Main / May1404

May 14 04 - Kapirimtiya Adventures

[DM] Time of Day: 06:21 PM. Fri, May 14th, 2004.

Lior has joined the game.

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[Mike] hey lior

[Laptop] this is me now

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf follows Kylia Wolfslayer.

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Mike has left the game.

Mike has joined the game.

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

Lorie has joined the game.

[BiBo!!!] yay

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] did you see that

Fritz has joined the game.

[Fritz] Howdy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Evening

[BiBo!!!] heya fritz

[Fritz] I wish to start by saying...

[Fritz] Bobisanevilbutt

Lior has joined the game.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] hola...bonjour

[Mike] hey lior

[Fritz] That is all

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] bunas tardes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] errr buenas

[Lior] yo yo ya'll

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Lior is receiving the map...

[Mike] gutenabend

Lior has received the map.

[BiBo!!!] hey mah homie

[Fritz] Yo Bro

[Lior] how was the bar b que?

[BiBo!!!] damn spiffy

[Lior] my dorm is so creepy now

[Lior] its totally trashed and empty

[Lior] i can't wait to leave it

[Fritz] When do you go home?

[Lior] i dont

[Lior] i just came back up to boston

[Lior] and i'm in the dorm i was in during the year, and i'm moving into summer housing on monday

[Fritz] Ahh.

[Fritz] Should I start rolling my saving throws now Bobisanevilbutt ?

[Lior] did you reroll my save?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] He needs to save versus Pregnant lady wrath

[Lior] doesn't everyone?

[BiBo!!!] hah

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] -14

[BiBo!!!] wouldn't that be a save vs death?

[Fritz] He did n't roll a "1" on you at least!!!

[BiBo!!!] or maybe a system shock?

[Lior] heh

[Fritz] I mean talk about taking the game out of your hands and into his grumby evil paws

[Lior] who is on laptop?

[BiBo!!!] bob

[BiBo!!!] he's using 2 puters now

[Fritz] Who keeps rolling the dice?

[Lior] dunno]

[BiBo!!!] mike judging by the smirking

[Fritz] Did Luis make it up there tonight?

[Mike] nope

[Fritz] Dern

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] poor thing....

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kendall is a long ass drive

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] especially on a Friday night at 6pm

[Lior] nah, only 'bout 45 minutes on a slow day

[Fritz] I used to drive up from biscayne blvd near 33rd street every friday night

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] but Friday isn't a slow day

[Lior] i-95 is like... 5 lanes wide down there now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You're silly!!!!!

[BiBo!!!] lior gets another save roll!!

[Lior] that i do

[Fritz] I used to hang out with the dogs for about 2 hours till Bob got home

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... so Mike what else to you and Fritz pilfer las tweek?

[BiBo!!!] bob jinxed the roll by making it think it was a spell save

[Lior] they got us some acid man

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] One of the guys I work with just quit to go back to Boston

[Fritz] Then I would drive back that night at 2:00 am after we were done shooting the shit

[Mike] lots of stuff.

[Mike] got us some +5 longswords

[Mike] and a few rings of regen

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Right

[Mike] want one?

[BiBo!!!] oh and a couple of staves of the magi (broken)

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Mike... this is BOB's game. I know better

[Mike] we got some tusks

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Can we leave now?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's too hot here anyhoo

[BiBo!!!] we can hang out here in africa, or we can go see the patriarch vampire

[Fritz] I took an acid shower without the oportunity to roll for myself my own saving throw...Bobisanevilbutt

[BiBo!!!] I'm thinking I like africa better than the vampire ;)

[Mike] yep

[BiBo!!!] africa doesn't drain levels

[Mike] in kenya

[Mike] they got the lions

[Lior] yeah, these elephants are trippy... sorry had to overkill the joke

[Mike] don't go to norway

[Mike] kenyaaaa

[Lior] i'd much prefer norway to kenya

[Lior] much less chance of militant assholes shooting holes through my precious organs

[Fritz] Ken ya think of any place better to be then where we are now? I cant

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Can't we go to a nice temperate climate where I have a keep and no elephants

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Aruba is nice this time of year... no hurricanes, lovely ocean breeze, friendly natives... lovely food and drinks

[DM] but are they naked natives

[Lior] yum

[BiBo!!!] and thats a minus?

[Mike] i hate naked natives!

[Fritz] I was going to bring a couple of elephants home with Shade's ring as pets!!!

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't really want naked natives...

[BiBo!!!] hah

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You can take him ::points at Elander:: and he can be your pet

[Fritz] I love naked natives....well naked Florida natives that is

[BiBo!!!] what, old women?

[Mike] florida has no natives

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... so what is spitting acid in my general direction?

[BiBo!!!] cranky old people aren't good naked people

[Fritz] True...

[Lior] yeah fritz, we can start a circus

[Mike] there is no such thing as a native floridian. they're just a myth

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I know a native Floridan or two...

[Lior] and kind of old person is not a good naked person

[Fritz] True..

[Fritz] We can recruite some Wemics to come with us as well

[Fritz] Turn the keep into a regular zoo

[Fritz] For the kiddies of course

[Fritz] kind of petting zoo

[Lior] i dont know what kind of zoos you go to that you consider zoos with wemics normal

[Lior] regular, rather

[BiBo!!!] hey, question people

[Fritz] pretend they are lions

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::wishes suddenly she could trade her evocation for alteration::

[Lior] i question people all the time

[Fritz] no one will know the difference

[Lior] 'cept they can talk

[Fritz] Wut up Bibo

[Fritz] Pay them to growl only

[BiBo!!!] in the middle of a game, how long is an acceptable time to wait before we decide that hey, they're not gonna respond

[Fritz] Who?

[BiBo!!!] so we don't end up waiting 20 minutes for someone who's afk and forgotten to tell us

[BiBo!!!] anyone

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Me and Barb namely

[DM] bearing in mind that if on your end there is a problem, such as Lorie had a grey screen, that you can IM me

[Mike] it was fritz last week

[Fritz] Like when I fall asleep

[DM] si

[DM] we don't want to penalize anyone

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] BOB wants an IM even if his away message is on

[Lior] i'd say about as long as it would take to get someone's attention in real life when you're expressingly trying to

[DM] ok

[DM] but

[DM] if there is a lag problem

[DM] or a connection problem

[Lior] if there is a lag problem, we im you and tell you.. i always do

[DM] we want everyone to be able to stay around

[DM] thank you Lior

[DM] so

[DM] now onto the saving throw issues

[DM] Lior, I have been beaten on to give you a re-roll

[Mike] yeah, i missed mine. i demand a recound. i saw chads hanging off my save

[DM] because I rolled a save versus magic rather than breath weapon

[Lior] hell yeah

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Damn Floridans can't vote... ::giggles::

[Fritz] I agree Bobisanevilbutt, but if I fall asleep and dont respond then you can always send me a ring message. If I dont respond I am beyond waking up so keep going without me. I think we should have the DM at least try one or 2 ring messages

[DM] ok

[DM] and that brings up

[DM] please use the main room for as much as possible

[DM] rather than sending a private message

[Mike] yeah. last week, half of it was bob growling and responding to rings

[DM] wry grin

[DM] half of them were Marco

[BiBo!!!] :)

[Mike] as comical as that is, it did get old after the fourth one.

[Lior] only when you were really ticked

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::shoots a glance at one of the two players at the table::

[DM] so

[Fritz] Well if he wasn't such an evil butt I would sympathize

[Lior] ::shoots one of the two players at the table::

[DM] lior re-roll your save

Fritz Shoots Bobtheevilbutt

[Lior] breath weapon, right?

[DM] yes

[Lior] i'm gonna predict my failure

[Lior] Sadoya: Breath Weapon save: (d20) [8] 8

[Lior] PROBABLY FAILS against (13) [13] 13

[Lior] damn i'm good

[DM] ok

[Mike] you were close.

[DM] so it stands

[Mike] sort of

[BiBo!!!] you actually rolled worse, yay you

[Fritz] You are an evilbutt

[Lior] lior skill

[DM] and now

[Lior] polar opposite of bibo luck

[Fritz] Butt curse

[Mike] we close the doors

[DM] Kylia

[DM] the doors are closed

[DM] that was in the email

[Mike] then we move on

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 72 (7) - Lightly Wounded

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Great... so what was in the room ?

[Fritz] Acid

[DM] I corrected Kylia's hitp[oint

[Mike] lots of acid

[Mike] twice

[Mike] a pit trap

[Fritz] Do I roll for my items now Bobisanevilbutt?

[Mike] a falling celing trap

[Mike] and a disappearing idol

[Fritz] REality TV to the max

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... no plans to re-enter the room?

[DM] at this point

[Fritz] Not sure there is a room left

[BiBo!!!] well, barb's still in there ain't she?

[Fritz] Nope

[Mike] and i have a dagger from the altar

[Mike] not the alter

[DM] I am going to say that Sebrina is out of the room

[DM] and one round behind


[Fritz] You are still an Evilbutt

[DM] however

[BiBo!!!] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] Reign and Fudge need to roll for saves for thier items

[DM] I will get the number for you, just a sec

[DM] ok

[DM] I have the full Item save table in front of me

[DM] Frtiz, against acid, cloth is a 12

[DM] metal hard is a 7

Lior is now controling Sadoya

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[DM] leather is 10

[Fritz] Does that include Mithril Bobisanevilbutt?

[DM] anything else?

[DM] Mithril gets a +1

[Sadoya (Lior)] shouldn't it be a -1?

[Mike] it gets a +1 to the roll

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah yeah

[DM] so you roll away fritz

[DM] Fritz?

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] one sec on phone

[Fritz] Master is calling

[DM] Lior you need to make those saves for your items also

[DM] but you get a +1 to all rolls for being out of the room

[Sadoya (Lior)] damn, i was hoping you'd overlook

[DM] heh

[Sadoya (Lior)] and for magic?

[Fritz] ok first roll is for shield

[Sadoya (Lior)] another +1?

[DM] all the same bonuses, plus the extra +1 for the hallway

[BiBo!!!] they get whatever plusses they have as an itme

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+3) [19+3] 22

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok.. we'll take this step by step

[DM] yes

[Fritz] Armor

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+3) [13+3] 16

[DM] both of you can roll, just say what the item is, and then roll

[Fritz] sword

[DM] you can do it both at the same time

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+3) [14+3] 17

[Fritz] is my helm separate from my armor?

[Sadoya (Lior)] well... i just want to know like.. what kind of plus will my cape get?

[DM] no

[BiBo!!!] none

[DM] it is cloth

[DM] 12

[Sadoya (Lior)] but its magic

[DM] roll and we will see if it matters

[Sadoya (Lior)] its gotta have a bonus

[BiBo!!!] yeah, but it has no plusses

[Sadoya (Lior)] but i know it'll matter

[BiBo!!!] no, you'll roll a 1

[Sadoya (Lior)] see the faith here

[BiBo!!!] so it won't

[Fritz] ring

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok... cape

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+1) [4+1] 5

[Mike] answer that, fritz

[Fritz] what is the pluss for my ring BTW?

[Sadoya (Lior)] Roll #1: (d20) [4] 4

[Sadoya (Lior)] ::sobs::

[Mike] see, lior? didn't matter

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+1) [7+1] 8

[BiBo!!!] told ya

[Sadoya (Lior)] what if a certain item i have is under other items?

[DM] which ring was that Fritz? and sorry Lior

[DM] if the first item fails

[DM] then they each make a roll

[BiBo!!!] if your backpack saves, everything in it saves

[Fritz] I wear my rings under my armor so do they have to save?

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok... can i just do a general save for my clothing in general that wasn't my cape?

[DM] no

[DM] yes

[DM] no to fritz,

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll take that yes

[DM] yes to lior

[Fritz] no to whom yes to whom?

[Sadoya (Lior)] Roll #1: (d20) [14] 14

[Sadoya (Lior)] woot!

[DM] ok

[Fritz] ok then...heavy sigh

[Fritz] back pack

[Sadoya (Lior)] my clothes and everything i'm wearing saved

[DM] any rings or swords Lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] no wi'm gonna do everything else

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d12) [6] 6

[Sadoya (Lior)] imma get to it

[DM] leather boots

[Fritz] woops wrong die

[DM] lol

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [6] 6

[Sadoya (Lior)] my sword...

[DM] lol

[DM] lol

[Fritz] no matter

[BiBo!!!] haha!

[Sadoya (Lior)] ha

[Mike] hahahaha!!!

[BiBo!!!] that there is fate

[Sadoya (Lior)] Roll #1: (d20) [15] 15

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] none of you are naked are you?

[Sadoya (Lior)] ok... metal sword... + 4.. tha's gotta save

[DM] not yet

[BiBo!!!] yep

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20+1) [5+1] 6

[Sadoya (Lior)] right?

[BiBo!!!] the save is 7

[BiBo!!!] you made it by over double

[BiBo!!!] :-P

[DM] Fritz what was that last 6 for?

[Fritz] gold dragon scales gone

[Sadoya (Lior)] mask...

[DM] no

[Fritz] going down list

[Sadoya (Lior)] Roll #1: (d20) [4] 4

[DM] those get a bonus

[DM] they woudl save

[Sadoya (Lior)] no more mask...

[Sadoya (Lior)] crap

[DM] wow

[DM] wow

[DM] well then

[Mike] ::blink::

[BiBo!!!] ha, we can see you now

[Sadoya (Lior)] good thing i can change my appearance

[DM] Lior

[DM] hold off

[Fritz] oh ok thanks bob

[BiBo!!!] you aren't swamp thing anymore

[Mike] sucks for you, lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah...

[Fritz] white dragon scales

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [7] 7

[Fritz] is that a save?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm just gonna do my backpack bob.. if it saves, it'll be the last thing

[Fritz] white dragon talons and fangs

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [19] 19

[Sadoya (Lior)] Roll #1: (d20) [18] 18

[Sadoya (Lior)] i think that's a save

[Sadoya (Lior)] so my cape and mask are gone

[Fritz] gold dragon talons and fangs

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [9] 9

[Fritz] Trex claw and tooth

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [18] 18

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [8] 8

[Fritz] gold tusk

[Fritz] Roll #1: (d20) [9] 9

[Fritz] gem of insight

[DM] Lior any other items to roll for?

[Mike] alright! look who's got a new picture

[Sadoya (Lior)] nope

[DM] did you roll for your sword and daggers

[DM] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] i rolled for my sword

[DM] and Fritz are you finished?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont have daggers

[DM] yes you do

[Fritz] Yes you need to tell me what of those last things I lost bobisanevilbutt

[DM] you have the two daggers you found in teh room

[Sadoya (Lior)] i woulda put them in my backpack

[Fritz] I dont know what the magic bonus is for them

[Sadoya (Lior)] and it saved

[DM] I see that they all saved

[Fritz] Was that to me Bobisanevilbutt?

[DM] yes

[Fritz] kk

[Fritz] woot

[DM] so we are finished

[DM] the big things are Lior's two items

[DM] and a couple of minor things for Fritz

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, no crap

[Mike] no more flying lior

[Sadoya (Lior)] half my character's niftyness just got drowned by acid

[DM] well

[DM] Now

[Mike] yeah, that blows

[DM] Lior

[DM] care to explain to everyone what they see

[DM] and do you like that new icon I put in for you?

[Sadoya (Lior)] no more flying, no more invinsibility, no more stings, no more ac bonus

[Sadoya (Lior)] yes i do

[Sadoya (Lior)] well... let me think of how i wanna tell this story

[DM] So the basics to Fritz, Mike, Lorie

[DM] you are now female

[Sadoya (Lior)] as the acid hits me... certain items quickly dissolve in their new lowed pH

[Sadoya (Lior)] i was gonna make it more interesting than that BOB

[DM] go ahead

[DM] sorry

[Sadoya (Lior)] in my fright, i lose control of.. stuff.. and you notice my figure is quite feminie

Fritz is now controling Reign Tandem

[Sadoya (Lior)] as soon as i notice you all looking at me, i suddenly become more masculine

[Lorie] He's invisible boy... no one look!

[Sadoya (Lior)] not quite as much a boy as you'da though

[Sadoya (Lior)] t

[Sadoya (Lior)] lets say, you caught a glimps of what i really look like

[DM] how about that

[Sadoya (Lior)] no bob, the other one was better

[Sadoya (Lior)] it was more androgynous

[DM] they are all there

[Sadoya (Lior)] which is how my character would look

[Mike] wait, lior's a dwarf??

[DM] you can switch it your self

[DM] you have all three on your character sheet now

[Sadoya (Lior)] i see

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

[Sadoya (Lior)] my character is more sexless... she doesn't really understand the difference

[Sadoya (Lior)] you'll all understand when the backstory gets finished

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So I am confused what the heck do you look like ? and what are you give me a clue

[DM] Lorie any question?

[Sadoya (Lior)] well.. out of character, my character has the change self spell permanently imbued on her

[Lorie] I have lots of questoins... but I'll be patient

[Sadoya (Lior)] but in reality she is a woman

[Sadoya (Lior)] no one bothered to ever ask her

[Sadoya (Lior)] you all just assumed she was a man

[Sadoya (Lior)] but she can change that at will, so it doesn't really matter

[Lorie] I'm not in the market for a date, so what's the difference. :)

[Sadoya (Lior)] and she did nothing to make you think she was feminine at all... at least nothing you noticed

[Lorie] ... can we go home now ::in her best annoying 10 year old voice::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Change self you can grow small wings that act like a modified jump spell I believe or at least let you fly short distances. You may want to check on it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I am not yet ready to leave

[Sadoya (Lior)] you can change to any humanoid figure that's about the smae height as a human, just not anyone in specific

[DM] Marco is having spy ware issues right now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Any one have a spare backpack?

[Sadoya (Lior)] nope

[DM] there is the party pack

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh right I am thinking of Alter self

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [6] 6

[Mike] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[DM] you really want to do that?

[DM] as the rest of the party is talking

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I can alter yourself :)

[Sadoya (Lior)] np fritz

[DM] I will let you keep the roll

[Lorie] So can I... but there's no turning back from it :)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I ask if anyone has a small bouch and a bit of leather I can borrow?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] pouch

[Sadoya (Lior)] i can alter you... i think a lack of blood in one's body is quite altering

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I suppose you could get a stick and a bed sheet for a container :-P

[Sadoya (Lior)] heh.. the song 'little black backpack' just came on in my computer

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] reign the hobo cow

[Sadoya (Lior)] or the remnants of my cape

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :*)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Mooving along...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] anyone have a small pouch they are will ing to spare?

[Sadoya (Lior)] if i had one, i'd be willing to spare it

[Mike] man, i wish we had a thief right about now

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll carry your stuff

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I could turn you into a kangaroo....

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] then you'd have a pouch

[Mike] i've got a whole belt full of 1x1x1 pouches

[Sadoya (Lior)] you dont know what a kangaroo is

[Mike] but you can't have any

[Sadoya (Lior)] but if you're going marsupial, do a koala, that would accoutn for the drunkeness

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I prefer having multiple stomaches to extra pouches thank you very much

[Lorie] what are you ferengi?

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, wish i could chew my own cud

[Mike] so, do we want me to open this door now?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go for it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No comment

[Mike] and get blasted by whatever's on it?

[Sadoya (Lior)] after i turn the corner

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] wait let me go and get something from the other room.

[Sadoya (Lior)] another bed?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob is there enough material from the leather chairs for me to make a pouch?

[DM] yes, a crude one I suppose,

[DM] like tied up

[DM] no sewing

[Sadoya (Lior)] i can sew it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok I want to make a pouch so that I can hang my gem inside my armor since I need to carry it with me all the time

[Sadoya (Lior)] i have needle and thread, and the proficiency

[DM] sure that is possible

[Sadoya (Lior)] you want a pouch?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'll make you one

[DM] with the scraps of cloth you have

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Please Sadoya if you would

[Sadoya (Lior)] sure thing, just gimme about... an hour?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] speed it up gramma

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That's ok I take extra material for later and do a crude one for now

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dunno, its up to bob to decide how long it'd take

[Mike] ::gets out the crochet needles::

[DM] crude one will take a minute or two

[DM] good one will take time,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I also hang the tusk around my neck I guess I can hang them from the same chain

[Sadoya (Lior)] what about a good crude one?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is that ok bob?

[DM] yes, fritz

[DM] and the crude one will last for a few hours,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh wait is the tusk to big to fit in my armor?

[DM] yes

[DM] it is three feet long

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] then I wont hang it in my armor just the pouch with my gem

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I will hang it out of my armor

[DM] ok

[Sadoya (Lior)] just hang it between...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] the rest of the stuff I will put in the group treasure

[Sadoya (Lior)] ahem

[DM] raises his eyebrows

[DM] ok,

[Lorie] <--- is still paying attention...

[DM] thank you lorie

[DM] smile

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] dont want to confuse anyone

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey, i stopped

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] <---- stoped paying attention ages ago

[DM] paying attention?

[Mike] huh?

[Lorie] You need a belt pouch to hide your unmentionables... it's pretty clear

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok I am done. Off to the next door

[DM] for all the items I will eventually make a seperate item icon, but for now

[DM] moving on

[DM] elandar is in front of the door

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I could use a little healing Lady Kylia

[DM] he made the open doors check

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] can we watch elandar die already?

[DM] but we are waiting first

[Mike] and he cringes as he reaches for the door

[DM] for everyone to be set

[Lorie] Sorry to hear that Reign

[DM] and do anything else before hand

[Mike] last call for anyone who can help out here...

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm guarding the rear

[Sadoya (Lior)] staggering behind in sorrow

[Sadoya (Lior)] head and sword hung low

[Lorie] Oh... you wanted healing.

[Sadoya (Lior)] i dont need healing

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Stopped to see if I would get a healing spell...oh wait Bob did I ever get those potions of healing from the shaman from that village?

[Mike] i could use some healing, too

[DM] those were used up

[DM] I believe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok

[DM] I will check the logs to be sure

[Lorie] Okay Bob... here we go

[DM] but we will play it for now as being used up

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sounds fine to me

[Lorie] Roll: ((3d8+1)) [((5+1+1)+1)] 8

[Lorie] Sadoya

[DM] Reign Tandem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 83 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[Lorie] Roll: ((3d8+1)) [((2+2+7)+1)] 12

[Lorie] Reign

[DM] Reign Tandem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 71 (-12) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] sorry

[Mike] hehheh

[Lorie] Roll: ((3d2+1)) [((2+1+1)+1)] 5

[DM] Reign Tandem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 83 (12) - Lightly Wounded

[Lorie] Elandar

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's CURE wounds, not CAUSE wounds

[DM] Elandar Silverleaf's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 73 (5) - Lightly Wounded

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Add 8 to sadoya

[Lorie] Roll: ((2d8+1)) [((1+6)+1)] 8

[Lorie] Shade

[DM] Sadoya's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 74 (8) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] Shade's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (7) - Unharmed

[DM] ok

[DM] so that is everyone?

[Sadoya (Lior)] she dont need no stinkn' heal

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] could I get a few more?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] wuss

[Sadoya (Lior)] just something living

[DM] everyone is lightly wounded

[DM] she may not have that many spells left

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ahhh but I am the tank

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you've got more hp now than I CAN have

[DM] and it is only moring

[DM] moringin

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] wuss

[Mike] ready for the door?

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm easier to hit

[Lorie] Roll: ((2d8+1)) [((8+6)+1)] 15

[Lorie] Reign

[Sadoya (Lior)] ''specially now

[DM] Reign Tandem's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 98 (15) - Lightly Wounded

[Lorie] now quit you're belly-aching and don't be such a bull and go charging

[Mike] okay, then i'll let reign open the door now

[Lorie] Caution isn't just for clerics

[DM] he can open the next one

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes Milady

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] is mike dead yet?

[DM] so places everyone

[Mike] ::push::

[Sadoya (Lior)] i'm the back of the party

[Sadoya (Lior)] so everyone get in front of me

[Lorie] Which way are we going so I can pick a place?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] aaaaaaand ACTION!!

[DM] to the east

[DM] elandar is in front of the door

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Two handed (normal) sword and shield out

[Lorie] Shade... move up already!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'm as moved up as I'm moving until that door's open

[Mike] then get out of the way

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'm above you anyway, it's not like I'm blockin you

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I'm 10 ft up

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So saith the invulnerable witch

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Elandar take your target off of kylia if you dont mind

[DM] so that is the order for everyone

[Mike] okay

[DM] I see no targets

[Mike] i'm not

[Mike] in fact, i never was.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] or is that is a yellow arrow

[Mike] i see no arrow

[DM] do you see a yellow arrow?

[DM] I don't

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] yes

[Sadoya (Lior)] shade has a yellow arrow that says she's facing north

[Mike] and i'm not moving as she does

[DM] resent map

[DM] did that change it fritz?

[Lorie] I see the same map BOB

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That I see but a yellow arrow goes from Elandar to kylia. Nope didn't change a thing. It is like distance or something...or follow

[DM] hmmm, you see an arrow?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nope, just open the door already

[DM] Lior how about you ?any arrows?

[Sadoya (Lior)] noe

[DM] Mike's control of Elandar Silverleaf has been revoked

[Sadoya (Lior)] fritz is hallucinating

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf follows Kylia Wolfslayer.

[Sadoya (Lior)] been prescribing yourself pills?

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf no longer follows Kylia Wolfslayer.

[DM] ok

[Mike] what about now?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Now it is gone

[DM] ok

[DM] Lorie?

[DM] do you still see it?

[Mike] OPEN THE DOOR!!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I am so about to polymorph the door into a rabid goon

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ovre la port

[Lorie] I see a map....Witchy faces north

[DM] no arrows?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It is gone bob

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] open the door

[Lorie] that's Ouvrez... or abra

[Mike] friend

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ouvrez La Porte

[Sadoya (Lior)] abre la puerta

[Mike] does that work?

[Mike] friend ::in elvish::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] open the fuckin seza me!!

[Mike] ::bangs his head against it::

[Mike] ::repeatedly::

[DM] ok, the issue is if Lorie sees a following arrow , and none of us do it may be a bug, that will make Mike's character move when Lorie does

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] penoay ethay uckingfay oorday

[Lorie] I only see the arrow over Witchy Pooh

[Mike] am i dead yet?

[Lorie] Mike had an error a few moments ago but that's gone

[DM] and so

[Mike] yay!

[Lorie] don't go near the plants!!!!!!

[Lorie] ::but isn't close enough to actually say that::

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yellow musk creepers....but I dont know that....player knowledge not character knowledge...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wow cool how do plants grow in here?

[Mike] i don't know

[Mike] wanna go find out?

[DM] there is the door on the same wall that you are looking through

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Why shouldn't we go near the plants?

[Lorie] Read the scroll

[Mike] there's annother door, though.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fireball!!!!

[Lorie] plants shouldn't sway where the breeze does not blow

[DM] how about that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Swaying plants... How dangerous can a bunch of plants be?

[DM] as close as I could find for a flower picture

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok that looks bad

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the plant looks like a cockroach decimating a villiage

[Mike] lol

[Lorie] I've seen Little Shop of Horrors....

[Mike] so...

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] do we see the little villiage too?

[DM] we were bringing that up earlier

[Lorie] Oye! Cucarachas..... ::stomp, stomp, stomp::

[Mike] i want to go see what's in that door over there

[Mike] but there's scary plants in the way

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fireball!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] small fireball

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] eh, I don't care about the size, so long as it engulfs the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] fireballs are the evil I know, and so I don't fear them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh bob if you if you can get me some more MooMoo icons so I can switch some around depending on fighting style. I sent you some I would like to use

[DM] will look for those later on

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] NO NOW

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] hehehhe

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] J/K

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] okay, so who has a can of raid?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and a lightyer

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lighter rather

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] same effect as a fireball ;)

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Mike] okay, i cast fireball

[Lorie] BOB... are the plants swaying top to bottom or left to right?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[DM] there are 6

[DM] right to left, and up and down

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Lorie] So both?

[DM] yes

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Lorie] ... okay. Make way please.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::makes way.... and some curds too::

[Lorie] Okay Bob...

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Lorie] Casting 1 --> Zone of Sweet Air

[Lorie] Casting 2 --> Fireball

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[DM] go for it

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Lorie] Roll: (10d3) [(3+3+1+1+1+1+1+3+1+1)] 16

Reign Tandem (Fritz) chants..."Fireball ! Fireball ! Fireball !"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] try d6's

[Lorie] Okay... excuse my French but this dial roller is completely FUCKED up

[Lorie] Roll: (10d6) [(4+2+3+4+3+3+4+2+6+6)] 37

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] FIREBALL !!!

[Lorie] The plants do get a save

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no they don't

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] don't tell bob that

[DM] ok

[DM] and so

[Lorie] ::Kicks the dice roller::

[DM] is that appropriate Lorie? where you can get all siz correct?

[Lorie] What appropriate?

[DM (to GM only)] Flower: No adjustments made

[DM] where the fireball is placed

[Lorie] I can't see where it's placed

[Mike] does it kill everything?

[DM] it will effect all of them, but some are only partially in it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so?

[Lorie] I don't understand why you're placing it there?

[DM] you could place it to engulf the front ones entirely, but it will miss the ones in the back

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] there is no rules for partially in it, you're in it and affected or not

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] There is no rule for partial area of affect Bob

[Lorie] Umm, would it be possible then to have 6 smaller icons rather than the one large?

[DM] understand

[DM] sure

[Lorie] as it appeared that they were centered on that icon you placed in the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] if this is a 30 ft room, and the fireball has a 30ft radius, guess what, it fills the room twice

[DM] ok

[DM] so there are all six

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so, everything in it is toasty, along with some of us in the hall

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How high is the ceiling Bob?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] 20 ft

[DM] there is a couple of holes in the outside walls

[DM] so any extra blows out that way

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] still, the room gets full

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The fireball fills a volume doesn't it when done inside?

[DM] yes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nothing in said room is out of it in any way

[Lorie] Guys... I need to go tuck KID in... BRB in 4 minutes.

[Lorie] Sorry priorities

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] have fun

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] thank you

[DM] Roll #1: (d20) [7] 7

[DM] ok

[DM] they fail thier save

[DM] all dead

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay

[Mike] sweet

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no more swaying flowers

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] BRB gona get drink from frig

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] drink

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mike] so, anything neat in the room now, bob?

[DM] same description

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] Oky... I'm back

[Mike] like shiney magical +5 longswords of death and doom?

[DM] no, only the odd coin

[DM] so your fireball killed all of them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay

[Mike] i'll check for traps on the other door

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I search room and look out the broken walls

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] there you go

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Describe what I see Bob?

[DM] obliesks

[DM] suroundign the outside of the temple

[Mike] whole lotta nuthin

[DM] make an inteligence check

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: INT check: (d20) [8] 8

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15) [15] 15!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: INT check: (d20) [7] 7

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (15) [15] 15!!!

[DM] you notice that the floor here has been ripped up to create holes for the plants to grow in

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Some one is being very devious

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I tell everyone

[Mike] so, is the door trapped?

[Mike] so, who wants to open this door?

[Mike] i got the last one

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I will if there is nothing else from my searching the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] reign said he'd do it

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] sorry, where is the door?

[DM] right in front of Reign

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ahhh...gotcha

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [5] 5

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh the Horror the Horror

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I move in the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cool, I like this room

[Mike] so, do i see my vorpal blade in here?

[DM] no

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so where's the restless spirits of the tortured dead?

[Mike] does reign?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Oh the Whoreher the Whoreher

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I search the room

[Mike] me too

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you know, puns that make you run out of breath trying to say them, aren't good puns

Reign Tandem (Fritz) smirks

[DM] ok, so you do not find anything of value here,

[Sadoya (Lior)] hey guys, i'm gonna call it a night... i'm not feeling too hot

[DM] unless the chains and bones excite you

[Sadoya (Lior)] do i have to leave on that note?

[DM] have a good night Lior

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Sorry to hear that bro. Hope you feel better

[DM] feel better

[DM] thanks

[DM] oh

[DM] by the way

[Sadoya (Lior)] yeah, thought its going to be another sleepless night

[DM] this is the offical start of our 13th year guys

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Siente mejor Lior!

[Sadoya (Lior)] muchas gracias

[DM] see you soon

[Sadoya (Lior)] buenas nachos

[Sadoya (Lior)] hasta banana

[DM] grin

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Taco Bell

[DM] ok now

[Sadoya (Lior)] ciao

Lior has left the game.

[Mike] okay, lets hit the stairs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Any way out of this room Bob other than the way we came in?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Take us to the stairs

[DM] ok, so the witch is leaving

[DM] wiat a sec guys

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] kk

[DM] ok

[DM] so you are all in the hallway now

[DM] ok

[DM] make your open doors check Reign

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [8] 8

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[DM] ok,

[DM] so the four of you are there in the stairway

[DM] leading downwards,

[DM] ok?

[DM] everyone ready to move down the stairs?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep yep

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ya Taco Bell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ok

[Mike] letsg go

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Me first. Me Tank

[Mike] go ahead

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm...everything just disappeared for me.

[DM] yes

[DM] I am resetting the maps for all of you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] And all went Black !!!!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yep, no see nothing

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woooooooooooo

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Why did our character sheets disappaer?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] err disappear?

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[DM] ok

[DM] so now you can see the new map?

[DM] the stairs?

[DM] the arrows point up

[Mike] yup

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yowsa

[Mike] i cast magic missle

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay, I can now see the map

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay a stairfor

[DM] how is the pixilation on this one for you guys?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok I'l bite

[DM] I tried some new things

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What's a stairfor?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] climbing silly

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Better

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] we're looking at straight lines, so it could be really pixelated and we wouldn't know

[DM] and so

[DM] going alone

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Kill the Pixies

[DM] along

[Mike] bob already did...::sniff::

[DM] now try to move, and pause

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh sorry

[DM] move, pause at a corner until you flash

[Mike] yeah, me too. 'specially since she had half lorie's gold when she died

[DM] thank you

[DM] ok, you can keep going

[DM] no problems

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::kicks Mike, just for spite::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that sounds fun

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Wudda we see?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] ::kicks mike too because it sounds fun::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] You know Witch Pooh, you look like Wonder Woman with that North pointing arrow

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I thought the same thing

[DM] you see just that, an empty corrior

Reign Tandem (Fritz) ROFL

[Mike] if you zoom out she looks chinese

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Does it go left and right?

[DM] exactly what you see

[DM] it dead ends quickly to the east

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ng on the other two

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf follows Reign Tandem.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] waiting on the other 2

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Wiating to be moved

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Waiting on Lady Kylia

[DM] you can move Lorie

[Mike] move yourself

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] move yourself

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I did... I'm read

[DM] I was just making sure that every knew how to

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] It's not moving

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] err red

[Mike] what, are you a queen being carried on out shoulders?

[DM] there you go

[DM] try now

[DM] i see you jerking

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] nada

[DM] moving just a little bit

[DM] that was better

[DM] did you just do that?

[DM] or did it just catch up

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] where am I/

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't see my fig at all

[DM] you are moving it

[DM] it just moved

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Someone else moved it... I was still on the stairs

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Behind shade

[DM] you are now right behind Shade

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] or something else

[DM] I moved you to the bottom of the stairs, I did not move you after that

[DM] Fritz, you did not move her correct?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I did maybe. DIdn't think I could. It didn't seem to respond to me

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::frowns::

[DM] Lorie, try to control your icon

[DM] see if that changes anything

[BiBo!!!] Shade follows Reign Tandem.

Lorie is now controling Kylia Wolfslayer

[DM] I saw that move

[DM] and saw that

[DM] good

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] good. let's press onward then

[DM] so back to normal again

[DM] up ahead is a portculils

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] looks like a lift gates roll

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go for it

[DM] an open bar gate that swings open rather than lifing

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and when you fail I'll do it successfully :)

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is it locked?

[DM] yes

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [39] 39

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (50) [50] 50!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [36] 36

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (50) [50] 50!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Booya

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] creeeeeeek

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] crash

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] open!

[DM] and it is open for y ou

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Check for traps Elandar

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] hehehe

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you're in front, you check :-P

[Mike] ::pushes reign in::

Reign Tandem (Fritz) Farts..."You are behind me and a mage. Paint that red, white and blue !"

[Mike] as we all ignore the crazy minotaur

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob the screen goes black every time I try and move my icon

[DM] does it clear up after you stop moving?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes

[DM] I know what it is

[DM] when the icon with the light source (Elandar) is not active

[DM] it is not showing the revealed area

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have a light source

[DM] will make a post about it to the klooge boards tomorrow

[DM] no you don't

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yes I do

[DM] nothing in your inventory

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] More bells and whistles?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no, just a bell, no whistle

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I have a continual light stone

[DM] it is not on your character

[DM] we can take one out of the party pack and give it to you

[DM] no problem

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] No Fritz... BOB has assumed control of them and originally Mike had one. I whined, I got one.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lorie gave it to me when we got to africa. I didn't get a chance to put it in the inventory

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I don't see the big deal. I can make lots of them...

[DM] I created all of them

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is BS

[DM] and they are in teh party pack

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So we do with them as we please

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Actually BOB... I had one before you "created" them

[DM] no one so far has wanted one, and it obviously has not matter

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] just hand him one already, we have like 50 of em

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I did want one. I stated that long ago

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] let's move along...

[DM] you have one now

[DM] it is in your inventory

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What are the brown things in the hall

[DM] now you have a light radius

[Mike] doors

[Mike] open them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] this is not the light rock you're looking for, move along

[DM] columns and doors

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer follows Elandar Silverleaf.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Door number opne

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] one

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Listen

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Thief check for traps and I will open

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer follows Reign Tandem.

[Mike] Roll #1: (d100) [12] 12

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[Mike] i don't see any

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] lookie that, no trap

[Mike] open it up, big guy

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer follows Reign Tandem.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [20] 20

[Fritz] PROBABLY FAILS against (16) [16] 16

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [5] 5

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you know, you don't have to double click in that dice dialogue box

[Mike] sword!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Did mean to bad habbit

[Mike] it's my vorpal blade!

[Mike] w007!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] wait.... like... alive men?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] or zombie men?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Yo Varlet Time to Die by the Hand of Reign Tandem Light in the Darkness

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] When you say Men, you men happy to see me men or men who are happy to see Elandar?

[Mike] eh...?

Reign Tandem (Fritz) ROFL

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] looks like zombie men, looks like it's time to do the turning thing

[Mike] um.... i'm not going there

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh happy to see Shade men

[Mike] turn their asses!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sure why not

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] waves from above

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Round action

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Waits for 30 zombies to appear

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Are you sure you can turn 30 old lovers Shade?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] they're BLINK ZOMBIES!!!

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Ummm, Reign, why are you asking a Mage about turning?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] can I fly in above them and wave now?

[DM] no

[DM] the cooridor here is 20 feet tall

[DM] the rooms are 12 feet tall

[DM] unless otherwise noted

[DM] so,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I figure if they remember what it was like to make love to her they would all flee in terror

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I see... your women's issues are sad

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No just my Witchy Poo issues

[DM] oh,

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... when you're done... I can try to turn them

[DM] by the way Fritz, Nyrma did say yes to the weekend

[DM] talking about women issues and all

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] But you need to make with the moving out of the way. I can't turn what I can't see

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Woot there it is

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob can I step in the room and be a barrier for her when she turns them?

[DM] no

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok then

[DM] she has to be the one confronting them

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] begon zombie hordes!!!

[Mike] she has to be in front

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That's what I like about 3rd edition she doesn't have to be

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And that's one of the munchkin rules of 3e. How can you turn what you can't see?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] The holy symbol is supposed to be the impetus for their turn...

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] It isn't you turning it is the power of your god

[DM] have to pee, let me know how many you deal with,

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] But that's another debate for another day.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What is the roll Bibo.. 2d4+1 per level?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] dunno for your current level, gotta lookit up, but at least 2d6, possibly 2d4 on top of that

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay.. .hold on

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] How about 4D10 +12

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] At 9th level... they are dust.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] if you turn at 9th, then yes, 2d6 plus 2d4, instantly dust

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no roll other than how many are affected

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Roll #1: (d6) [6] 6, Roll #2: (d6) [3] 3

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Roll #1: (d4) [3] 3, Roll #2: (d4) [1] 1

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so that's 13

[DM] you know you can type that out as an expression if you want also, (2d6)+(2d4)

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] this is gonna be fun to watch

[DM] and it will combine it all for you

[DM] next time

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yup... I just hate the dice roller

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I hope that separate rolls will help

[DM] ok

[DM] so that is the first round of turning,

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I can't move... but if you can get around me, go for it.

[DM] now, anyone else before they move?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I intend to try and dust as many as I can

[BiBo!!!] Shade no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[DM] I rejected the moves

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Everyone stop following me

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Until combat over

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Now can I move Bob?

[DM] Mike is dead, just a sec,

[DM] somehow we lost his icon,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I see it in the room if it makes a difference?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Can you clen up the map when you get a second BOB?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I see his icon, and character

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[DM] I do not see anything wrong on the map except that I can not move his icon

Mike is no longer controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Alot of yellow lines

[DM] what do you mean by clean up th emap

[DM] I see no yellow lines

[DM] resending the map to everyone

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] They are gone now thanks

[DM] do you still see the yellow lines?

[DM] ok

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] okay... no lines... Elandar. Great

[DM] thanks

BiBo!!! is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

BiBo!!! is no longer controling Elandar Silverleaf

[DM] Fritz, you can see Elandars icon, try to move it please

Fritz is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can't

[DM] ok

[DM] so some sort of bug then,

[Fritz] Elandar Silverleaf follows Reign Tandem.

[DM] trying to solve this here

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob let me see if I can move him where you can see him

[DM] I can see him

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh ok

[DM] I can not do anything with him

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] That is what everyone says

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] :P

[Fritz] Elandar Silverleaf no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob can you remove his icon from the map?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] darkness calls

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] but I was in the shower

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so I *69ed him

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] but I got his machine

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] I said Pick up the phone darkness!!!

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] but he did not

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] darkness must have been screening his calls

[DM] ok

[DM] so now that seems to have fixed it

[DM] just a sec, I want to test one more thing

[DM] Fritz's control of Elandar Silverleaf has been revoked

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[DM] ok

[DM] now all should be good

[Mike] i seem fine

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Who moves first?

[DM] Fritz and Mike should have control of thier characters now

[DM] you would Frtiz,

[DM] Reign enters,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] so.... zombies dead yet?

[DM] then elanddar

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lorie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... bak

[Mike] why aren't we handling this like the skeletons, fritz?

[DM] solved our problems for now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I wasn't here for that how did you do it?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] great...what was the problem?

[Mike] don't go in, let her turn

[Mike] we stood next to her and parried

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] She did turn all she could

[Mike] and she turned them

[DM] not quite sure, but we know how to fix it

[Mike] she got multiples on the skeletons

[DM] she gets to turn again next round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Same on the zombies. She turned her max

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Fine what ever

[DM] as long as she is successful, at her level she can keep turning them

[Mike] there we go

[DM] we will play it that way for now

[Mike] i'll parry

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] thanks Mike

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Fritz if you want to fight... go for it. I'm not asking you to change what you're doing

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Let me parry from here

[DM] ok

[DM] so on the last part of the turn the zombies move forward

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I wasn't here. So I knew nothing about LAST time

[Mike] itworkedquitenicely

[Mike] wow, lag doesn't register the space bar very well

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I believe you so we shall do it but if I had known I wouldn't have moved in

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Not like they can hurt me anyway

[DM] Ok

[DM] so Reign and Elandar roll your parries

[Mike] yeah, but if you're in there, you're blocking her turning for some

[Mike] how many attack her?

[DM] three

[DM] on Kylia

[DM] 6 on reign

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(12+5)] -4

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If I had known She was going to do it I wouldn't have moved in. so don't harp on me. I WASN'T HERE LAST TIME

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(16+5)] -8

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(7+5)] 1

[Mike] that should protect her from all three

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] can I piano on you?

[DM] they are not harping, just giving advice,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Natural Fighting check: (d20) [13] 13

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (19+6) [19+6] 25!!!

[DM] ok

[DM] go for it, Riegn

[DM] 6 zombies attacking you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I just parry

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets Crypt 1.txt. Distance: 3'11"

[DM] to lower your AC? or prevent attacks all together? (DMG versus Complete Figher)

[DM] dont' attack the text, what did it ever do to you

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No to block attacks on Kylia

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Fuck the text

[DM] Elandar already did block all three this round

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Then move on

[Mike] kylia's safe

[DM] you have 6 attacking you reign

[Mike] you can parry a couple of the ones on you, though

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] If they hit AC -10 good for them

[DM] grin

[DM] zombies #24 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 3'06"

[DM] zombies #21 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 2'08"

[DM] zombies #10 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 3'03"

[DM] zombies #15 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 3'11"

[DM] zombies #19 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 2'09"

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] if they hit you, they crit :)

[DM] zombies #22 targets Reign Tandem. Distance: 2'05"

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Fine

[DM] zombies #21: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(10+0)] 9

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] zombies #24: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(5+0)] 14

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] zombies #19: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(2+0)] 17

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] zombies #15: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(4+0)] 15

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] zombies #22: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(13+0)] 6

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] zombies #15: Attack #1: Weapon: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(6+0)] 13

[DM] Probably MISSES Reign Tandem (AC FINAL: -10)

[DM] and all 9 miss

[DM] next round

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] 2d4

[DM] first is Kylia's turning

[DM] think you need to roll that with the dice pane

[DM] it is ok, just roll it from the main dice roller for now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Roll: (2d6) [(5+4)] 9

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Roll: (2d4) [(1+4)] 5

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] the expression pane doesn't work the way I think it should I guesw

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] err guess

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] that's another 14

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] for a total of 27

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay lets watch em die!! it's like christmas!

[DM] ok

[DM] that is the remains for the end of this round

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Elandar, Reign... have at it!

[DM] attacks before they move

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf targets zombies #17. Distance: 3'04"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets zombies #24. Distance: 3'08"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem no longer targets zombies #24.

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(13+5)] -5

[Mike] Probably MISSES zombies #17 (AC FINAL: )

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets zombies #24. Distance: 3'08"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets zombies #17. Distance: 4'07"

[Fritz] Reign Tandem targets zombies #9. Distance: 6'04"

[Mike] are you shitting me?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sweeeeet

[Mike] a -5 misses a zombie?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(7+10)] -3

[Fritz] Probably MISSES zombies #24 (AC FINAL: )

[Mike] holy crap

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] that's a nasty zombie there

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(9+10)] -5

[Fritz] Probably MISSES zombies #17 (AC FINAL: )

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::looks at the fighter's missing the zombie's and wonders why their aim is off

[Mike] will you stop, fritz

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm: (14-(d20+5)) [14-(7+5)] 2

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #9 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Mike] bob can't fix it when you're messing around

[Mike] yeah, like i said....

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Like I can actually hear him saying "I have to fix it"

[Mike] that's why i typed stop

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] if he has to say something fucking tellme

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I wasnt Messing around

[DM] ok, now they are fixed

[DM] I can only do one thing

[Mike] so do our first hits still count?

[DM] no

[DM] re-roll all the attacks

[Mike] if i miss, i blame you, bob

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(6+5)] 2

[Mike] Probably MISSES zombies #17 (AC FINAL: )

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(12+10)] -8

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #24 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage v SM: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: ((d10*2)+13) [(6*2)+13] 25 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(5+10)] -1

[Fritz] Probably MISSES zombies #17 (AC FINAL: )

[Mike] so they have a lower than ac2?

[DM] if you see that you are swinging on something that has no AC then

[DM] you should know somehting is wrong

[DM] ok

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm: (14-(d20+5)) [14-(6+5)] 3

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #9 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[DM] trying

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I hit with a 3 but miss with a negative 1

[DM] ok, now try again

[DM] and only roll once

[DM] make sure it works first

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(3+10)] 1

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #24 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Attack #1: Iskalleld: (13-(d20+5)) [13-(13+5)] -5

[Mike] PROBABLY HITS zombies #17 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: (14-(d20+10)) [14-(5+10)] -1

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #17 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm: (14-(d20+5)) [14-(16+5)] -7

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #9 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Damage v SM: Iskalleld: (1d8+6) [5+6] 11 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage v SM: +3 Giant 2 handed Sword: ((d10*2)+13) [(6*2)+13] 25 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] are they all dead yet?

[DM] zombies #24's Current Hit Points: adjusted to Dead

[DM] zombies #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to Dead

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Attack #1: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm: (14-(d20+5)) [14-(18+5)] -9

[Fritz] PROBABLY HITS zombies #9 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Damage v SM: +2 Mithril Horns on Helm: ((2d6)10) [((6+6))10] 22 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] zombies #9's Current Hit Points: adjusted to Dead

[DM] ok

[DM] so they are all dead

[DM] so the room is devoid of zombies

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] cept that one ::points at a zombie::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yay I broke bob

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Search the room

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] open up the thingy

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] the vaguely coffin shapped thingy

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::search, search, but not touching coffin. Does my evil o'meter go off?::

[DM] jsut a sec guys,

[DM] something is wrong with the XP, I need to check something

[DM] ok

[DM] my fault

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] since when you have an evil o'meter?

[DM] I forgot to change the setting

[DM] I have written down the xp for the night

[DM] and will fix it later on

[DM] curses at himself

[DM] ok

[DM] so the room

[DM] it is not a coffin

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I always have Prot from Evil 10' radius.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] yeah, but that doesn't detect evil :-P

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] just keeps it at bay

[DM] ok, so the center of the room

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] True... let me rephrase. Is the coffin cowering in fear of my Evil o'meter?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :)

[DM] you can now see is some sort of sacrifical altar, where the dead are laid to rest until they

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What happened to the sound effects we had set for our weapons in the past did we lose them?

[DM] can strip the bones of the flesh and then set them on shelves around the room

[DM] we lost a bunch of stuff

[DM] I need to reset the files,

[Mike] thank god

[DM] we can fix them later on

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Anything from searching the room?

Laptop has left the game.

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] just for that, I'm gonna find the nastiest most ear screeching annoying sound as my main attack sound

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Please don't....

[DM] ok

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] nails across a chalk board will have nothing on my attack sound :-P

[DM] so

[DM] the room is filled with skulls on shelves

[DM] but nothing else

[Mike] the slab is a solid slab?

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] and an altar with a sword on it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] anyone want to detect magic in the room?

[DM] yes

[DM] no

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] no sword?

[DM] it is not a sword

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what is it then?

[DM] it is an egraving

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oh

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] well, someone put a sword on it

[Mike] i've got tha kohpesh

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go for it

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] you don't want a kopesh anyway

Reign Tandem (Fritz) looks closely at the skulls. anything of note bob?

[DM] they are all old

[Mike] does the engraving match it's shape?

[DM] the engraving matches a khopesh, yes,

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] does the engraving look like something could fit in it?

[DM] but not this particular one exactly

[DM] no

[DM] it is not a depression

[Mike] i don't think this room has anything in it

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] starts to knock some of the skulls off the shelves..."Yoric...which one is Yoric?"

[DM] they clatter to the ground

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... let's move along

[Mike] ready for this one?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No gems hidden in any skulls then?

[DM] none so far

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] sounds good to me

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I check them all out

[DM] there are over 500 skulls by a quick estimate

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] oh... forget it

[Mike] scatter them all and watch for shining

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [14] 14

[Mike] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [2] 2

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [11] 11

[Mike] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] who wants to walk across hot coals?

[Mike] i've got no problem doing that

[Mike] ehhehheh

[DM] there is no fire currently burning

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] go for it ::cheers on elandar::

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] oh we can fix that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Searches room

[Mike] so there are piles of bones in the corners?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sorry BOB... I know I'm slow. But what are the red lines on the floors?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] The direction the doors open

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] what he sadi

[DM] most likely four to five times as many skulls in this room

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Gotcha... thanks

[Mike] wow...

[DM] but no bones, only skulls

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Searches the room diligently

[Mike] this place sucks

[DM] after a turn of moving skulls

[DM] you do not see anything of value

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I've been saying that for weeks. Can we leave now?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] move on then

[Mike] i feel better now!

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: Open Doors check: (d20) [12] 12

[Fritz] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[Mike (to GM only)] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [16] 16

[Mike (to GM only)] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] bloody kopeshes

[Mike] that's a lot of kohpeshes

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] worst weapon EVER

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Searches the room diligently

[DM] after a turn of searching

[DM] you notice that one of the helms has a saffire afixed to the brow

Mike has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Pick up the helm

[DM] ok

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Mike has joined the game.

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

[DM] there you go Reign

Mike is receiving the map...

Mike has received the map.

[DM] now you have the helm in your inventory

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[Mike] so, did i find my vorpal blade yet?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can someone detect magic on this helm and saphire please?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] no I found a helm with a saphire in it

[BiBo!!!] I'm sure someone can

[Mike] damn.

BiBo!!! is now controling Shade

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Will someone?

[Mike] maybe it'll be in the next room

Mike is now controling Elandar Silverleaf

[Shade (BiBo!!!)] well, I don't have it memorized and kylia doesn't do divination, so probably not

[Mike] just throw it in the party

[Mike] pack

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok save it for later. then move on

[Mike] it's worth something leastwise

[DM] Fritz, drop it from your inventory

[Mike] Elandar Silverleaf: Open Doors check: (d20) [6] 6

[Mike] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (9) [9] 9!!!

[DM] fritz,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I 'll carry it for the time being...there is alot of lag

[DM] drop the helm from your inventory

[DM] it seems to be when you move your icon

[DM] Fritz, hold up

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] dropped

[DM] ok, got it

[DM] jsut a sec

[DM] ok

[DM] resent the map to everyone

[DM] how does that look now?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] fine

[DM] Fritz, Lorie, can you too see this?

BiBo!!! has left the game.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] See what?

[DM] Marco and Mike are lagging, there seems to be something that is causing a lot of lag

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] yes

BiBo!!! has joined the game.

Mike has left the game.

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[DM] ok, so who can read this right now?

[BiBo!!!] me

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] me

[DM] I see Lorie as typing

[DM] can you read this?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Lorie has huge lag

[DM] ok

[DM] not sure what happened

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I can see it on the window

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] tree

[DM] it seemed to happen wehn you tried to move your character frtiz

[DM] not sure why that is

[DM] I think it is just coincidenc

[DM] now

[DM] we are

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well then I guess I will just log off. good reason as any I have been given tonight to leave

[DM] smile

[DM] now now

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] not smiling

[DM] but it is a good spot to pause

[DM] about 1/3 done with this level

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is there anyway we can see what is in the party pack? can that icon be set to the side for perusal?

[DM] I am showing Lorie and Frtiz as both typing

[DM] sure

[DM] when the character who is carrying it drops it

[DM] the contents are visible

[DM] when the person is carrying it they are not

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I know I put some armor and other equipment in there. I wonder if it has an extra back pack.

[DM] as of right now it does not

[BiBo!!!] there's really nothing in it, we need to find the actual party pack

[DM] that does not mean it is not actually in there

[DM] because we need teh party pack notes from Lorie

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I had some grappling hooks, pitons, extra armor and shield etc

[DM] and that will be made into items to place in there

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] You know thatwe can't send messages to each other?

[DM] no

[DM] did not know that

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I cant send messages

[BiBo!!!] weird

[DM] try sending one to me right now

[BiBo!!!] oh well... I'ma log off. g'night

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I get ???? when I pick a recipient

[BiBo!!!] or not...?

[BiBo!!!] yeah

[BiBo!!!] I know

[BiBo!!!] still works

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Night all.

BiBo!!! has left the game.

Lorie has left the game.

Fritz has left the game.

Lorie has joined the game.

[DM] cool

[DM] wonder just what is happening

[Lorie] NOt sure...

[Lorie] it's very odd though

[DM] it looks like the gargabe collection routine

[DM] is running amok

[DM] at least that is my guess

[DM] will send him an email

[DM] you have a great night

[Lorie] Okay...I'm off for the night.

[Lorie] I need sleep

[DM] and talk to you later on

[Lorie] take care. Hugs to Nyrma

[DM] thanks

Lorie has left the game.