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A River Runs Through It - In Character Discussions - Leg A

Key Points:

9/17 John

Hoffman grabs Brandarus' attention. "Excuse me Prince, Lord Sir. Can I ask you something? Why did you run into the woods to take on those giants? Obviously, I appreciate that you did and understand it might sound like an easy question to answer for myself seeing I did the same thing. But you and I are not the same, are we? You are a leader of men, of a bunch of men some day. Why would you risk that?" He trails off just shaking his head as he rows

Branadarus chuckles. "I have led groups in battle before. If I know my fiance well enough now I believe I will have plenty of opportunity to do that again. I feel best when I am able to do something, not sit around and listen to other debate if something should be done."

He pauses as he rows, "Of course it was just as dangerous on the ship when the dragon attacked so danger will find its own way into our lives when it wants. You and I are the same in that danger does not care where you were born but where you are right now."

Hoffman smiles and nods in appreciation then leans in to avoid other ears. "That bride of yours is very special, I am sure you know. While she is not number one on my list, she is very important to... she is special. I agree that marrying her will lead to many adventures, some of them dangerous. May you always experience them together.

after Oct0617c Miranda strolls over to the tree out of ear shot of Branwyn and Branadarus. "I think I understand why I have this feeling of deja vu with the sheriff's reaction. When I was back at the church, before joining the Dragonslayers I was good friends with the daughter of a council member. Well, it's a long story but imagine a bunch of 18 year old girls hanging out and then my friend comes in and everyone get so serious and quiet around my friend. We finally figured out it was not her but her mother that made everyone so uncomfortable. I think Lord Brandarus may have the same kind of reputation from his mother. Does that make sense? Looks over shoulder to see if Branwyn is coming

Kel let Miranda's words settle before speaking. "I suppose it does. I mean, if your mother is a witch, and a Ruling Witch at that, I cannot imagine the townsfolk would be eager to embrace you in the streets when they saw you." Kel had an idea. "TO be sure, maybe we should mention his mother in conversation with the locals and gauge their reaction. That could help us." Kel felt proud he came up with this all on his own. He was confident in his many skills. But he also knew reading people was definitely not one of them.

"It is weird he doesn't know a whole lot of details of his family: birthdays, ages, even how long his mother has been Queen. Either it's been a LONG time, or he's hiding something. Either way, I'm not too sure I'd be any more forthcoming if my mother was a witch. Are there good witches?", he wondered aloud. Maybe one of the more well-educated in the crew could answer that. Kel thought about asking Branwyn, then thought better..

"The Sheriff's reaction was not comforting. What did he mean by if Branadarus was 'still'. Still what?" Kel asked. "Something is a bit off about this town, too. No one in the streets, no noise or other townsfolk. No one in the guard towers, that I could see anyway." He climbed as high as the tree would support to scan the town from the advantageous vantage point. He still didn't detect movement. Maybe everyone is already asleep, it is late, he thought. But to leave no one in the guard tower seemed irresponsible. Kel anxiously waited his turn on guard to reconnoiter the town. "Hopefully, at daybreak, we get some supplies and head on our way."

near the end of Oct2017 First Watch

Miranda sleepy walks over the the impromptu coven. "I.. I don't know what to say. I can't believe I almost missed a whole conversation about charm and not aging. Branwyn, did you not tell tell or like Branadarus has it been too long. Maybe I have been too distant, keeping my past hidden and my future that looks so far away that it may never come. " She pauses and takes a deep breath and quietly says "Maybe Hoffman has a point. There may be Fate at work.. " clears her throat gently. "I was and hope to once again someday to be a priestess of Idun Whom's greatest gift for service to Her has always been to not age beyond 18 years, at least physically. This is not to say I will live for 250 years but at least you all should know ... (with a croak in her throat and a tear in her eye).. I don't want you to think I would do 'anything' for that life again." she takes a moment to compose herself again. "And if you want a charm option" pulling out the Sea Witch Flute "this will charm any man. From the sketch of a story we know about this witch, I fear what would happen if this came into her possession. I think maybe this council should know and decide what to do. " Holds out Flute watching to make sure Aunt Jen does not take.

"I wouldn't think you would," replied Shi, shaking her head. With a small smile, she pointed to the flute. "Or you wouldn't make sure we knew about your flute. Or help us each time we encounter danger. Does it work only on one individual, or many at once? Well, either way, if you think you can keep it safe, I would keep it hidden and with you. If not, perhaps we can put it in the Room Scroll? I cannot think of anywhere safer...provided the scroll itself is safe."

In a lower voice, directed more towards Branwyn, Shi continued, "I don't know if a witch has any use for it, but I don't want her to find out about my grandmother's wand, either. I know you'll keep it safe, but I want to make sure you know that, if you fear for your life or any of ours, and feel it will be useful, you can use it in such a moment. You certainly have permission for it. I just hope it doesn't happen for this visit."

“Miranda, come and sit with us. I am glad you made the watch.” Branwyn scoots over a bit to make room for Miranda. “I did not say anything because I did not think it my place to do so. But it is good for you to share that. You should share more often. Your life so far has been a unique and fascinating journey and one that I think our friends would be glad to hear. I have been meaning to ask you if you are close to being able to access your priestly gifts again. Your gift comes from your god, and correct me if I am wrong, it is more of a gift of appearance rather than one of longevity. Very different than what I think Branadarus’ mother has been doing.”

Branwyn listened to what Shi said and a look of worry passed over her face. “Shi, I did not mean to scare you. Any of you. I really don’t think that anyone is going to be in danger for their lives. We just need to be careful and know the kind of power we will most likely be dealing with. We have all grown comfortable dealing with our many princes in a very casual way. This will not do when we are in the presence of the Queen. This goes for any royalty, but most especially knowing now, as we do, that she is a powerful witch on top of it all. I am counting you to make sure that those close to us understand that as well.’

‘Teb will be safe, as he will most likely not be allowed anywhere close to the Queen. And Kel will have much more to worry about than Teb if he unsheathes a long sword in her presence. I shall have no weapons or magic items with me when I am at Court. I will, however, keep a small pouch of spell components on my person if need be. That is why I wanted to speak with you all. We are important. We will be the protectors and guardians if the worst case happens. I am most worried for Sam because he is so vulnerable right now. And he will be of great interest to her. I do not think she would do him harm, but now I know she may possibly manipulate him both with words and magic. I would like us to take extra care of him if we can.”

Miranda smiles at Branwyn and Shi as she takes a moment to think where to begin and how far to go.

"Yes, I know you know me to be a good person and while Branwyn knows much of this already, I want to make sure what I say is in perspective. When I joined the DragonSlayers, I was expecting a different life, part of a much larger group. We (nodding to Branwyn) were promoted to the front line way sooner than I was prepared. We all now ( signaling the whole group) understand our lives are a more on the line with the life we have chosen, even with the remarkable healers we have. We all have our moments when we notice it more than others. This is one of the reasons I changed my vocation to Arcane Magic rather than Priestly magic, at the time I needed a little more control in my life. I love all magic, but as far as Idum, as soon as she calls me back and whatever happens, or does not happens I will accept. I do not want to think about that, I want to sty on my current path. That is a part of the reason I needed to get back on the road, we only learn so much from studying. I am sure being with Hoffman has slowed me down but that does not bother me, I am happy he is with me on this journey. The one new wrinkle (pardon the pun), maybe why I have been a little more quiet, not trying to think about it, is that while danger comes and goes, before I started on the path of Arcane magic, I did not think about growing older. We were all younger once, and maybe this is because I met you Shi, but I realize I am getting older now physically. I felt 18 for so long, it is a new experience for me to get used to. I hope you can try and understand and let me know if I start acting reckless.

continued here

After Oct2717

Hoffman approaches Ilero quietly. "Excuse me, Ilero, I would like to have a quiet word if I can. I know this group has never been big on organization but I would like to talk a little on leadership while Branwyn is off...away if you will. By my.. listen, you and I both know Miranda asked me to ask you. We know you are rightfully in charge in this situation, next in line in seniority plus your a Prince. If we were in more hostile territory, I would have a bigger role. I.. we just want to make sure you know we respect you but figure your not much for taking charge. Any way you want to handle this situation, we are with you. This is not the time nor place for free lancing or side quests, so you just let me know and I will keep them ... or her in line.

Ilero puffs out his cheeks in thought. "Dammit. Hye not want it, but you right, hye next in line. Hye supposedly gots Guild to organize and run when get back." He paces back and forth a bit, trying to wrap his brain around the idea. "Hokay, hye t'ink about what needs to do. Hye talk Marisu also. You t'ree be advisors and keep me aim straight."

Branwyn and Tiberius Wedding