Main / ListOfBooksAmpAbbreviations

Table of Contents - Appendix A

List of Books & Abbreviations

These are the abbreviations used throughout my rules. The usage is PH27, meaning Player's Handbook page 27. It is assumed all references are to second edition books unless otherwise noted.


  • (PH) Player's Handbook
  • (DM){DMG} Dungeon Master's Guide
  • (TM) Tome of Magic
  • (TC) Combat & Tactics
  • (SP) Skills & Powers
  • (SM) Spells & Magic
  • (HL) High Level Campaigns
  • (E1) Encyclopedia Magica, Vol. 1
  • (E2) Encyclopedia Magica, Vol. 2
  • (E3) Encyclopedia Magica, Vol. 3
  • (E4) Encyclopedia Magica, Vol. 4
  • (W1) Wizard's Spell Compendium, Vol. 1
  • (W2) Wizard's Spell Compendium, Vol. 2
  • (W3) Wizard's Spell Compendium, Vol. 3
  • (W4) Wizard's Spell Compendium, Vol. 4
  • (C1) Cleric's Spell Compendium, Vol. 1
  • (C2) Cleric's Spell Compendium, Vol. 2
  • (C3) Cleric's Spell Compendium, Vol. 3
  • (AA) Arabian Adventures
  • (OA) Oriental Adventures


  • (CF) Complete Fighter
  • (CP) Complete Priest
  • (CW) Complete Wizard
  • (CT) Complete Thief
  • (CB) Complete Bard
  • (CR) Complete Ranger
  • (CN) Complete Paladin
  • (CU) Complete Druid
  • (BR) Complete Barbarian
  • (CA) Complete Sha'ir
  • (NI) Complete Ninja
  • (CD) Complete Dwarf
  • (CE) Complete Elf
  • (CH) Complete Gnome & Halfling
  • (CM) Complete Humanoid


  • (VK) Vikings Sourcebook
  • (PA) Charlemagne's Paladins
  • (CL) Celtic Sourcebook
  • (RO) Roman Sourcebook
  • (GR) Greek Sourcebook
  • (RS) Crusaders Sourcebook
  • (PI) Pirates of the Fallen Stars
  • (FS) Sea of the Fallen Stars
  • (SH) Shaman
  • (DT) Den of Thieves
  • (CL) College of Wizardry
  • (AU) Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog


  • (BL) Battlesystem
  • (SK) Battlesystem Skirmishes
  • (HC) Horde Campaign Sourcebook
  • (GG) Gold & Glory Sourcebook
  • (LL) Legends & Lore
  • (MM) Monster Mythology
  • (DD) Deities & Demigods
  • (MP) Manual of the Planes
  • (AE){A&E} Arms & Equipment
  • (CG) Castle Guide
  • (SE) of Ships and the Sea
  • (CV) Complete Villain
  • (NC) Complete Necromancer
  • (SG) Sages & Specialists
  • (PM) Pages from the Mages
  • (PF) Prayers from the Faithful
  • (BA) Book of Artifacts
  • (CS) Campaign Sourcebook
  • (CC) Creative Campaigning
  • (WB) World Builder's Handbook
  • (WS){WSG} Wilderness Survival Guide
  • (DS){DSG) Dungeoneer's Survival Guide


  • (DR) Dragonomicon
  • (UN) Drow of the Underdark
  • (GC) Giantcraft
  • (TK) Thri-Kreen of Athas
  • (TR) Complete Guide to Treants
  • (IT) I, Tyrant
  • (SD) Sea Devils
  • (IL) the Illithiad
  • (MH) Monster Hunter's Compendium
  • (MC) Monstrous Compendium
  • (MM) Monstrous Manual
  • (DU) Drizzit Do’Urden’s Guide to the Underdark
  • (UA) Unearthed Arcana
  • (M1) Monster Manual
  • (M2) Monster Manual 2
  • (FF) Fiend Folio
  • (DG) Dragon Magazine
  • (DU) Dungeon Magazine
  • XXX Notes

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