Main / Mar0714

Mar 07 14 - Long Live the King

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 07 21:46:11 EST 2014 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 07 21:58:14 EST 2014

Lisa is receiving the map TFS-med3 (1)...

[Master] Hello there

Lisa has received the map TFS-med3 (1).

[Master] TMO texted and he will be in also

[Master] another 5 or 10 minutes he said

[Lisa] Hello

[Lisa] what about Eric and John?

[Master] they did not replay to my text

[Master] nor did Mike

[Master] but there was a message from mike on my screen that he had a wedding rehersal to go to tonight

[Master] and that he sucked at letting people know things ahead of time

[Lisa] it was ahead of time :)

[Lisa] so did you want to do stuff if it's just me and tmo?

[Master] sure

[Master] you two could whip through half of the secret temple

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] not if we are still doing the where are our horses thing

[Master] well we will see about finishing that up as quickly as possible

[Master] and moving on

[Lisa] ben is totally trying to rip us off

[Master] no

[Lisa] 159 gp for a wagon

[Master] actually a wagon wheel alone is 5 gp

[Master] so 20 just for the wheels

[Lisa] right

[Master] and only 125 for the wagon

[Master] the rest is the oxen

[Lisa] only

[Lisa] I don't want freaking oxen

[Lisa] I want my horses back

[Master] 15 GP for an ox

[Master] draft horse 200 gp

[Lisa] riding into widow washburn's with a pair of oxen

[Lisa] ;if that is the case no farmer would ever be able to afford a horse

[Master] unless they raise it themselves

[Lisa] doesn't make sense

[Lisa] farmer joe found a horse egg and decided to raise one himself?

[Lisa] you don't just get horses without already having horses

[Master] it is a community thing and a noble thing

[Master] most people have oxen to do the plowing etc

[Lisa] exactly - farmers are not nobles

[Master] and no farmers have horses in this area

[Master] which is why that one who found a horse in his field sold it right away

[Lisa] so how did yahoo Ben get the cash to pay the thieves 150 for the wagon?

[Master] he obviously did not pay them 125 gp

[Master] as he wants to sell it to you for that price

[Lisa] see? ripping indigo off

[Master] LOL

[Master] Indigo is a socialist?

[Master] I thought it was capitalism to make a profit

[Master] grins

[Lisa] indigo wants people to understand they they are dealing in stolen poperty and anyone who prfits from stolen property is no better than a thief himself

[Lisa] profits

[Lisa] if ben had built his own wagon he can sell t for whatever he wants to

[Master] the stolen goods issue is complicated to prove

[Lisa] and when has indigo ever been a right wing nutcase capitalism at all costs character anyway?

[Master] never

[Master] never

[Lisa] Dragonslayers are epitome of socialism

[Lisa] all loot goes in a pile and is handed out to those in need

[Master] this is very true

[Master] are you there?

[Lisa] who? me?

[Lisa] the one that has been talking no-stop?

[Master] my connections all reset

[Master] lost all my IM for a bit

[Master] but this stayed up

[Master] ahhh

[Master] my anti virus just updated

[Master] and wants to restart the computer

[Master] not going to let it

[Master] however

[Lisa] you can and I can log back in

[Master] no

[Lisa] it's just me

[Master] will take too long

[Master] can do it after we are done for the night

[Master] but for moving forward

[Master] Indigo can wait and complain to the major domo

[Lisa] would we have branded our horses or anything?

[Master] and hope that he takes Indigo's side and simply takes the wagon away from Ben

[Lisa] stuff on the saddles identifying us?

[Master] yes the horses would have the Jistille Estate brand on them

[Lisa] well then

[Master] not the saddles most likely

[Master] yes

[Master] think on that

[Lisa] but if the saddles were found on the horses....

[Master] you are going to go to the Major Domo for the Duke and tell him that the horses he is riding are stolen and you want them back

[Lisa] gee I have this great saddle, now if I could only steal a horse

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] and tell him about the wagon

[Master] the wagon is more likely

[Lisa] and the bad guys need to give ben his money back

[Lisa] iI want the horses

[Lisa] as it is we have only found 4 of 7

[Master] it is a mess

[Lisa] no kidding

[Master] but you can still complete your mission

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] but that does not mean that Indigo will just give up and not try to seek justice

[Master] oh no

[Master] not thinking that at all

[Lisa] he will do all he can

[Master] he would want to try

[Lisa] he isn't going to go home and say well we saw the horses and stuff but we didn't have the money so we walked 60 miles home

[Lisa] or whatever it is

[Lisa] here is a mule and a whellbarrow instead

[Lisa] they were cheap

[Master] I get that

[Lisa] it is interesting

[Lisa] thi is my adventure so of course this is what is happening

[Lisa] not sure you would have to deal with this if it was someone else's

[Master] 120 miles

[Lisa] oh what I put you through!

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] I thought it was over 100 but wasn't sure and didn't want to exaggerate

[Master] just wanted you to have an accurate number

[Lisa] thank you

[Master] that is 10 days of walking

[Lisa] I was putting the towns in my head along the path but wasn't sure I was getting the distance right

[Master] and half that with the horses

[Lisa] are the shovels in the wagon?

[Master] Ben did not say they were but you did not ask

[Lisa] true

[Lisa] there is time for that

[Lisa] ben can charge us 75 gp for a shovel

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] doesn't appear anyone is coming

[Lisa] you should get rid of all those characters on the left bar that aren't here any more

[Master] such as?

[Lisa] Viridis Dubndragon

[Lisa] Cahus

[Lisa] Valedianna

[Lisa] Androp

[Lisa] oops

[Lisa] not val

[Master] Val is with the group in Eneemy

[Lisa] got that mixed with another Dee creation

[Lisa] sorry

[Master] but I hear you just a sec

[Lisa] Zeronnia I meant to say

[Master] did that help?

[Lisa] how hard is is to bring them back if needed?

[Master] not at all

[Lisa] how do I refresh?

[Master] but if they are still there then I will need to take one more step

[Lisa] nothing changed

[Lisa] all inactive are grayed but still visible

[Lisa] wow

[Lisa] okay

[Master] are they gone now?

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] much shorter list

[Lisa] not so hard to find myself :)

[Master] smile

[Lisa] okay - checked Indigo's nwp

[Lisa] he has taken boating since you first created him

[Master] ok

[Lisa] he is 7th level

[Lisa] seems like he may be light 1 nwp?

[Master] let's walk through how many he should have

[Master] warrior starts at 3 and 1/3 so that would be 5 NWP

[Master] plus his Knowlege score is?

[Lisa] he had 6 and I gave him 1

[Lisa] KNO is 13

[Master] so that is 3

[Master] so that would be a total of 8 NWP spent so far

[Lisa] so he should have only had 5 at 1st level

[Master] and for WP he has 4 plus 1/3 for 6 WP

[Lisa] if he is supposed to have 8 nwp at 7th level he is short one

[Master] but he has 7 WP

[Lisa] this always gesm confused - he has used 7 slots for nwp

[Lisa] I really don't understand the wp for him

[Master] the problem is that he used (which is perfectly allowed) a Knowledge slot on Single Weapon Style

[Lisa] with the whole mastery thing

[Lisa] okay

[Master] he started with 4 WP slots

[Master] and spent 5 total in that upper chart

[Lisa] so if he used one nwp on a weapon and he is supposed to have 8 slots then he is even

[Master] right

[Lisa] okay

[Master] he is where he is supposed to be

[Master] until his Knowledge goes up

[Lisa] so will get another nwp at 9th level

[Lisa] does anyone'

[Master] and at 9th level

[Master] he will gain one NWP and one WP

[Master] stats only go up through magic

[Master] like Branwyn's intelligence

[Master] from her ring

[Master] or there are books to read that give you a boost, etc

[Lisa] indigo doesn't want any more weapons proficiencies

[Master] he can use them on NWPs

[Master] or get even better with his swords

[Lisa] I don't like the idea of people doing 4 million things

[Lisa] I like indigo's focus

[Master] nods

[Master] and you can also spend extra slots on what he knows

[Master] to be better at them

[Master] boating for example

[Master] or ship building

[Master] or Aerial Shipbuilding

[Lisa] he fixes boats, he rows boats, he swims when he falls out of boats

[Lisa] he has two swords and cn beat your ass with them

[Master] nods

[Lisa] he is pretty well set

[Master] and that is good because it is a long way to 9th level

[Master] now he can just be more comfortable

[Lisa] yup

TMO has joined the game on Fri Mar 07 22:49:15 EST 2014

TMO is receiving the map TFS-med3 (1)...

[Lisa] maybe we will teach him how to read at 9th level

[Master] smile

[Lisa] but he might not like that

TMO has received the map TFS-med3 (1).

[Lisa] it seems to be quite the taxing skill for some

[Master] chuckles

[TMO] sorry to be so late. having troubles getting the kids into bed

[TMO] they're STILL not in bed

[Master] I thought you advocated duct tape for that problem

[Lisa] If I could only have been a kid in yours or Eric's house!

[TMO] waiting on wife to get home

[Master] so she can hold them down while you tape them?

[TMO] took her an hour to go get some things for the nephew

[TMO] he's surprise spending the night, so didn't have his stuff

[Master] ahh

[TMO] and, as I expected, Shur can't read

[Master] so the ideas right now to move forward are?

[Master] if you solve this quickly you can be back on the road to the old mine path

[TMO] cart and mule?

[TMO] steal our stuff back?

[TMO] find the emergency flying carpet in Indigo's pack?

[Master] it is 7-8 miles back to that cross roads

[Master] that is half a days walking plus

[TMO] we could just walk it

[Master] LIsa has Indigo perfectly right in character

[Master] wanting to fix this injustice

[TMO] ok, brb - last step at putting them to bed

[Master] cloroform?

[Master] I want to make sure you are at a point where you want to be tonight

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not sure we will be there yet)

[Master] what do you want to try to accomplish?

[Master] lets jsut go forward with that

[Master] knowing what you know

[Indigo (Lisa)] (go to domo's office)

[Master] ok

[Master] so you go across the square to the stone building

[Master] it is all stone, there are iron bars on the windows

[Master] it is a simple square, two story tower

[Master] the front door is closed

[Master] large iron bound thick door

[Master] as Indigo and others approaches the door

[Master] a young man comes running up from the market off to your left

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo stabs him before he can reach the door)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just kidding)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he is running to us or to the building we are in front of?)

Young Man (Master) running up to you

[Young Man (Master)] I am sorry, the Major Domo is not in right now

[Young Man (Master)] did you have a message you wanted me to give him?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello! And when will he be back?

Young Man (Master) eyes grow wide at Indigo's sigil

[Young Man (Master)] Sorry Sir, ....

[Young Man (Master)] Umm

[Young Man (Master)] Sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sir Indigo

[Young Man (Master)] I do not know when he will return

[Young Man (Master)] Sir Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you his assistant?

[Young Man (Master)] SIR INDIGO@

[Young Man (Master)] bows

[Young Man (Master)] yes sir

[Young Man (Master)] that is to say I am the person who is supposed to take messages, etc

[Young Man (Master)] while he is not here

[Young Man (Master)] if any of his men return I will send them right away to find him and tell him you wish to speak with him Sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, I wanted to report that the Major may have bought some horses that were stolen from us down the road a ways.

[Young Man (Master)] it is an honor to have you here Sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you.

[Young Man (Master)] stolen from you?

[Young Man (Master)] you?

[Young Man (Master)] you slew the hydra!

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Young Man (Master)] you defeated an entire army of bullywugs

[Young Man (Master)] who would steal from you?

[Young Man (Master)] it must be some sort of mistake

[Indigo (Lisa)] Our night's watch were overtaken by the spells of a necromancer.

[Young Man (Master)] nasty things those necromancers are

[Young Man (Master)] aught to be outlawed

[TMO] (this evening never ends)

[TMO] (:D)

[TMO] (but, I am back)

[Young Man (Master)] they aught to burn them at the stake

[Young Man (Master)] like they do with witches

[Young Man (Master)] they deserve a good burning

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at the man in disbelief

[Young Man (Master)] any sign of the dark arts

[Young Man (Master)] I say burn them

[Indigo (Lisa)] I wouldn't go that far.

[Young Man (Master)] well you are a Queen's Knight Sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] But we do need our horses back.

[Young Man (Master)] I cannot promise anything Sir

[Young Man (Master)] where are you staying?

[Young Man (Master)] when the Major Domo returns I will come fetch you

[Young Man (Master)] but he might be gone for a couple of days

[Indigo (Lisa)] I heard that the Major is with two of the horse thieves right now

[Young Man (Master)] I never know when he will return

[Indigo (Lisa)] Where did he go?

[Young Man (Master)] he is out hunting bandits

[Indigo (Lisa)] He is WITH the bandits!

[Young Man (Master)] there was word of a gang of lizardmen

[Young Man (Master)] you know he cuaght he bandits?

[Young Man (Master)] how do you do that?

[Young Man (Master)] it that part of being a knight?

Indigo (Lisa) sighs

[Indigo (Lisa)] The men who brought him the horses are the ones that stole them from us

[Indigo (Lisa)] We cannot stay for days waiting for the Major to get back.

[Young Man (Master)] thinking that one through

[Young Man (Master)] I can tell him what you want Sir

[Young Man (Master)] do you want me to write it down?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes. Can I draw you what the Jistelle Estate marking is that will be on our horses.

[TMO] (heh. I was wondering why the conversation was lagging so badly. The window wasn't scrolling down. :D )

[Young Man (Master)] (chuckles)

[Young Man (Master)] I will include it in your letter to him

[Indigo (Lisa)] We got the horses from doing a service for the Queen and I need to get our horses back.

[Young Man (Master)] horses are very valuable

[Indigo (Lisa)] The thieves also sold our wagon to Ben.

[Young Man (Master)] and I imagine that a Knight's horse is even more

[Indigo (Lisa)] I need to get our wagon back as well.

[Young Man (Master)] what does a knight's wagon look like?

[Young Man (Master)] you mean like a carriage?

[Young Man (Master)] all fancy like?

[Indigo (Lisa)] It looks ... looks like a wagon.

[Young Man (Master)] I can talk to Ben

[Young Man (Master)] you say that he stole your wagon

[Indigo (Lisa)] No! It's not fancy. We are on an expedition not a tour.

[Young Man (Master)] I can talk him into giving it back

Shurkural (TMO) fights to keep a straight face.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummmm ... here's what I will do.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We must get back on the road but we will not be too far.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I will leave my representative here at the Inn and you and the Major can deal with her while I am away.

[Young Man (Master)] Yes Sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] Her name is Mistress Jilly of Jistelle Estates.

[Indigo (Lisa)] She will be staying at the Inn.

[Young Man (Master)] she is your mistress?

[Young Man (Master)] OH

[Young Man (Master)] I am sorry

[Young Man (Master)] I see now

[Indigo (Lisa)] NO!

[Young Man (Master)] that startled me sir

[Indigo (Lisa)] That is how you may address her.

[Young Man (Master)] I cannot imagine taking a woman out on an expedition

Shurkural (TMO) frowns.

[Young Man (Master)] it is very good for you to have her here

[Young Man (Master)] I will talk to the inn keeper

[Young Man (Master)] make sure tha tshe is well taken care of for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] And you will make sure that Ben does not sell that wagon to anyone else until we get back.

[Young Man (Master)] yes sir

[Young Man (Master)] I will tell the Major Domo all about it when he returns

[Young Man (Master)] if he catches those thieves you will have their heads

[Young Man (Master)] Thank you sir

[Young Man (Master)] have a good day sir

[Young Man (Master)] (Lisa texted her keyboard is acting up again)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (ok)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (I gave my wife my mouse, so we're even)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think the Major will want to know he has a group of horses that were stolen from Jistelle with Lord Mosskin's brand on them.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I hope both you and he will help us.

jimishaffer-99151 has joined the game on Fri Mar 07 23:31:19 EST 2014

jimishaffer-99151 is receiving the map TFS-med3 (1)...

[Young Man (Master)] If you are gone when he returns, where shall I say he can find you?

jimishaffer-99151 has received the map TFS-med3 (1).

[Young Man (Master)] Hello Jim

jimishaffer-99151 has left the game on Fri Mar 07 23:32:04 EST 2014

[Shurkural (TMO)] (random visitor, I assume?)

[Young Man (Master)] must be something I said

[Young Man (Master)] yeap

[Young Man (Master)] (and Lisa is typing in soemthign else then copy and pasting into here so it takes a bit)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (done for the moment)

[Master] so you want to head out of town?

[Master] you are leaving Jilly at the inn

[Indigo (Lisa)] (klooge zaps my keyboard for some reason)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (close chat history and now working better)

[Master] so anything else in town?

[Master] head back up the road towards the crossroads?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay - if this is scenario, we say Indigo explained everything to Jilly)

[Master] nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she is now mistress Jilly - too bad we cannot play all that out but hope she will be happy)

[Master] smile

[Master] and so anything else or just leave town

[Master] and then we call it a night?

[Master] can do the rest next time

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and since we arenn't buying anything back yet. Should we see about possible renting 1 mule and a cart for the trip?)

[Master] encounter on the road then decide if camping

[Master] yes you can do that

[Master] the young man will go with you

[Master] small cart and a mule

[Master] you can rent for a week

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what do you think tmo?)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (that sounds like the best short term solution)

[Master] it is 8 gp to buy the mule

[Master] or 1 gp to rent it for the week

[Indigo (Lisa)] (rent for the moment)

[Master] Ben promises to buy the mule back from you for 8 gp if you return it in the same condition

[Master] if you do not return it you will have to pay him the 8 gp

[Master] plus the 1 you paid for renting

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok)

[Master] small two wheel card you can take on narrow tracks

[Master] for 1 GP

[Master] and it is yours

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sounds good)

[Master] so wrapping up

[Master] you are all set to head north

[Master] you have Jilly in town for you to deal with the law issues

[Indigo (Lisa)] (shovels?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I am obsessed with my shovels)

[Master] he can sell you a couple of shovels

[Master] will have to look up a price

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I am so sad)

[Master] sorry

[Master] look it as he is coming out of the wilderness

[Indigo (Lisa)] (life happens)

[Master] beaten, bloddy, a mess

[Master] but clutching the shield

[Indigo (Lisa)] (riding an ass)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sigh)

[Master] chuckles

[Shurkural (TMO)] (better than being one ;) )

[Master] OK

[Master] so lets shut this down for the night

[Master] and we will pick up on the road on the site

[Shurkural (TMO)] ok

[Master] or anything someoent thinks of

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo is next week too so will be good)

[Master] ok

[TMO] (oh god. wife is watching Hoarders in the next room)

[Master] sorry

[TMO] (me too)

[Master] I can leave this up for you

[Master] but I am going to walk the dogs and go to bed

[TMO] (not necessary)

[Master] but you can stay here all you want ;)

[Lisa] Goodnight! :)

[TMO] good night

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 07 23:45:22 EST 2014

[TMO] cya

TMO has left the game on Fri Mar 07 23:45:32 EST 2014

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 100. Next level in 6630.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 41602.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 500. Next level in 9167.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 119733.

XP awarded