Main / Knowledge

Chapter 1 - Abilities

Intelligence - Knowledge

see Reason

This score is a measurement of the character’s educational experiences—whether in a school or on the streets, his grasp of languages, and his memory capacity. A character with a high Knowledge score can speak many languages, knows something about several subjects, and can remember the slightest detail of a past event.

Number of Slots: This is the number of Intelligence Slots the character can spend on proficiencies.

% Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on 1d100) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. If the roll is equal to or less than the listed chance, the wizard can learn the spell. If the roll is higher than the listed chance, the wizard can try to learn the spell later—after gaining an experience level.

# of Slots011111112223344567891011121520
Chance to learn Spell00000000354045505560657075859596979899100100