Main / Mar2610

Mar 26 10 - Green Acres

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Tue Mar 23 14:37:38 EDT 2010 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 26 10:02:17 EDT 2010 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 26 15:34:12 EDT 2010 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 26 17:31:23 EDT 2010 ====

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 17:37:56 EDT 2010

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I am the Klooge stalker!!

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 18:51:42 EDT 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map.

[Kaz] Hey there Lisa!

[Lisa] Hi!

[BOB] nudged Beth already, she is with a customer but will try to log in in a while

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] No Mike or John

[Lisa] Question about Indigo fighting so I don't screw this up later...

[BOB] ask away

[Lisa] He gets two hits like Kristelle?

[BOB] and we can always correct later on

[BOB] yes

[BOB] he has two short swords

[Kaz] don't make the mistake I was making, Lisa.

[BOB] so he gets two attacks every round

[Lisa] can be two on same person or one on two people

[BOB] PLUS every other round he gets a third attack

[BOB] because he is specialized with the short sword

[Kaz] Do one attack, see if it hits, see how much damage it does.

[BOB] and Kaz is right with that

[Kaz] THEN decide what to do with the second attack.

[Kaz] I wasted several attacks. :(

[BOB] and you have forgotten to roll for your knockdowns as well

[Lisa] over kill? :)

[Kaz] I don't know what you're talking about, Bob. Knockdowns?


[BOB] every time you attack, you roll a knockdown die

[BOB] Lisa does not know this either

[BOB] your short sword has a D6

[Kaz] it's the first time anyone has said anything about that to me.

[Lisa] where is that on dice panel?

[BOB] you roll that and if you get above a certain number you have a chance to knock the opponent over

[BOB] he makes a save, if he fails is prone and unable to fight that round, will have to take an action to stand up

[BOB] it works against you too

[BOB] and on the dice panel you just roll the d6

[Lisa] so before you attack?

[BOB] after I am set with adventure stuff going to work on that to make it more automated

[Kaz] what about long sword?

[BOB] no when you roll Damage

[BOB] Long Sword is a d8

[Lisa] so you have to hit to get a knockdown

[BOB] Man sized creatures only get knocked down on a 7 or higher

[BOB] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] creature could not be so scared that sword is flying around he just falls over?

[BOB] and because short swords only do a d6, I have nto rolled it against you

[Lisa] :)

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] but there are monsters coming up

[BOB] that might be abel to

[BOB] and you can knockdown others

[Lisa] so after hit but before damage


[BOB] yes to lisa after hit and either with before or after damage

[Lisa] I want answers - not links!

[BOB] laughs

[Lisa] combat is stressful - sorry just want to make sure I have it right

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 8'09".

[BOB] ] Indigo moved 9'08".

[BOB] ] Miranda moved 16'00".

[BOB] ] Imari moved 6'07".

[BOB] I hear you

[BOB] and you shoudl always call a time out

[Lisa] I have to pick spells for the day

[BOB] for any explinations


[BOB] grins

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] have somethign for you on that

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 271.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 3556.

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] when you go to memorize your spells in the morning

[Lisa] yes

[BOB] you see a piece of parchment wrapped around your spell book, with a sigil written on it, some sort of magical something,

[BOB] you can tell that it is in Hystille's writing

[Lisa] what's a sigil?

[BOB] a magical mark

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and it causes my spell book to disintegrate?)

[BOB] nope

[BOB] well at least not yet

[BOB] just wrapped shut right now

[Kaz] Wow, she's already hip to your tricks, Bob

[BOB] wry grin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (trying to practice paranoia after last week)

[Kaz] wise woman, you learn quickly

[BOB] what do you want to do about this?

Branwyn (Lisa)] seeing the Court Mage's handwriting on the parchment, she slipps it off her spell book and begins to read it

[BOB] it stays on the book

[BOB] can not budge it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Jeez!)

[BOB] but it says, See Me in the Morning

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] make a knowledge check

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Someting wrong, Branwyn?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't seem to open my spellbook. I'm going to have to see the Court Mage

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Kristelle (Kaz)] He messed around with your spellbook? How rude.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He left a note. He probably wants me to pay for my training

[BOB (to Lisa only)] you can guess that he placed a Lock spell on your book, the opposite of Knock

[BOB] and yes that is a very good guess

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, let me know if you need me for anything.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 4th, 338 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will go see him right away or we shall have no magic

Kristelle (Kaz)] nods

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I shall be here.

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] How good to see you this morning, I do hope you slept well?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I did. Thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my spell book

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] a simple precaution on my part

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I will unlock that for you momentarily

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you not trust me?

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I simply want to be sure that you will remain in the area until you repay me

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I trust you or I would not have taught you, nor let you walk off with that spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are under contract to Lord Mosskin and I have a debt to you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would not betray either of you

Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] waves a wand over Branwyn's spell book and the parchment opens up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I do not believe you would My Dear

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] but I do want to keep an eye on you,

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] to make sure you do repay me

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] things to slip through the cracks sometimes,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You have never mentioned the terms of your tutalege

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I have something that I want you to retrieve for me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That seems simple

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] fortunately it is local

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] or they are

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I realize it might take you a bit of time to achieve this

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] so I wanted to teach you first

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] to make you better prepareed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What do you seek, Sir?

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] It is very simple

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I want you to bring me back a Gremlin

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] there is a local farmhouse that is invested with them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A live gremlin or a dead gremlin?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((He wants a car? They're not even cool cars! What a geek.))

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I would prefer a live one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol!!))

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] if you can not procure it anyother way we can find another way to fufill the remaining portion of your debt to me

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I do not want to be honerous

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] but I do hope you will not travel too far or leave the Estates until you provide me with this

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we can manage one gremlin

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] thank you

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] and I will refrain from locking your spell book again this week

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Does it need to be in perfect health? Or it it was slightly injured would that be acceptable?

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I would imagine you will have a hard time keeping one in perfect health

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((How big are gremlins?))

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] but they are slightly fragile so do be careful

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] (about 1-2 foot tall, winged creatures)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have a cage that I may borrow to transport it in?

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] no I am sorry I do not have any empty ones at teh moment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I shall have to find one before we go then

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] very well

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] good hunting

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] and I do hope to see you soon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. You will see me before you feel the need to lock my spellbook again

[Hystile Ungalint the Wonderous (BOB)] I give you my word i will not lock it again this week

Branwyn (Lisa)] nods and turns to return to Kristelle and Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well Kristelle I was able to get my spellbook opened

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, that's good. Why did he lock it?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I hope he's got a good excuse.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He wants me to procure a live gremlin to repay him for my training

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He didn't want me to run off or anything

[Medoro (BOB)] Hello Dragonslayers

[Kristelle (Kaz)] As if you would run off.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning Medoro!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Greetings to you (to Medoro).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am glad you have come to us. I am in need of a cage to borrow in order to provide a service to the Court Mage

[Medoro (BOB)] I have a few small tasks for you today

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you know where I might find one?

[Medoro (BOB)] as you are out riding the boundries

[Medoro (BOB)] hmmm

[Medoro (BOB)] no I can not say that I know of any cages

[Medoro (BOB)] perhaps the falconer would have one?

[Medoro (BOB)] or the Master of the Hunt

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is he in the Keep?

[Medoro (BOB)] they are out on a hunt today as it happens

[Medoro (BOB)] they should return tomorrow or the next day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((figures))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How about some rope?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Don't worry, Branwyn. There is plenty of time to get a cage tomorrow.

[Medoro (BOB)] a great stag has been sighted in the forest, and they are after it with Davida the captian of the guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is true

[Medoro (BOB)] but I came to give you news of tasks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Orders from Lord Mosskin?

[Medoro (BOB)] there is a problem on the eastern side of the estates

[Medoro (BOB)] a large bear has emerged from the forest

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Has it hurt or threatened anyone?

[Medoro (BOB)] normally not such a terrible thing, but this one has taken a liking to preying on people

[Medoro (BOB)] it ate a young woman's cat

Kristelle (Kaz)] frowns.

[Medoro (BOB)] and when she went after the cat, the bear ate her as well

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, dear. That's bad.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It will have to be put down as swiftly as possible.

[Medoro (BOB)] ues

[Medoro (BOB)] yes

[Medoro (BOB)] this happened yesterday, so we are sure it is still in the area

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We shall look for it when we are in that area.

[Medoro (BOB)] there are also some other reports

[Medoro (BOB)] to the southwest is a report of a fearsome swamp beast

[Medoro (BOB)] that turned a fisherman to stone

Kristelle (Kaz)] frowns again.

[Medoro (BOB)] and a plague of giant frogs has hit one of the southern farms

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Turned him to stone?

[Medoro (BOB)] and to the southeastern swamps a strange monster is attacking, the witness said it was a giant bird, but the body that was found was stabbed through the chest

[Medoro (BOB)] yes

[Medoro (BOB)] the fisherman was found in his skiff, it was sunk in a channel, he was a stone statue sitting there with his pole still in his hand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What sort of swamp beast can turn a man to stone?

[Medoro (BOB)] he is still there, that happened two days ago, and no one could pull him out

[Medoro (BOB)] for fear of the monster

[Medoro (BOB)] (kristelle can make a knowledge check for swamp creatures)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((so, terrain-wise.... woods, swamp, farmland, swamp))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 6!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((rolleyes))

[Medoro (BOB)] Medoro pauses, oh, and there was a old widow who comlained her house was haunted

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((It's gonna be a good night))

[Medoro (BOB)] I do not think that is really something you can solve but maybe you can talk to her?

Kristelle (Kaz)] nods to Medoro.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Of course.

[Medoro (BOB)] (that is 5 of the 12 encounters for you to tackle, grins)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Where is she located?

[Medoro (BOB)] In the Northeastern part of the Estates

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is there any task you wish us to tackle first?

[Medoro (BOB)] (and I have others that will be spontaneous in happening)

[Medoro (BOB)] No Miss Dragonslayer

[Medoro (BOB)] You know best

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right then

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Thank you, Medoro. We will check on these reports.

[Medoro (BOB)] Thank you, I do know that the Bear is the most problematic with the Guard and Master of the Hunt both gone

[Medoro (BOB)] I will let the Missus know you are out patroling and looking into things

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Of course, thank you.

[BOB] you know the basic layout of the Estates now and can figure out roughly where each of these places is

[BOB] you can pick and chose which ones you want to tackle,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We will work out a plan and take care of them. It may take more than a day, of course.

[BOB] you have the week

[BOB] you can talk about it and work your way though how ever you want

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Is there any additional information about what the swamp beasts looked like?

[BOB] no, they only found the statue of the fisherman in his skiff

[BOB] you could go there and see if there are any tracks, etc

[BOB] and the other there are the conflicting stories, of a large bird, but the body has the stab wound

[Kristelle (Kaz)] and the bird attack? There was no witness?

[BOB] when you reach that area you can talk to the locals to see what they say

[BOB] these are each 2-6 miles away from the keep

[BOB] so a short trek to each area

[BOB] no real traveling

[BOB] should be able to make it back here each night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((I have to run back to the mage again))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Okay, we shall look into the reports and take care of as much as possible.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((forgot to ask where gremlins are))

[BOB] when you get back to the Mages quarters, the door is locked

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((great!))

[BOB] he is either not in, or is not taking visitors

[BOB] when you were training it was like that, he did not let anyone interupt you two

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((my guess is either west or northwest since we are running in all different directions))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((when is Guy showing up?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Kristelle, do you have thoughts on where we should go first?

[BOB] want to deal with the bear first?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((That was my thought))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I believe we had best deal first with the bear.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Sounds good to me))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a good idea. At least the bear won't turn us into stone

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] HO THERE

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] are you here to take care of this problem?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Greetings, we are seeking a man-eating bear.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Has it recently been seen?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] bear? what bear?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] I sent for someone to help me with this mole problem

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mole problem?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] my son broke his leg falling through one of the tunnels

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] he points to the north (the brown line on the map)

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] that,

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] an dyou see a rather large pile of dirt

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] a full furrow going along

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] "Never seen such huge Moles before"

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] the tunnel size looks like it must be a giant mole over 2-3 foot long

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a rather large hole

[Kristelle (Kaz)] When did this problem start?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] Hmmm, I woudl say last week

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How many do you think there are?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] the fields started to ripple a bit

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] oh I suppose there is only one or two

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] whole place would be a mess if there was many more than that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Have you tried to take care of them yourself?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] but they ate a third of my turnip crop already

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] my son went out with a pitch fork,

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What have you done to get rid of them?

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] but it burrowed up under him and he fell in the hole

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] broke his leg

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Hmm, crafty beggar.

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] suddenly points, THERE IT IS

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] and you see the earth move a bit

[Generic Farmer (BOB)] and the back of a giant mole break the surface for a moment then back down

[BOB] ] Giant Mole #1 moved 7'10".

[BOB] and so ?

Kristelle (Kaz)] watches to see what direction the mole seems to be moving

[BOB] seems to be coming southward, with a slight curve

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Is mole inside tunnel?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((coming toward us?))

[BOB] yes you see the earth being turned over as it tunnels

[BOB] not directly for you, but through the field yyou are in

[BOB] ] Generic Farmer moved 40'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo, do you think you could fit inside the tunnel to attack this mole?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think I could do that. May I kill it?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Or bring it close enough to the surface that we could, perhaps, attack it at the same time.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That's the idea

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 97'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so can I have him enter behind the mole?)

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 10'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 58'00".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 88'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 11'06".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I can use my swords or polearm for stabbing, can't I?)

[BOB] yes, i fyou have a polearm you can use that

[Indigo (Lisa)] I will follow him and try to either kill him or bring him up

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Bill-Guisarme:: is now ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[BOB] short swords are stabbing weapons but long swords are slashign weapons

[Lisa] Indigo targets Giant Mole #1. Distance: 4'04"

Kristelle (Kaz)] watches to see if she can see the mole moving, or the ground rippling

[BOB] the ground is shaking a bit

[BOB] you can tell the mole is eating along

[Indigo (Lisa)] Attack: Goblin Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Attack: Short Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((does move silently also cover not making a lot of ground vibration when walking?))

[BOB] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 21!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] I will kill this vile beast

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=1] 20 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8).

[BOB] nicely done Kristelle

Kristelle (Kaz)] moves slowly toward the mole

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=4] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo sucks!)

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Giant Mole #1. Distance: 11'09"


[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 12'06".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((hey, that's my line!! And not about Indigo, either!))

Kristelle (Kaz)] flips her bill-guisarme to blade down, and jabs the blade into the ground.

[BOB] Kristelle can take her attack

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=12] 5. PROBABLY HITS Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((yay!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is that a medium creature?))

[BOB] small so same damage

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Bill-Guisarme: (1d10) [1d10=2] 2 added to: Giant Mole #1

[BOB] (a giant mole is still nto that big)

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Mole #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((just enought to piss it off, hehe))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ROUS)

[BOB] grins

[BOB] almost choked on my wine

[BOB] ok, so

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((sorry))

[BOB] you have it pinned for the moment

[BOB] you can make your next set of attacks,

[BOB] if you do not hit it then it can burrow deeper

[BOB] ifyou do it has to stay on the surface

[BOB] Indigo goes first he has the faster weapons

[BOB] then Kristelle

[BOB] then the Mole, they are slow creatures

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 20:12:20 EDT 2010

Beth] is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth] has received the map Base Map.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I shall try again to slay this beast

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=11] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=19] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Giant Mole #1

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((woohoo!))

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Mole #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-9) - Heavily Wounded

[Beth] Hello all. Shop has been really busy today

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((Hi Beth!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bethie! hey hon))

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((We are playing Whack A Mole))


[Beth] ((LOL))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((*snerk*))

[BOB] Ok, Kristelle's attack

Kristelle (Kaz)] pulls up the polearm and jabs down with it again

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=11] 6. PROBABLY HITS Giant Mole #1 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Bill-Guisarme: (1d10) [1d10=7] 7 added to: Giant Mole #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Mole #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-7) - Dying

[BOB] congrats

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((Beautiful!)

[BOB] the first labor is done

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

Aeiria (Beth)] catches up to the rest

Indigo (Lisa)] kicks at dead mole and comes out of the tunnel

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 13'06".

[Aeiria (Beth)] "ewwwww!"

[BOB] Now I do want to point out that you both forgot to roll your Knockdowns

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good work, Indigo!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((did not think about a knockdown in a tight tunnel - we could have?)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I didn't think about it either))

[BOB] in this case you would have failed anyway, the short sword could not and the polearm would pin him not knock him down but just want you to remember

[BOB] but yes you can knock down in most cases

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Miss Kristelle! You were brilliant

[BOB] this bear for example, etc

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((Definitely want to knock down bear!!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Indeed!!))

[BOB] anyone have observation/

[BOB] ?

[Aeiria (Beth)] definitely!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I do not.))

[Aeiria (Beth)] I think I do

[BOB] make that check

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[BOB (to Lisa only)] you hear growling coming in the tunnel behind Indigo, moles do not growl

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((well, at least one of us succeeded))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo! Get out of the tunnel!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hear growling!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 21'04".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 31'06".

Aeiria (Beth)] turns to look

[BOB] adn that part of the tunnel colapses

Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo hurries over to Branwyn's side

[BOB] you can see a shallow tunnel that the Mole left behind

[Giant Badger #1 (BOB)] SNARLS

[BOB] then retreats into the tunnel

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is no mole!

[BOB] ] Generic Farmer moved 128'11".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What the heck is going on here!

[Aeiria (Beth)] no! and Badgers are NOT nice to play with!

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] slowly cautiously approaching the group of armed people

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Farmer, you did not tell us you had a badger problem as well

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] have you seen my dog

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] (different farmer, the previous one left over the stream)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We have seen no dog.

[Aeiria (Beth)] "Dog? No, I'm sorry."

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] I heard him chasing down something in the field

[Kristelle (Kaz)] A giant mole, yes. A giant badger, yes.

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] and I know they had a mole problem over here

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] pauses

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] badger? that is bad

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Does he bark when you call him?

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] I sure hope that old Red did not get caught up with that

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] he was going after the moles I woudl recon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know Red?

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] reckon

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 28'02".

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] old Red does love to hunt,

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] and moles are easy pickins

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Red is his dog, Branwyn.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I fear for your dog, farmer.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sorry - the name bothers me

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Understandably so, but that is not the issue we are dealing with right now.

Kristelle (Kaz)] looks at the collapsed tunnel, stepping carefully.

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] if you do see my dog you will send him home to me? or send word if there is worse news?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We will, yes.

[Giant Badger #1 (BOB)] SNARL

[Aeiria (Beth)] phone

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((do we see anything like we did with the mole?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] bac k

[BOB] no

[BOB] you can see the entrance to the tunnels, they are about 3-4 foot tall

[BOB] you woudl have to crawl inside except for Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((can Indigo enter or is it completely collaped?))

[BOB] He can get in

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((he'd probably be jumped immediately))

[BOB] the colapsed part is open to the air

[BOB] where the rest is still covered up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((and you could not attack from the surgace))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((surface))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I have an idea that we need to lure the thing out, even if only partially))

[BOB] right can not attack from surface into the tunnels beyond that point

[BOB] it is colapsed because of your attacks on the mole

[BOB] is a bit of open trench right now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is the wide point the part where the entrance is?))

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps some food laid out at the entrance would draw it out?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Perhaps so.

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Badger #1 moved 2'01".

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1 moved 2'11".

Kristelle (Kaz)] throws some salt pork into the trench

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 14'10".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((do I have to do another move silently check?))

[BOB] and Indigo can report on what he saw there

[BOB] and yes if you want to move silently you have to make a new check

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=44] 44 - ROLL FAILED against 21!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((rats))

[Indigo (Lisa)] There is a system of tunnels under this farm

[Indigo (Lisa)] The badger is not right at the entrance but back a bit

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder if we could collapse the tunnel behind it

Kristelle (Kaz)] looks around for a large rock

[BOB] none

[BOB] farmland, mostly cleared

[Kristelle (Kaz)] How far back, Indigo?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I need to go back inside to tell for sure

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 2'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((send me back in please?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wouldn't ask that of you, it might attack

[BOB] Giant Badger #1 targets Indigo. Distance: 7'02"

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1 moved 1'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 1'03".

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 15. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 10).

[Aeiria (Beth)] "Please be careful!"

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1 moved 2'10".

Indigo (Lisa)] runs back out of tunnel

[BOB] (Lisa you need to update Indigo's AC for the leather you bought him)

[BOB] (shoudl be AC 8 now with that )

[Indigo (Lisa)] Creature tried to take a swipe at me!

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 5 (8).

[Indigo (Lisa)] He's about 11 feet inside from the entrance

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((thanks for the reminder, I had to fix mine, too))

[BOB] (and you get a minus 4 in the dex bonus areas as well)

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((thank you))

[BOB] natural is 10

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((Indigo?))

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Armor - AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 4 (7).

[BOB] armor is 8

[BOB] dex is 4

[BOB] so his final ac is down to 4 now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=94] 94 - ROLL FAILED against 21!!

[Indigo (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Indigo modified:

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((meh))

[Indigo (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Indigo modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -2 (null). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: -4 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 4 (10).

Kristelle (Kaz)] paces off as close as she can to about 18 feet back (7 behind the badger), then stomps forward

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 18'00".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 6'04".

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Indigo rolls a d12 for surprise

[BOB] only fails on a one

[BOB] Kristelles the same thing

[BOB] Giant Badger #1 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'00"

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=12] 12

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Kristelle (Kaz)] (1d12) [1d12=2] 2

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=6] 16

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Initiative: (d10+10++2) [1d10=10] 22

[BOB] that is wrong

[Aeiria (Beth) (to GM only)] ] Aeiria: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=4] 14

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I was gonna say...))

[Aeiria (Beth) (to GM only)] ] Aeiria: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[BOB] ] Initiative changed from 14 to 18.

[Aeiria (Beth)] oops

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how do I fix?)

[BOB] ok and roll again Lisa

[BOB] I just fixed it for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[BOB] we have to remember that for next week


[Indigo (Lisa)] (still wrong?)

[BOB] and again please

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Indigo's Init came up as Branwyn, Lisa))

[Indigo (Lisa)] sorry - that was Branwyn

[BOB] wheh

[BOB] ok, try again please

[BOB] for indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Initiative: (d10+0++2) [1d10=2] 4

[BOB] ] Initiative changed from 22 to 4.

[BOB] still bad but that is the last change I made you are actually right ow Lisa

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] Indigo targets Giant Badger #1. Distance: 0'00"

[BOB] Indigo is small and goes first almost every time

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=6] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=3] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 42'05".

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Giant Badger #1. Distance: 13'05"

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Giant Badger #1. Distance: 4'11"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 9. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 9. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4). NOTE: Not available.

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 6. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 16'03".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=4] 15 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria moved 53'03".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((sure, I wasted all my good stuff ont he mole!))

[Aeiria (Beth)] do I still have an attack now?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol! It's early yet!))

[BOB] (poor blind mole with zero attacks)

[Beth] Aeiria targets Giant Badger #1. Distance: 3'00"

Beth] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 20:49:09 EDT 2010

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((you gonna call PETA on me, Bob?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((way to make Kristelle feel better Bob!)

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 20:49:41 EDT 2010

Beth] is receiving the map Farmland 1...

Beth] has received the map Farmland 1.

[BOB] (grins, was thinking Wind in teh willows)

[BOB] you can attack still Beth

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=10] 7. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Beth] Dang!

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=17] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=10] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=5] 17 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 12. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4). NOTE: Not available.

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 12. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4). NOTE: Not available.

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 13. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4). NOTE: Not available.

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

Kristelle (Kaz)] thrusts her polearm blade at the badger

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=15] 4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Beth] ] Aeiria moved 1'04".

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=8] 9. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] ROUND: 3

[Beth] This is getting ridiculous

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((this is really sad))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((pathetic, in all sorts of ways...))

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=14] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=5] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[BOB] (it is a very tough creature to hit, it is supposed to be a long drawn out fight, )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=10] 12 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] (it gets Bonuses to its AC for being low tot he ground, etc)

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Beth] Attack: "Spear, Long":: is now ARMED.

[Beth] Attack: Long Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=6] 8 added to: Indigo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((then Indigo should get a bonus to hit - he's close to the ground, too!))

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

Kristelle (Kaz)] trying to control her anger, stabs her blade at the badger

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Bill-Guisarme: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=4] 15 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Beth] Aeiria targets Indigo. Distance: 3'01"

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Beth] ] Aeiria casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=8] -8 points.

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (8) - Unharmed

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you!!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 4

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Beth] You are most welcome, Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=18] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=6] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=8] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=2] 20 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 5. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Bill-Guisarme:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Attack: Long Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((next round, then, Bob?))

[BOB] no now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=7] 12 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=15] 4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] instead of moving you switched weapons

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((now I can miss twice in a round instead of just once!!))

[BOB] I will point out that if either branwyn or kristelle moves around you can get a rear attack with a higher bonus

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=20] -3. PROBABLY HITS Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[BOB] but you still need others on the flank to get that

[BOB] and roll again Beth

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=7] 10. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Damage v L: "Spear, Long": (1d8) [1d8=6] 6 added to: Giant Badger #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((Yay!!)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((wewt Bethie))

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Badger #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] ROUND: 5

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=19] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Giant Badger #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=10] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Badger #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((yay Henchboy!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=7] 15 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 0. PROBABLY HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Indigo

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 13. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 15. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=14] 5 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=15] 4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=2] 15. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] ROUND: 6

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=20] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Giant Badger #1

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((SWEET))

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=4] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] and that is a critical hit

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=6] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Beth] woohoo!!!

[BOB] so you get to roll again

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((shouldn't Indigo roll knockdown, too?))

[BOB] yes to knockdown, (but will fail as it is a d6 aned need a 7 or higher)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((ahh))

[BOB] but you get a fourth attack

[BOB] the first one was a critical hit

[BOB] a natural 20

[BOB] so you get a free roll again on that hit

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=11] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] if you keep getting a 20 you get to keep rolling

[BOB] ok so you do hit him the one time at least

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Badger #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-10) - Massively Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=9] 13 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Giant Badger #1

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Claw: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d4) [1d4=4] 4 added to: Indigo

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1: Attack: Bite: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-4) - Heavily Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 16 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=1] 18 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)+2) [1d20=9] 10 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Aeiria

[Beth] Indigo, I've only got two more spells... :(

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do not worry for me

[Beth] But, I don't want you dying on us.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Kill this cursed beast

[Beth] ] Aeiria: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Beth] Drat it!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 7

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=5] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=19] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Giant Badger #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Giant Badger #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Giant Badger #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-6) - Disabled

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Branwyn

[Beth] Nicely done, Indigo!

[BOB] Combat has finished.

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 21:09:33 EDT 2010

Lisa] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 21:09:54 EDT 2010

Lisa] is receiving the map Farmland 1...

Lisa] has received the map Farmland 1.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good going, Indigo!

[Beth] Finally the beast is slain!

Kristelle (Kaz)] kneels beside the beast and carefully looks it over.

[BOB] (grins, any wonder why badger are worth 4 times what a mole is in XP? )

Beth] pets the badger "nice fur"

Kristelle (Kaz)] turns to the opening and starts calling, "Red, here Red! Come on, boy!"

[BOB] no sound

[BOB] the softly a whimper

[Beth] "Come on, Red! Here, boy!"

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh,no.

Kristelle (Kaz)] crawls into the opening of the tunnel.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 3'07".

Beth] moves to the tunnel opening

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Someone drag that badger body away, please?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Red, come on boy, here Red!

Indigo (Lisa)] drags badger away from entrance

[BOB] ] Giant Badger #1 moved 7'03".

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Red, good boy! Come on Red!

Aeiria (Beth)] listens for more sound from the dog

Kristelle (Kaz)] makes a gentle clicking noise.

Indigo (Lisa)] groans a little and tries not to let anyone notice

[BOB] and you hear a bit of scraping and then a large red tick hound dog slowly crawls forward

[BOB] inching along on his belly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It's okay boy, come on

Aeiria (Beth)] whistles softly

Kristelle (Kaz)] holds out a hand toward the dog

[BOB] he emerges from the tunnel carefull

[Aeiria (Beth)] "It doesn't look good"

[BOB] dragging his rear right leg

[BOB] large gash in it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((still bleeding?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] "That'll need bound"

[BOB] not bleeding badly, but it is recent

Aeiria (Beth)] turns back to Indigo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Aeiria, please help Indigo. I'll take this dog over to his master.

[Aeiria (Beth)] "Indigo, how are your wounds? I don't want them festering.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Branwyn, please find the farmer that owns these fields and let him know that we've taken care of his problem.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am not hurt too bady

Indigo (Lisa)] trying to be brave

Aeiria (Beth)] grunts "I've heard that one before"

[Indigo (Lisa)] You have saved me once and are also a great warrior

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Indigo, you fought a fierce fight. You don't have to put on a brave face for us.

Kristelle (Kaz)] moves off, carrying the hound carefully.

[Aeiria (Beth)] I have a customer

[Aeiria (Beth)] I'll heal Indigo again in a minute

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okay))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 48'06".

[BOB] ] Aeiria casts a spell against Indigo: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=7] -7 points.

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (5) - Unharmed

Kristelle (Kaz)] approaches the farmer to whom the dog belongs

[BOB] and done for beth

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] why thank you very much Miss

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] I did not catch your names?

Indigo (Lisa)] takes Aeiria's hand and kisses it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm sorry to say Red was injured. You should have him seen to right away.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I cannot thank you enough

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are the Dragonslayers Company, currently working for Lord Mosskin.

Kaz] is receiving the map Open Forest 1...

Kaz] has received the map Open Forest 1.

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] thank you Dragonslayers

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] please stop by the house, my wife can give you somethign for your troubles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] My name is Kristelle, and I am glad your brave hound is still alive.

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] a jar of honey, or a ham or something

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] he goes off with the dog

[Generic Farmer #2 (BOB)] and you continue on towards the small bit of forest on this side of the estate

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is this the area where the bear was seen?))

[BOB] yes

[BOB] This is not the Valoris wood where Ancien lives

[BOB] this is a different bit of forest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we should stop by the farmer's house

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A jar of honey could come in handy with a bear around

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I'm not sure, this bear might prefer blood. We might be better off with the dead badger.

[BOB] (you can stop if you want, just say you do and it is done, you can decide what to take as your lure(s) )

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((honey would work for an ordinary bear, but this one seems to prefer meat. I think we should bring the dead badger and even the dead mole.))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I should like to go if you do not mind

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can do both can't we?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Of course we can do both.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The more lures we have, the better are our chances of getting his attention.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((can Indigo carry a badger? Or too big?))

[BOB] he can carry either the badger or the mole not both

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I can carry both, and he can take one when we get to the area))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((sounds good))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I also retrieve the untouched salt pork I tried to lure the badger with, to use on the bear))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Ok, so honey pot, dead mole, dead badger

[BOB] the four of you enter the forest

[BOB] Kaz I guess no Guy tonight?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((guessing not. I'll call him.))

[BOB] No worries

[BOB] let him be

[BOB] is good to have the three of you here

[BOB] let the women rule

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((and rule, we shall!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((and kick a little ass!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((two little furry asses!!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((lol!))

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 4th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] so you are fully recovered from the previous fights,

[BOB] all your fatique points recovered

[BOB] and the carcasses carried with you

[BOB] what do you want to do now?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] head wast and hunt some bear?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] east

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I'll try tracking it))

[BOB] ] Aeiria, Kristelle, Indigo and Branwyn moved 153'11".

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[BOB] ] Bear #1 moved 44'09".


[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=10] 10

[BOB] ] Aeiria [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=6] 6

[BOB] ] Kristelle [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=5] 5

[BOB] ] Indigo [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=11] 11

[BOB] ] Branwyn [1d12]: (1d12) [1d12=6] 6

[BOB] so no one is surprised on either side

[BOB] teh bear come charging out of the woods towards you with a loud ROAR

[BOB] ] Bear #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Can I take an action before the fight starts?))

[BOB] yes

Kristelle (Kaz)] throws the mole's body toward the bear.

[BOB] ] Indigo moved 12'02".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=2] 12

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 2'02".

[BOB] ] Aeiria: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=1] 11

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 7'00".

Branwyn (Lisa)] opens jar of honey

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 6'00".

Branwyn (Lisa)] tosses jar close to bear

[BOB (to GM only)] Honey Jar targets Bear #1. Distance: 0'02"

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Honey Jar moved 1'06".

[BOB] ] Honey Jar moved 1'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Initiative: (d10+0++2) [1d10=4] 6

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 6 GOING: Indigo

[BOB] so Indigo sees Branwyn run forward and then throw the honey jar

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 17'07".

[BOB] and Kristell toss the dead Mole

[Lisa] Indigo targets Bear #1. Distance: 3'03"

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=15] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Aeiria (Beth)] ok, that was my last customer of the day

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Bear #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=18] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Aeiria (Beth)] Stayed late just for her

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Bear #1

[BOB] (beth you healed indigo and I rolled Init for you)

[BOB] ] INIT: 10 GOING: Branwyn

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Bear #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-12) - Moderately Wounded

[Aeiria (Beth)] Thank you, Bob

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sory - debating spell use))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bran can hold her action if you're not sure yet want you want to do))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (( and go last in round?))

[BOB] you can chose that if you want

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((right. It's up to you, sometihng might happen that helps you decide.))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((okay - will do that))

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Aeiria

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((honestly, I would have held off on attacking, and waited to see what the bear did))

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria moved 27'03".

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Bear #1. Distance: 21'08"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Indigo is young and inexperienced))

[Beth] Aeiria targets Bear #1. Distance: 1'08"

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria: Attack: "Spear, Long": (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=6] 11. Probably MISSES Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Kristelle

[Aeiria (Beth)] drat :(

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yes, and nobody said anything - we never planned for it coming out of nowhere))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((which is, of course, why Bob did that, hehe))

[BOB] grins

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 24'10".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=6] 11. Probably MISSES Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=15] 2. PROBABLY HITS Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=10] 10 added to: Bear #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Bear #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (-10) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 12 GOING: Bear #1

[BOB] Bear #1 targets Kristelle. Distance: 2'03"

[BOB] ] Bear #1: Attack: Claw: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 12. Probably MISSES Kristelle (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Bear #1: Attack: Claw: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 4. PROBABLY HITS Kristelle (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] ] Bear #1: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 14. Probably MISSES Kristelle (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Bear #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Kristelle

[BOB] ] Kristelle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Ugh!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Grrr...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((So I can go now?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bran can go before we start the next round))

[BOB] yes

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] Bran goes now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll cast sleep on the bear and then we can quietly put it out of its misery

[BOB] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] before anyone else gets hurt

[BOB] how many hit dice does that effect?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cast time is 1)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((it's just a flesh wound!))

[BOB] ok, cast it

[Aeiria (Beth)] oh... I suppose we do have to kill it...

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Aeiria, it eats people.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And cats

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bear #1. Distance: 9'11"

Aeiria (Beth)] sighs "This is true."

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets Bear #1.

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bear #1. Distance: 9'11"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn casts a spell against Bear #1: Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=2,4] 6 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save.

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[BOB] and the bear falls asleep

[Aeiria (Beth)] "Still, it seems wrong to kill it in it's sleep."

Kristelle (Kaz)] sighs, then starts to swing her swords.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It won't even know what happened

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=7] 7 added to: Bear #1

[BOB] you can auto kills it

Aeiria (Beth)] nods sadly

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS Bear #1 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=11] 11 added to: Bear #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Bear #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-24) - Dying

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder what made it a man killer

[BOB] and just so you know, Bears, do not die at 0

[BOB] they keep on fighting till they are at -8

[BOB] was the twist to get you with

[BOB] when it kept on its feet fighting you

[Aeiria (Beth)] lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((He'll just get us some other way...))

[BOB] well the bear is dead ;)

[Aeiria (Beth)] I need to log out and go home. I'll log back in as soon as I get there.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((Sorry I did not cast sooner Kaz))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((ok Beth))

Beth] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 21:57:33 EDT 2010

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, that was a sad bit of work for us all, but necessary.

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 0'11".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I almost want to bring the bodies back to the keep, to see if the pelts are worth anything.

[BOB] you can for the mole and the badger

[BOB] the bear is too big

[Kristelle (Kaz)] will do that, then.

[BOB] if you have hunting you can try to skin them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The badger maybe

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I do have hunting, can I try to skin all three?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Moles don't have fur do they?

[BOB] very slick skin

[Kristelle (Kaz)] yes, they do

[BOB] good for boots

[BOB] and yes to Kaz

[BOB] make those checks

[BOB] just say which check is for which beast

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Hunting check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] gah, sorry

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Mole

[BOB] which is that for?

[BOB] ok

[Kristelle (Kaz)] badger

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Hunting check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] bear

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Hunting check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((does a happy dance))

[BOB] nicely done

[BOB] so you go back to the keep

[BOB] rest the night

[BOB] you have the three furs to trade

[BOB] you make (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 gp off the mole (1d10) [1d10=6] 6 of fthe badger and (2d8) [2d8=8,6] 14 off the bear pelt

[BOB] so 23 GP worth

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((not bad))

[BOB] you can keep the furs or add the coins to the party pack, your choice

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Lisa, you have any thoughts about this?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((not sure what we could do with pelts. Need a coat?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((either way is fine with me))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Brings the pelts to trade

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 5th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] Ok, so back at the keep with the pelts,

Indigo (Lisa)] pulls Kristelle aside in the morning

[BOB] rest the night

[Indigo (Lisa)] Kristelle, when we were fighting the bear, I just wanted to run in front of Branwyn and fight

[Indigo (Lisa)] Should I have done something else?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I know that I am skilled with my sword but I wish to be more knowledgeable like you are

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Well, admittedly we only brought the bodies and the honey to use as a lure. However, one or the other may have gotten the bear's attention.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] It is helpful to know your enemy, and more helpful to distract them.

Kristelle (Kaz)] grins at Indigo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You are a fine fighter, Indigo.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you

[Indigo (Lisa)] This will help me

[Indigo (Lisa)] It would give me great pain to know that I had hurt the party

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Even creatures that are otherwise the same may have a different way of fighting, or of approaching a fight.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] You hurt nothing. You are a brave young man.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And if not for you, we would probably be still there trying to beat that badger down!

Indigo (Lisa)] smiles, looks down and shuffles his feet a little, blushing

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Sometimes it is best to rush in, and sometimes it is best to hang back for a moment. After a while, you will get a feel for the best way to handle things.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I shall learn from you all and be better

Branwyn (Lisa)] yawns and joins Kristelle and Indigo

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We all can learn from each other.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good morrow, Branwyn.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning! Looks like I can open my spellbook today

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Indigo and I are on a secret mission, we will be back shortly. You be busy with your spellbook.

Kristelle (Kaz)] nudges Indigo and heads for the door.

Indigo (Lisa)] looks at Branwyn quickly then follows Kristelle

Kristelle (Kaz)] whispers to Indigo, "Let's see if we can surprise her with the cage she needs for that gremlin!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] That would be nice

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 22:16:15 EDT 2010

Beth] is receiving the map Base Map...

Beth] has received the map Base Map.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((welcome back, Beth!))

Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn goes to knock on Mage's door

[Beth] Allo

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Okay, so we're on the hunt for the cage needed, Bob, and trading the furs, too))

[BOB] ok, you can trade teh furs at the keeps tailor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((And I am going to try to get directions from the Mage))

[BOB] he will pay you for them in silver peices (you can record the GP)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okay))

[BOB] but the hunters have not returned, so the falconer is not around yet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((If he will answer the door))

[BOB] and the mage has a servant come to you Branwyn

[BOB] with a short note

Branwyn (Lisa)] takes note with thanks to servant

[BOB] pesants are such a supersticious lot

[BOB] is all it says

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good to keep in mind

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((is there anyone for Kristelle to leave a verbal message with, Bob, regarding the cage?))

Beth] reading over Branwyn's shoulder, "Huh, he can't spell either."

[BOB] ( :P )

[Beth] ((snicker))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((*snerk*))

Branwyn (Lisa)] laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one said he was a scholar

[Beth] This is true

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I still need to speak with him quickly

[BOB] the servant shakes his head

[BOB] sorry Miss

[BOB] no one is to disturb the Wonderous Hystile

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was so worried about the task of capturing a gremlim I forgot to ask where the farm was

[BOB] he told me to give you that note

[BOB] and no one else

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Servant, do you happen to know where the farm infested with gremlins is?

[BOB] blinks, gremlins Miss?

[BOB] aren't they legend?

[BOB] thoguht they were not read

[BOB] real

Kristelle (Kaz)] strolls in with Indigo.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] they are real my friend

BOB] shivers

[Beth] Unfortunately, they are very real

[BOB] I have heard they are evil creatures that weapons can not touch

[Kristelle (Kaz)] What's going on?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are talking about gremlins

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Oh, yuck.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't want to kill one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just capture one

[BOB] blinks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You shall see one soon enough

Kristelle (Kaz)] smiles

[BOB] jaw drops

[BOB] and then ducks and hurries down a hallway

Branwyn (Lisa)] smiles mischieviously

Kristelle (Kaz)] waits until the servant is out of earshot, then laughs.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Nicely done, Branwyn.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Didn't mean to scare the poor man

Beth] chuckles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] One of these days, tales of your courage and guile will make people wonder why Hysteria the Wonder Boy thinks he is special.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I still don't know where the farm is

Branwyn (Lisa)] laughs

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Why were you questioning the servant about it?

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

[Aeiria (Beth)] Is there more to this note the mage sent than meets the eye?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Becasue I still cannot get in to see the Mage

[Kristelle (Kaz)] what note?

Branwyn (Lisa)] sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I received a note from him saying to remember that the townspeople are superstitious

[Kristelle (Kaz)] That is all it said?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is all

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And that is exactly what it said?

Aeiria (Beth)] nods "Just that peasants are a superstitious lot

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Ohh

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Hmm.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I shall be back shortly, I need to find Medoro if I can.

Kristelle (Kaz)] goes back to look for Medoro.

Aeiria (Beth)] looks after her "Does she know something we don't?"

[Medoro (BOB)] Yes Miss Kristelle?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((thanks Beth! scolling frantically for right wording))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Good morrow, Medoro. I am sorry to bother you, but I have a question about one of the tasks you gave to us.

[Aeiria (Beth)] lol

[Medoro (BOB)] oh?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The widow who claims her house is haunted, is it a farmhouse, by chance?

[Medoro (BOB)] yes it is, out near an orchard of apples

[Kristelle (Kaz)] And is that all she said, that she thinks her house is haunted? Or did she specifically give any reasons?

[Medoro (BOB)] she said she thought her house was haunted, and wanted the priest

[Medoro (BOB)] but he seems to have disapeared

[Medoro (BOB)] I did not think there was anything you could do about it

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I see. Thank you Medoro, I hope there is something we can do to help her.

Kristelle (Kaz)] turns and heads back to her friends at the tower.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you thinking we should visit this house next?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Not yet, Bran.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((shouldn't Kristelle be healed since it is the next day?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where do you think we should go?

[BOB] ] Kristelle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (2) - Unharmed

[Kristelle (Kaz)] However, this is my thought: The woman thinks her house is haunted. Her house is a farm. There's a farm infested with gremlins. Gremlins are very nasty mischief makers.

[BOB] (thank you for catchgin that)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yes, thank you, Lisa!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Very true

[Aeiria (Beth)] Indeed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And if not perhaps Aeiria can use her priestly powers over the place

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Gremlins playing nasty tricks may make a widow thinkher house is haunted. Medoro said she wanted the priest to come, but the priest is nowhere to be found.

[Aeiria (Beth)] I can but try

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We should go when we have a cage, hopefully within a day or two.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wonderful! Did you find the Master of the Hunt?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] So, how do you all feel about stopping a plague of frogs?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] No, they have not returned yet.

[Aeiria (Beth)] I suppose it needs to be done

[Kristelle (Kaz)] that is why I say a day or two.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Frogs sound fine to me

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Giant frogs, no less.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will know what we are up against at least

[Aeiria (Beth)] At least they're edible, lol

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The like to jump on top of things, and squish them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The swamp creature has me a bit worried

[Aeiria (Beth)] Frog legs for dinner, anyone?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((yum!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I wonder how many people one frog would feed?

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((I haven't had frog since I was in Louisiana. miss it.)) :D

[BOB] (giant frogs are 2-6 foot long)

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((2 - 6? That's a huge difference!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((different from the bullywugs we've seen before?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] (wow! you could eat front AND hind legs on a frog that big)

[BOB] (yes they were 4-6 foot tall)

[BOB] (and bullywugs are intelligent)

[Aeiria (Beth)] (so, are we going to have to fight 4-6 foot tall creatures that can jump over our heads???))

[BOB] can jump up to 30+ feet

[Kristelle (Kaz)] The difference between giant frogs and bullywugs, aside from smarts, is that they use their tongues just like small frogs do.

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We are going to have to be very careful!

[BOB] so on that map

[BOB] the greyish stuff is water

[BOB] if you are in metal armor you can not swim

[Kristelle (Kaz)] I thought it was a farm

[BOB] it is a farm

[BOB] they raise cranberries

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I did try to confirm terrain, for exactly the reason of changing armour))

[BOB] (and you can change armor if you want right now no worries)

[BOB] and they also fish a lot

[Aeiria (Beth)] I would need to get out of this chain mail

[BOB] very boggy territory

[BOB] lots of reeds

[BOB] bushes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((also leaving behind most of the assorted foodstuffs and wineskins I've been lugging around)

[BOB] slow moving water

[BOB] yes to Kaz you can add those to the party pack if you want also

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((yes, Kaz. Ditto))

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Wealth - CHANGED: Food - assorted fruit, salt pork, veggies, filled wineskins (water and ale) -- Carried: (50 lbs worth), CHANGED: Food - assorted fruit, salt pork, veggies, filled wineskins (water and ale) -- Cached: 50 lbs worth (null). Encumbrance Totals - Armor:: CHANGED: 15 (40). Wealth:: CHANGED: 4.8 (54.8). Total Weight:: CHANGED: 68.48 (118.48).

[BOB] Lisa you set with spells for the new day?

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: 8 (5). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 7 (4).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes

[BOB] Indigo's AC does not change, just remember in the future after he gets his chain mail if you want to switch out of it back to the leather

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((okay))

[BOB] so you are in the swampy area

[BOB] advancing as you can

[Aeiria (Beth) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Aeiria modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 3 (1),

[BOB] is Branwyn the only one who can swim?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I can swim))

[BOB] very good

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((and if we had a small craft, I could guide that through the bog))

[BOB] sorry none available

[BOB] ] Kristelle moved 17'08".

[BOB] ] Aeiria moved 13'11".

[BOB] ] Indigo moved 16'07".

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 18'02".

[BOB] or which ever order you want to move in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 6'03".

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=5] 5

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=8] 8

[BOB] and that is a yes Aeiria is surprised

[BOB (to GM only)] Boobrie #1 targets Aeiria. Distance: 5'03"

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1: Attack: Beak Stab: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 4. PROBABLY HITS Aeiria (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Aeiria (Beth)] /sigh figures

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1: Damage v SM: Beak Stab: (2d8) [2d8=7,4] 11 added to: Aeiria

[BOB] ] Aeiria's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-11) - Dying

[BOB (to GM only)] Boobrie #1 targets Kristelle. Distance: 4'04"

[BOB (to GM only)] Boobrie #1 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'09"

[BOB (to GM only)] Boobrie #1 targets Branwyn. Distance: 4'04"

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1 moved 7'06".

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Aeiria (Beth)] well. that was short and sweet

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((can we bind wounds before combat?))

[BOB] ] Boobrie #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[BOB] you can on your Init

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Initiative: (d10+0++2) [1d10=2] 4

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=4] 14

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Aeiria (Beth)] ] Aeiria: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=5] 15

[BOB] and you see a very large bird, about 12 foot tall suddenly JUMP out of the reeds, STAB at aeiria with its beek, SLAMMING a hole right through her chain mail and into her chest then with a great flapping of wings starts to beat them above her, like it will carry her off

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Indigo moved 3'07".

[BOB] binding wounds is a full move action,

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((where is bird?))

[BOB] you can jsut do that

[BOB] right above Aeiria

[BOB] you can attack teh bird or bind her wounds

[Kaz] Kristelle targets Boobrie #1. Distance: 4'00"

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((was going to have Branwyn do that since she misses constantly))

[BOB] (yes is a good tactical move)

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((bird is broobrie?))

[BOB] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((got it))

[Lisa] Indigo targets Boobrie #1. Distance: 0'08"

[BOB] (celtic myth, spear fishing birds)

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=20] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!! [CRITICAL HIT Roll Again]

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Boobrie #1

[Aeiria (Beth)] I am NOT a fish

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=16] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 64 (-8) - Lightly Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Boobrie #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=18] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (-9) - Lightly Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Boobrie #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Branwyn

[BOB] wow

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((NICE GOING!!))

[Aeiria (Beth)] Nice Job!!!

Branwyn (Lisa)] hurries over and binds Aeiria's wounds

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 2'11".

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle moved 10'10".

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((technically, shouldn't Indigo and I now have it flanked?))

[BOB] no

[BOB] needs to have a front attack, then flank attacks come into play

[BOB] Klooge will let you know if you do

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=5] 12. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=4] 13. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((SERIOUSLY?))

[BOB] ] INIT: 15 GOING: Aeiria

[BOB] grins

[BOB] gurgle

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Boobrie #1

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((do I have an action? Or is all I can do is lay here and die?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] nvr mind

[BOB] you are not dying, Branwyn saved you

[BOB] at least to this point

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((can she heal herself?))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((she's unconscious))

[BOB] no after going to negatives you are walking wounded, lose all spells, etc.

[Indigo (Lisa)] ((not good))

[BOB] ] Boobrie #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 4. PROBABLY HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BOB] ] Boobrie #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Indigo

[BOB] ] Boobrie #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 7. Probably MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] oh well can not carry Indigo off

[BOB] if I can get both claws in the same round can carry off a smaller than man sized creature

[BOB] ] INIT: 4 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=18] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Boobrie #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=13] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=15] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Branwyn

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-5) - Moderately Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Branwyn moved 5'00".

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Boobrie #1. Distance: 0'10"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 2. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Pointy: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Boobrie #1

[BOB] ] INIT: 14 GOING: Kristelle

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Nice!))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=19] -2. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((surprising))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=11] 11 added to: Boobrie #1

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=18] -1. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (-14) - Heavily Wounded

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=11] 11 added to: Boobrie #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 18 (-11) - Heavily Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((sweet!))

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Boobrie #1

Beth] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:01:19 EDT 2010

[BOB] ] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[BOB] Boobrie #1 no longer targets Kristelle.

[BOB] Boobrie #1 no longer targets Indigo.

[BOB] Boobrie #1 no longer targets Branwyn.

[BOB] ] Boobrie #1 moved 17'08".

[BOB] parting shots

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((everyone?))

[BOB] as it attempts to fly away and flee

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((both swords?))

[BOB] anyone who was attacking it can attack

[BOB] with any weapons

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=1] 16. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+3)) [1d20=15] 2. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ] Kristelle: Damage v SM: Long Sword: (1d12) [1d12=3] 3 added to: Boobrie #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=17] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-3) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Boobrie #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] ] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: ((20-(d20+3))+2+2) [1d20=5] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5).

Beth] has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 23:02:27 EDT 2010

Beth] is receiving the map Marsh Area 2...

Beth] has received the map Marsh Area 2.

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[BOB] branwyn?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Attack: Pointy: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. PROBABLY HITS Boobrie #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ] Branwyn: Damage v SM: Pointy: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Boobrie #1

[BOB (to GM only)] ] Boobrie #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-3) - Massively Wounded

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Damned bird

[BOB] and bleeding heavily it wings its way into the swamps

[Kristelle (Kaz)] We must get help for Aeiria!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes

[Beth] It shoulda been dead from all the damage it took

[BOB] but that does count as being a successful mission to drive it off

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can Indigo and you carry her back to the Keep?

[Beth] blasted nasty bird

Kristelle (Kaz)] picks up Aeiria gently

[Beth] I am back at the keyboard.

Aeiria (Beth)] head flops

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((so we won't meet bird again?))

[Aeiria (Beth)] a bird that can pierce chain mail is not one I want to meet again soon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope not

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((If you were that bird, would you want to meet us again?))

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map.

[BOB] ] XP award: 366. Next level in 269.

[BOB] ] XP award: 732. Level-up!

[BOB] ] XP award: 732. Next level in 2824.

[BOB] ] XP award: 732. Level-up!

[BOB] smiles

[BOB] yes that counts as defeating it

[BOB] and no, it is a nasty thing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ((good))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((whee))

[BOB] killed a character once outright

[BOB] the last time I used one

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((they rarely attack humanoids...))

[Aeiria (Beth)] would have killed me outright, if I couldn't have been bandaged

[BOB] nods

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((only in your world, Bob...)) :-D

[BOB] now Aeiria and Kristelle can roll for their next hit points,

[Aeiria (Beth)] indeed :p

[BOB] etc

[BOB] to level up

Lisa] is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa] has received the map Base Map.

[Aeiria (Beth)] what do I roll? been so long since I went up a level I've forgotten

[BOB] d8

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((can I use the best roll of three? *flutters eyelashes))

[Aeiria (Beth)] LOL

[Kristelle (Kaz)] (1d10) [1d10=7] 7

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((hey, it was worth a try!!))

[Aeiria (Beth)] (d8) [1d8=5] 5

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 22 (15).

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] and you can check your THAC0 etc

[Aeiria (Beth)] lol

[BOB] ok, so back at the keep

[BOB] mid day on the 5th

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I wouldn't know what to do with my THAC0 if I studdied for years.))

[Kristelle (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 9000 (4500). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 22 (15).

[BOB] you have solved 4 of the 12 labors already

[BOB] very good work for one night

[BOB] and only 2 days gone by

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((go, us!!))

[Aeiria (Beth)] ((I'm with you, Kaz))

[BOB] going to guess that you want to rest at this point, and next week start in the morning?

[Aeiria (Beth)] I still don't really understand the Thaco

[Aeiria (Beth)] yes

[BOB] it is on the site

[Aeiria (Beth)] I get a chance to heal

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((yes, Bob. ))

[BOB] it only advances every couple of lvels for you

[BOB] Aeiria can rest this afternoon in her uncouncious dream state, :)

[Aeiria (Beth)] Ok, I gotta go cook dinner. See you all later :D

[Aeiria (Beth)] lol, yes

[BOB] and in the morning can take more healing to bring her back to normal

[BOB] waves

[BOB] have fun

[Aeiria (Beth)] toodles, all!

[Kaz] ((good night Bethie!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bye!

[Kaz] *hugs*

Beth] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:14:57 EDT 2010

[BOB] oops

[BOB] roleplayer of the night?

[BOB] meant to ask before she left

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Kaz

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Tracking -- Modifier: +1 (+0). Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Move Silently -- Total (% - w/modifier): 27 (21), CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Total (% - w/modifier): 20 (15),

[BOB] ok

[BOB] that settles it

[BOB] Lisa does get mroe votes now

[BOB] Lisa the XP awards work in shares

[BOB] and anytime we vote on things it works the same way

[BOB] Branwyn (and Kristelle) both earn 2 shares

[BOB] Indigo earns 1 share

[BOB] so tonights combat stuff

[BOB] he earned half as much as Branwyn

[BOB] but to also give credit for running the extra characters

[BOB] during any voting issues

[Branwyn (Lisa)] even though he did much more

[BOB] votes count as shares

[BOB] so Lisa gets 2 +1

[BOB] Kaz gets 2

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am lost but will nod anyway

[Kaz] okay, I can't find the stuff for THAC0

[BOB] voting for player of the night for example

[Kaz] sorry, I missed a bunch here. Reading up.

[BOB] or voting who gets to keep a particular magic items


[BOB] there you go Kaz,

[BOB] all the combat things are in chapter 3

[Kaz] thank you

[BOB] and yes to Lisa that Indigo did a lot more damage tonight

[BOB] but it all evens out

[BOB] he will get the same shares wehn you go after things that can only be attacked by magic spells

[BOB] everyone who is part of the group gets a share of the XP (who is there that night)

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 18 (20).

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 6 Pen ___ de, Spe {Early Fall} 6th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] ] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (2) - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Aeiria's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (4) - Massively Wounded

[Kaz] I don't know how much difference it would have made, but I didn't know my THAC0 should have changed last level.

[BOB] well at least you can have the updated one now

[BOB] and I updated Aeiria's sheet with the new hitpoints from her level

[BOB] and her level and XP goal

[BOB] nothign else changes from 1st to 2nd

[BOB] for Priests

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 3 (2). Ranger: (RL) : CHANGED: 3 (2).

[Kaz] huh

[BOB] what?

[Kaz] I know I'm not going to have it right away, but I know I get a prof and can't remember what kind. And I can't find the table that tells me.

[BOB] you guys did really well tonight

[BOB] profiencies page

[Kaz] Lisa, thank you for RP :)

[BOB] has a list as the bottom for the new ones at which level

[Kaz] We did do really well tonight, and it was a nice mix of combat and rp.

[Lisa] smiles

[Kaz] ahh, okay, thanks

[Lisa] Was a lot of fun!

[BOB] and we will see if Lisa gets teh chance to log in from teh airport next week

[Lisa] is going to be iffy

[BOB] I will juggle the encounters so that you can do the haunted house the week after

[BOB] would not be fair for you to miss that

[Lisa] can't count on indigo or branwyn next week

[Kaz] OOH! I get one of each prof :D

[Kaz] Ahh, okay

[BOB] mark that in yoru notes section Kaz that you have an empty slot in each to train for

[Lisa] don't switch things up for me

[Kaz] we'll do the haunted house last

[BOB] still a couple of swamp encounters, more forest ones, more farm ones

[BOB] still lots to go

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] ok,

[BOB] ready to wrap up?

[Lisa] yup

[BOB] I can save this and award the last of the XP

[BOB] ] Branwyn moved 5'08".

[Kaz] Okay, I'm done

[Kaz] have a good night, you two. See you next week, Bob. See you after that, Lisa!

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:30:26 EDT 2010

[Lisa] Bye! :)

[Lisa] too late

[BOB] ] XP award: 150. Next level in 670.

[BOB] ] XP award: 200. Next level in 2624.

[BOB] ] XP award: 200. Next level in 3839.

[Lisa] okay - I will log out and let you do your stuff

Lisa] has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:31:14 EDT 2010

[BOB] ] XP award: 50. Next level in 219.

[BOB] ] XP award: 250. Next level in 3589.

Experience Awards: Kaz, Beth, Lisa: 150 roleplay, Kaz roleplayer of the night 250