Main / Mar2516

Mar 25 16 - Barber for Hire

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 25 18:40:53 EDT 2016 ====

TMO has joined the game on Fri Mar 25 19:29:45 EDT 2016

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello Sir

[TMO] I'm the only one?

[Master] so far

[Master] have not heard from anyone else

[TMO] wow

[Master] and Michael just let me know he will be in shortly

[Master] we will see if anyone else let's me know

mharmon9 has joined the game on Fri Mar 25 19:34:00 EDT 2016

mharmon9 is receiving the map Base Map...

mharmon9 has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and hello Michael

[mharmon9] Hello, sorry was taking a nap. I worked last night.

[TMO] howdy!

[mharmon9] Thanks for waking me up

[Master] grins

[mharmon9] My alarm didn't go off

[mharmon9] and Hello World@

[Master] no word yet from anyone else

[mharmon9] So, when last we left, I was pretty much dead from ant swarm. Any quick updates TMO?

[Master] but I do think that the two of you can make some choices

[Master] Hugh is uncouncious

[Master] at -9 hit points

[Master] the bleeding has been stopped

[Master] but without a priest to heal him it will take three days for him to recover

[mharmon9] Welp, then i'm probably in no condition to make good choices.

[mharmon9] Ask TMO haha

[Master] BUT Michael is

[mharmon9] oh

[Master] Michael and TMO shoudl talk

[Master] continuing, etc.

[mharmon9] M'kay

[Master] choices and options

[Master] Spring (when she is here) has more hitpoints with Kenna than the rest of the group combined

[TMO] Anton is "in charge", so gets final call. question is: are we capable of cointinuing, ans is it worth it?

[mharmon9] Tmo what's up? What should we do tonight? Just know my body is probably just banginig around in the wagon

[mharmon9] Okay

[mharmon9] so we have to wait for them?

[Master] no

[mharmon9] I good with whatever

[Master] you two should talk

[Master] there are options

[mharmon9] So TMO, what is our current goal?

[Master] Mike just texted, will not be in tonight but this is the last night and will be in next week and onwards

[TMO] the only reason I know of why we're here is looking for a unicorn hair

[Master] no word from Mario or Spring

[mharmon9] Hahahaha

[mharmon9] Yep, pretty muc where I left off

[Master] no word from Lisa either but she likely things there is nothing for her to do

[TMO] it may have just been bad luck, but we've been smacked around quite a lot up here. I'm concerned we don't have the tanks we need to take the fights on properly.

[mharmon9] Well, tell her to magically show up and heal me

[mharmon9] Yeah, cause one of your tanks is an uncouncious corpse!

[mharmon9] How is your hitpoints right now?

[mharmon9] Are ants in persuit?

[Master] when Mike is in next week Sere has more hit points than all the fighters

[TMO] well, I don't know if Bob tailors his encounters to the level of the party that's present, or if he says 'this area is this difficult', and if the players can't hack it, then it's going to stay that way.

[Master] you are away from the ants

[Master] I tailor to who is here at the moment

[Master] Spring said she will be in around 9ish EST

[TMO] so it's mostly just been bad luck that's been kicking our butts, not that these woods are too tough for us?

[Master] both

[Master] this is a hard mission

[mharmon9] Well, since I am uncounsios, TMO how dangerous is this area, ants aside? Can you make it saftly back or is it worth it to just keep going forward at this point?

[Master] finding a unicorn is hard

[Master] but the number of creatures, how hard they are etc. is based on who is there for each encounter

[mharmon9] Staying alive is hard when looking for a hard to find unicorn as well apparently

[TMO] I wasn't so much concerned with the unicorn part of it, just surviving the woods itself.

[mharmon9] Wait

[mharmon9] once

[mharmon9] moment

[mharmon9] bob

[mharmon9] can

[mharmon9] II ask you a quick question?

[Master] we have lots of time for lots of questions

[mharmon9] Hah

[mharmon9] Well you will like this

[mharmon9] and I'm just givving you a hard time becuase I thought that was hilarious

[mharmon9] "...Is based on who is there for each encounter"

[mharmon9] I magically appeared with them last week and they were surrounded by ants

[mharmon9] Already

[mharmon9] Pretty much worm food

[Master] yes but you were one round behind

[mharmon9] THen gosh i'm scared we didn't have someone powerful with us

[mharmon9] hold smokes

[mharmon9] Haha

[Master] jsut like now Kenna is one round behind so if you have an encounter that requires a Kayugan Priestess it is just bad luck she is not in at the moment

[mharmon9] Well, can we just wait a round to cattch up?

[Master] BUT because you do not have anyone with you who can fly for example I would not put a challenge in that can only be solved by flying

[TMO] we had a huge amount of bad luck also in the encounter

[Master] yes that happens all the time

[Master] very true also TMO

[mharmon9] TMO, does anyone in our current party have healing?

[Master] even Jilly who is usually a crack shot with the sling hit like two or three times in a 14 round combat

[mharmon9] Because I'm not trying to boast, I really am a tank like character

[mharmon9] I really would like to soak up some damage for you guys and participate

[TMO] what armor do you wear?

[mharmon9] I wear studded leather

[mharmon9] I found it had the best att.

[TMO] would he be up for wearing heavier?

[mharmon9] I wouldn't mind it, but I'm also a knife fighter. Have to be somewhat quick

[mharmon9] But I can do that

[mharmon9] In town, I can wear lighter armor and then in the wild I can wear heavier

[TMO] being harder to hit multiplies how long your hp lasts

[mharmon9] I never really thought of that

[mharmon9] Thanks TMO

[TMO] yah, I may have to do something similar for Shur

[mharmon9] Hey Bob, you cool with characters wearing different armor for different "adventures"?

[TMO] have to check if she'll lose any ranger skills by armoring up though

[mharmon9] I wear studded in town because I can wear it under my clothes

[mharmon9] but in the wild, I probably don't give a flying fudge

[Master] of course Michael

[Master] you just have to change the character sheet as you change

[Master] when you are sleeping you do not have armor on

[Master] so you are your base armor, (10) etc.

[Master] you could carry it with you etc.

[mharmon9] SoI'm wearing armor right now right?

[Master] Indigo carries his chain mail with him but does not wear it when traveling around water

[Master] yes

[mharmon9] Okay

[mharmon9] So bavk to earler comment, does anyone who will show up or currently here have healing power?

[TMO] Kenna is our only healer

[TMO] that I know of

[mharmon9] Otherwiese, your camping for three days

[Master] yes Spring will be here

[Master] Sere is a Priestess also

[mharmon9] Yeah, but at nine right?

[Master] but Mike will not be in tonight

[Master] yes so about an hour still for Spring to be here to save the day

[mharmon9] M'kay, so for an hour. Should we... I don't know. Feed the horses or something?

[mharmon9] Cuase I got nothing right now

[Master] you could work on a plan for after you are healed

[TMO] just checked, Shur doesn't have any healing. It's not uncommon for ranger characters in my old campaigns to have the skill

[Master] where do you go, what do you do, etc.

[Master] you know the current plan to go forward is to go back to that gully and you now know it will involve ants

[Master] so you have to decide what to do about that

[mharmon9] I want to fully know where I am and what's going on. But that will take too much time. I want to find the damn unicorn, but at this point and with our luck, the unicorn will run at me and gore me with it's horn. Then laught and stomp on my face as he farts rainbows back to his cave or something

[TMO] lol

[Master] you have all the time to ask questions Michael

[Master] this might be the only time to ask and solve those questions

[mharmon9] Okay. So our current location to start. WHere are we

[mharmon9] In detail

[Master] in the first early part of the Blumm Woods

[mharmon9] Where is the unicorn rumored to be in proximety to the Blumm woods?

[Master] somewhere between a mile to three miles into the woods

[mharmon9] Miles, direction, etc

[TMO] we can do a bit of character planning - I don't want to make definitive plans for the mission without more input. I'm game for discussing it, but Anton and Kenna should be able to be involved too.

[Master] you have no idea on anything about any unicorn

[mharmon9] Then what the fudge are we doing here. Why have we not gathered proper intel

[TMO] yah, we're chasing rumors

[mharmon9] WHY?

[mharmon9] Haha

[TMO] because it's all we've got

[TMO] however, Ilero did learn that we're not the only ones asked to do this

[mharmon9] Can we have a rmor that leads us to an actual location and not a region?

[Master] Mario will be in shortly

[Master] and no to Michael

[Master] Unicorns do not want maps to their homes out there floating around

[Master] if such a thing existed they would A - move or B - it is very likely a fake

[mharmon9] Okay. Then I hearby declare that there is a unicorn in my home state of Arizona. Therefore, as I have delcared, there must be one. That is the logic we are going with for the unicorn right hnow in the blumm woods

[TMO] looks like Shur lost her thiefish skills too. will see if they're in my save file for her and put them back

[mharmon9] Was the rumor from a reliable soruce at least?

[TMO] that may be why she's in low armor, to still have those

[Master] it was the closest place to the City that might have a unicorn living in it

[Master] there are other more likely places but too far to get to and back

[mharmon9] Is this going to have a reward at the end that doesnt' involve visiting one of the gods of death?

[mharmon9] If the blumm woods is our best shot, then have we spoken to anyone who might have a clue if there is a nuiconr in residence

[mharmon9] also please forgive my typing, my glasses aren't here and i'm doing mostely based off of touch

[Master] the reward was to do this for the Mage's GUild

Mario has joined the game on Fri Mar 25 19:58:10 EDT 2016

Mario is receiving the map Base Map...

Mario has received the map Base Map.

[TMO] we've heard this is the best place to look, but no guarantees there actually is one

[Master] and no you did not talk with anyone who knows anything better than what TMO just said

[Master] and welcome Mario

[mharmon9] Mario, I need an adult, you make the decisions!

[mharmon9] and hi

[Mario] lol, wow, what ani stepping into???

[Mario] hi all!

[TMO] hi

[Mario] i see were all almost dead still

[Mario] sorry Mike

[Master] we are right where everyone was at the end of last week

[Master] Mike will not be in, SPring will be here in an hour or so

[mharmon9] There snow on the groudn?

[Master] no word from Lisa, but she does not have characters here yet

[Master] yes to snow on the ground

[Master] so Michael, TMO and Mario you are deciding what to do immediately, in the short term and in the long term

[Master] you have what you have with you

[mharmon9] Okay. Well first option is A: Go fight ants to proceed, or just run past them really fast. Or option B: Figure out from a reliable source where the damn unicorn is and then go there isntead of searching the entire regioun darn it

[Mario] so we still do not have healers?

[Master] Hugh (when he wakes up) can let you know about the Pirate Town on the river to the Northwest

[mharmon9] I know of no such town

[Master] that you could try to get to that for supplies

[Master] Hugh was there on the boat trip back down from the Dragon

[mharmon9] We don't really need supllies I think. We need actual infro

[mharmon9] that's the problem

[mharmon9] a little frustrating for me not going to lie

[mharmon9] I'm sacred we are on a fools errand

[mharmon9] I really want to succeed, but I don't want to be away from other missions for half the year

[mharmon9] lol

[mharmon9] Thoughts?

[Master] not half a year, if you cannot make it back to the city in time for the 10th then you will not be there in time for the Mages Guild

[mharmon9] I'm sorry bob. I meant actual time

[mharmon9] not game time

[Master] will let the three of you hash out what is good and bad about the current situation and how to solve it

[mharmon9] Okay guys. I have my thoughts and opinions. What are yours?

[TMO] Bob - where is the chart that has the stat modifiers for NWP?

[Master] on the Proficiencies page

[TMO] I know Tracking is Willpower, but not how much a 15 will adds. Don't want to add it twice

[Master] you add it from the data list and it is automatically added

[Master] the data list has the correct modifiers

[TMO] ah, ok. She's got a +2 for being a Ranger

[TMO] so it looks like that is already there

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Shurkural]] modified: Class Skills - ADDED: Ranger ability - Hide in Shadows, 37, . ADDED: Ranger ability - Move silently, 47, . ADDED: Ranger ability - Tracking proficiency, +2, .

[TMO] does a Ranger get Dex bonuses to the thiefly skills where appropriate?

[TMO] nevermind, her dex isn't good enough

[Master] OK so Mario, Michael and TMO question 1 - hunker down in place till healing? question 2 - head deeper into the woods to loock or retreat out of the woords? question 3 go back towards the gully and deal with ants or look for alternative routes? question 4 look for other locations where you might find help?

[Master] and yes to TMO

[TMO] yes, all of the above. sorry, was in the middle of skills

[Mario] sorry, but does anyone know how to bring back the left pane, which as all the players listed?

[Master] when you are on the map hit either 1 or 2

[mharmon9] Well, I am uncounsios, you I want to either be healed or abadon this pointless rumor chase

[Master] keyboard shortcut

[Mario] woop, 1 did it. thanks!

[Master] an the tilda is the icon bar on the bottom

[Master] yes to Micahel, eventually Hugh will be healed

[Master] but you want to make sure now everyone is on board with which ideas will go forward

[mharmon9] Well, if we start with that, then I want to find reliable info. Not just bluder around the forrest. It seems to lead us to close death situations

[mharmon9] amiright

[Master] so how will you do that?

[mharmon9] Does the region have govenemtn officials like forest rangers or someone?

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Marisu]] modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - ADDED: Climb Walls, 5, , '[B 05] + [A 0] + [L 00+00+00+00+00]. ADDED: Detect Noise, 35, , '[B 05] = [A 0] = [L 10+05+05+05+05]. ADDED: Pick Pockets, 10, , '[B 10] + [A 0] + [L 00+00+00+00+00]. ADDED: Read Languages, 55, , . Class Skills - DELETED: Bard ability - Climb walls*, 5, '[B 05] + [A 0] + [L 00+00+00+00+00]. DELETED: Bard ability - Detect noise*, 35, '[B 05] = [A 0] = [L 10+05+05+05+05]. DELETED: Bard ability - Pick pockets*, 10, '[B 10] + [A 0] + [L 00+00+00+00+00]. DELETED: Bard ability - Read languages*, 55, '[B 05] + [A 0] + [L 10+10+10+10+10].

[Master] no

[mharmon9] Who knows the woods

[mharmon9] then

[Master] you are outside of the City

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Marisu]] modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Read Languages -- Note: '[B 05] + [A 0] + [L 10+10+10+10+10] ().

[Master] the Sheriff patrols the area south of the wall

[Master] north of the wall there is just who goes there

[mharmon9] Is this his domain?

[mharmon9] oh

[mharmon9] How about lumber mills?

[mharmon9] People who have seen much of the forest

[Master] so the bst way is to find another village, that Pirate Village you encountered before or other towns on the other river

[mharmon9] So no lumber mills

[mharmon9] um

[mharmon9] I give up. Someone else give ideas

[mharmon9] let me know what you deicde

[Master] there are peopel who live in this forest, but you do not know them, they are outside of normal civilization

[Master] and you have to contribute Michael

[mharmon9] I've tried. I really have no idea on how to go about solving this problem

[Master] there were four questions

[mharmon9] Someone else needs to contibute too

[Master] do you have answers for all four?

[Master] and yes same for TMO and Mario

[mharmon9] give me a moment to think i guess

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Shurkural]] modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - ADDED: Hide in Shadows, 37, , . ADDED: Move Silently, 47, , . Class Skills - DELETED: Ranger ability - Hide in Shadows, 37, . DELETED: Ranger ability - Move silently, 47, .

[Mario] 1: hunkering down seems to be the only safe option, but we havent been safe since we entered the woods. Transporting " dead" characters doesnt seem safe, to me anyway

[TMO] k, think I'm done with fixing my skills.

[mharmon9] Well, leaving the woods will solve nothing at this point so, i guess we have to press further unless I am missing something here

[Mario] 2: Headong the way we came. out of the woods, doesnt lead to a unicorn, but it could lead to safety

[TMO] as I understand it, finding a unicorn will be harder than a basic mission, so expect tougher encounters.

[TMO] *but* the ants was not supposed to be that tough

[TMO] that was puer, unadulterated, hatred from the gods

[mharmon9] Yeah, but I kind of expect a "plan" with our enoucnters. We need to find someone who freaking knows the woods

[Mario] 3: i dont think dealing witht the ants, or any other baddie, would help, so another route to the gully would be best, if we want to still go that way

[mharmon9] Could always run past them

[mharmon9] Or distract them with a dead deer or something

[TMO] they move faster than we do, I think

[mharmon9] there to dead animals

[TMO] we have a dead ogre, or did a day or so ago

[mharmon9] really?

[TMO] but without the wagon, no way to get it there

[Master] back at last campsite

[mharmon9] why you carry that around?

[Mario] 4: Until Hugh awakes, we wont know of the Pirate Town, amd we dont know of any other town.

[mharmon9] oh

[TMO] our first job is just to survive.

[mharmon9] quite honestly I don't rmemever a pirate town and it doesn't ring trustworthy to be honest

[mharmon9] *wow rememver

[mharmon9] *remember

[mharmon9] damn it

[TMO] ;) np, it happens

[Mario] we could go on, and on paper, we have a fairly strong team. But we dont always have all our characters to assist when necessary

[Master] next week you will have Sere and later on tonight you will have Kenna

[mharmon9] Or have them actually roll a decent attack when you need one

[TMO] we actually did ok vs the ogre and companions

[Mario] so were only as strong as those who can contribute

[Master] BUT Mario makes a point of knowing which PLAYERS will be in is important

[TMO] other than the one crit he landed on Shur

[Mario] attack rolls are totally out of our control, they are what they are

[mharmon9] Exactly

[mharmon9] I do't like having to do combat unless we have too, becasue when we just want to succeed, it wont happen

[TMO] Marisu is not overly helpful, other than her virginity. She's smart, but not woodsy, and her fighting and magic are low level.

[mharmon9] it's that one thinhg Occam razor

[mharmon9] or soemthing

[mharmon9] IMurphy's law?

[mharmon9] I gorgot

[mharmon9] *gorgot

[mharmon9] *Forgot

[TMO] Murphy's Law. Occam's Razor is the simplest solution is probably the right one

[mharmon9] Okay

[Mario] so we have to decide to keep on with who we have at any moment, or turn back and get reinforcements

[mharmon9] I leave that up to you. I can take care fo myself. But, apprently that didn't happen last week

[TMO] *IF* we decide to turn back, we do have a good excuse - we got majorly chewed up.

[TMO] how many days until the deadline on that hair, Bob?

[Master] 11 days

[mharmon9] Well, I'm tired of chasing rumors. I think we shyould turn back and get some realiable information from somewhere damn it

[mharmon9] Someone has to use these woods for something

[Master] you need 3 or 4 days to make it back

[mharmon9] otherwies who started the unicorn rumors

[TMO] this is one of those missions where there is no reliable information

[Master] so every day you go deeper into the woods

[Master] that adds a day on the return trip

[mharmon9] and get our assess kicked

[mharmon9] May I ask what supplies we have currently

[TMO] same person started unicorn rumors as started UFO rumors here.

[mharmon9] Also, who gave us this rumor

[mharmon9] I need a name not a "someone told me"

[mharmon9] it's important

[TMO] we've got food aplenty, I believe.

[Master] that is the problem Michael NO ONE did the research like that before leaving

[mharmon9] WHY?

[Master] you went with the best guess

[mharmon9] WHY would we not do that

[Master] you tell me

[Master] I did not make anyone go

[mharmon9] I wasn't here to decide that!

[TMO] Blumm Woods was always one of our targets, but we also went to the villages west of DL first, just in case there was one closer.

[Master] yes you were

[mharmon9] Then we need to go back and do proper research

[Mario] exactly

[Master] and there is no time to go back home and get here and back again before the 10th

[mharmon9] Well, at least we wond be wasting time either.

[mharmon9] This was a guess?

[mharmon9] seriously

[Mario] we know where there is a 'stuffed' unicorn in a chrch on the borders of Milwood

[mharmon9] I'm not wasting time on pointless quests

[Master] there are ZERO other wild lands with woods

[Master] that are near the city

[mharmon9] That means nothing to me

[mharmon9] There are probably lots of wild lands that don't have unicormns

[TMO] when searching for semi-mythical beings, guesses are probably the best you've got. And if the Mage Guild didn't know where one was, likely no one does.

[mharmon9] One moment

[mharmon9] what what the "deal" with the mages guild

[mharmon9] the wording

[mharmon9] contract

[mharmon9] whatever

[TMO] I can't remember if we asked the Celestry, but I know we asked at the holy grounds on the way here, so we covered the Wizards and the Priests.

[Master] No contract, who ever shows up first with the hair

[Master] you know there are other teams out there looking for it

[mharmon9] Okay

[mharmon9] Have a though

[mharmon9] you aren't going to like

[mharmon9] at this point I'm pisssed we are doing this fools errand

[mharmon9] so

[mharmon9] I propose something else

[mharmon9] If they want to send out teams on fools errand

[mharmon9] then I give them foolds unicorn hair

[mharmon9] go to the dead one

[Mario] sorry, who is they?

[mharmon9] and pick the hair

[mharmon9] and give that to them

[mharmon9] and when they say

[mharmon9] why did you give us fake hair

[mharmon9] we say,

[mharmon9] it's not fake

[mharmon9] you didn't speicify

[mharmon9] and you sent us on an errand without decrent fucking information

[mharmon9] pardon lanugae

[mharmon9] typed too fast

[mharmon9] I'm really kind of uspet right hnow guys

[Master] they did not send you , they posted a quest asked Branwyn if she knew anyone who wanted to do it and you chose to do it

[mharmon9] I really thing someone else should make this desicion

[mharmon9] I'm going to contribute, but thats it right now

[TMO] I don't think we'll be faulted for turning back, but we'll get rewarded for succeeding.

[Master] yes to TMO

[mharmon9] Dead people don't need rewards god dammit

[TMO] agreed

[mharmon9] and we have a deadline

[mharmon9] that we don't know if we can make

[mharmon9] I'm taking fice

[mharmon9] i'm pretty uset right now

[Master] if you attempt to defraud the Mage Guild you can guess how they will take that

[mharmon9] right this second I don't gibve a flying fu......................

[Master] so what I am hearing Michael is that your opinion is that the group should just drop this quest and head back home

[TMO] step 1: get ourselves healed.

[Mario] agreed. then we can decide on a step 2

[TMO] we can discuss it now. Any idea what the reward was for bringing the hair?

[Master] the reward was not directly listed, you can guess that you will be able to get a favor from the Guild at a minimum

[Mario] i thnk we load up the wagon with the equipment and Hugh and head back the way we came

[TMO] we might not want to move until after the healing. And maybe not even until after a second day of healing

[TMO] what time of day is it?

[Master] late afternoon

[Master] remember if you do have debates on deciding on a plan you can vote on it

[Master] PCs get 2 votes Henchmen get 1 vote

[TMO] Anton is in charge of the mission and I'd say has final vote.

[TMO] but that's just me

[Mario] im fine for waiting a second day. we would have to set up a watch, and risk further attacks

[Master] just mentioning, Anton 2 votes, Hugh 2 votes, Marisu and Shur 1 vote each

[Master] Kenna 2 votes Sere 2 votes

[Mario] 1, Heal 2. once healed sufficiently, move

[Master] so yes overall Anton is the tie breaker for all intents and purposes

[TMO] are the odds of an encounter higher if moving?

[Master] odds are higher staying in a location where there was an enounter

[Master] as the noise, smell, etc. attracts attention

[TMO] we should not have camped in the ogre's home, apparently

[Master] so for example when Marisu slept the goblins that was good for supressing others from noticing

[Master] it is hard when an enounter takes place over night

[TMO] going to step afk to give daughter shower, rather than waiting until later and dropping out during actual play

[Master] ok TMO

[mharmon9] okay. i'm back from five

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so Mario

[Master] hunkering down

[Master] there will be a total of five watches

[Mario] i think we all think healing is paramount, so thats first. Until Kenna can assist, ddo we need to set up a watch, or a perimeter

[Master] each watch is approx 3-4 hours

[mharmon9] I would love to help, but uh

[Master] Hugh is out for the time being

[Master] Kenna is one round behind so until SPring is here cannot do a watch

[Mario] of course

[Master] that leaves Marisu, SHur and ANton

[Master] to split them up

[mharmon9] And bob...sorry for snapping at you. all of you guys. I'm really frustrated right now with other stuff then the game so. yeah.

[Mario] ok Anton will start

[Master] Marisu needs at least two consecutive watches at night to sleep so watches 3 4 or 5

[Mario] let Shur do second, so Marisu can regen spells?

[Mario] aha!

[Master] and Michael, things are what they are, just have to roll with it and do the best you can,

[Master] help each other out

[Mario] so Marisu can start, then sleep

[Master] you can have Marisu do watch number 1 2 or 5

[Mario] ok: 1 Anton 2 Marisu 3 Shur 4 Anton 5 Shur

[mharmon9] brb dogs. when i'm healed i can do grave

[Master] that works well Mario

[Mario] hanks Bob!

[Master] OK so now you get to roll a d20 for the encounters

[mharmon9] If we roll a twenty, does a univorn wander into the camp?

[Master] a 1 perhaps

[mharmon9] someone should rolla 1

[Master] or a dragon

[Mario] ok, ill roll for MArisu, in TMOs absebse?

[Master] they are both on that sub table

[Master] right now roll for Anton

[Master] then we shall take it from there

[mharmon9] NO! There si a table for that?!

[Mario] aha ok

[mharmon9] wow

[mharmon9] I thought you made it up

[mharmon9] huh

[Master] I have a list that I use

[Mario] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=9] 9

[Master] well something like 40+ lists overall

[Master] and that is an encounter

[mharmon9] oh dear god

[mharmon9] and i'm unconsious

[Master] so Anton can set up everyone except Jilly

[Master] Jilly moved 14'07".

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 4'09".

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 7'05".

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 9'07".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 4'06".

[Master] like that Mario?

[Master] everyone around the wagon?

[Master] or do you want to be away from the wagon?

[Mario] i think a smaller group is easier to defenf

[Mario] Anton moved 16'09".

[Master] in the wagon or under ?

[Mario] its not like the baddies have grenages

[Mario] um fireball anyone??

[Master] I do not want to presume

[Master] grins

[Mario] lol

[Master] just let me know how you would want to set up

[Master] it is still late afternoon

[Master] not even really dark yet

[Mario] i like how it looks now

[Master] Jilly is actually busy grubbing around for forage

[Master] not that close to the wagon

[Mario] the less footprint, andquieter and drker we are, the better i would think

[Master] ok

[Master] Jilly moved 16'09".

[Mario] we have to get that kid a seatbelt

[Mario] or a bungee leash

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #8 moved 8'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #7 moved 12'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #6 moved 29'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #5 moved 41'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #4 moved 35'01".

[mharmon9] yes but we may stil need a fire to combat the elements

[Master (to GM only)] Bugbear #3 moved 0'11".

[mharmon9] it's cold out and winter

[Mario] oh for sure

[Mario] rofl!!! surprise!!!

Bugbear #3 (Master) HUMAN stop

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] We have you surrounded

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] surrender now

[Mario] I am back at the keyboard.

[mharmon9] um. OVer our cold dead hands? BTW I am unconsious

[Anton (Mario)] Jilly! Freeze!

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (you do not see her )

Anton (Mario) stands and winces

[Anton (Mario)] (ah ok)

[Anton (Mario)] We want no trouble

[mharmon9] (whats a bugbear)

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] THROW down your weapons

[Anton (Mario)] (isnt a bear with a head of an owl?)

[mharmon9] (Do you know how bad that is for them? I will place them down...gently.)

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (no that would be an owlbear, a bug bear is more of a cross between an Orc and a Human, )

[Anton (Mario)] (aha! Whats their average INT? are they smart?)

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (you can guess human or lower)

[mharmon9] So def. not dumb at best

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (you can look around quickly and see 6 of them there surrounding you )

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (some humans are pretty dumb.....)

[Anton (Mario)] (we have about 15HP btw us all)

[mharmon9] better surrender i think

[Anton (Mario)] Good Sir we only want safe slumber. we will be gone by morn

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (you can wait for TMO to return and SPring is about to get in if her timing is right)

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] THROW down your weapons (he repeats)

[Anton (Mario)] If we do, you may lose them in the smow, how about if we stack them neatly right over here?

Bugbear #3 (Master) looks back and forth

Bugbear #3 (Master) grunts

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] Good

[Anton (Mario)] Ok, thank you , Good Sir, we will stack them right here, in front of the eagon.

Bugbear #7 (Master) shuffling, hefting his mace threatening

[Master] Bugbear #7 moved 8'00".

[Master] Bugbear #4 moved 6'00".

[Master] Bugbear #4 targets Anton. Distance: 3'10"

[Anton (Mario)] Anton moved 16'07".

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] YOU STAY

[Master (to GM only)] Jilly moved 31'05".

[Anton (Mario)] Of course, good sir, but here there is little snow, so our weapons will not get lost

Bugbear #3 (Master) watching you

[Master] Bugbear #8 moved 4'06".

[Master] Bugbear #6 moved 5'00".

[Master] Bugbear #3 moved 6'02".

[Master] Bugbear #7 moved 1'04".

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] DROP your weapons

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] (ANton can make an intuition check)

[Anton (Mario)] Anton: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Anton (Mario)] (YAY!)

[Bugbear #3 (Master) (to Mario only)] you can guess that they do not speak much if any common, as they have only used a handful of words, but they are reacting to what you do

Anton (Mario) out loud, so hopefully JIlly hears "We will not harm you, BUGBEARS!"

[Anton (Mario)] "WE ARE YOUR FIRENDS"

Bugbear #4 (Master) grunts and points to the ground for Anton to put the weapons there

Anton (Mario) loudly "Shur can you drop your weapon at the leaders feet, and quickly restrain him with a dagger, maybe?"

[Anton (Mario)] kere? what about over there, yes, right there a bit...

[Master] Bugbear #4 moved 2'01".

[Anton (Mario)] Anton moved 3'01".

[Master] Bugbear #4: Attack: Natural Attack: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 14. MISSES Anton (AC FINAL: 10).

Anton (Mario) points to the ground, quizzically "Here maybe??"

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] takes a swing at Anton with his fist

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] hefts his mace with his other hand

[Master] Bugbear #7 moved 3'04".

[Master] Bugbear #7 targets Anton. Distance: 2'10"

[Bugbear #3 (Master)] DROP your weapons

Anton (Mario) drops the pick, and kneels

[Master] Bugbear #7 moved 2'06".

[Master] Bugbear #7 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 5'09"

[Anton (Mario)] Attack: Wrestling:: is now ARMED.

Bugbear #7 (Master) hurries up and starts to tie up Anton's hands with rope

Anton (Mario) looks up "pk, no weapon. here you go"

[Anton (Mario)] ( do we have a guess on their AC?

[Bugbear #7 (Master)] (they are wearing armor so better than nothing but not plate mail or anything like that, bits and pieces sewn together, metal and leather forming a sort of shell)

[Master] Bugbear #6 moved 8'00".

[Master] Bugbear #6 targets [Marisu]]. Distance: 1'04"

[Master] Bugbear #6 targets Kenna Westfoot. Distance: 2'04"

[Master] Bugbear #6 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 5'04"

Bugbear #6 (Master) quickly ties up Hugh

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] ANton can make another Intution check

[Anton (Mario)] (so, i have wrestling, im "wrestling" with trying to subdue #7 with a headlock or similar...

[Master] Bugbear #8 moved 6'01".

[Master] Bugbear #8 targets [Marisu]]. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Bugbear #8 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Bugbear #3 moved 9'07".

[Master] Bugbear #3 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 3'00"

[Master] Bugbear #5 moved 15'06".

[Master] Bugbear #5 targets Anton. Distance: 5'06"

[Master] Bugbear #5 targets Kenna Westfoot. Distance: 3'08"

[Master] Bugbear #4 moved 1'09".

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] OK so

[Anton (Mario)] Anton: INU check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[Bugbear #6 (Master)]

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] so you do not gain any new insight

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] when TMO comes back or Spring they can check

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] right now you target and then attack the bugbear who is tying you up

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] then we compare your to hit roll on that chart to see what type of hold or which ever you have

[mharmon9] wait really? There are six of them. You sure you wanna attack them?

[Anton (Mario)] (no one is attacking anyone. chill)

[Anton (Mario)] (reading up on wrestling)

[Anton (Mario)] (can i determine where JIlly is? is she closeby?

[mharmon9] sorry, the post two above mine made it seem you were attackiung them

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] (no clue where she is, she is definatley not visible and you can guess that the bugbears do not know where she is either )

[Anton (Mario)] (no prob, Mike, thining it all through...)

[Anton (Mario)] ok, i allow the bugbear to yie me up, nit i keep up a steady banter of chatter to distract

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] ok

[Anton (Mario)] buy*

[Anton (Mario)] but*

[Bugbear #6 (Master)] so as fo right now, Hugh is tied up, Anton is tied up, Shur and Marisu have bugbears ready to tie them up along with Kenna

[Master] I want to wait for TMO to come back at least

[Master] so he can choose what do to

[Anton (Mario)] agreed

[Master] in other Real World news Mario, a friend wants to stay near the beach, I think it should be near Las Olas as she is from NY and does not drive so needs to be near the water taxi, beach, etc.

[Master] do you have a suggestion/

[Anton (Mario)] (the bugbears did not remove my dagger, did they? nice...)

[Master] you can text me later on after you think about it

[Master] and no they did not take Anton's dagger

[Master] just the pick

[Master] he still has his dagger right now

[Master] but cannot get to it with how his hands are tied

[Anton (Mario)] i would suggest Sheraton Yankee Clipper, its at the end of the beach, but close enuf to walk to Bahia Mar fo rthe Water Taxi, and to be in the thick of it all

[Anton (Mario)] the name has changed; its the hotel Jule used to work

[Master] how expensive though?

[Master] yes I know that one

[Master] it will be over the summer

[Anton (Mario)] well, it IS Spring Break...

[Master] so after season

[Anton (Mario)] ahhhh...

[Anton (Mario)] i could check on that

[Master] her and her son, 1st grader

[Master] I have known her from when she was in high school

[Master] she is almost done with her nursing degree now

[Master] told her I would pick her up from the airport, she has NEVER driven a car

[Anton (Mario)] nice! about what dates, and for how long?

[Master] no need to in NYC

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Anton (Mario)] sure

[Master] have to find out those details

[Master] and TMO

[Master] have you read eveyrthing ?

[Master] if not then stop

[TMO] just sat down

[Master] good

[Master] so the quick thing I want you to know

[Master] you have three bugbears

[Master] ANton surrendered and let them tie him up

[Master] they tied up Hugh

[Master] make an intuition check on both Shur and Marisu

[TMO] [Shurkural]]: INU check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] there is a total of 6 bugears

[TMO] [Marisu]]: INU check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[TMO] I saw the 6 in the list when opening dice panels

Spring has joined the game on Fri Mar 25 21:26:35 EDT 2016

Spring is receiving the map Base Map...

Spring has received the map Base Map.

[Master (to TMO only)] both Marisu and Shur undertand that A the bugbears do not really speak Common, they only know a few phrases, and B they are only taking weapons visible you see that Anton still has his dagger at his belt but cannot reach it

[Master] and Hello Spring

[Master] do NOT read

[Master] stay here

[TMO] speak of the devil, was just going to ask about her

[Spring] hi hi

[Master] stay right here Spring

[Spring] i read about half of last week's session earlier

[Anton (Mario)] Hi Spring

[Spring] but i won't scroll up yet if you like

[TMO] question: those of us who were a round behind - are we tied up too? Or in the woods and not seen yet?

[Master] your choice righ tnow

[Master] is

[Spring] hi hi hello :-)

[Master] SHur and Marius are there

[Master] choice is to be tied up or resist

[Master] for Kenna the choice is

[Spring] can i see who esle is resisting?

[Spring] or already tied up?

[Master] Kenna you see six bugbears tying up your friends, Hugh is uncouncious and needs your attention, Kenna has more hitpoints right now then the rest of the group combined

[Spring] resist

[Master] will Kenna surrender with the others and keep all her spells and hitpoints

[Master] OR will she go it alone in the woods

[Spring] or fight?

[Master] SHur adn Marisu have one choice, Kenna has a different one

[Master] Kenna can join the group, be at full hit points and spells

[TMO] ok, my choice is surrender, or resist and fight now?

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] Kenna is surrender or hide in the woods and figure out what to do later

[TMO] surrender

[Master] the one point you do know is Jilly is out there somewhere, the bugbears never knew about her

[mharmon9] if you do, please heal me

[mharmon9] so i can be somewhat useful

[Spring] do i get to get a blow in and THEN surrender?

[Anton (Mario)] /yells out "Team, they dont seem to understand but simple words, and seem intimidated by large words they dont know

[Spring] sorry, that's out of character. i'm extremely grumpy right now

[Anton (Mario)] We may be able to communicate this way

[Spring] Kenna would surrender

[Master] yes to Spring you could do that if you want

[Master] but it will be Kenna against 6 bugbears by her self

[Spring] heh, that sounds fantastic, but not for Kenna

[Spring] surrender

[Anton (Mario)] They seem simple minded, can you perform a spell that will wow them or scare them?

[Master] OK

[Master] SO

[Master] everyone pause

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] maybe orison will let me sprout some little blossoms

Marisu (TMO)] They would probably just kill her if she scared them.

[Master] This is the situation

[Master] everyone is tied up

[Anton (Mario)] lolol

[Master] you are pick up and slung over shoulders

Marisu (TMO)] Oof

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oo!

[Master] if you have a small weapon like a knife or a dagger it is still on you

[Master] all other weapons, picks, swords, bows, etc. are in a sack

[Master] being carried along with you

[Anton (Mario)] Hey!! Easy on my sword there!

Marisu (TMO)] (can Kenna or Marisu cast?)

[Master] the wagon is abandone

[Master] abandoned

[Master] you are carried along for about an hour or three into the woods

[mharmon9] Question: I have two daggers. Is one confiscated and the other not, or are they both attached to me still?

[Anton (Mario)] Well, this ruined my resume as a leader

[Master] both are on Hugh

[mharmon9] sorry for inturrupting

[Master] you end up in what appears to be a Bugbear village

[mharmon9] Your doing fine buddy

[mharmon9] we aren't dead yet

[Master] you are all dumped into a circle around a fire to keep you warm

Marisu (TMO)] (that's what I was afraid of)

[Master] there are guards around you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh well that's nice)

[Master] but you can now talk if not move

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (taht they want us warm is a nice sign)

[Master] so no casting with any somatic or material component

[Master] but you can discuss and scheme

Marisu (TMO)] (or near the cook fire for convenience - you don't put your pantry on the other side of the house)

[Anton (Mario)] true

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i have diagnostics - do I see any sick looking bugbears?)

[Anton (Mario)] They seem to now only basic Common, so w can still communicate if were are careful with our words

[Master] no to Kenna

[Master] but roll on that

[mharmon9] So the wagon and horses were abondoned?

[Master] yes to Michael

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] what do i roll?

[mharmon9] %sigh

[mharmon9] poor horses

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] 20?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] LOL!

[mharmon9] Good, bad?

[Master] it is on your dice panel

Marisu (TMO)] no idea if Shocking Grasp has any components, but I suspect it has all 3

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot: Diagnostics check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] and Shocking Grasp is in the Info panel also if you go to spells

Marisu (TMO)] (actually, she's still in armor, so no casting now that we have her rules straightened out)

Marisu (TMO)] (spell data files doesn't have components listed)

[Master] no casting in armoro is correct

Marisu (TMO)] (so the point is Totally MOOT ;) )

Marisu (TMO)] moot!

Marisu (TMO)] Kenna, do you think you can heal us without attracting their attention?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] probably

[Master] every spell has a Subtely rating

[Master] to see if anyone notices you casting it

Spring is receiving the map Forest 3...

Spring has received the map Forest 3.

[Master] all Kenna needs to do is touch Hugh to give him one cure light wounds

[Master] to bring him back to conciousness

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (ah okay that's where everyone is)

Marisu (TMO)] I think it might be best to try and heal Shurkural and Anton first, then Anton. If he makes noise as he wakes up, it might attact attention.

Marisu (TMO)] Sorry, then Hugh last, not Anton.

[Master] and then you need to touch each other person

[Master] if you do not heal Hugh it will take three days for him to recover normally

[Master] if you remain tied up you will not get your spells back

Marisu (TMO)] Save at least one heal for Hugh though, so we can bring him back awake.

[Master] you can mutter and talk amongst your selves

Marisu (TMO)] We can't carry him as he is during an escape if we're able to get that far.

[mharmon9] Yes. Please don't leave me

[mharmon9] I wouldn't be too happy about that

Marisu (TMO)] (never)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks around to see where her sword is.

[Master] you think they took the bag of weapons into a large hut over to the east

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] that heals one hit point per round

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (confussed. my notes say my level +1 points to heal with)

[Master] yes

[Master] but each point is one round

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (and then i saw how many points people are down by, i don't think I can orison everybody

Marisu (TMO)] but if it's the most subtle, I think it's worth it. Gets us more hp if something goes belly up later

[Master] just need to know who is getting the points

Marisu (TMO)] I don't know the payoff on her spells to get max benefit though

[Master] 7 points going to?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (shur)

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] so one first level spell gone

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] who is this one on ?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (shur also)

[Master] remember to save one first level Cure Light Wounds for Hugh

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (that's for anton)

[Marisu]] (TMO) is watching the bugbears for signs of alertness or opportunnities to escape.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (7) - Moderately Wounded

Marisu (TMO) (to GM only)] [Marisu]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Master] Anton's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Marisu is looking around and cannot see anything from being blinded by the fire

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i have two more of those, might better wait before using them)

Marisu (TMO)] (do they seem to be nocturnal?)

[Master] the bugbears seem to have guard shifts

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Anton (Mario)] can we try to huddle together for warmth (and sneak a dagger out?)?

[Master] so Kenna has how ever many higher level spells

[Shurkural]] (TMO) wonders if once she's free she might be able to use the campfire to set fire to some buildings, by throwing a log or something.

[Master] but needs to use one first level on Hugh

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Fire-building check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (this is planning only, not doing)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (where is hugh on the map?)

[Master] the fire is not big enough for Shur to be certain, but she thinks it could be used as torches at a minimum

[Master] next to you on the wagon

[Master] but you just cast and tell me what you want

[Master] I will make it happen

[Marisu]] (TMO) will try to help Hugh stay quiet when he wakes up.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=3] -3 points.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (10) - Massively Wounded

[Master] so Hugh is awake

[Master] councious, walking wounded

Marisu (TMO)] Shhh....

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] shh

[Master] cannot do anything but talk until tomorrow

Marisu (TMO)] Go ahead and give him more, so he can walk if we can get out of here.

[Master] then tomorrow he can take more healing

[Master] cannot take anymore healing until tomrorow

Marisu (TMO)] (oh, nevermind.)

[Master] he can walk, shuffling barely make it on his own sort of invalid

Marisu (TMO)] (that's problematic)

Marisu (TMO)] (how do you feel about being dragged?)

[Master] but in the morning he can run with the rest of you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] how much other healing can Kenna do before night fall ?

[Master] who is that on?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hugh)

[Master] no

[Master] he cannot take anymore

[Master] someone else

Marisu (TMO)] (gotta be one of us others)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh i misunderstood)

[Master] remember Hugh was 1 point away from being dead,

[Master] pining for the fjords

Marisu (TMO)] ex-Hugh

[Anton (Mario)] lol

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (i think shur is still the lowest among the rest)

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (7) - Moderately Wounded

[TMO] (depends on how you count. everyone can use some)

[mharmon9] lol

[Master] and now any second level or higher you want to do or you could save those for a potential escape?

[Master] now everyone is awake and can talk

[Master] debate what do to

[Anton (Mario)] they think we are weaponless and pose no threat

[Anton (Mario)] lets huddle closer together for warmth

[Anton (Mario)] and see if we can find a dagger amongst each other

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smirks at Anton. "Huddle together for warmth? I've heard that one before, sugar."

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i have my digging knife but it is not sharp

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it is for getting roots out of the ground

Anton (Mario) bluushes "no for real this time"

Shurkural (TMO)] I've got a dagger still. (did they take her short sword?)

[mharmon9] i have two daggers if you go through my holster

[mharmon9] but please don't lose my courier knife

[Anton (Mario)] i have one

[mharmon9] if'ts very important to me

[Master] yes to losing the short sword, the magical pick, the bow

[Master] anythign larger than a knife or dagger

Marisu (TMO)] So we've all got a knife still. Has.. anyone seen Jilly?

[mharmon9] I also have a garotte

Bugbear #4 (Master) grunting

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] moves around tying everyone together into a long lead line

[Shurkural]] (TMO) nods to the side. "I think they took our stuff into that building over there."

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] ankles tied together

[mharmon9] ask them if the've seen a unicorn around here

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] wrists tied together

[Anton (Mario)] lol

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] a lead rope through all of them

Shurkural (TMO)] (maybe it's their mascot)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] looks like we are going somewhere

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] keeping you out in the open, in the middle of the small village,

[mharmon9] I hope they don't drag me

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] pulls the rope tight

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] then ties it to a bell on the side of a hut

[Anton (Mario)] so weve been all shooshed together?

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] yes

[Anton (Mario)] smushed

Shurkural (TMO)] We move too much, that bell rings.

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] you can talk and maybe just maybe pass things back and forth but exactly

[Bugbear #4 (Master)] TMO has it

Shurkural (TMO)] I wish Ilero were here. He'd be able to get out of this no problem.

[Anton (Mario)] lets constantly fall, so the bell just means were tired...

[Master] and Shur as the oldest Dragonslayer can make a Knowledge check

[Anton (Mario)] we cannot stand forever

[Master] you are all sitting on the ground

[Anton (Mario)] ahhh

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

Shurkural (TMO)] O_O

Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur made an Intelligence-based check????)

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur knows the story of Indigo, and how he was a slave of bugbears, and Branwyn rescued him as he was being sold to the man in the red cloak

[mharmon9] Am i consios now? Or am I still pretty much dead.

[Master] yes to Michael, Hugh is awake

[Master] able to talk

Shurkural (TMO)] (and almost dead)

[mharmon9] okay

[Master] but not do much of anything else

[mharmon9] can i walk?

[Master] exactly TMO

[Master] no to Hugh

[mharmon9] So useless

[mharmon9] okay

[Master] you are tied at the ankles and at the wrists

Shurkural (TMO)] (until morning, then you can get more healing)

[Master] if you were not tied up yes you could walk but not run

[mharmon9] Can I write?

[Master] not with your hands behind your back

[mharmon9] Oh, my pack is probably still back at the wagon

Shurkural (TMO)] Alright. Indigo got captured by bugbears once. They tried to sell him as a slave. But that was back home. Wonder if these guys are like that?

[mharmon9] nevermind

[mharmon9] sorry

[Master (to TMO only)] you can also guess that Jilly knows those stories as well

[mharmon9] Seruosly, we should see if they know about univorns. Certainly couldn't hurt at this rate

[mharmon9] were screwed at every turn haha

[Shurkural]] (TMO) chuckles. "They barely speak common. Not sure we can make 'em understand us."

[mharmon9] Horsey with horn?

[mharmon9] Who's a good bugbear

[Master] Does Kenna have comprehend languages?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) nods. "Maybe. Can't hurt to try."

[mharmon9] I have linguest but...

Shurkural (TMO)] (Marisu has it in her spellbook, but not memorized)

[mharmon9] I don't speak bugbear I don't think

[Master] Spell Book is back at the wagon

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (no, kenna doesn't have comprehend languages)

[Master] or scrolls as the case may be as that is what her spell book actually is

[mharmon9] Do they speak a certain dialect bob?

[mharmon9] There own thing?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (did the bugbears go into thet huts?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (or are there guards still out?)

[Master] yes to Michael, they have their own goblinoid language

[mharmon9] oh. so W.comm is probably a no go

Shurkural (TMO)] (who is closest to the hut and bell?)

[Master] and yes most are in the huts for the night but there are guards walking around

[Master] roll a d6 TMO and we will count off alphabeticlally

Shurkural (TMO)] [1d6]

[Master] Time of Day: 08:34 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 27th, 1266 TGR.

Shurkural (TMO)] (1d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Master] so that would be Anton closest

Marisu (TMO)] Anton, think you can sit on the rope or hold it still so us moving around back here doesn't ring that bell?

[Anton (Mario)] ill pull on iy with all my might

[Master] need to make a dex check

[Anton (Mario)] it

[Anton (Mario)] Anton: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] so ANton manages to twist his back to the bell and hold onto the rope pulling it tight between him and the bell

[Anton (Mario)] i have a good grip on it now

Marisu (TMO)] What do you think our chances are of someone being able to sneak into the hut with our gear?

[Master] well right now you are all tied up together so ZERO

[Anton (Mario)] Lets get loose first. can we get to a weapon to cut us free?

[Master] grins

Shurkural (TMO)] I know a bit about sneaky in the woods, but I ain't sure if I can in here.

[mharmon9] That's my specialty

[mharmon9] buty i'm almost dead

[mharmon9] sooo

Marisu (TMO)] Before we try to cut loose, we should decide what we're going to do once we are loose.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i am willing to feel about someone for a dagger

[Master] (Marisu has a good point)

Marisu (TMO)] So that we can move quickly.

[Master] (and I like the idea of Kenna feeling people up)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (she'd blush)

Marisu (TMO)] (Hugh probably can't sneak in his current state)

[Master] no

[Anton (Mario)] (um, thats not my dagger...!!!)

[Master] lol

Marisu (TMO)] Or should we wait until morning, when Hugh has had time to recover more?

Marisu (TMO)] Getting loose is no good if we have to leave him behind.

[Anton (Mario)] i think we should cut loose, but remain until an opportunity arises

[Anton (Mario)] if they move us later and were still tied, weve lost the chance

[mharmon9] *Sigh* Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. If you need to leave me behind, I understand

Marisu (TMO)] True, but if they move us and discover we aren't tied anymore...

[mharmon9] I wont even feel bad

Marisu (TMO)] Hush, Hugh. Don't talk silly.

[Anton (Mario)] were infinitely bttwe off able to defend ourselves than tied up

Marisu (TMO)] We're not leaving you.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] we definitely do not leave you behind

[Anton (Mario)] then we fight, or run

[Master] to be clear you are in a small fortified village, about 6 huts a small pallisaide around the outside, an opening but no gate, just poles across the opening

[mharmon9] Wehlp, I probably wont be much use against god knows how many of them are here, so we probabyl should run or figure something else out

[Master] anyone want to make an intuition check for the number here?

[mharmon9] Sure

[mharmon9] if thats feasable

Marisu (TMO)] Hugh, in case we do get into trouble, look around and see if you can find a place to hide safely.

[Anton (Mario)] chances are we are here inuntil first light at least

[mharmon9 (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hugh D'Ambray modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[mharmon9] Hugh D'Ambray: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Hugh thinks there are (3d12+6) [3d12=9,8,11] 34 bugbears in the area

[mharmon9] Holy smokes

[mharmon9] we aint fighting

[Anton (Mario)] um, staing tied up sounds wonderful

Marisu (TMO)] I think we have to wait until Hugh is more recovered to try anything. And maybe if we're quiet they'll relax their guard some.

[Anton (Mario)] agreed

Shurkural (TMO)] Village, I was afraid of that.

[Master] anyting else that Kenna wants to cast before going to sleep?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] pity none of them is sick

[Anton (Mario)] who knows a scary campfire story?

[mharmon9] there once was a place where it never rained. The end

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (can't think of anything)

Shurkural (TMO)] (this one time, a group was captured by bugbears....)

[Anton (Mario)] "20 ants come flooding out of a hole..."

[Master] any 2nd or 3rd level healing to do?

[Master] and yes you should talk about last week now

[Master] that everyone is here you can go over tactics you used, choices made, etc.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh right)

[Master] good things to talk about before your next battle

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Anton. Distance: 5'11"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against Anton: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=5] -6 points.

Marisu (TMO)] Save one spell to save someone in an emergency, but otherwise I think you should get us as healed as possible. Oh, Hugh will need some tomorrow. Save some for him.

[Anton (Mario)] i do have to go at 1030, in about 8 minutes

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against Anton: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[Anton (Mario)] Bless the heavens for you, Miss Kenna

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Anton.

Marisu (TMO)] (last week we got swarmed by ants - none of us could hit anything)

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets [Marisu]]. Distance: 4'02"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against [Marisu]]: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=8] -9 points.

[Master] the tomorrow spells are for tomorow nothing saved tonight unless you are planning an escape

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (so i'll save the last two

[Master] Anton's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (13) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] [Marisu]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (9) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Spring I would only save them if you plan on attempting an escape

[Master] otherwise use them

Marisu (TMO)] (we're not going to recover our spells overnight, so those 2 spells *are* tomorrows spells)

[Master] as you will get full spells in the morning

[Master] you will get your spells in the morning

Marisu (TMO)] (you said above we wouldn't if we were tied up)

[Master] IF you cooperate

[Master] you all lay out and sleep

[Master] do not tug on each other, etc.

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 3'06"

Marisu (TMO)] (roll over at the same time)

[Master] but one person screws up and no one gets spells

Marisu (TMO)] (synchronized sleeping)

[Master] PLUS Marisu does not get spells anyway with no spell books around

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against [Shurkural]]: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=7] -8 points.

[Anton (Mario)] lol

[Master] she is stuck with what she has memorized until she recovers her books or makes new ones

[Spring] All targets for Kenna Westfoot removed.

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (8) - Lightly Wounded

Marisu (TMO)] (she'd have to lose the armor to cast it anyway)

Marisu (TMO)] (sweet!)

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Anton. Distance: 5'11"

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Anton.

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot targets Anton. Distance: 5'11"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against Anton: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=4] -5 points.

[Master] Anton's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (5) - Lightly Wounded

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (okay that's it. )

[Master] OK

[Spring] Kenna Westfoot no longer targets Anton.

[Master] so Mario if you have to leave

[Master] any last words before you do?

[Master] and do you want to call it an early night and stop here

[Master] so you can debate and discuss on the site

[Master] then we pick up again in the morning?

[TMO] is everyone going to be here next week?

[Master] plus Mike will be in

[Master] unknown right now what is up with Sere

[Anton (Mario)] i will have a hsort night next week, going to DC followinf Saturfay morning

[Master] I will discuss with him

[Master] could be tied up with you all

[Master] or could be alone in the woods

[Master] or could be with Jilly

[Master] no one knows

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i think i will be here next week

[Anton (Mario)] good night all!!

[TMO] bringing in the 7th Cav would be nice

[mharmon9] Night!

[TMO] cya!

[Master] so Spring, TMO and Michael

Mario has left the game on Fri Mar 25 22:30:04 EDT 2016

[Master] as it stands you are not being actively harmed by the bugbears

[Master] as long as you go along with what they tell you to do

[Master] which is be quiet and sleep

[Spring] aw, missed saying good night to Mario

[Spring] i guess i will do that

[Spring] play nice, i mean

[mharmon9] Yep, me too. Btw Bathroom brb

[TMO] yes, we're too outnumbered at the moment

[TMO] but our goals are: get untied, get weapons, get out. Weapons is the most optional one, but I'm not sure how optional.

[mharmon9] In the end. Weaposn are replaceable, lives are not

[Spring] i still like the idea of asking

[TMO] Shur really really really doesn't want to leave her sword behind.

[mharmon9] But hopefully we will get them back

[mharmon9] Then we will get it back

[mharmon9] one way or the other

[Spring] "do you know where is a unicorn?"

[mharmon9] but for now. Sleep righnt?

[Spring] very simple sentence

[TMO] right

[mharmon9] I like asking that spring

[mharmon9] thanks

Shurkural (TMO)] Huddle and cuddle up folks!

Shurkural (TMO)] And sure, go ahead. Can't hurt, right?

Shurkural (TMO)] Unless they start beating us. Then it'll hurt.

Shurkural (TMO)] //me grins.

[Spring] heh

[Shurkural]] (TMO) spoons up next to whoever is next to her.

[Spring] snore time

[Master] I will have SPring roll a d20

[Spring] okie

[Master] 15 or less and she gets a full nights sleep

[Spring] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=13] 13

[Master] there you go

[Spring] hey!

Shurkural (TMO)] (yay!!!!)

[Spring] kenna feels so invigorated

Shurkural (TMO)] (that might be higher than anything we rolled to hit vs the ants. ;) )

[Master] Time of Day: 07:52 AM. Day 28 Fin ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 28th, 1266 TGR.

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so

[Spring] i haven't finished reading that yet

[Master] I am tempted to stop right here

Shurkural (TMO)] (it was ugly)

[Spring] where i left off, it was looking really bad for everyone

[Master] and yes

[Master] TMO you can explain to Spring just how bad it got

Shurkural (TMO)] (If Spring can heal us before the bugbears come for us, then let's get that out of the way. But if RP is first on the list, wait for players)

[Master] out of character

[Spring] kenna is fresh out of healing

[Master] Kenna has full spells again

[Spring] derp

[Spring] i am so tired, i can't think in realtime

[mharmon9] Please make me not dead anymore. That would be cool

[Master] but first

[TMO] Yes, make Hugh not-dead. We like not-dead Hugh

[Master] TMO and Micheal explain to SPring how you got here

[Master] from Kenna falling into a ravine to being captives in a bugbear village

[TMO] Lordy. Bob left half the ants on the other side of the river from us.

[TMO] Anton dashed across and pulled Kenna back. Hugh tried to roll a boulder down on some, but missed (a recurring pattern for the night)

[mharmon9] I wan't really really here for the ant part, but after that. We got captured by bug bears and brought here

[Spring] did the bugbears scare off the ants or something?

[TMO] we fell back and kept fighting, but kept losing hp. After Hugh fell, we grabbed him and ran for our lives.

[TMO] they all gave up but one, and we nearly got killed some more just fighting that one single solitary ant.

[Spring] oh so that was ant damage

[TMO] everything was ant damage.

[Spring] whoa

[TMO] bugbears didn't do anything but show up and tie us up.

[TMO] without a fight

[Spring] wow

[TMO] and it was only half the ants Bob thought was a fair match for us. And he lett them stop chasing us when we ran.

[Spring] which is saying a lot. i saw their move rate in the chat

[Spring] the could easily have surrounded

[TMO] they were cold and sluggish

[mharmon9] which probably meant bob took pity on your souls

[TMO] darn straight he did

[TMO] All Hail Merciful Bob!

[Spring] heh

TMO genuflects.

[Master] and there is your quote for the adventure, grins

[mharmon9] So, if I beg Kenna. Will you please make me not so useless?


[TMO] I'd miss seeing Marisu's future if these two got killed. But I enjoy making characters.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] right!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] wait

[Master] only the first one

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh shoot

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (7) - Heavily Wounded

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (well you can be 7 points less dead)

[Master] and then we roll to see if you attract attention

[mharmon9] Well, that's something

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=7] 7

[Master] and yes

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] rats

[mharmon9] uhg

[mharmon9] really

[Master] So Kenna can go back and add that second spells back

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] hi there!

[Master] but Hugh does have those hit point

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] hi guard

[mharmon9] well, hopefully they dn't make me dead to replace the healing

[Master] and a bugbear SMACKS Kenna on the back of the head

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] ow!

[Master] to stop her

[Master] before she can cast again

[mharmon9] so... I don't get hitpopinjts

[Master] you got those 7 points for Hugh

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (it's enough to run with)

[mharmon9] is it bob?

[Master] the bugbears tied everyone up

[Master] they separate you now

[Master] put a bit of rope between each of you

Shurkural (TMO)] (yes yes... it's enough to run with once we get ourselves loose)

[Master] so you cannot reach each other

[Master] Anton, Marisu, Hugh, Shur, Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i am sorry, i just wanted him to feel well

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] he was hurt by ants

[Master] the Bugbear guard grumbles at you

Marisu (TMO)] It's fine, Kenna.

[Master] retying each of you up

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i would help you if you were hurt by ants

[Master] making sure your hands are tied and ankles are tight

[Master] you could hop perhaps but not hobble or walk

[Marisu]] (TMO) acts like her ropes are too tight and are hurting her.

Marisu (TMO) (to GM only)] [Marisu]]: Acting check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[mharmon9] now that we are sperated, are we each tied to the bell?

[Master] it is daylight

[mharmon9] derp

[Master] the one that tied up Marius JERKS on the rope to make it tighter

[Master] you are sitting on the ground

Marisu (TMO)] Ow!

[Master] hands tied behind your back

[Master] ankles tied tight together

[mharmon9] yeah, i don't think they have good intentions. We need to book it

[Master] each separated now from each other

[Master] with many more bugbears wandering around the center of the village

Marisu (TMO)] (apparently she either rolled *really* badly, or there's a situational penalty. ;) )

[Master] occasional glances at you

[Master] (really badly, grins)

[Master] but you are in the middle

Bugbear #8 (Master) shouting

Marisu (TMO)] (so nice having an 17 skill in something and roll a 20 ;) )

[Marisu]] (TMO) goes over trying to use a cantrip to loosen her knots.

[Bugbear #8 (Master)] When they get here with the next batch of slaves we will move them all out to the river, keep them tied up and apart, they are sneaky, pay attention, or the boss will have your heads

Marisu (TMO)] (she doesn't actually cast the cantrip, but tries to figure out IF she can, and HOW she can)

[mharmon9] this is getting old

Marisu (TMO) (to GM only)] [Marisu]]: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Master] and I think that is a good place to stop for the night

[Master] as far as doing things tonight

[Master] you can still talk and debate and scheme

[Master] out of character

[Master] but next week we can see where Mike is with Sere to help you

[Master] or if she is here in the group with full spells to help you escape

[Master] and or what ever happens

Marisu (TMO)] (both would be helpful)

[Master] Jilly and Sere are out there

[Master] depends on how long you are kept here in the village

[Master] hard to take on a full village, wry grin

Marisu (TMO)] (time enough for Indigo to come to the rescue? ;) )

[mharmon9] well, i'm rung out from this. I think i'm turning in. Just one night I would like to actually accomplish something. Not that we didn't do stuff, but man. No dragon. It's an illusion, then demons that keep on coming, then no uniconr. One of these adventures we need to just roll good because this sucks. I'll see you guys next week. I really need to think how were going to get out of this with me almost dad

[Master] LOL

[mharmon9] lol

[mharmon9] not dad

[mharmon9] dead

[Master] have a good week Michael

[mharmon9] Peace y'all

[Master] add comments on the site

Marisu (TMO)] (cya!)

[Spring] gnite!!

mharmon9 has left the game on Fri Mar 25 22:54:43 EDT 2016

[Spring] me too, gnite everyone

[Master] night Spring

Spring has left the game on Fri Mar 25 22:54:54 EDT 2016

[Master] so it was better than I thought it might turn out

[Master] no TPK

[Master] and a chance to be rescued

[TMO] oh, the day is still young. You might still get your TPK. ;)

[Master] if LIsa reads this and responds on the site then you have the chance for her to use the crystal ball to check on you, etc.


[Master] it is the day after the Feast of the Basket now

[Master] LOL is that Marisu casting a dream spell?

[Master] there is a message spell for priests

[Master] it goes for miles

[TMO] Hah. the only spell she has still memorized is Shocking Grasp. She used the other two before we realized the Armor Paradox.

[Master] not sure if that long

[Master] so she can use that if they strip her of armor

[TMO] yep

[Master] to make her more vulnerable

[Master] a very intersting twist on the unicorn hunt

[Master] chuckles

[TMO] 1d8+5 hp - might kill a bugbear

[TMO] they're 2HD iirc

[Master] maybe

[Master] 3

[TMO] ah. unlikely

[Master] but with 34 of them

[Master] a few will be weaker than others

[TMO] yes - she'll target the children!

[Master] LOL

[TMO] that will make them all run away! Right?

[Master] you need a plan for the slave auction

[Master] keep everyone together for a day or two

[Master] then pair up with the other captives

[Master] etc.

[Master] classic story

[Master] that you stumble upon trying to do a totally different classic story

[TMO] Are slaves a thing in any of the civilized countries around here? Or are only pirates and the like buying?

[Master] they are a thing

[Master] it is legal in Drillian

[Master] Greeks use slaves

[Master] they beleive in treating them well

[Master] actually Blackwater considers them indentured servants

[TMO] Excellent. Maybe Marisu can find a civilized buyer for the whole group.

[Master] they could in theroy earn they way to freedom

[Master] and yes

[Master] lots and lots of alternatives

[Master] only ends in a TPK if an armed rescue or breakout goes badly

[Master] but it will be a very crazy ending to the adventure no matter what

[TMO] Shur losing her sword, Marisu losing her spell scrolls... ick.

[TMO] and her horse

[Master] the horse is back in the City

[Master] you did not bring her

[TMO] thought she rode it

[Master] you brought a cart horse for the wagon

[Master] you will have to double check

[TMO] in my head she was riding Zephyr. But not sure what was said. Zephyr wouldn't have been pulling the wagon.

[Master] but yes weapons in the bugbear village, wagon in the woods with your spell stuff

[Master] and Hugh's goods, and Kenna's etc.

[TMO] alright, gotta put daughter to bed

[Master] have created at least two or three new story arcs to go recover everything

[Master] night

[Master] will log out

[TMO] is your patent guy back at work yet?

[Master] have a great week

[Master] on Monday yes

[Master] give a call

[TMO] cool

[TMO] will do

[TMO] ttyl

[Master] have a great night

[TMO] you too

TMO has left the game on Fri Mar 25 23:04:51 EDT 2016

XP awarded