Probably MISSES Druid Sensor (AC FINAL: -1)

[Lorie] :: nods :: What is the actual amount he owes... I know the goal is whatever

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] like a pancreas

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no one needs a pancreas

[Percival (Percival)] Ramone,selling things on the "black market" would be illegal. No can do.

[Druid Sensor] he currently owes 150,000 GP

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Scimitar +3/+5 vs Spirits: (11-(d20+3)) [11-(18+3)] -10. Probably MISSES Druid Sensor (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Druid Sensor.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] it's only illegal in some cities

[Percival (Percival)] Let's go get the gold, party!

[Lorie] Makes a note... so we have a goal

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there are many cities where the black market is government sponsored

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] I would hate to not understand the full extend of his debt and let him off easily

[Beth] ::wonders why Sir Paul was attacking the Sensor::

[Lorie] Roadhaven isn't one of them

[Percival (Percival)] Well, it sounds wrong. And the black market would then be just another market in those cities-

[Percival (Percival)] ::same as Beth::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] So, do you know that this wizard is actually alive?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] and that he hasn't been dead for the last 5 years/

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] clearly you do not read my story

[Druid Sensor] the villiagers swear he is

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] have they seen him?

[Druid Sensor] he collects the taxes from them

[Lorie] What story?

[Mal (mikE)] "Why didn't they paint the market a nicer color than black?"

[Druid Sensor] and is not redistributing it as he is required to

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] which story, Paul's day

[Percival (Percival)] ::I'm guessing he sent an email::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that doesn't answer the question though.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] have they seen him in person?

[Druid Sensor] I know that his agents have been seen, I do not know if he has been

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Great..."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "What's his name again? Something inordinately long and fluffy as I recall."

[Percival (Percival)] A mature male elf walks into Roadhaven and is referred to Wilson. “Hello, welcome to Roadhaven, how can I help you?” “I am looking for Hanin, leader of the Dragonslayers” said the elf in a friendly voice. “OK. Well first Hanin is dead and second, who may I ask is looking for the Dragonslayers.” “Well that is complicated, it would be best to explain it to the group. I um had not heard about Hanin’s demise. I would hope Lady Kylia is well. Is she the current leader of the Dragonslayers? I am not so much in a hurry, but my mission is quite important.” “Sorry the Lady is not in, but Sir Paul is. I am sure he can help you. Here he comes now.” Wilson points to Paul, coming out of the library. The elf visitor looks Paul up and down. “I do not recognize him, is he one of the leaders? I’ve never even heard his name mentioned, and I am a bit of a buff.” Wilson looks at the elf in disbelief and waves Paul over. “Sir Paul, this gentleman is looking for the leader of the Dragonslayers. He has not heard of you but he thinks Hanin is the leader.” “It ok Wilson, I’ll talk to him. I’m not really offended.” He motions the elf to the bar. “Come on, lets talk.” The Elf walks with Paul to the bar. “I mean no disrespect. I , well it’s a long story, but I was really hoping to talk to someone I know.” Paul opens the door to allow the guest entrance. The elf starts to walk inside but spins around quickly and slams the door closed, much to Paul’s surprise. “I know it’s a dump, but it is our dump.” Paul said trying to lighting the sudden tension.” “Do you know who that is in there? That creature is dangerous.” the elf says in a nervous whisper. “Who, Kit? You have nothing to fear, she is my trusted ally and one of the Dragonslayers.” “You should never trust her; she is a cold blooded killer. If she is here maybe I have come to the wrong plane, er place.” The elf tried to recover but failed. “Now you are making sense. Tell me your name and tell me where you come from. No one messes with the Dragonslayers.” Paul demanded. “You must understand, I know how you feel. But you must understand, I am here as a Dragonslayer. I need your help, the world; maybe multiple worlds are at stake. I had hopped someone would recognize me. I have been a Dragonslayer most of my life. My name is Khan.”

[Lorie] John -- Did you send it in the last 3 hours? If so, then I haven't seen it

[Druid Sensor] reportedly there are still the occasional person taken in to experienment on

[Beth] ((DM of the Rings))

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] um... what's up with the post?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I did not post it here

[Druid Sensor] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 138'05".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "anyways. So, where is this villiage, what's the guy's name and who can we talk to to get some real info about this wizard guy?"

[Druid Sensor] jun 22 07.html moved 11'02".

mikE is receiving the map Entrance area...

mikE has received the map Entrance area.

mikE is receiving the map Base Map...

mikE has received the map Base Map.

[Druid Sensor] this villiage is in teh far northwestern corner of Hallstat

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] what's it called?

[Druid Sensor] his name is Exhaulted Lord of the Trees, the Mighty Wielder of Fire, Eldric the Invincable

[Druid Sensor] he calls it the compass towards hell

[Druid Sensor] but the common folk call the area Kilton

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] the villiage?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] is he evil?

[Druid Sensor] yes

[Lorie] Oh I'm sure he's going to totally want to see us

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but is he lawfull?

[Druid Sensor] most likely not

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] (snicker snicker)

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Is his place particularly dangerous on the outside?

[Druid Sensor] his keep is on a point on a tall hill

[Druid Sensor] but otherwise nothing in particular

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Druid Sensor] no fire swamps

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] do you have any idea how the previous tax collecters died?

[Druid Sensor] or dark forests

[Druid Sensor] they went in and did not come out

[Arilyn (Christy)] how many times have you tried to collect from him?

[Druid Sensor] each year

[Percival (Percival)] Let's go to Hallstat, then.

[Druid Sensor] once a year

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] well, we can knock without dodging a trap then

[Percival (Percival)] (the far NW corner of Hallstat)

[Arilyn (Christy)] so you've lost 4 groups of collectors?

[Druid Sensor] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] do we get a reward for saving previous tax collectors?

[Arilyn (Christy)] who did you send?

[Druid Sensor] if you bring them back alive I am sure there would be a reward

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] the griffon slayers?

[Druid Sensor] the first year we sent the standard two warriors

[Percival (Percival)] Druid Sensor, is there anything else we should know in order to prepare for the journey?

[Druid Sensor] the next year we sent two warriors and a bard

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] hA!

[Druid Sensor] I am not sure Sir Percival

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] a bard... what? you were gonna sing him into compliance?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'm trying to get and idea of what kind of groups he has already taken out

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] let me guess, year three you added a dwarf?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Some would argue two warriors and a bard was a step down."

[Druid Sensor] last years attempt was 6 warriors 2 bards and a druid

[Lorie] And what's your idea Ramone? I'm pretty sure he's not going to want to be in the sack with you

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "See... that's your problem. Too many bards."

[Percival (Percival)] Lord Paul, will you be joining us on this quest?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I see no reason why not

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Well I say we talk to the villiagers and see what info we can get from them."

[Percival (Percival)] Ah-hem, I mean "leading" us on this quest?

[mikE] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Who knows... one of them might be cute."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I would say that is not up to me

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] clearly this is Lady Kylia's quest

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we are all at her disposal

[Percival (Percival)] Then Lady Kylia, I will follow you.

[Lorie] Oh no... don't let me stop you from leading Percival

[Lorie] That's why you're wearing the SHINY armor

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And the shiny head...."

[Percival (Percival)] I will take direction from you, Priestess.

[Lorie] :: shrugs :: Or perhaps Ms. Enya... she knows where Halstatt is

[Percival (Percival)] My sword will follow your commands.

[Enya (Bunny) (to DM only)] Bob, I'm gonna send you IM.

[Druid Sensor (to Bunny only)] you know that area is close to the haunted forests, but is west of that

[Mal (mikE)] ::Points:: "Isn't it that way?"

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] does Enya understand how this looks on her application to become a DragonSlayer

[Mal (mikE)] "Can I lead since I know where it is?"

[Mal (mikE)] "I want to play leader."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no mal

[Mal (mikE)] "Pepe can help me."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] we need someone who will stay

[Percival (Percival)] Sounds good, Mal. Show us the way! Lady Kylia?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I would rather follow pepe

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We've got a fortress of people who are going to stay."

[Percival (Percival)] ::chuckles::

[Arilyn (Christy)] does anyone know how long Mal will be Mal?

[Mal (mikE)] "What are you talking about? I'm always me."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] even GOD does not know

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Until he starts casting spells."

[Beth] heh... nope

[Percival (Percival)] I think that's what actually will happen, Lord Paul. I think the man follows the skunk.

[Druid Sensor] one... two... three.... how many licks does it take to get to Mal

[Mal (mikE)] "I swear elves get dafter every year."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I rather not lick mal

[Beth] ::shudders at the thought::

[Arilyn (Christy)] mal, have you ever noticed how time just...gets away from you?

[Mal (mikE)] "First things first: we should get our provisions together."

[Arilyn (Christy)] yes

[Mal (mikE)] "Make sure we bring cookies. Plenty of cookies."

[Lorie] :: turns to Wilson :: How long until things are ready?

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - Notes - CHANGED: XP Awards -- : ==== Fri Jun 25 19:38:34 EDT 2004 ==== None - 500 Description File Work - 500 ==== Fri Jun 25 20:36:54 EDT 2004 ==== goblins and trolls - 705==== Sun Jun 27 18:21:16 EDT 2004 ==== None - 1500==== Fri Aug 06 14:00:36 EDT 2004 ==== Excellent Roleplay - 5000 ==== Mon Sep 06 15:05:05 EDT 2004 ==== Magic Item creation - 5000 ==== Sun Dec 19 21:37:43 EST 2004 ==== All XP for the Island Adventures and Role Play through 27-2-1255 (Dec 17 2004) - 8200==== Fri Jan 28 21:44:47 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls - 240==== Fri Feb 18 19:09:08 EST 2005 ==== Early XP - 333==== Sun Feb 27 21:13:21 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls and Ghasts - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:07:18 EST 2005) Cube and Sword - 100 (Sun Feb 27 21:09:51 EST 2005) Roleplay - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:11:37 EST 2005)==== Fri Mar 11 22:06:35 EST 2005 ==== Roleplay - 300 (Fri Mar 11 20:08:20 EST 2005) Roleplay - 500 (Fri Mar 11 22:04:47 EST 2005) ==== Fri Mar 11 22:49:14 EST 2005 ==== Roleplay - 200 (Fri Mar 11 22:48:46 EST 2005)==== Thu Apr 28 23:00:40 EDT 2005 ==== Story Award - 4000 (Thu Apr 28 22:51:42 EDT 2005)==== Fri Jul 22 12:45:39 EDT 2005 ==== Gold, Magic and Story Award - 20000 (Fri Jul 22 12:41:26 EDT 2005) Wizard Encounter - 500 (Fri Jul 22 12:42:43 EDT 2005)==== Fri Sep 16 21:41:04 EDT 2005 ==== Slaying No Name #1 - 4000 (Fri Sep 02 22:45:01 EDT 2005) Slaying No Name #4 - 4000 (Fri Sep 09 19:20:36 EDT 2005) Story Award Burial Mounds - 250000 (Fri Sep 16 21:36:23 EDT 2005) Character Sheets and out of Game work - 100000 (Fri Sep 16 21:36:53 EDT 2005) ==== Fri Sep 16 22:05:48 EDT 2005 ==== correction - -50000 (Fri Sep 16 22:05:35 EDT 2005) ==== Fri Sep 16 22:21:05 EDT 2005 ==== corrections - 3000 (Fri Sep 16 22:20:59 EDT 2005)==== Fri Nov 25 22:27:10 EST 2005 ==== Clearing Land - 100000 (Fri Nov 25 22:19:11 EST 2005) Castle Building - 25000 (Fri Nov 25 22:20:37 EST 2005) Treasure and Roleplay - 50000 (Fri Nov 25 22:23:05 EST 2005) ==== Fri Dec 23 21:43:17 EST 2005 ==== Slaying Lizard Man #8 - 65 (Fri Dec 23 19:12:45 EST 2005) Slaying Lizard Man #22 - 65 (Fri Dec 23 21:01:10 EST 2005) Lizard Men Swamps - 2220 (Fri Dec 23 21:43:10 EST 2005)==== Fri May 12 20:41:18 EDT 2006 ==== End of the Year Award - 2500 (Fri Jan 13 18:55:55 EST 2006) Zombie Temple - 3650 (Fri May 12 20:39:01 EDT 2006)==== Mon Dec 18 09:46:31 EST 2006 ==== Stormport - 2500 (Mon Dec 18 09:45:26 EST 2006)==== Fri Dec 29 19:21:50 EST 2006 ==== End of year awards - 2500 (Fri Dec 29 19:21:44 EST 2006)==== Fri Jun 22 22:22:03 EDT 2007 ==== Followers - 500 (Fri Mar 16 13:31:15 EDT 2007) Undead Elf - 1000 (Fri Jun 22 22:21:56 EDT 2007) ( ==== Fri Jun 25 19:38:34 EDT 2004 ==== None - 500 Description File Work - 500 ==== Fri Jun 25 20:36:54 EDT 2004 ==== goblins and trolls - 705==== Sun Jun 27 18:21:16 EDT 2004 ==== None - 1500==== Fri Aug 06 14:00:36 EDT 2004 ==== Excellent Roleplay - 5000 ==== Mon Sep 06 15:05:05 EDT 2004 ==== Magic Item creation - 5000 ==== Sun Dec 19 21:37:43 EST 2004 ==== All XP for the Island Adventures and Role Play through 27-2-1255 (Dec 17 2004) - 8200==== Fri Jan 28 21:44:47 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls - 240==== Fri Feb 18 19:09:08 EST 2005 ==== Early XP - 333==== Sun Feb 27 21:13:21 EST 2005 ==== Ghouls and Ghasts - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:07:18 EST 2005) Cube and Sword - 100 (Sun Feb 27 21:09:51 EST 2005) Roleplay - 500 (Sun Feb 27 21:11:37 EST 2005)==== Fri Mar 11 22:06:35 EST 2005 ==== Roleplay - 300 (Fri Mar 11 20:08:20 EST 2005) Roleplay - 500 (Fri Mar 11 22:04:47 EST 2005) ==== Fri Mar 11 22:49:14 EST 2005 ==== Roleplay - 200 (Fri Mar 11 22:48:46 EST 2005)==== Thu Apr 28 23:00:40 EDT 2005 ==== Story Award - 4000 (Thu Apr 28 22:51:42 EDT 2005)==== Fri Jul 22 12:45:39 EDT 2005 ==== Gold, Magic and Story Award - 20000 (Fri Jul 22 12:41:26 EDT 2005) Wizard Encounter - 500 (Fri Jul 22 12:42:43 EDT 2005)==== Fri Sep 16 21:41:04 EDT 2005 ==== Slaying No Name #1 - 4000 (Fri Sep 02 22:45:01 EDT 2005) Slaying No Name #4 - 4000 (Fri Sep 09 19:20:36 EDT 2005) Story Award Burial Mounds - 250000 (Fri Sep 16 21:36:23 EDT 2005) Character Sheets and out of Game work - 100000 (Fri Sep 16 21:36:53 EDT 2005) ==== Fri Sep 16 22:05:48 EDT 2005 ==== correction - -50000 (Fri Sep 16 22:05:35 EDT 2005) ==== Fri Sep 16 22:21:05 EDT 2005 ==== corrections - 3000 (Fri Sep 16 22:20:59 EDT 2005)==== Fri Nov 25 22:27:10 EST 2005 ==== Clearing Land - 100000 (Fri Nov 25 22:19:11 EST 2005) Castle Building - 25000 (Fri Nov 25 22:20:37 EST 2005) Treasure and Roleplay - 50000 (Fri Nov 25 22:23:05 EST 2005) ==== Fri Dec 23 21:43:17 EST 2005 ==== Slaying Lizard Man #8 - 65 (Fri Dec 23 19:12:45 EST 2005) Slaying Lizard Man #22 - 65 (Fri Dec 23 21:01:10 EST 2005) Lizard Men Swamps - 2220 (Fri Dec 23 21:43:10 EST 2005)==== Fri May 12 20:41:18 EDT 2006 ==== End of the Year Award - 2500 (Fri Jan 13 18:55:55 EST 2006) Zombie Temple - 3650 (Fri May 12 20:39:01 EDT 2006)==== Mon Dec 18 09:46:31 EST 2006 ==== Stormport - 2500 (Mon Dec 18 09:45:26 EST 2006)==== Fri Dec 29 19:21:50 EST 2006 ==== End of year awards - 2500 (Fri Dec 29 19:21:44 EST 2006)==== Fri Jun 22 22:22:03 EDT 2007 ==== Followers - 500 (Fri Mar 16 13:31:15 EDT 2007) Undead Elf - 1000 (Fri Jun 22 22:21:56 EDT 2007)).

[Percival (Percival)] You thinker-types figure all that stuff out. I just need a direction to start marching.

[Arilyn (Christy)] did DEATH leave any brownies?

[Mal (mikE)] "Don't forget the cookies, Wilson!"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Don't bother explaining. Lets go loot what we can from this old codger. We've been given legal rights to do it."

[Beth] Don't worry, Pepe... I'll bring plenty of apples

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: ponders :: I would guess another hour or so

[Wilson] I think the traveling goods can be arranged for tomorrow

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Even the paladin can't argue that."

[Percival (Percival)] No, Ramone.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's fully lawful."

[Mal (mikE)] 'March? We don't march anymore. That's so peasant. We use magic."

[Wilson] the journey is about a week by horseback

[Percival (Percival)] We've been tasked with collecting 150,000 GP (however much that is) and making sure he pays next year. That is all.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] why are we walking?

[Percival (Percival)] We haven't been given license to "loot" anything.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Actually they said take as much as we can get."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "But that he owes 150000 officially."

[Percival (Percival)] Yes, Up to 150,000 GP, Mage.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Somehow I doubt we'll get even that..."

[Arilyn (Christy)] who's getting us there if we don't walk?

[Mal (mikE)] "I could use a new spell book."

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] no pooling?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We have horses in the barn

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "But there's nothing stopping us from taking more. Finders fees and all."

[Percival (Percival)] And I don't know that I trust YOU to do the counting, Ramone.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] do none of you ride?

[Percival (Percival)] I ride.

[Mal (mikE)] "Maybe a good undead servant or two? If you can just keep the flesh on the bones and off the floor they're very good at what they do."

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can fly

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I am an excellent counter. Shall we teleport then?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can do that too

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ramone, you've been to Halstatt?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] I would not teleport to a area we know so little of

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but the pool is safe

[Arilyn (Christy)] pool sounds good too

[Percival (Percival)] I know you can count, Sir Wizard. But your comments of late may cloud your objectivity.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Pfft. I said I wouldn't kill him."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Spell research is expensive."

Beth chokes on hearing "Sir Wizard"

[Arilyn (Christy)] i doubt he's gonna let us out WITHOUT killing him

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] but we can bring him back to life

[Percival (Percival)] We are formidable opponents. It would not be wise to engage us in combat.

[Arilyn (Christy)] but why would we want to bring him back?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: ponders :: Oh yes...the Pool. I believe I can put us relatively close to Halstatt

[Arilyn (Christy)] we already know he's evil and doesn't like visitors

[Percival (Percival)] It seems then, that everyone is in on this adventure. That's great!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] They aren't as old fashoined as Mac Tyr with the circle of trees

[Druid Sensor] John? about Kahn?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Khan is not going

[Percival (Percival)] Let's round up the provisions that Mal was talking about and let's go.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Mal just wants cookies

[Percival (Percival)] Um, anybody else know what we'll need?

[Arilyn (Christy)] can we get him some oreos or something?

[Percival (Percival)] Oreos for the mage and standard iron rations for the rest of us, 2 weeks worth.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm sure Wilson can get stuff together. he's used to sending us off to our deaths

[Mal (mikE)] "You eat iron? Paladins are so weird."

[Percival (Percival)] And for any of our animals. Wilson, be a good man and make that happen for us.

[Beth] salt, flour, pemmican, jerky, grains, etc

[Wilson] are you taking the horses afterall?

[Mal (mikE)] 'Of course, we'll probably be back by dinner time."

[Percival (Percival)] Iron makes one strong, Mage. That's why you're just a mage.

[Wilson] or just traveling with Sir Paul's magic?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'm not. I'll fly once we do the teleporting."

[Arilyn (Christy)] i like the magic idea

[Mal (mikE)] "Unfortunately, not too smart, though."

[Percival (Percival)] You obviously don't eat enough iron.

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it's not my magic

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] it's not my pool

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] i am just an advisor

[Percival (Percival)] I'd rather march, but I'll use the method the party prefers.

[Percival (Percival)] So let's do it.

[Mal (mikE)]

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Onwards!

[Mal (mikE)]

[Percival (Percival)] Onwards!

[Wilson] Sweetums moved 93'09".

[Wilson] Percival moved 114'02".

[Wilson] Enya moved 140'04".

[Wilson] Arilyn moved 116'04".

[Percival (Percival)] ::singing victorious melody about bravery in combat and respect for one's foes::

[Wilson] Paul Elvenstire moved 126'01".

[Percival (Percival)] Percival: Singing check: (d20) [4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Wilson] Ramone moved 135'09".

[Wilson] Mal moved 114'07".

[Wilson] Kira moved 126'10".

[Wilson] Kit moved 13'05".

[Wilson] Is Kit coming?

[Mal (mikE)] "Didn't we figure out that bards don't work?"

[DM] did you want to take the druid with you?

[Percival (Percival)] ::hmmm hhmmmm hmm hmmmmm hhmmmmmm hmmmmmmm hmmmm hmmmmm hmmmmm hhhmmm!!!!!!!!!!::

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] which druid? enya or the sensor?

[DM] sensor

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] didn't realize him coming was an option

[Mal (mikE)] we should leave em both at home. =P

[DM] her

[Enya (Bunny)] Works for me....

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] yes to Kit

[DM] so everyone who is using the pool to transport to outside the villiage is in the other circles

[Mal (mikE)] "Why is he singing about respecting our enemies? Aren't we supposed to cast fireballs and lightning bolts at them?"

[DM] if you want to take the Druid Sensor along you can up to a point

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Percival)] Um, where's Lady Kylia?

[DM] she will not continue into the fortress

[DM] (problem with her character sheet, she is here)

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we cast fireballs out of respect

[Percival (Percival)] Gotcha

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit moved 74'07".

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Kit moved 170'09".

[DM] So Druid Sensor is a yes?

[DM] Khan moved 95'09".

[Percival (Percival)] This is a very strong party. I pity our enemy.

[DM] Druid Sensor moved 9'09".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I guess if he wants to stand up front.

[DM] Wilson moved 10'06".

[DM] jun 22 07.html moved 36'02".

[DM] is mostly a quick ride home for her

[DM] Druid Sensor moved 98'08".

[Percival (Percival)] Sweetums, Lord Paul, and Percival should be in the front.

[DM] so you are outside the village

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yaay

[DM] it is a small place, about 15 buidlings in town

[Mal (mikE)] ready fireballs! on my mark!

[DM] with severa outlying farms and homestead

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] how many of them are not homes?

[DM] all of them are homes of some sorts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: walks slowly into the village ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues towards the temple ::

[DM] though there is a larger building that seems to have a town hall area

[Percival (Percival)] ditto to Lady Kylia.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there's no temple?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] uh oh

[DM] there is a temple area to the West

[DM] outdoors cleared area

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] okay then

[DM] with an alter

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we don't have to burn the town

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yet...

[DM] but the alter is broken in half

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)]'s an Altar... if it were an alter, we'd change

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ;o)

[Mal (mikE)] "Think there will be a tavern? Maybe we can get into another tavern fight. That last one was fun. I only wish I realized it was happening before it was over."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] the altar has been altered to a broken altar

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] so are we really on a mission from god?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I guess we start with the town hall"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no, druids don't have gods.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] they have trees

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we're on a mission from trees

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] just so we are clear

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] clear cut

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues inside the temple, looking for acolytes ::

[DM] no temple

[DM] cleared area outside

[Percival (Percival) (to DM only)] test

[DM] broken altar

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] (( :: bobs head :: to altar ))

[Percival (Percival) (to DM only)] DM, I hate to ruin a good thing, because trust me, this is a very good thing for us. But, when Sweetums attacks, he has to have at least as much room in his attack circle to maneuver or he can't use that weapon. So, if we're inside and there's not *at least* enough room for his circle, then he can't use that weapon in that manner. He can use it at a -8 or something like that. It's just like a longsword in an area less than 5': it turns into a piercing weapon at -8. If I'm wrong, please explain. Thanks!

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] looking for wanderers in the village

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::looks for cute girls::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::stays away from chruch area::

[Mal (mikE)] "Which religion is the one with broken altars?"

[DM] /han he can only stab with it, it is a stabbing piercing weapon, he can not attack anyone inside of it, really hurt them last battle actually with a bunch of centipedes

[Percival (Percival)] Be on alert, team!

[Mal (mikE)] "Or is that the symbol for atheism?"

[DM] there is no one about the down

[Percival (Percival)] ::closes eyes and waves hand in front of himself, slowly::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Could be that they just don't like holy types here."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: sighs ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Halstatt is a Druid homeland...

[Beth] wanders with the rest of the group

[DM] the are here seem to be quiet

[Percival (Percival)] Percival moved 30'03".

[Mal (mikE)] "Then they must not like zombies or skeletons. They usually are very holy."

[DM] the twn has no obvious signs of life

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: turns and continues walking around to try and find a sign of life

[Percival (Percival)] Any signs of evil, DM?

[DM] but does not seem abanonded as the building are in repari

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ;:

[Beth] start knocking on doors?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::knocks on the town hall::

[DM] everyone has full spells etc,

[Paul Elvenstire (John) (to DM only)] true sight?

[DM (to John only)] everything is the same, no magical changes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] Hulllooooo!

[DM] you feel a sense of watchfulness

[DM] Ramone enters the "town hall?

[Percival (Percival)] ::takes 8 rounds to detect evil in all directions::

[Mal (mikE)] "I feel like we're being watched."

[DM] it is a largish open area

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: speaks :: It is I, Lady Kylia... will no one greet the Dragonslayers?

[Beth] check for traps first?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Hello?"

[DM] finally a young boy comes out of the woods

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We're here to see some sodding fire something or another wizard."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: takes her hand off her sword and kneels ::

[Villiager #2 #1] hello

[Villiager #2 #1] who are you?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hello... where is your family little one

[Villiager #2 #1] they are working

[Villiager #2 #1] searching for mistletoe

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ahhh.. yes. It is near that time is it not?

[Villiager] some are looking for small animals

[Villiager] or other things to eat

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I see...

[Villiager] we have been rather hungry

[Villiager] who are you?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am a follower of the church of Goibhiniu. I have come from a village about a week's ride from here

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] My name is Kylia

[Villiager] hello

[Villiager] I am Ben

[Villiager] I am 8 years old

[Villiager] I am here to watch the villiage while the adults are away

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Nice to meet you Ben. These are my friends... :: motions ::

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::waves::

[Villiager] squints at the paladin

[Villiager] aren't you hot in there?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You are doing a good job. I am sure your family will be proud to know you've done a fine job

[Arilyn (Christy)] hi Ben.

[Percival (Percival)] ::salutes::

[Beth] ::smiles disarmingly at the child::

[Villiager] I hope they like that

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] We are seeking an evil wizard

[Villiager] he points to the north

[Villiager] he lives up there

[Villiager] he sends the bad men to take us

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ahhh... thank you Sir Ben, protector

[Villiager] they took my sister

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bad men?

[Villiager] they walk funny

[Villiager] don't talk

[Mal (mikE)] "Are they dead? I hear he likes dead things."

[Percival (Percival)] He will "take" no longer while we are alive. I so swear it!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Do they smell funny?

[Mal (mikE)] "Do they shamble and moan?"

[Villiager] like fire

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Of course. not a necromancer at all...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ahhhh

[Percival (Percival)] ::confused::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Interesting. Sir Ben, I am certain you are not alone guarding your village?

[Villiager] sighs, Ted was supposed to help me

[Percival (Percival)] We will deal with this evil, Ben. Of that you can be certain!

[Villiager] but he is off wth his girlfrien Darla

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nod nod ::

[Villiager] they are behind one of the haystacks

[Percival (Percival)] The Dragonslayers are here to save the day!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Excellent. I'll go check on them then."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I understand. We are going to visit the Wizard to see if we can convince him to not "borrow" from your village

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Which haystack?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] Ramone-you perv

[Percival (Percival)] Don't blow it up, Wizard!

[Mal (mikE)] "I thought we were here to kill him and loot the place."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh I won't blow them up."

[Mal (mikE)] "Is the wizard very rich? Does he have lots of neat magic items?"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "They're children. Not worth the magic."

[Villiager Darla] EEEEEEEKKKK who are you!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] When your family returns, please tell him that we've that they understand while we're outisdiers, we're friendly

[Villiager Darla] what are you doing here

[Villiager Darla] I told you Ben was not going to warn us

[Villiager Darla] I knew this would happen

[Villiager Darla] HOW could you do this to me

[Villiager Darla] Please kind sir

[Villiager Darla] this boy tried to take advantage of me

[Villiager Darla] he lured me away from my home

[Beth] ::rolls eyes::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Uh huh. Somehow I don't see things like that."

[Villiager Darla] please won't you help me

[Arilyn (Christy)] puh-lease. do we look like we were born yesterday?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "He's not stopping you from getting up."

[Villiager Darla] Iam sure my father would be very glad to reward you for maintaining my virtue

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((how clothed is she?))

[Percival (Percival)] We will help. And we don't need a reward.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay Sir Ben, please return to your post and guard your village ... we'll be making our way now.

[Villiager Darla] (halfway)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: stands and bleses the boy and continues on the path towards the north without another word ::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Get your clothes on then and you'll be saved."

[Villiager Darla] she scrambles to get dressed

[Percival (Percival)] With Lady Kylia.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'll follow Kylia

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Simplest rescue ever." ::shakes his head:: "Now how about you start getting talkative if you don't want me telling your parents that you went off to lose your 'virtue'."

[Villiager Silten] DARLA!!!

[Villiager Silten] where are you

[Villiager Silten] DARLA

[Villiager Silten] BEN!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] um... did she teleport?

[Villiager Silten] who are these epople

[Villiager Silten] what are you doing here

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] last i saw she was getting her clothes on

[Villiager Silten] these are our homes

[Villiager Silten] what are you doing poking around

[Villiager Silten] hey

[Villiager Silten] HEY

[Villiager Silten] what are you doing with my daughter

[Villiager Silten] points at Ramone

[Villiager Silten] YOU YOU

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I am Lady Kylia Wolfslayer of Roadhaven... we're here for the wizard. Any objections?

[Villiager Silten] what are you doing

[Bunny] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You're sleeping with your daughter now?"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I give up. This town needs to burn."

[Mal (mikE)] "I can do that."

[Villiager Silten] she whirls towards Lady Kyila

[Mal (mikE)] "But I thought that Darla was losing her virginity to Tim."

[Villiager Silten] then does a quick curtsey

[Villiager Silten] my pardon mi lady

[Arilyn (Christy)] that was Ted

[Villiager Silten] I am sorry, I did not see you

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: returns the Curtsey :: I understand your worry about outsiders.

[Villiager Silten] I was looking for my daughter

[Mal (mikE)] "Though I've heard that girls like Darla are already usually deflowered by the time you get them upstairs."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Who knows. They're all confused." ::grabs whatever villiager is now in front of him before it turns into something else::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No apology necessary. Ramone is vulgar, he cannot help it

[Villiager Silten] she seems to have been lead astray by this gypsy

[Villiager Silten] they

[Mal (mikE)] "So you should be careful unless you get a dirty one."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Now. Hi. Who are you? And if you turn into someone else there will be lots of fire in your future."

[Mal (mikE)] "Though I guess if you make her bathe first you should be safe."

[Villiager Silten] she looks shocked at Mal

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] In any case, we're headed to the wizard. He seems to be delinquent on his taxes

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::slowly wanders north::

[Villiager Silten] swallows

[Mal (mikE)] "Are you one of the dirty ones Darla?"

[Villiager Silten] looking back and froth

[Villiager Silten] Lady Kylia

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "That's not a name."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Name please."

[Villiager Silten] can I ask what is happening here

[Villiager Silten] who are these people

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: nods :: They are Dragonslayers.

[Mal (mikE)] "I think Ben said you were. Or maybe just implied it. Well, you should go take a bath after being with Ted."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] okay bob. you're gonna have to differentiate between characters somehow

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Here to help with the wizard

[Villiager Silten] me pales

Villiager Silten pales

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] cuz every other line you're a different character and I am totally lost

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::yeah, I'm confused::

[Beth] me too... and I read back

[Villiager Silten] (adding more icons to corect that )

[Villiager Silten] Villiager Darla moved 26'01".

[Villiager Silten] Villiager #2 #3 moved 5'05".

[Percival (Percival)] Let's go get the wizard, please. Wait right here, citizen. We'll be back with more information soon.

[Percival (Percival)] Let's go, Dragonslayers!

[Beth] although there was some comment about someone being lead astray by "That Gypsy"... ::glares::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I give up. This is turning into a abbot and costello routine."

[Arilyn (Christy)] let's see what they know about the wizard first

[Mal (mikE)] "I thought I was in charge."

[Villiager Silten] Villiager Darla moved 7'06".

[Beth] Who's abbot and costello?

[Villiager Silten] Villiager Ben moved 13'02".

[Villiager Silten] Villiager Silten moved 7'07".

[Villiager Silten] Villiager Darla moved 3'10".

[Percival (Percival)] I wanted you to get us here, Mal. We're here.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Actors... if you can call them that."

[Villiager Silten] thre you go three villiagers so far,

[Arilyn (Christy)] let's let Kylia talk to them and we'll just be quiet for a few minutes

[Villiager Silten] Ben Darla and silten

[Mal (mikE)] "Well regardless, what I do know of procreation is if you let your daughter wander away with boys like that she's liable to have a litter of her own."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "It's a church comedy."

[Villiager Silten] stilten is Darla's mother

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Abbot is actually played by an abbot... he's particularly stupid."

[Villiager Silten] ted has disapeared in the confusion

[Villiager Silten] Now

[Mal (mikE)] "Now, I'm confused, are we burning the town down or not?"

[Villiager Silten] Lady Kylia

[Beth] Really?... and people go watch this stuff? [Villiager Silten] can you please tell me what is happening ?

[Arilyn (Christy)] no burning Mal

[Mal (mikE)] "I can probably raze it all without much of a problem."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I don't know. I'm beginning to think this town is getting what it deserves from the wizard."

[Mal (mikE)] "Okay. So we're just killing the wizard."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'm about ready to pay the wizard to take care of this town."

[Villiager Silten] why are you here, and why are these Dragonslayers with my daughter

[Mal (mikE)] "Because she's dirty. Havn't you been paying attention."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "She was having fun behind the haystacks."

[Beth] because your daughter was behind a haystack with Ted, and we wanted to talk to someone a little older than Ben

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] When we arrived, there was an apparent misunderstanding about Darla's whereabouts. Ramone went to find her and discovered her with Ted.

[Arilyn (Christy)] we just found her behind the haystack with a guy named Ted

[Mal (mikE)] "Peasants these days. Back when I was in school they'd behave better or the Master would zap them."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ben was faithifuly guarding your village as asked.

[Percival (Percival)] ::you guys don't seriously think we can learn anything important *here* do you?::

[Villiager Silten] TED!!!!

[Villiager Silten] ]you were with TED!!!!

[Beth] I am doubting so more and more, Sir Percy

[Villiager Silten] looks at the group

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::if we could skip the chitchat we could just ask::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We caught them getting dressed."

[Villiager Silten] can you help me deal with him

[Mal (mikE)] "Can we burn him?"

[Villiager Silten] I would be glad to attempt to pay you

[Villiager Silten] YES

[Villiager Silten] PLEASE

[Villiager Silten] burn him

[Mal (mikE)] "I havn't cast a good fireball in ages."

[Villiager Silten] burn him to hell

[Villiager Silten] if he has touched a hair on my daughters head

[Villiager Silten] he deserves to DIE

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "We can do that, but still not why were here."

[Mal (mikE)] "Hell? I thought you all were athiests."

[Villiager Silten] to BURN

[Villiager Silten] to SUFFER

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No No...

[Beth] that does it for me... the whole village can burn

[Arilyn (Christy)] Right now, Madam, we are on a mission to deal with that evil wizard that's been grabbing your people. We can deal with the horny teenagers later

[Beth] her with it

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "See?"

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Vengeance will not alter what has passed...

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Won't be long before the paladin agrees."

[Mal (mikE)] "But your daughter seemed eager to have him touch her hair. And other things, too."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "This town is like some disease I swear."

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ((Umm... the little daughter?))

[Arilyn (Christy)] I think we should be on our way.

[Mal (mikE)] "Maybe Kylia can cure it?"

[Percival (Percival)] Thank you, Arilyn

[Beth] ((the mother... spare the kids))

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Tell you what. You shut up now and tell us about the wizard."

[Villiager Silten] what do you want to know?

[Mal (mikE)] "I hear in some places they stone women who do things like that."

[Arilyn (Christy)] shh, Mal

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Anything that would be helpful. Have you seen him in person?"

[Mal (mikE)] "It's really easy. See, you bury the girl up to her chin in the dirt, then everyone gets a rock, and lets fly."

[Villiager Silten] do we have to bury him?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "They don't always bury the person."

[Villiager Silten] can we just throw rocks?

[Mal (mikE)] "But what if she tries to run away?"

[Mal (mikE)] "It's harder to hit a moving target."

[Arilyn (Christy)] if we could save the stoning conversation for later?

[Mal (mikE)] "At least tie her down then stone her."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] She's usually surrounded by enough people that it's not an issue

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Anyway. Wizard. Tell us about him."

[Mal (mikE)] "What if someone misses her and hits someone else on the other side of the circle, then?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] can everyone just shush so the nice crazy lady can tell us about the wizard?

[Mal (mikE)] "We're only supposed to stone the dirty girls, not the clean people."

[Villiager Silten] the wizard is an old bastard that used to be almost decent

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((I thought it was a guy...?))

[Villiager Silten] only took the ocassional traveler

[Mal (mikE)] "They really take cleanliness overboard in some places..."

[Arilyn (Christy)] what did he take them for, do you know?

[Villiager Silten] he is a wizard

[Beth] 'Took'??

[Villiager Silten] all of them are evil horrible people

[Mal (mikE)] "I'm a wizard."

[Arilyn (Christy)] did you ever see the taken ones again?

[Paul Elvenstire (John)] ::continues north::

[Villiager Silten] they use their demon arts to swoop down adn snatch away the best

[Arilyn (Christy)] the best villagers?

[Villiager Silten] never

[Villiager Silten] never again

[Arilyn (Christy)] the best who?

[Villiager Silten] we tried to sacrifice a virgin once

[Villiager Silten] but he did not take her

[Villiager Silten] we stoned her

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, I don't swoop. Swooping is too much effort. I'll usually have Pepe grab the best cookies before anyone else gets them."

[Villiager Silten] must not have been a virgin afterall

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "I'll take any virgins you're sending off."

[Percival (Percival)] ::continues north. makes a note to pray about being able to kill Mal without violating any oaths::

[Mal (mikE)] "He swoops, though. He has wings, see?" ::shoves Pepe in her face like a proud parent::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Since you have a surpluss..."

[Villiager Silten] we do not now

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Wait... what am I thinking, I might get their stupid on me."

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, so you sent your daughter."

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay, so it used to be that every now and then the wizard would take travelers and now he's taking the vilagers?

[Villiager Silten] my Darla is the last of the girls in our villiage

[Percival (Percival)] Arilyn, come with us.

[Villiager Silten] well now he is taking anyting he wants

[Villiager Silten] although

[Villiager Silten] truth be told

[Mal (mikE)] "No wonder she's not a virgin anymore."

[Villiager Silten] it is nicer nwo not worrying about him

[Percival (Percival)] Lady Kylia, keep an eye on Mal while we deal with the wizard. Mal wouldn't be helpful to us there, anyway.

[Beth] no wonder she doesn't WANT to be one

[Villiager Silten] he seeems to just take visitors and leave us alone

[Percival (Percival)] Beth, would you come with us?

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, and suddenly you're Mr. Expert on Magic?"

[Villiager Silten] are any of you virgins?

[Villiager Silten] maybe you could help out ?

[Percival (Percival)] Ramone, whenever you're done playing around, fly up to the hlll where the real enemy is.

[Mal (mikE)] "You think we walk places. Can't even cast a decent teleportation spell. Hah!"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Oh I could tell you I'm a virgin."

[John] maybe the skunk?

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] "No, Pepe's not a virgin."

[Arilyn (Christy)] alrighty, you've been super...helpful. We're going to go deal with the wizard now. Have a nice day.

[Villiager Silten] are you goign to take a virgin up there?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Several."

[Villiager Silten] which one of you is going up?

[Mal (mikE)] "I bet Kylia's a virgin. Maybe she can be an offering?"

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "They seem to already be up."

[Kira (Beth) (to DM only)] I hate you

[Villiager Silten (to Beth only)] lol, hugs

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::okay, are we continuing on now?::

[John] yes!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Bored now." ::turns around and leaves::

[DM] you could talk to other villiagers

[DM] or just travel northward to the keep

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no no. we might get more of their stupid on us

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Percival)] Nortward to the keep.

[DM] after you leave the villiage beind there is about a mile walk to the keep

[DM] it is a curious sight

[Percival (Percival)] ::Thank you, DM::

[Arilyn (Christy)] ::I'm a little concerned about too much time in crazytown::

[Percival (Percival)] ::we brought all the crazy we need::

[DM] you can see the keep sitting up on a hill

[Kira (Beth)] Ain't that the truth!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "After spending that time in the villiage, if I was this wizard, I'd be killing off villiagers too."

[DM] overlooking what might be a cliff

[DM] into a valley of some sort

[DM] it seems to be a largish keep

[DM] that has been burned down

[DM] destroyed

[DM] there is a gate house

[DM] with an open portcullis

[DM] but the rest ofthe area seems destroyed

[Arilyn (Christy)] very homey

[Mal (mikE)] "Awww... Someone already burned it down. How disappointing."

[Percival (Percival)] Not a problem, folks. We'll just search the area ourselves and find the evil wizard. If he went under the ground, we'll find him sooner or later. But we will find him.

[DM (to GM only)] moved 4'00".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::goes to the gate house::

[Percival (Percival)] And at least he'll have to deal with us before he deals with the villagers.

[John] ::starts walking up the hill::

[Arilyn (Christy)] of course, doesn't the evil always go under the ground?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::knocks::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: continues on silently ::

[Percival (Percival)] ::We're already up the hill, no::

[DM] moved 2'00".

[Kira (Beth)] ::follows silently::

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Base Map.

[DM] there is no door to knock on

[John (to DM only)] i take it i see nothing diffrent

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::knocks on the gatehouse then::

[DM] but as you approsch the portcullis

[DM] you can that the gate is pulled up

[Percival (Percival)] Okay, so we spend a few turn investigating the ruins to see if there's anything noteworthy left.

[DM] and there is a large satirway down inside the courtyard

[Percival (Percival)] I would move my character but I don't have a map....

[DM] that apparently used to be inside of a building

[Percival (Percival)] Excellent, a stairway.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no one does

[Percival (Percival)] Going *down*.

[DM] the stiars are large, ten foot across then they turn to the left

[Kira (Beth)] no no no.. Percy... it's a satirway

[DM] and go down some more

[Percival (Percival)] Rogue, could you kindly check for traps while I look over your back?

[Percival (Percival)] ::heh heh heh::

[Mal (mikE)] "Why would you be looking at her back?"

[DM] ok, everyone is on teh new map

[Kira (Beth) (to GM only)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [66] 66 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Mal (mikE)] "Is there something written on it?"

[Percival (Percival)] ::I have my "automatic spell checker" on::

mikE is receiving the map Entrance area...

mikE has received the map Entrance area.

Beth is receiving the map Entrance area...

Beth has received the map Entrance area.

[Percival (Percival)] ::ignoring Mal as I always have to::

[Kit (John)] cept kit

John is receiving the map Entrance area...

John has received the map Entrance area.

Percival is receiving the map Entrance area...

Percival has received the map Entrance area.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Entrance area...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Entrance area.

[Percival (Percival)] Percival moved 4'11".

Christy is receiving the map Entrance area...

Christy has received the map Entrance area.

[Percival (Percival)] Kira, could you check for traps?

[DM] Kira moved 1'10".

[Kira (Beth)] I did

[Percival (Percival)] Percival moved 6'03".

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at DM::

[DM] Kira is on the new map with teh check for traps done

Percival is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Percival has received the map Entrance with trap.

[DM] Kira moved 4'04".

Christy is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Christy has received the map Entrance with trap.

[DM] moved 1'04".

[Kira (Beth)] handy since the map is titled Entrance with trap lol

[DM] Percival moved 20'09".

[Percival (Percival) (to DM only)] DM, we need just a little description of that, because that is a task that takes 10 minutes per check. That means we all need to be on the alert for that 10 mins and wait for her to do her thing.

[Percival (Percival)] I'm with Kira.

[DM] ok, so to be clear, Kira is on the map of only one room, and the rest of the group is on an overall map that shows the whole room plus more areas

[Kira (Beth)] but, you haven't said whether I've disarmed it or not or if my check succeeded or failed

[DM] there is a movie file on teh map where Kira is

[Percival (Percival)] ::Nice map, DM::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ah

[DM] that you can download to look around the room if you like

Lorie is receiving the map Entrance area...

Lorie has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] the trap is 'disarmed"

[DM] it is open and glarinly obvious

[Kira (Beth)] thank you :)

[DM] a largish pit trap

[Kira (Beth)] yikes!

[DM] Kira did not fall in

[DM] and Percy is there next to her

[Kira (Beth)] Watch your step, people! that first one could be your last

John is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

John has received the map Entrance with trap.

[DM] one on each map

John is receiving the map Entrance area...

John has received the map Entrance area.

[Kira (Beth)] ::squats before trap and looks down::

[DM] looks like a coating of something along the sides of this trap

[Percival (Percival)] ::Movie's not working for me. Anybody else?::

[DM] the floor looks mostly clear, but the sides are not

[Kira (Beth)] Nasty things, these pit traps... slow death

Bunny is receiving the map Entrance area...

Bunny has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] you have to right click and save Hans

[Kit (John)] you have to save and watch localy

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ((what bob said))

[DM] then you can watch it on your own system

[Percival (Percival)] ::I set my preferences to use QuickTime and I also tried it in a browser.::

[Mal (mikE)] "Unless you fall wrong then it's a really quick one."

[Kit (John)] from the list hans

[Kit (John)] not the map

SPC is receiving the map Entrance area...

SPC has received the map Entrance area.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Save it to your desktop hans

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Then try

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Entrance with trap.

Beth is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Beth has received the map Entrance with trap.

[Percival (Percival)] ::Nice, Bob!::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] /hans Great ;O) I had problems last week and Marco helped me ;O)

[Kit (John)] (he did not make it)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] LOL

[DM] soft smile, this room is mostly a test for you to learn how to use this,

SPC is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

SPC has received the map Entrance with trap.

[DM] there will be other rooms where the contents of the room are important

[DM] but that will be later on

[Kit (John)] I'm sure you will let us know

[DM] you have to figure out this part first

[DM] then you have three exits

[SPC] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Percival)] ::Okay, so this is a very very important rogue-skills-having adventure. Got it.::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Boy, what's on this map? A full Windows installation?

mikE is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

mikE has received the map Entrance with trap.

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:15:26 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:15:33 EDT 2007

[DM] not sure why that happened?

Bunny is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Bunny has received the map Entrance with trap.

Beth has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:15:57 EDT 2007

[Kit (John)] are the doubble doors really open?

John has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:01 EDT 2007

Percival has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:01 EDT 2007

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:01 EDT 2007

[DM] everyone else is ok

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:03 EDT 2007

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:08 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:23 EDT 2007

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Entrance with trap.

SPC has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:40 EDT 2007

mikE has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:16:50 EDT 2007

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:17:01 EDT 2007

mikE is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

mikE has received the map Entrance with trap.

[Percival] Ah. Wasn't just me!

Beth has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:17:45 EDT 2007

[DM] my router restarted for some reason

[Beth] hhmmm I got booted

John has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:18:05 EDT 2007

John is receiving the map Entrance area...

John has received the map Entrance area.

Beth is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Beth has received the map Entrance with trap.

[John] weeeweeee

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:18:43 EDT 2007

SPC has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:19:03 EDT 2007

Lorie is receiving the map Entrance area...

Lorie has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] My router reset

SPC is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

SPC has received the map Entrance with trap.

[Beth] k

[DM] letting everyone get settled in

[SPC] You router got slammed Bob.

Bunny has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:20:00 EDT 2007

[Beth] brb need water and headache med... I have a very sudden and nasty migraine starting...

[Beth] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] Uh-oh!

[Percival] THis is *not* good.

Christy has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:21:16 EDT 2007

[DM] see how vicisous of a trap this is

[Percival] Lady Kylia, do you have Find Traps?

Christy is receiving the map Entrance with trap...

Christy has received the map Entrance with trap.

[DM] just walking into the place causes migranes

[DM] look out Aryln

[SPC] Apparently, having five or six people trying to download that particular map with the QuickTime on it was just too much for your router

[Christy] i thought you guys were being quiet then I just realized I got booted out.

[SPC] Or kLooGe

[SPC] Or both.

[DM] my router, eveyrthing on my end reset

[DM] lost Trillian connections

[SPC] your router was trying to handle too much traffic.

Bunny is receiving the map Entrance area...

Bunny has received the map Entrance area.

[John] just like 95

[SPC] At that point, the router starts to drop packets

[SPC] which causes both sides to attempt to retransmi

[SPC] pretty bad feedback cycle kicks in.

[SPC] Also, the QuickTime movie didn't play correctly in my QuickTime movie player for Linux.

[DM] we are back to normal now

[SPC] Eventually it crashed.

[DM] looking around this room you have three closed doors

[DM] the double doors to the "north" adn single doors east and west

[John] the one is doubble doors so realy 4 doors

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::drops a safe on john's head::

[DM] so how are you getting around this pit? and which door do you want?

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] is ramone flying?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::yawns::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Wall of Stone: And up a wall goes

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no more pit

[DM] everyone but Kira can use the larger entrance area map

[DM] to move on etc

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we walk across

[John] doubble doors then?

SPC is receiving the map Entrance area...

SPC has received the map Entrance area.

[SPC] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] as good as anything else

[DM] Kira moved 2'05".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Entrance area...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] Kira is on the new map

[DM] with no pit

Percival is receiving the map Entrance area...

Percival has received the map Entrance area.

Beth is receiving the map entrance room no trap...

Beth has received the map entrance room no trap.

[Kit (John)] yea

[Beth] k

mikE is receiving the map Entrance area...

mikE has received the map Entrance area.

Percival is receiving the map entrance room no trap...

Percival has received the map entrance room no trap.

John is receiving the map entrance room no trap...

John has received the map entrance room no trap.

Lorie is receiving the map Base Map...

Lorie has received the map Base Map.

Bunny is receiving the map entrance room no trap...

Bunny has received the map entrance room no trap.

Lorie is receiving the map Entrance area...

Lorie has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] so right left or straight ahead?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] we said double door

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that'd be straight ahead

[DM] ok

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] check for traps then

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] forgot I'd restarted and didn't do DM only again... :P

John is receiving the map Entrance area...

John has received the map Entrance area.

Christy is receiving the map Entrance area...

Christy has received the map Entrance area.

[DM] Kira moved 2'04".

John is receiving the map entrance double doors open...

John has received the map entrance double doors open.

Beth is receiving the map entrance double doors open...

Beth has received the map entrance double doors open.

[DM] Kira is on the new map, doors opened with no trapos

Lorie is receiving the map entrance double doors open...

Lorie has received the map entrance double doors open.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map entrance double doors open...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map entrance double doors open.

Christy is receiving the map entrance double doors open...

Christy has received the map entrance double doors open.

[Kit (John)] (Wow, it's like I am there)

John is receiving the map Entrance area...

John has received the map Entrance area.

Percival is receiving the map Entrance area...

Percival has received the map Entrance area.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so... she's destroyed in a wash of yellow light?

[Kira (Beth)] Hah! you wish!!!

[Christy] umm, not really. it helps to have you look for traps.

[Lorie] no NO... the wizard comes out dress in his best apron holding a platter of "semi-homemade cookies"

[Lorie] His name is Sandra... Sandra Lee

[mikE] gasp! lorie's still awake!

[mikE] =P

[Kira (Beth)] ROFL

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Sara Lee makes better desserts.

[John] are they made with real girlscouts?

[Kira (Beth)] they'd have to be

[Lorie] no...whatever she found the aisles of Krogers

[Arilyn (Christy)] Sandra makes good martinis

[Kira (Beth)] otherwise they wouldn't be real girlscout cookies :D

[Lorie] Grey Goose makes good martinis :O)

[Lorie] But I'd rather have Sangria

[mikE] i don't like krogers

[DM] Kira moved 1'00".

[Lorie] And I don't like Sandra Lee ;O)

[Kira (Beth)] Sangria is good

[DM] Kira is on the new map

[DM] she found the "trap"

Beth is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

Beth has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

Christy is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

Christy has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

[mikE] i'd kill for some fresh lemonchello right now

[Kira (Beth)] and???

[DM] it is disarmed

Bunny is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

Bunny has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

[Lorie] oooh... :: ponders :: I have a recipe somewhere for homemade Limoncello

[DM] the bridge is obviously not in very good shape

[Arilyn (Christy)] it's very dark where you are

[Kira (Beth)] ok... ::breathes sigh of relief::

[DM] but you see there was an illusion

John is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

John has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i see the illusion of a completely black map

[DM] fixing her light radius

[Kira (Beth)] ::groans:: that just effing figures

Lorie is receiving the map Bridge oppostite closed...

Lorie has received the map Bridge oppostite closed.

[mikE] i remember when bibo's dad made some. he gave me a bottle to take home

[mikE] then my girl drank it all.

[DM] there you go sorry,

[Lorie] Bekah?

[mikE] it makes me sad now.

[DM] the water below swirls with something in it

[mikE] because i liked it, but it's aaaalll gone

[DM] but you can see that the bridge is actually damaged, and not able tohold you

[Kira (Beth)] ah, ok... soooo broken, rotting bridge...

[Lorie] ((Hope that it's lot of gold ))

[Kira (Beth)] something alive in the water below,

[John] is it over troubbled watter?

[Arilyn (Christy)] here fishy-fishy...

[Kira (Beth)] and prolly something I DON'T want to meet in person

[Lorie] ((Hope it's a gold-bearing faerie ))

[Kira (Beth)] and a portculis on the other side?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::does what he always does in a situation like this and cantrips up a rat then tosses it in the water::

[Arilyn (Christy)] Ramone the rat-man

[DM] yes the portcullis on the other side is down

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: poor rats...

[DM] adn yes the rat quickly drowns

[Kira (Beth)] drowns?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] as in something pulls it down or it just can't swim?

[DM] or is sucked under the water

[DM] hard to tell in the swirling

[Kira (Beth)] ah... ok

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::cantrips another rat and tosses it onto the bridge::

[John] how far across?

[Kira (Beth)] ::wonders how many rats Ramone can cantrip

[DM] falls throught the bridge parts

[DM] and drops into the water with a squeek

[Kira (Beth)] maybe if we fed the thing enough...

[Arilyn (Christy)] we are in serious troible if there is a rat king somewhere

Percival has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:41:49 EDT 2007

[Lorie] ((maybe you should have cantriped a crab or turtle ))

[John] ::smiles::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] :cantrips a third rat and throws it over to the portcullis::

[DM] Percival moved 10'11".

[DM] Sweetums moved 29'11".

[Arilyn (Christy)] attach a string and see what you can catch

[DM] Enya moved 25'10".

[Kira (Beth)] tests cables

[DM] Mal moved 34'00".

[DM] Pepe moved 21'07".

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 18'08".

[DM] Ramone moved 49'10".

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] good idea

[DM] Arilyn moved 42'08".

[DM] the cable seem to be there

[John] i am pretty sure I can make a wall of stone big enough to cross

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] :cantrips up string, then cantrips up a rat, ties the string around the rat and lowers it in the water::

[DM] at least two fo the four of them

[DM] the string TUGS, then snaps

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:43:27 EDT 2007

[Arilyn (Christy)] i wonder how deep the water is

[Arilyn (Christy)] how big is this room?

[Kira (Beth)] if the cables are solidly in place I could make it over, but ::frowns:: this doesn't seem right

[DM] the scale is correct

[Arilyn (Christy)] which is?

[DM] roughly 30 foot wide

[John] use the cestus

[Kira (Beth)] Ramone... you can fly over... maybe you can check things out on that side

[John] the sailing ship thing

[Arilyn (Christy)] Bob, you should know that I don't like calculating

Percival has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:44:49 EDT 2007

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah, yeah. it's easier if you just tell me.

[DM] or there are two other doors to check out

[DM] much easier to deal with

[Arilyn (Christy)] let's check out the other doors and see what happens

[Kira (Beth)] whadaya think, people?

[Kira (Beth)] check all doors before going on?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I suppose

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] left now

[DM] the entrance area is reveled

[Arilyn (Christy)] hans can't log back in

[Arilyn (Christy)] anyone there?

[Kira (Beth)] me

[Arilyn (Christy)] i thought i got booted out again

[Lorie] me

[Kira (Beth)] :)

[DM] Kira moved 2'04".

[mikE] not me

[DM] kira make your rolls please

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map left door...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map left door.

[John] i'll try and be back

[Arilyn (Christy)] mike, you're not here?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so. what's she see through the broken door from here?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nope, he's not

[DM] Ramone moved 22'05".

Christy is receiving the map left door...

Christy has received the map left door.

Lorie is receiving the map Entrance area...

Lorie has received the map Entrance area.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

John has left the game on Fri Jun 29 21:50:14 EDT 2007

[DM] so there are no traps that you see

Beth is receiving the map left door...

Beth has received the map left door.

[DM] but you can also easily see that the other door on the opposite wall is smashed open

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yes, hence my last statement

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "so. what's she see through the broken door from here?"

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

Percival has joined the game on Fri Jun 29 21:51:22 EDT 2007

[Kira (Beth)] yes... waht do I see?

[DM] No Name moved 9'00".

Bunny is receiving the map left door...

Bunny has received the map left door.

[DM] you see an old woman rocking back adn forth on her knees

[Kira (Beth)] oh, goodie! it's a no name!

[Percival] test

[Arilyn (Christy)] hey

[Kira (Beth)] I call out to her

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::sighs as he feels he's about to get more stupid on him::

[DM] No Name targets Kira. Distance: 26'01"

[DM] No Name moved 21'10".

[Percival] ::okay, I'm trying to download the map. hopefully it won't time out... again...::

Percival is receiving the map left door...

Percival has received the map left door.

[DM] and the old woman screams and runs at kira

[DM] clawing at her face

[Arilyn (Christy)] wow, that old lady can move

[Kira (Beth)] I grab her wrists and hold her away from me

[Percival] Good thing I'm *right* behind her!

[Arilyn (Christy)] clawing at whose face? Kira's or her own?

[Kira (Beth)] "Old woman! Stop it! I don't want to have to hurt you!"

Percival is receiving the map Entrance area...

Percival has received the map Entrance area.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Speak for yourself." ::uses telekinesis to pin the lady to the ceiling::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Telekinesis: 200 lbs go do what I want

[Kira (Beth)] "Someone wanna give me a hand here?"

[Kira (Beth)] oh

[Percival] DM, if you would please?

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Percival] Percival moved 11'02".

[Percival] I LOVE THAT SOUND!!!!!!!!!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that mean I have to wait for init to do it then?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Initiative:(d10+20-+3) [10+20-3] 27

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] Ramone: Initiative:(d10+10-+3-2) [5+10-3-2] 10

[DM] you are not surpised she is not surproise

[Percival] Percival: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [3+10-2] 11

[Bunny] Enya: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [10+10-0] 20

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [9+10-0] 19

[Lorie] Roll: ((1d10+(10*1))) [(7+(10*1))] 17

[DM] we will see who wins init to see if she actually does get dragged tot he ceiling etc

[DM] No Name: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[Kira (Beth)] Kira: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [6+10-2] 14

[DM] (understand what you aretrying to do Lorie)


[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Ramone

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::does as he said::

[DM] (1d100) [41] 41

[DM] INIT: 11 GOING: Percival

[DM] hold percy

[Percival] Grabbing Kira and bringing her back into the room

[Percival] How do I target her, DM?

[DM] No Name targets Kira. Distance: 3'11"

[DM] everyone is on teh same map now

[Percival] Percival targets Percival. Distance: 0'00"

[Percival] Percival no longer targets Percival.

[Percival] Percival targets Kira. Distance: 5'11"

Beth is receiving the map Entrance area...

Beth has received the map Entrance area.

Christy is receiving the map Entrance area...

Christy has received the map Entrance area.

Bunny is receiving the map Entrance area...

Bunny has received the map Entrance area.

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Heavy Lance: (14-(d20+3)) [14-(12+3)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Kira (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[DM] lI siad to WAIT

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I am not done with ramones attacks yet

[Percival] Oh.

[Kira (Beth)] HEY!!! watch where yer pokin' that thing!!! that HURTS!

[Percival] ::I just used that because it doesn't have any special modifiers to the attack::

[Kira (Beth)] ::heh, I figured :D))

[Percival] ::I was using a grab attack, but Bob is doing something::

[DM] No Name: Magical Spell save: (d20) [7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[DM] ok, so that is a fail on the telekinsis

[DM] and she zips up to the ceiling

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::Keeps the hag pinned:: "Someone burn the witch."

[Kira (Beth)] Ramone!!! You know better!!!

[Percival] First things first. Let's get Kira out of there!

[Kira (Beth)] We do not treat the old ones so... ::glares::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You're right. We should drown her."

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "There's some water in the other room."

[Kira (Beth)] at least not until they prove they need it

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You do realize she's not human right?"

[DM] ok, so what has happened, Kira opened the door, she sees an old lady on the floor near the oppostie door, the woman rushes her, Ramone used telekinis to move her up to the ceiling

[DM] now it is Percy's turn

[Percival] Okay, DM, I reached in and grabbed her. I pull her into the room.

[Kira (Beth)] no, I did NOT realize she isn't human

[Percival] And push Ramone out of the way while doing it.

[Old woman] SCREAMS

[Percival] Kira moved 6'09".

[Old woman] you will pay for this

[Percival] Ramone moved 2'01".

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: Kira

[Kira (Beth)] I saw an old woman... and I hear a banshee lol

[Kira (Beth)] ::covers ears::

[Kira (Beth)] Thanks, Percy...

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "No no. You have it backwards. We're looking for the wizard here so he can pay his taxes."

[Percival] Thanks for not getting killed. You are very important in this dungeon!!!

[Kira (Beth)] Shouts at the woman, "Old One! Why do you attack?"

[mikE] "I'm starting to think this wizard can't really afford his taxes. I mean, look at this place. It's a dump. No respectable wizard would call this his tower."

[Kira (Beth)] ::smiles at Percy::

[Sweetums (SPC)] We're here collecting taxes. Why *else* do you think she attacked us?

[Kira (Beth)] ::shrugs:: I try never to assume anything ::grins::

[DM] (sorry totally lost her next lines)

[DM] she screams incoherently at Kira

[Percival] ::chuckles::

[Kira (Beth)] Bad DM! BAD DM!!!


[Percival] You seem to have made quite an impression on that old lady monster.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "She's a hag. Someone kill it before it eats someone's babies."

[DM] (the old woman in princess bride, booo booo... )

[Arilyn (Christy)] in Buttercup's dream

[DM] yes

[DM] grrrr

[Kira (Beth)] (yeah... I got it lol... I forgot her line... something like why do you say, boo??))

[DM] I can not remember

[DM] good at least the point is there

[DM] she seems to be screaming directly at kira

[Percival] Move out of the way, Kira!

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] she's not saying boo, she's saying booo-urns boo-urns

[Kira (Beth)] Calm down, Old One... or you're about to get put out of your misery

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Sweetums. Your sharp pointy aid would be much appreciated right about now."

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, are we still in combant rounds?

[DM] you can move sweetums

[mikE] Bob says to write in because you had love in your hands and you gave it up

[Kira (Beth)] ::sighs:: lacking anything forthcoming that is remotely coherent, I concede to the actions recommended by my cohorts... I will stand aside.

[DM] she is imboblised

[mikE] not sure why, but there it be

[Kira (Beth)] and hold action

[DM] imoblised

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Old woman

[Lorie] :: cackles...imboblised? I guess.... ::

[Percival] Kira is immobilized?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 2'10".

[DM] yeah yeha

[mikE] no no, imBOBilised.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] bob is imbobilized

[Sweetums (SPC)] I poke my halbard into the room, right up against the woman.

[Lorie] lol

[DM] target her

[Percival] I'm getting imbobilized myself.

[DM] and make a to hit

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm not *hitting* her ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] just putting it right up against her ...

[SPC] Sweetums targets Old woman. Distance: 17'03"

[Sweetums (SPC)] Do I have to hit?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Seems weird, considering she's immobile

[Percival] Yes, at a -4 to cover. And it goes at end of round, if I'm not mistaken.

[DM] yes to Sean

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm not trying to hit her!

[Sweetums (SPC)] okay

[DM] make a to hit

[Percival] It's called "cover"

[DM] and do not do damage

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: Attack #1: Giant-kin halberd of Speed +2: (13-(d20+3+1+2)) [13-(12+3+1+2)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Old woman (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[DM] there you go

[DM] now if she tries anything you automatically get to do damage with no further to hit

[Sweetums (SPC)] Ah.

[Percival] Yep. She's "covered".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Anyway, like I was saying

[Percival] But doesn't Kira have to click the little red icon thing and then Arilyn and Enya go first?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Pardon us, Ma'am, but we've been tasked with the odeous job of "tax collection." It's nothing personal, but we all have to pay our fair share for the common good.

[Kira (Beth)] Kira did click the little red thing

[Sweetums (SPC)] You know, like roads, education, sanitation, telephone.

[Percival] Hmmm.

[Sweetums (SPC)] All the creature comforts of civilization that we take for granted.

[Percival] ::What an eloquent giant::

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at Sweetums:: what in the world is a ... a ... telephone?


[Sweetums (SPC)] Unfortunately, they are not free of price. And sadly, that price is the tax we all must bear to keep up our side of the social bargin.

[DM] I will let you go if you give me her

[Sweetums (SPC)] :: to Kira:: hush.

[DM] points at Kira

[Percival] Not possible.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I'm sorry, we're here to collect. Not you.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Why do you want her?"

[Kira (Beth)] why me?????

Sweetums (SPC) nudges the halbard up a bit

[DM] she had her chance at true love and tossed it away

[DM] she is filth

[DM] putrid

[Kira (Beth)] I've done nothing but try to save your life

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Nah, just frigid."

[Kira (Beth)] ::looks at the hag:: looks like the pot's calling the kettle black to me!

[Percival] She's a fantastic adventurer who's taken a different path than love. Much like me.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I fail to see how leaving her here with you will fix that situation.

[DM] my sisters and I will take care of her

[DM] don't you worry

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Great. She wants to turn you into a hag."

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well then, it's up to Kira to make that decision.

[Kira (Beth)] so... just what exactly is it you don't like about me?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Brilliant."

[Percival] And besides, my dear hag, you don't *have* us in order to *let* us go.

[Sweetums (SPC)] But in the meantime, we have this little business about taxes to take care of.

[DM] talk to the master about your taxes

[Percival] ::Do we think that this is the master?::

[DM] I won't have anything to do with those stinking green people

[Kira (Beth)] ::I wouldn't think so.... no::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Thank you. You have been most helpful. Sweetums if you would please?"

[Arilyn (Christy)] I doubt that

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay. Kira does not want to stay.

[Sweetums (SPC)] And it seems that you are not the one responsible for the taxes around here.

[Kira (Beth)] no, thank you for your kind invitation, but I must decline

[Sweetums (SPC)] Can assume you'll let us go about our business then?

[Kira (Beth)] I have work to do... these people need me

[DM] you can go I only want her

[DM] putresence

[Kira (Beth)] What in the world is it about me that you hate so much, by the way????

[Sweetums (SPC)] But I"m sorry, she does not want you.

[Percival] I think it's not going to leave well enough alone.

[Kira (Beth)] you don't even know me....

[Arilyn (Christy)] she's our rogue and you can't have her.

[DM] you are untouched

[Kira (Beth)] ::feels all warm and snuggled:: :D

[DM] you had true love and abandoned it

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "And if anyone is about to touch her, it won't be you."

[DM] boooo

[DM] boooos

[Percival] If you'd like to, we can close the door and leave her in here, team.

[Percival] Or we can enter and end her miserable existence. I'm fine either way.

[Kira (Beth)] I have never known love... this is true... I've never abandoned love, having never known it [Sweetums (SPC)] How about this? We leave in peace, but we give the Master here a break on his taxes



[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "Bored now." ::slams the hag into the ground then sends her into the previous room::

[Sweetums (SPC)] We won't inform the main office that you're living here.

Sweetums (SPC) guards the door we're at

[Percival] I'm sure the master knows what's here. He wouldn't be much of a master otherwise...

[Percival] Let's wait a turn or two to see if Kira can move again.

[DM] Old woman moved 24'03".

[Sweetums (SPC)] No, no, I'm talking about the main tax office. One less person living here ...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Entrance area...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Entrance area.

[Sweetums (SPC)] um ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] I was guarding the door Bob

[Old woman] she is pinned to the ceiling there by ramone

[Percival] I get an attack, too.

[Sweetums (SPC)] she flew thorugh my threat range

[Sweetums (SPC)] actually, into, through, and out of.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] she's not moving of her own control, you can feel free to beat her as a pinata as she flys by

[Old woman] Ramone moved her

[Sweetums (SPC)] Any attacks of opportunity?

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh.

[Sweetums (SPC)] I thought he tossed her into the far west room

[Percival] Percival targets Old woman. Distance: 15'00"

[Kira (Beth)] that's what I thought too

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+3+3+1)) [14-(16+3+3+1)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Old woman (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Percival] Percival: Damage v SM: Long Sword, +3: (1d8+7+3) [2+7+3] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Old woman

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (-12) - Lightly Wounded

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+3+1+1)) [14-(5+3+1+1)] 4. Probably MISSES Old woman (AC FINAL: 0)

Lorie has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:24:13 EDT 2007

[mikE] everyone's ganging up on that poor old woman. you're all so mean.

[Percival] Done.

[Arilyn (Christy)] so we decided to kill her?

[Percival] ::ignoring Mal as always::

[Kira (Beth)] ok, taking my held action...

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "There's an easier way to do this." ::pushes the hag underwater::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Um ...

[Old woman] Old woman moved 22'01".

[Percival] ::Um, I see a flying evil woman who wants to kill a party member go right by me and I do what?::

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh my ...

[Sweetums (SPC)] Did you "dectect evil" on her?

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (-24) - Heavily Wounded

[Old woman] anything else?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "She's evil" ::holds her underwater::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Well, I guess that means the inheretence tax kicks in

[Kira (Beth)] not from me since he's got it handled

[Percival] She wants to kill a party member because they threw away "true love". That's not a reason that a good-inclined person uses to kill another person.

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman #1 targets Kira. Distance: 16'11"

[Sweetums (SPC)] She never said "kill"

[Sweetums (SPC)] Just "have"

[Old woman] Old woman #1: Attack #1: Natural Attack: (13-(d20)) [13-(7)] 6. Probably MISSES Kira (AC FINAL: 0)

[Old woman] Old woman #1 moved 11'08".

[Kira (Beth)] oh, I have a question for you all... Psych time... :D

[Old woman] Old woman #1: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[Old woman] ROUND: 2

[Sweetums (SPC)] Combat time again? Or still?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] yay, there's one of the sissters

[Sweetums (SPC)] Still I see ...

[Old woman] so starting the "next" round

[Kira (Beth)] a woman goes to a funeral and meets someone whom she falls head over heels for...

[Old woman] the first is in the water being drowned by ramone, when suddenly another one attack kira from behind

[Kira (Beth)] 2 weeks later she kills her sister... why?

[Percival] Percival targets Old woman #1. Distance: 5'01"

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (14-(d20+3+3+1)) [14-(19+3+3+1)] -12. PROBABLY HITS Old woman #1 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Kira (Beth)] ::ducks::

[Percival] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (14-(d20+3+1+1)) [14-(18+3+1+1)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Old woman #1 (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sigh.

[Bunny] So he'll come to that funeral, too?

[Old woman] (um, she realized she was in love with her sisters husband?)

[Sweetums (SPC)] We're getting attack by a gang of little old ladies

[Percival] Percival: Damage v SM: Long Sword, +3: (1d8+7+3) [7+7+3] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Old woman #1

[Percival] Percival: Damage v SM: Longsword, +1: (1d8+7+1) [6+7+1] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Old woman #1

[Old woman] Percy wrong person

[Old woman] that is the one in the water

[Kira (Beth)] soon as everyone gives an answer, I tell ya who's right :)

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-31) - Dying

[Arilyn (Christy)] that is kinda funny

[Percival] Do we seriously think these are little old ladies?

[Old woman] Ooops sorry

[Percival] Sorry, DM.

[Old woman] you had it right

[Old woman] and that was a kiss

[Old woman] kill

[Old woman] doh

[Kira (Beth)] ROFL

[Percival] I don't want her to kiss or kill Kira.

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-24) - Massively Wounded

[Percival] Her kiss might kill.

[Kira (Beth)] bleah... me neither

[Old woman] ROUND: 3

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::continues to hold the woman underwater::

[Sweetums (SPC)] Guarding door to the west room, just in case another "sister" comes out

[Old woman] ROUND: 4

[Old woman (to GM only)] Old woman's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -19 (-24) - Dead

[Percival] Kira moved 6'05".

[Percival] Percival moved 4'01".

[Kira (Beth)] harpies and hags are such a pain

[Old woman] Combat has finished.

[Percival] Moving Kira out of the doorway area.

[Kira (Beth)] thank you, Percy

[Percival] Standing her up right against the wall so she doesn't fall down.

[DM] true love

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] ::tries lifting the body out of the water out of curiousity::

[DM] nothign comes up out of the water

[Kira (Beth)] ::rolls eyes:: yeah, right

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] thought so

[DM] and the answer to yoru riddle Beth?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Thought what?

[Kira (Beth)] everyone give me a guess?

[Percival] Arilyn, can you help over here, please? I just want Kira well-guarded. Thanks-

[Sweetums (SPC)] The woman was in love with the minister?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or the undertaker?

[Kira (Beth)] lolol

[mikE] she was in love with her sister

[Arilyn (Christy)] I'll hang out with Kira

[Kira (Beth)] ok.... the question is one that is used as an evaluator of criminal minds

[Sweetums (SPC)] So there is no right answer?

[Bunny] Sweetums answer was better than the real one.

[Kira (Beth)] MOST people will say that the man was married to her sister

[Percival] Arilyn moved 17'00".

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or rather, the answer indicates how nefarious one is?

[Kira (Beth)] the CRIMINAL mind will know the answer is because she hoped the man would come to that funeral also

[Kira (Beth)] :D

[Bunny] Ha! I was law enforcement. That's how I knew! Not criminal.... much....

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I couldn't even see a relation between the two statements, what kinda mind does that make mine?

[Kira (Beth)] lolol

[Kira (Beth)] naive?

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] I guess

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there was this woman who loved apples!

[Bunny] Distracted.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] so she bought a bike

[Kira (Beth)] :: chuckles:: I had to think about it, but I guessed the sister was married to the man lol

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] that's pretty much what I saw

[Sweetums (SPC)] D'uh! So she could ride to the orchard

[Sweetums (SPC)] Pretty straightfoward to me

[Kira (Beth)]

[Kira (Beth)] ok, so we have 2 dead hags?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Left you speechless, Beth?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or one dead hag, and one that disolved in water

[Kira (Beth)] lost me actually lol

[Arilyn (Christy)] where's #3?

[Percival] Are these the witches of the East and West?

[Sweetums (SPC)] probably thought better of leaving the lair

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums moved 20'09".

[Kira (Beth)] prolly behind door #3 ::points at other door::

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] "You alright there Kira?"

[Sweetums (SPC)] I poke the halbard through the west door. Do I hear any screams?

[Kira (Beth)] Far as I can tell, yes...

[Percival] Is she still immobilized?

[DM] you do not hear anything

[DM] but you bump into things in the room

[Sweetums (SPC)] Not even a "clink" as the halbard bumps into the far wall?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh.

[Sweetums (SPC)] What do I bump into?

[Kira (Beth)] ok... I thought the hag was immobilized... it's ME that is???

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no, you're fine. I can imbobilize you if you like

[Kira (Beth)] ::raises eyebrow:: thanks, but no thanks

[Percival] Oh. I thought the hag attacked and immobilized Kira.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] no, hag attacked I immobilized the hag with telekinesis

[Sweetums (SPC)] So Bob ... what my halbard run into?

[DM] getting a map fo ryou

[DM] and make a strength check Sweetums

[Sweetums (SPC)] Sweetums: STR check: (d20) [8] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[DM] (1d20) [20] 20

[DM] the halberd gets yanked and someone is trying to pull you into the room

[DM] you can let go fo the halbard

[DM] or follow it into the room

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

Sweetums (SPC) Can dkdkdk

[Sweetums (SPC)] Can I yank hard on the halbard?

[Sweetums (SPC)] Or otherwise twist the halbard to effect an attack?

[Percival] test

[Sweetums (SPC)] Bob?

[DM] no

[DM] to Sean

[Sweetums (SPC)] to the yank, or to the attack?

[DM] you can let go or follow it in

[Percival] The person on the other side of this halberd doesn't want to get in a tug of war with Sweetums!

[Percival] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kira (Beth)] that's one darned strong whatever it is

[DM] the person on the other side IS ina tug of war an won

[DM] and won

[Sweetums (SPC)] oh. You neglected to state THAT little fact.

[DM] it is up to sweetums if he follows it in

[DM] you can let go or follow it

[Sweetums (SPC)] I drop the halbard, and follow it in with my sword drawn

[DM] you can not

[DM] you can drop it

[DM] then next round follow it

[Sweetums (SPC)] Okay, fine.

[DM] but this round can only do the one thing

[DM] ok

[Sweetums (SPC)] Drop.

[DM] so the halbard slides into the smashed door

[DM] and the screen goes dark

[DM] until next week

[DM] grins

[Sweetums (SPC)] Oh ... nice one Bob.

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] there's a screen?

[Kira (Beth)] that's called "fade to black", Bob

[mikE] night all

mikE has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:45:55 EDT 2007

[DM] thank you all

[Ramone (BiBo!!!!!!!!!)] nighty night

[Kira (Beth)] nini!

[Sweetums (SPC)] Good night.

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:46:18 EDT 2007

[Bunny] 'Night.

SPC has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:46:24 EDT 2007

[Percival] I am back at the keyboard.

Bunny has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:46:25 EDT 2007

[Percival] Good night!

[DM] was a good night

[Kira (Beth)] it was

[Arilyn (Christy)] good night!

Beth has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:46:59 EDT 2007

Christy has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:47:01 EDT 2007

Percival has left the game on Fri Jun 29 22:47:10 EDT 2007