Main / MI-CrystalBall

Chapter 2 - Magic Items

Crystal Ball

There are several types of Crystal Balls that mages have created over the centuries.

This is the most common form of scrying device: a crystal sphere about 6 inches in diameter. A wizard can use the device to see over virtually any distance or into other planes of existence. The user of a crystal ball must know the subject to be viewed. Knowledge can be from personal acquaintance, possession of personal belongings, a likeness of the object, or accumulated information. Knowledge, rather than distance, is the key to success at location.

Chance of Locating when the Subject is:

Personally well known100%
Personally known slightly85%
In partial possession50%
Garment in possession25%
Well informed about25%
Slightly informed about20%
On another plane-25%

(Unless masked by magic)

The chance of locating also dictates how long and how frequently a wizard is able to view the subject:

Chance of viewing

Locating %PeriodFrequency
100% or more1 hour3 times/day
99% to 90%30 minutes3 times/day
89% to 75%30 minutes2 times/day
74% to 50%30 minutes1 time/day
49% to 25%5 minutes1 time/day
24% or less10 minutes1 time/day

(Unless masked by magic)

Viewing beyond the periods or frequencies noted force the wizard to roll a saving throw versus spell each round. A failed saving throw permanently lowers the characters Intelligence by one point and drives the wizard insane until healed.

Certain spells cast upon the user of the crystal ball can improve the chances of using the device successfully. These are: comprehend languages, read magic, infravision, and tongues. Two spells detect magic and detect evil/good can be cast through a crystal ball. The chance of success is 5% per level of experience of the casting wizard.

Certain crystal balls have additional powers.