May 08 09 - Trade Wars
My router failed and we could not run KloOge so we made do with an AIM chat room this night.
Start of [us] buffer: Fri May 08 22:49:53 2009
chonny316: water?
BOB: no
mkul316: ......
chonny316: are we dressed, or at least Fin
mkul316: wow, that is so amazingly bob. you're at an oasis with no water!
BOB: will explain that
mkul316: so... we're in the desert
BOB: but you are not dressed
BOB: you are in your night clothes
BOB: like you were sleeping
BOB: no weapons, no armor, etc.
mkul316: fin sleeps nekked
chonny316: so Paul does not have the crystal
BOB: ok
kethkat: good lord
kethkat: /facepalm
BOB: so the crystal is back in Gon
mkul316: wait, does this mean fin doesn't have that stupid amulet?
kethkat: why wouldn't they have whatever they were wearing?
BOB: Fin would sleep with that amulet on
BOB: just like Moirra sleeps with her holy symbol on
chonny316: at this point at least
mkul316: stupid amulet. so he's pulling what's her face from titanic
mkul316: only wearing a necklace
chonny316: and Paul sleeps with his spell books
chonny316: ;)
mkul316: he would
BOB: no he does not
kethkat: lol
BOB: grins
chonny316: is my wench with me?
BOB: no she was too frightened to go through
chonny316: Oh Thanks Fin
chonny316: I keep my ring on I am sure
chonny316: ::changes into brid to get better view::
BOB: fails
chonny316: fails to change
BOB: Kaz can you work with Guy about getting in here
kethkat: yes
chonny316):we should kick out who ever is not here, no offence
BOB: just a sec
BOB: working on things John
chonny316: it will sku results
BOB: no need for that yet
chonny316: becasue you are makeing this s much more inviting
aurora1116: okay...I'm happy to duck out
chonny316: NO your stuck now
aurora1116: if it will make things easier for the group
aurora1116: me?
chonny316: to watch us tourched
chonny316: and tourched
aurora1116: I (and Kylia moreso) strong think that is a necromancer
chonny316: be painfully treated
aurora1116: tortured?
chonny316: that too
aurora1116: torched is what I'm going to do to Gon when you're gone :: waka waka waka ::
kethkat: heee
chonny316: I hope Paul dies and haunts Roadhaven forever..................................
chonny316: and you have to ask Kit for a favor
mkul316: so i'm assuming that ant and val also realize that fin is gone?
BOB: yes to Mike
mkul316: and that kylia isn't doing anything about it?
aurora1116: Nope
aurora1116: Kylia is cleaning out rooms...
chonny316: not that we know
aurora1116: and making tombstones
mkul316: well then i guess they'll go to gonn and see if kit is interested in helping
chonny316: roll percentage dice
chonny316: roll percentage dice?
BOB: ok
mkul316: for what?
mkul316: do we want low or high?
BOB: so Ant and Val and Kira all are concerned
BOB: and want to talk with Kylia
mkul316: 1
BOB: Liam went the same night that Paul did
chonny316: but he is not here?
BOB: getting that all organized now John
mkul316: okay, i'm going to pause here for a few minutes. going to go hang out with my laptop at my friend's place.
BOB: OK ,mike
BOB: and Kaz is tryign to get Guy in here right?
kethkat: yes, he's working on it
BOB: For John and those who went throught
BOB: Wrapped in a dizzying swirl of incandescent colors and unfamiliar sounds, you find yourselves dumped suddenly on a strange, barren desert plain. Your calm and peace of mind is broken by the realization that nothing about your surroundings is familiar in any way. Grains of purple dust bite at your exposed flesh and choke your already labored breathing. An oppressive, broiling sun burns down on an endless sea of sand, and no features other than vast rolling dunes are within sight.
chonny316: i can help
chonny316: just give me his log in
kethkat: FlamestrikeAZ
BOB: john DellaDevine is for Beth
chonny316: compensating?
kethkat: ?
chonny316: verry macho name
BOB: LOL at John
flamestrikeaz: l o
kethkat: l o
aurora1116: :: waves :: Hey there Guy
mkul316: back
kethkat: f u n e x?
aurora1116: <--- Lorie
BOB: John can you reinvite Mike please
mkul316: hey guy
flamestrikeaz: hiya
BOB: there we go
mkul316: congrats on the baby
kethkat: Didn't the multi-chats used to have a list of who was in the room?
BOB: yes they did i think it is a function of how John set up the room
BOB: and Beth should be in shortly now also
chonny316: that option is not checked
delladevine: ah hah
BOB: and there we go
chonny316: do you not see a scroll bar at the top?
delladevine: typing !1 did the trick
aurora1116: no scrollbar John
mkul316: congrats on the baby!
BOB: so we have Kylia and Kit and Ant and Val and Kira all together
delladevine: baby?
BOB: Mike thinks this is a shotgun wedding
chonny316: Kit left, Kyla did not want to here from her
BOB: that you are preggers
mkul316: i heard you two were having a baby
delladevine: LOL I have no where to carry a baby except in my arms, and I don't plan to carry a test tube for 9 months
aurora1116: :: shoos them :: excuse me, trying to clean here. We're going to need space...
chonny316: that would be a big test tube
delladevine: heheheheh
BOB: so back to the game, in character
BOB: Val, Ant, Kira with Kylia
mkul316: "Kylia, you are going to do nothing to find everyone else?"
aurora1116: :: looks up :: I know where they are...
aurora1116: :: resumes her work ::
delladevine: "What are we going to do about these dreams?"
delladevine: "This is getting exhausting"
aurora1116: :: looks at her :: Ignore them. Magic that comes to you in your sleep to try and compel you to do something can't ever be good
mkul316: "Then if you know where they are, let's go there."
aurora1116: :: holds up a bow :: Look... Finglas left this
aurora1116: :: furrows brow :: Ummm, why would I want to do that?
mkul316: that would be at greenborough...
mkul316: he doesn't lseep there
mkul316: "Because they we are supposed to be a group."
delladevine: What if these dreams don't stop? What if they keep going night after night after night for weeks, months or years?
aurora1116: we are supposed to be a group... I didn't see them wait for us
aurora1116: :: shakes head ::
delladevine: Why didn't they wait for us, by the way?
aurora1116: :: shrugs :: ask them in your next dream
aurora1116: I'm sure they'll be happy to explain
delladevine: If there were anyone else in my dream I would. All I get is a gate and a voice that is insistant.
mkul316: "Fin said he was going through. I stayed back in case something like this happened."
aurora1116: :: looks out window to sun :: well, I need to go meditate, then back to cleaning. If my deity needed to me to be there, I would
delladevine: ::holds head in hands::
mkul316: "What happened to you. You've become such a disappointment."
mkul316: "We'll go to gone and see if Kit has the pool stone."
aurora1116: :: laughs ::
delladevine: ::flinches slightly and looks at Kylia::
BOB: ok
BOB: so leaving Kylia alone
BOB: the rest gather together? do what?
BOB: Kit?
chonny316: I think she would seach gon and see Paul's things grab a few essentials and go back to Memorial dungeon to use the teleporter
mkul316: "Kit, why not use the pool?"
BOB: The teleporter or the pool?
mkul316: "Can't we find FIn or Paul and jump throgh?"
BOB: the pool looks for locations, not people
chonny316: I trust a teleported, and that
kethkat: Can't it find the place from the vision?
chonny316: sword, crystal, belt pouch, clothes
mkul316: "Then let's go. I"ll gather FIn's things."
chonny316: use the pool for that if you want
BOB: you can try using the vision
delladevine: I'm really leery of that
chonny316: Trust me the teleoprter is way cool, don;t even have to get wet
chonny316: you would look good wet
chonny316: but then again, it is a tight fit in the teleporter room
delladevine: Visions are things to be leery of. You just don't know where they'll take you.
BOB: the teleporter room
BOB: is 10 * 10
BOB: and it works from the outside
mkul316: "I always look good."
BOB: not the inside
delladevine: So someone has to operate it and someone else goes?
BOB: yes
chonny316: that is not how it worked years ago
BOB: yes it is
BOB: there are silver balls on the wall
mkul316: that's what the dwarves are for
BOB: that you have to touch to make it work
mkul316: and brass balls inside?
BOB: you have typically used the dwarves,
aurora1116: ((So out of curosity, how is it that Kit has come to have such intimate knowledge of the dungeon?))
BOB: Kit has been living there
BOB: for the past year or so
aurora1116: in Kylia's dungeon?
BOB: nods
aurora1116: without Kylia's permission
BOB: nods
BOB: Paul put her there
mkul316: psh. it's about as much kylia's as the moon is
aurora1116: :: grins :: excellent just the opportunity she's been waiting for
aurora1116: :: waves deed ::
aurora1116: where's yours?
chonny316: you looking for Paul?
mkul316: yeah, but she pays zero attention to it
mkul316: hence the fact that kit lived in it for a year without her knowing
aurora1116: ((Techincally Lorie knows but not Kylia and the Dragonslayers haven't exactly been around ))
mkul316: oh, we've been around. ;-)
BOB: so who is trooping off to the Memorial Dungeon?
chonny316: Kit
mkul316: ant and val i guess
BOB: Kira?
delladevine: I'm hesitant to go without Kylia
mkul316: ::coughwhippedcough::
chonny316: we can give her direction
delladevine: ::coughcautiouscough::
delladevine: I like staying alive. But, we're not getting anywhere this way, either
BOB: chuckles
aurora1116: :: Meditates in the courtyard ::
BOB: we are moving along
BOB: considering the venue we are making excellent progress
BOB: I knwo that Kylia is NOT going
kethkat: (and hey, if anyone wants to bring some stuff along for anyone aside from Fin, that would be appreciated, I'm sure)
BOB: is Kira staying with Kylia? or going with Ant Kit and Val?
delladevine: Staying with Kylia. At least that way there's someone to come rescue them
BOB: ok, so the other three are using the teleporter to go to the place of the vision?
delladevine: ::heads off to my room::
chonny316: I was told it would take me to Paul
aurora1116: <Wilson> :: makes mental notes of who is where to his best ability ::
delladevine: Where I will not be sleeping much if I can help it lol
aurora1116: <Wilson> :: paces the keep, a lot ::
BOB: so John and Mike you are at teh teleporter,
delladevine: ::sharpens knives, does any needed repairs to gear::
BOB: what are you taking with you?
BOB: and where?
BOB: (Kaz and Guy I am ready for your side of things (along with John and Mike's other characters) in just a moment
kethkat: ok
chonny316: Kit is taking clother, the crystal, a belt pouch with basic components. She asked to be sent to where Paul is
chonny316: and the sword
BOB: up to three people can squeeze in
BOB: if you don't take a ton of stuff with you
mkul316: ant and val are carrying all of fin's stuff.
mkul316: plus agua
BOB: ok
chonny316: not the giant eagle please
aurora1116: ((You're taking a Grocery Store??))
mkul316: and we'll grab moirra's stuff since they can assume she's with fin and paul
BOB: so the dwarf knows who Paul is
BOB: but when he tries to teleport you to "Paul" it fails
BOB: does not go anywhere
BOB: could be a block like the Underdark
chonny316: you two stay there, hold Paul's stuff
BOB: do you want to teleport to the place in the vision then?
chonny316: Kit gets out and concentrats on the vision, if you do not mind Mike
BOB: do you mean that Kit is not going to try and go?
BOB: she is outside sending the other two?
kethkat: Either that or she can get Kira, perhaps
chonny316: did the dwarf have the same vision
chonny316: do I trust the dwarf
BOB: the dwarf did not have the same vision
chonny316: so I would rather try myself to get them there
BOB: Kylia, Kira and Wilson are the three that have had the vision that could send you
chonny316: if it doesn;t work then plan c
chonny316: but they are not here now
BOB: true
chonny316: we are at this moment now
BOB: ok
BOB: so Kit concentrates
BOB: and **BLINK**
BOB: they are gone
BOB: Ant and Val
chonny316: good travles
BOB: what of Kit now?
chonny316: tries and take a name with some clother and her bracers on
chonny316: writes a note to lady lulia
BOB: ok
BOB: waiting to hear where Kit goes
chonny316: if the dream comes, she will go
BOB: so she sends the two of them away
BOB: then waits till the night to come?
chonny316: she gets ready and lays down, as I said, to try and rest wth clothes on
BOB: ok
chonny316: if and when the dream comes
BOB: ok
BOB: so on the third night
BOB: no vision
BOB: Kira and Kylia and Kit all sleep thorugh with no problems
lilangel062582: hi... had a little time to drop in...
BOB: no more visions
delladevine: Sweet!
kethkat: Hey Vicki
delladevine: Hiya, Vicki
BOB: ok
BOB: and so on Day Four Kit, Kira and Kylia are all there
chonny316: respectivly
chonny316: i try and teleport a note to Paul
BOB: does not go
BOB: For Val and Ant - Wrapped in a dizzying swirl of incandescent colors and unfamiliar sounds, you find yourselves dumped suddenly on a strange, barren desert plain. Your calm and peace of mind is broken by the realization that nothing about your surroundings is familiar in any way. Grains of purple dust bite at your exposed flesh and choke your already labored breathing. An oppressive, broiling sun burns down on an endless sea of sand, and no features other than vast rolling dunes are within sight.
chonny316: i will try agin tomorrow
BOB: we don't want to go too far in the future with that John
chonny316: i know
chonny316: i will teleport my note to Kylia, tellher what I did
BOB: Val and Ant - your mind races, you see all sorts of images and visions in the glare of the desert sun, but as you draw closer you realize that an oasis sits amid the dunes, welcoming you. Beyond the oasis, a taunting, strangely familiar vision wavers in the distance.
BOB: Val and Ant - When you arrive at the oasis, you are met by a group of dark-skinned humans whose shared mirth is interrupted as they move to assist you.
BOB: Val and Ant - The clear, cool water of a large bubbling pool is an ideal antidote for your dust-caked tongues. The liquid hail an odd but pleasing taste, and you find your vitality returning as you drink your fill. After you are refreshed, a tall, broad man approaches you, a warm smile and open hands contradicting the scimitar thrust through his sash. His speech is a rough, guttural form of central Common, blurred by an unfamiliar accent.
BOB: Val and Ant - "You are obviously strangers here, for no one wanders the plains of Raurin on foot and hopes to live to see the dawn of a new day. You must be robust souls, indeed. But by the god-kings, you look like you have the plague about you! A good meal should take care of that well enough. If you plan treachery-which would be a most unwise decision, I assure you-be on your way. Otherwise, you are welcome at our fire-pit.
BOB: Val and Ant - he looks at the two of you carefully
BOB: Looking at Antaria and Val
mkul316: okay... is this the same place as before?
BOB: (only one way to find out)
mkul316: do we see anyone we recognize?
BOB: no
mkul316: well, i guess they say hi and get the lay of the land
BOB: bows, I am Sarim, son of Palim and father of many:' Am I in?
chonny316: woot
BOB: welcome Fritz
lilangel062582: hi Fritz
delladevine: Fritzy!
BOB: workign with Mike right now
mkul316: "I am Anterias and this is Val." Hey all. I guess I make myself uninvisible.
kethkat: heya fritz
BOB: please come join us
BOB: Rave is not there
aurora1116: ((Evening to Vicky and Fritz))
BOB: he gestures you over to the shade
BOB: to get out of the blazing hot sun Who gestures me over?
aurora1116: ((No one Fritz))
BOB: (Rave is not there, this is Ant and Val)
chonny316: you are not there yet
aurora1116: ((that's for Ant and Val)) OH....OK
mkul316: ::they sit::
BOB: what brings you to the Raurin?
aurora1116: ((We ummm... well, ... umm, we made a wrong turn at Albequerque))
mkul316: "We are looking for our companions."
mkul316: "They travelled here a night ago."
BOB: did you lose them in the desert?
mkul316: "They came here in their dreams."
BOB: they look at each other, in their dreams?
BOB: like a ghost?
mkul316: "No. LIke magic. An elf and two humans."
mkul316: "They were transported here."
BOB: and Elf?
mkul316: "We used a magic spell."
mkul316: "Pretty human boy with pointed ears?"
BOB: he looks at his fellow bedoins, we have not seen any elves in these parts for many years
BOB: and why two humans?
BOB: and you are an elf and a dwarf
BOB: or a something
mkul316: "Yes. An elf..."
BOB: he looks at the two of you
mkul316: "And dwarf..."
BOB: you do look strange
mkul316: ::sighs:: "We have complicated parentages."
BOB: but I have not been in teh sun that long
mkul316: "I am half dragon as well."
BOB: ahh I have a troubled family as well
BOB: my brother akhul was an adventurer who venturing into a forbidden temple
BOB: places where men should not go
mkul316: "I see. Did he survive?"
BOB: no, he went mad when he finally found his way out
mkul316: "I'm sorry."
BOB: oh there are some haunted ruins out there but no man can long survie the perisl fo the desert out there the serpent god's curses batterd teh land, with horrible disastrous consequences for us a desert split by a barrier of ice that never melts
BOB: my brother akhul sought the temples mysteries,
mkul316: "We are searching for a big pyramid like temple."
BOB: e returned a blind and babbling idiot
BOB: his face a mass of blisters
mkul316: "We have seen it in dreams. A pharoh who once ruled the land."
BOB: nightmares plagued his days and nights he took his own life, an example to those who taunt the gods
BOB: he points to teh southeast whenyou ask for the temple
BOB: there across the lands of ice
mkul316: "Lands of ice?"
mkul316: "I wish Kit didn't mess up the teleport."
mkul316: "Now we need to find Fin and then find our way home."
BOB: Ok, and &&&&&&
BOB: so we have Ant and Val there
BOB: now to move to the other group, we have Finglas, Moirra, Liam, Rave and Paul
BOB: you are all in your bed clothes
BOB: no armor no weapons, no magic items
BOB: a bright white sky above
chonny316: are my rings gone? (Is Finglas a blbling idiot yet?) [22:34] BOB: no rings
delladevine: (chuckles))
chonny316: please go one
BOB: Moirra has her holy symbol and Finglas has his amulet
lilangel062582: ((That's gotta bite))
chonny316: typical BOB
BOB: your mind races, you see all sorts of images and visions in the glare of the desert sun, but as you draw closer you realize that an oasis sits amid the dunes, welcoming you. Beyond the oasis, a taunting, strangely familiar vision wavers in the distance.
[BOB] When you arrive at the oasis, you are met by a group of dark-skinned humans whose shared mirth is interrupted as they move to assist you.
[BOB] The clear, cool water of a large bubbling pool is an ideal antidote for your dust-caked tongues. The liquid hail an odd but pleasing taste, and you find your vitality returning as you drink your fill. After you are refreshed, a tall, broad man approaches you, a warm smile and open hands contradicting the scimitar thrust through his sash. His speech is a rough, guttural form of central Common, blurred by an unfamiliar accent.
[BOB] "You are obviously strangers here, for no one wanders the plains of Raurin on foot and hopes to live to see the dawn of a new day. You must be robust souls, indeed. But by the god-kings, you look like you have the plague about you! A good meal should take care of that well enough. If you plan treachery-which would be a most unwise decision, I assure you-be on your way. Otherwise, you are welcome at our fire-pit.
[BOB] he looks at the two of you carefully
Mike and Kaz already made friends last week, and moved on)
lilangel062582: ((well, it could be worse... y'all could be naked))
aurora1116): ((Finglas is...that's apparently how he sleeps)) well I guess we need to head SouthEast? ((Now I see why he has such a big ego...he is compensating))
BOB: that is the way of the temple
chonny316: ::follows:: if I can see you
lilangel062582: ((oops))
BOB: you are all together
BOB: but you are moving out at night Is it cold?
BOB: after spending the afternoon with the tribe in the oasis
BOB: I will post the full chat room later on tonight so you can review that Can we get some water from them?
delladevine: (hahahahaha Kira sleeps clothed! well, night clothes)) :-D food etc?
chonny316: phone?
BOB: no, they had moved on by that point,
BOB: Moirra is confident she can provide
chonny316: do I still have my spells memorized? I guess Paul has no spell components?
BOB: yes to Paul
BOB: but no components as Fritz guessed
BOB: and the same for Rave
chonny316: my rings came off as i slept I don't use spell components?
mkul316: but my amulet didn't All my abilities are natural
chonny316: he is not a mage
BOB: saying no items, etc. I just play one in real life
mkul316: yeah thief! no components!
BOB: and that will wrap up your group as you move out to the Southeast at night fall
BOB: then back to Roadhaven
BOB: Kylia and Kira
BOB: Kit is at the Memorial Dungeon I polymorph myself into something with a bit of fur to keep myself warm at night Like a wolf
BOB: JOhn? Beth? Lorie?
aurora1116: (( joined Duran Duran... nifty!))
chonny316: I said what I was doing
chonny316: I teleported my note to Kylia
BOB: just getting a refresh on that John
aurora1116: My actions were communicated to you
BOB: ok, so Kylia has the note on what happened with Ant and Val
delladevine: I'm getting ready for anything. My gear is repaired, blades sharpened, etc
BOB: ok, so how long will Kit wait?
mkul316: gonna\ go to sleep. night all
BOB: Night MIke
kethkat: Night Mike
delladevine: nini, Mikey
lilangel062582: night night Mike
aurora1116: ciao
chonny316: ttfn
flamestrikeaz: night
chonny316: i will go to gon, leave word there, but best I can do is hope Paul can take care of himself
chonny316: every day I will try and teleport him a note
BOB: Ok,
chonny316: when one goes thrugh, I'll think of something
BOB: ok
BOB: so that will be a couple of days
BOB: so we have three seperate parties now
lilangel062582: alright, I'm going to head out now
lilangel062582: night night y'all
delladevine: nini, Vicki
BOB: one group is in place X one group is apparently in place Y and then Kylia, Kira, et al are all in Roadhaven, etc.
BOB: does everyone understand that now?
delladevine: ::nods::
chonny316: crystal
BOB: very good
aurora1116: that wasn't clear before?
delladevine: :-D
BOB: for next week there will be maps for the encounters your groups wil lhave
BOB: we will juggle back and forth as I can Hope somewhere remembers to think about me and look for my stuff...hint hint...:-D
BOB: after the first day then Kylia's other stuff is in play ((Kylia's STUFF is in play...You naughty lady)) O:-)
aurora1116: ((I have no idea what you're talking about))
aurora1116: ((I've been meditating... you all saw me))
delladevine: LOL
BOB: grins
BOB: ok, before you close this John
BOB: can you copy the chat log for me?
BOB: and send it to me? please
aurora1116: ((Oh and for the record I TOTALLY TOOK THE DEAL AND you're all SCREWED... mwhahaaaaaaaaaaa))
kethkat: *blink*
delladevine: ROFL
chonny316: just trying to see how
delladevine: Ah, well. It had to happen sometime :-D lol
End of [us] buffer: Fri May 08 22:49:53 2009