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Lupin "Lucky" Fox III

It has long been said that some are born into greatness, while others have greatness thrust upon them. Lupin "Lucky" Fox III is usually too busy with women to care one way or the other. Born into a family of mages, Lupin was forced into the life of the arcane. Unfortunately he didn't take to it especially well. While he was more than intelligent enough to follow in the family line, he did not have the drive for power that fills the minds of most mages. Besides that, casting spells just gave him a headache most of the time. All the flailing and the loud chanting, and the throwing of bat poop to make fire, and the flashes, oh the flashes were the worst! But I digress.

After a few years of wizard's school, Lupin learned that while a diverse mage could thrive by being utilitarian and learning many spells, he could do the same by focusing on a few select spells that would aid him in his true passion: robbing people blind. Using his meager selection of spells and a maniacal faith in luck, he quickly became one of the greatest thieves in Wolfspack. Unfortunately the local thief unions frown on solo work. This didn't stop him from testing the limits of his luck. He managed to steal treasure and magic items from all of the local guilds, his most prized possessions being the assortment of lucky charms he carries around. Enemies soon learned to recognize him by his lucky charms and sought to take them as trophies. Many were after his lucky charms, but none managed to take them. With guards and thieves hunting him at every turn, and the selection of new large targets getting fairly slim, Lupin moved on. He found that dungeon delving was quite similar to burglary so the adventuring life fit him well. He traveled far and wide getting treasure and spending it on meat and women.

While adventuring he came up with the perfect idea. If he saved up and found the perfect location, he could open up a place where people could go to worship luck through games of chance. A place where they could learn the pleasures of love. Last, but most importantly, this would be a place where people such as himself could sell items which they might not want to hold onto anymore. Gold can be far more useful than silverware after all. So now he wanders about searching for the perfect spot to set up shop and get financial backing. Until then, he'll just test his luck.