Main / Licornah


Lorie Davis

Licornah is a grey elf priestess of Lurue. She hails from a small village outside of Silvermoon --Moonspring.

She served the deity at her shrine near her home at the base of the River Rauvin -- as Lurue does not have a dedicated church in her name. She started attending services young and helping those in the order with wilderness cleanup and befriending the local fauna. As she grew, her relationship with the Silvermaidens and others of Lurue's order grew stronger. Eventually, she opted to become a priestess. She is currently a Sister of the Moonlit Sky; however, those outside the order, would only know her as a priestess. She is not forthcoming with her formal title, for fear that it would drive them away.

She secretly endeavors to become a Ladycorn -- a follower of Lurue lucky enough to find and ride with a Unicorn.

Licornah enjoys spending time with animals and helping those in need. She also tries to inspire hope for those in need or experiencing despair. She enjoys reading and learning new skills. Her parents and siblings were all dedicated followers of Lurue. Her brother, Beikian, is a Knight of Lurue. His duties take him far from home and they haven't seen each other in several years. Her sister, Olarois, prefers to not take on any duties formally, but works at a shelter for the unhomed in Silvermoon. Her parents divide their duties on their farm.

When she was challenged to take on the protection of a group of cats, in a strange land -- Pandemonium. She had to consider the challenge carefully, as it meant leaving those she knew and all that she had around her. But, in the spirit of those in her order, she accepted and agreed to take it on. She's still figuring out her next step after joining the cats and what it will mean for her.

She's of slender blend, but her hair is white with a faint streak of purple -- to honor Lurue. Her vestments are of a purple hue as well. Her prized possession is a unicorn trinket, built by a knight of the order and given to her after she accepted the order assignment. She doesn't carry many worldly possessions, preferring to travel lightly with spell components, spare clothing and rations. She offers thanks to Lurue every chance she can -- appreciating the gifts that she's presented.