Main / Mar1612

Mar 16 12 - Burst of Building

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 16 18:33:07 EDT 2012 ====

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Mar 16 18:42:37 EDT 2012

JohnAA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnAA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] hello there

[JohnAA] hello

[Master] all recovered from the week and birthday parties?

[JohnAA] still tired, but I am always tired of someting

[Master] well at least the weekend is here

[Master] no projects planned?

[JohnAA] touch up paint

[Master] on?

[JohnAA] finaly got the roof fixed so garage roof needs Kiltz

[Master] that is easy

[JohnAA] might start primming the master bath

[Master] let M & M do a graphitti thing in there

[Master] give them cans and go spray away

[JohnAA] I am glad if they finish their homework

[JohnAA] working on importing spells

[Master] wonderful

[Master] I am here to figure out what to do in what order

[Master] I am just guessing that everyone will be here, but not sure at all

[JohnAA] ba da boom

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Spells - ADDED: Analyze Balance, 1, 1, I detect how far from neutral alignment an area or person is., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Evil - Priest, 1, 1, "For {10+($L*5)} rounds, I can detect evil in a 10'x360' path in front of me, though I must concentrate for a round to do it. If the evil is overwhelming, I have a {$L*10}% chance of knowing what kind of evil it is.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Poison, 1, 1, "I hold up a sheet of vellum. If it is placed in front of poison within the next {10+$L} rounds, it will turn black. There is a % chance that I can detect the exact type of poison.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Augury, 2, 2, I ask a question about a future task and recieve a reply with {70+$L}% certainty., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Charm, 2, 2, "For 1 turn I can detect if one creature per round is under some sort of influence, be it charm or possession or whatnot. I also have a {5*$L}% chance of knowing what that influence is.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Find Traps, 2, 2, For 3 turns I can detect traps in a 10'x90' path in front of me., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Spirits, 3, 3, For {1+$L} turns I can detect any spirits in a 10'x60' path in front of me., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Extradimensional Detection, 3, 3, "For rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Locate Object - Priest, 3, 3, "For 8 hours, I can detect the direction to an item of my choosing as long as it is within {60+($L*10)} yards.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Speak with Dead, 3, 3, I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Lie, 4, 4, "For the next rounds, I know any falsehoods of which you speak. Though I do receive a save vs spell, adjusted by the caster's Wisdom.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Divination, 4, 4, I divine information about a future task or goal with {60+$L}% chance of success., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Omniscient Eye, 4, 4, "For the next {10+$L} rounds, I can see through any normal or magical darkness, mist or fog out to 60 feet and have a chance of seeing through illusions and invisibility as well.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Consequence, 5, 5, I can see how a single event fits into the grand scheme of things., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Magic Font, 5, 5, "I turn a holy font into a scrying device, much like a crystal ball.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Find the Path, 6, 6, "For the next turns, I can detect the direction into or out of a specific locale.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Stone Tell, 6, 6, "I speak to stone and ask it what has touched it as well as what is covered, concealed or behind it.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Divine Inspiration, 7, 7, I ask the gods for a clue as to what to do next., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Know Direction, 1, 1, I know which way is north., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Aura of Comfort, 2, 2, I'm protected from harsh weather for hours., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Lighten Load, 2, 2, The weight of the stuff I'm carrying is 50% less for hours., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Create Campsite, 3, 3, Tiny invisible servants run about and setup a campsite for me in a 50' radius area or less., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Helping Hand, 3, 3, "For hours, a disembodied hand goes off to fetch help.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Know Customs, 3, 3, I know the customs of the local area as believed by the target of this spell., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Circle of Privacy, 4, 4, Chances for random encounters at our camp are reduced by 50% for hours., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Tree Steed, 4, 4, I turn a large piece of wood into a steed I can ride., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Clear Path, 5, 5, "For hours, dense paths in front of me are cleared so I can move better.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Easy March, 5, 5, " people can force march twice their movement for days, though they suffer a -1 to attacks.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Monster Mount, 6, 6, I compel a monster to be my mount for hours., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Hovering Road, 7, 7, I cause a road to appear for me for turns., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Know Age, 1, 1, I know the age of a creature or object., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Know Time, 1, 1, I know what time it is., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Hesitation, 2, 2, Up to {2d4} HD worth of creatures suffer a +4 penalty to their initiative for rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Nap, 2, 2, I sleep a full night's worth of sleep in one hour., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Accelerate Healing, 3, 3, "For the next {1d4} days, I gain twice as much hit points from resting.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Choose Future, 3, 3, "My next attack, initiative or saving throw roll can be rolled twice, and I take the best one.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Unfailing Premonition, 3, 3, "I sense danger for the next {($L*2)+10} rounds. In combat I get a +2 to ac, though there's a 25% chance that I lose my action for the round.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Age Plant, 4, 4, A plant grows older by up to {$L*10} years., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Body Clock, 4, 4, "I rest better, and hold my breath longer for hours.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Age Object, 5, 5, The object ages up to {$L*20} years., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Othertime, 5, 5, I step a few rounds into the future., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Repeat Action, 5, 5, "The target repeats the action of the previous round, with identical results.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Time Pool, 5, 5, I look into a reflective surface and see some time in the past., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Age Creature, 6, 6, "I age the target years, or reverse magical aging in the target.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Reverse Time, 6, 6, I reverse the last {1d4} rounds of action for the target., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Skip Day, 6, 6, Those in 10' radius transport 24 hours into the future!, --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Age Dragon, 7, 7, "For rounds, the target dragon gains or loses {$L/5} age categories.", , , , , , . ADDED: Bless/Curse, 1, 1, "For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Combine, 1, 1, 3 to 5 priests combine their efforts so that one can cast and turn undead at a higher level., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Detect Magic - Priest, 1, 1, "For 1 turn, I can detect magic in a 10'x30' path.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Orison, 1, 1, I can create minor effects., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Purify Food and Drink, 1, 1, Spoiled food and water is made pure again., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chant, 2, 2, "For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Mystic Transfer, 2, 2, A priest can send me a spell to cast., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Sanctify, 2, 2, All friendlies within the area get a +1 to fear/charm spells and undead are turned at 1 level higher., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Dispel Magic - Priest, 3, 3, I dispel {11-(1d20)+$L} level magic., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Remove Curse - Priest, 3, 3, I remove a curse., --, , , , , . ADDED: Battlefate, 1, 1, "For {$L*2} rounds, the target gets a {($L+2)/3} bonus to a randomly determined thing.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Mistaken Missive, 1, 1, "Over the course of 6 days, the writing on a piece of paper shifts to change meaning.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chaos Ward, 2, 2, "For {$L*2} rounds, the target's AC gains a +1 bonus vs melee and a +2 bonus vs ranged attacks as well as a +2 bonus to saves vs spells. In addition there is a chance that spells and missiles are deflected.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Dissension's Feast, 2, 2, Everyone who eats a meal upon which this spell is cast starts arguing with each other for {5+($L*2)} turns., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Miscast Magic, 3, 3, A wizard who fails his save casts a random spell of the same level or lower as the next spell he casts., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Random Causality, 3, 3, Weapon is enchanted to deal damage to one of the weilder's allies instead of who he attacks for {3+$L} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chaotic Combat, 4, 4, For {$L*2} rounds a warrior randomly gains a +2 bonus to attack and AC or a -2 penalty to the same., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chaotic Sleep, 4, 4, "Until this spell is removed, the target has a 50/50 chance of either being unable to sleep or stay away for every 12 hour period.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Inverted Ethics, 4, 4, I reverse the ethics of up to different creatures in a 20' radius for 1 turn., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chaotic Commands, 5, 5, Target is immune to magical commands for turns and those who cast such spells on them must save vs spell or have the spell reflected on them., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Entropy Shield, 6, 6, A shield of energy surrounds me for rounds which deflects attacks and spells., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Uncontrolled Weather, 7, 7, I conjure forth random weather., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Battlefate, 1, 1, "For {$L*2} rounds, the target gets a {($L+2)/3} bonus to a randomly determined thing.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Mistaken Missive, 1, 1, "Over the course of 6 days, the writing on a piece of paper shifts to change meaning.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Chaos Ward, 2, 2, "For {$L*2} rounds, the target's AC gains a +1 bonus vs melee and a +2 bonus vs ranged attacks as well as a +2 bonus to saves vs spells. In addition there is a chance that spells and missiles are deflected.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Dissension's Feast, 2, 2, Everyone who eats a meal upon which this spell is cast starts arguing with each other for {5+($L*2)} turns., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Miscast Magic, 3, 3, A wizard who fails his save casts a random spell of the same level or lower as the next spell he casts., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Random Causality, 3, 3, Weapon is enchanted to deal damage to one of the weilder's allies instead of who he attacks for {3+$L} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Faerie Fire, 1, 1, I outline several creatures in magical light for {$L*4} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Obscurement, 1, 1, A {$L*10} ft square of fog obscures the area for {$L*4} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Call Lightning, 3, 3, I can call down a bolt of lightning which deals {2d8+($L)d8} points of damage. I can summon forth a bolt a turn for the next turns., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Weather Prediction, 3, 3, I can predict the weather for the next days. , --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Blessed Watchfulness, 1, 1, "For the next {4+$L} hours, the target is wide awake and vigilant.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Light - Priest, 1, 1, I create a 20' radius globe of light which lights the way for {6+$L} turns., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Sacred Guardian, 1, 1, "For the next days, I know if the target of this spell is in danger.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Iron Vigil, 2, 2, "For {7+$L} days, the target has no need for food or drink and can easily withstand harsh climes. Sleep can be replaced with meditation.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: "Silence, 15' Radius", 2, 2, "For {$L*2} rounds, no sound can enter the 15' radius area.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Wyvern Watch, 2, 2, "A wyvern like haze guards a 10' radius area for up to 8 hours. If an intruder enters the area, it attacks. The intruder must save vs spell or be paralyzed for rounds or until the caster releases him.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Continual Light - Priest, 3, 3, "A permanent, 60' radius globe of light is created.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Glyph of Warding, 3, 3, I create a glyph on an area which explodes when someone touches it. Individual glyphs may vary., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Analyze Balance, 1, 1, I detect how far from neutral alignment an area or person is., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Calculate, 1, 1, I have a {70+($L*2)}% chance of estimating the chances of a particular action., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Personal Reading, 1, 1, "Using someone's name and birthplace, I can guess at some of that person's history.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Moment, 2, 2, "For the next rounds, I can tell others when the right moment to attack will be.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Music of the Spheres, 2, 2, Up to {$L/3} creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next {10+$L} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Etherealness - Priest, 3, 3, I enter the border ethereal plane for {10+$L} rounds., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Extradimensional Detection, 3, 3, "For rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me.", --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Moment Reading, 3, 3, I learn the tone of the current situation., --, 1, , , , . ADDED: Telethaumaturgy, 3, 3, "Using a creatures name, I am able to increase the range of a few specific spells when casting at that creature.", --, 1, , , , .

[Master] grins

[JohnAA] one thing I need from you, what do I need to do to learn a signature spell

[JohnAA] Mage

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 16 18:54:12 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[JohnAA] here is my master now

[Master] have someone train you in it, costs a slot

[Master] hello Lisa

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] she needs one more level then she can train you

[JohnAA] actual two unless your a specialist

[JohnAA] unless you changed those rules?

[Master] no

[Master] just so used to people being specialists

[JohnAA] thought you would have an issue with that for dual class

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 1, , .

[Master] not sure you can even do that

[Master] going to refill drinks be right back

[JohnAA] welsome to Bran Digo

[Lisa] :)

[Lisa] that blank sheet of paper we are on?

[JohnAA] to represent the squisshy time we are in

[JohnAA] How the heck are you

[Lisa] decompressing

[Lisa] been a crazy week getting ready for another trip

[Lisa] going to Montana next week

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 3 (), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 ().

[Lisa] at least it won't be 18 degrees

[Lisa] will be a warm & toasty 55

[Lisa] how are you?

[JohnAA] but it is Montana

[Master] b

[JohnAA] Relaxed for a change, thank you

[Lisa] that is good

[Lisa] I like these little out of the way places

[Lisa] people are generally nicer

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 500. Next level in 61.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Level-up!

[JohnAA] so now she can teach me?

[JohnAA] I know, she just did not update

[Master] no she has not changed her character sheet yet

[Master] no one has had a chance to check those things

[Lisa] guess I should do that

[JohnAA] actualy Quifon went up too, did not put his next level in

[JohnAA] so you werenot notified

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 75. Level-up!

[Master] in anticipation of you doing some roleplaying John

[JohnAA] gee ya think

[JohnAA] tks

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 9 (8). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 9 (8). Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 250,000 (135,000).

[Master] and that is everyone who will level up and or need training between now and the end of the next Era

[JohnAA] gonna keep it boring?

[Master] on a timer

[Master] pause to train and you fail to finish

[JohnAA] ah

[JohnAA] rolling to QuiFon first

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=2] 2, Roll #2: (d10) [1d10=9] 9

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 21 (10). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 21 (10). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 3 (1). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 3 (null). Ability Scores - Bonus Spells:: CHANGED: 2-1st (null). Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: d10 (null). Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 4 (3), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 4 (3).

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d4) [1d4=1] 1

[JohnAA] is it too anoying if I commit too often?

[Master] not at all

[Lisa] I forget if I get any bonus

[Master] is good to save your work periodically

[Master] any bonus is listed in your con score

[Lisa] figures I roll low for that one

[Master] you get a +1

[Master] and that is the last time you roll for hitpoints think also

[Lisa] great

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 32 (30). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 32 (30).

[Master] no you get oen more full die at level 10

[Master] then from then on it is +1 per level

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 10 (16). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 14 (18). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 13 (17). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 16 (20). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 15 (19). Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 2 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 8 (10). Personal Information - Race:: CHANGED: Dwarf (null). Size:: CHANGED: M (null). Alignment:: CHANGED: Neutral Good (null). Next Level:: CHANGED: 6000 (null). Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] just double checked what Guy said earlier and he will not be in

[Master] so I think it best to continue working ont eh character sheets

[Master] till TMO comes in

[Master] then do a bit of roleplaying on the training issues

[JohnAA] like how much they let Miranda spend

[Master] that depends on your head mage

[JohnAA] or how Miranda has to ask Branwyn to research a spell for her

[JohnAA] is this area Central common?

[Master] no W Comm

[JohnAA] just checking

[Lisa] no marco?

[Master] guess not

[Lisa] could he be confused with time change?

[Master] perhaps

[JohnAA] lost touch with the "real" world

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Tumbling, Rogue, , 1, $ba, +0. ADDED: Fortune Telling, Rogue, , 2, $ap, +2. ADDED: speak Dwarf, , , 0, , . ADDED: speak western common, , , , , . ADDED: Detect Grade or Slope in Passage, general, dwarven detection, 1, $W, +4. ADDED: Detect New Tunnel or Passage Construction, general, dwarven detection, 1, $W, +4. ADDED: Detect Sliding or Shifting Walls or Rooms, general, dwarven detection, 1, $W, +2. ADDED: Detect Stonework Traps, Pits, and Deadfalls, general, dwarven detection, 1, $W, +0. ADDED: Detect Approximate Depth Underground, general, dwarven detection, 1, $W, +0. Weapon Proficiencies - Initial Slots:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Add'l Slots/Level:: CHANGED: 4 (null). Non-proficient Penalty:: CHANGED: -3 (null). Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Add'l Slots/Level:: CHANGED: 6 (null). Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Unarmed Specialist, 2.

[JohnAA] what do you want to do Lisa? Anything before going back out on the roadl

[Master] "goign on the road" is my hook

[JohnAA] oh

[Master] but there is some roleplaying to do around the estates

[Master] and we should list out all the training issues, things to accomplish, etc

[Master] then rolls to make for spells

[Master] GP to spend on libraries

[Master] on spells

[Master] etc

[Master] etc

[Master] etc

[Lisa] I would like to visit the mosskins before we disappear again as far as roleplay is concerned

[Lisa] I was very busy this week so did not have time to do anything besides update the cash report

[Master] that is what tonight is all about

[Lisa] am looking at nwp now since I have 3 stupid slots to fill and 1 wp

[Lisa] there should be a better selection of nwp - I don't want any of them

[Master] TMO is going to be later, another hour of laying flooring then he will try to log in

[Master] might be two

[Master] and you can take any NWP on the list

[Master] or what are you looking for? what do you want to do?

[JohnAA] Signature spell

[JohnAA] for that spell you always want to cast just one more time

[Lisa] I should take dowsing so I can find that shell that Scarlet hid

[JohnAA] there is a spell for that

[Lisa] 1000 gp shell and scarlet tosses it

[JohnAA] funny funny

[Lisa] granted the shell had just converted her to this crazy religion andf Kristelle and Imari were trying to destroy it....

[Master] and Ilero is a worshiper of that religion, if not that particular goddess

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] then he would want to find it too

[Master] once you tell him about it perhaps

[Lisa] but would have helped when we had to bury the treeasure in outreach

[Master] do you understand what john is saying about a signature spell?

[Lisa] yes - marco has one

[Lisa] not sure I want to waste 2 slots on a spell I already know

[Master] and are there any other skills you wanted to have but are not listed as a mage one on the list?

[Lisa] when I could become a master cheesemaker

[Master] not a bad option

[Master] somethign to compete with Koorin on

[Lisa] not sure about that

[JohnAA] how about glass blowing?

[Lisa] what I had on my list before was when we had no thief or any kind of divination fun stuff

[Master] or languages to be able to speak with various races

[Master] if you want to do monster summoning

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Cestus -- Range: (null), CHANGED: Cestus -- # Atks: 3 (--), CHANGED: Cestus -- Ability Adj: +1 (+0), CHANGED: Cestus -- Skill Adj: +2 (+0), CHANGED: Cestus -- Total Atk Adj: $atk+4 ($atk), CHANGED: Cestus -- Ability Adj: +2 (0), CHANGED: Cestus -- Skill Adj: + (+0), CHANGED: Cestus -- Profic Adj: +2 (+0), CHANGED: Cestus -- Damage Adj: $dmg+4 ($dmg), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Damage Adj: $DMG+4 ($DMG), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Damage v SM: 1d2 (null), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Damage v L: 1d2 (null), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Knockdown (KNCK) : 1d6 (null), Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] just throw out any possible ideas just to see how they work

[Lisa] most just aren't fun

[JohnAA] do you have any desire to research spells, there is a proficency for that

[Lisa] you can take hyptnotism but oit only works if the subject agrees to it

[JohnAA] or making potions

[Lisa] what is the fun in that?

[JohnAA] i should role play this part out

[Lisa] have research

[Miranda (JohnAA)] You can take charge of your life

[Miranda (JohnAA)] you find the spell you want

[Miranda (JohnAA)] not just learn what you find

[Miranda (JohnAA)] you said you do not believe in Destny

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Make a spell that lets to find what you are looking for

[Miranda (JohnAA)] make a spell that .. what do you want to do?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay tony robbins)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (hee hee hee)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb - phone)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (testing testing, this is only a test)

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel targets Miranda. Distance: 1'06"

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'00"

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Attack: Cestus: ((20-(d20+1+4))+2+1) [1d20=11] 7 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Miranda (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Attack: Cestus: ((20-(d20+1+4))+2+1) [1d20=19] -1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Miranda (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Damage v SM: Cestus: ((1d4)+2+4+2) [1d4=2] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Miranda

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Damage v L: Cestus: ((1d3)+2+4+2) [1d3=2] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Miranda

[Miranda (JohnAA)] soory not right

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Cestus -- Total Atk Adj: $atk ($atk+4), CHANGED: Cestus -- Damage Adj: $dmg ($dmg+4), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Total Atk Adj: $atk (+0), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Damage Adj: $DMG ($DMG+4), CHANGED: Unarmed -- Knockdown (KNCK) : 1d2 (1d6),

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Attack: Cestus: ((20-(d20+1))+2+1) [1d20=4] 18 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Miranda (AC FINAL: 10).

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Damage v SM: Cestus: ((1d4)+2+2) [1d4=4] 8 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Miranda

[Miranda (JohnAA)] ok, the bulk is done for Quifon, he is ready to play

[Master] I have a decent idea of the current date

[Master] in 6 more years the Huns defeat Shou Lung

[Master] then they head West

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 2 (1). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 2 (1). Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 5000 (2500). Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 2 (1), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 2 (1).

[Miranda (JohnAA)] speaking of which, I need a DOB for QuiFon. Do you have a randomiser?

[Master] no

[JohnAA] Miranda targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 1'06"

[Master] but dwarf

[Master] hmm

[JohnAA] Miranda no longer targets QuiFon Ruminel.

[Master] I cna look at that

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 5

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel no longer targets QuiFon Ruminel.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 6

[JohnAA] Miranda targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 1'06"

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 8).

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] ok 5d6 to stert john

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Roll: (5d6) [5d6=5,5,4,2,1] 17

[Master] now a d4

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miranda modified:

[JohnAA] Miranda no longer targets QuiFon Ruminel.

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel no longer targets Miranda.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Miranda casts a spell against : Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Roll: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2

[Master] the dwarf is 59 years old

[Miranda (JohnAA)] 12 months?

[Master] yes

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Roll: (1d12) [1d12=4] 4

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Roll: (1d20) [1d20=4] 4

[Master] and 28 days

[Master] you can just roll a (d28) [1d28=26] 26

[Miranda (JohnAA)] so 4/4/(-59)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] =339-59

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (339-59) 280

[Master] actuall 342

[Miranda (JohnAA)] whats 339 in the header for?

[Master] that is the date we started this story arc

[Miranda (JohnAA)] {342-59)

[Master] looks like it will be sometime in the year 342 when we are finished

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (342-59) 283

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Personal Information - Date of Birth:: CHANGED: 4/4/283 (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 59/ Male (null).

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] back sorry

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Personal Information - Date of Birth:: CHANGED: '4/4/283' (4/4/283).

[Master] that is one thing Lisa needs to decide also

[Master] how much is going into the library

[Master] with the 32 months of time ticked off that can boost the size a bit

[Miranda (JohnAA)] especialy if she researches also

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Personal Information - Date of Birth:: CHANGED: 4 day, 4 month year 283 ('4/4/283').

[JohnAA] but I am not pushing

[JohnAA] she is much more of a dooer then a studier

[Lisa] what are you pushing?

[JohnAA] bot a thing, just trying to help

[JohnAA] not

[Master] the value of a library goes up ever month it is used for spell research

[Miranda (JohnAA)] How may I be of service

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: John (Kaz).

[JohnAA] rolling for Hoffman it pts, think happy thoughts

[Master] it will be what God wants

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=2] 2

[JohnAA] thanks

[Lisa] how about dowsing, spirit lore and religion?

[JohnAA] Mike wants to say hi!

[Lisa] I can find things, talk to dead people and know something about religion since no priest ever take that proficiency

[Lisa] Hi Mike


[Lisa] so we have 16000 gp

[Master] local history would work also

[Master] now that you are court mage

[Master] and hello Michael

[Master] did you get yoru reading done?

[Lisa] what reading?

[JohnAA] and that was his big thrill, sorry

[JohnAA] Michael's reading, family thing

[Lisa] I am sorry if saying hello to us is a big thrill...

[Lisa] I wish we were more thrilling to say hello to

[JohnAA] he does not want to say he misses miranda who went shopping with MOM

[Master] chuckles

[JohnAA] and I spent a little money for Miranda to learn two spells

[Lisa] how much

[JohnAA] just have to figure out

[Lisa] or did you type it above?

[Master] no he has to roll first

[JohnAA] want to finish Hoffman, them back to Miranda

[JohnAA] I rolled to learn last week, just not #of pages

[Master] Branwyn's library is worth 2450 gp

[Lisa] what happens if we make it an even 5000?

[Master] while the goal is to keep adding and adding the next level that really counts is 8,000

[Master] that will let you research 3rd level spells

[Lisa] do we have a total cost for training?

[Master] the value will go up as you research,

[Lisa] Branwyn has 1 wp, 3 nwp, and would need to find someone who can teach her a 5th level spell

[Lisa] Is that even possible here?

[Master] and Telaman will do that for her

[Lisa] calls out for yulotte

[Master] sorry

[Lisa] but Belamin is in Rivers Bend

[Master] you have plenty of time to travel back and forth

[Lisa] LOL

[JohnAA] (d12) [1d12=12] 12 (d28) [1d28=5] 5

[Lisa] thinking about last trip to rivers bend

[Lisa] so local history will work for local religions too?

[Master] the very basics of it

[Master] religion will give you detailed info about how individual gods interact

[Master] local history will give you info on how the various religions have interacted with the local people over the past few years

[Lisa] guess I can take local history - is sad that I am bringing work to the game :(

[Master] you can take basket weaving

[Lisa] only if I can do it underwater

[Master] or add to things that will help you make magic items

[Master] alchemy for example

[Master] to help make potions

[Lisa] I have that

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 11 (13). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 13 (15). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 12 (14). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 13 (16). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 14 (16). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 40 (35). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 40 (35). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 15 (16). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 6 (5). Warrior: (WARL) : CHANGED: 6 (5). Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] so I have a tower and a mini library but no lab

[JohnAA] can I say Indigo finished teaching me swimming?

[Lisa] how much to start a lab?

[Master] 1d6 1,000 GP

[Lisa] and everyone will know what I will roll

[JohnAA] 2

[Lisa] 97

[JohnAA] if you roll 97 on a d 6 I will fall over

[Master] The Basic Investment for a laboratory is 1,000-6,000 (1d6 x 1000) gp. As with the library, there are two ways a wizard can avoid paying the Basic Investment for a laboratory: 1. The wizard has purchased a laboratory previously. Once a wizard purchases a lab, it becomes a permanent part of his possessions. He never has to buy another one unless, of course, it blew up in a lab accident or is otherwise destroyed.

[Lisa] what is library total for 2nd level spells?

[Master] 4000

[Master] which as you work on spells you might come close to

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=4] 4

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] and Branwyn's library page is missing the new spell book she found outsie of Outreach

[Master] and that is a 2

[JohnAA] can always be worse

[Master] so 2,000 GP for the lab

[Lisa] looked like a 4 to me

[Master] you already paid in a 50% premium when building

[Master] so that reduces other building costs by that much

[Lisa] that is nice

[Master] only the stone building portion, the wood stuff was normal price

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified:

[JohnAA] can I see the spell book?

[Lisa] so if we put 2 into a lab and 5 into the library with a bit of research it will be a 3rd level spell library, correct?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] that leaves 9000 gp

[Master] 6,000 more gives you a 4th level library

[Master] 14,000

[Lisa] will not do that

[Master] rest room break

[JohnAA] rolling for miranda's spells (# of pages)

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=4] 3

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=2] 1

[JohnAA] so 200 GP so far Miranda

[JohnAA] we will pay you back

[Lisa] I didn't have it as a book

[Lisa] 4'th Level Mage Spell -- Bob needs to determine Scroll with set of Mage Spells -- Bob needs to determine 2 Unread Priest Scrolls

[JohnAA] still thinking of a name

[Master] b

[JohnAA] ?

[JohnAA] Branwyn The Travler?

[Master] I thought we rolle that up Lisa

[Lisa] Bob - that is what I had at end of party pack page

[Master] ok I will double check my page

[JohnAA] Branwyn the DragonSlayer

[Lisa] do you have what they were? sorry

[Lisa] what did you call your power mages?

[Master] 4th level spell is MassMorph

[Lisa] will update

[Master] [Master] the book contains: Feather Fall, Leviate, Spider Climb, Web, Fly, mount, Bind and Caligarde's Claw which you have never heard of before

[Master] Caligarde's Spell Book

[Master] is the name

[Master] was on the Jan 27 12 chat log

[Lisa] claw thing is not in the set of 4 spell books?

[Master] not sure

[Master] will check

[Lisa] it's okay

[Lisa] will just have to learn it and cast then find out what it does, right?

[Master] it is in book 1

[Master] now that you are home

[Master] you can read and research it

[Master] to learn all about it

[Lisa] what I would like to do is start transferring spells into Vasyugan

[Lisa] so I need to roll for pages I guess

[Master] yes to that also

[Lisa] I only want to carry two books with me at any time

[Lisa] forget how to roll them though

[Master] you can also figure out what goes in what book


[Master] 1d6-1

[Master] AND now that you have a lab

[Master] you can take part of the cost of the ink and add it to the value of your lab

[Master] sorry you can make the ink your self

[Master] rather than purchase at 50 GP per page

[Master] it only costs 50%

[Master] Labs do not go up in value only libraries do

[Lisa] that is good

[Lisa] these rolls are for ones already in the book

[Master] so normal spell book is 25 Gp traveling spell books are 50 gp

[Master] ok

[Lisa] continual light

[Master] I have the page you want me to make the changes on it or do you want to do?

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=6] 5

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d8) [1d8=1] 1

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 4 (3). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 4 (3). Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Brother Fotopoulos (null). Player:: CHANGED: John (null). Next Level:: CHANGED: 13000 (6000).

[Lisa] I was going to add to webpage as I rolled

[JohnAA] you should let me roll if you want to roll low

[Master] ok jsut added in Conintul Light

[Master] and saves

[Master] saved

[Master] so you can continue along now

[Lisa] spell was already in it - we just didn't roll for pages

[Master] nods

[Master] is what I was editing

[Master] out of the page now

[Lisa] you are editing webpage?

[Master] not any more

[Lisa] so you want me to?

[Master] yes you can

[Lisa] phantasmal killer

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=2] 1

[Lisa] feign death

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=4] 3

[Lisa] meta liquids

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=3] 2

[Lisa] d door

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=1] 0

[Lisa] it's magic

[Lisa] is that possible?

[Master] 1

[Master] sorry all those are 1 page plus the 1d6-1

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 9 (10). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 13 (14). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 12 (13). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 15 (16). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 14 (15). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 15 (14). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 15 (14). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 18 (20). Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 9 (8). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 9 (8). Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] that is how it is a minimum of 1 page

[Lisa] okay

[Lisa] so now I have to start transferring

[JohnAA] so I was wrong Miranda spent 300 gp

[Master] ok

[Lisa] will transfer polymorph self & poly other

[Master] you can check Scarlett's spells also

[Master] and the new spell book

[Master] one step at a time

[Lisa] so no more carrying tenser's will around

[Master] how much space is in Vasyugan left? transfer some of the others out to that one also

[Master] the new spell book is a traveling spell book

[Lisa] so general thought is common spells in books and raely used spells on scrolls?

[Lisa] what new spell book?

[Master] Caligard's

[Lisa] Vasyugan is my 100 page spell book that I want to be the main one along with my travelling one

[Lisa] even though I have been travelling with that monster book

[JohnAA] you should have a copy of every spell at the libray in case you loose your spell books

[Master] hit save and I will double check teh page for you

[Master] and John has a point

[Lisa] and who is going to pay for that?

[Lisa] is a chance we will just have to take

[Master] Brawnyn is the head fo the party, is the Court Mage

[Master] 100 GP every month coming in just for her spell stuff

[Lisa] will not lose my spell books

[Lisa] I added that in to the 16000

[Master] but there are times you might want to not carry them with you, etc

[Lisa] you will lose me first and then have my spell books

[Master] and yes I know but there are more months to come

[JohnAA] at least have a copy of the rare and uncommonspells

[Lisa] let's put skyhook in vasugan too

[JohnAA] like the ones that no one has heard of before

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] most everything will be in the library

[Lisa] if you look at the library page this is what I am shooting for

[Lisa] carrying travelling spell book on top and vasyugan

[Master] John how long do we have you ?

[Lisa] everything else will be in the library

[JohnAA] depends

[Lisa] on how difficult I can be?

[Master] there is a bit of roleplaying to do

[JohnAA] no plans, time change and kids being out of school has made my nights longer any way

[Master] ok

[Master] when lisa hits save will check the library page

[JohnAA] Lisa - depends on how much money I can spend ;)

[Lisa] done

[Master] 65 pages free currently

[Lisa] now I think we are at the point of what I want to learn and put in there

[Master] you want to add in Sky Hook and ?

[Master] the reason I ask John, is TMO is about 30 minutes away

[Lisa] the two polymorphs

[Master] has to take a shower so he does not stink up the place

[JohnAA] i can not smell hiim for here

[JohnAA] from

[Master] Lisa you also have the new spell book

[Master] are there other new spells in there

[Master] that you want in the main one

[Lisa] want to learn identify and fireball from scarlet's book

[Master] of course there are only 44 pages used in the traveling spell book also, and some of those seem to be unlucky rolls so you might want to /could get away with only one book

[Master] ok

[Master] you can make those rolls to learn them

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=6] 6

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=57] 57

[Lisa] yay

[Master] nice

[Master] now number of days for each

[Lisa] ...

[Master] grins,

[Master] 1 day per level

[Master] sorry 1d2

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=3] 3

[Master] not sure why that di dnot type in correctly

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[Master] very nice

[Lisa] and no page numbers so identify

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=2] 1

[Lisa] fireball

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=6] 5

[Lisa] john - you are done with miranda spells?

[Lisa] get her set up how you want her :)

[Master] and Lisa did you keep track of how many pages total? that *25 gp

[Master] for total costs

[Lisa] I am just trying to keep track of pages right now

[JohnAA] i was waiting for Brawyn's permission

[Master] no worries

[Lisa] we all need spells

[JohnAA] and find out how much for signature spell training

[JohnAA] and looking at avaiable spells

[Lisa] I want that waterproof spell

[Master] signature spell training is same as any skill to learn

[Master] and that waterproof spell is not a known spell

[Lisa] waterbane

[Master] so you would have to research it

[Lisa] is on a scroll we have

[Master] nods

[Master] OH

[Lisa] is 1st level

[Master] then it is much much easier to learn etc

[Lisa] so the next time some giant alligator tosses me in the swamp the books will be fine

[Master] the thing with your library is you can learn create entirely new spells that no one has ever heard of before

[JohnAA] yea!

[Master] John did that with Binding Light

[JohnAA] but that is a priest spell

[Lisa] so now I want to learn waterbane

[Master] ok

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=10] 10

[Master] so you have a cost for research

[Lisa] and waterbeathing

[Master] is waterbreathign a wizard spell?

[Lisa] this one is really good - I can touch people when I cast it and it works on all of us

[Lisa] was on the same scroll

[Lisa] see party pack page?

[Lisa] is in book 4

[Master] ok

[Lisa] am I ruining future water disaster plans?

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=41] 41

[Master] for those two to copy from Scroll to Spell Book is same cost as moving them like earlier

[Master] the scroll is used up in doing that

[Lisa] okay

[Master] and there are always water damage disasters

[Master] leeches, etc

[Lisa] and I will move the rest of the scroll to library page

[Lisa] is there an anti-leech spell?

[Master] not yet

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=1] 1

[Master] there is a priest spell called Anti Vermin barrier

[Lisa] waterbane pages

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=5] 4

[Lisa] water breathing

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+-1) [1d6=3] 2

[Master] and during the next couple of weeks you can update the pages how you wish, fill in the material components you want to carry around, etc

[Master] will both of you be in next week?

[Lisa] yes

[JohnAA] chances are good

[Lisa] still need to pick a 5th level spell from training

[Master] do you want suggestions from John?

[JohnAA] so signature spell cost on avergae 700? does that include learning the spell?

[Lisa] did I pay bellamin or do I owe a favor?

[Master] pay

[Lisa] wow

[Lisa] so I paid and Llath owes

[Lisa] I like it

[Master] if you have enough cash you can pay off those favors if you want to

[Master] 700 per favor paid off

[Lisa] and Llath owed 2? spell and signature

[Master] yes

[JohnAA] how many people can Indigo train in swimming?

[Master] depends on how long you spend on it

[Master] he can do group training

[Lisa] we might as well pay it if we have the cash and start the era with a clean slate

[JohnAA] woo hoo

[Lisa] can picture Indigo in his little swim trunks with a whistle around his neck

[Master] give me 20 laps around the tower

[Master] NOW

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] lol

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null. Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] I have zero idea how much cash we have spent

[JohnAA] what is the diffrence to Swimming - Dwarfves only?

[Lisa] much harder

[Master] swimming Dwarves only is what you have to take

[Master] and it costs more

[Lisa] dwarves sink

[Master] and totals is a good thing

[Lisa] I haven't mentioned my wp

[Master] you spent how much on the library so far?

[Lisa] Quarterstaff I was thinking

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] shouldn't I be allowed to have a big stick?

[Master] you do not speak softly

[JohnAA] I thought the pointy one worked well

[Lisa] so no one will suspect that I also have a big stick

[Master] bananna

[Lisa] I have to learn something

[Master] and yo spent 5 K on the library

[Master] working on that time line now

[Master] need a 1d6+4 5 times please

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6+4) [1d6=1] 5, Roll #2: (d6+4) [1d6=3] 7, Roll #3: (d6+4) [1d6=5] 9, Roll #4: (d6+4) [1d6=2] 6, Roll #5: (d6+4) [1d6=6] 10

[Master] (5+7+9+6+10)

[Master] (5+7+9+6+10) 37

[Master] 37 weeks

[Master] so while you are busy building and the civil war was going on your library is now at 7450

[JohnAA] lemund's secret chest (sugestion for 5th level spell)

[JohnAA] or Hold Monster

[Lisa] are you kidding?

[JohnAA] no, just thinking outloud

[Lisa] chest is no less than 5000 gp

[Master] secret chest is not a bad idea though

[Master] to keep your spell books safe

[JohnAA] one time purchase

[Lisa] we don't have 5000 gp any more

[Master] this is true

[Lisa] that's what the piranhas are for

[Master] Indigo is training piranhas too?

[JohnAA] Not sure you are looking for staright combat or creative spell

[Master] that will make the dwarf swim faster

[JohnAA] Fabricate sounds usefull

[Lisa] lol

[Master] Lisa can I edit the Branwyn spell book page now

[Lisa] sure

[Lisa] thought one of the books had the list of possible spells by level

[Lisa] can't find that now

TMO has joined the game on Fri Mar 16 21:43:16 EDT 2012

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[TMO] hola folks

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[JohnAA] we have time to order another set of chain? Can we afford that?

[JohnAA] Hola TMO?

[Lisa] what do you need another set for?

[JohnAA] QuiFon can use, not big deal, sure we will find some

[Master] and hello TMO

[Master] and Lisa page is updated

[Lisa] dawrf sized chain mail lying around?

[Master] I think you should roll for Massmorph to add to a spell book

[Master] plus rolling up the number of pages for hte new book

[Master] and then we will take a break from spells for a moment and do a bit fo roleplaying for Indigo

[Lisa] how much is dwarf sized chain mail Bob?

[Master] same as man sized

[Master] 75 gp

[Lisa] so it's free

[Lisa] ok

[Lisa] indigo? no mosskins so everybody gets to do something?

[Master] oh yes

[Master] everyone will be involved

[Master] and TMO hope you are not trying ot catch up on all the stuff that passed through above

[Lisa] there will be a test

[TMO] no, no. Just watching current events

[Master] ok

[Master] so Lisa do ou want to move the Massmorph spell?

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -5 (2). Magic Bonus:: CHANGED: 5 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: null (8). Equipment - ADDED: Chain mail, 75 gp, 40 lbs., AC 5. ADDED: Leather, 5 gp, 15 lbs., AC 8.

[Master] from scroll to a book?

[Lisa] that's the one where you create vegetables?

[Lisa] can't see me using that one

[Master] ok

[Lisa] we will keep in library

[JohnAA] sorry Massmorp creates vegetables?

[Lisa] thought that's what it said

[JohnAA] hides us, makes us llok like trees

[Lisa] no you get to turn into trees

[Lisa] some other ones makes vegetables

[TMO] I am a son of a beech!

[JohnAA] not actual change us, HA!

[Lisa] didn't see much use for that either

[Lisa] LOL

[JohnAA] would have been a better ambush last week

[JohnAA] but I am sure that will never hapen again

[Master] OK

[JohnAA] ;)

[Lisa] but when you fight it loses effect doesn't it?

[Master] Lisa do you want to give them a nutshell on the mosskins

[JohnAA] yes

[JohnAA] short answer

[Lisa] Lord Mosskin was a mighty adventurer who is now older and blind and owns the jistelle keep

[Lisa] he hired us when we were lowly 1st level peoples

[Lisa] I am the court mage

[Lisa] I forget who died

[Master] the wife

[Master] and all of the guards except one

[Lisa] think his wife died of plague but daughter is there

[JohnAA] All hail Brawtn the Oneder

[Lisa] Medoro is the herald

[Master (to GM only)] Anastacia Eustace moved 29'07".

[JohnAA] no kids, hmmmmm

[Lisa] basically he is very powerful in the area and we owe our start to them as when we showed up at the door we were injured and no roof over our heads or coin in pockets

[JohnAA] oh has daughter still?

[Master] yes

[JohnAA] need a nanny?

[Master] she is much older than that

[JohnAA] continue, sorry

[Master] I will add in details on the site this week about the Estates

[Master] but quickly 50 houses or so in an 8 square mile area around the keep

[Master] plus the church

[Lisa] we made a deal with hobgoblins before we left that they would raid all around Drillian but leave the Jistelle Estates alone

[Master] and the new mage tower

[Master] OK

[Master] so

[Master] Indigo is walking around the area between the tower and the orchard house

[Master] and a strange woman comes up to talk with him

[Master (to GM only)] Anastacia Eustace moved 9'10".

[Lisa] (can we assume we have been home long enough that we don't have to do a run down of where everybody dead or missing are?)

[Master] yes

[TMO] (is this after the 3 years of construction, or during?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello good lady

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] semi during

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Hello Master Indigo

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am visiting the Estate and I was told you were looking for a trainer

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] you came highly recommended

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well it can't be any sort of trainer

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am looking to learn mastery of my weapon

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Medero told me you are good with a short sword

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not just anyone can teach that but ... I did?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and others were complimentary about your skills

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good!?! I am much better than good!

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] but

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she chuckles

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] you think you are good?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well I think so anyway

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] then a challege for you

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I will give you five chances to hit me

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] if you can manage that then I will make sure that you get yoru training

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] (anyone and everyone can happen by it is not out of the way)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hit you? Will you draw a weapon and fight with me?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I can't just hit you. You will be hurt

Anastacia Eustace (Master) pulls back her cloak and shows a long sword and short sword on her hips

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Oh really?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] lets see you try first then

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ::walks by at just the right time::

Indigo (Lisa) looks around at the others

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay...

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 29'01".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Anastacia Eustace. Distance: 3'09"

[TMO] (Ilero waits until Indigo tries to hit, then sneak attacks Anastacia so it feels like he hit :D (j/k))

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-2-2) [1d20=6] 4 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS Anastacia Eustace (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] shakkes head

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you all right?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] jsuta sed

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] sec

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] forgot to add an icon

[Master] To get Base Map moved 37'01".

[Master] Anastacia Eustace targets To get Base Map. Distance: 10'05"

[Master] Anastacia Eustace: Attack: Long Sword: ((11-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=7] 6 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES To get Base Map (AC FINAL: 4).

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] blinks

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] wow

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ha

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (does she try to block with just one weapond?) [Anastacia Eustace (Master)] so she goes to Parry Indigo and somehow her long sword snags on the way out of the sheath and she fails to stop the blow from landing

[Indigo (Lisa)] You said to hit you. I didn't want to

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] (can only pull out one weapon john, not both)

[Master (to GM only)] Toybin of Castling moved 12'01".

[Master] Medoro moved 44'04".

[Medoro (Master)] INDIGO

[Medoro (Master)] are you

[Medoro (Master)] what

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] ANATSACIA! what are you doing?

[Indigo (Lisa)] She said to hit her! I wasn't going to really fight her

[Medoro (Master)] Princess are you ok?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] twas only a flesh wound

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] WHAT are you doing picking on this man?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Uh.. princess?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Medero, I did ask you to not keep that up

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Master Indigo good to see you again

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am sorry this young woman caused you any problems

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I was bringing her to

[Indigo (Lisa)] Toybin?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] scowls at Anatasia

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] she is supposed to be traveling with ME

[Indigo (Lisa)] So she is not a princess

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] not traisping around the grounds

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] glances over at Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't just hit a princess with my short sword

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] yes

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] this is Anastaica Eustace, first daughter of the queen

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] I think she let you

[Indigo (Lisa)] But that doesn't mean anything. princes and princesses shop people's head off

[Indigo (Lisa)] (chop)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (That too)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Master Indigo you are not at fault

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] the Prin... She shoudl have warned you

[Indigo (Lisa)] What are you doing in the Jistelle Estates Sir Toybin?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] or at least mentioned that she was here to train you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I am very glad to see you again Master Indigo,

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head, "Train me?"

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I stopped by last year with the Queen during her visit

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and was pleasently surprised to see you and Branwyn here

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] by the way what is her official title now Indigo? Medero?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] what are you calling her?

Toybin of Castling (Master) looks at Anatasia,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohh we just call her Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I will not make the mistake of hiding

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] chuckles, Master Indigo I do so like being with you

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I cannot call her Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Mistress Branwyn at least?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am a knight in the Queens Guard, I have to be more formal

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] as everyone should be, glares at Anatasia again

[Indigo (Lisa)] You can try calling her that. It's better than what you used to call her

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he hangs his head and nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] She didn't like all the witch comments

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I agree

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I am sorry for that and I will appologize

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I still think she is a witch,

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but she has a real title now

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and should be called by that

[Indigo (Lisa)] We tried looking for you after the whole episode with Foriso but you disappeared

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am glad you are safe

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Branwyn is a witch? I thought she was the Court Mage?

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Anastacia Eustace.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Brawyn the Court Mage

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] well yes about that Indigo

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Court Mage Brawyn?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] perhaps we should all talk about that together

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] now Anatasia, will you take Indigo on for training?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] looks at Indigo, she is one of the 12 swordsmen of the realms

[Indigo (Lisa)] swordswomen you mean

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] no one has bested her in battle

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] You think I will go easy on you becasue I am a woman?

[Master] Anastacia Eustace targets Indigo. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Anastacia Eustace: Attack: Short Sword: ((11-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=15] -2 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hey!

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and TRIPS Inigo with the flat of her blade

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] You should have blocked that

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] ::offer hand::

[Indigo (Lisa)] thank you

[Medoro (Master)] I really do not want to see this do I?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] I say she does not play fair

[Medoro (Master)] perhaps we can all retire to ... how about the church?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] but this is her land

[Medoro (Master)] nice safe place

[Medoro (Master)] nothignt o break in there yet

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] has it not been blessed yet?

[Medoro (Master)] no, that is coming up when the bell tower is finished

[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't think you were going to hit me. I didn't mean to insult you.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Thank you then Master Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] I just meant you weren't technically a swordsman

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] first lesson, do not take any oppoent lightly, based on what they look like

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] anyone who takes you lightly will quickly learn that one

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she says with a wry grin

Indigo (Lisa) smiles

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Medero please bring us refreshments to the church

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and she turns to walk towards the new building

[Master] To get Base Map moved 37'10".

[Master] Anastacia Eustace moved 9'08".

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 9'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 9'10".

[Master] Ilero moved 35'06".

[Master] Miranda moved 36'06".

[Master] Hoffman moved 12'04".

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel moved 29'05".

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] someone getting Bran?

[Master] Llathandryll moved 4'02".

[Master] Koorin moved 5'09".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 7'08".

[Master] Sarengar moved 10'00".

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] sure sure

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Miranda will aske the master

[TMO] brb

[Master] Anastacia sits on a pile of stone near the bell tower that is under construction

[Master] Toybin stands near her

Branwyn (Lisa) finishes talking to a merchant and sees the group moving away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 28'04".

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] Hello Misterss Branwyn

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (did Bran take local history?)

Branwyn (Lisa) her jaw drops slightly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] That is Court Mage Brawyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oops not on sheet yet)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] (then she knows the name of who she is just not by face)

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] chuckles, Court Mage Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it isn't the knight Sir Toybin

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he bows to Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I didn't know if we would ever cross paths again

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I actually saw you last year

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] when the Queen visited

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but I did not get the chance to speak

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So have you battled valiantly and won the heart of a fair lady?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and I wanted to be sure that things were good between us

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he blushes

Anastacia Eustace (Master) smaks his leg with her glove

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] He still will not tell her

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] like a bolt of lightning will hit

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] shakes her head

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ahh so he is in love

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I actually wanted to tell you about the court proceedings

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would rather hear about the lady who has stolen your heart, but I will also hear court proceedings if I must

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] you know that Foriso was tried for his crimes?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] and found guilty of course

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] but you and Master Indigo and the rest of your group were totally cleared of any wrong doing

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he did speak at the trial

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sentenced to death was he?

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] no, he was already dead at the trial

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I appreciate that we were found innocent

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he spoke up to clear your names

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Is there someting important I miised and should know?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Master] Medoro moved 1'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is Foriso

[Medoro (Master)] sets down a basket

[Miranda (JohnAA)] i do not want to see his head

[Medoro (Master)] hands out wooden goblets to everyone except the princess

[Medoro (Master)] who gets a silver one

[Medoro (Master)] she quickly takes Branwyn's

[Medoro (Master)] and gives her the silver one

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (wow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But this cup is for you.

[Medoro (Master)] she drinks from the wooden one

[Medoro (Master)] I am happy with this

[Medoro (Master)] medero sputters a bit but then resignly pours for the rest when Toybin nods

[Miranda (JohnAA)] ::nods in gratitude::

Branwyn (Lisa) raises her cup in salute to the princess and drinks

[Master] So

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] do you have a place I can stay here Medero?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] NOT in the keep

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I refuse to put anyone out of a bed

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] there has to be someplace with an extra stable

Indigo (Lisa) tugs on Miranda's sleeve and whispers, "Will tell you later but Foriso killed a woman with a dragon and they thought she had surrendered and Toybin reported it. It was a big mess."

[Miranda (JohnAA)] (oh dear, he used a dragon to kill a woman?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You may stay at Orchard House as long as you like

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And not in the stable!

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she smile and nods, Thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am afraid it is probably not what you are accustomed to but it is welcoming and clean

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] You would be amazed at how often that phrase is used around her

Anastacia Eustace (Master) SLAPS Toybin on the leg again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

Toybin of Castling (Master) coughs

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] I think I will go get us a refill

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] from the keep

[Toybin of Castling (Master)] he picks up the basket and starts walking off

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] tell her I said hello

TMO is now controlling Ilero

[Master] Toybin of Castling moved 28'05".

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] LEt me help

[Medoro (Master)] Princess

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Hoffman moved 20'00".

[Medoro (Master)] please let me at least put you up in

[Medoro (Master)] looks over at Branwyn

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::follows::

[Medoro (Master)] THIS is why I am always so anxious

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why are you anxious Medoro? You may stay with us as well if you like

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] When Medero visited our Estate he was quite the hit with the ladies

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] even more so than Toybin

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Medoro (Master)] blushes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Medoro! I never would have thought

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] he had them following him along

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] but he married one of my nieces

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I can't imagine why

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] how old is your son now?

[Medoro (Master)] 4 your high... 4 thank you

[Medoro (Master)] I think I will go find Toybin

[Master] Medoro moved 24'02".

Anastacia Eustace (Master) chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So what brings you to Jistelle Estates? I hope there is no trouble

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] pours the rest of the wine skin into her and Branwn's glasses

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am here to train Master Indgo

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Toybin was very insistent that he was a jewel that should be brought to light

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Really! I am so pleased.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and my mother is announcing her Heir Presumptives soon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He is most definitely.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and it is so much easier to not be around all of that

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] (anyone have a clue how the Inheritence in Drillian works?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But won't you have to be there?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)]

TMO gets ready to appraise Indigo.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] LOL

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and Laughs at Branwyn's comment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (jump in with comments - don't let me do all the talking please)

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] my mother is very laize fair

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] there is no way she will do anything stupid and put me in the mix

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] family is tough

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] we never turn out like our parrent want

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] you are not from around here

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] do you know who Maribel Eustace was?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Queen Maribel Eustace I should say

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] No Mame

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she is one of my ancestors how many times removed

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] but would love to hear a good story

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have heard that story

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] good

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] so you know that it would be a very bad thing to try that again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No that would not be a good choice

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and at least my mother understands the stakes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have been away too long and am just catching up on my history again

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] already 2 battles over the last 2 years, if we do not do the right thing there could be a civil war, and we do not need a 4th one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Surely there is someone suitable?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Anything we can do to help?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] there will be three someones

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and I hope she makes up her mind soon

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] maybe I could do some fortune telling?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] not here under this blasted Mist

[Master] TMO? John? do you know the history of Drillian? and how the crown is inherited?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I know. The mist was the saddest thing about coming back home

[Ilero (TMO)] (no)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (I should have read the desripiton before i took that)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (some what)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should explain how the inheritance works to our friends from far away. It really is fascinating.

[Master] Queens rule the Kingdom, they pick the woman that they want to inherit and marry them to their son (if they have one)

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes please. I have not heard much of this since being here.

[Ilero (TMO)] Different customs is very interesting to learn.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] does the daughter not have a chance

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] 40 years ago there was a problem when Queen Chine Cowles died leaving no heir

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she shakes her head

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] that was Maribel's great sin

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she picked her daughter and married her to her son

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] that caused the third civil war

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That did not go over well

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] would seem to be an issue

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] but when ever there is a choice, someone will be upset

[Branwyn (Lisa)] so though the son is of the Queen's blood, he will never rule

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] we have have not had a good line of succession in many years, this is the time to get it right

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The candidates are of good quality?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I think so

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] there will be the traditional three Presumptives,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then all should be well

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] they will all meet at the Cowles Estates for the apointed time and my Mother will reveal her choice of heir

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] it will be a good time to test if they are ready to rule

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] unlike Nadia Vilmar,

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] looks at Ilero, she ran off with a lover after only being on the throne for less than two years

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How does one test to prevent that?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] make sure your heir actually likes the man she will be forced to marry

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] or pick a man she likes at least

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] as I only have sisters

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Ilero (TMO)] Political marriages can be different from commons. Duty often wins over love.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am not looking for marriage and I am happy I do not need to

[Miranda (JohnAA)] enough of a burden to have to commit to one man, let alone one you do not respect nor love

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] although the suitors have been knocking on my bedroom door often enough

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and Toybin wonders why I like sleeping in the stable with my horse

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] i see why

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] howmany have survived the first test

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] my mother's choices?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] she has not made them yet

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] no,how many survived knocking on your door

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Laughs

[Ilero (TMO)] Is it known who the candidates are yet?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am generaly kind to those without brains

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and no, is it Sir Ilero?

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] the traditional three but no one knows yet,

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I bet not even my mother has made up her mind yet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is too bad that it will be so far away. I think I should enjoy watching

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] I am sure you will be invited

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] the Mosskins are always at key Court functions

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] and the court mage needs to be there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That would be quite entertaining.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] How did you get that job Branwyn?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles, "I don't think I would need to be there, but I would like to"

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] 9process of elimination)

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and what splediferously amazing name have you taken?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh. I think it was by default really

Ilero (TMO) stands and bows a bit. "Ilero Sauscha, of Blackwater. Am very pleased to meet you, Lady Princess."

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] chuckles, Lord Mosskin never does anything by default

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have not decided yet. It drives Medoro crazy

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Sauscha,

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Saucha

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] the brave and darring

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] looks at Branwyn that might be worth not chosing at all then

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am putting it off as long as possible

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] Sauscha, sounds familiar, do you have a father?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Come on Illero. Everybody has a father

[Indigo (Lisa)] Don't they?

[Ilero (TMO)] Yes. Czar Orrager Sauscha of Lisjask.

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] looks at Branwyn, I think that is a question for the wise one here

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] does everyone have a father?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] dwarves as hatches from eggs according to once upon a time

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] (was interesting John)

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] but i imagine they still have fathers

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and Lisjask!, you sent the silver daggers to the christening of Lady Quelcon's daughter

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] how does yoru father know them

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] everyone was talking about how she was recognizing the old Suomi religion

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (royal thief er scout?)

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] and then here is this gift from the woods

[Ilero (TMO)] Father always said best education was to see the world for yourself at early age. He encourages all family to travel at young age.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] So does Procog

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] well that is one thing that our father's could agree on at least then

[Ilero (TMO)] I think he just tired of feeding us all.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and he spends his first 3 years laying bricks)

[Ilero (TMO)] (and meeting important people - don't forget that ;) )

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] (in a strange new land)

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] looks at Branwyn, so do you think that everything has a father?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone comes from something

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] hopefully someone

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] but then again, you are a mage

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] when I was younger I wanted to join the brotherhood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't picture that

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] so I learned as much as I could about fighting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You like having too much fun

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] smiles, exactly

[Anastacia Eustace (Master)] but what you say about fathers

[JohnAA] now i am fadding fast

[Master] ok

[Master] will wrap this up

[Master] can be carried along for a long time

[Master] but now we know Indigo's training

[Master] I am very amazed he hit her the first time

[Lisa] so am I

[Lisa] is a good first impression though

[Lisa] I dare you to hit me

[TMO] and we figured out Ilero's background. It was his idea (points at Bob()

[Lisa] whapp!

[Master] grins

[Lisa] he does that to people

[Lisa] you just have to make something up

[JohnAA] bob's gifts are for you to share

[JohnAA] good night all, catch you on line?

[Lisa] hopefully

[Lisa] goodnight

[TMO] I don't typically pick nobility or royalty, just because it seems Mary Sue-ish. But it could come in useful for plot hooks

[TMO] good night!

[Master] HAH

[Lisa] it is good to be well connected

[Master] in blackwater everyone is related to someone who is part of a Czar's family

JohnAA has left the game on Fri Mar 16 23:16:37 EDT 2012

[Lisa] and I should be in early next week unless my plane crashes so I can update my character sheet etc

[Master] unless you are an actual Oldest Son or something like that it sounds good but not much else

[Master] and next week will be TMO's last

[Lisa] forever?

[Master] then he will be an official Dragonslayer from now on

[Lisa] oh

[Lisa] yay

[TMO] next week I emerge from my cocoon...

[TMO] and I will be a beautiful Dragonslayer butterfly

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] can we hunt you down and smear your wings over our faces?

[Master] I do intend for next week to be the last for for Burst of Building

[Master] laughs

[Lisa] that sounded really weird unless you were there in Outreach

[TMO] let's just say it sounded really weird, and leave it at that

[TMO] :D

[Lisa] lol

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] time to go I think

[Lisa] goodnight all

[Master] good night

[TMO] g'nite

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 16 23:21:00 EDT 2012

[TMO] is that all for the night?

[Master] yeap

[Master] next week is tidying up character sheets

[Master] etc

[Master] and then off to the new Era

[TMO] d'you need anything from me for Ilero tonight?

[Master] no

[TMO] since I missed the start

[TMO] k

[Master] you can check on the site for stuff

[Master] they are looking for suggestions on spells to learn

[TMO] sorry to be so late again. I didn't work today, so it felt like Saturday

[Master] Branwyn needs a 5th level

[Master] plus might want more

[Master] and no worries

[TMO] I may make a HeroMachine pic of Ilero. Then can use that as the icon, so I'm not sharing one with Hoffman. :P

[Master] this is true

[Master] totally forgot that

[Master] I do have tons of alternatives

[Master] but you can pick anything you want

[TMO] or I also have a mugshot program on here.

[Master] and I can make a klooge icon out of it

[TMO] the biggest problem with those is they don't do any facial expressions but scowl

[Master] grins, picture of your kids?

[TMO] he is way too blond to be a Finn

[TMO] hrm, may not have loaded that prog on here

[Master] no worries

[Master] night

[TMO] yar, HM does pretty good stuff. Or a DeviantArt search

[Master] nods

[TMO] ok. will see you next week, Sir

[Master] have a great night

[TMO] you too

TMO has left the game on Fri Mar 16 23:31:07 EDT 2012