Main / May0616

May 06 16 - Diplomatic Entanglements

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 06 18:16:33 EDT 2016 ====

Mike-80273 has joined the game on Fri May 06 19:15:08 EDT 2016

Mike-80273 is receiving the map Base Map...

Mike-80273 has received the map Base Map.

[Mike-80273] hey bob

[Mike-80273] ugh, it messed up my klooge settings too?

[Master] Hello there sir

[Mike] testing

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 06 19:18:17 EDT 2016

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Mike] hey lisa

[Lisa] Hi Mike! How are you doing?

[Master] Hello Lisa

[Lisa] Hello

[Mike] i'm hanging in

[Lisa] I am glad for that

[Master] no clue on anyone else, I think that Spring is unlikely

[Mike] so what's the plan, then?

[Mike] i guess lisa you get to play

[Master] Lisa did you mean Hedgehog? or grounhog?

[Mike] there's nothing i can do on my own

[Master] and we have things with you now too Mike

[Master] we advanced all the story lines to be synced now

[Lisa] Puxatawny Branwyn

[Master] that is what I knew you meant

[Lisa] Did I say hedgehog?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] oops

[Lisa] they kind of look the same

[Master] but I did fully get the reference

[Lisa] oh well

[Lisa] It was a rough week for me as well

[Master] sorry

[Master] anything in particualr? I saw the short Ice post

[Lisa] finished work 2 seconds before log on but I knew it was bad so bought wine for new fridge

[Lisa] just cat is sick and vets and tests and fridge dies and food gets tossed and work is crazy

[Lisa] I know - small suff

[Lisa] sorry

[Lisa] I should not complain

[Master] that all stinks, is rapper ok?

[Master] or how bad is he I suppose

[Mike] that sucks

[Lisa] his tests came back ok - but he is pooping in living room again which means his meds aren't doing enough

[Master] that doubly stinks

[Lisa] so debating upping them since he hasn't gotten side effects from the meds yet

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] if it helps him .....

[Master] and the fridge story is?

[Lisa] I'll give it a dew more days and watch

[Master] Mike you have one or two fridges still?

[Mike] just the one you gave me. the old one was dead

[Master] ok

[Master] thought you had the old one as a freezer?

[Lisa] freezer dying - I crank to 11 to keep ice as long as possible since schedule is crazy

[Lisa] hear motor runing and ice melts so I turn of freezer to save electricty til I can buy another one

[Lisa] fridge promptly dies too

[Lisa] but I don't open it for a day so I have no clue until I go to grab some warm milk

[Master] so Sears wants you to buy another one

[Mike] you going to get a new one or repair it?

[Lisa] got a new one

[Lisa] was 12 years old

[Lisa] figured it was time

[Master] side by side or top and bottom?

[Lisa] side by side

[Lisa] I like the water filter and ice dispenser

[Master] yes

Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri May 06 19:32:32 EDT 2016

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Base Map...

[Lisa] don't see those in top/bottom ones

Mario Laptop has received the map Base Map.

[Master] the french door ones have it like ours

[Lisa] Hi Mario

[Master] but the ice maker takes up the upper left corner of the fridge

[Mario Laptop] Hello hello!

[Master] and Hello Mario

[Master] you can tell Jo-ann that Nyrma will be here on Sunday

[Mike] i'm real happy with the water and ice dispenser. i've been living without one until the old fridge died.

[Master] Ice is a nice thing in FL and CA

[Lisa] I hated being without one this week

[Master] so Mike I am going to guess you did not read last week's chat

[Master] so Mario can catch you up on things

[Master] Lisa was there something you wanted to buy in the market?

[Master] and what time did you want to do the teleport to your dinner?

[Lisa] I was just going to wander around. I posted some ideas.

[Master] yes saw those, was not sure you really wanted to roleplay or post about those details

[Lisa] As far as teleporting - as soon as she gets home she will need to do the crystal ball thing to make sure I can try to be as accurate as possible and then go

[Master] very good

[Lisa] It is kind of rude to travel all the way to a new province and show right just in time to eat

[Master] is Branwyn taking anything with her

[Mario Laptop] So, as I remember it, Branwyn questioned the super sleuth, and determined the murderers were found in the Duchy of Hillnob to the east

[Lisa] have to check - I think she can only teleport 250 lbs

[Master] yes to Mario

[Master] yes to LIsa as well, there are limits based on level

[Master] which is why I ask, change of clothes, etc.

[Lisa] she was going to bring her and a small bag

[Lisa] how much does Branadarus weigh? :)

[Master] how does Branwyn pack for inter-teleport travel

[Mario Laptop] then Branwyn questioned the star-crossed lovers and they would not release any more info, so they are still locked up downstairs

[Master] He is less that 250

[Master] if you want to ask him to cime

[Master] come

[Lisa] she did say where she is from - so we can start looking for Hades priest there

[Mike] so we know who ordered the hit, and why

[Mike] what else do we need?

[Mike] the actual assassin died in the fire, right?

[Mario Laptop] and we also determined a bot about the true parents of Sam Hightower

[Mario Laptop] a bit

[Master] actually that part Mario was out of character

[Mario Laptop] i dont know if we determined the fate of the original assassin

[Master] and now you need to figure out how to find it out IN character

[Mike] so is elle and ilero still in the wilds?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] Oh - I'm 11th level now - so 250 +150 lbs

[Mike] and is sere still a bugbear captive?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] 250 was total - so if Bran weighs 125 and has a 25 lb bag then she could only carry another 100 lbs

[Master] he is more than that

[Lisa] I hope so!

[Master] but not more than 250

[Lisa] I hope he is not 250 either

[Master] grins

[Mario Laptop], nothing wrong with that...

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] but if I get another 150 lbs for 11th level then we are good to go

[Lisa] he can even bring a small bag

[Lisa] :)

[Master] here dear I packed for you

[Master] so ANton and Sere are chained up in the village on the morning of the 1st

[Master] and Branwyn on the afternoon of the 1st is linking arms with Branadarus and wiggling her nose

[Mario Laptop] i think the plan was to wait until the gorup was en route, with less bugbears, and make a move

[Lisa] (I should probably roll in game in case I screw it up

[Lisa] I memorized feather fall

[Master] good

[Lisa] but do not have a shovel yourself out of your own grave spell

[Mario Laptop] lucky Branwyn, were hangin around, literally, with bugbears, most uncomfortable

[Master] so list off what you have planned and then we roll

[Master] and see what happens

[Master] with her first trip

[Mike] there is a spell for that, you know

[Lisa] there's a spell for eveyrthing!

[Master] what are you thinking of Mike

[Mike] nothing really

[Lisa] we don't have to roleplay it out. Like I said, I want to come home and stare at Josclin ambassador in crystal ball for a good 20 minutes to imbue myself with her presence then grab my bag and Tiberius and go

[Master] that is good enough

[Master] and then a roll

[Master] did you want any assistance from priests? bless, etc.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Teleport: I teleport where ever I wish to go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=61] 61

[Master] nice middle roll

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ( ithink we made it)

[Master] safe and sound at the location

[Mario Laptop] yay

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no death today)

[Master] OK so Branwyn is there and walking about

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (scaring people)

[Master] people are surrpised to see you appear

[Master] then the guards come running

[Master] Mario and Mike? things while you are in chains?

[Master] planning ?

[Master] just want you to be ready when TMO does come shortly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (What is the plan?)

[Master] presumming that occurs

[Master] he has two locations to be ready for

[Master] and you helping him with at least one if not two will be good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mike - you weren' in for a while - did you know one speaks common?)

[Mike] nope

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so you can talk to one of them if desired)

[Mario Laptop] i thought we were waiting for the trip to the slave dealers, when there would be less

[Master] That is the topic of conversation now

[Mario Laptop] so, when an opportunity arises, we can get loose with our daggers and small weapons

[Master] and knowing what you want to do when that opportunity does happen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and your main weapons will still be at camp)

[Mario Laptop] maybe during a break,

[Lisa] correct me if I am wrong

[Mario Laptop] ya, thats a definite negative

[Mario Laptop] but we can go back, with their defenses halved if need be

[Lisa] that was in issue for everyone but especially fo Shur who carries her grandfather's bastard sword that she had remade and silvered

TMO has joined the game on Fri May 06 19:56:26 EDT 2016

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] (Hi TMO)

[Mario Laptop] Hey TMO

[TMO] (Hi. Sorry I'm late. Had a short meeting I needed to attend)

[Master] very short

[Master] so as you catch up TMO Mike was thinking about the things to do with the two story lines he and you are involved in

[Mike] i can potentially call us in allies with call woodland beings

[Master] and then Mario has comments on Bugbears

[Master] and you will be happy to know that Lisa did not kill off Branwyn

[Mike] if there are pixies nearby they can put all the bugbears to sleep with their poison arrows

[Mario Laptop] wow, itd be great to have allies

[TMO] (I didn't know she was seriously considering retiring Branwyn)

[TMO] (I've considered retiring mine a few times, but never gone through with it yet)

[TMO] (Pixie air support could be very useful. It's not an ability either me or my characters have any experience with)

[TMO] (Can Call Woodland Beings be cast while bound?)

[TMO] (read the backstory - you didn't mean 'retire' kill off, you meant 'fused into solid rock with a bad roll' kill off. :P)

[Lisa] (no not retiring any time soon - just risking death as usual)

[TMO] (BUT! I've read a way to resolve that: it's like carving a statue of an elephant. You just remove all the stone that isn't the elephant. We'd just carve away all the stone that isn't a Branwyn.)

[Mike] sure. i'm just calling them

[Mike] test

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Master] grins

[Master] and yes you are back Mike

[Lisa] lol

[Master] so Mike still here or logging out and restarting?

[TMO] (I'm going to fix myself a bit of dinner in a minute - won't take but 2 minutes to do)

[Master] and then it is the mid morning for Anton, Shur, Marisu, Sere

[Master] and also morning for Elle and Ilero

[TMO] (so can easily fit it in between RP)

[Master] so if TMO did not need to eat we could finish this quickly

Mike has left the game on Fri May 06 20:07:36 EDT 2016

[TMO] (quickly.... rrriiiiiiggghhhhhtt......)

[Master] but Mike seems to think you should eat

[Master] so go

Mike has joined the game on Fri May 06 20:10:56 EDT 2016

Mike is receiving the map Base Map...

Mike has received the map Base Map.

[Master] welcome back

[Mike] testing

[Mike] okay, there we go.

[Master] so on Call Woodland Beings,

[Master] exactly how does that work for you Mike?

[TMO] (He sings the song of his people)

[Mike] i call them up, and they come

[Master] just yell?

[Master] or spell ? or?


[Mike] there isn't a description on klooge

[Mike] so you'll have to look up the details

[Master] it is a class skill?

[Master] or?

[Mike] well it's a spell. so i would immagine they get that special woodland creature sense tingling

[Master] ahh

[Master] so you need to cast

[Master] and Mike when you edit yoru sheet and click on the spell then you can go to Information and the full spell description is there

[Master] By means ofthis spell, the caster is able to summon certain woodland creatures to hislocation. Naturally, this spell works only outdoors, but not necessarily onlyin wooded areas. The caster begins the incantation and continues uninterrupteduntil some called creature appears or two turns have elapsed. (Theverbalization and somatic gesturing are easy, so this is not particularlyexhausting to the spellcaster.) Only one type of the following sorts of beingscan be summoned by the spell. They come only if they are within the range ofthe call. The caster cancall three times, for a different type each time. Once a call is successful, noother type can be called without another casting of the spell. (The DM willconsult his outdoor map or base the probability of any such creature beingwithin spell range upon the nature of the area the caster is in at the time ofspellcasting.) Thecreature(s) called by the spell are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell (witha -4 penalty) to avoid the summons. Any woodland beings answering the call arefavorably disposed to the spellcaster and give whatever aid they are capableof. However, if the caller or members of the caller's party are of evilalignment, the creatures are entitled to another saving throw vs. spell (thistime with a +4 bonus) when they come within 10 yards of the caster or anotherevil character with him. These beings immediately seek to escape if theirsaving throws are successful. In any event, if the caster requests that thesummoned creatures engage in combat on his behalf, they are required to roll aloyalty reaction check based on the caster's Charisma and whatever dealings hehas had with them. This spellworks with respect to neutral or good woodland creatures, as determined by theDM. Thus, the DM can freely add to or alter the list as he sees fit. If the casterpersonally knows a certain individual woodland being, that being can besummoned at double the normal range. If this is done, no other woodlandcreatures are affected. If apercentage chance is given in the accompanying table, druids and othernature-based priests add 1% per caster level. These chances can be used if noother campaign information on the area is available. The materialcomponents of this spell are a pine cone and eight holly berries. Creature ----------------Type of Woodlands -------------- Type Called Light Moderate/Sylvan Dense/Virgin 2d8 brownies 30% 20% 10% 1d4 centaurs 5% 30% 5% 1d4 dryads 1% 25% 15% 1d8 pixies 10% 20% 10% 1d4 satyrs 1% 30% 10% 1d6 sprites 0% 5% 25% 1 treant -- 5% 25% 1 unicorn -- 15% 20%

Mike has left the game on Fri May 06 20:18:00 EDT 2016

[Master] so by reading that you need to have your hands free to do it

[Mario Laptop] its hilarious that the creature can save, an ignore the call

Michael-82657 has joined the game on Fri May 06 20:18:36 EDT 2016

Michael-82657 is receiving the map Base Map...

Michael-82657 has received the map Base Map.

[Mario Laptop] "sorry, i got dinner going, and the kids arent in bed yet"

[Lisa] (Hi Michael!) [Master] Welcome Michael

[Mario Laptop] Hey Michael

[Michael-82657] Sorry i'm late guys. Klooge didn't see bob so I didn't think he was on yet. I finally sent a message and got the IP address. Sorry i'm late. Also HEY ALL!! Im not being swarmed by ants am I?

[TMO] Almost. Aunts. Branwyn's family is in town.

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Michael-82657] Wow. Close I guess

[Master] by the way Mike installed Win 10 today so he is still adjusting

[Michael-82657] Yeah, I remember that. I want to go back to a simpler time where I didn't shout at my computer when looking for files.

[Lisa] (I rolled back that stupid thing so fast!)

[Lisa] as soon as I did it tried downloading itself again

[Michael-82657] I liked windows 7 just fine

[Michael-82657] That being said. Guess what Bob!!!

[Lisa] had to remove hide the update and stop auto updates

[TMO] Think my new work computer that we're setting up might be 10

[TMO] not sure though

[Michael-82657] I am playing tonight on my brand new vive. It's like a damn imax in my office. Your text and maps are blinding!

[TMO] I haven't actually played with it yet

[Master] thank you Michael

[Mario Laptop] wow, thats gotta be awesome!

[Master] just wait till we do the better maps with newer adventures

[Michael-82657] One day, we will all have one of these things. It really does seem like the future

[Master] so we are at the point of Hugh, Anton, Shur and Marisu (with Sere when Mike is back(

[Master] you are using the HTC Vive to run Klooge?

[Master] that would be awesome Michael

[Michael-82657] No. I'm doing virtual desktop through steam to mirror my screen to the vive. I expanded the screen and wrapped in so it's currved for multiple monitors

[Master] fun

[Master] so you undock chat

[Master] and have it set next to the maps

[Michael-82657] yes

[Master] sigh

[Master] I just might have to run the game from the library one night

[Michael-82657] You need to try it. Im dead serious

[Master] I have it sitting in my office

[Master] waiting for the PC to arrive

[Michael-82657] Yeah, I wasn' thappy about that part. I spent a good chunk of change on a new computer for it

[Master] just bought 4 new ones for the lab, just under 4,000 dollars

[Master] well more like 6,000 in total for 4

[Master] after shipping, etc.

[Michael-82657] Yeah, right now it aint cheap.

[Master] I have the Vive and the Rift

[Master] Mario has seen the DK2 Rift I have

[Michael-82657] Well, I cant say for the rift, but I love the vive.

[Master] waiting till July for my real Rift

[Master] and while we are waiting for Mike

[Master] did the three of you have ideas?

[Mario Laptop] pretty awesome. I can parallel park!!

[Master] now that we know Sere will try to call woodland beings when she is not in chains and can cast

[Michael-82657] Well, I am still probably close to dead. So is Spring in tonight?

[Michael-82657] I didn't see her yet

[TMO] I think we've mostly been healed

[TMO] *mostly

[Michael-82657] Oh

[Master] no to TMO and no to Michael

[Michael-82657] Darn

[Michael-82657] Any other healers?

[Master] all the healing has been accomplished that can be accomplished without Spring being in to be Kenna

[Master] Mike thinks he found a fix and is trying that

[Lisa] (sere can heal)

[Michael-82657] You know what. Darn it, I need to remake Hugh so he's useful. Bob, kill him off for me

Mike has joined the game on Fri May 06 20:30:38 EDT 2016

Mike is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] I do not need to do that, you are doing a fine job of that your self ..... ;P

[Michael-82657] LOL

Mike has received the map Base Map.

[Mario Laptop] wow!

[Michael-82657] Hey Mike! What is going on?

[Mike] okay, i'm not going to do anything

[Mike] just type

[Mike] i updated my computer to windows 10 and now the whole system is slow and laggy

[Lisa] Seremella can heal can't she?

[Mike] yeah. she's got healing spells

[Mike] but you'll have to look at her spell list. ilast two times i tried to look it broke my computer

[Michael-82657] All becuase of Windows 10? Dude, I may have an extra computer around here if you need it

[Master] seriously, think about it your entire lives for 5 characters depends on a teenage girl getting back to the city 3 days away and warning Branwyn that you have been taken captive by Bugbears and will be sold into slavery and then Branwyn coming up with a plan to save you all.... while the only other three characters of your group are off on their own adventures, leaving her with Jennivive only

[Michael-82657] Yeah, not exactly ideal

[Michael-82657] I was hoping to help escape, but i'm almost dead

[Mario Laptop] ok, we all know JIlly didnt go back

[TMO] Yup. Geinuses all. :)

[Mario Laptop] she's gonna ride in on the back of a unicorn and save the day

[Michael-82657] At this point, the mages can have the damn unicorn.

[Master] well Jilly had already infered she was not a virgin

[Michael-82657] I wan't to go home

[Michael-82657] Wait, what? What does that have to do with anything?

[Lisa] (Mike -can Sere spare an orison for Hugh?

[TMO] Unicorn mythology - they like virgins. 'Course, a book I've got has got a gay unicorn in it. The girl virgin sent after him didn't hold any attraction. ;)

[Lisa] so he is no longer on death's doorstep

[Mike] can i cast spells, bob?

[Master] cannot orison while chained no

[Master] only verbal only spells work

[Master] will double check Orison

[Michael-82657] So. Brainstorming for an attempted escape. Do any of you have camoflouge or invisibility? Also I got that reference TMO, and what is an orison? I do have both my daggers though. Bob did let me keep those

[Lisa] (thought Kenna was doing it - sorry

[TMO] Read Spellsinger, have you? *thumbsup*

[Michael-82657] Yeah, I read alot.

[Master] yes it needs Somatic so not able to cast and Yes to Spellsinger

[Michael-82657] Hey bob. I know we are chained to the bell, but since I am less dead, is it possible to work my way to a dagger? Even if I have to dislocate my arm or break my Hand?

[Master] yes to Lisa that was the day before when Kenna has only rope tied around her wrists in the front, then when the boss Bugbear came they were chained for the night

[TMO] Marisu has been working on the bugbear chieftain. She's got him somewhat cowed, although not broken. If we don't manage an excape she might be able to warp him to her plans. But it's iffy.

[Master] you can attempt that Hugh, would be a dex check at Half

[Michael-82657] What is a likely outcome if I fail the dex check?

[Master] but then they will find out you have a dagger

[Michael-82657] You scare me sometimes, so I'm just checking

[Michael-82657] Can I have a momet to think?

[TMO] (hey, he hasn't randomly polymorphed you into a lizardman yet.)

[Master] I have Sere spell sheet up

[Michael-82657] I need to check my inventory

[Master] discuss among your selves

[Master] want you to do the best you can

[TMO] my thought is to not try individual escapes. All of us at the same time.

[TMO] *IF* we think it's safe to do so.

[Michael-82657] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mario Laptop] agreed

[TMO] night time probably isn't the best time. I can't remember if bugbears are nocturnal, but I'm leaning towards they are, and some of us can't see at night.

[TMO] have we noticed any difference in their patterns between day and nigth?

[Master] they tend to sleep at night like you do

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hugh D'Ambray modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] so, not nocturnal. they can probably see in the dark though. infravision at least.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Okay bob. I am willing to say that my pack was likely discarded when we were taken captive. It has alot of my reaserch equipment, but can we say perhaps I might have kept something in a pocket?

[Mario Laptop] if we can use big words to broadcast that we are plaaning to get loose, on the off-chance Jilly can hear us, she can cause a diversion? All hinging on her being within earshot while we move

[Master] somethign small yes

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Say a vial of acid?

[Master] no

[Mario Laptop] big words toso the bugbears cant make out our intentions

[Master] that would break in your pocket

[TMO] can't rely on Jilly being near enough to hear. The bugbears are probably alert enough to spot an untrained girl lurking around.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Hmm.

[Mario Laptop] very true

[Lisa] she isn't untrained

[Lisa] she hunts in the woods all the time

[Lisa] when she isn't in the city

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Okay, well I am willing to reach for one of my daggers. If they are sleeping, I am willing to go extremely slow to increase my chances. But, it is likely I will break my hand. Does anyone object?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] And bob, is that okay?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Going slow to increase the odds?

[Lisa] if you break something that is special healing FYI

[Master] slow is better but still hard, but what will you do once you manage to get a dagger into your hand?

[Lisa] Indigo had arm broken

[Mario Laptop] Bob, are close enough to reach each others dagers? to save Hug's broken hand?

[Master] you can move about the same chances of ringing the bell, half your dex

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Try to cut the rope one at a time working my way from person to person until we get the too the bell. Then, we need to stealthily get out and get as big a headstart as I can

[Master] not rope chain

[Master] rope was prior to the chief showing up

[Master] everyone has chains on now

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Wait what? In our previous session it said it was a rope

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] oh

[Master] there IS a rope to the bell

[Master] you could try to cut that

[Master] except that it is morning right now

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] So we will have to pull an "Oh brother where art thou" after I cut the rope

[Master] so people would see you

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Wait it's now morning. Okay I give up. SOmeone elses turn

[Mario Laptop] will the party be transported in chains to the slave market? can Marisu convince the chief that that could injure us, less value?

[TMO] Probably not - he knows way more about slaves and values than she does

[Master] I am a man of constant sorrow, I've seen trouble awwwwllll my days

[Master] I bid farewell to old Kentucky

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] lol. Escaping like a chain gain

[Master] the place where I was born and bred

[TMO] she's had the most success with greed and intimidation.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] I've got decent persuasion in my skills, but honestly. I've found I hate talking to characters becasue i'm not good at it. I pretty much wasted an attribute

[TMO] I don't use Marisu as much as I should

[Mike] have we offered to pay them?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Huh, how come we didn't think of the simplest solution

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Thanks Mike

[TMO] He's said he'll allow us to send a message to Branwyn to come buy us

[TMO] whether or not he'll wait long enough for it to get there....


[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Or! We could also offer our skills and a univorn hair. Everone wins

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Damn it bob. Haha, I should have known what that was

[TMO] did you just get Rickrolled?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Kind of

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] You should look it up

[Master] and Michael, remember you just say you want to roll a Persuasion roll

[TMO] got O Brothered.

[Master] and if you give a good reason, backstory then you get a bonus to the roll

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] For what? Sorry bob, I'm scared to talk too much to your characters. They are too deep. It will end up lasting a month in the real world

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Not a problem, just I try to pick and choose my talking now

[Master] for Persuasion rolls

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Gotcha

[Lisa] It's a bugbear - it won't be deep

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Lisa, I't's bob. It will be the only damn sopisticated bugbear in the whole world

[Lisa] stay away from the politicians

[TMO] lol

[Lisa] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] So. We just wait for branwyn to pay us? Then she rains destruction down upon the land. Plaques of Egypt style? Then she can help us find the damn unicorn?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Thoughts?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Also bob I have a question.

[Master] anytbing

[TMO] well, with one of us near death, it's a better chance than trying to make a break for it.

[TMO] worst case is we have to hunt down the buyers one by one and rescue our people.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] My character cannot use magic (as far as I know) but are there something like communication charms on like a necklace or something. That way we could always communicate when one party gets into trouble? I may not be able to use magic, but could use the enchated object. I would really like to invest in something like that if it exists.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] It would be handy about now

[TMO] aye

[Master] yes Michael, but that is creating or finding a magic item

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Can you buy one?

[Mario Laptop] last week, neon. This week, LifeAlert! yess!

[TMO] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] lol

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Lisa] I've fallen and I can't get up

[TMO] Help! I'm enslaved and I can't get free!

Mike has left the game on Fri May 06 20:57:06 EDT 2016

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] HAH

[Master] Branwyn would be the expert for the group

[Lisa] she can't make them

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] But she has ties to the mages guild in the city

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] twould be expensive

[Lisa] can't believe you guys got yourselves so messed up

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Hey bob, if we find the univorn hair, can we request a couple of those?

[TMO] we have lots of ties in Dryads Lair and Drillian that could maybe get a lot done. If we're willing to pay for them.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Also, I had to leave early and while I was gone I was mauled by ants. I claim innocence on that point haha

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] BRB, bathroom

[Lisa] so basically are they in limbo for days to come?

[Mario Laptop] i think our best option is to wait

[TMO] I'm thinking it might be best to not provoke a violent response.

[Lisa] did you see my post? Branwyn is buying combs for Marisu's hair at the market :)

[Master] grins

[TMO] lol - yes, I did. Too bad she doesn't have hair any more.... BOB

[TMO] >:|

[Master] sad but true

[TMO] shaving a teenage girl's head is against the Geneva Convention, you know.

[Mario Laptop] at least Anton's shoe polish is also gone

[TMO] lol

[Mario Laptop] brb have to walk Coal

[Master] and yes to LIsa they are not in LIMBO per se but they need rescuing

[Master] it does not seem they can break out on their own

[TMO] Marisu will continue her psyops against the bugbear chieftain throughout the day.

[Master] definately

[Master] and overall the group is transported chained and walking through the woods

[Lisa] did mike give up?

[Master] I think so

[Master] his computer is very laggy he said

[Lisa] win 10 sucks

[Master] we will see if he makes it back

[Master] I am running without any problems

[Master] other than not having a touch screen

[Master] but

[Lisa] some of my games won't work on it

[Master] that does stink

[Lisa] so not getting it

[Master] so TMO wen you have plans for the beach

[Master] it is day light there for Ilero

Mario Laptop has left the game on Fri May 06 21:05:05 EDT 2016

[Master] the rest of teh group will be marching through the woods

[Master] and I will let someone with direction sense or some other similar skill try to figure out where you are going

[Master] Mario is not around to re-log in

[Lisa] aren't they marching in Ilero's general direction?

[Master] that is what they would like to know

[TMO] iirc, last I recall, they were just hanging around for a few days, and I'd said we would explore around a bit during the day.

[TMO] We found the "Totally Not A Pirate's Hidden Loot Chest" location

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] but you have not found anything beyond that

[TMO] K. I'm thinking we give it 3 days before we head back.

[TMO] btw, not sure if you've had a chance to notice it, but the button for Ilero's thief skills is gone. His skills are still defined.

[TMO] but I can't access it from the dice panel

[Master] I did not see that

[Master] We will have to look into that

[Master] just confirmed on my side too

[Master] OK

[Master] so until Mario and or Mike gets back

[Master] LIsa you are up

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Thank you for bringing me along

[Lisa] ok

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] is there anything in particular you want me to bring up at dinner?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm glad that you could.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think so. I don't really even know why I'm here.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Oh my aides can make lots of excuses for me, they are used to it

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] so we traveled how many miles on a whim?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I do love being with you

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] so many new adventures

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well they asked us.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one had asked me to come to them yet.

Lord Branadarus (Master) lifts his head and laughs

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] If all I had to do was ask

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] .......

Branwyn (Lisa) grins

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] okay sorry guys. I was ambushed by my dogs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So should we go and announce ourselves?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] Welcome AMbassador!

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] How did you arrive ? when?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I had told the border guards to has an escort bring you to the manor

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but you never

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good day to you Ambassador. It is nice to see you again.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope we aren't late. We just ... dropped in.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] Of course you are not

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] we will have a place for you tonight at the feast

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] did you want to see anything before hand?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This was the which feast again?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] Mid Winter Feast

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] we celebrate the final lasting bits of winter

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] we love the snow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh yes. Spring will be upon us before we know it

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but sadly do not get enough of it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry for that

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I hear that there are places that never have to deal with the lack of snow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is true.

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] I don't know Hugh's abilities all that well. What are his strengths? IIRC you were aiming for a spymaster type?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What would you recommend us seeing before we change for the feast?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am quite excited to be here.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] here at the Manor? there is nothing I would say is new and novel

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] yeah, one moment

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] i'll tell you what h'es got

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] we have the saint of Josclin, frozen in time

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] she is always frozen no matter the outside heat

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but other than that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How is that possible?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] She is a Saint

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is very interesting.

[TMO] (put her in a large vat to keep your drinks cool)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So her god froze her in your manor or you moved her here?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] She lives, I suppose that is the right word, in a cave to the east of the Manor house

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] the priests keep watch over her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you mind me asking which god freezes people. It is quite fascinating.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I think it was a curse actually

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] as the priests tell it

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] a sky mage cursed her and froze her

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but she was saved by her followers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] and kept safe in a cave near by

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What did you do to the mage?

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] that was many years before I was born

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] but I have never heard any stories about the mage other than that he cursed her and froze her

[TMO] (It was Elsa)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope he was stopped. You can't just go around freezing people.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] (just let it go TMO)

[TMO] (Meh. the cold never bothered me anyway)

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] heh

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I am not certain that he ever was

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] So, not to diss on Bob because that's not my intent. But when I first joined up, he made my default class choice as a warrior. So, he has insane STR, STAM, and MUSC. +20 To bend bars or gates. But, I also wanted him to be more cloak and dagger. So, he also has very high INT, REA, and KNO. He almost has dagger mastery. He's really good with a dagger. Decent with Garorotte, and okay with a light crossbow. Other than that, he's got information gathering, linguistics (which I honest to god think was a huge waste of three att points because i haven't used it once) Persuasion, Reading writing, stuff of that nature. Also unfortunately, I am very weak to magic based attacks. I have to be carefull with that crap.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] perhaps that is part of the story the priests leave out

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He would have to be very powerful by now if he is still alive

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] she has been frozen for a hundred years

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] without melting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have had someone freezing young girls in Dryads Lair of late.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I thought your mansion was haunted?

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] you have freezing girls in the city too?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh not actively.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hugh D'Ambray modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you poke around a bit you can find some spirits, but they don't actively bother anyone.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] you are brave to poke around with ghosts

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps because it used to be a palace? We have well mannered spirits

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hugh D'Ambray modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They come when called and they feel so inclined and then leave but a few minutes later. They are no danger.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] sorry. Did i put too much in at once? What's your stuff?

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] no, sorry - was texting and reading the skill description

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] ah

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't have any burning agenda for this meeting so if Bob doesn't either - we can skip ahead and not torture everyone with chit chat)

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] I do not know of any ghosts here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't have any burning agenda for this meeting so if Bob doesn't either - we can skip ahead and not torture everyone with chit chat)

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] if I read it right, you can use this opportunity to try and learn bugbear

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] (this is a chance for Branwyn to talk to others, etc. that is all )

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] listen to the bugbears and try to figure it out.

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] (plus a chance for a weekend get a way with Branadarus)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] Yeah, another reason I hate it. Bob says it takes a few weeks to do that.

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lisa can talk all day but it isn't a group activity :) )

[Ambassador of Josclin (Master)] LOL

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] I should have waited to get a feel for the game first, but I thought it would be usful

Mario Laptop has joined the game on Fri May 06 21:32:19 EDT 2016

Mario Laptop is receiving the map Base Map...

Mario Laptop has received the map Base Map.

[Master] OK so to make this simplier

[Master] Branwyn and Branadarus stay in Josclin for the night

[Master] she has her spell book with her?

[Master] the mornign of the 2nd?

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] No worries. Ilero is my first and has absolutely HORRIBLE stats

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes - but she did memrize 2 teleports anyway)

[Master] ok

[Master] so Mornign of the 2nd

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (interesting sky mage thought)

[Master] Branwyn does breakfast in Josclyn

Jilly (Master) BURSTS through the door

[Jilly (Master)] PHillipe!!!!!

[Jilly (Master)] Where is Branwyn?

[Jilly (Master)] They are in trouble?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Jilly?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Why are you here?

[TMO] hey, she made it. Way to go, gurl.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Jilly, Branwyn bought you a new turtle shell comb, I have it in the rooms for you

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Wait wait

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] what are you doing here?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] where is Marisu? Shur?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] The thing is I love the game, but I start getting anxiety when I have to deal with Bob's characters haha. I should have picked stats more along the lines of go kill him without talking to him. Or something that doesn't involve lots of talking. I don't think I would be bad with espinoage, but I haven' treally gotten around too that because planning that out would be crazy in bob's world. I don''t think I would ever get done in my lifetime haha.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] All the other

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I do not want to know do I?

[Jilly (Master)] They are all prisoners

[Jilly (Master)] we need Indigo!

[Jilly (Master)] He knows what to do

[Jilly (Master)] they are captured by bugbears

[Jilly (Master)] they will all be slaves

[Jilly (Master)] well I guess they are all slaves

[Jilly (Master)] where is everyone?

[Jilly (Master)] did somethign happen?

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) holds up a hand

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] JIlly

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] first off we are glad you are back

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and second

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] everyone is off somewhere else

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] so we need to solve this without them

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] where is everyone?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Branwyn is off on an important mission

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we will have to find a way to get help to them

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 06 21:38:40 EDT 2016

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] I think Bob has multiple personality disorder. He's way too good with having conversations between characters. That was meant as a compliment.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Lisa left?

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] it takes a bit to get used to, agreed. I'm still working on it, I think.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] are you saying the rest are not coming back?

[Jilly (Master)] Well I do not know

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo was a slave

[Jilly (Master)] and he is good

[Jilly (Master)] better than good I guess

[Jilly (Master)] maybe we shoudl let them do that

[Jilly (Master)] it might help them all

[TMO] (Being a slave builds character!)

[Master] pause for a beat....

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] well if you ever want to go plunder artifcats, I would love to go with you as support/backup. I can hack and slash and assasinate and you can slip in with your ninja skills and nab the treasure

[Master] (brb getting a drink as we see if LIsa is coming back)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] WHen I get back, i'm going to wring Phillipes neck

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] Ilero has had to do that once. It sorta worked. Branwyn had to do the heavy lifting - literally. The object was in a stone chest Ilero was too weak to lift the lid on)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] Okay. Then I can lift the lid, and you can nab the treasure?

[Master] (and when I walk by the TV my wife has something on the screen.... I only dismembered one stripper.,.... )

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 06 21:42:12 EDT 2016

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] anytime you want to do something cool like that, i would be happy to do that on the webhsite with you

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Hey Lisa

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] sorry, habbit

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] uh

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Welcome back?

[Mario Laptop] lol

[Lisa] (don't know what happened - went downstairs for refill and was disconnected

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Jilly I do not beleive that Branwyn would want us to let them be slaves just to see if they do well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] perhaps we could go search for them?

[Jilly (Master)] Oh that would be good

[Jilly (Master)] then we can find them

[Jilly (Master)] and buy them

[Jilly (Master)] you could get a good price right Atribella?

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] we can try to pair Hugh and Ilero up more, if you want. Ilero is apparently getting a rep in this town somehow. Hugh might be useful. Ilero has no people skills.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Who is for sale?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] are you sure they will make it to market?

[Lisa] (or we could just fireball the village)

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I am not sure if Anton is sturdy enough to make it that far?

[TMO] (poor wimpy Anton... so sad..)

[Mario Laptop] (anton, the farmhand?)

[Jilly (Master)] Well I know Shur can do it

[Jilly (Master)] I am not sure about the rest of them

[Jilly (Master)] Kenna is not cooking at all

[Jilly (Master)] well I suppose she is not

[Lisa] (did she bring the wagon back?)

[Jilly (Master)] I buried her pots

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] as long as we spend more time looting the crap out of cool stuff and less time on setting it up with hours of talking, I would love that. I'll check with bob later if we can do something like that. I don't know your connections, but I would suppose you could pick up a contract or something. I don't have any connections with anyone in the city except you guys.

[Jilly (Master)] OH and the scrolls that Marisu likes

[Jilly (Master)] she reads them every morning

[Jilly (Master)] like Branwyn reads her books

[Jilly (Master)] so I guess they are not having any fun

[Jilly (Master)] too bad

[TMO] (/Marisu will give Jilly a MASSIVE hug when she gets out of there)

[Jilly (Master)] but maybe you can help buy them back for us?

[Jilly (Master)] where do they sell slave here?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] There are no slave markets in the City

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] only the Greeks still trade in slaves

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] so they would be heading north

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] if they intend to sell here

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] do you know?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] are they selling to the civilized lands?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] or to the mine?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Well, if we are being sold locally, people will proably laugh that the ambassadors people got kidnapped. I at least am wearing her insignia on my armor. Hope Branwyn doesn' tget mad at the loss of rep.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Minds

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] mines

Jilly (Master) thinks

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] looting/thief missions is not a normal part of our repetoire. Ilero doesn't think of himself as a thief. He's a scout. However, he does have contacts in the city, and he's apparently Regor's representative in this city

[Jilly (Master)] Do you think that any of them would do good in the mines? maybe Anton?

Atribella Olivin (Master) nods

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] they might split them up

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] huh. You play skyrim? I have a thought

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I suppose we could hire a boat to go north?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] If you are going to do something about this you need to do it now

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Branwyn will be back later on today

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and you need to be gone

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] No, I don't, sorry. You might want to look at Ilero's character page at his list of contacts in Dryads Lair. You might be able to come up with a hook with hugh and one or more of them.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] if you are going to solve this

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] what will I tell her while you are gone?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Do I have you rpermission to do that? I don't do that without permission.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Tell her we are shopping

[Jilly (Master)] Tell her you never saw me

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] sorry that was a private text

[Jilly (Master)] she will be mad if I come home without the rest of them

[Jilly (Master)] I am supposed to protect them

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] You can read up on any of my characters. If something is something you shouldn't know about, it's marked in the text.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I think that Branwyn will understand Jilly

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] okay

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] You cannot save everyone every time

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that is what Indigo is for

[Lisa] (where is Jennevive - you need to be having a 4 person discussion)

[Jilly (Master)] but I am in charge when Indigo is not here

[Jilly (Master)] (LOL LOL LOL )

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] let me know if you need me to translate the personality stuff. It's code from a random NPC program I wrote. Might need some translation for the unitiated. ;)

[Jilly (Master)] I think that Atribella and I can do this

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] HA. Okay fair enough

[Jilly (Master)] we can go find them and buy them

[Jilly (Master)] then come home

[Jilly (Master)] do you know where they will sell them?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] hey your stats aren't that bad. you can do a lot of stuff with that

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] The closest biggest place woudl be Cornelia

[Jilly (Master)] OH!

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] 4d6 per stat, only one stat was over 13.

[Jilly (Master)] so we can ask Brandarus?!!!!

[Jilly (Master)] that would be great

[Jilly (Master)] where is he? he will want to help Branwyn

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] I am so sorry.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] They both left last night

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] it's alright. He's still alive... somehow. ;)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I hpe they come back today

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] well

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] stats aren't everything

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] maybe not now

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] yeah there is that haha

[Jilly (Master)] OK so it is settled

[Jilly (Master)] Atribella and I will go buy back Shur and the rest of them

[Jilly (Master)] and then you will tell Branwyn we will be off shopping

[Jilly (Master)] thank you Phillipe!

Jilly (Master) HUGS

[Jilly (Master)] We will be go save the day!

[Jilly (Master)] Come on Atribella!

[TMO] (lol - And Branwyn *still* won't know we're in trouble)

[Lisa] (shopping> seriously!)

[Master] Hey whose fault is it that Branwyn was not at her morning meeting!

[Master] Jilly escaped bugbear slavers to make it there!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] holy crap man. You have som many class skills. Yeah, i'll be your backup and stuff, and you can be a ninja in the night. Just wow!

[Master] OK

[Master] so the 2nd it is

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] he's 10th level. you pick up stuff over time.

[Lisa] just that the plan is to pay those slimeballs rather than have Brabwyb cone and rain hell fire upon them?

[Master] Time of Day: 08:52 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 2nd, 1266 TGR.

[Lisa] (can't even spell my character's name)

[Master] so morning on the 2nd

[TMO] Brabwyb is her alter-ego - hack and slash armored warrior

[Master] Branwyn? when do you want to go home?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Any time is fine with me. Your place or mine?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Lets be serious, Branwyn wants to take out her frustration with polictis out on Bugbears. Please Bob, it would be epic!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] She needs to let off steam

[TMO] (bow chica wow wow)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I uhhh

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Would it frighten your servants to show up in your salon?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can just pop on over to the courtyard. It's fine.

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] btw, Ilero's contacts are on his page on the Dragonslayers site

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I imagine that my staff would be very surprised to have me appear suddently in the dining room

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] oh thanks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My place it is then. Grab you bag and then grab me if you would be so kind.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Okay, if this is going to get freaky i'm logging our for a little while. Just saying.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have to be in contact for it to work)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Teleport: I teleport where ever I wish to go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=60] 60

[Master] good enough

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] *snort*

Branwyn (Lisa) lands softly in the grass of the courtyard

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Why hello Branwyn, Branadarus

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] how are you? I was not expecting you today

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning! We didn't want to stay too long.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is not an exciting place.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Besides I need to see the Prince about the prisoners.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Travel can be invigorating or stultifying

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I was just going to breakfast

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Phillipe never called us for a meeting

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] most likely because you are not here

Branwyn (Lisa) turns to Branadarus "Would you like some breakfast or do you want to go home?"

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] not that he would sleep in

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Well

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] breakfast with jilly, or kenna sounds wonderful

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but they are not back yet are they?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657) (to TMO only)] your backstory is pretty damn epic

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not for a while. You would have to make do.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] So you are saying we will go to your rooms?

Lord Branadarus (Master) smiles broadly

[TMO (to Michael-82657 only)] his family was my first attempt with the random npc builder. :)

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "After checking in with Philippe."

Lord Branadarus (Master) bows

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I will await you in your chambers

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You could have done much worse

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] as she watches him go to the tower stairs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] True. I'm happy at the moment.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Do you think he will survive the Mist

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I've tried not to think about that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's not until the time comes.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Can you live without it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't want to think about that either.

[TMO] (eh - he's just a boy toy. discard him when you leave)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If I don't go home .... well I might as well stay as being Ambassador.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] very well,

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I will go look in on your prisoners

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No hurting them please.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and I can meet you ..... in your chambers? or .....

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I promise not to leave a mark on them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you have my word

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just let me know if you find out anything.

Branwyn (Lisa) heads up the stairs to the salon for the news of the day

[Master] The salon is empty except for the servant cleaning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where is everyone?

Homer (Master) squeeks

[Homer (Master)] OH Hello Ambassador Branwyn the Mysterious

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning Homer

[Homer (Master)] everyone was here earlier

[Homer (Master)] then they all left

[Homer (Master)] do you want me to get them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They left? Where did they go?

[Homer (Master)] I think that Atribella said something about shopping

[Homer (Master)] Phillipe is in his office

[Homer (Master)] I can go down and get him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That would be wonderful please.

[Homer (Master)] I will be right back AMbassador Branwyn the Mysterious

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You would think Atribella had enough shopping yesterday.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] (a little while later)

[Master] Time of Day: 09:07 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 2nd, 1266 TGR.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Hello Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I was not expecting you so soon

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] did you enjoy your trip?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good morning Philippe.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I had a successful feast in Josclin. No wars were started and no diplomatic incidents of note.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] so everything is as you wanted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And as you would have liked I believe.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] did you have any plans for dinner tonight? I did not know to schedule anyone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh let us not have dinner plans unless someone is anxious to see me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Were you able to get an audience with Prince Loplin?

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) chuckles so every night then?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please no.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I have an appointment for Prince Loplin to come to dinner here on the 4th

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh, did I behave appropriately for the Market yesterday? Any horrible fallout?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] None that I have heard but Atribella would be the person..... well I suppose no news means you did just fine

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I really didn't know I had to make a speech. I thought I just needed to wave a bit.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the Priests always seem to like to talk

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I can speak with her or Jennevive about that.

[Jilly (Master)] Phillipe we will be home soon!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Any scrolls or other things I should know about?

Jilly (Master) squeeks

[Jilly (Master)] ducks down the secret door

Branwyn (Lisa) snaps her head around

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] no

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I handled all the scrolls....

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] uh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Was that Jilly?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] that is we can go over

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I ah

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) swallows

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The group is back?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] NO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Already?

[TMO] (we're saved!!!)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] no they are not

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I can say that I have not heard from Shur

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] or the rest of them

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] huh, someones pants are on fire...

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] :)

[TMO] hehe

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, how can Jilly be back then? They just left a few days ago. Is everything all right?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] They have been gone for almost a week now

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] as far as I know no one has any requests for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was expecting to them to be gone about 3 weeks

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bring Jilly up here. I need to know what is happening.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] If I hear of antyhing from then that needs your attention

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I ah

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] um

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] JILLY!

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] do you

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) takes a breath


Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] no one expected you back so soon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why do you look ill? What is wrong?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You knew I would be back soon to see Prince Loplin.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] There seems to be a problem

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but Jilly and Atribella said they would handle it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What kind of problem?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] so I thought that you would be pleased with that

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] ahhh

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] uh

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Jilly came in suddenly a little bit ago,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A Jilly and Atribella solving problem?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she said that

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] well I do have faith in the two of them

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] they run the household very well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] they have done several dinners flawlessly

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and of course shopping and helping with the staff

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The group is in the middle of the woods hunting unicorns. Household problems rarely come up there.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Atribella does not do well in the woods

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] at least I have not seen her in that situation before

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where are they Philippe?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] who?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Atribella was just here this morning

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] she was talking about shopping

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly and Atribella!

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] oh

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] well

[TMO] (brb)

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head angrily

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] To be fair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know I can find out.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] you did not say you were returning today

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] so matters needed to be handled

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] and people took charge

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] as you expect them to

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So that means that you don't answer my questions today?

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am trying to make you understand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just heard Jilly two minutes ago

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] while not letting you become overwroght with

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] well upset with some of the staff

[Master] Joseph Shortkin moved 40'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am getting overwrought!

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] here she is

[TMO] (back)

[TMO] (just in time for the explosions)

TMO gets some popcorn

[Jilly (Master)] Brawnyn!

[Jilly (Master)] you are home!

[Jilly (Master)] Hello!

[Jilly (Master)] I have to go run, I will be back soon!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly! Are you all right? Let me look at you.

[Jilly (Master)] bye!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] NO!

Joseph Shortkin (Master) keeps a hold on her

[Master] Jilly moved 3'05".

Jilly (Master) sighs

[Jilly (Master)] It is not my fault

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is going on? How could the group just let you wander around in the woods all by yourself

[Jilly (Master)] I tried to watch out for them

[Jilly (Master)] but they are not very good at things you know

[Jilly (Master)] you really should have sent Indigo with them

Branwyn (Lisa) sinks down into the sofa

[Jilly (Master)] now it is just a mes

[Jilly (Master)] mess

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened?

[Jilly (Master)] but I will fix it for you

[Jilly (Master)] oh I have it all under control

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened, Jilly?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is everyone okay?

[Jilly (Master)] sure

[Jilly (Master)] I thik they are

[Jilly (Master)] they were when I saw them last at least

[Jilly (Master)] not too bad

[Jilly (Master)] so I will go fix that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then why did they send you home alone?

[Jilly (Master)] and when I get back we can talk

[Jilly (Master)] OH they did not send me, I am in charge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not until you tell me what is wrong?

[Jilly (Master)] I came home on my own

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Jilly (Master)] nothing is wrong

[Jilly (Master)] I am fine

[TMO] (time to pull out the Burning Hands spell... ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you are in charge then you should be there looking out for them. You aren't going anywhere until you tell me what happened.

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] Jilly I have the gold

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Gold?

[Jilly (Master)] I do not need to look for them

[Jilly (Master)] I know where they will be

[Jilly (Master)] I mean where they are

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, maybe you can explain things then Atribella.

Atribella Olivin (Master) glares at Phillpe and then at Joseph

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I am here to help Jilly

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I know you would want me to help her when you are not here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With a sack of gold to go running off into the woods?

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, I am here now.

[Jilly (Master)] no

[Jilly (Master)] not running

[Jilly (Master)] we are taking our time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Jilly (Master)] it is all good

[Jilly (Master)] just relaxed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tell me what is going on!!

[Jilly (Master)] So now we will just go, I will tell you all about it when I come back

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Jilly (Master)] Is Indigo home?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course not. He is with the caravan to Gold Hills.

[Jilly (Master)] I just thought you were home early

[Jilly (Master)] he might be too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I expected you all back about the same time

[Jilly (Master)] he could help

[Jilly (Master)] OH good

[Jilly (Master)] so we are not late

[Jilly (Master)] then I will go

[Jilly (Master)] and be home on time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joseph, don't let them leave.

Branwyn (Lisa) stomps off to her laboratory

[Joseph Shortkin (Master)] move to block the seret door

Branwyn (Lisa) after a bit returns with the crystal ball

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Jilly

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] if you are home does that mean you made breakfast?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you won't tell me what is happening I'll just find out myself.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] NO

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I mean no to breakfast Branwyn

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Obviously

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Bob your killing me i'm laughing so hard

[Master] BOWS, thank you

Branwyn (Lisa) sets ball on table and take off cloth

[Jilly (Master)] oooo

Branwyn (Lisa) closes her eyes and thinks of Shurkural for a moment and then opens them

[Jilly (Master)] Can you see my mom in there?

[Jilly (Master)] Can you tell if she is ok?

[TMO] (no, but she can put it in a sack and whack her over the head with it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] Branwyn sees Shurkuaral marching through the woods with chains around her wrists tied to someone in front and in back

[Master] waist

[Master] wrists chainged to her waist

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Prisoners! Are they all in chains?

[TMO] (with her hair cut)

[Jilly (Master)] are you asking me?

[Jilly (Master)] I do not know

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] I don't kinow

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Maybe if we all take a moment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Look at her. They shaved her head! Who has them and where are they taking them?

[Jilly (Master)] I do not know where they are

[Jilly (Master)] but I know Atribella can help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then how do you suppose you are going to rescue them?

[Jilly (Master)] well we can buy them back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot believe you would not tell me this!

[Jilly (Master)] and be back before you are home

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Jilly (Master)] I guess maybe not that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who has them? Lizardmen?

[TMO] (lovin the storyline, but it's time for me to put the kids to bed. bbs)

[Jilly (Master)] actually Bugbears,

[Jilly (Master)] but Indigo did just fine!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bugbears

[Jilly (Master)] so it can't be that ba

[Jilly (Master)] bad

[Branwyn (Lisa)] FINE!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Fine?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He was a goblin slave in a cave until we rescued him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That was NOT fine!

[Jilly (Master)] He is a great warrior

[Jilly (Master)] I wanted him to help

[Jilly (Master)] I thought that might be good

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Jilly (Master)] or if not him

[Jilly (Master)] them I could

[Jilly (Master)] and then I would be a good warrior

[Jilly (Master)] not a mighter warrior

[Jilly (Master)] OBVIOUSLY

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And it did not occur to you for one moment that I could help?

[Jilly (Master)] rolls her eyes

[Jilly (Master)] but then I could do something

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] (dont you backsass me young lady!)

[Jilly (Master)] but you have lots of things to do

[Jilly (Master)] you do not want to

[Jilly (Master)] anyway

[Jilly (Master)] I can handle this

[Jilly (Master)] at least with Atribella

[Jilly (Master)] she is really good at buying things

[Jilly (Master)] and with the merchants

[Jilly (Master)] and this is really not that different is it?

[Jilly (Master)] maybe she can get us a discount?

[Jilly (Master)] she knows what is wrong with them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No you cannot. What if something happened and you were not successful? What if you could not find them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who said anything about paying them?

[Jilly (Master)] well that is what you do with slaves right?

[Jilly (Master)] you buy them and sell them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or you rip the beings that took your friends to be sold on the block to shreds

[Jilly (Master)] I can't do that

[Jilly (Master)] OHHHH

[Jilly (Master)] do you want to go fight them with me?

[Jilly (Master)] that would be fun

[Jilly (Master)] it would be good to have you help me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's see if we can back this up a bit

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks about whole group who left

[Branwyn (Lisa)] EXCEPT Jilly

Branwyn (Lisa) looks to see if everyone is there and looks all right

[Master] everyone is shorn with short hair, men and women, all have their wrists chained to their waist and they waists all links in chains

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] and some are probably bleeding

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hugh looks terrible. He looks all bitten!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] cough

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] lol

[Jilly (Master)] well the last I saw most of them they were all mostly dead from ants

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh I hope this is not a mistake.

[Jilly (Master)] Oh no it is not a mistake

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ants? They almost got eaten by ants?

[Jilly (Master)] they all got caught up

[Jilly (Master)] oh yes,

[Jilly (Master)] they all almost died

[Jilly (Master)] ants were everywhere

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No that this will be a mistake. Quiet now.

Branwyn (Lisa) speak softly to Hugh "It will be okay. I see you. We are coming."

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] LOL!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] The calvary is coming to rain destruction haha

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (none of you know about the crystal ball and now you are hearing voices in your head)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Oh, brb someones is at the door

Mario Laptop has left the game on Fri May 06 22:54:27 EDT 2016

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] wait really?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Um. Okay.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can speak to people through it)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Welp, I'm feeling better for some reason I whisper to the others

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but I think you all left when I started experimenting with it)

[Jilly (Master)] (yes)

[Jilly (Master)] (Mario is sorry laptop battery died and no charging cord he says goodnight and will read up online tomorrow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so you can explain to the group you are hearing voices :) )

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Yes

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Bob, you cool with that?

[Jilly (Master)] yeap

Branwyn (Lisa) turns back to Jilly and Atribella "YOu were just going to venture off and hope you run into them?"

[Jilly (Master)] OH no

[Jilly (Master)] I knew we woudl be able to buy them back

[Jilly (Master)] and come home

[Jilly (Master)] and then we would all be back safe and sound

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know where they are being taken?

[Jilly (Master)] no

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then how did you expect to save them?

[Jilly (Master)] but Atribella can find out where

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Atribella

[Jilly (Master)] of course we would save them, we are heroes

[TMO] (back)

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] There are no slave markets in the City

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] so they can only be sold north of here

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] or in the mines

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so Hugh can discuss what heppened)

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] but Jilly did not think anyone but Anton would be strong enough to be sold to the mines

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] So did you only broadcast to me? or everyone

[Jilly (Master)] really

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just you)

[Jilly (Master)] who would you want to buy for the mines?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Gnomes work in mines

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] When you have a moment bob, Can I whisper to the others that Bran is coming without being overheard. Kind of like telephone style from person to person?

[Jilly (Master)] so maybe Kenna?

[Jilly (Master)] but Kenna is a good cook,

[Jilly (Master)] maybe they would sell her to a noble house?

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] she is a good healer too

[Atribella Olivin (Master)] maybe to a hospital?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you think the bugbears are interviewing them for their skills?

[Jilly (Master)] OH right

[TMO] (caught up)

[Jilly (Master)] mabye we can check for the military camps

[Jilly (Master)] they might keep her for that!

[Jilly (Master)] that would be easy!

[Jilly (Master)] OH sorry Branwyn, what was that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bugbears don't care what you can do! They can even speak to them.

[Jilly (Master)] Oh they have to speak right?

[Jilly (Master)] after all who would they sell to that does not speak?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They shaved them and put them in chains and they will get gold for them unless we stop them.

[Jilly (Master)] maybe a goblin?

[Jilly (Master)] well we have gold!

[Jilly (Master)] see

[Jilly (Master)] we are a head of you!

[Jilly (Master)] we know what to do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No I don't think you do!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How were you gettung north?

Jilly (Master) shrugs

[Jilly (Master)] I was going to ask Atribella

[TMO] (same way she got south)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did you bring the wagon back?

[Jilly (Master)] no

[Jilly (Master)] that is in the woods

[Jilly (Master)] with the pots and pans

[Jilly (Master)] and Marisu's scrolls

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Jilly (Master)] and there was a sword

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the horses

[Jilly (Master)] I think that a bugbear dropped it

[Jilly (Master)] it looks all worn and scabby

[Jilly (Master)] but maybe they want it back

[Jilly (Master)] oh well I guess they ate the horses

[Jilly (Master)] I woul have

[Jilly (Master)] it was cold

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] Okay that pisses me off. I liked my horse

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Branadus "Do you know anything about such things? Liek where they would be taken to be sold."

[TMO] (iirc, the horses were just left behind, but I really don't know for sure)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] There is an active slave market home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] One would think moving a group as large as that on foot they would take them to the closest place.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but if they are meant for the mines that would be someplace else

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] we do not have mines

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] the hills are a dangerous place

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] if they are for mines that is where they would be taken

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wait. Cornelia traffics in slaves?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (her head is about to explode)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] We do not traffic in them, we charge taxes on them, on the permits to sell them,

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] criminals need to pay their debt to society

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] it is a good transaction for both

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And if they are not criminals?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I suppose a few slaves are sold that are not criminals

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but almost all of them are

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you own slaves?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I have not heard of someone not a criminal being sold as a slave in many years

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I do not own any, that is not allowed in the City

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is horrible. I can't think about that right now.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They probably just entered the Blum Woods when they were caught. Which is the easier travel? The mines or the city?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] well bringing them back to the City would be easier but then they would not be able to sell them

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] unless they sail down the river perhaps?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] into the SMall Kingdoms

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I hear that there are slavers there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not this city. Whatever city they sell them in

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] well that would be hard to guess

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Terrabrink has the largest slave market in the West

[Branwyn (Lisa)] JENNEVIVE!

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but I doubt they would take them there

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael-82657)] hey guys, my computer is restarting without my permission so uh, 20 seconds. sorry i'll be right back

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will go fetch her

[Master] Time of Day: 09:22 AM. Day 2 Trall ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 2nd, 1266 TGR.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Yes Branwyn? Phillipe says you found out something about the group?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] did they find their unicorn?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They have been captured by Bugbears and are on their wau to be sold into slavery and we have to rescue them.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] That is ironic

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] how do you want me to help you?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Do you need gold?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you do divination spells to find out where they are going? I can use the crystal ball but the view is too close and I can't tell where they are.

Michael-82657 has joined the game on Fri May 06 23:14:00 EDT 2016

Michael-82657 is receiving the map Base Map...

Michael-82657 has received the map Base Map.

Michael-82657 has left the game on Fri May 06 23:14:10 EDT 2016

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can try to see where someone will be in the near future

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] but will that help you ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perfect

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and what do you want to try to do?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Rescue them of course

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] what is wrong with them?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and who exactly are you talking about?

Branwyn (Lisa) resists urge to hurl a teacup at Jennevive

[TMO] (give in to your hate. Yesss.. I can feel your anger. With every passing moment, you make yourself, like your father, Mine.)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone who went on the unicorn hunt is currently injured and in chains and being led through the woods to be sold into slavery

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Well that helps me know who are you talking about but I can only focus on one person so who do you want to pick?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hugh was very injured. Let's try Marisu.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] If he was very injured yes I agree,

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] he might be dead now

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] so Marisu is the better choice

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] is she healthy?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Stop that!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They were all walking.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] When did you see them last?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just a few minutes ago in the crystal ball

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Oh so Hugh is still likely alive then?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] YES

[Michael-82657] Does anyone else ever feel just like. You know. Backhanding Aunt Jennevieve? Is that wrong for hitting a girl? I don't konw.

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks over at Jilly for confirmation

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Am I the only one that feels any sense of urgency about this situation?

Jilly (Master) shrugs

[Michael-82657] lol

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I hear you

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I understand you are worried about them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] but can we solve this right now?

[TMO] (no, we all feel that way a lot)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] or should be take a moment before jumping in

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (chuckles, this is what it is like to have an evil priestess live in your house)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] what were you planning on doing Branwyn?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think the sooner we know where they are being taken the better we will be able to develop a plan.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] teleporting there?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] fireballing them all ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know

Aunt Jennevive (Master) soft smile

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I understand you want to help them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Jilly? how were you going to help them?

[Jilly (Master)] We were going to buy them back

[Jilly (Master)] Atribella was going to get us a discount

Aunt Jennevive (Master) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Well that sounds like a possible plan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It depends on where they are when we find them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we find them in the woods I have no intention of paying them.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] how many people do you want to rescue?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ALL OF THEM!

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] just our friends?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] what if there are others with them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] are we going to just leave them to be slaves?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will you just cast the spell and we will worru about that later?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can cast but I want to know what we will do and why

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you said you saw them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] are we going to teleport there right now?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can only teleport maybe two people with me and that means that I could save them and then they must all return on foot.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If I know where they are, then we can decide if we need to say there or what would be best.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sail)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (typing skills seriously diminished)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] so you are saying that what might be best is to keep a check on them

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and when they are in a place where they are all ready to be transfered or sold

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] then we should go there and take them away

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] steal them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No I did not say that.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I thought you did not want to pay for them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we wait until they are ready to be sold and they are 50 miles away, what good does that do anyone?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] if they are 5 miels away or 500 miles away does it matter if you cannot save them?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you said you can teleport maybe two of them?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who says I can't?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] which two will you rescue?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I want to save our friends, but you are not thinking clearly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will you just cast the spell? You said you could tell where they would be in the future. You tell me that and we will decide the best way to get there.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I can tell in the near future, not days in the future

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you could tell if they are heading towards mines or some slaver town perhaps?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] if we know which directions each of those lie in

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] do you intend to teleport there right now this morning?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't teleport anywhere this morning

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] so we have to wait till tomorrow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No we don't

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] then tonight after dinner

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] we will do all our scouting

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and in the morning we will teleport there

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you and I

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and save them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can cast now and you can cast tomorrow and you can cast every time I ask you to

[Jilly (Master)] No NO NO

[Jilly (Master)] I am saving them

[Jilly (Master)] I am in charge

[Jilly (Master)] well

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn can come

[Jilly (Master)] she should I suppose

[Jilly (Master)] but I am goign to save them

[Jilly (Master)] and ATribella

[Jilly (Master)] and then mabye Branwyn

[TMO] (..maybe Branwyn... ;) )

[Master] (you have to love Jilly)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you can tell where they are and where they are heading, we can see about the most likley place they ae being taken.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As you said I cannot teleport everyone so perhaps Atribella and Jilly can secure a ship to meet us.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But we have to know where they are going

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] It is too bad Tristan is not here, he might be able to figure out where they are marching too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well he's not and we only have you and you are arguing rather than doing your job

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I will do as you asked

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and in the morning we will go to save them

[Jilly (Master)] WE will go to save them

[Michael-82657] sigh

[Master] and I think that is a good space to end

[Branwyn (Lisa)] you just won't cast the stupid spell

[Master] at least the Barbers know help is/might/maybe on the way

[TMO] aye

[Michael-82657] alright

[Master] fun?

[Michael-82657] before you log off though bob i have a request and yes tonight was awesome

[TMO] aye

[Master] which is?

[Michael-82657] TMO and I were talking, and i was wondering if in future sessions we could do like side quests online?

[Master] of course

[Michael-82657] TMO you still good for that?

[Master] it totally depends on others posting

[Master] Lisa did a nice job the other day with that

[Michael-82657] I understand

[Lisa] The site is there for posting and roleplay

[Michael-82657] Alright

[Michael-82657] just wanted to check

[TMO] thinking to use Hugh to help Ilero with his intrigue-type stuff in town. I think when Hugh first joined us we had that idea, but we never actually pursued it.

[Lisa] No one has just been doing it lately

[Michael-82657] I owuld love too, I just know we could also work faster if we did it online as well.

[Michael-82657] We might even accomplish 2 side missions in a year haha

[Michael-82657] THe problem is i'm not in the city right now. So I cannot really do anything until i'm back

[Michael-82657] Well, unless bob is up for multi dimensional plot lines

[Lisa] You can post between yourselves on the road if you wanted

[TMO] true

[Lisa] all right I am off

[TMO] g'nite

[Lisa] goodnight!

[Michael-82657] good night all. I had a blast tonight@

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 06 23:43:13 EDT 2016

[Michael-82657] Thanks bob! This is getting good

[Master] Anton XP award: 200. Next level in 24076.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 52635.

[Master] Seremella Psyndarryn XP award: 200. Next level in 44717.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 42389.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 250. Next level in 359061.

Michael-82657 has left the game on Fri May 06 23:43:33 EDT 2016

[TMO] cya later

[Master] waves

TMO has left the game on Fri May 06 23:44:17 EDT 2016

XP awarded