Main / Mar1904

Mar 19 04 - Kapirimtiya Adventures

(Kylia) has joined the game.

(Kylia) is receiving the map...

Lior has joined the game.

(Kylia) has received the map.

[DM] good evening all

[(Kylia)] Evening all

[DM] the other two are here

[DM] we were downstairs

[Lior] hiyo

[DM] nyrma got me a new deep fryer

[DM] so we made some mozerella sticks

[DM] came out good

[DM] not great but good

[Lior] neat

[Lior] fritz coming tonight?

[(Kylia)] Evening Bibo

[DM] now we just need diet coke on tap and we will be set

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[(Kylia)] Mozzarella sticks are difficult unless you completely freeze them

[DM] yes frozen ones

[Lior] has it been snowing around you for the last couple of days lorie?

[(Kylia)] Oh, you meant packaged ones... I was talking about homemade

[(Kylia)] Yes... snow, not much left now

[Lior] we still got a bunch on the ground

[(Kylia)] my mother has nearly 2 feet though

[DM] ouch

[Lior] about half a foot

[DM] yeah, we had that discussion about home made sticks versus store bought too

[Lior] just as a preliminary warning.. i may not be too active for the first couple of bits here tonight.. i'm doing laundry

[DM] Marco is the afficiando of the group, although I come in a close second

[DM] oh come on now

[Lior] i've never had homemade mozarella sticks

[DM] male college student

[Lior] i ran out of socks

[DM] how many clothes do you need

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

[DM] one black shirt

[DM] one pair of jeans

[Lior] and underwear

[(Kylia)] Ugh... time to do laundry

[BiBo!!!] ?

[(Kylia)] ONE black shirt ::faints::

[DM] it was white when he started

[Lior] well.. i've been wearing the same pants and long sleeve undershirtsince i got back up

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] if I did that, i'd be so rank the neighbors would be complaining

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[(Kylia)] <w> They already are... ::ducks::

[BiBo!!!] remind me to turn you into a dwarf

[Lior] turn her into a drow

[BiBo!!!] you'll be the only girl dwarf in existance and all the guy dwarves would be all chasing you to marry you

[(Kylia)] But that would be sweet... I own the deed to the swankiest Dwarf pad in the land

[(Kylia)] On the other hadn, I hate dwarves... so it wouldn't be such a cool existence.

[(Kylia)] Remind me to turn you to dust

[BiBo!!!] :-P

[Lior] i'll be back in a jiffy

[Lior] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lior] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lior] I am away from the keyboard.

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[Mike] am i ded yet?

[(Kylia)] Evening Mike

[(Kylia)] ::looking at the pile of dust:: No, but you could be next :)

[(Kylia)] Offer to make me a dwarf ::giggles::

[Mike] what???

[Mike] okay, i'll make you a dwarf.

[Mike] um, poof! you're a dwarf.

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] fritz did just call

[(Kylia)] ::rubs hands together:: Thank you ::turns him to a pile of dust next to Witchy Pooh

[DM] he is on his way home now

[DM] he will be with us shortly

[BiBo!!!] ::raises him::

[Mike] huh???

[BiBo!!!] yay, zombie minions!

[DM] did you want to wait for him to get here before restarting the conversation with this dragon?

[(Kylia)] But you're dust too...

[Mike] can we kill the dragon yet?

[BiBo!!!] nah, you said you were gonna do it, you didn't say you did it

[(Kylia)] Umm... not sure...

[Mike] but, it's a dragon. it's what we do!

[BiBo!!!] well if fritz starts talking we might as well say we're starting combat ;-P

[DM] lol

[Mike] lol

[(Kylia)] ::giggles::

[(Kylia)] Umm... where is everyone else? No Barb or SPC?

[Mike] besides, it's killing party members. that's as good an excuse as any, isn't it?

[DM] barb said last week she would be missing tonight

[DM] and Sean is between houses

[DM] his words

[DM] something about wolfie

[DM] he is going to try and log in later on

[DM] Brian is on his way here, in theroy

[DM] no one has heard from Trevor

[DM] but he does not have a character right now

[(Kylia)] Between houses??? ::confused::

[BiBo!!!] so are we

[(Kylia)] Trevor didn't contact me this week re: his character

[BiBo!!!] maybe he's not done with it

[Mike] cuz he's not doing a priest, i don't think

[(Kylia)] very possible.

Sean has joined the game.

[Mike] i don't think he liked you god

[DM] I am not sure what he is doing at all Lorie

[DM] he was thinking about the possiblities of priests

[(Kylia)] SPC!!!!

[DM] welcome sean

[(Kylia)] My deity is a rough one, but as they come along, not so bad

[Sean] hmm ... I'm not getting the map

[BiBo!!!] I like my diety

[(Kylia)] How are things going over there Sean? Chaos reigning yet?

[Mike] i like the one i'll be doing

[(Kylia)] You should now...

[Sean] quite a bit ...

[BiBo!!!] he's my dad :-P

[DM] I just added you to the map you will get it now

Sean is receiving the map...

[BiBo!!!] at least as close to having a diety I have

[(Kylia)] Who is your dad Bibo?

Sean has received the map.

[(Kylia)] Sean, sorry to hear that...

[BiBo!!!] I don't think we ever gave him an official name, lemme see...

[BiBo!!!] Perth

[Sean] there's a tundra attacking us ...

[(Kylia)] Perth... Nice place in Australia

[Sean] or something a gay guy carries 8-P

[BiBo!!!] well where he lives it's a lot colder :-P

[BiBo!!!] ug sean

[Mike] am i ded yet?

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Sean] no, you're still asleep.

[DM] lol

[Mike] oh, ok. *thud*

[BiBo!!!] oh, ya'll need to see this


[Lior] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lior] yoyo

[BiBo!!!] heya lior

[DM] ok

[DM] so this dragon here

[Mike] i feel like i'm in a badly dubbed japanese movie over here.

[DM] and so

[Mike] i hear bob typing for ten minutes and we get "ok"

[(Kylia)] ROFL...

[(Kylia)] Is this the same site that does that Mushroom song?

[BiBo!!!] yep

[Sean] dragon?

[(Kylia)] That mushroom song is evil

[BiBo!!!] hehe

[BiBo!!!] oh you know you love it

[(Kylia)] no...I love the Hampster Dance...

[(Kylia)] There is a difference

[Sean] badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushrooom mushroooooom!

[BiBo!!!] hehe

[Mike] you missed two badgers

[Sean] badger badger

[Sean] there

[DM] cough

[DM] small burst of cold breath

[DM] cough

[BiBo!!!] he'll run out of breath weapons at this rate :)

[Sean] Is this a color, metal or jewel dragon?

[BiBo!!!] white

[Sean] oh.

[BiBo!!!] so old he's about to die of old age

[Sean] does he have a cold?

[BiBo!!!] no, he's just old

[Sean] oh.

[BiBo!!!] and he wants us to make him not old

[BiBo!!!] so he won't die

[Sean] us? Make him imortal?

[BiBo!!!] no, just younger

[Sean] Oh.

[DM] even the very old want a few more days

[BiBo!!!] so he doesn't die from being so darn old

[Mike] but we have to kill it. bibo told me the group kills one a year, so we're behind. i havn't killed one yet

[BiBo!!!] I did?

[Mike] yup

[BiBo!!!] when'd I say that?

[Mike] before

[BiBo!!!] well if you count the gold one last week, we're good

[DM] you mean the black one? ;)

[BiBo!!!] right, black, right

[BiBo!!!] a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat

[Mike] so......?

[Mike] can we kill it now?

[DM] brian is pulling in now

[Sean] heh ... here, sold still, we'll make it so you won't age any more 8-P

[DM] I am here to talk as her if you have questions

[DM] or do other things I suppose

[(Kylia)] It's clearly evil, right bob?

[BiBo!!!] um... I don't think I want to do other things with the dragon

[Sean] well, it's white, and all chromatic dragons are eeeeeeevil

[DM] yes it is evil

[Mike] yes, yes they are.

[Sean] metal dragons are good.

[Sean] jewel dragons are neutral.

[BiBo!!!] do I have to give the dragon the "friends" speech?

[Mike] i like metal. makes shineys

[(Kylia)] Shhh... I am looking for justification for killing it

[(Kylia)] Before a certain pseudo-paladin with horns shows up

[Sean] it's chromatic.

Fritz has joined the game.

[Lior] speak of the devil

[DM] lol

[Lior] hey fritz

[Sean] well well well, speak of the pseudo-paladin 8-)

[DM] good one lior

[Mike] speak of the devil...

[(Kylia)] Evening Fritz

[Mike] and he shal appear

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Fritz] Greetings all

[DM] nice metephor lior

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] I am ducking out for a sec

[DM] everyone listen to fritz's idea

[BiBo!!!] ::waves a watch:: you are getting sleepy, very sleepy

[Sean] duck duck duck duck duck duck duck goose

[DM] I will bring the other computer

[DM] for brian

[DM] and make more sticks

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] hehehe ok here are the things I discussed with bobisanevilbutt earlier this week

[Fritz] I am concerned that if we give this dragon some rejuvination that she will turn on us and wipe us out unless we have some type of binding contract. also that she could do the same to others

[BiBo!!!] well duh

[Fritz] she will be a massively powerful dragon once we give her some anti aging juice

[BiBo!!!] yep

[(Kylia)] Uh huh... were you expecting an argument on this?

[Mike] um.... master of the obvious?

[Fritz] also she should know how to reverse the spell on the golem and we have an important or pseudoimportant NPC that is currently a golem at the moment. Maybe she can tell us how we can reverse this

[BiBo!!!] I can write up contracts but the only ones that are magically binding are the ones I write up with demons

[BiBo!!!] hahahaha

[Sean] we can stop her aging ...

[BiBo!!!] important my arse

[Sean] just don't tell her it'll stop her from breathing as well ...

[BiBo!!!] we woulda killed him off sooner or later anyway

[Fritz] If we do reverse her aging we need to make sure she doesn't attack us or any other humanoids that dont attack her first

[BiBo!!!] notice how we've yet to raise any of the grunts even though we're perfectly capable of it

[Fritz] Lesani is a bit different from the rest of the bearers

[BiBo!!!] no

[Fritz] Notice I haven't pushed to have any of them raised. No I believe that his presence with the natives may be important

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

Mike has received the map.

Mike has left the game.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Mike] bob's router sucks!

[BiBo!!!] lesani just has a name

[BiBo!!!] we just never got around to naming the others

[Sean] Bibo has left the building

[BiBo!!!] lesani is no more important than any of the other grunts

[(Kylia)] White Dragons are traditionally on the EXTREME evil side of the scale...

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] all chromatic dragons are :-P

[(Kylia)] I'm not really inclined to believe that this thing will make a deal with us that is binding

[(Kylia)] No, some are LE...

[(Kylia)] But White is not

[Mike] i say we kill it. quick quick!

[Fritz] We are fully capable of killing this dragon honorably. But if this dragon is LAWFUL evil and can make a binding contract then the benifits of the spell she is giving us may help

[BiBo!!!] yeah so? LE is still extremely evil :-P

[BiBo!!!] lawyers for example

[BiBo!!!] completely lawful, but completely evil

[(Kylia)] There is more hope for them than a Red, Black or White

[Mike] evil is evil. lets kill it and go on being the good guys.

[BiBo!!!] nah, I really don't care about the spell

[BiBo!!!] I might use it once ever

[Fritz] Lawyers are Lawful evil but still evil and they stick to the letter not the intent of the law although the courts now favor not just the letter but the intent

[(Kylia)] Doesn't matter, this dragon is more than likely not LE

[Fritz] but the spell could help others and I am all for helping others since I am a pseudopalidin and all

[(Kylia)] Just OLD....

[Mike] yeah, well, if you think you can outsmart a 5000 year old wyrm, go for it, fritz

[BiBo!!!] nah, it won't help anyone

[BiBo!!!] seeing as how any dragon we'd have to use it on probably has enough magic resistance not to care :-P

[Fritz] She cant bribe us but I do personally need that item in my quest to become a palidin for real

[BiBo!!!] that spell?

[BiBo!!!] why?

[Fritz] That is something the mages have to instruct us the gem

[Mike] not like you can cast it or anything.

[BiBo!!!] oh

[BiBo!!!] well you get that either way

[Mike] yeah, so lets kill it and take the gem

[Mike] i want a cool new shiney. dragon hordes always get shineys

[Fritz] My personal quest is to become a Palidin for real. I need certain stats increased and this gem will start me on the road

[BiBo!!!] should I be warming up my lower magic resistence spell?

[Mike] yup.

[(Kylia)] Hmm... working with Evil for personal gain...

[Mike] and the protection from annoying ass paladins.

[BiBo!!!] that's just me turnin him into a halfling :)

[(Kylia)] Not the same as working with with for saving the helpless

[Fritz] I could also probably hack and slash people that have a dislike towards palidins easier than that spell will work

[Mike] nah. you'd never be able to hit the bitch.

[(Kylia)] ????

[Mike] she's outta range for ya.

[Fritz] No I am not trying to work with evil for personal gain since I know I can kill her for the gem. It is the spell that could help others kill dragons that is the quandary...and sometimes good has to choose the lesser of evils to gain in the long run. I am lawful good not lawful stupid

[BiBo!!!] if the dragon is willing to give up the spell, it's obviously of little use

[Fritz] No the spell is of tremendous use

[BiBo!!!] not if it fizzles against their MR

[Mike] i thought lawful good translated into stupid?

[Fritz] That is an question you have to ask and get the appropriate answer for

[Fritz] No I dont play lawful stupid...that is one thing I told Bob from the start I wouldn't do

[BiBo!!!] she wouldn't give it to us if she thought it would threaten her in any way

[Fritz] I disagree. She may think she can kill us and get away with it if we dont bind her in other ways

[Fritz] I have not played this character as stupid just good and honorable

[(Kylia)] Then she isn't as weak as she's pretending to be... all the more to kill her

Lior has joined the game.

[Fritz] You may be right Lady Kylia but smart doesnt make one stupid even if the body is weak...look at witchy poo for example

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[BiBo!!!] if it makes you feel any better, she desperately wants us to help but is trying to talk tough

[DM] that last lior is actaully brian,

[DM] changing things now

[DM] so

[BiBo!!!] least that's what I got from her thoughts

[Fritz] I realize she is despearate for help .... that is obvious. But what the damage may be in the long run is what concerns me

[(Kylia)] Evening Brian

[Fritz] If we can prevent her from harming humanoids that dont attaack her, and also from harming us, and yet get the treasure and the spell it may be worth it in the long run as we will have gotten the treasure and we can give others the spell to combat dragons.

[Fritz] Hiya Brian

[Brian] hey chick

[BiBo!!!] well, unless we have geas, which I don't think we do, there's no way of getting her to honestly fufill that

[Brian] not u fritz honey

[Lior] yo brian

[Reign] Unless her alignment will bind her

[Brian] hey all

[BiBo!!!] we don't think she's lawful

[DM] if she swears to a bargin she will have to uphold it

[Mike] you know, we can do this two ways. democratically, or as a dictatorship. either way, i think we're killing the dragon.

[Reign] I am not at the moment in the dictatorship mode. I am for a democratic mode :)

[DM] grin

[Reign] j/k

[DM] so

[Lior] democratic so long as we go your way?

[Mike] okay, so all for letting it live, say aye.

[DM] we did not think you were democratic anyway frtiz

[Reign] I am just giving my opinion and opinions are like assholes what comes out of mine smells sweet to me, and what comes out of yours stinks

[BiBo!!!] only if it has something better to offer than that lamo spell

[Mike] right, and all for killing it say nay

[BiBo!!!] that we can't get by killing it

[Reign] Lady Kylia do you have anything else to ask it? I want to ask it how to reverse the golem spell. I was thinking polymorph other

[(Kylia)] The problem here is that we have to risk blind faith for the CHANCE that something will work... how trustworthy is a dying Evil dragon desperate to live?

[BiBo!!!] well, occording to bob, she has to live to any bargain we make

[BiBo!!!] so we have that

[(Kylia)] Why does she HAVE to? What OBLIGATION does she have?

[BiBo!!!] bob saying so

[Mike] bob says?

[DM] lawful and all that

[BiBo!!!] If god comes down and says to you that this thing has to happen like this, and it's benificial to you, don't argue :-P

[Sean] This is BOB we're talking about ...

[(Kylia)] So the dragon is LAWFUL now?

[BiBo!!!] apparently

[DM] she has acted lawful so far

[DM] I did not say she was LE,

[DM] your group inferred that

[(Kylia)] She's old and dying...

[Reign] I checked on that and that is what Bobisanevilbutt said

[(Kylia)] You just said Lawful and all...

[DM] Lorie did also mention

[(Kylia)] No actually, I mentionned CE...

[(Kylia)] I NEVER said that this dragon was LE

[DM] I said she is acting lawful

[(Kylia)] Please scroll up to verify

[DM] that is what I meant Lorie

[Reign] Anyone willing to go to teamspeak?

Brian has left the game.

[DM] meant that you had a disenting opinoin on me

[Reign] We always have a discenting opinion as far as you are concerned Bobisanevilbutt

[DM] good point

[Lior] i'm willing, fritz, but i still dont have a working mic

[(Kylia)] Fritz, I am inclined to say we kill the dragon. I'm sure the spell is important and the gem as well, but at what future cost when we aren't here anymore

[BiBo!!!] we don't care about the spell, and we get the gem anyway

[DM] ok then

[BiBo!!!] the dragon has no good bargaining chips

[Reign] We can get the gem by killing the dragon the spell will be benificial it depends on wether or not you feel we can bind the dragon to her word

[DM] I think that Kylia is the only one who can even attempt to bind her word on something,

[DM] this is not Shade's type of thing

[BiBo!!!] nope, I do demons

[Reign] No sex involved

[DM] well,

Brian has joined the game.

[DM] there might be sex involved,

[DM] ice princess and all that

[Mike] the witch, aka: la blue girl...

[Reign] OUCH I dont want to know

[Brian] i stillcant see shit

[DM] frozen cun*

[Reign] Look in the mirror

[DM] sorry

[DM] back thought there

[Reign] Is Tundra male or female?

[DM] female

[Reign] Ouch even more of an ice queen

[(Kylia)] Oh, the dragon is now female? Last week it was a male

[DM] never said that

[Reign] I though she female

[Lior] no, it was always a she

[DM] the gold was male

[Mike] black

[Reign] Riiiiiiigght

[DM] what ever

[(Kylia)] In any case... we don't even have proof that the spell exists... and would this dragon have survived offering it up to adventuring parties?

Reign flapping with difficulty..."Do you mind if I step down on the ledge Tundra?"

[Brian] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[DM] she is letting your group talk abuot 100 feet away

[DM] out of her breath weapon

[Reign] That color sucks brian

[BiBo!!!] even if it does exist and it works perfectly, it's hardly worth what we could possibly get by killing her

[Reign] I cant read it

[Reign] I disagree it could benifit lots of adventurers

[Reign] Does that mean I can stand on the ledge Bobisanevilbutt?

[BiBo!!!] yes, but we wouldn't be passing it around

[DM] you already are

[Reign] I would

[Brian] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Tails

[Brian] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Tails

[BiBo!!!] if we start passing it off, it's no longer a rare spell, and not worth anything

[Reign] Ok thanks bobisanevilbutt

[BiBo!!!] besides, you couldn't she was gonna teach the spell, and if you can't cast the spell you can't learn it

Brian has left the game.

Brian has joined the game.

[DM] there is the snow pile that you all can stand on to reach this cave

[BiBo!!!] I'm the only one who can learn it, I don't want it, and if I had it I wouldn't be passing it around :-P

[Reign] I may have to change that to Shadeisanevilcun+

[DM] she is uphill oh you

[(Kylia)] I really hate that word...

[Reign] Sharing the spell is the right thing to do...sorry Lorie I wont do that again

[DM] sorry

[BiBo!!!] no it's not

[BiBo!!!] it's stupid

[Reign] Yes it is

[Reign] No you are

[BiBo!!!] you would never find any mage who would freely hand out spells

[Reign] Unless they werent as greedy and selfish as you and realized that this one spell would make all the differnece in hunting dragons

[Lior] you're not thinking economically

[Mike] but then we'd be out of a job, fritz

[Lior] if you start handing out the spell, then there'd be no more dragons left to hunt

[BiBo!!!] no mage in the world thinks like a paladin

[Mike] think of it... all the dragon hordes, for us! we'd be bloody swimming in magic shineys!

[BiBo!!!] their spells are their life, giving them away isn't smart

[(Kylia)] You know, for an elf Mike, you're awful materialistic ;)

[Mike] because i'm not an elf. elfs don't exist.

[BiBo!!!] he likes getting em but note how much he keeps

[Mike] i hate to break it to you, but we're all just humans sitting in front of computers, and i want magic shineys damnit!

[Lior] we're sitting in front of computers?

[Lior] i thoguht you were all right here with me

[Mike] no lior, i'm sorry, but that's not my hand.

[Sean] I'm sitting in front of a computer, listening to an 8 yo mage wanting to slay everything in sight

[Lior] i want nothing to do with your hand

[DM] mike just found out that there was treasure passed out at the aniversarry game

[Mike] and wait, you all have treasure from adventures since i've been here?

[DM] and several times after than

[DM] that

[Reign] YOuThink that giving out this one spell would put us out of a job you are crazy. Shade is an evil materialistic bitch. This one spell out of all the others she may gain will not hurt her. I believe it would benifit humanoid kind, more than it would hurt her pocket

[BiBo!!!] no, I don't think it will put us out of a job, mages just don't give out their spells.

[Reign] Some do if they feel that the greater good is more important than there petty pride

[(Kylia)] With all due respect Fritz, I don't think that's a fair assesment... Witchy Pooh is her own deity, but this Dragon must think us daft to believe that she's going to give us some spell to make her younger.

[(Kylia)] Dragon's don't do this... sorry... they are too damn greedy by nature to be so benevolent. Even a GOLD Dragon wouldn't do this

[BiBo!!!] yep

[(Kylia)] So ... you can chalk this up to pride all you want... on either side, but this Dragon will chew us up and spit us out once she has vitallity again

[Reign] ooohhh look I just made a spell....I am so great...I think I will horde this spell...It makes me what if it could protect all mankind from evil dragons all over the world...tough is mine all mine...muhahhahahaha I am so great!!!

[BiBo!!!] you've obviously never talked to a mage before

[Mike] wait wait, have we really gotten treasure in the past year?

[BiBo!!!] they've all got god complexes :)

Brian has left the game.

[BiBo!!!] that's the point of being a mage :-P

[Reign] Uhmmmm who is Fritz?

[BiBo!!!] who said fritz?

[(Kylia)] That's how Dragon's talk

[Reign] Kylia said Fritz

[BiBo!!!] you did?

[BiBo!!!] oh hey

[BiBo!!!] there ya did

[DM] just to say you all are doing really well

[(Kylia)] We have encountered Gold Dragons that have been good but due to their Greed... goodness came second

[Reign] I have never encountered one that was like that.

[Reign] I dont believe you

[BiBo!!!] well that's because you're crazy

Brian has joined the game.

[BiBo!!!] it's a sad fact we've come to accept

[Reign] Oh so says the demon bitch from hell

[(Kylia)] Okay... don't believe me. Your choice.

[BiBo!!!] hey! I am not a dog

[(Kylia)] I'm no demon bitch from hell... I'm a cleric from Roadhaven

[(Kylia)] and I've encountered the dragon in question.

[Reign] Gold Dragons are the epitome of goodness and order on the kingom

[BiBo!!!] not enough fur

[(Kylia)] But if my word isn't good enough, then please feel free, make your pact with the Dragon, but don't ask me to back you up when it turns.

[BiBo!!!] god I hope not

[Mike] ooc: yer all greedy hording bastards just like that dragon over there! treasure my ass!

[Reign] No not you Lady Kylia the "Demonbitchfromhell" is Shade

[DM] by the way I just did a 500 XP award to everyone's character

Brian has left the game.

[BiBo!!!] I can see exactly what she's thinking you know

[Reign] I wouldn't make a pact with the dragon without everyone's backing I dont trust her either.

[BiBo!!!] and she's totally thinking of killing us as soon as she's better

[(Kylia)] Thank you Bob.

[Reign] I figured that one out long ago without magic you "Demonbitchfromhell"

[Reign] Thanks bob

[BiBo!!!] just so we don't have to work in theory

[BiBo!!!] and the spell she's offering is not the one she says it is

[(Kylia)] So why are we having this dicussion then? We all conclude that she's evil, won't keep her word, and probably won't give us the spell...

[BiBo!!!] as soon as we cast it, everyone in the area gets feebleminded

[(Kylia)] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] easy prey to wipe up

[Reign] Well I didn't have that info before. My premiss was if we could trust her...not on wether she was evil or not. Being evil doesn't mean you cant be honorable. Lets wipe Shades Arse with her scales then I say!!!

[BiBo!!!] about darn time

[DM] ok then

[Reign] Oh Before we start OOC

[DM] sure

[DM] what's up Fritz

[Reign] I was thinking on the way we have been doing initiative using the highest level spell caster

[DM] ok

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] now, is that before we start being ooc, or before we start, on a ooc note?

[Reign] Wouldn't it be better to use the character with the best initiative at the game instead of the one with the highest level of caster ability

[DM] actaually I was thinking that with this system now,

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] but our stats have nothing to do with it

[DM] everyone coudl have thier own intitive

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] we just roll a d10, no stats involved.

[DM] and the senior spell caster woud be the one to state that everyone is ready

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] and with a dragon fight, we all go first.

[DM] you stats would count if every has thier own int.

[Reign] Sounds good to me Bob. That works. The Highest caster then becomes the tactician for the combat

[DM] and everything would flow easier this way

[DM] do we still want phases?

[DM] I think that we do

[DM] we could change the int number that is rolled

[BiBo!!!] if we ditch the phases, it just becomes an initiative thing

[DM] I thnk

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i like the phases.

[DM] rather than the d10

[Reign] It would be his or her responcibility to make sure everyone has stated their intent for combat and that the group is cool with it

[DM] make it a higher sided dice

[DM] and we could add it in

Mike has left the game.

Brian has joined the game.

[DM] we came up with a work out for it on the klooge boards about a month agao

[Reign] It would be some record keeping on his/her part but I like that since by nature I am an organized persone

BiBo!!! has left the game.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[Reign] Give us the 411 on how it works Bob

[DM] no extra record keeping

[DM] the program will do all of it for us

[DM] don't know right now

[BiBo!!!] I mean if we all go then dragon, why bother with initiative?

[DM] for this fight it will not matter

[DM] marco has the point

[Reign] Great. I am all for it. Ps when is 2.0 coming out

[(Kylia)] I am back at the keyboard.

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[DM] maybe tonight

[BiBo!!!] any day now (tm)

[DM] the final test was yesterday

[Reign] Awesome. For those of you who haven't seen the upgrades it is cool

[Reign] ok back in character.

[Reign] Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness

[DM] lol

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Tundra. Distance: 152'06"

[Reign] Reign Tandem targets Tundra. Distance: 70'08"

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf targets Tundra. Distance: 64'05"

[Reign] Reign Tandem no longer targets Tundra.

[DM] we will say that you run into range to attck when the time comes Reign

[Reign] Reign Tandem targets Tundra. Distance: 58'01"

[DM] you are about 100 feet away right now

[Lior] Sadoya targets Tundra. Distance: 108'03"

[DM] the figs are a little off

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Thanks bob

[Sadoya (Lior)] we still have protection from cold, yes?

[DM] yes

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] woot

[Sadoya (Lior)] thank you again for that, lorie

[(Kylia)] You're welcome Lior.

[(Kylia)] Sorry was putting KID to bed...

[BiBo!!!] we ready to kick his butt?

[Sadoya (Lior)] her

[(Kylia)] So we have concluded to put the dragon out of it's misery?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] The vote was to kill Dragon Lorie....Lady Kylia

[BiBo!!!] the dragon's name is lorie now?

[Sadoya (Lior)] sure, why not

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Dragon Lady Lorie

[Sadoya (Lior)] it fits :P

[DM] glad I am in anothe state some times

[(Kylia)] I dont really thinks that's a White Dragon name...

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Red maybe

[BiBo!!!] or shadow

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[(Kylia)] Is there a Grouchy Dragon? This week that would be me ;)

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Maybe Deep!!!

[DM] ready?

[BiBo!!!] shall we then?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Yes

[DM] Lorie is the senior spell caster

[(Kylia)] ::nods:: And?

[DM] lorie is the group ready to go?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Your call Lorie

[(Kylia)] Sorry... what am I calling?

[DM] that you are actaully ready for combat

[Sadoya (Lior)] are we not rolling anything?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reiterate what is going on bob

[(Kylia)] Did I get volunteered for something while I tucked my child into bed

[DM] to make sure we do not jump the gun at all

[DM] no we decided that the senior spell caster would be that person

[(Kylia)] Bibo... action?

[DM] the caller so to speak

[(Kylia)] Mike... action?

[(Kylia)] Sean... action?

[BiBo!!!] Shade: Initiative: (d10-2) [8-2] 6

[(Kylia)] Lior... actin?

[Brian] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[(Kylia)] err action?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] one shiney, two shiney, i'm all set.

[BiBo!!!] casting

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Initiative: (d10+0) [8+0] 8

[Sadoya (Lior)] swinging

[(Kylia)] Brian.. if you have a PC ... action?

[BiBo!!!] he's kevin for the night

[DM] he does not have one yet

[DM] he is Kevn the weak NPC

[(Kylia)] Last call for anyone else I missed's action (excluding me)

[Brian] Roll: ((12d2+(4*12))) [((1+2+2+1+2+1+2+1+2+2+1+1)+(4*12))] 66

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] attack

[DM] ok

[(Kylia)] Sean... I haven't heard your action yet

[BiBo!!!] Shade: Lower Resistence: (MR: (d100) [57] 57)

[BiBo!!!] Shade's magic resistance check of 0 (probably) overcomes Tundra's magic resistance

[DM] I think that he is away right now

[Sean] no, I'm here ... we're atacking an old white dragon ...

[DM] heh

[Sean] I'm afraid that by the time the action gets around to me, the dragon will be dead.

[Sean] or the party.

[Sadoya (Lior)] or both

[(Kylia)] Umm... perhaps. So you're holding your action?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Hey everyone follow Lories lead she has it worked out please this looks like it will work well

[Brian] Roll: (((35d100+(7*35)))/2) [(((98+85+10+78+81+82+88+78+5+37+81+95+96+19+16+64+49+50+44+22+94+16+100+89+56+62+77+41+53+13+11+92+85+22+5)+(7*35)))/2] 1119

[DM] yeah yeah

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[(Kylia)] Okay... everyone has now rolled init (excluding me)?

[DM] when lories say go

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] did brian kill it yet?

[(Kylia)] Just to reecap...

[(Kylia)] Bibo... 6

[El Fudge (Sean)] I don't think I have anything really effective against a dragon.

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] I haven't

[(Kylia)] Lior 9

[Sadoya (Lior)] 8

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem: Initiative: (d10-2) [7-2] 5

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] why are we rolling initiative?

[Sadoya (Lior)] killing the dragon

[DM] you guys will go first

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] don't we just have one, and it doesn't matter anyway because we go on fast?

[BiBo!!!] well, I casted

[DM] so

[(Kylia)] Mike... I was going as it was explained to me.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm waiting to be told to swing my metal stick

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem: Natural Fighting: (d20) [12] 12 must be less than (19+6) [19+6] 25 to succeed.

[DM] you have 100 feet to cover when you star

[(Kylia)] I got volunteered while I wasn't at the computer to have a note.

[DM] you are doing it correctly Lorie

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem: Wild fighting: (d20) [6] 6 must be less than (18+5) [18+5] 23 to succeed.

[(Kylia)] So...I will be casting as well, after Witchy Pooh.

[DM] ok

[(Kylia)] BOB... on our side... GO

[DM] and so

[DM] on very fast

[DM] you move forward

[(Kylia)] I don't move... Casting

[BiBo!!!] so yeah, I casted lower magic resistance, so spells have a better chance to go in :-P

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i run up to it.

[DM] fritz, your movement

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] 100 feet.

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] no attack

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Move me up bob

[DM] still 100 feet away fritz

[DM] you can just say how far up you move

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] move yerself, fritz

[DM] rather than zooming in on the map that close

[DM] what is your combat movement Reign?

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] I move to 90 feet bob

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] 20 or 100 feet

[DM] wait, what ?

[DM] you started 100 feet away

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] I get one set of attacks at fast

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] that is my movement

[DM] but you are starting 100 feet away from her

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] you don't get an attack from 100 feet away

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] 20 x 5 = 100

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] I move my movement

[DM] your movement is 20? then you can move 10 per phase

[DM] so 10 is 50 feet

[DM] and then your next movement phase move another 50 feet

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] my average non running movement is what?

[(Kylia)] We're on Fast still correct?

[DM] but I do not think you have a 20

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Ok I charge then

[(Kylia)] Let me know when we hit Average BOB

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Yes I do

[DM] ok, a charge will work fo rthat

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Check my movement it is a 20

[DM] ok then

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] So I get one attack?

[DM] yes,

[DM] one attack at the end of teh change

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Roll now?

[DM] sure

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(9+10)-3] -8

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem's attack of -8 (probably) hits Tundra

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((5+4+2)*2)+13] 35 damage

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] add 3 to that for 38 damage bob

[DM] anyone else before very slow?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i would think i could go

[Sadoya (Lior)] on fast

[DM] your movement Sadoya?

[Sadoya (Lior)] but i dont really know what we're doing with the whole initiative and phases thing

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna charge too

[DM] then go

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack: Joyeuse 2 handed hits AC: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(18+6)] -11

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya's attack of -11 (probably) hits Tundra

[DM] it is weird because the dragon goes on very slow after everyone on your side has

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Damage [L]: Joyeuse 2 handed does (2d8+10) [(8+7)+10] 25 damage

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's my 2 cents

[(Kylia)] Okay... spell goes off.

[DM] go for it

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Nice Sadoya

[Sadoya (Lior)] thanks Reign

[(Kylia)] Roll #1: (d3) [3] 3, Roll #2: (d3) [3] 3, Roll #3: (d3) [2] 2, Roll #4: (d3) [2] 2, Roll #5: (d3) [3] 3, Roll #6: (d3) [1] 1, Roll #7: (d3) [2] 2, Roll #8: (d3) [1] 1, Roll #9: (d3) [1] 1, Roll #10: (d3) [2] 2

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] wish i could move faster...

[BiBo!!!] oh, and dragon makes a save against lior's sword

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Bob what extra damage do we get for charge?

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's right, thanks bibo

[El Fudge (Sean)] um .. since when did we save against weapons?

[Sadoya (Lior)] my sword's special

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] His is special

[El Fudge (Sean)] ah.

[(Kylia)] I hate online dice bots... they roll terrible

[(Kylia)] save for half

[DM] none against your charge Reign

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Very nice weapon

Sadoya (Lior) smiles confidently a Joyeuse

[DM] ok

[DM] and anyone else this round?

[Sadoya (Lior)] di you make your save?

[DM (to GM only)] Tundra's hit points adjusted to -6 (-25) - Dying

[Sadoya (Lior)] guess not

[DM] smile

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] well, that was anti-climactic...

[Sadoya (Lior)] weakest dragon ever

[El Fudge (Sean)] see ... told you

[DM] no one of the green dragon babies was weaker I think

[BiBo!!!] well that's cuz this is a side quest

[El Fudge (Sean)] 8-)

Brian has left the game.

[BiBo!!!] side quest dragons are never powerful

Brian has joined the game.

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, but that was a little ridiculous

[Sadoya (Lior)] not that i'm complaining

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] so... do i see shineys in there?

Reign Tandem (Reign) sings "Brian is Back"

[DM] ok

[Brian] a dragon is a side quesst?

[DM] so as you go back inot her cave

[BiBo!!!] this one was


[DM] you see some piles of bones

[BiBo!!!] that's why she died in a half second

[DM] and rotting elephant carcasses

[BiBo!!!] and also why the treasure will suck

[Sadoya (Lior)] there wouldn't be dragon loot in a dragon's graveyard

[DM] ok

[Brian] dragon bones are enuff

[Sadoya (Lior)] unless they bring their loot with them when they go to die

[DM] so if you spend the rest of the day searching

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] damnit!

[DM] assuming that you would do that

[Reign Tandem (Reign)] Yes

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] the one time i recognize a looting op, there's nothing to loot! this sucks!

Sadoya (Lior) walks up to Kylia and says 'could i implore you for a bit of a dose or two of health? my fingers may soon fall off from the chill that dragon gave me''

[DM] 24 CP, 36 SP, blue quartz, silver necklace, amethyst, diamond, and a gem that glows magical

[Sadoya (Lior)] can i have the amethyst?

[Brian] Mike has a big D

[Reign] If the gem is indeed what she said it was may I have it?

[BiBo!!!] yeay, look at all this useless stuff

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] can i have the something?

[BiBo!!!] sure, there's 24 CP

[BiBo!!!] go for it

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i want the scales. how long will it take to get dragon scales?

[Reign] Yes lets get all the scales from the 2 dragons that we can

[(Kylia)] A long time...

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] we could do lots with two dragons worth of scales

[Reign] or the hide that is

[Reign] We can have dragon hide armor made

[(Kylia)] I think my armor is better than scale mail

[Sadoya (Lior)] well... if no one is saying anything, i'm taking the amethyst

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] probably, but think of the fassion statement.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] we can start up a line of dragon scale clothing, become a big name in terraguard

[(Kylia)] I have a skilled artistian armorer in my keep... I'm always fashionable

[Reign] Dragon hide armor can be made into plate armor and it can be enchanted to protect against the element of the dragon I believe as well as looking very fashionable to the sophisticated fighter. It turns the ladies on !!!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] woot!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] sexy armor

[DM] Brian will be coming back in

[DM] as Homir, so he is one round behind

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] cue that 80's porn music

[Reign] In and out, in and out...tell him to make his friggin mind

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob, how should i describe the amethyst? is there a size or something i need to know? or should i just write that its and amethyst?

[DM] it looks really nice, no scratches,

[Reign] So Bobisanevilbutt do we have dragonhide ?

[DM] if you have appraisng

[DM] no

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i want the diamond

[DM] no dragon hide

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] can i have the diamond?

[DM] was getting to that

[El Fudge (Sean)] scales?

[Reign] Why not?

[El Fudge (Sean)] Any dragon scales left?

[Reign] Bobisanevilbutt

[Reign] Bobisanevilbutt

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] well, we've got three gold ones so far.

[DM] you will get some scales

[DM] but the hide is too worn to be of use for armor

[DM] you could (with a hunting proficiency check) cut some strips off that woudl be usefull as spell or magic item components

[Reign] Shade... you know I heard that dragon bones make good spell components and are very rare. If you want some treasure why don't we have some people collect them

[DM] but nothing large enough to make more than a single glove

[DM] and as for scales

[Reign] How about a dragonscale shield?

[DM] Roll: (2d12) [(8+7)] 15

[DM] 15 scales

[DM] that are in good condition for spell use

[Reign] from one or both dragons?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] can i have a white dragonscale helm made?

[DM] more that you can use to decorate things

[DM] but not for magical useage

[El Fudge (Sean)] both dragons?

[DM] that is the white only

[El Fudge (Sean)] I must have missed something.

[DM] you did not spend time with the gold yet

[(Kylia)] Let me know when you're all done... I'd like a bit of the white if possible for Dragon Mastery.

[El Fudge (Sean)] wow ... very ancient dragon ... nice ...

[Reign] For making shields so that the fighters can look nice for the ladies....excluding me of course

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] right, so i say we take the magic ones, some non magic ones, and move on to the gold.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont need a shield, thank you

[Reign] I would like a couple of scales one white and one gold

[DM] it is decieveing, she was a wreck, and a cold creature in the tropics,

[DM] she is really worn out

[BiBo!!!] africa is tropical now?

[DM] you can have up to 100 scales of either that are not good for magic

[Reign] yeah we know....only 10% experience

[Sadoya (Lior)] more or less

[Sadoya (Lior)] depends where youa re really

[Sadoya (Lior)] its a freakn' huge contintent

[Reign] Ok some one please write down what we have and we can split it up later if that is ok with the group?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i took the amethyst

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] okay.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i took the diamond

[Sadoya (Lior)] no one complained

[DM] if you took it and everyone is ok with it, add it to your character sheet now

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] and some scales for pretty.

[DM] anything else

[Reign] I took the gem if no one had a complaint...of course it probably is a loadstone and not what I thought

[Sadoya (Lior)] i did

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] can we spend a day doing this with the gold, too?

[Lior] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] so the magic gem

[(Kylia)] Is it evil?

[DM] when Lior gets back

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] is what evil?

[DM] Fritz and him are the only two to speak up for it

[DM] Lorie, are you interested in it?

[Reign] Do I get the gem? i asked for it for my quest to become a Palidin

[(Kylia)] ::shrugs:: I always like magical gems.

[(Kylia)] But I'm not as greedy as some people either.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] go for it reign, as much as i don't like paladins, elandar thinks they're okay.

[(Kylia)] Sadoya wanted to talk about it... I say we wait

[DM] soon as Lior is back at teh keyboard,

[DM] will solve it

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] well, while we're waiting, can we go to the gold?

[DM] he may not have a problem jsut want to be sure

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] we can probably salvage some scales from it.

[DM] is everyone ok with that

[DM] spending a day to harvest the gold dragon also?

[Reign] I took 10 scales of each. I figured that was enough to make something pretty

[DM] only from teh white so far

[Reign] Oh I was going to take time for the gold as well

[DM] we can do the gold also if you want to

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] Roll: (2d12) [(4+8)] 12

[(Kylia)] This is in addition to the Cp and SP?

Mike has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Brian has left the game.

Mike has left the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[DM] 12 scales suitable for magical use

[Reign] I dont need the ones that can be magiced I just need the ones that can be usable

[DM] and up to 50 non magical ones from the gold dragon

[Reign] one or 2 of the magical ones is fine for me to sell

[Reign] or go with party treasure I am cool with that as well

[DM] but no really usable hide parts

[DM] this corpse was much more beat up

[Reign] I have no reall use for magic scales. I like the armor that Lady Kylia gave me. I was just going to make a pretty bling bling

[Reign] Can I have some teeth?

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

[Reign] and some claws?

[Reign] I can have some nice bling blings made

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i took some teeth and scales and talon.

[DM] just about any body parts that you want

Brian has joined the game.

[DM] feel free

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] figure something pretty can be made from that.

[(Kylia)] Is this goign to make you encumbered and slow us down in movement?

[Sadoya (Lior)] wow, you guys totally misunderstood me

[Lior] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lior] I am away from the keyboard.

[(Kylia)] ummm???

[Lior] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] i wasn't talking to fritz when i said i did

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was talking to bob

[(Kylia)] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] sorry, didnt think taht would hold us up

[DM] ok, so does anyone have a claim on this gem

[DM] Fritz and Lorie are teh two who can use it the most

[Reign] Me

[Brian] Roll: (((35d2+(9*35)))/2) [(((1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2+1+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+1+1+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+2+1)+(9*35)))/2] 183

[Sadoya (Lior)] i got the gem i wanted

[(Kylia)] It's magical.. does it radiate evil?

[DM] no not evil

[DM] she claimed it was a gem of insight

[(Kylia)] Whatever... I guess Reign can have it then...

[Sadoya (Lior)] does it radiate something that might smell evil if left out for too long?

[DM] heh,

[Sadoya (Lior)] that makes me wonder, are there any gems that radiate stuff like milk?

[DM] or use it to burn ants with

[BiBo!!!] I kin always id it later

[DM] actually there is a milk something in the books

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i just had a flashback to the clockwork orange there. the milk bar scene.

[Sadoya (Lior)] moloko

[Reign] I figure she probably was lying but I have a quest and am hoping that she wasn't lying about this and since Shade didn't say anything i can only figure Tundra was telling the truth

[DM] not saying it really is, just saying what she said it was

[DM] you would be good to double check if you can

[DM] just to be sure

[Reign] Duh... you are an evilbutt you know

[Sadoya (Lior)] well.. when we get back home, someone will identify it or something

[DM] you wounldn't want to be trusting me afterall

[Reign] I would like her to do a legend lore or identify if she were willing

[(Kylia)] can we go home now? We've been here forever and it's really icky

[DM] smile

[DM] still have not made it to the temple

[Sadoya (Lior)] tomorrow, we'll go home

[(Kylia)] The monsters here have icky treasure and the people all have diseases

[Reign] ET

[Sadoya (Lior)] shit, i forgot you're not 3 and you ahve a concept of time

[DM] by the way

[BiBo!!!] well we gotta wait before I can id it

[BiBo!!!] so I can memorize it

[DM] Kevin passed out

[Reign] Shade will you do an identify thanks

[Sadoya (Lior)] its cool

[BiBo!!!] I'll id it whenever we get the chance, that's what I said :-P

[Reign] Also would you be willing to try to cast polymorph other on Lesani?

[Sadoya (Lior)] umm

[BiBo!!!] why?

[Sadoya (Lior)] he might get eaten by fruitbats if she does

[Reign] WE do need a local yocal to speak for us sometimes

[BiBo!!!] we have one

[Reign] Who and not with the clout he had, just remember that.

[BiBo!!!] bearer 4

[Reign] What did KevinisanevilNPC passout from?

[Sadoya (Lior)] the smell of your radiating stone

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] the sickness, duh.

[DM] wasting away from the sickness

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] he never got good juju drink

[Reign] Oh I thought I may have farted...good thing it wasn't me

[Reign] It wasn't me!!!

[Reign] It wasn't me !!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] now, how are we going to get down from here?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna fly

[Reign] Any magic or treasure in the 70 feet of snow now that we killed the dragon and could we check out the other caves as well

[DM] as you check the other caves around you

[DM] there are no magical items

[DM] more bones,

[DM] no scales

[DM] it looks like it was a rare thing to have two dragons die so near in time to each other

[DM] most of the bones are old and brittle

[Sadoya (Lior)] isn't this a dragon's graveyard

[Reign] Seems so

[El Fudge (Sean)] woot!

[El Fudge (Sean)] let's grab all the hoards!

[Sadoya (Lior)] that seemed to be the apparent thing this was

[El Fudge (Sean)] oh, no hoards.

[DM] you could get some bones, teeth, talons, etc.

[Reign] do a speak with dead

[DM] there are some elephant bones scatterd around

(Kylia) has left the game.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] wait, can we try to scry somehow on the dead white's horde location using his remains?

[DM] but not in the mannerof a grave yeard

[Sadoya (Lior)] the elephants were probably a last meal

[DM] so

[DM] we have an hour folks

[DM] what are you going to do about the statue

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna forget about it

[DM] either rescue or getting by it

[BiBo!!!] flyin around it

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] lets give it a jaunty wave on the way past it.

[Sadoya (Lior)] yes, a huzzah, and a wuzzup

[DM] and here is Homir

[Sadoya (Lior)] good for him, we'll wave to him as well as we walk by

[Sadoya (Lior)] who is homir?

[El Fudge (Sean)] half brother of boromir

[Sadoya (Lior)] i thought he wrote the sequel to the odyssey

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i thought he was the big fat guy who eats donuts.

[Reign] Fagget brother of Hetir

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob, you better fill us in, these jokes are getting ponderous

[DM] it is Brian

[DM] he is busy filling in his stats

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] this is the elf he made a long time ago.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] elf fighter. jungle elf.

[Sadoya (Lior)] any reason he's dead

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] because we killed him.

[DM] he is not dead

[Sadoya (Lior)] mostly dead, then?

[Reign] If We rest tonight we can get a good start in the am and continue on our way.

[Sadoya (Lior)] what time is it?

[DM] evening

[Reign] Possibly even try polymorph other on the statue and see if that works. If not we can just move on. It is simply a guardian for the dragons. We could always heal Kevin and use him as a substitute for Lesani

[Reign] He is evil and I have no problem leaving him behind.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] who says kevin's evil?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] he's just like us, fritz.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] an adventurer out in africa looking for the elephants.

[Reign] Who the Hell is this "Fritz" person you keep talking to?

[Brian] Fritz, I'm secretly playing a demon disguised as an elf, I'm only letting you know. dont tell anyone. Is this how you use the whisper function in klooge?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] whatever. deal with it.

[BiBo!!!] lol

[Reign] Uhhhmmmm Brian...No!

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] you see, FRITZ, when i say "FRITZ" i'm talking to YOU and not your character...

[Reign] Elander we have determined he is evil if you haven't realized that then ask lady Kylia and Shade as well

DM triping over himself

[Sadoya (Lior)] when did lorie leave?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] and bob hits the floor hard. there goes a few teeth.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i didn't get to say good night :(

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] she kind of left without saying anything

[DM] she kind of just got kicked out

[DM] never came back

[Reign] Well I am playing Reign and not Fritz...Fritz has a much different outlook I would hope you would have realized that by now. I am roleplaying Reign to the hilt.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i don't want to know about that...

[Sadoya (Lior)] i like fritz's outlook more, is it too late for you to change that?

[Brian] Reign is a much better name than Fritz anyway

[DM] hmm, fritz is always trying to hide somthing, was that a tail all those years?

[DM] or horns?

[DM] so it is morning everyone

[DM] the night passes uneventfully,

[Reign] Look I will tell you all right now if you haven't realized it... I am roleplaying here. I am not acting like Fritz or Almarin. They are very different if you dont like it tell me now for real

[DM] Shade,

[BiBo!!!] yep?

[BiBo!!!] okay, I cast Identify and polymorph

[DM] we do understand Fritz, we like both you and Reign

[DM] so the indentify on ? send me that roll?

[Reign] I have been playing with everyone as Reign...if you thought I was playing Fritz or Almarin as Bob I am not.

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, i was just kidding,, i dont like either

[Sadoya (Lior)] :P

[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [4] 4

[Reign] I am not joking I am currently taking Mike's comments personally and very seriously

[BiBo!!!] anything else you need identified while I'm at it?

[BiBo!!!] it's really a gem of insight

[Sadoya (Lior)] i could use something appraised

[BiBo!!!] I'm identifying, not appraising

[Sadoya (Lior)] yes, i know

[BiBo!!!] you want appraising go to a thief

[DM] sebrian when she comes back is good at that

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was just making a statement

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] now how are we getting down, as i asked earlier, are we taking turns getting flown?

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can walk across, you're nimble

[Reign] Did the Polymorph other work?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] but she's a theif. can you really trust her to tell you the truth?

[DM] no the polymorph did not work

[Reign] Is kevin still alive?

[DM] hmmm

[DM] I would say he is in a coma

[DM] he passe out yesterday,

[Sadoya (Lior)] then he's of no use t us

[DM] and you have no cleric to heal him

[DM] he is alive (not below -10), but

[DM] would need magical healing

[Reign] Fine would anyone have a problem with me distracting the golem while you all get across. when you get across I kill the golem and then put kevin in place of the golem?

[BiBo!!!] um... why go through all that trouble?

[Reign] We would give him some magicl healing if we could

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Brian is receiving the map...

Brian has received the map.

[Reign] I wouldl like to give the dragon graveyard some protection. you never know we may want to come back and see what we can get

[BiBo!!!] well it's got protection now

[Reign] If they think it is still protected

[BiBo!!!] why kill it to put up a new one?

[Brian] what kind of protection

[Reign] but not by one of our own. I have a problem with that. I believe Kevin should be punished for his evil

[BiBo!!!] I totally don't understand the logic of killing the golem to put up a new golem

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i don't see why a place where people/things die needs a guard.

[Reign] It is my code of honor that is all. I know you dont understand but Lesani was one of us in my mind

[Sadoya (Lior)] but kevin's dead

[Sadoya (Lior)] or at least will be soon

[BiBo!!!] pretty much

[DM] not if you transform him,

[Reign] exactly

[Sadoya (Lior)] i know, so why bother?

[DM] that is what happened to both of the previous ones

[Sadoya (Lior)] you'd rather torture him?

[Reign] I will do it. it doesnt cause you any bother

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's not very nice

[Reign] I am LG I am not nice

[BiBo!!!] hey, we still have a wand of negation?

[Sadoya (Lior)] never said you were, i was just saying your actino wouldn't be

[Reign] I am acting by my code of honor

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] damnit, we need a party pack list. who has it? anyone know?

[Reign] I am not asking you to understand it

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm not trying to, just saying you're not very nice

[Reign] Try the wand

[Reign] I know :*}

[Sadoya (Lior)] wow,t here hasn't been mention of the party pack in years

[BiBo!!!] shoot wand of negation at golem and/or feetprints

[Sadoya (Lior)] it used to be brought up just about every week

[BiBo!!!] that's because we don't know where it is

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] no, we've been talking about it almost every week.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i guess that was probably john's doing

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] talking that we dont know what's in it.

[DM] you could assuem that it would work simiar to the dispel magic that you dd earler

[BiBo!!!] we keep saying where the hell is it?

[Sadoya (Lior)] wait... are we moving him first?

[Sadoya (Lior)] the statue

[Reign] Yes I am moving him

[Brian] i have it,, would u like to know whats in it?

[Sadoya (Lior)] cuz if we negate him while he's still standing there, that won't work very well, will it?

[Reign] try it both ways

[DM] shakes his head

[DM] at brain

[DM] brian

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] Shade, Reign, Sadoya

[DM] give me the run down on how this is going to happen

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] i'm gonna get flown over by shade.

[BiBo!!!] other than the polymorph I casted that apparently did nothing, I'm flying around

Mike has left the game.

[DM] ok

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[DM] so shade and elandar are below

Brian has left the game.

Mike has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Brian has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[DM] and Reign?

Brian is receiving the map...

Brian has received the map.

[DM] Sadoya?

[Reign] CASt wand of negation on feet prints and then on staute. if that doesnt work I distract statue. they cast it on feet prints then statue. If nothing happens I put kevin on feet prints before golem gets back. If nothing happens I kill golem while kevin still there

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm just flying over to where shade is going

[DM] ok

[DM] to both reign and sadoya

[Brian] i like that

[Reign] After I kill golem and when kevin turns into statue after everyone is across I fly across

[DM] so now

[DM] Homir is

[DM] trying to figure out how to jump over it

[Reign] Why I am distracting the golem correct?

[BiBo!!!] kill it!

[Brian] so how can i get past it? fritz?

[Reign] Go down the right side

[Brian] and?

[Reign] I have it distracted just walk past

[DM] ok

[Brian] ok

[DM] so reign moves forward

[DM] (fritz, if that is your rolls, they are not showing up here, )

[DM] I hear dice rolling, but not seeing any results

[Reign] I am rolling new character rolls just having fun

[DM] it is ok

[DM] ahh

[BiBo!!!] hehe

[DM] so

[BiBo!!!] kill it already

[DM] the statue animates

[Reign] Waiting on bob

[DM] moves towards reign

[Brian] Homir: DEX check: (d20) [19] 19 must be less than 17 to succeed.

[Reign] I back up

[DM] ok,

[DM] so homir falls his dex roll

[DM] and is now slowed

[DM] reign roll your attck

[DM] I am think will kill it first round

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Natural Fighting: (d20) [20] 20 must be less than (19+6) [19+6] 25 to succeed.

[Reign] I know I failed

[DM] ok

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Wild fighting: (d20) [4] 4 must be less than (18+5) [18+5] 23 to succeed.

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(4+10)-3] -3

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Homir. Distance: 145'10"

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(17+10)-3] -16

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(19+10)-3] -18

[Reign] last one is a crit

[BiBo!!!] Shade: Dispel Magic: (MR: (d100) [61] 61)

[BiBo!!!] Shade's magic resistance check of 0 (probably) overcomes Homir's magic resistance

[Reign] Possible

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Attack: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword hits AC: (14-(d20+10)-3) [14-(4+10)-3] -3

[DM] all are hits,

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((3+5+2)*2)+13] 33 damage

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((1+1+5)*2)+13] 27 damage

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((3+2+3)*2)+13] 29 damage

[Reign] Reign Tandem: Damage [L]: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword does ((3d6*2)+13) [((3+4+3)*2)+13] 33 damage

[BiBo!!!] Roll #1: (d20) [7] 7

[Brian] Reign Tandem targets Shade. Distance: 149'01"

[DM] just a sec fritz, you didn't target the statues, I have to manually enter that damage

[Reign] Sorry

[Sadoya (Lior)] eww

[DM] is ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] i knew there was a downside to you getting a million attacks

[Reign] I only get 3 plus my crit

[DM] ok

[Reign] I failed my natural attack which would have given me a 4th attack

[DM] so reign kills the staute

[Brian] Sebrina targets Shade. Distance: 91'04"

[BiBo!!!] ::waves at reign:: have fun storming the castle!

[DM] homir runs down the slope

[Brian] El Fudge targets Shade. Distance: 31'03"

[Reign] I put kevin on the foot prints

[Sadoya (Lior)] the statue got me high

[DM] kevin becomes teh statue

[BiBo!!!] haha

[Reign] And I fly after the group

[DM] ok,

[DM] so you move down teh slope

[Reign] Roll #1: (d6) [4] 4, Roll #2: (d6) [4] 4, Roll #3: (d6) [2] 2, Roll #4: (d6) [2] 2

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] aaah!! grassiness again!

Reign is receiving the map...

[Brian] the grassy knoll

Reign has received the map.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] look, we're hunting elephants again.

Brian is receiving the map...

Brian has received the map.

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] or being attacked by heyinas.

[DM] ok

[Reign] Roll #1: (d6) [2] 2, Roll #2: (d6) [6] 6, Roll #3: (d6) [3] 3

[DM] so you are back down the mountain side

[DM] heading back east again

[DM] going to travel to the lake

[DM] or at least around the swamp

[DM] and so

[DM] anyone else?

[DM] anything else

[BiBo!!!] um... sure... cheese!

[Sadoya (Lior)] and pie

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] yes. where's my staff of the magi and cleric spells?

[Sadoya (Lior)] but separately

[BiBo!!!] no, cheese pie is good

[BiBo!!!] it's called pizza

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's true

[Sadoya (Lior)] but i was referring to other things

[DM] and so

[DM] I think that this is the right point to end for the evening

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] who's rolling?

[Elandar Silverleaf (Mike)] stop it now. use real dice, the noise is annoying

[DM] next week we can pick it up

[DM] no real dice

[Brian] 1d123*78

[Sadoya (Lior)] brian.. you're gonna crash the system if you do that

[BiBo!!!] night everyone!

Mike has left the game.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Sadoya (Lior)] ciao everyone

[Sadoya (Lior)] have a good night, and dont get hit by busses

Lior has left the game.

Brian has left the game.

Sean has left the game.

[DM] fritz

[DM] I am going to dis connect you ok?

Sean has joined the game.

Reign has left the game.

[DM] hey sean

[DM] you are the last one to leave

[DM] talk to you later on

[El Fudge (Sean)] oh, ...okay ..

[El Fudge (Sean)] well ... talk to you later then 8-)

Sean has left the game.