Main / Mar1717

Mar 17 17 - War by Art

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 17 18:41:49 EDT 2017 ====

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:02:00 EDT 2017

Lisa is receiving the map basic forest...

Lisa has received the map basic forest.

[Master] was just going to ask where everyone was

[Lisa] Who were you going to ask? :)

[Master] I guess Cookie and Lola

[Lisa] smiles

[Master] even Nyrma went out for St Patricks day

[Lisa] They would just say that they were here and so you don't need anyone else

[Lisa] that's nice

[Master] and I would begin to wonder if they start to talk

[Lisa] that's a different issue entirely

[Master] I did not memorize that today

[Lisa] lol

Spring has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:07:06 EDT 2017

Spring is receiving the map basic forest...

Spring has received the map basic forest.

[Lisa] Hi Spring! :)

[Spring] hallo!

[Master] Hello there

[Master] how goes the Interview cycle?

[Spring] hopefully it's done. hr is driving the paperwork through now

[Master] very good

[Spring] i ought to be able to start by wednesday

[Master] is it a certain ?

[Master] that is very very good then

[Spring] :-)

[Spring] i had a last minute offer that beat out the job i was going to start monday

[Master] we are "experiementing" in the County of starting people NOT at the start of the two week pay period

[Spring] twice the chapllenge, twice the pay

[Master] they have Parks divisin testing it

[Master] wry grin

[Master] and that is always good to have a challenge

[Spring] at verio we tried to always start people with the pay cycle but rarely achieved it

[Spring] sounds to me not even aiming for it would be better

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:11:55 EDT 2017

Carissa is receiving the map basic forest...

Carissa has received the map basic forest.

[Lisa] Hi Carissa! :)

[Master] Hello Carissa

[Spring] hi caerissa!

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Master] so now we have a quorum

[Carissa] I'm attempting to switch to my PC, but it isn't finding the game. Wanted to make sure there was one ;)

[Carissa] ?

[Spring] i always have to connect with IP

[Spring] it never works from the menu anymore

[Master] grins, someone for the scout team, someone for the base camp and someone for the midway team

[Carissa] That's what I'm thinking I'll need to do.

[Carissa] Needed to find the IP first...

[Master] so Spring you did not peep up on the site

[Master] your ideas for scouting the bugbear keep?

[Lisa] peep?

[Master] just short simple things

[Spring] i guess i better look

[Master] ideas to help the advanced scouts?

[Master] or ways to communicate

[Lisa] we also have potions

Carissa-47518 has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:15:38 EDT 2017

Carissa-47518 is receiving the map basic forest...

Carissa-47518 has received the map basic forest.

[Lisa] I forgot to mention the potions

TMO has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:15:47 EDT 2017

TMO is receiving the map basic forest...

TMO has received the map basic forest.

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[Spring] hi tmo!

[Lisa] You are bringing waffles!

[Master] and yes to Carissa?

[TMO] Yes! And they're delicious

[Master] and yes to TMO!

[Master] LOL

[TMO] I forgot today was Friday. It's the only SPring Break day I got, and I've been cleaning house for most of it.

[Master] actually I did the pancake printer at work yesterday and today

[Carissa-47518] Success! Man I forgot how much I love a big monitor. Now to remember changing text colors...

[Master] the new director stopped by

[Master] he said, We need one of these for waffles

[Master] I laughed and said, Waffles are already 3D

[Carissa] Ugh. I see text here not there. Hmm...

[Carissa] And hi TMO!

[Carissa-47518] Success! Man I forgot how much I love a big monitor. Now to remember changing text colors...

[Carissa-47518] ...test?

[Lisa] y

[Master] there you go

[Lisa] Marco had one ohi characters commission a waffle iron from a blacksmith

[Lisa] of his

[Master] this si true too

[Master] forgot about that

[Lisa] typing not starting out well

[TMO] Waleed surprised me with the game start today. I didn't think we were done making characters. Don't we normally do a wife selection thing first?

[TMO] (not D&D related, sorry)

[Master] I did not get to read email today

[Lisa] so glad you guys got to play after all

[Master] will have to do that now I guess,

[Master] see you guys later

[Master] ;P

[TMO] Bye!

[Master] Carissa if you need me to boot you out for the first log in let me know

[Master] or you can just exit when you wish

[TMO] yah, and a fifth player joined at the last second. Will be interesting. Anyways, back to D&D

[Master] OR run both at the same time

[Carissa] Got distracted.

Carissa has left the game on Fri Mar 17 19:20:06 EDT 2017

[Master] and put a 1 or 2 by the name, grins

[TMO] (brb - putting dinner supplies back and refilling drink)

[Carissa] Haha pass. I'll confuse all of us, me included.

[Master] so Carissa and Spring any ideas on scout team and backup?

[Master] spells to help, potential potions, etc.

[Carissa] Mario coming? Still thinking elves for scouting or Ilero and whoever.

[Master] I think he is

[Carissa] (P.S. How do I change color again for text?)

[Master] he did not confirm nor deney

[Spring] i/m not caught up reading to see what i/

[Spring] m getting ideas about

[Master] Lisa knows that color thing better than I do

[Lisa] edit preferences

[Lisa] chat color

[Lisa] sorry for delay

[Lisa] oh yes potions

[Carissa] That's fine.

[Carissa] Thanks!

[Lisa] we have a couple of ventriloquism potions if anyone thinks that could help in a jam

[Carissa] Mostly set now, I think. Big monitor good. Lack of touchscreen bad. Ah well. No worries for battery running out now.

[TMO] what is the exact rules for elves alone?

[Carissa] How many? Could be useful.

[Lisa] 2

[Master] Elves and halflings as a group get bonuses

[Carissa] "Movement in forests or nature: almost invisible when being cautious Can surprise enemy (enemy gets -4 surprise penalty) if in one of these situations: Moving alone OR 90 ft from rest of party OR With other elves or Halflings, all with non-metal armorMovement in forests or nature: almost invisible when being cautious Can surprise enemy (enemy gets -4 surprise penalty) if in one of these situations: Moving alone OR 90 ft from rest of party OR With other elves or Halflings, all with non-metal armor."


[Master] groms

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[TMO] and that applies even to non-thieves? So if we strip his metal armor off Indigo, he could partake as well?

[Lisa] we also have 2 gaseous form potions - they don't make you entirely invisible but you could sneak under a door and take a peek around and hope no one sees a weird air thing floating around. Not sure how transparant they are but I know they aren't invisible

[Master] yes

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Master] nice find

[Carissa] That's what I was thinking, if Indigo wants to go armorless (or has other armor)

[Carissa] Oooh interesting.

[TMO] k. what about the elves and Indigo, with Ilero following 100ft behind as lifeline?

[Carissa] Midway? That'd work.

[Carissa] Backup be Shur and Branwyn?

[Master] it is a mile away,

[Master] Branwyn is planning on being at base camp

[Master] one thing to consider is communication

[TMO] that way if the entire front group dies, Ilero can get away to give the bad news.

[Carissa] That's what I meant as backup.

[TMO] 0:)

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] Hahaha thanks.

[Master] although that is a good point

[TMO] meh, we don't really know these two elves, right?

[Master] this whole adventure started because you did not have a way of letting people know what happened

[Master] so Jilly had to save you all

Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 19:27:55 EDT 2017

Mario Laptop is receiving the map basic forest...

Mario Laptop has received the map basic forest.

[TMO] do we have 2 tin cans and a lot of string?

[Lisa] Hi Mario! :)

[Master] hello Mario

[Mario Laptop] hello hello!

TMO waves

[Master] there are spells you can use too

[Carissa] Hi Mario!

[Master] one that John used to like was the rose petal one

[Mario Laptop] im visiting one of Jo-Ann's friends, playing from her home

[Master] if the petal wilts you know the person is in danger

[Master] and excellent Mario

[TMO] always nice to play D&D from new locations.

[Mario Laptop] so if im MIA, please text me, but i shouldnt be gone too long if at all

[Master] ok

[Master] so I think what we are missing is the middle team

[Master] Branwyn at base camp

[Master] two elves and maybe Indigo ? out scouting

[Master] Ilero and shur in the middle?

[Master] scouting all day ?

[Lisa] What does Snezana want to do?

[Master] move out together then split up?

[Master] and or?

[Master] thank you Lisa

[Master] yes to Spring

[TMO] Are B&B enough of a guard for all the NPCs at the camp?

[Lisa] Drink with Branwyn and Branadarus?

[Lisa] Play in the woods?

[Lisa] They think so :)

[Master] Jilly can protect the two of them :)

[Lisa] LOL

[TMO] true dat!

[TMO] Kel can run messages from front group to mid group

[TMO] and Shur can run them from mid to base

[TMO] Ilero can do a camo roll on the base camp before the groups head out

[TMO] that may allow them to escape an encounter

[TMO] *may*

[Lisa] on the cart and mule?

[Master] ideas on hiding them ?

[Master] shrink?

[TMO] yeah! we can paint the mule to look like a zebra! No one will think a zebra would be with an adventuring group

[Master] anyone have Enlarge? or something like that?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] when you hear hoofbeats think horse not zebra

[Lisa] so everyone ok with Bran staying behind so she can pick spells for the day?

[TMO] aye

[Spring] ok back, scrolling

[TMO] the cart isn't self-mobilating, so it can be rolled into some bushes and covered with branches

[Carissa] That's fine. And no enlarging/shrinking spells here.

[Lisa] wish we had a self-driving cart

[Carissa] Doesn't Ilero have camo proficiency?

[Spring] i'm not going to be able to catch up reading the site and also reading the chat log, so i'm winging it

[Master] there is a Travel Sphere spell that makes a log into a horse

[Spring] sorry i was interrupted now

[Master] and no worries Spring

[Master] you do your best work off the cuff

[Spring] hee

[Master] just go for it

[TMO] Carissa - yes, he does. It's not great odds, but could help.

[Spring] if my name is not blue, does that mean i'm not on the map?

[TMO] you might be in the cellar

[Spring] oh i remember sleeping downstairs

[Master] I will move peopel to various maps when we know where they are

[Master] basic forest for the scout grou

[Master] group

[Spring] so i'm looking for something like enlarge?

[Master] shrink is the reverse of enlarge

[TMO] reversed, probably

[Master] and or anything you would like

[Carissa] Something to help hide mule/cart

[Master] or teach a mule how to climb down the ladder

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Bigby's Interposing Hand -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Burning Hands -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Chaos -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Comprehend Languages -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Detect Secret Passages and Portals -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Feign Death - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Fireball -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Manyjaws -- # Memorized: 2 (+1), CHANGED: Otto's Silver Tongue -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Telekinesis -- # Memorized: 2 (+0), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Spring] i could entangle it wih brush

[Carissa] Ah, sadly that spell is too high for me to cast

[Carissa] ;)

[Master] grins

[Spring] heh

[Carissa] I thought about entangle or growth but then no one could easily get to them if something happened.

[TMO] what about that thicket spell we used one night? Put the mule in a custom cage of trees.

[Spring] that's the one we are talking about

[TMO] oh... carry on!

[Lisa] (was that kenna or snezana?)

[Spring] it works great if you put protect from magic in the middle to create a clear space

[Spring] snee has it too

[Lisa] (all those priests look alike ;) )

[Master] Carissa, they used that one night, it worked great then the green dragon hopped over it and scooped up Kenna and took her away

[Spring] but it was kenna that time with the dragon

[Lisa] good news

[Spring] and also the drawback of not being able to enter it quickly as mentioned before

[TMO] well, to be honest, how many defensive spells are capable of handling dragons??

[Carissa] Haha so maybe not.

[Carissa] Hmm, if someone has holly it looks like I can make the mule invisible, but not the cart.

[TMO] Ilero has foraging

[TMO] he can look for holly, if no one has any

[Carissa] Can we forage holly here? Shi has it, too.

[Master] and actually cantrip can summon small items too

[Carissa] But it only solves the mule problem.

[Carissa] Cantrip?

[TMO] always nice to know skill and training can be replaced by the rawest magician's apprentice. :P

[Lisa] interesting


[Master] Conjuration, Summoning - any normal item weighing less one pound can be conjured, provided they are not worth more than 1 GP and not made from any valuable material. Small creatures such as normal insects or rodents can be summoned. Invisible forces can also be used to rattle or tap objects, snatch, tickle or prod unsuspecting creatures. Any item summoned is never stronger than balsa wood, and will break if stressed.

[Lisa] would Branwyn or joseph have seen holly?

[Spring] well, we could cast the thicket only on the wagon and invisible only on the mule

[Spring] tie the mule to the thicket on the outside

[Spring] just means we have to hack the wagon out when we get back

[Lisa] should be an empty cart - we would bring the chests and supplies downstairs

[Lisa] or dispel magic?

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] Invisibility can also be used for B&B which could be useful.

[TMO] once the trees are grown, are they magic that can be dispelled?

[Master] any mage knows that

[Spring] i don't think dispel magic does it

[Master] :)

[Spring] the thicket is completely natural once it's grown, you have to get rid of it like any other vegetation

[Carissa] Fire!

[TMO] anyone have warp wood?

[Carissa] Yes.

[Spring] i have warp wood

[Master] and Carissa that is an inside joke you do not know yet, Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious the highest level PC mage in the game (maybe ever)

[TMO] I think you can warp an exit out that way

[Lisa] my spell components are bugs and teeth not pretty little sprigs and plants

[Master] 10 times

[Master] has failed to learn the first level spell Dispel Magic

[Carissa] Yep and that could work.

[Carissa] Ah! That's right! You mentioned that before.

[Carissa] Aww...

[Spring] hehehehhe

[Lisa] priests can dispel so to make up for Bran's deficiencies

[Master] quirks

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] but I don't want Bran invisible

[Carissa] Haha true, but still.

[TMO] mildly off topic, can Marisu be trying to learn her 2d level spells during this time? Or does Bran have to coach her through that in person?

[Carissa] No?

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] once she has training she can learn 2nd level

[Master] can do that with Bran or with someone from the Guild

[Lisa] she is guarding 4 npcs unless you make eveyone invisible

[Carissa] Invisibility is just an option. Also should add you're only invisible to animals.

[Master] but she can learn new 1st level spells and such without training

[TMO] I'm trying to remember if there's been time for her to receive that training.

[Lisa] she can finish her diplomacy training ...

[Master] no

[Lisa] on the job :)

[Master] average time would be 7 weeks

[Carissa] One for each level, so five total can be invisible.

[Lisa] she was half done with diplomacy

[Lisa] I thought anyway

[Master] Carissa that might be better for the scout team(s) then

[Master] if it works on animals

[TMO] yah, that's what I thought. It came up that she hadn't done it when they were trying to come up with plans for the rescue.

[TMO] yes, when Tristan bailed on us. Did we find a replacement teacher? I want to think Jennevieve?

[Lisa] if cart and mule are hidden the stay at home team would just need to check in once in a while

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Either or. It's a simple spell, especially since Shi isn't the only healer today.

[Mario Laptop] im readin as we go, fixing dinner, so ill be distracted. but eventually youll have my full attention

[Carissa] *Er, simple being have 5

[Mario Laptop] thanks for your patience

[Master] thank you for checking in Mario

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 119'02".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 104'09".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 5'01".

[TMO] invisiblate the away team? the home team? Or both?

[Lisa] home team should be fine

[Master] Snezana, [Ilero]] and [Shurkural]] moved 55'02".

Lisa is receiving the map Basement...

Lisa has received the map Basement.

[TMO] oo.. one problem with invisible away team - how will they find each other to pass messages or watch over them?

[Carissa] So mule is one of five. Other four? We have five to choose from...

[Master] and so on the Basic Forest I have Shi, Kel and INdigo in the upper left

[TMO] (brb)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Invisiblility to animals only TMO

[Master] the middle team is near the stream, of Ilero Shur and Snee

[Master] Hugh is next to the trap door as a holder

[Master] Lisa can tell me who to put where in the two rooms downstairs

[Master] so Shi casts invisibility to Animals before going out on the scouting mission in the morning?

[Master] any healing?

[Lisa] she was going to cast detect doors in the doorway so she should get coverage of both rooms

[Master] Bugbear #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Joseph Shortkin: No adjustments made.

[Master] Lord Branadarus: No adjustments made.

[Master] Jilly: No adjustments made.

[Master (to GM only)] Wu Sen Cho: No adjustments made.

[Master] Priestess of Athena: No adjustments made.

[Master] To get Base Map: No adjustments made.

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #11: No adjustments made.

[Master] Basement: No adjustments made.

[Master] Neith of Inholt: No adjustments made.

[Master] Branwyn: No adjustments made.

[Master] Howard Plum: No adjustments made.

[Master] basic forest: No adjustments made.

[Master] Snezana: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 45 (1) - Unharmed

[Master] Shi'Nynze: No adjustments made.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray: No adjustments made.

[Master] Tebhoundrin: No adjustments made.

[Master] Kel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Indigo: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Mule's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Carissa] Yes before. Takes 4 minutes.

[Lisa] we can keep the prisoners near the ladder and the npcs in the wine room maybe?

[Snezana (Spring)] shall i entangle the cart?

[Carissa] Shur might need healing.

[Lisa] I was thinking keep the door open and move back and forth

[Carissa] And that sounds good.

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Snezana (Spring)] (ok the brush is gonna be a 40' cube so we probbably ought to move the cart away from the hatch

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Test)

[Lisa] how do I get to the ladder room?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Cool. Color stayed)

[Master] Ladder room is the Base Map

[Master] Bran is on that one

[Master] Basement is the wine room

[Master] Jilly is there

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] thx

[Snezana (Spring)] Mule moved 1'09".

[Snezana (Spring)] i don't mean to move the mule

[Snezana (Spring)] derp

[Master] so a 40 foot cube covers most of that circular area

[Master] do you want the trap door inside of the entangle?

Lisa is receiving the map basic forest...

Lisa has received the map basic forest.

[Snezana (Spring)] i assumed we'd want the door outside the entangle

[Snezana (Spring)] for quick access

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Agreed.

[Master] Mule is inside or outside?

[Snezana (Spring)] suggest moving the cart to the northwest

[Snezana (Spring)] mule is outside

[Master] Mule moved 14'08".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 7'07".

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] like that?

[Snezana (Spring)] yes that looks right

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Entangle: For 1 turn, a 40' cube of bushes and weeds entangles all in the area.

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (BRB)

[Master] and so now Shee, Shi Kel and Indigo

[Master] LOL

[Master] Spring anyting else before you head out?

[Master] any ideas on timing or warnings?

[Snezana (Spring)] (i feel i should have ideas but i don't)

[Master] that is ok

[Master] you are flexible and can react

[Master] the only thing that I see a lack of is a time frame and communication

[Master] what happens if something goes wrong with X

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] three scouts out there,

[Master] who how do they warn someone?

[Snezana (Spring)] so it's early morning

[Master] how far back does the mid group stay?

[TMO] about 100ft

[Master] how does the base camp know something is wrong?

[Master] ok

[Snezana (Spring)] do we need a contingency plan for if nobody shows up by nightfall?

[Master] yes to early morning

[TMO] only way I can see is runner from mid group

[Master] that might be good

[Snezana (Spring)] will there be someone who can send a cantrip for a flare?

[Master] Ilero, Shur and Shee

[Master] Sne

[Master] is the middle group

[Snezana (Spring)] anyone among the scouts?

[Master] so sounds like Snee

[Master] Shi is a priestess

[Snezana (Spring)] if they get in trouble, they can flare, and if the middle group needs backup, they can flare too

[Master] middle group will be about 3/4 of a mile away from base camp

[Master] by the time you get to the keep

[Master] I think you need to make it up as you go along

[Master] but I also think you need a time frame

[Master] if no one comes back by the next morning does Branwyn just go home?

[Master] and presume everyone is dead?

[Snezana (Spring)] :-(

[TMO] how about both groups pause at noon to run messages back? So a scout will run to midgroup, then Shur will run to base from midgroup ad back again?

[TMO] and then again at 6pm

[Master] ok

[Snezana (Spring)] that's an idea

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] that way if someone doesn't show up on schedule, the other groups know something's wrong

[Master] Lisa I was putting words in your mouth

[Branwyn (Lisa)] were you?

[TMO] I'd spit them out right now if I were you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[TMO] you don't know where they've been

[TMO] after all, he works in a library. lots of disreputable words hanging around there

[Master] if no one comes back by the next morning does Branwyn just go home?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] go home?

[Master] or burn down a bugbear keep

[Master] what ever she desires

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no but I would like a we're captured or dea if we aren't back by...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] dead

[TMO] I think both groups need to return to camp by dusk, whenever that is. bugbears will have a huge advantage in night maneuvers

[Master] ok

[Master] so we have a plan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that will make Indigo happy)

[Master] now to have first contact :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (taking anything from party pack? potions, scrolls?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero, can Branadarus hold the room scroll now that you are back on your feet again?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just in case ...

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You get wet or something

[Ilero]] (TMO) rummages around in his pack and pulls it out and hands it over.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] SHoudl I put this up on the wall now?

Ilero (TMO)] (it's been another night. one sec)

Ilero (TMO)] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=3] 3

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] it would give us another room right?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Back. Sorry.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well not really for us, but we could put more things in it

[Ilero]] (TMO) tentatively tries to say something, but only a hoarse whisper comes out.

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo you better come back WHAPS him with a spoon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Like my spell books

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You don't need to carry mine today

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Should I put this up in the wine cellar than?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Feel kinda naked. No mail. Light pack.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Then you can run faster, grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll bring the spyglass though, right?

[Ilero]] (TMO) notices something lurking wadded at the bottom of his pack. He grins and pulls out his woodland suit.

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, take the spyglass

Ilero (TMO)] (forgot I had that)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Any holly in there?)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] (it is, if I remember correctly, a low-tech version of a ghille suit. for personal camouflage

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh that's right. Just a moment Shi.

Branwyn (Lisa) rubs her hands together and closes her eyes

Branwyn (Lisa) opens her hands to see a small sprig of holly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] here you go

[Snezana (Spring)] (tonight's movie is Short Circuit)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hope Teb isn't too offended

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Perfect. Thank you, Branwyn.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] There is no telling with him.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joseph, we should work on that this afternoon

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] Work on which?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Question: Teb isn't a normal sword. If Kel becomes invisible, what happens to Teb? Just curious.)

[Master] I neither confirm nor deny until the moment it matter

Branwyn (Lisa) wraps up her books in her pack

[Snezana (Spring)] :-)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha fair enough)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The cantrip I just did

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We haven't worked on making plants yet

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] Oh

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] I tend to think of it as starting fires

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] and untiing klnots

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I should do that with crickets.

Ilero (TMO)] (dang. I can't create an effect for the woodland suit. It gives a +5% to hide in shadows)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And freezing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And we did the cleaning spell. You've learned a lot so far

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Ilero]] modified:

Joseph Shortkin (Master) smiles, Thank you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] so

[Master] groups Scout and Midway leave?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Did we decide who gets invisibility? Need to do that first)

[Master] tell me that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Dear goodness I can't type. Or need a new keyboard)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Hmm...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I'd say the three scouts and then one of the mid-group. It wears off only if you attack something so you should be able to talk. Maybe Snee?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (indigo will carry a length of rope and the spyglass and anything else you want him to in his pack

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah. And invisible to animals, so actually you wouldn't be invisible to each other

Ilero (TMO)] (invisible to animals will be useful if they have guard dogs or something)

[Mario Laptop] about ten more minutes, and i mabck, just read all above

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Right, so scouts. It's just that last spot I'm wondering who to use. I figure most vulnerable aka priestess.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or giant birds fly over your heads)

Ilero (TMO)] (agreed)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So mule, Kel, Shi, Indigo, and Snee.

[Snezana (Spring)] fine by me

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) examines holly before rubbing it over the five, mumbling.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Invisibility to Animals: Up to (5) 5 target creatures are invisible to animals for (10+5) 15 rounds or until they attack.

[Master] ok

[Master] so with only 15 rounds you must be heading out quickly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Aaannnnd we run.)

[Master] those six are off

[Master] quickly for Lisa, what are you doing ?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] adn then we will roll encounters for the other groups

[Master] and you can tell me when the two groups separate

[Master] sepereate

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cast detect passages first from the open doorway of the two rooms

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Ilero]] modified:

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Mario Laptop] im back

[Master] ok to LIsa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 5'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Look for glowing doors

[Master] Maro? Carissa? TMO? staying togetehr for how long and then splitting up?

[Master] and BRB

[Master] grins

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] (2 groups should separate about a quarter mile from camp)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Detect Secret Passages and Portals: I can search (11) 11 10'x10' areas. If they contain any secret doors or passages they glow for a turn.

Ilero (TMO)] (aka, not too far. we don't know where patrols will start)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (What TMO said)

Ilero (TMO)] (I don't always scout bugbear fortresses, but when I do, I send the elves in first.)

[Mario Laptop] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Aww...)

[Snezana (Spring)] hehe

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (would it be cheating if we clicked on the Bugbear Keep maap n the tree?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Was wondering the same thing)

Kel (Mario Laptop) touches Teb

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] "teb, were top secret, all quiet from now on, especially if youre drawn

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] LOL to Mario and Carissa

[Master] after the first encounter check you can see it

[Master] firs now that everyone is away

Lisa is receiving the map basic forest...

Lisa has received the map basic forest.

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Indigo.

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Mule.

Ilero (TMO)] (next person who dies gets the bugbear as their replacement character. ;) )

[Master] Branwyn cases

[Master] casts

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That'd be interesting. BUGBEAR SMASH. Or is that the hulk only?)

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and points to the far southwest corner behind the small wine casks

[Master] there is a door there

[Master] no visible way of opening it

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (AHA!!! )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the goblin casks?)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (nice cal Lisa!)

[Master] yes on the base map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There should be a latch somewhere around here.

[Master] Branwyn moved 8'04".

[Master] Branwyn targets Goblin #11. Distance: 1'11"

[Master] it is behind those casks

[Master] as you think on that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yup)

[Master] who is rolling the first encounter while you are all around

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (not it)

Lisa is receiving the map basic forest...

Lisa has received the map basic forest.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Time to test my luck? What roll again? I should know by now...)

[Master] d20

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Duh)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=15] 15

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] apparently Ilero hasn't upgraded his thief skills for 10th level either)

[Master] and so you make it out over a quater mile

[Master] now you split up?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sweet and yes, I think so?)

[Master] ok

Ilero (TMO)] yes

[Master] so the three scouts keep on going

Spring has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 20:42:27 EDT 2017

Spring is receiving the map basic forest...

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] great roll, i elect you to roll next time too

Spring has received the map basic forest.

[Master] need one more roll from the three scout group

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh dear. It'll only last so long.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Feeling lucky Lisa?)

Ilero (TMO)] (each person rolls until they draw an encounter, then it moves to the next?)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] fair

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that works for me)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So me again?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[Master] and clear

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] wow

Spring has left the game on Fri Mar 17 20:44:00 EDT 2017

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] hot hand

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Woohoo!)

[Master] and you come out to an opening in the forest

[Indigo (Lisa)] (very good)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Maybe I should visit the casino ;) )

[Master] and you see that it is an un-natural clearing

[Master] where every tree has been chopped down

[Master] bushes are gone etc.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Now we can switch to bugbear map?)

[Master] sending to everyone

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] nowhere to hide for a sneak attack

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] on th ekeep

[Master] that square in the center is where the keep is in this large clearing

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] or us i suppose too

[Master] now sending a separate map to the three scout people

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] My stealth ends with the forest..

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Hmm...

[Master] there is the keep for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so someone chopped down all the trees around?)

[Master] yes to LIsa

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how far away are we?)

[Master] 1500 feet

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] imeasured the keep at 250 ft across, so

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How big/long is the clearing (from forest to keep?)

[Master] if you zoom in on that keep image on the surrounding area map you will see the keep map too

[Master] and the clearing is about 1500 from edge to keep

TMO is receiving the map Surrounding area around keep...

TMO has received the map Surrounding area around keep.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Darn. I can do obscurement but it's only 50x50ft

Indigo (Lisa) looks through spyglass at the keep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How many do you see, Indigo?

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Surrounding area around keep...

Mario Laptop has received the map Surrounding area around keep.

Carissa is receiving the map Surrounding area around keep...

Carissa has received the map Surrounding area around keep.

[Master (to Lisa only)] Indigo spots two bugbears by the open gateway and two up on the battlements, one lower one higher

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "There's a gateway entrance with two guards

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then two on the battlements. One on one level and one higher up

[Master] and I need one more roll from Sne and Shur

Ilero (TMO)] (1d20) [1d20=20] 20

[Master] so you are hiding in the woods

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] is that good this time?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] woop

Indigo (Lisa) hands it over to Shi or Kel "Wanna look?"

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) takes spyglass. "Thanks."

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Mar 17 20:51:15 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map basic forest...

[Master] and you spot birds up in the air, flying in large circles but they do not see you

Ilero (TMO)] (and a meteorite falls on our heads)

mharm-15549 has received the map basic forest.

Kel (Mario Laptop) takes a peek when he can

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not the best at noticing things

[Master] and Hello Michael

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Birds? Or birdmen...?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) passes spyglass to Kel.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi Michael!)

[mharm-15549] Y'hello

[Master] not Shir

[Master] Shi

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (Hi Michael)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Michael!)

[mharm-15549] Bring on the pain

[mharm-15549] :)

[Spring] hi michael!

Ilero (TMO)] (Shi Shur Shore)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not sure? Or no Shi...?

[Master] Ilero, Shur, and Snee

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi sells seashells by the seashore.

[Master] are the ones with that encounter

[Master] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ah got it)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (can i roll observation to look through the glass, for anything Indigo didnt see?

[Master] yes to Kel

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Kel: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Worth another check by Shi? Or all good?)

[Master (to Mario Laptop only)] Kel can see there are at least four levels and that they seem to be semi lax on the ground, only the two up top are really paying attention

[Master] and Michael

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yes?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] gimme a sec...

[Master] you can have one person with the mid group and one with the base camp

[Master] or both back at base camp

[Master] which do you choose and who where?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shur, Ilero, and Snee at at the middle group.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was just typin that whole thing :) )

[Master] grins, thank you both

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ;)

[Master] This is why we have such a great game,

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] the guys at the gate, theyre not paying too much attention. theyre just lounging around

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Alright. Hugh is the bruiser but Neith is the healer/ support. Where do you all think they would be best suited. Just got here so not sure whats up.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I say Neith at base so one healer with each group.

Ilero (TMO)] (does the base camp have a cleric?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] That's good. I go with Carissa

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not at the moment)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] but the two top guys, theyre very vigilant,. disciplined soldiers, they are

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith will be base camp

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Now they do!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh will be other

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Is that okay bob?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (good news)

[Master] yes to Michael

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Alright

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So if we can distract the two at the top...

[Master] and Lisa can explain to Neith what she found

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] without laerting the four below, thats the trick

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] alerting

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] looks like there are four levels abouve ground

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Sizable, who knows how many more inside

Ilero (TMO)] (are they bugbears? If so, I missed that)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Hmm, but the two below may be lax if there are traps between us and the keep.

[Master] yes they are

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] *four below?

Carissa is receiving the map Bugbear Keep Overview...

Carissa has received the map Bugbear Keep Overview.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Only one way in that you can see?

[Master] from this view yes

[Master] you would need to circle around to be certain

[Master] it is a couple of hours in for the scout grou

[Master] Michael they decided that if they do not come back by nightfall

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] true, who knows what theyve done to protet themselves, trenches, trip ropes

[Master] that the base camp presumes they are dead

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Bengal Tiger traps

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Pungi sticks

Ilero (TMO)] (or late!)

[Master] but what about a pointed stick

[Master] so as the scout group whispers and considers

[Master] mid range group

[Master] what do you do?

[Master] I need a roll from you too

Ilero (TMO)] (1d20) [1d20=18] 18

[Master] good

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] wow

[Master] so the mid group does not have any encounters so far

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Awesome.

[Master] and back to the basemap

[Master] with Branwyn and Branadarus

[Master] there is your secret door

[Master] what do you do?

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Branwyn (Lisa) calls out "Look what we have here!"

[Master] I will give Branwyn an Intiution check

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (epic fail)

[Master] wine is good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do the casks have taps?

[Master] no

[Master] they have openings

[Master] to be filled

[Master] but not spouts like you are thinking to twist

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neith? Have any fid latch spells?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well, it'd be suspicious if all the rolls were good tonight

[Master] there are plugs in the opening now

[Master] Michael?

[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 1'10".

[Master] Neith of Inholt targets Goblin #11. Distance: 3'08"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] A little confused on what is going on

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can fit behind the casks?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Look! There is a secret door behind the casks here

[Master] I will give Branwyn another Intuition check at a plus 4

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now we just have to figure out how to open it

Branwyn (Lisa) scrunches her face up like when Indigo tries to think really hard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[To get Bugbear Keep Overview (mharm-15549)] Please tell you wha you want me to do. Do you want me to look for that spell or...?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] test

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] fixed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] y

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry bout that bob.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Did you just speak as the map...?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha didn't know that was possible.)

[Master] Branwyn, looks at the glowing door, then at the bugbear, then back at the hidden door

[Master] and realizes the door is about 4 foot wide and bugbears are arround 5 foot wide

[Spring] heheh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (What I really want is for you to be creative and just do whatever you want to try)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (5 feet wide???)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how did we get him down the trapdoo?)

[Master] Bugbears are 7 foot tall

Ilero (TMO)] (with a plunger)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay. Time for me to ask the two sentance sum up of what the hell is going on so I have context. Otherwise I'm starting at the top of the chat log

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (group is off scouting we are here guarding npcs)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] that trapdoor is elastic

[Master] so a four foot doorway would be a tight squeeze, possible but tight

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goblin and bugbears are prisoners)

[Spring] three groups

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Gotcha. So we are securing a tap door?

[Spring] scout group going to see bugbear keep

[Spring] middle group to be available for help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (branwyn just discovered a secret door but no obvious way to open it)

[Spring] base camp group

Ilero (TMO)] (scouts group of elves & halfling looking at keep. Midgroup of semi-sneaky types looking at scout group. Everyone else at base camp looking at fungus growing. Branwyn cast spell and found secret door behind small wine casks)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay. So we want to open a door correct?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Let me see what options I have

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have to figure out how it opens

Ilero (TMO)] (look for a pull or push sign)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (looks like a stone wall?)

[Master] yes

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] It's simple. Speak Friend and Enter

[Master] behind a set of casks

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at bugbear and laughs thinking of him sneaking through the door

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Stone Shape if wanting a spell?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The bugbears probably didn't build any of this. Look at him and this door!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You would think they would build something a bit more comfortable

Ilero (TMO)] (that's it, Bran! This place was built by midget bugbears!!!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL that's her super intuition talking)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm. Not sure I have anything that would fit this situation. Did you try hitting it really hard?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (LOL!)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bob, can Neith do an INU check?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Stone Shape is level 3 priest spell)

[Master] sure

[Master] but for what?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's stone. Not sure that would do anything but hurt us

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You can shape doors...and possible move them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is probably a loose stone around here somewhere

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: INU check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Pull the Candlestick

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] ;)

[Master] Neith can figure out that to use that door the set of wine casks would need to move

[Master] but she agrees with Branwyn that the bugbear is unlikely to want to go through there

[Master] Also that there is no visible use

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] "Here guys, I think these casks act as a locking mechanism. Help me move them."


[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] haha

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Darling! can you help with this please?

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 3'01".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] What do you want help with?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I can help empty those casks for you, he chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We need to move these casks

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Kronk! Wrong lever!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think they are empty

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 11'10".

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Goblin #11. Distance: 0'09"

Branwyn (Lisa) knocks on one

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (?°?°)?? ???

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Thunk Thunk

[Master] Goblin #11 moved 2'06".

[Master] Goblin #11 targets Neith of Inholt. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 2'01".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Thunk Thunk

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 2'00".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Thunk Thunk

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] These all seem full

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I don't think we can drink that much.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I can take that challenge, he grins

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "Please don't"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can walk behind casks?)

[Master] no

[Master] three full casks of wine up against the wall

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh! Maybe you can bring over that barrel from the wine cellar and we can empty one of these?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Was that one empty?

[Master] What barrel?

[Master] those six big ones?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the barrel sitting in the middle of the other room by the little box

[Master] that is a well

[Master] not a barrel

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm

[Master] with a wicker lid next to it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was there a rope and a barrel over the well?)

[Master] no

[Master] Jilly is on that map

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so a big hole in the ground is it)

[Master] for those that want to fetch the map

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Basement...

Mario Laptop has received the map Basement.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the casks are on the ground or on some stand that can be moved?)

[Master] on a stand

Carissa is receiving the map Basement...

Carissa has received the map Basement.

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Base Map...

Mario Laptop has received the map Base Map.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (michael chime in with ideas - we are pretty safe here to try things)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just please don't jump down well)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Should we figure out the barrell puzzle?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] That is something I would like to do, but don't know if we should

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] tha'ts the problem

Ilero (TMO)] (everything there is flammable)

[Master] so Lisa and Michael are thinking and talking

[Master] switching back to Mario, Carissa

[Master] what do you want to do about that keep out there?

Lisa is receiving the map basic forest...

Lisa has received the map basic forest.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] do we sit and observe, or circle around for a better view?

Lisa is receiving the map Bugbear Keep Overview...

Lisa has received the map Bugbear Keep Overview.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I say we observe. It'd take too long to circle, and maybe by watching we'll see another possibe opening?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we could get an idea of the patrols and a count

Carissa is receiving the map Bugbear Keep Overview...

Carissa has received the map Bugbear Keep Overview.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] perfect

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) (to Lisa only)] So should we attempt to figure out the barrell puzzle or do something else?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And as you said, patrols and the like.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how tall is brush?)

[Master] none of the brush around the keep is more than 4 foot tall

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so Indigo is covered)

[Master] and you can circle around and see that the only way in at ground level is that gateway

[Master] that would be true

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ok

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] do we gain any knowledge from the time spent observing about patrols and such?

[Master] the scout team is halfway through the day?

[Master] there are no patrols

[Master] no one leaves the keep

[Master] when Noon comes

[Master] that was your time point

[Indigo (Lisa)] Want me to head back and check in?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If you don't mind. Let them know what we've seen. Maybe they'll have ideas or suggestions beyond observation.

Indigo (Lisa) nods

Indigo (Lisa) sneaks back to the other group

[Indigo (Lisa)] (roll or he arrives?)

[Master] that would be Hugh, Shur and Ilero

[Master] he can arrive, it is only a coupel thousand feet

Indigo (Lisa) waves

Ilero (TMO)] (couple thousand feet? O_o I was thinking we were only a few hundred back)

Indigo (Lisa) stands straighter again from his sneaking approach

[Indigo (Lisa)] We found it

Ilero (TMO)] (hard to keep a watch on them from that far back I would have thought)

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's one building but it's Big!

[Indigo (Lisa)] All the trees have been chopped down

[Master] The scout group is one mile from base camp the mid group is back from the scout group

[Master] you can decide how far back,

[Master] at least 200 feet

[Indigo (Lisa)] There's brush maybe up to my head but that's it

[Master] beyond that you decide

[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks like four whole levels

Ilero (TMO)] (I'd like to be close enough to see or hear if a fracas develops)

Ilero (TMO)] (but *must* stay far back enough not to ruin their abilities)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Fracas? :) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (More than 90ft and you're good)

[Indigo (Lisa)] One entrance with two lazy guards and two in the battlements that look dangerous

[Indigo (Lisa)] Strange though ...

[Indigo (Lisa)] The whole time we've been watching that's all we've seen

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one coming out of the buildings or talking to the guards

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (That's weird)

[Master] Hugh is there

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry switching voices. I keep forgetting

[Indigo (Lisa)] It woud be funny if there were only those four there!

[Indigo (Lisa)] How are you all doing?

TMO is receiving the map basic forest...

TMO has received the map basic forest.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Snee?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I do feel it suspicious

[Ilero]] (TMO) starts to speak, but nothing comes out, so he just shakes his head in frustration.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Didn't see any animals.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Aww poor Ilero)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But horses probably couldn't hold them.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (What's wron with him?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But no wagons or anything that we could see

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks a bit sadly at Ilero for a moment, then smiles at Indigo. "We're doing fine here, sugar. How're you all doing up there?"

[Spring] quiet

Shurkural (TMO)] (he still hasn't recovered his voice from taking a wyvern stinger to the neck)

Shurkural (TMO)] (it'll come back soon-ish)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Thanks. Was confused :) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good. Glad you didn't have any trouble either

[Ilero]] (TMO) clears some dirt and writes a couple of words in it with his fingers.

Spring looking, on account of can read

[Indigo (Lisa)] Pictures?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

Ilero (TMO)] "Are they moving?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] the bugbears?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hee)

[Indigo (Lisa)] No. The two just stand on each side of the gate. Then the one is at the top most battlement and the other on the one overlooking the gate

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] BRB, feeding dog

[Indigo (Lisa)] They didn't seem to be pacing around or everything

Ilero (TMO)] Illusionary?

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I guess if you chop down all the trees you can pretty much see what's coming

Ilero (TMO)] (again, written in the dirt)

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Snee for help

[Indigo (Lisa)] (guess she is afk - charades anyone?)

Snezana (Spring) looking

[Snezana (Spring)] what's it say?

Ilero (TMO)] "Illusion?"

[Snezana (Spring)] Illusion?

[Master] grins, once Fritz's charater was transformed into a snake and he had to twist around to create letters to convey meaning

[Snezana (Spring)] As in, coudl the bugbears be an illusion?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Fake bugbears?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like the fake dragon?

[Snezana (Spring)] so the real ones could ambush?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hmmm

Indigo (Lisa) thinking

[Snezana (Spring)] or some completely other adversary?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Guess the only way you know that is to hit one and see if it gets mad

[Indigo (Lisa)] Unless Shi has some detect illusion spell thing

[Snezana (Spring)] i thought if you disbelieve an illusion hard enough it vanishes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Looking)

[Snezana (Spring)] but you';d have to disbelieve something you think is real, so that could be hard

Shurkural (TMO)] Want me to put an arrow into one of 'em?


[Kel (Mario Laptop)] dinner is ready, finally, brb

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh! So if we looked at them and said "I declare you fake bugbears and don't believe in you!" They might go away?

[Mario Laptop] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or they could shoot arrows at us

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do they have to hear we don't believe in fake bugbears?

[Snezana (Spring)] i doubt it

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or could we just think it really hard

[Snezana (Spring)] brb

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's not a good choice. If we shoot one and it's a real bugbear then a bunch of them could all come out

[Master] Hugh?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (feeding dog)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hugh feeding dogs, Mario feeding self, Spring BRB)

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] We walked around and didn't see any other entrances

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, how else can we tell a fake bugbear from a real one?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like Snee said - We tell them we don't believe in them and really mean it

Indigo (Lisa) looks up "I don't believe in bugbears"

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) stares hard at Indigo. "What if I don't believe in you?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't believe in bugbears

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ouchh)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) watches him to see if he disappears.

Indigo (Lisa) waves and grins

[Snezana (Spring)] i think it's more like "i don't believe this is real"

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles at him and pats him on the cheek.

Indigo (Lisa) puffs out his chest "I'm not an illusion"

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Snee "okay. That isn't as much fun but it makes sense"

[Ilero]] (TMO) just watches this discussion.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Shurkural]] modified: Magic Item Summary - CHANGED: Bastard Sword, +1 Silvered -- Location: lost to bugbear slavers, recovered at abandoned temple (lost to bugbear slavers).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Anything else you want me to say before I go back? Maybe they had a lunch time guard change

[Ilero]] (TMO) erases the last word and writes in the dirt again

Indigo (Lisa) thinks again "Would you make fake guards that don't pay attention and just slouch around?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Mention possible traps between keep and forest?)

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Snee for another translation

[Indigo (Lisa)] (will do)

[Snezana (Spring)] ? i'm watching for whatever ilero is wriring

Ilero (TMO) (to Spring only)] "You're short"

[Ilero]] (TMO) winks at Snezana.

Snezana (Spring) blinks at ilero

[Ilero]] (TMO) points at Indigo

[Snezana (Spring)] am I? i thought i was average? what's that got to do with anything?

[Ilero]] (TMO) erases 'You're' and replaces it with 'Indigo'

[Snezana (Spring)] oh yeah maybe he means you indico

[Snezana (Spring)] he says you're short

[Snezana (Spring)] i thought he meant i was

Indigo (Lisa) rolls eyes

[Master] chuckles you both are halflings

[Snezana (Spring)] no i'm not

[Snezana (Spring)] bt=rb

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kenna was)

Ilero (TMO)] (that was her last priest)

[Snezana (Spring)] brb

[Master] AHHH sorry

[Indigo (Lisa)] You took all that time to tell me I'm short??

[Snezana (Spring)] damn the instant the movie is over it's like 100% interru[ption

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Shur

[Snezana (Spring)] it's like having small children

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks innocent.

[Ilero]] (TMO) erases the writing.

[Snezana (Spring)] anyway, indigo is short, maybe ilero wants to capitalize on that

[Indigo (Lisa)] Kel and Shi think the bugbears might have traps closer to the keep too

[Snezana (Spring)] are there some short walls he can skirt around or something?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can look again

[Master] brb Nyrma home

[Indigo (Lisa)] How far away can you be and still detect traps?

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ilero]] (TMO) draws a square in the dirt, with circles at each corner, then two lines perpendicular thru one of the sides

Snezana (Spring) comparing self to others

[Snezana (Spring)] maybe i am short

Ilero (TMO)] then little X's on either side of the perpendicular lines

[Snezana (Spring)] is five feet short? i never thought about it

Indigo (Lisa) look up at Sne "Not to me"

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] b

[Indigo (Lisa)] But short isn't a bad thing! It actually helps when you're fighting giants and things

[Snezana (Spring)] ok so the swuare is the keep i take it

Ilero (TMO)] there are 4 X's on the outside of the square, and 2 X's inside

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods at Snezana.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (My friend is five feet. She has to sit on a cushion when she drives...)

[Snezana (Spring)] hm.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So Ilero can only detect square traps

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks questioningly at Indigo and points at an X, then at the other 3 sides of the square.

[Snezana (Spring)] i think the Xs are suggestions

[Master] applauds Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] So traps are at the corners and inside the keep

Ilero (TMO)] (I'm 6'3, my wife was 6'2, my father in law was 6'10, my sister in law is 6'6, my brother in law is 6'8)

[Snezana (Spring)] (so you're saying you're elfin folk then)

Ilero (TMO)] (yep!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Woww).

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head at Indigo.

[Ilero]] (TMO) points to an X and then stands at attention.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Shur, you know what he's trying to say?

[Snezana (Spring)] (none of you have had feet on the bed your adult lives, have you?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks like a teasure map to me

[Snezana (Spring)] (sticking out the end)

Ilero (TMO)] (California King size bed)

[Indigo (Lisa)] OH

[Indigo (Lisa)] Corners are tall

Shurkural (TMO)] Honey, half the time I don't know what y'all are saying when you're using words.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah I guess so

[Master] (LOL Nyrma got home took the dogs out, and forgot Lola outside, brought in Cookie and locked the door, Lola was outside barking to get in)

[Ilero]] (TMO) draws a stick figure in the dirt holding a spear, then points to an X

[Snezana (Spring)] so that x is a guard

[Indigo (Lisa)] You want to know where the guards are?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods, then points again to the 3 walls with no X's

[Indigo (Lisa)] They're like this

Indigo (Lisa) makes two Xs at the bottom right corner

Indigo (Lisa) then one on the middle of right side with an arrow pointing up

Indigo (Lisa) then one at the topr left corner with another big arrow pointing up

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like that

Indigo (Lisa) smiles

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks amused.

Indigo (Lisa) draws circle at top left

[Indigo (Lisa)] that's kind of like a tower

Indigo (Lisa) then pushes bottom left side out

[Indigo (Lisa)] and that comes out a bit

[Ilero]] (TMO) watches.

[Indigo (Lisa)] rounded too but not like a tower

[Master] and also for Spring how long does that entangle last?

[Snezana (Spring)] (checking)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is there a gate you can close or just an archway?)

Lisa is receiving the map Bugbear Keep Overview...

Lisa has received the map Bugbear Keep Overview.

[Master] just an opening

[Master] no gate no overhead

[Snezana (Spring)] (this doesn't read the same way it did when kenna cast it)

[Ilero]] (TMO) studies the sketch with a frown.

[Snezana (Spring)] (this one only says 1 turn)

[Snezana (Spring)] (kenna's said it's permanent and you have to hack through it to get rid of it)

[Ilero]] (TMO) rubs absentmindedly at the side of his neck where his wound was.

[Snezana (Spring)] (shoot. i should have reread it)

[Snezana (Spring)] test

[Snezana (Spring)] oh good

[Master] nods

[Master] everyone has their wheels spinning considering

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it's only the empty cart - we have the mule on invisible and the cellar team knows they need to check on it so we will figure it out)

[Master] the Mule is invisible for 15 rounds

[Ilero]] (TMO) circles the area to the bottom left of the keep and puts a ? in the middle

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Shi told us the invisible only lasts for a while so we would need to poke our heads up or send Joseph up with the trap door open

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he yells or comes down if danger arrives)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (time at cellar has been much shorter than scout team)

[Mario Laptop] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or at least it should have been)

[Master] yes to LIsa

[Master] you are at the point of deciding how if to move those wine casks

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[Master] when you have that solved we go forward there

[Master] scouts are waiting for Indigo to come back or do what?

[Master] and middle group is talking

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[Master] this is all shortly after noon

[Indigo (Lisa)] So can I go back now?

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Base Map...

mharm-15549 has received the map Base Map.

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs and nods.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Anything else?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Scouts are waiting and watching.

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 3'10".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 7'00".

Ilero (TMO)] (sorry, just playing with effects)

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll be back in a bit I guess then

Ilero (TMO)] (had an idea, wanted to try it)

Indigo (Lisa) sneaks back over to Kel and Shi

Indigo (Lisa) tells them what they said

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] They are fine. Nothing's tried to attack them either

Shurkural (TMO)] Guess that's my call to run back to camp, right lover?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe everyone's scared to come close to the keep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh good.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not Shur and the rest

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Could be, but because of the bugbears or something else?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods and pats her on the leg.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I meant wild boars and stuff

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Right. Makes sense.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (do I need to repeat the conversation or can I just say I told you)

Shurkural (TMO)] Anything you two want me to say? Hugh? Sne?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I can't see Shur and the rest being scared to come over here.

[Master] told you so

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No repeat needed)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thx :) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ;)

[Snezana (Spring)] no message from me

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So should we keep watching? Perhaps try your trick of willing the bugbears to disappear?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) runs quietly back to camp.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can't hurt to try.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] just read up

Indigo (Lisa) closes his eyes and scrunches up his face

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I've cast illusions, but not many. I can't say I know how they work much...

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "Nothing is real but the building. I don't believe"

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] So these guards could just be an illusion?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) stares intensely at bugbear willing it to be an illusion.

Indigo (Lisa) repeats

Indigo (Lisa) repeats

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] hmm, worth a try, i guess

Indigo (Lisa) opens eyes

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrugs. "Maybe? Worth trying?"

[Master] when Indigo and Shi opens their eyes, the bugbears are tehre

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i choose to disbelieve

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hmmm

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] s

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So they're just lazy guards?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Guess so. I tried really hard.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] and even scrunched your face, so...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles "I noticed. Based on that, I'd say they're real."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Did they change guards for lunch?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Or maybe their dead and propped up

[Master (to Carissa only)] yes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes, they did.

[Indigo (Lisa)] brb

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Still as lackluster?)

[Master (to Carissa only)] yes two up on the battlements are lookign adn moving the two below are lazy and slouched, maybe even asleep as soon as they come out

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (bob, can you update the time?)

[Master] Time of Day: 01:06 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 13th, 1266 TGR.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to Master only)] Testing. This how I do it?

[Master (to Carissa only)] yes

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] thanks!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to Master only)] Sweet. Thanks!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Guards switched out, but only the two on the battlements are paying any attention. I think the two below might have fallen asleep...

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] are there two or four below?

[Master] /ar 2

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Two above and two below.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] thank you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Four total that we can see.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So two lazy guards switched out for two more lazy guards and then two good ones replaced the two on top?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] maybe too soon to discuss, but if we started a fire on the oposite side, it may leave for easy acces, to the gate anyway

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yep.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's strange

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Very.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ya, the illusion may be stuck on Repeat

[Indigo (Lisa)] No one else came out to get some air?

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is a very strange keep

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] No one wanted a smoke break?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A fire could give us access...wonder what they'd do if there was a distraction?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Throw a rock find out

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (can we make out windows on the outer walls? arrow slit things?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How they'd react?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Just watch them run around? That could be fun

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha Kel can throw it. Have you seen Shi's strength? It'd go one foot tops, away)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or see IF they run around.

[Master (to Mario Laptop only)] no visible arrow slits

[Indigo (Lisa)] Just be careful because they will look in the direction of whatever we throw or shoot at it

[Indigo (Lisa)] Or come at

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I still wonder if there is a trap. Or maybe they're complacent as there is nowhere to hide.

Shurkural (TMO)] (use Bran's catapult)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i dont think anyone can throw 1500 feet

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Did Branwyn give us one of the ventriliquist potions?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dunno - did anyone take them?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Lisa just said we have them but didn't have her character give them to peoples)

Shurkural (TMO)] (if you're really 1500ft away from them, wouldn't do much good anyways)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I thought we decided to, but never actually said anything...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That was follow-up question of how far potion would reach...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (has no amplify so would work like someone who has that skill)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if you had an amplify sound spell kind of thing - that would work)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (some elven battle horn?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (a kazoo?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] BRB Puppy

Shurkural (TMO)] (where's some aarakocra when you need some?)

[Master] chuckles at Lisa

[Indigo (Lisa)] (puppy might work - send them a puppy)

[Master] lol

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Shi, where did we put that horn?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (When using ventriloquism, the supposed source of the sound must be relatively close to the character aka not far)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You had it last.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ok, so do we keep observing? any other ideas how to distract to see if they are real?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we are a WAYS away, and dont necessarily want to give up our postion

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Other than waltzinhg up to them and asking them if they are real, I'm at a loss

[Indigo (Lisa)] (could you make a flaming arrow and shoot it at the brush not at the keep but on the side so they wonder how a small fire starts on the side we are not on

[Indigo (Lisa)] ?

[Master] I will give the archers a wisdom check on that

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ya. I htought if we move 90derees to one side, and simplyt ran out, and ran back, by the time they got close, we could be back here

[Indigo (Lisa)] (since Indigo is neither wise nor an archer)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] One of those archers no longer has his bow so...

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] hidden safe again

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] one moment

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ouch.

mharm-15549 is receiving the map basic forest...

mharm-15549 has received the map basic forest.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he could still be wise about using bows even if not about holding onto them)

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (are you referring to Kel??)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lolol

[Master] yes

Indigo (Lisa) whistles softly

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i( i did think about that after. Why would i draw teb, and possibly lose him? couldnt use him at all anyway

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] foolish, truly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I figured you'd try to slash the bird. Ah well).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)]

[Indigo (Lisa)] (better the bow to lose than Teb any day of the week)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Now, if you want to know if it can be done, my knowledge is at 18. I guess Wisdom is just knowing whether or not we should light the forest on fire witht he arrow.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and we might find Kel another one on our journey)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Only you can prevent stupid fires!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] may be to our advantage, start a conflagration

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Master] we are waiting for Kel to make his Intuition check

[Master] wisdom check

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] oh, sorry!!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] WIS or INU?

[Master] either

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Kel: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] whew

[Snezana (Spring)] yay

[Master (to Mario Laptop only)] Kel can point out that flaming arrows create an arc, tracing from where they are shot to where they land.....

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh good!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] well, a flaming arrow, if we decide on that, would simply point us out. it is flaming when it leaves our position, so maybe something else

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ah! Found your spell, Spring! It's Plant Growth, not Entangled. Missed it earlier. Plant Growth is manuel removal)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Candygram

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] do we have any spells that can travel that far and have some, any, effect, to guage reaction?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Wind Servant can carry anything about 5 pounds.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (But is my only high level spell slot for the day...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith has cool spells that might work but youd have to get her

[Snezana (Spring)] (thanks clarissa!)

[Snezana (Spring)] (Caarissa! sneaky L )

[Master] Neith is back at base camp a mile away

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we aren't invading today - whatever you want to do)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] here's an idea, feel free to turn it doewn:

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] That's why I pointed out someone would have to get her

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha it always sneaks in, but at least you caught it!)

[Snezana (Spring)] (yes, this is exactly the spell i wanted)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] just before dawn, when we plan to return, run out about halfway, and run back, we'd be long gone, pending nocrit 20 failures

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Look, if it gets the ball rolling Hugh would be happy to go around the wall shoot a crossbow bolt and book it?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And apparently I have it, but didn't notice earlier)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] like a streaker

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] wit a torch or something, dropping it

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] and th etorch

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] test

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] j'

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not sure I understand)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry. K.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You're good, Michael.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (mario)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] run towards the keep a ways, wave violently, get theoir attention, run back to the safely of the woods

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we are very far, unless theyre Sprinters, we could easily get away

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] It's almost worth the death of my character to go for it at this point haha

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Only one person so the others can watch watch what happens?

[Indigo (Lisa)] and?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I volunteer as Trbiute

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But if they track us to camp?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Yes,Shi to se if they are illusion or not

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we're elves!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] come on! they think we live in trees making cookies

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we'll hide in the thicket

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I like making cookies...

[Master] and here we see the difference in the family of Kel verus Shi

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ha!)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (otherwise, we observe until its ttime to return)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] At the least, let me check for snares and pits. It'll only go 40 ft out, but better than to be caught if you decide to run out there.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] unless we have soe way to see if they are real

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't see any other useful spell for that)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ME?! Who said ME?!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It won't be me, and Indigo isn't as fast. No offense, but you re shorter...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So you make the most sense. Also, it was your idea.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not sure we should cause the distraction in front of our escape route

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] damn mouth of mine

[Indigo (Lisa)] it's like drawing a line back to us

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] understood, we can wait, we're not ready fo rthat now anyway is suppose

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles, "Seems a common occurence."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No. We just need information for now

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Dont make get Teb out, he'll blow our cover for sure

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] While, until we have to go back, should I check for traps along the edge? I can walk a little ways before the spell wears out.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] im good with that

[Indigo (Lisa)] But if I can stay in the cover of the brush I could do something and they wouldn't see me

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Such as what?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] thats true too

[Master] Time of Day: 06:28 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 13th, 1266 TGR.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It's still a ways to the keep. Maybe make noise, but I'm not sure they'd go into the forest.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] youd have to go alone, as we're not sneaky enough for brush

[Master] as the three of you are looking and quietly debating

[Master] at night fall

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oops)

Shurkural (TMO)] (you are surrounded by a bugbear patrol)

[Master] you notic movement

[Master] and out of the keep issues about a dozen bugbears that go out and turn to the east

[Master] and head out

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Ooookay

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (are we east?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...are we east?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well, it's something new

[Master] southeast

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Shall we move guys?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] Armed? armored?

[Master] yes

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] all as one group?

[Master] yes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Anything else of interest?)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] nice

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] you should be able to read their name tags

[Master] the two guards at the gate on the first floor watch them move away, looking aware of who left

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes, but not their handwriting. Dang it.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] what about the top ones?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Aware of who left? So they'll know who doesn't return? Like our prisoner if he was from this keep...?

[Master] perhaps

[Master] (Hugh is not there to know)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So...what about the top ones? ;)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] thanks Shi-hugh

[Master] they seem to still be watching similar to before

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Paying specific attention to those leaving, or just looking out in general?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Sorry bob. I use OOC and IC somewhat interchangably. My bad. I'll work on the parantheses)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ( do bugbearshave any form of night vision?)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (lol looks like Do bugbears Shave? doubt it)

[Master] upper guards seem to be watching the surrounding area, the two by the gate opening seem to be tracking who comes and goes

[Snezana (Spring)] i hate to go now but i have to. i have to get up at 4AM

[Master] ouch Spring

[Master] I recomend not doing that

[Snezana (Spring)] still haven't packed yet heh

[Indigo (Lisa)] sorry for that

[Snezana (Spring)] fun times, friends. have a great night

[Indigo (Lisa)] (goodnight!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ouch. Have a good night!)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] bye Spring

Spring has left the game on Fri Mar 17 23:05:56 EDT 2017

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ("If a lair is uncovered and 12 or more bugbears are encountered they will have a leader")

Shurkural (TMO)] (bye!)

[Master] grins at Carissa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Twelve left so king bugbear inside?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] all alone! yay!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] at least the four still at guard :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Not with our luck haha)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] :0(

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] ok, its dark. Do we head back? track the patrol?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And "Bugbear eyesight gives them Ultravision out to 60 feet. "

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] aha, tx

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Depends. How far away are they from us? Don't want an ambush.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] should we try to follow at a safe distance, see where they are headed?

Shurkural (TMO)] afk for a min

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] is that a goal though, not could we, but should we

[Master] the keep is about 1,500 feet away

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i say lets just head back, cautiously

[Master] or are you going to ambush them?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Right and they're heading east while we're southeast. I don't want them finding us to ambush)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Remember how many of them there are please...)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we would have to set up, plan, have reinforcements for that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Definitely not a good plan for three (or even six) to take them all on.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] let's meet the mid party and head back, we are expected at nightfall

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But, if we get a brief idea of their direction, could Shur possibly track for later?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Agreed.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] With a starting point, m sure she could

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Also, after reading bugbear page, I can now say our prisoner is male. Question answered.)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] do we need to roll before getting back?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No just run before Bob notices!

[Master] when you head back yes you will have 1 roll

[Master] then when you get halfway back one more roll

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] we are heading to meet the mid party

[Master] but then before you go

[Master] switching back to LIsa

[Master] in the basement

[Master] and what she decided abotu teh wine casks

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] and the door, etc

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Base Map...

Mario Laptop has received the map Base Map.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Drink it all, have a party, forget the door)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you move one at a time? Otherwise we might wait in the casks

[Master] you can perhaps pift up one of the small casks, and move it off the rack

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We could empty them but then have a couple inches of wine at the bottom of the ladder

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Would my big strong Prince like to try?

[Master] BUT that will allow Branwyn another Intiton check

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Also, can Neith make another?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Base Map...

mharm-15549 has received the map Base Map.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] oy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she's more of an INT rather than an INU kind of girl)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: INU check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master (to mharm-15549 only)] the small casks here could fit up that trap door up top, not the large casks in the other room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly bring one of your pots over please.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] NO!!! Don't Touch THAT

[Jilly (Master)] Sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just want to try something. We should be able to remove the cork with a ....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] NOOOOOO!

[Jilly (Master)] Do you have bottles?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wait a second Jilly.

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is it Neith?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] There is something about the small casks

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] let me think one moment please dont touch the large ones

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Jilly, please don't go near the large casks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The ones in the other room?

Lisa is receiving the map Basement...

Lisa has received the map Basement.

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] The small casks can fit through the trap door. Therefore, they are the real casks. The large ones couldn't be able to be moved. Thus, they must have something to do with the locking mechanism of the door. BUT! I think there might be a trap and I don't want to empty out the large casks

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I think we shouldn't mess with the weight regarding the large casks.

[Master] the large casks are in the second room

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] HM

[Master] the small casks are in the room with the ladder and secret door

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The large casks in the other room. We were going to move these small ones

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay false alarm. I thought I saw a classic BOB moment approaching on the tracks. Carry on

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)

Shurkural (TMO)] (it never hurts to be paranoid)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Okay

Shurkural (TMO)] (just remember - often, he is out to get us)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shouldn't we be able to remove this cork with a dagger and pull?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And put it back in if we need to?

[Master] yes and yes

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] you a conjure spell create a spigot?

[Master] one more check for Bran and Neith

[Master] Intuition

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly, the pot please? You can use this for dinner later

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] could*

[Master] and that gives Jilly a chance too

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: INU check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (TMO applauds)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and branwyn has a thught!)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay that's three in a row that should automatically unlock the darn thing for Neith haha

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Master] and these small casks..... if you put them on their end and open that hole fit right under the spigots on the large casks in the other room

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Huh, didn't even think of that.

Shurkural (TMO)] (thought Brand thunked the small casks and they were full?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well until just this moment apprantatly ;)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] yes to TMO too

Shurkural (TMO)] (so it's not a thing we could do, just a thing syaing how they probably got here)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So they fill the small casks from the large ones and then probably roll these small ones to wherever this passage leads

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Wait, so maybe they have nothing to do with opening the door? Darn it.

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (or use the tree to hoist them out)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Nice little wine deliver system

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that too she thinks to a little INU voice in her head)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (and the 12 are the traveling wine delivery committee..)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So would you please try to move one of these casks please?

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] im so sorry, ill be quiet. kel is not there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that I hope is not correct)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Love of my life?

Lord Branadarus (Master) takes the end cask and LIFTS it up

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] then sets it down on teh floor

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Don't hurt your back M'Lord

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I knew you could do it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone will be so excited to see a new door when they get back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can wait if you want before you do another one.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Was it very heavy for you?

Lord Branadarus (Master) chcuckles

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I can move mountains for you

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] aww!

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) rolls eyes

Branwyn (Lisa) beams

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Do you want to empty this one?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think we have a container to hold that much and it would just make a mess

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We might want to stick to just opening bottles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] While you are moving those, I can read this note from the bugbear priestess

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] certainly

Lord Branadarus (Master) lifts the middle one off of the racks

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] then the third one leavign teh rack empty

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the paper out and holds it in her hands

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Comprehend Languages: For the next (5*11) 55 rounds I can understand any one creature or text that I touch.

Branwyn (Lisa) reads

[Lord Branadarus (Master) (to Lisa only)] it is a list of passwords

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is a list of words. Not a text.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Like passwords or something

[Master] 9 words in total

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are any crossed out? labeled? gate, etc

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That's why the guards are lax! No one gets in without a password!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (dates?)

[Master] no labels no dates

[Master] just 9 words

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no crossouts)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Does that spell let you talk to bugbear prisoner?)

[Master] mome

Shurkural (TMO)] (magic words?)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] in Haiku format?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not magic or she wouldn't be able to read them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I need to cast again on bugbear)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I memorized 2 today - only works on 1 thing per cast)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Darn. If he's nice, maybe he could give you clues)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not sure it's worth it, though)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (why not - memorized it)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha up to you)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Unless she wants to wait until the group gets back for other questions to possibly ask bugbear)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so she knows what the words mean? could she write them down phonetically in common to say them after spell wears off?)

[Master] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he won't understand what she says she can only understand what he says so we have to get him talking)

Branwyn (Lisa) runs to get her quill and ink from her pack to write down what she was reading

Branwyn (Lisa) hurriedly scribbles away the nine words

Branwyn (Lisa) tries to write how she would say them

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bob, can Neith Assist her somehow?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but will wait on other spell so people can draw pictures :) )

[Master] Nieth cannot understand

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] That's what I thought

[Master] only Branwyn does

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but Neith can look at the door now that casks are away)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ilero is getting good at picture drawing!)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Lol

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] When a moment, May Neith Inspect the opening bob?

[Master] what opening?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] My bad. the door? Opening, Portalway,

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOl

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)

[Master] behind the casks?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I can get behind them now right?

[Master] no

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bangs head on desk

[Master] there is a rack in front of the door

[Master] the three barrels are moved off

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] May I inspect the rack?

Shurkural (TMO)] (I like inspecting racks)

[Master] but the rack is there and seems to be fixed in place

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] HAH!

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (biting tongue)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Nothing ventured nothing gained. I pull hard on the rack

[Master] nothing happens

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :_

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Open Sesame!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] ...

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Alright. Branw turn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wood rack attached to earthern wall?)

[Master] not clear where it is attached, wall or floor

[Master] but it all seems one large piece

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but is not flush to wall?)

[Master] seems to be flush

Branwyn (Lisa) hands paper to Jilly "Hold on to this please so it doesn't turn into a hellhound"

[Jilly (Master)] takes it between her fingers

Branwyn (Lisa) hands both the note and the copy parchment scrap

[Jilly (Master)] do all papers turn like that?

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh I really hope not

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Years from now, I'm going to get a rolled up piece of paper as an invitation to something like a wedding and imagine a hellhound jumping out. Thanks Lisa :)

[Jilly (Master)] maybe when we need to start a fire next time

[Jilly (Master)] we can have you use paper

[Jilly (Master)] and POOF

[Branwyn (Lisa)] don't roll it like a scroll. Keep it flat and maybe it won;t change

[Jilly (Master)] there we go

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (scarred for life)

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Jilly (Master)] it is hard to keep things flat

Branwyn (Lisa) walks back into ladder room

[Jilly (Master)] I could put it under INdigo's armor maybe?

[Jilly (Master)] that seems heavy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perfect Jilly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How is that door looking?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at rack

Shurkural (TMO)] (dirty girl)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Jilly (Master)] no apaprent way to move

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Maybe the rack has nothing to do with it? Perhaps it opens only from the other side. Also LOL TMO

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Her eyes are up there)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] lol

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bob. If I make a fourth successful INU check, will you spill the beans?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm not good with this puzzle.

[Jilly (Master)] grins unlikely

[Jilly (Master)] that is ok,

[Master] grins unlikely

[Master] that is ok,

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Can I knock on the rack?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (flush with both wall and floor? do we see bolts?)

[Master] yes to flush, no to bolts

Shurkural (TMO)] (superglue)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Instead of pulling, can I push the rack?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] all right

Shurkural (TMO)] (just be gentle)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Goddammit stop that TMO haha)

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (omg!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (no, I don't think I'll be stopping)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (successful pushing of said rack?)

[Master] does not seem to pull or push

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry did I have to roll for that?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Slide it side to side?

[Master] nor slide

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Can I plant a bomb?

[Master] anyone with detect traps? or set traps?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] One moment

Shurkural (TMO)] (out in the midgroup)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is silly. Tiberius can you move the bugbear please?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] certainly, where would you like him to be?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Move him away from that wall and I'll see if it can get the rack to move.

[Master] Bugbear #7 moved 13'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 7'04".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 12'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (shove it sideways if possible)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Nope. No to set or detect traps

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Telekinesis: I can sustain movement of an object of 25 lbs or less for (2+11) 13 rounds or I can shove (25*11) 275 lbs of stuff (11*10) 110 feet away in a single burst.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (1d20) [1d20=10] 10

[Master] you hear a slight groan of strain in the wood but nothing moves

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm ...

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Question bob. Is a spirit able to pass through walls?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe we are making this too complicated and there is a simple lock somewhere we can't see.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not a magic lock or anything but a simple one maybe?

[Master] yes to spirits and ghosts

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Knock: All locks in a (10*11) 110 square foot area are unlocked.

[Master] CLICK

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] WHAT!!!

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] BRAN!!!

[Master] and the rack slides out and open into the room

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Fuming at my desk right now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (It's just like magic!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I love getting out of the salon and just get to cast and cast

[Master] Wine Casks moved 1'05".

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (i WILL REMEMBER YOU HAVE THAT SPELL!!!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I feel an extraordinary sense of accomplishment

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (Bravo! )

[Master] There is a dark passageway about 4 foot wide, 4 foot tall

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I want to laugh, but am so seething with jealosy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now maybe we should check on the mule before we get too carried away. Joseph!

[Master] extending back as far as you can see

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] (golf Clap)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So no bugbear hiding in there unless it's one of the midget ones)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - I was going difficult too then sometimes answer is simple and the last thing you try)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that didn't work I was going to wait for Kel and Ilero)

[Master] On the inside of the door is a simple latch

[Master] that apparently opens and closes the door from that side only

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Huh, well at least I had that going for me. I was about to summon a spriit to open the door from the other side if it could

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (will door stay open or do we need to prop it?)

[Master] seems to be staying in place

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Let's prop it. Especially if it only opens one way

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh that would have been fun)

[Master] the tunnel there

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (I liked you solution better :) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (calling it a night?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A good place to stop, yes)

[Master] I am ready to

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I htink that's a good idea

[Kel (Mario Laptop)] i do have to go now. Good Night all! nice work tonight!

[Master] night eveyrone

[Carissa] Fall asleep as it is. Good night all!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Night Mario Night Everyone?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)

[Lisa] Goodnight!

Mario Laptop has left the game on Sat Mar 18 00:04:48 EDT 2017

mharm-15549 has left the game on Sat Mar 18 00:04:49 EDT 2017

Carissa has left the game on Sat Mar 18 00:04:52 EDT 2017

Lisa has left the game on Sat Mar 18 00:04:54 EDT 2017

[Master] Lord Branadarus XP award: 100. Next level in 0.

[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 100. Next level in 3167.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 250. Next level in 320801.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 200. Next level in 19847.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 21101.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 250. Next level in 21907.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 25473.

[Master] Kel XP award: 200. Next level in 11505.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 150. Next level in 16477.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 150. Next level in 23083.

XP addedd