Main / May0704

May 07 04 - 500th Game Session - Kapirimtiya Adventures

Reign has joined the game.

[Reign] When did you put the dogs to sleep?

[DM] hi there

[Reign] No I am crying

[DM] about 4 weeks, I guess

[DM] sorry

[Reign] That is a bummer

[DM] yeah

[Reign] They were my pals

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Laptop has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

[Lior] testing

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lies!

[Lior] shh

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[Sadoya (Lior)] testing again

[Sadoya (Lior)] eww

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] be silent woman!

[Sadoya (Lior)] quiet wench

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey barb

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] good evening

[Mike] hey barb

[Mike] how's things?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] heya

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] hows everyone?

[Sadoya (Lior)] not too bad

[Mike] good enough.

[Mike] school's out. decent grades

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] thats a plus

Reign is receiving the map...

[DM] cool

Reign has received the map.

[Reign] Hello all

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey fritz

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

[Mike] fritz!

[Sadoya (Lior)] how ya feeling?

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

[Reign] I am ALIVE!!!!!

[Mike] how you doing?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay

[Sadoya (Lior)] awesome, you had us all worried

[Fritz] Me too. Never been that sick in my life. I went into kidney failure.

[Mike] yeah, when we heard you were in the hospital as a patient, we were a bit worried

[Fritz] I had emergency surgery in New Orleans then 2 more surgeries here in Clarksville

[Fritz] One was urgent

[Fritz] I am now no longer rocking nor rolling (in pain)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] icly

[Fritz] It is considered the worse pain on the face of the planet. I have had women tell me they would rather deliver twins at the same time then have another kidney stone

[Sadoya (Lior)] well, glad you're feeling better

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] just ready to rock and roll

[Fritz] I am 130% betyter

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] my boss said the same thing

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, i've heard similiar

[Fritz] No rocking and rolling here

[Fritz] just slashing and bashing

[Fritz] I had 4 stones. I dropped them one at a time...well 2 I had close enough together to block up both kidneys to put me in kidney failure

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] gack

BiBo!!! is no longer controling Shade

[Fritz] Hehehe the player doctor in me wants to come up with a spell like that...but I realize it would probably be a 9th or 10th level spell since it would inflict so much pain.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nah, it doesn't kill.

[Fritz] But it is so crippling

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so is feeblemind

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's only 5th level

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 9th level would do that to a city of people

[Fritz] true....there you go...a fith level spell called nephrolithiasis

[DM] go on give me ideas

[Fritz] creates 1 kidney stone per 3 caster levels....saving throw is based on constitution but must be halved since it is so debilitating

[Sadoya (Lior)] you are evil

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] you've thought long and hard on this havent you

[Fritz] Lasts until a heal spell is casts or a saving throw is made every 24 hours if adequate hydration is availabe to allow passage of the stone

[Fritz] Cure disease just prevents any more stone formation but doesn't remove the stones.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what if they cast stone to flesh?

[Fritz] That would work I would allow another saving throw at full constituion and passage of the stones...but they are still there

[DM] ordering food here

[DM] will be with everyone in a sec

[DM] trying to get it all out of the way now

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: STR check: (d20) [15] 15

[Lior] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (17) [17] 17!!!

[Fritz] What is "Reign's Pointer" in my inventory?

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Deep Diving check: (d20) [11] 11

[Lior] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (170) [170] 170!!!

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: DEX check: (d20) [7] 7

[Mike] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15) [15] 15!!!

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Land Based Riding check: (d20) [7] 7

[Mike] PROBABLY FAILS against (+0) [0] 0

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Swimming check: (d20) [19] 19

[Mike] PROBABLY FAILS against (15+0) [15+0] 15

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(6+6)] 1

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Damage v SM: Joyeuse 2 handed: (2d4+10) [(3+1)+10] 14 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(5+6)] 2

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 1 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(4+6)] 3

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Cape Sting: (-(d20+0)) [-(9+0)] -9

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Damage v SM: Joyeuse 2 handed: (2d4+10) [(1+1)+10] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Damage v SM: Joyeuse 1 handed: (1d8+9) [1+9] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Damage v SM: Cape Sting: (1d4+0) [1+0] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Fritz] What is my pointer that is in my invetory?

[DM] ok

[DM] back

[DM] that pointer in your inventory

[DM] is so you can drop it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] something for pointing spell effects at

[DM] and then use ti to point at things

[DM] or with

[Fritz] you will have to show me how to use it

[DM] clients can now drop items in inventory

[Fritz] is the map supposed to look this funky?

[DM] they still can not pick them up them selve

[DM] selves

[DM] are you controlling

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[DM] ok

[DM] so to wrap up

[DM] the latest update

[DM] 2.1.1

[DM] is just for us

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[DM] however

[DM] we had a few issues still

[DM] so your sheet may have a couple of minor things different about it

[DM] but it should be ok

[DM] you all have pointers

[DM] and maybe something in inventory

[DM] I left teh room desriptions visible

[DM] for the rooms that you have visited

Sean has joined the game.

[Sean] hey all

Sean is receiving the map...

[DM] the works version history on the left side

Sean has received the map.

[DM] is a large file

[DM] just so you know before you clikc on it

[DM] it is there

[DM] so people can look at it

[DM] and see how things evolved from the beginning to version 1.7

[DM] in your klooge folder is the new updated file for 2.0 and beyond

[DM] so when we have questions about just what the hell is an expression

[DM] that is where the best description for it is

[Sean] I just wanna point and click

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Elandar's Pointer. Distance: 16'11"

[Sean] click click click

[Mike] perfect

[Mike] on with the game!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(1+3)] 9

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (melee): (13-(d20+1)) [13-(7+1)] 5

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sean] oh, pointers ... variables with addresses

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(7+3)] 3

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (melee): (13-(d20+1)) [13-(13+1)] -1

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Lior] Sadoya targets Elandar's Pointer. Distance: 22'05"

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(11+6)] -4

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(11+6)] -4

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(18+6)] -11

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(10+6)] -3

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Joyeuse 2 handed: (13-(d20+6)) [13-(19+6)] -12

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(17+3)] -7

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Sadoya (Lior)] Sadoya: Attack #1: Cape Sting: (-(d20+0)) [-(17+0)] -17

[Lior] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(15+3)] -5

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(10+3)] 0

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(13+3)] -3

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] FIRE!!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(8+3)] 2

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Elandar Silverleaf. Distance: 3'03"

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Sadoya. Distance: 6'00"

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Sebrina. Distance: 5'01"

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets El Fudge. Distance: 8'07"

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Kylia Wolfslayer. Distance: 8'11"

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Senior Quarters.txt. Distance: 4'08"

[Lior] Sadoya no longer targets Elandar's Pointer.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(19+3)] -9

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Elandar Silverleaf (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Sadoya (AC FINAL: -4)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Sebrina (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS El Fudge (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Kylia Wolfslayer (AC FINAL: -3)!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] FIRE!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Shade: Attack #1: Vampiric touch (spectral hands): (13-(d20+3)) [13-(16+3)] -6

[BiBo!!!] Probably MISSES Elandar's Pointer (AC FINAL: )

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Elandar Silverleaf (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Sadoya (AC FINAL: -4)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Sebrina (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS El Fudge (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[BiBo!!!] PROBABLY HITS Kylia Wolfslayer (AC FINAL: -3)!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fire everywhere!!!

[Sean] aaaah! Fire bad!

[DM] so

[Mike] right, so, skeletons are dead

[DM] Fritz,

[DM] Barb

[Mike] ::sniffs:: my babies...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] yes?

[DM] you there after all this?

[DM] testing and showing off

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] pardon?

[DM] ready to begin

[BiBo!!!] All targets for Shade removed.

[BiBo!!!] Shade targets Senior Quarters.txt. Distance: 4'08"

[DM] you all read the room desciptin

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I need to figure out what to put in for my light radius for my contiual light rock?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok

[DM] I already I take care of that

[DM] any quesitons about this room or what you want to do

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] is the map supposed to look screwy like that?

[DM] the resolution is not great at this zoom level

[DM] but it is supposed to represent all the stuff in the rooms

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it's not great at any zoom level

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] it looks aweful

[Mike] yes, we know

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I cant see anything

[DM] the other level does look better at the zoom levels

[Mike] okay, so i went into the room last time, i believe

[Sadoya (Lior)] so uhh.. have we checked this room out at all?

[Mike] and grabbed said pendant

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] which way are we going? am I in front?

[DM] it is hard for me to tell, I know what I am looking at

[DM] you are in back

[DM] the room is straight ahead

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Are we moving into the room yet?

[DM] you tell me

[Mike] the mace is all glowy and stuff, right?

[DM] yes

[Mike] want me to get the mace and pendant?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I say yes we move in the room.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Are there any doors or ways out other than the collapsed wall?

[BiBo!!!] coins targets Elandar Silverleaf. Distance: 21'01"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can we check out the chests? Hello what is going on?

[DM] yes

[DM] you can

[DM] let me know

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move into the room

[DM] ok

[DM] but you should stop

[DM] as you just walked right over 5 characters to get there

[DM] and so far you are the first one who entered

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I cant tell where I am moving to? I can walk thru party members

[BiBo!!!] coins follows Reign Tandem.

[BiBo!!!] coins no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[BiBo!!!] coins follows Reign Tandem.

[Sean] Are these pennies from heaven?

[DM] so Reign enters the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and gets turned into a newt

[DM] ok

[DM] so you walk in

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] or shot in the head with a poison spear

[DM] and there is no apparent change in the room

[Mike] or groin

[Sadoya (Lior)] is there a change to him?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Were there changes in the past?

[DM] well,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] who knows, we've never been here before

[DM] considering no one checked for traps before walking in

[Sadoya (Lior)] turn and face the strange

[DM] but so far nothing has happened

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lllet me go further in the room then

[DM] go ahead and move if you like

[Sadoya (Lior)] yes, set off more traps while you're at it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] here

[DM] that is a chest

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I look at the chest

[Sean] Can I check the chest for traps?

[Mike] can i check the traps for traps?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, you're blind and you like watching the minotaur get hurt

[DM] the mace is on the right wall above the chest

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sure I wasn't going to open it anyway. You or Sebrina

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is it a small mace or a BIG mace?

[DM] footmans mace

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I ignore it then

[Sadoya (Lior)] its glowing

[DM] it did glow when they did a check

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I give the chest a shove with my foot is it heavy?

[DM] it shifts along

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So? I have a very nice magic weapon already

[DM] it is fairly light

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move across the room then

[Sean] I move up to the chest.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Where is the tusk necklace?

[DM] on the north wall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is this the north wall?

[DM] yues

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] am I near it?

[DM] right there for you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] HOw do I pick it up?

[DM] you tell me and I do that for you

[DM] you can drop items only

[DM] I have to pick them up for you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I look at it first

[DM] ok

[DM] it is about 3 feet long

[DM] plated in gold

[DM] studded with 10 sapphires

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Does it look like a horn you blow?

[DM] no it is an elephant tusk

[DM] bad picture for it sorry

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] They said it glowed with magic right?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] good then I pick it up

[DM] only the mace glowed

[DM] ok

[DM] there you go

[DM] and now I need to go give nyrma her food, be right back

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Does the mace look like it would match the spot it the persons skull that was smashed in in the other room?

[Mike] too bad this isn't baldur's gate where we can just have insta indentify

[Mike] hey fritz, trade ya that amulet for a magic kohpesh

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Naaa I have a magic weapon. Dont need another

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have a magic kopesh right here anyway

Reign Tandem (Fritz) turns his walking stick into a kopesh

Reign Tandem (Fritz) turns his Kopesh into a walking stick

THE Sebrina (Barb) is now controling Sebrina

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Sebrina: appraising check: (d20) [4] 4

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15+0) [15+0] 15!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am gonna take a nap. when bob comes back some one send me a call on kllooge

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok

[DM] and so

[DM] all the messages done

[DM] so

Reign Tandem (Fritz) sits in a comfortable chair and takes a nap while El Fudge picks the lock on the empty chest

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

[DM] THE Sebrina (Barb)'s control of Sebrina has been revoked

[DM] Sebrina's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 60 (1) - Unharmed

[DM] ok

[DM] barb you can take back control again

[DM] sorry about that

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] no biggie... did it by accident trying to do something else anyway

[DM] for some reason

[Sean] El Fudge: (d100) [65] 65

[DM] ok

[DM] so no trap

[DM] so Reign and Sebrina have the holy symbol

[Sean] Is the chest locked?

[DM] fudge says the chest is not trapped or locked

[Mike] two people have one item?

[Mike] is it like a wishbone?

[DM] it is three feet long

[DM] it is a little big for sebrina to handle

[Sean] Chest? Anyone? Anyone? Buehlur?

[Mike] cue 80's pron music now

[Sean] I open the chest.

[Mike] sorry, that's pr0n

[DM] there you go Fudge

[Sean] There's some coins here, and a mace.

[Mike] grab the mace

[Mike] and the coins

[Sean] sorry, the mace is fooling me, and I don't like it!

[Sean] It's on the wall, not in the chest.

[Mike] so smack it around some. show it who's boss

[Sean] But there are coins here in the chest, unless they're on the wall too.

[Sean] we can put the coins in the scroll of shelter.

Lorie has joined the game.

[DM] welcome

[DM] sending the map now

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey lorie

[Lorie] Evening

[DM] so you are exploring the room you found at the end of last week

[DM] fudge is by the chest

[DM] Shade is rolling up the scroll of shelter

[Mike] i'm snoring against the wall

[DM] Reign and Sebrina are examining the elephant tusk holy symbol

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::shoves some pot into the scroll of shelter::

[DM] ok

[DM] and so

[Mike] wait, gimme that pot

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::moves on::

[Mike] ok, can we go to the next door now?

[Sean] I check for secret doors.

[Mike] this room is done

[DM] none

[DM] you find none fudge

Robert has joined the game.

[DM] welcome

[Mike] YAR!

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Varn with a WHEE

[Robert] Hello all

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] evening robert

[Robert] OK when do I get to kill something?

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can kill bob at will

[Robert] Hi Barb!! How's everything?

[Robert] WooHOOOO!!

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] its good.... hows everything with you?

[Robert] Should I be seeing a map?

[Mike] fritz, you gonna grab that mace?

[Sadoya (Lior)] double click your char on the left hand side

[Robert] So far, I can't complain...


[Mike] fritz, you still with us?

[Robert] A little pixely, eh Bob?

[DM] yeah

[Sadoya (Lior)] you missed the bitching about the map stage already

[Sadoya (Lior)] you need to get caught up rob

[Robert] Damn, I'm always late fo rthe fun stuff

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's Robert....

[Robert] bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Rob is someone completely different ;)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::whistles:: hey, quit bumblin around, there's a door here

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] (there IS a door here right?)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] sorry I fell asleep

[DM] ok

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] What do we want to do with the door?

[DM] the group is moving to the double doors

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Should my clock at the top be correct?

[DM] no

[Mike] we want to open the door

Lorie has left the game.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] right now, it's showing 6:07PM on April 12

Lior has left the game.

Robert has left the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

[Mike] but i'm weak as a kitten

Fritz has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay

[DM] ok

Lior has joined the game.

[DM] we will wait for them to come back

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

Fritz has joined the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

Lorie has joined the game.

Robert has joined the game.

[DM] as everyone recovers

[DM] set up infront the double doors

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I crashed

[DM] you might guess that this is an important room

[DM] because of the double doors

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay, thief, check it

[Mike] okay, so i get my weapons ready

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What double doors?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Sounds like a good idea

[DM] the ones in front of you

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] to the north?

[DM] yes

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am having trouble getting everything.

[DM] what do you mean Fritz?

[DM] the map is a bit pixilated,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I dont see the tree that is supposed to be to the left and I have an hour glass when I try to look at the map

[DM] but it was designed to show the stone doors as they blend into the walls

[DM] Lior is complaining about the same thing

Lior has left the game.

[DM] he is going to close and reload to see if that is what is wrong, just a sec

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I think Lior just crashed also

Lior has joined the game.

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [48] 48

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

[DM] Fritz, right click on teh task bar, to close out

[DM] then reopen

[DM] that fixed it for lior

[DM] ok got that barb

Fritz has left the game.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] How do you change the clock at the top?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] only bob can

[DM] only I can do that Robert

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] it's basically an in game clock

[Lior] dont worry about it

[DM] Time of Day: 08:38 PM. Fri, May 7th, 2004.

Fritz has joined the game.

[DM] better?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not supposed to be our current actual time

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] OK... but it's gonna be my excuse for everything bad thing that happens..

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] lol

[DM] Sebrina says that there are no traps

[DM] eventually we will link the clock to actual in game events

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay her, open it up some fighter type

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[DM] so spells, and effects will wear off automatically

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] gotcha

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Would you like me to try to open the door?

[Lior] who'sopeningthedoors?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Did some one listen yet?

[DM] no

[DM] no one listened

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [13] 13

[Mike] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] listen? hah, that's so last year

[DM] Sebrina checked for traps

[DM] and for locks

[Lior] lets have reign do it, or varn

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wait I just got back

[DM] Reign,

[Lior] good, open the stone doors above you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] did we take the mace fromthe last room or leave it?

[DM] go ahead and roll your open doors

Lorie has left the game.

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [6] 6

[Mike] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[DM] yes, Reign

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [14] 14

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[DM] Elandar picked it up

[DM] ok

[DM] so you have your description

[DM] and the room

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Stupid question: how do I roll an open doors check?

[Mike] your character sheet probably isn't set up

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] nevermind, I just found it

[DM] now

[Mike] are there traps?

[DM] please pause here

[DM] this is the main temple area obviously

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I do need to finish updating my character sheet

[DM] be sure you know what you want to do

[Mike] i cast majic missle

[Mike] at the darkness

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] oh no

[Lior] my sword's drawn

[Lior] anyone else ready to fight golems?

Reign Tandem (Fritz) turns his walking stick into a 2 handed sword

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I am drawing my sword too

[Sean] I sketch my sword using charcoal

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do you need a pencil?

[DM] so what else besides drawing of weapons?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I draw a breath

[Lior] i pass gas

[Mike] i asked if there were traps set up in the room at all

Lorie has joined the game.

[Mike] can we check for traps and stuff through the room?

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i back out of the way

[Lior] welcome back lorie!

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] You all suck

[Lior] no rob, you suck

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I wait for the thieves and mages to do thier stuff. All I do is hack and slash

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Thanks...

Lorie is receiving the map...

[Lior] there be really big stone elephants in the room

Lorie has received the map.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no no, you also have the purpose of getting beat up first

[Lior] so get ready to kill stuff in an uneasy manner

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hello Lorie

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Only for you Lior... and only for a large sum of money

[Lior] didn't cost me much last time

[Lior] ;)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hey Fritz, how are you feeling?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] GREAT

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] the first one's free

[Lior] tony the tiger great?

[Lior] or just great?

[Lior] that was the first one?

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[Lior] your memory's slipping in your old age

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Actually maybe a little like I was just pregnant....I fell asleep at the computer. Had to take a nap. finally woke up and now I am back playing again

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] oddly... I can relate to that feeling :)

[DM] and so

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] as far aas everyone else is concerned, yes ;)

[DM] so is anyone going to actually walk into the room

[Lior] i will

[Lior] might as well

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Do i have to?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] send someone who can actually check for traps in there

[Mike] i suggested that way back when

[Lior] well.. is there anyone volunteering that can>

[Mike] but none of the theives responded

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] suppose you want me to do that

[Lior] i'll followyou and guard your rear

[DM] and so

[Sean] of course! It's dangerous in there!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and because of the woosy thieves staying behind, there's lior in a pit trap

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay him

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Sean, when did you get here?

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [13] 13

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] he's been here all night

[Sean] About 7:00 pm

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] that was for the traps bob

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] DAMMIT! how do I resize the stupid map so I can read the chat?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] the resize arrows won't stay

[Lior] you make the chat bigger

[Lior] not the map smaller

[Mike] dock the chat

Fritz has left the game.

[Mike] take off any delay for text staying

[Mike] then the chat is in a separate part, not overlayed

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] the chat is docked

[Mike] all that's in edit options

[Mike] undock the icon bar

[Mike] and move it off screen

[Mike] then you have room for chat and map

Fritz has joined the game.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] ok, so this is what has happened so far

[DM] Sebrina checks for traps as Sadoya enters the room

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I had the chat good then I accidentally resized the window, and now I can't resize it back

[DM] a pit trap opens up under Sadoya, fortunately the auto fly he has up works

[Mike] hmmm....

[Mike] no idea

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] don't see why you can't

[Fritz] That is what crashed me last time

[Mike] go view chat history

[Mike] says the sean

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[DM] ok so Sadoya is hovering above a 10 foot deep pit trap, with spikes in the bottom

[Mike] cool

[Lior] i wipe the sweat from my brow

[Lior] anyone got like... a wooden board lying around?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can Sebrina reset the trap then disarm it?

[DM] is is about 10 feet acrros, and stretches across the doorway

[Mike] can we edge around it, or jump catecorner to the pillars?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No to what?

[DM] no to edging around it

[Lior] i fly myself back to the party

[DM] no to restting it

[DM] from this side

[Lior] who wants to come with me to the other side of the trap?

[Lior] there's gotta be something good in there

[Mike] fly me over?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can she figure out from this side what is the trigger from the other side?

Robert has left the game.

[DM] the trigger is not visible, but Sebrina thinks it is likely near the alter from past experience

Robert has joined the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am willing to go over

[DM] so who is flying who?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] OK, I'm back again

[DM] so who is flying who?

[Lior] i'll fly over with elandar

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] ummmm, I'm not seeing the map again

[DM] ok

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I think I crash when the map changes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That's what crashed me last time...

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] hmmmmm, possible bug...

[DM] if we can pin it down to exactly what happens let me know

[DM] that might be,

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] no prob

[DM] Sadoya's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 71 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Sadoya's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 80 (9) - Unharmed

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I want to do a running long jump into the room

[DM] so to jump without the proficienty

[DM] you will go 1d10 feet

[DM] as it is ten feet across,

[DM] that is with a running start

[DM] without it is even shorter

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How does your strength play into it?

[DM] it doesn't if you do not have the skill

[DM] if you have the skill, and a 20 foot start like you have, it is 2d6 + level

[DM] so the best you will get is 1d10

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That's crazy I jumped 11 feet running when I was in the 4th grade

[DM] well, complain to TSR

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I have swimming, does that help?

[DM] but that is what we have to go on

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] tsr doesn't exist anymore :-P

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] kk

[DM] smile,

[DM] thanks

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I mean the trap IS blue... like water

[DM] sigh

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] hehehehehe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] neither does 2nd edition rules for just this reason :P

[DM] understand,

[DM] if you had a pole you could use it to help, but it needs to be like 17 feet long and the ceiling is too low

[DM] on the other hand

[DM] you have two character who could just fly you over

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I go back to the other room and get the bed and throw it over the trap

[DM] ok

[DM] well, that is an option

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :)

[DM] the spikes are about 2-3 feet tall

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Can I throw someone over?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How long is the bed?

[DM] so anyone want to help move a bed?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do I need help?

[DM] it is about 10 feet long by strange coincidence

[DM] it is bulky Reign

[DM] weight is not a problem

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I can help if you need it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hey Barn Vjalgmar wanna help me? great

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] VarN!! Varn... dammit

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] vit a wee

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] brb... need to make macaroni salad and deviled eggs... be back in 20

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Varn right...what ever

[DM] ok

[Sean] El Fudge: (d100) [3] 3

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] uh.. k

[Sean] El Fudge: (d100) [31] 31

[DM] ok

[DM] so you see that there is a trap on the dagger that is on the alter

[Sean (to GM only)] El Fudge: Rod, Staff or Wand save: (d20) [4] 4

[Sean (to GM only)] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] that's not good

[Shade (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [97] 97

[Sean] Roll #1: (d100) [94] 94

[DM] so Reign and Varn have a bed

[DM] and can bring it back

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] awww.... how cute

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Lior, are you in town?

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the boys are playing together

[Sean (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [76] 76

[Lior] yes, yes i am

[Lior] till thursday

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We bring the bed

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I get the side closest to the bathroom!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Weak bladder hunh?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] cool, do you have my CDs? ;)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there is no bathroom

[Lior] i brought them back last time i was here

[Lior] they've been in bob's place

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] how about resetting the trap?????????

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] thanks bob

[Lior] i had one that i forgot in my car, and i broughtit here today

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] cool

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

[Sean] I am about to disarm the CEILING TRAP around THE ALTER

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] You DA MAN!!



[Mike] w007!

[Sean] 5

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I think we should use teh bed as cover

[Sean] 4

[Sean] 3

[Sean] 2

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] RUN!!!!!!!!!!

Reign Tandem (Fritz) puts bed in hall and lays down to take a nap. feels Sebrinas I dea about trap resetting a better one

[Sean] 1

[Sean (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [14] 14

[DM] and it seems to have worked, nothing springs out of the ceiling

[Sean] that's good.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] You go girl!!

[Sean] okay Elandar, you can grab the knife.

[Mike] okay

Reign Tandem (Fritz) snickers

[Lior] what about the idol?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] what about the trap under the knife?

[Mike] i pick up the knife. am i ded yet?

[Sean] I'm checking the idol next

[DM] and you pick it up

[Lior] neat

[DM] it is a soft gold blade

[DM] 12 inches long

[Lior] not very good for sacrifices then?

[DM] a small saphire in the hilt

[Lior] ooh pretty]

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] ooooooooo pretty

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] damn

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Still lying on the bed awaiting the rest of the party to reset the pit trap so that the rest of the group can enter the temple.

[Lior] too slow

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] don't need to enter temple

[DM] well as no one knows where the reset is,

[Sean] I am about to check the idol for traps.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] let thief take care of it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] stay here and stay alive

[Sean] 3

[Mike] you all don't need to come in

[Sean] 2

[Sean] 1

Lorie has left the game.

Lior has left the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Fritz has left the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

Robert has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ruuuuuuun!

[Mike] no, see, you all don't need to come in. we're doing all the work, getting everything, and we move to the next room

[DM] waiting for a sec for everone

[DM] ok

[DM] well

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

Mike has joined the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

Lior is now controling Sadoya

Sean has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Fritz has joined the game.

Robert has joined the game.

[DM] sorry guys

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] bellsouth just changed my IP address

[DM] first time that happened

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] NP

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] map please

[DM] you should be able to double click on Varn on teh left side to get a map robert

Robert is receiving the map...

Robert has received the map.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] gotcha

[DM] I mean your name


[DM] and so

[DM] is everyone back?

[Sean] 2

[Sean] (checking for traps, rmember)

[Sean] 1

[Sean (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [56] 56

[Sean] ouch!

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Stop that that causes me to crash :P

[DM] you find a trap on the idol

[Sean] What type of trap, pray tell?

[Sadoya (Lior)] as if that wasn't predictable

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] the bad kind

[DM] magical trap of some sort,

[Sean] can I disarm it?

[DM] but the sappire eyes of the golden idol look soooo pretty

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'mkeeping an eye on him

[DM] you want to attempt to take them,

[DM] you know you shouldn't

[Sean] and if not, is there anything of value that needs to be taken? Because I can disable temporarily a trap to bypass it for a few founds.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i ask him if htere's a trap

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Pushes Jarn Vbagmlar off the bed and pats the side..."No room for you human. Sebrina there is a small space here if you wish to lay down"

[DM] the idol is golden, and very large, and two large sapphires

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] VARN!! It's a V dammit!!

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] thank you....

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] it's not that hard!!

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] :)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I thought it was a wee

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Varn right...what ever

[DM] we are trying to figure out what Sean's trap roll ends up with

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not a vee

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] Warn vidda wee

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] wait a minute, Sabrina's small... I think we can all fit

[DM] are the three of you putting that bed in the pit to try and fill it up?

[Sadoya (Lior)] allthis talk about wee and vee is gonna make me want to pee

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] He has a wittle wee?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] would you like tio check?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No ve are sleeping on the bed and waiting for them to disarm the pit trap like they vere supposed to

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] wake us up when the trap is reset

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is what Bibo told me they were doing

[Sadoya (Lior)] there is convo going on here... if fudge can ignore the magical trap, we're wondering whathappens to the physical

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I'm sleeping on the floor now... damn minotaur

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] not the pit trap, the other traps in the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there's apparently a lot of them

[Sadoya (Lior)] i figured you'd be used tothe floor by now

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] watch out little one.. i'll push your ass into teh pit.... :)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If they had disarmed that one then if they got in trouble it would be easier for us to come in and help them.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'mnot little anymore

[DM] well

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] awwww, crap

[DM] no one know where the reset for the pit trap is yet

[Sadoya (Lior)] hehehe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Do they look like they need help Bobisanevilbutt?

[Sadoya (Lior)] 'course, no one looked

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] any trouble that happens will be trap related, not something we can help with, best help we can give is to not be there when it gets set off

[DM] they have solved two traps so far around the altar

[DM] hah

[Sadoya (Lior)] more like one and a half

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok then I take off my helm and close my eyes and agree with Shade

[DM] so

[Sadoya (Lior)] that's a first

[DM] I will say that Fudge because of his kit and skill

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cuz apparently this room is crawling with traps

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Not really.

[DM] will get a halved chance to disarm both traps at once

[Sean] (okay, who's got the most hitpoints?)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] stepping in sounds very bad.

[DM] but if he fails

[DM] both go off at once

[Sean] cool!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and he gets turned into a zombie!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] an elephant zombie!

[DM] so make sure you are where you want to be before he starts his disarm

Reign Tandem (Fritz) wonders how come they didn't take the most experienced thief in with them...of course maybe the reason she is the most experience is because she new better than to go in there!!!

[Sean] hey, if she wants to do this, by all means!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cuz then we end up with 2 dead thieves

[Sean] woot

Lior has left the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Robert has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and if one has to die, we might as well kill off the one that we ignore anyway

Fritz has left the game.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

Lior has left the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Lior has left the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has received the map.

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] le sigh

[Mike] is we ded yet?

Robert has joined the game.

Fritz has joined the game.

[Sean] It looks like Bob's DHCP lease (IP address) is expiring after an hour or so

[Sean] and he gets a new IP address

[Sean] which is causing all forms of havoc

[Fritz] Is he forgetting to pay his lease? Dammit Bob pay your friggin lease

[DM] heh

[DM] will see if barb wants to help Sean

[DM] and then we will move on

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

[DM] ok

Fritz is receiving the map...

[DM] Barb

Fritz has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] yes?

[DM] do you want to enter the room and attempt to help Fudge with the two traps

Robert is receiving the map...

[Sean] one is magical, one is physical

Robert has received the map.

[Sean] and they're tied together in some wah.

[Sean] I can disarm the magical one for a few rounds

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Why do you think she is so experienced...lets the apprentices mess up first

[Sean] and bob has said I could try to disarm both, but at 50%

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Then fires them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] YOU ARE FIRED

[Sean] well then, I'll keep anything I find then. Nyah!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Muharharhar

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] actually, technically seans better than barb at traps :-P

[Sean] so double nyah!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] anyway, just do the roll and get this death out of the way already

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Puhleaze

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'll bring ya back

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You go girl

[DM] so Barb? what are you doing?

Robert has left the game.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] when they decide that they need the expert, i'll go in

[Mike] sean is the expert....

Robert has joined the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go on in, that way you both get a full check, just hope one of you don't fail

[Sadoya (Lior)] i see no reason not to have both of you working on the traps

Robert is receiving the map...

Robert has received the map.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll flyya in

[DM] you are both next to the idol

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] if you die, I'll raze you

[DM] so

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] so i'm making a traps check then?

Sean has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep, roll d100

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sean's doing one too

[DM] yes Barb, you are rolling a d100, send only to me

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] he's doing the magic trap while you do the physical one

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [77] 77

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [3] 3

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] oops bob... didnt mean to do it twice

[DM] that is ok

Sean has joined the game.

[DM] we will wait for Sean to roll

[DM] then we will see what happens

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[DM] tick tick tick

[DM] fingers flying

Reign Tandem (Fritz) snore snore snore

[Sean (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [4] 4

[DM] damn

[DM] ok

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] that didn't sound good

[DM] so Sebrina begins her check

[Sean] Is that a good "damn" or a bad "damn"

[DM] and Fudge finds the glyph that is guarding the idol

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Sean, remind me to send you an e-mail later

[DM] as Sebrina is fiddling with the base of the idol

[Sean] Hey Robert, you need to send me an email.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I have some questions

[Sean] I have some answers.

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] thanks, Sean

[DM] and Fudge is grabbing, at teh air

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I agree with Larn Mbajgvar

[DM] and

[DM] nothing happens

[DM] they look at each other

[DM] and smile

[Sean] so the traps are gone? Cool!

[DM] it seems to be clera

[DM] clear

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] flee!!!

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Varn!! with a ..... aw phuket....

[Sean] I take anything of value before Barb does.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] before the boulder shows up

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i stand back and let you.....

[DM] well the idol is faily big

[DM] it is about 2 feet tall solid gold

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] i have more in my keep than you will ever see anyway

[DM] two large saphires

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] it's mine

[DM] for eyes

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] i can carry it

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] $$

[DM] but that is the only obvious thing other than the dagger on teh altar

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] I look for "less" obvious things

[Sean] I take the idol ... I have an 18 muscle.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] Roll #1: (d100) [53] 53

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Awe let Marn have it...he needs a play toy 8*P

[DM] ok

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] for the toy box????

[DM] so round one

[DM] the traps are disarmed

[Sean] bing

[DM] round two

[DM] sebrina finds the reset for teh front pit trap

[DM] and Fudge picks up the idol

[DM] so next round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh Fudge

[DM] what happens,

[Sean] oh Reign?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::waves::

[DM] so

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] priority is to reset the trap so the rest can get in here

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Pushes bed into room. Lays back and says "Ok What next?"

[DM] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] any reason why we need to go in there?

[DM] so elandar is back out of the room

[Mike] i get flown back over now

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] beyond a gnawing desire to set off traps?

[DM] sadoya is in the room still

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Has the room been searched well?

[DM] no

[Mike] and tell you all they've got a narrow window for getting this treasure. the scroll of shelter would be nice

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] where is your sence of adventure

[DM] they spent every round so far finding and disarming traps

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] We need to search the ROOM!!!!

[DM] any one else on round two

[Sadoya (Lior)] once we're sure the room's not gonna explode, we'll go back in and search it

[DM] last call

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is the pit trap reset yet?

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] my sense of adventure is watching the people who can find traps, find traps. When there's a demon about or some magical problem, I'm your gal, but while lookin for traps, I let you do your job

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok then you know what I am doing

[DM] where do you want to move?

[DM] you know it is reset

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move into room with the bed

[DM] not locked closed

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] reset just means you get to fall in it again

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh....Lock and close please

[DM] that is next round

[DM] beginning round three

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I wait for it to be locked and closed then

[DM] ok

[DM] so

[DM] Fudge moves away from the altar with the idol, not terribly encumbered, but it is solid gold

[Sean] I'm moving AWAY from the altar

[DM] sebrina locks the pit trap in the closed position

Reign Tandem (Fritz) moves his bed into the room

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Center just below alter

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] guess i can then continue walking about and searching for traps and treasure while whispering...i womans work is never done.....

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] gotta show these kids how to do everything

[DM] ok

[DM] so on round three

[DM] that is where everyone is

[DM] as the magical trap resets it self

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am on the bed remember

[DM] and the idol disapears out of fudges hand

[DM] and the ceiling falls in

[Sean] oh crap!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh Fudge

[DM] and the elephants start spewing acid

[DM] everyone freeze

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] SWIM!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::feels very smug staying outside of the room::

[Sean] lovely!

[DM] this will take a second to sort out who gets what

[Mike] and this is why i left.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is easy...We get FUCKED !!!!

[Mike] glad the whole party is in the room

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] yeah, but he just has to see what position

[DM] barb, roll a percentage check, and roll really low

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lower than that

[THE Sebrina (Barb) (to GM only)] Roll #1: (d100) [9] 9

[DM] wow

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] low enough?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] At least I am on a comfortable bed when I get Fucked

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] maybe, a little lower would have been nice though

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] BOHICA!

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] is that firecracker sound supposed to be dice rolling?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yeah

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes Rarn

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] just wait

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Look next time come up with an easier name (hehehehe) smirks

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob's computer just fucked itself

[DM] just a sec guys

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Muharharharharharhar

[DM] ok

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] guess that means we have to start this round over

[DM] so that new block that just obliterated teh altar

[DM] sebrina rolls a 9% to avoid being smushed

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is my bed ok?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay her

[DM] she is on the floor behind the elephant idol

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Way to go Sebrina

[Sean] which is spewing acid.

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] heheh

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Watch out for the Poop!!!

[Sean] I asssume it's spewing out the front?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Go Sebrina, it's your birthday

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Which end

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] might wanna climb the elephant

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] better poop than acid

[DM] that leave Reign and Fudge being blasted by acid spaying out of teh trunks of the two elephant idols

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] least until you can get saved

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I duck behind the bed....hehehe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can I use it as cover?

[Sadoya (Lior)] everyone... keep standing

[Sadoya (Lior)] as long as you can

[Sadoya (Lior)] so we can fly in there and takeyou out

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Look Barbar chill. Quit spewing snot

[Sean] (he says, as our knees are eaten away ... )

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can I lift the bed between us and Barbar as cover?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] hey barb, climb the elephant, you know you wanna. least when the room starts filling up with acid

[Sadoya (Lior)] you mean babar, right?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh yeah him to

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So are we protected by the big block where we are Bob?

[DM] no

[DM] the entire room is being sprayed right now

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] good try thouh

[Sean] Can we climb onto to wreckage of the altar?

[DM] and out of the open doorway into the hall

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] DERN... Wahat about use of the bed as cover?

[Sean] since it's not in the direct line of spray

[DM] onto the characters in the doorway

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] AHHHHH

[Sadoya (Lior)] run away guys

[Sadoya (Lior)] leave the room

[Sean] fine, I'll run towards the door.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] since you're already in the acid, leave the room

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] Can I close the doors?

[Sadoya (Lior)] while the acid has not yet gathered

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure, you gonna lock the party members in there?

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] At least the rest of us are safe

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I like the way you think

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] they took one for the team... :)

[Sadoya (Lior)] tha'ts some altruistic thinking rob

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] all the same, lorie will fireball us as soon as she gets on if we do

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] fireball....acid.... hmm tough call

[Sadoya (Lior)] we need a lot of baking powder or bleach

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] acid doesn't have a wrath

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lorie does

[Varn Bjalmgar (Robert)] good point

[THE Sebrina (Barb)] j

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What happened to the map?

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob's about to explode

[Sadoya (Lior)] so lets chill for a bit

Robert has joined the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Lior has left the game.

Lior has joined the game.

Mike has joined the game.

Lior has left the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Lior has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

Lior is receiving the map...

Lior has left the game.

Lior has received the map.

Robert has left the game.

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::runs in slow motion and screams "NOOOOOOOOOOO!":::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::acid melts the world into slag and only rotten bones remain::

[Mike] total party kill!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] gooooooooooooal!!!

Lorie has joined the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay, on just in time to die!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] :)

Robert has joined the game.

Robert is receiving the map...

Lior has joined the game.

Robert has received the map.

THE Sebrina (Barb) has joined the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::dances about in the acid bath::

THE Sebrina (Barb) is receiving the map...

THE Sebrina (Barb) has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I can't see my character to get the chracter sheet or map

Lior is receiving the map...

[DM] it is not there

Lior has received the map.

[DM] you are one round behind

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so I sit in the dark for a round?

[DM] no

[DM] everyone is joking about being unable to connect

[DM] just in time for the acid to spray from teh statues in the temple

[DM] bathing everyone

Sean has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay, but on the list of chraracters, I don't see Kylia listed

[DM] becaue you are not on the map yet

[DM] I will put

Fritz has joined the game.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] ok

[DM] so everyone is back in

[DM] now no one send any private messages

[Sean] to you the DM or to anyone else?

[DM] it takes me time to answer those and I can not explain what is happening

[DM] talk to each other if you want

[DM] now

Sean is receiving the map...

[DM] the roo

Sean has received the map.

[DM] the rooms ceiling falls,

[Mike] testing

[Lior] yo

[Mike] bob's dead again

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] yo

[Sean] i'm here ...

[Sean] but bob isn't.

[Fritz] Yo

[Lior] yo-yo

[Robert] aw crap

[Mike] so now we can quietly sneak down the hallway when he's not looking

[Fritz] FYI I just spoke with Calico...Bobs California friend. she told me to say hi to everyone and that she would return when her life settles down after her fathers death

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fun fun

[DM] ok

[DM] so it seems that I am back now

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] soooo.... who's dead now?

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[Sean] can we react now?

Lior is now controling Sadoya

[DM] ok, so everyone can see themselves

[Mike] yes

[DM] the acid spews out raking across the air as the block falls from teh ceiling

Robert is now controling Varn Bjalmgar

[DM] Reign and Fudge will get the full blast from both

[Sean] woot

[Mike] have fun you two

[DM] those outside of the door will get half of each

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh Fudge

[DM] sebrina gets 1/4 of one

[Sean] (and there was much rejoicing)

[DM] then everyone gets to react move etc.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so how are things going?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Hehehehe we are in the middle of an acid bath...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So I figure Pretty shitty and headed to Fairly crappy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sorry to hear that... I can't see anything, so I'll just imagine you all writhing with pain and agony :D

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob's computer is lagging like mad

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yep that about sums it up

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Good that gives us time to escape

[Sadoya (Lior)] so we're sorry for the inconveniences regarding lack of both visual and lingual updates

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I will be the cunning linguist while Bob is away then

[Sadoya (Lior)] now bob's trying to explain to mike and bibo why sebrina is getting hit by acid

[Sadoya (Lior)] you do that on your own time fritz

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Which is a good question

[Sadoya (Lior)] and keep it away from me

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok, well, the trunks of the elephants are actually momving

[Sadoya (Lior)] back and forth and spraying at a wide angle

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She is behind a block and an elephant

[Sadoya (Lior)] thus actually covering the entirety of the room with acid

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] But she is behind their BUTTS

[Sadoya (Lior)] they are spraying that far back

[Sadoya (Lior)] the one she isn't behind

[Sadoya (Lior)] is turning and spraying her

Lorie has left the game.

[Sadoya (Lior)] is that clear?

THE Sebrina (Barb) has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ahhhh. It has a big, long, flexible appendage that it is quite proficient with. To bad it is a PREMATURE SPEWER !!!

[Sadoya (Lior)] its actually not premature

[Sadoya (Lior)] its kinda late

[Sadoya (Lior)] cuz fudge held it off with his anti magic ability

[Sadoya (Lior)] the fact that he can disarm magical traps for a period of time

[Sadoya (Lior)] then when that wore off, the golden idol disappeared and the elephants started spewing

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What he had "Delay Premature Spew Ability" and didn't tell us!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] he told ya

[Sadoya (Lior)] fudge acted as a useless condom

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's why everyone was fleeing in terror

[Sadoya (Lior)] held stuff off for a while, but then exploded

[Sadoya (Lior)] now we're gonn ahave lots of little yous as you fall apartfrom the acid

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I guess I just didn't understand his talent to delay spew!

[Sadoya (Lior)] he's a very special boy

[DM] ok

[DM] back

[DM] at least for a moment

[DM] so as I was saying

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] can we see who's dead already?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] With a very special talent that the girls will love

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Barb Had to leave

[Sadoya (Lior)] until he reaches his peak

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She told me what she wanted to do

[Sadoya (Lior)] then they';re not gonna love it too much

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] True it could be quite painful for them in the long haul

[Sadoya (Lior)] indeed, especially if the spew is strong acid

[Sean] Bob's computer died again.

[Sadoya (Lior)] sh'es not gonna be around for long

[Sean] well ... not really died ... but he can't actually *use* the program.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I suggest we try and finish this next week. I know her character and what she needs to do to escape death

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob's summing stuff up

[Sadoya (Lior)] so we can pick up next week

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I on the other hand have already created another character

[Sadoya (Lior)] he's saying that all your stuff is going to have to save

[Sadoya (Lior)] vs acid

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Not if I save

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is against the rules.

[Sadoya (Lior)] you dont have a save

[Sadoya (Lior)] you auutomatically take the damage

[Sadoya (Lior)] your stuff does though

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bobisanevilbutt

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bobisanevilbutt

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bobisanevilbutt

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob's saying you dont get a chance to save, because if you saved, that would mean a chance to get away from it, which you dont really have

[Sadoya (Lior)] but it is being argued

[Sadoya (Lior)] in your favor

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob seems to be waning

[Sadoya (Lior)] considering at least a save for half, i think

[Sean] Fritz and Sean take a grant total of 6d4

[Sean] oh, 4d6

[Sadoya (Lior)] seems you wll be taking 4d6 of damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Welp I amy be a naked cow next week. I don't know why I get know save though?

[Sadoya (Lior)] from each trunk

[Sean] oh, Fritz and i would take 8d6 of damage

[Sadoya (Lior)] 8d6 total

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woot I still live...I AM ALIVE

[Sadoya (Lior)] might kill fudge though

[Sean] and I might turn into a puddle of elf

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you get a save for equipment, not damage

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Nah law of averages says that he will take only 4 d6 but most likely less than half and piss bob off

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, so you'll get a save, if you make it, you'll still take damage, if you dont make it, you have to save for each item

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what he said

[Sadoya (Lior)] and still take damage

[DM] I seem to be back,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 1 in a million chances happen 9 times outa ten

[DM] I am going to delte some objects

[Sadoya (Lior)] bob froze again

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Muharhahr

[Sadoya (Lior)] his bandwidth seems to be randomly jumping to like... the 200's of mb range, and falling again causing an enormous lag for him

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It is the curse of trying to "Kill the Minotaur"

[Sadoya (Lior)] we think all the acid affected his computer

[Mike] who

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Never try to "Kill the Minotaur"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] anyway, it's bed time, night everyone!

[Mike] night barb

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Mike] yeah, maybe next week we'll be able to apply damage or something

Mike has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] WE are finishing next week. okey dokey

[Sadoya (Lior)] seemsto be the case

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Night Varn

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Night all

[Sadoya (Lior)] nighty fritz

[Sean] night

[Sadoya (Lior)] see ya next week

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wonderful 500th aniversery

[Sadoya (Lior)] indeed

Fritz has left the game.

Lior has left the game.

Robert has left the game.

Sean has left the game.

[DM] This roll is the damage against Fudge and Reign, 8D6 save for half

[DM] Roll: (8d6) [(3+4+4+2+3+6+5+2)] 29

[DM] this is the roll for the people in the hall, 4d6

[DM] Roll #1: (d6) [6] 6, Roll #2: (d6) [2] 2, Roll #3: (d6) [5] 5, Roll #4: (d6) [1] 1

[DM] Roll: (2d6) [(3+4)] 7

[DM] finally for sebrina

[DM] next the save rolls

[DM] El Fudge: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [14] 14

[DM] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (13) [13] 13!!!

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [7] 7

[DM] PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[DM] Reign Tandem: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [1] 1

[DM] PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[DM] Sadoya: Magical Spell save: (d20) [11] 11

[DM] PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[DM] Shade: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [9] 9

[DM] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[DM] Sebrina: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [14] 14

[DM] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (14) [14] 14!!!

[DM] Elandar Silverleaf: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [3] 3

[DM] PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[DM] Varn Bjalmgar: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [5] 5

[DM] PROBABLY FAILS against (12) [12] 12

[DM] and now to apply damage

[DM] El Fudge's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-15) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 65 (-7) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Reign Tandem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 75 (-29) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] Sadoya's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 66 (-14) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Sebrina's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 57 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Shade's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 49 (-7) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Elandar Silverleaf's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 68 (-14) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Varn Bjalmgar's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 85 (-14) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] This is the end of round 1 of the acid

[DM] to recap

[DM] round one in the room find a trap on the altar

[DM] round two disarm the trap

[DM] round three find the two traps on the idol

[DM] round four and five debate

[DM] round six the two thieves attempt to disarm

[DM] round seven move away

[DM] round eight reset the pit trap

[DM] round nine

[DM] the idol disapears

[DM] the alter is crushed by the stone ceiling block falling in

[DM] the two elephants trunks start to move and spray acid around the room and out through the open doors.

[DM] the party takes damage

[DM] and runs out of the room, closing the doors behind them

[DM] round eleven starts at the beginning of the next session, or one full turn after openign the doors and triggering the pit trap