Main / Li-Raz


Li-Raz is the largest city in the Plain of Horses. Populated by the Fankiang tribe, it is a rigidly controlled military society.

Not only is Li-Raz the Plain of Horses’ largest city, it is arguably the most successful. It is certainly the most stable, thanks to the leadership of Chuqali Shilai. Shilai united the quarreling factions of Li-Raz and instituted a strict administrative structure that stands as a model for cities and tribes throughout the Plain of Horses. Shilai achieved unity by establishing laws proclaiming two distinct classes. The Western Court comprises descendents of the original settlers of Li-Raz. The Eastern Court are the descendents of hsing who became part of Li-Raz through conquest or annexation. The members of the Western Court are united by their hatred of the powerless Eastern Court, thus ensuring a measure of order. Uprisings in the Eastern Court are quickly put down by the the military.

Though Li-Raz maintains a standing army of impressive size, it has a reputation as one of the more peaceful societies in the country. The chief rivals of Li-Raz are the Tsu-tsu tribesmen of Jugisha, the nation’s second largest city. An uneasy peace currently exists between them.

Chuqali Shilai is an autocrat in every sense of the word, and his headquarters is the most lavish structure in the Plain of Horses. Formally known as the nom-satakon erughe (Tent of the Bows and Quivers), it consists of four red brick buildings three stories high. One building is the living quarters, another has reception areas and meeting rooms. The third is the throne room. On one side of the throne are silver-plated bows and quivers of silver arrows. On the other side is a pile of silver-plated shields and saddles. The fourth building houses Shilai’s herd of sacred white camels. Also in this building is a large white cart to carry Shilai's personal yurt. The yurt is made of camel skin sections sewn together with silver thread.

The standing army at Li-Raz consists of the following forces. All are mounted.

  • 9,000 1st level barbarian archers
  • 3,500 2d level barbarian archers
  • 1,000 1st level barbarian swordsmen
  • 500 2d level barbarian swordsmen
  • 1,000 1st level barbarian spearmen

In times of emergency or war, Li-Raz can rally the following additional units from the surrounding territory.

  • 25,000 1st level barbarian archers
  • 20,000 2d level barbarian archers
  • 2,000 1st level barbarian swordsmen
  • 1,000 2d level barbarian swordsmen
  • 3,000 1st level barbarian spearmen