Main / Khazefryn


Khazefryn is a small Underdark community that lies to the south of the Starless Lake and is widely known as a hive of scum and villainy throughout the Underdark. Several days of travel from the closest surface entrances several Underdark races feel comfortable mixing here.

In 713 CER (1250 TGR) the Underdark city of Thunzarad was destroyed and Khazefryn was abandoned. The current inhabitants have created a new community out of the remains of this former monastery. The large cavern consists of two guard stations built into the opposite walls of the cavern and six rocky "islands" rising up from the underground lake. Khazefryn is an active, bustling place with activity on each of the islands as well as the sound of clicking and the shrieking of many sorts of creatures. The walls of the cavern and the islands are sheer but roughly hewn. The buildings built atop the islands and the guard stations embedded in the cavern walls are windowless and smoothly carved from the living rock.

The islands of Khazefryn are linked by a series of floating crystal disks. The disks spread themselves equidistantly across the void and cannot be pulled from their positions. Because the islands vary in height, the disks float at varying heights, appearing as 5' wide crystal "stepping stones."