Main / May1812

May 18 12 - Desperate Old Men

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 28 minutes and 44 seconds ====

[Master] refilling drinks here before we start

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 18 18:51:10 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map Shield Wall inn First Floor...

Lisa has received the map Shield Wall inn First Floor.

[Master] hello

[Lisa] Hello

[Lisa] We are going to start at the Shield Wall tonight?

[Master] I was thinking that we should have Indigo, Ilero, etc start their morning

[Master] we moved Hoffman and Qui forward through their day

[Master] and Bran and Heckat forward

[Lisa] makes sense

[Lisa] does anyone in the SW group know where they want to go?

[Master] did you add the silver Indigo won to his sheet you did not add it to the party pack

Guy has joined the game on Fri May 18 18:54:17 EDT 2012

Guy is receiving the map Shield Wall inn First Floor...

[Master] not sure about anyone right now

[Lisa] Oh no! I forgot about that!

Guy has received the map Shield Wall inn First Floor.

[Lisa] Thank you

[Lisa] Hi Stranger! Long time no see :)

[Guy] hiyas

[Lisa] I was thinking Indigo might want to head over to the military district

[Guy] the avengers was AWESOME!!

[Master] I thoguht he might, and I have a plan

[Lisa] that's good - figured it would be really good or totally suck

[Master] and gave a bit of thought and planning on continuing the shopping trip

[Lisa] glad it was the former

[Lisa] and Bob you alkways have a plan

[Guy] not always

[Master] I did not get to talk with her but Tasha was online earlier

[Master] Marco is online now so I would guess he is loggin in shortly

[Lisa] we didn't even get to the large market

[Lisa] he has 2 minutes

[Lisa] Sarengar could be at the large market?

[Master] he can be with your group yes

[Lisa] unless he is in the dress shop or buying dry goods

[Lisa] well he is in our hotel group

[Master] Guy do you have any clue about the shopping trip?

[Lisa] did you read last week's chat log?

[Guy] reading it now and what shopping trip? lol

[Lisa] that was end of night

[Lisa] heckat and branwyn went shopping and chatted up the jewerly counter girl

[Guy] im reading about llath flirting and actually getting somewhere with their innkeeper lol

[Lisa] which if you keep reading you will see was not an extraordinary feat

[Lisa] sorry Marco - but she was easy

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 106552.

[Master] Sarengar XP award: 500. Next level in 5364.

[Guy] ileros accenbt reminds me of the jagers from the girl genius web comic

[Master] is why I posted his quote on the page

[Master] tongue under my foot

[Lisa] I keep thinking of the subtitle at the bottom of holy grail and want him to say a moose once bit his sister

[Master] grins

[Guy] lol

[Master] Tasha said she hopes Heckat and Branwyn both look hot

[Master] and she will try to log in when the kids are in bed

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] No John this evening?

[Master] no clue

[Master] Marco keeps logging on and off

[Master] Guy I wanted to start up with Indigo and that group

[Master] then we will jump over to the Market

[Master] so if John does not show up it is only Indigo

[Lisa] but only I am here

[Lisa] after you are done reading - where do you want Sarengar to be?

[Lisa] though I do doubt anyone in my group really wants to head over to the military side of town

[Guy] ok im still reading and laughing

[Master] In the morning Indigo gets up and starts his day exploring

[Master] going outside of the Inn

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay)

[Master] there is a large pilnth to honor Lord Joslin Vilmar

[Master] as he looks at it he hears a call from across the plaza

[Soldier (Master)] Hello Indigo!

[Soldier (Master)] How are you today?

[Master] Soldier moved 3'11".

[Master] Soldier moved 16'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good morning! I was not sure if we would meet again and I don't believe I got your name. Forgive me.

[Soldier (Master)] I am Hulm Olif

[Soldier (Master)] Senior Private Olif

[Master] Indigo moved 36'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] How did you do at the tables last night Olif? I ended up pocketing a few silver

Senior Private Olif (Master) chuckles, I do think you have some of mine

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] but every night at the tables is different

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well if you come back to the inn tonight you will have a chance to win it back

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I will meet you there

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] where are you heading to?

[Guy] sarengar will be at the inn avoiding the shopping trip lol

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I am going inside ot give my mornign offering

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] you are coming in right?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh come on - we actually have cash in our pockets and a whole marketplace to roam around in)

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] Oh you are new in town!

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] you have not seen the crypts have you

[Indigo (Lisa)] Morning offering? Is this anotrher church?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] did you know that there are two paladins for the Arm of Cahus buried here?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] of course, this is the Church to Cahus,

[Indigo (Lisa)] No. I haven't heard of any paladins except the Brothers

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] Oh well they are very important it is true

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] but the Arm of Cahus fights all over the world

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] way way off in Dryads Lair is their headquarters

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] but this is the largest church to Cahus in Drillian

[Indigo (Lisa)] That is why I have not heard of them then

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do they let anyone in?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] the Arm of Cahus?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The church I mean

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] oh

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] you are a warrior

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] of course you can come in!

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 32'04".

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 10'04".

[Master] Indigo moved 43'09".

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 61'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 66'01".

Indigo (Lisa) looks around

[Master] He takes Indiog into the church

[Master] there are several benches facing the front altar

[Master] no formal service is goign on currently

[Master] Olif brings Indigo over to one of the side altars

[Indigo (Lisa)] So what do a bunch of warriors do in church?

[Master] he offers up a copper into a bowl on the shrine

[Master] this is where you come to pay respect for your health and surviving a recent battle

[Indigo (Lisa)] Most of what I have seen are divination priests and crazy followers.

[Master] or to pray for guidence during battle

[Master] Cahus protects warriors who are penitent and are not overlly bravado

[Indigo (Lisa)] There is a god for us? I did not know that

[Master] do your part and good things will happen

[Master] Oh yes,

Indigo (Lisa) digs in his pocket and puts a copper in the bowl

[Master] and there is the shrine down the street to Saint Clig

[Master] He is the patron saint of watchmen here in the Citadel

[Indigo (Lisa)] Clig? I heard that last night

[Master] but Cahus is a major God, he is known throughout the entire world

[Master] St Clig is our patron saint, I will show you that later

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 69'11".

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 10'08".

[Master] Friend, my good man here has never been in a Church of Cahus,

[Master] would you please take him down to the crypts please?

Priest of Cahus (Master) looking at Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] The last crypts I was in was full of zombies and goblims

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you need them cleared out?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] We do not let such things inside of our crypts young man

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh ... all right

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] what church was in such disrepair that undead were aloowed in

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 12'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 19'10".

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 13'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was a skull church but it was dedicated to some goddes of disfigurement. It was rather awful really

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] likely some heathen faith then

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are your crypts full of the mighty warriors?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] that is what happens when you dabble in such things

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] we have many fine warriors in the crypts

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 14'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 11'04".

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 12'06".

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] he unlocks a door and ushers you into a private chamber

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] then he moves to a circular stair

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 10'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bad things happen at the end of circular stairs)

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] please be respectful as we enter

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 4'09".

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] he leads the two of you into a small area

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] this is our newest wing

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 37'05".

[Master] Senior Private Olif and Indigo moved 30'11".

[Master] then he leads you to an older area

[Master] there is another altar here apparently to Cahus

[Master] and a set of sarcophogus set upon a long stone raised table

[Master] along both walls are niches with more stone coffins inserted into each one

[Master] it is very quiet the only light is from his torch, a flame that does not burn

[Master] only gives off light

Senior Private Olif (Master) looking around in awe are reverence

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I can only hope to achieve the status to be intered here one day he whispers

[Indigo (Lisa)] Who is buried in the sarcophoguses?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Those that serve him well are honored to be held here

[Master] Priest of Cahus moved 12'02".

Priest of Cahus (Master) stepping over to the low stone table

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] These are the warriors fo Cahus

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] These two in the front are warriors from the Arm of Cahus, his most holy order

[Indigo (Lisa)] So these are not all paladins of the Arm then?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] they gave their lives in his service and are interred here to honor their service

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] no, very few are called to His service and are skilled enough to serve him in that way

[Indigo (Lisa)] They receive great honor here. I can tell

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Most of these good men and women, yes there are women who serve him well

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] they served here in the Kingdom and are buried here in honor

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] We sadly live in a time that there are more called home to Cahus every year

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] so we are busy digging new chambers

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] it is tedious work

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] we must be careful not to cause any disruption to the cistern system

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why is that? I know of no wars in this area

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] you come from a peaceful place then Sir Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) grimaces at the thought of a cistern accident affecting the crypts

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] we have had raids by a group of giants that killed several

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] and last year two good men died putting down an uprising against the Queen

Indigo (Lisa) eyes widen, "Giants, here?"

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] of course more than only two died but they will be sorely missed

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Sir Cleagon and Sir Wilon were both very strong men

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] May they serve Cahus well

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] and they perished ensuring that the Queen was protected

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] she came here to see to their internment her self

Indigo (Lisa) nods and bows his head for a moment

[Indigo (Lisa)] So Vilmar's warriors protect the Queen

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] It is over a hundred miles to the royal estates but she came this way

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Count Vilmar is very proud to have sent many men to serve Cahus in different ways

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] His oldest son died in the service of His duty

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] he is buried in the crypts under the Lords Manor

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] as he was new to Cahus' service and did not merit such burial here

[Indigo (Lisa)] I guess I do not understand.

[Indigo (Lisa)] The Church of Cahus sent its own warriors to protect the Queen last year but Count Vilmar did not? Your warriors and his are separate?

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 20'00".

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] moves over to pray over one of the Paladin's crypts

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] the Church of Cahus is here to minister to all warriors

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Count Vilmar has always done his share as his family has for many generations, they are most steadfast in defense of the Kingdom

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] the Count has two separate sets of forces here in teh Citadel actually

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] a private Iron Guard

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] and the rest of his Military,

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] Senior Private Olif here is part of that military

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] the Iron Guard has their barracks in the Lords Manor

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] the Count sends out his army to help the Queen protect the Kingdom

[Indigo (Lisa)] And they are the best of the best I would assume

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] they are not as good as the Arm of Cahus,

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] although the Count's great great grandfather had a son who was of the Order and traveled far and wide in his service

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well no, but Olif said that the Arm of Cahus was based in Dyrad's Lair

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are they here as well?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] yes,, smiles, Olif has learned his lessons properly

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] the Arm of Cahus sends its members out to where they are needed most

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] I have heard rumors of a crusade against the foul greek heritics soon to come

[Indigo (Lisa)] like the Brotherhood goes around searching for vampires?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] The Brotherhood is a worthwhile cause but they lack the backing of Cahus,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why is that?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] They were founded by Queen Margata Uklo, who was unfourtune to have the mistaken belief in the dark souled beings of Blackwater

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] those who would pray to them do not see the light of Cahus

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] yet the Brotherhood does not hew to any one god as would be proper

[Indigo (Lisa)] I get the feeling that the Cahus church doesn't like many other churches.

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] it is a reason I susspect that they only get a small handful of warriors to join them

[Indigo (Lisa)] How do they feel about the Kayugen church here in the citadel.

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] smiles young Sir Indigo, Cahus is a senior member of the Kayugan church

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] he is the son of Belinos,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh. So I guess he likes them then.

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] there are many churches and shrines here in the Citadel for true believers

[Indigo (Lisa)] I really don't know much about religions and churches

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] There is the main Temple to Cogse,

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] near there is a shrine to Procog and another to Caroline

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] there is the shrine to Saint Clig Prodint

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] of course here is our church

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] even in the marketplace there are two shrines, one to Vitreous and one to Broodhoy

[Indigo (Lisa)] They are warrior gods too?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] oh no, only the mighty Cahus is a true warrior

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are there places where your warrior practice their swordplay and other weaponry?

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] yes there are

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] I am certain that Senior PRivate Olif will take you to visit them if you wish

[Indigo (Lisa)] That would be nice. I have just completed my mastery training and have barely a chance to use it. I would want the chance to practice with honorable warriors

[Indigo (Lisa)] If they would let me that is.

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] then we shall have to go visit there

[Indigo (Lisa)] I would be most obliged.

Senior Private Olif (Master) looks inspired by his time here

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] we should not take up more of our Friend's time here,

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] thank you very much for this chance to see this

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you for showing me your church and your crypts

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 5'00".

[Priest of Cahus (Master)] It has been my pleasure

[Master] so after an hour or so in the church and crypts

[Master] Indigo is walking along and enters the Military District near the acadamy

[Master] and then we will jump over to Bran and Sarengar

[Guy] brans still shopping isnt she?

[Master] So Guy you want to be with her in the Small Market? or just hanging outside on the street?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - sarengar didn't want to go shopping)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((umm on the streets listening to what i can hear

[Master] Indigo moved 86'08".

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 215'04".

[Master] so I placed each of you on the overall map so you have an idea of where everyone is

[Master] Hoffman moved 19'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are so tiny)

[Master] I did not make them to scale or they would be even smaller

[Master] but it is fairly close

[Master] so out of character, questions?

[Master] do you understand so far what you have found out? where things are?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - will have to work in how we will share this information with each other)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are all getting different pieces of things that could be useful to others)

[Master] grins, as it was planned

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ooc we know everything but difficult for Indigo to start popping off info that Branwyn knows)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I have a bunch of places I want to go and do so I am just waiting for my turns and will keep hitting spots)

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not sure what everyone else's plans are)

[Master] so Guy what is Sarengar doing about Treble?

[Sarengar (Guy)] keeping her close by and trying to teach her little tricks

[Master] ok

[Sarengar (Guy)] maybe even amusing the children

[Master] chuckles did you peek at my map?

[Master] Young Boy red headed moved 26'00".

[Sarengar (Guy)] no actually i hadnt yet lol

[Master] Sarengar wanders towards teh Large Market seeing Branwyn head that way

[Master] so Sarengar is at the East end of the Market

[Sarengar (Guy)] Sarengar moved 3'01".

[Master] Brawnyn takes the alleyway across the street from teh Small Market and goes by what is apparently another Church to the west end of the Market

Young Boy red headed (Master) pointing at Treble

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] COOOL

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] that is a HUUUUUGE rat!

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] where did you get it?

Sarengar (Guy) coughs

[Sarengar (Guy)] Treble is an otter not a rat

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] an otter?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] why what should he otter be?

Sarengar (Guy) groans

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] grins

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] I ain't never seen an otter that big before

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] they are always small things in the swamps swiming away really fast

Sarengar (Guy) tosses the boy a copper "you got me on that one"

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] how do you know that is an otter and not a large rat?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] SNATCHES it out of the air

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] thanks MiLord

[Sarengar (Guy)] she seems to like me and i adore her so we travel together

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] you travel in swamps?

[Sarengar (Guy)] because i met her by the river

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] don't you know where the road is?

[Sarengar (Guy)] i try to avoid swamps the river is my favorite place to travel

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] I hear the crystal river goes all the way into the great swamp

[Sarengar (Guy)] i havent been into the great swamp yet

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] so why are you here then if you want to be in the swamp?

[Sarengar (Guy)] we needed supplies for our journey so we stopped here

[Sarengar (Guy)] hopefully we can make it back to rivers bend before too long

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] RIvers Bend?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] no one ever goes there, that is the end of the world

[Sarengar (Guy)] thats where Im from and its not the end of the world its close though

Young Boy red headed (Master) looks very impressed

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] so what sort of supplies doyou need?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] maybe I can help you?

[Sarengar (Guy)] i need to get some food for Treble here that will last while we travel

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] Don't otters catch fish?

Sarengar (Guy) reaches downs and pets Treble

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] I would think that if you have him as a pet he should catch fish for you

[Sarengar (Guy)] yes but we may not always be near water that has fish

[Sarengar (Guy)] well thats what i thought too bu she trained me otherwise

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] so you need fish?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] I can show you where some are

[Sarengar (Guy)] sometimes I think shes the on in control and Im her pet

[Master] Sarengar follows Young Boy red headed.

[Master] Treble follows Young Boy red headed.

[Lisa] (glad sarengar has his own room if he is buying a big supply of fish)

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 106'07".

[Master] Treble moved 5'10".

[Master] Sarengar no longer follows Young Boy red headed.

[Master] Treble no longer follows Young Boy red headed.

[Master] Sarengar follows Young Boy red headed.

[Master] Treble follows Young Boy red headed.

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 104'03".

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] and as the Sarengar and Treble follow the young boy to the fish monger they see Branwyn coming out of the alleyway and starting to tour the shops

[Master] Branwyn moved 33'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 17'10".

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 37'04".

Sarengar (Guy) waves at Branwyn

[Master] that answers my question

[Master] Young Boy moved 67'04".

[Young Boy (Master)] Hello Mi Lady

[Young Boy (Master)] is there anything you need carrying today?

Branwyn (Lisa) waves back

[Young Boy (Master)] (Going with the idea that Brawnyn has her backpack and belongings locked in her room at the Inn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hello yourself. I could have used you greatly yesterday but I am afraid I have no large packages today

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (me too)

[Young Boy (Master)] (actually this is later that same day Lisa, but you do not need to be carrying anything from the couple of things you purchased earlier)

[Young Boy (Master)] are you looking for anything in the Market today Mi Lady?

[Young Boy (Master)] I can help you find it right away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (didn't we check in last night and this is the next morning?)

[Young Boy (Master)] I know the best of everything here

[Young Boy (Master)] (yes to Lisa, about mid day the first day in the Citadel)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (all we bought were the beads for Heckat that I assume she will be carrying)

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 15'02".

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] FISHMONGER

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am just exploring today. What are the best shops in this area of the market?

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] my friend here needs some fish for his Otter,

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] it is a very famous otter he brought it here all the way from RIvers Bend

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] it must be very hungry now

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] and it needs some fish

[Young Boy (Master)] I think the silver shop is very nice

Branwyn (Lisa) raises her eyebrows and smiles "A famous otter do you say?"

[Young Boy (Master)] cocks his head to listen,

[Young Boy (Master)] I have never heard of a famous otter before,

[Young Boy (Master)] we should go see this!

[Master] Young Boy moved 79'08".

[Master] Branwyn moved 65'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neither have I

[Young Boy (Master)] grabs at Brawnyn's hand to tug her along

[Master] Young Boy moved 19'11".

[Master] Branwyn moved 44'07".

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] we need good fish for this famous otter

Young Boy red headed (Master) standing up straight and tall looking very official

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs and follows

Sarengar (Guy) picks up Treble and carries her as if she was a queen

[Fishmonger (Master)] shoo boy, there is no such thing as a famous otter, .... stops and looks at Sarengar

[Fishmonger (Master)] puzzled at Treble

[Fishmonger (Master)] you can't bring that thing in here

[Fishmonger (Master)] she says in an uncertain tone

[Sarengar (Guy)] Lady Treble wishes to peruse you selection of fish my good lady

[Fishmonger (Master)] blinks at Sarengar, looks at the otter, looks back and Sarengar

[Fishmonger (Master)] some people have more money then sense I suppose she says under her breath

[Fishmonger (Master)] Sure Sure the Lady Otter, treble is it? or trouble?

[Fishmonger (Master)] the Lady must eat I am sure

[Sarengar (Guy)] she is quite famished from her travels

[Fishmonger (Master)] well we have some royal fish here

[Fishmonger (Master)] my man caught one the other day that he swore could talk

[Fishmonger (Master)] but we ate him anyways, no talking fish is going to convince me not to eat him

Branwyn (Lisa) tries to keep from laughing watching the spectacle

Sarengar (Guy) carefully looks over the fish and shellfish selection

[Sarengar (Guy)] oh I quite agree

[Fishmonger (Master)] (the map is a bit blurry at this resolution but those are fish and such scattered over the tables there)

Sarengar (Guy) pauses and leans down as if to listen to Treble

[Master] Fishmonger moved 7'10".

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 2'04".

[Master] Branwyn moved 8'09".

[Master] Young Boy moved 12'09".

Sarengar (Guy) nods and says yes my lady

[Fishmonger (Master)] I will give you three portions for only 4 silver today,

[Fishmonger (Master)] fish fit for a Queen

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] NO

[Sarengar (Guy)] Lady Treble says you did the right thing by eating that fish, a talking fish will only lie

[Young Boy (Master)] Oh no

[Young Boy (Master)] no no no

[Young Boy (Master)] that is not worth four silver she is tring to scam you with her sad story about the talking fish

[Young Boy (Master)] I have heard that before

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] HEY

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] this is my mark.. I mean customer

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] he is doing just fine thank you

Sarengar (Guy) chuckles

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] he can pay some silver for fish

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] but of course he is not going to pay four silver

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] that would be silly

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] no one does that

[Sarengar (Guy)] it would have to be a very large fish

Young Boy red headed (Master) scowls at the Fishmonger then back at the other boy

Young Boy red headed (Master) stands up straight and tall

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] We will give you 2 silver and 4 copper for 4 portions of fish

Sarengar (Guy) pauses and leans down as if to listen to Treble

Sarengar (Guy) nods and says yes my lady

[Fishmonger (Master)] Boy

[Fishmonger (Master)] you know better than to try to haggle with me

Fishmonger (Master) looks at Sarengar

[Fishmonger (Master)] these are really good fish fit for a lady

Sarengar (Guy) puts Treble carfully on the shoulder of the redheaded herald

[Fishmonger (Master)] I will give you 4 portions because you have to feed your young friend here I suppse to

[Fishmonger (Master)] four portions for four silver

[Sarengar (Guy)] Lady Treble says her herald shall do her bargaining for her

[Young Boy (Master)] /smirks,

[Young Boy (Master)] I am glad I don't have that smelly thing on me

[Sarengar (Guy)] I am merely her Seneschal, I get to pay for things

Young Boy (Master) looks up at Branwyn,

[Young Boy (Master)] do you know these two Mi Lady?

[Sarengar (Guy)] I fear your jealousy is beginning to show young one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Actually I do

Young Boy red headed (Master) almost standign on his tip toes now, stroking Treble on his head

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] WE WILL HAVE A SAMPLE OF THE FISH

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] he says importantly

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] to test if you are selling good fresh goods

Branwyn (Lisa) giggles softly

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] (who knew shopping could be like this, grins)

Fishmonger (Master) glowers at the group

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((this going so much better than i had thought lol))

Fishmonger (Master) cuts off a bit of a fish tail and hands it over to Sarengar

[Fishmonger (Master)] the Queen's senshal can taste it for her

Sarengar (Guy) takes it and hands it to the herald

[Fishmonger (Master)] I am sure you will want to be most certain before giving her any

[Sarengar (Guy)] I dont presume to choose for her Ladyship

[Sarengar (Guy)] carefully lad be sure to count your fingers afterwards

Young Boy red headed (Master) cautiously offers the fish tail up to Trebel

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] annouces She likes it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yay!

Sarengar (Guy) winks at Branwyn

[Fishmonger (Master)] very well

[Fishmonger (Master)] so we are settled? four portions for four silver?

Young Boy red headed (Master) nods

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] it is a fair price

Sarengar (Guy) looks at Trebles new Herald

Young Boy (Master) groans

[Sarengar (Guy)] then it is agreed

Young Boy (Master) whispers to Branwyn, I coudl have gotten that for 3 silver

Sarengar (Guy) hands the fishmonger 4 silver

[Fishmonger (Master)] hands over a smelly cloth with four fish wrapped inside

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers back "I'm sure you could have but this was nice wasn't it?"

Sarengar (Guy) bows to the fishmonger

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 3'07".

[Master] Young Boy moved 15'02".

[Master] Branwyn moved 8'00".

[Sarengar (Guy)] I shall make sure that all her Ladyships friends hear of your wondrouse shop

[Master] Young Boy moved 4'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 11'00".

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 19'09".

[Young Boy (Master)] Ok

[Young Boy (Master)] where are you going next?

[Young Boy (Master)] who else are you goign to show off your world famous otter to?

[Young Boy (Master)] or are you goign to go for a swim in the cisterns with it now?

Young Boy red headed (Master) sticks out his tongue

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] just because I am special

[Sarengar (Guy)] now now Heralds of famous otters dont treat others like that

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] LOL

[Sarengar (Guy)] and you young sir are the Herald of the Famous Lady Branwyn so you have nothing to be jealous of

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at other boy "Now the boy with her ladyship recommended the silver shop. What shop do you recommend I visit?"

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] Oh

[Young Boy (Master)] what sort of things are you looking for Mi Lady

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] don't you know nothing it is My Lady,

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] you sound like a gutter rat

[Young Boy red headed (Master)] that is why you don't know any famous otters

[Young Boy (Master)] I am not a rat

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course you aren't. And how you address me is just fine.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not sure what I am looking for. What shops do the Count's sons like to visit?

[Master] Branwyn, Young Boy, Sarengar, Young Boy red headed and Treble moved 63'01".

[Master] Young Boy moved 13'08".

[Master] Branwyn moved 15'03".

[Master] Young Boy moved 7'04".

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'04".

[Master] Young Boy red headed, Sarengar and Treble moved 12'09".

[Young Boy (Master)] Enters a shop,

[Young Boy (Master)] My Ladyship would like to purchase some silver for the Count's Sons

[Young Boy (Master)] he announces to the man behind the counter

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((i love what I started lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think you misunderstood me young man.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is what happens when the men go shopping)

[Silversmith (Master)] oh go

[Silversmith (Master)] shooo

[Silversmith (Master)] leave my shop you brats

[Silversmith (Master)] both of you

[Silversmith (Master)] stop bothering these fine people

[Master] Silversmith moved 8'10".

[Silversmith (Master)] How can I help you Mi Lady?

[Young Boy (Master)] hearing this snears at the other boy

Young Boy red headed (Master) rolls his eyes, stroking Treble possessively

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "they mean well, sir. They are only boys being boys"

edit out Klooge error message scroll

[Silversmith (Master)] Ok all stopped now

[Silversmith (Master)] [Silversmith (Master)] How can I help you Mi Lady?

[Silversmith (Master)] [Young Boy (Master)] hearing this snears at the other boy

[Silversmith (Master)] Young Boy red headed (Master) rolls his eyes, stroking Treble possessively

[Sarengar (Guy)] Ladies Treble and Branwyn wish to examine your works and see if they are worthy of their purchase

[Silversmith (Master)] (back to normal now, not sure why that happened, I deleted the icon to stop it)

[Silversmith (Master)] Well Lady Treble, looking at Bran and Lady who?

[Silversmith (Master)] lookign around for another person

Sarengar (Guy) points to Treble " That is the Lady Treble"

Silversmith (Master) coughs into his hand

Sarengar (Guy) points to Branwyn "and that is the Lady Branwyn"

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 18 21:00:26 EDT 2012

[Sarengar (Guy)] the young lads are their Heralds

Sarengar (Guy) points to the young boy holding Treble "That is the Herald Stefan"

Sarengar (Guy) points to one guiding Branwyn "and this the Herald Liam"

[Silversmith (Master)] Very well

[Silversmith (Master)] what sort of things are you looking for?

[Silversmith (Master)] he said you wanted to buy somthing for the Count's sons?

[Sarengar (Guy)] we are looikng for items that would be appropriate for court functions

[Sarengar (Guy)] beuatifully designed yet not ostentatious

[Sarengar (Guy)] subtle enough to not be noticed yet bold enough to stand out when they are noticed

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 18 21:04:58 EDT 2012

Lisa is receiving the map overview map...

[Silversmith (Master)] you wish for them to match?

Lisa has received the map overview map.

[Silversmith (Master)] perhaps a pair of braclets?

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((welcome back))

[Silversmith (Master)] one could be used for a collar

[Sarengar (Guy)] that might work

[Master] Silversmith moved 12'08".

[Silversmith (Master)] brings out a tray of several braclets

[Silversmith (Master)] displays then on the center table

[Master] Silversmith moved 7'04".

[Master] Young Boy moved 8'02".

[Young Boy (Master)] Ohh

Young Boy (Master) reaches forward

Silversmith (Master) SMACK

[Silversmith (Master)] you do not touch

[Sarengar (Guy)] now now Herald Liam we do not touch until they have been purchased

[Lisa] (these are ladies bracelets?)

[Silversmith (Master)] yes

[Master] a selection of wide and narrow silver bracelets, no gems

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 11'08".

[Master] Treble moved 23'06".

[Young Boy (Master)] what do you think Lady Treble?

[Master] Sarengar moved 22'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They are quite beautiful. The craftmanship is quite impressive

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did you make these yourself?

[Silversmith (Master)] yes Mi Lady, I make all my own wares here in the shop, gestures to the door along the wall

[Silversmith (Master)] one cannot be too careful, we must provide the best quality that we can

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They are very fine indeed.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry about the boys here. It is just that it is my first visit to the citadel and wanted to go to only the best shops.

[Silversmith (Master)] I understand, I do hope to be able to provide you with the right accents that will help catch the Count's sons eye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So I had asked what shops do the Count and his sons go to and they lead me straight here. Even though my words may have gotten confused

[Sarengar (Guy)] Lady Branwyn, Lady Treble wishes you to know that she would be honored if you would share matching bracelets with her if you find one that meets your standards

[Branwyn (Lisa)] From what i hear the only one I stand a chance with is Jeffrey.

Young Boy (Master) looking Branwyn up and down,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joffrey does not have an interest in romace I hear

[Silversmith (Master)] Lord Jeffery has an interest in many women that is true

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Treble and then Sarengar "I am not sure I want to shar jewelry with an otter"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps a bit too many

[Silversmith (Master)] but Lord Joffery is not imune to a fine lady from what I would think

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am surprised he isn'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] t promised already

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (whoops)

[Silversmith (Master)] Word has it that the Count is looking for a superior match for the both of them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can I see that one on the right? Perhaps try it on?

[Silversmith (Master)] picks it up and slides it onto Bran's wrist

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Any local lady would be most fortunate on that account

[Sarengar (Guy)] her ladyship is hurt but she understands

Branwyn (Lisa) holds her arm out and looks at it "What do you think Sarengar and my young men?"

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] it is very pretty Mi Lady

[Sarengar (Guy)] very nice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Silver would accent a burgundy dress quite nicely too

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Young Boy (Master)] it is nice but Lady Treble needs one that is thicker, that will fit without snagging on weeds

[Sarengar (Guy)] Im sure Sir Indigo would like it as well

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And how much is this one?

Silversmith (Master) smiles warmly

Branwyn (Lisa) sliding the bracelet off and handing it back to the silversmith

[Silversmith (Master)] for you Mi Lady I will part iwth it for a song, only 3 gold pieces

[Master] both boys are mum

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh that is a little more than what I imagined. I don't suppose you would take 2 gold?

[Master] I am sorry Mi Lady but the work alone on this is worth 2 gold before I invest in the silver itself

[Master] I could for you give you a clasp for your cloak to go with it perhaps?

[Master] say both for 3 gold?

Master pulls out a simple pin with a flower shaped head

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles brightly "I would like that very much"

[Master] This will go nicely with your hair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And is there anything that her ladyship cannot live without?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Sarengar

Young Boy (Master) strokes Trebles head softly

[Sarengar (Guy)] me looks over the bracelets

Sarengar (Guy) looks over the bracelets

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does she have a collar now?)

[Young Boy (Master)] (a worn leather one)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not sure about metal collars on animals - do people do that?)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((sadly they do ))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we could find her a new leather one and maybe see if the silver person has a fish charm or something to attach to it?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm sure there is a leatherworking shop somewhere)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can't believe I am actually trying to shop for the charcters)

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((rofl))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (after this we need to get Branwyn away from the mall)

Branwyn (Lisa) turns back to the smith "I'm not sure about a collar for Lady Treble, but do you have any small charms we could attach to her collar. A fish or some otter type charm?"

[Young Boy (Master)] There is a clothier that might have something

[Silversmith (Master)] yes I have a couple of fishing charms,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let us see those

[Silversmith (Master)] a Priestess of Venery asked for some to be made but never returned to pick them up

[Master] Silversmith moved 8'09".

[Master] Silversmith moved 17'07".

[Silversmith (Master)] comes back with a small velvet lined box

[Silversmith (Master)] she said that these were to be made exactly like this

[Silversmith (Master)] three linked fish

[Silversmith (Master)] that they would be used in a spell

[Silversmith (Master)] but it has been over a year and she never returned

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is strange.

[Sarengar (Guy)] interesting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you like it?

[Silversmith (Master)] I would be willing to part with them for you,

[Silversmith (Master)] if she ever does return I will be able to make new ones for her

Young Boy red haired (Master) mutters quietly to the other boy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Rather, does Lady Treble like them?

Sarengar (Guy) examines the charm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She was a local priestess here in the citadel?

[Silversmith (Master)] No Mi Lady, she was a visitor like your self

[Silversmith (Master)] she said she would return in a week or so

[Silversmith (Master)] but I have never seen her again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Usually when one wants a magic item one does not forget.

[Sarengar (Guy)] her Ladyship wishes to know how much?

Young Boy (Master) mutters barely audible, maybe she was a ghost

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it has been a year, my guess is that she may have met a sad fate

Silversmith (Master) scowls at the boys

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe she s a ghost now. But I doubt she was one when she ordered the charm

[Young Boy (Master)] opens his mouth then shuts is quickly

[Silversmith (Master)] I would be glad to let you have these for only 2 gold

[Sarengar (Guy)] Her Lady ship says she will accept your generous offer

Sarengar (Guy) pays teh silversmith the 2 gold

Young Boy (Master) starts and looks up at Sarengar

Branwyn (Lisa) pays for her goods as well

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] I know someone who might be able to make a collar for you Mi Lady Sarengar

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] I mean Sir Sarengar

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think Sarengar needs a collar

Young Boy (Master) thumps him

[Sarengar (Guy)] chuckles

[Young Boy (Master)] Treble is the Lady, Sarengar is the man

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] shes an otter

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] Oh lets go

[Master] Young Boy red haired moved 7'05".

[Master] Branwyn moved 7'06".

[Master] Young Boy red haired moved 9'00".

[Master] Young Boy red haired moved 41'00".

[Master] dragging you down to the last shop of the market place

[Master] Young Boy red haired moved 7'11".

[Master] Sarengar, Young Boy, Treble and Branwyn moved 44'02".

[Master] Young Boy red haired moved 12'06".

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] Labin! I have some work for you, Labin!

[Master] One Eye Labin moved 3'09".

[One Eye Labin (Master)] Do you lad,

[One Eye Labin (Master)] what sort of work do you have for me?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] did you want me to fix the hole in your pants again?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] or did you rip your shirt on a nail

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] no no, a real customer

[Master] Sarengar moved 15'08".

[Master] Young Boy moved 18'07".

[Master] Treble moved 29'07".

[Master] Branwyn moved 22'07".

Sarengar (Guy) whispers to Branwyn "who knew shopping could be so much fun"

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "Here we go again"

[One Eye Labin (Master)] so folks what can I do for you this afternoon?

[Sarengar (Guy)] The Lady Treble wishes a new collar

[One Eye Labin (Master)] looks at Branwyn

[One Eye Labin (Master)] shrugs, if you wish

[One Eye Labin (Master)] would you like cloth ?

[Sarengar (Guy)] no no that is the Lady Branwyn

[One Eye Labin (Master)] it chafes less than

[One Eye Labin (Master)] looks back at Sarengar

Sarengar (Guy) points at Treble "That is the Lady Treble"

[One Eye Labin (Master)] looks around then down

[One Eye Labin (Master)] that?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] that is an otter

[One Eye Labin (Master)] looks at the two boys

[Sarengar (Guy)] she is also your customer

[One Eye Labin (Master)] what are you two cooking up, have you deluded some poor folk about some magical beast

[One Eye Labin (Master)] I bet you sold him this telling him it was a lady transformed by an evil witch

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is definitely no ordinary otter

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you should be ashamed of your selves,

[One Eye Labin (Master)] of course this is an otter

[One Eye Labin (Master)] look at it

[Sarengar (Guy)] actually the Lady Treble is mine

[One Eye Labin (Master)] smell it for Cogse' sake

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I didn't say she wasn't. Just not an ordinary otter

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In fact she is quite extraordinary

[One Eye Labin (Master)] very well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You would see if you got to know her better

[One Eye Labin (Master)] if you want a collar for your otter you shall have it

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you will excuse me if I do not want to get to know any otters better

[One Eye Labin (Master)] but I will do my best fo ryou

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Quite understandable

[One Eye Labin (Master)] now you want a strong collar

[One Eye Labin (Master)] something you can grab her with

[One Eye Labin (Master)] perhaps a thin chain?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] like for a dog

[Sarengar (Guy)] if you treat all your custopmers like this then we have no need to stay

One Eye Labin (Master) shrugs, very well

[Sarengar (Guy)] im sure I can find better worksmanship in Rivers Bend

One Eye Labin (Master) laughs

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you might as well say you will find better workmanship in the Happy Hunting Grounds they are almost as close

[One Eye Labin (Master)] no my good man you will not find a better craftsman in the citadel

[One Eye Labin (Master)] and anyone outside of here is not worth the travels

[Sarengar (Guy)] and your ego doesnt improve the quality of your woprk either

[One Eye Labin (Master)] gesures around at his full shop and other customers being helped by the young assistants

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We were thimking about leather perhaps. You know with some give to it?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you are free to differ

[One Eye Labin (Master)] yes my dear,

[One Eye Labin (Master)] leather would be a good choice, not weigh down in the water

[One Eye Labin (Master)] but it will wear out like this one did

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The collar is to make her more beautiful. Not to restrain her

[One Eye Labin (Master)] of course the workmanship on this is only so so

[One Eye Labin (Master)] I will be able to make one much stronger and cleaner for you

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you wish her to be beautiful,

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you want a design on the collar perhaps? to show your house colors?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Sarengar

[Sarengar (Guy)] I would sooner buy a leather collar form an orc

[One Eye Labin (Master)] believe it or not they do some fine work

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh Sarengar. He just didn't understand what you wanted is all

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sure lady Treble would be very happy with what Mister Labin can make

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And we can't attache her new charm to her old collar. I would worry she would lose it

TMO has joined the game on Fri May 18 22:03:17 EDT 2012

TMO is receiving the map overview map...

[Sarengar (Guy)] ((hola TMO))

TMO has received the map Large Market east ground floor.

[One Eye Labin (Master)] shopping for a collar for Lady Treble now TMO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi TMO :) )

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you have Heckat on the map for you

[TMO] (howdy folks - sorry to be so late. wife out of town this weekend, and had a graduation to go to, then dinner to feed, yaddayadda. )

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] Hey Labin, can you dye it red?

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] Lady Branwyn is wearing a burgandy gown to the Count's dinner

[Young Boy red haired (Master)] it should match her

TMO dons his Heckat suit.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh never mind

Sarengar (Guy) grins at Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And if Lady Treble would accept a new collar, how much would you charge for it?

Heckat (TMO) whispers to Branwyn, "Should we ask how much it would cost to put a bell on it?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It would need to be made so a charm could be attached securely to it.

[One Eye Labin (Master)] a bit of leather like that? with a ring in it for a charm?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] I can make that for you for 2 silver

[One Eye Labin (Master)] with a brass buckle that will not rust

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers back "Shhhh, there is trouble enough with Treble as it is"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That looks very nice. Sarengar? Will that please her ladyship?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How long will it take you to make it?

[Sarengar (Guy)] possibly

[One Eye Labin (Master)] if you leave the other collar here I can have it ready for you tomorrow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have done all I can. Sarengar it is up to you. I think it will be a good deal

[Sarengar (Guy)] if you think hes worth the trouble

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think if you wish to get a new collar before we travel again. I do think it is worth it. I will pay one silver now and the other tomorrow when we pick it up. Agreed?

[One Eye Labin (Master)] no no payment until the job is complete

[One Eye Labin (Master)] you get what you pay for

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you. I am sure we will be quite pleased with your work.

Sarengar (Guy) carefully takes the old collar off and tosse it towards the leatherworker

[One Eye Labin (Master)] takes it and sets it on the counter

[One Eye Labin (Master)] tsks over the stiches

[Master] Time of Day: 02:06 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Lec {Early Summer} 13th, 342 SKR.

[Master] so wrapping up with Labin

[Master] you go out into the main market again

[Master] it is early afternoon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So do you boys know if there is food to be had at the Fat Merchant Inn?

[Master] Sarengar, Young Boy, Heckat, Treble, Young Boy red haired and Branwyn moved 54'04".

[Heckat (TMO)] It sounds like a good guess.

[Heckat (TMO)] Or they would call it the Dieting Merchant Inn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you never know - thought I would be sure)

[Master] chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I was thinkiing of dropping a note off at the Shield Wall Inn so we could meet up for dinner at Fat Merchant and share info.)

[Young Boy (Master)] There is a huge dinning hall there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that way we are not meeting at each other's places)

[Heckat (TMO)] (makes sense to me)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we don't have to roleplay a rehas of information but thought we should make a point that we are doing this so we can know what everyone else does)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wonderful.

[Master] you can send one of the boys if you wish

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my thoughts exactly)

[Master] is Ilero going to go on his own? or go out with Indigo TMO?

[Master] you checked in seperately but Indiog went off with one of the soilders

[Master] soldiers

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at young boy" Can you take a note to the Shield Wall Inn and have then deliver it to a guest called Indigo?"

[Master] and you being a warrior would fit in with him at the Church of Cahus

[Young Boy (Master)] of COURSE I can Mi Lady

Branwyn (Lisa) writes note telling Indigo to gather the group for a dinner at Fat Merchant Inn tonight

Branwyn (Lisa) hands the boy a couple of coppers

[Young Boy (Master)] eyes gleam

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You have been very helpful today. Thank you

[Heckat (TMO)] Ilero can tag along with Indigo. He will be using his Observation and tourisy rubbernecking to try and find possible avenues toward sneaking into the castle and dungeons

[Heckat (TMO)] (sorry, that was ooc)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I thought Illero was in bed with the desk clerk)

[Heckat (TMO)] (I assume they finished some time in the night)

[Master] and along those lines TMO Indigo has been into the Crypts under the church across from the shield wall inn, and is now on his way to the acadamy

[Master] and has found out that there are two sets of guards, one basic military and one called the Iron Guard who are housed in the Lords Manor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so Indigo would have told him about the Iron Guard that is housed in the Count's fortress)

[Heckat (TMO)] (okay, I will have to read the logs to get caught up)

[Master] goign to try sending this map to Lisa only to see if she gets it correctly

[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks fine

[Master] sending to TMo now

[Master] and now to GUy

[Heckat (TMO)] got it

[Sarengar (Guy)] what map?

[Master] Military District map

[Sarengar (Guy)] ok got it

[Master] so you can see the overall area

[Master] Indigo moved 12'08".

[Master] that is the street from the church

[Master] straight ahead is the Shrine to Saint Clig

[Master] to your right is the Military barracks

[Master] to the left is the academy

[Ilero (TMO)] the complex with the gate across the road above us?

[Ilero (TMO)] (barracks, that is)

[Master] yes

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 33'07".

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] now that we spent the morning with Cahus let me show you Saint Clig's shrine,

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 155'05".

[Master] Indigo and Ilero moved 238'10".

[Master] Ilero moved 13'03".

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] He enthusiasticlly tells you the story of Saint Clig

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] Clig Prodint was a warrior who served in the army of Chandler Cowles during the First Drillian Civil War. He fought bravely throughout several battles against human and humanoid forces. When the battle of the Crystal River was over he was one of the few survivors. While the group was waiting for reinforcements Clig was on watch and was killed by an undead attacker during the night. Clig did not let this stop him from performing his duties of waking and warning the rest of the group of the attack. None of his fellow soldiers suspected that Clig was dead until after the battle when they found his body cut apart. They buried him next to the hill along the river. Several weeks later Clig was credited with awakening the cooks of the campsite from their beds before a fire spread to catch the commanders tent. From that time on soldiers and guardsmen said a prayer of thanks to Saint Clig for watching over them in the night. Several times over the course of the next few years he was credited with bringing a watchman's attention to something happening that diverted a disaster from happening in what became Citadel for the Vilmar Estates

[Indigo (Lisa)] That is amazing!

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I know

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] his is buried right here, 600 years ago

[Ilero (TMO)] Is very inneresting yes.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are there recent stories of Saint Clig too?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] and he still watches over the Citadel to this day

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] oh yes, almost everyone says they have felt him watching over them

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I am not sure that all of them are telling the truth but we have not had any problems with a true believer falling off the walls, or anything like that

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am very happy here. It is nice to think about warriors looking over other warriors from beyond the grave and churches and everything.

[Master] looking straight up the hill to the west you see the Lords Manor

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's like the military is the most important group in the whole citadel

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] of course we are

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] well maybe not the most important group

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] we are very important,

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] the Lord's Family is most important I suppose

[Ilero (TMO)] too modest, am sure. Many dangers here, I think.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well besides them

[Indigo (Lisa)] And the Lord's family takes good care of you?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] teh Count makes sure everyone is well trained

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] we have good food

[Sarengar (Guy)] well all im off before i fall asleep

[Ilero (TMO)] (g'nite)

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] of course we have to go to war sometimes but that is what armies are for I am sure

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] (night)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you will be back next week?)

[Guy] it was an amazingly fun night lol

[Guy] i should be

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] no game on the 1st

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and you didn't want to go shopping)

[Guy] rofl

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight!)

[Guy] bob got a new quote for the boards

[Guy] night

Guy has left the game on Fri May 18 22:38:53 EDT 2012

[Indigo (Lisa)] He didn't say the quote

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] There is a little secret corner next to the barracks did you want to see it?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure!

[Master] Senior Private Olif moved 111'06".

[Ilero (TMO)] yes please

[Master] Ilero moved 91'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 94'00".

[Master] Indigo, Ilero and Senior Private Olif moved 66'09".

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] they say that during the full moon a nymph comes up ou tof the water and takes the first man she sees

Ilero (TMO) checks the moon.

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I have never been the first one here,

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] but I have seen other men come out of the water all wet

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this is a pond?)

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] (yes)

[Indigo (Lisa)] She kills them?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] chuckles not that I have heard, unless she wears them out

[Indigo (Lisa)] Huh?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] Thank you Indigo! it is not often that I get to show new people around

Indigo (Lisa) thinks for a moment

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhhhhhhhh

[Indigo (Lisa)] And there is a line of people here for the full moon?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] not very often

[Indigo (Lisa)] To be first?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] really only new recruits

Senior Private Olif (Master) shrugs, but you never can tell

Indigo (Lisa) sticks his foot in the water and splashes it a bit

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know if I believe that story

[Ilero (TMO)] Is line for pond every moon, right?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] don't you ever wear shoes?

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] Every moon yeah

[Indigo (Lisa)] Don't need to most of the time

[Indigo (Lisa)] I might have to when we go to Court though

[Indigo (Lisa)] They might not let me in! I should have thought of that

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I do not know anythign about court

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] I have never needed to go see the judge

[Master] Indigo, Ilero and Senior Private Olif moved 247'07".

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] he leads you back down teh path and then aroudn the corner, across from the academy

[Senior Private Olif (Master)] sign says Defeated Orc Tavern

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not that Court! I meant the Court with the Queen and the Princesses and all that

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] Olif!

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] How are you my boy, and you brought friends,

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] knew you would be in on your day off

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] how are you two gentlemen? New Recruits that Olif is showing around?

[Master] Indigo moved 18'04".

Ilero (TMO) shakes his head. "No. Sir is kindly showing us town. I buy him drink, yes?"

[Ilero (TMO)] (Do I have that right?)

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] YEs YEs

[Barkeep #3 (Master)] good drinks

[Master] Olif leads you to a corner table

[Master] the bartender brings over flagons of beer

[Master] it seems that this is a regular hangout for the soldiers a simple bar, no rooms

[Master] and I think we can wrap up things here?

[Master] everyone is at about the same point in the day now

[Master] the shopping took place over a much smaller area

[Indigo (Lisa)] okay

Ilero (TMO) takes careful note of the uniforms, just in case he has to try and disguise himself as one later.

[Ilero (TMO)] ok

[Master] if Marco logs in next week he can have been at the shield wall inn bar most or all of the day

[Lisa] It is mid afternoon?

[Master] yes

[Master] if you want to chat with folks in the Tavern you can do that

[Master] and or just about anything else

[Lisa] okay

[Master] you might want to sum up things on teh OOC page or look at checking off or adding to the short theme section on the Blood Trail page

[Lisa] Indigo can see about practicing with some of the soldiers

[Master] nods

[Lisa] see if Iron Guard step out from Lord's fortress etc

[Lisa] Branwyn will wait to hear Hoffman's storyabout the temple before she heads over there so probably won

[Lisa] won't do that until the next day game time

Lisa is receiving the map overview map...

Lisa has received the map overview map.

[Master] Llathandryll moved 72'05".

[Master] those are the four places we are at right now

[Lisa] Lots to think about - we are getting a lot of outside info but nothing until we get into someone really important I think

[Lisa] Anyway - will head out and finish salad making

[Lisa] goodnight all

[Master] good night

[Ilero (TMO)] good night

[Lisa] see you next week

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 18 22:59:13 EDT 2012

[Master] any questions sir?

[Ilero (TMO)] not offhand. Did Ilero learn anything potentially interesting?

[Master] perhaps

[Master] I will let you read over the log after I post

[Ilero (TMO)] ok

[Master] you can go with the idea you were with Indiog the entire time

[Ilero (TMO)] ok

[Master] and then we will move forward either on the site or next week

[Master] you can RP in the tavern during the week on the site if you wish

[Ilero (TMO)] I need to remember to check it more often

[Ilero (TMO)] I tried to hook up to an rss feed, but there isn't one. :P

[Master] as long as it does not seem like homework, grins

[Master] this is true

[Master] it is one of the things I need to do

[Ilero (TMO)] I just finished my class for this term. homework blah

[Master] I know I can make a feed off of the Recent Changes page

[Master] just need to figure out the programing behind it

[Ilero (TMO)] I've never set up a feed before, so I am afraid I don't have any tips

[Master] eh I will get to it one day

[Master] good night sir

TMO has left the game on Fri May 18 23:03:00 EDT 2012

XP not awarded yet