Main / May1311

May 13 11 - Pirate Queens

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 25 Mid ___ se, Bel {Mid Fall} 25th, 339 SKR.

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 13 18:28:10 EDT 2011 ====

[Master] organizing food and drink so we can get started on time or early

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE has joined the game on Fri May 13 18:37:15 EDT 2011

mikE is receiving the map Town_Square...

mikE has received the map Town_Square.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and back

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] We have two things left over from last week that were not clear. 1 is that Branwyn wants to invest more in the library at the beginning of the 7 weeks of training but did not do so on the site or in the chat here, so we need to straighten that out. 2 was that everyone did go to the church and go through the ceremony for Indigo except Foriso. That might not have been clear to everyone and because Kaz was not here she can choose to opt out for Kristelle and Miranda if she wants and be in the same category as Foriso with Sandeford

[Master] brb door

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] window.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[mikE] big early xp!

[Master] so what is Imari's plans on how to solve this story?

[mikE] what story?

[Master] Imari XP award: 1000. Next level in 18461.

[Master] the whole Pirate Queens story arc

[Master] you saw the updated bits on the site

[mikE] she's gonna get a hippogryph. since she can't get a dragon or gryphon.

[Master] when you did your training that is what you did it in, airborne riding is specific to a particular mount

[Master] Imari did work with one of the family at the Black Raven Lodge for her training

[Master] the city paid for that

[mikE] they couldn't pay for dragon riding? tight asses

[Master] no pet dragons

[Master] to train on

[mikE] still lame

[Master] so Imari is fully trained in how to ride a hippogriff

[Master] but does not own one yet

[Master] so when you do aquire one at some point you will be ready

[Master] given what you know so far what do you want to do? you can go over to the docks to try to find a boat to get passage on

[Master] you have a total of 8 character slots you should be ready for, Kristelle Miranda will be back eventually on this river trip, Foriso should be back next week, Branwyn and Indigo next week and Scarlett and Imari this week, plus one free

[Master] if you want to hire a priest/healer to come with you

[Master] or you could take on a henchman

[Master] to do the same

[mikE] so we need to get a boat to go to the island to meet the pirate ship?

[Master] what island?

[Master] you are on an island right now Loosend

[Master] your only bit of info you have is that the Vanity will be in Rivers Bend on those dates later on

[Master] you know that walking will never get there in time

[Master] so the thought was getting on a boat and taking it to Rivers Bend

[Master] plus of course you have to be able to find the Vanity when you get there

[mikE] how did we get on said island?

[Master] you walked here from home

[mikE] is river's bend too far to walk?

[Master] you will not get there before next spring

[Master] by river is 330 miles or so

[Master] walking at 6

[Master] that would take at least 6 weeks

[Master] with zero problems

[mikE] hhhhhhuh

[mikE] i suppose a ship would be faster

[Master] at worst by barge you can guess you can get there in 14 days or so

[Master] rather than the 54 somethign days

[Master] do remember this is entirely new to the group, which is why we are roleplaying it all out

[Master] the group has only been out of the Mist twice, once for Norjak and the other for this training

[Master] and a river journey will be totally new

[Master] where would you like to start first?

[mikE] ummm

[mikE] with the logical first step?

[mikE] that sounds good.

[Master] you tell me

[Master] will grab a refill while you contemplate

[mikE] well i suppose if i don't have time to go catch a hippo we should see if there's any boats headed that way

[Master] b

[Master] and true

[Master] only way to get a hippogriff would be to confince the family to sell you one

[mikE] maybe we can hire on as guards or something

[mikE] they catch them

[mikE] why can't i?

[Master] you can

[Master] just is in the wrong direction

[Master] not saying you have to buy one, but if you want it NOW that is the only way

[Master] but visiting the docks is a good idea

[Master] Pip is one of Professor Watson's Regulars

[Master] he can help you find your way around the city

[pip (Master)] Hello Govnr

[mikE] well, i have calm animal that is a good start.

[mikE] "I want a boat to river's bend."

[pip (Master)] well we can nik off to the docks

[pip (Master)] down in the south end there are always a bunch of boats there,

[Master] and he help you make your way down to the south end

[Master] Imari moved 410'05".

[mikE] that sounds a little dirty

[Master] he explains that the northern edge of the south end is mostly the fishing section

[Master] and you might find a captain there

[Master] but here on teh south side and on the end of the island is where more of the river traffic is

[mikE] "Okay. Let's go."

[Master] (on your map there 19 is the fish market, 18 north docks 20 is south docks)

[Master] and you are there at the south docks

[Master] and there is a huge ship at the end of the jetty there

[Master] 175 feet long

[Master] with both oars and sails

[mikE] "That one looks good."

[pip (Master)] what sort of ship are you looking for Govnr?

[pip (Master)] as he walks down the docks with you

[mikE] "One to river's bend."

[pip (Master)] pip chuckles, well Rivers Bend is the only city to visit if you are going downstream, I would wager they are all going there

[pip (Master)] but what do you want to spend?

[Master] Imari and pip moved 202'04".

[Master] Guard #7 moved 34'11".

[Guard #7 (Master)] STOP

[mikE] "I was wondering if we could get a contract one one."

[pip (Master)] well Govnr we can always try

[pip (Master)] I say my good man,

[Guard #7 (Master)] state your buinsess

[mikE] "I need a boat to River's Bend."

[Guard #7 (Master)] we are heading that way tomorrow

[Guard #7 (Master)] you have a load to sell?

[Guard #7 (Master)] you have to see the purser at the sales office

[mikE] "No. We are travelling there."

[Guard #7 (Master)] looks at you queerly,

[Guard #7 (Master)] are you buying or selling?

[mikE] "Neither. We are needing to travel there. Physically. Our bodies."

[Guard #7 (Master)] we can take 100 more

[mikE] "Well, there are only eight of us."

[Guard #7 (Master)] you are volunteers?

[Guard #7 (Master)] down on your luck and think this is the way out?

[Guard #7 (Master)] it happens

[Guard #7 (Master)] you still need to see the purser at the office

[mikE] "No. We are the Dragon Slayer's Detatched Division."

[mikE] "We need to get to River Bend."

[Guard #7 (Master)] oh so you are buying,

[Guard #7 (Master)] why buy there? you can just purchase some here

[Guard #7 (Master)] no need for a trip all the way there

[Guard #7 (Master)] unless you are planning on using them there?

[mikE] "We are not buying."

[mikE] "Perhaps we should try a different boat."

[Guard #7 (Master)] so if you are not here to buy, and you are not volunteering then why exactly are you here?

[Guard #7 (Master)] I hear you want to go to Rivers Bend

[mikE] ::clears her throat:: "WE NEED TO TRAVEL TO RIVER BEND."

Guard #7 (Master) scratches his head

[mikE] there were a lot more spaces between words when i typed that

[Guard #7 (Master)] yes I understand that miss, looks at Pip, but you said you did not want to volunteer, so how did you expect to go

[mikE] "Don't people in this land have to pay for everything?"

[mikE] "I was hoping to make a small contract with a captian to take us there in return for guard duty."

[Guard #7 (Master)] for the most part yes, I hear the procurers snatch some once in a while but I gather we buy low here and sell high later

[Guard #7 (Master)] not a lot fo call for guards here on the Lord Ligonier

[mikE] ::nods:: "Then I should check on the other ships."

[mikE] ::nods::

[Guard #7 (Master)] the Captain keeps a pretty tight rign on the cargo

[mikE] ::looks for another good looking ship."

[Master] there are a couple right here on the warf

[Master] there is a viking long ship tied up on the shore

[Master] beached

[mikE] ::ponders that one::

[mikE] ::walks up to it::

[mikE] "Is this boat broken?"

[Viking guard (Master)] Broken?

[Viking guard (Master)] are you insulting our ship?

[mikE] "It is not in the water like the rest."

[mikE] "Does it have a leak?"

[Viking guard (Master)] because we are not stupid

[mikE] "It is stupid to keep the boats in the water? Isn't that what they're made for?"

[Viking guard (Master)] no one should leave thier ship in the water if you do not have a weight in it

[Viking guard (Master)] no ships are meant to fly over the water, not wallow like that slop of a slaver

[Viking guard (Master)] pointing at the Lionger

[mikE] ::nods:: "That would be faster."

[mikE] "And I do like flying." ::smiles::

[mikE] "I like you. Do you go to River Bend?"

[Viking guard (Master)] the Nydam is the fastest of the fleet

[Viking guard (Master)] we are bound for Wolfspack

pip (Master) whistles

[pip (Master)] really?

[pip (Master)] that must be 2,000 miles?

[mikE] ::sighs:: "That is sad. I would like to fly over the water."

[mikE] brb

[Viking guard (Master)] 2,600 more like it

[Viking guard (Master)] Nydam can make the run in less than a year

[Viking guard (Master)] brb dogs barking at the door again

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] back does he have any weapons about him?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Viking guard (Master)] back was just a neighbor

[Viking guard (Master)] and the Guard? yes has a throwing ax on him

[mikE] "In another time I would go with you to see the life you lead."

[mikE] "But unfortunately I have a contract I must fulfil."

[Viking guard (Master)] The viking way is the best life

[mikE] "Do you know a good ship for us to travel on to River Bend, then?"

[mikE] "I would take your recommendation to heart, I think."

[Viking guard (Master)] teh Nydam, he grins

[Viking guard (Master)] but you would have to work hard

[mikE] "But you go to the Wolf Pack."

[Viking guard (Master)] looks at the two of you

[Viking guard (Master)] shrugs, we passes Rivers Bend maybe a week ago

[mikE] "I can work. And I can promise Partik's blessings."

[Viking guard (Master)] good winds on the way upstream

[mikE] so is he going opposite of rivers bend?

[Viking guard (Master)] (no Wolfspack is to the far east all the way to the Great Mountains, you are 2,600 miles west of there now, rivers bend is only 330 miles east of here)

[mikE] ok. got it. was trying to finda map

[Viking guard (Master)] the Google Earth map I emailed out in Feb

[mikE] "How much is it for us to ride with you? There are eight of us. Though one takes up little room."

[Viking guard (Master)] (two remember Scarlett is now changed, but you have not seen her yet after that)

[mikE] "And most of my group are not as level headed as I am."

[Viking guard (Master)] I do not know how much the Captain woudl charge a passenger who can barely work like you

[Viking guard (Master)] but you can ask him when he gets back

[Viking guard (Master)] They went hunting for wild boar up in the dark forests,

[Viking guard (Master)] (you know that would mean Blackwater)

[mikE] ::frowns:: "I can do my share. The people of the Shardik do not shirk duty."

[mikE] "We are a strong people."

[Viking guard (Master)] he chuckles, you look seasoned but your friend here looks soft

[mikE] "She is a magi. Soft."

[mikE] ::nods sadly::

[Viking guard (Master)] (he is tlaking about Pip)

[mikE] oh, right

[mikE] "He does not travel with us. He belongs to the chieftan Watson."

pip (Master) quirks an eyebrow, what was that Govnr?

[mikE] "We are a halfing, another three human women, soft, a human male."

pip (Master) shakes his head

[mikE] am i forgetting anyone?

[Viking guard (Master)] I can not answer for you,

[Viking guard (Master)] scarlett

[Viking guard (Master)] plus if you hire someone

[mikE] "Then I will keep until your captain returns."

[mikE] she's one of the females

[Viking guard (Master)] bran, krist, miranda scarlett make 4

[Viking guard (Master)] plus you is 5 women

[mikE] oh. then that's four

[mikE] but imari isn't soft like the others

[Viking guard (Master)] grins

[Viking guard (Master)] the guard goes back to his whittling

[pip (Master)] when is your captain coming back?

[Viking guard (Master)] shrugs, he left a week ago, he should return in a week or so

[mikE] ::squats next to the guard::

[mikE] "We have several weeks until the ship we meet is there. That will be fine."

[Master] (actually you have 3 days till the harvest festival and then 5 days after that till the first full moon

[Master] there are more full moons later on in the month, they are all noted on teh Story Arc page to keep it easy for you

[mikE] yeah. i thought we had like, six weeks

[mikE] is it every full moon or just this one?

[Master] you never tried to get any clarification

[Master] everythign you currently know is on the page

[mikE] le sigh. but i liiiiiike the vikings

[Master] grins

[Master] it is a gamble

[mikE] grumble grumble

[Master] hope they get back in time and their ship is faster

[mikE] well, imari just might

[mikE] she didn' tlike the guard at the other ship

[mikE] and she likes him

[Master] the Longship can travel at 15 a barge like you are used to and have several for options travels at 3

[mikE] and how long would the trip be on another ship?

[mikE] so we wouldn' tmake this full moon anyway.

[mikE] even if we left today

[Master] by barge you can guess it will take 14 days or so

[mikE] yeah. so miss this full moon. ok. imari will wait. =P


[Master] for the ships you know

[Master] there are other ships around too to talk to

[Master] another Drommond like that slave ship was

[Master] that is even faster than the viking longships

[mikE] well, obviously the priestess never specified which full moon

[Master] the priestess did not tell you that

[Master] that was Foriso's mentor

[Master] who told you that information

[mikE] did he specify?

[mikE] when did he tell us?

[Master] only what is on the story arc page,

[Master] when you got back from the Yuan-Ti

[mikE] like, did we go through a full moon since?

[Master] you have gone through several months

[Master] restroom, just a moment

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[mikE] ok. then imari is content to wait

[mikE] she likes the vikings

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] ok

[Master] how long will she wait?

[mikE] either until the captain comes back of the other group members override her

[mikE] unlike the city people she knows patience

[Master] hmmm

[Master] ok so this will be interesting

[mikE] she will try taking up whittling while she waits

[mikE] make up a token to partik for the ship if they'll let her

[Master] there is no one to override you, so you want to just click off the days until the captain shows up?

[Master] you don't want to do anything during that time?

[mikE] well, i'm guessing a week isn't long enough to get to the hippogryph place and back?

[Master] no not and back

[Master] you could get into the mountains in a week

[Master] and then start searching for them

[mikE] ok. then she'll whittle

[mikE] and make a totem for the ship

[Master] ok

[mikE] any ship she sails on will be the safest she can make it spiritually.

[Master] so I will say that the hunt takes (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 days plus a week to get back so it is now the....

[Master] so 12 days later

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Eap {Late Fall} 25th, 339 SKR.

[Viking guard (Master)] so my friendly black bird

[Viking guard (Master)] the captain returned last ngiht

[Viking guard (Master)] he is willing to talk to you about shipping with us

[mikE] ::smiles:: "That is good."

[Viking guard (Master)] we lost a dozen men in the forests

[mikE] ::frowns:: "That is bad. To what?"

[Viking guard (Master)] I heard a bear and of course during the hunt for the boar

[Viking guard (Master)] and there was a skirmish with some hobgoblins

[Viking guard (Master)] and orcs

[mikE] ::spits:: "Dirty creatures."

[mikE] "But to the bear is not a bad way to die."

[Viking guard (Master)] the valkaries welcome all who die a vallient death

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] SO

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] I hear this bit of black doom wants to ship with us?

[mikE] ::stands and faces the captain:: "To River Bend."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] that is the easy part, no stomach for the oars I take it

[mikE] "I will do what I must. I am willing to work."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] but it is all easy floating to Rivers Bend

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] the real work is in the rowing up the Rumbling

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] 2,000 miles and more of stroking against the current

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] that is what Vikings are made of

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] so what do you offer for this little voyage of yours?

[mikE] ::smiles:: "As I told your man here, I would like to go with you, but we have a mission in River Bend."

[mikE] "We would offer you ourselves as guard, but it looks like you don't need us for that."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] no I have my guards

[mikE] "Then we are prepared to pay."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] my Vikings are strong

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] grunts

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] squints at you

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] looks the group up and down

[mikE] ::leans easily on her spear::

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] 20 gold a head

[mikE] ::cocks her head:: "Ten. And Partik's blessings."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] we need no blessings from your goddess, not that i mind you being on my ship but this is Feyas gift and we can handle her well

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] 18 gold a head

[mikE] "Fifteen."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] sixteen and you make the sacrafice to Aegir to start the voyage

[mikE] "What is that?"

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] Before any voyage a captain must make a sacrafice to Aegir, to appease him,

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] and to help grant us fair winds

[mikE] "What do you sacrifice?"

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] it can be a party

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] we had a party for a week before we left on our journey last year

[mikE] ::chuckles::

[mikE] "I see. So we have to pay for a week long party? It would be cheaper to pay eighteen."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] when we pushed off we broached a cask of ale over the head of the ship that my great grandfather had laid in

[mikE] "I can get a cask of ale."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] chuckles, it would be cheaper for you to pay 20

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] but 18 and a cask of quality ale

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] no cheep swill

[mikE] how much would that be? would imari have any idea?

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] you do not want the gods wrath on us

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] (nope but it can't be more than the cost of another person)

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] will check

[mikE] "You first said just eightteen each. That we will do."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] (5 gp per cask)

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] considers

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] ok 18 it is

[mikE] ::nods:: "Good."

[mikE] "We havea a deal."

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] (totally costs so far)

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] 3*85

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] so far on lodging and cost of the voyage you have spent 654 go

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] gp

[mikE] eh?

[mikE] that much for lodgings?

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] cost of staying at an inn for that extra 12 days

[mikE] bugger that. we're army. we'll camp.

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] where? this is the city

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] you can not just camp

[mikE] outisde it

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] where? there is farm land

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] animals, criminals, etc

[mikE] there's gotta be a place nearby.

[mikE] criminals? bah. we're mercinaries

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] you downgraded from where you were staying in excellent place to only adequet

[mikE] we'll kill 'em and collect a bounty

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] ok

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] you really want to back track and do encounters for 12 night?

[mikE] if no one else is here to stop her imari will run the camp.

[mikE] i don' t want to FIGHT encounters for 12 nights by myself

[Viking Captain #3 (Master)] that is what it is

[mikE] then i'm gonna put the game on hold until we have the party here again.

[Master] if you do not pay an inn keeper

[Master] to protect you and your stuff

[mikE] yeah, but imari wouldn't do that. not what the barbarians do.

[mikE] camping is their normal way of life

[mikE] plus, we're not adventurers, damnit. we're mercenaries in a mercinary army. i'd think camping would be normal for us

[mikE] but imari can't fight off bandits alone

[Master] when you were trainign you could go out in the forest

[mikE] so it would be stupid of me to play by myself

[Master] no, you can just pay the inn keeper

[Master] it is up to you of course

[mikE] we really don't have enough resources to do that

[Master] you have over 5,000 gp with you

[Master] and you just paid for your voyage to rivers bend and the lodging to this point with 654 if you want to

[mikE] yeah. but that's a sizable chunk of our total money


[mikE] because all we're doing is favors

[Master] you already did

[Master] you got a raise dead

[mikE] we are the shittiest mercs ever

[Master] 9,000 gp spell

[Master] you had the contract to not fight the hobgoblins

[Master] you never went back to collect your second half

[mikE] yeah. we're still crappy mercenaries

[mikE] any way you slice it

[Master] well you have this favor for the Temple and the Flower Power story arc for the favor for Ancien

[Master] then there is nothing that anyone owes anyone

[mikE] that's for the ranger training or the swordsmaship?

[Master] saving Foriso's life

[Master] during the plague

[mikE] man! what a gyp!

[Master] he had the wasting sickness was going to die before the paladins could get there

[mikE] so?

[Master] so the group got Ancien to give him a potion to stave that off

[mikE] i'd have let him die

[Master] and so now you have to go find some flowers for him

[mikE] he's the most useless of all the mercenaries

[Master] so do you want to spend the 654 gp? or wait till next week and you have the others here to decide?

[Master] any idea what happened to marco this week?

[mikE] hot date in tokyo

[mikE] i guess i'll just burn the money.

[Master] ok

[mikE] since i'm out o foptions alone

[Master] you can wait if you want

[mikE] but then the last two hours were for no point

[Master] you will get river encounters, and have to do your share of the fighting

[Master] you secured a berth on a ship

[Master] you did not get any healer for the group, or find out any new information

[mikE] not if we back track two weeks

[Master] next week if it is Lisa you and Marco they might jsut want to spend the money anyways

[mikE] i suppose

[Master] and so you can be right here

[Master] entirely up to you

[mikE] i doubt we can hire a good healer for anything less than an arm and a leg.

[mikE] unless bibo makes a henchman

[Master] so I am hearing that you want to wait till next week to pick up at this point, make sure they want to spend teh money and then start in on the river journey

[mikE] that's probably best.

[Master] ok

[Master] I will work on maps and encounter stuff then

[Master] and update the site of course so the new Longship stats are on the known ships page

[Master] at least you did not get tricked into beingon the slaver

[mikE] i'm assuming you didn't expect that one

[Master] I have a list of 9 possible ships you could chose from

[Master] I did think you would explore through more of them before deciding

[mikE] nah. she had a good feeling about that ship.

[mikE] you had her at fly over the water.

[mikE] and vikings just give off a general trustworthiness

[mikE] it's their honest faces

[Master] chuckles, and their recklessness

[mikE] she likes 'em

[Master] will be interesting to do ship to ship encounters on the river with that longship

[mikE] and that's what everyone else gets for not being here

[mikE] yeah. longships for the win!

[Master] it is a nice option

[Master] I was wondering if you woudl want to buy a boat

[mikE] i'd want to be on the viking's side in a ship battle

[Master] you could have bought a barge for less and then just scrapped it or sell it for super cheap

[Master] grins

[Master] one thing the longship does is it adds in land encounters too as they have to put in at night

[Master] but you do have the crew of over 50 vikings with you too

[mikE] but lisa said not to buy a ship

[mikE] plus, we can't sail

[Master] I know she did

[Master] and barges are rowed

[Master] you could not sail, you woudl have to hire a crew

[Master] is ok

[Master] you have your choice

[Master] and updated


[mikE] and we could hire a crew for less than 18 a head?

[Master] 2 or 3 gp a month

[mikE] i think i'd trust vikings more than sailors i could hire for that cheap

[mikE] they're like to kill us and take our stuff

[Master] there is always that problem

[mikE] vikings are good, honest folk

[mikE] anyway, guess that's that. night

mikE has left the game on Fri May 13 21:31:37 EDT 2011

first draft XP awarded