Main / May0109

May 01 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 01 18:03:46 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

john2] has joined the game on Fri May 01 18:21:40 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

john2] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Hello there sir

[BOB] how are you

[john2] same, you?

mikE] has joined the game on Fri May 01 18:23:38 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

mikE] has received the map Base Map DDD.

john2] is receiving the map Maze area 1...

john2] has received the map Maze area 1.

[john2] reporting for duty

[mikE] heyo

[BOB] life is good here

[BOB] getting everything organized, making notes, etc.

[BOB] John do you have any way of plane shifting or other way of getting otu without walking?

[john2] well, I have a plan B but it is not party oriented

[BOB] I am sure Mike will want to hear it

[BOB] you do have a scroll of shelter and portable hole

[BOB] you can cram people into them perhaps

[BOB] or other tricks up your sleeves

[john2] I was thinking of shape shifting very small, summoning a monster or an elemental

[john2] having them hold me like a posession and dismissing them back from whence they came


[john2] but it makes some assumptions we would have to discuss

[BOB] grins,

[john2] or test

[mikE] huh. that's fun i suppose.

[mikE] if it's just the two of us tonight i bet the elemental can carry two people

[mikE] then the rest of the party follows.

[BOB] Fritz wll be here, Kaz will be but late, Guy might be but will be very late

[BOB] and you need some way for them to follow

[BOB] or they are stuck

[john2] I was just thinking the elemental wont work, unlees there is a pool of water on the elemental plane of air?

[BOB] the one round behind will not work if you can not carry them

[mikE] the one round behind kylia does her trick with the one round behinders

[BOB] not until she is here

[john2] and no confirmation on Lori?

[BOB] no confirmation sorry

[BOB] at least after tonight that will not be an issue for a while

[BOB] there will not be a time issue after this advetnure for getting to or from

[BOB] do you feel caught up John? on what happened

[john2] don't feel I need to know the detail of the beholder fight , I know where we are and want we want to do

[john2] we could try a remove cure on the magic item?

[BOB] always possible

[john2] what is the exact goal, just to destroy it or find what is missing?

[john2] how do we prove our worth in HIS words

[BOB] to prove to Melanger that you can handle it, destroying it was what he said

[BOB] but like everything you have room to maneuver

[BOB] you were supposed to give up the sword but instead she took several other things instead

[john2] and how would we prove we destroyed it, jus nt have it when we return :)

[john2] SEVERAL,

[BOB] you shoudl discuss that idea also john, how do you prove you have destroyed it is an interesting problem

[mikE] let's send it to the sun

[mikE] it worked for vecna

[BOB] breaking the curse would be one way too

[john2] sorry, we don't have a sword of teleportation

[mikE] we have a pool, dude

[mikE] we tie it to a bear, shove the bear in the pool.

[mikE] viola!

[john2] No way, it has to be a cat

[john2] We may just want the item

[mikE] you never want a relic, man

[mikE] they never are good in the end

[john2] sprry have you had one before this?

[john2] even if I had to retire Paul, it has to be what the character wants

[mikE] i've had several.

[mikE] but i always end up throwing them away.

[john2] let me at your trash

[mikE] lol

[BOB] How is Mel Mike?

[mikE] she's alright

john2] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

john2] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] You are on the base map john, only a coupel are on the Khazefryn map

[BOB] Fin is if you want to see it

[john2] just did not like the big map

[john2] I'll be back, for what good it might do

[john2] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Wow Mike, two weeks in a row!

[mikE] eh?

[mikE] what's two weeks in a row?

[mikE] oh, on time xp bonus.

[mikE] lol

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 0.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 146998.

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 0.

[BOB] that is weird

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 0.

[mikE] bob leveled

[mikE] now he's a level two dm

[BOB] it gave it to Paul on the notes sectoin

[BOB] but I am not sure about the XP sectoin

[john2] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] Klooge does not like dueal class

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri May 01 19:05:50 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[john2] quick hide

[Fritz] Hail Emperor Finglas

Fritz] is receiving the map khazefryn...

Fritz] has received the map khazefryn.

[BOB] Pharoah not emperor

[Fritz] Ahhh Yes my bad...Hail Pharoh Finglas

[john2] welome Frits, thanks for waiting

[mikE] snicker

[mikE] only if we can get home

[john2] I am sure Rave has a potion that can get us home

[Fritz] Hello Manservant Paul

Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Looks in his Juice bag for something good to drink

[john2] ::bows::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Are we going home or do we get to cause - CHAOS IN KAZEFRYN- ?

[john2] ::whistles inosently::

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

[BOB] you really watn to go home

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ahhh you see you are full of shit Bob....LOL

[john2] jedi mind tricks only work on the weak mind

[Fritz] Last week you said we couldn't leave without Paul and Kylia...this week when we are about to sink Kazefryn into the Sea of no return want to send us home...

[Fritz] Save your precious Lydia...

[Fritz] FOR NOW!!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Soon she shall be as all who dare stand against the Dragonslayers...

[mikE] though we can't get home with paul, either

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] True unless he can plane shift...I say we try Delta instead of Southwest

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Badump bump

[john2] you did not read my plan B

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((And the crowd goes wild as more one liners pour from the monkey bleachers

[Fritz] Ha...we are lucky I can read at all.

[mikE] not sure how easy to find water on the plane of air though

[Fritz] let me go and look up plan B

[john2] Paul is going to cast Monster summoning, have the moster grab you, the dismiss the monster

[john2] you then teleport home

[john2] oh wait your not a wizard

[Fritz] Ahhh but I play one on TV

[john2] I just need to know if you return with the monster

[john2] I could go but then the rest would be stuck without me

[john2] Over a few days, everyone can be out of the underdark

[mikE] bob'll say some crap like the monsters will only be summoned from the underdark anyway.

[BOB] depends on the monster

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri May 01 19:20:57 EDT 2009

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] but there you go

[BOB] ask and thou shalt recieve

[john2] WOOO HOOO

[john2] ALL Hail Mighty Kylia

[mikE] so if you're dismissed you'll end up still in the underdark

[Fritz] Boooo Bob you bribed Lorie to show up and save your precious little city didn't you?!?!?!?!?!?!?! admit it!!!

[Lorie] I can log out

[Lorie] No worries here

[Fritz] How much did he pay you Lorie? Come on 'Fess up!!!

[Lorie] I have no interest in rolling a freaking level 1

[Lorie] human warrior

[Fritz] Hiya...How has your week been Lorie..

[Lorie] Shitty Fritz

[BOB] sorry for that Lor

[Lorie] I have been in almost non-stop meetings since Monday at 8:30 am

[Fritz] ((Watch out guys....Lorie took the deal!!!))

[mikE] i want to roll a level 1 gnomish warrior. lol

[Fritz] Sorry Lor

[Lorie] ehn

[Lorie] I have a job

[Lorie] I don't have Swine Flu

[Lorie] things all in all are okay

[Lorie] I talked to Beth on my Birthday

[Lorie] she's doing worse

[BOB] stinks

[Fritz] Meetings were created so that people can have a place to fall asleep in public and have drool fall on thier ties

[Lorie] she has an abcess that's about 2 inches deep

[Fritz] Oh Yea...Happy B day

[Fritz] Oh crap that sucks

[Lorie] it's healing on the outside not on the inside

[Lorie] :: nods ::

[Lorie] So... I count my blessings

[Lorie] okay... cliff notes version please. I'm not going to die and we're not resetting the campaign

[BOB] no and no

[Fritz] Nope...

[mikE] she can use it like a spy secret compartment

[Fritz] Here is what happened

[john2] we just need to plane shift

[Fritz] We got here.

[Lorie] is that it?

[mikE] hide micro hard drives with swiss bank codes in a laser pointer

[Lorie] Okay... let's hold hands

[john2] once we are home you can hear the home story or go to sleep

[Lorie] what plane do you want to shift to?

[mikE] kumbaya

[Fritz] Meleager said if you can deal with this flail then I will know you are strong enough to deal with my master

[Lorie] oooh.... let's go to the one via the portal in the back of Roadhaven

[mikE] the plane of busty bar wenches

[john2] I think we only have one choice

[Lorie] That's Wolfspack

[Fritz] I want to betray my master cause he messed with my chick

[john2] or one good choice

[Lorie] no interest

[Fritz] Fin took the flail

[Lorie] Ummm... Didn't Marco cause this problem?

[Fritz] Now we have to find out about the flail and Manetho dynasty.

[john2] yea! vague performace goals, reminds me of work

[Lorie] just so I'm doling blame out in the right direction

[BOB] he was eaten by a fruit bat

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Points at Finglas))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Goes invisible again))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We will of course have to return once we free Finglas of the flail

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] So trip number 3 to the underdark

[mikE] wheeeee....

[BOB] ok, so all hold hands and Plane Shift?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] is in the future

[Lorie] wait... so Mike, I want to make sure I understood. You picked up a magic item without thinking?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It's Huggy time

[Lorie] And now you're geased?

[mikE] no, i thought about it

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well he thought about it...

[mikE] i was the best one in the party to resist it

[john2] Yes, I hold hands

[Lorie] You know Mike, I love you like a little brother and all... but, ummm, there are a few cardinal rules of BOB's campaign.

[Lorie] That's one of them

[Lorie] (or did you not have a choice?)

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] And technically speaking he didn't pick it up...He reached out and accepted it as a gift from Meleager

[mikE] unless we wanted to scrap the adventure... no choice really

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well it was either him or someone else

[Lorie] (I would have been scrapping it at this point)

[Fritz] So really no choice....HE TOOK THE DEAL

[mikE] yup. and my amulet will help my mind

[Lorie] Uh huh... It would have gone in the scroll of shelter

[Fritz] Ha...wishful thinking

[john2] Mal Light

[Lorie] ... no touching

[Lorie] ... no separating the party

[mikE] you know bob would just use us ditching as an excuse to really screw us over later

[Lorie] ... no taking the deal

[Fritz] I tried that....he stopped me..then bob did as well

[Lorie] The cardinal rules

[BOB] actually he would not do that, he did make a point of requiring someone to take possession of it

[Lorie] I don't know that I care about his rules... he's a DROW

[Fritz] Key word..."POSSESSION"

[Lorie] It's not like he's Mister Rogers

[BOB] He is human

[john2] can we discuss this at HOME

[Lorie] Hiding among drow

[BOB] grins

[Fritz] No he isn't a drow...almost as bad...He was a ...Black Man!!! You know how they can be!!!

[Lorie] ((I'm talking OOC)) I'm fine to leave

[Lorie] Oh no Fritz, I'm not taking that bait.

[mikE] yeah. they always sit on the porch

[Fritz] Never trust the Black Man...oh wait...that's white man...

[Lorie] I have a friend in Mexico looking for superheroes to save them from Swine Flu...

[Lorie] Never trust a man... the color doesn't really much matter now does it :O)

[Fritz] I created a Super hero for the job...His name is "Pork and Beans"

[BOB] ok

[Lorie] ha ha ha I voted for Speedy Gonzales and Manà

[BOB] so we are holding hands and plane shifting on three?

[john2] ::holding hands::

[BOB] 1

[Lorie] si Roberto

[Fritz] Manudo!

[BOB] 2

[Lorie] Menudo isn't technically Mexican...

[BOB] 3

[Fritz] Adios Bitches!!!

[BOB] and BLURRRRR and you are in the snow

[mikE] burrrrr.

[BOB] cold lonely windswept plane

[Lorie] ooooh...


[Lorie] Does it look familiar to Kylia BOB?

[BOB] off in the distance you can see a set of standing stones

[BOB] but the plain around you is just a vast white plate

[Fritz] Hell I wouldn't be sitting in this weather either.

[Lorie] Plane or Plain?

[BOB] no to Lorie, nothing nearby

[BOB] you are on another Plane

[Lorie] okay let's walk to the standing stones.

[Fritz] Plate

[BOB] you are standing in a plain of white snow

[Lorie] ((Yes but Kylia has shifted to several other planes before))

[Fritz] I thought it was a Plate of White Snow....I know...We are in Columbia!!!

[BOB] it is always the same Plane, she only has the one tuning fork

[Fritz] Woohoo Party time

[BOB] just different places on that Plane

[Lorie] Colombia or Columbia?

[Fritz] And a straw of gold!!!

[Lorie] Those are two very different places Fritz

[john2] diffrent location on this plane?

[BOB] right John,

[BOB] you appear just about anywhere

[Lorie] okay... back to home then?

[Fritz] I flunked geology back in elementary school

[Lorie] it's not like the villagers are coming out to celebrate our return

[Lorie] geology... the study of rocks?

[Lorie] neat

[BOB] jut need water to go back

[john2] Well, my plan is to dig a hole, melt the snow and poof

[Lorie] okay... we walk

[Fritz] I am the AVATAR....I can create water out of air....

[Fritz] Why don't we just melt a bunch of snow?

[john2] Lets see if there is a dig spell in the party pack

[john2] we need a hole

[Fritz] Yes there is John

[mikE] whee

[john2] ok so you do not need me for a sec, kids calling

[Lorie] okay

[BOB] ok, so it does take time but you can make a big enough hole and fill it with water, then use the gem to POOL back to Roadhaven

[Lorie] ok

[mikE] yay

[mikE] research time

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 3 Lad ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 3rd, 1259.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri May 01 19:41:36 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Fritz] Kaz!!

[Lorie] :: waves :: Evening lady

[Kaz] Hey there!!

[Kaz] :D

[Kaz] Going to catch up

[Fritz] Heinz to you baby

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Lorie] We're Roadhaven

[Lorie] there...

[BOB] so you can see you were traveling a little bit under a month

[mikE] morning reports to go through?

[BOB] You can in just a moment

[BOB] letting eveyrthing settle in

[mikE] i'm settled

[BOB] ok

[BOB] yu will notice you missed New Years while you were underground

[john2] sniff sniff

[mikE] darn.

[mikE] so sad

[BOB] so you can all check off a year for your birthdays (if you do not have one written in )

[john2] so much drinking to catch up on

[Fritz] I didn't have a date so...

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 39/M (38/M).

[mikE (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 152 (151).

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 117/m (116/m).

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Mentor modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 106 yrs/Male (105 yrs/Male).

[Fritz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Val'Iant Le Quella modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 116 yrs/Male (115 yrs/Male).

[Kaz] Okay, I'm caught up

[Kaz] I know, I'm sloooowwwww


[mikE] yeah. that was a long time for "we came home" lol

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: Tounges, 3, 3, what did you say, 1, 1, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[john2] so Kaz did you read my wish sugestions?

[Kaz (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 20 (19).

[Kaz] no, I'll do that right now

[mikE] "i wish moirra would sleep with me"

[john2] NO, Moirra;s wish

[BOB] John you missed that one, Finglas had Moirra naked one night when they were on watch

[Kaz] Ummm... he didn't have her naked

[Kaz] she was naked, he had nothing to do with it

[Kaz] (that was a nice lullaby, though)

[mikE] bow chika bow wow

[john2] well my next plan will not work either, Tougs is only spoken language

[mikE] so lor, i got to be noble

[john2] FIN? Certainly not Mike

[Fritz] Well if you need I can help with research, but I was on call last night and got only about 2 hours of sleep. I am going to say good night since I can't cause...CHAOS IN KAZEFRYN...

[mikE] night fritz

[BOB] night fritz

[john2] Have a good night, great week till we see again

[BOB] will call if things get crazy

[Kaz] night Fritz

[Fritz] Sure if you need me to wake up and come in just call me...

[BOB] never know when Finglas will go crazy and start summoning demons

[Kaz] so, not yet decided on Fin's wish?

[Fritz] Oh I give Finglas the potion of Luck before he makes his wish if that is ok

[BOB] sure

[mikE] cool

[Fritz (to mikE only)] good luck

[mikE] i think i wish i was never touched by ghouls would work.

[Kaz] wraiths

[mikE] lol. right. wraiths

[Kaz] aren't ghouls different?

[john2] are you sure

[BOB] damn

Fritz] has left the game on Fri May 01 20:00:58 EDT 2009

[Kaz] Yeah, don't screw up that wish. See? Bob's already hoping for it!!

[BOB] that was SOOOO close

[mikE] that should just go back nudge them out of the way and i'ld be good

[mikE] because he cheats

[mikE] he can't touch me without cheating

[BOB] so you have who making which wishes?

[mikE] just fin making that one for me

[mikE] after he drinks the felix felicitous

[BOB] does Moirra want one?

[BOB] or do you think Liam would?

[john2] are we sure we need to use a wish for this

[john2] woun't the wish be beter used on the Mace or what ever it is

[mikE] we could ask around, but we're in a time crunch

[mikE (to BOB only)] what level would fin's father be?

[john2] Well we could kill you, we would have to cast anouther spell but them time would not be an issue

[BOB (to mikE only)] at least 12th

[john2] i was just cast deep freeze on you then we have all the time in the world

[mikE (to BOB only)] by at least do you mean 14th?

[BOB (to mikE only)] grins, no most do not get that high but can check the book

[mikE (to BOB only)] he is an elf. real old. had time to level.

[john2] I am sure Lady Kylia knows someone who needs the assistance of the Dragon Slayers

[mikE] okay, actually, what if we do this... fin's father has got to be at least 12th level. at 14th he can restore

[mikE] so even if he's only 12th, fin can uplift him two levels, and he restores fin

[mikE] two days, fin's all back.

[john2] sounds like a great plan, if Fin's dad likes Fin

[john2] and does not give him a hard time

[mikE] lol. you'd hope so.

[john2] I vote we ask

[mikE] couldn't hurt

[mikE] even if he holds it over my head, fin would go and do anything his father asked anyway

[john2] could rounds to bip there

[john2] couple

[john2] anyone have a better plan?

[Kaz] No, I like this idea

[Kaz] Then Fin doesn't have to waste his wish

[mikE] yeah. i'd like to save it for a big event.

[mikE] like i wish the sun isn't going nova

[john2] well he will waste his wish knowing BOB but that is anther story

[john2] I was thinking that earlier

[john2] or actualy in reverse

[john2] but along the same lines

[mikE] lol. i wish the sun goes nova now

[john2] great revenge for a dying man

[john2] who thinks the world is against him

[john2] sorry, it would have to be a woman

[mikE] like a wizard's death curse in the dresden files

[john2] never read

[john2] did I miss where BOB went?

[BOB] nope

[mikE] as i wizard dies, they can gather up their life force and expel it in the form of a curse at an individual

[BOB] just here listening waiting

[BOB] Butcher was a nice guy when I met him

[BOB] would read the books just becasue of that

[mikE] we're porting to fin's dad

[mikE] you met him? cool

[BOB] who is goign to visit the family

[BOB] Paul?

[john2] so again I am not needed, think I will follow Frirz's lead

[BOB] Moirra?

[john2] Good night all

[BOB] night John

[mikE] you're always needed

[mikE] but night

[Kaz] Night John

[john2] if you need my help with your dad, do you really deserve it?


[Kaz] lol

john2] has left the game on Fri May 01 20:17:57 EDT 2009

[BOB] So Lorie, is Kylia goign to go visit the family?

[Kaz] Moirra will go if Fin wants the company

[BOB] Fin has always wanted to show yu to the parents

[Kaz] Moirra will stay home if Fin wants Kylia to go :D

[Finglas (mikE)] "I'd be happy to show you my home, Moirra. My mother will probably like you."

[Lorie] Moirra you go... I've been to his family stead previously

[Antarias (mikE)] "She likes any girl you bring home."

[Lorie] Wilson is giving me that sad puppy dog look like he has a long list of business

[Finglas (mikE)] "Don't want to see my... beloved again, Kylia?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "May I borrow the crystal for my visit then? Or wil you come get me in a few days?"

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] You go with Moirra... I'm going to see what Wilson's been up to while we were away.

[Lorie] I will return for you in 3 days

Moirra (Kaz)] bows to Kylia

[Finglas (mikE)] "See you then. With luck, I'll be back to my old self."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::pools home::

[BOB] emerges a little wetter but none the worse for wear

[BOB] your sister raises an eyebrow at bringing another woman in

[Finglas (mikE)] "Hello Val. How has mother been?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Warn her that I'm bringing a woman home, and she's NOT going to marry me."

[BOB] how woudl I know?

[BOB] grins

[Finglas (mikE)] ::sighs and starts toward the temple::

Moirra (Kaz)] covers her mouth and giggles

[BOB] the temple has a soft glow about it,

[Finglas (mikE)] "We'll go see my father first. He's likely at the temple."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Is that an ongoing problem, Finglas?

[Finglas (mikE)] "She wants to be a grandmother."

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ahh, I see.

[BOB] the candles are still lit from the nights work, the dawn is filtering through the trees

[Finglas (mikE)] "I told her that Ant would give her a grandchild before I do."

[Moirra (Kaz)] I guess that is what most mothers want, isn't it?

Moirra (Kaz)] looks around appreciatively

[BOB] "and I would like to be one before I turn 1,0000 you know"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Welcome to my father's temple. This is where I did my training."

Moirra (Kaz)] bows to Finglas' mother

[BOB] your mohter and father emerge from the side transept

[Finglas (mikE)] "Mother. I thought you'd be at home."

[BOB] I was told to visit the temple by your father

[Finglas (mikE)] "Mother, father, may I present Moirra, the bearer of the mace."

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am honoured to meet you.

[BOB] it si very nice to meet you dear

[Finglas (mikE)] "It was her sacrifice that helped to bring me back from the planes of chaos."

[BOB] and your all worn around the edges son

[BOB] you look a little ragged

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes. That is what I came to speak with you about."

[BOB] that nice Lady Kylia is treating you well?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Perhaps I can tell you the tale over breakfast?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "She's as well as ever. Though started talking to herself since last you met."

[BOB] well have you done anything to help her out?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Stayed out of her way." ::chuckles::

[BOB] shakes her head

[BOB] so Moirra

[BOB] takes her by the arm

[BOB] lets to take a walk

[Moirra (Kaz)] I would love to.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Be nice mother."

Moirra (Kaz)] grins at Finglas and wanders off with his mother.

[BOB] Father quietly looking on

[Finglas (mikE)] ::waits for his father to speak::

[BOB] so you come for healing

[BOB] so you can run back out again into the work

[Finglas (mikE)] "I have."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes. I find myself carrying another burden for them."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Even now I fear this one will be worse than any of the others."

[Finglas (mikE)] "But how can I stand by and watch any of them take it?"

[BOB] this burden is not evil in itself

[Finglas (mikE)] "No, but I fear it will be a heavy one. Moirra was going to take it if I had not."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I could not stand by and watch her broken under it's weight."

[BOB] so you will take the burden and watch them walk away?

[BOB] how do you know you will be able to do this your self?

[Finglas (mikE)] "I have faith that I will get through this. With the help of our god, my brother, and this celestial I carry, I will make it through."

[BOB] I do not trust that celestial

[BOB] but that is a story for another day

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nods::

[BOB] you wish to be restored

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nods again::

[BOB] to have your strength returned to you

[BOB] it can be done

[BOB] you will go into meditation and contemplation for a day

[BOB] then I will perform the ceremony at midnight tomorrow night

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes father."

[BOB] (the 7th)

[Finglas (mikE)] ::goes into the temple to begin meditating::

[BOB] Mother talks to Moirra

[BOB] so what do you think of my boy?

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles. "He's a good person, and a good friend."

[BOB] and Kylia?

[BOB] I am worried they are not going to get together

[BOB] he seemed so smitten by her

[Moirra (Kaz)] Kylia says she does not wish to marry anyone. I do not know if that is strictly true, but I am not in her mind.

[BOB] she must want someone, everyone wants someone

[BOB] smiles and looks at you

[BOB] you must too

[Moirra (Kaz)] I suppose they do, deep inside.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I think perhaps she is afraid to want anyone. She always fears we will all go off and die.

[BOB] you are human of course you will go off and die

[BOB] what else can one expect

Moirra (Kaz)] nods at Fin's mother.

[BOB] so why did you come to visit us?

[Moirra (Kaz)] It is just part of living. I think she has seen too many friends die.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, because I was welcome to come. Finglas is going through a bad time, and he is my friend.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Of course, he was coming home to his staunchest support, but doesn't every little bit help?

[BOB] any friend of his is welcome, but he did warn you not to tell anyone where exactly you are right?

[BOB] he tends t forget

Moirra (Kaz)] chuckles.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have no idea exactly where I am, but now that you have warned me, I will make doubly sure to not know.

[BOB] good

[BOB] so what did you want to do while you are here visiting?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, if I can help with Finglas, then I would like to do that. If not, surely I can help out in some fashion with something else?


[BOB] (just so you know Kaz)

[BOB] Firness is the town you are in

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((thank you))

[Finglas (mikE)] they try to stay off the leafer's maps

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((who can blame them?))

[BOB] ok, so you spend a quiet evening healing, eating, and resting

[BOB] (I am sorry guys, my mouse is going bad and it keeps closing the chat window by mistake)

[BOB] during the next day

[Finglas (mikE)] it's been going bad for a month now.

[BOB] it si really bad now

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((want me to send a cat over to take care of it?))

[BOB] hah

[Lorie] ((they have these modern things called stores... you could purchase a new mouse))

[BOB] blinks,

[Finglas (mikE)] lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Blasphemy!!))

[BOB] what would that be? I always just visit www.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] but in any case unless you want to accomplish something else Mike

[BOB] you are cured

[Finglas (mikE)] woohoo!

[Lorie] ((Even more modern... virtual stores! I personally recommend Zones or PC Mall. Never purchase from Tiger Direct or CDW))

[BOB] and on the 8th when Kylia opens up the pool

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Yay!))

[Finglas (mikE)] well, we visit for two days, etc

[BOB] ( I use newegg a bit)

[Finglas (mikE)] i show moirra the sights

[Finglas (mikE)] and bring val home with me

[Lorie] ((.... no comment here on New Egg))

[Finglas (mikE)] she's been here for a few months, probably itching to get back to greenborough

[BOB] (oh? experience there?)

[Lorie] ((They responded to one of our RFPs... let's just say for consumers probably okay, but it was shaky. They had problems to respond in English and their Customer Support team was really really RUDE))

[Lorie] ((They are based out of California))

[BOB] ok, so a couple of days go by

[BOB] everyone is back home

[BOB] ?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((If Kylia came to get us, then Moirra's definitely home))

[Finglas (mikE)] sounds good.

[Finglas (mikE)] now we need to do some research

[Finglas (mikE)] i'd like to send some acolytes to wolfspack, and think it would be a good idea for us to go to semphar

[BOB] what are you looking for?

[BOB] you can check the wiki

[BOB] that is what you can find at woflspack with a moderate search

[Finglas (mikE)] info on the mace, the empire, the desert, and living sages who might know more

[Finglas (mikE)] right, i've read all that.

[BOB] good

[Finglas (mikE)] now i want to find a person who can give me more than the reader's digest version

[BOB] Kaz Lorie, did you read those?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I read what was there last week. Did you add more?))

[Lorie] ((nope))

[BOB] ok, Mike sum up

[BOB] lets see what you think you know

[Finglas (mikE)] sum up? flail was made by ancient pharoes of the desert.

[Finglas (mikE)] whoever wields it feels a loss

[Finglas (mikE)] like a quest needs doing

[BOB] good summation

[BOB] very accurate

[Finglas (mikE)] we get to go to the desert for shits and giggles

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((and sand sundaes))

[Finglas (mikE)] and dharfor

[Finglas (mikE)] so irate militant natives with ak's

[BOB] no AK

[BOB] but irrate maybe

[Finglas (mikE)] everyone get protection from missiles ready

[Moirra (Kaz)] did I freeze?

[BOB] no

[Moirra (Kaz)] guess not.

[BOB] tyring to get the text for Mike

[BOB] for the nightmare he has each night

[Moirra (Kaz)] oooooh

[Finglas (mikE)] yaaaah.

[Finglas (mikE)] good thing elves don't sleep or dream

[Finglas (mikE)] they just meditate for a few hours.

[BOB] elves sleep

[BOB] stupid munchin stuff about not sleeping, never dying

[BOB] Elves sleep eat drink and poop

[Finglas (mikE)] it's in the published source books.

[Finglas (mikE)] sure. but their poo smells like roses

[Moirra (Kaz)] I thought they pooped rainbows.

[Moirra (Kaz)] *snap*

[BOB] Since your discovery of the curious golden flail, your livf has been thrown into chaos. Each night has been a restless ordeal, haunted by vivid, unforgettable dreams. The nightmare never varies: Across the gulfs of time and space, your consciousness shifts to a strange, foreign land where desert sands swirl against a temple hewn into blackened rock. An authoritative voice, its source hidden within the shadowy confines of the structure, calls to you. "Friends, my sleep is as troubled as your own. Centuries ago, blasphemers shattered the fragile tranquility of my afterlife, and blight seized my homeland in its evil grasp. Once I ruled a lush and bountiful kingdom. None of my subjects knew poverty or unhappiness. Upon my death, my followers toiled to create this blessed place, and sent me on my journey to the afterworld.

[BOB] "But under cloak of darkness, tomb robbers invaded my temple and defiled my sarcophagus, interrupting my voyage. Among the objects stolen from my gravesite was the artifact you now possess. The theft of the sacred flail of the desert kings was a truly disastrous omen, for the presence of the flail and the vitality of the kingdom are linked forever. When the flail was seized, crops withered, rivers dried, and my people abandoned their homes to avoid starvation. Not until the flail is returned to my burial place will the health of this nation be restored. "Fate ha~ borne the flail of the desert kings into your hands, so that you might deliver my kingdom from its affliction. "Return the flail ... restore my land." The voice fades, and you awaken with jolting suddenness.

[BOB] and to be clear

[BOB] Finglas has that dream

[BOB] the first night

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I can see how that would be a terrible nightmare to a selfish prick like Meleager))

[BOB] then the next night it is him and antarias

[Finglas (mikE)] well, that's pretty clear.

[Finglas (mikE)] lol. seriously.

[BOB] then the next night it is the two of them and Moirra

[Finglas (mikE)] well, i got no problem giving up the flail.

[BOB] then when you spend the night in Roadhaven, Kylia gets that same dream

[BOB] it seems to be spreading

[BOB] reaching out from Finglas to anyone who sleeps near by

[BOB] in a growing circle

[Finglas (mikE)] woohoo

[Finglas (mikE)] do we know where naked tree boy is?

[BOB] after the first week, Finglas loses a point of Constitution

[BOB] from lack of sleep

[BOB] Kevin and no

[Finglas (mikE)] darn, i would have even had him make trap plans to keep it safe

[Finglas (mikE) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified: Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: -1. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:


[Moirra (Kaz)] Do we even wait a whole week before making plans? Seriously.

[BOB] the first couple of nights it is not that big a deal

[BOB] and you are searching in Wolfspack etc.

[BOB] then he gets back and is restored

[BOB] and you are consulting and dealing with issues in Roadhaven and Greenbough

[BOB] but now it is gettign to really weigh on Finglas

[Finglas (mikE)] well, let's go to semphar then

[BOB] Mentor adn Val are still traveling


[BOB] Rhys shows up

[BOB] while Moirra is gone with Finglas

[Finglas (mikE)] which one's rhys?

[Finglas (mikE)] i though fritz only had two stooges, not all three

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Moirra's Holy Warrior henchie))

[Finglas (mikE)] ah. okay.

[Finglas (mikE)] her not-a-paladin

[Moirra (Kaz)] yesh

[Lorie] ((Guys...I'm falling asleep

[Lorie] I think I need to head out. I'm really sorry. I wanted to participate in this ))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((sweet dreams Lorie))

[Finglas (mikE)] night lor

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Din {Mid Spring} 11th, 1259.

Lorie] has left the game on Fri May 01 21:16:10 EDT 2009

[BOB] ok

[BOB] sorry I missed her

[BOB] Kaz is guy stopping by?

[BOB] do you think?

[BOB] I do want to make sure you get the chance to be set for next week

[BOB] before you two go

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((probably not, he just walked in and he's slammed))

[BOB] ok

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((but he said if you need him he can try))

[BOB] no

[BOB] better next week

[Finglas (mikE)] woo! drunk as a skunk!

[Finglas (mikE)] you know what that means kaz?

[Finglas (mikE)] rp night!


[Finglas (mikE)] lolo

[Finglas (mikE)] so..... crap

[Finglas (mikE)] i guess we're walking to semphar

[BOB] no

[BOB] I have something else

[Finglas (mikE)] the flail teleports?

[BOB] deeper nightmares for the two of you

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Oops, gotta go!!!))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((hee hee))

[Finglas (mikE)] we need a portable dimensional pool

[Finglas (mikE)] like a portable hole, but filled with water

[BOB] on the nights when you do not hear the voice, you feel your self looking out on an empty wasteland

[BOB] a stairless dark red sky, looms over a rocky wasteland with glowing spheres of light scattered about

[Finglas (mikE)] are the stones in town?

[BOB] starless

[Finglas (mikE)] oh, then the greatful dead?

[Finglas (mikE)] they don't have anyone famous, do they?

[BOB] other nights it is a blazing sun burning over a bone dry landscape, with an immense white stone palace and pyramid off in the distance

mikE] has left the game on Fri May 01 21:22:00 EDT 2009

[BOB] Kaz

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm still here

[BOB] you have any thoughts on those visions?

[BOB] they scared Mike off

[Moirra (Kaz)] lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, so based on what the voice said in the other dreams, I feel like it's more of a documentary then a nightmare, if that makes sense.

[BOB] nods

[BOB] I can see that

[Moirra (Kaz)] Like, it's more factual and a plea for help, then it is trying to scare or hurt anyone.

[BOB] it is a nightmare in that you do not have control of your self during the dream, you are trapped watching/hearing that

mikE] has joined the game on Fri May 01 21:25:23 EDT 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

mikE] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] welcome back Mike

[BOB] and the other landscapes are part of it also

[Moirra (Kaz)] And since Moirra doesn't trust Meleager in any way shape or form, she is feeling like the worst thing they could do is destroy the flail. It needs to be returned.

[mikE] router fart

[Moirra (Kaz)] If that's the case, Bob, then I think that once Moirra accepts it's a message, she is able to deal with the dreams on a more peaceful level.

[BOB] nods saw you and Robin both disapear

[mikE] yeah, it seems like a documentary

[mikE] of course, the flail dreams could be lies

[mikE] if we reunite the flail it'll unleash DOOOOOM

[Moirra (Kaz)] well, they could be lies, yes.

[BOB] Fin does not get any rest during the nights, he does think these are nightmares in that respect

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra, of course, goes to speak with Finglas about the dreams she is having.

[BOB] almost like an unblinking eye looking down over the landscapes

[BOB] they are affecting Moirra also, but not as badly as Finglas

[BOB] at least not yet

[Rhys of Gilmairay (BOB)] Mistress Moirra, I have returned from Hallstatt

[Finglas (mikE)] "Perhaps I should go sleep in the woods, to stay away from you."

[Rhys of Gilmairay (BOB)] Arriella and I had a couple of small adventures but we succeeeded in returning home in one piece

[Moirra (Kaz)] Rhys, I am glad to see you have returned safely. Welcome home.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Finglas, please, I would like to try something before you resort to that.

[Rhys of Gilmairay (BOB)] we fought off goblins, a bear

[Rhys of Gilmairay (BOB)] what is happening now here at home?

[BOB] ] XP award: 500. Next level in 600.

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Bob, I want to cast "Nap" on Finglas - it lets him get a full night's sleep in an hour's time. I'll cast it on him every day if I have to so that he gets some rest. Also on anyone else who needs it.))

[BOB] (and now done talking as him you can take over)

[BOB] and that will work Moirra

[BOB] after that first 'nights' rest his con returns

[Finglas (mikE)] sweet. what sphere is that from?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((alteration))

[Finglas (mikE) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Finglas modified:

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((DUH. Time))

[BOB] that is teh schoo, which Sphere

[Finglas (mikE)] don't have that one

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ok

[Finglas (mikE)] so.... is there a way for us to get to semphar?

[BOB] no

[BOB] not easily

[BOB] but

[BOB] after you are rested and are feeling stronger

[Moirra (Kaz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Moirra modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: +5 (+4). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: +2 (+0).

[BOB] you could try to figure out something else

[Finglas (mikE)] who do we know that can cast teleport other?

[BOB] you could attempt some more serious research at wolfspack

[Finglas (mikE)] i guess we have no other options, really.

[BOB] and no one that you know

[BOB] you don't have to Mike

[Moirra (Kaz)] if I cast a zone of truth around Finglas as he sleeps with the flail by him, would that zone of truth affect the flail?

[BOB] just making sure you know your opions

[BOB] you could try that Kaz

[Finglas (mikE)] good idea

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay, then we do that.

[Finglas (mikE)] camp out in front of wolfspack on the truth grid. lol

[BOB] grins,

[BOB] they don't allow that

[BOB] but nice thought

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, let's try the zone of truth and see what happens.

[Finglas (mikE)] they don't have a choice. i'm like a 800 pount gorilla

[Finglas (mikE)] i sleep wherever i want.

[BOB] laughs

[BOB] this is the only city to ever fight off the Terraguard army three times

[BOB] they would crush you if you break the law that way

[BOB] if you are following the law they won't tough you

[BOB] touch you

[Moirra (Kaz)] I wonder if we explained the reason, if they would allow it.

[Moirra (Kaz)] In the name of research, and all.

[BOB] the Druids would not be appreciative

[BOB] drop another 1000 gp in the box and I will tell you why

[Finglas (mikE)] because their jerks

[Moirra (Kaz)] well, let's just do the simplest thing, first

[BOB] because the druids here do not want to intentialy upset teh Druids in Hallstatt and Hallstatt fought wars with Manetho

[BOB] so the druids in Wolfspack will help you, but not overtly like that

[BOB] you can research the visions in wolfspack also

[BOB] the images and such

[BOB] any other questions you want to just ask in general?

[Finglas (mikE)] anyone know more about this stuff?

[BOB] then I do have new vision for you

[BOB] the people who would know would be in Semphar, Hallstatt or Seagate

[Moirra (Kaz)] I take it the zone of truth isn't going to work. thrn

[BOB] all are several hundred miles away


[BOB] when Finglas is sleeping and dreaming, and Moirra is sleeping and dreaming, you both get the same new vision

[BOB] you are both startled by a violent humming, and the appearance of what appears to be a gate through which they catch glimpses of the desert landscape and temple from their dreams, The phrase "Deliver the flail. Restore my kingdom" echoes compellingly from within, spoken by a disembodied voice.

[BOB] do you want to go through the gate?

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Din {Mid Spring} 12th, 1259.

[Finglas (mikE)] we have control for once?

[Finglas (mikE)] in our dream?

[BOB] you seem to yes

[Finglas (mikE)] i guess...

[BOB] youa re not compelled to go through the gate

[BOB] and the dream ends

[BOB] the zone of truth did not have any different affect

[BOB] so you two can discuss this new wrinkle

[BOB] and if you want to try to go through, and what the options are

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll step through. it's a new bit of info i suppose

[BOB] would you go by your self, how would the others follow you

[Moirra (Kaz)] Can we communicate with each other while we're dreaming?

[BOB] no

[BOB] so far not

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=3] 11

[Finglas (mikE)] ] Finglas: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[Moirra (Kaz)] it almost seems like we're all connected somehow.

[BOB] you are all having a shared vision

[BOB] more than just you, but your followers, your henchmen, etc.

[BOB] everyone who sleeps near Finglas

[BOB] is getting this effect

[BOB] so the next mornign you compare notes about the gate vision

[BOB] so you can decide if you want to go through the next time it appears

[Finglas (mikE)] i'll go

[BOB] any ideas on gettign them to follow you?

[Finglas (mikE)] getting who?

[BOB] the rest of the dragonslayers

[Finglas (mikE)] so kaz, wanna step through?

[Finglas (mikE)] since that's about all of us here.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Moirra is nervous, but she's more afraid that Finglas will go alone. So she'll go through.

[BOB] Ok, so the two of you want to go through the next time it appears?

[Finglas (mikE)] yup

[Moirra (Kaz)] yes, but before she goes to sleep, she is praying REALLY hard.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Din {Mid Spring} 13th, 1259.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 14 Be ___ tre, Din {Mid Spring} 14th, 1259.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 15 Pen ___ tre, Din {Mid Spring} 15th, 1259.

[BOB] on the night of the 15th

[BOB] now that the calendar is in sync again

[BOB] the portal opens up

[BOB] in your dreams

[BOB] Wrapped in a dizzying swirl of incandescent colors and unfamiliar sounds, you find yourselves dumped suddenly on a strange, barren desert plain. Your calm and peace of mind is broken by the realization that nothing about your surroundings is familiar in any way. Grains of purple dust bite at your exposed flesh and choke your already labored breathing. An oppressive, broiling sun burns down on an endless sea of sand, and no features other than vast rolling dunes are within sight.

[Moirra (Kaz)] And this is still within the dream?

[BOB] you two are standing there in the sands,

[BOB] with no weapons, in your bed clothes

[BOB] and you realize this is not a dream

[BOB] you have no weapons, or spell components,

[Moirra (Kaz)] Does Fin at least have the flail?

[BOB] just your normal night clothes

[BOB] Fin has the flail

[Finglas (mikE)] lol. you can't beef it up enough so you're gonna dumb us down, huh?

[BOB] chuckles, just wait

[BOB] so the two of you are out in teh desert

[BOB] freeze there

[BOB] back home

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Should I start rolling a new character yet?))

[BOB] the rest of them get to decide if they go through or not

[BOB] or should we just say they all do anyway?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((We can't make their decisions.))

[BOB] the two of you are in charge right now

[Finglas (mikE)] we don't make decisions that affect round behind characters

[Finglas (mikE)] they're immune

[BOB] then the rest of this adventure might just be the two of you

[Finglas (mikE)] so we'll have to just go die in the sands

[BOB] I wanted to pause for the night here

[Finglas (mikE)] an hour early?

[BOB] but we can continue

[BOB] because we hae so much time

[Finglas (mikE)] i'd say you should not post this chat log, and let everyone decide based on the knowledge that moirra and fin said they were stepping through

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, if we pause now, Mike, it gives the others a chance to say if they want to come or not.))

[Finglas (mikE)] then we can start next week with them a round behind with us, or at home

[BOB] both sound fair

[BOB] we continue but do not post the log until next week

[BOB] so they get to decide when they log in

[BOB] how does that sound?

[Finglas (mikE)] good news is, we can create water

[Finglas (mikE)] works for me

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[BOB] ok

[BOB] your mind races, you see all sorts of images and visions in the glare of the desert sun, but as you draw closer you realize that an oasis sits amid the dunes, welcoming you. Beyond the oasis, a taunting, strangely familiar vision wavers in the distance.

[BOB] When you arrive at the oasis, you are met by a group of dark-skinned humans whose shared mirth is interrupted as they move to assist you.

[BOB] The clear, cool water of a large bubbling pool is an ideal antidote for your dust-caked tongues. The liquid hail an odd but pleasing taste, and you find your vitality returning as you drink your fill. After you are refreshed, a tall, broad man approaches you, a warm smile and open hands contradicting the scimitar thrust through his sash. His speech is a rough, guttural form of central Common, blurred by an unfamiliar accent.

[BOB] "You are obviously strangers here, for no one wanders the plains of Raurin on foot and hopes to live to see the dawn of a new day. You must be robust souls, indeed. But by the god-kings, you look like you have the plague about you! A good meal should take care of that well enough. If you plan treachery-which would be a most unwise decision, I assure you-be on your way. Otherwise, you are welcome at our fire-pit.

[BOB] he looks at the two of you carefully

[Finglas (mikE)] "We will gladly accept your hospitality."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::bows::

[BOB] I am Sarim, son of Palim and father of many:'

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles timidly at the man.

[Finglas (mikE)] "I am Finglas."

[Finglas (mikE)] "And glad we are indeed for a meal."

[Moirra (Kaz)] I am Moirra, and pleased to meet you.

[BOB] he smiles and invites you to sit and eat

[BOB] talking over a meal

[BOB] you are startled by the remarkable hospitality the strangers offer you. Your hosts have as many questions for you as you do for them, but no amount of detail provides any clues to your location, for the nomads are as unfamiliar with the names of your homelands as you are with theirs.

[BOB] they freely share their food and drink with you

[Finglas (mikE)] "Have you heard of a place called Semphar?"

[BOB] I think that is a magical sultanate far to the east?

[BOB] NO that is to the south

[BOB] another one chimes in , it is only a myth

[Finglas (mikE)] "Ten Kingdoms? Island Kingdoms? Dahshur?"

[BOB] ahhh

[BOB] Dahshur,

[Finglas (mikE)] "So we are north of Semphar?"

[Finglas (mikE)] ::taps his chin::

[BOB] no you are here in the Raurin

[BOB] south of us is Dahshur

[BOB] Semphar if it exists must be farther away

[BOB] tot he north

[BOB] no one ever goes to the north

[Finglas (mikE)] based on the research we did, can i then draw a rough map of where we are from based on where dahshur is?

[BOB] that is where the sun goes when it shrinks and retreats

[BOB] (not really Mike, you can guess that it is south of you based on their input, but not with any rough accuracy on east or west of you

[Finglas (mikE)] but can i make a map based around dahshur, then?

[BOB] they have no clue where they are, othe rthan in the Raurin

[Finglas (mikE)] show where we're from?

[BOB] for them the world consists of the dunes

[Finglas (mikE)] here's sahshur, there's a mountain range here, ocean, island kingdoms... ect?

[BOB] you can draw that, but they would not know what you are talking about, most of the names are just stories to them

[BOB] maps don't work in the desert

[Finglas (mikE)] okay.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Are you heading towards any settlements?"

[BOB] they gesture around, this is a settlement

[BOB] a largish oasis with a well, a stone cover that has been opened up to get to teh water, and some date palms

[BOB] space for a camel or three

[BOB] no buildings or anything like that

[Finglas (mikE)] "What about... larger? With buildings?"

[BOB] oh there are some haunted ruins out there

[BOB] "This land before you was not always barren and hostile. Raurin was once a place of wealth and fertility, before the mad king Khamsa betrayed the gods. It is said that he sought to conquer them and make them his servants, such was the depth of his foolishness.

[BOB] Dark Set, enraged by the king's presumption, smote the earth with his mighty hand, cursing the kingdom and its people. Some have claimed that his enormous handprint

[BOB] scare the ground even today

[Finglas (mikE)] "How did he plan to overthrow the gods?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "He must have had great weapons and magic."

[BOB] great powerful magic

[BOB] a mighty flail the stories say

[BOB] but no man can long survie the perisl fo the desert out there

[BOB] the serpent god's curses batterd teh land, with horrible disastrous consequences for us

[BOB] a desert split by a barrier of ice that never melts

[Finglas (mikE)] "A shame."

[BOB] where evil man eating beasts roam the skies

[BOB] he spits

[Finglas (mikE)] "I see."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nods::

[BOB] there are fools who fear neither darness nor ice nor monsters

[BOB] what is wealth if it brings the curse of 3,000 years down on you

[BOB] my brother akhul sought the temples mysteries,

[Moirra (Kaz)] Indeed.

[BOB] he returned a blind and babbling idiot

[Finglas (mikE)] "I don't fear darkness or ice monsters normally, but I am also normally clothed and with my weapons."

[BOB] his face a mass of blisters

[BOB] nightmares plagued his days and nights

[BOB] he took his own life,

[BOB] an example to those who taunt the gods

[BOB] he points to teh southeast when he speaks fo the temple

[Finglas (mikE)] "And did he bring anything back with him?"

[BOB] no,

[BOB] my brother died a broken man

[Moirra (Kaz)] How sad.

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nods:: "Do the stories tell of how the mad king made his magic weapon? It must be by terrible methods."

[BOB] there are many stories of Khamas's folly

[Finglas (mikE)] "Hamas's folley must be a very central idea to your stories."

[BOB] but I do not know of any stories about how he came by his flail

[Moirra (Kaz)] How long ago did Khamsa start all this?

[BOB] thousands of years

[Moirra (Kaz)] And yet the gods still punish the people for one man's folly?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Please do not misunderstand, I do not speak ill of your gods. I just do not understand.

[BOB] until his folly is erased, Set is a mighty god

[Moirra (Kaz)] How can his folly be erased?

[BOB] I do not know

[Finglas (mikE)] "My friend, where is the nearest city?"

[BOB] but if there is a chance of it, it must be in that, pointing to the flail

[Finglas (mikE)] "I feel that my companion and I must go there."

[Finglas (mikE)] "This? This is just a weapon I brought with me."

[BOB] a city? there is one I think a months or so journey to the east

[Finglas (mikE)] "A month?"

[BOB] (you are in the deep desert, camels, dates, water, and lots and lots of sand)

[Finglas (mikE)] bob, most nomads don't live a month from civilization

[Moirra (Kaz)] Please, tell me, Sarim. Do Set's devout have a special place to pray?

[Finglas (mikE)] that's like, most of the way across the sahara

[BOB] grins most don't have an angry god bringing sandstorms

[BOB] there is an abandoned temple, pointing to the southeast, that Set's followers ..... occupy

[Finglas (mikE)] ::glances at Moirra:: "The same your brother went to?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] What odd phrasing.

[BOB] he nods,

[BOB] and spits on teh ground

[BOB] night falls and we must be moving on

[Moirra (Kaz)] me glances over to Finglas. "I could not say."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Where do you go?"

[BOB] be welcome to the Raurin,

[BOB] we move to the next oasis,

[BOB] two more and we will meet members of my brother in laws tribe

[BOB] and we will trade with them

[BOB] we have many dates and steel daggers

[Finglas (mikE)] "Perhaps we could join you? As you can see we have no money, but we do have magic that perhaps we can perform services for coin or goods."

[BOB] (another reason it takes time only travel at night)

[BOB] when you look to the southeast you do see a reflection of your visions

[BOB] the sun, sand, dry landscape

[Finglas (mikE)] is that supposed to be incentive to go that way?

[BOB] you could reach the temple in a perhaps 8 to 10 hours of travel, but only if you travel at night

[Moirra (Kaz)] Sarim, please tell me, this temple of Set's followers. Are they his true followers or just some cult of insane people?

[Finglas (mikE)] "What do you think Moirra?"

[BOB] he looks down from his camel

[BOB] how can you tell the difference?

[BOB] he bids you good luck

[Moirra (Kaz)] May you be blessed with all that is good

[Finglas (mikE)] "We're being left here. Fantastic."

Moirra (Kaz)] bows.

[BOB] he bows his head

[BOB] and they move off

[Moirra (Kaz)] Finglas, we really need to consider what to do.

[Finglas (mikE)] "Moirra, I suppose we have no choice but to go naked as we are to the temple."

[Finglas (mikE)] "We can't consider it too long. No food, no clothes, we need to find help."

[BOB] you do have your holy symbol Moirra

[Finglas (mikE)] "With them going off to who knows where, the temple is the only thing I see."

[BOB] so any spell that does not require special components, you can cast

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, I can create food and water for us.

[Finglas (mikE)] "That is a start, then."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I can fassion some hats for us out of these fronds, I'm sure. Give us some protection from the sun."

[Moirra (Kaz)] That will help. I can heal us with spells, if need be. At least we still have that.

[Finglas (mikE)] ::Looks at the palm tree::

[BOB] it is evening

[Finglas (mikE)] did they have a fire?

[BOB] yes a small one

[BOB] camel dung

[Finglas (mikE)] does camel dung leave charcoal behind?

[BOB] no

[BOB] ok, pausing here

[BOB] &&&&&

[BOB] next week we will pick up with you two

[BOB] and we will see what the others decide to do

[Moirra (Kaz)] okay

[BOB] if they do not follow through the same night

[Finglas (mikE)] alright. post it on the site somehow

[BOB] then they will not be here this upcoming trek

[Moirra (Kaz)] greeeeaaaat

[BOB] but I have plans,

[BOB] grins

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yeah, that's the troubling part Bob. :)

[BOB] meant to confuse those

[BOB] who think they know the adventure or how to get around things

[BOB] it should be fun

[Finglas (mikE)] aka: bob's making up his own desert travel rules

[BOB] what do you think should be posted for others to read?

[Moirra (Kaz)] lol

[BOB] perhaps just the two of you can post in teh out of character section?

[Moirra (Kaz)] It's his world, Mike. Just roll with it.

[BOB] there are other deserts that are not this rough

[BOB] the high desert near Roadhaven is not

[Finglas (mikE)] at least it's not a cold desert

[BOB] that one is like the gobi, way up in the mountains

[BOB] yeah, you will not freeze

[BOB] and if you stay in shelter of some sort you will not fry

[BOB] jsut don't move in the days

[BOB] so I just posted about the missing chat log

[BOB] in the out of character thread

[BOB] Kaz will you be here next week?

[Finglas (mikE)] so i see two things for the priests: either they're sane and would like for us to destroy this, or crazy and the sight of it will make them attack

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, I'll be here next week

[BOB] good

[Finglas (mikE)] so i'll try not to tell lorie too much about tonight. lo

[Finglas (mikE)] l

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bob, is your Set like the Egyptian Set?

[BOB] grins

[BOB] yes

[BOB] maybe a little more insane

[Moirra (Kaz)] greeeeaaaaaaaaattttt.

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] want to tell Mike what you think Kaz?

[Moirra (Kaz)] We're effin' screwed, that's what I think. I'll be in the corner, rolling up my new character.


[Finglas (mikE)] snicker

[Finglas (mikE)] don't bother

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm not sure what I think, seriously. I need to do a little more research on Set, but I seem to remember him being not very nice.

[Finglas (mikE)] when we wipe, he's gonna give us what to play


[Finglas (mikE)] he flew around in a space pyramid until macgyver blew him up.

[Finglas (mikE)] he wasn't so touch

[Finglas (mikE)] tough

[Moirra (Kaz)] No, that was Ra.

[BOB] was it the starless dark red sky that gave it away Kaz?

[Finglas (mikE)] and so many more

[Finglas (mikE)] besides, macgyver didn't blow up ra.

[Finglas (mikE)] he wasn't in the origional movie

[Moirra (Kaz)] We need Horus

[Finglas (mikE)] macguiver killed him.

[Finglas (mikE)] and anubis

[Finglas (mikE)] but a igree. we need whores.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Guy's not here, so insert your own disgusting Dwarf comment here.

[Finglas (mikE)] lol

[Finglas (mikE)] i said whores, not horses

[Finglas (mikE)] anyway, i'm off.

[Finglas (mikE)] night you two

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, you certainly are.

[Moirra (Kaz)] *snerk*

mikE] has left the game on Fri May 01 22:50:48 EDT 2009

[Moirra (Kaz)] Night Mike

[BOB] godo night

[Moirra (Kaz)] Okay Bob. If you're going partially Egyptian pantheon, I hope you're doing the whole pantheon.

[BOB] grins, plus crazed pharoahs who think they are gods

[Moirra (Kaz)] *rolleyes*

[Moirra (Kaz)] grrreeeeeeaaaaatttttt

[BOB] the whole place is a desert for a reason

[BOB] but will be fun

[BOB] and I am sure you will figure out some tricks soon enough

[Moirra (Kaz)] I'm looking forward to trekking the desert and fighting bad guys while in my nightgown, thank you.

[Moirra (Kaz)] :)

[BOB] hey I gave you the big clue

[BOB] they had lots of steel daggers for trade

[Moirra (Kaz)] Hey, priests have a hell of a lot more than spells and weapons going for them.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ooh, yeah. I could have given them my nightgown for a couple daggers.

[BOB] grins, well perhaps healing or something

[BOB] but next time

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, I need to do some research. I'll see you later :)

[Moirra (Kaz)] night

[BOB] have a great night

[BOB] hugs

[Moirra (Kaz)] :) you too

[Moirra (Kaz)] /hugs

Kaz] has left the game on Fri May 01 22:54:25 EDT 2009