Main / M-Waterbane

Chapter 2 - Spells


Mage spell

Level: 1
School(s): Abjuration
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day or 1 day/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object touched
Saving Throw: None
Casting Subtlety: 4
Knockdown: N/A
Sensory Signature: small visual
Rarity: VR, C for al-Qadim

Spell Description: This spell keeps a creature or an object from getting wet. It protects against water in liquid form - saltwater as well as fresh. When cast on a creature, it keeps the creature and its personal gear dry for one day. The creature can walk through pouring rain, dive into a pool, or stand beneath a waterfall, and still emerge with dry clothing and every hair in place.

When cast upon an object, waterbane renders it completely watertight for a period of one day per level of the caster. For instance, a grain barrel protected with waferbane can be cast into the sea, and then wash ashore several days later with its contents completely dry.

The spell does not prevent drowning. Nor does it enable a creature to breathe underwater or swim if it could not do so before. The spell provides no protection against corrosive acids or poisons, even when these are diluted in water. The spell has no effect upon creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water.

The material components of this spell are a bit of wax and some paper.

Notes: Common for spellcasters from an Arabian setting; otherwise, very rare.

Commentary: This spell works on whole objects. The example of the barrel in the description. If the barrel is broached then the spell is broken at that moment. Similarly a chest with waterbane cast upon it would be watertight until it is opened. If cast upon a dress or clothing that is not worn the spell continues to operate until the clothing is 'opened' and put on. When cast upon a person the spell works until expiration.

Known Spell Books: Branwyn's traveling book