Main / Mar1706

Mar 17 06 - Thedd

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 17 18:44:56 EST 2006 ====

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 18:45:55 EST 2006

x[DM] thank you very much

x[DM] we will see where this takes us this evening

x[DM] I am planning on waiting to see if sean shows, and then go from there

x[Lorie] yup

x[Lorie] sure

x[Lorie] Hmm... I seem to have a bit of lag

x[DM] you do have a very high number right now

x[DM] but it is slowly droppin g

xLorie has left the game on Fri Mar 17 18:52:21 EST 2006

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 18:54:11 EST 2006

x[DM] and there you go

x[DM] much better number

x[Lorie] Okay...trying again

x[Lorie] is the lag better?

x[DM] seems to be normal now

x[Lorie] great

x[DM] that was just as expected

x[DM] I wonder what you have there

x[DM] that is a problem

x[DM] too bad we do not know a network tech that could look at things for you

x[Lorie] yeah... Paul was on the phone last night AGAIN with Verizon

x[DM] it seems like you could get just as good connection with a laptop card from them

x[Lorie] yeah... I wish we had a laptop... I'd love to sit somewhere else to play

x[Lorie] less noisy

x[Lorie] the kids and dogs are really wound up tonight

x[Lorie] I'm not running AOL at all

x[DM] grins

x[Lorie] just Trillian and Klooge

x[Lorie] I shut down all the other processes

x[DM] ok

x[DM] seems to be a pain

x[Lorie] Well...we are getting rid of AOL in a few months

x[Lorie] so I'm trying t wean us off of it... but PDD and KID are reluctant

x[DM] waiting until the verison is fixed

x[Lorie] yeah

x[DM] so 1,000

x[Lorie] whoo hoo

x[DM] you are in roadhaven still

x[DM] you wanted to clear out how much of an area around the keep?

x[DM] shoudl I just call you put you on speaker phone for a bit?

x[Lorie] no... the phone will knock me offline

x[Lorie] we still haven't resolved that issue

x[DM] ok

x[Lorie] why am I clearing more land?

x[DM] I meant Thedd

x[Lorie] oh... probably that would be best

x[DM] how far out

x[Lorie] well... I would think we would want to keep the trade route clear right?

x[DM] well

x[DM] was not htinking that far out

x[DM] but around the area where the old manor house used to be

x[Lorie] then probably starting there and making a radius

x[DM] I was wondering just how far do you think you wanted to clear?

x[DM] out of the forest etc

x[Lorie] well... I want to salvage as many of the trees as possible, but probably need to sacrifice some to avoid ambushing

x[DM] that is the issue yes

x[DM] you will clear back how far?

x[DM] bow range is in hundreds of yards

x[DM] but that is too far

x[Lorie] probably at least 600 or 700 yards?

x[DM] I would say that 600 yards is a nice number for game mechanics as well

x[Lorie] great

x[DM] just so you know the cliff face has mostly colapsed, into one of those shell looking things

x[DM] do you know what I mean? after a volcano colapses, etc.

x[Lorie] :: nods :: yuppers

x[DM] so the top of that line

x[DM] and down and around

x[DM] 600 yards out from that hole in the ground

x[Lorie] ok

x[DM] we will consider it burned out

x[DM] fireballed,

x[DM] scorched earth etc.

x[Lorie] okies

x[DM] and then

x[DM] you still have that hole

x[DM] some boulders down there,

x[DM] have not gone back in yet

x[Lorie] Umm...can we cover up the hole rather than try and have more people fall in?

x[DM] that is the only way into thedd right now

x[Lorie] Hmm... Okay. can you explain to me what happened to Marco so I can avoid duplicating that?

x[DM] he looked down

x[DM] saw what you see on that map

xLorie is receiving the map Surface...

xLorie has received the map Surface.

x[DM] flew down into the hole carring

x[DM] antarias

x[DM] they both got mostly down then made a save versus petrification polymorph

x[DM] and Al failed

xSean has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:23:56 EST 2006

x[DM] Hey Sean!

x[Sean] owed at the house?

x[Sean] hm ...

x[Sean] So what's with this no one allowed at the house?

x[DM] you are allowed Sean,

x[DM] just did not want you to be here all alone

x[DM] as no one else is here,

x[Sean] Oh.

x[DM] that was the message you were supposed to get

x[Sean] Yes, that was the message.

x[DM] that you did not need to drive up here if you did not want to

x[Sean] ah

x[DM] so we were just discussing the plans for NOT getting turned to stone

x[Lorie] Hey Sean

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Hmm ... I wield my +1 Nancy Regan "Just Say No" button

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Hey Lorie

x[DM] grins

xSean is receiving the map Surface...

xSean has received the map Surface.

x[DM] so

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) breaks out his thread and needle kit

x[DM] you saw the bit I typed in Sean

x[DM] any suggestions?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Um ... nuke the site from orbit. That's the only way to make sure (and it has the side effect of leveling everything in site)

x[DM] chuckles

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So, do we have a Staff of the Magi?

x[DM] no

x[DM] over the course of a couple of days

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Darn.

x[DM] you did clear the land

x[DM] 600 yards around

x[DM] to eliminate archers etc

x[DM] see the boulders comeing from fartehr off

x[DM] you are in roadhaven

x[DM] Lorie?

x[DM] you still with us?

x[Lorie] I'm here... letting you recap

x[DM] I think I am done

x[Lorie] so can we turn the stone to mud and move along?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I don't think it's a question of can, but how much?

x[DM] what stone?

x[Lorie] the giant pink one in front of us.

x[DM] remember you only have this way down

x[Lorie] isnt that what turned marco to stone or the basilisk that is wating for us down there?

x[DM] something down there

x[DM] but if you just stone to mud

x[DM] you will colapse the hole

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Then mud to stone, and we don't have to worry about anything.

x[Lorie] no... I meant the giant pink boulder

x[DM] which will work, but

x[DM] oh that is not there

x[Lorie] Okay... so do we need to stone shape stairs down or something?

x[DM] that was just to show the path

x[Lorie] Ahhh... okay

x[DM] stone shape will not work

x[DM] too many individual rocks, stones, etc

x[DM] grins

x[DM] I know you two are thinking

x[DM] I am here, not trying to push, to make you do anythign tonight

x[Lorie] No... I would probably air walk down there... but that wouldn't help Sean

x[DM] if you want to go slow with it,

x[DM] and of course Lorie you can bring anyone you want from your place

x[DM] Oh and totally out of left field, we stained teh last of the boards tonight also, now we can start cutting over the weekend

x[Lorie] congrats

x[DM] so

x[DM] did you want to go into that without any help?

x[DM] or are you waiting for next week mostly

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So where are the Bobbsy Twins anyway?

x[DM] Mike is having a party

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] how dare he 8-)

x[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Lorie] well... I don't think we're going to accomplish much this evening

x[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I'm back.

x[DM] I do not want to sell you guys short

x[DM] I know you can take your time and get partway in

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And then what?

x[DM] go as far as you want

x[DM] etc

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I only have the one Nancy Regan "Just Say No" button

x[DM] or work on something else that you want to

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Lorie?

x[DM] maybe Fudge wants to start his own theives guild out here in Thedd?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Not really.

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: Well ... I guess..but I'm going to be pretty damn annoyed if I get turned to stone by one of the basilisks and can't do anything until next week ;)

x[DM] how would you avoid being turned to stone then?

x[Lorie] not be there?

x[DM] grins

x[DM] perhaps if the two of you brainstorm a non-magical way around this

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And not knowing how they were turned to stone makes it difficult to plan against.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Gaze reflection?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Anti-magic shell?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Bribes?

x[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

x[DM] true Sean, and al of the above work

x[Lorie] I don't have anti-magic you?

x[Lorie] and no gaze reflection either

x[Lorie] but agree with SPC that those are the right ideas

x[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] no, don't have gaze reflection ... atl east ... I don't think I do

x[DM] I am not trying to be tooo quiet just trying hard not to force feed you anything

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] tually, I *do* have gaze reflection

x[Lorie] wow

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Yeah ...

x[DM] grins

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] How does it work?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (seeing how I don't have any reference material on hand)

x[Lorie] umm...let me find the definition

x[DM] have it here for you sean also

x[DM] it is in front of the caster

x[DM] any attack that requires eye contact

x[DM] it moves with the caster

x[DM] so would be the right thing assuming this is a basilisk down there,

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Okay, how does feather fall work?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I mean, if I'm carrying a large amount of weight, it'll still work, right?

x[DM] you have the mass of a piece of down

x[DM] a weight limit of 600 pounds

x[DM] sorry more

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Okay ... what about Monster Summoning II?

x[DM] 200 pounds plus 100 pounds per level fo the caster

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, then 1200 for me.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What types and how many?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (oh, and do we have any rope?)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (yes, I do ... 50' ... which should be plenty)

x[DM] summoning II gets you things along the lines o f

x[DM] giant centipede

x[DM] mudmen

x[DM] mongrelmen

x[DM] stirge

x[DM] troglodyte

x[DM] etc

x[DM] I have a list of 12 creatures

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What's the largest, yet lightest creatures listed?

x[DM] you get a random creature

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] hmmm ....

x[DM] I would say the spider

x[DM] large spider

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] but I have no say in what I get ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] hello?

x[Lorie] Well... let's see... I have Command Monster and Monster Mount

x[Lorie] BOB?

x[Lorie] Sean is talking to you....

x[DM] sorry

x[DM] right

x[DM] no say

x[DM] was reading teh list

x[DM] seeing what the possiblities are

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, are there any dead creatures near us?

x[DM] yes,

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (switching tactics here)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What type, and how many?

x[DM] days old hobgoblin and goblin bodies

x[DM] jsut about as many as you want

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, good.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Oh, how long does a potion of invisibility last?

x[DM] same as the spell

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Which is?

x[DM] 24 hours or until you attack

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Here's my idea.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I drink the potion of invisibility (which I have). I pick up a dead goblin, then jump into the hole. Cast feather fall on myself. When I get about 10-15 feet above where the flect-to-stone attack occurs, I drop the goblin body and see where the attack comes from.

x[Lorie] okies

x[DM] sounds reasonable

x[DM] but you can cast feather fall before you jump if you want also

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I then lob my fragile globe of maybe poison at the source of the attack.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] If that doesn't work, I then unleash the Wand of Magic Missile.

x[DM] you know from their description and looking down

x[DM] there is a pile of boulders down there

x[DM] so actual openings that they saw

x[DM] no

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, and I also cast gaze reflection on myself before jumping down (falmost forgot to mention that)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] no?

x[DM] no actual openings

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, no actual openings.

x[Lorie] and I bless him just in case

x[DM] meaning when you get down there

x[DM] you will see a pile of rubble

x[DM] boulders etc

x[DM] you knwo that now

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, slight change of plans. Drop the body, see where the attack is. Land, and work myway round to the source. Then attack.

x[DM] one flaw I feel I shoudl point out

x[DM] if it is a basilick attack

x[DM] the goblin will not turn to stone

x[DM] because it is an eyesight thing

x[DM] and dead people do not see

x[DM] if it is a wand attack

x[DM] then it will work

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Well, is there a goblin or hobgoblin that's still (barely) alive?

x[DM] not near by

x[DM] this is a couple of days after you last visited

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] if not , no problem. It will give us one more piece of information.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] so, final plan.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Cast gaze reflection on myself. Cast feather fall on myself. Pick up dead goblin body and jump. Release body and watch for attack. Land and go from there.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] crap.

x[DM] how so?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Drink potion of invisibility. Cast gaze reflection. cast feather fall. Pick up dead body. Jump. Drop body. Then land and go from there.

x[DM] sounds reasonable

x[DM] with a bless as well

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Yup.

x[DM] just the two of you there at the moment?

x[DM] normal one round behind people ? no one else from Roadhaven?

x[Lorie] ??

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I don't see John, Marco or Mike here?

x[DM] nope

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Then I guess it's just the two of us. Unless Lorie has some of her followers here.

x[DM] exactly what I am asking

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Then why didn't you say so? 8-P

x[DM] in case of emergency,

x[DM] break out

x[Lorie] I didn't plan to bring any, but if you think clerics would be valuable

x[DM] and she has her clerics in little cases

x[DM] I like the plan

x[DM] want to move?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 66'10".

x[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 91'08".

x[DM] Alastair, Finglass and Antarias moved 82'04".

x[Lorie] I make with the blessing

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 34'00".

x[DM] and you land on the floor

x[DM] make an observation check

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I drink the potion, cast gaze reflection, feather fall, pick up the body, drop it.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] and land.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] nope, don't have observation.

x[DM] ok

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] What else can I roll? And what happened when I dropped the body?

x[DM] nothign happens when ou drop the body

x[DM] you land and look around

x[DM] and I have to make a roll, but you woudl not notice it

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay ... I'm not noticing you making a roll

x[DM] checking a percentage on that gaze reflection

x[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [3] 3

x[DM] ok,

x[DM] so you stand there on the bottome

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 1'00".

x[DM] there you go Fudge, i fyou want to go to the new map

x[DM] and Lorie if you want to see him down there

x[DM] when you recover

x[DM] she has bad lag again

x[Lorie] and I won't notice either ;o)

x[Lorie] Go ahead and send it to me Bob

x[DM] it is small

x[Lorie] I got it

x[DM] another BOB masterpiece

x[Lorie] you draw as well as I do

x[Lorie] I love it ;O)

x[DM] Sean?

x[DM] ok, Lorie?

x[Lorie] yup....

x[DM] ok

x[DM] I know what he wants to do,

x[DM] gaze reflection is still up

x[DM] it stays up for a few more rounds

x[Lorie] Can I then cast Air walk and head down? I'll bless myself and I have my firdle to help notice evil :O)

x[Lorie] firdle = girdle

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, I'm back.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Sorry ... talking to the boss (I'm still at the office)

x[DM] gaze reflection will not help Kylia

x[DM] oh, sorry Sean

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] no problem ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] so, other than a ton of circles, what else is down there?

x[DM] thsoe are the magnificent Boulders

x[DM] and you are on solid ground underfoot

x[DM] with a dead goblin body next to you

x[DM] the dashed lines are the approximate hallway dimensions

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ah.

x[DM] to give you an idea of scale

x[DM] and if you woudl hve make your observation roll,

x[DM] grins

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, I head to the left.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge moved 21'09".

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 16'09".

x[DM] wall of boulders there

x[DM] but I will let you make a wisdom check

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] then how did I see the hallway dimensions?

x[DM] on top of a find traps roll

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: WIS check: (d20) [3] 3. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (6) [6] 6!!!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Hah!

x[DM] they are there to give you an idea of the size not the real hallway

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh.

x[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [1] 1

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [20] 20 -- Traps don't bother me!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, ther's my find trap roll.

x[DM] ok

x[DM] so you find a moving boulder

x[DM] that slides back and forth

x[DM] and out from behind that hole

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Oh, hello Mr. Basilisk.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Here, have some poison.

x[DM] it can not attack you, it is a couple of feet inside of the rock

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) lobs the fragile globe of possible glass at it.

x[DM] actually Sean

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Yes?

x[DM] as you get ready to do that

x[DM] you notice that it is not moving

x[DM] it failed its save

x[DM] on your gaze reflection

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Woot!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I go in and check to see if there are any more.

x[DM] how?

x[DM] a wall of boulders

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] How big is the hole I found?

x[DM] hey, Marco just showed up

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Hey Marco!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, he's not in the game yet.

x[DM] the hole is about 1 - 2 feet in diameter

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, I have an idea ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] but it'll have to wait a second ...

x[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 20:50:15 EST 2006

x[BiBo!!!] happy green day everyone

x[BiBo!!!] I return from relay for life to see you've done some basilisk slaying. go you

x[Lorie] Marco :O)

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map Surface...

xBiBo!!! has received the map Surface.

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map Lower Level Top View...

xBiBo!!! has received the map Lower Level Top View.

x[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, I'm back.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I summon the djinni, have him clear the rocks away.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] then back into the ring he goes.

x[BiBo!!!] I think sean was a sha'ir in a former life

x[DM] ok

x[BiBo!!!] your next life should be a sha'ir :)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] 8-)

x[DM] so I will say that it takes him about 1 turn to clear the rocks

x[DM] out of the way

x[DM] Alastair moved 6'08".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I should still be invisible, right?

x[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 19'06".

x[DM] Alastair moved 1'03".

x[DM] ok

x[DM] why would you be invis?

x[DM] oh,

x[DM] sorry

x[DM] I moved you to another map

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Um ... becuase I drank a potion of invisibility?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] that lasts 24 hours or until I attack (and I"ve yet to attack)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] 8-)

x[DM] oh yes

x[DM] is everyone back up to speed?

x[DM] I know there are lag issues with Lorie,

x[DM] there is a new map with the four characters on it

x[Lorie] I'm here...but I see only a basilisk on a map

xLorie is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xLorie has received the map New Thedd Section A.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And I shoudl still be down in the hole with the dead basilisk

x[DM] the new map shows you Sean

xSean is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xSean has received the map New Thedd Section A.

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xBiBo!!! has received the map New Thedd Section A.

x[Lorie] that is a large map

x[Lorie] it's 85MB

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Good lord! Thank god I"m no on my laptop!

x[DM] checking that now,

x[Lorie] I can't even save it... that's how big it is

x[DM] it is not supposed to be anywhere near that

x[DM] 144 kilobytes

x[DM] is the image size

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: between Klooge and the map it's 98MB

x[DM] ok

x[Lorie] Okay... let's move it along to our uncertain doom

x[DM] well you have this hallway in front of you

x[DM] to the sides are the scars where the boulders where

x[DM] Basilisk #1 moved 2'00".

x[DM] Basilisk #1 moved 1'00".

x[DM] there is your stoned basilisk

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Duuuuuuude.

x[DM] becaue of the issues tonight I will not put the other images up

x[DM] btu i do have the paper maps scanned extra

x[DM] that will be later

x[DM] so for now

x[DM] barren hallway

x[DM] lots of foot prints in the dirt

x[DM] the walls are scraped and scared

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Leading?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Leading which direction?

x[BiBo!!!] there's only one direction :-P

x[DM] the only way to go

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] So all the foot prints lead down the hall?

x[DM] yes

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And non, say, scraming this way to get out?

x[DM] they are all in this area also

x[DM] woudl need tracking to know which way they were going

x[BiBo!!!] I don't need tracking, they're going the only way they CAN go

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Bob, I've never been camping in my life, but *I* know enough to know which way footprints are going ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] well, anyway ...

x[BiBo!!!] seeing as how there's one direction

x[DM] so marching order?

x[Lorie] I can go in the middle or back, no preference

x[BiBo!!!] 10' wide?

x[BiBo!!!] how about we go 2x2 me and fudge up front, junpier and kylia in back

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] measuring tool says 10'

x[Lorie] ok

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] sounds good to me.

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair moved 18'04".

x[BiBo!!!] E. L. Fudge moved 14'09".

x[BiBo!!!] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 4'10".

x[BiBo!!!] Juniper moved 2'09".

x[BiBo!!!] so... like that

x[BiBo!!!] I'll move me to represent the whole party

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair moved 38'03".

x[DM] Alastair moved 9'06".

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair moved 21'09".

x[DM] ok, so there is the crossroads

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 59'04".

x[DM] Juniper moved 63'06".

x[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 69'08".

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 17 21:17:38 EST 2006

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oops ... I think you scared Bibo away.

x[DM] hmmm bibo just was disconted from the network totally

x[DM] I will restart the router

x[DM] so you two will lose this

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay

x[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 17 21:22:26 EST 2006 ====

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 21:24:18 EST 2006

xSean has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 21:25:11 EST 2006

xLorie is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xLorie has received the map New Thedd Section A.

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 21:28:21 EST 2006

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 17 21:29:15 EST 2006

x[DM] marco is having issues

x[DM] the two of you are ok?

x[Sean] I'm fine.

x[Sean] Then again, I'm behind three T3 connections to the Internet.

x[Lorie] I'm great.

x[Lorie] UConn almost lost and NC State beat Cal

x[DM] at a

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 21:30:28 EST 2006

x[DM] is that an upset?

x[Lorie] NC State over cal? In theory... 7 loses to a 10 rank.

x[DM] ok

x[Lorie] But in reality... NC State should win everytime... ACC is stronger than West Coast teams

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xBiBo!!! has received the map New Thedd Section A.

x[DM] when I looked this morning it seemed like there were none so far

x[DM] ok

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair moved 14'04".

x[DM] so everyone has the nape

x[DM] and you are moving up that north fork

x[Lorie] no there were plenty of upsets yesterday... but they are theoretical upsets...

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair moved 84'01".

x[DM] Alastair moved 73'10".

x[DM] Alastair moved 3'03".

x[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer follows Alastair.

x[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alastair modified: Misc. Attributes - Light Radius:: CHANGED: 60 (300).

xSean is receiving the map New Thedd Section A...

xSean has received the map New Thedd Section A.

x[DM] ok

x[Sean] E. L. Fudge follows Alastair.

x[DM] everyone sees where you are going

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 73'00".

x[Lorie] Juniper moved 58'05".

x[Lorie] Juniper moved 31'03".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Not quite ... there's this large grey box on the map listing my stats ...

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] @$!#$! kLoOge

x[DM] waiting to make sure all three of you are ready

x[DM] the room ahead of you is filled with spider webs

x[BiBo!!!] burn the witch!

x[BiBo!!!] I mean spiderwebs

x[Lorie] so we burn the spider webs?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] BURN 'EM!

x[DM] you tell me

x[Lorie] we do thusly Bob...light a torch and toss it in

x[DM] very well

x[DM] Al save verus spell

x[BiBo!!!] it explodes!

x[BiBo!!!] yay

x[DM] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 5'00".

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 12'06".

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 13'06".

x[BiBo!!!] Kylia Wolfslayer: Magical Spell save: (d20) [20] 20. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (10) [10] 10!!!

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair: Magical Spell save: (d20) [14] 14. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (4) [4] 4!!!

x[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 18'02".

x[DM] Juniper moved 5'02".

x[DM] and Fudge please also

x[Lorie] who rolled my save?

x[Lorie] Because I didn't

x[DM] no one

x[DM] was a mistake

x[BiBo!!!] I did, dunno how that happened though

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I'm try ing to roll ... but the !@#$@#$! dice menu is too @#@!#$sensitive and keeps disappearing on me

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] @$$@ kLoOge

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Magical Spell save: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (10) [10] 10!!!

x[Lorie] I made...not complaining, but I guess it was the Klooge ghosts :O)

x[DM] ok,

x[DM] so the webs go up in flames

x[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

x[DM] you see two bolts of lightening ricocet around inside of the room

x[DM] but they do not affect the two people out front

x[DM] after a few moments

x[DM] the flames die down

x[Lorie] any idea what caused the bolts?

x[DM] make a knowledge check

x[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: KNO check: (d20) [15] 15. PROBABLY FAILS against (13) [13] 13

x[DM] nope

x[Lorie] But I was close ;O)

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair: INT check: (d20) [16] 16. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (18) [18] 18!!!

x[DM] you do remember stories of living webs in this dungeon

x[DM] they use lightning as an attack form

x[DM] as well as if you get too close they can try to infiltrate your skull

x[BiBo!!!] heh. joy. I'm guessing using lightning on them doesn't do much

x[BiBo!!!] do we know what hurts them?

x[DM] fire

x[BiBo!!!] fire in the hole!

x[DM] all the webs in this room are burned away after a few rounds

x[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Nice try Bob.

x[DM] so going in?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Who, me? Oh heck no.

x[BiBo!!!] I'll go

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 19'09".

x[Lorie] We're all going Silly Fudge

x[BiBo!!!] sweet, I love this dungeon, we see the traps automatically :)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] 8)

x[DM] those are open pits

x[Lorie] We do have a master th...err wizard in our midst, I'm not surprised ;D

x[DM] the doors seem to be fallen in on them

x[DM] revealing pits, spikes, skeletons,

x[DM] Juniper moved 21'01".

x[Lorie] okies...which way now... West, North or SE?

x[BiBo!!!] guess we'll head over to the non trapped area

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] That would be SE I guess.

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (heh ... check this guys tatoos:

x[DM] there you go a new map for you, looks amazingly like the old on e

x[Lorie] uh someone wanna turn on the lights? My continual rock seems to be broke

x[Lorie] I have to load another map?

xLorie is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

xLorie has received the map New Thedd Section B.

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

xBiBo!!! has received the map New Thedd Section B.

xSean is receiving the map New Thedd Section B...

xSean has received the map New Thedd Section B.

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 19'02".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] um ... my map dissappeared

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 30'10".

x[BiBo!!!] load the new map sean

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 19'00".

x[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 15'07".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I'm trying ...

x[DM] Juniper moved 49'09".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Initiative:(d10+10) [2+10] 12

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I seem to be unable to load the map

x[DM] you are showing normal Sean

x[DM] Lorie is stilll lagging on loading the map

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, how the hell did the map get all the way over there?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (way over on another virtual screen of my virtual desk top)

x[DM (to GM only)] Door #1 moved 1'07".

x[Lorie] Okay...we're at the door

x[BiBo!!!] check for traps trap man

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [94] 94 -- Traps don't bother me!

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 3'05".

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Have I mentioned how much I hate kLoOge?

x[DM] never

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] okay, you have my roll

x[Lorie] It's my fault SPC... my slow connection is probably causing everyone else grief

x[Lorie] sorry

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] No, it's kLoOge. If you so much as move too far, the popup menus disappear

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] trying to get to the dice menu is annoying

x[DM] so there is a simple dart trap on the locked door

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (hey, come back here! No, I want the menu! No, don't go qway! Come back! Arrrrrrrrrrh!)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ah.

x[DM] and you can make your roll to disarm

x[BiBo!!!] why don't you use the dice panel?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] @#$#$~ DICE MENU @#$!#$#$@$

x[BiBo!!!] so much easier

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] because my stupid trap roll expression isn't ON the supid dice panel thingy

x[Lorie] he happily disarms the trap and it kills the Klooge Dice Bot and we all live happily ever after :O)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] screw it

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d100) [32] 32

x[BiBo!!!] sure it is

x[DM] Marco will look for you Sean

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I bloody well make it!

x[DM] good

x[BiBo!!!] E. L. Fudge: Traps: (1d100) [30] 30 -- Traps don't bother me!

x[DM] now you still have a locked door

x[BiBo!!!] click on the dice panel, click on custom

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Where, pray tell, is "custom"?

x[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Open Locked Door: (d20) [17] 17 -- FAIL

x[BiBo!!!] when you bring up the dice panel, it's the last tab on the right

x[Lorie] HUH?

x[Lorie] I don't like that

x[BiBo!!!] right after the thingy that looks like a wand

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Oh, one of two tabs that are totally unmarked.

x[Lorie] I should make it... I have 18/00 strength and I rolled a 17... that makes, right?

x[Lorie] Or am I confused?

x[DM] checking lorie on that number

x[BiBo!!!] yes, you're confused

x[Lorie] ok

x[Lorie] I'll be confused :O)

x[BiBo!!!] it's an open locked door check, not a str check :-P

x[DM] the chances at a locked door are pretty small

x[DM] so you need to roll like a 6 or lower,

x[Lorie] okay...

x[BiBo!!!] dunno why you don't wait for thiefy to try pick it though :-P

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] That's because the thief has a totaly broken dice panel

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: no reason in particular, mostly because I cliicked on the wrong button :O)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Pick locks: (1d100) [27] 27 -- Click-it's open now!

x[BiBo!!!] and there we go

x[Lorie] Yeah Fudge!

x[DM] and you are still invis also Fudge, I have not forgotten

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (no, I'm telly ou Bibo, not all the tabs are marked on my dice panel)

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] thanks.

x[BiBo!!!] strange

x[BiBo!!!] mine are

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Perhaps we have different versions

x[BiBo!!!] nah, if you had a different version than bob, you wouldn't be able to get on at all

x[Lorie] tabs? On the dice panel?

x[BiBo!!!] it would give you a message to either update or have him update

x[BiBo!!!] Alastair: Open Doors check: (d20) [2] 2. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (10) [10] 10!!!

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Tabs, on the dice panel

x[DM] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 6'01".

x[DM] E. L. Fudge moved 5'00".

x[Door #1] hello visitors

x[Lorie] Is that like Snakes on the Plane?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (to Lorie---yes)

x[Lorie] Visitors? I'm sorry... I think you might be conrfsed...but welcome Visitor!

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Helllo?

x[Door #1] no, I am one you are many

x[Door #1] so you are plural

x[Lorie] Well in this language, it's easy to confuse one singular and one plural, but you are still a visitor. How are you enjoying Thedd? See any basilisks lately?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Detect Invisiblity: Peekaboo! I see you!

xE. L. Fudge (Sean) waves at Alastair

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the room is talking...

x[Door #1] yes I supose it is confusin g

x[Door #1] if you were to just stay in one place for a while

x[Door #1] maybe you would see things in a simpliar way

x[Door #1] rather than doing all that walking around

x[Lorie] I tried that... it was painfully boring

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Why is the room talking?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (maybe if the dice panel didn't keep taking keyboard focus)

x[Lorie] Is this the room with the talking door?

x[Door #1] thank you

x[Door #1] you remembered me

x[Door #1] that is very nice of you

x[Door #1] have we met before?

x[Lorie] Yes... years ago

x[Door #1] ahhh

x[Lorie] You remember my colleague here ... Mr. Fudge

x[Lorie] And these are new associates.

x[Door #1] actually I do think I know you,

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (I'm invisible)

x[Lorie] So... do tell... how is it that you've managed to remain all this time

x[Door #1] but you did not look like that?

x[Door #1] and who did you just refer to?

x[Door #1] do you have an imaginary friend?

x[Lorie] Yes... real ones are too perishible

x[Door #1] perhaps you have been wandering too long?

x[Lorie] I've found the imaginary ones last longer

x[Door #1] (LOL)

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: Well... I tried to get back her sooner, but it got overrun with evil

x[Door #1] EVIL

x[Lorie] :: sniffs :: not that it seems to be all that glorious now

x[Door #1] they like it like that, not evil, but EVIL

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((you mean there was a time when it WASN'T overrun with evil?))

x[Door #1] they seem to like that nice ringing tone to it

x[Lorie] ((It was only MOSTLY evil... now it's NEARLY evil))

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ((now it's nearly rubble :-P))

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: Me... I really think they could stand to have some good or even neutrality about them

x[Door #1] well

x[Door #1] I do suppose

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Detect Evil: any evil?

x[Door #1] nope

x[Lorie] :: points at Alastair :: He's over there...

x[Lorie] So... what are you hiding on the other side these days?

x[Door #1] well today I might have a magic pool

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Might?

x[Door #1] or maybe a lake that takes you to your dreams

x[Lorie] Wow... time has been good to you I suppose

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Pick locks: (1d100) [47] 47 -- Click-it's open now!

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, either way, it's magical water

x[Lorie] Either way... it sounds so much better than what's on this side

x[Door #1] or it oculd be an evil temple to a god of rodents

x[Lorie] No pool that turns gold to lead though I pray

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] there's an entire god of rodents?

x[Door #1] not that I know of

x[Lorie] That, my friend, was not a pleasant trip

x[Door #1] and of course

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (sorry about that spurious dice roll, dice panel had keyboard focus)

x[Door #1] there is that large rat god

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] seems a rather specific thing to be a god of

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (See, kLoOge is @#!@#$up)

x[Lorie] :: turns :: There are lots of rats down here if I remember

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (Ah, must be a Disney outlet nearby)

x[Lorie] So... will you be kind and let us through?

x[Door #1] well I suppose if you really want to go through you could

x[Lorie] ((You're the ones living in Florida... all the co-workers flocking to Disney this time of year ))

x[Door #1] but you should really give me something

x[Lorie] well... there is a giant stone basilisk you could hav

x[Door #1] and what did you want ?

x[Lorie] have

x[Door #1] a stone basilisk is not really easy to carry around

x[Lorie] ((I asked them to bring me back Zephyrhills and Publix subs... alas, I got neither ))

x[Lorie] true... when's the last time you were on walkabout?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we don't really want anything in particular, we're just exploring this area and you're stopping us from doing that at the moment

x[Door #1] I have not been walking in a long time

x[Lorie] You could have the windbag that wants to be my suitor... I think he has gold silverware

x[Door #1] oh?

x[Door #1] you have a boy friend?

x[Door #1] that must be nice

x[Lorie] No. I don

x[Lorie] 't

x[Door #1] to have people want you

x[Lorie] I said ... wants to be

x[Door #1] is he cute

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] She doesn't like to talk about him

x[Lorie] I don't want him at all... he's rather evil I'm afraid

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it embarrasses her

x[Door #1] I knew this wonderful tree once

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] He's not evil, he's just a jackass

x[Door #1] but he turned otu to be an Ash

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] le sigh

x[Door #1] why would you be embareesed

x[Door #1] it is nice to have someone want you

x[Lorie] I just want him to go away

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] at least you didn't find out it was yew

x[Lorie] FAR FAR FAR away

x[Lorie] :: shakes head -- UGH ::

x[Door #1] a yewish carpenter

x[Door #1] so why are you back here?

x[Door #1] and why do you want to go through here?

x[Lorie] I want to clear out the evil

x[Lorie] I want to see what's on the other side

x[Door #1] i seem to remember you were going to meet someone ?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it's a disorder really. we find ourselves compelled to explore every inch of this hole.

x[Lorie] There is a nasty rumour that the lich has met his maker

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] which includes the area behind you unfortunately

x[Door #1] which lich?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the one who makes bets with a necromancer and refuses to pay them back

x[Lorie] Oh... the one that used to live on the other side of the living wall and past the lieutenant

x[Door #1] I have never met him

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you should, he's a riot I'm sure

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (you mean there may be more than one here?)

x[Lorie] From what I've heard... it's probably not a loss

x[Door #1] but I hear he is still really upset

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and by riot I mean he starts them whenever he's near a crowd

x[Door #1] someone broke something of his

x[Lorie] Do you know another lich in here?

x[Door #1] there was someone who came here about a year ago?

x[Door #1] maybe less

x[Door #1] 6 months?

x[Door #1] it is hard to tell

x[Door #1] but he seemed to be concerned about sneaking around

x[Door #1] and hiding

x[Lorie] Oh my

x[Lorie] sneaking and hiding?

x[Door #1] yes

x[Lorie] Well that's not really in the Thedd spirit now is it

x[Door #1] no

x[Door #1] most evil is just out right evil

x[Lorie] :: nods :: True

x[Lorie] I am guessing that not many of the creatures came to chat with you?

x[Door #1] well

x[Door #1] not too many want to stay and talk

x[Door #1] they are not nice that way

x[Door #1] they just come here

x[Door #1] demand to know where the gold is

x[Door #1] where the temple is

x[Door #1] where the pool is

x[Door #1] sighs

x[Door #1] it is not much fun

x[Lorie] Ahhh... the usual

x[Lorie] No... we are just trying to re-map the area for ourselves.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] do you really know where anything is down here? I mean I doubt you get around much to go see any of them for yourself

x[Lorie] Luckily, the deities and fates have been kind and gold isn't the pressing issue it once was for us

x[Door #1] well I know what is behind door number 2

x[Door #1] adn behind door number 3

x[Door #1] and of course I am door number 1

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what would be behind the doors then?

x[Door #1] what will you give me for that?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I won't tell a knock knock joke

x[Door #1] do you know any good ones?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (oooh, threaten him with the banana knock-knock joke)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] there is no such thing

x[Lorie] ((Oooh... tell him the Ida one!)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Knock knock

x[Door #1] whose there

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Huge

x[Door #1] huge who

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Who joo expect?

x[Door #1] cute

x[Door #1] so what did you guys want?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] to know what's behind the doors

x[Door #1] which door?

x[Lorie] :: looks at Al:: This one or that one?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] all of them

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] does that mean you want another knock knock joke?

x[Door #1] do you want to know the way to the pool?

x[Door #1] or the way to the temple?

x[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Pick locks: (1d100) [81] 81 -- Click-it's open now!

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what sort of pool is it?

x[Door #1] a magic pool

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what's it do?

x[Door #1] I don't know I have never talked to her

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] does she talk then?

x[Lorie] Wait ... is this the one that makes you feel different?

x[Door #1] I guess she does

x[Lorie] ((i.e. modifies stats?))

x[Door #1] I do not know

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, I suppose if she talks we should go see how friendly she is. who knows, she might want to be friends with a certain door we know

x[Door #1] I wonder

x[Door #1] I don't have any real friends

x[Door #1] they just come and go

x[Door #1] no one ever stays

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the pool wouldn't, shall we go ask her if she wants to be your friend?

x[Lorie] Well... if you let us through and we can start cleaning up the evil... you might have more visitors

x[Lorie] and more visitors means more conversation and more chances for you to find a permanent friend

x[Door #1] that would be nice

x[Door #1] so if you go out the north you will get to the temple

x[Lorie] :: nods :: North to the temple.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they're both north

x[Door #1] if you go back east you can find the hallways that go to the pool

x[Door #1] the other one goes to the lake

x[Door #1] it is mostly dried up now

x[Lorie] Lake, dried up?

x[Lorie] Wow... I wonder what happened to our old boat... :: sighs ::

x[Door #1] yes there was a big shaking

x[Lorie] :: points :: North through the door ...

x[Door #1] and it seems to hvae caused some changes

x[Door #1] yes North

x[Lorie] Ahhh...that was the necro mancer tyring to off the lich I believe

x[Door #1] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 2'01".

x[Lorie] Okay then..thank you for your time... It was great to speak with you again. You'll see us soon I'm sure

x[Door #1] I hope so

x[Lorie] So... Mr. Fudge, could you check for traps and open this door please ?

x[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 4'07".

x[Door #1] E. L. Fudge moved 8'00".

x[Door #1] Alastair, E. L. Fudge and Kylia Wolfslayer moved 9'01".

x[Door #1] E. L. Fudge moved 7'02".

x[Door #1] Juniper moved 20'11".

x[Lorie] Shall we stop here?

x[Lorie] Ready to open the door next week?

x[Lorie] I'm rather tired tonight.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] heh, sure why not

x[Door #1] do you want to open the door just in case Sean is not here to start?

x[Lorie] okay talk to most of you Sunday

x[Lorie] :: shrugs :: i cant and need to head out

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure

x[Lorie] so...can't keep eyes open

x[Lorie] Night all

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sean open, we'll see what happens next week

xLorie has left the game on Fri Mar 17 22:47:37 EST 2006

x[Door #1] ok

x[Door #1] So Sean?

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 17 22:49:11 EST 2006

xSean has left the game on Fri Mar 17 22:49:18 EST 2006