Main / Kch3

Kindred by john anstett

Chapter 3

The crowd looked at each other and back at the story teller in disbelief. They started to mumer amongst themselves as he was taking an extended drink. One particularly brave soul asked him directly. "What do you mean by scampered? How did the monster see you?"

Finishing his drink, he let the crowd get all the questions and restlesnes out now. He knew they were hooked, and he knew the next section was going to be a little wordy for some of the simpletons listening. "I am so glad you asked. My fellow companions did not know me as you see me now, and while I am an important part of the story, for now I will tell you what they saw me as a scrawny, cute little squirel. While I admit, I was concerned they might try to eat me, at that moment I felt connected to this kind monster that showed me kindness and as I ate, I thought that like me, she was not as she as she seemed.

Peter and the trio looked at Margarette and the squirel and sat in silence. Peter, not being as surprised by the strange behavior, saw it as an oppertunity. "You see, we are kind by nature, it is our calling. Margarette and I have travelled together for many years and run into many people who have needed our help. We offer what we can and never ask for anything, just to be allowed to be ourselves."

Brad took that as an opening for a more direct question. "So who are you, beyond your names and that your here to help. What can you actually do beyond talk yourself up?"

"I was just getting to that, you will consider me a Mage, but in truth I am a man of many trades, Especialy collecting trinkets that help make everything easier. But I know who you really want to hear from. She is humble as she she is devout, carring as she is honest, and as annoying as she is unique. My favorite person in the world, Margarette.

She made sure everyone was sastified with their meal and had enough to drink, even putting a cup of water for the squirel to drink from. "This is not the best way to know me, I do not like speaking or preaching in front of a group, even this small, but this is one of our more unique interventions, if you will. My mission, that Peter has joined with me on, is to do the bidding of the Lorkoness, Godess of Fate and Nature. In Her name I am here to help make sure you accomplish what you are about to. As a servant of Lorkoness, my skills revolve arround nature and a certain amount of predicting what to and what not to do, and what we must now do is move on. We can talk as we walk, learn as we go and when the time is right, we can be who we are supposed to be. "

The two odd companions packed their few supplies and put them in a box that folded up to fit into Peter's pocket and the original trio took a moment aside. "I know what you both must think" Brad stated quietly "but we are going to act like this is perfectly normal. We will let them travel with us, we will talk with them and get to know them, but we will remember the mission and what ever happens, you will maintain your loyalty to me. Understood?" "of course" Kesendra nodded. Darrien gave a wink and a casual, "no problem".

And with that we were off, Kesindera in the lead, but staying close; Margarette next with Darrian off to the left and me on her shoulder with Brad and Peter brining up the rear, sizing up each other and the group as a whole. I only heard parts of their conversation cause Darian became quite talkative with my ride. "So, are you a Seerer? do you claim to know the future?" He started off rough. "I would say I know more about what might happen, probably happen, but in some ways I only know what I am told." "And your never wrong, nothing bad ever happen a to you." "of course bad things happen, generally for a reason and knowing why or knowing it is going to be ok is quiet a blessing. some people will only feel comfortable after you have fallen into their trap" Darrian got a little excited "Wait, are you saying you knowingly walk into a trap" Margarette smiled a warm smile and scratched my ear as she replied "I have never not knowingly walked into a trap, but I am surprised some times as to how things work out. I was surprised to see this little fellow, but not as much as the rest of you, or even him." Shaking his head, Darrian tried to bring it back in a bit. "So, anything exciting on the horizon for me, or am I just going to be walking all day?" He stopped in his tracks and Margarette answered calmly as she kept stride "oh, we will be running soon enough, I'm just not sure where or why quite yet."

Peter intrupted his conversation with Brad as they approached Brad standing there, mouth hung open like he was tring to form a word. "What happened, did she tell you something important? She does mean well, however odd she may sound" It took a moment and a hand of Brad on his shoulder to let Darrian clear his thoughts. "As a warrior,l've been told to run before or to be prepared to run, but never without immediate cause and not without some concern. She just said, as a matter of fact, that we will be running." Now, Brad was a bit edgy "did she say when or why?" Peter tried to calm them and keep them moving "There is no reason to worry, it certainly won't help, and at least we know ahead of time."

But there was no time Margarette had caught up with Kesindera, who had slowed to a crawl and was focusing on the woods ahead. She whispered to her fellow female. "there is supposed to be a clearing up ahead, but I do not hear what I would expect to hear. It far far to quiet; something is not right." "than maybe you should find us another path and when the time comes, I will take up the rear and cover our tracks." They looked at each other in silence as the men approached, then Kesinda looked at each of them with her narrowing eyes and jestured with her left hand. First a finger to her lips for silence, then pointing one at a time to herself, Brad, Darrian, Peter and Margarete and then her flat hand pointing to the left like a blade in the air. Then she turn and started to lead off the path, as if going arround something she could not see. Everyone followed in the assigned order, silent and focused.