Main / May2209

May 22 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 22 18:30:35 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] I will be with everyone in a short bit, dealing with a couple of things here at the house.

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:46:09 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Fritz] has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:46:43 EDT 2009

Fritz] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritz] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Kaz] Hey guys

[Kaz] AFK while I go get fooooooooooood

Fritz] is receiving the map Desert location A...

Fritz] has received the map Desert location A.

[Kaz] Hey Bob, you might want to think about getting rid of the 'Welcome to Deep Dark Dangerous' and the accompanying sound.

Kaz] is receiving the map Desert location A...

Kaz] has received the map Desert location A.

[Fritz] hello kaz

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

john2] has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:49:23 EDT 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

john2] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Rave Starfire modified: Combat - Initiative (modifier): (INIT) : CHANGED: -$RA (+10+$RA).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hello John

[john2] hello all

[john2] glad you made it Fritz

[john2] did not want to die alone

[john2] I am AFK until Kaz gets back

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We shall see. I am using a very poor wireless connection at the moment

[john2] ;)

[john2] have you figured out how to hold the water?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I was going to carve a pit in the dirt. It wont hold forever but it should give us time to get a drink of water.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] We aren't in sand anymore

[john2] but we are not staying here, I was woring on a portable

[john2] I have an idea

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well all I have is my night shirt. Unless one of the clerics can create objects

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] what is your idea?

[john2] plan a would be to take a night shirt or the like and cast deep freeze on it so the water should not soak in or leak out

[john2] it would have to be put into shape first

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Wait on that note, can't small amounts of water be created with a cantrip or orison? That way won't have to worry about losing alot of water.

[john2] nice one

[john2] not sure how much, but Orisons have to be cast within a certain time, nice add on though

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] hey, back

[Kaz] Hi John and Fritz :)

[john2] Thank you for not killing us Kaz

[Kaz] lol

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] One orison would create enough water for all of us and we could drink it as it is produced

[Kaz] Sorry I wasn't here last week, but the parental visit claimed seniority

[john2] as long as it was not in laws, that would bite

[Kaz] I can create more water than what we need to drink, so that should help with draining

[john2] ;X

[Kaz] Actually, I have awesome in-laws. I love them

[john2] lucky you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I could polymorph into a tree or a stump with a hollow part and every could drink from it

[Kaz] Yeah, but that doesn't help Rave.

[john2] I am not drinking from any part of you

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((I would make the hollow part my butt...LOL))

[Kaz] Is there any wood where we are?

Death] has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:01:12 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Death] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Kaz] Ewww, dude...

[Kaz] Heya Mike

[Kaz] So, is there any type of wood around?

[john2] how is Moria dressed?

[Death] hey kaz

[john2] ;X

[Death] did you check any of my twats out?

[john2] jey Mike

[Kaz] lol Mike

[Death] for those not up on the current trends and terminology, twat = past tense of twitter

[john2] =fad

[Death] i am twittering what i'm doing now, i twat last night about it

[Kaz] John, she is wearing a nightdress

[john2] sometimes that helps not hurts

[john2] depends on the style

[john2] old granda ma style, not so much

[Kaz] Ankle-length, long-sleeved, plain cotton. It's made for sleeping, not enticing.

[Death] sleep in the nude, wear night clothes to seduce

[Kaz] See? Mike knows. :D

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Ordering food now

[BOB] then we can get movign along

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] Anyway, since everyone has already seen her naked, she wouldn't feel very self-conscious about having to rip off a lot of it to make cover for others.

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:06:45 EDT 2009

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Kaz] Anyway, no one ever said. Is there any wood around?

[Kaz] Hi Lorie!

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map Folly...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map Folly.

[Lorie] Good evneing

[john2] NO real wood

[Kaz] How are you on this beautiful Friday?

[Death] hi lor

[john2] rocks and stones

[john2] hello Lori

[Kaz] Hrm. Well, I can warp wood, dunno if I can actually shape it, but even to get it close to being bowl-like.

[Lorie] Hi Mike and it's TWEET

[Kaz] Or someone could shape stone if they are able, and create a bowl-like depression. That should work for holding water

[Lorie] he tweeted, she tweeted, it tweeted

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] There is an orison from the sphere weather. The orison causes all objects in the area to become damp and slippery. the moisture remains until the area dries naturally. Another one that is protection as well as weather. Protects the individual from the extremes of temperature. -100 F to +200 F cause no damage. It lasts for 4 hours.

[Lorie] twat is something COMPLETELY different

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Death only)] although you use your fingers for both

Fritz] has left the game on Fri May 22 19:10:03 EDT 2009

Fritzie] has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:10:39 EDT 2009

Fritzie] is receiving the map Desert location A...

Fritzie] has received the map Desert location A.

[Fritzie (to Death only)] although you use your fingers for both

[Fritzie (to john2 only)] although you use your fingers for both Twat, and twitter

[Death] no no, it's twat. tycho from penny arcade said so.

[Death] his word is gospel.

[Death] can i get an amen?

[Lorie] nope

[Fritzie] AMEN

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] ::shaking head::

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to Death only)] although I do enjoy Twittering a Twat

[BOB] back and food is ordered

[BOB] wine is opening and flowing

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to Death only)] when I do they Tweeter so nicely!!

[BOB] the weekend has begun

[john2] rub it in

[BOB] began begun bedrunked

[Lorie] Okay then...

[Kaz] Flowing wine, eh? Well, that explains a lot of this adventure...

[Lorie] I have a few words I'd like to say tonight before we get too far down the road

[BOB] ok

[Death] snicker

[john2] ::ducks::

[Lorie] I'm not a happy smurf about things going on in the campaign

[Lorie] and I'd like to spend a few moments talking about the proposed changes to the campiagn and how that affects each of us personally and why it needs to happen

[Lorie] First... I am EXTREMELY displeased at the prospect of the campaign losing the half XP

[Lorie] and... 2nd if we all die having us come back as vanilla 1st level characters

[Lorie] it's not right... and it is contrary to D&D canon

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Have to go for a bit.

Fritzie] has left the game on Fri May 22 19:16:32 EDT 2009

[Lorie] I think it is unfair that just because some people abuse the rules we all are punished is stupid

[Lorie] now... pausing for a moment, I would like to add that this is BOB's campaign and no matter what the rules say... E. Gary Gygax had one other rule

[john2] I think this is premature, unless I missed something, this is one possiblity

[Lorie] The GM can modify ANY rule at their discretion

[Lorie] Which is why I haven't been speaking up about some of the CLEAR abuses that have been going on in the campaign

[Lorie] My perspective is that if BOB is allowing things to occur he's within his right

[Lorie] Well John, it's not premature

[Lorie] BOB has vocalized his intent that going forward no more Skills & Powers and that the half XP rule is going to be severely gutted and modified

[BOB] acutally not quite that severe

[Lorie] :: looks at BOB :: any modification to the rule is severe

[BOB] smiles, I hear you

[Lorie] So for those of you who have complained that I have been sitting silent...I'd like you to know that I'm not oblivous

[Lorie] however, I'm rather annoyed that BOB has been so generous in the Underdark

[Lorie] technically the party should have died at least twice now

[Lorie] and certain characters more times than that

[Lorie] Here's a hint... all the invisibility you think you have to protect you... guess what? Most underdark characters can see you

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Lorie] Again, I respect a GM to run his / her campaign as they see fit

[Lorie] So... I don't want to spend time on rules debates or whatever...but I do want to speak my mind since the apperance is that I don't care

[Lorie] which isn't further from the truth

[Lorie] Any questions?

[john2] not at this time

[Lorie] We all clear on the fact that the Underdark is a bad, dangerous place ?

[Lorie] We all clear that abusing our magic items and abilities ruins it for all the smurfs in the village?

[Lorie] We all clear that we're a GROUP and not a bunch of renegades out for personal glory and fame ... well of course your character could be that way... but you know, it doesn't work well

[Death] well, i definately feel like group cohesion has gone out the window.

[Lorie] Mike, Kaz, BOB...any questions from you?

[BOB] I want everyone to speak to say what they want

[Kaz] None from me

[Death] it's a group of people who do what they do separately rather than working things out together

[Lorie] I have tried to not have Kylia be a ruler with an iron fist...but we are quickly approaching a time when she will

[Lorie] and I am afraid this will not be a fun time for some characters

[john2] and lots of players

[Lorie] so if there are concerns, let's get them out now

[Lorie] because I'm tired of logging on and wanting to poke my eyes out every Friday

[Lorie] BOB working on adventures takes a lot of his time

[Lorie] and this is time to spend with friends

[Lorie] not whatever rule loophole you can garner

[BOB] I think that part of the problem with group cohesion does lie both in the Players and teh Characters, John is a good exmaple. He should be allowed to play his character the way he sees fit, but being a stand offish, I am not part of the group really does imply going it alone, even though everyone knows that John will not abanond the group

[BOB] I think that perhaps a reaffirmation of the Dragonslayers is in order after this adventure

[Death] and we've had characters who have allied themselves as a separate faction, don't forget.

[BOB] before going back into the Deep Dark Dangerous portion again

[BOB] that is my point Mike


[Lorie] Fair enough

[BOB] needs to make it clear

[Lorie] Well BOB in John's defense... he's trying to reset expectations of his character

[BOB] swear binding oaths to protect each other etc.

[Lorie] so I understand where he is coming from

[BOB] and I hear that Lorie, and I do not expect John to change

[BOB] or for Paul to change

[Lorie] I'm not swearing to protect anything that tries to kill me or eat me

[BOB] right

[BOB] John as a player has some great ideas, very fun roleplaying, and is overall an assett to the game

[Lorie] So... I just wanted to get that out in the open before we started tonight's session. Thanks for the time

[Lorie] Absolutely...EVERYONE has something to contribute

[Lorie] But ... people shouldn't assume they will be acted upon just because they open their mouth

[BOB] and everyone should know they can contribute both here and on the site so that no one should ever feel bottled up

[Lorie] With that said...everyone should just do what I say :: laughs ::


[Death] ::smiles and nods::

[Death] ::shakes his head when her back is turned::

[Lorie] Okay I highjacked enough of the session... let's kill us some dwagons

[BOB] John? you have been typing a while

[john2] ::moving on::

[Death] he just hit the space bar to make us think he's typing and went to get some food.

[Death] sigh. it's leeroy jenkens all over again

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so starting off with Kylia;'s track

[BOB] to bring them up to speed

[BOB] the first day of research finds nothing

[BOB] only the basics about the Manetho Empire and such

[BOB] did you want to try something else?

[BOB] you are still a day and a half behind the other tracks

[Lorie] Nope... I can't give up after 1 day of searching

[Lorie] we're not looking for pebbles.. these are dragonslayers

[BOB] what are you hoping to find?

[BOB] you can get a fix on Antarias and his group through divination

[Lorie] something about the portal...the geas ... the calling of the man in sleep

[BOB] but the others are not

Death] has left the game on Fri May 22 19:36:17 EDT 2009

[Lorie] ... Kylia doesn't have Divination herself...she needs some help for that

[BOB] nods going with teh idea you did

[john2] brb

Death] has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:36:44 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Death] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] magical research will cost

[BOB] how much are you spending on this?

[BOB] basic Divination is covered

[Lorie] what's the price?

[Lorie] I'll decide if Fin is worth is

[BOB] you know that Ant Val and Kwan are there the rest have vanished

[BOB] they will spend up to what you allow them to spend

[BOB] 1,000 GP

[BOB] 10,000 GP

[BOB] etc

[Lorie] well let's start at 500gp

[BOB] no known spells that can do that

[BOB] from any mage

[john2] priest

[john2] dream priest?

[john2] didn't we know someone who was a dream priest or something

[Kaz] OH! There was that sorceress (I think), the one who studied dreams. In that tower, when we first started out after the caravan raiders.

[john2] oh yea, the one we kissed

[Death] on bob's random ass wizard adventure

[Kaz] She was a sorceress or a wizardess or something.

[john2] or was it random?

[Kaz] Whether or not it was random, maybe she could help somehow. It's an option, anyway.

[Death] yes. it was. he used dream, time, elementalist, i'm surprised he didn't pull out a bloody path mage for shits and giggles

[Lorie] :: ponders :: Hmmm... :: turns to Wilson :: Well, do I wait for them to come back?

[Lorie] Why would you EVER go to something that call out to you in your sleep.

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: Do you remember that guy with the knives for fingers... :: pauses :: err umm, nevermind

[Lorie] Wilson > ... :: shakes head :: Lady Kylia, you really aren't well. They are Dragonslayers, of course you should go after them

Fritzie] has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:43:38 EDT 2009

Fritzie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Fritzie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Death] i agree with wilson. she's not well.

[Lorie] :: shrugs :: Perhaps, I think I have a lead... I'll need to go quickly though

Fritzie] is receiving the map Desert location A...

Fritzie] has received the map Desert location A.

[Lorie] But... I am going to get some sleep...meditate on this and see if I get anymore inspiration

[Lorie] ((Go ahead BOB... I'll set out for the priest in the morning via portal ))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so switching over to Ant and Val

[BOB] you are at the top of the cliff

[BOB] evening comes

[BOB] and you can venture out of your shelter

[BOB] you have supplies with you

[BOB] what are you going to do?

[Death] walk around the hole and go to the temple

[Lorie] ((WB Fritz))

[Death] give ant and val their hp's

[BOB] from sleeping?

[Death] yup

[BOB] ] Antarias's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 84 (1) - Lightly Wounded

[Kaz] Hey again Fritz

[Death] i want my one hp

[BOB] ] Valedianna's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (1) - Heavily Wounded

[Death] ::sing to "i want my mtv"::

[BOB] fair enough

[john2 (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Death] are we there yet?

[BOB] nope

[Death] what about now?

[BOB] but after you are mostly finished with your trek around the palm

[Death] we see a red robot running through the grasses?

[Bedouin (BOB)] HALT

[Death] spock pops up?

[Death] kirk???

[Bedouin (BOB)] (haven't seen the movie yet) Who are you

[Death] or is this the picard trek?

[Bedouin (BOB)] why are you entering our lands

[Antarias (Death)] "I am Anterias and I go to the temple."

[Lorie] :: shakes head :: ((Monty Python -- it's the Black Knight ))

[Bedouin (BOB)] he looks like a bedouin, he is dressed in robes, with no weapons or armor

[Bedouin (BOB)] why do you want to visit the temple?

[Antarias (Death)] that would help if i knew what a bedouin looked like.

[Antarias (Death)] is it a four post bedouin?

[Antarias (Death)] water bedouin?

[Kaz] /facepalm

[Antarias (Death)] "I'm searching for my brother."

[Bedouin (BOB)] (talk dark dressed in flowing robes, picture the guys in Indiana Jones that were not nazies)

[Antarias (Death)] oh, like what's his face from the mummy.

[Lorie] ((si))

[Antarias (Death)] fahra adid or whatever his crazy ass name is.

[Antarias (Death)] i like him.

[Antarias (Death)] he's hawt.

[Bedouin (BOB)] who is your brother?

[Antarias (Death)] "His name is Finglas. Have you seen him?"

[Bedouin (BOB)] no, I do not recognize the name

[Antarias (Death)] "He is an elf."

[Bedouin (BOB)] where is he from? who is he?

[Bedouin (BOB)] oh, then he would be dead

[Antarias (Death)] "He is from Greenborough. Way to the south."

[Antarias (Death)] "Did you kill an elf recently?"

[Bedouin (BOB)] we kill all elves

[Bedouin (BOB)] they are unclean

[Antarias (Death)] "Right. So did you kill one in the past two days?"

[Bedouin (BOB)] I have not, but if one came to the temple he would be killed

[Bedouin (BOB)] I am here on guard

[Antarias (Death)] "Okay. Great."

[Antarias (Death)] "Well what about the Flail of Kings?"

[Bedouin (BOB)] he looks around

[Bedouin (BOB)] what have you heard?

[Antarias (Death)] "Has it passed by this way?"

[Bedouin (BOB)] slumps, no

[Antarias (Death)] "Well, my brother was carrying it."

[Antarias (Death)] "Is still, I hope."

[Bedouin (BOB)] you are a dwarf, I think

[Bedouin (BOB)] so no dwarves have come through here

[Antarias (Death)] "Partly, yeah."

[Antarias (Death)] "No, I'm half dwarf, my brother is I'm affraid, elf."

[Bedouin (BOB)] that is a pity

[Bedouin (BOB)] I am sorry for your loss

[Antarias (Death)] "I've dragged him back from beyond the veil once."

[Bedouin (BOB)] you should leave him there

[Bedouin (BOB)] it is where he belongs

[Antarias (Death)] "Some said that, but he's still got good to do here."

[Bedouin (BOB)] he is a better servant there than here

[Antarias (Death)] "Well, if you don't mind, can we go to the temple?"


[Bedouin (BOB)] he looks at you

[Antarias (Death)] "My sister can use some healing."

[Bedouin (BOB)] do you swear to follow the precepts of Set?

[Antarias (Death)] "Not sure what they are, but I won't interfere with your practices."

[Bedouin (BOB)] very well

[Bedouin (BOB)] you may swear to that

[Bedouin (BOB)] and then you may pass

[Antarias (Death)] "Thank you."

[Bedouin (BOB)] ok

[Bedouin (BOB)] and break there

[Bedouin (BOB)] food

[Bedouin (BOB)] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] that track is caught up

[BOB] Lorie?

[BOB] want to move forward?


[BOB] or ?

[BOB] Kaz? John? Fritz? you ready?

[john2] for?

[Fritzie] 4

[john2] four?

[Kaz] ready

[BOB] ok

[Antarias (Death)] fore

[BOB] so picking up there

[BOB] it is say light and the sun blasts off of the glass

[john2] did you read my plan A?

[BOB] you can see the rays shoot out and acorss the open valley

[BOB] you can hear the sizzle of the sun heating up the gladd

[BOB] glass

[BOB] after the day passes

[BOB] you emerge from your hideaway thirsty and hungry

[BOB] you are at the bottom of that 1,000 foot cliff

[john2] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] do either of you priests create food and or water?

[Kaz] ((Is there any wood around? We can try to construct a rudimentary lathe...))

[BOB] no wood

[BOB] no grass

[BOB] no vegitation

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Antarias (Death)] "I cannot make food, but if we had a drop of water i could make water."

[BOB] rocks and sand

[Moirra (Kaz)] I can make water and food both.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] You're talking as Ant still

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] =P

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (any loose rocks from the evacaion, BOB)

[BOB] yes John

[Moirra (Kaz)] Where is the best place to bring water into being?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (larger them a couple fists)

[Finglas (Death)] "We should make a trough to hold it."

[BOB] sure you can find one about two foot in diameter, a small boulder

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can make a trough in the dirt or in a rock as an uber hulk if you wish

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] make that umber

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have two options, I think

[Finglas (Death)] "If you make a trough in the dirt the water would drain away. We need one in the rock. With no cracks to let the water leak away."

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I have an idea, too, if it would work the way I'm thinking))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I can take a pick of rock, cast "item" on it and make it into a pouch of sorts to cary water with us

[Moirra (Kaz)] I can make more than we can drink at one go.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] What were you thinking dear.... er Morria

[Moirra (Kaz)] Umm...

[Finglas (Death)] "If we could carry some I could make water later."

[Finglas (Death)] "The food you make will last us a day, so we could carry it with us."

[Moirra (Kaz)] if Rave could carve out a shallow niche, then in the rock that makes the floor of it, carve a trough?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Also...

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Sure point me to the spot adn I shall oblige

Moirra (Kaz)] tears off the bottom of her nightdress, up to her knees

[BOB] ooooo

Moirra (Kaz)] rips it into five pieces

[BOB] watch out she is going to waterboard you Finglas

[Moirra (Kaz)] we can soak these and suck on them until they are dry, during our travel.

[BOB] see!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::licks lips::

[Finglas (Death)] she would just love to tie him up

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't know, Rave, I can't tell if any part of the cliff is stronger or weaker or better than another.

[Moirra (Kaz)] What do you gentlemen think? *looks from Rave to Paul to Finglas*

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what , sorry, what was the question

Moirra (Kaz)] peers at Paul

[Moirra (Kaz)] Are you okay?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am sure it is just the ... heat

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I will be ok with some water

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] to suck on

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i like were your going so far

[Finglas (Death)] "Can we carry some with us?"

[Finglas (Death)] "I'm not sure it won't dry out from the cloth."

[Moirra (Kaz)] So, your idea of making a rock canteen, can you do that?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we just need a little more cloth

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (ask BOB)

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Rave, while you are cutting a trench, leave me a little biger piece

[BOB] an umber hulk can carve a trench, but not do fine work like that

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yes, but maybe a couple of good sized chunks of rock. Paul, can you form them yourself into what you need?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] the spell turens them into a cloth like substance for a while

Moirra (Kaz)] beams at Paul, obviously impressed

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Could you turn water into a cloth like substance?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] no rope so we will have to hold

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] well, I think, maybe, but then it would all turn back at once

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, we can drink our fill here, then put some in the rocks, then soak the fabric with some. We should be okay for a while, do you think?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I say we do thusly

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Thusly

[Finglas (Death)] alright

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (it that ok BOB?)

[BOB] ok, so walk through that in full please john

[BOB] just to be clear what is happening, which spells are being used

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Rave carves out trecn, large bowl in stone, leaves good size chuck for me

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Paul casts the stone chunk into cloth using spell item

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Morria cast create food and drink, catching what we can in my makeshift bag and trench and cloths from Morria loins

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] eat drink and be merry

[BOB] from her loins?

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] sorry cloth

[BOB] grins

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] nightgown

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((good lord))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Seriously, dude))


[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] My spell lasts 4 hrs x13 = 52 hours

[BOB] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am bad at spelling and vocabulary

[BOB] so you get a rough rock hewn bowl filled with water, and you also soak the other bits of cloth with the water that appears when she creates food and water

[BOB] then you do what with the rock?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Do you mean the trough?))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i cast "Item on it and fold it up like a pouch

[BOB] ok

[BOB] that works so cast those two spells

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Item: I can fold it away

[BOB] and Moirra casts her spell

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra casts a spell against : Create Food and Water: I create (8) 8 cubic feet of food and water.

[BOB] then how are you getting up out of this place?

Guy] has joined the game on Fri May 22 20:27:54 EDT 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Guy] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] rave can make a ramp?

[BOB] no

[BOB] is 1,000 feet

[Finglas (Death)] ladder?

[BOB] well you can, but it would take a week

[BOB] or more

[Finglas (Death)] wish uppon a star?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I have a weight allowance of 535 lbs. I can carry one up at a time

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Nope sorry

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] that was when I was stronger

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] What is the weight allowance for someone with a strength of 11?

[Moirra (Kaz)] Tell me what we are having to go up?

[BOB] 1,000 foot cliff Kaz

[Moirra (Kaz)] ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can fly one person up at a time maybe

[BOB] 115# fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] How much does each person weight?

[Finglas (Death)] how did we get down again?

[Moirra (Kaz)] 124 pounds

[BOB] hmmm how much weight has moirra put on ?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Why would Moirra have put on weight?))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] is there a less steep way. it looks shaped like a hand, the wrist should be more gradual

[Lorie] ((Hey, that's not nice! AFK a moment ))

[BOB] (she is the only woman, men don't gain weight, only women do )

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Bite me, Bobby))


[Finglas (Death)] let's have kinky time once we're OUT of the life threatening desert, kaz

[BOB] so anyone over 115# is stuck down here?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] can you look up the component needed for Improved Spide Climb

[BOB] will do

[BOB] tree gum and a live spider both of which must be eaten

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have a feather fall

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Does anyone have a strenght spell?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I don't think so, let me run back through))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] how fast can rave fly to the top?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] IMproved strength

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Guy says hi, by the way - he's trying to catch up))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Movement is a 16 ATM

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but I think Fritz your idea last week was to use feather fall

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] To jump down

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we all just, I cast you fly us up to the top

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] jump

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Ok so the 2 of us split the weight and fly them to the top

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] On the other side to get down we jump

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I can not fly currently

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but when I cast feather fall on the three of us you can carry us

[BOB] it is walkign across the bottom and gettign back up the other side

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but when I cast feather fall on the three of us , we have the mass of down

[BOB] and Feather Fall only works when you are falling

[BOB] it does not allow someone to carry more weight

[Finglas (Death)] we can just walk out the wrist then?

[BOB] no, 1,000 cliffs all around you

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] 10,00 feet up? how far east?

[BOB] a mile or three across but that is not the issue

[BOB] it is the getting up

[Guy (to BOB only)] would mountain survival be of use for this?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] does conjur spell component aloow for only one item?

[Finglas (Death)] paul, change your text color

[BOB] will check for you john

[Finglas (Death)] i read half your shit as bob

[Finglas (Death)] who's too heavy for rave to carry?

[BOB (to Guy only)] it will give you help about rappelling and such, but beyond that not really

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] all of us

[Guy (to BOB only)] ok

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I don't think I have any helpful spells for getting up the cliff))

[BOB] 3 components per level john

[BOB] per casting

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I have dimention door, but I can only take Morria

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so Fin would be stuck behind

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] How heavy is Fin?

[Guy (to BOB only)] umm so i can rappell down but not climb up?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::looks at fin::

[Finglas (Death)] 112

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] a lot less without his cloths, bow and those arrows

[BOB (to Guy only)] actually not rappel if you don't have rope use and moutaineering, but you knwo the basics of things

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can carry fin then?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so we go east then I dd with Moria and Fin gets draged by Rave

[BOB] what about Liam?

[Guy (to BOB only)] would i be able to climb at a very slow pace?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] how much does he weigh naked?

[Moirra (Kaz)] 200

[BOB (to Guy only)] you can try everyone can climb, it is just that if you fall you would take like 500d6 worth of damage

[Finglas (Death)] does moirra really have DD

[Guy (to BOB only)] ok

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] can he climb walls

[Guy] nope

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] well, BOB I guess I am casting conjur spell component trying to get tree gum and a spider

[BOB] and what else?

[Moirra (Kaz)] is there a necessary component for feather fall?

[BOB] you get what 30 components

[Finglas (Death)] get clay!

[Finglas (Death)] CLAAAAAY!

[Finglas (Death)] or get the components for every spell you've got.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] strand of hair from a giant

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] have to be natural

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and within how far

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] if the hair shows up we are in troubble

[Finglas (Death)] um... hair doesn't naturally grow?

[Finglas (Death)] since when?

[BOB] Lorie you almost ready?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] pretyy sure that is all I would be able to get, get exta of each just in case

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Conjur Spell Comonet: just what i need

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so step by step again john please, how are you getting up?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you trying to trick me or trying to help

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] how far away can I cast Conj Spell component

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I can't let the spider get lost

[BOB] just being clear on what is happening

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but I have to be close enoough to conjur it

[BOB] so no one can be confused later

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what is the range

[BOB] yes that is no problem it drops righ tinto your hand

[BOB] 10 miles

[BOB] 1 miles per level

[BOB] there is a spider in that range

[BOB] and a tree

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and how far will it be from where we will be to climb?

[Guy (to BOB only)] could i use tracking to try and find a trail up?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (actual I am 13th level)

[BOB (to Guy only)] will take a lot of time,

[BOB] sorry John

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] np

[BOB] you can go right over to the southern cliff

[Guy (to BOB only)] how long?

[BOB (to Guy only)] hours or days

john2] is receiving the map Desert location A...

john2] has received the map Desert location A.

[Guy] ill try it though

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so we caryy everything we can to the southern cliff, I cast coj spell compnet, eat a spider and tree gum to cast Improved spider climb on Liam. dimention door to the top ot the clif with Morria and wait for Rave to fly up with Fin

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and for Liam to climb up

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] wish imp spider climb was in Klooge

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] what is the durration and can it be cast on someone else? hate to ASSUME

[BOB] we will say that this works

[BOB] and you all make it up tot he top of the cliffs before morning

[BOB] and we pause here for that track and jump back to Lorie

[BOB] Kylia wakes in the morning

[Lorie] :: prays, memorizes ::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire casts a spell against : Improved Spider Climb: spiderman

[BOB] ok

[BOB] no dreams overnight

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] did I get my giant hair

[BOB] yes to John

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] oh, um good

[BOB] stone giant hair

[BOB] fresh with the root still attached

[Lorie] :: assembles a traveling pack and provisions ::

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Guys, there is a stone giant within 13 miles of our location

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] just so you know

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] and Rave I can cast Improved Strength, but it has it's draw backs

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] as you may know

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((back shortly, going to make some food for Guy))

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] man, I wish I coudl get someone to cook for me, I have to order pizza

[BOB] is she any good Guy?

[Guy] yup

[BOB] or is that why you are the one who works in the resturant

[BOB] grins

[Guy] cant call mchell a restaraunt though

[BOB] so Kylia what is next

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to Fritzie only)] you ok?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to Fritzie only)] slow speed sucks?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to john2 only)] yea

[Lorie] Well I didn't get any divine inspriration so I am setting off for the "dream priest" to see what I can find out

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to john2 only)] but there isn't alot I can do

[BOB] ok, so you are blipping out to her tower?

[Lorie] well, within reason

[Lorie] not just barging in...but making haste

[BOB] nods

[BOB] the elven guards let you right in

[Lorie] :: makes the necessary pleasantries ::

[Affettuosa (BOB)] Hello

[Affettuosa (BOB)] what can I help y ou with

[Lorie] :: gives the cliff notes version of the story ::

[Affettuosa (BOB)] (just grabbging a female NPC to chat as this is not her real name)

[Affettuosa (BOB)] it sounds like your travels have taken you very far

[Affettuosa (BOB)] what can I help with?

[Lorie] :: explains the dream and why she needs to use it to find group ::

[Affettuosa (BOB)] well I know only of two ways to do such a thing

[Affettuosa (BOB)] but they are both easily accomplished with teh right spells

[Affettuosa (BOB)] and would not preclude you from finding them

[Affettuosa (BOB)] if they are still alive on this plane

[Affettuosa (BOB)] there is a very old dream spell that will allow travel through a gate that you speak of

[Affettuosa (BOB)] but it travels from one point to another, not across anythign more than distance

[Lorie] :: nods ::

[Affettuosa (BOB)] so what do you wish to do?

Lorie] has left the game on Fri May 22 21:15:39 EDT 2009

[Affettuosa (BOB)] OK

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] oops

[Affettuosa (BOB)] Lorie grabbed me offline

[Affettuosa (BOB)] she has an emergency

[Affettuosa (BOB)] will try to be back

[BOB] so switching back

[BOB] Paul, Rave, Moirra, Liam and Finglas

[BOB] you are all at the top of the cliffs again

[BOB] and moving forward in the dark

[BOB] no moon

[BOB] no stars

[Finglas (Death)] whistling in the dark

[Finglas (Death)] casting magic missile at it

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 405'01".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 398'06".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 365'09".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 477'11".

Guy] is receiving the map Desert location A...

Guy] has received the map Desert location A.

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 473'11".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] are you saying we need light?

[BOB] no

[BOB] there is a weird half glow

[Guy (to BOB only)] would this be considered mountain in regards to survival?

[BOB (to Guy only)] no desert

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] do we see the temple?

[BOB] no

[BOB] but you do see a man standing there

[BOB] a tall robed bedouin

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::prods Fin::

[BOB] with a large scimitar strapped to his waist

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] your turn

[Finglas (Death)] "Go ahead and start negotiations."

[Bedouin (BOB)] Who are you?

[Finglas (Death)] because fin just has a feeling they won't like him......

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am honored

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] My name is Paul Elvensteir

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] It is a please to meet you

[Bedouin (BOB)] why do you come this way?

[Bedouin (BOB)] and who are your companions?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to BOB only)] going to try and pick pocket a dagger if I notice he has one

[Bedouin (BOB) (to Fritzie only)] he does not have one, only the very large scimtar

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] It is a long story, but this is Liam, Morria and Finglass

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we were hopping you could help us find shelter of some sorts, so that we may gather our selfs up

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to BOB only)] a canteen?

[Bedouin (BOB)] and are you here to bow down before Set?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] gather supplies and such

[Bedouin (BOB) (to Fritzie only)] nope

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we will offer what we can in payment

[Finglas (Death)] can we bow down to him while facing away?

[Bedouin (BOB)] everyone can offer themselves to Set

[BOB] ] Sage moved 214'03".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Where would we find this Set?

[BOB] Bedouin targets Moirra. Distance: 0'08"

[BOB] Bedouin no longer targets Moirra.

[BOB] ] Bedouin moved 65'09".

[Guy (to Death only)] dont forget we dont have weapons or armor right now

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 32'00".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 32'06".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 19'10".

john2] is receiving the map Glass A...

john2] has received the map Glass A.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 18'02".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 20'07".

Fritzie] is receiving the map Glass A...

Fritzie] has received the map Glass A.

Guy] is receiving the map Glass A...

Guy] has received the map Glass A.

Kaz] is receiving the map Glass A...

Kaz] has received the map Glass A.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] (what did I say?)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((needless to say, I'm back

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] yea!

[Bedouin (BOB)] if you are here to offer your selves to Set you are welcome

[Bedouin (BOB)] otherwise you must die

[Finglas (Death)] i'll have the cake

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] we only ask that you take us to where we should go

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] or point the way

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Bedouin (BOB)] he pulls out his scimitar

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] I think hes telling us that the only ways to go are either on our knees bowing to set or on our back on a sacrificial altar

[Bedouin (BOB)] I can help you on your way

[Bedouin (BOB)] he whirls it around in a tight circle

[Bedouin (BOB)] shall we start with the reaping?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((pulls out a .38 and shoots the guy in the head.))

[Bedouin (BOB)] (grins)

[Fritzie] Rave Starfire targets Bedouin. Distance: 37'00"

[Finglas (Death)] "Did he just say he wants to rape us?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire moved 6'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire moved 57'00".

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Do I have a chance to do something Bob?

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] is there a rock or something handy to throw at him?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::puts up hands:: I think your master would be displeased

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to BOB only)] do I have a chance to do something?

Moirra (Kaz)] moves close to Finglas and whispers 'flail'

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to john2 only)] dont forget his master is set lol

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to john2 only)] I am waiting on bob to tell me if I can do anything

[Finglas (Death)] "No, I will not fight like a girl."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to Guy only)] I can take this guy, just rather get some help before we kil him

[Bedouin (BOB) (to Guy only)] yes there is a rock or two

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to Death only)] I am waiting on bob to tell me if I can do anything

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to Fritzie only)] as we all are ;)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to Kaz only)] I am waiting on bob to tell me if I can do anything

[Bedouin (BOB)] anyone can do something, he is just watchign yoru group waiting for you to answer

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie) (to Guy only)] I am waiting on bob to tell me if I can do anything

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] His pants are held up by a string Bob?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] a belt?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((i want to try and pick up a rock without him seeing me))

[Bedouin (BOB)] no pants, robes

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] His robes are closed with a belt? a rope? what? does he have something to hand his sword on?

[Bedouin (BOB)] make a balance check at -4 liam

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] hand - haqng

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I just think your master might want to talk to us in person

[Bedouin (BOB)] he has a belt with a scabard on it for his sword

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ((CAn I attempt to loosen his belt and slip it down to his feet and trip him?))

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] A pick pocket roll?

[Bedouin (BOB)] you can try to unbuckles his belt yes

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Pick Pockets check:(d100) [1d100=65] 65 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Maybe your master wants us dead, maybe not

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I try to slip it down to his feet and trip him with it

[Bedouin (BOB)] so his belt falls off to the ground and he does not see Liam pick up that rock

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] No bob not off...

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I bet not when he sees what we can do

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] slip it down his waist and trip him with it

[Bedouin (BOB)] when it is unbuckled it is open and just falls down to the ground

[Bedouin (BOB)] is not a lossen one like a rope it on or off

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((hey fritz a scabbard belt kind of opens wide when its undone

[Bedouin (BOB)] he looks down

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Ok I will try and trip him

[Bedouin (BOB)] KICKS

[Bedouin (BOB)] and then JUMPS to attack

[BOB] Bedouin targets Finglas. Distance: 34'02"

[BOB] Combat has begun!

[BOB] ] ROUND: 0

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] No initiative?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Initiative: (d10-+2) [1d10=8] 6

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

[BOB] ] Bedouin: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=1] 11

[BOB] ] ROUND: 1

[BOB] ] INIT: 6 GOING: Rave Starfire

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire casts a spell against Bedouin: Confusion: touch causes permanent confusion

[Finglas (Death)] "If you are a follower of Set, then I'd think you'd be interested that I want to destroy this."

[BOB] ] Bedouin: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] oh there you are rave

Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] waves to Paul

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Yea just trying to do my part as small as it may be

[Bedouin (BOB)] (1d10) [1d10=3] 3

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Moirra

[Moirra (Kaz)] Just holding til end of round

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Finglas

[BOB] ] INIT: 17 GOING: Liam Dugan

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i try to bean him with the rock

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] aim roll?

[Bedouin (BOB)] just normal attack

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Long Sword +1:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Long Bow:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Jorkki:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] You have to arm something GUy

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - CHANGED: punch -- Ability Adj: $atk (+0), CHANGED: punch -- Ability Adj: $dmg (null), Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- Expression: See my new wall (I make a permanent stone wall which is {$L/4} inches thick and {$L*20} square feet.), CHANGED: Wall of Stone -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Moirra (Kaz)] trying to figure it out

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Long Sword +1:: is now ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Long Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Attack: Jorkki:: is now ARMED.

[Moirra (Kaz)] he's got a rock, so what is he supposed to use?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] do the long sword

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] we can adjust

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=10] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] the math

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] aim at the bedoin next time

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] (target)

[Moirra (Kaz)] he is

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] He hit ac 3 bob

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 3'05".

[BOB] Liam Dugan targets Bedouin. Distance: 55'10"

[Moirra (Kaz)] working on it

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thanks Bob

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=8] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bedouin (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Long Sword +1: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=9] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bedouin (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Liam Dugan moved 50'04".

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] thanlol

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] lol

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i can never remember the aim part

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)]

[Bedouin (BOB)] and that is a hit

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] shoot from the hip kind of guy

[Bedouin (BOB)] for (1d4) [1d4=2] 2

[BOB] ] Bedouin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 62 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Paul Elvenstire

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob knock out chance?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::holding action::

[BOB] ] INIT: 18 GOING: Bedouin

[Bedouin (BOB)] no knock out chance

[Bedouin (BOB)] and he stands there looking around

[BOB] ] ROUND: 2

[BOB] ] INIT: 6 GOING: Rave Starfire

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I was holding

[Bedouin (BOB)] ok

[Bedouin (BOB)] yes john

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Take his weapon

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] one I see he is not attacking I want to try and grab the sword

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] how hard canit be

[Bedouin (BOB)] hit ac 4

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] That is what I am trying to do

[BOB] ] INIT: 11 GOING: Moirra

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((famous last words there John))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] wrong button

[Bedouin (BOB)] t

[john2] Paul Elvenstire targets Bedouin. Distance: 63'06"

[john2] Paul Elvenstire targets Paul Elvenstire. Distance: 0'00"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Hooch: ((16-(d20+0))+3-4-2-3) [1d20=7] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bedouin (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 49'03".

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Attack: punch:: is now ARMED.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ] Paul Elvenstire: Attack: punch: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 4. PROBABLY HITS Bedouin (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Attack: Hooch: ((16-(d20+0))+3-4-2-3) [1d20=17] -7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Bedouin (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Missed the first, hit the second bob

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I was there fisrt, I can use the sword you little,......

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] My initiative is before you john

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] i was holding from last round

[Moirra (Kaz)] John was using his turn from last round

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can't use it anyway, I would just give it to you if I got it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you confused him

[Bedouin (BOB)] this is Paul's attack first

[Bedouin (BOB)] then Rave can go

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (fritz confuses everybody lol)

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] YOu held your action so you have to wait until your turn don'tyou?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I am just trying to understand myself

[Bedouin (BOB)] he was holding till the end of the round and I clicked too fast

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Fritzie only)] it's technically still the end of last round

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Oh so it isn't my fault as people normally believe

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] if my math is right I hit ac 4

[Bedouin (BOB)] which is a hit

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so now I have the sword?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] then I am done for the round

[Bedouin (BOB)] yes

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] thank you rave

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] probably not a +3 scimitar so I will have to add this weapond to my list

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] You are welcome Paul glad to be of assistance

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Then during my action I tie his feet together Bob using rope use

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Hands I mean

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 21!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Paul Elvenstire modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Kind of Weapon: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Size: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Type: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Speed: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Knockdown: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Atk Snd: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Dmg Snd: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Atk FX: (null), CHANGED: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits) -- Dmg FX: (null).

[Bedouin (BOB)] with what rope?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I use his belt

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] belt

[Bedouin (BOB)] ok, no need for a check then

[Bedouin (BOB)] you just cinch it tight

[Finglas (Death)] "It would seem our welcome isn't going to be warm, no matter what our intentions."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] you ok FIn, you seemed to freeze there

[Finglas (Death)] "Just once I'd like to meet someone who would talk before being a stupid human."

[Finglas (Death)] "No offence, Moirra."

[Finglas (Death)] "I'm fine. Just protected myself."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Hey, I'm human

[Bedouin (BOB)] (sorry guys, I have someone closed out of my campaign tree and can not find the way to bring it back)

[Finglas (Death)] "You're drow."

[Moirra (Kaz)] None taken, Finglas.

[Bedouin (BOB)] got it

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so we can call it a night?

[Bedouin (BOB)] ok, so

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] oh well

[BOB] you are leaving him there in the desert?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Rave, I would really like that belt

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] does he have any other provisions?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Liam, can you track where he came from

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I search him

[BOB] a holy symbol fo Set

[Moirra (Kaz)] (Guy is afk, he'll brb))

[BOB] his scimitar, robe and belt

[BOB] sandals

[Finglas (Death)] dibs on the sandals!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I got the sword, you gave divid up the rest

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] gave=guys and gal

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] loain cloth, that what I meant to say

[Finglas (Death)] sword don't mean shit to me. but the sandals, that there's some desert comfort

[Finglas (Death)] what's your rate on that loan cloth?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I don't need anything. We can use the clothes for water. Otherwise we should kill him

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] I am afraid your right, but I fear someone will object

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] maybe you should do it afetr we leave

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] covertly and such

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] opps did I say that out loud

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] , it must be the heat

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] It is worse to leave him here to die in this weather.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] As you say Paul.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] the heat

[Finglas (Death)] "I'd give even odds that his fellows would not care if we used him as a hostage."

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] it is the pixy thing to do

[Finglas (Death)] "So it might be better to deal with him now."

[Finglas (Death)] "Especially if we're in Set's plain of some sort."

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] can i track where he came from?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] so we have a majority

Moirra (Kaz)] walks a little way away, far enough that she can't hear.

[BOB (to Guy only)] there is no clear set of tracks, do you have tracking to do a better search?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] I hate to say it but if hes a follower of set then we need to kill him now

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] can Liam track?

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] yes i does one of the perks of being a ranger

[BOB] /gy then make that roll

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] Attack: Scimitar +3 (+5 vs Spirits):: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[BOB] Liam points to the south "he came from this way"

[Finglas (Death)] "No offence Liam, but so far your decisions have only cost me magic items."

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (( oh and yes i have tracking lol))

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] lead the way if you please

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((you had the same chance as i did to pick up Jorkki but you were to afraid to so I dont want to hear you complain.))

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Finglas (Death)] yeah, but because you refused to give it up and weren't present for us to take it i had to give up one of my swords instead.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] where is Jorkki when we need him

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] ] Rave Starfire: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Finglas (Death)] "Being about as useless as ever apparently."

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I agree with Liam...we go south

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but look at the nice flai you got instead

[Finglas (Death)] "I would bet that he came from the temple."

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Very nice flail

[Finglas (Death)] "The flail we're supposed to destroy?"

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Do we kill the Bedoiun or not?

[Finglas (Death)] "Perhaps it's just because I'm thinking clearly, but that doesn't seem like a fair trade."

[BOB] Combat has finished.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] ::moving on::

[Finglas (Death)] "Do what you will with him."

[Finglas (Death)] "Want some sandals, Moirra? Would make walking easier."

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I can kill him if you wish

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] did you grab the robes Fin

[Finglas (Death)] fin's got robes on.

Moirra (Kaz)] stands apart, looking off away from everyone else

[Finglas (Death)] he got them from the traders.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] let Liam were them, he will look like him comming back

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Bob I kill him

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] FUBAR?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] It would be cruel to leave him out here

[BOB] ok

[Finglas (Death)] so are we moving on?

[Finglas (Death)] or standing around with our thumbs up our asses?

[BOB] dead man laying in the sand

[BOB] you are walking

[BOB] you are walking

[BOB] you get to this point

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] following tracks

[BOB] the front of the temple you see

[BOB] witht eh large statues, partially sticking up out of the sand

[BOB] Like some great beacon, this enigmatic structure lures the curious, who must risk the hazards of crossing the strange desert landscape to reach it. The structure is built directly into the cliff wall, overlooking what was once a valley teeming with life. Sand blown by furious gales against the natural windbreak of the cliff has created a gradually sloping approach that nearly covers the structure and spills through the large windows to form a deep inner cascade.

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] Do you want me to scout ahead?

[Finglas (Death)] now how would we know the valley was once teeming with life?

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] but do we see a door?

[Finglas (Death)] are we archaeologists? geologists? plantologists?

[Finglas (Death)] i'm guessing the window is the door now

[BOB] no door and the caravan leader at the Oasis told you this was a green valley at one point


[BOB] I am not letting you into the temple yet

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] yea!

[BOB] I want to give Lorie a chance to catch up to this point in the adventure

[BOB] because it might end very fast after you go inside

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] let the others catch up, I can go to bed?

[BOB] we can edn it here, or you can discuss what you think is happening

[BOB] and how to deal with it

[Moirra (Kaz)] Bed at 10:15 on a Friday night? You old man!

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] I have NO idea

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] why yes thnak you, plus I am sick and have two sick kid

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] well less than well

[Liam Dugan (Guy) (to BOB only)] can i see if there are other tracks going into the temple and MAYBE get an idea how many people are in there?

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] We done?

[Kaz] aww

[Finglas (Death)] i guess so.

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] good night all

[Kaz] Okay, I take it back. Hope you all feel better.

[Finglas (Death)] since we can't move forward anymore

[Kaz] Night John

[Finglas (Death)] night all.

Death] has left the game on Fri May 22 22:17:13 EDT 2009

[Kaz] Night Mike

[BOB] lots of tracks Liam

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] thanks

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night john

[Rave Starfire (Fritzie)] night all

[Paul Elvenstire (john2)] thanks for the fun

john2] has left the game on Fri May 22 22:17:55 EDT 2009

[Fritzie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] Night Fritz, night Bob

Fritzie] has left the game on Fri May 22 22:18:17 EDT 2009

Kaz] has left the game on Fri May 22 22:18:20 EDT 2009

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night bob

[BOB] night guys

Guy] has left the game on Fri May 22 22:18:53 EDT 2009