Main / Mar3012

Mar 30 12 - With Friends Like These

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 30 17:35:47 EDT 2012 ====

[Master] Time of Day: 06:04 PM. Day 28 Fin ___ se, Sow {Late Spring} 28th, 342 SKR.

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Mar 30 18:43:59 EDT 2012

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Base Map...

BiBo!!! has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Lisa said she will be in late

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 30 18:50:20 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] Hello

[Lisa] Just got a call saying I can do my table later and am free to celebrate after surviving a truly hellacious week. So here I am :-)

[Master] good


[Master] open for discussion on choices and options

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] we need to discuss the pony versus terrain issue

[Lisa] I am all for playing My Little Pony as long as they won't sink on our second day

Guy has joined the game on Fri Mar 30 18:53:44 EDT 2012

Guy is receiving the map Base Map...

Guy has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] Hi Guy!

[Guy] howdy

[BiBo!!!] yo

[BiBo!!!] we should get riding alligators

[Master] that would be interesting to manage

[Master] definately need to waterproof everything before hand then

[BiBo!!!] yeah, we will be needing wax

[BiBo!!!] bought wax?

[Master] or just let them swallow everything and find a way to convince them to spit it back up on command.. tick tick tick

[Lisa] checking to see how much I can waterproof with my spell

[BiBo!!!] you have a spell?

[BiBo!!!] how long does it last?

[Lisa] we found waterbane - my level

[Lisa] 9 days

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[BiBo!!!] that would be fabulous if it waterproofs all our stuff

[BiBo!!!] saves us the trouble of waxing it all up

[Master] brb door

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] 1 casting on a creature covers him and personal belongings or can cast on one object

[Lisa] don't think that will work on the spellbooks in my backpack

[Lisa] ruling Bob?

[BiBo!!!] what is the definition of "personal belongings"?

[BiBo!!!] like... stuf the person is carrying or stuff that actually belongs to the person?

[Lisa] that is the question

[Lisa] I can load up on it and cast it on 4 things - is 1st level spell

[Lisa] we'll see what Bob says

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Mar 30 19:02:13 EDT 2012

JohnAA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnAA has received the map Base Map.

[BiBo!!!] because if it is just what the person is carrying, we can have one person carry all the books, cast it on them and we are done. It is something we will likely have to renew so it would be best if we can cut down on the number of castings

[Lisa] When cast on a creature, it keeps the creature and its personal gear dry for one day. The creature can walk through pouring rain, dive into a pool, or stand beneath a waterfall, and still emerge with dry clothing and every hair in place.

[Lisa] from book

[JohnAA] ::waves weakly::

[Lisa] Hi John :)

[BiBo!!!] heya john

[Lisa] Still sick?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Yes it covers 1 spell book OR 1 sealed backpack/chest, etc

[JohnAA] yea, pushed my way through work, figire I can push through a little fun

[Master] but as soon as you open the object it is broken

[BiBo!!!] well, seeing as how we only need the books in the morning, we could throw them all into a bag and seal it with whatever rations

[Lisa] the book doesn't say that

[Master] bringing it up now

[Lisa] Might as well no fun being sick and doing nothing

[BiBo!!!] bob is cheating us?

[Lisa] of course not

[BiBo!!!] he would NEVER do that (except when he does)

[Lisa] that's in the job description though isn't it?

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Fortune Telling, Rogue, null, 2, $ap, +2. Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] btw - have you started your new job?

[BiBo!!!] me? I start next week

[BiBo!!!] yesterday was my last day

[BiBo!!!] if you ignore the trip to tokyo disneyland on sunday

[Master] if you cast it on an object it lasts for one day per level of the caster, but if you open the container it would break the spell. The example used is a barrel of grain, if it remains closed perfectly fine for days and days,

[Lisa] did they have a big party for you?

[Lisa] so would have tocast it every day - ok

[BiBo!!!] but what if we cast on a person?

[Master] that person stays dry

[BiBo!!!] as well as everything he carries right?

[Master] and personal gear,

[Master] meaning stuff in pockets, etc

[BiBo!!!] it doesnt break

[JohnAA] so no drinking?

[Master] not everything he is carrying

[Master] like backpacks, etc

[BiBo!!!] backpacks dont count? where do you think we store most of our personal gear?

[Master] belt pouches, yes, backpacks no

[Lisa] so would need 1 spell per book

[JohnAA] or a chest

[Master] it does work ON a backpack

[JohnAA] with all the books

[Master] correct John, as Marco also said eariler

[Lisa] is the chest naturally watertight?

[Master] water tight yes, water proof no

[BiBo!!!] I would think that it would work on the person's backpack if they are the one carrying it. Just if they take it off it wouldnt be personal anymore. as opposed to casting it on an object which could be left on a boat or whatever

[Master] so slight rain will not soak in but dropping in the river will

[Lisa] you had the scrolls in a backback - can we have them and the books together?

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] let's do that then

[Master] and the problem with that Marco is now you have a fighter who can carry lots of things/weight

[Master] and can carry three packpacks

[BiBo!!!] weight wise, maybe, but you cant practically strap on 3 backpacks

[Master] one back, one front, one carried by straps

[Guy] want to bet on that

[Lisa] but we have Hoffman, Sarenger and Indigo

[Master] I have done it

[Guy] as have i

[Lisa] but you probably looked very silly

[BiBo!!!] no doubt of that

[Master] and would break the spirit of the spell description, grins

[JohnAA] and QuiFon

[BiBo!!!] and probably werent doing any fighting

[Lisa] lol! hope not

[Master] John and Guy did you look at the party pack and the comments I made?

[Lisa] also I guessed on how much cash/gems we needed - any thoughts are appreciated

[Lisa] Too much, too little?

[JohnAA] only about my silver cestus only being used for emergancies

[BiBo!!!] koorin needs a second shortsword. can I just assume she gets it somehow bob?

[Lisa] that's a different issue - knowing that it can break in fighting so you still want a silver one?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] I put that in the costs

[Lisa] BoB - OOC

[Guy] do we need to carry all of that stuff?

[JohnAA] in case I need to fight certain undead

[Lisa] never seen her use a shortsword

[BiBo!!!] I really have a hard time navigating the website for some reason

[JohnAA] closest thing I have to a weapon

[Lisa] what stuff is all that?

[Guy] i was looking at the party pack

[BiBo!!!] she learned dual wielding during the training period

[Lisa] you don't want a potion or scroll for every occasion?

[Lisa] that is the meat of it

[BiBo!!!] so if things get close to her, thats what she'll be doing. she just tends to not get close to things is all

[Lisa] I thought we needed the spyglass

[BiBo!!!] ol

[BiBo!!!] lol

[Guy] there are 7 potions that we dont need

[Lisa] you never know when you might need some hinges or to kill a paladin

[Lisa] the rest are just scrolls and potions

[JohnAA] eed or want

[Guy] the spyglass wpuld be good

[BiBo!!!] we certainly dont need the potion of certain death. honestly I am not sure why we havent disposed of it yet

[JohnAA] n

[Lisa] lol John

[BiBo!!!] making use of it would be clearly an evil act

[Lisa] The paladin brotherhood run around this area

[BiBo!!!] the paladin dagger too for that matter. should trade that to a church for something less evil

[Lisa] I was thinking giving it to them might be useful

[Lisa] I dunno was a random thought

[BiBo!!!] that too would be fine. they can owe us a "favor"

[JohnAA] make sure you trust whomever you give it to

[Lisa] was not seriously going to kill a paladin

[BiBo!!!] we come back a year later and tell them to build us a castle

[Guy] lol

[Lisa] if you want to move stuff to the home base page that's fine

[BiBo!!!] you owed us a favor guys. get building. and no we arent paying for construction. thats part of the favor

[Lisa] they all fit in the one chest or one backpack so I didn't think it harmed anything

[Lisa] I mean who knew we needed that metal potion until you wrapped a cursed necklace around your throat?

[Master] lol

[Lisa] :-)

[Guy] well that was one i was figuring on keeping

[Master] but there are no such thing as curses

[BiBo!!!] what about the spell... bestow curse?

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Spells - CHANGED: Armor -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 0 (2).

[Guy] animation,blindness, far seeing yellow dragons breath, unknown anger and certain death were teh ones i was thinking we could leave behind

[Lisa] certain death is vital

[BiBo!!!] I think we should dispose of certain death

[Lisa] we might need to kill something and we could get it to drink it first

[Master] brb beign called away

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] using poison of any type is considered an evil act. and this one seems even more evil than most seeing as how it tears ones soul away

[JohnAA] but is it poision or death magic?

[Lisa] how is that more evil than slicing an enemy's head off with a short sword?

[BiBo!!!] bobs rules, not mine

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[Lisa] I don't get it

[Master] had to look at a snake out back

[Lisa] python or garden snake?

[BiBo!!!] cobra

[Guy] or coral

[Master] and using poison is an evil act because it is underhanded, etc. Cutting someone's head off is upfront and respectable

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] minor little garter snake

[BiBo!!!] but even if normal poison was fine, the idea of tearing someone's soul from their body is certainly not something that non evil people do

[Lisa] do whatever housekeeping you like Guy. Just cut and paste from party pack to home base

[Master] was everyone set on the two ponies?

[Lisa] forgot Miranda has spell book too doesn't she?

[Master] 90 GP for that

[Lisa] can the ponies travel the terrain we will be travelling?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] and do we need one for the dwarf?

[Master] and depends on weight

[Lisa] no swamps or skiffs needed?

[JohnAA] i read it did not help travel faster, just lighter

[Lisa] what is dwarf movement?

[Guy] it would just make everybodys movent 12

[BiBo!!!] ponies dont speed up our short people?

[Master] each pony can 160 pounds

[Lisa] halfling movement is 6; pony is 12 if I read it right

[Lisa] so halflings would ride

[Lisa] but if dwarf is also 6 and we can't get 3rd pony than the whole thing is moot

[Lisa] unless 2 can ride a pony together which would just be lovely for them

[JohnAA] If speed is needed, he could stay at the church

[JohnAA] but then we have the Brother too

[Master] third pony might be possible but will be very expensive 60 GP for the third one

[Lisa] and Foto! forgot about foto

[Lisa] what is dwarf movement?

[Master] 6

[Lisa] were you going to bring all 4 characters John?

[Lisa] before we started talking about movement rates?

[JohnAA] I was under the impression I would not slow you down and the more the merrier

[JohnAA] I can go just Hoffman if all you need is mussle

[Lisa] so we need 3 ponies and two will have to ride together

[Guy] getting too expensive

[Lisa] who are the two smallest since we are talking ponies and not horses

[Lisa] look at home base Guy - we can afford it

[Lisa] we take it from ho9me base cash - not the travelling money in the party pack

[Master] and you can also use Branwyn's power as a member of the court to commandere one or more

[JohnAA] oh I thought of a name for her, maybe you thought of it before

[Lisa] and Bob I need a price on the siver cestus thingy so I can update page later

[JohnAA] accurate, powerfull yet more meaningfull to thoses in the know

[JohnAA] it's a classic

[Lisa] Branwyn the accurate?

[Lisa] sounds like an accountant

[JohnAA] Branwyn the DragonSlayer

[Lisa] lol - oh

[Lisa] but I have not slayed the dragon

[Lisa] any dragon

[JohnAA] but you are a dragonslayer

[Lisa] I have delivered a slight flesh wound to a dragon

[JohnAA] DragonSwatter?

[Master] 2 gp for a silver cestus

[Lisa] doesn't sound very magelike

[Lisa] that's it?????

[Lisa] get 5 John

[BiBo!!!] lol

[BiBo!!!] its nonmagical

[Lisa] you can go breaking them on people's faces as often as you like

[BiBo!!!] so it wont be that expensive

[BiBo!!!] you should get a cold iron one while you are at it :)

[BiBo!!!] that way you are ready for demons AND devils

[JohnAA] if I see one of those, I run

[JohnAA] maybe after he gets 4,5th level at least

[Lisa] Guy are you okay with the 3 pony expenses?

[Guy] not used to having so much money lol

[Guy] so yeah

[Master] or the pony express

[JohnAA] still not sure if anyone cares who I briing, wish I knew more about the adventure

[Lisa] me either! :)

[Lisa] we are going to rescue a princess and bring her to court

[Lisa] so bring a dress shirt

[JohnAA] figure Brother and Hofman are for sure

[BiBo!!!] for crimes against us

[Lisa] so size order from smallest is gnome, halfling then dwarf?

[BiBo!!!] I guess. though movement wise there is no difference

[Lisa] was I wrong?

[Lisa] small people is 6, pony is 12

[BiBo!!!] nope, thats right

[BiBo!!!] just saying, they are all small people

[JohnAA] would it help to have someone with the spell Know Direction?

[BiBo!!!] their relative smallness doesnt change anything

[Lisa] why would we need to know that? :)

[Lisa] meant for who would have to share the pony

[BiBo!!!] we know what direction we are going: forward

[JohnAA] per BOB That will not help you move faster but it will help you carry more things. They have a movement of 12 and can carry 160 pounds at that movement rate.

[Lisa] if gnome is smallest then he has to flip coin to ride with Koorin or Indigo

[Lisa] I thought if no little people ride we all have to move at 6 to match the little people

[JohnAA] or did he agree with Guy's later post?

[Lisa] if we put them on ponies they move at 12 and we go faster

[Master] Lisa has it right,

[Master] Ponies move at 12

[Master] and can carry 160 pounds doing that

[JohnAA] cool

[Master] so put people who move 6 on top

[Master] how much does Koorin weigh?

[JohnAA] so Ingigo Kroon and Brother? Leave Dwarf at home

[Lisa] two can ride on a pony together

[Lisa] that is why I was trying to do the size thing

[Guy] it will help us get to the barge faster which will help time wise

[Master] John that is also a point Guy makes

[Master] all this juggling is only for the first 36 miles

[Lisa] heads indigo and tails koorin

[Lisa] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

[Master] then you all get on a barge and go out on the river

[Lisa] okay Foto and Indigo share a pony

[Master] you could try to force march Indigo or Quifo

[Lisa] Koorin and QuiFon each get their own

[Guy] if we had another person with boating i think that would help us a little with the barge

[Lisa] I don't really want Indigo all tired out

[Master] at least the Otter can be carried fairly easily

[Lisa] he doesn't get his own pony

[Master] so total weight to be carried is?

[Guy] if i remember it will be just 3 days instead of 6 right bob?

[Guy] Ill carry Treble

[Master] day and a half if things go right

[Lisa] ha!

[BiBo!!!] treble?

[Guy] thats what i named my otter

[Master] ponies move at 12, which is 24 miles per day

[BiBo!!!] I got that, but really? treble? he needs a twin named bass

[Lisa] we have 4 spell books - can go in one backpack?

[Master] the barge is 10 feet by 20 feet

[Guy] hey that was the only musical note i could think of

[Master] so not lots of room but you can carry everyone on it

[Master] but not the ponies

[Guy] i figured we can ask the guy watching the barge to watch the ponies

[Master] sure

[BiBo!!!] treble is technically not a musical note

[Master] it is a musical staff

[Master] treble cleff and bass cleff

[BiBo!!!] we have a musical staff?

[Master] Sarengar

[Lisa] well if he named for a note he would have an otter named B flat

[BiBo!!!] he has a musical staff?

[Lisa] this is a good name

[BiBo!!!] .... wait.... dont answer that

[BiBo!!!] I dont want to know

[Lisa] lol!

[Guy] never learbed how to read music in choir

[Guy] i could just sing

[BiBo!!!] while I know how to read it.... much like say... portuguese... I cant understand it

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spook -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Lisa] okay spells are set up for the first day

[BiBo!!!] I can tell you what all the notes are, but they mean nothing to me

[Lisa] are we ready?

[Master] I am

[Guy] me too

[JohnAA] I am not clear if there is room for Qui

[Master] Pony #2 moved 134'09".

[Lisa] yes

[JohnAA] or if you want Miranda to come or not

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!!] we can take all the body shields we can get

[Sarengar (Guy)] (((bring who you want john))

[Lisa] unless there is a reason you did not want to bring any of them before we started talking movement, etc we can take everyone

[JohnAA] ok, I am ready

[Lisa] QuiFon and Koorin get their own ponies

[Lisa] Foto and Indigo ride together

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "PONY!!"

[Lisa] oh no!

[Sarengar (Guy)] no eating the ponies Koorin

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miranda modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Animal Handling, General, null, 1, $wi, -1.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Of course not! its not lame yet!"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((on a side note, I had horse for dinner last night))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((raw horse no less))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((deep fried?))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((yuck))

[Master] Ok, so encounters on the way out of Jistille and towards the Queens Channel

[JohnAA] d20?

[Master] nods

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=10] 10

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[Master] under an 8 gets an encounter during the first day

[Master] so none

[Master] now you are out into the swamps more

[Master] and it is getting dark

[Master] chances go up by a bunch, now a 12 or less is an encounter

[Master] 1 while traveling

[Master] then 3 at night

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Master] so now you make camp

[Master] and watches

[Master] Hoffman, Ilero, Branwyn, Miranda, Sarengar and Llathandryll moved 117'02".

[Sarengar (Guy)] we have enought fighter types to have 1 on each watch

[Master] Pony #1, Pony #3 and Pony #2 moved 126'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (branwyn 1st, Indigo 2nd)

[JohnAA] Qui on first, Hoffman on second, Brother and Miranda on third

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] koorin 1st, llath 3rd

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((mage and priests can actually get a full nights sleep))

[Master] Koorin moved 13'03".

[Master] Pony #1 moved 11'06".

[Master] Pony #3 moved 2'10".

[Master] Pony #2 moved 22'02".

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel moved 11'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 2'03".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 2'00".

[Master] Miranda moved 12'08".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((that is yet to be determined)

[Master] Branwyn moved 4'11".

[Master] Sarengar moved 3'03".

[Sarengar (Guy)] Ill take the 3rd watch

[Master] Ilero moved 8'09".

[Master] Hoffman moved 14'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (which fighter on 1st watch then?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo or Hoffman John?)

[JohnAA (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified:

[JohnAA] Hoffamn and Qui will switch

[Master] Ok so first watch roll

[Master] encounter 14 or less

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Master] ok

[Master] so first watch is?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you were doing so well)

[JohnAA] still am

[JohnAA] it is the best too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bran, hoff and Koorin)

[JohnAA] three, cool

[Master] roll for surprise on those three please

[Master] d12

[Master] surprised on 4 or less

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[JohnAA] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=12] 12

[JohnAA] cheater

[Master] Koorin? Bran?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] (1d12) [1d12=7] 7

[Branwyn (Lisa)] see above

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] thats a d 20

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] supposed to be 12

[Branwyn (Lisa)] oh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=4] 4

[JohnAA] ouch

[Branwyn (Lisa)] liked the d20 better

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] it liked you better too

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #46, Bullywug #43, Bullywug #42, Bullywug #44, Bullywug #33, Bullywug #40, Bullywug #41, Bullywug #37, Bullywug #38, Bullywug #39, Bullywug #34, Bullywug #45, Bullywug #35 and Bullywug #36 moved 15'05".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] the d12 apparently thinks you are a jerk

[Branwyn (Lisa)] right back at him

[JohnAA] or at least up for a chalange

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] does she get her reaction bonus to surprise?

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #46 moved 14'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #45 moved 14'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #44 moved 9'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #43 moved 10'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #42 moved 4'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #41 moved 6'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #40 moved 19'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #39 moved 22'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #38 moved 2'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #37 moved 18'00".

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] dunno if she has one or not, but a +1 would be enough to pass

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #36 moved 13'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #35 moved 27'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #34 moved 31'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #33 moved 1'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I like surprises - no problem

[Master] and yes to Marco

[Master] so she is not surprised

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (where did I get that bonus?)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] its a dex thing

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] your dex is 18, so you have a -2 reaction adjustment

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] that helps with surprise rolls

[Master] and can everyone see that firelight radius now?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] nice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes

[Sarengar (Guy)] yup

[JohnAA] Pony #2 moved 10'07".

[JohnAA] Pony #2 moved 22'01".

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] the sickly yellow circle?

[Master] Bullywug #43: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Bullywug #42: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Bullywug #44: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Bullywug #33: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Bullywug #40: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Bullywug #41: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Bullywug #37: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Bullywug #38: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Bullywug #39: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Bullywug #34: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Bullywug #45: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Bullywug #35: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Bullywug #46: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Bullywug #36: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Sarengar (Guy)] and us without our bullywug spear lol

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] I still think you shoudl do group init for the bad guys :-P

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=7] 5 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=10] 8 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] every time my comptuer locks up with 100 initiative rolls, I wish that so much

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=7] 15

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=1] 10

[Master] so remember you cannot see much beyond that ring of firelight

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can he try to wake up?)

[Master] sure

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Koorin

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos: Initiative: ((d10+10+-1)-10) [1d10=4] 3 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[BiBo!!!] Koorin targets Bullywug #34. Distance: 31'08"

[Master] Foto can roll now

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=13] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=14] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Damage v L: Short Bow: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Bullywug #34

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Damage v L: Short Bow: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Bullywug #34

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Sarengar

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos: CON check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #34's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-5) - Disabled

[JohnAA] Miranda: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Sarengar can try to wake up

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: CON check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((is anyone else feeling klooge is especially laggy?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)


[JohnAA] sorry

[Master] sorry

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Bullywug #43

[Master] Bullywug #43 moved 32'04".

[Master] Bullywug #43 targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'01"

[Master] Bullywug #43 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 5'07"

[Master] Bullywug #43 targets Hoffman. Distance: 5'10"

[Master] Bullywug #43 targets Miranda. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Bullywug #43 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Bullywug #43: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] 0. HITS Miranda (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Bullywug #43: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 11. MISSES Miranda (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Bullywug #43: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Miranda

[Master] Miranda's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bullywug #36

[Master] Bullywug #36 moved 31'00".

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Hoffman. Distance: 4'04"

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Miranda. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 4'07"

[Master] Bullywug #36: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #36: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Branwyn

[JohnAA] bonus to wake up I would hope

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (-5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bullywug #44

[Master] Bullywug #44 moved 30'11".

[Master] Bullywug #44 targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'03"

[Master] Bullywug #44 targets Hoffman. Distance: 5'11"

[Master] Bullywug #44 targets Miranda. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Bullywug #44 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 3'06"

[Master] Bullywug #44: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 16. MISSES Miranda (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Miranda

[Master] yes bonus of +8

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (at least miranda's awake now)

[JohnAA] Miranda: CON check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how can she be asleep?)

[JohnAA] so that is a suceed

[Master] she woke up with the bonus

[JohnAA] but can't do anything

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she just got nailed with a sword)

[Master] correct

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Bullywug #38

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] she wakes up dead

[Master] Bullywug #38 moved 31'00".

[Master] Bullywug #38 targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'07"

[Master] Bullywug #38 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Bullywug #38 targets Miranda. Distance: 2'04"

[Master] Bullywug #38 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Bullywug #38: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. MISSES Llathandryll (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Bullywug #40

[Master] Bullywug #40 moved 27'01".

[Master] Bullywug #40 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Bullywug #40 targets Indigo. Distance: 3'06"

[Master] Bullywug #40 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 5'05"

[Master] Bullywug #40 targets Miranda. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Bullywug #40 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Bullywug #40: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=9] 13 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Llathandryll (AC FINAL: 2).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't get that)

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] (what don't you get?

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel: CON check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[JohnAA] wow

[Master] and a plus for but nope

[Master] four

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bullywug #45

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how miranda gets hit with a sword and still has to roll to wake up)

[Master] Bullywug #45 moved 28'03".

[Master] Bullywug #45 targets Ilero. Distance: 5'08"

[Master] Bullywug #45 targets Branwyn. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Bullywug #45 targets Hoffman. Distance: 1'06"

[Master] Bullywug #45 targets Miranda. Distance: 2'11"

[Master] Bullywug #45: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. HITS Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #45: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Branwyn

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 26 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bullywug #42

[Master] Bullywug #42 moved 34'09".

[Master] Bullywug #42 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Bullywug #42 targets Indigo. Distance: 4'03"

[Master] Bullywug #42 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Bullywug #42: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 10. HITS QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #42: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Llathandryll

[Master] everyone gets a +4 when there is loud noise nearby a +8 for shaking or being attacked

[Master] if you are sleeping and someone takes a round to aim properly, they can just kill you outright when you are sleeping

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] so... +4 to llath then?

[Master] yes

[Master] no

[Master] +8

[Master] he was attacked

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: CON check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Bullywug #35

[Master] Bullywug #35 moved 25'11".

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'10"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 3'00"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 5'01"

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=3] 19 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Bullywug #41

[Master] Bullywug #41 moved 35'11".

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Branwyn. Distance: 5'11"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Koorin. Distance: 4'08"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Miranda. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Sarengar. Distance: 6'03"

[Master] Bullywug #41 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Bullywug #41: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. HITS QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #41: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-5) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Hoffman

[JohnAA] Hoffman moved 6'06".

[JohnAA] Miranda targets Bullywug #43. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Time of Day: 09:05 PM. Day 1 Trall, Lec {Early Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Master] need help with the targetng John?

[JohnAA] Miranda moved 2'07".

[JohnAA] Hoffman targets Bullywug #43. Distance: 0'11"

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Attack: Hand Axe: ((15-(d20+1))-1) [1d20=16] -3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Bullywug #43 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Attack: Hand Axe: ((15-(d20+1))-1) [1d20=18] -5 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Bullywug #43 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+2) [1d6=4] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Bullywug #43

[JohnAA] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+2) [1d6=2] 7 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Bullywug #43

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Bullywug #46

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #43's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -15 (-16) - Dead

[Master] Bullywug #46 moved 33'02".

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Branwyn. Distance: 2'08"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'05"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Hoffman. Distance: 1'06"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 4'02"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Koorin. Distance: 4'09"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Miranda. Distance: 1'07"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Sarengar. Distance: 5'02"

[Master] Bullywug #46 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Bullywug #46: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Branwyn

[Master] she can attack just not cast

[Branwyn (Lisa)] grrr

[JohnAA] what about scroll?

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Bullywug #36. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] yes that is using an item that would be possible

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Attack: Magic Dagger: ((18-(d20+0))+2) [1d20=10] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Bullywug #36 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Bullywug #37

[JohnAA] just not her style

[Master] Bullywug #37 moved 33'11".

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Ilero. Distance: 1'08"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Branwyn. Distance: 1'04"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Indigo. Distance: 4'09"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Hoffman. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Koorin. Distance: 3'09"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Miranda. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Sarengar. Distance: 0'09"

[Master] Bullywug #37 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 5'10"

[Master] Bullywug #37: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. HITS Sarengar (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #37: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Sarengar

[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Bullywug #39

[Master] Bullywug #39 moved 33'00".

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Ilero. Distance: 5'06"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Branwyn. Distance: 6'00"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Hoffman. Distance: 5'06"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Koorin. Distance: 0'09"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Miranda. Distance: 2'09"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Sarengar. Distance: 2'04"

[Master] Bullywug #39 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 4'06"

[Master] Bullywug #39: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=10] 12 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can I get to a scroll in this situation?)

[Master] yes digging in the pack for it counts as your action for the round

[Master] then next round you can use it

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Bullywug #33

[Master] Bullywug #33 moved 41'06".

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 1'07"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Brother Fotopoulos. Distance: 1'05"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Koorin. Distance: 2'09"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Miranda. Distance: 5'11"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Sarengar. Distance: 5'03"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Llathandryll. Distance: 4'07"

[Master] Bullywug #33: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=3] 19 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] INIT: 3 GOING: Brother Fotopoulos

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos: CON check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] INIT: 8 GOING: Koorin

[Master] gets to try out her shiny new sword

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] if only I can find here in this mess of madness

[Master] Koorin targets Bullywug #39. Distance: 0'09"

[JohnAA] zoom zoom zomm

[BiBo!!!] Koorin no longer targets Bullywug #39.

[BiBo!!!] Koorin targets Bullywug #39. Distance: 0'09"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Short Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Short Bow:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 14. MISSES Bullywug #39 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Sword: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 10. MISSES Bullywug #39 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: CON check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] wakes up

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bullywug #36

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh man!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ggod)

[Master] Bullywug #36: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 8. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bullywug #44

[Master] Bullywug #44: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=1] 21 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Hoffman (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Miranda

[JohnAA] Miranda targets Bullywug #46. Distance: 1'07"

[JohnAA] Miranda: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 5. HITS Bullywug #46 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[JohnAA] Miranda: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=4] 4 added to: Bullywug #46

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #46's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Bullywug #38

[Master] Bullywug #38: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=7] 15 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Llathandryll (AC FINAL: 2).

[Miranda (JohnAA)] just like you taught me

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Bullywug #40

[Master] Bullywug #40: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=2] 20 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Llathandryll (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: QuiFon Ruminel

[Miranda (JohnAA)] he is still asleep?

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I forgot

[Master] he woke up last round

[Master] everyone is awake now

[JohnAA] QuiFon Ruminel targets Bullywug #42. Distance: 0'03"

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Attack: Unarmed: (20-(d20+1)) [1d20=16] 3. HITS Bullywug #42 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Attack: Unarmed: (20-(d20+1)) [1d20=10] 9. MISSES Bullywug #42 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Miranda (JohnAA)] QuiFon Ruminel: Damage v SM: Unarmed: ((1d2)+2) [1d2=1] 3 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Bullywug #42

[Master] love those 3 inch target distances

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bullywug #45

[Master] Bullywug #45: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=2] 20 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. MISSES Branwyn (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Bullywug #42

[Master] Bullywug #42: Attack: Short Sword: (20-(d20+0)+2) [1d20=14] 8 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (+2)]. HITS QuiFon Ruminel (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #42: Damage v SM: Short Sword: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: QuiFon Ruminel

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Llathandryll

[Master] too bad they are not organized enough to do an coordinated overbear attack

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yeah it's really too bad)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] its amazing that I havent been hit yet

[Master] llath is up

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] yep, looking for the spell

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll casts a spell against : Spectral Force: I make an illusion with sounds and temperature!

[Miranda (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for QuiFon Ruminel modified:

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ::blasts the area with a mighty flame that curiously avoids all his comrades. go magic!::

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (6d6) [6d6=5,6,3,6,1,6] 27

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] would be the damage an equivalent fireball would do

[Master] Ok so Qui, Indio, Mirand and Hoffman need to save versus spell, as they have no idea this is coming

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] why? the fire avoids them

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::points up::

[Master] so not a fireball

[Master] but a squiggly line of fire?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] a blanket of fire with holes in it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] moths got to it you see

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] Bullywug #33: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #34: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #35: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #36: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #37: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #38: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #39: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #40: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #41: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #42: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #43: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #44: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #45: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Bullywug #46: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #33's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -13 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #34's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -16 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #35's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #36's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #37's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #38's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -15 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #39's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-16) - Dying

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #40's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #41's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #42's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-16) - Dying

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #43's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -31 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #44's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #45's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -14 (-16) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #46's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -18 (-16) - Dead

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::bows:: "Thankyou and good night."

[Master] now remember they are not actually dead

[Master] they only think they are

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] they will be more than thinking soon enough

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] what the heck was that

[Master] Pony #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Pony #2: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Pony #1: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Master] Pony #3: No adjustments made.

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -18 (-26) - Dead

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -18 (-26) - Dead

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "What? never saw a fireball before?"

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] that was no ball

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I use the term ball loosely."

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-8) - Dying

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] (and fire too)

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that wasn't very fun))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Now hurry up and slit their throats while they think they are dead."

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] No problem, but then it was not real?

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] as he cuts off heads

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Oh its real. They just get better."

[Miranda (JohnAA)] hit me while i sleeep, how you like it, ::slice::

Sarengar (Guy) chuckles

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 140. Level-up!

[Master] Koorin XP award: 70. Next level in 4197.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 140. Next level in 9769.

[Master] Miranda XP award: 70. Next level in 1630.

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 140. Level-up!

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 70. Next level in 5357.

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel XP award: 70. Next level in 2930.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 140. Next level in 113292.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 70. Next level in 19203.

[Sarengar (Guy)] looks like we have 2 warrior mages

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] some just can not be saved

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] i will fix that

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 333. Next level in 112959.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 333. Next level in 9436.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 333. Level-up!

[Master] anyone have animal handling?

[JohnAA] training

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] I have.... watch the horses bolt in fear proficiency

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] should I make a check?

[Master] they think they are dead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wow - we spent all that time at home and on 1st day away you level?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((I didnt update my xp chart is all. havent leveled))

[Master] any spells to help out with the ponies?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh - I was thinking if you were that close we should have sent you out in the forest until something attacked you)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can we reverse sleep?)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] .... okay I lied. I am apparently level 7 and need 4th level spell training

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] wth

[Master] well we will deal with that later

[Master] first up is three dead ponies

[JohnAA] Miranda looks hesitant

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((can we say I got that in hindsight, because I miscalculated what level I was is all. I woulda been level 7 back then))

[JohnAA] walks over to ponys'

[Miranda (JohnAA)] ::whispers::sorry I can't

[Miranda (JohnAA)] petts them

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "They should be alright when I stop concentrating on the spell. Just let me know when all the frogs are done"

Sarengar (Guy) walks over to calm the ponies down

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] should have a good midnight snack, if you like frog legs, arms or toungs

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] I think I got them all

[Master] so I take it that means no animal handling from anyone and no way to calm them down when they wake up thinking they are on fire

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] Miranda moved 14'10".

[Sarengar (Guy)] (((actually thats why you have a ranger ))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((koorin might have a spell))

[Master] chuckles thank you Guy

[Miranda (JohnAA)] There must be someting we can do

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 5'10".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((yeah, but hes a water ranger, so I wouldnt assume him to be proficient in this :-P ))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (throw water on them as they wake up?)

[Miranda (JohnAA)] I... I ... can't

[Sarengar (Guy)] (((i dont lose my animal handling abilities))

[Master] Ok so the Ranger calms the three ponies down, and perhaps Miranda too

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i just lose my hiding in shadows and moving silently, and my tracking is changed))

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (16) - Unharmed

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (26) - Unharmed

[Master (to GM only)] Pony #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (26) - Unharmed

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((yay))

[Master] Time of Day: 10:00 PM. Day 1 Trall, Lec {Early Summer} 1st, 342 SKR.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((thats what took me so long i wanted to double check that)))

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos moved 3'00".

[Master] Ok, so second watch

[Master] read set

[JohnAA] Brother Fotopoulos targets QuiFon Ruminel. Distance: 0'01"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 10'01".

[Master] encounter on a 12 or less

[Miranda (JohnAA)] Brother Fotopoulos casts a spell against QuiFon Ruminel: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] just doing a little healing on the weakest

[Master] how much?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he needs to give up 2nd watch?)

[Brother Fotopoulos (JohnAA)] 7 point

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (7) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Ilero moved 2'09".

[Master] Koorin moved 7'03".

[Master] Indigo moved 10'07".

[Master] Miranda moved 7'09".

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] er to be up and ready for action

[Master] Sarengar moved 8'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 12'08".

[Master] who is rolling?

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] me?

[Master] go for it

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Master] ok third watch

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=16] 16

[Master] 15 or lower this time

[Master] and nice

[Master] so morning

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'10".

[Master] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] spells replenished

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] yay

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] seven more point for Qui and Brawyn so she is down 1

[Master] you should reach the farmer that Sarengar is friends with around mid day

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] and a second one for Miranda and Sar to full

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Waterbane: This spell keeps a creature or an object from getting wet. It protects against water in liquid form-saltwater as well as fresh. When cast on a creature, it keeps the creature and its personal gear dry for one day. The creature can walk through pouring rain, dive into a pool, or stand beneath a waterfall, and still emerge with dry clothing and every hair in place. When cast upon an object, waterbane renders it completely watertight for a period of one day per level of the caster.

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brother Fotopoulos modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st Level -- Current: 2 (1).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((so... any chance I can get that retroactive training due to my bookkeeping error? or are you going to make me wait another year before I get my 4th level spells?))

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (2) - Unharmed

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Sarengar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (3) - Unharmed

[Master] Miranda's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (4) - Lightly Wounded

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 7 (5). Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 7 (5). Personal Information - Experience:: CHANGED: 68724 (69057). Next Level:: CHANGED: 90000 (60000). Notes - CHANGED. Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Maximum: 5 (4),

[Master] You can have the spell training and one 4th level spell

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((yay))

[Master] and you can take 700 GP out of the fund back home for that

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((does that include the one I automatically get for being a specialist?))

[Master] yes 1 4th level spell

[Master] we did spend 4 weeks on training and building issues

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (( I know, I just thought I was level 6 for some weird reason))

[Indigo (Lisa)] is sad

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] make it a good one

[Master] you can always learn more at least as you go along

[Master] adn as you travel along

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Master] everyoen else can top off spells

[Master] and as you are traveling this morning

[Master] you encounter a group of gypsies heading south

[QuiFon Ruminel (JohnAA)] AAAAAAAAAHH

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] Hello there

[JohnAA] sorry instinctive reaction

[Sarengar (Guy)] greetings

[Hoffman (JohnAA)] ::nods::

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Hello! What brings you to this fine corner of the swamp?"

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] after a long look at Llath

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] and looks over the rest of the group

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] she waves her fellow travelers foward

[JohnAA] soory, have made it as far as I can, Have fun lady and gentlemen


[Gypsy Woman (Master)] (night john)

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] she stays to talk wtih you

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((night john))

JohnAA has left the game on Fri Mar 30 21:15:25 EDT 2012

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] Hello, we are just simple travelers, we cross the lands, chuckles at Llath, or the swamps, to ply our trade

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's a little misty here for divination. What trade is that?

[Sarengar (Guy)] what trade would that be?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "And what trade might that be?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((ha! i win lol))

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] we are traveling south to Nyland and then through to the Drake estates, until we reach the Cowles Estates in time for the coronation

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] we have some silk, some bars of iron

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] and of course we can always entertain people

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Ah... Literally traders then?"

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] were you looking for something?

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] or someone?

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] perhaps we can help

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Yes actually."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "We are looking for a princess. Seen one around?"

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] she looks puzzled

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] no, I am afraid not,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She wouldn't be here!

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] but we have not been near the royal estates lately

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Thats a shame. She was kidnapped, or ran away. You know how princesses can be."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Always in distress."

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] really?

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] you are serious? the actual princess ran away? was kidnapped?

Sarengar (Guy) chuckles

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] I will have to ask my fellow travelers

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "So it seems. Have you means to find her?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We don't know anything of the sort

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im sorry Maam our friend has a very strange sense of humour

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Llath, "perhaps we do not want to make this public knowledge?"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::whispers back:: "No no. They are gypsies. I am sure they are legitimate."

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "and they don't travel around talking to everyone the meet either"

[Sarengar (Guy)] he keeps wanting to find a princess to save and wed like in the tales

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] she gives a strange smile

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "So have you anything useful?Magic cards or crystal ball or anything like that?"

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] and then nods

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] well farewell

[Gypsy Woman (Master)] and she walks along behind the last wagon as it rolls by

Sarengar (Guy) waits until the gypsys are out of hearing

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::sighs:: "And there goes my chance at eliminating legwork...."

[Sarengar (Guy)] We cannot let the news of what has happened get out

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Maybe, but they are gypsies. No one has ever gone wrong by trusting a gypsie."

[Sarengar (Guy)] hopefully they will think that we were merely having a laugh at them

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Its when you DONT trust them that bad things tend to happen to you."

[Sarengar (Guy)] and what happens if those gypsies just happen to be in partnership with whoever has the princess?

[Sarengar (Guy)] they now know that someone is looking for her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is not that we don't trust them, We're you going to swear them to secrecy? Make them take a blood oath to not repeat what little information you have?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] when tales are repeated they get exaggerrated. Sraengar did right to stop this story

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ::shrugs:: "I still say always trust a gypsie."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "But it doesnt matter now. lets move along."

[Master] Pony #1, Ilero, Pony #3, Branwyn, QuiFon Ruminel, Indigo, Hoffman, Brother Fotopoulos, Koorin, Miranda, Sarengar, Pony #2 and Llathandryll moved 114'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You di not take the time to speak wuth Anastatsia or get to know her. She is more than just a princess to me

[Master] oen final swamp encounter before reaching the farmer

[Master] only a 10 or less

[Indigo (Lisa)] And me too!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Which is curious. You would think she could take care of herself..."

[Sarengar (Guy)] (d20) [1d20=1] 1

[Master (to GM only)] Ogre #4 moved 17'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Ogre #3 moved 17'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Ogre #2 moved 7'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Exactly! Which is why I want all of the details from Toybin before I strangle him for failing so in his duty

[Sarengar (Guy)] she is more than capable of taking care of herself which makes this more dangerous if word gets out

[Master (to GM only)] Ogre #2, Ogre #4 and Ogre #3 moved 105'01".

[Master] as you move along

[Master] Indigo spots movement out ahead

[Master] with the Light Mist here in this area you can only see something moving in the distance

[Master] about 500 yards away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (using the spyglass?)

[Master] as you get closer and in towards 200 yards you can tell they are some sort of large humanoid

[Master] ahh

[Master] want to pull that otu to check then?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes please)

[Master] adn he can easily see that there are three ogres rooting around off in the distance

[Master] you are still 500 yards away

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((does that mean we can avoid them?))

[Master] it means you can try to

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ogres! Far up ahead! Looks like 3 of them

[Master] at 500 yards you can spot movement so they can too

[Master] you only know details because of spyglass

Sarengar (Guy) readies his crossbow, and loosens his cutlass in its sheath

[Indigo (Lisa)] Didn't know they travelled in groups. Wonder if it is a family

[Master] you are all standing still right now

[Master] to avoid them spotting you

[Master] what do you want to do?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Well, unless you have an overwhelming desire to attack them, it is probably best that we just let them go about their business."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't want to attack them. We can see if we can walk around.

[Master] Ogre #2: Rod, Staff or Wand save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] But if they find us we will have to fight

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "lets move out of sight and see if they leave us alone."

[Master] upon you starting to move you notice the middle one pointing towards you

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Thats fine. While there is no point in starting a fight, we can make sure to finish it."

[Master] and gesturing

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "So much for that plan."

[Master] Ogre #4 targets Pony #1. Distance: 374'00"

[Master] Ogre #4: Attack: Two-Handed Sword; Giant: ((17-(d20+0))+6) [1d20=16] 7 [MODIFIED (+6)]. HITS Pony #1 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master] obviosly not a sword

[Indigo (Lisa)] hey!

[Master] just using a handy thing

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] he can throw something 500 yards?

[Master] and a small boulder comes FLYING through the air and BOUNCES into your midst

[Master] everyone makes a save versus breath weapon at a +4

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] 500 YARDS?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 [MODIFIED (+4)] - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Llathandryll modified: Spells - CHANGED: Bind -- # Memorized: 3 (+2), CHANGED: Charm Person -- # Memorized: 5 (+3), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Spectral Force -- # Memorized: 2 (+1), CHANGED: Charm Monster -- # Memorized: 2 (0), Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 5 (4). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 2 (0).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] grins, full giants have an even longer range

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 [MODIFIED (+4)] - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] with the +4 i saved

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] bows cant even fire that far

[Master] Ok so a small boulder comes flying through the air and BOUNCES well in front of you spraying up mud and muck all over those who failed their saves

[Master] no damge

[Master] just lots of dirt

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] (and here is the mud show!)

[Master] the three of them are standing still back away there

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((oogy oogy oogy! awgy awgy awgy!))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can magic missile them can't I?)

[Master] range?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((no. too far))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((500 yards is obscene))

[Guy] Sarengar targets Ogre #4. Distance: 366'06"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((If you are level.... 44 or so, you can hit them with a magic missile))

[Sarengar (Guy)] Attack: Heavy Crossbow:: is now ARMED.

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((the crossbow wont reach either. is there anywhere we can take cover bob? trees? anything?))

[Master] no real trees, just scrub and such

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Well, either that was a warning shot and we should back off, or they are about to attack us and we should charge."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (too bad I didn't memorize turn us into trees spell)

[Master] Magic Missle is 150 yards

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and dimension door is 270)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so still can't quite get there)

[Master] getting closer? or moving back the way you came?

[Master] they do not seem to be moving anymore

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((we are gonna have to charge for like 5-10 rounds of incoming rocks before we are close enough to attack them, unless they are coming after us, we should back away))

Indigo (Lisa) checks spy glass again to see what they're doing now

[Master] they seem to be rooting around in the bushes again, one of them is watching your group

[Sarengar (Guy)] hmm

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((how close for crossbow range?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "I am going to assume that was a warning shot, or they would have stopped doing what they are doing by now."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((something like 120 yards I think))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((I forget))

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((but far less that 500))

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes but we have to move in that direction some time

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Yes, but we can wait until they are done with whatever they are doing and move on."

Sarengar (Guy) moves carefully and slowly forward

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "If we charge them, they will probably kill some of us before we have a chance to reach them."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm always good for stopping and having some lunch if Koorin wants to cook and we will check after we eat

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 18'01".

[Master] Time of Day: 11:36 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Sounds like a plan"

[Master] how far away from the group does Sarengar want to get?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "Lets back off about 50 yards or so, just in case."

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((about as far as i am now))

[Master] so ten yards?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "They are leaving us alone for now, so lets not appear aggressive."

[Indigo (Lisa)] You want the spyglass?

[Indigo (Lisa)] just don't let them hit it with a rock

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn would be really sad

[Indigo (Lisa)] Watch your head too

[Sarengar (Guy)] keep the spyglass just keep an eye on them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay but you should come back when Koorin has the food ready

[Indigo (Lisa)] And watch your head

[Indigo (Lisa)] So Koorin, leftover frog for lunch?

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Sounds great!"

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] :: goes off to start lunch ::

[Master] Guy just so you know Long range is 240 yards, and max range is 480 yards with the heavy crossbow

[Master] so cannot hit anything outside of 480

[Master] and a minus 6 to any attack at 240+

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((so they are just within range))

[Master] no they are 500-550 yards away right now

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((that kind of thinking will get you indiana jonesed minus the escape at the end))

[Master] if you go back with therest of the group

[Indigo (Lisa)] I have a feeling we won't get a chance to eat our lunch

[Master] 300 yards is max for a short bow by the way

[Master] in case you are thinking of it

[Master] 150 is long rang

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((and I am not))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((if they start swinging a sword around ill just shoot them lol))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((unless I have to))

[Master] so the plan is to make lunch

[Master] starting up a fire etc

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] yep. if they come over, we can offer them some.

[Indigo (Lisa)] //me splashes some water on himself to get all the mud off before he eats

Indigo (Lisa) then hands his waterskin over to Branwyn so she can clean up too

[Master] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] lunch is served

[Master] they are still out there digging away

Indigo (Lisa) checks spyglass again

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((brb))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (read my mind)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can Indigo tell what they're doing, rooting around for food or digging a hole?)

[Master] they seem to be digging a hole

[Master] making it longer

[Master] like a ditch of some sort

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so they're not going anywhere)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((does it look like they have a home nearby?))

[Master] none that you see

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((back))

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((is it possible to circle around?))

[Sarengar (Guy)] we may have to just clear them out of here

[Master] anyone with swamp skills?

[Master] feel free to make a check

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Illero)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] closest would be sarengar

[Master] have not heard from TMO today

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] rivers are kinda like swamps... :-P

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((my terrain is the river no tthe swamp))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he said he would not be in for 2 weeks I thought)

[Master] oh that is right

[Master] ok

[Master] so watchign them they seem to be digging

[Master] moving back and forth in an area about 20 yards long perhaps

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((so whats the verdict on possibly going around them? are we on an actual path or what?))

[Master] they have mattocks for digging

[Master] you are on the path that Sarengar uses to go back and forth through here

[Master] you can find a way around farther to the north

[Master] and circle around will just take some more of your time

[Sarengar (Guy)] we cant afford to lose too much time

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or we can risk going ahead a dodge rocks)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((well.... we can try circle around which is safer, or I could try and mask us in an illusion until we are either close enough to ambush them or pass them entirely))

[Master] you can circle

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((the ponies are savings us time that we will need for the river))

[Master] youhave already saved almost two days

[Master] choice is fight or click off two hours going around

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((oh, just 2 hours? lets do that))

[Master] all in agreement?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((im all for fighting lol))

[Master] grins

[Master] Lisa tie breaker

[Indigo (Lisa)] I want to abstain

[Sarengar (Guy)] lol

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((koorin votes run around :) ))

[Indigo (Lisa)] after the frog ended and I didn't get to kill anything I want to fight

[Indigo (Lisa)] BUT I don't want anyone's skull caved in for no good reason

[Sarengar (Guy)] why are they messing around so close to farms?

[Indigo (Lisa)] maybe they are farmers and digging an irrigation ditch

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((if it werent for their obscene range with those rocks I would say fight them, its just that they will get many rounds of attempts before we are close enough to start hitting them and by then we will probably be tired from fatigue points))

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i only need to get a little closer and they will be in better range for me

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but you will be in their range and how many times are you going to have to hit them before they fall down?)

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((with a -6 to hit, and one shot every round, while they are tossing 3 with less penalty and probably better thac0))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we should probably go around)

[Master] don't bring a crossbow to a boulder fight

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((apparently not))

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((not to mention their boulders probably hurt more than the crossbow bolts))

[Master] ok so moving along you back of even more and Indigo keeps an eye on them as you go farther to the north and then out of their sight

[Master] circling around

[Master] and then heading into the farmer's area where Sarengar normally visits

[BiBo!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 400. Next level in 9036.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 400. Next level in 112559.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 400. Next level in 20876.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 19003.

[Master] Koorin XP award: 200. Next level in 3997.

[Master] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] So it is later in the day than you planned on but you make it to the homestead of Farmer Alec Grin

[Farmer Grin (Master)] Hello there Sarengar

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we get xp for running away?)

[Farmer Grin (Master)] got that itch for the city again I see?

[Farmer Grin (Master)] can't stand the sticks?

[Sarengar (Guy)] hello there

[Farmer Grin (Master)] and you have a bunch of people with you too, nods at everyone

[Sarengar (Guy)] well its more an itch to be back on the water again

[Farmer Grin (Master)] then pauses and gives a little bow to Branwyn

[Farmer Grin (Master)] looks at Sarengar, then at Branwyn

[Sarengar (Guy)] Farmer Grin these are my frineds

[Farmer Grin (Master)] mouths, who?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Branwyn, and Indigo

[Sarengar (Guy)] Llathandryll and Koorin

Sarengar (Guy) points to each one as he names them

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Farmer Grin (Master)] Oh, Branwyn, she is from Court with you right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is nice to meet you

[Farmer Grin (Master)] nice to meet you mi lady

[Sarengar (Guy)] its safer to say that Im in the court with her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not from Court. I am from the Jistelle Estates

[Farmer Grin (Master)] Sarengar here is a regular guy

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] ((someone needs to tell that jehova guy to stop leaving behind so many witnesses. its sloppy work))

[Farmer Grin (Master)] I am not sure hwo to act around

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Farmer Grin (Master)] so you want to give me a hand Sarengar getting yoru canoe down off the shed?

[Sarengar (Guy)] Branwyn is not much on formalities

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should act how you feel comfortable

[Sarengar (Guy)] well i think this time we will need the barge

[Sarengar (Guy)] and would you be willing to watch over our ponies until we get back

[Farmer Grin (Master)] scratches his belly, well I suppose we can get the barge out into the water

[Farmer Grin (Master)] no one has used it in a while

[Farmer Grin (Master)] and certainly mr Sarengar

[Farmer Grin (Master)] be my pleasure to do that

[Sarengar (Guy)] will you be needing anything from Portown?

[Farmer Grin (Master)] you know the missus will be very happy to have you stay for dinner

[Farmer Grin (Master)] give you dinner for a song

Sarengar (Guy) smiles

[Farmer Grin (Master)] oh I woudl have to ask but I do think she was looking for a bolt of fabric, she was hoping to make a new blouse for winter

[Sarengar (Guy)] I could never disappoint your missus

[Sarengar (Guy)] I would be glad to sing a song for her but Im afraid we will have to pass on the dinner this time

[Farmer Grin (Master)] so what have you been doing? it must be at least 6 months that I have seen you

[Sarengar (Guy)] maybe when we return we will be able to enjoy one of her delicious meals

[Farmer Grin (Master)] you came back through after that last regatta

[Farmer Grin (Master)] it is a pity, I agree with you that it was a foul

[Farmer Grin (Master)] hard to believe they let them get away with that

[Sarengar (Guy)] well it couold have been worse i suppose

[Farmer Grin (Master)] you make it seem like I am almost there, the kids all want to go see the next time you race

[Sarengar (Guy)] one of the major families could have been hurt

[Farmer Grin (Master)] he gives a soft chuckle, knowing it is not possible for them to ever travel that far

[Sarengar (Guy)] well the next time I race i will be sure to send someone to bring you there

[Farmer Grin (Master)] mind if I let them use the ponies while you are gone?

[Farmer Grin (Master)] do you know how long you will be this time?

[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont mind as long as they treat them right

[Farmer Grin (Master)] GRUNTS as he lifts the barge with Sarengar

[Farmer Grin (Master)] to try to push it into the channel

[Sarengar (Guy)] well Im hoping to be back in time for the coronation

[Master] Farmer Grin: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Farmer Grin (Master)] sputters, Coronation!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Farmer Grin (Master)] what happened to the queen?

[Sarengar (Guy)] she is picking her heir

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is just to name her heir

[Farmer Grin (Master)] and the barge gives a sigh as it slips down into the water out of the mud

[Farmer Grin (Master)] oh

[Farmer Grin (Master)] well I suppose that is good then

[Farmer Grin (Master)] although why do you need an heir until you are dead I don't figure

[Koorin (BiBo!!!)] "Saves some fighting after your death."

Sarengar (Guy) heads to kitchen window and sings for the missus

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Singing check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((roflmao)))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how sweet)

[Farmer Grin (Master)] and this is why he is known far and wide as a singer and not a ranger

[Farmer Grin (Master)] you surely are not leaving now?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "despite looking like he was hit a few times with the ugly stick."

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] "As much as we would no doubt enjoy... entertaining your wife, we should probably get going."

[Sarengar (Guy)] im afraid we must be going

[Master] Sarengar, Ilero, Branwyn, QuiFon Ruminel, Indigo, Hoffman, Brother Fotopoulos, Koorin, Miranda and Llathandryll moved 234'00".

[Master] Llathandryll moved 24'03".

[Master] QuiFon Ruminel moved 18'09".

[Master] Hoffman moved 29'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 24'05".

[Master] Sarengar moved 37'00".

[Master] Ilero moved 18'09".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 14'11".

[Master] Koorin moved 27'10".

[Master] Branwyn moved 24'08".

[Master] Miranda moved 21'08".

[Master] OK so moving along the channel

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how far to portown from here?)

[Master] one last encounter for the evening

[Master] 52 miles

[Master] barge moves 3 so 6 miles per day

[Master] canoes move at 6

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (even if we all row like a greek slave ship?)

[Sarengar (Guy)] does boati8ng help at all?

[Master] boating will help in spots and the extra rowing can make you go farther per day, just like forced marching can

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but it won't help if we get too fatigued to fight when we are attacked)

[Master] if you were going WITH the current you would get that bonus, like you did on the river during Pirate Queens

[Master] but you are in stangnant to light flowing against you water

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (of course we are)

[Master] (56/6) 9.333333333333334 days away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if nothing goes wrong)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((thats why i wanted ponies for the first part of the trip))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and they were very good ponies)

[Master] saved a day plus so far

[Master] now river encounter #1

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((the time we saved with them we will need on the water))

[Sarengar (Guy)] (d20) [1d20=4] 4


[Sarengar (Guy)] ((ok im not rollinhg any more encounters))

[Master] Dragonfly #7 moved 73'03".

[Master] Dragonfly #7 moved 91'10".

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] it is about 80 yards out there

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] you are slowly heading towards it as it feeds on the surface of the channel

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] I dont suppose these are normal dragonflies?

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] normal in the idea that it can carry Koorin off sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we need to long-range weapon it before it comes close)

[Sarengar (Guy)] i ready my crossbow

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] go for it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can see it right? no need to wait until it attacks us)

[Guy] Sarengar targets Dragonfly #7. Distance: 141'02"

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] you can see it moving out there, range is right

[BiBo!!!] Koorin targets Dragonfly #7. Distance: 132'03"

[Sarengar (Guy)] do we attack?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Short Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] who are you asking?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ready, aim, fire)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] the dragonfly

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Heavy Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=7] 7. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1-4) [1d20=6] 9 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-4)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1-4) [1d20=7] 8 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-4)] [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Lisa] Branwyn targets Dragonfly #7. Distance: 129'06"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Dragonfly #7: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (4d4+4) [4d4=4,4,3,2] 17 damage!

[Master (to GM only)] Dragonfly #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (-17) - Moderately Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oops I get 5 now)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ... is bran 9th level?

[Master] Dragonfly #7 moved 88'06".

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] want me to fix that?

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] roll a d4

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks - you would be faster than me)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d4) [1d4=2] 2

[Master (to GM only)] Dragonfly #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Dragonfly #7: Initiative: (d10+10+-3) [1d10=9] 16

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=6] 15

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] it is charging you now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- Expression: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal {5d4+5} damage! (Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (1d4+1) points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal {4d4+4} damage!), Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)0) [1d10=9] 170 [MODIFIED (0)]

[Master] Initiative changed from 18 to 170.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] you all get one more ranged attack on it

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] blinks

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=4] 2 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Heavy Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=7] 7. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] rolle that again bran

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=7] 5 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((fixed))

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my initiative went screwy cuz I forgot to take that +4 off from that saving throw)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks marco)

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] you can reroll

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=1] 9

[Master] Initiative changed from 170 to 9.

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] there we go

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] so anyone with a ranged attack goes

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] then it will reach the barge

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((again then?))

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] yes

[Master] INIT: 2 GOING: Koorin

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=13] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Koorin: Attack: Short Bow: ((18-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=9] 10 [MODIFIED (+1)]. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Master] INIT: 9 GOING: Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo is holding since he can't reach)

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no Koorin?)

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] already missed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((she missed. llath will try out his new spell I guess))

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] don't forget to click off those arrows Marco

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] 4 gone that are not recovered

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((doesnt it automatically do that?

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] it should be doing that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against Dragonfly #7: Fireball: I fire off a 20' radius ball of flame which deals ((9)d6) [9d6=1,6,3,2,4,6,4,2,5] 33 points of damage. Save vs spell for half damage.

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] if you have it set on your sheet right

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Ill check later

[Master] Dragonfly #7: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Master (to GM only)] Dragonfly #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-33) - Massively Wounded

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] lol

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Llathandryll

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] its still alive?

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] it comes staggering out of the ball of flame

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did that work right?)

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] barely flailling its wings

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((yep, looks fine))

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] coming in hard for a crash landing

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was a helluva lot of damage)

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] ((welcome to fireball ))

[BiBo!!!] Llathandryll targets Dragonfly #7. Distance: 46'10"

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Attack: Sling Bullet +1:: is now ARMED.

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] Llathandryll: Attack: Sling Bullet +1: ((19-(d20+0))+1+2) [1d20=9] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Attack: Heavy Crossbow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -3. HITS Dragonfly #7 (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar: Damage v SM: Crossbow Bolt: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=3] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Dragonfly #7

[Master (to GM only)] Dragonfly #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-4) - Dying

[Dragonfly #7 (Master)] SPLASH

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] man... that was a tough critter

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] here I was thinking the fireball would be overkill and apparently it was not enough kill

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he got 5 mm before that too)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (one tough bug)

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 350. Next level in 8686.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 350. Next level in 112209.

[Master] Llathandryll XP award: 350. Next level in 20526.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 175. Next level in 18828.

[Master] Koorin XP award: 175. Next level in 3822.

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] Ok

[Master] so you push down the river for a couple of hours

[Master] lets say you put 6 more miles behind you before night fall

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 PM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Lec {Early Summer} 2nd, 342 SKR.

[Master] and you have to decide to pull over like normal and rest for the night

[Master] or try to push through etc

[Master] you can do that on the site during the week

[Master] etc

[Lisa] encounters either way

[Master] yes to encounters

[Master] Guy you going to be in next week?

[Sarengar (Guy)] not sure yet

[Lisa] can we keep going while some characters sleep?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] I shouldnt be missing at least

[Sarengar (Guy)] ill know tomorrow and be able to post on the boards

[Master] sorry not 6 miles that would be a full day travel, it would only be 2 miles down the channel

[Master] so 54 more miles to go

[Master] and yes to Lisa some can sleep and other can row

[Lisa] are we there yet?

[Master] quit it

[Master] so

[Master] the story is starting well

[Lisa] I think we should sleep so everybody is rested

[Lisa] I think so too but can't wait to get to Toybin

[Master] next week on the water, probably the week after

[Master] then arrive in portown

[Sarengar (Guy)] now i can hate toybin with another character lol

[Lisa] I don't hate him I just want to smack him aorund a bit

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] llath will hate toybin too. Toybin is a male after all

[Master] the Riverside Inn is where Sarengar has the Knarr tied up

[Lisa] and Toybin is quite the ladies man

[Master] it is where Toybin wants to meet

[Lisa] the competition could be great

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] more reason for llath to hate him

[Sarengar (Guy)] yeah but sarengar has toybin with one certain woman lol

[Sarengar (Guy)] has toybin beat

[Master] who? Widow Washburn?

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] sarengar's hand?

[Sarengar (Guy)] the princess lol

[Master] this is true

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] is that what you nicknamed it

[Sarengar (Guy)] llath is just jealous lol

[Master] OK

[Master] night all

[Sarengar (Guy)] night

[Lisa] goodnight

[Llathandryll (BiBo!!!)] nighty

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Mar 30 22:59:36 EDT 2012

Guy has left the game on Fri Mar 30 22:59:38 EDT 2012

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 30 22:59:40 EDT 2012

XP awarded