Main / Mar1105

Mar 11 05 - Chaos Dungeon

Ray Charles has joined the game

Ray Charles is receiving the map...

Ray Charles has received the map.

[Ray Charles] I am away from the keyboard.

Mobuto (Ray Charles) is now controlling Mobuto

Ailea Morakenn (Ray Charles) is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

Moradred (Ray Charles) is now controlling Moradred

Moraleodred (Ray Charles) is now controlling Moraleodred

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Ray Charles) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Weapons - Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - CHANGED: Identify -- Effect: green-glow (null). CHANGED: Read Magic -- Effect: green-glow (null). CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- Effect: green-glow (null). CHANGED: Find Familiar -- Effect: green-glow (null). CHANGED: Firecraker -- Effect: orange-ring (null). CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Effect: energy-ball (null). CHANGED: Phantasmal Force -- Effect: white-ring (null). CHANGED: Cantrip -- Effect: magenta-glow (null). CHANGED: Erase -- Effect: green-glow (null). CHANGED: Protection From Evil -- Effect: yellow-ring (null). CHANGED: Unseen Servant -- Effect: magenta-glow (null). CHANGED: Shield -- Effect: cyan-ring (null). CHANGED: Sparkler -- Effect: lightning (null). CHANGED: Grease -- Effect: black-ball (null). CHANGED: Burning Hands -- Effect: fire (null). CHANGED: Blur -- Effect: blue-ball (null). CHANGED: Deeppockets -- Effect: blue-ball (null). CHANGED: Flare -- Effect: flame-ball (null). CHANGED: Goblin Chaser -- Effect: orange-ring (null). CHANGED: Improved Phantasmal Force -- Effect: white-ring (null). CHANGED: Mirror Image -- Effect: white-ring (null). CHANGED: Invisibility -- Effect: white-ring (null). CHANGED: Continual Light -- Effect: White-glow (null). CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- Effect: gas-ball (null). CHANGED: Spark Fountain -- Effect: lightning (null). CHANGED: Wizard Lock -- Effect: Black-ball (null). CHANGED: Protection From Paralysis -- Effect: blue-ball (null). CHANGED: Bakarapper -- Effect: flame-ball (null). CHANGED: Dragon Whirl -- Effect: yellow-ring (null). CHANGED: Roman Candle -- Effect: sun (null). CHANGED: Sepia Snake Sigil -- Effect: Cyan-ball (null). CHANGED: Wraithform -- Effect: White-ring (null). CHANGED: Spectral Force -- Effect: white-ring (null). CHANGED: Leomund'sTiny Hut -- Effect: magenta-ring (null). CHANGED: Melf's Minute Meteors -- Effect: sun (null). CHANGED: STAFF OF THE MAGIUS -- Effect: lightning (null). Wealth - Saving Throws - Armor - Notes - Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - DELETED: Ring of Regeneration page 993, null, null. ADDED: Ring of Regeneration page 992, null, null. Combat - Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 60.0 (30.0). Sound File: - ADDED: sounds/HeroLichYesAttack1.wav. Custom Expressions - DELETED: Magical figurine of Stone and Earth, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of earth and stone! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realms of Earth and Stone, from the Elemental Plane of Earth a being of Ultimate Power and Might! Rise forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Rise from the stone, rise from the earth, and mud. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing golden dust erupts from the figurine and scatters to the floor as the earth shakes and an elemental of {2*L} levels with maximum hitpoints rises from the ground!!. ADDED: Magical figurine of Stone and Earth {green-ball}, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of earth and stone! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realms of Earth and Stone, from the Elemental Plane of Earth a being of Ultimate Power and Might! Rise forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Rise from the stone, rise from the earth, and mud. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing golden dust erupts from the figurine and scatters to the floor as the earth shakes and a behemouth of an earth elemental of {2*$L} levels with maximum hitpoints rises from the ground!!. ADDED: Magical figurine of Glass (Water) {blue-ball}, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of glass with some form of glowing liquid inside! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realm of perpetual Mist and Rain, from the Elemental Plane of Water a being of Ultimate Power and Might! Rise forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Rise from the depths, rise from the water. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing blue liquid spills from the figurine into the water. Suddenly the water erupts in a huge fountain of fury and a huge water elemental of {2*$L} levels with maximum hitpoints rises from the depths of the water!!. ADDED: Magical figurine of Glass (Air) {Icy-blast}, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of glass with some form of glowing smoke inside! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realm of perpetual Winds, from the Elemental Plane of Air a being of Ultimate Power and Might! Come forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Come from the howling canyons, come from the mountain tops. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing grey smoke spreads out from the figurine into the air. Suddenly the air begins to whilr and twist as clouds seem to form and collect together into a whirling massive devastating tornado like force of an air elemental of {2*$L} levels with maximum hitpoints springs into being from the surrounding winds and ambient air!!!. ADDED: Magical figurine of Glass (Fire) {energy-ball}, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of glass with some form of red glowing light inside! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realm of perpetual Heat and Flames, from the Elemental Plane of Fire a being of Ultimate Power and Might! Rise forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Rise from the ashes, rise from the depths of the flame. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright red flaming light erupts from the shattered figurine. He then throws it into the fire. Suddenly the fire erupts in a huge expllosion of volcanic fury as the heat sweeps out to burn the skin red a fire elemental of {2*$L} levels with maximum hitpoints rises from the center of the Conflagration!!. Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment - DELETED: null, null. DELETED: null, null. DELETED: null, null. DELETED: null, null. ADDED: null, null. ADDED: null, null. ADDED: null, null. ADDED: null, null.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] editing spells

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Protection From Evil -- Expression: Duration: {3*$L+$L/2} rounds. When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has three major effects: First, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures against the protected creature receive a penalty of -2 to each attack roll, and any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the protected creature with a +2 bonus. Second, any attempt to exercise mental control over the protected creature (if, for example, it has been charmed by a vampire) or to invade and take over its mind (as by a ghost's magic jar attack) is blocked by this spell. Note that the protection does not prevent a vampire's charm itself, nor end it, but it does prevent the vampire from exercising mental control through the barrier. Likewise, an outside life force is merely kept out, and would not be expelled if in place before the protection was cast. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by creatures of an extraplanar or conjured nature (such as aerial servants, elementals, imps, invisible stalkers, salamanders, water weirds, xorn, and others). This causes the natural (body) weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creature to recoil if such attacks require touching the protected creature. Animals or monsters summoned or conjured by spells or similar magic are likewise hedged from the character. This protection ends if the protected character makes a melee attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. This spell can be reversed to become protection from good, with the second and third benefits remaining unchanged. (Duration: 3 rds./level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has three major effects: First, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures against the protected creature receive a penalty of -2 to each attack roll, and any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the protected creature with a +2 bonus. Second, any attempt to exercise mental control over the protected creature (if, for example, it has been charmed by a vampire) or to invade and take over its mind (as by a ghost's magic jar attack) is blocked by this spell. Note that the protection does not prevent a vampire's charm itself, nor end it, but it does prevent the vampire from exercising mental control through the barrier. Likewise, an outside life force is merely kept out, and would not be expelled if in place before the protection was cast. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by creatures of an extraplanar or conjured nature (such as aerial servants, elementals, imps, invisible stalkers, salamanders, water weirds, xorn, and others). This causes the natural (body) weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creature to recoil if such attacks require touching the protected creature. Animals or monsters summoned or conjured by spells or similar magic are likewise hedged from the character. This protection ends if the protected character makes a melee attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. To complete this spell, the priest uses holy water or burning incense. This spell can be reversed to become protection from good, with the second and third benefits remaining unchanged. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Banish Blight, 2, 2, null, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Charm, 3, 3, I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Detect Disease -- Expression: I detect disease for {$L+$L/2} rounds and I do {$L+$L/2} creatures per round. (i detct disease for {$L+$L/2} rounds and I do {$L+$L/2} creatures per round.), CHANGED: Endure Heat/Cold -- Expression: Duration: {1.5*$L+$L/2} hrs. The creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat (depending on which application I select at the time of casting). The creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -30 F. or as high as 130 F. (depending on application) with no ill effect. Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of exposure for every degree beyond the limit. The spell is immediately cancelled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as magic, breath weapons, and so on. The cancellation occurs regardless of the application and regardless of whether a heat or cold effect hits the character (for example, an endure cold spell is cancelled by magical heat or fire as well as by magical cold). The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 10 points of damage (after any applicable saving throws) from the heat or cold during the round in which the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly if either resist fire or resist cold is cast upon the recipient. (Duration: 1 ½ hrs./level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.he creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat (depending on which application the priest selects at the time of casting). The creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -30 F. or as high as 130 F. (depending on application) with no ill effect. Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of exposure for every degree beyond the limit. The spell is immediately cancelled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as magic, breath weapons, and so on. The cancellation occurs regardless of the application and regardless of whether a heat or cold effect hits the character (for example, an endure cold spell is cancelled by magical heat or fire as well as by magical cold). The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 10 points of damage (after any applicable saving throws) from the heat or cold during the round in which the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly if either resist fire or resist cold is cast upon the recipient. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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ADDED: Banish Blight, 2, 2, null, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Charm, 3, 3, I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Trip -- Expression: Duration: {$L+$L/2} turns. This magic must be cast upon a normal object--a length of vine, a stick, a pole, a rope, or a similar object. The spell causes the object to rise slightly off the ground or floor it is resting on to trip most creatures crossing it, if they fail their saving throws vs. spell. Note that only as many creatures can be tripped as are actually stepping across the enchanted object. Thus, a 3-foot-long piece of rope could trip only one man-sized creature. Creatures moving at a very rapid pace (running) when tripped suffer 1 point of damage and are stunned for {d4+1+$L/2} rounds if the surface they fall upon is very hard (if it is turf or other soft material, they are merely stunned for the rest of that round). Very large creatures, such as elephants, are not affected at all by a trip spell. The object continues to trip all creatures passing over it, including the spellcaster, for as long as the spell duration lasts. A creature aware of the object and its potential adds a +4 bonus to its saving throw roll when crossing the object. The enchanted object is 80% undetectable unless a means that detects magical traps is employed or the operation of the spell is observed. This spell does not function under water. (Duration: 1 turn/level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.This magic must be cast upon a normal object--a length of vine, a stick, a pole, a rope, or a similar object. The spell causes the object to rise slightly off the ground or floor it is resting on to trip most creatures crossing it, if they fail their saving throws vs. spell. Note that only as many creatures can be tripped as are actually stepping across the enchanted object. Thus, a 3-foot-long piece of rope could trip only one man-sized creature. Creatures moving at a very rapid pace (running) when tripped suffer 1 point of damage and are stunned for 1d4+1 rounds if the surface they fall upon is very hard (if it is turf or other soft material, they are merely stunned for the rest of that round). Very large creatures, such as elephants, are not affected at all by a trip spell. The object continues to trip all creatures passing over it, including the spellcaster, for as long as the spell duration lasts. A creature aware of the object and its potential adds a +4 bonus to its saving throw roll when crossing the object. The enchanted object is 80% undetectable unless a means that detects magical traps is employed or the operation of the spell is observed. This spell does not function under water. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Banish Blight, 2, 2, null, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Charm, 3, 3, I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Invisibility to Undead -- Expression: Duration:{ 6+$L/2} rnds. This spell causes affected undead to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Undead of 4 or fewer Hit Dice are automatically affected, but those with more Hit Dice receive a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Note that a priest protected by this spell cannot turn affected undead. The spell ends immediately if the recipient makes any attack, although casting spells such as cure light wounds, augury, or chant does not end the ward. (Duration: 6 rds Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.This spell causes affected undead to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Undead of 4 or fewer Hit Dice are automatically affected, but those with more Hit Dice receive a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Note that a priest protected by this spell cannot turn affected undead. The spell ends immediately if the recipient makes any attack, although casting spells such as cure light wounds, augury, or chant does not end the ward. The material component is the priest's holy symbol. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Silence 15' Radius -- Expression: Range: 120 yds. Duration: {2*$L+$L/2} rds. Area of Effect: 15-ft.-radius. Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast (or at least not those with verbal components, if the optional component rule is used), and no noise whatsoever issues from or enters the area. The spell can be cast into the air or upon an object, but the effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object or creature. The spell can be centered upon a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. An unwilling creature receives a saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw is successful, the spell effect is centered about 1 foot behind the position of the subject creature at the instant of casting. This spell provides a defense against sound-based attacks, such as harpy singing, horn of blasting, etc. (Range: 120 yds. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Duration: 2 rds./level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Area of Effect: 15-ft.-radius Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast (or at least not those with verbal components, if the optional component rule is used), and no noise whatsoever issues from or enters the area. The spell can be cast into the air or upon an object, but the effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object or creature. The spell lasts two rounds for each level of experience of the priest. The spell can be centered upon a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. An unwilling creature receives a saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw is successful, the spell effect is centered about 1 foot behind the position of the subject creature at the instant of casting. This spell provides a defense against sound-based attacks, such as harpy singing, horn of blasting, etc. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Warp Wood -- Expression: Range: {10*$L} yds. When this spell is cast, I cause a volume of wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. It affects approximately a {15*$L}-inch shaft of wood of up to -inch diameter. Thus, at 1st level, a caster might be able to warp a hand axe handle or four crossbow bolts; at 5th level, he could warp the shaft of a typical spear. Note that boards or planks can also be affected, causing a door to be sprung or a boat or ship to leak. Warped missile weapons are useless; warped melee weapons suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls. Enchanted wood is affected only if the spellcaster is of higher level than the caster of the prior enchantment. The spellcaster has a 20% cumulative chance of success per level of difference (20% if one level higher, 40% if two levels higher, etc.). Thus, a door magically held or wizard locked by a 5th-level wizard is 40% likely to be affected by a warp wood spell cast by a 7th-level priest. Wooden magical items are considered enchanted at 12th level (or better). Extremely powerful items, such as artifacts, are unaffected by this spell. The reversed spell, straighten wood, straightens bent or crooked wood, or reverses the effects of a warp wood spell, subject to the same restrictions. (Range: 10 yds./level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.When this spell is cast, the priest causes a volume of wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. The range of a warp wood spell is 10 yards for each level of experience of the caster. It affects approximately a 15-inch shaft of wood of up to 1-inch diameter per level of the caster. Thus, at 1st level, a caster might be able to warp a hand axe handle or four crossbow bolts; at 5th level, he could warp the shaft of a typical spear. Note that boards or planks can also be affected, causing a door to be sprung or a boat or ship to leak. Warped missile weapons are useless; warped melee weapons suffer a -4 penalty to their attack rolls. Enchanted wood is affected only if the spellcaster is of higher level than the caster of the prior enchantment. The spellcaster has a 20% cumulative chance of success per level of difference (20% if one level higher, 40% if two levels higher, etc.). Thus, a door magically held or wizard locked by a 5th-level wizard is 40% likely to be affected by a warp wood spell cast by a 7th-level priest. Wooden magical items are considered enchanted at 12th level (or better). Extremely powerful items, such as artifacts, are unaffected by this spell. The reversed spell, straighten wood, straightens bent or crooked wood, or reverses the effects of a warp wood spell, subject to the same restrictions. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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JohnA has joined the game

JohnA is receiving the map...

JohnA has received the map.

mikE has joined the game

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Hey guys

[DM] Sean and Jessica just were buzzed in at the gate

[DM] so we will all be up and running in a few minutes

[mikE] hey john, hey fritz

[JohnA] hey, np

[DM] I will finish on my end now

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[Fritz] hiya I was napping here by the puter. How is everyone

BiBo!!! has joined the game

[JohnA] ok, u?

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[Fritz] better now that I napped

[JohnA] cool

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] setting up now

Jess has joined the game

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] Howdy Jess

[Jess] heya

[Jess] what's new?

[Fritz] nada

[Jess] sounds about right

[Fritz] 8^)

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] can I start?

[DM] yes

[JohnA] I do not know when I will be called away

[DM] there are the two version of INT on the map for reading

[DM] I would like to start though

[DM] and pause to discuss that later

[JohnA] Paul will cast deep freeze on the sword so no one can touch it

[DM] pershaps

Sean has joined the game

[DM] so go forward John

[DM] and the rest

[DM] explain what that does John

[BiBo!!!] don't see how freezing it will stop people from using it

[JohnA] while he gets checked out, casts remove curse on himself,"those guardians did something too me."

[Finglass (mikE)] so we're all back at home?

[Finglass (mikE)] well, gon?

[JohnA] no Gon

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] all gon?

[JohnA] no all, mostly gon

[Fritz] All gon

[Fritz] Gon where?

[BiBo!!!] gon home

[Fritz] Bobby how much time has gon?

[JohnA] I do not have the spell in front of me, basily its a protective coating that prevents anything from effecting the item. I imagine anyone could still pick it up but there should be enough for it not to effect anyone. Don't know what bob will think

[BiBo!!!] I don't see how making the sword colder will affect the ability to use it

[JohnA] it's not just cold. it's like suspended animation

[DM] you know Frtiz, if you call me bobby you have to be related to me or sleeping withme

[JohnA] things don't age/rot

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[BiBo!!!] yeah, but it's a sword, not a living creature. a suspended rock is still a rock

[Fritz] Well I do feel like you are my brother

[Fritz] but if you want to be my lover?

[JohnA] Like I said, it's up to BOB's interpetaion

[BiBo!!!] I can still beat you over the head with a frozen sword

[Fritz] So how much time has gon Bobby ( your real brother doesn't even call you Bobby)

[JohnA] You can try

[JohnA] (not to his face)

[BiBo!!!] he's afk

[BiBo!!!] looking for some books

[BiBo!!!] and talking to the computers like they're actually people

[Fritz] I knew someday he would go over the edge!!!

[Fritz] John did you get my e-mail?

[JohnA] he has been over the edge, right next to you ;)

[Fritz] True

[JohnA] yes it's on my list

[Fritz] Cool thanks I appreciate it

[JohnA] np

[DM] Deep freeze is usually cast on inanimate objects to preserve or protect them for a long period of time. When cast, the target is instantly frozen and remains so until deep freeze is dispelled. It is impossible to physically manipulate objects that have been frozen with this spell. For example, a spell book could be frozen shut or a lock frozen closed. The most common use of the spell is to protect rations, meats, and other supplies from decay and rodents. Deep freeze does not affect living targets. The caster can automatically dispel deep freeze with a simple verbal command (e.g. "thaw") whenever he chooses.

[Finglass (mikE)] okay. so we'll have to wear gloves to use the sword.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Does that mean you can't move an object that's been deep frozen?

[JohnA] tks, what about the curse, can it effect people through it?

[Finglass (mikE)] you'll have to find out.

[Finglass (mikE)] did you get uncursed, then?

[JohnA] I told BOB I cast dispel on myself next

[DM] yes John did that

[JohnA] "those damm guardinas did some thing to me"

[DM] still need to roll that

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So if you say, deep freeze a sword, and if something happens to it that normally requires it to make a save, would it automatically save then?

[DM] and you are creating a monster John, Sean is about to break things open

[Fritz] can you remove curse on yourself?

[JohnA] Then I cast Deep Frees on Mo, and put him on a shelf

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What if you depe freeze clothes?

[JohnA] I can cast it

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Does it make it armor then?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] -10AC?

[Finglass (mikE)] wait wait wait

[Finglass (mikE)] this means we can take regular clothes, and deep freeze them into ac -20 armor!

[JohnA] NO, can not be cast on living people

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Can we make armor then?

[BiBo!!!] mobuto's not dead, he was flying over the bolt

[Fritz] Sure but you can't move in it

[BiBo!!!] we went over that

[JohnA] But you could not put it on

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Could you deep freeze a demon?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] It's not a living thing, right?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Or even the undead?

[Finglass (mikE)] so what about plate mail

[Fritz] it has to be Bob in bed


[DM] ok then

[DM] shakes my head

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, so no deep freeze demons, but clothes?

[Fritz] How about if we deep freeze a demon's underwear?

[JohnA] great for comic books and other colectables

[DM] how about we keep to material goods, and they are not mobile after tha

[Fritz] Do demon's even wear underwear?

[DM] that

[DM] Shade ?

[JohnA] shhh

[BiBo!!!] depends on the demon I suppose

[Finglass (mikE)] plate mail is composed of un moving plates

[Fritz] She never wore underwear....slowed her down

[Finglass (mikE)] so spend a week deep freezing all the plates to make uber armor

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So if it's not mobil after casting, can we still use deep frozen clothes as armor?

[JohnA] but you could not attach it to anything

[Finglass (mikE)] why not?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] who said anyting about attaching? You *wear* it!

[JohnA] if you had straps on the pieces, they could not be tied

[Fritz] But you could catch something with it

[DM] let us move past this

[Finglass (mikE)] why not?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ah, you're no fun.

[DM] and back towards

[Fritz] A cold

[Finglass (mikE)] the straps aren't affecting it. they're just tied around it

[DM] the ruling right now is that the sword exisits,

[DM] in a deep freeze

[BiBo!!!] that's not a ruling

[BiBo!!!] that's a statement of fact!

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] That's William Shanter speaking

[JohnA] not in BOB's world

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "The ruling right"

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "now"

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "is that the"

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "sowrd"

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "exists."

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] "in a deep freeze!"

[Fritz] I didn't hear a gavel go down

[DM] but it is not able to be used as a sword

[DM] as such

[Fritz] Can I use it to cool my soft drinks?

[DM] it in theory could be used as a club

[DM] no it is not actually cold

[Fritz] I am still dead?

[JohnA] Does Paul feel diffrent?

[JohnA] Mo is on my shelf

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Marco: You can stab with a shard of ice, Bob.

[Finglass (mikE)] so a frozen wedge turns into a block?

[Fritz] I was never really dead, how much time has gon in gon?

[Finglass (mikE)] how does that work?

[DM] about a turn or so at this point

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So a frozen weapon can't be used as a weapon?

[Fritz] why would he deep freeze the sword anyway?

[BiBo!!!] unless the spell makes a block of ice around the sword, I don't know how that club thing works

[Finglass (mikE)] and i've actually cut myself on ice before

[DM] yes but the spell says nohing about actually making things cold,

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] There are murder mysteries where the weapon was ice

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -7 (10) - Dying

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (10) - Heavily Wounded

[Finglass (mikE)] i think bob's full of it. no, wait, i KNOW he is

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-7) - Dying

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-7) - Dead

[Laila (Jess)] poor Mobuto

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] You Bastard! You killed Mobuto!

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -18 (-7) - Dead

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -25 (-7) - Dead

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] um ... Bob ... that's not exactly *re*generating

[Fritz] uhmmm that isn't right

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] that's more like ... *un*generating

[DM] let me adjust it Fritz,

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (15) - Dead

Mobuto (Fritz) has adjusted Mobuto's hit points...

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (15) - Heavily Wounded

[Fritz] I am at -7

Khan (JohnA) has adjusted Khan's hit points...

[DM] Khan's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (25) - Unharmed

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

[Finglass (mikE)] i hate klooge. it can't even do hit points right.

[Fritz] or normal if I was never hit by the LB

[Finglass (mikE)] i mean, hell, nintendo did HP properly

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-6) - Dying

[Fritz] since I was up in the air

[JohnA] it's the used not knowing

[JohnA] so user

[Fritz] So again why would Paul cast deep freeze on the sword in the first place?

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (3) - Massively Wounded

[Fritz] He loved the sword

[JohnA] So no one else can use it

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So it wouldn't be effected by anything that destroys swords

[Finglass (mikE)] he uncursed himself, i think

[JohnA] while I check my self ut

[JohnA] out

[DM] correct he is uncursed now

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Canadian John?

[Finglass (mikE)] oh, I'm keeping that scimitar.

[Finglass (mikE)] what are the stats on it, anyway?

[Fritz] hehehe you go Fin

[JohnA] HA!

[Fritz] You gave it up

[JohnA] I can cast now

[Fritz] going going GON

[DM] heh heh heh

[JohnA] I take it I remember everything?

[Finglass (mikE)] heehee

[DM] yes

[DM] you can say what ever you wish John

[Finglass (mikE)] so now i have one of paul's items. now to get the rest of them

[Fritz] so tell us about your curse sira

[Finglass (mikE)] ::rubs his hands together and cackles::

[Fritz] heheheh that has been your dream

[Fritz] 8^)

[Finglass (mikE)] you missed the golum dance, fritz. it for whatever reason inspired me to loot his body.

[Finglass (mikE)] so my goal as a dnd player is to get all of paul's possesions one way or another.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] You were right, the sword did not possess me, but it effected me. I am sorry.

[Fritz] Congrats he deserved it for being greedy 8^)

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (5) - Moderately Wounded

Finglass (mikE) crosses his arms and smirks at the human.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How did it affect you Paul?

[Finglass (mikE)] I tried to tell him, Kitten. But would he listen to me?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I tried to save him as well

[Finglass (mikE)] You really should try to teach your humans to listen to others better.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Turned you into Paul the Chickenmage it seemed

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I thought it was intelligent when it was working it's way through the Goo Cube.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] It was a cuse that only let you use the sword and in combat turned me into a coward

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I told you it wasn't ( lag central)

[Finglass (mikE)] Now, how about we go back and mop up those statues? Before they have a chance to regroup?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I am not sure, we were certainly mis informed

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I agree we have 2 of them in the scroll corect?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Clearly it it not Dwarven, at least not now.

[E. L. Fudge (BiBo!!!)] if you are no longer affected then sir paul, would you mind that I cast a spell upon you? It is merely a precaution of course, it will cause you no harm

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] No, kit did not have time

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] What do you mean?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] EL you may, you know what I will do to you if it is not welcome

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] The bodies are still there?

[DM] you did not bring any bodies

[E. L. Fudge (BiBo!!!)] why the hell am I chating as fudge ::mutters::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yes along with their comrads

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Because you like me

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I trust you and I hope you have good reason, what do you want to cast?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::we have two of the statues in the PP??::

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I suggest then we wait till morning to get our spells in case they also have regenerative abilities or we will be getting our behinds handed to us

[DM] like you have not already?

[Finglass (mikE)] That is why we should not wait, girl.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I suggest then we wait till morning to get our spells in case they also have regenerative abilities or we will be getting our behinds handed to us

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] merely a scan for residual magics from the sword, to make sure you are well. if you are of sound mind I am sure you would have no objection

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No they have a cleric still alive who had alot better healing than we have

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Alstair, I take it they were not evil

[Finglass (mikE)] If we give them the chance to regroup, we will be going back to square one. How do we know they will not resurrect the fallen?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no, merely chaotic

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They were chaotic

[Finglass (mikE)] Then we go back to the Keep and get healed by the lesser clerics there.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] so I am not sure we should attack them

[Finglass (mikE)] ::shrugs::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] more research is needed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They probably have regrouped already so I am sayiing dont go back now when we have few spells at our disposal

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] While they are not evil, chaos has it's faults that can corrupt just as well as evil can.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I say attack

[Finglass (mikE)] they attacked us. They are just enchanted statues.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No they weren't statues they were real

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (5) - Unharmed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But they worked for the Chaos Corporatioin

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Maybe,maybe they are people turned to statues

[Mobuto (Fritz)] More like that Paul

[Finglass (mikE)] ::cue that Sonic music!::

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I was not arround when you found them

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pure chaos, left unchecked, could disrupt life as easily as evil

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] They pose no threat

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] The are purly defensive

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wrong Paul they pose a great threat. They want the temple to continue

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You were to busy hiding under Laila's skirt to understand

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] defensive now yes, but who knows what they could do should they gain power

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob what time is it game time

[DM] afternoon

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I agree we need to watch, find out more

[DM] of the same day you went out

[Finglass (mikE)] Regardless, we need to finishe exploring the dungeon. ANd they stand in our way

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No time Paul. Your passive agressive nature almost got all of us killed

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] If we wait a day or so maybe they will go back to being statues

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but this is all a different matter, may I cast that spell paul?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not a day or 2 morning at most

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Only because we invaded their space

[Finglass (mikE)] ::but think of the items they mighth have!!!!!::

[Laila (Jess)] he would have beeen hiding under my skirt if i were wearing one, but Sir Paul was definately being a scardycat

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (oh, no doubt)

[Finglass (mikE)] ::loot the statues!!!!::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I think he is still under the curse of the sword

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] try me

[DM] hmm, no doubt that paul wants to get under Laila's skirt? or that there are things left behind to loot?

[Finglass (mikE)] Who is willing to return now?

[DM] and try me just make the point clearer

[Finglass (mikE)] After we get healed in a few minutes at the Keep?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Alastair How many spells do you have left?

[Laila (Jess)] hey, there will be no getting under of my skirt!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] while I think we should attack soon, if you will permit me to cast this spell I will hold my judgement until we can observe their actions more clearly.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] me? What Spell?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] We can try scrying

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Detect Stupidity

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] just a divination spell, as I said, to check for any further effects from the sword

[DM] Mobuto's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (0) - Unharmed

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] go ahead

Finglass (mikE) glances at the fremlin

[Finglass (mikE)] 'You're not dead, imp?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (i got better)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Rary's mind scan: So, whatcha thinking about? (DC=(10+4) [10+4] 14)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] oh hello Finglass. No why should I be?

Finglass (mikE) looks for rings on the fremlin

[Finglass (mikE)] You looked to be fried to me.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] playing dead

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Old wizard trick

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Fin, my sword please!

[Finglass (mikE)] of course.

[DM] ancient chinese secret

[Mobuto (Fritz)] of curse

[Finglass (mikE)] What sword, Paul?

[Finglass (mikE)] I believe you just froze it.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Alastair How many spells do you have left?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] the one you have, my scimitar

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 2 magic missiles, a cloudkill and an enlarge

[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, that old thing? I traded it to a wizard for some magic arrows while you were running away.

[Finglass (mikE)] SInce you no longer had a need for it.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I think we should wait till morning personally. I am down to only afew myself

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] FIN!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I would prefer you did not use that sword, but I am at least confident that it does not affect you further paul. I think that perhaps surveillance is our best option for now.

Finglass (mikE) shrugs "I couldn't use it."

[Finglass (mikE)] Perhaps the Lady Kylia can make you a new one?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So do you agree we return in the morning?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] while I do not agree with their methods, I do not wish to slaughter people needlessly. if they are not a threat then I have no reason to attack.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I will put this frozen sword at the bottom of the lake, it should be safe enough

[Finglass (mikE)] But then you will be without a weapon, Paul.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Till someone dispells it.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] So Alastair and I are on the same page. Odd but good

[Finglass (mikE)] But you know...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] FIN, I owe you know. Don't make me kill you and reincarnate you as a human!

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] uhmmm I seem to remember someone shouting " You have no where to hide from me. I will destroy you all!!"

[Finglass (mikE)] I might be able to dig up one for some magic arrows.

Finglass (mikE) grimmaces

[Finglass (mikE)] No need to stoop to that level. Do not be jealous of me.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we can watch them with divinations for a few days and see what they are doing. if I am satisfied that they are not planning on leaving their temple, then I have no problem leavng them, and perhaps we should return what we have taken.

[Finglass (mikE)] After all, being human, while horrible, I'm sure, is still better than being drow.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] THAT'S IT, CASTING!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ? you must be kidding? What about this Chaos rising to destroy the world thing

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob what month and day is it?

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kit (JohnA)] You have an issue with Drow!

[DM] it is on the calendar on the left

[Finglass (mikE)] Well, yes...

[Finglass (mikE)] They are drow.

[Finglass (mikE)] Don't you?

[DM] 27-4-1255

Finglass (mikE) looks at Kit quizzically

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the chaos rising to destroy the world thing, as best as I can tell, was based entirely on dreams

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Thre are humans who think all elves are lesser people

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] destroying a legitimate faith because of a few bad dreams would be needlessly destructive

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] granted they are not part of this world, most would kill you for fun

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, but they are just human, after all. They are bound to have a misconception of two. We shouldn't judge them too harshly.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] as we should the drow

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] thak you Alastair, thank you for not being a war monger

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if they are warrented however, I am sure a few days of surveillance will reveal it easily

[Finglass (mikE)] The drow are an evil race. They worship Lloth and only move from their underdark holes to kill. You would consider them good neighbors?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ok what is Y 0%?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] moon

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] percentage

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] two of them, young and old I think

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] brb

[Finglass (mikE)] Now, if we are going to wait a few days, I need to remake some arrows, and try to find a wizard who will barter arrows for swords.

[DM] Fritz that is the Y for Young Moon, and O for Old moon

[DM] and percent of that moon that is showing

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Gotcha so if I am correct 1-5-1255 will be a full moon?

[DM] if one of them says 100% then yes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Would you double check for me to see if I am reading it correctly please

[Mobuto (Fritz)] that is what I am asking

[JohnA] Bob, we had reason to belive it was Dwarven did'nt we!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] old moon it should be

[DM] First day of the Fifth month will be a full moon yes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thank you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok so what are we doing?

[Finglass (mikE)] ::finding a wizard to barter a newly aquired magic scimitar for some fun arrows::

[JohnA] BOB, did you mean us to think the temple was dwarven?

[DM] it was guarded by dwarves

[Finglass (mikE)] ::as i recall he did say something to that effect.::

[JohnA] ( it will be cheeper for me to kill you, loot you and rencarte)

[DM] but the inside did not seem to have anything to do with dwarves

[Fritz] For or against chaos from what I was able to discern from my comune with the spirits

[JohnA] After all my checks that would have been important to know

[Finglass (mikE)] ::i'm not talking about you. I wonder if the necromancer has a spare arrow of iuz...

[JohnA] sence it is my fault they attacked

[DM] you were checking for dwarven work and dwarven symbols

[DM] it makes perfect sence for you to

[JohnA] and that woult tell me it as not dwarven

[Fritz] For or against chaos from what I was able to discern from my comune with the spirits

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I say we monitor it for a few days

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we have the capability to do it from home while we recover and gather our thoughts

[DM] I would not say you have ruled out that dwarves had nothing to do with this

[DM] you only know that the displays inside are not dwarven

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I repoint the pool to RoadHaven, anyone who wishs to go may do so

[DM] those displays being the four statues at this point primarily

[Fritz] Can you heal here john?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] not really, only have Kazza and one other and at the moment I am not sure where he is

[Fritz] Bob can we get healing in Roadhaven or will it be a hassle?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] do we have enough informatin to research what "god" they may worship?

[DM] thinking

[DM] simple healing is no problem, just not above cure light

[DM] and about 20 of those would be availble

[Finglass (mikE)] yeah, but we have like, 200 of them

[Fritz] ok then lets go back

[Fritz] and I or paul can identify the magic items we have so far

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] if you are waiting till mornign you can basicly say that you are all healed

[Fritz] All in favor say Aye

[Fritz] Aye

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] i

[Fritz] All oposed say Nay

[Finglass (mikE)] I'll just stay here and wander Gon a bit.

[Fritz] this is for waiting

[Finglass (mikE)] See if I can't find something useful here.

[Fritz] yes or no mike

[Fritz] bibbo, Sean, jess

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] aye

[Fritz] ?

[DM] jess is yes to passing time

[DM] she is on the phone

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] forgot to hit enter :-P

[Fritz] The aye's have it then

[Fritz] John do you want to try and identify the magic items we found first?

[DM] so you can move your icon to where you are at this point also

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] you can cast, I am not sure what was magic

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] that, that, that, and that

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I 'll be a bit busy hunting Fin

[Finglass (mikE)] Hunting for what?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] hunting and hurting

[Finglass (mikE)] I'm sure i can hunt for you.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] see how close to death he has to get before he gives me my sword

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I like the scimitar even more then the other sword

[Finglass (mikE)] Well, I imagine it is hard for an unarmed man to hunt.

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] Not a few hours ago, you didn't, Paul.

[Finglass (mikE)] You were just throwing it away then.

[Finglass (mikE)] Rather sad, actually.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I am capable of identifying as well, with no need for expensive pearls

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] is a 9th level fighter with perment Vampiric touch reah un armed?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] You know I was effected, as much as I do now

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (I can't believe it's 830 and no one mentioned Staw Wars)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] That is sad

[Finglass (mikE)] because star wars is dead

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] lucas killed it mercilessly

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] do you wish that I try my hand at identifying during my divinations over the next few days?

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 10 -- Current: 12 (20). Spells - CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Cantrip -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Erase -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Protection From Evil -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Grease -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Mirror Image -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dragon Whirl -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Roman Candle -- # Memorized: 3 (0), CHANGED: Leomund'sTiny Hut -- # Memorized: 0 (1), Combat -

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] oh back to the hunt. Fin, I'll give you a head start, but be aware I will be "improved Invisible" also so you will not see me even after I attack

[Finglass (mikE)] Sure. Here are the items from the dungeon.

[Finglass (mikE)] Oh, and here's some random scimitar I picked up somewhere. Not sure what it does.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I'll take that!

[Finglass (mikE)] Good luck, then, Paul.

[Finglass (mikE)] I suppose the deer won't see you coming that way.

[Finglass (mikE)] Why, Paul?

[Finglass (mikE)] It might be cursed, you know. I'll hang on to it for safe keeping.

[Finglass (mikE)] Not sure we can trust you around random swords anymore.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (we could actual get something done tonight)

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Alastair I take back my amulets since you wont be needing them

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure thing ::hands them over::

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Thanks

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 5 (2). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 5 (2). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (0).

[DM] I have already adjusted XP for the evening so far

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] see fin, thats how it is done

[Finglass (mikE)] Hmm?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright, so I'm going to begin identifying

[DM] yes it can be morning if you wish, is there anything else to get done before hand?

[Finglass (mikE)] Is this YOUR scimitar?

[Finglass (mikE)] I must have forgotten.

[Finglass (mikE)] You younger races really do need to keep better track of your toys.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers - Paralysis, Poison or Death Save: (PPDTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-3). Rod, Staff or Wand Save: (RSWTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-3). Petrification/Polymorph Save: (PPTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-3). Breath Weapon Save: (BWTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-3). Magical Spell Save: (MSTM) : CHANGED: -3+-1 (-3).

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so I can do one casting a day, 9 functions

Finglass (mikE) hands the scimitar over.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] thank you so much Fin

[Finglass (mikE)] What would he do without us, Kitten?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers - Magical Spell Save: (MSTM) : CHANGED: -3 (-3+-1).

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers - Magical Spell Save: (MSTM) : CHANGED: -4 (-3).

[Kit (JohnA)] So you think we make a good couple?

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [3] 3. PROBABLY FAILS against (14) [14] 14

[DM] I know testing

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so bob, other than the 8 hours I'm iding, I'm going to be using clairvoyance and magic mirror to monitor the guardians in the temple

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can cast 4 clairvoyance and 3 magic mirrors a day

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [18] 18. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15) [15] 15!!!

[Fritz] Mobuto: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [9] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY FAILS against (15-3-1) [15-3-1] 11

[DM] ok

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm spreading them out

[DM] you see them go back

[DM] all of them moving around

[DM] all five that is

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers - Magical Spell Save: (MSTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-4).

[DM] and exploring a bit,

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Didn't we kill one?

[Kit (JohnA)] even the dead ones?

[DM] then moving back to that room to rest

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] We kille 2

[Finglass (mikE)] I knew we should have gone back...

[DM] you did

[DM] they are back now

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] making a talisman

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] are they staying flesh then?

[Kit (JohnA)] as statues?

[DM] so far as flesh

[Finglass (mikE)] Making a magic item?

[Finglass (mikE)] she can make magic items?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, are the undead coming back?

[DM] no

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hmmm let me check out this library

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay so time to do identifies

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] start with pearl necklace

[Finglass (mikE)] I'll join you. I'm looking for this item.

[Finglass (mikE)] A quite useful one.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wussat?

[Laila (Jess)] i'm just gonna wander around the town and look at stuff

[Laila (Jess)] i promise to be good

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You are always good

[Laila (Jess)] thank you Sir Mobuto

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) has adjusted Ailea Morakenn's hit points...

[DM] Ailea Morakenn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (20) - Unharmed

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) has adjusted Ailea Morakenn's hit points...

[DM] Ailea Morakenn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (0) - Unharmed

[Laila (Jess)] it's good to see you up and around again

Moradred (Fritz) has adjusted Moradred's hit points...

[DM] Moradred's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (3) - Unharmed

Moradred (Fritz) has adjusted Moradred's hit points...

[DM] Moradred's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (0) - Unharmed

Alastair (BiBo!!!) has adjusted Alastair's hit points...

[DM] Alastair's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (46) - Unharmed

Alastair (BiBo!!!) has adjusted Alastair's hit points...

[DM] Alastair's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (0) - Unharmed

Moraleodred (Fritz) has adjusted Moraleodred's hit points...

[DM] Moraleodred's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (36) - Unharmed

Moraleodred (Fritz) has adjusted Moraleodred's hit points...

[DM] Moraleodred's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (0) - Unharmed

[Laila (Jess)] can someone heal me before i go please?

Laila (Fritz) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (15) - Unharmed

[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [39] 39

Laila (Jess) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-41) - Dying

Laila (Jess) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -42 (-41) - Dead

[Laila (Jess)] obviously i'm not good at this

Laila (Jess) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (82) - Unharmed

Laila (Jess) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (0) - Unharmed

Laila (Fritz) has adjusted Laila's hit points...

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (0) - Unharmed

[Laila (Jess)] and i'm ok

[Laila (Jess)] woo hoo

[Laila (Jess)] thanks fritz

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Anytime

[DM] the pearl necklace has three a white a black and a pink

[DM] one is a sure serious

[DM] one is a sure disease

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sweet sure serious

[DM] and one isa remove curse

[DM] one time use, swollow

[Laila (Jess)] do you mean cure disease?

[Kit (JohnA)] sure, sure

[DM] swallow

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okie doke, I say thusly

[DM] next item?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bracelet

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] fell from that web hangy thing

[Laila (Jess)] wait, shoudnt you ask which pearl is which?

[Laila (Jess)] i would

[DM] it allows you to stone tell as per spell when you press one of the emeralds, works for 5 rounds, two emeralds left

E. L. Fudge (Sean) has adjusted E. L. Fudge's hit points...

[DM] E. L. Fudge's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (9) - Unharmed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thusly

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] dunno if I wanna touch the frozen sword

[Finglass (mikE)] can't affect ti anyway

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not that I can id it frozen

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] not worth it, it is no good

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] then next up is the dagger

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] from the same room

[DM] dagger +1

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] It's MY dagger ;)

[Finglass (mikE)] Why?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okie doke, next up is the potion from the same room

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] kidding, just kidding

[DM] potion of levitation

[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [32] 32

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ring from the same room

[DM] unsure, it seems to be something about invisiblity, but not quite sure

[DM] food has arrived here, everyoen break for a moment

[Finglass (mikE)] oh, i don't mind. i'll get it from you eventually. ;P

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] it's cursed!

[DM] John Fritz, go get drinks, etc.

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Laila (Jess)] yay food

[DM] take a quick 5

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yea right, now you tell me

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok then Paul try to figure out what it is and then I will try

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I do not have I dentify, I have legend lore, and not today

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] fritz/

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] I am ready

[JohnA] for?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It is the next day and you weren't smart enough to memorize it when you knew you were going to identify items?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can I try another id on the ring or is that all I'll get?

[Finglass (mikE)] what's with the italics, fritz?

[DM] that is all you get Al

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Speaking with an accent

[JohnA] I did not get the confim that it was the next day.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob said it was

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] k, gem I pulled out of the beholder

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We are all healed

[DM] we are still using up Al's spells from the first day

[DM] then clicking to the next

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sorry my bad obviously my mind is so advanced it is moving faster than the DM's

[DM] the sphere is magical protection, you think that the only way to break it open is to cast dispel on it

[DM] inside of that sphere is the parts you think for the ke

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] and the key we think lowers the temple?

[DM] it is in pieces, you have some of them,

[DM] and others are still missing

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay the quartz arrow, this look like something that fits in one of the points once the magic is down?

[DM] yes

[DM] each of the quartz arrows

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we have more than one?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] DM slip

[DM] checking to see how many you have, you know that there are four holes to put them in

[Fritz] John did you say you had legend Lore memorized?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I will when we click to tomorrow

[Fritz] kk

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] this is the day after we left the dungeon

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] not per BOB

[Fritz] Then it is tomorrow

[Fritz] I thought so

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think he's counting that as day 1

Gnomey has joined the game

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] hello gnomey!

[Gnomey] Hiya

[DM] you only have one of the arrows at this point

[Laila (Jess)] who are you?

[DM] greetings Gnome

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] get in the box gnomey!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes - Temporary Modifiers - Armor Class: (ACTM) : CHANGED: -3-1 (-3).

[Gnomey] Hey Big A

[DM] someone will have to make that reference to Gnome

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] making another totemic image

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] what do we think the key will do?

[Finglass (mikE)] well, he does have 9 aspects in day one. so as i understand it, we should stil be on day one

[Gnomey] Just stoppin in to watch a bit... I'll be quiet! *8)

[DM] glad you came in

[Gnomey] Thanks for having me

[DM] anything else ?

[DM] they are recovering and regrouping to tackle a dungeon again

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] BOB do we know what the key will do?

Gnomey is receiving the map...

Gnomey has received the map.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Notes - Combat -

[DM] you are postulating that you need to put this key together to unlock a door to get to teh lower levels

[DM] you do noknow tha tyou need it to pass the statue

[DM] you do know that you need it

[Laila (Jess)] heh, so we need it to pass the statue

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] sure, sure. scry, teleport. there are ways

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] paul you could have memorized legend lore today

[DM] hey, Gnome feel free to look at a character sheet (like Finglass) and tell us if we are doing anythign wrong

[DM] or things we could be doing better

[DM] expression wise

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I did not get an answer on if we have enough information to research who the temple worships?

[DM] and that is a no to Paul

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Is gnome related to supergnome?

[Gnomey] Thanks... can't think of anything I'd be able to teach ya... I'm pretty rusty

[DM] you did not get enough

[Gnomey] yeah, thats' me

[Finglass (mikE)] remember, we're using REAL dnd. not 3rd ed

[DM] the one and only

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] the items do not help, or are we assuming they are random

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, technically real dnd would be 1st ed

[DM] Paul you have some that you knwo that they want to banish all law

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] hey is your web site still up I tried to get on it earlier yesterday and I couldn't, by the way your site is awesome

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] what about legend lore on the key?

[Finglass (mikE)] can we go get our bard?

[DM] the key of chaos, relates to this temple, is all, not enough to go on

[Finglass (mikE)] he only has a 30% chance, but it's there

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I can cast legend lore

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] hmm works now my browser must have been messed up

[DM] I will give you one extra thing, that when you use the Chaos key you run the risk of changing your alignments towards chaos

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::ain't touching the key::

[Finglass (mikE)] We should have Alistair use it!

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d-10) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d1) [1] 1

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] in into every paladin a little chaos fall

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d0) 0

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::ain't havin anything to do with the key::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Relatively speaking how long does it take me to scribe LB or FB from the DS library while I am hear?

[DM] Gnome we have an issue with setting up expressions and effects to atually do things to the character sheets

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] day per level I think

[Gnomey] Like what?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] LB?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And I have the research proficiency so how does that decrease it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Lightning bolt

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ah

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you're not researching

[Gnomey] Gotcha

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ahh cool

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but otherwise research cuts research time in half

[DM] I know that we are not utilzing things as much as we could,

Mobuto (Fritz) is no longer controllingMobuto

mikE has left the game

[Gnomey] It's tough to do right now with so much being added in all the time... but I feel the same way in our game (the rare few times those guys actually play).

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Take a look at Mobuto Gnomey

[DM] with expressions calling effects, and doing things directly to sheets, to modify temp modifierd

Sean has left the game

[DM] smiles

[DM] waitng for sean and mike to log back in

[DM] by the way

[Laila (Jess)] apparently you cant roll a d.

[Gnomey] hmmm... that shouldn't be too tough.. ah, k

[Laila (Jess)] 5

[DM] do not create an expression that using a half dice

[Gnomey] pullin up mobutu

[DM] point 5 kills Klooge

[Gnomey] no kidding...

[Gnomey] hmm...

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Take a look at Mobuto Gnomey. He has alot of expressions, but they don't directly affect another character die roll. even casting a spell that does damage either has to be done by the DM or I have to make an attack die

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I thought we were playing?

Sean has joined the game

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We are.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok Bob I spend a day copying a few simple spells then I am going to come over and do identify on the ring

[DM] we are playing John

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Does anyone know where I can buy a psuedodragon?

[DM] and you can not just copy spells Fritz

[DM] it takes time to learn spells

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ?

[DM] roll to know

[Sean] Greetings and Salutations.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I will

[Gnomey] I haven't played with expressions too much... just a bit, but I'm not sure what the thing is for target... can you guys cast like magic missile on a target?

[Sean] But don't roll a d.5

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure, the local pseudodragon shop

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they're all over the place

[Gnomey] lol d.5

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] in fact I think kylia has one

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] right over there

[Sean] it crashes kLoOge

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] a whole nest of em

[DM] it takes a certain amount of time,

[Gnomey] yeah, saw that up there... just trying to imagine rolling one

[DM] so you will get one of them

[DM] at least, I will look to get exact times for you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Are you talking to me Bob?

[DM] yes

[DM] about knowing and copying spells

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok. as you can figure I want to make one my familiar

[Gnomey] one quick thing, then I'll split... are you guys able to use your spells on your targets?

[DM] not tackling he psuedo dragon thing yet

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] to gnome

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But it wont remove hp's

[Gnomey] ahhh

[DM] but I think we need the target tag or token I think, that is the missing part for us

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] not multiple though

[Gnomey] alright... I'll work on it in the mornin... sounds fun

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] all on one

[Gnomey] ok

[DM] see you later on

[Gnomey] yikes...

[DM] any friday come on in

[Sean] yikes?

[Gnomey] yup, thanks for letting me hang out... sorry if I bugged you guys!

[Laila (Jess)] um, i dont like the idea of having any more scary animals hanging around

[Sean] no problem ... hope the weather is nice in Virginia

[Gnomey] Sean: yikes on multiple targets! heheh

[Laila (Jess)] we already have a giant wolf and a lion

[Gnomey] k guys, laters

[Laila (Jess)] night Gnomy

Gnomey has left the game

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ttfn

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Endure Heat/Cold -- Expression: Duration: {1 1/2*$L+$L/2} hrs. The creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat (depending on which application I select at the time of casting). The creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -30 F. or as high as 130 F. (depending on application) with no ill effect. Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of exposure for every degree beyond the limit. The spell is immediately cancelled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as magic, breath weapons, and so on. The cancellation occurs regardless of the application and regardless of whether a heat or cold effect hits the character (for example, an endure cold spell is cancelled by magical heat or fire as well as by magical cold). The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 10 points of damage (after any applicable saving throws) from the heat or cold during the round in which the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly if either resist fire or resist cold is cast upon the recipient. (Duration: {1.5*$L+$L/2} hrs. The creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat (depending on which application I select at the time of casting). The creature can stand unprotected in temperatures as low as -30 F. or as high as 130 F. (depending on application) with no ill effect. Temperatures beyond these limits inflict 1 point of damage per hour of exposure for every degree beyond the limit. The spell is immediately cancelled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as magic, breath weapons, and so on. The cancellation occurs regardless of the application and regardless of whether a heat or cold effect hits the character (for example, an endure cold spell is cancelled by magical heat or fire as well as by magical cold). The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 10 points of damage (after any applicable saving throws) from the heat or cold during the round in which the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly if either resist fire or resist cold is cast upon the recipient. ), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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ADDED: Detect Charm, 3, 3, I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob I have a better than 100% chance to learn all spells

[Laila (Jess)] i'm grateful to your animals, Mobuto, because they got me out of the dungeon, but no more scary critters, k?

mikE has joined the game

[JohnA] Fritzs needs more power

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Those aren't my animals and you really shouldn't see the familiar in play unless I am unlucky

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And psuedo dragons are cute and small and friendly

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what? you planning on shoving a psuedo dragon into your backpack?

[DM] ok, so each spell, takes one to two days per level to inscribe in your spell book

[DM] and costs 50GP per page

[DM] that is after you know the spell

[DM] with no research

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] pages = lvl+1d6-1

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ok work on that later. So I will return to Gon and identify the ring

[DM] are all spell onthe first day done?

[DM] then we are on the next day?

[DM] and then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] The world ends

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I've got 3 id's left, anything left to id?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I finish some totem talismans and some goodberries

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] going once?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] going twice?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] going to sleep

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[Laila (Jess)] sleep sweet master

[mikE] day one, i remake my 2 dark arrows

[DM] ok, so morning the next day

[DM] the calendar events is updated to this day now

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)]

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, I'm doing the same 4 clairvoyances and 4 magic mirrors throughout the day today, monitoring the temple, especially the chaos party

[mikE] so are we still just sitting and watching?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] er 3 magic mirrors

[JohnA] So no one can get downstairs as long as we have parts of the key.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] In theory

[Laila (Jess)] no, i'm roaming around the town, and popping in every now and again to see how everyone is

[JohnA] that would seem to be a good thing or atleast help lawfull

[DM] that is the thougt John

[Laila (Jess)] you're welcome to roam around town with me

[mikE] i'll just practice my shooting.

[DM] at short little ones running around town?

[DM] moving targets are better practice you know

[JohnA] if no one objects I will cast deep freeze on the parts

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no reason to, but sure

[mikE] sounds like fun. where's the nearest toddler?

[DM] you still did not open the sphere yet either, and you surmised that it will take at minimum a dispel magic

[JohnA] give one peice to the Druids, one to Kylia, one to Moraham?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ?

[mikE] why? don't we need to go down?

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[JohnA] I am saying why, we stop chaos by stoping anyone to going down below.

[JohnA] Once you open that door you risk reawaking everything

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Are you sure that sounds really stupid and a weak way of faking anything out. Are you being a chicken again?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Are you sure that sounds really stupid and a weak way of faking anything out. Are you being a chicken again?

[JohnA] Who dares use the key? Who would you trust?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What is your alignment or Finglass who is already Chaotic

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we do have some chaotic people about already ::glances at motobo::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am neutral

[Laila (Jess)] i'm chaotic

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[Laila (Jess)] chaotic good

[Mobuto (Fritz)] See laila can do it

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::coughs:: neutralmyass ::coughs::

[Laila (Jess)] what can i do?

[Laila (Jess)] will it hurt me?

[JohnA] Think what you will. We did the same thing twice before. Prevented a god or two from reawaking simply by taking away the key

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d4) [1] 1, Roll #2: (d4) [3] 3

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Roll: (2d4) [(1+3)] 4

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Roll: (2d4) [(2+4)] 6

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Good berries and I am lagging

[JohnA] the DS have reslease all hell by opening a locked trap, scrapping a little silver

[DM] yes Fritz your connection number keeps skipping we notice when you are lagging

[JohnA] we came we saw we prevented

[Laila (Jess)] the good berries wont let it hurt me?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bull crap we came we saw you chickened out

[Mobuto (Fritz)] no something different that was a roll to bob

[DM] understood fritz

[JohnA] I was cursed what is your excuse

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] needed me to back upi up MO?

[Laila (Jess)] we didnt know you were cursed

[Laila (Jess)] we just thought you were crazy

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (back you up)?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes stupidity is a curse. I warned you. I don't need an excuse. I gave you a better one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Try greed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Lust

[DM] mike is about to disapear for a moment when his computer figures out he disconnected

mikE has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz)] shall I go on

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] go ahead, continue withput me. You are welcome to leave.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how's kazaa and kit going on about this all?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Look you made a mistake that cost not just yourself but everyone. Why not prove that you are better than this?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Beter than you , not enough of a chalange.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why not find out what is invading your land? Why not find out what is potentially going to cause all this trouble and trully stop it the couragous way by facing it ?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do you mean not enough of a challenge? I believe you were the first one to run away screaming like a little girl?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (The next day Kit and Kazza would be going home)

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] And I will repeat what is your excuse?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I ask you to leave now!

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And Alastair would you leave this potential chaos threat without exploring what it is? What kind of Palidin are you? I thought knowledge was something you were striving for? I bet your god would be disapointed!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] My excuse for what?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] for you running like a small featherless chicken

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm still monitoring it, I said wait a few days

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] as best as I can tell, these people are just patrolling the temple and aren't trying to do anything beyond protecting it

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] oh Paul, go ahead and try and turn the tables. I understand. Hmmm I was told you had a tendency to leave things unfinished. Turn your back on duties that were infront of you. Well if that is your true calling as a Palaidn so be it.

[Laila (Jess)] hey, please dont insult my master

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] I will repaet my request, please leave

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not trying to insult him just making a verificaiton of an observation

[Laila (Jess)] who do you wish to leave, Sir Paul?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] Mobuto !

mikE has joined the game

Laila (Jess) to Mobuto "Ok, as long as you arent saying mean things about my master"

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I am still watching them, if they do not do anything to make me suspiscious of their activities over the next few days, I have no need to slaughter guardians of a temple

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] He is no longer welcome in my protectoriate

[Laila (Jess)] Sir Paul, why?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Did I hurt your feelings Paul?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] You have no respect for anyone, you think you are supior to everyone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Because he can't seem to bring himself to "Protect it"

[mikE] THen I think I may have to move here...

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] You are not even a DragonSlayer and you question our every step

[mikE] Even if he doesn't listen to my clear truth, it doesn't seem bad here.

[mikE] Kitten's not half bad.

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] That kind of attitue will get you killed like your brother or cousion or what ever

[Laila (Jess)] Forgive me Sir Paul, but do you not think that you are being a little too harsh on Sir Mobuto?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No I don't question the steps of the Dragonslayers just trying to understand your motivations and how you have gotten your reputation?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we can still check in on them periodically in the future as well, but I refuse to kill relatively peaceful people only on the basis that they follow a religion that clashes with mine

[Laila (Jess)] he's new to our group, so naturally he's going to have questions

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] He chalanges way beyond the respect needed to work in a group

[DM] mistake

[DM] did not mean that

[Sean] Fight to the Death!

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (sure)

[Laila (Jess)] perhaps he is unfamiliar with a "group" setting

[Sean] Cage Match!

[Sean] Who walks out of here alive?

[mikE] that wouldn't happen if it weren't for klooge, ya know

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I just asked why you leave an obvious threat to your kingdom alone?

[Laila (Jess)] forgive me for challenging your authority, but i think everyone deserves a chance

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] ::Paul walkes away::

Laila (Jess) sighs

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Friday! Friday! Friday!! See mighty clashes of magic and steel as Paul and Mobuto fight for the WORLD DRAGONSLAYER CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] /me shrugs

[mikE] well, Kitten. Want to go get a drink?

[Laila (Jess)] ::and he says Mobuto is impossible to talk to::

Mobuto (Fritz) shrugs

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] (kit is not here)

[Laila (Jess)] i like you, Sir Mobuto, for what it's worth

[mikE] she didn't come with?

[Paul Elvenstire (JohnA)] she went home to check on things

[mikE] so we left her to fight in the dungeon?

[JohnA] no her home

[mikE] right right. home. that being the memorial dungeon?

[JohnA] ci'

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And I like you dear Laila I just hate to leave a task undone and questions unfinished for no good reason other than I am scared to go back. He knew it was a threat to his land yesterday now he says it isn't? I am very perplexed!

mikE shrugs

[Laila (Jess)] i wish i could help you understand, sir, but i dont understand it all myself

[mikE] want to help me with my target practice, mobuto?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We ran into some trouble and he was the weak link in our group, we were therefore forced to leave when we could have finished them off completely

[Laila (Jess)] i am not scared to go back, but i cant go without my master and the rest of you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so I am trully at a loss

[Laila (Jess)] yes, i agree that Sir Paul was weak, but that was not entirely his fault

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sure as long as you don't use magic arrows

mikE grins

[Laila (Jess)] i wont touch anything i am not expressly told to touch

[mikE] Of course.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes but now that he refuses to go back he shows signs of weakness

[Laila (Jess)] this is true

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Remember Finglass I can tell when they are magical

[mikE] I too, think we should have gone back and ended the threat.

[Laila (Jess)] i think perhaps Sir Paul is afraid to say he is afraid

[mikE] And now they are at peak condition to fight us again as we intrude on their domain.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What about you El Fudge you faced a powerful oponent all by yourself and spit into the face of death and laughed? What is your opinion?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Hey, I have this ring of regeneration ...

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] pretty easy to do that with this

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes but we were weakened at that time as well when they were at their peak, now we will be at our peak.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Besides, I was the one that found them in the first place ...

[Mobuto (Fritz)]

[Laila (Jess)] Master Alastair, do you have a way of watching the bad men in the dungeon?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm doing it

[Laila (Jess)] then you will know when is a good time to go fight, if at all, yes?

Fritz has left the game

[Khan (JohnA)] I would not call them bad men

[Khan (JohnA)] they are defending their temple

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm gonna monitor during the night, see if they're tirelessly patrolling or if they do actualy sleep

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] all you missed is Fritz has left the game [Khan (JohnA)] I would not call them bad men [Khan (JohnA)] they are defending their temple [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm gonna monitor during the night, see if they're tirelessly patrolling or if they do actualy sleep Fritz has joined the game

[Laila (Jess)] i think we should not fight them unless it is absolutely necessary, but that is just my opinion

[Laila (Jess)] they tried to hurt my master and my friends, so to me, they are bad men

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Khan (JohnA)] the question is do yu think that way for fear or respect?

[mikE] There are no archers there, so I doubt they even have anything to interest me. Just as long as they don't interfere with us in the future

[Laila (Jess)] hello Sir Khan

[Laila (Jess)] i think that way because it is the way i think

[Laila (Jess)] i do not know any other way to think

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they gave us the option to leave before attacking first, so in that I do not believe they are truly bad. zealous perhaps, but not bad

[Khan (JohnA)] please no Sir

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] El fudge as I was trying to say. I find your bravery in searching the temple and finding them very laudible.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Thank you.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Now is it not true that the concern is that it is "Chaos Rising"?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wantonly destroying everything in our wake is in itself an action of chaos. If we are to fight, we must fight for the right reasons.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] If that is true and this is their temple then they are supporters of such an occurence and antithetical to what Paul would want for his protectorate?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] for all we know, going down to destroy everything is how this prophesy gets fulfiled

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ahhh now you are splitting the hairs that cause all men to stand still as the axe falls on their skull

Laila (Jess) blinks up at the men

mikE sights in on Mobuto

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Who speaks of wanton destruction. They began the agressive actions.

[mikE] Roll #1: (d20) [10] 10

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Well ... we *did* break into their room ...

[Laila (Jess)] if i may ask, Sir Mobuto, why do you wish to fight so badly?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] makes sure no arrow is magic or he will destroy mike

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

mikE tsks at Mobuto

[mikE] Move, will you? You make more of a challenge that way.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not destroy only find out what is going on there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is why I wish to go back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if there are invaders to your home, you might wish to attack them as well

[Mobuto (Fritz)] There are answers to questions that we dont even know to ask and the seeker of knowledge (Oghma) and the Protector of the land (Paul) wishes to leave things alone

[Laila (Jess)] you make a good point, master

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I think there's just a bunch of zombies running around there

[mikE] I wish to improve myself as best I can. And since that one managed to dodge some of my arrows, I would view him as a decent challenge

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They invaded the land here by rising to the surface killing the selkies

[DM] I am thinking I am not ignoring your question. I will pause and scroll back to catch what I missed.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] and a group sitting in a room waiting for Paladins to walk by

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] The guardians aren't raising the undead so far that we destroyed

[DM] testing sorry

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (did I pass?)

[DM] sure

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no, you failed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They are a force that was supposed to stay below the waves yet they have been allowed to rise

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (woot!)

[DM] grade inflation everone passes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Who is to say that they are guardians to prevent the occurence but actually guardians to ALLOW the occurence

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You all sit here waiting to see what happens and do nothing.

[Laila (Jess)] but we're not doing nothing

[Laila (Jess)] Master Alastair is watching them

[Laila (Jess)] and we will do what we have to, when it is necessary

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You Palidin, do an Augery or something. Speak to your god, commune or whatever it is you priest types do and see if he approves.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] My dear in my opinion that is doing nothing

[Laila (Jess)] well, i dont see you rushing back into the dunfeon

[Laila (Jess)] *dungeon

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is the passive aggressive means of pretending to be active

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that actually... is not a bad idea

[Laila (Jess)] so be aggressively passive

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[Mobuto (Fritz)] heheheh

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You are a delight

[Laila (Jess)] thank you

[Laila (Jess)] i like you a lot more than i liked your brother

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what would you like me to ask?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hmmm that is strange most find my brother more enjoyabel

[Laila (Jess)] i found him crude and repulsive

[Finglass (mikE)] ::naw. he could just spell better::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Humph

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Maybe something to affect of would it be to the best interest of Law to leave the temple alone or investigate it further physically? Would it be in the best interest of Paul's Protectorate to investigate the temple further physically? Something to that nature

[DM] typing in the quote so all will hear it again for why you are here: The lords of Chaos return. The Lost shrine of Bundushartur arises again from the depths.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Identify -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Protection From Evil -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[DM] Fortelling the overthrow fo the wolrd as we knw it. Our watch has failed

[DM] the fate of what is is now in your hands

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait could these people be the Lords of Chaos?

[DM] beware the sign of chaos

[DM] seek the chaos key

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can ask

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We have not found the entire key as of yet

[Finglass (mikE)] i wish they were the lords. they were pretty weak for lords of chaos

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not really we played it smart

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob I am going to roll my identify ok?

[DM] ok

[DM] roll away

[DM] the stone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Identify: By the mystic knowledge of the ages I have a (10*5+1) [10*5+1] 51 %chance to gain knowledge about this object (DC=(10+1) [10+1] 11) [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is supposed to be 601

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 61

[DM] magical ring, alteration school, but no further knowledge

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Roll #1: (d100) [61] 61

[Mobuto (Fritz)] woops sorry

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I forgot you rolled

[DM] it is ok

[Khan (JohnA)] so why don;t we research Bundushartur

[Mobuto (Fritz)] It may be a ring of invisibility/inaudibility, that fake ring what ever it is called or a ring of elemental command. I say don't waste it and lets try it out

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Take to much time

[Khan (JohnA)] have plans?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm gonna cast contact other plane

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] working on the questions to ask, I have 4

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Excellent thought Alastair,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] per casting

[DM] set up your questions ahead of time as much as you can

[Mobuto (Fritz)] beer ight back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I've got 3 so far

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8^)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the people we fought the lords of chaos?

[Khan (JohnA)] Ask if having the key prevenst the further rising of chaos?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is either paul's protectorate or roadhaven threatened by the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is it lawful to attack the shrine?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and that'll be the fourth

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Skip roadhaven to far

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No that is wrong

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well either one being threatened would be reason to worry

[Mobuto (Fritz)] are your questions only yes or no?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yep

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ahhh

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] just about

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] one word answers

[Khan (JohnA)] if it threatens the world or law, the protectorate is too small to notice

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do you mean just about?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] maybe, never, and irrelevant, are listed as possible answers

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so basically yes no maybe

[Khan (JohnA)] who are you asking? just the powers?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] change to are Is either paul's protectorate or roadhaven threatened if we do not return to the shrine of Bundushartur??

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, either limbo or whatever the LG plane is

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay

[Khan (JohnA)] so they will care about general chaos

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And would the powers of Law be threatened if we did not return to finish what we were doing in the shrine of Bundushartur

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yes, limbo is the plane of chaos, and my plane would be against that. I'm thinkin the friendlier plane is prolly the better option to go with, though limbo would be more likely to know

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And would the powers of Law be threatened if we did not return to finish investigating the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so far:

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the people we fought the lords of chaos?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is either paul's protectorate or roadhaven threatened if we do not return to the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Finglass (mikE)] no, because they would just send someone more capable than us.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is it lawful to attack the shrine?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Does having the parts of the key that we have prevent the further rising of chaos?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] how's those sound?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] no to vague for what you are looking for

[Finglass (mikE)] ask if taco bell uses beef or horse in their tacos, will ya?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] vague?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] would the powers of Law be threatened if we did not return to finish investigating the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] would either paul's protectorate or roadhaven threatened if we do not return to the shrine of Bundushartur??

[Finglass (mikE)] yeah. ask instead if our investigation will aid the powers of law.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes focus on your task as a guardian of Law

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Don't skirt the issue

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what's being skirting?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Also is pauls land in danger

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we don't know that

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] all we have is a dream to go on

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Exactly ask

[Khan (JohnA)] Paul;s lands are always in danger, that is why he is here

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No we are asking if this is a specific risk

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Look at the question

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] isn't that covered by would either paul's protectorate or roadhaven be threatened if we don't return to the shrine?

[Khan (JohnA)] it is not in his lands so it is a moot ppoint

[Khan (JohnA)] If it wishes for Chaos to rule the land

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You didn't ask that question

[Finglass (mikE)] then say gon

[Mobuto (Fritz)] what are the questions again?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I did!!! you said to change it to the powers of law :-P

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] scroll up.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bleh confusion. repeat em puhleaze so I kin git my beer

[Finglass (mikE)] you sure you havn't already?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have lag so scrolling is a problem

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only 7 or 8

[Khan (JohnA)] I am sure Paul would apreciate you being concerend about his lands, but the Dragon Slayers usulay work on bigger issues

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8^)

[Finglass (mikE)] the lag affects your scrolling?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright, so, having that one changed to the powers of law instead of roadhaven and pauls protectorate, the questions are thusly

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes it locks up my screen since I get the info from bob

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the people we fought the lords of chaos?

[Finglass (mikE)] that's lame. the text i would think would be stored in a temp something to your computer

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (I'm sure we can figure out a more exacting way to phrase that one)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] would the powers of law be threatened if we do not return to the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is it lawful to attack the shrine?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Does having the parts of the key that we have prevent the further rising of chaos?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Change the second one to:would the powers of Law be threatened if we did not return to finish investigating the shrine of Bundushartur?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And we aren't planning on persay attacking the shrine are we?

[Finglass (mikE)] sure we are.

[Finglass (mikE)] we want magic goodies, right?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the shrine and it's current inhabitants

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So Alasair who is Chaotic me or Finglass?

[Finglass (mikE)] the only way to get them in this game is kill and loot others who are probably relatively innocent bystanders

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] both of you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No I am following a lawful path by finishing a task that we started

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Not finishing it I find to be chaotic

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] nah, beaurocracies often leave things unfinished ;)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's more a matter of will than morality

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8^) America is Chaotic not Lawful

[Finglass (mikE)] and beaurocracies are filled with useless laws

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No it is more a matter of money and power

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is Chaos

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so how about "Is it lawful to attack the shrine or it's guardians?"

[Khan (JohnA)] irelevent

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I agree

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it is to me

[Khan (JohnA)] I know

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Why?

[Finglass (mikE)] nah. following th emonay and the power is kind of lawful in its own way.

[Khan (JohnA)] you do have another side, Good

[Khan (JohnA)] what if it is good but not lawfull?

[Finglass (mikE)] chaotic would be ignoring the power sttructure formed by the money and power

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Screw good this is about Law and Chaos

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] because I'm not about to commit obviously unlawful acts against forces that are not necessarily evil

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well law usually decides what is good

[Khan (JohnA)] ha! I would not agree

[Finglass (mikE)] tell ya what, why don't we go kill them, and you two can argure over sematics while the rest of us loot the bodies?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What ever Split the hair before the Axe does go ahead

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Old Sembian saying

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] regardless, I am askin this question

[Mobuto (Fritz)] SAve it for last if you don't mid since it will have you staying behind while the world is destroyed

[Mobuto (Fritz)] mind

[Khan (JohnA)] go on Alastair, can I call you Fred?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] fred?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How about Phred

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] why?

[Khan (JohnA)] before your time

[Laila (Jess)] but that would be Astair, not Alastair

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alrighty then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Cast your spell and ask away

[Khan (JohnA)] ::khan steps back::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'd like a better wording for Were the people we fought the lords of chaos?

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Khan (JohnA)] Are the guardins f the temple... the lords of chaos

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I like that better

Mobuto (Fritz) sighs were those statues that came to Life in the temple the lords of chaos

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the statues that came to life in the shrine of budushartur and attacked us the lords of chaos?

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, can someone do the bless/prayer thing on me?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Excellent (How about is there a Yugiho card that can beat them?)

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] :-P

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn targets Alastair. Distance: 24'06"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Bless: The Spirits of the Animals and the Ancestors surround you and grant you for 6 rounds with +1 against FEAR and +1 to your ATTACK. (DC=(10+1) [10+1] 11)

[Finglass (mikE)] bless prayer alistar

[DM] and go for it

[Finglass (mikE)] hell, i'll chant, too

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Prayer: In a 60 foot radius, for (5+5/2) [5+5/2] 7 rounds all those friendly to me gain +1 to attack, damage, and saving throw, while all my enimies get -1 penalty to attack, damage, and saving throw. If chant is cast during the same time this increases to +2/-2. (DC=(10+3) [10+3] 13)

[DM] question uno

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okie, you want me to do the rolling then?

[DM] sure roll then ask

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Roll #1: (d100) [71] 71

[DM] not insane

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yay not insane

[DM] 40% chance

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so question 1

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the statues that came to life in the shrine of budushartur and attacked us the lords of chaos?

[Finglass (mikE)] yeah. we've already had to deal with one of those

[DM] no

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] question 2

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] would the powers of law be threatened if we do not return to finish investigating the shrine of Bundushartur?

[DM] likely

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is it lawful to attack the shrine or it's guardians?

[DM] yes

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Does having the parts of the key that we have prevent the further rising of chaos?

[DM] maybe

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok so it is likely that the powers of law would be threatened if we don't return, you can attack and there is no guarentee that having the parts of the key will preven chaos from rising. I say we go back

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, then I am fine with us returning to attack after one more day of rest

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thank you.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they have not done anything for the last few days, one more won't hurt us

Mobuto (Fritz) High five Finglass

[Khan (JohnA)] do you care if it is good to attack them?

Finglass (mikE) checks his quiver.

[Finglass (mikE)] 'I'm ready

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not as much as I care if its lawful

[Khan (JohnA)] just checking

Mobuto (Fritz) whispers Now I wonder if Paul is gonna care or still be unconcerned about his land?

[Khan (JohnA)] you have any more questions available?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, I can cast again potentially, but that's it for the spell

[DM] ok, so to wrap up tonight,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sure now that you have heard the results of Alastairs Augury spell will you report it to Paul and see if he is concerned enough about his land to join the rest of his Dragonslayers ?

[Khan (JohnA)] I guess the party has decided

[DM] we will be moving back to the dungeon next week

[DM] with the group here, adding in Paul again possibly,

[DM] and anyone else who you wish to bring?

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Protection From Evil -- # Memorized: 1 (0), Notes - Personal Information -

[JohnA] good night all

[Laila (Jess)] i'm good

[DM] night all

[Laila (Jess)] nighty

Jess has left the game

JohnA has left the game

Sean has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -

[DM] fritz I did add XP tonight

[DM] so you may want to save your sheets there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only changing notes

[DM] ok

[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Notes - Personal Information - Experience:: CHANGED: 159123 (159323). Combat -

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am give me 2 secs

[DM] not a problem will leave it up for a few

[Finglass (mikE)] are we calling it a night before we go back in, then?

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moradred modified: Notes -

mikE has left the game

BiBo!!! has left the game

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moraleodred modified: Languages - ADDED: WCommon. Notes - Racial Abilities - ADDED: Totemic Image; Parrot lasts 3 weeks. . ADDED: Jackal (3 days/ 1 hour); at wearers option 1 oponent per encoutner suffer -1 penalty to hit, +1 penalty to AC or -1 penalty to all saving throws. wearer decides effect for each opponent cann't be changed.. ADDED: Lion (3 days/ 1 hour) +1 bonus to attack and +1 bonus to save vs fear. Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: +1. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moraleodred modified: Temporary Modifiers -

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moradred modified: Languages - ADDED: WCommon. Racial Abilities - ADDED: Lion (3 days/ 1 hour) +1 bonus to attack and +1 bonus to save vs fear. ADDED: Jackal (3 days/ 1 hour); at wearers option 1 oponent per encoutner suffer -1 penalty to hit, +1 penalty to AC or -1 penalty to all saving throws. wearer decides effect for each opponent cann't be changed.. ADDED: Totemic Image; Parrot lasts 3 weeks. . Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: +1. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes - Racial Abilities - ADDED: Jackal (3 days/ 1 hour); at wearers option 1 oponent per encoutner suffer -1 penalty to hit, +1 penalty to AC or -1 penalty to all saving throws. wearer decides effect for each opponent cann't be changed.. ADDED: Lion (3 days/ 1 hour) +1 bonus to attack and +1 bonus to save vs fear. ADDED: Rhinoceros (3 weeks/1 day); -1 AC.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers -

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Racial Abilities - DELETED: Fly with a movement speed of 12 and maneuverability class of B. ADDED: Fly with a movement speed of 15 and maneuverability class of B.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 5 (4). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (1). Notes - Racial Abilities - ADDED: Rhinoceros (3 weeks/1 day); -1 AC. ADDED: Owl (3 days/1 hour); see in total darkness without penalty. ADDED: Parrot (3 weeks/1 day); Speak with animals or animal speach. ADDED: Jackal (3 days/ 1 hour); at wearers option 1 oponent per encoutner suffer -1 penalty to hit, +1 penalty to AC or -1 penalty to all saving throws. wearer decides effect for each opponent cann't be changed.. ADDED: Lion (3 days/ 1 hour) +1 bonus to attack and +1 bonus to save vs fear.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Temporary Modifiers -

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moradred modified: Notes - Racial Abilities - ADDED: Rhinoceros (3 weeks/1 day); -1 AC. Temporary Modifiers -

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Notes -

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Deeppockets -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- # Memorized: 1 (2), Notes -

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Deeppockets: I create pockets in my robe that hold 100 lbs in each pocket of 5 cubic feet in volume as if it were 10 lbs for (2*(12+5+1)) [2*(12+5+1)] 36 hours (DC=(10+2) [10+2] 12) [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] just renewing the spell dont want to have to be bogged down with it when we start next week. doing the day before we leave

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- # Memorized: 2 (1),

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn no longer targets Alastair.

[DM] when you are done let me know

[Mobuto (Fritz)] WEll Bob I had a great time

[DM] so I can restart the computer

[DM] glad you did

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I hope I didn't piss off your brother

[DM] I did award XP for the night

[DM] i do not think so,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I was just playing

[DM] I assume that he understands that

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am done. gonna go and hang with the wife

[DM] he never said anything about you,

[DM] go

[DM] talk to you later on

[DM] have a good weekend

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Cool sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] you to

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] quick

[Mobuto (Fritz)] question

[DM] sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What was your opinion of what Bibo and I came up with?

[DM] I think it is a compromise, I am not sure I like it

[DM] but I will let everyone else comment first

[DM] I like the diverse spell/weapon speeds, so that people have to think in combat

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Fair enough. Have a fun weekend. I am getting my plane set up

[DM] go

[DM] talk to you soon

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But no one wants to do it

[DM] I aggree

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well except me and you

[DM] we will go with somethign that works easier, adn flows

[Mobuto (Fritz)] kk chow bello

Fritz has left the game