Main / Mar0212

Mar 02 12 - Flower Power - Burst of Building

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 02 18:48:16 EST 2012

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!! has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!] morning

[Master] morning

[Master] morning

[Master] is this working now

[Master] yes it is

[Master] silly pause button

[Master] Marco you never put in an age for Llath

[BiBo!!!] oh... um... 118

[Master] that works

[Master] it is the year 340 right now

[BiBo!!!] good to know

[Master] so he was born in 222

[Master] SKR

[Master] how has your wweek been?

[BiBo!!!] interesting. played airsoft last sunday. had a dinner party last night. caught a cold somewhere in between

[Master] what about the job interview results?

[Master] you did get the job right?

[BiBo!!!] didnt I tell you last week that I got the job?

[Master] you said you thought you were going to get it

[Master] when do you actually start?

[BiBo!!!] dunno yet

[BiBo!!!] april sometime

[BiBo!!!] I have to fill out a bunch of papers. had to have a physical and chest x-ray this week

[Master] what kind of job is it?

[Master] that you need x rays to prove you are in one piece?

[Master] no holes?

[BiBo!!!] teaching english at a public school. I assume they need to know my voice isnt going to go out due to over smoking/drinking

[Master] question for you out of left field

[BiBo!!!] that or they are searching for thermometers

[Master] do they have renesance days there?

[BiBo!!!] okay. I suck at baseball though

[BiBo!!!] nope

[Master] celebrate the old days during the emperor

[BiBo!!!] they do have festivals where people march around in samurai armor sometimes

[BiBo!!!] but its more of a parade than anything

[Master] ok

[BiBo!!!] and the emperor is still here ;)

[Master] grins, yeah but he is a much nicer guy now

[BiBo!!!] eh, he just doesnt have power now

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 1000. Next level in 6644.

[Master] TMO did do a lot of work last friday on his character

[Master] and he logged in again on Sunday for an hour or so to do more things

[Master] so he has a pretty good idea of his abilities

[BiBo!!!] what is he again? a thief?

[Master] yes

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 02 19:06:02 EST 2012

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] and do you have any interest in what Lisa suggested about you should be the court mage?

[Master] and there she is

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!] she suggested I be the court mage?

[Master] on the site, Player Communication

[BiBo!!!] ah

[Master] hello

[Lisa] hello

[Master] I do know that Guy is planning on being in

[BiBo!!!] heya lisa!

[Master] but not next week

[Master] and TMO will be in later as he normally is

[Master] everyone is at Jistille Estates now

[Master] the date is correct

[Lisa] at the estates or at orchard house?

[Master] it was 11 days by the Knarr to Portown and then another 7 days to the Estates

[Master] the Orchard House

[Master] is where you went to to sleep after getting in on the 3rd

[Master] you likely woudl rest then visit everyone in the morning

[Master] or?

[Lisa] that makes sense

[Master] Lisa Indigo does not have an age on his sheet

[Lisa] do I look like his mother?

[Master] ok I will fill one in then

[Lisa] I did not create him and so I do not know how old he is

[Lisa] he doesn't seem that old to me

[Master] 22 born 6-12-318 SKR

[Lisa] is that june or december?

[Master] 6th day of 12th month

[Lisa] so a sagitarrius

[BiBo!!!] bob probably has a entirely different astrology system

[Lisa] most likely

[Master] I can put up the Orchard House map if you wish

[Master] or just use this one for now?

[Lisa] if we are just going to leave soon the base map is fine

[Master] do you want to to introduce anyone to the widow washburn?

[Master] or leave that to when/if Guy and TMO are here

[Master] where do the two of you want to go with this

[BiBo!!!] presumably we get introduced before we stay the night

[Lisa] unless you want a dose of the widow washburn, why don't we wait and do everybody at once?

[Lisa] unless there is news we need to discuss

[Master] you left here on 19-4-339 and it is now 3-5-340

[Master] just just over 1 year has passed from the time you left here to go visit Loosend for training and then did Elementary, Pirate Queens, etc

[Lisa] work - brb

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so not talking with Widow Washburn,

[Master] we will move onto ?? when she returns I guess

[BiBo!!!] I do like me some ??

[Master] guessing you do not have anything you wanted to do yet right with Llath or Koorin right ?

[BiBo!!!] koorin still has some training to do I think

[Master] well yes there is that

[BiBo!!!] llath, not until level 7

[Master] once we finish off Flower Power

[Master] and give out the XP

[BiBo!!!] whats this business about court mage you mentioned before?

[Master] Branwyn is the Court Mage for the Jistille Estates

[Master] and was talking on the site about Llath might be well suited towards that

[BiBo!!!] whys that?


[BiBo!!!] and can she just appoint a successor like that?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] back for a mioment

[Lisa] will be getting a call

[Master] ok

[Lisa] because you are an illusionist and I like to kill things

[Lisa] thought maybe when we met the Moskins we could see how it goes

[BiBo!!!] enchanter.

[Lisa] If you don't want to - that's fine

[Lisa] was just a thought

[BiBo!!!] what does being court mage entail?

[Lisa] good question - I took the job and then took off

[Master] so far the characters have used the Court Mage for training

[Lisa] but I'm not a teacher so that will be good

[Master] I think they asked a question once or twice

[BiBo!!!] so.... we get free training as a court mage?

[Master] Brawn would because she is not going to need a trainer anymore for spells

[Master] once you reach Name Level

[Lisa] huh?

[BiBo!!!] 9 I guess?

[Lisa] no more spell training?

[Master] no need for a teacher

[Lisa] that sucks

[BiBo!!!] why does that suck?

[Lisa] you get to go and meet other interesting mages when you need training

[BiBo!!!] you dont have to pay for training from here on. sounds sweet to me

[BiBo!!!] oh. well you can still meet interesting mages to learn obscure spells

[Master] sorry double checked and you need a trainer for Bran to learn 5th level spells

[Master] after that then no more of that

[Lisa] okay

[Master] but you do not have to train people as Court Mage

[Master] you provide council to the family

[Master] and support

[BiBo!!!] what kind of support and council?

[Lisa] do magic tricks

[Lisa] entertain at parties

[Master] depends on what the family wants at the moment

[BiBo!!!] can I be like the evil vizier who mind controls the king and gets him to be my puppet?

[Master] you can try that yes

[BiBo!!!] alright, I am in then

[Lisa] we will see

[Lisa] they will have to like you - that doesn't always happen

[Master] brb refillng drinks

[BiBo!!!] I don think that would stop someone whose plan is to mind control and manipulate the king

[Lisa] he has a whole family and guards that protect him

[BiBo!!!] thats okay. they dont have to know

[Lisa] lol

[BiBo!!!] itll be our little secret

[Master] b

[Master] not a king

[Master] a retired ranger

[Master] old and blind now

[Master] wife dead from the plague

[Master] son dead form the plague

[Master] Daughter is around

[Master] the Missus

[Lisa] and the guard - can't remember his name

[Master] Tikmol

[Lisa] but I like the Moskins and so will not let you mess with them

[Lisa] that'

[BiBo!!!] the guard cant remember the head of the household?

[Lisa] that's not his name

[BiBo!!!] must be a shitty guard

[Lisa] the one who was studying to be a herald or something

[Master] Medoro is the Chamberlain

[Lisa] That's it!

[Master] Tikmol was the guard who was the only one to live through the plague

[Master] is now captain of the guard

[BiBo!!!] senority has its perks

[Lisa] I have no idea when this call is coming so we should probably just start

[Lisa] then of course the call will come in

[Lisa] unless we are waiting for Guy?

[Master] the Grey Death was here last spring

[Master] was checking the date

[Master] and I am just being flexible for what you want to do

[Master] so sleeping the night then going where?

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Sin {Late Summer} 4th, 339 SKR.

[Lisa] why don't we deal with ancien first and then go to the moskins later so we are in time for dinner :)

[BiBo!!!] we drop off the flowers yet?

[BiBo!!!] heh

[BiBo!!!] settled

[Master] so you go out to the forest with your bag

[Master] Branwyn and Indigo want to explain anything?

[Master] Llath and Koorin both going along I woudl guess

[BiBo!!!] yep

[BiBo!!!] nothing better to do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Have you ever seen a treant before?

[Master] (halflings call them tree shepards)

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Is that like an ant that is on a tree?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Ive seen lots of those

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's a tree shepard. Ancien is very old and powerful

[Indigo (Lisa)] We saw him throw a man all the way across the forest

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::blinks:: Why did he do that?

[Indigo (Lisa)] He was doing bad things in the woods

[Indigo (Lisa)] You have to follow the rules

[Indigo (Lisa)] No fires, no harming the tress and things like that

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "But what if I get cold or hungry?"

Indigo (Lisa) sigh "we aren't going to be here that long for you to get cold and hungry"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You sure? Because I am kinda hungry now."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] harrummmmmmmm is that young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye that I hear in my forest

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::eeps::

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ancien! It is Branwyn indeed !

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and who is with you this fine summer day ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (damn - call)

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] I do not see scarlet red head chatters like the red squirrels in the high oaks

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] we will pause for a moment

[Master] go grab a drink Marco

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] k. plan of plans

[Master] hopefully she will be back

[Master] quick

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] it could happen

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (won't be that long)

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] so small sharp Indigo you have a small friend here with you

Valoris Onod Ancien (Master) looms over Koorin

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::stares up at ancien and wonders what kind of salad she could make out of him::

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] looks over at Llath

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Mar 02 19:58:17 EST 2012

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] the elves have not been in this area for many years

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] (Kaz? or Guy?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Truth be told, I hadnt planned to be here much myself."

[Kaz] just me i have kazs old comp now

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Funny where paths lead."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] where are you from elf?

[Kaz] 2 towers 1 monitor going to be getting a switchout box

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "That is an excellent question. One that I would love to inform you about my good... tree. ((has no idea where he is from))"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (back sorry - all done)

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] (Wildlands for Llath Marco

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] Ancien looks at Branwyn

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] who are all of these people you bring to the forest?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Are you aware of the wildlands? I once knew them as my home. Over near yonder."

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "these are my new friends"

Sarengar (Guy) stares at the treant

Branwyn (Lisa) gestures in turn "Llathandryll, Koorin, and Sarengar"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] the timid shy slippery one is not with you? where is Imari blackwing cautious one

[Sarengar (Guy)] I never thought I would ever get to see a treant

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry to say that we have lost some of my old friends

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Timid shy slippery one died saving the life of Llathandryll here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We miss him very much

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((its going to be strange not being afraid of the treant lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Imari ... Imari is stretching her wings

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] Koorin small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We may yet see her again some day if we are lucky

Branwyn (Lisa) pushes Koorin forward "Say hello"

[Sarengar (Guy)] its a treant Koorin you might never see another one again

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Um.... hello." ::stares with big eyes::

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] Llathandryll once from wildlands

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Can I ask you a question mister treant?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] they are rare and wondrous beings

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] yes small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and who is the melodious respectful Sarengar?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Are your leaves yummy? And if so, could I please have some?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im a humble ranger of the sea Sir

Indigo (Lisa) whacks Koorin in the back of the head

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stop it!

Sarengar (Guy) bows to Ancien

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Ow! what?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] yummy? hurrrrmmmmmermmmm I should think that I taste very good with the amount of chattering squirrels that eat my droppings

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Oooh... Would it be okay if I took a few leaves then?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] no small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye that would not be unless I can take a hand or two from you

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "You can have some of my hair. Thats a more fair trade."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] haaaarruujmmmm, can you move your hair small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Um... sure." :takes a handful of her hair and wiggles it around::

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Like this?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] melodious respectful Sarengar far from sea you are very lost

[Sarengar (Guy)] he means without using your hands

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not eating anything you make with any leaves of Ancien's

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's ... that's just not right

[Sarengar (Guy)] after seeing you Sir its all worth it

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Why not? The squirrels eat the leaves..."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye you are not very wise

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] the quick as a flash squirrels only eat what is left behind they do not seek to pluck

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Does it hurt when someone takes your leaves? Or is it like hair, where it hurts when you pull it, but doesnt when you cut it?"

Sarengar (Guy) plucks a strand of hair from koorin

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::rubs her head:: "Hey! give me some warning before you go and start taking my hair."

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] any cut hurts small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye,

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and I can be very angry when someone tries to cut in my wood

[Sarengar (Guy)] hurts doesnt it and you want to do the same thing to him.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Like I said, cutting doesnt hurt my hair. I just thought it would be the same for leaves."

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Since they grow back and all."

[Sarengar (Guy)] leaves are more than just "hair"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have learned how plants feel when we cut them from when we got the Ironweed

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "So treants dont prune themselves then?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] its how he is able to receive nourishment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think you were not with us that day Koorin or you were asleep

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I was making dinner."

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up at Ancien "We have brought the plants you wanted. How is your friend?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye tree healer you are back so quickly?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Mister Treant sir? If you dont prune your branches, how do you keep yourself looking so well maintained?"

Valoris Onod Ancien (Master) bends down to take the bag of leaves carefully

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know I am quick Ancien

[Sarengar (Guy)] Koorin stop

Branwyn (Lisa) grins up at the treant

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It felt like a long time to get them to us

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye with many questions when do you cut off your extra hands?

[Sarengar (Guy)] or we will have you feeding kobolds

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I dont get extra hands. But it would be really neat if I did! I could cook so much faster with extra hands. Do you think I could have extra hands?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sorry Sir but she is like this quite often

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye with many questions I think you should ask young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye tree healer for how to do that she has done good things

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I fear that Koorin would only get into trouble with extra appendages

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Oooh... okay! And when I get extra hands, I will trade you one for some fresh leaves. Does that sound fair?"

Sarengar (Guy) shudders at the thought of Koorin with extra hands

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] kind melodious respectful Sarengar far from sea I am used to the chatter of the squirrels for many days and when they prick with their arrows I have learned to move quickly

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] yes small one who is small sharp Indigo's friend with young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye with many questions when you want to cut off your hands we will speak on the matter again

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye tree healer I have something for you

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] I cannot use these, and I want someone to stop others from using these

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do?

Valoris Onod Ancien (Master) walking through the forest

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] he pauses at a small knob of a hill,

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and then he HURURRMMMMMMSSSSS and the trees above it pull back

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and it is apparent there used to be a small cottage here that is now overwhelmed

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and several rotting sacks open up

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] pouring out gold and silver

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] young quick branwyn long hair quick tongue sharp eye tree healer I want you to take these

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] he pulls out an axe and a halberd

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know what to say.

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] take these and melt them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Ancien

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] I do not want them to ever harm my trees again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I promise it will be done

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] you may take as much of the shiney metal discs you wish

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] but leave the sparkly gems, the magpies like them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I also promis that we will make good use of those metal discs

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::looks at the halberd:: "Someone was using this on trees?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] harrarummmph, someone was in my forest hummmm,,,, 80 something winters ago and I took it from him

Branwyn (Lisa) leans down to Indigo, "go and collect the sacks and weapons. perhaps Sarengar will help you"

[Master] when Indigo and Sarengar pull on the sacks they realize that most of the interior of the cottage is filled with coins

[Master] just laying loose in piles spilling out into the open now

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((you are forgiven bob lol))

Indigo (Lisa) grabs Sarengar's sleeve and whispers "look at that! never seen so much gold in my life"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Huh... weird weapon to use on trees. Seems like it would tire a person out. Not that I know much about weapons mind you."

[Master] (destroy an axe of sharpness and a magical halberd, I have a plan, like always)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((he didnt say WHEN))

[Master] it is apparent that the coins have been trickling into the hollow under these trees for a long time

Indigo (Lisa) looks back at Ancien "We might have to come back with a cart or something. Is that allright?"

[Sarengar (Guy)] a cart or maybe 2

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Unless our kind forest friend might be so helpful as to aid us in transport?"

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] small sharp Indigo you may visit anytime you wish, you can bring back the remains of the axe and halberd when you come get more

Sarengar (Guy) looks over the weapons

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] observation?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] from anyone?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Large hands such of those would likely carry quite a bit far easier than our tiny hands would. "

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] there is a long sword stuck in the pile of coins

Sarengar (Guy) picks up the sword

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((btw if it was me bob, I would make the quest be to dull the axe of sharpness instead of destroy it))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do not want this sword destroyed as well?

[Master (to Lisa only)] it is apparently magical

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((much more poetic ;) ))

Branwyn (Lisa) walks over to Sarengar and looks at the sword over his shoulder

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] no I do not care about that sword, it was not used in my wood, it was found on the forest floor and I left i tthere with the rest of the garbage

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "looks magicical to me"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (long sword or short sword?)

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] long sword

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and Marco Treants do not like axes at all

[Sarengar (Guy)] hey Indigo heres something you might be able to use

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's much too big for me!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe we could put it on the wall in Orchard House like that Griffon Lodge

[Sarengar (Guy)] maybe

[Indigo (Lisa)] We could make a plaque for it

Valoris Onod Ancien (Master) leans down over Indigo

[Sarengar (Guy)] we would just need to find out more about it

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master) (to Lisa only)] when you return small sharp Indigo simply say blueberry and the trees will let you in

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] Harurrmrmmm This is a very good day for Valoris

Indigo (Lisa) smiles

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you. I will remember

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] he Hummms and the trees over the cottage push back down

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] covering up everything

[Valoris Onod Ancien (Master)] and Ancien walks off deeper into the forest humming to himself

Indigo (Lisa) gathers up the axe and hands the large halberd to Sarengar to take home

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs "I do so like Ancien"

Sarengar (Guy) takes the halberd and looks it over to see the best place to break the handle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now that we are home I think I shall spend many afternoons in the forest with a good book

[Sarengar (Guy)] I never knew that you actually knew a real live treant

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When we forst arrived the Moskins asked us to do him a favor

[Sarengar (Guy)] thank you Branwyn for allowing me to join you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have been helping each other out in various ways ever since

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "With all of the things we have seen in just this short time, you are surprised?"

Sarengar (Guy) grins at Llathyandryll

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am very glad you are with us

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "If Zeus himself stepped down from the clouds and asked a favor, I would not be surprised."

[Sarengar (Guy)] my training as a ranger was on the water, treants were merely stories to me

[Master] story arc idea?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] )lol)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((especially since we arent greek))

[Sarengar (Guy)] to have actually seen one and speak to him thats like you getting an invitaion to an all female party where you are the only male

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "My luck they would be lesbians."

[Master] greeks

[Master] so you are heading back to the Orchard house

[Master] then back to the Estates?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Sure. Why not

Sarengar (Guy) walks by Indigo talking about how best to destroy the axe and halberd

[Master] and you are destroying the two?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sounds good - that way we don't come in with a load of weapons)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (of course we are - I promised)

[Master] want to add that to the XP

[Master] and for Indigo and Sarengar to consider, types of things to do to break them

[Master] acid

[Master] crushing blow

[Master] fireball

[Master] magical fire

[Master] magical frost

[Master] lightning bolt

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((lol. we get hordes of useless and cursed weapons that we should destroy and no one does. Now we get an axe of sharpness and everyone is figuring out how to destroy it oh sweet irony.))

[Master] electric attack

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hey we did get rid of the cursed axe))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((you still wanted to keep it though!))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i have a nice +2 cutlass to show for it as well)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((at least until there was a better option))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((weapons of sharpness are amazing))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((you had a great idea i give you that))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((neither of my characters care about it particularly, but it is a shame to get rid of))

[Master] Indigo XP award: 3500. Next level in 24358.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 7000. Next level in 9271.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 7000. Next level in 16559.

[Master] Koorin XP award: 2500. Next level in 2032.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 5000. Next level in 1644.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((yeah but as you said none of us can use an axe or a halberd))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ancien asked us to destroy them and they will be destroyed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No point talking about what ifs

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((this is true. but weapon of sharpness is usually +5, which more than makes up for nonproficiency in a fighter))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((its is definetly a shame to destroy the axe but we did promise to destroy it))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((besides theres a lot of coin at stake))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and a few body parts

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((how much loots are we talking about bob?))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((do we at least get the xp for the axe when we destroy it?))

[Master] yes to destroying axe etc added to XP

[Master] I just awarded the Story Arc XP based on that destruction

[Sarengar (Guy)] why only 5k for llath?

[Master] Marco missed a few of the sessoins

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((oh... so we dont really have to do anything special to destroy it then.))

[Master] I always tier it out a bit

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((okay, well... who has some hot fires or something to blast the weapons into oblivion?))

[Sarengar (Guy)] how much gold are we looking at? and will we get xp for all that loots?

[Master] There is a blacksmith

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((meanwhile, llath will detect magic on the sword and id it if it is magical))

[Master] and yes you get XP for converting the coin into useable wealth such as building things or using it for training etc

[Master] and yes it is a magical long sword

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified:

[Master] a couple of days of trips and Indigo and Sarengar bring back roughly 12,000 gp

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Spells - CHANGED: Identify -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll casts a spell against : Identify: I identify (5) 5 functions with a (10*5) 50% chance of success.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have a pearl?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((thought we picked some up in the last town we did iding in))

[Master] you have the money to buy one if you want

[Master] you can just cross off the equivilent GP

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d100) [1d100=24] 24

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d100) [1d100=21] 21

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (500 gp?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((btw, anything other than the sword to id?))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((only need 1 pearl, but can save em for later if we buy more))

[Sarengar (Guy)] the spear

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d100) [1d100=100] 100

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d100) [1d100=83] 83

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (1d100) [1d100=77] 77

[Master] it is a +1 longsword with no other functions

[Master] the spear is a +1 spear +2 versus Bullywugs

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] heh. glad we fight lots of those

[Sarengar (Guy)] and i dont remember if the bone dagger was magical

[Master] no to bone dagger being magical

[Master] and anything else you need to cast another spell

[Sarengar (Guy)] ok

[Sarengar (Guy)] theres a lot to appraise though

[Master] and when you rthief logs in I will tel him to get in here

[Master] for now

[Sarengar (Guy)] how much silver?

[Master] what do you want to do about building?

[Master] and that total was GP and SP converted into GP totals

[Sarengar (Guy)] ok

[Master] 12,000 GP worth of coins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm confused - where are we and what time is it? I thought we were socializing on our first day)

[Master] you are at the Orchard House

[Master] finished with Flower Power

[Master] I am leaving time "squishy" so that we can accomodate TMO coming at any moment

[Master] transport of the coins, destruction of the weapons, etc

[Master] and Guy you saw the part before you got here about why the old goblin caves are not a good idea?

[Master] no fire, etc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that is a good point. Ancien would not be happy if a potion goes wrong and I have an explosion in his forest

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] would be fun to watch you explain it though

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh yeah

[Sarengar (Guy)] no i didnt and scrolling up is a pain on this comp

[Master] no worries

[Sarengar (Guy)] no fires even underground?

[Master] this is where we need to debate the merits of what to build

[Master] and no fires anywhere, remember Ancien forbid you from doing it during the first adventuer

[Master] digging deeper

[Sarengar (Guy)] heck for lighting we can use magical lights

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] continual light is within our power

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but can it heat a cauldron?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] no. That it cant

[Master] so one key issue to discuss is how you want to bundle things

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] what do you mean?

[Master] I am anticipating you will earn an additional 7-10 K XP during this next story arc

[Sarengar (Guy)] brb

[Master] depending on what you build

[Master] etc

[Master] Is Lisa dead set against builing her own place? or does it depend?

[Lisa] So the church has to be a grand stone building for 19K gp?

[Master] that is the base starting generic price

[Master] that goes up or down based on 7 factors

[Lisa] and do we have to furnish said church?

[Master] 8 sorry

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] is there any point in building a better church?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] other than a need to spend money?

[Master] grand stone building is what is expected, you could build a bigger better one if you want to

[Master] if you have a plan for building more than just the church, you can bundle all sorts of things into the plan

[Sarengar (Guy)] back

[Master] the factors are: Climate, Geography, Gorund Cover, Local Social Structure

[Master] you cannot change those

[Master] things that are potentially changable are Resource Availablity, Workers Skill and WOrkers Morale

[Lisa] do we have to furnish it? altars, pews etc?

[Master] Resource Availability changes based on Stone verus Wood

[Master] and yes to Lisa the cost includes finishing it

[Master] with all the inside stuff needed

[Lisa] thx

[Master] the Workers Skill changes based on Stone versus Wood

[Master] and the Workers Morale changes based on what is being built

[Master] building a church brings the highest morale

[Lisa] they would be happier building a brothel

[Master] and anything else built at the same time benefits from that

[Lisa] oops guess not

[Master] grins

[Master] if you build a church and a brothel both get the same bonus

[Sarengar (Guy)] llathyandrylls morale would go up as well lol

[Master] if you build only a brothel maybe not as high, you will not know until you work out the actual numbers

[Lisa] but then we'd have to deal with zoning issues - too much of a hassle

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] seems like they would go hand in hand

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] go one place to confess your sins and the other to commit them

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] thats convenience

[Master] not all religions woudl consider it a sin

[Master] some churches would be considered Brothels

[Master] too bad they are not the ones who raised Branwyn from the dead

[Lisa] lol

[Master] or good for her at least that it was not

[Lisa] so we will have happy workers

[Master] for the church yes

[Lisa] does the stone thing help us or hurt us?

[Master] stone is average skill but poor and far for resource availablity

[Master] wood is good skill and close and good for resource availablity

[Sarengar (Guy)] which is a good thing because climate is going to hurt a little

[Master] going with the idea that you stay away from Valoris Wood

[Lisa] yes

[Master] when combined Climate, Geography, Ground Cover and Local Social Sturcture are a wash, they equal a modifier of 1

[Master] so cost of grand stone building would be 19000

[Master] you have a church which increases the cost, making it fancy and such

[Master] you have very high morale with cuts things in half

[Master] if you build in stone

[Master] you can expect an overall modifier of .75

[Sarengar (Guy)] so all together how much and how long?

[Lisa] so about 15K for the church

[Master] and an overall cost for the church to be 15,716 GP and take 503 man weeks to complete

[Master] again if you only build the church

[Master] if you add in other buildings will affect the costs and time

[Master] by the way that cost includes the wood for flooring etc

[Master] if you include one medium stone building

[Master] the overall cost goes up to 18,191

[Master] but there are thousands of combinations you can make out of these pieces

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] okay. So... time to calculate how many manweeks each of us is worth eh?

[Master] the entire book is on the site in RFT format to download and play with

[Master] that would be a good thing to help with Marco

[Master] 1 man week per level

[Lisa] so for 3K extra I could have a lab bldg

[Master] a basic lab building yes

[Lisa] and library would stay at orchard house?

[Master] you can add a moat,

[Master] underground stuff

[Master] a tower

[Master] etc

[Lisa] why would I want a moat around a regular building?

[Master] my advice is to think about what everyone wants

[Master] just throught out thoughts

[Master] throwing

[Lisa] would look like I had flooding problems

[Master] or you could stock it with alligator

[Lisa] you need impressive bldg to have a moat

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] arent there other things than level that affect manweeks? I forget. been a long time since I had to work out building stuff

[Lisa] otherwise looks like circular drainage ditch

[Sarengar (Guy)] and we can always add to the lab building later right?

[Master] 1 week per level, 1 week per spell for each level

[Lisa] square actually

[Master] so a wizard with 2 1st lvl and 1 2nd lvl

[Master] gets 3 for 3rd level, 2 for 1st lvl spells and 2 for 2nd levl spells for a total of 7 man weeks

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] oh, yeah. so bran can practically do it all on her own with how many spells she has

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] spell casters are awesome for building :)

[Master] this is true

[Master] which is why I am saying to figure out what you might possibly want

[Master] top of the line, etc

[Master] then figure out how long how much

[Master] and then cut back if you need to

[Master] build your theater for Sarengar

[Master] build a tower, library, lab, etc

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] lets see... llath's weeks would be.... (5+6+8+12) 31

[Sarengar (Guy)] theater can wait

[Lisa] but what Guy said last week is true? we have about 10K in party pack?

[Master] not sure

[Master] what ever you have in gold from previous,

[Master] add in 12K

[Master] plus you have a ton of gems, etc to trade in

[Lisa] and weapons and pretty things

[Master] nods

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] koorin is (4+6+10) 20

[Master] you will not finish this Story Arc with all new buildings and a full treasury

[Master] but you will all have leveled, you will have built what you need

[Lisa] we have a 3000 gp goblet

[Master] and then when all is said and done want to go out for more adventures

[Lisa] have to look at both the travelling party pack and the home base page

[Lisa] do we have to decide tonight?

[Master] no

[Master] I want the conversation to move forward though

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ... brans spells are set up weird.

[Lisa] can we see how things appraise and then I will add up everything and post on the site

[Lisa] no they aren't

[Lisa] they are in level order

[Sarengar (Guy)] 22545 worth of gold in just gold and platinum

[Master] Grand wooden building is only 375 GP

[Lisa] then alphabetically

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] yeah, but the magical abilities section is not set up correctly, so you cant make use of the setup spells button

[Master] you can have a 9 theaters as large as teh church is for for that one gobblet

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[Lisa] I just added them from the drop down list thing

[Sarengar (Guy)] which goblet we have 2 of them'

[Master] brb refills

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] mind if I edit your sheet a little to show you what I mean?

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] was there something I was supposed to add?

[Lisa] go ahead

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] okay. one sec.

[Lisa] there are so many things we need to take into consideration

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Magical Abilities - DELETED: null, null, null.

[Lisa] we have to do everybody's training

[Lisa] can't spend everything and find out we don't have cash for 3 levels of thief training or whatever

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] okay. take a look at your spell section

[Sarengar (Guy)] training wont be as expensive because we can take longer

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] see the magical abilities at the top?

[Lisa] but we still need everyone to come up with what they need

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] where you list how many slots per level?

[Lisa] yes...

[Lisa] "

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] if you list them ast "1st level" klooge gets confused. See how on the first line I put a 1?

[Lisa] yes

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] try clicking edit, then click setup spells and see what happens

[Lisa] I get a pop up box

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] so right now, the dialog box that opens up lets you access your 1st level spells, though if you click on the other things you see they are blank

TMO has joined the game on Fri Mar 02 21:35:35 EST 2012

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] you can use that to set up your spells once it is all set up properly

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] easier to keep track of your spells that way

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] what do you mean set up?

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[Lisa] when I memorize them in the morning?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] choose which spells you have memorized yeah

[TMO] hola, folksies

[Lisa] but I do that below

[Lisa] does it make any difference?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] yeah, but that window will do all the math for you so you dont have to count how many slots you have. once you filled up your slots it wont let you add any more

[Lisa] LOL

[Lisa] I guess that will help when I am 15th level

[Lisa] I only have to count up to four now

[Master] no need to use your toes even

[Master] Ok so we will backtrack a bit

[Master] this is why the time is squishy

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] well, it cant hurt to have set up anyway. shall I do the rest?

[Lisa] or opposable thumbs

[Master] TMO's character actually met you in Rivers Bend

[Master] before you left for Jistille Estates

[Lisa] if you would like to that would be nice

[Master] and then just was not around for meeting Ancien you can explain that to him in a bit

[Master] so TMO,

[Master] meeting up with Sarengar in Rivers Bend

[Lisa] otherwise I will try it when I clean up all the stuff I am missing everywhere else on my pages :(

[Sarengar (Guy)] howdy TMO

[Lisa] so we have been travelling with him?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Accelerate Plant Growth -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- # Memorized: 2 (+2), CHANGED: Phantasmal Killer -- # Memorized: 1 (+1), Notes - CHANGED. Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 4 (0). DELETED: 1st Level, 4, null. DELETED: 2nd Level, 3, null. DELETED: 3rd Level, 3, null. DELETED: 4th Level, 2, null.

[Master] yes this is a flash back to how you met

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] and its done

[Lisa] thank you!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] you can now use the setup spells button

[TMO] ack. how do I undock message window?

[Master] edit view chat history

[TMO] got it

[TMO] itty-bitty window, could only see 2 lines of text

[TMO] Yes! I am Ilero, and I have been travelling with you in sekret for days now! >_>

[Master] lol

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] Did you not notice me at dinner last night, eating beans?

[Lisa] sneaky thief

[TMO] Is a good resume, no?

[Master] Ok so this is the meeting with Ilero and Sarengar in Rivers Bend as he wants to travel with you

[Master] and ACTION

[Master] CLCIK

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((what race is he?))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((lol))

[TMO] Scene: Short, swarthy, dark hair (human): Escuse me, sir. Are you friend of mage Branwyn?

[Sarengar (Guy)] yes I am why do you ask?

[TMO] (I have no idea what a Finnish accent sounds like)

[TMO] (so fill it in with your own imaginations)

[TMO] (btw, this is in spite of the fact that I've known at least one Finn)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((or because of that fact))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Are you a suitor?"

[TMO (to Guy only)] I wish to join mage Branwyn's group, if they have me. I have weapon here that needs magework occasionally, and I hear good things of this group. If they have me, of course.

[Master] (tonight the part of Kylia will be played by Branwyn)

[TMO] I don't think I did that right

[Master] it went to Guy only

[Master] the rest can read it after it is posted

[Sarengar (Guy)] hmm

[Master] do the chat as function TMO

TMO I wish to join mage Branwyn's group, if they have me. I have weapon here that needs magework occasionally, and I hear good things of this group. If they have me, of course.

[Master] right click and chat as Ilero

[Master] then just type away like normal

[Ilero (TMO)] chat chat chat

[Sarengar (Guy)] I can introduce you to her but you would have to convince her

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ".... you have a weapon that sometimes needs magework? A rather shoddy sounding enchantment."

[Ilero (TMO)] Of course. Thank you.

[Sarengar (Guy)] BUT a word of warning if you think you will be able to harm her I will have your head on a platter before you can blink

[Ilero (TMO)] My flail uses charges to work. When it is low, I need mage to put some back in it.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Come now. No need for hostilities so early in the game. There is plenty of time for sword waving later."

Sarengar (Guy) nods at ilero

Ilero (TMO) grins. "I have no sword. Only flail."

[Sarengar (Guy)] I will introduce you to her

[Ilero (TMO)] Thank you.

Sarengar (Guy) leads Ilero to Branwyn

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 11'02".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Bran somebody wishes to speak withy you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With me? Who is coming to visit?

[Sarengar (Guy)] he needs mage help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Doesn't everybody?

Sarengar (Guy) grins at Branwyn

[Ilero (TMO)] I wish to join band with mage, and I hear good things of Branwyn's group. If they have me, of course.

Sarengar (Guy) whispers to Branwyn "youre famous already"

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes the man before her up and down and gives a little chuckle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And who am I speaking with good sir?

[Ilero (TMO)] My name is Ilero Sauscha. I am trained at scouting, in Blackwater and the Dark.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well Ilero it is nice to meet you. May I ask how you know my name?

[Sarengar (Guy)] you will soon be as famous as i am Bran

Sarengar (Guy) grins at Branwyn

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head "God forbid!"

Sarengar (Guy) laughs

[Sarengar (Guy)] then Rendedn can follow you around all day

[Ilero (TMO)] The name of Branwyn is well known in mercenary bands, in Loosend, Rivers Bend, and others. I have served with other bands, and when chance comes to meet them, I take it.

[Ilero (TMO)] (I am probably going to really regret taking an accent later, but I've had much, MUCH worse before)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ahh so you have heard of me through talk of the Dragonslayers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That makes a bit more sense

[Master] ( is good for now)

[Ilero (TMO)] (it can fade out over time if it becomes annoying. Had one character whose native tongue didn't use personal pronouns. Always spoke in the third person.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You say you are a scout? We already have a more than capable ranger in Sarengar.

[Sarengar (Guy)] if he scouts on land then he is better than I am

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That may be true

[BiBo!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot place your accent. Where are you from Ilero?

[Ilero (TMO)] Four eyes is better than two. And I have much experience in the Dark, and good night vision, so am good at night watches too.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Our halflings have night vision. But that is a good skill

[Ilero (TMO)] I am from Lisjask, in Blackwater.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Never heard of it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((actully bran is the only one with no night vision lol))

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ilero modified: Personal Information - Hometown:: CHANGED: Lisjask, Blackwater (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (need to look at a map I guess)

[Master] adding it now

[Ilero (TMO)] (You'll find Blackwater, but not Lisjask)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Sarengar & Llath has night vision?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that ruins my next sentence if you do)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wth)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sarengar is a half-elf and llath is full elf))

[Master] ok

[Master] not adding anything until later then

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (didn't know that was an elf thing - thought it was a thief thing. I know nothing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero, you know that we do not call Rivers Bend home?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will be returning to Drillian soon. Are you willing to travel there?

[Ilero (TMO)] Nor I. Black Water is beyond Drillian from here. Loosend is even closer to home.

[Sarengar (Guy)] brb

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you are familiar with the mists of Drillian and would not mind staying there for the foreseeable future to join us?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you have ever been through Drillian you would know it is not the most pleasant of lands for those not accustomed to it

[Sarengar (Guy)] back

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes. That would be very good, I think. I have experience with the swamps, they hold little danger for me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wonderful. And you would wish to become a Dragonslayer?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The others in our party are not. Except Indigo.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not sure they are the mercenary types

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes please. If there is room for another.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps Sarengar

[Ilero (TMO)] (so the dragonslayers are not all dragonslayers?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well then. I see no reason why you cannot join us. I would like that.

[Sarengar (Guy)] if the Dragonslayers wish to create a naval side I d gladly be the first to join

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm.... I just wish I could find someone who could do some appraising for us. What the booths in the city charge for appraisal is highway robbery.

[Ilero (TMO)] Most excellent! Thank you!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You don't happen to know anyone like that do you?

[Sarengar (Guy)] hmm

[Ilero (TMO)] I may be able to help with that some. I also have some experience with that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know the skill of appraising?

[Ilero (TMO)] Indeed, although I make no claim to being expert, I have some skill with it.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks closely at Ilero "Thief are we then?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A rogue? Man of stealth and trickery?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who wants to join a band of mercenaries

[Ilero (TMO)] No, scout. Although many skills overlap. Stealth, quietness, camouflage. One of my teachers was once a thief, and many of his lessons have been most useful.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "yes a scout it is then"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] One of my very good friends was a thief. And his mentor I would have liked to rip apart with my dagger. I really just wanted to see what you would say

[Ilero (TMO)] I am also good at instruction. It has come in useful too, when paired with new scouts.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well then welcome aboard as Sarengar would say. We leave soon to Drillian

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero (TMO)] Very good. I look forward to serving the Dragonslayers.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have any questions?

[Ilero (TMO)] How much is the pay?

[Master] and so over the time on the knarr traveling towards home you can have Ilero apparaise some thigns for you,

[Ilero (TMO)] ( ;) )

[Master] grins

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "We get paid?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You shall have some gold in your pockets always. But treasure is shared amongst us for our common good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mercenary commune?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Is acceptable.

[Master] and so back at teh Orchard House

[Ilero (TMO)] (suffers whiplash from the camera zoom)

[Master] you have traveled with Ilero now for 2 weeks

[Master] chuckles

[Master] panoramic shot of the Estates and then zoom into the Orchard House as Ilero looks up in the afternoon from everyone returning from the forest

[Master] he was organizing the goods at home, laying out items to check etc while you went off to the wood

[Widow Washburn (Master)] You know Miss Branwyn

[Widow Washburn (Master)] he is very clean

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what a nice thief to go through all our stuff while we were gone)

[Widow Washburn (Master)] very tidy

[Widow Washburn (Master)] not a single fork out of place

[Ilero (TMO)] (very conscientous, I am)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Have you counted them?

[Widow Washburn (Master)] are you home for a while now?

[Widow Washburn (Master)] her eyes grow big

[Widow Washburn (Master)] and then DUCKS back towards the kitchen

[Ilero (TMO)] (I make sure no one has taken nothing while you away)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh yes! And I am so happy to be here

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs at the widow scurrying off

Branwyn (Lisa) calls out "Come back! I was only teasing"

[Widow Washburn (Master)] she looks around slowly

Sarengar (Guy) chuckles

[Widow Washburn (Master)] all these strangers in the house

[Widow Washburn (Master)] Master Indigo was so quiet this morning

[Widow Washburn (Master)] and that other oen fussing in my kitchen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They will not be strangers for long

[Widow Washburn (Master)] I had to shoo her out three times

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Koorin is difficult to keep out of the kitchen.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But that can be a good thing! Sje really is a marvelous cook and can take some work off of your shoulders

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "I just dont get to cook in a proper kitchen often enough..."

Sarengar (Guy) mutters something about it being dificulkt to keep her out of everything especially trouble

[Widow Washburn (Master)] Oh and you have such a lovely voice, mr, ?

[Widow Washburn (Master)] I heard you this morning as you were bathing

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar Swiftbreeze at your service maam

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Do you often listen in on men bathing?"

Sarengar (Guy) bows to thye widow washburn

[Widow Washburn (Master)] she smiles and curtses

[Widow Washburn (Master)] these walls are thin, it is easy enough to hear what is happening all over the house

[Widow Washburn (Master)] years ago that is what Master Indog and Ms Branwyn did for me

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::smirks:: "Good to know."

[Widow Washburn (Master)] they helped save me from horrible monsters

[Widow Washburn (Master)] who invaded my home

[Sarengar (Guy)] true and that reminds me Llathandryll those noises you were making last night were keeping me awake

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ferocious beasts they were, weren't they?

[Widow Washburn (Master)] and Mister Foriso was always such a nice fellow, will he be joining you soon?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I believe those were the sounds of your own flatulence unfortunately."

[Widow Washburn (Master)] is he up at teh Keep?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks down sadly "No I am afraid Foriso has passed on. He went valiently as a hero and we were all proud of his great sacrifice"

[Widow Washburn (Master)] Oh, she deflates a bit

[Widow Washburn (Master)] he was a handsome fellow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (everybody loved foriso)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((even the guards liked him lol))

Branwyn (Lisa) puts her arm around widow washburn "And very kind to his friends"

[Widow Washburn (Master)] I suppose I will light a candle for him at the shrine

[Widow Washburn (Master)] he would like that I think

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think he would

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So, Ilero, what have you been up to while we were gone besides organizing forks?

[Widow Washburn (Master)]

[Ilero (TMO)] I have been going through the stores here, seeing what we have, so I can do best job at appraising them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] wonderful. What have we got?

[Master] recent things incluse an Earring, a Claps, tiara and a Goblet all waiting to be appraised

[Master] and 8 gems

[Ilero (TMO)] I can not tell magic stuff, of course. Too dangerous for me to touch until I know more.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] just to start

[Master] and 7 other gems, and a done dagger with a red gem in the hilt

[Master] those are just from the ghoul encounters

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and and and

[Ilero (TMO)] I do my best.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how do you want to do this?)

[Master] Ilero can make his appraising check roll to the DM only

[Master] and I will spit out the results

[Master] will start from the bottum up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just start at the top and go down our list or did you whave a plan Bob?)

[Master] go from most recent to oldest

[Master] so Earring, Goblet, Tiarra, Clasp

[Ilero (TMO)] test run first, to make sure I have the right settings

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (8 gems then?)

[Master] yeap

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] exactly

[Master] now do that four more times

[Ilero (TMO)] did you get it?

[Ilero (TMO)] I saw nothing, so I guess it worked?

[Master] grins

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Sheesh. I don't even get a count to say I rolled something.

[Ilero (TMO)] :P

[Master (to TMO only)] out of the four items you know the Tiara is worth around 1500 gp but cannot get a good feel for the other three things

Ilero (TMO) slides the tiara out. "This one, I think, about 1500 gold. These others I am not for sure, sorry."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So sad

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it is a lovely tiara

[Master] and then 8 gems

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master (to TMO only)] two of them you are sure of, a Spinel worth 1,000 and a Bloodstone worth 50 the rest just not sure

[Sarengar (Guy)] well all im off get to go to a wedding tomorrow

[Master] congrats!

[Sarengar (Guy)] yall have a good night

[Master] who is Kaz marrying?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Ilero (TMO)] These two gems: Spinel- 1000 gold. Bloodstone- only 50. Others, not for sure.

[Ilero (TMO)] have fun!

[Guy] oh and before i forget bob you suck lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goodnight!

[Guy] and shes marrying her long time boyfriend and as soon as i find out it is ill tell you so you can send comndolence cards on her widowhood lol

[Master] grins

Guy has left the game on Fri Mar 02 22:45:06 EST 2012

[Master] the next item up on the table is the Bone dagger with the red gem in the hilt

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] I bid 5000 gp

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] sold

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] rich guy over there bids 6000

[Master (to TMO only)] nope

Ilero (TMO) takes Bibo's money

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] not much there to take :)

[Ilero (TMO)] This bone dagger is nice work, but I can not tell what value might be. Depends on collector, most likely.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have 4 gems that belros failed at)

[Master] you have lots of gems to appraise

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "a collector of bone weaponry? Probably a distasteful sort I imagine"

[Ilero (TMO)] (before I get lynched for being lousy at this, remember he is Mr Vanilla. The only reason he has a stat outside of average is because I moved points)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (why is he mr vanilla?)

[Ilero (TMO)] every stat was between 9-12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] oh - that wasn't good

[Ilero (TMO)] (fortunately I got a 3 for moving pts, and change 2 12s to a 9 and a 15.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] unfortunately we do know another thief

[Ilero (TMO)] (then slighted and favored his Balance up to a 17)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] just shudder to think what he would charge us

[Ilero (TMO)] (what's next on the appraisal list?)

[Master] 7 more gems

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] right # of rolls?

[Ilero (TMO)] 1 click may not have took

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (besides the 8 & 7 already done?)

[Master] 7 registered

[Ilero (TMO)] k

[Master] and still moving up my list of things you do not know value of

[Ilero (TMO)] haven't done 7 gems yet. Was 4 items, 8 gems, bone dagger.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay - sorry - trying to match up with party pack list to make sure my list is right too)

[Master (to TMO only)] a black opal worth 2,000 and a pearl worth 50

[Ilero (TMO)] This is good gem here. Black Opal, very nice. And this pearl, about 50 gold. Not bad.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (both 50?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Hehe. No. Black Opal, about 2000.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] wow

[Ilero (TMO)] I thought you would like that. Would make nice brooch, yes?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] or a couple of shelves of books in the library

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes, or a couple of shelves of books in the library.

[Master] that completes everything from Flower Power

[Master] at least one pass over each item

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't wear much jewelry other than my locket

[Master] you have the Spear also

[Master] and the spell book you found

[Master] and the two scrolls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes we need to sell the spear

[Master] one of Protection from Cold and one of Protection from Undead

[Master] I thought Sarengar wanted to keep the spear?

[Master] +1, +2 v bullywugs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] he's not here is he?

[Master] grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] *evil laugh*

[Branwyn (Lisa)] we should stil appraise it

[Master] will look up a value in a bit

[Master] you have the goblet you got from teh Orge during Witch Hunters

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (i have more stuff)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought we appraised that for 3000)

[Master] that is a different one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we also have church goblet for 1000)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and we have goblet that just failed)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can't have more goblets)

[Master] I show goblet from Ghoul treasure, goblet from Witch Hunters, neither of which you know the value for

[Master] the 3000 gp goblet you got back during Skull Church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mine is not ied to adventure would have to search chat)

[Master] that is a third goblet

[Master] I think that your 1,000 value is for one of the two recent ones

[Master] but I did not mark down that you actually figured that out

[Master] will mark it as the one from the Witch Hunters, you got from the ogre

[Branwyn (Lisa)] goblet from norse church was under ogre with witch that was killing priestesses

[Master] and we are in sync with that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] then next was the last one we found in sack with tiara

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so no more goblets

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have 4 gems belros failed at

[Master] three gobblets total, only one not values

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes

[Master] yes to 4 gems

[Master] and a mirror

[Master] and a small box

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and a fancy wooden box

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and amber piece

[Master] and earring

[Master] etc

[Ilero (TMO)] 8 rolls?

[Master] so give us 4 rolls TMO

[Ilero (TMO)] I was close!

[Master] for gems

[Master] then 3 for misc t hings

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that's all I have

[Master] Chalcedony for 50

[Master] Jet for 100

[Master] Garnet for 500

[Master] Sapphire for 1000

[Ilero (TMO)] I done good!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that was a nice roll!

[Ilero (TMO)] Mr IRollLow is backQ

[Ilero (TMO)] !

[Master] and then two more

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] nothing on Mirror or Small Boz you found in the shipwreck

[Branwyn (Lisa)] amber?

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] next is the Earring and the medal

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] nothign on the amber

[Master] the Earing is worth 900

[Master] and the medal

[Branwyn (Lisa)] didn't we already do the earrings?

[Master] you knew they were not normal metal

[Master] but not how much

[Master] one more roll TMO

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ow, my tennis elbow!

[Master] and the Medal is worth 200 GP

[Branwyn (Lisa)] this is a different earring than the ones with the tiara?

[Master] it is a silver medal from a competition in Rivers Bend

[Master] and yes this is an earring you found in the ship wreck during Pirate Queens

[Master] and now 7 more gems from that loot you never checked

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I didn't have that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that either

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] this is the dragon turtle stuff

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Ilero: Appraising check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] zircon for 50

[Master] Topaz for 500

[Branwyn (Lisa)] when we were distracted with almost everyone dead or unconscious

[Master] Star Rose Quartz for 50

[Master] Obsidian for 10

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] that is the total of everything in the various piles of loot that you have gathered up in the Orchard House now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] very nice at the end there

[Ilero (TMO)] I was on a roll

[Master] You have a list of things you do not know the value for: a set of Earrings, a Goblet and a Clasp plus 10 gems from the Flower Power story arc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So I will get this all put up on the site and we can talk about money and how we want to spend it

[Ilero (TMO)] I have a few ideas...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] during the week posting so Guy can see if he is going to be gone next Friday

[Master] you have a mirror a small box and 3 gems from the Pirate Queen story arc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and Marco are your training needs on the site?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] dont think so.

[Master] so in total those 5 things plus 13 gems left that you do not know the value on

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have 4 or 5 slots to train for and maybe more if I level

[Master] everything else you know

[Branwyn (Lisa)] thank you

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] how much more xp are we expecting?

[Master] and we will work out based on the idea that Branwyn will reach 9th level

[Master] she is less than 10,000 to go

[Master] and XP from the Burst of Building story arc,

[Master] plus the 10% bonus for all adventures after Witch Hunters

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] so I am guessing llath will level, probably koorin too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so at 9th level I will have 7 slots to train for

[Master] I woudl plan on everyone getting 10K to make things easier to plot out

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero is a teacher, if any of his skills are something people would be interested in

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] lemme do some calculationing

[Ilero (TMO)] he knows how to pick wild mushrooms, and always find the best hotel in town, and which dog to bet on at the races...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] that included the 2 needed for Indigo's mastery

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Koorin modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just don't want to go crazy on building and then find out we can't pay for training

[Master] I think that you should total up all of it

[Master] remember training can take longer too

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] dont think llath will have any training after the xp, but koorin has 3 prof slots, 30 thief skill points and 3rd level spells to train

[Master] 700 gp for 7 weeks

[Master] so if you are clicking off a year

[Master] you can stretch that out to 14 weeks and a couple hundred gold

[Branwyn (Lisa)] even for the mastery?

[Master] donation of scrolls to Koorin's church etc

[Master] Mastery is an adventure, needs to get someone to accept him

[Master] we will do that beginning of next week

[Master] and Court Mage

[Branwyn (Lisa)] thought we were visiting moskins next week?

[Master] and such

[Master] yeap

[Master] all sorts of things

[Master] squishy time frames

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so marco that equals 7 trainings for Koorin?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you are very squishy this evening

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] I count 5

[Branwyn (Lisa)] okay - don't know what that thief stuff means

[Master] Ilero is fully trained,

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] 30 points is one level worth

[Master] no cost there :)

Ilero (TMO) poses dramatically.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] next time I die I have to be something else so I can learn this junk

[Master] chuckles, she is among the highest characters ever in the game

[Master] and the next time she dies

[Master] OH

[Master] Guy did not get a chance to show off his new henchman

[Lisa] what???

[Ilero (TMO)] Excuse me. I *don't* hench!

[Lisa] Guy never wanted a henchman

[Master] he got a new henchmen in Rivers Bend

[Lisa] his otter?

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] that's not a henchman

[Lisa] that's a pet

[Ilero (TMO)] henchpet

[Master] chuckles it has more HP than Bran did at third level

[Lisa] or dinner maybe if Koorin is around

[Lisa] hah! seriously?

[Master] it is not a simple little pet

[Master] he can do some fun things when you guys are outdoors

[Lisa] and he can around around biting people's ankles in combat

[Master] not a follower but better than a pet

[Lisa] we have a room that may be full of poison gas. Let's toss the otter in and see what happens

[Lisa] otter could have uses

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] how is said otter going to get around when we arent around water?

[Lisa] bucket?

[Master] it ambles along at 6

[Master] same as Indigo

[Lisa] oh please

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] it can move that fast on land?

[Lisa] do not compare Indigo to a rodent

[Master] otters move 6 on land 12 or faster in the water

[Master] in any case

[Master] we can wrap up here

[Master] pick up next week with things around the Jistille Estates

[Lisa] is it a him or her otter?

[Master] you three will all be here

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] does it matter?

[Master] a male otters

[Lisa] dunno - maybe

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] planning on breeding them?

[Lisa] Thanks again for fixing my sheet Marco

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] no prob. should be easier now for spells :)

[Lisa] I don't but the otter might have other ideas

[Lisa] okay

[Lisa] See you next week!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] laters

[Ilero (TMO)] thanks!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified:

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 02 23:32:48 EST 2012

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 02 23:32:48 EST 2012

TMO has left the game on Fri Mar 02 23:32:57 EST 2012

[Master] Koorin XP award: 75. Next level in 1957.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 150. Next level in 14850.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 75. Next level in 24283.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 150. Next level in 9121.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 150. Next level in 16409.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 150. Next level in 1494.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 100. Next level in 14750.

First draft and XP awarded