Main / May2413

May 25 13 - She Said Yes!

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 14 seconds ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 24 18:27:59 EDT 2013 ====

[Master] Please go to the Players Communication page and make sure your settings are updated for that file or you will have problems with the maps. I tested with two players and the new settings solved our map issues. I will be back up after drinks and such are aquired.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Esmerelda moved 180'07".

[Master] Esmerelda moved 4'08".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Christina has joined the game on Fri May 24 18:51:09 EDT 2013

Christina is receiving the map swamp...

Christina has received the map swamp.

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 24 18:55:07 EDT 2013 ====

Eric has joined the game on Fri May 24 18:58:58 EDT 2013

Eric is receiving the map swamp...

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 24 19:00:52 EDT 2013

Lisa is receiving the map swamp...

Lisa has received the map swamp.

Eric has received the map swamp.

[Master] Hello Lisa, Hello Eric

[Eric] howdy

[Lisa] Hello :)

[Eric] So what's up with the maps Bob? Also, how do change the amount of memory to Klooge?

[Master] on the Players Communication page

[Master] is the file name you need to change to allocate more memory for Klooge

[Master] I am guessing you have more than a gig of memory in your machine

[Eric] yep

Christina has joined the game on Fri May 24 19:05:24 EDT 2013

Christina is receiving the map swamp...

[Master] so that will set things up nicely for you


[Master] that has the details

[Master] and Lisa I beleive did that a while ago

[Master] Christina did that earlier as well

[Master] when you change the settings they will not take effect until after you restart Klooge

[Eric] ok brb

Eric has left the game on Fri May 24 19:07:04 EDT 2013

Christina has received the map swamp.

[Master] Lisa what do you see when you hover over the trash can?

[Master] for your max?

Eric has joined the game on Fri May 24 19:08:15 EDT 2013

Eric is receiving the map swamp...

[Master] and curious for you Chriostina

[Lisa] 130 of 495

[Master] and 495 is your max?

[Master] I am showing 910 as my max

[Master] when I set it to a gig in that file

Eric has received the map swamp.

[Christina] I have 1.78g set as my max

[Master] ok

[Master] we will see if you get things significantly faster with that

[Christina] I'm using like 228mb so far of 981 mb

[Christina] So I'm thinking that you have your max set to 981mb max, Bob?

[Master] well the fiel says 1012 or what ever 1 gig really is

[Master] but klooge show it at that 910

[Lisa] I set it how you said to set it a couple years ago

[Christina] It's acting like a virtual machine, from what I can see

[Eric] Ok

[Lisa] It has changed?

[Eric] back

[Christina] Devin could tell you more about it, but it looks like it's allocating like that -- you set it to more, but you're not getting the full amount

[Master] we did not change it Lisa that I know

[Master] -Xmx1024m and -Xms512m

[Master] is what is in the file

[Master] we will be able to tell soon enough

[Master] and welcome back Eric

[Lisa] says max is 989

[Christina] (Lisa, we were playing with the drawing functions, and so I set a lot more to experiment with the paint layer)

[Master] that sounds right Lisa

[Master] you are getting better performance than I am wry grin

[Lisa] says 104 of 495 then in parens 989 max

[Christina] Since we're doing a bit of an experiment -- should I tell you when I get maps fully loaded?

[Master] so Eric and Christina questions from you about play? do you understand how the party pack works for example?

[Master] it shows me Christina

[Christina] NOt really

[Master] OK

[Master] so Party Pack

new guy has joined the game on Fri May 24 19:15:17 EDT 2013

new guy is receiving the map swamp...

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Carrying Capacity - ADDED: Belt Pouch, Large (6"×8"×2"), 24, 0. ADDED: Backpack (3'×2'×1'), 1000, 0. Equipment - DELETED: null, null, null, null.

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.


[Eric] Ya i need to add my 10 +1 arrows to that. No good to me but someone else may find a better use

[Christina] I'm just trying to not get squished with 26 hp :-D

[Master] what happens with the Party Pack is when you find things on your adventures, they go into a group pile

[Master] after the adventure some things might get assigned to one character

[Master] they go onto that character's sheet

[Lisa] you have arrows but no bow?

[Master] most things get kept in a party pack however which is a large sack that "one of the characters" is carrying

new guy has received the map swamp.

[Lisa] Hi Bill!

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Equipment - DELETED: Holy Water x 5 (PROTECTION FROM EVIL), 2 gp, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null.

[Master] so healing potion for example, if it is on Branwyn's sheet only she can use it, if it is in the party pack anyone can pick up that sack and take the potion out to use it

[Master] Hello Bill

[new guy] Hello

[Master] Sir Androp the man with silver balls

[Master] grins

[new guy] Yea, sorry I missed that. Thinking Androp would make a necklace of them if they're not too big for it

[Master] it was very fun

[Lisa] Was so sad you missed the finale

[Master] did you read up on everything from those two sessoins?

[new guy] No I did not. I will though. I kept forgetting to do that...

[Master] in a nutshell

[Master] Branwyn was right that Count Drake was NOT a vampire

[Master] and in the climactic scene Branwyn cast a spell on him to turn him INTO a vampire

[Lisa] was being the operative word :(

[Christina] heh

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Carrying Capacity - CHANGED: Backpack (3'×2'×1') -- Load: 5 (0).

[new guy] What? You tried to turn him into one?

[Christina] She didn't try

[Lisa] not on purpose

[Christina] She succeeded.

[Master] lol

[Lisa] I was obeying my future queen and that was her plan

[Eric (to Lisa only)] do you track the party pack?

[Lisa] I was just following orders

[Master] Eric anyone can track it

[Master] Just has to be done consistently

[new guy] huh, so, I'm a little out of touch here... I will read it but the one who gave Androp the silver balls... she was the one that threatened to cut his off or was it the queen to be?

[Eric] woah buddy quick snooping my private messages

[Christina] Although, someone proposed that she do the same on everyone, and we could start Dragonslayers: The Vampire Adventures.

[Master] grins

[Lisa] Yes because ever since Kaz left no one ever does it

[Eric] :)

[Master] and yes to Bill this is the one you encountered at the Vilmar Estates that threatened to cut your balls off

[Master] now she is queen

[Lisa] The party pack is light now for 2 reasons

[Eric] Ok well I will see if anyone today can use my arrows and give them to whoerver needs them

[Master] and heard of your deeds

[new guy] What kinda spell allows you to turn someone into a vampire?

[Lisa] 1 - we are on a one day trip

[Master] she knighted you and gave you a gift of your silver balls

[Eric] at least its not a 3hour tour.... those get ugly

[new guy] So she is the queen now or always was? I'm confused here..

[Lisa] 2 - we have 1 500 lb limit and did not want to take up too much room in case we find lots o' loot

[Eric] brb need an adult beverage

[Christina] (Cough, Bill, if you would be so kind, please change your name in Preferences -- Several of us are "new" and I won't be able to remember your name in an hour.)

[Master] she is NOW the queen

[Lisa] a 500 lb

[Master] and the old queen is now dead

[Master] I need to update the timeline

[Lisa] lol to Eric

[new guy] how did she die? And what was the deal with the werewolves?

[Master] old queen was under a curse

[Master] no one knew that until the climatic scene also

[Master] she was able to pass the crown along at the ceremony before she died

[new guy] blah... what a crappy time to miss a few weeks..

[Master] and for the werewolves.......

[Lisa] wilamina married Toybin who is now the queen's consort

[Master] that will be a website update coming soon

[Lisa] so he won't be adventuring with us in the near future

[Lisa] and Guy is overjoyed

[new guy] Alright... I'll read up on what has gone on and more than likely send an email or two Bob. More immediate question.. what does it mean to be a knight? and what are we doing now?

[Master] and yes Bill we all were sorry you were not here to recieve yoru just rewards

[Master] you have a title but no land

[Master] you are above everyone in the party who is not a noble

[Master] knights are the lowest rank of nobles

[Master] Ilero was knighted also

[Master] and so was Indigo

[Master] DO

[Master] NO

[Master] Ilero was NOT knighted

[Master] he got a cash reward

[Master] Branwyn got a title too

[new guy] good deal. So mission accomplished...

[Master] very much so

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Wealth - ADDED: Gold, 10, . ADDED: Silver, 10, . ADDED: Copper, , .

[Lisa] and a blank check from the royal treasury

[Christina] Pretty smart of Wilamina -- ennoble the adventurers who put her on the throne, so they have a vested interest in protecting her position.


[new guy] Alright, I have questions about what went down but I'll read up some. More immediate question, have I had time to do a couple of things...

[Christina] Anyone ruthless enough to try and usurp the crown is going to put a serious bounty on the people who put her there, lest they stage a coup and derail his/her plans.

[Master] 90 days passed from the end till now so yes

[new guy] Alright, if Branwyn is willing, he would ask her during that time to teach him how to read and write... and he would try to gain mastery in his staff...

[Eric] I forgot to put what I did in those 90 days on the IC chat log on the site but I was basically being an outspoken preacher in town

[Master] hmmm

[Master] I will say yes to reading and writing and yes to researching to find a Master to teach Androp that

[Master] but you are not trained in that yet

[Master] these are short story arcs

[Eric] bob how do I figure out if i can be a trainer/

[Master] in fact the current one will last 2 or 3 days

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Eric you roll under the average of your INT and WIS

[Master] under you are a trainer

[Eric] and can anyone read my text or is it too dark

[Master] over you are not

[Master] I can read it

[Eric] d20?

[Master] right

[Eric] (d20) [1d20=5] 5

[Eric] yea me

[Christina] It's readable, but it makes my eyes hurt

[Eric] thats what i thought too

[Eric] better

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.


[Master] and you can look at the ending

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified:

[Christina] Much better, Eric

[Eric] cool

[Master] wonderful

[Master] for Bill, Androp does discover that there is an old man, a hermit in the swamps, that is said to be able to use a mere twig to stop mighty blows

[Master] by talking and researching with people then on your own after you learn to read

[Master] you know where he is

[Master] and are planning on visiting him before winter is up

[Master] then you get a visitor and the group goes off on this quick mission

[Lisa] Indigo would like to see you fight an old man with a twig

[new guy] okay... old swamp hermit will have to wait

[Master] only a day or four of game time

[new guy] with my twig and silver balls?

[Master] I am sure that Branwyn will want you to

[Master] LOL

[Master] LOL

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Patron Tristan Elaire (Tristan Elaire).

[Master] by the way Bill, this is Eric and Christina,

[Master] they are auditioning players

[Master] they are not related

[new guy] Ahh.. hello. Welcome aboard

[Christina] (LOL, Bill)

[Master] or if they are then I will be as surprised as you

[Eric] thanks glad to be playing

[Christina] << Devin's friend

[Christina] Chat does not like carrots

[Eric] me too

[Master] I will let Christina explain just what adventure you are on righ tnow

[Master] She Said Yes!

[Christina] I am Devin's friend, and yes, I am very pleased to be here.

[Christina] Wait, what?



[Christina] Oh, that was the Adventure name, not some allusion I didn't pick up on.

[Christina] Right now, we are tasked to save ONE person from a city under seige by cannibals.

[Christina] We only have a name to go on.

[Eric] Ya that's gonna be a problem

[new guy] wow... cannibals attacking a city... they must be really hungry

[Eric] we can take a whole army

[Christina] No reason why he's the only one, not what he does, where he's normally at. . .NOTHING.

[Eric] easy

[Christina] It's an army of cannibals, so really hungry.

[Christina] We have TWO coins that will teleport 20 people and 500 lbs of gear.

[new guy] who tasked us with this?

[Christina] Sergeant Snow-omg-I-forgot-his-name-I-haven't-been-here-long-enough

[Christina] 0:-)

[Master] her name

[Master] Sergeant Snowfoot Heckline

[Master] is on the Alia Valebat page with the list of characters/NPCs

[Christina] I got one of the names right. . .

[Christina] You missed the encounter with the creepy, dangerous basement dweller.

[new guy] I've missed quite a bit...

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1st -- Current: 5 (null). CHANGED: 2nd -- Current: 5 (null). CHANGED: 3rd -- Maximum: 3 (),

[Christina] Apparently I managed to miss ALL of the combat on Saturday.

[Eric] brb

[Lisa] this is how Guy's new character got introduced

[Lisa] here is your new friend - he has a suicide mission for you

[Christina] Hahaha, that's about the gist of it.

[Master] so Christina is playing Miranda (john's character) as her character for this story arc till we can get her one of her own

[Master] Eric worked up a Priest to play

[Master] it is mid winter right now you are heading out north to get out of The Mists so you can teleport to the glacier where this city is

[new guy] City on a glacier?

[Master] did they forget to mention that? wry grin

[Eric] back

[Lisa (to new guy only)] guy put some coins on your character sheet - I was putting 10 gp, 10 sp 10 cp for personal loose change - if you want more just tell me. In case you want to go shopping during the siege or anything :)

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 55000 (null).

[Lisa (to new guy only)] doing whispers to people with two names confuses me but I think that worked - was not talking about Guy

[Eric] So I have winter clothes now correct?

[Master] yes to Eric

[Eric] I hope someone remembered the humble priest

[Eric] ok whats the weight of that clothing?

[Master] double normal clothing

[Christina] I don't think the stuff on you counts to the 500lb total, if I remember correctly.

[Master] and correct to Christina

[Master] you can have your clothes, and armor and normal weapon

[new guy (to Lisa only)] worked

[Christina] Miranda is such a lightweight, the ONLY things she can carry are the winter clothes, and her spell book.

[Master] like a sword in your sheath and a bow

[Christina] Forget food or change of clothes.

[Eric] what does normal clothes weigh? nothing in the PHB

[Master] call it 5 pounds for winter clothes

[new guy (to Lisa only)] Honestly, Androp is fine with that, he's not a greedy type and is more than happy to leave any portion he gets in the group fund

[Eric] cool

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Androp Ilkep modified: Wealth - DELETED: null, null, null.

[Christina] Miranda can only carry 5lbs more :-D

[Lisa (to new guy only)] but it is nice to be able to walk into a bar and buy yourself a drink without having to ask Indigo to root around in the party pack and pay. I didn't change your sheet but you should add it just to have.

[new guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to Lisa only)] I did. Added the 10 each of gold, silver, and copper

[Master] so heading north on the road

[Eric (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Equipment - DELETED: null, null, null, null. Encumbrance Totals - Equipment:: CHANGED: 21 (16).

[Master] to refresh everyone you went out of the Jistille Estates (home base) and headed west then north, you had an encounter with a Shambling Mound that was trying to get warm during the winter, then you came upon an inn and decided to stay there rather than camp out

[Master] the next morning you went north past the quellcon estates and encountered a hunting party of lizard men

[Master] we ended with the end of that battle

[Master] and so we pick up there

[Master] and ACTION,

Eric looks around at the dead bodies..."man did i miss some fun"

[Master] Androp and Tristan would have been one round behind and are now caught up to the group

[Eric] how does everyone look health wise? anyone injured still?

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 58349.

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 500. Next level in 9490.

[Miranda (Christina)] At least no one was killed.

[Eric] wait is that the numbers on the icon?

[Lisa] (damage)

[Master] Barnabas was wounded and Ilero but neigther critically

[Lisa] scratched a bit is all

[Lisa] paper cuts

[Eric] ok

[Miranda (Christina)] *feels a little more confident since she managed to cast a spell to drive them away.*

[Master] it was a new day before the lizard man fight

[Master] so you had your full spells

[Miranda (Christina)] (It was a really long transcript)

[Master] but do not expect to get anymore until after you get back

[Master] Priests would if you end up staying overnight

[Master] or Mages who took their spell books

[Eric] Do we just have a base of I pray at dawn?

[Master] 8 hours of sleep, then yes pray and regain spells

[Master] anythign else here at the battle site before heading north?

[Eric] ok so i just need 8 hours. So i can technically pray a couple times a day?

[Master] no

[Master] that is your spell capacity per day

[Eric] ah see i was fishing and you caught me

[Eric] ok just checking

[Miranda (Christina)] (*swats Eric*)

[Eric] :)

[Eric] Hey i keep you all alive. I'm gonna try what i can to help ya'all

[Master] grins

[Miranda (Christina)] (That's like wishing for infinite wishes. Just not going to happen.)

[Master] Miranda is down to two magic missle spells

[Eric] shh there goes my next one

[Master] so she will be very glad to have more help

[Eric] well i don't go BOOM like you fine casters but I will do what I can

[Miranda (Christina)] I'm still trying to figure out how this spell sheet works, lol.

[Master] when the time comes you want to cast a magic missle at someone we can help

[Master] until this adventure is over and she is back home that is all she has those two spells left

[Master] will be interesting!

[Miranda (Christina)] (That works. But didn't you just say that we rested and got new spells?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I will need help tonight too Bob. Still unsure how spells work in Klooge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the next time we are at a morning - we can go through it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did you mean casting or setup?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] WOAH really?

[Master] yes to Christina but you used up your one second level spell already with the web for the lizard men

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] YES

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] My set up is a little different

[Miranda (Christina)] (So, we parked at the Inn, THEN got the Lizard men. . . okay -- I had forgotten the order.)

[Master] If Miranda has her spell book with her and you spend another night then yes she could get back the spells

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I just get to choose what I want but how to make the radiii work etc

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just like hitting someone with a weapon - target and zap)

Tristan Elaire (Eric) walks to Indigo

[Miranda (Christina)] (Some of my confusion is gone now. . . )

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 6'08".

[Master] ask Lisa and Bill if it ever totally goes away, grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] (nope)

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 15'09".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Here little friend... For when I can't be there... (hands him a potion of healing)

[Master] Time of Day: 09:54 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 27th, 342 SKR.

Indigo (Lisa) take potion "Are you sure you don't want to hang on to this? I can put it in the pack if you really want though."

Miranda (Christina) eyes Jharym warily, then walks over Branwyn.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Yes put it in there. Use it wisely. Our sparring has taught me that you are a true warrior but you never know when it could be needed.

Miranda (Christina) looks at Tristan.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Cahus has plans for you I can tell

[Miranda (Christina)] What happens when YOU are the injured one though?

Indigo (Lisa) looks up "Does he? Do you see visions?"

[Master (to new guy only)] ERic created a priest of Cahus, the warrior temple you visited at the Vilmar Estates

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles at Miranda "then pour it down my throat because I won't need it until i'm dead or unconsious sweet lady"

Miranda (Christina) scowls at Tristan.

[Miranda (Christina)] Foresight is the best medicine.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Watch, we'll have to get the potion back to revive Tristan, and he'll wind up choking to death on it.)

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks at indigo "no I do not get the gift of sight as some clerics do. However, I see potential in you and therefore so has our lord Cahus.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo put the potion in the party pack - anyone can grab it who is here and alive and dose it out)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You will see as your faith cloaks you my friend

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Like we have talked

Indigo (Lisa) gives his cloak a tug and looks over his shoulder

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles at indigo

Tristan Elaire (Eric) laughs

[Master] so back on the horses and heading north

[Master] Time of Day: 02:49 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 27th, 342 SKR.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yes I mount up

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Tristan Elaire modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Potion of Healing, null, null, null.

[Master] you ride north passing few people on the roads

[Androp Ilkep (new guy) (to Master only)] sorry, was afk for a bit... seems my computer is having tech issues...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (lol at miranda"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I hope not

[Master (to new guy only)] no worries

[Miranda (Christina)] (What is the state of the people?)

[Master] there is just the barest dusting of snow, it is cold

[Master] the ground is too cold and hard for crops to grow

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (helps to have one more option to heal besides me in the group. I cant be everywhere at once)

[Master] so they work on othe projects

[Miranda (Christina)] (Fleeing refugees? Merchants? Defectors?)

[Master] just normal peasents

[Master] you do hear rumors

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Wait sorry I read up but did we teleport already?

[Master] no

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Master] you hear rumors but they are conflicting

[Miranda (Christina)] (So we're not close enough to the seige yet.)

[Master] some are very happy with teh new Queen

[Master] some are concerned about the rumors they hear

[Master] how she cursed the old queen

[Master] how she is a vampire

[Master] how she is a werewolf

[Master] Indigo has to be tugged back by Branwyn once

[Master] to stop him from responding to a small group of men who are discussing if she is a werewolf or not

[Master] as you ride on by

[Master] finally you break out of The Mist

[Master] and the sun hits you for the first time in many months

[Master] it is afternoon

Miranda (Christina) blinks her eyes, blinded by the light.

[Master] Seargent Snowfoot pulls off to the side of the road

[Master] and dismounts

[Master] looks at the group

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] I will take your horses

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] and go north to midturn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hopefully we will be there waiting for you.

Miranda (Christina) dismounts and hands over the reins with one last, fond pat for the horse, almost as if reluctant to go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anything else we ought to know?

Tristan Elaire (Eric) dismounts and pets the horse. "see you soon"

Androp Ilkep (new guy) dismounts and takes any supplies that were on his horse before handing it over

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] get in, get Mathinder and get back to Midturn as quickly as you can,

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] I hope that all of you return

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] if not your familes will be paid the death wage

Androp Ilkep (new guy) rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Well thats comforting", he states sarcastically

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] What about the rest of the town?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Leave them to die?

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] Frostnor Nagar? you need to save Mathinder, beyond that .....

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles " it"

Miranda (Christina) sends a smile in Tristan's direction.

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] reemmber you are teleporting to a safe area on the glacier

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] you will go in through the back gate

Sergent Snowfoot (Master) gathers up all the reins setting the horses in order

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can't find that guy's name on the chat log - what is he again?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Does anyone know we are coming?

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] (who? Mathinder ? he is the seer you are looking for)

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] sage

[Miranda (Christina)] (Sweet, you just got us more info!)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Has Mathinder been notified of his rescue?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] I would not expect that he has been

[Miranda (Christina)] How will he know to follow us then?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Great. Thanks Sergent. (gives a salute)

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] you will need to convince him

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] we were hired to go in and bring him out

[Miranda (Christina)] Do we have some sort of object or phrase to convince him?

[Miranda (Christina)] Or what of the client?

Devin has joined the game on Fri May 24 20:35:06 EDT 2013

Devin is receiving the map swamp...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Wait so there is speculation that he may not come willingly?

Devin_Lptp has joined the game on Fri May 24 20:35:16 EDT 2013

Devin_Lptp is receiving the map swamp...

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] ours is not to question why ours is simply to do

[Miranda (Christina)] Lots of speculation, at this point.

Androp Ilkep (new guy) starts laughing after Sergent Snowfoot's words

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (is this going to be another of these rescue the guy so someone else can kill him missions?)

[Miranda (Christina)] Sergent, do we know at least if Mathinder is a recent addition to the city?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yes yes or "or die" i am famliar with the phrase Sergent but are we being sent in blind? Do we kno w what he looks like?

[Miranda (Christina)] (Wait, you had one of those already?)

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] I do not know

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] this is why your detached squad was chosen for this mission

Devin has received the map swamp.

Devin_Lptp has received the map swamp.

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] I supose

[Sergent Snowfoot (Master)] (hey Dev)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that thief we say last time sent us on a mission to help someone who wanted to kill his father - was a big mess. the father wanted to get rid of son...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but they were Yuan Ti so all were basically bad anyway)

[Devin] (hello!)

[Miranda (Christina)] (Wait, do we have someone here who wouldn't mind reducing him to unconscious then dragging him with us? I can't do it as Miranda.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hi Devin)

[Miranda (Christina)] Heya Devin

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I can hold him for a bit

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] but not for long

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Androp can whack him over the head with his staff)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (I'm thinking Androp could smack him around as needed... as long as no soon to be queen threatens to cut his privates off gets in the way)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] If he won't go willingly then we can use that to our advantage to save this town. You are with me right?

[Devin_Lptp] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] grins, Androp has grown up from an inn keepers son with a cudgel behidn the front desk to a knight with a polished quarter staff ready to take on the Queen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we're here to rescue you! Wham!)

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] Hell yes, but I don't think our unnamed patrons are willing to go along with it.

Jharym (Devin) wandering up with Sylviis. "Seriously, why does it take so long? I mean, it only takes me half a minute!"

Sylviis (Devin_Lptp) "Its a whole lot more complicated for a girl. We can't just... whip it out anywhere and... yaknow. It's Unladylike!"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] then we have work to do *smiles*

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (well not the queen but the weakling, bookworm priest that tried to cast a spell on me)

Jharym (Devin) "You? A lady? pfft!"

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] It's also a city -- we're going to have to get creative to save the City.

Sylviis (Devin_Lptp) "Why exactly did you follow me anyway?"

Jharym (Devin) "uh....."

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] Either we evacuate everyone, or we figure out some way of helping defeat the cannibals. Personally, I think we have a better chance of evacuation.

Sylviis ( Devin) "That's what I thought."

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] start with the faithful. Then work our way out to the women and children. I will try to help the men do what they can to save themselves...but...

Jharym (Devin) changes the subject.

[Master] so ready to teleport?

[Jharym (Devin)] So... what's up over here?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yessir

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] start with the women and children. They need the most help first. The gods will help those who help themselves first, so we get the ones who cant' help themselves.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] Might as well get it over with

[Master] so you all hold hands, up to 20 people and then up to 500 pounds of gear in the middle of your circle

[Master] that is what will go

Jharym (Devin) rubs his hands together "This'll be fun!"

Branwyn (Lisa) pulls coin out of her backpack

[Master] you have two coins, one for going one for coming back

[Master] they are marked with the Dragonslayer Company seal

[Master] you each have a similar seal

[Master] Branwyn and Indigo's are a bit worn and used

[Master] the others on this mission have new ones

[Jharym (Devin)] (looks around for a small aquatic mamal)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] *smiles* The gods save those who are worth saving. We can discuss this as we travel. I too loath the idea of a woman or child dying at the hands of those monsters but this may be the gods will to cleanse the world of the non-belivers. I will do what I can to bring all to the rightous way.

[Christina] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] (those are over in RIvers Bend and they had fun with them interferring with their regatta the group was trying to win )

[Master] and so

[Master] Branwyn?

[Master] I will take turns sending the new map to each player

[Jharym (Devin)] (nobody had "tame animal" or "charm animal" or something of that nature? They could've helped.)

[Master] Indigo moved 16'04".

Branwyn (Lisa) takes Indigo's hand and nods to the group "Everyone ready?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I thought marco was using them to harass other boaters)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 14'02".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ready

Androp Ilkep (new guy) nods and holds hands with whomever is next to him

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] the potion of healing. Is that a heal spell?

[Master (to Eric only)] equivilent of two cure lights

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Sergant says a battle mage has to use this thing. I think I qualify at this point.

Branwyn (Lisa) gives slight smile

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] ok thanks. MY DMG is up stairs so I couldn't check

Sylviis ( Devin) shakes her head. "Gah! I'll take horseback over teleportation any day."

Tristan Elaire (Eric) grabs Miranda's and Indigo's hands

Jharym (Devin) worms into the circle wherever he'll fit

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 33'00".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 2'09".

Devin is receiving the map swamp...

Branwyn (Lisa) gives slight smile

Lisa is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

Lisa has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

Devin has received the map swamp.

[Master] so at this point, Christina, Devin and LIsa shoudl have the Ice Tunnels

[Master] everyone is on teh swamp map except indigo

[Master] I will send the map to Eric now

[Jharym (Devin)] ((yup. have it up on the laptop, looking at the swamp on the desktop)

[Master] Eric will have some lag as it arrives

[Christina] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miranda (Christina)] back

[Miranda (Christina)] Oooh, map!

Jharym (Devin) steps up to Mrianda

[Jharym (Devin)] "So how're you doing today?"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] The left side menu that had all the map names isn'tthere anymore (i'm back on my main computer that we had the problems with Bob) Where is that at in the Preferences

Miranda (Christina) narrows her eyes at Jharym. "Fine," she says, before turning away.

[Master] still loading Eric

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] woah teleport lag.... nasty

[Miranda (Christina)] (there is a hot key for it somewhere)

[Master] now you should have the ice tunnels map

[Master] everyoen except Bill

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] here

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (Androp is teleported elsewhere?)

Devin is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] much faster though bob

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] ye

[Jharym (Devin)] (Use the 1 key... or the 2 key. One of the two on your number line)

[Master] no to bill

[Master] just taking time

Devin has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

[Master] sending to Bill now

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] We need to be very, very careful how we do this. We could cause a stampede and a riot by even suggesting that we have a means out of the city.

[Master] Bill everyone is on the new map now

[Master] inlcuing androp

[Master] did you get the map?

[Master] or just go to Androp or any of them to get it

new guy is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

new guy has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (working on it)

[Master] excellent

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] agreed. We need to win the party over one by one. You work on Bran I will work work on the fighters.

[Master] so

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] We should look at it this way -- if you let the women and children leave first, you have a whole pool of potential converts. You can't convert corpses.

[Master] this map is here to show you what the city will look like under snow and ice

[Master] you are far far to the north of where you were, up near the arctic circle now

[Master] everything is VERY cold

Barlie-50934 has joined the game on Fri May 24 20:57:17 EDT 2013

Barlie-50934 is receiving the map swamp...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] spoken like a true diplomat! Very well I shall consider your proposal my lady

[Master] as you move your feet slip and slide

Barlie-50934 has received the map swamp.

[Master] you have to stick to less than half of your movement rate plus a dex check to avoid falling over

[Miranda (Christina)] (Dex checks?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Oh god

[Master] or you can move at one third your movement and have no dex check

[Master] and hello Barlie

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fun!)

[Barlie-50934] Hello all

[Master] did you do the update to your memory?


[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Cant we just lay Barnabas down and ride him like a sled??

[Master] chuckels

[Barlie-50934] Mine? Kloodge doesn't work if I try to use any more memory that what I'm using

[Master] ok,

[Master] how much memory are you using?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] brb need a drink

Miranda (Christina) chokes back laughter, then puts on a serious face.

[Barlie-50934] 24 gigs

[Master] COUGH

[Master] Devin

[Master] I think he beat you

[Barlie-50934] oh, we mean for kloodge, 512 to 1024

[Master] ok

[Master] sending map to Barlie as a test then

[Master] and everyone else has a chance to decide your marching order

[Jharym (Devin)] Yeah... he did, but I'm also not trying... although I should look at upgrading the memory in this thing at some point.

[Master] and see how you want to move around on the ice etc

[Miranda (Christina)] (How much memory do you have, Dev?)

[Jharym (Devin)] (only 8G for now)

[Jharym (Devin)] (yes... only...)

[Barlie-50934] oh, we mean for kloodge, 512 to 1024

[Miranda (Christina)] (Even *I* beat you.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we are in a tunnel and not on a bridge - nothing to fall off of?)

[Master] right

[Master] but yes to good foreshadowing

[Jharym (Devin)] (ah... Xms1024/Xmx512)

[Barlie-50934] yeah, for some reason more than that it keeps ctd

Miranda (Christina) moves very carefully at half-speed. She remembers the incident with the sliding tray.

[Master] you can see as you head up around that corner that there is natural light coming out

[Master] so there is an opening up ahead

[Master] line your selves up how you should be

[Miranda (Christina)] (How many bridges have you dropped your players off of?)

[Jharym (Devin)] "wait... ice? I thought it was going to be cold... not FREEZING!"

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 18'07".

[Master] Barlie I put Abu on the map for you to use to speak with

[Master] just do not cast anything please

[Barlie-50934] lol, I'll play him a bit more cowardly this time

Jharym (Devin) walks over to Sylviis... or tries to

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 6'00".

[Master] who is your point person?

Jharym (Devin) slipping and sliding the whole way, figuring out that its not going to be as easy as he thought.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Not it.)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (So moving at one third speed we don't do any checks?)

[Miranda (Christina)] (I don't want to be front, and I dont' want to be last.)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Put Jharym in front and you'll be pushing him the whole way... not that it won't be difficult on the ice)

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 9'06".

[Christina] I am back at the keyboard.

[Barlie-50934] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Challenge accepted)

[Sylviis ( Devin)] Are you really that stupid brother? We knew it was gonna be icy.

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] does the 1/3 speed factor in with moving silently? so (1/3)(1/3)?

Miranda (Christina) starts pushing Jharym.

[Jharym (Devin)] I thought ice would be easier to walk on!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 41'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 15'02".

Jharym (Devin) slides

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 26'00".

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 4'05".

[Master] yes to barlie

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 7'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anyone opposed to dex checks?)

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] It would seem scouting ahead is not the most prudent of measures under these circumstance.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Me.)

[Sylviis ( Devin)] numbskull. *looking at Jharym* You really need to get your nose out of your books more.

[Master] Branwyn moved 14'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 15'05".

[Miranda (Christina)] (I probably won't make them.)

[Jharym (Devin)] Its so SLIPERY! It is kinda fun.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] back sorry

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 8'11".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] slippery is NOT fun....

[Jharym (Devin)] (I'll go with the dex checks, and probably do alright, but if one person falls over the rest might well go with them. Bowling pin style)

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi moved 29'03".

Sylviis ( Devin) starts moving slowly over to the rest of the group.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we should probably move at same speed or others will lag)

[Master] right now it looks like Bran is in the lead? with Indigo with ehr?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] oh god what do i nee dto check to walk?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and get eaten by monster following us through the tunnels)

[Master] heading up around the curve?

Jharym (Devin) stepping back and forth slowly, letting himself slide a few inches, and grinning like a child at christmas.

[Jharym (Devin)] Sylviis moved 29'08".

[Miranda (Christina)] (I need to sandwich this character between some stronger characters so I don't accidentally wind up killing off John's character.)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 15'11".

Androp Ilkep (new guy) sticks close to Branwyn and Indigo

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 36'11".

Jharym (Devin) notices everyone moving down the tunnel a bit and runs to catch up.... sorta.

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 31'00".

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi moved 27'07".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Forgive me everyone but balance has never been my strong suit

[Miranda (Christina)] (Anything to keep this character alive. I'll do dex checks if I need to. I think slowly is better though.)

Jharym (Devin) almost sliding into the group, but stopping in time

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then we shall move slowly.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] holy shit

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] aaand hes still up

[Master] laughs at the priest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thought these were dex checks anyway or are the interchangeable?)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] Androp Ilkep moved 12'02".

[Master] bal is better than a dex check

[Jharym (Devin)] (If your a priest, isn't every shit holy?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] we may need someone to tie a rope to me and pull me through this mess

[Master] so the group of Androp, Branwyn and Indgo up front

[Master] then Miranda and Abu

[Miranda (Christina)] (I thought it was move at 1/3 speed for no check.)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yes... yes they are

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((You know what? I'll try the move silently at normal speed if all it requires is a dex check))

[Master] then Syl, J and Tris

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (depends on the deity I would think)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Sylviis is more than wililng to go toward the front. J probably hasn't realized they're organizing and will end up where he ends up)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] I would like to stay in the center of the group

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 10'00".

[Master] you are set up right now like that, about 30 feet from front to end

[Miranda (Christina)] You can hang out with me.

[Jharym (Devin)] Can I hang out with you too?

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] If it pleases the group, I'll scout ahead a few yards from the party to alert us to any danger that might be lurking

[Miranda (Christina)] Tighter formation? Or keep it loose?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then someone should get behind those people)

[Sylviis ( Devin)] You do know she doesn't like you, don't you?

[Jharym (Devin)] But everybody likes me.

Miranda (Christina) glares at Jharym.

[Sylviis ( Devin)] NO. They really don't.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 3'11".

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 3'01".

[Jharym (Devin)] Well, I'm sure Miranda likes me just fine.

[Master] Time of Day: 03:04 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 27th, 342 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 03:19 PM. Day 27 See ___ se, Fey {Mid Winter} 27th, 342 SKR.

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 2'01".

Branwyn (Lisa) heads to the back to protect the people trying not to be in the back and lets Androp and Indigo take the lead

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Curse this ice! (looks to the sky) CAHUS why the ice!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 23'06".

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 7'06".

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi moved 35'08".

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 93'08".

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] We could continue our evacuation conspiracy talk back here!

[Master] heading that was Barlie

[Master] Indigo moved 3'09".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 3'07".

[Master] Tristan Elaire moved 1'07".

[Master] Miranda moved 2'02".

[Master] Sylviis moved 5'02".

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((lol, whoops))

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'00".

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 50'06".

[Master] Androp Ilkep and Indigo moved 51'08".

[Master] Tristan Elaire and Miranda moved 51'10".

[Master] Jharym and Sylviis moved 48'00".

[Master] Branwyn moved 43'10".

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 41'09".

[Master] Androp Ilkep, Indigo, Miranda, Jharym, Tristan Elaire, Sylviis and Branwyn moved 46'11".

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((The movement's done with an attempt to move silently, and keep an ear an eye open for trouble))

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 13'04".

[Master] Abu holds up a hand

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] /miranda how large is this city. Do we know?

[Master] to stop everyone

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((and is done at normal speed so I suppose the dex checks are in order))

[Master] as he creeps out closer to the exit and into the light

[Miranda (Christina)] (We have way too many experienced players in this group. DM talks about marching order, and the first thing we start doing is talking tactics.)

[Master] and now a balance check would be good then

TMO has joined the game on Fri May 24 21:15:28 EDT 2013

TMO is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

[Master] by the way as TMO loads

[Master] the place this story arc takes place is on the latest version of the Google Earth plug in

[Master] up on the arctic circle

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] It's big enough to be classified as a city, have walls, and be under seige.

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((How do I do the balance check?))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] big enough then.. and typing sucks when you start drinking....

[Master] TMO the map is loading

[Master] and from your dice panel Barlie

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (in the flexed arm tab)

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] Hahahahha.

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Miranda (Christina)] (Balance from everyone?

[Jharym (Devin)] (Right click on the character, select "Open Dice Panel", go to the flexing arm tab, and you probably want to use the "BAL" roll not the "DEX" roll, although that would've gotten it either way)

[Miranda (Christina)] )

[Master] very good

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Christina only)] been drinking mead normally 11-15% but this new one is 35%... moral of the story is read the label before you drink

[Miranda (Christina) (to Eric only)] Whoa!

[Master] Ok so everyone is happy with the map

[Christina] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yep I'm good so far

[Master] and Abu is sneaking out to see what he can out the opening there

TMO has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (sure thing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure now that we are at the end of it)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Well, if you want the truth, I think it could use a little more chartruce.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nobody even fell down)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] are the () to show out of char?

[TMO] yo

[Master] Barlie you see that?

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] yes - but some people do it differently

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] I don't

[Master] try to get Abu then

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] marco type in quotes for IC and just types for OOC

[Master] see if that works

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] nope that works for me. I just wanted to see what everyone uses for that

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((got it))

Fritz has joined the game on Fri May 24 21:22:23 EDT 2013

Fritz is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

[Master] I will let you explain it

[Master] then will start moving it to everyone

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] There is a treacherous icebridge of considerable length spanning a dark chasm

[Master] (open water river)

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] From what I can make out, on the other side of the chasm likes what seems to be beginning of some kind of fortification

[Jharym (Devin)] (Pssst! Don't tell bob, but I think he's trying to kill us!)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Great! sounds like fun

Lisa is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] who has some rope to tie around me?

Lisa has received the map Entering The City.

[Christina] I am back at the keyboard.

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Near the edge of the chasm, somewhat to the north of the bridge is a wreckage I cannot quite make out the details of

[Miranda (Christina)] Do we have any crampons? Or spikey boots?

[Master] so rigth now Barlie adn LIsa have the map?

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Yessir))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yes please. Did we get some of those?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bottom of map is gray to me but I have the bridge so is all good)

[TMO] Ilero has climbing boot things

[Master] yes to ice boots,

[Master] crampons to put on your boots

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you only bought one pair?)

[Master] Ilero will be out of style very quickly then

[Miranda (Christina)] If we have a means of securing a guide rope, we may not need more.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] will that negate the dex penalty to walk?

[Master] sending to Bill now

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Asides from that, see no enemies in sight, and nothing to halt our progress save lack of courage

[Fritz (to Master only)] Bob hiya buddy. I am going to let Charles continue t play my character and just watch

[Master (to Fritz only)] ok working on map issues, but it seems much better than before

[Miranda (Christina)] What do we have available for spells?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Well courage I have my friend!! Its these damn legs made of lead!

[TMO] How will Ilero be out of style? He DEFINES style!

[Miranda (Christina)] I have magic missile, which won't be much help right now.

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Jharym? Branwyn?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (send you out to shop for the group and you take all the good stuff for yourself!)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Can anyone make me fly?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what spells? we cross bridge we fight people then use spells)

[Master] Indigo and Androp join Abu there near the opening

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I did memorize sky hook if we need to hook a rope to something)

[Master] the three of you can each see the map?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hence why warrior mage coin works for me)

[Miranda (Christina)] (LOL Anything that might make our trip easier.)

[Master] Bill, Lisa and Barlie cna see the map?

[Miranda (Christina)] (I do not see the map. . . . I got a big blue thing on the old map and that's it.)

[Master] no that is ok Christina

[Master] not yet

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((yessir))

[Jharym (Devin)] (I can see the map fine)

[Master] you are in the tunnels still

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I also memorized massmorph in case we need to disguise ourselves as trees at some point though)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (I see the ice tunnel exit but it just ends)

[Master] try to get androp Bill

[Eric] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (have never used that one - could be interesting)

[Miranda (Christina)] (Wait, is mass morph an illusion, or an actual polymorph?)

JOHN A has joined the game on Fri May 24 21:31:03 EDT 2013

JOHN A is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

new guy is receiving the map swamp...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] I really need to sit down with Bran and see what she's capable of. Sweet spell selection

new guy has received the map swamp.

new guy is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (have to look again - found spell somewhere and john -speak of the devil convinced me to learn it)

[new guy] I am back at the keyboard.

new guy has received the map Entering The City.

Ilero (TMO) straps on his clawed gloves and crampons.

[Master] so the three characters that are on the ledge there on the one end of the ice bridge

JOHN A has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

[Master] As you emerge from the tunnel, the glow of the sun off the glacier and the waves makes the ice a translucent blue. The wind is stiff and salty, and the shouts and thundering impacts of siege engines fill the air. A long bridge of ice stretches across a deep blue channel of water, frosted with white caps. Across the channel, a small ice shelf, littered with a few beached fishing vessels and a small, crewed catapult stand just next to the bridge.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Even if it works only as trees, it may still be usefull here)

[Master] (not drawing everything on the map to make it load easier)

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] I like trying to find weird spells - wait til we get back and I have Many Jaws set! :)

[JOHN A] thanks

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] whole bunch of teeth sent out to bite people

[Master] the three of you can relay that back to the group still inside the tunnel

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] after reading the log that sounded awesome

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (How wide is the ice bridge?)

[Ilero (TMO)] (I see no chars on map)

Jharym (Devin) eyes the channel, his eyes large, and worrysome.

[Jharym (Devin)] Are we gonna really cross that?

[Master] (scale is correct)

[Master] Far above them, stationed on your side of the ice sheet, is another artillery post consisting of another catapult. The two seem to be engaged in a race to see who can strike the other first. The defenders seem quicker, getting off a shot that streaks up at the attackers. With a crash and a whistle, the attackers’ catapult misfires—the shot streaking towards the far side of the bridge and smashing into the glacier wall behind the arch of the bridge. You can see the smoke from the attacker’s emplacement, and there is a terrible screech as one more shot issues forth from the lip of the glacier before something explodes. The attackers’ last gasp flies true, and the defenders’ catapult shatters into kindling. The defenders first cheer, then begin pointing in your direction. Glancing to your right, you see what draws their attention. A skiff makes a beeline for the ice shelf, its sails unnaturally billowed. Ballistae and marines crowd the decks, and it appears set for a crash course with the ice shelf.

Tristan Elaire (Eric) shouts "make sure anyone knows we're friendly before we try to ccoss!!

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] Lisa's criteria for picking spells - can it kill in odd ways and are components relatively easy to find

[Miranda (Christina)] Uh, oh.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (not sure what scale you mean because on the map I have, half of it is blank)

[Miranda (Christina)] We're about to lose this bridge.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (magically altered to appear as trees)

[Miranda (Christina)] (No good! :-( )

[Master] Ok so I am going to attempt to resend the map to everyone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (people touch you and you feel like a tree)

[Master] Androp Indigo and Abu are on it so far

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] first game i track spell components. A great additon but ya really makes you think before you cast

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but if they trake a whack at you - you will bleed)

[Ilero (TMO)] Is your bark worse than your bite?

[Ilero (TMO)] have full map now

[Jharym (Devin)] (Only if you don't leaf her alone)

[Miranda (Christina) (to Lisa only)] I was thinking that we could turn into trees with super long roots to wrap around the bridge. Then we could cross it very securely, if slowly, moving one root at a time.)

[Miranda (Christina)] (I have a map.)

[Christina] I am away from the keyboard.

new guy is receiving the map swamp...

new guy has received the map swamp.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] i'm black

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Christina only)] maybe you can convince one of the fighters to carry you :)

new guy is receiving the map Entering The City...

new guy has received the map Entering The City.

[Master] Indigo moved 13'08".

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 24'07".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] wait

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 18'05".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] my map is black

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((waaaaaaaaaaait a minute...I didn't see catapults, and I CERTAINLY didn't see it crewed :-( ))

[Master] making sure everyone is on the same page

[Master] Miranda moved 6'09".

[Christina] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miranda (Christina)] back

[JOHN A] so is mine, but i am only here for a short time

[Master] Ok so everyone's character is on the current map of Entering the City

[Master] yo uare on the left side of the map on the end of the ice bridge

[Master] you have the entrance on the other side of the bridge there,

[Master] you have defenders on the wall pointing at the boat that is coasting into the ice shelf

[Master] apparently attackers

[Master] they will go right under the ice bridge

[Christina] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miranda (Christina)] back

[JOHN A] so is mine, but i am only here for a short time

[Master] you have the shattered catapult there just outside the walls

[Master] is there anyone who does not have the map?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] i still cant' see anything Bob

[Ilero (TMO)] I had a closeup for a minute there

[Ilero (TMO)] am now on whole bridge map

[Master] I did zoom in and resent to see if that woudl clear things

[new guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (I still have half a map so you'll have to move Androp)

[Master] Eric onyour memory lower left how much are you using? shoudl be XX of XX with a (of XX total)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] still lack screen here

[Master] Bill you see the bridge?

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (negative. I see the upper half of the map but the lower half is blank except for a brown rectangle that says "boat")

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] that column that you could select things on the left side isnth there. Is that in the preferences somewher?

[Master] do you see yoru garbage can in the lower left Eric?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (me too - but it is always better not to look down when crossing bridges anyway)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] no when i reloaded the game on this machine it reset a whole bunch of stuff

[Master] ok

[Master] so click on the map

[Master] I know it is black

[Master] and hit the #1 on your keyboard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (water on either side of bridge is better than air though - when I first saw this map I thought we'd really be falling)

[Master] that will bring the campaign tree back up

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yep it did

[Ilero (TMO)] (falling is better than icy water)

[Miranda (Christina) (to Lisa only)] I think running is a bad idea. The boat is going to take out the bridge.

[Master] yes to LIsa water to fall into, very cold icy arctic water

[Master] and the boat will go under the bridge

[Master] not into it

[Ilero (TMO)] (at least falling is a quick painless death)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I still like that better than 100 feet into a pile of rocks)

[Master] falling is not painful at all

[Master] it is stopping that is painful

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just a personal preference)

[Miranda (Christina)] (Okay, good. I thought we'd lose the bridge.)

[Master] and so Eric are you on the coorect map now?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] It says entering the city but its still black

[Master] and or how much memory are you using?

[Master] near your trash can

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((I guarantee you there are sharp toothed giant ice fish in there that haven't eaten in weeks))

[Ilero (TMO)] I'm using 420MB

[Miranda (Christina)] (We'd die from Hypothermia in minutes. We'd be frozen before the ice fish found us.)

[Master] and the key decision here is " do you stop the boat somehow from smashing into the ice shelf? and how would you do that?"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] it says i'm using 147 of 247

[Master] Ok

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((They're semi intelligent so they're hanging around that bridge, they know its a death trap))

[Master] thanks Erci

[Master] there are people on the boat

[Ilero (TMO)] (boat is full of armed soldiers and ballista?)

[Miranda (Christina)] What is the distance to the boat?

[Jharym (Devin)] (Not the screaching eels!)

[Master] they are busy with lining up barrels looks like they are setting it to catch fire

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fireball!)

[Ilero (TMO)] (I have nothing I can do to stop it, unless bodily throwing myself on top of them scares them and they run away)

[Miranda (Christina)] If I have distance, I can likely stop the boat.

[Master] boat is 150 feet away now

[Miranda (Christina)] Someone else will have to take care of the guys on it.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] starting up my laptop to see if it works better

[Master] Ok to Eric

[JOHN A] want me to shoot?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sounds good to me

Eric W has joined the game on Fri May 24 21:50:26 EDT 2013

Eric W is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Miranda (Christina)] Ilero, can you hook yourself to me using a rope, and help me onto the ice bridge?

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Perfaps firing arrows unto their deck would get their attention

Shurkural (TMO) tries to get her bow ready in this cold while wearing heavy gloves.

Eric W has left the game on Fri May 24 21:50:50 EDT 2013

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] *perhaps

[Master (to GM only)] bad guys #2 moved 49'04".

[Master (to GM only)] bad guys #1 moved 65'06".

[Jharym (Devin)] (I'm with Lisa on fireball, personally)

[Jharym (Devin)] (blow it up, take care of it quick and easy)

[Miranda (Christina)] Fireball won't take out a whole ship

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] *takes bow in hand and cocks arrow ready to fire*

[Miranda (Christina)] But it will be useful.

[Jharym (Devin)] (If it hits the stuff on the ship, it'll blow those up... probably)

Ilero (TMO) nods. "Hye can." He grabs a loop of rope and loops it around her waist and then around his own, and escorts her out onto the bridge, carefully supporting her so she doesn't slip.

[Miranda (Christina)] Ilero?

Eric W has joined the game on Fri May 24 21:52:30 EDT 2013

Eric W is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] That spell is likely better suited against known enemies

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (the ship is full of enemy soldiers and its going to crash into the ice shelf?)

Miranda (Christina) heads out with Ilero

Eric W has received the map Entering The City.

[Jharym (Devin)] (I'm not sure we know they're enemy... but the rest is true, and 'enemy' is probably a good assumption)

[Master] not full of soldiers but yes there are some there

[Miranda (Christina)] (The soldiers will likely survive if they crash. And we should make sure we know which side they're on.)

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((there seem to be two opposing factions here. The ship, and the people manning the catapults trying to sink the ship))

[Master] ok everyone pause and I will clear thsi up for you

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (So we have no idea who they are then?)

[Miranda (Christina)] (We don't know who the catapaults are either.)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (thats true but the guy we're looking for is in the town?)

[Master] A - ship will go under bridge, B - good guy catapult near city wall exploded in the last volley, C - bad guy catapult was smashed after it broke the wall across the bridge from you D - the boat has barrels of something and is lookign to smash into the ice shelf to attack the town

[Master] the defenders of the city wall there are waving at you and pointing to the boat

[Miranda (Christina)] Right. So we still want to stop the boat.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ice shelf different from bridge)

[Master] The defenders first cheer, then begin pointing in your direction. Glancing to your right, you see what draws their attention. A skiff makes a beeline for the ice shelf, its sails unnaturally billowed. Ballistae and marines crowd the decks, and it appears set for a crash course with the ice shelf.

[Master] yes

[Master] bridge is high up

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((ah, I see. Sink that ship pl0x))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can stop the ship?)

[Jharym (Devin)] (I'm still of the opinion that we blow it up)

[Miranda (Christina)] Ilero, take me out onto the bridge.

[Ilero (TMO)] Anyone have Summon Boulder?

[Miranda (Christina)] (You can use that as an alternative if I fail.)

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda moved 53'06".

[Ilero (TMO)] We go. Careful. Hye hold your rope good.

Androp Ilkep (new guy) grabs his crossbow, loads it and waits to seewhat the rest do

[Miranda (Christina)] Coming, Ilero?

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((YOu might be able to use fireball to burn the sails and make them lose even more control over the ship for a castastrophic collision))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do it before it gets too close in case we do have to set it on fire - so we don't melt our bridge :) )

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero moved 42'05".

[Master] so waht is the current action?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] my other computer wont get past the load screen and this one is still black. Any ideas?

[Miranda (Christina)] (Wait for me to try please. I'm going to try and magic missile the base of the main mast.)

[Master] Devin can you talk Eric through making sure the memory issue please

[Jharym (Devin)] Sure.

[Master] Magic Missle only works on a creature not on an object

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] thanks

[Miranda (Christina)] Really?

[Master] yes

[Master] and remember you only have two

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] So, you're only using 256 MB or something?

[Ilero (TMO)] Shoot guy steering boat?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] I guess so

[JOHN A] can hof get aome bow shot off

[Miranda (Christina)] That would work too.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am perfectly willing to fireball it)

[Master] yes to John

[Master] yes to Branwyn

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] Do you know the folder you put Klooge in?

[Miranda (Christina)] (Do we have tiny teeth?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] ya its on my desktop

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural moved 11'11".

[Miranda (Christina)] If they have oil aboard, making the whole ship explode might do the damage they wanted anyways.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did not get new spells set up in chaos of saturday)

[JOHN A] can you roll for me

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] I changed those lines like the site said.

[Master] OK so we have hoffman shooting at bad guys on the deck of the boat

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Yeah, if they're looking to crash the ship into shore, the ship might be rigged to explode))

[Master] and branwyn targeting it and fireball

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] in the notepad file

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] and rebooted klooge?

[Miranda (Christina)] Can I see the helmsmen at the wheel?

[Master] yes to Christina

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] yep this is the first map I didnt load

[Ilero (TMO)] (Shur is holding her shot. She doesn't have many arrows, and wouldn't be able to retrieve these)

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] and the load bar near the trash can icon says you're not using 1G?

[Miranda (Christina)] Then add my poor magic missiles to the list. Branwyn's fireballs might be better saved.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] no only 256 so maybe if messed up

[Miranda (Christina)] For a different purpose. If they stop dead, we can try and pick them off, or leave them stranded.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (tristan says he has 10 arrows he can't use)

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] hrmmm... Do you use Skype or something like it?

[Miranda (Christina)] (Give them to Shur?)

[Ilero (TMO)] (it's tempting to try the iron gauntlet, but have no idea of the range, and standing on an ice bridge is hardly the best place to experiment from)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] ya bu t my son broke my damn headset

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] that's ok, I just want to use it to send you a file.

[Master] Ok so on round 1 we have magic missle, fireball and two archers shooting at it

[Master] is that a good summary?

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] I'm zbrox8 add me there.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Aiming at the helmsman.)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] /devin

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Who are the archers?))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] ok

[Master] Hoffman targets bad guys #2. Distance: 186'01"

[Master] Miranda targets bad guys #1. Distance: 169'06"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 1'00".

[Master] Branwyn targets bad guys #2. Distance: 178'11"

[Master] Shurkural targets bad guys #1. Distance: 199'01"

[Miranda (Christina)] I need to move farther out on the ice.

[Master] OK now let me check the range on Magic Missle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (why don't I just blind one of them?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Hokay. Step careful.

[Master] TMO you can roll the attacks for Shur

[Miranda (Christina)] 80yrd

[Miranda (Christina)] So I'm too far.

[Master] bad guys #1 moved 6'09".

[Miranda (Christina)] Move me as you will, TMO.

[JOHN A] seems important to stop the boat

[Master] Ok

[Shurkural (TMO)] 80 yrds = 240 feet

[Master] so rolling for John now

[Master] Hoffman: Attack: Long Bow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] 1. HITS bad guys #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Hoffman: Attack: Long Bow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=10] 4. HITS bad guys #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: bad guys #2

[Master] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: bad guys #2

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] what's your skype name?

[Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Miranda (Christina)] (!@#@#!# I didn't realize the measurements were different from the map.)

[Master] Tmo can you see to roll?

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((17-(d20))-1-6) [1d20=7] 3 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-6)] [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((17-(d20))-1-6) [1d20=20] -10 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-6)] [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Map measurements are always in feet

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((17-(d20))-1-6) [1d20=9] 1 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-6)] [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[JOHN A] tks

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: bad guys #1

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: bad guys #1

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: bad guys #1

[Shurkural (TMO)] (is that right?)

[Master] yes to TMO

[Miranda (Christina)] (Which one is at the helm?)

[Master] the one I have targeted for you Christina

[Master] go on and cast

[Master] then Branwyn can cast

[Miranda (Christina)] Miranda casts a spell against bad guys #1: Magic Missile: One Magical bolts shoot forth, doing (1d4+1) [1d4=4] 5 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Shurkural (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shurkural modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Arrow; Flight -- #: 9 (11),

[Master] and now Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against bad guys #2: Continual Light - Wizard: Create a permanent source of light which shines in a 60 foot radius.

[Master] was that the wrong spell or did you change your mind?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was what I wanted - a blind boatman)

[Master] ok

[Master] bad guys #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-16) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] bad guys #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-14) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] bad guys #2: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Miranda (Christina)] (Have to go soon.)

[Master] bad guys #1 moved 63'09".

[Master] bad guys #2 moved 60'02".

[Shurkural (TMO)] (tough boatman if he's still standing. No 1st level dude here)

[Master] OK so you have made them duck down behind things now on the boat

[Master] none of them look like they have taken half damage yet

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Devin only)] sorry been awhile since i used it. eric26wolfe is the name

[Master] the one person is blind

[Miranda (Christina)] Can I see any of my target?

[Master] another one takes his place at teh tiller

[Master] the boat slides closer to the ice shelf

[Master] it is getting ready to pass under the bridge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we should move to middle of bridge and jump in boat!)

[JOHN A] how far away is the shelf

[Master] what do you do

[Miranda (Christina)] I officially give my blessing to the fireball.

[Miranda (Christina)] (Falling damage!)

[Jharym (Devin) (to Eric only)] you should have a contact request.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how big a jump?)

[Master] 200 feet to the ice shelf from where you are

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Burn the sails and they can't steer the ship))

[Master] scale on map is correct

[Master] jump down to the ship?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (to jump from bridge into boat)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (whee!)

[JOHN A] splatt

[Shurkural (TMO)] (how high above the boat are we?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not a good idea?)

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (Yea thats not a good idea... )

Papá-07404 has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:14:51 EDT 2013

Papá-07404 is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Is there a catapult still working for the city defenders that has range to the ship?))

Papá-07404 has left the game on Fri May 24 22:15:03 EDT 2013

[Miranda (Christina)] (I have to head out, but I shall be back next week.)

[Master] drop from bridge to water is about 75 feet

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] *waves*

[JOHN A] take care

[Shurkural (TMO)] 8d6 or thereabouts

[Shurkural (TMO)] (nite)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (a bit steep)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight!)

[Master] no to working catapults

Eric W has left the game on Fri May 24 22:15:43 EDT 2013

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (take care)

[Shurkural (TMO)] (drop whoever is in plate armor)

Sylviis ( Devin) takes a large step back from the edge.

[Miranda (Christina)] Ooooooh, I don't know how that skyhook spell works, but could you hook it to the bow of the ship and anchor the toher to the glacier wall?

[Miranda (Christina)] Rip the front half off, and the ship sinks.

[Miranda (Christina)] Anyways, night you guys :-)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (creates a hook you can toss rope around - not sure about anchor part)

Christina has left the game on Fri May 24 22:17:06 EDT 2013

[Master] ok so round two

[Shurkural (TMO)] (I think fireball is best option. Even if it explodes, it does so far from shelf)

[Master] more arrows adn ?

[Master] fireball?

[JOHN A] yes

[Lisa] Branwyn targets bad guys #1. Distance: 165'11"

[Master] Hoffman: Attack: Long Bow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=11] 3. HITS bad guys #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Hoffman: Attack: Long Bow: (15-(d20+1)) [1d20=12] 2. HITS bad guys #2 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: bad guys #2

[Master] Hoffman: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: bad guys #2

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((17-(d20))-1-6) [1d20=13] -3 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-6)] [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Short Bow: ((17-(d20))-1-6) [1d20=5] 5 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (-6)] [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 13. MISSES bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: bad guys #1

[Master] Bran?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against bad guys #1: Fireball: I fire off a 20' radius ball of flame which deals ((9)d6) [9d6=6,6,1,4,6,6,4,6,3] 42 points of damage. Save vs spell for half damage.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Take that!

[Shurkural (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shurkural modified:

[Shurkural (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Arrow; Flight: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 15. MISSES bad guys #1 (AC FINAL: 4).

[Shurkural (TMO)] ignore those. they keep track of my arrow inventory

[Master] bad guys #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-14) - Massively Wounded

[Master] bad guys #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -23 (-45) - Dead

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Do the sails catch fire?))

[JOHN A] you burned my arrows

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll buy you some more

[Shurkural (TMO)] ze boat is no longer upon me map

[Master] with a ROAR of flame the boat explodes into a ball of smoke

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm also sure we will find some sticking out of people when we reach the city.

[Master] as the barrels of oil all go up at once

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((lol))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] gonna restart

[Master] and the screams of the people on the ship are quickly silenced by the icy waters

[JOHN A] must have hit self sistrict

[Shurkural (TMO)] But will the fletching match my outfit?

[Master] however you let teh boat get too close to the ice bridge also

Eric has left the game on Fri May 24 22:21:02 EDT 2013

[Master] and now there are cracks appearing in it

[Shurkural (TMO)] A gal's got to accessorize, sugar.

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] *Looks vigilantly for any sign of giant toothy ice pirranah*

[Master] you need to hurry to get across

[Shurkural (TMO)] Who has crampons?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (define hurry)

[Master] anyone have engineering?

[Jharym (Devin)] Bran. You need to teach me that one one of these days. *stares wide eyed at the firey wreckage*

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know - Ilero went shopping.

Androp Ilkep (new guy) eyes go a little wider at the display of magic and the destruction of the boat, "That was... impressive"

[Master] Tristan Elaire: Engineering check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's a little flashy but gets the job done.

[Master] I will let him check when he logs back in

Eric has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:23:01 EDT 2013

Eric is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Master] any other ideas on how to tell how long the bridge will last?

Ilero (TMO) motions to Shurkural to catch up and starts to escort these two ladies safely across.

[Ilero (TMO)] (Get across and time how long it takes to colapse?)

Eric has received the map Entering The City.

[Master] grins at TMO

[Master] and Eric you have the map now?

[Eric] worked!!!!

[Eric] Thanks Devin

[Jharym (Devin)] (Lose half the party in the process, including all the new people)

[Ilero (TMO)] (I am, if nothing else, practical)

[Jharym (Devin)] Woooo!

[Master] I will let you roll your own Engineering check

[JOHN A] looking to roll

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((Observation check to see if it's melting))?

[JOHN A] give me a sec

[Master] that is an option

[Lisa] Branwyn no longer targets bad guys #2.

Androp Ilkep (new guy) starts to move across the bridge, "I thought cannibals were sieging this place... didn't know canibals sailed in boats and used oil and catapults"

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Jharym (Devin) (to Master only)] I just sent him a copy of mine. That might be the easy way to fix anyone in the future. We could put a copy of the file up on the site for downloading)

[Eric] yesir

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural moved 23'07".

[Master] yes to Devin very good point

[Ilero (TMO)] Miranda, Shurkural and Ilero moved 56'01".

[Master] remember 1/3 movement and no checks

[Ilero (TMO)] (is that reasonable?)

[JOHN A] Brother Fotopoulos: Detect Unsafe Wall, Ceiling & Floor check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] there is a rope strung up along the northern edge of the bridge

[Master] Foto says the bridge should last for at least 4-6 rounds

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that is a really nice prof)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so how slow can we go?)

[Ilero (TMO)] how far is 1/3 movement?

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] To Branwynn: We should hurry and join the others on the bridge

[Master] normal of 12? so 4

[Master] for Indigo and Foto?

[Master] 2

[Master] 2 = 20 feet

[Ilero (TMO)] so 40 feet for norms

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (40 and make check?)

[Master] bridge is 200+ feet ong

[Master] no check if going 1/3

[Master] check if going 1/2

[Ilero (TMO)] what check would we have to make?

[Master] balance

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but 1 movement = 1 round?)

[Master] right

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (is that based on speed? Androp is a 15 normally)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo will just have to make some good dice rolls)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (full speed ahead)

[Master] yes to Bill so Androp can go faster

[Master] 5 with no check , etc

[Master] so round three

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (Well can I just grab indigo and hustle along with him?)

[Master] everyone move as far as you want to risk it

[Master] if you can carry him yes

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Miranda: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 60'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] ( I mean he's a halfling.. like 3 feet tall and Androp is exceptionally strong)

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] ((what direction does the wind blow?))

[Ilero (TMO)] that is not what I meant to do!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 12'03".

[JOHN A] hoff will grab brother

[Master] to the south

[Master] so Androp is moving how fast?

[Ilero (TMO)] Shur needs a balance roll for last round.

[Eric] Tristan Elaire moved 33'10".

[Ilero (TMO)] let me see if I can do it without tossing Miranda over the side too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 120'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Abu Dhabi (Barlie-50934)] Abu Dhabi moved 106'05".

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Ilero (TMO)] nice...

[Master] OK

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - lag on roll results - does that mean I can cross?)

[Master] so at the end of round three

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (50 feet a round without checks... that fast while caryying INdigo)

[Master] Hoffman moved 60'10".

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos moved 60'10".

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 54'11".

[Master] Sylviis moved 21'03".

[Master] Jharym moved 8'10".

[Eric] Tristan Elaire moved 35'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no carrying indigo - he can go 60 by himself - no lagging for you)

[Master] Sylviis moved 61'05".

[Master] Jharym moved 40'05".

[Master] no

[Master] stop

[Master] INdigo is back there

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 120'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you should do combat so we know what the rounds are)

[Master] end of round three, everyone is place correctly, the only issue is that Shur is hanging down off the bridge by the rope that is tied around her, she is dangling down about 15 feet

[Master] Now I will start combat to track things thank you Lisa

[Ilero (TMO)] (Damsel in Distress time!)

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] NO INIT

[Master] just using the tracker

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] so start of round four what do you do

new guy has left the game on Fri May 24 22:33:03 EDT 2013

[Master] on round 6 is when foto said the bridge might fail

[JOHN A] pull her up

[Master] who is going to stop and pull her up?

new guy has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:33:42 EDT 2013

new guy is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero is right there, will help. Miranda can untie herself from him and keep going using the rope on the north as her guideline.

[Ilero (TMO)] Don't know if Ilero is strong enough by himself though. He's no muscleman

new guy has received the map Entering The City.

[Master] ok so we will go in order from front to rear

[Master] Bran is up front

[Ilero (TMO)] Miranda moved 40'00".

[Master] and abu

[Ilero (TMO)] sry

[Master] bran what do you do?

Barlie-50934 has left the game on Fri May 24 22:36:34 EDT 2013

Devin has left the game on Fri May 24 22:36:38 EDT 2013

Devin has left the game on Fri May 24 22:36:43 EDT 2013

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I can't pull her up)

Devin has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:37:05 EDT 2013

Devin is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Master] you can go backwards to get to her

[Master] you are ahead of her by more than 40 feet

Devin has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:37:30 EDT 2013

Devin is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but I don't have strength to pull her up)

[Ilero (TMO)] (no point risking everybody. just go on)

Devin has received the map Entering The City.

Devin has received the map Entering The City.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm going to cross - Indigo is closer and stronger)

[Master] no one moves yet except bran

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (full speed with check)

[Master] you need a balance check at 60 feet

[Master] will be at a minus if you move faster than that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 2'05".

[Devin] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 60'03".

[Jharym (Devin)] I really don't want to cross that thing.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] no eric

[Sylviis ( Devin)] You're, like, a complete wimp, aren't you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I keep going the rest?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 2'05".

[Master] no

[Jharym (Devin)] Don't call me a wimp. I can do things you couldn't even dream of.

[Master] Lisa

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 2'00".

[Sylviis ( Devin)] But you're scared of everything under the sun.

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=5] 14

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=2] 11

[Master] Initiative changed from 14 to 11.

[Master] we are on round four still now the second person can move

[Master] which is abu

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 61'02".

[Jharym (Devin)] I'm not scared of you.

[Sylviis ( Devin)] You should be

[Jharym (Devin)] FINE! I'll go.

[Master] Abu Dhabi: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] then miranda has already moved

[Master] now

[Sylviis ( Devin)] And I'll stand behind you to make sure you don't go back. *draws her sword... partially for balance, partially to be intimidating*

[Master] Ilero

[Master] and Shur is dangling there next to you and Indigo

Barlie-50934 has joined the game on Fri May 24 22:41:03 EDT 2013

Barlie-50934 is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Ilero (TMO)] Miranda is back where she started from. Do I need to move her again?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (all you strength things are blank on your sheet)

[Master] No that is where she should be

[Ilero (TMO)] k

[Master] we are at the Ilero, Shur, Indigo group

[Jharym (Devin)] (what is 2nd ed speed?)

[Ilero (TMO)] in that case, both of them combine to try and pull her up?

[Master] Charlie I moved Abu for you

[Master] Lisa? that was at you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sure - Indigo at your service)

Barlie-50934 has received the map Entering The City.

[Ilero (TMO)] (heave!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (to hit or strength check?)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Barlie-50934] ((Sorry abouit that, DC'd but took me awhile to notice))

[JOHN A] woot

[Master] you easily have the strength to pull her up, but it takes you a bit of time to get her back up on her feet, so over half your movement is used

[Ilero (TMO)] (She is not a pinata! No hitting!)

[Master] so Indigo can move 10 more feet or 15 more if he wants to make a check

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol - says the one that tried to cut me out of ankheg! ;-) )

[Master] Ilero adn Shur can move 20 without a check or 30 with one

[Ilero (TMO)] (And Shur and Ilero can do 20)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 15'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero and Shurkural moved 20'03".

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero can actually do a bit more than 20, but will hang back

[Master] and now Hoffman with Foto

Jharym (Devin) whispers at Sylviis "You're gonna slip, you know that, right?"

[Ilero (TMO)] Move 14

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] can i make an engineering check to see if any heat will help fuse cracks in the bridge to buy time?

[Master] 40?

[Master] and yes to Eric

[Sylviis ( Devin)] If anyone is gonna make it across, its gonna be me. You couldn't walk across this thing if it were a mile wide.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos follows Hoffman.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Engineering check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] Hoffman and Brother Fotopoulos moved 41'01".

[Master] Androp can go 50 without a check

[JOHN A] does combat move help

[Master] yes to John

[new guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (thats what he does)

[Barlie-50934] ((what's the concavity of the bridge like from north to south?))

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 51'03".

Androp Ilkep (new guy) moves as carefully and as quickly as he can towards the other side of the ice bridge

[Master] mostly flat with slight bow down on the edges

[Master] so Tristan can go 40 feet with no check

[Barlie-50934] ((lol death trap))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 40'00".

[Master] and now Devin

[Master] 40 feet with no check, etc

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym and Sylviis moved 40'08".

[Jharym (Devin)] (And, of course, bickering the whole time)

[Master] and Tristan is looking carefully at the ice and the cracks formed by the explosion. he is near Foto and they consult quickly, thinking you have at least 3 to 4 ore rounds before anything serious happens

[Master] but it looks like it will take some sort of ice spell to repair the bridge and stop it from colapsing

[Master] end of round 4

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo will have to start running)

[Ilero (TMO)] Ice-9?

[Master] you hear cheering from the soldiers down on the wall as the boat ruins continue to sink, smoke rising and the fire goes out

Tristan Elaire (Eric) shouts "this bridge won't last long. We need to cross fast. The cracks are spreading it's going to fall!"

[Master] start of Roudn 5 again from font to back for movement

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Master] Bran

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 60'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] abu

[Barlie-50934] Abu Dhabi: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Barlie-50934] Abu Dhabi moved 64'04".

[Master] John you want to roll for Miranda go move faster than 40?

[Master] Miranda moved 40'07".

[JOHN A] mo

[Master] ok

[Master] then Androp is next

[Jharym (Devin) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Jharym modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 80000 (null).

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (so if I make a balance check I can move 100'?)

[Master] 80

[Master] half

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] or you can make a swim check if you fail

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (okay then Androp will keep going the safe route)

[Master] you are not tied off so would have to make a grab at the rope

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (Androp has swimming... and boating)

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 51'02".

[Ilero (TMO)] (and if he fell, freezing)

[Barlie-50934] ((Does he have Not Freeze to Death?))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (ya those too)

[Master] Ok Ilero, shur

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (well he doesn't have fall 80 feet to water safely either)

[Master] Hoffman

[Master] Hoffman and Brother Fotopoulos moved 50'08".

[Master] what is speed for Hoffman?

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero and Shurkural moved 40'01".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 40'02".

[Master] Ok so Indigo

[Ilero (TMO)] (damn. Got passed by the gnome)

[JOHN A] safe and steady

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 45'06".

[JOHN A] battery almost dead

[JOHN A] brb I hope

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] just want to get through this encounter then will be done john

[Ilero (TMO)] (and the halfling is looking to pass us too... this is just Wrong!)

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym and Sylviis moved 40'03".

Tristan Elaire (Eric) shouts "showoff!"

[Master (to Eric only)] your engineering check also tells you that if you had either lit the boat on fire a round earlier or waited till after it went under the bridge there would have been no damage to the bridge

[Master] ROUND: 6

[Master] and round six

[Master] bran dna abu can make it at the 1/3

[Master] no need for checks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 60'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] lol damn computer fucking up...! Thanks

[Master] Abu Dhabi moved 41'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (had already rolled)

[Barlie-50934] ((So hardcore she checked anyway, just cuz she could))

[Master] grins

[Master] and Miranda

[Master] Miranda moved 39'00".

[Master] and androp

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 51'08".

[Master] and hoffman

[Master] Hoffman and Brother Fotopoulos moved 46'06".

[Master] and Ilero

[JOHN A] does it look like miranda is going to make it?

[Master] yes

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero and Shurkural moved 40'02".

[Barlie-50934] ((just occured to me that bard song can help with those dex checks..))

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] /how fast does Indigo move?

[Master] ok Indigo then Tristan

[Ilero (TMO)] (singing and running on ice con't go well together)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (45 w/ check)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 45'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 18!!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (lol i should jump on your shoulders

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 40'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not a good idea)

[Master] and now Indigo needs to make a to hit roll to attempt to grab onto the rope or someone

[JOHN A] maybe not

[Master] you can target Shur

[Lisa] Indigo targets Shurkural. Distance: 6'06"

[Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is next to him. And has crampons)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=3] 8 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Shurkural (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] that is a miss

[Master] hit ac 11 without the bonus for short swords

[Master] Ilero and Shur both get a chance to try to grab him

[Ilero (TMO)] (what roll?)

[Master] same to hit

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Shurkural.

[Master] I will say that Tristan is close enough also

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 3

[Master] Hoffman is carrying Foto so cannot

[Eric] Tristan Elaire targets Indigo. Distance: 13'02"

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: Attack: Knife: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 14

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Attack: Morning Star: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 0. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Master] so Indigo slips through Ilero and SHur's hands

[Eric] Tristan Elaire no longer targets Indigo.

[Ilero (TMO)] (Shur hit, didn't she?)

[Master] and as he is going over Tristan lunges over and SNAGS his hand

[Master] nope shur hit AC 3 and Indigo is AC 1

[Ilero (TMO)] oh

[Master] Indigo moved 6'11".

[Master] Tristan Elaire moved 6'08".

[Jharym (Devin)] Wouldn't it use the touch AC, not the armored AC?

[Master] you are danglign there for now

[Master] Devin

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Whoa little friend! Now's not the time to show off your diving skills

[Master] 40?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (think you might just got yourself a convert)

[Jharym (Devin)] Sylviis moved 40'01".

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 60'11".

Jharym (Devin) snickers at Sylviis

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master] and start of round 7

[Master] ROUND: 7

[Master] and 20% chance the bridge cracks this round

[Barlie-50934] ((How's that ice bridge structural integrity doing?))

[Master] (d100) [1d100=4] 4

[Master] not yet

[Barlie-50934] ((ah, that answers that))

[Master] still holding

[Ilero (TMO)] bridge falls, everybody dies

Branwyn (Lisa) watches scene in horror

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] if we survied the fall i could have protected us from the cold but that's if we survied...

[Master] Bran and Abu are safe right now

[Master] Anrop adn Miranda

[Sylviis ( Devin) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sylviis modified: Personal Information - Speed:: CHANGED: 14 (null).

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (will 50 feet put me in the safe zone? Can't really tell.. if not I'll try a balance check to get there)

Sylviis ( Devin) looks at the bridge, then at the rope, and gets ready mentally to jump from one to the other and hang on if necessary.

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 60'10".

[Barlie-50934] Looks to Branwyn: "Think a song is appropriate right now to give our friends courage? Or would simply lynch me upon making it over here?"

[Master] need that balance check Androp

Jharym (Devin) has no such foresight.

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Eric only)] and indigo normally carries the pack since he is strong - has 2 scrolls of cold protection in it

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] Androp Ilkep: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master] Androp Ilkep moved 9'03".

[JOHN A] i have faith

[Master] Miranda and hoffman

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] lol guess we both had back up plans. If he went over I was diving in. Thank god for the save

[Master] Miranda moved 40'11".

[Master] Hoffman and Brother Fotopoulos moved 40'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Eric only)] yes thank you!

[JOHN A] can hoffman make it this round

[Master] so now Ilero

[Master] no

[Master] well what is his full move?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Abu if singing will help them get over the bridge then sing away

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero and Shurkural moved 60'07".

[Ilero (TMO)] Shurkural: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Ilero (TMO)] Ilero: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[JOHN A] 15 before brother

Fritz has left the game on Fri May 24 23:10:50 EDT 2013

[Master] then no

[Master] Ok so Tristan pulls up Indigo

[Master] same as before with Shur, that takes half your movement

[Master] what do you want to do next?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Tristan but keep going! We have to move!

[Jharym (Devin) (to Lisa only)] I've been browsing spells, and found one you might like to research.

[Barlie-50934] *Abu begins singing on his next "turn" in an attempt to bestow a +1 bonus to their checks*

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 20'02".

[Ilero (TMO)] Living on the Edge?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (do I get half too? with check?)

[Barlie-50934] ((lol!))

[Jharym (Devin) (to Lisa only)] Bigbys Bookworm Bane. It goes through a library and kills all the bookworms.

[Master] Living on a prayer

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Megadeth - Dirt torpedo?

[Barlie-50934] ((Skin of my Teeth?))

[Master] Indigo can move 20 more with a check

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] that will do

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 20'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 18!!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] er i guess its high speed dirt for the name of th song

Ilero (TMO) applauds.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] LOL

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this sucks!)

[Master] and Indigo can attempt to grab at Tristan and vice versa

[Eric] Indigo targets Indigo. Distance: 0'00"

[Lisa] Indigo targets Tristan Elaire. Distance: 3'00"

[Eric] Tristan Elaire targets Indigo. Distance: 3'00"

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Attack: Morning Star: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 7. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+15-(d20+1))-3) [1d20=14] -3 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Tristan Elaire (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Master] Tristan misses but Indigo snags his leg as he is falling down and stops his slide

[Master] Devin?

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 1'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm sorry!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (LOL rough night)

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 41'10".

[Jharym (Devin)] Sylviis moved 38'08".

Sylviis ( Devin) stops to check on the others.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You're good! Nice grab my friend. Hold on I have you

[Master] and another structure check of (d100) [1d100=51] 51

[Master] and getting worse

[Eric] Tristan Elaire no longer targets Indigo.

[Master] that was a 40% by the way

[Barlie-50934] Turns to Branwynn: Perhaps a song to ease them into accepting their fate is more appropriate?

[Master] next will be worse

[Master] LOL

[Master] ROUND: 8

[Master] Miranda is the first one out on the open bridge still

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Devin only)] was going to respond - had no idea they were a problem. If we make it home will have to check

[Ilero (TMO)] Sings: It'll only be cold for a few minutes, andthen you'll be warm forever...

[Master] Miranda moved 40'11".

[Lisa] All targets for Indigo removed.

[Master] Ilero moved 46'04".

[Master] Shurkural moved 41'07".

[Master] Hoffman and Brother Fotopoulos moved 48'06".

[Jharym (Devin) (to Lisa only)] I don't know if they are either, but I was talking with Bob earlier, and so now he might get ideas. yes bob, I know you're reading this.

[Master] smiles at Devin and Lisa

[Ilero (TMO)] k, brb.

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Indigo and Tristan

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero (TMO)] gotta put rugrats to bed

[Master] Jha and Syl

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 40'00".

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 40'09".

[Jharym (Devin)] Sylviis moved 40'01".

[Master] and Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 45'04".

Tristan Elaire (Eric) begins to pray

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] and now a 60% chance the bridge starts to collapse

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he couldn't fail 3 times in a row)

Sylviis ( Devin) is keeping a close eye on Indigo now.

[Master] (d100) [1d100=59] 59

[Master] CRACK

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he could fall in anyway next round though :) )

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] LOL

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yup)

[Master] ROUND: 9

Tristan Elaire (Eric) shouts "MOVE"

[Master] Indigo moved 44'11".

[Master] Indigo needs a check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] now Jha and Sly

[Jharym (Devin)] Jharym moved 41'09".

[Jharym (Devin)] Sylviis moved 40'03".

[Master] Tristan you are now

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 40'03".

[Master] and (d100) [1d100=35] 35

[Master] yeap

[Master] ROUND: 10

[Jharym (Devin)] are we jumping for our lives now?

[Master] SPLASH

[Master] the center of the bridge PLUNGES into the river

[Master] Indigo, Shurkural, Ilero, Hoffman, Androp Ilkep, Brother Fotopoulos, Sylviis, Abu Dhabi, Branwyn, Miranda, Jharym and Tristan Elaire moved 22'11".

[Jharym (Devin)] So much for using this as a way out.

[Master] you make it back into the tunnel there as the bridge breaks down

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Master] you all catch your breath

Branwyn (Lisa) throws arms around Indigo "Don't scare me like that again! I was so worried!"

Branwyn (Lisa) looks over his shoulder and up at Tristan "Thank you!"

Tristan Elaire (Eric) smiles back

[Barlie-50934] That most certainly was tense, there's a song and a poem in this. Perhaps even a short play. It'll be a comedy.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Cahus saw it fit for this one to continue on to see another day

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm okay. A littlw worried there for a bit.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thank you Tristan! I owe you.

Tristan Elaire (Eric) looks to Indiog "I told you Cahus had plans for you my friend"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I guess so!

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (man typing is hard after a lot of booze)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] one last problem to solve before we end here,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Shur, are you okay? You had a scare too.

[Barlie-50934] ((Lol, I swear I'm good at it, but a short trip through this chat log says otherwise))

[Jharym (Devin)] I... *pant pant pant* Almost... *pant pant* DIED!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (forgot tmo left)

[Sylviis ( Devin)] shutup you ninny. You were fine.

[Sylviis ( Devin)] If anyone has reason to complain its me. You held me up, then left me behind!

[Master] way back up there there was an enemy catapult attack and a hit, with collapsed the entrance here

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Sylviis ( Devin) smacks him upside the head with her palm... lightly-ish

[Master] I figured it was better to remind you about that AFTER you finished crossing the bridge than while you were still out there

[Indigo (Lisa)] (there are people here though that were cheering)

[Master] down below on the wall

[Master] you are in a tunnel up top right now

[Jharym (Devin)] (Wait, so there's now no way out of the space we're in, but into the casm?)

[Master] in a currently dead end tunnel that is collapsed

[Master] or to clear the blockage

[Indigo (Lisa)] (where is blockage?)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] how bad is the blockage?

[JOHN A] good night all

[Master] to the right on the map there

[Master] night John

[Indigo (Lisa)] (night John!)

[Barlie-50934] we talking drano here or hiring a plumber?

[Androp Ilkep (new guy)] (is the way through blocked by ice and snow?)

[Master] it is a tunnel partially collapsed

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] g/night

[Master] will have to dig yoru way through

[Master] or come up with something

JOHN A has left the game on Fri May 24 23:29:24 EDT 2013

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] can i make an engineering check to see if a fireball will blast through?

[Master] you can make a check to see what the best way to clear it is yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is tunnel or map - don't see anything tunnel like)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] is it ice?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Ok

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire: Engineering check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] we will count that black edge as the blockage

[Master] Tristan Elaire moved 47'01".

[Master] Tristan says that you will need 8 man hours worth of work to clear that blockage by hand

[Jharym (Devin)] (Can we see the ice shelf from where we are?)

[Master] without proper tools

[Master] no

[Master] you see out over the chasm

Barlie-50934 has left the game on Fri May 24 23:31:30 EDT 2013

Barlie-50934 has joined the game on Fri May 24 23:31:55 EDT 2013

Barlie-50934 is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Jharym (Devin)] (Is the ice shelf on our level, or below?)

[Master] below

[Jharym (Devin)] (And that's where the cheering people are?)

Barlie-50934 has received the map Entering The City.

[Master] yes

[Jharym (Devin)] (Would wraithform work through the ice?)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Get a team to clear it from the other side.)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Through the colapse, I mean.)

[Master] put a good guy on the walls there for reference for you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we have a potion called ICE - did not turn me or a table into ice so way back when we thought it might get rid of it instead of create it)

[Jharym (Devin)] (yay! Does it look like I could wraithform through it?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (labeled ICE rather - have no idea - was a guess)

[Barlie-50934] Someone had that robe of patched items or something (forgot the name). Perhaps there are some useful tools in there?

[Master] no to knowing if wraithform would work to get through the blockages to work on the other sie

[Barlie-50934] 8 hours in this cold is rather brutal

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I won't be in next week so someone else will be holding the pack next week for anything you may need)

[Master] 8 man hours

[Barlie-50934] ah

[Master] so 8 people working 1 hour

[Jharym (Devin)] (Oh... in that case, about 45 minutes.)

[Jharym (Devin)] (I'll manage!)

[Barlie-50934] delicate fingers are my livelihood. I regret to say I will not be able to aid you in this endeavor

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Then I begin orginizing the removal safely to reduce the risk of a collapse

[Master] Ok

[Master] so after about an hour and a half you manage to get throuh the rubble

[Master] and get into the tunnels behind

Sylviis ( Devin) starts finding some of the bigger chunks on the ground, and sliding them to where the bridge once stood, getting them out of the way.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We can set the debris here "points to the south wall"

[Jharym (Devin)] (Oh, I guess there's no RPing here)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Oh, god, its like that episode of ST:TNG! Everyone is disappearing one by one and the universe is limited in size!!!)

[Master] grins

[Master] and you come out the tunnels and down teh stairs behind the walls

[Master] Good Guys #1 moved 8'06".

[Jharym (Devin)] (*puts another validation point on his geek card*)

[Master] Good Guys #1 moved 46'02".

[Barlie-50934] (Good guy #1 looks like he's up to no good, get him!)

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] Who are you?!

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] Thank you for stopping that fire boat

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] I hope they do not have any more

[Jharym (Devin)] (*casts... oh wait... that won't help. that won't either. Nope, not that one. Does "slightly drowsy" help any?)

[Barlie-50934] (I forgot the name of the guy we were sent to rescue)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Bob. His name is Bob. He just can't keep himself out of trouble.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 23'05".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] We need to speak with who's organizing this defense

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hello! My name is Branwyn.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 28'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am very sorry about your catapult.

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] The organizers?

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] they are inside the city

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] yep and she's branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no one introduces themselves)

Tristan Elaire (Eric) raises an eyebrow the general? Your captain of the guard?

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Barlie-50934] My apologies, my mind ofter wanders even under such tense situations. I am Abu Dhabi, famed elven bard of the gypsies.

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] (sorry dogs, back)

Androp Ilkep (new guy) stands watching the newcomer without introducing himself

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] The person in charge of the city would be Lord Elssur

[Barlie-50934] Well, perhaps not famed, but as soon as we get some rest the things I write from the adventures my companions and I have shared shall most certainly make me famous

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] he woudl be in the center of the city, in the diplomatic compound i hope

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 41'03".

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] the leigon has overwhelmed the southern entrances

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] there is fighting throughout the city

[Barlie-50934] Goodness. It took them no time to breach your defenses

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] we fought them off for four days

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] You must come with us friend. Show us the way to Lord Elssur. We are short on time. Please

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] I need to keep watch here

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] but I can help you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How big is this Legion?

[Barlie-50934] ((Who is it we were sent here to rescue?))

[Master] he gives you directions to a route through the city

[Master] and tells you there will be a set of barricades

[Master] approach with a white flag

[Master] and use the password

[Master] (doh, looking it up)

Ilero (TMO) waves a pair of Shur's underwear in the air.

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Ilero (TMO)] (just kidding!!!)

[Ilero (TMO)] (and y ou should think nothing of the fact that he had a pair in his jacket pocket!!! NOTHING!)

[Master] ( Isaz is the password

[Ilero (TMO)] (you dirty-minded sick freaks!)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] How many guard this gate?

[Master] get there and they will direct you to a safe way to the compound

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] we have 8 left

[Barlie-50934] ((Who is it we were sent here to rescue?))

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] no, two died on the catapult

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] we have 6 left to gaurd this entrnace

TMO is receiving the map Ice tunnels exit...

TMO has received the map Ice tunnels exit.

TMO is receiving the map Entering The City...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Do we have access to the main city from here?

TMO has received the map Entering The City.

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] points the way he just gave you directions

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 1'06".

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Only 6 to guard this entire gate? Where is your fighting force soldier?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Tristan Elaire moved 27'09".

[Master] defending the city or dead

[Master] you definately get the impression that things are in dire straits

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Has the enemy attacked this gate before this?

[Master] yes

[Master] points to the catapults up on top of the other side of teh chasm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do we know how many of them there are?

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] how many who?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This Legion of Cannibals or whatever they are called

[Ilero (TMO)] Lower rope ladder over wall, use buckets to run water from river up and pour over gate until covered in thick wall of ice. T'en t'ey have hard time break t'rough.

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] The Hungering Legion

[Ilero (TMO)] It slow t'em down.

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] and no I do not know how many

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] and yes if the compound holds

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] the Oracle will keep the city cold and safe

Androp Ilkep (new guy) repeats what he said and the snorts amused, "the hungering legion"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Oracle is who is keeping the city under ice?

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] yes, everyone says that is what the Legion is here for, to destroy the Oracle of Frostnor

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks to herself he will never leave voluntarily

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] the fortify spell says I can creat a 30 foot cube. Is that adjustable?

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Master only)] so can I create a 90 x 10 rectangle instead?

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] would have to check the wording but it does not say it is mutalbe then no

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] ok

[Good Guys #1 (Master)] OK

[Master] so we got throguh two maps

[Master] and you saved the gates

[Master] so you got the password

[Master] have to use the restroom

[Master] then will be back to shut down

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Ilero (TMO)] And committed destruction of a rare and probably valuable ice bridge

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] it was nice to look at

[Ilero (TMO)] so, perfect score!

[Lisa] Stay safe and alive next week!

[Barlie-50934] Take care. I'll probably be here next week too

[new guy] We don't need to go back though

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] good game everyone. Look forward to next week

[Lisa] See you in two weeks :)

[new guy] Branwyn has the coin to teleport us back ...

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] you not coming next week?

[Jharym (Devin)] Is there no game next week?

[new guy] we may just need to have the guy we're here for bound and gagged and forcibly taken with us

[Lisa] (I am not here and we will put coin in party pack)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric) (to Lisa only)] bummer see you when you get back

[Barlie-50934] does anyone know the name of the guy we were sent to extract from the city?

[Jharym (Devin)] There're still a couple of sleep spells that might help. Intimidate might do us some good too. :P

[Jharym (Devin)] (Ah, ok.)

[Jharym (Devin)] (Well, have fun with whatever it is you're doing.)

[Lisa] (In case you finish next week - you mages will have to get some blood on your hands)

[Barlie-50934] We don't have to tell everyone why we're after him but it might be good to start gathering info on his whereabouts

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] (lol we'll miss your fireballs)

[Jharym (Devin)] (J is realizing how badly he needs offensive spells.)

[Lisa] Goodnight! :)

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] g'night

[Jharym (Devin)] G'nite!

[Lisa] You have a dagger - stick someone with it

[Barlie-50934] nighty night

[Ilero (TMO)] g'nite

[new guy] Take care and good night everyone

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 24 23:57:55 EDT 2013

Devin has left the game on Fri May 24 23:58:00 EDT 2013

new guy has left the game on Fri May 24 23:58:01 EDT 2013

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] later all

[Master] back

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Good time Bob

Barlie-50934 has left the game on Fri May 24 23:58:27 EDT 2013

[Ilero (TMO)] I always feel so much better after wanton acts of destruction

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] LOL

[Ilero (TMO)] Pretty things fall down and go boom. Lovely!

[Ilero (TMO)] Now that we've cut off one of the ways for the defenders to retreat...

[Ilero (TMO)] they'll fight twice as hard, right?

[Master] smile

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] lol

[Master] glad everyone enjoyed

[Master] was touch and go there

[Ilero (TMO)] slip and slide

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Devin devinately fixed the memory. I'm like lightning quick by comparason

[Master] great

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] gotta love it when the environment is you rworst enemy

[Master] Ok shuttign this down

[Master] so I can save everything

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Enjoy the holiday weekend

[Ilero (TMO)] cya

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] Later all

[Master] up and ddriving tomorrow at 7 am

TMO has left the game on Sat May 25 00:01:21 EDT 2013

[Master] going to Orland

[Master] Orlando

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] fun

[Tristan Elaire (Eric)] drive save

[Master] thanks

Eric has left the game on Sat May 25 00:01:46 EDT 2013

Devin has left the game on Sat May 25 00:03:18 EDT 2013

[Master] Abu Dhabi XP award: 200. Next level in 0.

[Master] Androp Ilkep XP award: 250. Next level in 9240.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 150. Next level in 4376.

[Master] Tristan Elaire XP award: 250. Next level in 54550.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 58149.

[Master] Ilero XP award: 200. Next level in 1414.

[Master] Shurkural XP award: 100. Next level in 8181.

[Master] Miranda XP award: 100. Next level in 2634.

[Master] Jharym XP award: 200. Next level in 76468.

[Master] Sylviis XP award: 100. Next level in 7184.

[Master] Hoffman XP award: 200. Next level in 605.

[Master] Brother Fotopoulos XP award: 150. Level-up!

XP awarded