Main / May2215

May 22 15

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 22 18:36:56 EDT 2015 ====

Michael has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:37:54 EDT 2015

Michael is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Michael has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[John Anstett] has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:38:03 EDT 2015

[John Anstett] is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

[Master] good evening sir

[Master] hello John

[John Anstett] has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Michael] Hello all. I've been waiting all week for this day! For me to forget my responsibilities and piss of non existant people. Bring it on!

John Anstett hello

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so the two of you have 5 votes

[Michael] ???

[Master] Michael when things need deciding

[Master] each Player Character gets 2 votes

[Master] each Henchman gets 1 vote

[Michael] Oh. Thank you for clarifying that. I had no idea

John Anstett what about my other henchmen?

[Master] ??

[Master] Hoffman is 2 Miranda is 1

[Michael] So. Since I am a single character I get 2 votes?

[Master] Hugh is 2

John Anstett Brotherfoto and Qui

[Master] neither of them are here John

[Michael] So, if someone else has another character then they are technically a "henchman"?

[Master] right

John Anstett depends on what "we" are voting on

[Master] Indigo is a henchman to Branwyn

[Michael] I didn't know that! I thought they just evenutally came into being through several years and games. I didn't know you could actaully like make one

John Anstett some are apointed

John Anstett others earned

[Michael] How so?

[Master] mostly they are people that join in over time

[Michael] So someone just takes "control" of them

[Michael] ?

John Anstett basicly

[Michael] M'Kay

[Michael] So what do you want to do John? I'm following Indigo.

John Anstett like everything based on DM approval

[Michael] Of course

John Anstett see where that got Galdek

[Master] chuckles

[Master] but in any case

[Master] gnomes

[Michael] Hey Bob. I also had a question. I saw the mercenary post that was on my feed. Is the dragonslayer company still in existence? If the company is still functioning, Could I ask to join as a mercenary companion?

John Anstett smiles

[Master] that would be a yes, just ask Indigo

[Michael] COOOL!

[Master] look at the most recent version of that page

[Master] tehre is a list of known members of the group

[Michael] Not many recent people on the list it seems

[Michael] That I know at least

John Anstett i thought we should seperate our detached group as a subset

[Master] no to John

[Master] there can be a sub page on that page

John Anstett and what about Kas's character?

[Master] that is true

[Michael] Well, these guys are the ones I know. I want to be with you all.

John Anstett you will note Michael that Hoffman is not on the list

[Master] so that is the actual key point here with the gnome

John Anstett as well as a few other party members

[Michael] Why is that?

[Michael] Sorry bob, i'm hurrying

[Master] no

Corvus has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:47:47 EDT 2015

Corvus is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

[Master] relax

John Anstett all part of the story

Corvus has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Master] hey Corvus

[Michael] Hey corvus

[Master] it is a good thing

John Anstett hello Corvus

[Corvus] hiz

[Michael] So why aren't some of them on the list? Do they disagree with being mercenaries?

[Master] so there is the discussion of who is and who isn't a mercenary

[Master] OH Imari

[Master] off to add her now

Mike has joined the game on Fri May 22 18:49:27 EDT 2015

Mike is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Mike has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Mike] hey

[Michael] Well, I don't see anything wrong with joining if they allow me. That way I can be a mercenary and pick and choose clients with the group. That way, I am affiliated but also not really attached to certain decisions. If that makes sense

John Anstett we got bord with the old are we adventures or heroes so we started a new debate

[Michael] Ah

[Master] and added in Imari and Kristelle

[Michael] Well, I'm in the buisness of survival and making money sooo, I don't really care what you all call me

John Anstett depends on if you want to have this discyusiion in character or out and with whom

[Mike] well if we aren't mercenaries anymore we'd better inform the dragonslayers

John Anstett do we have a contract with the Queen?

[Michael] Well, if Indigo or Bran let me, I would love to join up

[Master] and yes to Michael that does help your cover story too

[Master] and no the Queen does not have a contract with Branwyn

[Michael] Also cover story. Good looking for me Bob haha

John Anstett so no open contract, thinking of a line from The Rock

[Mike] bran's taken us off the reservation

John Anstett Mercanaries get paid

[Michael] Off the reservation? Why does that sound like a reference I should know...

John Anstett oh hey Mike

[Michael] Also, because you wanted to know Bob regarding my vote. It goes where Indigo goes.

[Michael] It's just simpler and faster that way

[Mike] it's a fairly common term in modern spy movies

[Michael] Well now I feel dumb. I like spy movies haha

[Michael] I need to pay more attention

[Master] yes to Michael

[Master] but also now that Mike is here and Corvus

[Master] did you as a group want to go chase after the gnomes

[Master] try to recover gems from them

[Master] and then go home

[Master] OR

[Master] go home

[Master] figuring that out

[Master] adn then in the future if you want you come back

[Mike] you don't need me to do any of that.

[Master] if you want to

[Mike] is tonight going to be all tristan adventure?

[Master] well it might help them with ideas on luring Artiark back

[Master] no

[Master] trying to figure that out

[Master] but I have other things in the city too

[Mike] oh, i'm sure you decided artiark is gone to the wind.

[Master] and the city is one day behind on the calendar now

[Master] he is still there right now

[Michael] Yeah, but it would be cool to go back, get a character for Mike and come back right? That way he's not bored outta his mind.

[Mike] he's either going to go to indigo or fly back to imari.

[Master] Lisa emailed me the idea of ship brings someone home, branwyn and Imari teleport to artiark

[Michael] That's a decent Idea

[Michael] I could do that if you wish

[Master] and I agree with you Mike that Indigo is the most likely person he would allow near

[Master] and Mike look at that mercenary page

[Master] plus also for when you get back to the city

[Master] you will have that Mourning of Megrim event you are hosting at the residence

[Master] does anyone know anythign about that?

John Anstett nope

[Michael] I had no idea

[Master] Mourning of Megrim 15-10 to contemplate the loss of love in the dead of winter

[Master] 15th day of the 10th month


Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:02:25 EDT 2015

Lisa is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

Lisa has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Master] and here is a link to the Holiday page


[Master] for other potential things to celebrate

John Anstett Hello Lisa

[Master] and hello Lisa

[Master] I am refilling my drinks

[Master] then I will be back to hear what choices are

[Master] Corvus you can should contribute too

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael] Hello Lisa! How are you today?

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] So Isla, you ready to go to the big city?

[Corvus] I am back at the keyboard.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] Of course,

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] seems like everyone is, imagine if it had been an actual dragon

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] We knew what we had to do,

[Lisa] (hi sorry was reading)

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] but you are just catching a ride or are you interesed in what you have seen so far?

[Lisa] and mike you have not read the website - I want to make sure Artiark is okay

[Mike] all i saw on the website's recent stuff is a bunch of random stuff by bob and john

[Lisa] no

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (there was a bit deeper)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I am just here. If I am needed, then you have the help you need.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] Thank you, I apperciate that

[Lisa] (I will make sure you keep artiark)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

John Anstett did anyone besides Michael read my end of contract report? Any commnets

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I give a nod, and a slight smile.*

[Master] so

[Master] moving forward

[Master] you have to talk with Indigo

[Michael] My vote is with Indigo. I am sorry AFK BRB

[Master] and with Erindale

[Master] about how and who gets back to the city

John Anstett did we determin if we can all sail on the boat on the water?

[Master] yes you can

[Master] but it will not be able to fly

[Master] you will have to convince Erindale that is acceptable

John Anstett and how far to the nearest place where we can sail from?

[Lisa] ok - just deleted what I was typing

[Lisa] this is why things take 10 years

[Lisa] Bob?

[Lisa] answer?

[Master] 50 miles

[Lisa] thank you

[Master] I have to load up things to check random questions, grins

[Master] what were you typing Lisa

[Lisa] problem is we have different goals - I can't decide what to do with indigo until I make sure artiark will be home safe

[Lisa] so if you tell me that Indigo with no spells or profs can take artiark home safely I will go with that

John Anstett at this point getting home is the only goal

[Master] Mike and John you two can check over Kenna and Tristan's spell lists

[Lisa] If it will be a series of dice rolls and half way through we may lose him I don't want to do it

[Master] to see if there is anyway of a spell communicating with Art

[Master] not controlling

[Lisa] I have already

[Master] ok

John Anstett the situation is it is not an animal right?

[Lisa] kenna has animal friendship

[Lisa] calm animals

[Master] so far those are about controling not talking with

[Lisa] that's it so back where I started

John Anstett it is domesticated enogh, Indigo should be able to comunicate things like home or follow ot Imari

[Lisa] if it's dice rolls and is okay with Mike - anyone who gets home first gets bran and Imari to teleport back so Imari can ride Artiark home herself

[Master] animal friendship works with hippogriffs

[Master] it is based on the intelligence of the target

John Anstett yea!

[Master] and the description says nothing about natural animals

[Master] like other spells do

[Lisa] so she can bring him home safe?

[Master] and Art has an intelligence of 2-4

John Anstett Lisa did you ask about Artiark weight an caculate if Bran can teleport with him

[Master] 4 being the highest that animal friendship will affect

[Lisa] she cannot

[Lisa] she can only teleport 150 pounds

[Master] she can cast the spell on Art

[Master] he does get a saving throw, etc

[Lisa] I think he weighs more than that

[Master] but you have a good chance

John Anstett I was thinking backwards, how much does Imari way but this way seems better

[Lisa] ok - all settled? Mike are you okay?

[Lisa] I will assume yes until you tell me otherwise then :)

[Lisa] now gnomes

[Mike] sure

[Lisa] good

[Lisa] seems a shame to leave a village full of gems on the table but am okay if no one wants to get them

John Anstett if all you are conceren about is the gems than who do you thik will get them?

[Lisa] bob said gnomes live outside of suke's border so getting them doesn't seem to me like we need his permission

[Lisa] duke's

John Anstett but they were his ill gottrn goods

[Lisa] someone loud and authoritative

[Lisa] we told him and he didn't seem all fired up to chase after them

[Lisa] he wanted to just kill the gnome captured

John Anstett he wants us to slaughter them all, I got the impression

[Michael] Finders Keepers and I'm back

[Michael] also we can always come back later

John Anstett it is not as close as you may think but yes

[Lisa] I suppose but we have the way to find the village with this captured one

John Anstett traveling is a big part of adventures

[Lisa] later we would be stumbling around in the woods

TMO has joined the game on Fri May 22 19:30:03 EDT 2015

TMO is receiving the map Minecrafter Cabin...

TMO has received the map Minecrafter Cabin.

[Michael] TMO How are you?!

John Anstett hey tmo

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] hi

[Lisa] we find the village and us big people with all our weapons and the knowledge of where their village is and we worked for the Duke etc etc. We are talking a rogue bunch of 10 - talk to village elders. Say we know where you live and if you don't return what you took and stop stealing from the duke there will be hell to pay - see how the village feels

[Lisa] don't kill anyone

[TMO] (howdy)

[Lisa] just an idea floated through my head this week

[Lisa] hello tmo

[Lisa] lots of ways to do it

[Lisa] or not and just go home

[TMO] (so we've decided to go after the gnomes then?)

[Lisa] no

[Lisa] I was just saying there are options other than a bloodbath

John Anstett sounds a little like robin hood, unless we keep the money

[Lisa] oh we keep the money

[Lisa] :)

[Michael] right

[TMO] (you've got one and a half trained diplomats in the group too, if we show up.)

[Lisa] we asked erindale and she said she didn't want to chase anyone

[Michael] So...we ready

John Anstett to vote or to rp?

[Michael] both

[TMO] (Tristan joining us this evening?)

[Michael] Apparentyl not

John Anstett no :(

[Master] Spring will be in later

John Anstett lot to read on line if you have the time

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] yeah, i got a little to into it during the week haha

[Marisu]] (TMO) straightens her shoulders and clears her throat. "Excuse me."

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] yes?

[Master] (is that to the Duke? or to who?)

Marisu (TMO)] (the group(

Marisu (TMO)] )

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at Marisu

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

Marisu (TMO)] If I may, it seems to me we could spend weeks discussing all the many options and ways we can take. But from listening to everyone, it seems to me that we aren't even agreed yet on our immediate goals, much less how to achieve them. I propose we ignore the long term in favor of the short term. I propose a vote: do we stay and seek out the gnomes responsible for the raids, or has our obligation stopped with the defeat of 'the dragon'. I suggest that we vote in seniority order. I'm not sure if that's Miranda or Sir Indigo first, though. I know they both outrank me.

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles.

[Master] Miranda

[Miranda Paige]] ([John Anstett]) nods to Indigo

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] he is higher rank

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *I snicker soflty*

Marisu (TMO)] If neither of you wishes to go first, you can both whisper your vote to me, and I'll report them to the group without revealing who voted for what.

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I have no problem voting. I am against going after the gem just for the gems

[Master] that is not the question John

[Master] the question is stay and seek out gnomes or leave

[Master] no why

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] I vote to go home

[Master] Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hmmm

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head, "Well, as Long as Artiark is all right, I wouldn't mind getting the gems. It would be another adventure."

[Master] out of the remaining group it would be Marisu, Hoffman, Hugh adn then Isla in that order

[Master] Kenna would be there with Hugh

Marisu (TMO)] (hoffman came after Marisu?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I'm last haha. I am brand new

Miranda Paige ([John Anstett])] (not last)

[Master] Marisu outranks Hoffman

Marisu (TMO)] (shrug)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (marisu called vote so she should go last)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (like VP in senate votes)

Marisu (TMO)] (Vice-President Marisu... has a nice ring to it)

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=1] 9

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] haha

Hoffman ([John Anstett])] I would have to go with Miranda, so I vote to go home

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I said my vote was with whatever Indigo decided so, I guess go look for payment

[Mike] you realize if you're talking about rank, then there shouldn't be a vote. the highest in rank makes the call.

[Mike] and that's a total cop out vote

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Why?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] The mercenary page says the highest in rank makes the decisions? Therefore I voted with Indigo John Anstett in a merch unit if the boss says we are going, we go

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] What did I do wrong?

Marisu (TMO)] (heh, now we've moved to arguing about voting. :D

[Master] so three voting shares for going home one voting share for staying

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you didn't)

[Master] Hugh means three voting shares for staying

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] me?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Isla is next?

[Master] so now Marisu and Isla

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Dear god it's a tie

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] oh okay

[Master] each with one vote

[Indigo (Lisa)] (artiark will be toebreaker)

[Master] Kenna

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Snicker

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] BRB

[Indigo (Lisa)] (whoever he bites first wins)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] *After watching the incident I give Miranda a questioning look, not being part of their group in reality.*

Marisu (TMO)] (he breaks Ilero's toes everytime he gets near)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (tiebreaker :) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] lol

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Back

Marisu (TMO)] I wouldn't mind a chance to get restitution from the gnome village for poor Galdek, but I think our obligations to the Duke and Mistress Erindale have expired. So without a further contract or request from Uncle Tristan, I'd say going home is our better bet.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I would wish that as well. Another city to search.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay then we go home

[Master] ok so 5 to 3

[Master] technically Kenna could tie it again or Tristan but they are not here

[Master] so we move on

[Indigo (Lisa)] But only 4 can fit on airship so you should talk to Mistress Erindale about who goes first.

[Master] so now how to get home

[Master] fly? walk? both?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was the vote)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oops read wrong)

[Master] heading home

John Anstett who should talk ro Mistress Erindale?

Marisu (TMO)] We should see if Mistress Erindale would be willing to take us home at all.

[Master] for payment yes she will

John Anstett we know TMO if we walk 50 miles we can all sail home

Marisu (TMO)] (naturally)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (too bad we don't have a pile of emeralds)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Mistress Erindale, what would you charge us to fly us home?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] is that what you really want Sir Indigo? for me to fly away and drop you near the city?

[Indigo (Lisa)] As close as possible please, We have to bring Galdek back to Imari and it will be hard to carry him far.

Marisu (TMO)] (ooc, I'm pretty sure we'll be back, btw. No way these two can handle this situation by themselves)

John Anstett (thus my report on line)

Marisu (TMO)] (but we might be able to get paid for it)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I can get y ou into the harbor again

John Anstett if you want I can post here

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] brb guys

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's really close to home

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] or not

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or not?)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it will be taking chances I would not like to

Marisu (TMO)] How difficult would it be to take half of the group to the coast to catch a regular boat home, then ferrying Galdek and Artiark and the rest of us to the harbor?

[Indigo (Lisa)] But ... but you brought us out here to help you. You won't take us back?

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I will take you home

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] flying over Domvile

John Anstett i was meaning her boat TMO, but she could not fly

Mistress Erindale (Master) thinking

Marisu (TMO)] (oh, if she sails home rather than flies?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes to marisu idea)

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] I would fly you to a spot on the Velikaya River instead of the Narva

[Indigo (Lisa)] (fly group to boat then fly rest all the way home? we pay - hoffman is smart - he brought gems) and we can pay

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it is more of the wilderness

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] and not over domvile

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] safer from human attacks that way

Marisu (TMO)] So long as there is a settlement we could catch a boat from, that would be fine, I think.

Mistress Erindale (Master) shakes her head

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there are few settlements along the Velikaya River

[John Anstett] has left the game on Fri May 22 20:02:21 EDT 2015

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] it is only 30 miles to the Velikaya River instead of 50 to the Narva

Marisu (TMO)] Dropping us off in the middle of the wilderness doesn't help us get home, unfortunately.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] there are likely pirates you could attempt to sail with

Marisu (TMO)] That... would probably not be a good idea.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I can assist with that.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's true.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I know a few. They don't kill or torture, they just pillage. Destruction is not their goal, as was mine and my crew.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so was that half to dryads lair and half to river or all to river? I am confused)

Marisu (TMO)] Perhaps it would be best then for a smalller group to ride with Mistress Erindale and Artiark home, while most of us go overland. There is safety in numbers, after all.

[Mistress Erindale (Master)] (that is the question on the table, take 4 to Dryads Lair and the rest stay here? two days to the city then what..... or )

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] If you are coming back I can stay here but lets decide rather quickly

[Master] you can pay her

[Master] to fly to the city drop off return and drop off again

[Master] if you can fit everyone in two trips

Marisu (TMO)] (how many of us are there here again?)

[Master] just have to pay the cost for her risking her ship

[Indigo (Lisa)] 9

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I can arrange safe passage in any port.

Marisu (TMO)] I've already suffered one attempted kidnapping, and I believe Sir Indigo has also had some bad experiences with pirates. I don't know that I am confortable with the idea.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hugh, isla, kenna, marisu, tristan, indigo, hoffman, miranda, galdek's body)

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I can assure you, it will be safe.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it would be faster to fly the river team the 50 miles and come back and get the group that will go to city)

[Master] it will still be three thrips

[Master] to move 9 bodies in four slots

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - but two short ones then the long one)

[Master] do you want to pay her to do that the short way, the 30 miles to the river,...

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dead body count as person or cargo)

[Master] person

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry mike - but trying to negotiate)

Marisu (TMO)] (I'm leaning toward Artiark, Galdek, and 1 or two others, and the rest overland myself. Minimal expense and less owing Erindale favors)

[Master] she does not carry cargo

[Master] however

[Master] I will offer up if you convince her to leave behind a balistae for one of the trips

Marisu (TMO)] (did the dead priestess get taken back already?)

[Master] that leaves enough weight for anothe rperson

[Master] yes to TMO

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I personally am tired of trying to negotuate with her and am beginning to hate her profusely)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] well she is coming back here anyway to defend the mine so get rid of the ballistae

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] me too! Seriously

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she was all fine taking us to kill her freaking dragon and now we're here she says forget you)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] OOC be careful who you bargain with apprantly

Marisu (TMO)] (Marisu can take Galdek and Artiark, and the rest can go overland. Not sure about Indigo, but he is the best fighter, and best protection if you do try to hitch with pirates)

[Master] you can all walk, it will be 4 to 5 days to the Velikaya River then finding a ship to take you down to Dryads Lair

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kenna has to go with artiark since she will be casting the animals spells)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but other than that I am good with the plan)

[Master] or the other way will be 7 to 8 days across Domvile to the Narva river

[Indigo (Lisa)] (how much does she want?)

[Master] then down river to the city

[Indigo (Lisa)] (pay her and let's get walking)

[Master] for her to fly you where? to the city? that would be 200 gp

[Indigo (Lisa)] (get john back in if we are encountering our way back please)

[Master] I will text him

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Seriously we didn't even get anything to get here and solve there problems darn it!

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I think weve lost money on this enterprise

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hand her 200 gp worth of gems and get her out of here with kenna marisu galdek and artiark)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no kidding - branwyn will not be saying yes to any more temple garbage)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this time npcs lost our favor and not the other way around(

[Indigo (Lisa)] (change of pace for us :) )

[Master] so it is the evening on the first on the night of the 3rd, morning of the 4th they would arrive in Dryads Lair

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we should still have enough gems to get a boat ride)

[Master] and or what would Branwyn do about that?

[Master] (waiting to hear what happened to John)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (do about what?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she will hear and she will be upset and erindale better not show up again on her doorstep)

[Master] ok

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I put together a lovely report for Bran haha

[Master] so the group walking through Domvile

[Master] Indigo, Kenna Art and Galdek

[Master] on the ship

[Master] Isla Hugh, Hoffman, Miranda, marisu,

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay wait - loads up the scroll with the gems and extra gear so they don't get stolen)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no)

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (marisu on ship)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo tells kenna and marisu to take care of Artiark)

Marisu (TMO)] (hope charisma works on animals)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we walkers are wearing our armor and carrying our weapons)

[Master] so walking back is Indigo, Isla, Hugh, Hoffman, Miranda

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kenna has the animal friendship spell - I am trusting that this will work)

Marisu (TMO)] (which group is carrying the scroll?)

[Master] can I point out that having the two haflings one in each group.....

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo)

Marisu (TMO)] (okay)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we walkers need to pay for passage on ship and we don't have a chest)

[Master] if you put them both on the ship the 5 walkers will go faster

[Indigo (Lisa)] (scroll is less conspicuous)

Marisu (TMO)] (hoffman can carry Indigo! ;) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] LOL

[Indigo (Lisa)] (his movement is 9 - he is a fast hobbit)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but not as fast as big peoples)

[Master] very well

[Master] Mike you ready?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I am ok either way - but if you are giving walkers encounters tell John to get his butt back in here)

[Master] I texted John no response

[Mike] for what?

[Master] to play Imari

[Master] and final call Lisa and TMO

[Master] Marisu or INdigo

[Master] who goes back to tell Branwyn

[Master] and who walks

[Mike] sure

[Indigo (Lisa)] (marisu wanted to go - that is fine with me)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she is tasked to make sure artiark is okay with the devotion that Indigo would take)

[Master] ok

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no slacking on bird care)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Since I am walking could you take this report to Bran. She will get everything in detail up to this point?

[Master] so right now the orginal group form the city is on the night of the 27th

[Master] then we are going to jump forward for now to the morning of the 4th

Marisu (TMO)] (agreed. Marisu would be mostly deadweight if it gets dangerous)

[Mike] indigo should go with artiark

[Master] with Marisu, Kenna, Art and Galdek arriving at the residence

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can they both go since artiark would be flying close by?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] can they have my report?

[Master] yes to Hugh

[Indigo (Lisa)] (galdek, kenna, marisu and Indigo)

[Master] no to Lisa

[Master] Art needs a place on the ship

[Master] unless the plan is for Kenna to ride him

[Master] that iw why you had 9 slots rather than 8

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no artiark makes 10)

[Master] Kenna art Galdek Marisu on the ship

[Master] Indigo, Isla, Hoffman, Miranda, Hugh walking

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - they will take care of him)

[Indigo (Lisa)] and tristan when he stops his infernal praying

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Master] Tristan is walking

[Master] but as he is not here

Marisu (TMO)] (I think he'd take exception to it being called 'infernal' praying ;) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we lasso him and drag him along)

[Master] ok so jumpint to Marisu (and Kenna for when Spring gets here) in the residence on the morning of the 4th

[Master] it is mornign report time

[Master] when Marisu comes in

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 1'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we skip council meeting? branwyn saves again)

[Master] no

[Master] will jump back to that later

Marisu (TMO)] (you wish, Lisa)

[Master] there are days to try to wind through here

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are time warpping?)

[Master] yes

[Marisu]] (TMO) jumps to the left.

[Master] groans at TMO

[Indigo (Lisa)] (pour que?)

[Master] you don't get that Lisa? you are old enough

[Master] Mike gets that

[Master] Michael and Corvus might not

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes I get it - I was asking why?0

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I thought it was hilarious haha

[Mike] shouldn't we just do the events we have while they walk in order?

Marisu (TMO)] (I need a reason?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] and a step to the right

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sigh - I said time warp - I get it)

[Master] without John or Spring or Eric I am trying to push things to get them

[Master] so mornign of the 4th right now

[Indigo (Lisa)] (whatever)

[Master] Marius comes in the door

[Master] what did she do with Galdek's body?

[Master] put it where?

[Master] Art would fly up to Imari's perch then when she is not there go to the stable and squawk

[Master] outside those windows of the salon

[Master] so the group in the room knows something is up with Art back and noisy

Marisu (TMO)] (we had it brought in to the front lobby by wagon, then will check with Imari what the best thing to do with it from there)

[Master] and that is what you are here to ask

Marisu (TMO)] (what is most appropriate)

[Master] Marisu enters the salon

[Master] Ilero, Shur, Branwyn, Imari there

Marisu (TMO)] (I'm a trifle overrepresented...)

Marisu (TMO)] ;)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (jennevive and staff)

[Master] yes

[Mike] I am back at the keyboard.

[Imari (Mike)] "I see you are back. Is the dragon dead?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] OOC That statement physically hurts me

[Marisu]] (TMO) takes a deep breath. "Sort of. There wasn't a real dragon, I'm afraid. It was an illusion cast by a band of gnome raiders intent on robbing the Duke of his gems. Lady Imari, I'm sorry, but Galdek is dead. He and Indigo charged at the dragon, and he was killed when a ballista we'd set up as a trap shot through the illusion and struck him instead."

Branwyn (Lisa) gasps

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Glad i'm not you right now Marisu

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] :)

Marisu (TMO)] (this is one of the things she's here for0

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh, Imari.

[Master] (John is not making it back in tonight he thinks)

[Imari (Mike)] "So you are telling me that Galduk died because of your own trap?"

[Imari (Mike)] "Who's fault is this?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (indigo)

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods sadly. "I'm afraid so, yes. We'd set up two ballista, and when the so-called dragon landed to grab the chest of tribute, we sprung the trap. Unfortunately, all it caught was one of the gnomes and Galdek.

[Imari (Mike)] "So it is your falut?"

Marisu (TMO)] Sir Indigo was lucky, and wasn't struck by one of the ricochets.

Marisu (TMO)] I suppose blame can be laid on me as well as anyone, my lady. We all had a hand in the planning, and I was nearby to Galdek at the time, but I don't believe anyone directly told him to attack the dragon. Although none of us tried to stop him either.

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you had a plan and indigo went running off in the middle of it and Galdek followed him?

Marisu (TMO)] However, I would like to ask, what should we do with his body? I wasn't sure what the appropriate place to put it would be.

[Imari (Mike)] "Obviously not."

[Imari (Mike)] "You carried it all the way here?"

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I am not with them, correct?

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "Yes. None of us were sure what teh best way to honor him was."

[Imari (Mike)] ::shakes her head:: "He was surrounded by priests and no one could save him. No one knew how to handle the dead. And apparently no one told him about the trap."

[Master] (correct Corvus)

[Imari (Mike)] "Apparently my people are not worth much in the great Tristan's eyes."

[Imari (Mike)] "Jennevive, is this a view all of your church take, or just the zealots?"

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] OFF Topic: You guys are fantastic at multiple personalities. Is it practice?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] honoring the dead?

Marisu (TMO)] He knew about the trap, my lady. We all did. Just no one expected the shots to go through the dragon as if it weren't there.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no we all suffer from MPD so it comes naturally)

[Imari (Mike)] "And treating the people of Carnak like so much chaff."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I would say that those of the Church of Cahus are more interested in deliving others to the other side

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Well that is a given

Marisu (TMO)] We were all taken by surprise by the revelation.

Marisu (TMO)] (Marisu is the hardest one for me. She's the least like me in personality)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] the barbarian west is largely ignored

[Imari (Mike)] "I see. So you do not hold me in much esteem, either?"

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You? or the barbarians

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] You are no longer a barbarian

[Imari (Mike)] "Both. I am a barbarian."

Marisu (TMO)] Excuse me, please! I wish to properly take care of Galdek first, before discussing the politics of religion, if that's acceptable.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] you have grown acustomed to life here in the mansion

[Imari (Mike)] "You already wasted your chance to take care of him!"

Aunt Jennevive (Master) nods to Marisu

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Marisu, glances over at Imari, the body should have been left to rest there

[Imari (Mike)] "You should have left him where he died to feed the elements. Now, I will take care of him tonight."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] he was a warrior he died on the battle field

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] OMFG

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh Imari. They didn't know how. How could they?

Aunt Jennevive (Master) nods at Imari

Marisu (TMO)] Then tell me what I can do to best show my respects, due to my ignorance and inablility to do it correctly at first.

[Imari (Mike)] "Aparently, there was a lot of not knowing in this misadventure."

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I'll say! Give her my report

[Imari (Mike)] "With Tristan at the center of it. I see he did not have the courage to come face me himself."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Perhaps next time you need to go and show then how things are done properly IMari

Marisu (TMO)] Uncle Tristan is with the rest of the group travelling on foot. The airship only has room for a very few people.

[Imari (Mike)] "Next time I will let Tristan hang in the wind on his own."

[Imari (Mike)] "If I did not hold Imari in such friendship I would fly to find him in the night right now."

[Imari (Mike)] "I would let Partik educate him."

Marisu (TMO)] (I'll give Branwyn the report after this bit is over. No need multiplying the drama. Wait for one to finish before starting the next. ;) )

[Imari (Mike)] "Imari, I will need wood and fire. Indigo should be here, but since he is not, if you wish, you may join me in sending Galduk to Partik."

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I know sorry. Just the fastest way to summarize everything for em. :)

[Imari (Mike)] that should be branwyn, lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thanks - was confused)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would like that. Anything you want.

Marisu (TMO)] Would I be allowed to attend as well? I'll understand if you'd rather I not.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phillipe, you will put a stock of wood in the courtyard please.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] the Courtyard?

[Imari (Mike)] "There are only two here who are worthy."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] For now.

[Imari (Mike)] "We will go outside the city."

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "Of course."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] very well

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Phillipe

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) coughs

[Marisu]] (TMO) looks sadly at the floor.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] There is an option

[Imari (Mike)] "I will go as soon as the wood is ready."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I am not certain if you know or would like it Imari

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] but there is an island in the harbor

[Imari (Mike)] "He will be burned in the wild as is proper."

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) looks at Branwyn

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) question on his face

[Imari (Mike)] "Buildings?"

[Imari (Mike)] "People?"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] There is ahhh a Necromancer

Aunt Jennevive (Master) frowns

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] No

Branwyn (Lisa) looks strangely at Phillipe

[Imari (Mike)] ::sneers:: "That will NOT be appropriate!"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] very well

[Imari (Mike)] "I will take him to a clean field outside the city and send him off tonight."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] Galdek was a warrior and a loyal companion

[Marisu]] (TMO) says quietly, "Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't do better by him."

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] should I provide a prosession for you?

[Imari (Mike)] "No. That would be rediculous."

[Imari (Mike)] "No one here knows of him."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But thank you Phillipe for your kind words and thoughts.

[Imari (Mike)] "My tribe would be the only people to care."

Spring has joined the game on Fri May 22 21:01:47 EDT 2015

Spring is receiving the map New Residence second floor...

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] HEy Spring

[Imari (Mike)] "And Jenevive..."

Spring has received the map New Residence second floor.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks kindly towards Marisu "And I am sorry you had to be the bearer of this news. It must have been hard on you all"

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] (will catch you up in a moment Spring)

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 11'01".

[Imari (Mike)] "Next time you accuse me of having lost the soul of my people, I will show you just how much a barbarian I still am." ::gives her a toothy smile:: "Phillipe, the wood and a wagon."

Aunt Jennevive (Master) looks at Imari

Aunt Jennevive (Master) laughs

[Spring] okie and hi

[Marisu]] (TMO) shrugs slightly, still looking down. "Someone had to do it, and I would have been less help on the ground than most."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] and that shows how civilized you have become Imari, the old barbarian would not give a warning

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I like the new Imari

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] HEYO!

[Imari (Mike)] "Hmph."

Branwyn (Lisa) shoots a warning glance at Jennevive

[Master] and PAUSE

[Master] Spring

[Master] Kenna needs to cast a spell

[Imari (Mike)] "I still do not know whether to kill you or not. Perhaps on the morrow...."

[Master] animal friend ship

[Master] on Art

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (smiles at Mike)

[Imari (Mike)] terribly paraphrased, but there you have it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (your life may depend on it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that last was to kenna)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so Spring, Kenna is going to cast animal friendship on Art

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you are bringing artiark home and Imari is in a foul mood)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] When is she not?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] uhm, i've just arrived and am clueless

[Master] if you want to do something to lower Art's saving throw you can do that too

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] why am i casting animal friendship on art?

[Master] then after you (hopefully sucessfully ) cast you and art get on the airship

[Master] and sail home

[Master] with Marisu and the body of Galdek

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] cause your 1000 ft in the air and don't want to die

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh, i found last week that casting animal friendship to send art home won't work

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] but command might

[Master] no it will not work on sending him home alone but with you accompanying him it will

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] digging into the spell list

[Master] and yes to command as well

Marisu (TMO)] (Marisu has Riding, Land-based, if that can be used at a penalty to try and give Kenna a small bonus)

[Master] no to TMO

Marisu (TMO)] (awww)

[Master] at this point it is helping Kenna with spells or lowering Art's saving throws

Marisu (TMO)] (I liked Shadowrun's skill tree. ;) You could trace from a skill you had to a skill you didn't, accumulating penalties along the way, but you could still try. )

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] ok so i'm going to cast animal fiendship and attempt to ride him back?

Marisu (TMO)] (I have Sleep)

[Master] not ride but have him accompany you on the air ship

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (perhaps cast bless on him for his saving throw and the friendship so he will want to follow you home)

Marisu (TMO)] (we can save the sleep for if he saves and tries to fly away. sleep him until we can try again)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (if i bless him, he's more likely to make the saving throw. i'd have to curse him

[Master] nods to Spring

Marisu (TMO)] (Curse you, Artiark! Obey me!)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] okay so animal friendship lets me teach him three tricks. i geuss i'll be sayinf "follow follow" heh

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] okay lets see what else i've got

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i don't wanna curse a a friend

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] and you have to be sincee about the friendhsip for it to work

[Master] and for when this returns to the burial you would be heading north out of the city and out the Tanners Gate

[Master] then you can be on the shoreline

[Master] and do what you wish outside of the city

[Master] and before that you need to decide with Marisu about Mistress Erindale

[Master] first is Kenna

[Master] then back to the salon

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh and the other point, we are counting arrtiark as an animal rather than a monster

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes - bob gave us that)

[Master] not an issue with the spell it is an intelligence question and Art barely is under

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] does art count as a mammal?

[Master] yes

[Master] who lays eggs

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] like a platypus

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hippogriffs and platypus'?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Master] grins

[Master] and griffons and pegasus

Marisu (TMO)] (they both have beaks)

Marisu (TMO)] (pegasi lay eggs?)

[Master] I think

[Master] would check it if ever comes up

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] hm, okay charm mammal doesn't help me with the saving throw

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] but it would do much what animal friendship would do

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Are Pltypus's really secret agents?

Marisu (TMO)] (exotic omelets going through my brain now)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] heh

Marisu (TMO)] (platypeople)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh i can't curse. no unholy water

Marisu (TMO)] (if we were already home, Jennevieve might have some)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] just grab holy water and desecreate it

[Master] so then we take our chances with the spell as is

Marisu (TMO)] (I'll have sleep ready, just in case)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] looking at calm animal

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i could cast it first, and he might not even make a saving throw

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] then befriend after calming

[Master] go for it

[Master] just tell me what you want

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] casting calm animal first

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i don't think i have the right map

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i don't see art. i see incoors

[Master] just cast

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] *indoors

[Master] art is on a different map

[Master] I can make his saves for him

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Calm Animals: (2d4+6) [2d4=2,4] 12 hit dice worth of animals are calmed for (10+6) 16 rounds.

[Master] Artiark: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Master] good for you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] so do i roll to cast animal friendship, or would there be a point?

[Master] I would cast it just in case

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Animal Friendship: I convince an animal that I want to be friends.

[Master] Artiark: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (kenna made a new friend)

Marisu (TMO)] (yay!)

[Master] So Art likes Kenna more than he did Galdek

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] okay artiark, here's how you do follow

Marisu (TMO)] (that's a mismatched pair)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Master] and NOW

[Master] jump back to this map

[Master] and Kenna there as Marisu just informed Imari about Galdek's death

Marisu (TMO)] (who is Kenna a priestess of again?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Uthe)

Marisu (TMO)] (thanks)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Kayugan goddess of home and hearth)

Marisu (TMO)] (does she have a title, like Tristan's Uncle?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Patron

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] I must go now.

[Isla Falcon (Corvus)] nini

[Marisu]] (TMO) sniffs slightly, then looks up and gestures to Kenna. "This is Patron Kenna Westfoot. She was instrumental in convincing Artiark to come home with us."

[Master] (sorry Corvus, next week you should be with the group

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] nitey nite!

Marisu (TMO)] (night!)

[Master] in the city

[Master] night

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] .me curtsies

Corvus has left the game on Fri May 22 21:26:36 EDT 2015

[Imari (Mike)] ::nods distractedly::

[Master] (you briefly met Kenna when she returned with Shur and Ilero but Marisu does not know that)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Kenna. It is good to have you home.

Marisu (TMO)] (oh, that's right. It was the other group who picked her up, not this one)

Marisu (TMO)] (oops)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it is good to be back, thank you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I assume Mistress Erindale went back to fetch the othere?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] i have not a clue. i am dizzy from the journey

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] begging your pardon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Get some breakfast and sit Kenna, please.

Branwyn (Lisa) gestures over to the table

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] thank you, yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You too Marisu.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (om nom nom nom)

[Jilly (Master)] squeeks

[Jilly (Master)] Sorry

[Jilly (Master)] I will bring more

[Jilly (Master)] I was so caught up

[Jilly (Master)] poor Imari

[Jilly (Master)] I would be so crushed if Artiark died

[Marisu]] (TMO) shakes her head. "No. We decided it would be better for the rest of the group to travel overland. None of us were happy about the sitiuation, and rather than wait for Mistress Erindale to come get them, and pay for it, we decided to hire passage on a ship instead while I came on ahead with Galdek, Artiark and Patron Kenna."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Pay for it? We were doing them a favor.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She would not bring you home?

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods and sits down at the table. She picks a small bit to nibble on.

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hand me hugh's report?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or tell us?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] yes

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] to both

[Marisu]] (TMO) chews her food slowly. "It.. was not an ideal situation. Here is the report Hugh D'Ambray wrote up for you." She pulls it out of a pouch and hands it over. "Short form, we were necessary there because the Duke and Mistress Erindale held each other in such disdain that they essentially refused to speak to each other. And neither was happy with the resolution of the dragon either. We wound up making neither of them happy with us, regardless of why we were there."

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] thank you. Sorry I had to put time into writing it so probably would have let the air outta my oxygen tank. So i love you right now

Marisu (TMO)] And, especially after the tragedy with Galdek, we weren't very happy with either of them either. Not a good situation all around.

Branwyn (Lisa) reads the report and them places it on the table so the others can read it as they wish

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero]] (TMO) slides it around and skims it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The gnomes. This was all about the gnomes?

[Marisu]] (TMO) nods. "Yes. None of us expected that."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But they both signed this treaty knowing what it contained.

Marisu (TMO)] We took the Duke at his word that there was a dragon. And apparently there is a real dragon around, so it was plausible.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Duke knew he had a war brewing with them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Duke knew he had a war brewing with them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lost it for a sec)

Marisu (TMO)] (Michael - thanks for writing that up. I'd have had a hard time of it)

Marisu (TMO)] (I'm having a hard time playing Nice Marisu. :D)

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head "I cannot believe for all of that Mistress Erindale would not take everyone back.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are done with them and Domvile.

Marisu (TMO)] To be completely honest, we didn't try very hard to convince her. We were split on stayingto deal with the gnomes ourselves, or just cutting loose. Once we decided to go, we just wanted out.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] (In hindsight I was a little overexcited. I hand wrote a large summary in my notebook at home. haha)

Marisu (TMO)] (love it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No more visits from that idiot ambassador, Nimbleton or whatever his name is.

[Imari (Mike)] yay free wings

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Imari (Mike)] buffalos messed up my to go order big time and i got some free wings next time i go. hope i didn't miss anything int he last five minutes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You shouldn't have had to convince her.

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] (We really did get the shaft on this trip. haha. Well next time.)

[Marisu]] (TMO) tilts her head. "I thought about it a great deal on the way home. I highly doubt that the Duke and Mistress can work together to deal with the gnomes. I wouldn't be surprised to get a request from them for our help there too. But since we were working without a contract, this would be an opportunity to go in knowing what's ahead, and doing it on our own terms.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] hear hear

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] yeah. have em pay for ti out the nose

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you wish. I do not wish to deal with those that would show such great disregard for you.

[Marisu]] (TMO) shrugs. "Fortunately, it's not up to me. It's a possible opportunity, *if* we hear from them again. But it's not something we have to do."

Marisu (TMO)] There's a strong feeling among us wanting some sort of bengeance or reparations from the gnomes over Galdek, of course.

Marisu (TMO)] *vengeance

Marisu (TMO)] (I don't know what bengeance is, but if it comes from gnomes, I don't want it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phillipe - if Mistress Erindale or that fool of an ambassador who up again, show them to the meeting room downstairs.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (shows up)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you did not exact any when they were so close, Marisu?

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) nods at Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In any event, I think I need to memorize some spells for a trip out of the city. Anything in the report this morning I need to know, Phillipe?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Accolades for my outstanding performance at the city council meeting?

[Master] Countess Marisu do you believe that the rest of the group will return by the Feast?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Death threats?

Master smiles they are still talking about your performance there Branwyn

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh, another feast

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (see what you do when you skip across time? I was a huge success)

Marisu (TMO)] (ummm... when is the feast?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The 15th

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] (LOL that is one way of interpretting that)

Marisu (TMO)] We did capture one gnome, out of the 10. He's a prisoner of the Duke now. I don't expect he'll be there if we return though.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was hoping that between your etiquette skills and Kenna and Jennevive's Kayugan knowledge that you can do this feast correctly and make it wonderful.

Marisu (TMO)] If they are able to catch a boat in a timely fashion, yes, I think they should be back in time.

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) soft cough

[Branwyn (Lisa)] For a feast celebrating lost love and heartbreak that is.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] do not forget that Branwyn is also officiating at a trial that evening

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not looking forward to that.

Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master) nods

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we shall forget that for now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please.

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] we might still have others who want to talk with you about what happened at the Council Meeting

[Imari (Mike)] even in bob's game you get jury duty

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] lol

[Imari (Mike)] the legendary council meeting

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that we will never go to)

[Phillipe Gaston Enquire (Master)] I will

[Master] I wish John and Corvus where

[Master] here

[Master] were here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you don't need me then I shall be in my room getting ready.

Marisu (TMO)] (you can abbreviate that to w'here)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they are farther ahead in time than the home group is)

[Master] Dame Colonto #4 moved 1'01".

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so memorizing spells for a sendoff to partik)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we are doing that tonight?)

[Imari (Mike)] imari is. bran is welcome if she wants

[Master] and Mike Michael

[Master] Spring TMO

[Imari (Mike)] all you really could use is some fire

[Master] you are all ready for the City Council Meeting

[Master] Mike you get double duty tonight

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh boy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (pull your knees in tight? are we time warpping again?)

[Imari (Mike)] what for?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] pelvic thusting is harder for helflings

[Master] so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Master] back to the 29th

[Master] down at the bottom of that map

[Master] there is a list of characters

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (had to see they'rer actually doing it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (shur and ilero want to see city govt in action?)

[Master] Guildmistress Occameno is Spring

[Master] Lord Remogas is TMO

Marisu (TMO)] (lol - good one)

[Master] Admiral Olana is Michael

[Master] Dame Colonto is Mike

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] orly?!

[Master] you are each City Council Members

[Master] you have a history on your notes page

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh so send me in alone are you?)

[Master] you have the friends on the council the enemies etc

[Master] and you will be facing Branwyn as she comes to this meeting

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (test)

[Imari (Mike)] can't see the character sheet for the notes

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] notes page. plainly not the notes window

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] the notes window has only spells in it

[Master] I will give you each six minutes to review

[Master] we will start at 10

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sam is taking me still?)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] well it's going to be wasted time if i can't see the lovely notes

[Master] yes to LIsa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (getting a drink - brb)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] maybe notes page on the site? o in klooge?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lord Remorgas #7 modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] is on klooge go to view character sheet

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I need one second please.

[Master] then go to the notes tab

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Trying to catch uyp

[Master] take your time

[Master] you have a couple of minutes still I can wait till 5 after 10 to start

[Master] it should be a good surprise and test for everyone

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] menu won't give me character sheet

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] only "track character"

[Imari (Mike)] yup

[Master] they are all PCs

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] view notes only shows me a spell list

[Master] no

[Master] you have to open up the character sheet first

[Imari (Mike)] i can only track

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] well that is what i am saying

[Master] Mr. Silver #2 moved 1'06".

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] i have no menu for getting a character sheet

[Master] I right click and view character sheet

[Master] TMO?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] right click character ixcon. Go down to view character sheet. Will open tab

[Master] you are viewing yours

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] right click does not give that option for me

[Imari (Mike)] i know how to view a character sheet. i only get track character as an option

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (I'm in and have the info.)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] i can take a screen shot

[Master] test for the other charcters please

[Master] TMO

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I've copied it to notepad for easier access

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] My Previous Interactions is empty. Is that correct?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Mine doesnt have the notes. just my onwn notes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am not reading on purpose - I remember them from the ball)

[Master] yes to TMO

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] if i choose lord remorgas, i can get a character sheet

[Master] Michael you are who?

[Imari (Mike)] only lord riggormortis has any options

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] hold on one second

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] for the others, all i get on right click is track character

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (olana)

[Master] I can see them all

[Master] also when you click on an icon

[Master] you can also hit N on the keyboard to view their sheet

[Master] I am waiting for TMO to tell me if he can view any of the other sheets

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] .

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] nope

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I could sometimes, but right now I can't.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] might be because they're being controlled by other players

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Only lord remorgas has opitions. Cant select mine

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] who is yours, Michael?

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Admiral. Can only track him

[Spring] okay now suddenly i have a menu

[Spring] it's gone again

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] can only track now, mine own included

[Master] and now?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Colanto had a menu

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] no one else has admiral clicked on right?

[Master] This is so stupid

[Master] no clue why it is not working just as it should for any PC

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] all have menus

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] got mine

[Imari (Mike)] got a sheet with a chatlog in the notes

[Spring] it's back!

[Master] ok

[Spring] holy crap

[Master] now take another 5 mintues to skim your notes

[Master] please

[Spring] are the notes supposed to be a chat log?

[Master] there are two tabs

[Master] roleplayign notes

[Master] and then a chat log if that character talked with Branwyn before

[Spring] oh okay

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] wow. My character is an a**hole

[Master] LOL

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I bet most of them are

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] I desire to commit suicide

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] by police

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you are the navy - you are the police - in a sense)

[Master (to Spring only)] you also want to have a new tax on anything that comes in from the Small Kingdoms, which would be Drillian where Branwyn is from

[Master (to Mike only)] you also are involved because of taxes, you do NOT want any new tax on good coming in from the SMall Kingdoms

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Imari thinks I'm a pompous ass too haha

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] She's in my notes

[Spring (to Master only)] got it

[Master (to Michael only)] you want a new tax to fund more ships to patrol for pirates

[Imari (Mike) (to Master only)] okay. read it

[Master (to TMO only)] you want to keep the powers as you can

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) frowns and clears his throat.

[Master (to GM only)] Sam #1 moved 0'11".

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'05".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) (to Master only)] Bwhahaha. My chance to cause some real chaos! I want less ships and more pirates. All hail the dominion!

[Master] Sam #1 moved 6'00".

[Master] Mr. Silver #2 moved 2'10".

[Master] Uncle Tranto #2 moved 5'00".

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael) (to Master only)] i'm kidding please don't strike me down

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Sam "You will prtect me won't you? It's kind of like fighting a hydra. If you chop one off another grows back?"

[Sam #1 (Master)] I think they have iron collars on, you can't chop off their heads, grins

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] Okay. I know enough to not really know all the facts, but enought to cause problems. Like poliiticions. Let's get the party started!

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Guildmisstress Occameno #2 modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What sad news.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) runs a hand over his muttonchop beard, smoothing it down.

[Sam #1 (Master)] (everyone ready?)

[Imari (Mike)] as ever

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] i cant chat as him for some reason

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] just pretend my character is him

[Hugh D'Ambray (Michael)] for time reasons

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (have to unchat at Hugh)

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] *as hugh

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (maybe)

[Michael] nope

[Michael] tried that

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] ok did you click your new guy?

[Master] so you are escorted into the center chamber

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] and then the chat icon?

[Michael] yes

[Master] there is a triangle table set up

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (I can't chat as him either)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] :-(

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (i think you're right. you may have to play him naked)

[Master] council members on three sides with one of the points empty with a place to stand

[Master] Branwyn is given a seat

[Master] to the left of that space

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (in the gallery?)

[Master] at the council table

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods stiffly, but politely, in her direction.

[Imari (Mike)] where is imari?

[Master] in the gallery

[Master] up above looking down on the group below

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles and bows at the group wondering why in the world she is actually at their table

[Master] Admiral Olana #5 moved 9'06".

[Master] Lord Remorgas #7 moved 5'08".

[Master] Dame Colonto #4 moved 9'00".

[Master] Guildmisstress Occameno #2 moved 5'11".

[Master] Uncle Tranto #2 moved 11'05".

[Imari (Mike)] well, i can't chat as her

[Master] Branwyn moved 6'01".

[Master] Sam #1 moved 13'09".

[Master] I converted her to a PC see if that works for you Mike

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I cant chat now too

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Thanks bob

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] *Can

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] sorry

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] wow. I really live up to being a douchbag as this character apprently

[Master] Ok so everyone is ready?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] yep

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) taps the table irritably a few times with his fingertips.

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (insofar as possible)

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) looks at Kargil expectantly.

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) smiles benignly

Sam #1 (Master) taps the gavel a few times

[Sam #1 (Master)] Hello all

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (sam, not Kargil, my mistake.)

[Sam #1 (Master)] we have our guest here tonight

[Mike] ::smiles at Sam:: "Hello."

[Sam #1 (Master)] Marquessa Branwyn the Mysterious, the AMbassador of Drillian to Terraguard

[Sam #1 (Master)] She is learning the city and has brought a few guests with her

[Sam #1 (Master)] I hope that you will find her contributions tonight helpful

Branwyn (Lisa) bows her head briefly "Thank you for allowing me to come. I do apologize for not being able to attend sooner."

[Sam #1 (Master)] shall we dismiss old business and get to the point tonight?

Sam #1 (Master) looking at the council members

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Yes, Let us begin

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Yes, your Highness, let's.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) sniffs and nods in agreement.

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) squinting at the visitors

[Sam #1 (Master)] the key point of contention from the last two meetings

[Sam #1 (Master)] is trade

[Sam #1 (Master)] the Narva is our key resource for goods to come to the city

[Sam #1 (Master)] the Velikaya River is not safe

[Sam #1 (Master)] there is a key source of goods

[Sam #1 (Master)] across the Lake Peipus

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the one that erindale sent the group on)

[Sam #1 (Master)] RIvers Bend could be the gateway

Branwyn (Lisa) ears perk up at Rivers Bend

[Sam #1 (Master)] but we need to establish the proper rates of taxation

[Sam #1 (Master)] Admiral Olana your thoughts please

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) frowns sourly

Sam #1 (Master) stage whisper to Branwyn I hope you can answer each of their concerns

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My thoughts are that with intial rates of taxation at a higher rate in the short term, we can quickly build some navel vessels to stave of further pirate attacks. When there are less pirates, there are less problems and therefore less cost. We could then lower the taxation rates to a lower level both increasing happijness in the population who were intially frightened of the new tax, and give more navel vessels for the realm.

Branwyn (Lisa) forces her face into a blank but hopefully attentive stare waiting for the onslaught to begin

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] What say you Ambassador Branwyn?

Uncle Tranto #2 (Master) zzzchaazzz

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] ???

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] (Is he having a seizure?)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] ahem

[Uncle Tranto #2 (Master)] Did you say something Olan?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Why yes...My thoughts are that with intial rates of taxation at a higher rate in the short term, we can quickly build some navel vessels to stave of further pirate attacks. When there are less pirates, there are less problems and therefore less cost. We could then lower the taxation rates to a lower level both increasing happijness in the population who were intially frightened of the new tax, and give more navel vessels for the realm.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sorry. Who exactly are you planning on taxing? The merhants of Rivers Bend supplying Dryads Lair with goods or the people of this city purchasing said goods?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) closes his eyes for a brief moment, as if resisting the urge to roll them.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (merchants)

[Master] (Tax the mermaids, none of them are here to vote on it!)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (ha!)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Not just the merchants. All of the city is being taxed as it. Upon higher rates of taxation.......

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] there will be a shortage of goods in the beginning driving up prices that tax can be collected upon

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] .....

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] so taxes are being collected two fold

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] ....

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] It is not evident

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] ...

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] however, after a short time...

[Master] (and yes you can interupt as you see fit for your characters)

[Mike] do we all get to chime in or do we have to wait for the talking stick?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Whereas ... we are discussing impots

[Mike] "That is a rediculous idea!"

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] As you wish

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] wait which one is mike?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] sorry

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) squinting

[Mike] mistress somebody's face

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] kk

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] carry

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] on

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (LOL)

[Mike] the dame

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] So imports?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Surely, we should bring in import goods BUT

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grumps, "Hmph. But, higher prices to open new trade routes, will mean people buy less, which means less taxes. And probably all that will happen is the pirates will move to attack other, already existing and profitable trade routes. They're like rats. Deny them one food and they'll just move to another."

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] tax them as they come in.

[Mike] "There are enough taxes already to choke off the trade to the city. Raise them higher and you'll make it impossible for merchants to bring in goods to sell."

[Mike] "Then you won't get any taxes because there will be no one buying or selling in the city."

[Mike] "Wouldn't you agree, Branwyn?"

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Ah, but there will be demand for work! We are simply shifting jobs from brokerages to builders.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] We need ships, and this is an excellent opportuinity to get them

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] At lower prices and with less money

[Mike] "Work with what? Imported wood for your boats?"

Branwyn (Lisa) watches them quietly

[Mike] "Which won't get imported because of your rediculous tax?"

[Mike] "You want to choke the life out of the common citizen for more toys to play with."

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Dame Colanto, he proposed a high tax. But we should be sensible. What of a lower tax?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) frowns, "Now, Dame Colanto. I'm sure the Admiral isn't suggesting that high of a tax."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] AH, no, we haven't raised the prices yet! We should stockpile goods and wood now, upon the announcement of the new tax, prices will skyrocket and we can sell bulk for outragious prices. Not only funding the whole enterprise but keeping a stockpile for the forseeable future

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Besides, this is a small increase, I'm not trying to strangle the citizens

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] after all my fleet keeps them safe

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) stares witheringly

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] they can pay more or they can be dead

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] which do you think they would prefer?

Branwyn (Lisa) raises her eybrows

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Pay a little more, or be robbed ont eh trade routes and end up with nothni?

[Mike] "You speak of us stockpiling, and we that. What of all the merchants not privvy to your plan to raise the price of goods you are hoarding?"

[Mike] insider trading! insider trading!

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Uh yeah

[Mike] "The pirates are not that big of a threat. You overexagerate the need for your personal armada."

[Mike] "If you need help dealing with them, I'm sure Branwyn can give you some tips. She has dealth with plenty of their like in her time, I am sure."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] So say you? Are you out there fighting them? Do you know how much money and coin the realm loses to these beats? Furthermore, when my oldeer ships are retires, they are sold at reduced rrates to merchant fleets

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] On the contrary, Dame Colanto. The pirates are a legitimate threat. My own people work to keep them clear of our routes.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] increasing trade and protecting others

[Mike] "My ships are out there, and my hired guards are fighting them. More so than your so called navy."

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] And profiting thereby?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am a merchant nation intent on protecting all of our interests and protecting all of our interests. Would you dent that?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My ships out number yours by a quite a sum

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] furthermore, many of my ships are exploring on behalf of the realm for all of our sakes

[Mike] "Then you don't need to raise taxes for more it sounds like."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Ah my good councilar. There is always need for more taxes whether or not you agree with it.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] The enemy is cunning and costs are high

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] If you can find a way to pay for more protection without raising prices be my guest...? What say you?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] We must tax the imports at some rate to keep the commpetition from stifling our local crafts

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] We must protect hte jobs of our people

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] But this proposal smells too much of opportunity for my ahem esteemed colleauges

[Mike] "Raise the taxes and less imports will come in. You ultimately will not be earning any more money, just denying the city goods from other cities."

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Tchah! Have you visited the Knife lately? I don't see many of them seeking to do 'local crafts'.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] It will promote our own goods however, and with that quality we can then sell them elsewhere. My good sir, it all levels out in the end

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] I will remind you of my election to this position. My predecessor was impeached for corruption.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Bah, the knife, let the city guard handle their antics. That is what they are there and paid for.

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] I smell corruption beneath the surface here.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] If you can show it, show me where it is? Prove that we are serving our own interests

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) sniffs. "Your perfume is too strong then."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You cannot, because each of us serves the realm in our won way

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You serve, I serve

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) glares

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] How go about it may be different, but in the end, we all serve our own interests as wel.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] This tax could help Everyone!

Sam #1 (Master) coughs lightly

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) looks down and cleans one of his fingernails.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I get ships, and you get whatever it is you do with your taxation accounts. I don't really follow your house that much. I do my own dirty work

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] We all win

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My apologies my lord. I got excitied

[Sam #1 (Master)] Perhaps we could let our guest speak for a moment

[Sam #1 (Master)] then you can each address her thoughts with your own concerns

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I'm not sure I see the need for new trade routes as it is. Especially not dangerous ones. What guarantee do we have that it won't just be a huge money sink, with many expenditures with few returns?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) subsides and nods stiffly. "Of course."

[Sam #1 (Master)] Ambassador Branwyn, you were saying there are trolls out there going to war?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) starts to say something, then stops himself, instead shifting in his seat.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] /Admiral Olana rubs his nose

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] darn screwed that up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Trolls? I have heard word from the Ambassador of Gold Hills of a troll invasion there. I understood that Ambassador Jondar had approached the Council on this subject.

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) clenching gnarled fingers togethe

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] What is this? I have not heard of this?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) snorts quietly.

Sam #1 (Master) raised eyebrow,

[Sam #1 (Master)] Who is this Ambassador Jondar?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not sure what trolls have to do with the subject of trade other than trade with Gold Hills and I am no expert on that subject.

[Sam #1 (Master)] I was mentioning it because of the comments on new trade routes

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] M'Lord may I interject?

[Sam #1 (Master)] of course

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Ambassador of Gold Hills. A halfling of course. He attended your father's ball a few weeks ago.

[Sam #1 (Master)] please Admiral

[Sam #1 (Master)] aside to Branwyn, there is no Ambassador of Gold Hills that I am aware of, she was recalled and not replaced

Branwyn (Lisa) looks alarmingly at Samand then sighs

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) shakes his head, and goes back to his fingernail.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] In any event, Sir Indigo has told me he has written to his family in Gold Hills and I should be able to give a further report on the matter when we hear back from them.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] We now have news of a troll invasion. It may be unsubstantiated, but I trust our guest has done her research. This isn't just a matter of trade. It's a matter of protection as well now. We have pirates and now trolls that can be sacking trade routes. Even if we DONT raise taxes, we WILL need ships to protect the people. This is no longer about the councils own agenda this is about all of us. Mistress Branwyn, would you be willing to confim this existance rumor of a troll invasion? I would be willing to personally pay for your "ahem" assistants to verfify such rumors.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am sure the rest of the council would be willing to help cover expenses for such and important mission? My lords and laides?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have not heard of trolls attacking on water. I do not believe that trolls should hurt water trade.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] They could attack the docks

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I will personally pay 2000 Gold Pieces to the enite party of yours to verify this plus expesnes

[Mike] "Is there no straw you won't reach for to get more money for your boats?"

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Bob, is that a reasonable amount?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] They are rare on our Established Routes. Hardly bother us at all, in fact.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am so far the only one losing money to protect us. Will you see the city burn around us and do nothuing?

[Sam #1 (Master)] (yes a very generous ammount but you are spending the Crown's resources not your own so it is fine)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Okay, so for once, I will secede my desires for my ships. I will pay for this incredivbly important mission and you all can suffer the public when they hear you were willing to argue and do nothing while the mercheants were attacked

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I appreciate the generous offer Admiral, but my staff is needed here with me and I would rather wait to see if there is any truth to the matter before I send my people on a quest with no basis in fact at the moment. Unless Lord Hightower and other information?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] We need to put aside sqabbling for now

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I say... if the trolls were attacking the town, don't you think we'd have noticed it by now, Admiral? I have the highest respect for your soldiers, and I'm positive they wouldn't have overlooked something as major as a wave of trolls climbing the walls. These trolls, if there are any, are out there in the wilderness. If we go in in force, all we'll achieve is stirring them up and bringing them to us.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I understand Mistress.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] *sailors, not soldiers.

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Besides which, the best defense is an armed citizenry. Keep our money at home and equip the town watch.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You make a fair point Remorgas. I just cannot believe something so momentus would be told but not to us?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] Train our own people in civil defense, many of whom are veterans anyway.

[Sam #1 (Master)] I do not have any new information other than what Ambassador Branwyn has shared with you,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is Gold Hills and not here. I do not think a threat is imminent.

[Sam #1 (Master)] I can tell you that she has been very open with myself and my father

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Okay. This makes me feel a little bit better

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles gratefully at Sam

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] How about this, we all do what we normally do. We bicker and argue and end up splitting everything equally as we always do. The same question remains though about the import tax. Do we raise it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] May I see if I am viewing the situation correctly if you will indulge me?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Be our honored guest Mistress

[Sam #1 (Master)] please

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods to the Admiral. "Exactly my point, Admiral. All we have is hearsay from, no offense intended Ambassador, a foreign power, who might just be interested in causing us to extend our reach and distract our forces with a fruitless chase through the wilderness." He turns to Branwyn. "Not that I'm impugning your motives, Ambasador. But politics is a business for paranoia."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You currently have trade routes on the Narva and Velakaya, but not currently one from Rivers Bend. Is that correct?

[Sam #1 (Master)] actually we do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry can't fins V river spelling fast)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you have three active trade routes?

[Sam #1 (Master)] the routes across Lake Peipus are currently active as the Narva but more active then the Velakaya

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Two are safe and one plagued by pirates?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grunts.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] It would be safe m'lady. I jmuist cannot spare the man power or ships to gaurd it

[Sam #1 (Master)] to be fair there are pirates on all of the three of the routes

[Sam #1 (Master)] with varying degrees of sucess

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] No need, in my opinion. I've yet to see a reasonable claim of decent returns for the expense.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Are you suggessting I order my ships to guard only my fleet?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is it even beneficial to keep the route from the Velakaya?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] *Sigh* Unfortunately, if we have it, it would be to costly to get rid of it

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Would it not make more sense to further fortify our existing, profitable!, trade routes, and reduce the predations there, rather than throwing money away trying to clear this other minor trade route and driving the marauders to the now weakened existing routes?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] The populace near there still need goods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wouldn't it be the responsibility of the kingdoms and territories to keep their goods safe? Tax that route at a higher rate and leave the safer routes at a lower one?

[Sam #1 (Master)] the Velikaya River does flow past Gold Hills

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] ...I actually like that idea. Your highness what say you?

[Sam #1 (Master)] and from farther up in the Wildlands where there are only elves for the most part of the civilized races

[Sam #1 (Master)] if Branwyn believes taxing the Gold Hills is a good strategy for solving the pirate problem on the Velikaya River

[Branwyn (Lisa)] not just Gold Hills, any one that wished to trade along the river and not keep their river and their own goods reasonably safe.

Mr. Silver #2 (Master) coughs loudly

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Do these halflings have a navy capable of any sort of policing the river?

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) looking thoughtful, twisthing fingers togethe

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Well, and if the council is willing. I will front three ships to assist the gaurding on the river pro bono. With, the understanding that some of the new taxes will at least go towards replacing the ships for the othyer routes. Would that be acceptable? I am taking a risk and might even lose. You cannot accuse me of being greedy this time

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] The higher tax will more then be enough and funding can still go towards the watch

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Would this be acceptable?

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) squints supiciously

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] So the rest of the trade must suffer less protection then? This is exactly the situation I was warning against. The river rats will move away from the Velikaya and your ships onto the more valuable trade on the Lake and Narva.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am certainly no expert on trade and economics. You asked for my opinion but it is by no means shoudl be considered the ideal solution to such a grave matter. I leave final decisions to your wisdom and expertise.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] No, I am going to move my ships one by one over to the new river as they are slowly build and replaced with new taxes. The risk will still be the same for the first ship leaving the route. But the rotation will bring all the routes into safer harmony.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] One ship will niot make the biggest difference.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I really feel this is fair for all of us

[Mike] "So the total taxed will be the same? Just adjusted for the pirate activity on each route?"

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grunts.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will say that I have spent much time in Rivers Bend. It is certainly not as large and grand as your own Dryads Lair. But it is a bustling community and if costs of shipping goods becomes prohibitive, then they shall most likely do business where it is most profitable to them.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Yes :Mike Character sorry forgot name

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (colonto)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am getting three more ships, the tax stays the same rate, and the watch still can purchase ale cough I mean armor for the city

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] M'Lord do you have any last remarks?

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) estimating how big a tapestry needle it would take to pierce the admiral's throat

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] LOL

[Sam #1 (Master)] LAPS

[Sam #1 (Master)] clasps

Sam #1 (Master) claps loudly

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] What?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] oh

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (LOL)

[Mike] "I suppose that would be accepable."

[Sam #1 (Master)] very well it appears we are settled on the subject, no new taxes

[Sam #1 (Master)] for the time being

[Mike] thanks for the clap. bet no one ever said that to you before.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] HAHAHA

[Sam #1 (Master)] each council member now can suggest a topic of discussion for the next meeting

[Sam #1 (Master)] Dame Colonto you can go first

[Mike] duuuurrrr...

[Sam #1 (Master)] we shall proceed around from there

[Mike] "."

[Mike] i don't know what she'd say. make it up

[Mike] she totally said something important to her character.

[Sam #1 (Master)] we will come back to you

[Sam #1 (Master)] grins there are options on teh sheet

[Sam #1 (Master)] Guildmistres Ocaaemto

[Sam #1 (Master)] did you have something to propose?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] an arts and crafts festival

[Mike] lol

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks to herself - that's exactly what this city needs - ANOTHER Festival

[Sam #1 (Master)] Perhaps during teh feat to Vitreoius?

[Sam #1 (Master)] Vitreous?

[Sam #1 (Master)] (LOL to Lisa)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (spring - there are 240+ kayugan festivals per year)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My turn?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (as part of one)

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) leans down a bit and massages his forehead with his fingertips.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] *Sigh* My fellow council members do bring up a good point. The knife IS becoming a bigger problem. Perhaps, we can procure some funds for the watch to actually protect people and patrol the area more. There are rumors from the docks that the thieves guild is expanding operations in the sewers. We need someone to go down there and learn more but all of our men have been here for some time and will be recognized. We need some new faces to go down and investigate.

[Sam #1 (Master)] Uncle Trano

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] an arts and crafts event for one of our existing festivals

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] or not sorry

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] thought it was my turn

Sam #1 (Master) pauses adn nods to the Admiral

[Sam #1 (Master)] very well

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (sorry)

[Sam #1 (Master)] if the Guildmissress is finished?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] oh indeed

[Sam #1 (Master)] thank you

[Sam #1 (Master)] Admiral your idea was?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] *Sigh* My fellow council members do bring up a good point. The knife IS becoming a bigger problem. Perhaps, we can procure some funds for the watch to actually protect people and patrol the area more. There are rumors from the docks that the thieves guild is expanding operations in the sewers. We need someone to go down there and learn more but all of our men have been here for some time and will be recognized. We need some new faces to go down and investigate.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Perhaps, the ambassador would be willing to provide them?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] They will be compensated of course

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Excuse me?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Exactly. Spend our resources on what we already have. What good would it do to expand into new wilderness if we lose the heart of the city?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) briefly looks mortified.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (Admiral went a direction with that he wasn't expecting)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] M'Lady. No one would expect it! We simply need some new faces to look around without ours being recognized

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] No one would liekly be hurt

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] They are simply faces

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] that we are paying

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] handsomly

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] to look

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I say. I don't think the Watch would look kindly on that, Admiral.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] in a very close place

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Hire them on then. The watch hires people all the time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My staff and I are here for diplomatic reasons. I do not wish to assert myself in the governance of local matters or have the populace think that I am trying to assert authority over them as I have no jurisdiction as such.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] /nods quickly. "Yes, indeed. We can't be seen hiring foreign *cough* mercenaries to police our own city, can we? That wouldn't look very good, I don't think.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You are hear are you not M'Lady? I assumed since you were hear you were trying to help the city? I am sorry I only assumed. I am mortificed and apologize profusely for my breach of ettiqutete. If you have a change of heart you know where to find us?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] *Sign* No probably not, but who can we trust anymore. We may need to hire less trustworthy people then her

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "Of course and I shall pas along the message to my people. If any would like to take a job in the city, I would support them, but it is something that I personally cannot supply."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I would rather rely on her trained and competent people to assit uis then standard mercenaries

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You honor us M'Lady

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am suprised The Dame and Guildmistress OCcameno aren't helping me with this one point. I am on there side for a change *Chuckles"

[Sam #1 (Master)] Lord Remorgas, did you have your proposal of a topic?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Bob, is there a personal assistant with all of us?

[Sam #1 (Master)] (no only Uncle Tranto has one)

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] /dirty look at the admiral

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Do I have pen and paper...and can write?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] I'm sure there are many honorable men in the Watch, Admiral. Perhaps a little weeding might be necessary to prevent the bad seeds from taking root. But we were just discussing spending money to move into a new and probably not very profitable area, but we can't discuss doing the same for our very own city?

[Sam #1 (Master)] (no to reading and writing, )

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grunts. "Well... If our existing trade routes aren't being deprived of their protection, I've nothing to propose there. However, on the Admiral's wise concern, might I suggest that we scrutinize the situation in the Knife, with an eye to increasing and securing it better?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You are correct Lord Remorgas. I also meant that we should improve the city as well, I simply also wanted to enjoy a little rivalship with my fellow councilmembers and see how are newest guest would react to a request. *Chuckles* What say you?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I'm an admiral and seriously cannot write?

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] Count Sisagno, you've been mighty quiet so far. What do you think? Should we add a bit more security to the Knife and quench the scoundrels blighting our city?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes - where is that guy?)

[Master] Count Sisagno #2 moved 1'04".

[Count Sisagno (Master)] COUGH COUGH

[Count Sisagno (Master)] I think that the Knife has always been an area of concern for the council

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods, prompting to continue his statement.

[Count Sisagno (Master)] but I am not certain that we have the funding for such an increase in the number of watch we can put there

[Count Sisagno (Master)] perhaps we coudl use some sailors off the ships?

[Count Sisagno (Master)] or the Guildmisstress could provide some additional funding from her merchants

[Count Sisagno (Master)] afterall they are the ones being harmed

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods decisively in agreement.

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] They are being harmed as much by cheap imports.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I have a rotational schedule for my sailors. Two parties are on shore leave at any given time. I could change that to one rotation, and have sailors in one party be on watch duty for two days at a time. But, I would expect a hardship fee for them.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] OR

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (i have no idea how you people are doing this. i am so effing lost)

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] If you allow me to add the rudder upgrade for my vessels at a slight cost, I can have two rotations abailable at any given time as the fleet requirements of my ship will be two saileors less.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over at Dame Colonto's hands

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] That way, my men get there rest and provide a watch duty Branwyn (Lisa) trying to be sneaky

[Count Sisagno (Master)] (you are doing fine Spring, everyone is in improv mode)

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (hee hee. we're just winging it)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I'm not. Ive taken several economics classes haha

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] (okay. i see absolutely 0 possiblility of doing what i'm supposed tg)o be doin

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] alhtough. not in a mideval setting soo... there is that

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (I just know a little bit about everything)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] A jack of all trades!

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] But, back to my point council members, it isn't a bad idea

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] you know what I'm looking for so I suppose my role was a fail :)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My sailors can provide a watch surplus and provide there own armor and weapons

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] at a cost

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] It would just come down to two options on how to go about doing it

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] But, that is for our next meeting

Branwyn (Lisa) stifles a yawn

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] A minor one, I hope, Admiral? It shouldn't be more expensive than hiring mercenaries would be, I'm sure.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] /Admiral Olana smirks at Branwyn.

[Sam #1 (Master)] Uncle Tranto?

[Uncle Tranto #2 (Master)] Hmmm

[Uncle Tranto #2 (Master)] no no

[Uncle Tranto #2 (Master)] thank you I am full

Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring) mutters, I'd like to hire some mercenenaris. hmph

Sam #1 (Master) nods bemused

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Absolutely Lord Remorgas, we do need to keep costs low. I am sure it would not be any significant amount

[Sam #1 (Master)] Very well

[Sam #1 (Master)] Is there anything else ? do I have a motion to adjourn?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I motion

Branwyn (Lisa) wants to raise her hand badly

[Sam #1 (Master)] second?

[Sam #1 (Master)] yes Branwyn?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods. "Seconded."

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks please please

[Sam #1 (Master)] very well

[Sam #1 (Master)] meeting adjourned till next week

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I do belive the good ambassador is about to explode, let us adjourn!

[Sam #1 (Master)] thank you all

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Thank you M' Leige

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles andnods

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) frowns as he stands. "Thank you, Your Highness. A pleasure, as always."

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Ambassador! A moment if you will

[Master] side conversations abund

[Master] Admiral Olana #5 moved 10'03".

[Master] Branwyn moved 2'06".

Branwyn (Lisa) braces herself and smiles

[Mike] and there's bran's performance. she brokered a compromise

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes Admiral?

[Mike] okay, i'm crashing. night all. see you next week

[Master] night Mike

[Master] very nicely done

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] No need to be formal hear m'lady, I have no doubt what you and everyone else here thinks of me.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight Mike!)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] night

Mike has left the game on Fri May 22 23:35:36 EDT 2015

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (gnight!)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] You should no however, that we all are self serving. I was a fan of your predecessor here. A tradgedy that should have never happened.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks surprised "I know you are one of the finest Terragaurd's navy has to offer Admiral"

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) eyes the Admiral and Branwyn disapprovingly before turning away to help Father Tranto rise from his seat.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I am glad that you are here however *Smiles warmly*

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes narrow at bit "You were, were you? That is refreshing to hear indeed."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most kind. Thank you.

Branwyn (Lisa) curtsies and turns to leave

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I cannot speak to openly here, as there might be those little birdies that cheep cheep in the night, but you really should know that not everything in this city is as it seems

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] If you need to leave I understand

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I will send a sealed parchement

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] ok massive headache, i have to go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of that, I have no doubt. But then, which place is, really?

[Guildmisstress Occameno #2 (Spring)] have a good nigh, peoples

[Master] sweet dreams Spring

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] night spring

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (politics will do that)

Spring has left the game on Fri May 22 23:38:24 EDT 2015

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (cya!)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] thanks for playing

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] seeya TMO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] oops

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (II'm here! I was saying goodnight to Spring)

[Master] was Lord Remorgas going to intercept Branwyn on her way out?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Lisa, I can just send a sealed parchement to you during thw week. I am pretty tired haha. And bob makes it so much fun to add to his story

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Hightower, I shall be ready whenever you are if you are still willing to escort me home.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) clears his throat and looks at the Admiral.

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (sure)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (better hurry - she might teleport at any second at this rate)

[Master] lol

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My Lord, the Ambassador is tired. I will involve her in our games another night. She does need to speak with you however. Maybe you could escort her home?

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) moves to stand before Branwyn after the Admiral is finished. "I say Ambassador Branwyn. I do hope you shan't take a negative view of our fair city from our bickering in here." He shuffles uncomfortably a bit. "We all have the best interests of our city and people at heart, even if we disagree on the proper method." He smooths one hand over his mustache. "I'm sure the back rooms of your Queen's chambers are the same, you understand."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Remorgas, I have felt very welcome since I have arrived. It would be difficult to take a negative view of your city. And from conflict can come great wisdom as ideas are discussed and honed. It is only natural.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I should not have spoken however and let you conduct your business.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I am sure you should be happy to be free of me at your next meeting.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grunts. "Well now, don't try to put words in my mouth like that, Ambassador. I'm sure all input is welcome."

[Master] smiles

[Master] and that is a good break point

[Master] Branwyn can leave the chamber

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] question before you log ff master

[Branwyn (Lisa)] THANK YOU!

[Master] grins

[Master] and just to let everyone know tonight was the first week of our 23rd year

[Master] when were you born Michael?

[Lisa] wow

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] 1992

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) corners the Admiral. "I say.. I don't think we need to air our dirty laundry to a foreigner like that, do you?"

[Master] we started in May of 1993

[Lisa] (bob and john - the rest of us are much newer to the game)

[Master] and I think that everyone did a wonderful job with the Council Meeting tonight

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) grunts.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] My lord, every nation has dirty laundry. I always admire and salute your service to the city. In all seriousness though, I think she is trustworthy. I am pretty confident she could help us make this a better place. Did you feel differently?

[Lisa] (yes you were wonderful)

[Master] I am very happy with the way everyone dove in

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) ' mouth twitches. "How can we tell? Haven't seen much of her yet, have we? And you remember Waverlyn, surely?"

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Yeah, I rememver she ended up dead.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] This one is still alibve.

Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO) nods. "Indeed."

[Master] grins

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (sorry, just wanted to get that little bit in)

[Lord Remorgas #7 (TMO)] (I'm done now)

[Lisa] so did I fail the obs roll?

[Master] is great

[Master] which obs roll?

[Master] I must have missed it totally

[Lisa] (I tried to roll it to you only to not break up the meeting

[Lisa] this is the girl thing

[Master] I will check in the morning

[Lisa] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] not catching on I guess

[Lisa] ooh hope other one was better

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] So bob, can I have a little bit of fun with this? I'll send a "message" to the ambassador that you can totally change and then you give it to her? Would this be in player communication?

[Master] LOL

[TMO] lordy.. Pompous Windbag brings out the stuffy brit in me.

[Lisa] was looking at colonto's hands

[Master] OH I did see that

[Lisa] looking for a ring

[Master] I will see if you made that or not

[Master] and yes to Michael

[Lisa] not that she cares or anything ....

[Master] feel free to write a letter that Phillipe can read to Branwyn

[Master] there is a letters page

[Lisa] idle curiosity

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Can I have my man make sure it is her eyes only?


[Master] and yes

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] This is going to get epic!@

[Master] you get to use the Brown ribbons

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Also I was trting to give us a job close to home

[Lisa] I know

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Oh

[Master] chuckles

[Master] I think that it went well

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Well I tried

[Master] everyone got into it

[Lisa] but branwyn does not want to get into areas that will make enemies

[TMO] yyyeah... that's not something Regoras'd be fond of. ;)

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Oh I had a blast

[Lisa] she wants to stay alive

[Master] Lisa was sure that everyone would be bored

[Master] for her city council meeting

[Master] grins

[Lisa] I was not privy to the plan

[Master] need to have faith I know what I am doing, grins

[TMO] I think we overwhelmed poor Spring.

[Master] I had a couple more members ready

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Yeah

[Master] for John and ERic and Corvus

[Master] she did good

[TMO] she did

[Lisa] yes!

[Master] partially is is how to play the character traits

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Sorry, I really did kind of cut everyone off. I should have been a politicion really

[Master] Uncle Tranto would not have been fun for someone

[TMO] you were! talk and talk and talk!! 0:D

[Master] I think you did fine as the Admiral

[Master] I had this all ready for the Bonus Game

[Lisa] everyone did great

[Master] but we did not get to it

[TMO] agreed. thumbs up

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I really did try to follow my quest to get more ships haha

[Master] grins

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] and i got them so thats awesome

[Master] and I would have loved to see Lisa's jaw drop when Spring suggested another festival in the city

[TMO] lol

[Lisa] I hope spring didn't think I was making fun of her idea

[Lisa] it was great for the character and a good idea

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Yeah! Also I think this is the beginning of a long glorious feud with spring and mikes council members. Also, I thought she did great

[Master] chuckles not the beginning of the fued but yes

[Lisa] just when branwyn heard there were over 200 feat days in this city branwyn was in shock

[Lisa] feast

[Master] there are detailed notes on each page about each of the other council members as you saw

[Master] Lisa you can peek at one if you like now

[Lisa] it's okay

[TMO] yeah... Resorgas has an interesting viewpoint

[Lisa] better if she reacts as they are presented

[TMO] Dislike, Dislike, Dislike, eh, sorta okay, Dislike, Hate, Dislike.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I only have mine and what my character thinks of the others

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] not the other council membvers schemes

[Master] if we do this again I will let everyone choose to keep the same or switch if they desire

[Master] and Lisa how did you like that bit about Jondar?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Nope the admiral is forever mine until a balliatae cuts him in half

[Lisa] THAT made my jaw drop

[Master] lol

[Master] lol

[Lisa] if Guy ever comes back in - he's in trouble

[Master] he wanted to play a thief

[Lisa] did he know that or did you just make that happen?

[Master] Michael has no clue

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] so who is Jondar?

[TMO] I'd be okay either way. It might be more fun for everyone to grow their npc though. Or swapping, either way.

[Master] he knew that

[Master] TMO knows Guy

[Lisa] it's hilarious

[Master] and Jondar

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Brief Summary? Or Link?

[Lisa] we took this character with our party to the prince's ball as the ambassador to gold hills

[Master] Lisa will sum up

[Lisa] he arrived as soon as we did

[TMO] I didn't predict it, but I'm not surprised, if that makes sense.

[Lisa] so we hosted and befriended him - he was an ambassador after all

[TMO] I was surprised that a PC was an ambassador.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Lisa is

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Oh back then?

[TMO] yes, but he was an ambassador outside our group. How does he go adventuring with us? Etc.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] So...hes a player character?

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] that no one is currently playing?

[Lisa] yes

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] huh

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] cool

[Master] the Player's name is Guy

[Master] and we worked out some things on what he wanted

[Lisa] Guy wanted to create a new character when we moved here and then work got in way

[Master] and I let him just talk his way into the group

[Master] and everyone accepted him

[Lisa] he's good at that

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I love when references from other works make it into the current work. Sweet stuff

[Lisa] he and mike at the party were funny

[Master] yes

[Master] check out TMO's excellent post on The Ball

[Master] it is from last year sometime Michael

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] I'll try to find it

[Master] the chat history logs are there to make it easier to find

[TMO] which excellent post was that? I make so many of them. ;)

[Master] LOL

[Master] and with that

[Master] adieu

[Master] see you all next week

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Night bob. Thank you

[Lisa] goodnight all

[Master] and online through the week

[TMO] g'night all. Thanks for the game.

[Admiral Olana #5 (Michael)] Goodnight all

Lisa has left the game on Sat May 23 00:03:42 EDT 2015

TMO grunts.

Michael has left the game on Sat May 23 00:03:51 EDT 2015

TMO has left the game on Sat May 23 00:03:53 EDT 2015

[Master] Isla Falcon XP award: 200. Next level in 62739.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 200. Next level in 5712.

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 200. Next level in 103655.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 25724.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 300. Next level in 7512.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot XP award: 300. Next level in 23790.

[Master] Imari XP award: 300. Next level in 27416.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 300. Next level in 17788.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 68243.

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 400. Next level in 60080.