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Mar 28 08 - The Bigger They Are

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 28 17:45:44 EDT 2008 ====

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 17:47:08 EDT 2008

Client has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 17:47:35 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hey there

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] nevermind

[Vicki] hi

[Kaz] hello

[Vicki] i guess it'll take a while for my to see my own blue text

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] i had to re-set up klooge because i had to install a new hard drive

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Kaz modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Rhys of Gilmairay (Rhys).

[Kaz] I have to close the chat box for a few minutes

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] ok

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] back

[Vicki] wb

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Kaz modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Mace, . ADDED: Broad Group - Blades, . Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Read/Write, , , , , . ADDED: Shield Style, , , , , . ADDED: Blind Fighting, , , , , . Class Skills - ADDED: Detect evil, , Can detect the presence of evil up to 60 feet away by concentrating on locating evil in a particular direction..

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] ok

[Vicki] wb

[DM] will be easy to work out

[Kaz] This poor book is falling apart

[DM] after you take time later on Kaz

[DM] no worries on that

Kaz is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Kaz has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[Vicki] nice...

[Kaz] umm

[Kaz] I suddenly have a different map

[Vicki] as do i

[Kaz] gorgeous

[Kaz] but it's not Terraguard anymore :-D

[Vicki] i think bob's giving us a tour

[Vicki] lol

[DM] ok

[Kaz] hehe

[DM] so you now are back on teh base map

[Kaz] I love it, Bob

[DM] and you have the other two loaded already

[Vicki] uh huh

Kaz is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Kaz has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[DM] to make it faster later on in the night for you

[Kaz] Okay, I can't find 60 on this map...

[Kaz] Is it just me?

[DM] Colmet is on the lower right corner

[DM] might not have a number

[DM] is one of the tiny little countries

[Kaz] what colour?

[DM] shrugs

[DM] guess I could go look

[Kaz] LOL

Vicki is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Vicki has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[DM] the little one next to 59

[DM] is colmet

[Vicki] would it ... nevermind

[Kaz] I could have sworn you once showed me a map that had the Great Trade Route on it

[DM] nods

[DM] that is on the wiki now

[Kaz] Okay, the lavender one, I guess? or the little aqua one underneath?

[DM] the aqua one

[DM] the one on the edge of the map

[Kaz] okay, thanks :)


[DM] If you look at the Terraguard map

[DM] and the trade route map

[DM] and the other Overland Map

Vicki is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Vicki has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[DM] you will see that Wolfspack is on two of them

[DM] and the Overland shows the relative locatoin of the blob map for Terraguard

[Vicki] the green blob is wolfspack?

[DM] no the green blob is John's territory

[DM] the dot is Wolfspack

[DM] I need to put that Overland map on the website some day

[DM] did the two of you think the other maps looked ok?

[Kaz] I loved your fiery maps

mikE has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 18:25:22 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Hiya Mike

Kaz is receiving the map Robert-Overland01...

Kaz has received the map Robert-Overland01.

[mikE] hey kaz!

[Kaz] How ya doing?

[Vicki] hi Mike

[mikE] hiyo

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

Kaz is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Kaz has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[mikE] Finglass no longer targets Antarias.

[mikE] okay, who's ready to rock some giants?

[DM] Lorie will be late

[DM] and you do need to plan some

[mikE] of course she will.

[DM] and I am anticipating your research on fire giants

[DM] and the scrying to see the lair

[DM] so those maps are already

[mikE] here's the plan: we go in, we see something move, we kill it. when nothing is left moving, we loot it, then when there's no more valubles. we burn it.

[Kaz] lol

[Kaz] good plan!

[mikE] =D

[Kaz] I"m at a severe disadvantage, unless we require constant healing

[mikE] we might.

[DM] that would be a good thought

[Kaz] Well, I thought I'd save myself for healing, as much as possible

[mikE] anterias' sword heals him for half the damage he deals

[DM] they do deal out a minimum damge of around 12-20 points

[Kaz] awesome sword :)

[DM] per attack

[mikE] finglass will also have healing as he uses his bow for attacks, not spells

[DM] so lots of options

[DM] and there are tons of priests floating about too

[mikE] options like don't get hit.

[DM] that will need to be taken care of

[mikE] i can make healing potions.

[mikE] or maybe not. i thought i had a spell to make them

[Kaz] oh

Kaz is receiving the map Base Map...

Kaz has received the map Base Map.

John has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 18:48:04 EDT 2008

[Vicki] hi John

[John] hello all

[Vicki] how goes things?

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] one sick kid so i do not know how much i will be here

[Vicki] oh i'm sorry about that

[mikE] hey john

[Vicki] brb.... need to run real quick

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] stick him in the tub and any messes they make are easy to clean.

[John] hey mike, ready to die?

[mikE] no. but then i don't plan on dying.

[John] wrong kid

[John] no one plans on dying, i have a 95 year old great grandma in law that was expected to die years ago

[John] and then again last week

[John] she still kicking

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Hi John

[Kaz] sorry, was doing other things and missed your entry

[John] np, hey

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] how si she John?

[John] doc thinks strep throat, very larthigic. not eatting

[DM] ok

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 18:56:17 EDT 2008

[DM] Hey Lor

[John] verry needy

[Lorie] Yo

[DM] John I will load some maps to you

[DM] then to Lorie

[John] yo you

[DM] just hang tight

[Lorie] The bus driver skipped an entire section of the route so I could be on time

[DM] very cool

[mikE] hey lor

[Lorie] How have you been Mike? We haven't chatted much this week

[DM] ok so all five of you have had the two other maps loaded so later it will not be so long

[DM] you are all back on the Base Map

[Kaz] Hiya Lorie

[Kaz] Hey Bob, I tried to get back to the base map a while ago, but I still have an hourglass and no map

[Kaz] although it says I've received the base map

[Lorie] :: waves :: Evening all

John is receiving the map Overhead Temple...

John has received the map Overhead Temple.

[DM] is that better now Kaz?

[DM] and Johyn

[DM] you are not supposed to be on thath map yet

[John] yes?

[John] opp

John is receiving the map Base Map...

John has received the map Base Map.

[John] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] who me?

[Lorie] laggy

[DM] yes

[DM] everytime someone comes back to the Base Map

[Kaz] No, I still have no map

[DM] becasue there are so many Icons riht now

[Kaz] amd still clocking

[DM] ok

[DM] goign to kick you Kaz

[Kaz] ok

Kaz has left the game on Fri Mar 28 19:03:21 EDT 2008

[Lorie] can we close some of these icons?

[DM] nods

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] as soon as I know who each person is, etc, plan on saving and closing them

[Vicki] ok am back

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 19:04:08 EDT 2008

[DM] now that they are imported to the new def file

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Notes - CHANGED: Ring of Holding Currently Holding -- : Vampiric Touch ( True Seeing). CHANGED: Contigancy -- : If I am killed, teleport me to Roadhaven ( If I am stuned, teleport me home ).

[John] can you leave one open for when I summon, if I summon

[DM] better Kaz

[Kaz] okay, back but not bothering to open the base map

[John] not sure if I am prepared

[Kaz] Thanks Bob

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] While the Dragonslayers were out book hunting

[DM] Wilson did some research for you

[DM] on Fire Giants

[DM] Fire giants are brutal, ruthless, and militaristic. They are tall, but squat, resembling huge dwarves. An adult male is 18 feet tall, has a 12 foot chest, and weighs about 7,500 pounds. Fire giants have coal black skin, flaming red or bright orange hair, and prognathous jaws that reveal dirty ivory or yellow teeth. They can live to be 350 years old. A fire giant's natural Armor Class is 5. Warriors usually wear banded mail and round metal helmets (AC -1). They carry their belongings in huge sacks. A typical fire giant's sack contains 2-5 (1d4+1) throwing rocks, the giant's wealth, a tinderbox, and 3-12 (3d4) common items. Everything they own is battered, filthy, and smelly, making it difficult to identify valuable items. All fire giants can speak the language of all giants and their own tongue. ========== Fire giants live in well organized military groups, occupying large castles or caverns. When encountered in their lair there will be 13-20 (1d8+12) giants, half of whom will be immature giants. To determine a giant's maturity, roll 1d4. A roll of 4 indicates an infant with no combat ability and the hit points of an ogre while rolls of 1-3 indicate older progeny with Hit Dice, damage, and attack rolls reduced by 1, 2 or 3, respectively. Their lairs are always protected by vigilant watchmen, and sometimes by traps. Fire giants favor deadfalls that can crush intruders for 5-30 (5d6) points of damage, and large crossbow devices that fire one, two, or three huge bolts for 2-16 (2d8) points of damage each. Particularly intelligent fire giant leaders will command groups three or four times normal size. One who commands 30 or more giants usually will call himself a king. Kings always will have better than normal armor and a magical weapon of +1 to +3. There is a 20% chance that any band of fire giants will have a shaman (80%) or witch doctor (20%). If the group is lead by a king, there is an 80% chance of a spell caster. Fire giant shamans are priests of up to 7th level. A shaman can cast normal or reversed spells from the Elemental, Healing, Charm, Protection, Divination, or Combat spheres. Fire giant witch doctors are priest/wizards of up to 7th/3rd level; they prefer spells that can detect or thwart intruders. Fire giants often capture and tame other creatures as guards. There is a 50% chance that a fire giant lair will contain 1-4 hell hounds. Larger than normal groups check once for every 10 giants. Bands with 30 or more giants have a additional 30% chance to have 2-5 (1d4+1) trolls, larger groups check once for every 20 giants. A king's group has a 20% chance to have 1-2 red dragons of age category 2-5 (1d4+1) in addition to other guards. Fire giants frequently take captives to hold for ransom or use as slaves. There is a 25% chance that a lair will contain 1-2 captives, larger bands check once per 10 giants. Ecology: Fire giants live wherever there is a lot of heat. They prefer volcanic regions or areas with hot springs. Frequently they share their lairs with other fire-dwelling creatures such as salamanders or fire elementals. Fire giants prefer to eat meat and bread, they can hunt and kill their own meat, but raid human and demi-human settlements for grain, captives, and treasure.

[John] tks

[DM] that is on the Base Map

[DM] for you to read as you wish also

[DM] and I am presuming that you are using some sort of scrying magic to scout the area out ahead of time

[Vicki] whew... that's a lot to read

[John] which is what map?

[DM] there is the eagle eye map

[John] tks

[DM] which shows the entire volcano area

John is receiving the map Eagle eye view...

John has received the map Eagle eye view.

[DM] and then there is the Overhead of the Temple

[mikE] okay. so any semblance of planning here?

[Vicki] hehe... bird's eye view

[John] and what is our motivation?

[mikE] more than go forth and kill?

[DM] for when you use soemthing to view closer

[Kaz] I plan to run, crying like a sissymary.

[Kaz] Not sure what Moirra will do, though

[DM] the Phi of Semphar

[Kaz] *cough*

[DM] is paying you 00,000 GP

[DM] 100,000

[John] each, ya hoo

[DM] total

[mikE] hah! that first number was more like bob

[John] oh

[Kaz] lol

[DM] for the complete elimination of all residences of the temple

[John] I thought this was a hit and run. now your saying this is a extermination

[John] if one priest gets away we get nothing

[Vicki] Why do I not like this?

[Kaz] I dunno. Why?

[DM] This was a temple of a fire worshiping human cult

[DM] that is close to the Silk Road

[Kaz] We'll have to be really carefully not to get swarmed.

[Vicki] might have something to do with facing fire giants

[John] fire is our friend, that does not bother me


[Vicki] could that be because kit is immune to fire?

[John] are the maps to scale?

[DM] yes

[DM] all the maps are to scale

[DM] first what are you using to scry the close down view?

[DM] as they do get a chance to detect that

[mikE] whatever we got that works

[mikE] and they won't detect.

[mikE] we just do it.

[John] I think Mal took the ball with him

[mikE] like we always do.

[mikE] bada bing.

[DM] how you always do is the pool


[DM] of course you could use Teleport

[DM] to get there also

[mikE] let's go kill us some giants

[DM] and other spells

[John] (link please)

[DM] to scry of course

[DM] lol

[DM] link to what John?

[Vicki] what do we plan on doing once we get there?

[John] teleport, like you did for the pool

[DM] do not have the spell on the wiki at the moment

[John] I posted Paul's plan if you want a refresher

[DM] please do John

[John] Paul has Vampiric Touch held "permenatly"

[John] he will engage in hand to hand, each hit will do a good amount f damage and heal Paul

[Vicki] won't he get burned touching a molten rock?

[John] we will be inside, if there is lava, we will avoid

[mikE] anterias can do the same. his sword is vampiric

[John] so I saw

[Vicki] is there a way we can lower the temperature of these fire giants?

[John] for a henchman, he is mostly imortal

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 19:22:17 EDT 2008

[mikE] that's the idea

[mikE] j0 f00

[Vicki] hi bibo

[John] ok, I feel better now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Kaz)] Heya Marco

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Kaz)] what the...

[John] hello Marco

[Vicki] lol

[Kaz] *blink*

[Kaz] I'd love to know how I keep chatting as other people

[Vicki] I have no clue

[John] clicking on a character will do that

[John] may not mean to

[Lorie] Evening Bibo :)

[DM] ok

[DM] so now Marco you have the base map

[DM] that is the laggy part of the evening

[Vicki] a name for kaz's henchman would be nice

[DM] because there are so many icons right now

[John] hoaw about KazToo

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] herro?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ah there we go

[Vicki] lol

[DM] I will be exporting and moving them off soon

[mikE] kazzoo

[DM] now I will send Marco the other two views

[mikE] kazzymoto

[mikE] kazzam

[Vicki] gotta remember her character is Moirra...

[Kaz] lol

[DM] ok, so leaving Marco's view on the Eagle view

[John] so Moirrb?

[DM] so the laggy part of reloading the Base map does not happen

[Vicki] lol

[Kaz] I would agree with you about the clicking on, John, except the last person I clicked on was Moirra. I think it has something to do with me typing without being in the chat box.

[John] i bet there is a keyboard shortcut

[Kaz] probably

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the reason you keep changing who you are chatting as is because when we load something, your cursor focus changes and you end up hitting a shortcut

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I bloody hate the shortcuts

[Kaz] ahh

[Kaz] yeah, I usually end up screwing something up

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] pray tell what the shortcuts are?

[mikE] the not long cuts

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] why cant klooge make all the shortcuts be ctrl+letter instead of just letter like a normal program

[Vicki] ooh i can see my own color before I type... before they were bob's color :s

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no one knows what the shortcuts are. no one uses them on purpose :-P

[DM] there is a list of shortcuts in your Klooge folder

[John] I know the map one

[mikE] p is for pointer

[John] arrows and shft arrows

[Kaz] I usually end up using the pointer shortcut, then you all yell at me

[mikE] that's good enough for me

[Kaz] :)

[Lorie] Pepsi Ice cucubmer?

[Lorie] What the hell are they giving you over there Bibo

[Lorie] I'm worried

[Lorie] Ice cucumber that is

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] lol

[DM] that does sound like a strange combo


[DM] so you are using the Pool to scry?

[DM] or something else?

[mikE] who cares!

[mikE] let's go kill us some giants ded!

[John] he is ivng us a chance

[mikE] to do what?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] what are we doing now? going into a volcano?

[Lorie] Okay...I'm thinking the pool (*since he's said this 3 times already) isn't a good idea

[mikE] yes. and you are joe

[Lorie] what other options do we have

[mikE] none

[mikE] no one has div.

[John] I have clairvoyance

[mikE] there. do that.

[mikE] then we can go kill us some crispy critters! bbq at the volcano!

[mikE] A-1. it's how giant is done.

[mikE] giant: it's what's for dinner.

[John] We will still need to use the pool to get there, so I am not sure it really matters

[Lorie] okies

[Lorie] I think this is where I say I'm playing under protest...I just haven't figured out for what though ;)

[John] BOB, do you consider using the pool as transpost the same as scrying?

[DM] no

[Lorie] Anyone need to pray ... heal or anything else before we ask BOB to make all those icons go away and the program runs faster?

[Arilyn (Kaz)] Because you want a kiwi-brat with that iced cucumber coke?

[DM] lol at Kaz

[Arilyn (Kaz)] I do have a divination spell

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Finglass modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 7 (4). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 4 (3).

[Arilyn (Kaz)] wtf?

[John] snicker

[Vicki] giggles

[John] schizo

[Lorie] there you go

[Lorie] Divination...sick 'em!

[Kaz] yeah, and so am I

[Kaz] looks like I have a 68% chance of success

[Vicki] you know, you could always try

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] in klooge that translates to a 2% chance of success

[DM] Khan moved 11'06".

[Kaz] well, what, specifically, do you want to ask?

[DM] Bradwarden moved 190'01".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] which of us will be the single person to survive this time?

[Kaz] ugh

[John] Antiris

[Vicki] Kit?

[John] maybe

[Lorie] OOh... :: points :: I vote for the redshirt cleric over there :: nods :: Yes...acolyte #2

[Vicki] since she's immune to fire

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am going to put my money on ramone only because he has died so many times recently that it is time to give him a break. And he's immune to volcanoes.

[John] that is a spicific imunity

[mikE] the more you die, the more addictive it is.

[Kaz] I vote Moirra, because I've changed my mind and she's not going.

[John] too ba

[Kaz] :)

[John] isn't Moira our healer?

[DM] Glabius moved 17'04".

[DM] Moirra moved 10'08".

[Vicki] I'm not sure I want Victoriana to go, but I know she's got some fight in her

[Vicki] so, she's going

[John] who votes that I cast Improved Invisiblity on our heal who cannot fight?

[Kaz] I was NOT serious about not going, John

[John] I know

[Kaz] Bob, I hope you took all humanoids off the Reincarnation chart.

[Vicki] invisibility on Moirra isn't a bad idea

[Kaz] I wanna be a grasshopper!

[Vicki] lol Kaz

[John] I could cast Improved Invisiblity on Ant and just sit back and watch the killing

[Kaz] Fire giants not too bright?

[John] I can polymorh you into a giant grasshopper, not a normal size one

[DM] Tari moved 47'01".

[DM] Bradwarden moved 64'11".

[DM] Valedianna moved 24'06".

[DM] Antarias moved 58'04".

[John] but you might think you are a grasshopper

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] fire giants are very bright. fire tends to be that way.

[Vicki] thanks for the obvious Marco

Percy has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 19:41:13 EDT 2008

[Vicki] Hi Percy

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you asked

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] howdy hans!

[Vicki] I did not

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, kaz did anyway

[Percy] Hullo there!!!

[Vicki] that doesn't make her me...

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 20'06".

[Percy] Percy in da house...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you could be

[Kaz] hiya Hans!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] this is the internet and I've never met you in person

[Vicki] lol... I'd like to know how one human could possibly be at two locations with two names at the same time

[Percy] Hey, everybahdee-

[Vicki] with 2 different IP addresses

[Vicki] hi percy

[DM] Kid moved 36'01".

[DM] Wilson moved 12'00".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] who says you had to be at two locations? same computer, reroute your ip. it's doable

[Vicki] not with ip that's starts with a different number

[Kaz] Dude, we've met. You know I"m me.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I didn't say I never met you kaz :-P

[Vicki] lol

[Kaz] So you know I'm me

[Kaz] no one else is me

[Kaz] which is lucky for them!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] but I don't know that you're not vicky :-P

[Vicki] no one has met me in person

[Kaz] But if I was Vicky, I wouldn't be Kaz!

[DM] shakes my head

[Vicki] Kaz has talked to me on the phone

[DM] Hans hold on as I send you a few maps

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] a likely story

[DM] will cycle you back in a moment

[Vicki] and that an "i" not "y" tyvm

[Kaz] So, has anyone come up with an idea for the specific divination question?

[Percy] How's the router situation, DM?

[Vicki] don't believe me, then believe her

[Kaz] aside from who the lone survivor will be, that is...

[Vicki] lol

[Percy] Cool maps. You're showing off now, Bob-

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yeah, why are we going to this volcano?

[DM] ok,

[DM] so everyone is on the base map?

[mikE] to kill giants.

[mikE] has no one been paying attention.


[Kaz] I have

[mikE] bring on the carnage!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] but is there any reason for the giant killing?

[Kaz] to kill giants and get gold

[mikE] we kill, then loot, then raze. in that order.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] like a shiney at the end?

[Kaz] we're being paid handsomely

[mikE] they're there.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you don't raze a volcano

[DM] the Phi of Semphar is hiring you, paying you 100,000 gp

[Vicki] I have been paying attention, only problem is... I still don't like

[mikE] do we really need a better hook?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] volcanoes are notoriously difficult to raze

[Kaz] do we need a hook at all?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, a hook no, but a goal yes

[mikE] but we can raze anything.

[Kaz] I think Bob could just say "Things to kill" and take it from there.

[Percy] They are *evil*...

[mikE] the goal is to loot and pillage.

[Vicki] hmm... a grapler will tear them apart

[Vicki] lol

[mikE] with an added bonus that it's a temple

[DM] they are known to kidnap people from caravans on the Silk Road

[mikE] we get to steal holy items.

[Percy] They are *evil*...

[DM] and use them for sacrafice

[Percy] They are *evil*...

[Percy] So. 'Nuff said...

[DM] no two ways about it

[DM] they are all evil people

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] are they evil people that they are sacrificing?

[DM] you can smite them

[Percy] I love it when you talk like that...

[DM] really the only issue is

[Kaz] probably not

[Percy] ROFL

[DM] if you do not kill them all at once

[DM] they are powerful enough to come back after you

[DM] no running home

[DM] healing and coming back in two days

[Percy] Right... Danger level very high.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] actually if they come back after us, that's good

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we have an army at home

[John] ok, new plan, Earthquake

[Vicki] and that's a fire element away from their home

[Kaz] ooh

[John] next day earthquake again

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] which means we can use more firepower at home

[Vicki] isn't there a way to lower the temp of the fire to destroy them without burning ourselves?

[John] then look for straglers

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] hell, I think that should be our plan

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] kill enough of them to piss them off then wait for them to come after us

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] let them run through OUR traps for a change

[John] well at least wait for them at the pass

[DM] Lorie? you want to use Roadhaven as bait?

[John] thiss the pass

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] let them go into the instadeath poison chambers

[Percy] I don't want to use Roadhaven as bait.

[John] doubt that the giants teleport

[John] if they do we have bigger issues

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Roadhaven isn't bait, it's a fortress

[mikE] that's okay. we'll use it for you

[Kaz] plus there are innocents at Roadhaven

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's meant to withstand sieges

[Kaz] don't want to put them in harms way, not purposely

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] might as well use it for that purpose

[Lorie] :: frowns and points :: Sorry acolyte #2 looks like is Ramone has his way you will be dying in this episode

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh they'll be safe in the walls healing us while we rain death on the giants

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[mikE] no one is innocent

[Kaz] Just you wait until I reincarnate as a puppy.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] in fact, I say we show up at the volcano and leave a note and address. hey fire giiants, come get us

[Vicki] they can read?

[John] I was serrious, not sure Marco is

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Totally serious. well maybe not about the note part

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] a note would probably light on fire

[Kaz] yeah, that note bites.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] they'd never get teh chance to read it

[Kaz] We should say that they're ugly and their mommies dress them funny

[John] there is a building we could explore and kill

[John] those inside

[Vicki] well, one thing's for sure, you can't fight fire with fire...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so I say we make some traps at home so we can fall back here and take them on when we fail

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] do some fortifying

[Kaz] that's why I'm bringing an iced cucumber pepsi with me... will pour it over them.

[Vicki] so, a way to diminish the physical temperature would be nice

[Vicki] like water or snow

[John] I would still want to guard the path

[John] even if it's jusy me and AnT

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and yes, I say when, not if we fail

[Vicki] and as the date says, it's early winter, but even with a volcano, molten rock is still hot

[Kaz] does this mean we don't need to cast a divination?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] because the last time we took on a fortress of giants, that's exactly what happened

[Kaz] ooh

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no reason to think that because these ones live in a volcano instead of an ice fortress that that will make things any different

[Kaz] Perhaps we'd like to know how many giants we'd have to face?

[Vicki] that would be nice to know kaz

[John] Lori, you do have earthquake?

[John] can I look on you sheet?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's level 7

[John] Mike is BOB reading book on what will happen?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] she doesn't cast that high

[John] why didn't you say that before

[Lorie] I could be uplifed to 7 ...but normally no

[mikE] nope. he's talking to mel about sci-fi books

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you didn't ask

[mikE] waiting for us to make a decision.

[John] so then who is going to church?

[John] Paul & Kit

[Vicki] church?

[John] they worship fire, it is a church

[John] temple

[Vicki] uh huh

[John] not sure what that religon calls it

[DM] so if everyone wants I will send the Overhead Temple map to everyone

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] something in giant language I'm sure

[Vicki] something else that may come in handy to know

[DM] is that what everyone wants?

[Vicki] ::sighs:: sure

[DM] then we can decide where you actualy want to blip onto the map?

[DM] ok

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] how many are we expecting anyway?

[DM] there you go

[DM] you have no idea

[Vicki] someplace where it's not burning hot would be a nice place to blip

[DM] you can see 6 of them there so far

[Vicki] something solid under our feet

[DM] plus the fire priests

[Kaz] That's why I asked if we want to ask how many enemies we'll face (via divination)

[DM] remember you all have to come in in a small diameter area

[DM] you are not there yet

[Vicki] what's the black spot?

[mikE] boulders tied to bears.

[DM] you still can ask that Moirra

[mikE] we drop boulders tied to bears on them.

[DM] the large black spot is teh temple

[mikE] if the boulder doesn't kill them, pissed off bears will.

[DM] A large two story building that takes up most of the center of a disc of rock floating out in the middle of the magma lake of a volcano cauldron. There are no apparent entrances except a set of large double doors that face the slender walkway that anchors the temple to the lip of the volcano.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] okay, ask how many guys we have to kill before the fight is over

[Vicki] ok, so it's a building, any way we can blip on top of it?

[Percy] cooooool.

[John] or inside?

[DM] can not blip inside

[DM] or scry inside

[DM] obvously the whole place has some sort of magic on it

[DM] for it to last like this

[Vicki] no joke

[Vicki] it'd be melted if it didn't

[Kaz] Moirra: Divination: I divine information about a future task or goal with (60+8) [60+8] 68% chance of success.

[DM] what is the question Moira, please preface it with the work Question so that I know it is what you want

[Kaz] How many enemies will we face in and around the temple?

[Kaz] sorry

[DM] so you can work out wording before hand

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's fine to me

[mikE] so this begs the question: if we kill the head priest, does the magic undo and we have to run out as it collapses into the lava behind us?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Vicki] total enemies would be nice to know... since there's only 6 on the outside... unknown on the inside...

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((that question fine to everyone else?

[DM] and what are you sacraficing for this question?

[Vicki] it works if it gives us total number of enemies

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we are sacrificing a fire giant

[Vicki] lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((lol Marco))

[John] Kaz, it does not reslly matter

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((the question doesn't matter, or the sacrifice doesn't matter, John?))

[John] we kill as many as we can

[Percy (to DM only)] so have we done our due diligence in the whole research-thing for the adventure?

[Vicki] ok, so what should we know John?

[DM (to Percy only)] yes, there is the note on teh base map (spoken to the room early on ) about Fire giants, and teh bit about the temple you just saw

[John] the secret back door?

[Vicki] if there is one?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((do you not want to know how many we need to worry about?))

[John] but I do not think that spell does that much

[Percy (to DM only)] k. thx-

[John] I would like to know, not sure what you have the sacrifice

[DM (to Percy only)] Christy coming tonight?

[Vicki] brb

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sacrifice a goat like a good heathen

[Kaz] Then I'd have to heal it...

[DM] can be oak leaves, can be goald

[DM] gold

[DM] or anything you wish it to be

[John] because we cannot pop inside, we need to be ready to get inside as soon as possible

[mikE] but good luck finding goald this time of year

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 28 20:10:48 EDT 2008

[John] smile

[Kaz] Doesn't goald usually head to the Bahamas this time of year?

[Kaz] okay, seriously - you guys decide what you want to ask, and I'll ask it

[mikE] shrug

[mikE] are we there yet?

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 20:11:59 EDT 2008

[Kaz] or we could just go there

[John] sorry Kaz, I am with Mike. Go ahead and ask your question.

[DM] so tell me Moira what is the question

[DM] then go get your spell back

[John] I want to cast Fly, just before we blip

[Percy] Okay. It seems our research has been fruitful. We've learned something about our formidable enemies.

[Percy] But what are we going to do about it? What spells will our casters memorize? What other preparations do we need to make?

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Clairvoyance: I can see through walls

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Fly: Fly like an Eagle"

[Percy] This is going to be a very significant battle.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] define significant

[Vicki] i'm back

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] because I don't think it means what you think it means

[Kaz] huuuuuuge

[DM] chuckles

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm sure we'lll forget about it in a year

[Kaz] I bet I'll remember it azs the night I became a grasshopper

[Percy] 6 fire giants and 4 priests.

[Kaz] minimum

[John] (d6+13) [1+13] 14

[Percy] The fire giants alone could sufficiently kill us all.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] just need to find the heart and destroy it so they become vulnerable

[Percy] My character is not the planning type, so I'm not going to be much help. Although, normally our plans never really work out anyway.

[John] any thoghts on the Improved Invisiblity ? on a healer?

[Lorie] why can't I heal John?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it lasts rounds

[John] you can

[Percy] Right. We need a *lot* of healing. And a *lot* of offense.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] unless you're gonna use that ring on them, it's not worth bothering

[Lorie] :: points at spell list :: I have a *lot* of spells

[DM] Fire Giant #8 moved 1'11".

[Lorie] I can just not be offensive

[DM] Fire Giant #7 moved 2'04".

[DM] Fire Giant #4 moved 5'08".

[DM] Fire Giant #5 moved 2'00".

[Lorie] you guys will be on your own to kick butt

[DM] Fire Giant #3 moved 3'04".

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] besides, there's probably gonna be area effect damageness so they'll get hit anyway

[DM] Fire Giant #6 moved 1'03".

[John] I know lots of spells

[Percy] At least 6 8th-level fighters, 2 mages and 2 priests. That's what we would need; and it will still be close...

[John] healing and otherwise

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, fireball will probably not be terribly offensive

[Lorie] I have cone of cold... and a few non-fire spells anyhow... but that's fine

[John] lightnig bolt is just as goof

[Lorie] I'll just heal

[Vicki] not sure what Tori can do...

[mikE] you have a big ass sword

[Percy] Magic Missile probably not gonna be much help. Fireball, etc., not much help.

[John] ready when you are

[Vicki] I don't know what my magical items do yet...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Well, if they are somehow not able to see invisible things (which in BOB's world is a stretch I know) I could totally take out a few of them all ninja style

[Percy] Right, Mike. But I can only attack 1 at a time. I can take on 1 fire giant at a time, but it doesn't look like that will do us much good.

[Vicki] never did find that out from the last mission

[Percy] We need to engage them in melee and let the spellcasters cast.

[John] Pery, you can block

[John] or take on the priests

[John] i say we kill qick and get inside

[Percy] Block isn't really a good tactic long-term in a battle. Especially with these guys who have 4 THAC0 (or something crazy like that).

Vicki has left the game on Fri Mar 28 20:20:44 EDT 2008

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 20:21:11 EDT 2008

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[John] remmebr for short periods of time we will have them outnumbered

[Percy] How is that, John?

[Vicki] I might be able to do the priests, if they're not molten

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm gonna go invis and make with the assassiny goodness on the spellcasters

Vicki has left the game on Fri Mar 28 20:22:28 EDT 2008

[Percy] Sounds good, BiBo-

[DM] Kaz were you asking that question?

[John] if we concentrat our fighters on the giants, let the mages deal with the priests

Client has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 20:23:04 EDT 2008

[Moirra (Kaz)] No Bob

[Percy] Okay. Well it sounds like we got a pretty decent plan. Do any other spellcasters need help picking out their spells?

[DM] Christy coming tonight Hans?

[Percy] The giants are going to have magic resistance.

[Percy] Christy is downloading Klooge on her new pink Dell laptop...

[DM] oooo

[Percy] She's doin' that right now-

[DM] and she is in rightnow then

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oooh... I just thought of a brilliant thing to do

[DM] is why I asked

[DM] for the new client that just showed up

[DM] grins

[Percy] A-ha. Right.

[DM] welcome

[DM] and which new brilliant thing Marco?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] we are assuming there will likely be more people inside said temple yes?

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 20:24:53 EDT 2008

[Christy] hello

[Percy] Hello, Christy!

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[John] yes marco

[Percy] Looks like she's having problems.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I say we wizard lock it so they don't come out at us until we are ready

[Vicki] hi Christy

[John] hello christi

[Christy] why is the chat showing up on ,my map?

[John] I think a giant will have no issue bashing through

[Percy] Bibo, that's a great idea.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's a temple for giants

[DM] Edit -> prefernces set chat to zero

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's probably strong enough to stand up against giants

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hiya Christy :)

[DM] it is a human temple that Giants have taken over

[Percy] They would have to go through the walls, which they might be able to do.

[Vicki] i set it on 4 in case i miss something but it goes fast enough so i can see the map too

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] okay, in the very least it buys us time

[Kaz] actually

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or makes them waste spells if they try to dispel it

[DM] is a brilliant idea Marco

[Percy] Right. We only need a few rounds for each giant. If we can delay them from entering battle all at the same time, that would be great.

[DM] I like it a lot

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] besides, what else are you gonna be doing with those 2nd level spells?

[Kaz] if the temple is somehow protected (against all the laval and so forth), they might not be able to get through the walls

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] most of them suck :-P

[Vicki] is that be scary if Bob likes an idea for something he set up?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] does paul know the spell?

[Christy] brb-gonna catch up-

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] he's the highest level spell caster so he should cast it

[Kaz] Yes, Vicki

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] no

[Lorie] Why don't I walk in and threaten to blow up the MEmorial Dungeon if they don't play nice those overgrown dwarves should hear that

[John] does bilbo?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well take a look at ramone's spell book and learn it then

[Percy] I can do 30-40 points of damage per round with swords, so it will take 3-4 rounds to do 120HP of damage. I can't kill them any more quickly.

[John] sorry

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you can if you crit :-P

[Percy] We could have priests casting chant or prayer spells.

[John] ready when you are

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] enlarge is good too

Vicki has left the game on Fri Mar 28 20:29:22 EDT 2008

[Kaz] I'll chant

[DM] Vicki is having Router issues

[mikE] i can do a bunch of damage.

[mikE] upwards of 60, too.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] is paul going?

[Percy] We don't want to use things like magic missile or fireball, by the way, Christy. Those won't be much help here...

[John] yes

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so lets teach him wizard lock

[John] on the giants

[Lorie] last time someone wizard locked something they died

[Lorie] it was bad

[Lorie] learn a different spell

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well if we can't get the temple open, the giants inside are effectively dead

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 20:31:33 EDT 2008

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cuz they'll run out of food

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Learn Spell check: (d100) [23] 23 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so win win I say

[DM] there you go

Vicki is receiving the map Base Map...

Vicki has received the map Base Map.

[Percy] They'll be able to smash their way out, Bibo-

[Percy] They are *giants*

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm sure, which is why it doesn't matter if we are unable to open the door

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] but in the case that they arent

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] they are dead

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so we win

[DM] and they are in scale by the way

[DM] if you zoom in on those up near the door

[DM] and see the differences in size from the humans to them

[Percy] I'm with you. I think it's a great idea. We are using wizard lock to keep them *in* for a while. None of us will be in there when the spell is cast.

[mikE] we can starve them out.

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 4 (6). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 4 (5). Spells - CHANGED: Agannazzars Schorcher -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Continual Light -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Deep Freeze -- # Memorized: 2 (3), CHANGED: Improved Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 0 (1), ADDED: Wizard Lock, 2, 2, The door is permanently locked., 4, 1, , , , .

[mikE] they'll die eventually.

[mikE] and then we win.

[Vicki] we're still planning?

[DM] almost done

[DM] Christy is catching up

[Vicki] ahh ok

[DM] then she learns a new spell also

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] wizard lock is one of the very few good 2nd level spells

[DM] and then start

[DM] Paul knows it now

[John] I just want to say I would rather be inside a building inside a volcano, then out side

[Vicki] i understand

[DM] can read it out of Ramone's spell book

[Vicki] me too

[John] where Giats can throw rocks at us from great distances

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh we'll go in there eventually, but we want to limit how many we fight

[DM] you could try to get inside

[DM] then lock them out?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no, then we can't run away

[Vicki] yes yes yes

[John] just just see how it goes

[John] ready

[John] again

[DM] any suggestions for Christy

[DM] she gets one new spell for free right now

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] what level?

[John] monster summoning?

[Kaz] I vote for "smite fire giant"

[Vicki] well, we don't want to destroy only a few and have them come after us

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh monster summoning is so useless :-P

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it would be far more useful if it was a lower level spell

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] by the time you get monster summoning you are fighting things that would ignore a handful of kobolds

[DM] 1 5th level spell

[John] you wait and see, I'll get a good one and you will have to make the sheet up

[John] a 15th level spell!!

[Vicki] huh?

[John] you give her everything

[John] ;)

[DM] shakes my head

[Kaz] lol

[Kaz] brb

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] (still ready)

[DM] so any suggestions for her on that spell?

[Vicki] (am waiting)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cone of cold, feeblemind, wall of force, magic jar, lower resistence

[DM] that you have in your books?

[DM] or

[DM] anythign outside of them?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] avoidance, fabricate

[Vicki] cold may work for fire... just a thought

[DM] this is the spell she leaned

[DM] while training

[DM] so can be any common, uncommon or rare spell

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] hold monster, improved blink

[DM] actaully only common or uncomommon sorry

[DM] but all those you mentions are good so far

[DM] John?

[DM] your thoughts?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] anything thats in klooge basically :-P

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] back

[DM] yes to Marco

[John] my idea was shot down

[John] but Wall of force is a nice one

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] any of those I said are good, you want offensive, defensive or utillitary?

[DM] is not me is Christy

[DM] she likes bright and shiny

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh christy is afk

[Percy] Those are all 5th level spells, aren't they, Bibo?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yep

[Kaz] what does cone of cold do? Detail, not the obvious.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] makes a cone of ice that hurts

[Kaz] so he goes for the obvious

[Kaz] lol

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, there's not much more detail than that

[Victoriana (Vicki)] lol

[John] damage

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] unless you want exact damage and ranges

[Kaz] ranges

[Kaz] it would hit anything in its path, wouldn't it?

[John] yes

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yes

[Kaz] thought so

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] comes from the wizard

[Kaz] but it would still put out some fires, so to speak

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] 5 ft long and 1 ft diameter per level

[Christy] egads-that was a lot of chat to wade through

[Kaz] lol

[DM] been a busy night

[Kaz] we yammer a lot

[Christy] i do have a slot open for a 4th level spell

[Kaz] except Lorie :)

[Vicki] lol

[Percy] Right. We've done so much.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] thought you were learning a 5th level spell

[John] you can learn more spells, but we only paid for one for your new level

[Vicki] i thought some of us read it as a 15th level one

[Christy] what level am I now?

[Christy] yeah, irt was 5th level

[Vicki] lol

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so what kind of spell are you looking for? damage, offense, defense or utility?

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i like offensive spells

[Arilyn (Christy)] damage, kill, maim

[Arilyn (Christy)] you know, girly spells :)

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cone of cold, hold monster, avoidance

[Arilyn (Christy)] blowing things up is good

[Vicki] is there a spell that Arilyn could learn that kills fire giants?

[Arilyn (Christy)] whatever will do the most damage to the most enemies

[Arilyn (Christy)] mass killing is good

[Percy] Wow. I was looking at Arilyn's spells and she's got a lot of good ones. Charm person on the fire priests, Lightning bolt, Ice storm, vitriolic sphere, lance of disruption and fire shield against the giants.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] cone of cold I guess then

[Vicki] cone of cold would be nice considering she's already got Ice storm

[John] she's a cold hearted....

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ice storm is kinda lame

[Vicki] lol

[Arilyn (Christy)] ha ha ha ha

[DM] brb then we can blip people to the map

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] careful there John

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's like 4th level and only does 3d10. seems a waste of a high level spell to me

[Arilyn (Christy)] Bibo, if you think that cone of cold is a good "kill 'em all" kind of spell then I'm all for it

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, it's an area effect deal damage speal

[Kaz] Jusst as long as I'm not standing in front of you ;(

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] there's cloudkill, which is great against low level things

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not so much against giants

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] just a nuissance to giants

[John] got it

[Percy] Well let's do it then.

[Arilyn (Christy)] whatever will kill giants is bound to kill the littl things too

[Vicki] I wouldn't want to be in front of a 5 ft diameter icicle

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok so Christy can add that Cone of Cold to her sheet

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: 15 (0).

[DM] what time of day do you want to blip there to attack?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] 12:08

[Arilyn (Christy)] Bibo, can you put the cone of cold on my sheet? or anyone who knows the particulars of that spell?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] am

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sure, it's all in klooge

[Arilyn (Christy)] thank you!

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells -

[DM] Time of Day: 08:45 AM. Day 1 Trall, Ohm {Early Winter} 1st, 1259.

[DM] that is the current time

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells - ADDED: Cone of Cold, 5, 5, A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {$L(d4)+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end., 0, 1, , , , .

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] its on your sheet, cast it and pretty much all the details are worke dout for you

[Percy] Doesn't Ice storm last for multiple rounds, though?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] give it a test cast

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] not the damaging verson

[Vicki] :-s

Percy is receiving the map Base Map...

Percy has received the map Base Map.

[John] that is a nice spell, I used to use it all the time

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 9 (1).

[John] good to have options

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 2 (3). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 2 (3). Spells - CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing (9(d4)+9) [(2)] -1 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] hrm...

[DM] ok, while Marco solves that

[DM] time to blip in

[DM] then I start moving people to the new map

[Lorie] I vote we go in at least 1 mile out

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- Expression: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($L(d4))+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end. (A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {$L(d4)+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end.),

[Lorie] they are big...we are not...they will not blend it...we will stick out

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9(d4))+9) [((2)] -1 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ...

[DM] ned to target Marco

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that's not it

[Vicki] um... I don't want to be in front of that icicle

[DM] ok

[Lorie] If you disagree with my vote speak now

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- Expression: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($Ld4))+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end. (A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($L(d4))+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end.),

[John] NO

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((124))+9) [(124))] -1 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[Lorie] or forever bitch about it

[Arilyn (Christy)] sure

[John] I want to be close to the building

[Arilyn (Christy)] i say sure to whatever

[John] they throw rocks a long way

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- Expression: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($L)d4)+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end. (A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($Ld4))+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end.),

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9)d4)+9) [(9)(1+2+4+4+4+2+2+3+2))] -1 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[Arilyn (Christy)] have we checked out the area already?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] why is it saying -1 damage?

[DM] are you sure you don't need to target?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] and apparently your screwing around with the def file makes it so spells don't click off anymore btw bob

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] no it shouldn't matter

[Arilyn (Christy)] brb-we're getting kids into bed. back in a minute

[DM] did not change anythign about spells

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9)d4)+9) [(9)(3+4+2+4+2+3+3+3+1))] -1 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[Christy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] only added one field

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] that seems to have done it though

[John] brackets not parentheese

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cone of Cold -- Expression: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($L)d4+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end. (A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing {($L)d4)+$L} points of damage. The cone is {$L*5}' long and feet in diameter at the end.),

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9)d4+9) [(9)(4+2+4+1+4+3+2+4+4)+9] 37 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[John] (9d6+9) [(6+6+6+4+5+6+6+5+1)+9] 54

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I was using the, the parentheses were to separate the variable from the die

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] anyways, it works now, still not clicking off spells though

[DM] ok, looks fixed now

[John] i trust you

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ramone modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Wizard lock -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Mouth -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Level: 1 (51), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- Cast Level: 1 (51), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (2), DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Magic, 51, 51, Any magic?, 3, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null.

[DM] and we will have to be good on teh spells is all

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Lance of Disruption: I create a concussive blast 5' wide and 60' long which deals (5d4+(9*2)) [(1+3+2+3+2)+(9*2)] 29 points of damage! Save vs spell for half.

[DM] so can we pick a time and start blipping people

[DM] to the causeway?

[DM] how far away from the building?

[Kaz] question

[DM] ask

[John] I want to be right on a giant, try to get surprise

[Kaz] when we blip in, is there a period of time we have to take to orient ourselves?

[DM] 1 round max

[BiBo!!!!!!!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Lance of Disruption -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Kaz] because I don't want to be standing there blinking while something pounces on me

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] hrm... seems to be only the cone of cold that isn't ticking off

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] dunno why

[John] cost?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] it's in there

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] everything looks fine

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9)d4+9) [(9)(2+4+4+4+4+2+3+1+4)+9] 37 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Arilyn: Cone of Cold: A cone of icyness blasts forth dealing ((9)d4+9) [(9)(4+3+1+3+3+3+1+4+1)+9] 32 points of damage. The cone is (9*5) [9*5] 45' long and (9) [9] 9 feet in diameter at the end.

[John] if we forget, we forget, lets move on

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] just isn't ticking off

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] anyways, everyone prep your spells

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I gotta get going soon

[John] gee just in time

[Vicki] :(

[DM] ok

[DM] well

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yeah, working today because we're going to disney on monday and have to make up the classes today

[DM] Robert just walked in teh door

[DM] he is getting set up

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] god forbid they just miss the classes

[Vicki] oh

[John] good he can run Kit

[Vicki] good, then I don't have to worry about Bob giving permission to kill Tori

[Vicki] lol

[John] unless he has Hanin?

[DM] or Varn

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] warn vidda wee

[DM] but lets get farther alone

[DM] along

[John] er veeeeeeee

[DM] spells are done

[Lorie] Varn vit a Weeeeeeee

Percy has left the game on Fri Mar 28 21:05:50 EDT 2008

[John] i hope he is not protesting Robert ;)

[Vicki] lol

[Lorie] He might be

[Lorie] Remember that love fest they had a few years ago... it might be more than either one of them can stand again :: giggles ::

[Lorie] So...we canz haz curse ?

[Vicki] considering they're putting children to bed... we'll see when they get back

[Lorie] Everybody get out your stick's time for the smart fighter!

[DM] so Time?

[DM] and place?

[Vicki] I feel so lost at times like these

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[John] now

[DM] Robert says he can not go to the volcano, he can not swim

[DM] and

[DM] onto the causway?

Percy has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 21:10:02 EDT 2008

[DM] or to the side of the temple?

[DM] or?

[Vicki] welcome back Percy

[Kaz] do we have to be in front of the door to cast wizard lock?

[John] I want to be right on top of them

[Vicki] preferably somewhere where we're not getting attacked immediately

[Kaz] I think we'll be surprising them, at least somewhat

[Vicki] but chances of them listening to reason is slim to none

[Lorie] Vicki...John you two have different strategies...let's pick one

[Lorie] There will probably not be any parley with the dragon

[Lorie] but could we get a move on a bit?

[John] you be the deciding vote

[DM] Lorie what time of day do you think is best?

[Percy] Sounds good, Lorie-

[Lorie] Well when Mike is back to discuss...I'd prefer evening...we don't have many characters right now that would have an edge with early in the day is probably better

[John] i can't find our notes, I did not see if they are nocturnal or not

[Lorie] that's just my thought

[mikE] whatever

Robert has joined the game on Fri Mar 28 21:13:22 EDT 2008

[Lorie] Robert!!!!!

[Lorie] Arggghhhh!

[Kaz] Hi Robert

[Vicki] Hi Robert

[DM] ok, so we will go witht eh current time on the clock

[Christy] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] and the current day

[Robert] Heidee Ho!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] Robert!!

[DM] everyone has full HP and Spells

[Robert] arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRrrrrRRRRRRR!!!

[Percy] Woo-hoo! Robert! Good to "see" you, buddy!

[DM] and we are bliping onto the causewasy?

[Arilyn (Christy)] I just read the chat and someone tell me about the part that said something about a dragon?

[Lorie] I said there wouldn't be any "Parley with the Dragon"

[Lorie] as in...we can talk our way out of the fight

[Lorie] So...John you want to be on top of them for all out butt kicking... pick where and let's go

[Arilyn (Christy)] ok, so there's no actual dragon here then??

[DM] none that yu know of

[Lorie] So far... I don't think so

[John] christy, do you want to have to walk up to them or be right on top og them

[Arilyn (Christy)] whew...

[DM] right left of center?

[Lorie] None that you know of = I want to mislead you

[Vicki] lol lorie

[John] center

[Vicki] that's bob...

[Arilyn (Christy)] I say we blip right onto their shoulders for a good old fashioned giant ride

[Robert] ok... what am i killing?

[DM] I will put Percy up on the map first

[mikE] nothing.

[Percy] Sounds good.

[Percy] Everybody cool with da plan?

[mikE] time

[DM] Percival moved 2'08".

[Moirra (Kaz)] yes

[Arilyn (Christy)] we can pull hair and put things in their ears

[Percy] Everybody got their spells & such?

[DM] Percy is on the

[Percy] Let's do it.

[Robert] i'm eally good at killing nothing

[Vicki] go for it

[Percy] Robert, what are you playing tonight? We can use a fighter...

[DM] Percy is on the edge of their weapon reach right there

[Vicki] Robert, we're killing fire giants...

[Robert] i'm playing Varn (witavee)

[Vicki] and hoping we're not dying ourselves

[Percy] Lot's of 'em. Plus some fire priests.

[DM] is that where you watn to start?

[DM] that close?

Percy is receiving the map Base Map...

Percy has received the map Base Map.

[Robert] sounds like a good plan... let's go

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] Testing

[Robert] 1...2...3

[Percy] Okay. had a little delay there.

Percy is receiving the map Overhead Temple...

Percy has received the map Overhead Temple.

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] Hello!

[Lorie (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Magical Abilities - Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 5 (3), CHANGED: Agannazar's Scorcher -- # Memorized: 6 (0), CHANGED: Fireball -- # Memorized: 1 (4), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 5 (1), CHANGED: Thunderstaff -- # Memorized: 3 (1), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (3), CHANGED: Contingency -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Dimensional Blade -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Fortify -- Level: 3 (4), CHANGED: Fortify -- Cast Level: 3 (4), CHANGED: Fortify -- Expression: This spell is in the war sphere, it builds a fortification. It is not the cooperative magic spell in the healing sphere of the same name. (This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only one priest can cast the spell, but like mystic transfer, another priest is required for the spell to have any effect. Through this spell, the priest improves the quality of another priest's healing spells. For the fortify spell to work, it must be cast simultaneously with a cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, or cure critical wounds. The priest casting fortify must lay his hand on the priest attempting the cure. When both spells are cast, additional energy flows through the second priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify automatically causes the cure spell to function at maximum effect. Thus, a cure serious wounds would automatically heal 17 points of damage and a cure critical wounds would heal 27 points of damage.), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Cast Level: 14 (5), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- Expression: The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it. (Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it.), CHANGED: Wall of Fire -- # Memorized: 1 (--), ADDED: Fortify, 4, 4, This is a simple cooperative magic spell. Only one priest can cast the spell, but like mystic transfer, another priest is required for the spell to have any effect. Through this spell, the priest improves the quality of another priest's healing spells. For the fortify spell to work, it must be cast simultaneously with a cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, or cure critical wounds. The priest casting fortify must lay his hand on the priest attempting the cure. When both spells are cast, additional energy flows through the second priest and into the creature being healed. Fortify automatically causes the cure spell to function at maximum effect. Thus, a cure serious wounds would automatically heal 17 points of damage and a cure critical wounds would heal 27 points of damage., --, 1, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Wall of Fire, 5, 5, Let's see them get through this! The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color--violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to one 20-foot square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per two levels of experience of the wizard. In either form, the wall of fire is 20 feet high. The wall of fire must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. One side of the wall, selected by the caster, sends forth waves of heat, inflicting 2d4 points of damage upon creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of damage upon those within 20 feet. In addition, the wall inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per level of the spellcaster, upon any creature passing through it. Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly-created wall of fire is difficult; a successful saving throw enables the creature to avoid the wall, while its rate and direction of movement determine which side of the created wall it is on. The wall of fire lasts as long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he does not wish to concentrate upon it., --, 1, null, null, null, null.

[Vicki] hi

[Lorie] Okay... on the count of 3 we go...

[Arilyn (Christy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Arilyn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 3 (2). CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 3 (2). Spells - CHANGED: Charm Person -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Detect Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (4), CHANGED: Invisibilty -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Web -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 1 (0), Class Levels -

[John] can I be right on top of them, in base to base?

[Robert] 3!!!

[Vicki] hmm...

[Robert] it's not that kind ofgame john

[mikE] 1

[mikE] 2

[mikE] 5

[Robert] not 5 sir... 3

[mikE] 3!

[Robert] better

[Percy] This looks great, Bob-

[Vicki] ok... for a moment i was lagging badly

[Lorie] Okay ... great... we're thre

[DM] Arilyn moved 5'05".

[DM] Varn moved 3'04".

[DM] Percival moved 2'08".

[DM] ok, now everyone is on the map

Vicki is receiving the map Overhead Temple...

Vicki has received the map Overhead Temple.

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 23'03".

[Percy] Are we going to parlay with them at all? Is there anything they could offer us so that we don't have to kill them all?

[Moirra (Kaz)] don't think so

[Percy] Or should we just say "Knock off all that evil!!!!"

[mikE] no!

[mikE] our job is to kill them

[DM] Combat has begun!


[mikE] let's go bloody kill them.

[Arilyn (Christy)] we could try to make friends

[Vicki] kill them

[DM] ok

[Robert] killl... sounds good

[John] so we have to be outside their wepond range and enter their threatend area?

[mikE] you're a pally. your job is to kill evil things

[DM] so from now on

[Percy] I LOVE THAT SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative:(d10(+10-+0)) [10(10-0)] 20

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[Percy] Bob, that is the *best* sound ever....

[DM] Fire Priest #4: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Initiative:(d10+30) [7+30] 37

[DM] Fire Giant #3: Initiative:(d10+30) [2+30] 32

[DM] To get the map Temple Overhead: Initiative:(d10+10) [4+10] 14

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Initiative:(d10+30) [7+30] 37

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Initiative:(d10+30) [1+30] 31

[DM] Fire Giant #7: Initiative:(d10+30) [1+30] 31

[DM] Fire Giant #8: Initiative:(d10+30) [9+30] 39

[DM] Fire Priest #1: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[DM] Fire Priest #2: Initiative:(d10+10) [5+10] 15

[DM] Fire Priest #3: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Initiative:(d10+10-+0) [8+10-0] 18

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[Percy] Percival: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [8+10-2] 16

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Initiative:(d10+10-+3-2) [3+10-3-2] 8

[John] Kit: Initiative:(d10+10++0) [6+10+0] 16

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

BiBo!!!!!!!!! is receiving the map Overhead Temple...

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has received the map Overhead Temple.

[DM] so the rings are their weapon reach

[mikE] Finglass: Initiative:(d10(+10+-2)) [2(10-2)] 10

Robert is now controlling Varn

[Robert] Varn: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[mikE] Antarias: Initiative:(d10(+10-1)) [7(10-1)] 16

[Percy] 17 feet?

[DM] nods,

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so how far can we move in a round here? is this outside?

[DM] this is in feet

[John] that is why I said right on top of them, a few times

mikE has edited Finglass's effects.

[DM] that is right on top John

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so 10' times our movement rate then

[DM] your movement rates are right

[DM] you have a 12 so 120 feet

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] 12=120'?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] well, I am flying, so 180 for me

[DM] so starting combat now


[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[Percy] Wow, that Fire Priest #1 looks like one bad dude.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] just fyi I am flying and invis, I did say I was gonna come invis earlier

[Lorie] yup I heard you

[John] yes you did

[DM] and put in your own Altidue

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] how tall ar the giants?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] whatever altitude I have to be to get a nice shot at their backs

[DM] 18 foot tall

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so.... 12'?

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: +1 (-2). Damage: (DTM) : CHANGED: null (-2). Armor Class: (ACTM) : CHANGED: +1 (null).

[DM] sure

[Moirra (Kaz)] you gave them miracle-gro, Bob :-D

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone moved 80'05".

[John] that is a priest, me thinks

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] okay, so that's under half

[Percy] these guys are evil, so they get a -1 to hit me. Would I put a +1 in the Armor Class temporary modifiers on my char? THanks-

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone targets Fire Priest #2. Distance: 7'04"

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Attack #1: Black Death (invis): (15-(d20+5+4++0)-2) [15-(2+5+4+0)-2] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Damage v L: Black Death (invis): (1d3*5+(5++0)*5) [1*5+(5+0)*5] 30 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #2

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Attack #1: Black Death (invis): (15-(d20+5+4++0)-2) [15-(12+5+4+0)-2] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] Ramone: Damage v L: Black Death (invis): (1d3*5+(5++0)*5) [3*5+(5+0)*5] 40 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #2

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] damn... a little higher and that coulda killed him...

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[John] ie human, fyi

[Percy] Beautiful, man.

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Priest #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -46 (-70) - Dead

[Percy] That's very, uh, bad for them...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] or it does anyway

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yatta

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Finglass

[John] yea!

[Percy] How do you do that?!?

[mikE] Finglass moved 19'03".

[mikE] Finglass targets Fire Priest #1. Distance: 69'01"

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I am subarashi

[Percy] Right...

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] which means amazing :)

[Percy] That conveys *so much* meaning to me...

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (10-+0-(d20++2+13)) [10-0-(2+2+13)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Percy] Ahhhhh

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (10-+0-(d20++2+11)) [10-0-(14+2+11)] -17. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #3: (10-+0-(d20+2+9)) [10-0-(12+2+9)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #4: (10-+0-(d20+2+5)) [10-0-(16+2+5)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #5: (10-+0-(d20+2-3)) [10-0-(10+2-3)] 1. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #1 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #1

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #1

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [5+6] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #1

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [6+6] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #1

[Percy] Longbow of heartseeking. Also, not good for da home team.

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [6+6] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #1

[DM] INIT: 14 GOING: To get the map Temple Overhead

[mikE] woot

[mikE] suck it

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Fire Priest #1

[Moirra (Kaz)] we're gonna fight the map?

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Priest #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -31 (-55) - Dead

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[mikE] that's when we raze it.

[John] flying

[Arilyn (Christy)] haven't you ever wanted to beat that little map from Dora the Exploreer?

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 19'05".

[Arilyn (Christy)] now's your chance

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 15'05"

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 0'00"

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 2'11".

[Moirra (Kaz)] lol

[John] Paul Elvenstire no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Punch with VT: (11-(d20+1++0)) [11-(14+1+0)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v L: Punch with VT: (1d2+6d6) [2+(3+3+4+2+1+6)] 21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 104 (-21) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] john?

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: +62+19. ADDED: +62+19. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: +19 (+62+19). Max Hit Points: (MHPTM) : CHANGED: +19 (+62+19).

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[John] Kit moved 32'06".

[DM] Kit moved 3'06".

[John] Kit targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 3'04"

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(4+3+1+2)] 2. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(7+3+1+2)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(1+3+1+2)] 5. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [6+8] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 90 (-14) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Antarias

[mikE] Antarias moved 35'07".

[mikE] Antarias targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 16'06"

[mikE] Antarias no longer targets Paul Elvenstire.

[John] zoom in, it helps

[mikE] Antarias targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 8'05"

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(3+3+5)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(16+3+5)] -15. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [5+8+5] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [6+8+5] 19 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Shield Bash: (12-+3-(d20+3)) [12-3-(18+3)] -12. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Shield Bash: (1d3+8) [1+8] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Percival

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 44 (-46) - Heavily Wounded

[Percy] Percival moved 20'06".

[Percy] Percival moved 2'00".

[Percy] Percival targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'11"

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(10+3+3+1)+1] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (13-(d20+3+1+1)+1) [13-(9+3+1+1)+1] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Percy] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+7+3) [2+7+3] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 113 (-12) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] can I angle a cone of cold up so that it goes over Percy's head but hits the giant?

[DM] no

[DM] you can angle it up

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you'd have to shoot like straight up

[DM] but it is so wide it would hit him if it hits the giant

[John] use it when we have multiple in one shot

[Victoriana (Vicki)] I wouldn't want to be in front of 9 feet wide icicle

[Arilyn (Christy)] okay-hold on a sec

[Percy (to GM only)] Character sheet for Percival modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lay on hands -- # Memorized: 1 (0), Temporary Modifiers - Armor Class: (ACTM) : CHANGED: -1 (+1).

[Arilyn (Christy)] i'm a little at a loss because I don't remember what vitriolic sphere does

[Arilyn (Christy)] where can i see the description?

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 21'10".

[Christy] Arilyn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'06"

[Christy] Arilyn no longer targets Fire Giant #7.

[Christy] Arilyn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'06"

[Percy] How much taller would you say the giant is than the human?

[John] 3

[DM] drops a ball of acid on the target

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(15+0+2+1)-2] -7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [1+0+2] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 110 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Varn

[Percy] Bob, you need to visualize this spell a little better.

[Robert] Varn moved 14'04".

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'08"

[Robert] Varn no longer targets Fire Giant #7.

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'08"

[Robert] Varn no longer targets Fire Giant #7.

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'08"

[Robert] Varn no longer targets Fire Giant #7.

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'08"

[Robert] Varn no longer targets Fire Giant #7.

[Percy] If Arilyn was 26' away from the giant and the cone is 9' wide at 45', then it would only be about 5' wide at that distance. She could basically aim at the giants head and it wouldn't hit any PC's at all. Unless I'm missing something here.

[John] that's what its all about

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 6'08"

[Arilyn (Christy)] so indecisive, that Varn

[Moirra (Kaz)] lol

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [1+5] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 104 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [6+5] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(9+5)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(5+5)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 93 (-11) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Victoriana

[DM] gotcha Percy

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana moved 45'06".

[DM] Victoriana moved 12'10".

[Victoriana (Vicki)] thanks

[Percy] Unless she *has* to cast the spell at chest level 45' away. I would think she could cast it so the bottom of the 9' wide cone could be 20' off the ground 45' away. If she can't do that, I understand.

[Vicki] Victoriana targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 7'05"

[Vicki] Victoriana no longer targets Fire Giant #8.

[Vicki] Victoriana targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 7'05"

[John] not sure, but I think they are saying it has to be

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I imagine it coming from her hand, the spell doesn't say one way or another about angling really

[DM] no was saying she was too far away, that the cone would be too wide to avoid Percy at that disance

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(20+2+2)] -11. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[DM] but I can understand Percy's descitpion

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Damage v L: Long Sword: (1d12+2+3+2) [9+2+3+2] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM] and roll again Viki, for the crit

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ok... can someone clarify critical again?

[Victoriana (Vicki)] oh ok

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 28 (-16) - Massively Wounded

[DM] you rolled a 20

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(13+2+2)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] so you get to roll again

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Damage v L: Long Sword: (1d12+2+3+2) [11+2+3+2] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (-18) - Massively Wounded

[Victoriana (Vicki)] and?

[DM] and done

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Fire Priest #3

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ok

[Arilyn (Christy)] kill it, kill it, kill it

[DM] Fire Priest #3 moved 119'06".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Moirra

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm gonna head out after my next action

[John] take a giant with you

[Victoriana (Vicki)] lol john

[Arilyn (Christy)] are the priests human sized or giant sized?

[DM] human sized

[DM] Kaz?

[DM] anything?

[Moirra (Kaz)] was thinking, sorry

[John] do not stay out on the walk

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh, they're human priests?

[John] i tried to tell you

[John] look at the size

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra moved 80'05".

[Arilyn (Christy)] dirty fire giant loving humans

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] yeah, but bob uses wolf icons for sharks, so I don't trust what I see on the map

[John] LOL

[Arilyn (Christy)] too treu

[Kaz] Moirra targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 17'00"

[John] not me

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Attack #1: Footman's Mace: (16-(d20+0+2)-2) [16-(18+0+2)-2] -6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] oops

[Moirra (Kaz)] *blink*

[DM] Moirra targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 8'11"

[Percy] What's going on?

[DM] just roll damage Kaz

[Moirra (Kaz)] thank you

[Percy] I don't understand.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra: Damage v L: Footman's Mace: (1d6+2+0+2) [4+2+0+2] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Victoriana (Vicki)] it seems paul is hovering over the giant

[John] she targted the wrong character

[DM] Paul Elvenstire moved 1'02".

[Robert] We figured out bluetooth... we are the MANS!!!!

[John] he is flying

[Percy] K

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm an eeeediotttt

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Fire Priest #4

[DM] Fire Priest #4 moved 119'06".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Arilyn (Christy)] here comes trouble

[John] yea!

[Lorie] I'm on heal patrol... hold action

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Fire Giant #7

[Percy] When I saw her targeting Paul, I figured she was casting something like healing or enhancing.

[DM] Fire Giant #7 targets Percival. Distance: 6'08"

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] this is the part where we all die

[Percy] And then I thought, Paul is the last person who actually needs that!

[DM] Fire Giant #7: Attack #1: Fists: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(13+4)] -12. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[Percy] Oooh...

[DM] Percival moved 128'10".

[Arilyn (Christy)] whoo hoo! I want to be 100% gold dragon!


[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] case in point

[Arilyn (Christy)] or maybe silver

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] ::points to the lava::

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Fire Giant #6

[Percy] Uh. Where's my guy?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] in the lava

[Moirra (Kaz)] in the lava

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] melting

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] melting

[Percy] How is that?

[DM] picked up and tossed

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] oh what a world

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the giant threw you in there

[Percy] Bob.

[Percy] We went over this last time.

[Arilyn (Christy)] oh that is so not nice

[DM] Fire Giant #6 moved 143'09".

[Percy] That is not a standard attack.

[Percy] That is a *grapple*.

[Percy] There are different rules for that.

[DM] he did a grab attack

[DM] used the lower attack roll

[DM] no bonuses

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] percy does get an attack of opportunity though

[Percy] It takes him his whole attack just to grab me. I'm not a rock that doesn't resist.

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] grappling provokes that

[John] does he get two attacks with the same hand, to throw?

[DM] ok

[DM] I can see Han's point

[Percy] I also get other checks to see if I hold on, etc.

[DM] he is just held

[Percy] Gotcha.

[DM] Percival moved 133'07".

[Percy] I can see that I will be held by the guy.

[DM] Fire Giant #6 moved 5'08".

[DM] Fire Giant #6 targets Victoriana. Distance: 19'02"

[Percy] But I still get an AOO.

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Attack #1: Two handed sword: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(3+4)] -2. PROBABLY HITS Victoriana (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so make your aoo :)

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Damage v SM: Two handed sword: (2d10++10) [(2+8)+10] 20 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Victoriana

[John] so does anyone who did not get attacked

[John] by the end of the round

[DM] Victoriana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (-20) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Fire Giant #3

[John] except Fin

[Percy] Right-oh, John-boy.

[Arilyn (Christy)] yee-haw! I'm hitting him again!

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Ouch

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(9+3+3+1)+1] -2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I'm not in reach of anyone really

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] so I don't get one

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(11+0+2+1)-2] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] ok, you too

[DM] you can take those all away

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [4+0+2] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM] round is not even half over yet

[Percy] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+7+3) [11+7+3] 21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Punch with VT: (11-(d20+1++0)) [11-(2+1+0)] 8. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(18+3+1+2)] -12

[John] Kit no longer targets Fire Giant #8.

[Percy] Varn, can you take your AOO, please?

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] sharpie? you drawing cat whiskers on their faces?

[John] Kit targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 3'03"


[Percy] I'm gonna go lava swimming if we can't stop this guy.

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(16+3+1+2)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] the rond is only half over

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] percy does

[DM] I will put up the block

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] you get one when you are grappled

[Percy] I get one while he tries to grab me...

[DM] if people do not stop just going

[DM] it is not your turn

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 58'03"

[DM] you can not just attack when ever you want

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] the rest no

[DM] I have to earase the all

[Arilyn (Christy)] sorry, i thought I saw the go ahead

[John] i miss read that to say go

[Lorie] I may choose to use my held action BOB... so let me know

[Percy] A-ha.

[DM] I will

[BiBo!!!!!!!!!] I gotta get goign

[John] tata

[Moirra (Kaz)] Take care, Marco

[Percy] See ya, BiBo!

Christy has edited Kit's effects.

Christy has edited Paul Elvenstire's effects.

Christy has edited Moirra's effects.

Christy has edited Rhys of Gilmairay's effects.

Christy has edited Percival's effects.

Christy has edited Arilyn's effects.

Christy has edited Ramone's effects.

Christy has edited Kylia Wolfslayer's effects.

Christy has edited Finglass's effects.

Christy has edited Valedianna's effects.

Christy has edited Antarias's effects.

Christy has edited Fire Elemental's effects.

Christy has edited Kira's effects.

Christy has edited Victoriana's effects.

Christy has edited Wilson's effects.

Christy has edited Varn's effects.

Christy has edited Taurus's effects.

Christy has edited Glabius's effects.

Christy has edited Khan's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map Temple Overhead's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map Eagle Eye view's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map Temple inside front's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map Temple inside rear's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map Overland's effects.

Christy has edited To get the map SE Terraguard's effects.

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((have fun Marco))

[Arilyn (Christy)] opps

[Lorie] Cheers buy some ice cucumber pepsi and let me know how it tastes

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #5

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Fire Giant #3

[Moirra (Kaz)] Christy - you did a Kaz!

[Arilyn (Christy)] i have no idea what just happened

[DM] I never even went with #5 I was so busy canceling everythign

[Moirra (Kaz)] I never do, either

[DM] Fire Giant #3 targets Victoriana. Distance: 152'02"

[DM] Fire Giant #3: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(9+4)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Victoriana (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

BiBo!!!!!!!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 28 22:00:15 EDT 2008

[DM] Fire Giant #3: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(4+5)] 9 added to: Victoriana

[DM] Victoriana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-9) - Moderately Wounded

[Victoriana (Vicki)] YEOUCH!!!

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #5

[DM] Fire Giant #5 targets Arilyn. Distance: 173'09"

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(14+4)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Victoriana (Vicki)] hey bob, what does wild fighting do in this instance?

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(10+10)] 20 added to: Arilyn

[DM] nothing

[Victoriana (Vicki)] aww

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (-20) - Moderately Wounded

[Victoriana (Vicki)] this orc isn't happy

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #4

[Victoriana (Vicki)] half-orc actually

[DM] Fire Giant #4 targets Varn. Distance: 152'06"

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(9+4)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Varn (AC FINAL: -4)!!!

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(10+9)] 19 added to: Varn

[DM] Varn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 92 (-19) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 39 GOING: Fire Giant #8

[Robert] that sucks

[Victoriana (Vicki)] uh oh...

[DM] Fire Giant #8 targets Kit. Distance: 3'03"

[DM] Fire Giant #8: Attack #1: Fists: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(9+4)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Kit (AC FINAL: 0)!!!

[DM] OK, so Percy and Kit are both picked up and ready to toss into the lava on my next action

[DM] Percy gets his Aoo

[Percy] I'm holding on. I'm not a willing participant in a throw action.

[John] then kit?

[Robert] that's not very nice BOB... you'll never make friends that way

[Percy] A rock just lets the giant throw it.

[DM] Moirria and Paul and Antarias get Aoo also

[Percy] You can't assume that I'm just going to lay there and let myself be thrown.

[DM] nods to Percy

[Percy] You can't treat characters like rocks.

[Robert] sooooooo... Percy just became a weapon that will be used against me?

[Percy] Plus....

[John] i rolled paul, not Kit's

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(7+3+3+1)+1] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Percy] I *hit* him earlier, Bob-O. I don't know why you had to erase my successful attack...

[Percy] I did 21 points of damage.

[DM] because I had to erase all sorts of wrong attacks

[John] Kit targets Fire Giant #8. Distance: 3'03"

[Percy] I wasn't going to make a big deal of it if I *hit* him this time, but I didn't and that changes things.

[Percy] My attack was legit.

[Moirra (Kaz)] doesn't the person getting picked up get their attack as soon as it happens?

[Percy] *My* attack was legit.

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(20+3+1+2)] -14. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[DM] there is no way to determine that

[DM] in teh list of attacks

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(6+3+1+2)] 0. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #8 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [6+8] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #8

[Percy] In grappling rules, *before* the person does their grapple move, the other guy gets an AOO.

[Percy] Marco would back me up because he knows the rules, but he's gone.

[Percy] Anybody else know grappling rules?

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-14) - Dead

[Victoriana (Vicki)] nope

[Victoriana (Vicki)] yay, now i can focus on my attackers

[Arilyn (Christy)] can anyone else do aoo's yet?

[Victoriana (Vicki)] one at a time

[Percy] I don't have Combat & Tactics but that's one thing I absolutely remember.


[Percy] Anyway....

[John] varn and arylin?


[Robert] yes

[Percy] I am now giant-sized. If he can throw a hill giant, that would be amazing.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(11+0+2+1)-2] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Damage v L: +2 Longsword Elaris: (1d12++0+2) [7+0+2] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[John] Oh yea

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 84 (-9) - Moderately Wounded

[Victoriana (Vicki)] since giant 8 is dead, does that mean kit was dropped to the ground?

[DM] why are you hill giant sized?

[Percy] Thank you so much for showing us your rules Bob.

[Percy] I am a hill giant.

[Percy] *At will* I can become Hill-giant sized...

[Arilyn (Christy)] that was someone's wish-that he could be human sized at will

[John] the only hill giant palidin in the party

[Percy] Christy, a little help here?

[Arilyn (Christy)] and most of the time he chooses to be human sized in order to fit in dingeons

[DM] when did you say you were going up to hill giant sized?

[DM] your icon is still human sized

[Percy] Right when I got grabbed.

[DM] ok

[DM] well that is an action then

[Arilyn (Christy)] go large

[Percy] That was my will.

[DM] and no Aoo then

[Percy] Okay.

[DM] Percival moved 1'02".

[Percy] But, there is a hole in your *throwing* characters theory, Bob.

[DM] Percival moved 4'07".

[DM] you do get to fight back, try to grapple etc

[Percy] Your wrestling rules are for pinning people to the ground, not for picking them up and hurling them. That is a Bob-only thing.

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.


[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((Bob, since the 8th one is dead, does that mean Kit was dropped to the ground?))

[Arilyn (Christy)] like a hot potato

[DM] and yes to Vicki

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Finglass

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((thanks Christy and Bob))

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] Thanks, I didn't remember how to make my char icon huge.

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (10-+0-(d20++2+13)) [10-0-(9+2+13)] -14

[mikE] Finglass targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 68'08"

[DM] edit and size

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (10-+0-(d20++2+13)) [10-0-(3+2+13)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (10-+0-(d20++2+11)) [10-0-(20+2+11)] -23. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT x2]

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (10-+0-(d20++2+11)) [10-0-(13+2+11)] -16. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [3+6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Speed shot #2: (1d6+6) [1+6] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Speed shot #2: (1d6+6) [6+6] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #3: (10-+0-(d20+2+9)) [10-0-(9+2+9)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Speed shot #3: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #4: (10-+0-(d20+2+5)) [10-0-(1+2+5)] 2. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #5: (10-+0-(d20+2-3)) [10-0-(19+2-3)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 46 (-38) - Heavily Wounded

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Speed shot #5: (1d6+6) [5+6] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (-11) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[DM] Fire Giant #12 moved 39'06".

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 25'07".

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 15'06"

[Lorie] this the same round with AOO or a new round?

[Moirra (Kaz)] new round

[DM] new round

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Punch with VT: (11-(d20+1++0)) [11-(17+1+0)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[DM] sorry Lor

[DM] you have your last action still

[Lorie] Nevermind then

[Lorie] forget it

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Punch with VT: (11-(d20+1++0)) [11-(1+1+0)] 9. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Lorie] :: shakes head ::

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v L: Punch with VT: (1d2+6d6) [1+(6+5+1+5+1+3)] 22 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM] sorry can not keep up with everyone

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-22) - Massively Wounded

[Lorie] whatever.

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20 (+19). Max Hit Points: (MHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20 (+19).

[DM] Fire Giant #12: Initiative:(d10+30) [7+30] 37

[Kaz] if you hold an action, can you take it at any time you wish during the rest of the round?

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[Kaz] or have to wait until the end?

[Lorie] not at any time...but usually at the end

[John] Kit moved 31'00".

[Lorie] once all the AOO were finished

[John] Kit targets Fire Giant #7. Distance: 3'09"

[Percy (to DM only)] If you are using two hands to grab a person use the wrestling rules to resolve the attack. If you are using only one hand then the attack is treated as a called shot (announce before initiative, +1 to initiative, -4 to hit), and your strength score is treated as three less. (i.e. 15 becomes 12, etc.) Strengths of 18 are dropped as follows: 18/00 to 18/51, 18/91-99 to 18/01, 18/76-90 to 18, 18/51-75 to 17, 18/01-50 to 16, and 18 to 15. If your opponent has any attacks left in the combat round he can respond with a wrestling, punching or other attack (such as using a short weapon). If your attack resulted in hold on the wrestling chart then he has a -4 to hit with any attack but a wrestling attack. However, he can use his attack to break your hold using the strength method listed above.

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(3+3+1+2)] 3. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Percy (to DM only)] did you follow this, Bob?

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(4+3+1+2)] 2. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(13+3+1+2)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #7 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [6+8] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #7

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Antarias

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-14) - Dying

[Percy (to DM only)] did he get a -4 to hit because he was trying to use one hand?

[Percy (to DM only)] I ask this because I know it's going to happen again with the rest of the giants...

[DM (to Percy only)] yes was at teh -4 to hit, and his strength dropped to 18 00

[mikE] holding

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Percival

[Percy] gimme a sec

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((Bob, what would happen if I were to go to our healers at my turn?))

[DM] they would on their turn get a chance to try to heal you

[Percy] DM, is there room for me to maneuver around to attack #6?

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((I meant in the way of giants attacking me as I'm a target of 2 of them))

[DM] for you

[Percy] Or should I just hold action and wait for the guys to the northwest?

[DM] you would likely be there

[John] so far sticking together is working

[Kaz] there's a priest not far from Percy, so be careful

[Percy] Ok

[Kaz] or step on him - either way :)

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((lol Kaz))

[Percy] Percival moved 29'04".

[Percy] Guarding.

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Arilyn

[Percy] Wait

[Percy] I didn't see the fire priest right there.

[Percy] Wait.

[Percy] I'm having a difficult time with this laptop.

[Percy] I want to attack the fire priest.

[Percy] I didn't see that she had moved right there. It looked like a rock.

[Percy] Percival moved 5'11".

[Percy] Percival moved 4'09".

[Percy] Percival targets Fire Priest #4. Distance: 8'06"

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(10+3+3+1)+1] -3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #4 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (13-(d20+3+1+1)+1) [13-(10+3+1+1)+1] -1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #4 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(15+3+3+1)+1] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #4 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Percy] Percival: Damage v SM: Long Sword, +3: (1d8+7+3) [1+7+3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #4

[Percy] Percival: Damage v SM: Longsword, +1: (1d8+7+1) [3+7+1] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #4

[Percy] Percival: Damage v SM: Long Sword, +3: (1d8+7+3) [1+7+3] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #4

[Percy] Okay. Done. Go Arilyn

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Priest #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-33) - Heavily Wounded

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 61'04".

[Christy] Arilyn targets Fire Giant #6. Distance: 5'09"

[Percy] Varn & Kit, I'm going to need your help over here!

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(8+0+2+1)-2] 0 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Christy] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(7+0+2+1)-2] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Varn

[Christy] not good

[John] kit already went this turn

[Robert] Varn moved 50'09".

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Priest #4. Distance: 3'07"

[Percy] Well, I mean whenever you can, of course.

[Percy] (I was just hoping it could be in this round! Heh heh heh ))

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(15+5)] -11. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #4 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [5+5] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #4

[John] ci, I just think we are getting a little spread out for my tastes

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Priest #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-10) - Massively Wounded

[Percy] (We're getting our butts kicked, I would say)

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(2+5)] 2. PROBABLY HITS Fire Priest #4 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [7+5] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Priest #4

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Priest #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -9 (-12) - Dying

[John] yea!

[Robert] go me!

[Robert] i am the champion

[Percy] Good job, Robert!!!!!!!

[Christy] psst...over here...there's a fire giant close by...

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Victoriana

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana moved 64'09".

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana moved 11'01".

[Victoriana (Vicki)] um... I don't think this is where i want to be

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana moved 59'05".

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ok

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Fire Priest #3

[Lorie] Percival moved 1'04".

[Victoriana (Vicki)] i'm about as blind as it gets with these little icons

[DM] Fire Priest #3 moved 97'02".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Moirra

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((uh oh))

[Kaz] no one locked the door...

[Kaz] Moirra targets Victoriana. Distance: 2'08"

[DM] this is a sad but true thing Kaz

[John] one more inside

[mikE] i make a motion to back up and get the hell off the lava.

[Percy] We can just run away.

[mikE] because i'm not going swimming today

[Percy] We need to run really really fast.

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((we were told earlier we can't just run away, they'll come after us))

[DM] Kaz?

[Kaz] Moirra: Cure Serious Wounds: You're healed (-2d8-1) [-(4+4)-1] -9 points.

[DM] Victoriana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (9) - Moderately Wounded

[Kaz] wow, that was an epic heal

[DM] ok

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Percy] Well, at this point at least there will be fewer of 'em following us.

[Victoriana (Vicki)] so I feel a little better...

[Kaz] until they all come running out of the temple

[Percy] Well, how many can there be?

[Kaz] (says the little voice in the half-empty glass)

[Arilyn (Christy)] only 2 fewer giants and 1 fewer priests

[Victoriana (Vicki)] hundreds?

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Fire Giant #6

[Percy] No way.

[DM] Lor?

[Arilyn (Christy)] sorry 3 fewer priests

[Lorie] Next

[DM] ok

[DM] Fire Giant #6 targets Arilyn. Distance: 5'09"

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Attack #1: Fists: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(5+4)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Arilyn (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] does winking at him cost an action?

[DM] and have Arilyn now

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Fire Giant #3

[Arilyn (Christy)] and kissing sounds?

[Percy] No, she gets an attack of opportunity first.

[John] aoo

[Kaz] gross

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((lol))

[Percy] Before he attacks.

[Percy] More accurately, *while* he attacks.

[DM] she already attacked him twice this round and missed

[Percy] No.

[John] varn are percy need to come back, I think

[Arilyn (Christy)] those were my 2 normal attacks

[Percy] Grapple is different, Bob.

[John] still gets an aoo

[DM] yes she does

[Percy] If he were to throw something at her.

[Percy] Or if he were to attack with a weapon, no AOO.

[DM] right

[DM] ok

[Arilyn (Christy)] so yes to the aoo?

[Percy] But he is reaching out with his bare hands.

[DM] because he has not done anything yet

[DM] he gets two attacks

[DM] one is to hit her

[DM] roll your aoo Christy

[Percy] I thought you said he grabbed her.

[John] cool

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn: Attack #1: +2 Longsword Elaris: (13-(d20++0+2+1)-2) [13-(3+0+2+1)-2] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM] ok,

[DM] now

[Arilyn (Christy)] ick

[DM] I still get another attack

[John] not with the same hand

[DM] nope

[DM] just crushing

[DM] with the other hand

[Percy] We as chars only get AOO for grappling attacks.

[Arilyn (Christy)] i will still make kissy faces at him as he's squeezing me to death

[DM] automatic hit

[Kaz] ROFL

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Damage v SM: Two handed sword: (2d10++10) [(9+9)+10] 28 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Arilyn

[Arilyn (Christy)] wink wink, big boy

[Kaz] you're so sassy!

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-28) - Heavily Wounded

[Percy] Hm. I don't see "crushing" as an attack.

[Percy] I see "punch" as an attack.

[Arilyn (Christy)] he can kiss my ass while he's at it

[Percy] But not "crush"

[mikE] boa constricters do it

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #5

[DM] Fire Giant #5 targets Percival. Distance: 134'04"

[Percy] Well, when we come across boa constrictors, we'll get crushed.

[Percy] Here, we're just going to get punched.

[Percy] Really really hard.

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(18+4)] -17. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[Percy] How does it end up as 22 points of damage?

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(6+10)] 16 added to: Percival

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (-16) - Lightly Wounded

[John] to 22 pts

[John] left

[Percy] The most a punch can do is 2 points, plus strength. They have a 20 point strength bonus?

[John] oh yea

[Percy] I thought they only had like a 7 point STR bonus...

[DM] Fire Giant #6: Damage v SM: Fists: (1d6++10) [3+10] 13 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Arilyn

[Percy] How can he hold someone and hit them with a 2-handed sword?

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-13) - Massively Wounded

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 37 (28) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #12

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ok...

[DM] Fire Giant #12 moved 6'03".

[DM] Fire Giant #12 moved 6'06".

[DM] Fire Giant #12 targets Antarias. Distance: 10'01"

[DM] Fire Giant #12: Attack #1: Fists: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(1+4)] 0. Probably MISSES Antarias (AC FINAL: -8)

[John] yea!

[DM] Fire Giant #12: Attack #1: Fists: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(7+4)] -6. Probably MISSES Antarias (AC FINAL: -8)

[Robert] why are there giants coming out of that hole?

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #4

[John] yea!

[DM] Fire Giant #4 targets Percival. Distance: 108'11"

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] because the fire priest ran in there to send out reinforcements

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(6+4)] -5. Probably MISSES Percival (AC FINAL: -6)


[DM] end of round issues

[mikE] \anterias held a

[DM] Lorie?

[mikE] Antarias moved 28'00".

[mikE] Antarias targets Fire Giant #6. Distance: 6'08"

[Lorie] yes?

[DM] anything?

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(9+3+5)] -8. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(10+3+5)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Lorie] well... I can't move and I'm staying here

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Shield Bash: (12-+3-(d20+3)) [12-3-(10+3)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Shield Bash: (1d3+8) [1+8] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [9+8+5] 22 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [5+8+5] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[Robert] can we close the doors or something to keepmore from killing us?

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(1+3+5)] 0. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 76 (-49) - Moderately Wounded

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [2+8+5] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[John] yes

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 61 (-15) - Heavily Wounded

[John] maybe

[mikE] done

[John] oh most

[DM] INIT: 8 GOING: Ramone

[DM] INIT: 10 GOING: Finglass

[Robert] so should we close the doors?

[mikE] Finglass targets Fire Giant #6. Distance: 81'04"

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (10-+0-(d20++2+13)) [10-0-(15+2+13)] -20. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #2: (10-+0-(d20++2+11)) [10-0-(7+2+11)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] one at a time

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #3: (10-+0-(d20+2+9)) [10-0-(6+2+9)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #4: (10-+0-(d20+2+5)) [10-0-(10+2+5)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Attack #1: Speed shot #5: (10-+0-(d20+2-3)) [10-0-(15+2-3)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [3+6] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [1+6] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [1+6] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[John] you can spread those out?

[mikE] Finglass: Damage v SM: Cleathalas, Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking +3: (1d6+6) [2+6] 8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-41) - Massively Wounded

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy (to DM only)] If you are using two hands to grab a person use the wrestling rules to resolve the attack. If you are using only one hand then the attack is treated as a called shot (announce before initiative, +1 to initiative, -4 to hit), and your strength score is treated as three less. (i.e. 15 becomes 12, etc.) Strengths of 18 are dropped as follows: 18/00 to 18/51, 18/91-99 to 18/01, 18/76-90 to 18, 18/51-75 to 17, 18/01-50 to 16, and 18 to 15. If your opponent has any attacks left in the combat round he can respond with a wrestling, punching or other attack (such as using a short weapon). If your attack resulted in hold on the wrestling chart then he has a -4 to hit with any attack but a wrestling attack. However, he can use his attack to break your hold using the strength method listed above.

[John] or maybe not

[DM] INIT: 15 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[mikE] he was only at heavily wounded

[Lorie] If anyone wants to come here I'm happy to heal

[mikE] that's like, half damage

[John] casting wizard lock

[mikE] bout time

[mikE] i thought that was supposed to be the first thing we did

[Robert] casting... a rock

[Percy (to DM only)] the defender gets a +4: A character attempting to punch, wrestle, overbear, or use Martial Arts against an armed opponent can do so only by placing himself at great risk. Making matters worse, an armed defender is automatically allowed to strike first, regardless of initiative. Further, since his opponent must get very close, the defender gains a +4 to his attack and damage rolls. Those involved in a wrestling bout are limited to weapons of small size after the first round of combat

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Wizard Lock: The door is permanently locked.

[Percy (to DM only)] (sorry, I put the wrong text in earlier!)

[John] depending on what plan you go by

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Kit

[DM] JOhn

[Percy (to DM only)] the opponent must get very close, the defender gets a +4 to his attack and damage rolls.

[DM] that is a touch only spell

[Arilyn (Christy)] plan? we had a plan? I missed that part

[John] say range 30 yds

[DM] you can do something else in stead

[John] sorry wrong spell

[Lorie] Yes, that was part of the plan

[John] hold until kit closes

[Percy (to DM only)] If you get a hit you have grabbed the object desired, now control must be decided. In the same round that the grab is performed roll 1d20, your opponent will do the same. Compare your number to your strength score. Whichever one rolls better against his score wins control of the object. For purposes of a grab all 18 scores are just 18. However, in a tie, a high percentile beats a low percentile (ie 18/40 beats an 18/30). All tie rolls must be re-rolled during the same round. Treat

[John] wait

[DM] Range is touch

[DM] area of effect id 30 square feet/level

[Percy (to DM only)] we need to get the opposed strength check when the grab is performed...

[DM] so what does Paul want to do?

[Percy (to DM only)] so you have to hit and *then* we make the opposed strength check.

[Percy (to DM only)] you'll probably win, but we still get it.

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 5'11".

[DM (to Percy only)] but not unitl I try to throw you

[John] Paul Elvenstire moved 10'11".

[John] ready for next round

[DM] then hit done for kit

[John] she did not do anything yet

[John] Kit moved 50'01".

[John] Kit targets Fire Giant #6. Distance: 4'00"

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(9+3+1+2)] -3. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(13+3+1+2)] -7. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(11+3+1+2)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] nice

[John] Kit: Attack #1: Sharpie: (12-(d20+3+1+2)) [12-(3+3+1+2)] 3. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #6 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Percy (to DM only)] No, Bob. When you *grab* us, we make the strength check, as per the rules.

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [2+8] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[Arilyn (Christy)] I stick my tongue out at the giant

[Percy (to DM only)] there are no rules for throwing chars

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [1+8] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[Kaz] lol Christy

[John] Kit: Damage v L: Sharpie: (d6+8) [3+8] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #6

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Antarias

[Lorie] No one wants healing?

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #6's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-30) - Dead

[Arilyn (Christy)] umm...i do!

[Arilyn (Christy)] and I'll be there soon

[mikE] Antarias moved 31'03".

[mikE] Antarias targets Fire Giant #12. Distance: 6'08"

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(13+3+5)] -12. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(5+3+5)] -4. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Shield Bash: (12-+3-(d20+3)) [12-3-(16+3)] -10. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [4+8+5] 17 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [3+8+5] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Shield Bash: (1d3+8) [2+8] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[DM] INIT: 16 GOING: Percival

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 82 (-43) - Moderately Wounded

[John] hit and run, I like it

[mikE] well, anterias is about to get picked up.

[Percy (to DM only)] If you get a hit you have grabbed the object desired, now control must be decided. In the same round that the grab is performed roll 1d20, your opponent will do the same. Compare your number to your strength score. Whichever one rolls better against his score wins control of the object. For purposes of a grab all 18 scores are just 18. However, in a tie, a high percentile beats a low percentile (ie 18/40 beats an 18/30). All tie rolls must be re-rolled during the same round. Treat

[DM] Hell Hound #4: Initiative:(d10+10) [2+10] 12

[mikE] so anyone who wants to kill tis giant up front would be nice.

[John] then varn and per will finish off

[DM] Fire Priest #5: Initiative:(d10+10) [10+10] 20

[mikE] and here come the doggies

[DM] Hell Hound #3: Initiative:(d10+10) [6+10] 16

[John] maybe kit next round

[DM] Fire Giant #9: Initiative:(d10+30) [1+30] 31

[DM] Fire Giant #10: Initiative:(d10+30) [6+30] 36

[John] or fin

[DM] Hell Hound #2: Initiative:(d10+10) [6+10] 16

[Percy] Percival moved 53'10".

[DM] Fire Giant #11: Initiative:(d10+30) [3+30] 33

[Percy] Percival targets Fire Giant #12. Distance: 7'07"

[DM] Hell Hound #1: Initiative:(d10+10) [8+10] 18

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Long Sword, +3: (13-(d20+3+3+1)+1) [13-(15+3+3+1)+1] -8 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Percy] Percival: Attack #1: Longsword, +1: (13-(d20+3+1+1)+1) [13-(13+3+1+1)+1] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] who let the dogs out? (come on, you know someone was gonna say it)

[John] :)

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((ROFL))

[Percy] Percival: Damage v L: Long Sword, +3: (1d12+7+3) [8+7+3] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[Kaz] hee hee

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (-32) - Heavily Wounded

[Percy] Percival: Damage v L: Longsword, +1: (1d12+7+1) [6+7+1] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[mikE] no. no we don't

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Hell Hound #1

[Percy] Varn, you can come back like John asked.

[DM] Hell Hound #1 moved 90'03".

[DM] INIT: 18 GOING: Arilyn

[Percy] I clicked on the red thing.

[Arilyn (Christy)] Arilyn moved 73'05".

[Percy] Okay, Christy got it now.

[Robert] on my turn i will

[Arilyn (Christy)] Lady, please? So I may go get injured again?

[Percy] Yeah, I just didn't want you to think that I left you out there in the cold!

[DM] Arilyn moved 5'10".

[Robert] no problemo

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Varn

[Percy] I'm just obeying John.

[Robert] Varn moved 58'11".

[John] (Paul)

[Robert] Varn targets Fire Giant #12. Distance: 5'08"

[Percy] Right. Paul.

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(2+5)] 2. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(18+5)] -14. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [4+5] 9 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-9) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Victoriana

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana moved 5'09".

[Vicki] Victoriana targets Fire Giant #12. Distance: 6'01"

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Victoriana: Attack #1: Long Sword: (13-(d20+2+2)) [13-(1+2+2)] 8. Probably MISSES Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)

[John] are we going to stop end of round?

[Arilyn (Christy)] and these guys are all evil correct?

[John] after aoo

[DM] Yes to John

[DM] and yes to Christy

[John] Ture lies "but they were all bad"

[DM] INIT: 19 GOING: Fire Priest #3

[Arilyn (Christy)] I always forget that my sword causes confusion toevil creatures when I hit them

[John] ooops

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Arilyn (Christy)] yeah, that's a good thing to remember...

[Percy] We could use that, Christy!

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Moirra

[Percy] We *need* something like that here!

[Percy] You can just go flying around hitting all of them and we'll go around cleaning up the confusion...

[Kaz] Moirra: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [-9-1] -10 points.

[Percy] Bippity bobbity booo!!

[DM] Victoriana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (10) - Lightly Wounded

[Percy] You're confused!

[Percy] Bippity bobbity booo!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] i can be the fairy death-dealer!

[Percy] Now, *you're* confused!

[Kaz] or they'll all beat on each other :)

[John] she did not need to hit

[Victoriana (Vicki)] Thank you, Moirra

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Fire Priest #5

[Victoriana (Vicki)] I feel a bit better

[DM] Fire Priest #5 moved 21'10".

[DM] INIT: 20 GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Arilyn. Distance: 3'05"

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Heal: Let the healing power be cast upon you. The very potent heal spell enables the priest to wipe away disease and injury in the creature who receives the benefits of the spell. It completely cures all diseases or blindness of the recipient and heals all points of damage suffered due to wounds or injury. It dispels a feeblemind spell. It cures those mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. Naturally, the effects can be negated by later wounds, injuries, and diseases.

[DM] INIT: 31 GOING: Fire Giant #9

[Percy] Yes, please heal her before she starts flying around hitting people with her wand of confusion.

[Percy] Her "sword" of confusion, excuse me...

[DM] Arilyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 70 (33) - Unharmed

[John] woot

[Arilyn (Christy)] but only to evil...

[Arilyn (Christy)] yay! now let me at 'em!

[DM] Fire Giant #9 moved 108'10".

[DM] Fire Giant #9 moved 3'01".

[DM] INIT: 32 GOING: Fire Giant #3

[DM] Fire Giant #3 moved 17'00".

[DM] Fire Giant #3: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(2+4)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Victoriana (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[DM] Fire Giant #3: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(6+4)] 10 added to: Victoriana

[John] is that a missle attack?

[DM] Victoriana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (-10) - Moderately Wounded

[Arilyn (Christy)] ouch. those hot rocks suck

[DM] INIT: 33 GOING: Fire Giant #11

[John] wouldn't it have a chance to hit the giant in bace

[John] BOB!

[DM] Fire Giant #11 moved 21'02".

[DM] INIT: 36 GOING: Fire Giant #10

[John] wouldn't it have a chance to hit the giant in bace

[DM] Fire Giant #10 moved 80'00".

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #5

[Percy] Yes, John.

[DM] yes if I miss John

[Percy] But Bob is feeling particular biased. Hmm. He's not normally like this...

[John] was it a called shot?

[Percy] wow, you're good.

[John] that is what we need to do

[Percy] (John, that is. Bob is the enemy)

[DM] I was using the Grenade like chart for this

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[DM] rather than the scatter

[DM] because teh scatter does damage to all in range

[DM] not just to the one character

[Percy] What in the world are you talking about, Bob?!

[John] i'll read those rules later

[Lorie] I tihink I'm done for the evening all

[Percy] Secrets that the DM keeps so we the players can't cheese out like he does.

[Arilyn (Christy)] the giants have grenades

[DM] when you toss things in

[Lorie] sorry...can't keep my eyes open any longer

[Percy] Good night, Lorie!

[DM] night Lor

[Arilyn (Christy)] bye Lorie!

[Kaz] Good night Lorie

[Lorie] don't die

[John] nighty night

Lorie has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:06:00 EDT 2008

[John] just trying to finish this round myself

[DM] you can have the catapult rocks/thown boulders shatter and do damage over a blast area

[DM] or you can do what we have been doing all along before this fight

[DM] which is target someone

[DM] and only hit them

[Percy] Grenade rules will not apply.

[Victoriana (Vicki)] ((bob, would the halberd have worked on these dratted giants?))

[Percy] Because you are trying to actually *hit* something with force.

[Percy] A grenade is not a rock that you throw at someone's head.

[John] can we discuss this later? I am tired

[Percy] A grenade is something that you throw close to the target, Bob.

[Percy] Like horseshoes and...

[Arilyn (Christy)] close only counts in 2 things...

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(14+4)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[DM] Fire Giant #5: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(5+3)] 8 added to: Percival

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 44 (-8) - Moderately Wounded

[Vicki] does this mean we're stopping at the end of the round?

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #12

[Percy] You are using wrestling rules to hurl us (which is not covered)

[Kaz] I believe so

[John] it's not the worst thing that can happen

[DM] Fire Giant #12 targets Percival. Distance: 7'07"

[Arilyn (Christy)] hmm...the timing of that one...

[Percy] And you are using grenade rules for missile weapons.

[DM] Fire Giant #12: Attack #1: Two handed sword: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(15+4)] -14. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[Percy] Hmmmm.....

[Percy] Weird wild stuff.

[Percy] How does one reconcile this?

[Vicki] hopefully we can next week percy

[DM] Fire Giant #12: Damage v L: Two handed sword: (2d12++10) [(2+6)+10] 18 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Percival

[Percy] I see us as getting our butts kicked here.

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (-18) - Heavily Wounded

[DM] INIT: 37 GOING: Fire Giant #4

[Percy] If he gets his way, we're done.

[DM] Fire Giant #4 moved 32'01".

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Attack #1: Hot Rock: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(19+4)] -18. PROBABLY HITS Percival (AC FINAL: -6)!!!

[John] not unexpected, we are on par or beter than I expected

[Percy] But you're right.

[DM] Fire Giant #4: Damage v SM: Hot Rock: (2d10) [(8+10)] 18 added to: Percival

[DM] Percival's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-18) - Massively Wounded


[DM] ok

[John] let varn and Ant get aoo

[John] and per

[Percy] Right.

[Percy] *Before* the round is over....

[DM] no

[DM] Percy does not

[Percy] Except, I don't get AOO

[John] soory right

[DM] Varn does not

[Percy] He *Hit* me.

[DM] Antarias does not

[DM] oh wait

[DM] Ant does

[Robert] and i so wanted to howl

[Percy] He hit *all* of us?

[mikE] Antarias no longer targets Fire Giant #12.

[mikE] Antarias targets Fire Giant #12. Distance: 6'08"

[DM] not hit, attacked

[John] he did not attack varn?

[Percy] We only get AOO on people we threaten that don't attack us.

[DM] you only have to be attacked

[mikE] Antarias: Attack #1: Nightblade: (12-+3-(d20+3+5)) [12-3-(6+3+5)] -5. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Percy] How did he attack both of us?

[mikE] Antarias: Damage v L: Nightblade: (d12+8+5) [11+8+5] 24 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[John] how many did #12 attack?

[Kaz] Percival needs to get his tukus up to Kylia ASAP

[DM] only one

[Percy] He can only attack one of us, Bob.

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-24) - Massively Wounded

[Percy] He attacked me, I thought.

[DM] yes

[Percy] That means Varn *can* attack him.

[DM] yes Varn can

[Percy] Varn threatened him.

[Percy] K

[John] kill kill

[John] go v

[Robert] yay

[John] go v

[Arilyn (Christy)] please kill him Varn

[DM] and then # 9 gets his on Paul

[John] i gotta go v

[Robert] Varn: Attack #1: Nagelring: (9-(d20+5)) [9-(17+5)] -13. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #12 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Percy] Kill him so I can retreat without him attacking me next round!

[Robert] Varn: Damage v L: Nagelring: (1d12+5) [10+5] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #12

[Percy] I need *****healing*****

[Robert] meow

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-15) - Massively Wounded

[mikE] wimp

[DM] Fire Giant #9 moved 2'03".

[mikE] you've got 8 hp.

[DM] Fire Giant #9 targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 15'11"

[Percy] 15 HP is good, man...

[mikE] talk to me in 7

[John] good night

[Robert] lol

[DM] wait

[DM] Paul is Invis right?

[Kaz] night John

[Kaz] Yes, Paul is invis

[John] no flying

[Percy] Improved Invis, right?

[DM] ok, so fully vis

[DM] Fire Giant #9: Attack #1: Two handed sword: (5-(d20++4)) [5-(10+4)] -9. PROBABLY HITS Paul Elvenstire (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[DM] Fire Giant #9: Damage v SM: Two handed sword: (2d10++10) [(3+8)+10] 21 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Paul Elvenstire

[John] take it off the temp

[DM] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 80 (-21) - Lightly Wounded

[Kaz] umm

[Kaz] Paul is marked as invis

[DM] how many temp is there?

[John] 39

[DM] ok

[John] i will adjust

[John] ?

[DM] Paul Elvenstire's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 101 (21) - Unharmed

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Combat - Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20-21 (+19+20). Max Hit Points: (MHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20-21 (+19+20).

[John] ok is that all ?

[Percy] Good night, John!

[Kaz] Good night, John

[Percy] Thanks for everything!

[John] or can paul attack?

[DM] yes to John

[John] he only moved?

[Arilyn (Christy)] night John!

[John] is he blocking the door

[mikE] night all.

[DM] the two of you are both in the doorway right nwo

mikE has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:16:48 EDT 2008

[Kaz] Night Mike

[Vicki] good night Mike

[Kaz] Night everyone

[Vicki] night kaz

[John] anything thing behind him?

Kaz has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:17:08 EDT 2008

[DM] you don't know

[John] oh well

[John] Paul Elvenstire targets Fire Giant #9. Distance: 17'08"

[Robert] g'night all

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Attack #1: Punch with VT: (11-(d20+1++0)) [11-(11+1+0)] -1. PROBABLY HITS Fire Giant #9 (AC FINAL: -1)!!!

[Arilyn (Christy)] night!

[Vicki] good night robert

Robert has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:18:07 EDT 2008

[Percy] Good night, Robert. Good to have you!

[Vicki] night christy and percy

[DM] what is that for John?

[John] Paul Elvenstire: Damage v L: Punch with VT: (1d2+6d6) [1+(2+5+5+3+3+3)] 22 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Fire Giant #9

[Arilyn (Christy)] night!

[John] you said I could attack

[DM] I meant next round

[Percy] Hah!

[John] i only moved this round?

[DM] ok

[DM] Yes then

[DM] but I am keeping that Aoo I took

[John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20-21+20 (+19+20-21). Max Hit Points: (MHPTM) : CHANGED: +19+20-21+20 (+19+20-21).

[DM (to GM only)] Fire Giant #9's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 103 (-22) - Lightly Wounded

[John] i understand

[DM] ok, so done for the round

[DM] and we can pick up here next week

[Percy] K

[Vicki] bob... my question please?

[DM] which one Vikic?

[Vicki] about the halberd

[John] good night all

[Percy] Good night, John!

[DM] yes that would be a good thing to use

[Arilyn (Christy)] night!

John has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:20:55 EDT 2008

[Percy] All right, Good Night, everyone who's left!

[Vicki] thank you bob, will keep that in mind next round

[Arilyn (Christy)] good night!

Christy has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:21:35 EDT 2008

[Vicki] good night

Vicki has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:21:46 EDT 2008

[DM] ok

[DM] Hans

[DM] are we all on the same page now for Grabbing ?

[DM] I am at a -4

[Percy] No.

[DM] I have an adjusted strength of 18 00

[Percy] That is right. I think you're doing the grabbing part right.

[DM] then

[DM] at teh Aoo

[Percy] Once you grab, you've got to roll for control.

[Percy] That's the opposed strength check.

[DM] we roll for the controtl etc

[Percy] Right. There's also the AOO.

[DM] then on my next attack I throw

[Percy] Grappling against an enemy with a weapon is not an easy thing to do.

[DM] but teh strength check does not come until that resolve during the Aoo

[Percy] Okay. About the throw. There are no rules for throwing characters so you are making that up yourself.

[Percy] I normally don't have a problem with that.

[Percy] But there is hot lava here that presents a more dire circumstance.

[Percy] The last time you did this we were in snow and I had a huge problem with it.

[Percy] But I figured, hey, we'll just go sledding....

[Percy] This is totally different.

[DM] nods

[Percy] You can't use wrestling rules to throw chars, Bob.

[DM] I understand the concern

[DM] I am not

[DM] I am only grabbing

[Percy] Then what are you using?

[Percy] There are no rules for throwing an unwilling participant.

[Percy] You are treating us like a rock.

[Percy] A rock can't hold on.

[DM] that is the opposed strength

[Percy] For one.

[Percy] No.

[Percy] The opposed check is for control.

[DM] you get one at teh grapple

[Percy] There are rules for what the control is.

[DM] and one at the throw

[Percy] There is no throw option, Bob.

[Percy] You can do things like choke them.

[Percy] Which I can't argue against.

[Percy] But that takes a few rounds.

[DM] they can throw boulders 200 yards

[DM] they can toss a human 50 feet

[DM] heck I could swing the sword like a bat and try to knock you into the lava

[Percy] I didn't see the rules that say a giant can throw a human 50 feet. Where is that?

[Percy] You can throw a char, but it's more like a ju-jitsu throw.

[DM] I am saying that a human will not go as far as a rock

[Percy] And you have to roll for it.

[DM] he is 18 feet tal

[Percy] Wrestling rules are rolled a d20.

[DM] not trying to pin you like that

[Percy] Depending on what you roll, that's what happens.

[DM] tryign to toss you like a sack of potatoes

[Percy] I'm just saying you are subject to rules like we are.

[Percy] a

[Percy] A sack of potatoes doesn't move or shift its weight or try to hold on. Analogy doesn't apply.

[DM] Fire Giants can throw and CATCH boulders 7 foot across that weaigh 475 pounds

[Percy] It's not a weight thing, Bob.

[Percy] A boulder cannot hold on.

[DM] they can toss a 200 pound human at least 1/3 as far

[Percy] And you are not figuring that into the equation.

[DM] I am

[DM] that is why you get 2 strength checks

[Percy] Okay. If there were such an attack, there would be a rule for it.

[Percy] You wouldn't be the only DM in the world who goes, hey, look, I can throw 450 pounds and a char is only 200 pounds. Hmmm... Let me throw them 200 feet because they are otherwise the same thing.

[DM] in Giantcraft

[DM] grabbing man sized opponent an dlifitn gthem off the ground is another favorite giant tactice

[Percy] If you are using wrestling, then use the wrestling table.

[DM] any gaint can grab a size M or S oppont with a singl sucesful attack roll

[Percy] d20 roll. A 20 is a bear hug, etc.

[DM] one cragged the target can be flung, subjecting it to damage equal to the flinger throw boulder damage

[DM] rabbed targets can even be used as boulder themselves that is flung at other characters

[Percy] But that doesn't mean that they throw them 200 yards or whatever.

[DM] thought they inflict only haf damage upon the targets they strike

[Percy] That rule if for the *force* with which they can exert upon the object (or char).

[DM] they can throw them like boulders

[Percy] No.l

[DM] that is the rule

[DM] Grabbed targets can be used as boulder themselves

[Percy] They can can exert damage on them that would be equivalent to the damage that would be caused by a boulder. That's different from what you just said above.

[Percy] You said, "one cragged the target can be flung, subjecting it to damage equal to the flinger throw boulder damage"

[DM] I will copy and paste the Giants book for next week

[Percy] That does not equal being thrown for the 200 yard distance.

[Percy] Okay. That's fine, Bob-

[DM] we are not talking about 200 yeards

[DM] we are talking less than 50 feet

[DM] heck the one with Arylin I should have rolled to see if the two of htem fell over the edge

[DM] was only 7 feet away

[Percy] If there are different wrestling and grappling rules, I just want to know them.

[DM] and he is 18 feet tall

[DM] youa re right you shoudl have them because they do apply to you when you are in hill giant mode

[DM] to catch boulders, throw them etc

[Percy] Sure.

[DM] you can do this same thing to orcs, etc

[Percy] Gotcha.

[Percy] All right, man. I'm gonna call it a night.

[DM] go

[Percy] The ocean sounds great.

[DM] will save all this

[DM] smiles

[DM] see you later on

[DM] have a great night

[Percy] We're here in Melbourne for my brother's wedding-

[DM] damn

[DM] forgot that

[DM] Robert was here at the hosue

[Percy] Yeah. We've been busy, man-

[DM] too bad I am working tomorrow

[DM] would be up there

[DM] next time

[Percy] That's awesome. Right, next time

Percy has left the game on Fri Mar 28 23:37:08 EDT 2008