Main / May1608S

May 16 08 - Story Form - The Bigger They Are

Paul and Ramone? discuss the benefits of casting a wall of stone to help cover the pit of lava in the center of the room but decide to save their spells for other things. The two of them decide to explore through the first set of double doors in the Northwest part of the chamber.

As they open those doors and move inside Kit moves to a door in the North-Northeast portion of the chamber and opens that door.

(end of round 113)

Then as Paul and Ramone? pushed further into the chamber they were in, Moirra read the plaque on the door that Kit had gone through and decided to wait for someone else to come and help.

When Paul reached a door that was locked he used a dimensional blade to cut through the door around the lock. Kit, Moirra and Tori explored further into a chamber filled with crates, barrels and casks.

(end of round 114)

As Paul and Ramone? moved into the next chamber they were grabbed by a Fire Giant, one in each fist. Hearing their shouts Arilyn?, Anterias and Percival move to come rescue them.

Kit, Moirra and Victoriana finished exploring the room and begin to move to another door as the rest of the group deals with the Fire Giant.

(end of round 115)

Paul and Ramone? were being shaken by the Fire Giant but managed to punch and stab him back to cause some damage. Kit opened another door and Moirra followed behind with Tori close by.

With Percival, Taurus and Anterias holding open doors Finglas had a clear shot with his bow and let lose a barrage at the Fire Giant as Paul beat on him again with his fists. With the Fire Giant heavily wounded Arilyn? came in behind him to slice him open with her sword. In response the giant used Ramone? as a club to smash Arilyn?.

(end of round 116 & 117)

As Paul weakly hit the Giant with his fists again, and Ramone? struggling Percival charged into the room to skewer the Giant. With a might yell Percy ran forward, but tripped and fell right at the Giants feet with the wind knocked out of him. The Giant raised a foot to stomp down on Percival or kick him into a wall of lava nearby when Arilyn? slided him again and Finglas finished him off with a well timed set of arrows.

Tori and Moirra followed Kit into the room she had entered and found another Fire Elemental that was bound by some sort of magical restraints. The three of them decided to leave it alone and moved back out into the main chamber to explore another door.

(end of round 118)

The group all gathered in the central chamber to assess what had been done and which doors to explore next.

(end of round 119)

The story is continued on May2308S.