Main / Mar1805

Mar 18 05

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Fritz has joined the game

[Fritz] How do?

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

Moraleodred (Fritz) is now controlling Moraleodred

Mobuto (Fritz) is now controlling Mobuto

Moradred (Fritz) is now controlling Moradred

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Temporary Modifiers -

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: -1 (+1).

[Moradred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moradred modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: -1 (+1).

[Moraleodred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moraleodred modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: -1 (+1).

Lorie has joined the game

[Lorie] Hi all... brb

[Fritz] Hi Lorie

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] Sean and Mike just came through the front gate

[Lorie] Okay bak

[DM] so they will be up and running soon

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] will grab my drinks and such and back up

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] will add in that XP to the two of you

[Fritz] 8^)

Jess has joined the game

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/beam13.wav (null), CHANGED: Goblin Chaser -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/birdprey.wav (null), CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/MISSLE[1].wav (null), CHANGED: Dragon Whirl -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/birdprey.wav (null), CHANGED: Roman Candle -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/Fireball.wav (null), Custom Expressions - CHANGED: Lightning Bolt:Mobuto raises his staff and with an air of magesty and authority commands it to cast the spell - Lightning Bolt (4 charges) -- Expression: I cast a Bolt of Lightning for {6d6+12} points of damage. @"thunder.wav"{d20[<$C="Despite the severe drain on my mystical energies I am ok";$C="Despite the severe drain on my mystical energies I am ok";>$C="I become exhausted for (6d6) rounds, suffer -2 on all rolls and move at half-rate"]} (I cast a Bolt of Lightning for {6d6+12} points of damage.{d20[<$C="Despite the severe drain on my mystical energies I am ok";$C="Despite the severe drain on my mystical energies I am ok";>$C="I become exhausted for (6d6) rounds, suffer -2 on all rolls and move at half-rate"]}).

[mike] so, are we ded yet?

[DM] as soon as Sean gets logged in we can move along to what ever you wish tonight

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Fist -- Atk Snd: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/attacks/punch5.wav (null), CHANGED: Fist -- Dmg Snd: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/attack[1].wav (null), CHANGED: Battering Ram Fist -- Atk Snd: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/attacks/punch5.wav (null), CHANGED: Gauntlet -- Atk Snd: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/attacks/punch5.wav (null), Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Agannazar's Scorcher -- Sound: C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/fire3.wav (null), CHANGED: Agannazar's Scorcher -- Effect: fire (null). CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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[Fritz] What is the calendar date?

[Fritz] Hi Jess

[Fritz] Hi Mike

[mike] jess isnt here

[DM] in the Calendar events doc on teh left side

[Wilson (Lorie)] Hey Mike...

[DM] it is up to date

[DM] as of close of buisness last night

[mike] hey lor

[DM] first day of the fifth month

[DM] it should be there all the time so you can check things as we go

[DM] if you have things to add I can add them

[Fritz] So tonight I need to charge my staff and tomorrow would be the best day to go back

[Fritz] I need to do it on the night of a full moon and tonight is a full moon night

Sean has joined the game

[Fritz] So tonight I need to charge my staff and tomorrow would be the best day to go back

[DM] up to the group, I have no problem with that

[Fritz] I need to do it on the night of a full moon and tonight is a full moon night

[Fritz] Just repeating it for sean

[Sean] thankyou

[DM] and here I was thinking you were playing with your arrow keys

[Wilson (Lorie)] Hey Sean

[Fritz] BTW Hi Sean

[mike] if we really want to go back

[Sean] Greetings and Salutations

[DM] you four can pick what ever you want

[Fritz] Hi again Lorie

[DM] you have a quorom

[Sean] Where?

[mike] thed!!!

[Fritz] sure lets go back. Lorie is here

[Fritz] That is a great boost to clerical power!

[DM] you mysteriously can not remember where that is

[DM] ok, fine

[DM] you really want thedd

[Wilson (Lorie)] Hi again Fritz

[DM] so

[DM] you can go there

[Fritz] Not ready for Thedd yet Bob

[Wilson (Lorie)] What do you mean that Wilson doesn't remember where home is?

[DM] just be prepared for me to make it what I want to do

[Fritz] We have the haste and enlarge and stone skin from Marco that should help. We just need to know who to give it to and go in guns a wailin!!

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: blinks :: Guns a blazin'?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Umm... why do we want to do this?

[Fritz] Yea that too 8*)

[mike] just because bob said we couldn't

[Fritz] We found out that the world would be a better to place, for you, for me, Just wait and seeeeeeeee!!!

[Wilson (Lorie)] BOB says lots of things to incite us...

[Fritz] come on sing along

[DM] I want to teach the world to sin

[DM] sing

[Wilson (Lorie)] We're bigger than BOB... we could stuff him in a closet just as easily

[Sean] the looooooooooooooooooooove boat!

[Fritz] Thank you bob

[Fritz] for the correction

[DM] either would be fun

[Fritz] 8^)

[Fritz] Actaully we found out that it would be bad if we don't go back and finish what we started, That chaos would do nasty nasty things from this temple

[DM] Sean is laying on his back on the bench, holding his laptop in the air

[DM] quietly in pain

[Fritz] Just don't drop it on his face

[Fritz] Why?

[Sean] yeah, makes it kind of hard to type

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: blinks :: In pain?!?!

[Fritz] Why is he hurting his back?

[Sean] back pain not sure why it hurts

[DM] the weight of expectations

[Fritz] Ahhh. Chiropractors are our friend

[Sean] ah

[mike] could it be because you repeatedly stabbed yourself in the back with an old motherboard?

[Sean] yeah, that could be it.

[mike] or is this another attack from gates?

[DM] side note, no talking here, only the stuff in the room, just the clacking of keyboards

[Fritz] I guess this would be a true "back" door virus then

[Sean] i certainlt hope billy doesn't have a little doll of me ...

[Fritz] Ok well lets get this puppy started RIIAIGHT!!!

[mike] but back on track, i really don't think we should go back there.

[mike] not tonight.

[Sean] why?

[Fritz] Why not we have fire power

[mike] because we're missing some people.

[mike] and we ran like little girls when we had a full house

[Fritz] Really only 2 and one of those 2 wasn't a major combatant and we were all low on spells and we didn't have Lorie that time

[Fritz] Not to put Laila down but the only person we are missing is Alastair

[Fritz] as a major combatant

[DM] and Paul,

[DM] or Kahn

[mike] but they're not coming back

[DM] considering the shape that Paul was in at the moment

[Fritz] Yea but we weren't sure if he was coming back anyway and we do know that we have to go back in

[Wilson (Lorie)] Just remember Wilson isn't Kylia. He doesn't have the same abilities as Kylia at all

[mike] i think if we do go back, we should wait the two months or whatever for kylia to be ready to adventure again

[Fritz] Wilson is what 7th level or so cleric?

[DM] or you could bring in other followers from Kylia's side if you felt teh need to

[mike] wilson has great abilities. he can garble and mix up any message given to him with little to no effort

[Lorie] Yes... but perhaps a chaotic character or two should go and try and mediate a peace treaty

[Fritz] His healing would be a great help, we will have 3 stone skins, and some haste and enlarge

[Lorie] find out what their deal is?

[Fritz] We found out we need to go in and attack actually

[Fritz] Plus now they hate us

[Fritz] 8^)

[Lorie] Because thePlane of Law told you... but what does Law know about their motives

[Fritz] Supposedly that it was bad over all for all concerned is what we were told. But that is all we have to go on

[Lorie] BOB... could you elaborate at all on the Plane of Law's message? Marco didn't present all the info to me on this spell result

[DM] Sending the full text of the chat from last week there for you

[DM] on the left tree

[mike] so we want CHAOTIC people to make a treaty?

[mike] a more or less law filled agreement?

[mike] that's a good idea.

[DM] [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so question 1 [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the statues that came to life in the shrine of budushartur and attacked us the lords of chaos?

[DM] that is the first line to look for

[DM] where the questions are asked and answers given

[mike] do we have any lava in a bag of holding or anything?

[DM] no

[DM] but you do know where you can get some from,

[Fritz] Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, so question 1 [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Were the statues that came to life in the shrine of budushartur and attacked us the lords of chaos? [Finglass (mikE)] yeah. we've already had to deal with one of those [DM] no [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] question 2 [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] would the powers of law be threatened if we do not return to finish investigating the shrine of Bundushartur? [DM] likely [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Is it lawful to attack the shrine or it's guardians? [DM] yes [Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Does having the parts of the key that we have prevent the further rising of chaos? [DM] maybe

[DM] Kazza and Kit

Sean has left the game

[mike] then i say we flood the room with lava

[DM] thank you fritz

[Fritz] Welcome

[mike] i love how definate the answers are until the end.

[Fritz] Also we have the magic ring and those magic necklaces we should use

[mike] you can just see bob's teat shrivelling up

[Fritz] We know we can scry them and use the pool to move into the temple. We can then ready our spells and do a surprise attack

Sean has joined the game

[mike] or just open up a tube of lava on them

[DM] actually only can Scry them if Wilson or Fudge can

[Fritz] We know we can scry them and use the pool to move into the temple. We can then ready our spells and do a surprise attack

[Fritz] repeated for sean

[DM] Alastair can cast the spells he said he would

[Fritz] why Paul said he would point the pool

[DM] but you can not use other ability

[DM] yes pointing the pool

[DM] but that is not scrying on what they are doing, it is pointing to a place

[Fritz] True my bad

[Fritz] I thought he said he would cast other spells as we wished

[DM] but Lorie might have something up her sleave

[Fritz] one of them was scrying

[DM] sleeve,

[DM] the floor is wide open for you other than specific spells from the PCs not here

[Lorie] Okay, I tried to find the answer in the log you posted, I see nothing. :: shrugs :: Nevermind... let's move on

[DM] Fritz copied it here to the chat room for you Lorie

[DM] it is in the last part of the log

[mike] so does this mean we're going to go do a henchman adventure now?

[Lorie] Thank you Fritz.

[Fritz] Cast enlarge on the lion, stone skin on him and ailea. Alilea drinks potion of heroism as well to raise her level. Have stone skin cast on on one other person willing to be in the front line

[DM] when you get ready to go you can Fritz.

[DM] wait till you leave

[mike] so we're sending the low level mean in as "front lines?"

[Fritz] Cast haste on both of them as well and on Finglass

[DM] you could do something else right this moment?

[Fritz] Just showing my plan

[Lorie] Mike what would you rather do?

[DM] to prepare, or otherwise do things, and still hit the dungeon in the near future

[mike] i'm not entirely sure, but just going in and trying to fight straight seems like a bad idea.

[mike] can't we figure out something tricky and devious to deal with them without us throwing ourselves onto their swords?

[Fritz] We can then go in with a few hold person spells first to separate them and I could damage them with some major roman candles

[mike] for instance, that anti magic amulet.

[mike] they are living statues?

[mike] would they live in a field of anti magic/

[DM] no, humans, flesh to stone to preserve them

[DM] then stone to flesh when Law entered the room

[Fritz] exactly mike

[DM] good thought though

[Fritz] The characters up front could delay the fighters while you and I do some major damage with magic and missile fire

[Fritz] put the ring of invisibility on finglass and have him attack one from the rear

[mike] hey, i have a suggestion. let's go back down and open the door across from the chaos statue people.

[Fritz] Like the mage or cleric

[mike] bob says there's some good npc's for us there

[DM] was making a comment about the quirkiness of opening which room

[DM] not syaing that you should do that

[mike] well, i could probably take the cleric or wizard no problem.

[mike] but then we have the three fighters who would whup our butts

[Fritz] With bless and prayer going and with us going in at a surprise you having 10 attacks a round and ailea having 4 attacks with the lion having 8 attacks that isn't to bad

[Fritz] I have 5 attacks with my roman candle as well

[mike] yeah. that's not too bad, i suppose. ;)

[Fritz] Plus if I send off a dragon whirl first that makes 6 attacks a round for me

[mike] and for the record, i do not have hold person. just hold mammal.

[Sean] how do you people get multiple attacks per round?

Sean looks at character sheet at my one pathetic attack per round

[Lorie] Sean, I don't have multiple attacks if it makes you feel better

[Fritz] No but wilson might

[Lorie] Kylia does... Wilson does not

[DM] and the whole extreme muliple thing is because of haste, etc.

[Fritz] Well Mobuto has paralyze

[mike] how many rounds does haste last?

[Fritz] But that would delay a round for his damage

[Fritz] 48 I believe

[mike] okay.

[mike] now how do we get to the rear of them?

[mike] do we have anyone who can redirect the pool?

[Fritz] Scry first then paul directs the pool

[DM] there is no one to scry

[DM] you have Paul to orrient the pool

[DM] but not do scry's to see what the enemy is doing

[Fritz] Marco said he would cast any spell we needed does that mean he can't scry for us?

[Sean] (d10*2) [3*2] 6

[Sean] cool.

[Sean] (d20/0) [18/0] 2147483647

[Sean] woot!

[DM] he can't do those kind of things, like identify,

[DM] or things like that

[Fritz] But not scry why?

[DM] things that require or might entail problems to the cater

[mike] he did specifically list the spells he had

[DM] caster

[Sean] (d10/0) [2/0] 2147483647

[DM] or independant thought

[Sean] okay, when I want to roll high, just divide the die roll by 0.

[Sean] sweet!

[DM] shakes my head,

[Fritz] ok Bob I have a question concerning combining spells

[DM] sure

[Sean] Just divide the spell by 0 8-P

[Fritz] if someone has stone skin on, and they also have fire shield does it actually have to damage the individual for the oponent to take rebound damage from the fire shield?

[Fritz] Any creature striking the spellcaster with its body or hand-held weapons inflicts normal damage upon the wizard, but the attacker suffers the same amount of damage. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[DM] yes, so the rebound fails under the stone skin

[DM] because the attack automatically fails

[mike] the attacker still inflicts damage with stone skins, bob.

[DM] or does no damage

[mike] but the attack damage does not get through the skin.

[DM] so there is nothing to reflect

[mike] blur on the other hand, the attack completely misses

[DM] debating stone skin live here

[DM] Frtiz

[Fritz] I don't have a copy of marco's email would you check bob to see if he said he would scry for us?

[Fritz] yes bob?

[DM] will do so

[DM] could you speak on your experince with Stone skin

[DM] I will bring up Marco's email

[mike] so what is to say that if i shoot an arrow at a person standing directly behind someone with stoneskin, that it doesn't strip a stoneskin?

[mike] i am shooting in the general direction of the stoneskin with hostile intent, after all

[DM] Marco's email: Sorry guys, but it looks like I won't be there this Friday. I'm saying in advance now what I'll do for anyone who wants it so you'll get some bonuses for supa combat vs the chaos dudes. Anyone who want's haste, I can cast that, one casting will cover pretty much the entire party if they want it(1 character per level = 9 characters). Anyone who wants to be enlarged (this will increase your size and the weapon damage you deal out by 90%), I can cast 3 of those. Finally, anyone who wants stoneskin I can cast 2 of those. enlarge will last 45 rds haste will last 12 rounds stoneskin lasts 4+1d4 attacks (or 24 hrs, whichever comes first) I'm sure you will cast them as appropriate time wise. that's all I can do for ya'll from beyond the game. g'luck! I'll check in on you guys if I happen to get in before game's up. -BiBo

[mike] does that mean if i get a good line of fire i can stirp a whole party's stone skins?

[DM] Lorie, your thoughts on the matter

[Fritz] It is a DM's nightmare and a players dream spell. I look at it and it says it blocks the attack and that you gain virtual immunity. The fireshield is supposed to be a type of rebound magic spell as well as protection spell. It depends on if you read it as rebounding the damage recieved or the damage delt

[Lorie] the matter of fireshield and stoneskin?

[DM] yes

[mike] well, according to bob, a bad shot with intent will take down a stone skin.

[Fritz] Plus when we get there I can summon an elemental (stone) but it will only help us for a few rounds

[Lorie] hold on... I'm reading the spell for Fire Shield

[mike] this raises the question that if i shoot at berson b with stoneskin, but THINK bad thoughts about person a with stoneskin who in in front of berson b, do i stirp both stone skins?

[Fritz] /rofl

[DM] an attack can only be on one target

[DM] so only one is gone

[mike] or will person a drop a skin because of my THINKING hostily, and person b takes damage anyway because it waasn't really an attack on them?

[DM] it has to constitute an attack, not damage, and no where does it say a hit

[mike] or can i shoot an arrow AT an unprotected person while THINKING i'm shooting at a protected one and kill two birds with one stone?

[Fritz] No it doesn't have to hit but it has to be at least close

[DM] I will bring up the Dragon Archive, and look there, brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[mike] after all, even though the attack misses, the hostile intent is there, BOB

[Sean] In the spell description, stoeskin says "an attacking griffon would reduce the protection by three each round"

[Fritz] You can't be 30 feet away with a short sword and dispel a stone skin

[Sean] it doesn't say it actually has to hit ..

[Fritz] Correct you don't have to actuallly hit but you have to actually try to hit

[Fritz] I have sepia snake sigil which acts as a hold person spell as well

[mike] so can i throw a handful of sand?

[Sean] But what if I'm aiming for a king, and one of his guards (who has stone skin) jumps i the way?

[mike] we could call that a special 500 attack/round attack

[Sean] I was aiming for the king with his AC, but hit the body guard with the stone skin.

[mike] each grain could get in their eye, after all.

[Sean] Does the body guard get hit?

[Sean] Or does his stone skin take the hit?

[Fritz] no the body guard does not

[Fritz] it blocks it

[mike] then if we have an invisible party member with stone skin who gets in the way of attacks, the stone skin never wears off.

[mike] because the attacks aren't being aimed at the stone skinned person.

[Sean] Well, the spell doesn't say anything about intent

[mike] the monsters would be attacking the visible person, and the stone skined one just happens to be in the way.

[mike] no hostile intent on the invisible one.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sean] but what about intentially *missing* someone with stoneskin?

[mike] so therefore, they couldn't possibly be the target of an attack, right?

[DM] at all. Any recipient—hit or miss—drains one charge from the stone skin and The recipient’s Armor Class, no

[mike] and if they aren't the target, the stoneskin doesn't go away.

[DM] from Dragon Magazine

[Fritz] Well going to walk the dog. I say lets go in but we all have to be willing

[mike] we have no idea how we're going in, fritz

[Fritz] Does Kylia have any followers that can scry?

[DM] from the Sage Advice section,

[DM] brb

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] No, none of her followers can scry

[Fritz] If I had mirror image and stone skin though they would have to actually hit/attack me and not one of my images to remove a stone skin

[Lorie] BRB, need something to eat

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] actually Fritz, no, it would remove an image and a stone skin

[DM] but do no damage if they actually hit the real you

[DM] it would be an attack, so remove the stoneskin

[Sean] I move to join the Theives guild and turn this into a thieves adventure

[mike] so, unless anyone has any objections, i think we should just go join a thieve's guild

[mike] i second that

[mike] shal we have a vote?

[Sean] sure.

[Sean] All those for?

[Sean] Yea!

[mike] all for the guild adventure say aye

[mike] aye!

[mike] all opposed?

[mike] opposed?

[Sean] (crickets chriping)

[mike] anyone?

[Sean] Motion carries 2-0

[mike] well good! a unanimous vote

[mike] i do so love it when everyone agrees

[DM] just wait till Kylia gets back

[mike] eh, she's gone for months

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Ok there is an alternate plan

[Sean] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] Does anyone have the invisibility spell they can cast on me?

[Fritz] or I can try the ring and see if it works

[DM] sean just went for food for himself

[mike] sure. with invisibility, we can really rob people

[mike] how about us chaotic people go down there and join their comune?

[mike] you figure they'd have to accept us, right? i mean, i'm a PRIEST of chaos.

[DM] oh my

[Fritz] I can then go in with stoneskin, mirror image and invisibitiy cast. I can then read from my book of poetry while I am standing next to one of them. A Sepia snake sigil will appear and attack. I shouldn't become visible since I am not attacking. I can go through the area and do this to them individually. Will that make people happy?

[DM] it does not appear when you read, only when they read

[mike] sure. until they blind fight you.

[Fritz] Wrong read the text any time it is read

[mike] i think the infiltration could work.

[DM] then it would count as an attack

[Fritz] When read, the so-called sepia snake springs into being and strikes at the nearest living creature (but does not attack the wizard who cast the spell) Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[DM] and hence an attack

[DM] caused by the reader

[Fritz] But I am not attacking

[Fritz] until the recipient attacks any creature Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[Fritz] invisibility spell

[Fritz] I am not attacking

[DM] correct, then the snake does not come into being,

[DM] can not have it both ways,

[Fritz] Ok fine then take it as an attack

[DM] if you read and the snake comes out to attack, then it is an attack

[Fritz] Can I try the ring on and see if it works?

[DM] I actualy have always ruled that the caster did not rigger,

[Fritz] I am asking the group

[mike] what ring?

[DM] sure

[Fritz] The ring of invisibility

[mike] does it have charges?

[mike] and why would it not work?

[Fritz] We don't know exactly what it does

[mike] where are you getting it from?

[Fritz] The ring from last week

[mike] ah.

[mike] go for it.

[Fritz] Ok bob I put it on and will myself invisible

[DM] and invisible is what happens, to everything else, you are standing in a void, make an Intelligence Check please

[Fritz] Mobuto: INT check: (d20) [18] 18. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (19) [19] 19!!!

[DM] ok, so you can take the ring off

[Fritz] I do so

[mike] it didn't work

[DM] so to everyoen else nothing happened at all

[Finglass (mike)] You're still here

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn targets Mobuto. Distance: 50'10"

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Remove Curse: I am able to remove a curse on an object, person, or in the form of an undesired sending or evil presence. If I am 12 level or higher I can cure lycanthropy. (DC=(10+3) [10+3] 13)

[DM] nope

[DM] no need

[DM] not a curse

[DM] just not the ring you thought it was

[Fritz] oh ok

[Fritz] Well then I guess I will need someone to cast invisibility on me after I do the mirror image haste and stone skin. I am willing to give it a shot. I will target the spell casters first

[Fritz] If I get in trouble I will leave

[Finglass (mike)] wait wait wait!

[Fritz] No not leaving yet just suggesting

[Finglass (mike)] first i need to attach bugs to 40 or so arrows

[Finglass (mike)] then we can do it

[Fritz] You willing to come with me?

[Finglass (mike)] nope. hence the bugs

[Finglass (mike)] we did it with a fish and a light rock, remember?

[DM] not going to allow that one

[Finglass (mike)] so now it'll be bugs and arrows

[DM] not living enough

[Finglass (mike)] how about squirels?

[Finglass (mike)] or babies?

[DM] yes

[Fritz] What are you talking about?

[DM] squirrels yes

[DM] explain mike

[Finglass (mike)] shooting through the pool.

[Finglass (mike)] non living matter can only be transported if attached to a living creature

[Finglass (mike)] so stick a bug on an arrow and viola!

[Fritz] Shooting squirrels through the pool?

[Fritz] You are a sick man

[Fritz] 8^)

[Finglass (mike)] yeah, but you'll be glad when those arrows save your ass

[DM] I am not sure about that tactic right now,

[Finglass (mike)] just be glad i'm not shooting gerbils in after it.

[Fritz] How can you target with a squirrel on an arrow?

[DM] need to read the description really well

[DM] there will be minuses

[Finglass (mike)] bring it on, bob

[Finglass (mike)] bring it on

[Fritz] You are a sick man

[Fritz] Dude you will get 10 attacks a round with your arrows. The lion 6, possibly 10, I will get 5-6, Ailea 4. We have some backup healing and I throw in an earth elemental after we get there with El fudge shooting off some MM and I think we will be good to go.

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] wb lor

[Lorie] Thanks

[Lorie] What did I miss?

[DM] shooting squirrls through the pool

[Finglass (mike)] yeah, but 10 attacks through the pool with absolutely no risk to us is better.

[Fritz] Finglass is a sick man

[DM] and mo finding out what that ring you found does

[Fritz] No risk no fun

[Fritz] it sent my mind to the void

[Finglass (mike)] no risk, loot magic items, lots of fun.

[Fritz] not a ring of invisibility as we had thought

[Finglass (mike)] bears!

[Finglass (mike)] we need bears!

[Finglass (mike)] or the giant beavers!

[Finglass (mike)] bob said i could, but there'd be no velocity.

[Finglass (mike)] so what if we get a bear to appear 10 feet above them?

[Finglass (mike)] bear lands, does a bit of damage, and winds up being mighty pissed off

[Finglass (mike)] and we get a good show.

[DM] the being is transported to the scene

[DM] that is shown, I would rule that it would end up there, but no control over how they arrive,

[DM] so you can send it through

[Finglass (mike)] fine

[Fritz] Ok 2 hours into the night. Are we gonna just waste the rest of the night, everytime we are out a player never adventure or Actually try and do something today?

[Finglass (mike)] i'll settle for filling the room with a dozen angry bears

[Finglass (mike)] well, i'm trying to find a way around us actually going in.

[Finglass (mike)] i can charm mammal, convince the bears to take a bath in the pool, and bamf.

[Fritz] Just because Marco is not here we are going to basically stop any active dungeoning?

[Finglass (mike)] well, sice we ran like little wusses before, i'd suggest a way that we stay out of harms way anyway

[Finglass (mike)] but if you want to jump in, be my guest.

[Finglass (mike)] my character is not made to be a front liner, and i don't want him going in to a head on confrontation like that.

[DM (to GM only)] Nezzi's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 70 (72) - Unharmed

[Fritz] We ran because we were unprepared. I say we prepare and go in. No I am saying you stay in the rear of the party and shoot 10 arrows at a time.

[Lorie] Wilson isn't quite the combat monster that Kylia is I'm afraid, so I can't say that he'd be keen to charge in.

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks: No adjustments made

[DM (to GM only)] Fontein's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 59 (63) - Unharmed

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem: No adjustments made

[DM (to GM only)] Reina: No adjustments made

[Fritz] I stay in the back and cast 5 roman candles a round

[Finglass (mike)] and sean says him too on the not a front liner

[Fritz] El fudge can cast 3 magic missles a round

[Fritz] Wilson stays in the back and heals and casts prayer

[Finglass (mike)] that's great, fritz, so we have 3 people in the back

[Finglass (mike)] with no one up front, the back becomes the front

[Fritz] Ailea and her pets take the front line

[Finglass (mike)] if you really want to do that, fine

[Fritz] With stone skin they will last hopefully long enough for us to take out the rest of the party

[Finglass (mike)] but let's remember our happy lightning bolts, eh?

[Finglass (mike)] in a narrow area dungeon

[Sean] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglass (mike)] so we'll all get blasted first thing

[Sean] So plan on taking out the magic user first

[Fritz] That is what I am planning

[Fritz] Both the mage and the cleric

[Finglass (mike)] okay, so what we'll do then is center on their room

[Finglass (mike)] wait till they leave, since we can't scry

[Finglass (mike)] and go in then

[Finglass (mike)] so bob can't have them arrayed by some great coincidence

[Finglass (mike)] to kick our butts

[Fritz] Bob I don't have my books here can we see where we are going when we look in the pool?

[Sean] or conversely, wait until the magic user is alone, then go in, cast silence on her, then kick her butt

[Finglass (mike)] yes

[Fritz] I bleieve we can

[DM] yes

[Finglass (mike)] we asked that

[Fritz] I can blast the crap out of her real fast as well

[Fritz] Then we can plan for this the next day after I recharge my staff.

[Finglass (mike)] whatever

[DM] it is the first now, you can do this on the second if you like

[Finglass (mike)] so click

[Finglass (mike)] if we are hell bent on going back and fighting, let's just get it over with

[Fritz] I get 8 charges that night bob

[DM] ok

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Spells - CHANGED: STAFF OF THE MAGIUS -- # Memorized: 20 (12),

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 10 -- Current: 20 (12). Spells -

[DM] where are you pointing to, the stairs where you left? or the room they were in?

[Sean] I say the room ...

[Fritz] The room they were in first, can we move it around a bit?

[Finglass (mike)] do we ever see the magic user alone in it?

[DM] you look into that room, there is no light in there for long periods

[DM] it does not seem that they are occupiing it

[Fritz] Can we move it around a bit?

[DM] but are only patroling it

[DM] you can move the focus some yes

[Fritz] The hallway then

[DM] no one there currently

[DM] Alastair in his scrying the first day away from the dungeon

[Fritz] The stairs

[DM] saw them patroling the area

[DM] speratately and together

[DM] and healing and casting

[Sean] Casting what?

[Sean] For Cats?

[Finglass (mike)] stones

[Sean] Phantom of the Opera?

[DM] he did not determine



[DM] getting rave reviews by the way

[Finglass (mike)] fly fishing

[Fritz] can you put up the map again bob for us? How about looking toward where we entered initially

[DM] sure, let me make a change then I wll put someone there

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] and there you go

[DM] you should have Note Taker

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (1).

[DM] there to move and use on the map to examine things

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

mike is receiving the map...

mike has received the map.

[DM] you can use it to move around, it has the continual light radius on it

[DM] so you can see where you have been, where you want to check out

[DM] I have the other party invis right now so you can look around

[Finglass (mike)] i kind of like the idea of being near an exit that's not trapped

Fritz has left the game

[DM] you there Lorie?

Fritz has joined the game

[Lorie] I am here...

[Fritz] someone was trying to send me a message and I got locked in the ring loop and had to reboot

[DM] you number just jumped I was wondering

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Finglass (mike)] bob, do we see anyone in room 7?

[DM] did you get the chance to see the areas you wanted to with the light source?

[Fritz] What do you mean?

[DM] no one in room 7 at this point

[Finglass (mike)] what about now?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Arghhh I can't find my character

[DM] waving arond the Noe Taker to reveal things

[DM] you do not have one Lorie,

[Fritz] No character on the map Lorie only Note taker the tree

[DM] you side only has the Note Taker on this map so far

[Fritz] How about there bob?

[DM] you can take turns moving it around

[DM] no, no one there

[DM] the statue is still there

[Fritz] Here

[Finglass (mike)] so now we're playing where's waldo?

[Fritz] Yep

[DM] remember the pools scene is fairly narrow also

[Fritz] Here?

[DM] just a sec, checking a players map

[DM] Sean is napping

[DM] and found a slight flaw not big

[DM] will get to that later on

[DM] but no not there were you are now either Fritz

[Fritz] Here?

[DM] I would say, that you are more likely to just pop into the best area for your self

[Fritz] ?

[DM] and then move out from there, as they are on patrol also,

[DM] nothing near that statues,

[DM] brb

[Finglass (mike)] then let's pop in at 7

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mike)] dead end, with an exit

[Fritz] So is 10 the stairs are there

[Fritz] Way out

[Finglass (mike)] 10's not a dead end

[Finglass (mike)] we can be attacked from 4 directions

[Finglass (mike)] bad tactics

[Finglass (mike)] 7 allows us to more or less clear the way.

[Finglass (mike)] except that there is another secret hall between 9 and 8 if i'm not mistaken

[Finglass (mike)] but it's better than being smack in the middle of an intersection

[Fritz] Yes I think you may be correct

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] Loooks like there is a secret passage between 9 & 8

[Finglass (mike)] then, where are we starting? i think it's just the two of us, now

[DM] Sean is dead,

[DM] at least not responding

[Finglass (mike)] and yet, he's making plenty of noise

[DM] unless snores count

[Fritz] Lets start where you suggested after Bob tells us what is at the stairs and what is at that statue near 8&9

[DM] nothing at that statue, there is a blank wall there, very similar to the same kind of thing on the opposite statues

[Fritz] And the stairs?

[DM] adn the stairs have nothing, no bodies are left,

[DM] all has been cleaned up

[Fritz] Ok lets gear up and get ready to proceed to Area 7

[Finglass (mike)] fine

[DM] who? Fin and all of yours Fritz?

[Finglass (mike)] can i use your animals a bit?

[DM] when Lorie responds,

[Fritz] Is Lorie around?

[Finglass (mike)] kind of tie a harness on them to carry arrows?

[DM] will send in Wilson behind

[Finglass (mike)] while shooting 10 a round, i'm going to need more than a few extra quivers

[Wilson (Lorie)] I'm here...

[Wilson (Lorie)] I'm just watching Fritz and Mike discuss

[DM] did you want to go in with Wilson

[Fritz] Sure put them on Moradred and Moraleodred and Ailea will take the front, I can carry some so can Wilson

[Wilson (Lorie)] What am I carrying?

[Fritz] Quivers of arrows for Finglass

[Finglass (mike)] if he would, i'm going to need lots of arrows while hasted

Mobuto (Fritz) is now controlling Mobuto

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

Moraleodred (Fritz) is now controlling Moraleodred

[DM] Stop Firtz

Moradred (Fritz) is now controlling Moradred

[DM] I have to remove thos

[Finglass (mike)] so if we do four on the wolf and lion, i should be fine

[DM] to move you from map to map

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) is no longer controllingAilea Morakenn

Moraleodred (Fritz) is no longer controllingMoraleodred

[DM] you can not be contoling them

Mobuto (Fritz) is no longer controllingMobuto

[DM] tanks

[Finglass (mike)] that will give me a total of 140 arrows

Moradred (Fritz) is no longer controllingMoradred

[DM] thanks

[Wilson (Lorie)] You ll let me know when you're more ready to go?

[DM] I think we are ready now,

[DM] haste and stone skins

[Finglass (mike)] i'm hasted, yes?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Wait and another spell

[DM] anyone who wants to be I beleive,

[DM] sure,

[DM] there are 9 characters hasted, up to 2 stone skins, and up to 3 enlarged,

[DM] 12 rounds for the haste

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 2 or 3 stone skins?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Who's casting protection from Lightning?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can you do that?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Cast enlarge on the lion as well as stone skin on him and Ailea

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Nope...sorry, Kylia again. Wilson isn't high enough level

[Finglass (mike)] i will cast protection from lightning on someone if they like.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Finglass?

[DM] Lorie only Wilson correct?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How about me?

[DM] I have all the characters there in the room for you now

[DM] and you can determine what spells are active at this point

[DM] when you pop in

[Mobuto (Fritz)] She cast magic fist on herself

[Wilson (Lorie)] I don't want to be the in room with them... I want to be far away from the action getters

[DM] so far no action to be found here at all

[DM] and you want to be in the rear as they move out, so noted

[Wilson (Lorie)] I will be chanting

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Mirror Image: By my Arcane magical mystical might I befuddle your simple mind and add (d4+5+1/3) [4+5+1/3] 9 images of myself for (6*(5+1)) [6*(5+1)] 36 rounds (DC=(10+2) [10+2] 12) [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Finglass (mike)] the protection from lightning will last 70 rounds

[Wilson (Lorie)] ... like a Good cleric should

[DM] so haste is the shortest at 12 rounds

[Finglass (mike)] so we need to find these guys fast before the haste and such wears off.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have enlarge on the lion

[DM] brown sugar, just like a young girl should yeah

Fritz has left the game

[DM] there is the enlarge on teh lion

[DM] anyone else want to be enlarged?

[DM] Finglass?

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] do we assume the wolf?

[DM] wants to be enlarged

[Fritz] Can't to big

[Fritz] It would be close to 16feet tall

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] see how big leo got

[Finglass (mike)] now, i'm walking with two arrows knocked and ready to fire, bob.

[Finglass (mike)] for suprise round purposes

[DM] ready not knocked

[DM] can't hold that for more than a round

[Moraleodred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moraleodred modified: Racial Abilities - ADDED: Rhinoceros (3 weeks/1 day); -1 AC. Temporary Modifiers -

[Moradred (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Moradred modified: Racial Abilities - DELETED: Rhinoceros (3 weeks/1 day); -1 AC. Temporary Modifiers - Armor Class: (ACTM) : CHANGED: null (-1).

[DM] so from this point haste lasts 11 more roudns,

[DM] where do you want to go, do

[Fritz] Wait a sec I had to reboot

[Finglass (mike)] i say 8 and the secret passage we know is there

[DM] not a problem

[Finglass (mike)] i think if we go to the center we can find them quicker

[Fritz] We should have just moved there then. but if we search for a secret door that will take a turn correct bob?

[DM] yes

[Finglass (mike)] then let's port to 10

[Fritz] so lets just move down the corridor

[Finglass (mike)] well, did we say we're here yet?

[DM] I will let you switch to the opposite side

[Finglass (mike)] i thought we were still planning spells and location

[DM] in the room where you found the sword

[Fritz] move ahead

[DM] for ease of play

[Fritz] I thought we were also

[DM] you are

[DM] this would be the first round in when you are done

[Finglass (mike)] okay.

[DM] after all spells are cast

[Finglass (mike)] then we'll go to 10

[Fritz] How do you increase melee damage by 90% bob?

[DM] do you want to be in 10, in themiddle,

[DM] damage + 90%

[Finglass (mike)] by multiplying the base damage by 1.9

[DM] is that a trick question?

[Fritz] No you can't use point can you in klooge?

[DM] no decimals yet

[DM] that will be fixed net update

[Finglass (mike)] so we go in at 10. do we see anything in the pool there?

[DM] we found that bug,

[DM] nothing at ten when you look there

[Fritz] She has magic fist cast (ailea)

[DM] then re-arrange your selves how you want to be

[Fritz] Animals take a smell to see if they can figure out where the people are

[Finglass (mike)] does anyone know what strength of stone is off hand?

[Fritz] Mobuto: Danger Sense check: (d20) [13] 13. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16+1) [16+1] 17!!!

[Wilson (Lorie)] Yes, when you punch, it's like your hand is made out of stone

[DM] both of those cooidors

[Wilson (Lorie)] in summary...

[Finglass (mike)] does aliea want that?

[Fritz] yes

[Finglass (mike)] it would replace my second protection from lightning

[Finglass (mike)] i think

[Fritz] no then forget it

[Fritz] they are down those 2 corridors bob yousaid?

[DM] so specify who has what spells on them

[DM] yes on the first round when you come in

[DM] you get that smell reading

[DM] Lorie, are you happy where Wilson is?

[Finglass (mike)] nm. it's only level 1 spell

[Finglass (mike)] she can get it

[DM] Mike wants to be on the stairs

[Finglass (mike)] and who gets the second prot. lightning?

[Fritz] Ailea has magic fist, stone skin and haste, Str of stone. Mobuto has haste, Mirror image, protection from lightning

[Wilson (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: I'd rather be in a nice warm keep, but ... this works too.

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Protection from Lightning: Yeah, I think I'll pass on the tin foil and coat hanger hat, thanks. (DC=(10+4) [10+4] 14)

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Strength of Stone: Strong like ox? Psh... (DC=(10+1) [10+1] 11)

[DM] so the other two stone skins?

[Fritz] Moraleodread has stone skin, haste, enlarge, moradred has haste

[DM] sorry one more of those

[DM] ok,

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Protection from Lightning: Yeah, I think I'll pass on the tin foil and coat hanger hat, thanks. (DC=(10+4) [10+4] 14)

[DM] and two more enlarged if wanted?

[Finglass (mike)] so i'll just give that to motubo, then.

[DM] Wislon?

[Fritz] enlarge on moradred

[Finglass (mike)] i have haste, and protection from lightning as far as i know

[DM] Wilson?

[Fritz] no make that ailea

[Fritz] sorrry

[Fritz] How many stone skins do we have 2 or 3?

[Wilson (Lorie)] Umm, I'm chanting when it's time.

[Fritz] Prayer from aliea

[DM] Mo? between you, and Wilson and Finglass for the final enlarge?

[Finglass (mike)] nope

[Finglass (mike)] i don't really want to be a bigger target

[Fritz] not mo, Ailea or moradred only if there is 1 extra stone skin though

[DM] only two stone skins, those are given out

[Fritz] then enlarge ailea

[DM] two enlarges given out too

[DM] she already does have it

[DM] Leo and Ailea

[Fritz] That is all then

[Finglass (mike)] so i'm ready now

[DM] Wilson, want to take that last enlarge then?

[Finglass (mike)] happy on my perch, ready to kill

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Shield: Spirits of my Ancestors protect me with a force of magic that negates magic missle attacks. AC 2 against hand-hurled missles, AC 3 against small device-propelled missiles, and AC 4 against all other forms of attack, & a +1 saving throw against frontal attacks for (5*l+5/2) [5*] -1 rounds. (DC=(10+1) [10+1] 11)

[Wilson (Lorie)] No...I don't want to be bigger

[DM] ok, so I will start the combat counter to keep track of rounds easier

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Bless: The Spirits of the Animals and the Ancestors surround you and grant you for 6 rounds with +1 against FEAR and +1 to your ATTACK. (DC=(10+1) [10+1] 11)

[DM] Fontein: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[DM] that is just to have a number, not him attacking

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Fontein

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Fontein

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Fontein



[DM] ok, so on round one

[Wilson (Lorie)] CASTING

[DM] the stuff that you cast when you get here

[DM] and then onto round two

[Finglass (mike)] do we see them?

[DM] and your moving, and goign forward

[DM] no you see what you see so far

[Finglass (mike)] i'm pointing north

[Fritz] Mike they are in the directions the animals are facing

[Finglass (mike)] how do we know that?

[Finglass (mike)] we never saw them

[Fritz] They smell them

[Finglass (mike)] okay.

[Fritz] I see them

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I see them

[DM] so that is round two

[DM] now going to go to round three, and then will roll Int for both sides


[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Fontein

[DM] Fontein: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Initiative:(d10(+10-+3)) [5(10-3)] 12

[DM] and Mike,

[DM] only Mike will roll,

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Mobuto: Initiative:(d10(+0-+3)) [4(0-3)] 1

[DM] will keep this simple

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Initiative:(d10(+10+-2)) [3(10-2)] 11

[Finglass (mike)] right. so, we win

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] How about the person with the fastest initiative roll in the future?

[DM] we have always used senior spell caster

[DM] so on round 3

[DM] your side

[Finglass (mike)] well, i rolled a 3, bob rolled an 8

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Why are you changing things again?

[Finglass (mike)] how about we just roll d10's like we used to

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ok never mind

[Finglass (mike)] you just have to search for the actualy number in the equation

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I thought we weren't ever going to just change stuff without warning but go ahead

[Finglass (mike)] so we get first action

[DM] this is what we said in the email two weeks ago

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I guess i missed that one

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Go ahead then

[DM] that we would do the one roll for each side,

[DM] for a couple of combats

[DM] then do the plan that Fritz and Marco came up with after that

[Mobuto (Fritz)] go ahead no hold ups

[DM] and compare which one

[Mobuto (Fritz)] move on

[DM] it is your sides go

[Finglass (mike)] so fritz, go ahead

[DM] you won

[Finglass (mike)] you communicate to us all where they are?

[DM] you beat me, and I do not go to Fast

[DM] and you all go before me on fast

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So I move on very fast mobuto does

[DM] nods, go

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only a 5 foot step

[DM] no moveing and casting

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok no move

[DM] not a problem, you can cast from there

[Mobuto (Fritz)] My spell goes off on fast I guess Ailea moves fast does anyone else move on very fast?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] We are hasted does that mean we move on VF?

[DM] only your side

[DM] yes,

[DM] your average stuff goes before my fast stuff

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn targets Fontein. Distance: 5'10"

[DM] because you are hasted, I do not get to react yet

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred targets Fontein. Distance: 8'02"

[Finglass (mike)] bring the wolf down near me for some back-up, fritz?

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass targets Nezzi. Distance: 42'11"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok Fontein takes a -1 to ac from totemic image

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1) [18-(11+8)-1] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Add a +3 to that hit

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: -1-3 (-1).

[Mobuto (Fritz)] From str of stone

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass targets Anslem. Distance: 60'03"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(6+8)-1-3] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(5+8)-1-3] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass targets Reina. Distance: 69'03"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(18+8)-1-3] -12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so how many hits bob?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Subtract a -1 from his ac for her

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hello?

[DM] three hits,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(2+4)+12] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(2+3)+12] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(4+3)+12] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] and an additional 1.9 damage

[DM (to GM only)] Fontein's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-18) - Moderately Wounded

[DM (to GM only)] Fontein's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (-17) - Heavily Wounded

[DM (to GM only)] Fontein's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-19) - Massively Wounded

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(11+0)-1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(3+0)-1] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(1+0)-1] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(4+0)-1] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(10+0)-1] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(9+0)-1] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM (to GM only)] Fontein's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -43 (-48) - Dead

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ac is one less

[Mobuto (Fritz)] allso

[Mobuto (Fritz)] wait he was already dead?

[DM] not when she was swinging

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ahhh ok

[DM] this is all on the same phase of attacks

[DM] ok, so now Finglass and the wolf

[Mobuto (Fritz)] This is still fast correct?

[Finglass (mike)] that's why you don't click all at once, fritz

[Mobuto (Fritz)] or vf?

[DM] and when does Mo's spell go off

[DM] VF then F

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Fast and the lion attacks on fast so he still has his attacks sorry then

[DM] Finglass targets Reina. Distance: 69'03"

[DM] Finglass targets Anslem. Distance: 60'03"

[DM] Finglass targets Nezzi. Distance: 42'11"

[DM] Finglass targets Hjordeks. Distance: 53'01"

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (12-(d20+11)) [12-(19+11)] -18 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (1d6+6) [3+6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM (to GM only)] Nezzi's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 61 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (12-(d20+11)) [12-(14+11)] -13 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Save for death reina

[DM] from what?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] he rolled a 19

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] on an 18 or better with a heart seeker

[Mobuto (Fritz)] or whoever his first attack went after

[DM] nez was the first attack

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks: No adjustments made

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [2] 2

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Woops you dead

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Way to go Fin

[Finglass (mike)] awesome

[DM (to GM only)] Nezzi's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-62) - Dying

[Finglass (mike)] go go heartseeker

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Thillithiln, Frost Brand +3/+6 Fire: (14-(d20+8)) [14-(17+8)] -11 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 8 more attacks

[Mobuto (Fritz)] wrong one

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (12-(d20+9)) [12-(11+9)] -8 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM] how many arrows into her?

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (12-(d20+9)) [12-(19+9)] -16 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so far 2

[DM] 8 total? then tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink

[Mobuto (Fritz)] that is 3

[Mobuto (Fritz)] save again

[DM] don't bother to roll

[Finglass (mike)] she has that many stone skins?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] dont worry dont use all on her then

[Finglass (mike)] okay, well, that sucked.

[Finglass (mike)] and i'm done

[DM] so that was fast

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I can still do some damage dude

[DM] I mean VF

[Finglass (mike)] that was vf

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ok

[DM] now F

[DM] Can't move

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred targets Hjordeks. Distance: 6'03"

[Finglass (mike)] no fritz

[DM] Leo

[DM] already moved, then attacked

[DM] he is done for the rond

[DM] round

[Finglass (mike)] are you ingnoring our plan?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He attacks on fast

[DM] you can move, then attack

[Finglass (mike)] i thought we were focussing on the spell casters?

[DM] no more movement after the attack

[Finglass (mike)] girl in the back, reina is the wizard

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He moves on VF

[DM] he did

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No I am not

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can

[Finglass (mike)] hjor whoever is blind

[DM] he moved on VF, and attacked

[Finglass (mike)] cleric is not here

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No he moved on VF and then I thought we were on fast

[Finglass (mike)] other fighters are dead

[DM] you moved and attacked,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I messed up

[Finglass (mike)] so we have a blind fighter and wizard. get the magic user

[DM] that is it for the round,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ailea moves and attacks on VF

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I made a mistake with him

[DM] they both moved up on VF,

[DM] because of haste,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He attacks on fast

[Mobuto (Fritz)] She attacks on VF

[DM] then your attacks on VF and F

[Mobuto (Fritz)] But she killed the guy on VF

[DM] the two of them pummled the guy

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so he still can at least move on fast cant he

[DM] Leo did althose attacks

[Finglass (mike)] she pummeled the guy.

[Finglass (mike)] the lion never rolled any damage

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Exactly bob

[Finglass (mike)] because fritz got hasty

[DM] ok

[Finglass (mike)] so let's let this be a lesson to fritz about not rolling everything before the previous rolls are applied

[DM] just scrolled and re-read

[DM] Alilea did do the first set of attacks

[DM] so Leo can move still

[Finglass (mike)] because, a) it makes bob curse because he can't see the previous rolls to apply through all the new ones, and b) you may not want to do what you think youdo

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(8+0)-1] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(18+0)-1] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] fritz???

[Finglass (mike)] WHY???

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I got it covered don't worry

[Finglass (mike)] HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!

[Mobuto (Fritz)] mage still up

[Mobuto (Fritz)] keeping the fighters at bay

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks: No adjustments made

[Finglass (mike)] yeah, and if he screws up?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He wont

[Finglass (mike)] well, she'll probably attack down your end. more targets, so i should be safe

[Wilson (Lorie)] Bob, don't forget the Chant is still on

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(14+0)-1] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(18+0)-1] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(17+0)-1] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(11+0)-1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: RAKE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(11+0)-1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: RAKE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(9+0)-1] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He is at a neg - to ac as well and also don't forget the prayer

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I mean bless

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So I figure at least 3 hits? 2 claws and a bite?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] unless his ac is worse than I think

[DM] right fritz, 3 hits, the first three

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: CLAW: (d4) [4] 4

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: CLAW: (d4) [3] 3

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: BITE: (d10) [2] 2

[Mobuto (Fritz)] multiply by 1.9

[Mobuto (Fritz)] sucky damage moraleo

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 66 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok now for mobuto spell on fast correct?

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can he see anselem anywhere? I can see invisible remember?

[DM] yes, Mo goes

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Roman Candle: By my Arcane magical mystical might I cast the Roman candle spell and fire small balls of light in a brightly colored array from a silver tube for (2*(1+2+(5+1))) [2*(1+2+(5+1))] 18 rounds. The balls shoot out a rate of fire determined by me, but they cannot be fired faster than one ball every 20 seconds nor slower than one per round. I can target each ball separately. The balls are shot as if missile weapons fired by a warrior of ((5+1)+2) [(5+1)+2] 8 level. Upon impact, each ball inflicts ((5+1)+2+2) [(5+1)+2+2] 10 hp damage. If the ball misses, it travels to its range limit (unless it hits another object in the line of fire) and explodes, inflicting (1+2) [1+2] 3 hp damage on anyone within a 5’ radius. I must continue to direct the silver tube or (unless I discontinues the spell) the balls go off in the direction the tube is facing until the spell expires. If cast at a rate of one per round, the I can place the tube in a safe place and cast another spell as with Melf’s minute meteors. The rate of fire cannot be changed once the spell is cast. (DC=(10+3) [10+3] 13) [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] let me check but I do not think you see him

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto targets Reina. Distance: 71'10"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] -1 to her ac bob

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(5+9)-1] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(4+9)-1] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(19+9)-1] -13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(13+9)-1] -7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(17+9)-1] -11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM] you do not see him at this point

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bo she still takes damage from the magic fire

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I removed 5 stone skins

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Is her AC better than 2?

[DM] yes, better than 2

[Finglass (mike)] so we've removed 13 of her stone skins. how many more do you think we have to go through?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No i mean after adjustments

[DM] and as to Ansleim, you need to make a save

[DM] to even see him

[Finglass (mike)] figure about 20 more?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] save vs what?

[DM] total damge from teh fire?

[DM] verus spell

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Damage v SM: Roman Candle multiple: (10) [10] 10

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Damage v SM: Roman Candle multiple: (10) [10] 10

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Damage v SM: Roman Candle multiple: (10) [10] 10

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Damage v SM: Roman Candle multiple: (10) [10] 10

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Damage v SM: Roman Candle multiple: (10) [10] 10

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 50 points

[Mobuto (Fritz)] hehehe

[DM (to GM only)] Reina: No adjustments made

[Fritz] Mobuto: Magical Spell save: (d20) [16] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (12-3-1) [12-3-1] 8!!!

[Finglass (mike)] not too shabby

[DM (to GM only)] Reina's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -26 (-50) - Dead

[DM] so you can see him,

[Finglass (mike)] and the invis guy takes 3 damage per ball?

[DM] he is not invisible, he is sanctuary and withdrawn,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only if I missed

[Finglass (mike)] oh. okay.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ok I am done

[DM] anything else before my attacks on Leo?

[Finglass (mike)] wolf can't move further up?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] not from me

[Finglass (mike)] remember he gets 2x movement, fritz

[Mobuto (Fritz)] yes but he already took all his attacks

[Finglass (mike)] the wolf didn't attack

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Oh yes forgot the wolf he needs to roll a save first

[Fritz] Moradred: Magical Spell save: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (14) [14] 14!!!

[Moradred (Fritz)] Moradred targets Anslem. Distance: 53'09"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] -1 ac bob

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moradred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(15+0)-1] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] wait

[Finglass (mike)] he's withdrawn, fritz

[Finglass (mike)] bob said he had sanctuary and withdraw

[Mobuto (Fritz)] does that mean I cant attack at all?

[Finglass (mike)] so you shouldn't be able to attack him until he comes out of withdraw.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] even if I save?

[Finglass (mike)] yes

[Finglass (mike)] that's the idea of withdraw.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Lets check for sure

[Finglass (mike)] i think the save is just to see him, yes, bob?

[DM] you can attack still

[Mobuto (Fritz)] what level spell

[DM] you make the save to be able to see him

[DM] and you can then attack him

[DM] but

[DM] I get to I am getting mulitple rounds before you get that attack off

[DM] I can not use them to attack you,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Nope not really

[DM] but in the same round that you attack,

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He can be affected by the actions of others, losing any Dexterity or shield bonus. Any successful attack upon the caster breaks the spell. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

[Finglass (mike)] huh. forgot about that part, i guess

[Mobuto (Fritz)] So my attack ruins the spell at this point

[Mobuto (Fritz)] nothing occurs for this round or any multiples since I broke it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Moradred: Damage v SM: BITE: (2d4) [(1+4)] 5

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only what he got before this round took affect will work

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 68 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Done

[Moradred (Fritz)] done grrr

[Finglass (mike)] the wolf only gets one attack?

[Moradred (Fritz)] oh no 2

[Moradred (Fritz)] thanks

[Moradred (Fritz)] Moradred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(6+0)-1] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM] so A is done,

[Moradred (Fritz)] Did that hit?

[Moradred (Fritz)] hehehe

[DM] H gets one swing back, 1d20

[DM] (1d20) [1] 1

[Finglass (mike)] on fast, i want to move, bob.

[Finglass (mike)] before you go

[DM] and that is my round

[Moradred (Fritz)] No dex or shield with a -1

[DM] anything else you want finish

[Moradred (Fritz)] to his AC


[DM] INIT: 1 GOING: Mobuto

[DM] your side again

[Moradred (Fritz)] VF

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass targets Hjordeks. Distance: 49'00"

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(9+8)-1-3] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass no longer targets Hjordeks.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn targets Hjordeks. Distance: 5'08"

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(8+8)-1-3] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass targets Anslem. Distance: 55'04"

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(6+8)-1-3] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Attack #1: Battering Ram Fist: (18-(d20+8)-1-3) [18-(18+8)-1-3] -12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM] thsoe are all hits

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(3+1)+12] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(6+3)+12] 21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(4+1)+12] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Moradred (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Damage v SM: Battering Ram Fist: (2d6+12) [(5+3)+12] 20 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Moradred (Fritz)] multiply by 1.9

[DM (to GM only)] Hjordeks's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -17 (-74) - Dead

[Finglass (mike)] i'm going to let you do all yours first, fritz

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Who is a wimpy first line now Finglass?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] 8^)

[Finglass (mike)] the people with less than 70 hp

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto targets Anslem. Distance: 69'09"

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] His spell goes on fast

[DM] do it

[Finglass (mike)] if the other side got attacks, they would be hurting

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(19+9)-1] -13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(14+9)-1] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(19+9)-1] -13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Mobuto: Attack #1: Roman Candle multiple: (16-(d20+9)-1) [16-(16+9)-1] -10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] subtract 50 points

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 18 (-50) - Massively Wounded

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred targets Anslem. Distance: 9'03"

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] move and attack now?

[DM] sure

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(18+0)-1] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(18+0)-1] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(7+0)-1] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: RAKE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(7+0)-1] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: RAKE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(6+0)-1] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(10+0)-1] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: CLAW: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(20+0)-1] -6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL HIT]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(8+0)-1] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[DM] 3 hits

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: CLAW: (d4) [1] 1

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: CLAW: (d4) [1] 1

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moraleodred: Damage v SM: CLAW: (d4) [2] 2

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] multiply by 1.9 wimpy

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moradred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(13+0)-1] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] well, i hope your wolf can kill it now, fritz

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moradred: Attack #1: BITE: (15-(d20+0)-1) [15-(15+0)-1] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moradred: Damage v SM: BITE: (2d4) [(1+3)] 4

[Finglass (mike)] with the lion and wolf there you do realize i can't shoot, right?

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Moradred: Damage v SM: BITE: (2d4) [(3+4)] 7

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-11) - Massively Wounded

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Well he can't cast but damn he has alot of hit points

[DM] he was not casting

[DM] he was trying to use an item

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] I know

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Oh I would have targeted an item

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Did I break his concentration?

[DM] it is not visible, and it did not work

[DM] anything else remaining this round?

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Run around to the other side fin

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] You can move and still get a couple of arrows off by going beind

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Yes

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (12-(d20+11)) [12-(11+11)] -10 [CRITICAL MISS ]

[Finglass (mike)] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (1d6+6) [2+6] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM (to GM only)] Anslem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-8) - Dying

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Boyashaka

[DM] ok,

[DM] and we call it a night there

[DM] you can explore the bodies later

[Finglass (mike)] LOOOOOT!!!

[DM] next time

[Finglass (mike)] damnit bob!

[Finglass (mike)] you suck

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Weee hooo Good job !!!!!!

[DM] thank you

[Wilson (Lorie)] OKay, night all

Lorie has left the game

[Finglass (mike)] night, lor

[DM] Night Lor

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Night Lorie

[DM] ok,

[DM] so I am cleaning up here, will be back up in a moment to reset things, and close down,

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Just saving character sheets

[DM] have a good night all

[Moraleodred (Fritz)] Night all

mike has left the game

Fritz has left the game

Sean has left the game