Main / M-DeepFreeze

Chapter 2 - Spells

Deep Freeze

Mage spell

Level: 2
School(s): Alteration
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: until dispelled
Casting Time: 10
Area of Effect: 1 non living object
Saving Throw: None
Casting Subtlety: ??
Knockdown: N/A
Sensory Signature: ??
Rarity: Vary Rare

Spell Description: Deep Freeze is usually cast on inanimate objects to preserve or protect them for a long period of time. When cast, the target is instantly frozen and remains so until deep freeze is dispelled. It is impossible to physically manipulate objects that have been frozen with this spell. For example, a spell book could be frozen shut or a lock frozen closed. The most common use of the spell is to protect rations, meats, and other supplies from decay and rodents. Deep freeze does not affect living targets. The caster can automatically dispel deep freeze with a simple verbal command whenever he chooses.

Notes: Need Arctic Goose Quill to make scroll


Known Spell Books: Paul ElvenStier's ,Chonny's