Main / May2705

May 27 05 - Marco Guest DM

mikE has joined the game

Client has joined the game

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

BOB has joined the game

[BiBo's taken over] so, who's client?

[Mobuto (Client) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 6 (5). CHANGED: 4 -- Current: 4 (3). Weapons - CHANGED: Rabbitslayer -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Melf's Minute Meteors -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Melf's Acid Arrow -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Roman Candle multiple -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Roman Candle single -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Sepia Snake Sigil -- #: null (--), Ability Scores - Weapon Proficiencies - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Signature Spell: Phantasmal Killer, 2, null, null. Spells - CHANGED: Enlarge -- Expression: Range: {5*($WL)} yds. Duration: {2*(5*($WL)} rds. This spell causes instant growth of a creature or object, increasing both size and weight. It can be cast only upon a single creature (or a symbiotic or community entity) or upon a single object that does not exceed {10*($WL)} cubic feet in volume. The object or creature must be seen to be affected. It grows by up to {10*(WL)}%, increasing this amount in height, width, and weight. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is enlarged by the spell. Unwilling victims are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A successful saving throw means the spell fails. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature or object attains the maximum possible size, bursting weak enclosures in the process, but it is constrained without harm by stronger materials--the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by growth. Magical properties are not increased by this spell--a huge sword +1 is still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc. Weight, mass, and strength are affected, though. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more effective, a hurled stone would have more mass (and cause more damage), chains would be more massive, doors thicker, a thin line turned to a sizeable, longer rope, and so on. A creature's hit points, Armor Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage rolls increase proportionately with size. For example, a fighter at 160% normal size hits with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage. The adjusted damage roll is 10 (that is, 6 x 1.6 = 9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength, class, and magic are not altered. The reverse spell, reduce, negates the enlarge spell or makes creatures or objects smaller. The creature or object loses {10*($WL)% of its original size, to a minimum of 10% of the original size. Thereafter, the size shrinks by 1-foot increments to less than 1 foot, by 1-inch increments to 1 inch, and by 1/10-inch increments to a minimum of 1/10 of an inch--the recipient cannot dwindle away to nothingness. For example, a 16-foot-tall giant reduced by a 15th-level wizard (15 steps) would be reduced to 1.6 feet (in nine steps), then to 6/10 of a foot or 7.2 inches (in one step), and finally to 2.2 inches (in the last five steps). A shrinking object may damage weaker materials affixed to it, but an object will shrink only as long as the object itself is not damaged. Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell. (Range: 5 yds./level), CHANGED: Enlarge -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object), CHANGED: Enlarge -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: Neg. This spell causes instant growth of a creature or object, increasing both size and weight. It can be cast only upon a single creature (or a symbiotic or community entity) or upon a single object that does not exceed 10 cubic feet in volume per caster level. The object or creature must be seen to be affected. It grows by up to 10% per level of experience of the wizard, increasing this amount in height, width, and weight.), CHANGED: Enlarge -- Effect: null (All equipment worn or carried by a creature is enlarged by the spell. Unwilling victims are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A successful saving throw means the spell fails. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature or object attains the maximum possible size, bursting weak enclosures in the process, but it is constrained without harm by stronger materials--the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by growth. Magical properties are not increased by this spell--a huge sword +1 is still only +1, a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc. Weight, mass, and strength are affected, though. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more effective, a hurled stone would have more mass (and cause more damage), chains would be more massive, doors thicker, a thin line turned to a sizeable, longer rope, and so on. A creature's hit points, Armor Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage rolls increase proportionately with size. For example, a fighter at 160% normal size hits with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage. The adjusted damage roll is 10 (that is, 6 x 1.6 = 9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength, class, and magic are not altered.). CHANGED: Hypnotism -- Expression: Range: 5 yds. Duration: {2*(1+($WL)rds. Area of Effect: 30 ft. cube. The gestures of the wizard, along with his droning incantation, cause {d6} creatures within the area to become susceptible to a suggestion--a brief and reasonable-sounding request (see the 3rd-level wizard suggestion spell). The request must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast. Until that time, the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging (the caster must speak a language the creature understands for this spell to work). Creatures that successfully roll their saving throws are not under hypnotic influence. Those who are exceptionally wary or hostile save with +1 to +3 bonuses. If the spell is cast at an individual creature that meets the caster's gaze, the saving throw is made with a penalty of -2. A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that the caster enspelled it. (Range: 5 yds.), CHANGED: Hypnotism -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30 ft. cube), CHANGED: Hypnotism -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: Neg. The gestures of the wizard, along with his droning incantation, cause 1d6 creatures within the area to become susceptible to a suggestion--a brief and reasonable-sounding request (see the 3rd-level wizard suggestion spell). The request must be given after the hypnotism spell is cast. Until that time, the success of the spell is unknown. Note that the subsequent suggestion is not a spell, but simply a vocalized urging (the caster must speak a language the creature understands for this spell to work). Creatures that successfully roll their saving throws are not under hypnotic influence. Those who are exceptionally wary or hostile save with +1 to +3 bonuses. If the spell is cast at an individual creature that meets the caster's gaze, the saving throw is made with a penalty of -2. A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that the caster enspelled it. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Hypnotism -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Choke -- Expression: Range: 30 yards Duration 2* rounds. The caster causes a pair of ghostly hands to appear around the throat of a single victim. The victim must be a human, demihuman, or humanoid. The hands will choke and strangle the affected victim for the duration of the spell; each round, the victim suffers {d4+2} hit points of damage from the choking hands. If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he suffers half-damage each round. Choke can be negated by dispel magic or a similar spell; the victim cannot wrench the ethereal hands away from his neck. The victim makes all attack rolls at a -2 penalty while affected by choke. (Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: 1/2), CHANGED: Choke -- Cost: 1 (null), CHANGED: Choke -- Sound: null (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Choke -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Filter -- Expression: Duration: {2*($WL) turn} Area of Effect: 10-foot radius sphere around creature touched This spell creates an invisible globe of protection that filters out all noxious elements from poisonous vapors; therefore, a creature protected by filter takes no damage and suffers no penalties from poison gas of any kind, including those created magically (such as stinking cloud). The exceptions are poisonous vapors created by a dragon's breath weapon (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon); in these cases, the creature protected by filter suffers half-damage. (Duration: {$L turn} Area of Effect: 10-foot radius sphere around creature touched This spell creates an invisible globe of protection that filters out all noxious elements from poisonous vapors; therefore, a creature protected by filter takes no damage and suffers no penalties from poison gas of any kind, including those created magically (such as stinking cloud). The exceptions are poisonous vapors created by a dragon's breath weapon (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon); in these cases, the creature protected by filter suffers half-damage.), CHANGED: Knock -- Expression: Range: 60 yds. Area of Effect: {10*($WL)} sq. ft The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard-locked doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains. If used to open a wizard-locked door, the spell does not remove the former spell, but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, it permanently opens locks or welds--although the former could be closed and locked again later. It does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a portcullis), nor does it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Each spell can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a portal. Thus if a door is locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, opening it requires two knock spells. In all cases, the location of the door or item must be known--the spell cannot be used against a wall in hopes of discovering a secret door. The reverse spell, lock, closes and locks a door or similar closure, provided there is a physical mechanism. It does not create a weld, but it locks physically operated locking mechanisms, set bars, and so on, up to two functions. (Range: 60 yds.), CHANGED: Knock -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10 sq. ft./level), CHANGED: Knock -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard-locked doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains. If used to open a wizard-locked door, the spell does not remove the former spell, but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, it permanently opens locks or welds--although the former could be closed and locked again later. It does not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a portcullis), nor does it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Note that the effect is limited by the area; a 3rd-level wizard can cast a knock spell on a door of 30 square feet or less (for example, a standard 4-ft. x 7-ft. door). Each spell can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a portal. Thus if a door is locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, opening it requires two knock spells. In all cases, the location of the door or item must be known--the spell cannot be used against a wall in hopes of discovering a secret door. The reverse spell, lock, closes and locks a door or similar closure, provided there is a physical mechanism. It does not create a weld, but it locks physically operated locking mechanisms, set bars, and so on, up to two functions. It cannot affect a portcullis. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Knock -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Magic Mouth -- Expression: Range: 10 yds. When this spell is cast, the wizard imbues the chosen object with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears and speaks its message when a specified event occurs. The message, which must be of 25 words or less, can be in any language known by the spellcaster, and can be delivered over a period of one turn. The mouth cannot speak magical spells or use command words. It does, however, move to the words articulated--if it is placed upon a statue, the mouth of the statue would actually move and appear to speak. Of course, the magic mouth can be placed upon a tree, rock, door, or any other object, excluding intelligent members of the animal or vegetable kingdoms. The spell functions when specific conditions are fulfilled, according to the command of the spellcaster. Some examples are to speak "to the first creature that touches you," or "to the first creature that passes within 30 feet." Commands can be as general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and audible triggers can be used, such as the following: "Speak only when a venerable female human carrying a sack of groat clusters sits crosslegged within 1 foot." Such visual triggers can react to a character using the disguise ability. Command range is {5*($WL) yards. The spell lasts until the speak command can be fulfilled; thus, the spell duration is variable. A magic mouth cannot distinguish invisible creatures, alignments, level, Hit Dice, or class, except by external garb. If desired, the effect can be keyed to a specific noise or spoken word. (Range: 10 yds.), CHANGED: Magic Mouth -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 object), CHANGED: Magic Mouth -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast, the wizard imbues the chosen object with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears and speaks its message when a specified event occurs. The message, which must be of 25 words or less, can be in any language known by the spellcaster, and can be delivered over a period of one turn. The mouth cannot speak magical spells or use command words. It does, however, move to the words articulated--if it is placed upon a statue, the mouth of the statue would actually move and appear to speak. Of course, the magic mouth can be placed upon a tree, rock, door, or any other object, excluding intelligent members of the animal or vegetable kingdoms. The spell functions when specific conditions are fulfilled, according to the command of the spellcaster. Some examples are to speak "to the first creature that touches you," or "to the first creature that passes within 30 feet." Commands can be as general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and audible triggers can be used, such as the following: "Speak only when a venerable female human carrying a sack of groat clusters sits crosslegged within 1 foot." Such visual triggers can react to a character using the disguise ability. Command range is 5 yards per level of the wizard, so a 6th-level wizard can command the magic mouth to speak at a maximum encounter range of 30 yards ("Speak when a winged creature comes within 30 yards."). The spell lasts until the speak command can be fulfilled; thus, the spell duration is variable. A magic mouth cannot distinguish invisible creatures, alignments, level, Hit Dice, or class, except by external garb. If desired, the effect can be keyed to a specific noise or spoken word. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Magic Mouth -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Maximilian's Earthan Grasp -- Expression: Range: {10+10*$WL} yards. Duration: {2*(3+$WL)} rounds.This spell causes an arm made of compacted soil to rise from the ground. The spell must be cast on open turf, such as a grassy field or a dirt floor. The earthen arm and hand (which are about the same size as a normal human limb) arise from the ground beneath one creature targeted by the caster. The hand attempts to grasp the creature's leg. The victim must attempt a saving throw; if successful, the hand sinks into the ground. Each round thereafter (until the spell ends or the target moves out of spell range), the hand has a {5*$WL}% chance of reappearing beneath the targeted creature, at which time another saving throw is required. If a saving throw is missed, the earthen limb firmly grasps and holds the creature in place. An individual held by the hand suffers a movement rate of 0, Armor Class penalty of -2, and attack penalty of -2. All Dexterity combat bonuses are negated. The hand causes no physical damage to the victim.The arm may be attacked by any creature, including the arm's victim. The arm has AC 5 and hit points equal to double the caster's maximum hit points (Max of 40). When the arm's hit points are reduced to zero or when the spell duration ends, the hand crumbles. (Range: 10 yards+10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds+1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special This spell causes an arm made of compacted soil to rise from the ground. The spell must be cast on open turf, such as a grassy field or a dirt floor.), CHANGED: Maximilian's Earthan Grasp -- Cost: 1 (The arm may be attacked by any creature, including the arm's victim. The arm has AC 5 and hit points equal to double the caster's maximum hit points. For example, a caster who normally has 15 hit points can create an earthen hand with 30 hit points. The maximum number of hit points that an earthen hand may have is 40. When the arm's hit points are reduced to zero or when the spell duration ends, the hand crumbles. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Maximilian's Earthan Grasp -- Sound: null (0), CHANGED: Maximilian's Earthan Grasp -- Effect: null (1). CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- Expression: Range: {30+(5*$WL)} yds. This spell causes a ghostly, glowing hand, shaped from the caster's life force, to materialize within the spell range and move as the caster desires. Any touch attack spell of 4th level or less that is subsequently cast by the wizard can be delivered by the spectral hand. The spell gives the caster a +2 bonus to his attack roll. The caster cannot perform any other actions when attacking with the hand; the hand returns to the caster and hovers if the caster takes other actions. The hand lasts the full spell duration unless dismissed by the caster, and it is possible to use more than one touch attack with it. The hand receives flank and rear attack bonuses if the caster is in a position to do so. The hand is vulnerable to magical attack but has an Armor Class of -2. Any damage to the hand ends the spell and inflicts {d4}damage to the caster (Range: 30 yds. + 5 yds./level), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 opponent), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None This spell causes a ghostly, glowing hand, shaped from the caster's life force, to materialize within the spell range and move as the caster desires. Any touch attack spell of 4th level or less that is subsequently cast by the wizard can be delivered by the spectral hand. The spell gives the caster a +2 bonus to his attack roll. The caster cannot perform any other actions when attacking with the hand; the hand returns to the caster and hovers if the caster takes other actions. The hand lasts the full spell duration unless dismissed by the caster, and it is possible to use more than one touch attack with it. The hand receives flank and rear attack bonuses if the caster is in a position to do so. The hand is vulnerable to magical attack but has an Armor Class of -2. Any damage to the hand ends the spell and inflicts 1d4 points of damage to the caster. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Spectral Hand -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Vocalize -- Expression: Duration: {2*5} rounds This spell allows the recipient to cast spells that normally require a verbal component without the caster needing to make a sound. Such spells must be cast within the duration of the vocalize spell. This spell is also useful in situations where quiet is desired, or when the recipient is under the influence of a silence spell. Vocalize does not negate a silence spell, but merely offsets it for the purpose of spell casting; if a spell caster under the effect of vocalize casts a spell that has some audible effect, that sound will be masked for as long as silence remains in force. Vocalize does not affect normal vocal communication. (Range: Touch Components: S, M Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: One spell-casting creature Saving Throw: None), CHANGED: Vocalize -- Cost: 1 (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Vocalize -- Sound: null (0), CHANGED: Vocalize -- Effect: null (1). CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- Expression: Duration: {2*($WL)} rds. This spell empowers the wizard to see in his mind whatever is within sight range from the spell locale chosen. Distance from the wizard is not a factor, but the locale must be known--familiar or obvious. Furthermore, light is a factor, as the spell does not enable the use of infravision or magical enhancements. If the area is magically dark, only darkness is seen; if naturally pitch dark, only a 10-foot radius from the center of the spell's area of effect can be seen. Otherwise, the seeing extends to the normal vision range according to the prevailing light. Lead sheeting or magical protection foils a clairvoyance spell, and the wizard has some indication that it is so blocked. The spell creates an invisible sensor, similar to that created by a crystal ball spell, that can be dispelled. The spell functions only on the wizard's current plane of existence. (Range: Unlimited), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- Cost: 1 (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Area of Effect: Line of sight), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- Sound: null (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Similar to the clairaudience spell, the clairvoyance spell empowers the wizard to see in his mind whatever is within sight range from the spell locale chosen. Distance from the wizard is not a factor, but the locale must be known--familiar or obvious. Furthermore, light is a factor, as the spell does not enable the use of infravision or magical enhancements. If the area is magically dark, only darkness is seen; if naturally pitch dark, only a 10-foot radius from the center of the spell's area of effect can be seen. Otherwise, the seeing extends to the normal vision range according to the prevailing light. Lead sheeting or magical protection foils a clairvoyance spell, and the wizard has some indication that it is so blocked. The spell creates an invisible sensor, similar to that created by a crystal ball spell, that can be dispelled. The spell functions only on the wizard's current plane of existence. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Clairvoyance -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Haste -- Expression: Range: 60 yds.Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube, creatures. Duration: {2*(3 +$L)} rounds. When this spell is cast, each affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up. Note that this spell negates the effects of a slow spell. Additionally, this spell ages the recipient by one year, because of sped-up metabolic processes. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic. (Range: 60 yds.), CHANGED: Haste -- Cost: 0 (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube,), CHANGED: Haste -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None 1 creature/level Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.When this spell is cast, each affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round. Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up. The number of creatures that can be affected is equal to the caster's experience level; those creatures closest to the center of effect are affected first. All affected by haste must be in the designated area of effect. Note that this spell negates the effects of a slow spell. Additionally, this spell ages the recipient by one year, because of sped-up metabolic processes. This spell is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Haste -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Hold Person -- Expression: Range: 120 yds Duration:{2*$WL}. This spell holds {d4} humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures rigidly immobile.The hold person spell affects any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man size or smaller, including brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. The spell is centered on a point selected by the caster; it affects persons selected by the caster within the area of effect. If the spell is cast at three or four people, each gets an unmodified saving throw. If only two people are being enspelled, each makes his saving throw with a -1 penalty. If the spell is cast at only one person, the saving throw suffers a -3 penalty. Saving throws are adjusted for Wisdom. Held beings cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subjects' condition due to wounds, disease, or poison. The caster can end the spell with a single utterance at any time. (Range: 120 yds Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Duration: 2 rds./level), CHANGED: Hold Person -- Cost: 1 (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.This spell holds 1d4 humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures rigidly immobile for five or more rounds.), CHANGED: Hold Person -- Sound: null (The hold person spell affects any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man size or smaller, including brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others.), CHANGED: Hold Person -- Effect: null (The spell is centered on a point selected by the caster; it affects persons selected by the caster within the area of effect. If the spell is cast at three or four people, each gets an unmodified saving throw. If only two people are being enspelled, each makes his saving throw with a -1 penalty. If the spell is cast at only one person, the saving throw suffers a -3 penalty. Saving throws are adjusted for Wisdom. Those succeeding on their saving throws are unaffected by the spell. Undead creatures cannot be held. Held beings cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subjects' condition due to wounds, disease, or poison. The caster can end the spell with a single utterance at any time; otherwise, the duration is 10 rounds at 5th level, 12 rounds at 6th level, 14 rounds at 7th level, etc.). CHANGED: Item -- Expression: Duration: {2*(4*($WL)} hrs. Area of Effect: {2*($WL) cu. ft.By means of this spell, the wizard is able to shrink one nonmagical item (if it is within the size limit) to 1/12 of its normal size. Optionally, the caster can also change its now-shrunken composition to a clothlike one. An object in the possession of another creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Objects changed by an item spell can be returned to normal composition and size merely by tossing them onto any solid surface or by a word of command from the original spellcaster. Even a burning fire and its fuel can be shrunk by this spell. (Range: Touch), CHANGED: Item -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 2 cu. ft./level), CHANGED: Item -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: Special By means of this spell, the wizard is able to shrink one nonmagical item (if it is within the size limit) to 1/12 of its normal size. Optionally, the caster can also change its now-shrunken composition to a clothlike one. An object in the possession of another creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. Objects changed by an item spell can be returned to normal composition and size merely by tossing them onto any solid surface or by a word of command from the original spellcaster. Even a burning fire and its fuel can be shrunk by this spell. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Item -- Effect: null (0). CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- Effect: lighting (null). CHANGED: Monster Summoning 1 -- Expression: Within one round of casting this spell, the wizard magically conjures {2d4} 1st-level monsters (selected by the DM, from his 1st-level encounter tables). The monsters appear anywhere within the spell's area of effect, as desired by the wizard. They attack the spell user's opponents to the best of their ability until either he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale, but they vanish when slain. Note that if no opponent exists to fight, summoned monsters can, if the wizard can communicate with them and if they are physically able, perform other services for the summoning wizard. In rare cases, adventurers have been known to disappear, summoned by powerful spellcasters using this spell. Those summoned recall all the details of their trip. (Range: Special), CHANGED: Monster Summoning 1 -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30-yd. radius), CHANGED: Monster Summoning 1 -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None Within one round of casting this spell, the wizard magically conjures 2d4 1st-level monsters (selected by the DM, from his 1st-level encounter tables). The monsters appear anywhere within the spell's area of effect, as desired by the wizard. They attack the spell user's opponents to the best of their ability until either he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale, but they vanish when slain. Note that if no opponent exists to fight, summoned monsters can, if the wizard can communicate with them and if they are physically able, perform other services for the summoning wizard. In rare cases, adventurers have been known to disappear, summoned by powerful spellcasters using this spell. Those summoned recall all the details of their trip.), CHANGED: Monster Summoning 1 -- Effect: null (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.). CHANGED: Slow -- Expression: Range: {90+10*$WL} yds Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube creatures. Duration: {2*(3 +$L)} rounds. Saving throws against the spell suffer a -4 penalty. A slow spell causes affected creatures to move and attack at half their normal rates. It negates a haste spell or equivalent, but does not otherwise affect magically speeded or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures have an Armor Class penalty of +4 AC, an attack penalty of -4, and all Dexterity combat bonuses are negated. (Range: 90 yds. + 10 yds./level), CHANGED: Slow -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 40-ft. cube,), CHANGED: Slow -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: Neg. 1 creature/level), CHANGED: Slow -- Effect: null (A slow spell causes affected creatures to move and attack at half their normal rates. It negates a haste spell or equivalent, but does not otherwise affect magically speeded or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures have an Armor Class penalty of +4 AC, an attack penalty of -4, and all Dexterity combat bonuses are negated. The magic affects a number of creatures equal to the spellcaster's level, if they are within the area of effect chosen by the wizard (i.e., a 40-foot cubic volume centered as called for by the caster). The creatures are affected from the center of the spell outward. Saving throws against the spell suffer a -4 penalty. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.). CHANGED: Suggestion -- Expression: Range: 30 yds. When this spell is cast by the wizard, he influences the actions of the chosen recipient by the utterance of a few words--phrases or a sentence or two--suggesting a course of action desirable to the spellcaster. The creature to be influenced must, of course, be able to understand the wizard's suggestion--it must be spoken in a language that the spell recipient understands. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the action sound reasonable; asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. However, a suggestion that a pool of acid was actually pure water and that a quick dip would be refreshing is another matter. Urging a red dragon to stop attacking the wizard's party so that the dragon and party could jointly loot a rich treasure elsewhere is likewise a reasonable use of the spell's power. The course of action of a suggestion can continue in effect for a considerable duration {2*(1+$WL)hr, such as in the case of the red dragon mentioned above. Conditions that will trigger a special action can also be specified; if the condition is not met before the spell expires, the action will not be performed. If the target successfully rolls its saving throw, the spell has no effect. Note that a very reasonable suggestion causes the saving throw to be made with a penalty (such as -1, -2, etc.) at the discretion of the DM. Undead are not subject to suggestion. (Range: 30 yds.), CHANGED: Suggestion -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature), CHANGED: Suggestion -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: Neg. When this spell is cast by the wizard, he influences the actions of the chosen recipient by the utterance of a few words--phrases or a sentence or two--suggesting a course of action desirable to the spellcaster. The creature to be influenced must, of course, be able to understand the wizard's suggestion--it must be spoken in a language that the spell recipient understands.), CHANGED: Suggestion -- Effect: null (The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the action sound reasonable; asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. However, a suggestion that a pool of acid was actually pure water and that a quick dip would be refreshing is another matter. Urging a red dragon to stop attacking the wizard's party so that the dragon and party could jointly loot a rich treasure elsewhere is likewise a reasonable use of the spell's power. The course of action of a suggestion can continue in effect for a considerable duration, such as in the case of the red dragon mentioned above. Conditions that will trigger a special action can also be specified; if the condition is not met before the spell expires, the action will not be performed. If the target successfully rolls its saving throw, the spell has no effect. Note that a very reasonable suggestion causes the saving throw to be made with a penalty (such as -1, -2, etc.) at the discretion of the DM. Undead are not subject to suggestion. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.). CHANGED: Water Breathing -- Expression: Duration: {2*(($WL)+(d4))} hrs. The recipient of a water breathing spell is able to breathe water freely for the duration of the spell. The caster can touch more than one creature with a single casting; in this case the duration is divided by the number of creatures touched. The reverse, air breathing enables water-breathing creatures to comfortably survive in the atmosphere for an equal duration. (Range: Touch), CHANGED: Water Breathing -- Cost: 1 (Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched), CHANGED: Water Breathing -- Sound: null (Saving Throw: None The recipient of a water breathing spell is able to breathe water freely for the duration of the spell. The caster can touch more than one creature with a single casting; in this case the duration is divided by the number of creatures touched. The reverse, air breathing enables water-breathing creatures to comfortably survive in the atmosphere for an equal duration.), CHANGED: Water Breathing -- Effect: null (Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.). CHANGED: Watery Double -- Expression: This spell may be cast on any body of liquid as large as an ocean or as small as a glass of wine. The first creature whose reflection is cast on the surface of the liquid releases the spell. When the spell is triggered, the liquid immediately forms an exact three-dimensional image of the reflected creature. If more than one creature casts a reflection simultaneously, only one watery double forms. Each creature has an equal chance of being the victim of the spell (roll randomly). The size of the watery double is restricted by the volume of fluid available. If the spell were cast on a full mug of ale, the double would form from the ale, becoming a mug-sized duplicate of the victim. The watery double will never exceed the actual size of the victim regardless of the size of the body of liquid. When the spell is cast on the liquid, its duration is considered permanent until the power is released by a creature's reflection. The liquid will not evaporate until the spell is triggered. When the watery double forms, it remains animated for {2*($WL) rounds, to a maximum of 10 rounds. The watery double attempts to touch the creature it has duplicated. It can affect only the creature that it resembles. It has the same THAC0 and current hit points as the creature it duplicates, but cannot cast spells or use any of the creature's magical items or special abilities. The watery double is AC 6 and its movement rate is double that of the victim. It may seep under doors and through cracks. If the watery double succeeds in touching the creature, it merges with the individual, covering his entire body in a skin of liquid. The victim must attempt a saving throw. If successful, the creature has resisted the spell's effect and the watery double "dies," becoming normal fluid (and soaking the creature in the process). If the saving throw is failed, the watery double begins forcing its way into the victim's body, inflicting {d8+2} points of damage per round until it is destroyed. The watery double dissipates if reduced to zero hit points or when the spell's duration expires. Striking the watery double while it is wrapped around its victim causes an equal amount of damage to the victim. Part water, lower water, and transmute water to dust spells instantly destroy a watery double. (Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special; max. 10 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: One body of liquid Saving Throw: Neg. This spell may be cast on any body of liquid as large as an ocean or as small as a glass of wine. The first creature whose reflection is cast on the surface of the liquid releases the spell. When the spell is triggered, the liquid immediately forms an exact three-dimensional image of the reflected creature. If more than one creature casts a reflection simultaneously, only one watery double forms. Each creature has an equal chance of being the victim of the spell (roll randomly). The size of the watery double is restricted by the volume of fluid available. If the spell were cast on a full mug of ale, the double would form from the ale, becoming a mug-sized duplicate of the victim. The watery double will never exceed the actual size of the victim regardless of the size of the body of liquid.), CHANGED: Watery Double -- Cost: 1 (If the watery double succeeds in touching the creature, it merges with the individual, covering his entire body in a skin of liquid. The victim must attempt a saving throw. If successful, the creature has resisted the spell's effect and the watery double "dies," becoming normal fluid (and soaking the creature in the process). If the saving throw is failed, the watery double begins forcing its way into the victim's body, inflicting 1d8 points of damage per round until it is destroyed. The watery double dissipates if reduced to zero hit points or when the spell's duration expires. Striking the watery double while it is wrapped around its victim causes an equal amount of damage to the victim. Part water, lower water, and transmute water to dust spells instantly destroy a watery double. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Watery Double -- Sound: null (0), CHANGED: Watery Double -- Effect: null (1). CHANGED: Phantasmal Killer -- Expression: "I search deep into your mind and bring forth your most deepest fears." When this spell is cast, I create the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the victim, simply by forming the fears of the victim's subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize--the most horrible beast. Only the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer (the caster sees only a shadowy shape), but if it succeeds in scoring a hit, the subject dies from fright. The beast attacks as a 4 Hit Dice monster. It is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass through any barriers, Once cast, it inexorably pursues the subject, for it exists only in the subject's mind. The only defenses against a phantasmal killer are an attempt to disbelieve (which can be tried but once), slaying or rendering unconscious the wizard who cast the spell, or rendering unconscious the target of the spell for its duration {2*($WL)} rds. To disbelieve the killer, the subject must specifically state the attempt and then roll an Intelligence check. This roll has a -1 penalty for every four levels of the caster.Special modifiers apply to this attack: Magic resistance, bonuses against fear, and Wisdom adjustments also apply. The subject's magic resistance is checked first; if the spell overcomes the resistance, the subject's fear/Wisdom bonuses (if any) then apply as negative modifiers to his Intelligence check. If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving, and he is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the wizard, who must then disbelieve it or be subject to its attack and possible effects. If the subject ignores the killer to perform other actions, such as attacking the caster, the killer may, at the DM's option, gain bonuses to hit (for flank or rear attacks, etc.). Spells such as remove fear and cloak of bravery, cast after the killer has attacked, grant another check to disbelieve the effect. ("I search deep into your mind and bring forth your most deepest fears." When this spell is cast, I create the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the victim, simply by forming the fears of the victim's subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize--the most horrible beast. Only the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer (the caster sees only a shadowy shape), but if it succeeds in scoring a hit, the subject dies from fright. The beast attacks as a 4 Hit Dice monster. It is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass through any barriers, Once cast, it inexorably pursues the subject, for it exists only in the subject's mind. The only defenses against a phantasmal killer are an attempt to disbelieve (which can be tried but once), slaying or rendering unconscious the wizard who cast the spell, or rendering unconscious the target of the spell for its duration. To disbelieve the killer, the subject must specifically state the attempt and then roll an Intelligence check. This roll has a -1 penalty for every four levels of the caster.Special modifiers apply to this attack: Magic resistance, bonuses against fear, and Wisdom adjustments also apply. The subject's magic resistance is checked first; if the spell overcomes the resistance, the subject's fear/Wisdom bonuses (if any) then apply as negative modifiers to his Intelligence check. If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving, and he is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the wizard, who must then disbelieve it or be subject to its attack and possible effects. If the subject ignores the killer to perform other actions, such as attacking the caster, the killer may, at the DM's option, gain bonuses to hit (for flank or rear attacks, etc.). Spells such as remove fear and cloak of bravery, cast after the killer has attacked, grant another check to disbelieve the effect.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Roman Candle free, 3, 3, By my Arcane magical mystical might I cast the Roman candle spell and fire small balls of light in a brightly colored array from a silver tube for {2*(1+2+($WL))} rounds. The balls shoot out a rate of fire determined by me, but they cannot be fired faster than one ball every 20 seconds nor slower than one per round. I can target each ball separately. The balls are shot as if missile weapons fired by a warrior of {($WL)+2} level. Upon impact, each ball inflicts {($WL)+2+2} hp damage. If the ball misses, it travels to its range limit (unless it hits another object in the line of fire) and explodes, inflicting {1+2} hp damage on anyone within a 5’ radius. I must continue to direct the silver tube or (unless I discontinues the spell) the balls go off in the direction the tube is facing until the spell expires. If cast at a rate of one per round, the I can place the tube in a safe place and cast another spell as with Melf’s minute meteors. The rate of fire cannot be changed once the spell is cast., 1, 0, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/Fireball.wav, sun. ADDED: Phantasmal Killer free, 4, 4, "I search deep into your mind and bring forth your most deepest fears." When this spell is cast, I create the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the victim, simply by forming the fears of the victim's subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize--the most horrible beast. Only the spell recipient can see the phantasmal killer (the caster sees only a shadowy shape), but if it succeeds in scoring a hit, the subject dies from fright. The beast attacks as a 4 Hit Dice monster. It is invulnerable to all attacks and can pass through any barriers, Once cast, it inexorably pursues the subject, for it exists only in the subject's mind. The only defenses against a phantasmal killer are an attempt to disbelieve (which can be tried but once), slaying or rendering unconscious the wizard who cast the spell, or rendering unconscious the target of the spell for its duration {2*($WL)} rds. To disbelieve the killer, the subject must specifically state the attempt and then roll an Intelligence check. This roll has a -1 penalty for every four levels of the caster.Special modifiers apply to this attack: Magic resistance, bonuses against fear, and Wisdom adjustments also apply. The subject's magic resistance is checked first; if the spell overcomes the resistance, the subject's fear/Wisdom bonuses (if any) then apply as negative modifiers to his Intelligence check. If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving, and he is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned upon the wizard, who must then disbelieve it or be subject to its attack and possible effects. If the subject ignores the killer to perform other actions, such as attacking the caster, the killer may, at the DM's option, gain bonuses to hit (for flank or rear attacks, etc.). Spells such as remove fear and cloak of bravery, cast after the killer has attacked, grant another check to disbelieve the effect., 1, 0, null, null. ADDED: Special Effects, 4, 4, Duration: {2*($WL) trns. With this spell, the caster can shape the physical characteristics of his fireworks spells. This spell also effects any spell that can be bound by a display spell. Thus a wall of fog can be formed into a mountain shape, or a starburst can burst into a phalanx of spears. The caster "shapes" his fireworks spells as he casts them, adding half a round to the casting time of each individual spell., 0, 1, null, null. ADDED: Starburst, 4, 4, RANGE: {180+ {20*$WL} yrds. Perhaps the most spectacular of the fireworks spells; starburst creates a huge aerial burst of colored sparks. It must be fired upwards at least at a 45 degrees angle from the horizontal. The initial effect is a 1’ diameter ball of light that explodes at a designated point and sends multicolored sparks outward in a brilliant display. Any creature caught in the area of effect suffers {2d4+(2*2)+($WL)} damage save for half. The initial ball of light must travel for at least 90’ or it fails. I can add a thunderclap sound at the casting of the spell, increasing the casting time to 6. The thunderclap causes deafness to all in the area of effect, inflicting on them a 2 point penalty on die rolls., 0, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. Wealth - ADDED: 10x2000 gp gems, null, null. Saving Throws - Armor - Notes - Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Wand of Flame Extinguishing, Flame Out!, 50, 1. Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - CHANGED: Wand of Flame Extinguishing -- Acquired: Yola (null), CHANGED: Amulet of Salt -- Acquired: Yola (null), CHANGED: Ring of Telekinesis 500lbs -- Acquired: Sarzec (null), CHANGED: Cube of force -- Acquired: Yola (null), Combat - Misc. Attributes - Sound File: - Custom Expressions - DELETED: Look deep into my eyes. I see your greatest fear., Mobuto suddenly becomes cloaked in deep shadows and he penatrates the depth of your very soul pulling forth DEATH INCARNATE!!. ADDED: Free Continual Light:Mobuto raises his staff and with an air of magesty and authority commands it to cast the spell - Continual Light (free charge 1/day), I create a permanent light as bright as daylight with a 60 foot radius area of effect, range 60 yards. ADDED: Free Feather Fall:Mobuto raises his staff and with an air of magesty and authority commands it to cast the spell - Featherfall (free charge 1/day), By the power Ephemereal Halt thy swift decent {200+200*($WL)}lbs in a 10 foot cube for {2*$WL} rounds. ADDED: Look deep into my eyes. I see your greatest FEAR., Mobuto suddenly becomes cloaked in deep shadows and he penatrates the depth of your very soul pulling forth FEAR!! {2*($WL)} rds. ADDED: Look deep into my eyes. I see DEATH INCARNATE., Mobuto suddenly becomes cloaked in deep shadows and he penatrates the depth of your very soul pulling forth DEATH INCARNATE!! {2*($WL)} rds. ADDED: Magical figurine Tanari, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of strange dark metal! "Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realms of the Darkness and Despair, from the Abyss a being of Ultimate Power and Might and Evil! Come forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Come from the portal, cross time and space. Destroy my enemies at my command." As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing light erupts from the figurine and a behemouth of unspeakable evil a Tanari of {2*($WL)} Hit Dice with (2*($WL))d$WL} hitpoints comes forth from the portal!!. ADDED: Magical figurine Baatezu, Mobuto reaches into the pocket of robe and pulls forth a figurine made of strange dark metal! Now I call upon my ultimate magic- The True Magic Arcana I summon forth from the furthest regions of the cosmos, from the realms of the Darkness and Despair, from Hell a being of Ultimate Power and Might and Evil! Come forth my pet, come and aid me in my time of need to do my bidding. Come from the portal, cross time and space. Destroy my enemies at my command. As these words are spoke he breaks the figurine and bright glowing light erupts from the figurine and a behemouth of unspeakable evil a Baatezu of {2*($WL) Hit Dice with {(2*($WL))d$WL} hitpoints comes forth from the portal!!. ADDED: Ring of Telekinesis, Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 200 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 500 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 20 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.. ADDED: Cube of Force Face 1, Charge Cost Per Turn: 1, Movement Rate: 1, Effect: I put up a wall of force 10 feet per side that keeps out gases, wind, etc.. ADDED: Cube of Force Face 2, Charge Cost Per Turn: 2, Movement Rate: 8, Effect: I put up a wall of force 10 feet per side that keeps out nonliving matter. ADDED: Cube of Force Face 3, Charge Cost Per Turn: 3, Movement Rate: 6, Effect: I put up a wall of force 10 feet per side that keeps out living matter. ADDED: Cube of Force Face 4, Charge Cost Per Turn: 4, Movement Rate: 4, Effect: I put up a wall of force 10 feet per side that keeps out magic. ADDED: Cube of Force Face 5, Charge Cost Per Turn: 6, Movement Rate: 3, Effect: I put up a wall of force 10 feet per side that keeps out all things. Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment - DELETED: null, null. DELETED: null, null. DELETED: null, null. ADDED: Rations and water and ale for 1 day for 10 people, null. ADDED: null, null. ADDED: null, null.

[mikE] not me

[Ailea Morakenn (Client) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 5 (3). Weapons - CHANGED: Fist -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Cure Light Wounds -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Cure Moderate Wounds -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Cause Moderate Wounds -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Cause Light Wounds -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Dust Devil -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Magic Missle -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Agannazar's Scorcher -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Battering Ram Fist -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Battering Ram Distance -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Fire Burst -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Flaming Sphere -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Lightning Bug -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Fireball -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Magic Disk -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Magic Disk Single Hit -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Gauntlet -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Nystul's Blackmote -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Nystul's Blazing Beam UNDEAD -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Nystul's Crystal Dagger -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Otiluke's Boiling Oil Bath -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Spark Shower (metal) -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Spark Shower (no metal) -- #: null (--), CHANGED: Lion's Claws -- #: null (--), ADDED: Gauntlet san adamantite, null, null, null, 2, +2, +3, 2d4, 2d4, null, $THAC0, C:/Program Files/klooge2/sounds/attacks/punch5.wav, null, null, null. Ability Scores - Reaction Adjust: (RA) : CHANGED: +2 (+3). Defensive Adjust: (DEF) : CHANGED: -4 (-3). Add'l Languages:: CHANGED: 6 (5). Loyalty Adjust: (LADJ) : CHANGED: 0 ()). Max # of Henchmen:: CHANGED: 4 (5). Reaction Adjust: (RADJ) : CHANGED: +6 (+2). Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Musical Instrument, 1, $D, -1. Spells - CHANGED: Gauntlet -- Expression: By my Ancestor's spirits surround my hand with a magic translucent, silent, nonconductive force for {9+$L/2} rounds. You are powerful so it can't be crushed and I can use it to wedge open doors and portcullis,etc. I can remove it from my hand but can't put it back on. I can hit my enimies for {2d4} points of damage, and it is considered a +4 magical weapon. Your mystical protection allows me to touch or handle heat, acid and other flesh corrosive substance and boiling liquids without harm. I thank you spirits that no diseases can be transmitted by or cling to it. No substanc or creature can adhere to it no matter what method used. I can not cast spells but can dispell it by silent will. (By my Ancestor's spirits surround my hand with a magic translucent, silent, nonconductive force for 9 rounds. You are powerful so it can't be crushed and I can use it to wedge open doors and portcullis,etc. I can remove it from my hand but can't put it back on. I can hit my enimies for {2d4} points of damage, and it is considered a +4 magical weapon. Your mystical protection allows me to touch or handle heat, acid and other flesh corrosive substance and boiling liquids without harm. I thank you spirits that no diseases can be transmitted by or cling to it. No substanc or creature can adhere to it no matter what method used. I can not cast spells but can dispell it by silent will.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Heat Metal -- Expression: Range: 40 yds Duration: 7 rds [{7+$L/2} rounds Ailea]. By means of the heat metal spell, the caster is able to make ferrous metal (iron, iron alloys, steel) extremely hot. Elven chain mail is not affected, and magical metal armor receives an item saving throw vs. magical fire to avoid being heated. On the first round of the spell, the metal merely becomes very warm and uncomfortable to touch (this is also the effect on the last melee round of the spell's duration). During the second and sixth (next to the last) rounds, heat causes blisters and damage; in the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, the metal becomes searing hot, causing damage to exposed flesh. On the final round of searing, the afflicted creature must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer one of the following disabilities: hand or foot--becomes unusable for {2d4} days; body--becomes disabled for {d4} days; head--fall unconscious for {d4} turns. Round one no damage, round two {d4} damage, round 3, 4, 5 (Ailea 6,7 also) {2d4} damage, round 6 (Ailea round 8) {d4}, round 7 (Ailea round 9) no damage. This effect can be completely removed by the 6th-level priest spell heal spell or by normal rest. Note also that materials such as wood, leather, or flammable cloth smolder and burn if exposed to searing hot metal. Such materials cause searing damage to exposed flesh on the next round. Fire resistance (spell, potion, or ring) or a protection from fire spell totally negates the effects of a heat metal spell, as does immersion in water or snow, or exposure to a cold or ice storm spell. This version of the spell does not function under water. For every two experience levels of the caster, the metal of one man-sized creature can be affected (i.e., arms and armor, or a single mass of metal equal to 50 pounds of weight). (Range: 40 yds Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.Duration: 7 rds. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.y means of the heat metal spell, the caster is able to make ferrous metal (iron, iron alloys, steel) extremely hot. Elven chain mail is not affected, and magical metal armor receives an item saving throw vs. magical fire to avoid being heated. The material component is a holy symbol. On the first round of the spell, the metal merely becomes very warm and uncomfortable to touch (this is also the effect on the last melee round of the spell's duration). During the second and sixth (next to the last) rounds, heat causes blisters and damage; in the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, the metal becomes searing hot, causing damage to exposed flesh, as shown below: Metal Temperature Damage per Round very warm none hot 1d4 points searing* 2d4 points * On the final round of searing, the afflicted creature must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer one of the following disabilities: hand or foot--becomes unusable for 2d4 days; body--becomes disabled for 1d4 days; head--fall unconscious for 1d4 turns. This effect can be completely removed by the 6th-level priest spell heal spell or by normal rest. Note also that materials such as wood, leather, or flammable cloth smolder and burn if exposed to searing hot metal. Such materials cause searing damage to exposed flesh on the next round. Fire resistance (spell, potion, or ring) or a protection from fire spell totally negates the effects of a heat metal spell, as does immersion in water or snow, or exposure to a cold or ice storm spell. This version of the spell does not function under water. For every two experience levels of the caster, the metal of one man-sized creature can be affected (i.e., arms and armor, or a single mass of metal equal to 50 pounds of weight). Thus, a 3rd-level caster would affect one such creature, a 4th- or 5th-level caster two, etc. The reverse of the spell, chill metal, counters a heat metal spell or else causes metal to act as follows: Metal Temperature Damage per Round cold none icy 1-2 points freezing* 1d4 points * On the final round of freezing, the afflicted creature must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer from the numbing effects of the cold. This causes the loss of all feeling in a hand (or hands, if the DM rules the saving throw was failed badly) for 1d4 days. During this time, the character's grip is extremely weak and he cannot use that hand for fighting or any other activity requiring a firm grasp. The chill metal spell is countered by a resist cold spell, or by any great heat--proximity to a blazing fire (not a mere torch), a magical flaming sword, a wall of fire spell, etc. Under water, this version of the spell inflicts no damage, but ice immediately forms around the affected metal, exerting an upward buoyancy. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.), CHANGED: Banish Blight -- Expression: I call on the Spirits of Nature to restore you plant back to health. You oh sentient or mobile plant I heal you of{d10+4} points of damage (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Cast Level: 2 (3), CHANGED: Detect Charm -- Expression: Ah ha! You are under the effects of a love potion. Now let me see if I can tell if it is Love Potion #9. I have a {5*$L}% chance and the spirits give me {d100} (I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns), CHANGED: Eyes of Fire -- Expression: It causes my left eye to shoot a beam of fire that does points of damage to a max of 10d4 , and to undead to a max of 10d6. each creature gets a save vs spell for 1/2 damge Exposed items must make separate rolls to sv. (iIt causes my left eye to shoot a beam of fire that does points of damage to a max of 10d4 , and to undead to a max of 10d6. each creature gets a save vs spell for 1/2 damge Exposed items must make separate rolls to sv.), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Chill Metal, 2, 2, Range: 40 yds Duration: 7 rds [{7+$L/2} rounds Ailea]. The reverse of the heat metal spelll, chill metal, counters a heat metal spell. Elven chain mail is not affected, and magical metal armor receives an item saving throw vs. magical fire to avoid being chilled. Round one no damage, round two {d2} damage, round 3, 4, 5 (Ailea 6,7 also) {d4} damage, round 6 (Ailea round 8) {d2}, round 7 (Ailea round 9) no damage. On the final round of freezing the afflicted creature must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer from the numbing effects of the cold. This causes the loss of all feeling in a hand (or hands, if the DM rules the saving throw was failed badly) for {d4} days. During this time, the character's grip is extremely weak and he cannot use that hand for fighting or any other activity requiring a firm grasp. The chill metal spell is countered by a resist cold spell, or by any great heat--proximity to a blazing fire (not a mere torch), a magical flaming sword, a wall of fire spell, etc. Under water, this version of the spell inflicts no damage, but ice immediately forms around the affected metal, exerting an upward buoyancy., --, 1, null, null. ADDED: Banish Blight, 2, 2, null, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Detect Charm, 3, 3, I can detect if a person or monster is under the influence of a charm spell or similiar control . The creature gets a saving throw if it fails then I can tell further that {5*$L}% the exact type of influence. I can do 1 creature per round and the duration is {1+$L/2} turns, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: Wall of Water, 3, 3, Create a column of water, --, 1, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. 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ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. Wealth - Saving Throws - Armor - DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: +4 (+3). Notes - Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Rod of Resurection, Arise!!!, 10, 1. Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Custom Expressions - Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment -

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

[BiBo's taken over] so, who's client?

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

Sean has joined the game

[Fritz] That is me

[Fritz] New update erased my name

[mikE] (d10) [4] 4

[BiBo's taken over] gotcha

[Fritz] Even changed my chat color

[BiBo's taken over] Roll #1: (d12) [4] 4

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] But I can roll this way ... (d20) [12] 12

[Sean] E. L. Fudge: Resurrection Survival check: (d100) [55] 55. PROBABLY FAILS against (80%) [80] -1

[BOB] Hagar: Armorer check: (d20) [11] 11. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (14+0) [14+0] 14!!!

[Hagar (BOB)] Hagar: Attack #1: Hand axe: (14-(d20+2)) [14-(13+2)] -1

[BiBo's taken over] at least those are working

Jess has joined the game

[Fritz] Hi Jess

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I think I prefer rolling this way ... (d5000) [4253] 4253

[BiBo's taken over] alright, so, there ya are, what are ya doing?

[Fritz] I have a surprise for you

[Jess] hello

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d-2) -1

[Jess] sorry i'm late

[Jess] you do?

[BiBo's taken over] me too!

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d10) [9] 9

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 16000 (8000). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 44 (36). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 44 (36). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 17 (18).

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d0.) 0

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d0.5) 0

[BiBo's taken over] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-40) - Disabled

[Fritz] Where are they Marco?

[BiBo's taken over] surprise!

[Jess] huh?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (dfoo) -1

[Fritz] shit

[Jess] what the hell happened?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d3.1415926) [2] 2

[BiBo's taken over] they're only on the tree

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d4-5) [4-5] -1

BOB is receiving the map...

BOB has received the map.

[BiBo's taken over] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (40) - Unharmed

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d10-d20) [4-9] -5

[Jess] dont play like that, Bibo

[Jess] makes me nervous

[Fritz] Make them visible I can't see them

Hagar (BOB) is now controlling Hagar

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d{d10) -1

[BiBo's taken over] :)

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (dd10) -1

Mobuto (Fritz) is now controlling Mobuto

[BiBo's taken over] they are visible, just not on the map

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d{d6) -1

Wolf Moradred (Fritz) is now controlling Wolf Moradred

Ailea Morakenn (Fritz) is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] drat! can't crash kLoOge!

[BiBo's taken over] in the tree

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d10) [7] 7

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ( )

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] d( )

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d13) [6] 6

[BiBo's taken over] now one's on the map :-P

[Fritz] oh ok have it show character sheet marco

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (d123456789012345678901234567890) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] %

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] %d

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] (%d) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ($on) -1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] $

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] $N

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] $N

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] $TR

[Fritz] Sean stop spamming please

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] ($tr) -1

[BiBo's taken over] should be able to access it

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh please, let me have my fun trying to crash kLoOge ...

[Fritz] marco can you give it a charcter sheet?

[BiBo's taken over] I gotta give it a character sheet now? all these demands, they are damaging to my demeanor

[Fritz] I know I know

[Fritz] But you are still a cool dude

[BiBo's taken over] though it has a character sheet

[BiBo's taken over] least one I can look at

[Fritz] Hmmmm add it to my character see if I can access it then

[Fritz] use pick up item

[Fritz] make it a public character sheet maybe?

[Antarias (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Ability Scores - Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: 70. ADDED: 14. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 84. ADDED: 110. ADDED: 0. ADDED: 110.

[Fritz] Bob are you out there helping?

[BiBo's taken over] do we need to worry about this now?

[mikE] okay, so we're jumping in then?

[Fritz] Yes Kinda

[mikE] no we don't fritz.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo's taken over] what is it for?

[Hagar (BOB)] fritz did you want to do the fly over to be sure of the hole to jump in?

[Fritz] It is for my spells and for jess's figurine

[mikE] that's not vital to the game tonight.

[Jess] my ferret?

[BiBo's taken over] you have one

[Fritz] Bob help so I can load the items character sheet pelase

[mikE] let's try and get this done tonight.

[Fritz] If bob will help this will go fast

[mikE] so who's up for jumping in the hole we are 80% sure of?

[Hagar (BOB)] I can not do anything

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[Hagar (BOB)] Marco has to load it

[Jess] i still dont know what's going on

[Jess] what hole?

[BiBo's taken over] try the one that say try this

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] One of the many holes around this temple thingy

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] one of them is the oe we need to jump into

[BiBo's taken over] lookit the map, there's tons of holes

[Jess] aah

[No Name (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for No Name modified: Weapons - ADDED: Bite, null, null, null, null, null, null, 2*d6, 2*d6, null, $THAC0, null, null, null, null. ADDED: Blood Drain, null, null, null, null, null, null, 2*d6, 2*d6, null, null, null, null, null, null. Ability Scores - Saving Throws - ADDED: 13. ADDED: 15. ADDED: 14. ADDED: 16. ADDED: 16. Armor - ADDED: 5. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 5. ADDED: Notes - ADDED: Personal Information - ADDED: Ferret Figurine of Wonderous Power. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: S. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 12. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Combat - ADDED: 3. ADDED: 3. ADDED: 20. ADDED: ADDED: 1. ADDED: Misc. Attributes - Icon Size:: CHANGED: 4.0 (2.5). Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - ADDED: THIEF SKILLS, null, null, null. ADDED: Pick Pockets, 70, Base:70/DX:0/Race:0, null. ADDED: Move Silently, 100, Base100:/DX:0/Race:0, null. ADDED: Hide In Shadows, 90, Base:90/DX:0/Race:0, null.

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] and we're 80% sure we know which hole to jump in

[BiBo's taken over] the one most people are clustered around, is the one you hope is the right one

[Jess] ok

[mikE] fritz?

[Jess] if we're that sure, i guess we should check it out

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Or Motubo can fly up and check against the map

[BiBo's taken over] it's essentially an endless pit

[Jess] great

[mikE] fritz?

[mikE] you gonna be here?

[Fritz] Ok I fly up

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] woot!

[try this (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for try this modified: Weapons - ADDED: Claw of Death, null, null, null, null, +0, null, D1, D1, null, $THAC0, null, null, null, null. Ability Scores - Personal Information - ADDED: DEATH INCARNATE. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: Combat - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 17. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: (+0-$RA). Misc. Attributes -

[BiBo's taken over] you fly up, looking at the map, you squint about trying to get a point of reference to kind of overlay the map with in your head, some holes are present that shouldn't be and some are missing that should be present, but so long as this hole hasn't moved or something weird, this should be it

[mikE] well, like i said, that's the best we'll ever get out of bibo. anyone opposed to jumping in?

[DEATH INCARNATE (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for DEATH INCARNATE modified: Weapons -

[Jess] not opposed

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] i say we jump

[Hagar (BOB)] not apposed

[mikE] okay. let's go.

[BiBo's taken over] alright, you jump in, it feels like you're falling forever

[BiBo's taken over] 10... 20... 30 minutes go by, still falling

[Fritz] I lfy down. Ailea fly's down I levitate down with the wolf and Laila

[BiBo's taken over] okay, everyone else is falling

[BiBo's taken over] much faster than you fly

[Fritz] Well I don't want to go SPLAT

Jess seconds that emotion

[Fritz] Is there something that they know I don't?

[BiBo's taken over] nope

[BiBo's taken over] you know this is the way down, and it's a hole

[Fritz] Ok then I chose the no SPLAT RULE

[BiBo's taken over] ::snicker:: okie doke

[BiBo's taken over] so how are you levitating btw?

[Fritz] I meant Telekinesis sorry

[BiBo's taken over] spell?

[Fritz] Ring

[BiBo's taken over] gotcha

[BiBo's taken over] wolf and laila save vs spell please

[Laila (Jess)] SIGH

[Jess] Laila: Magical Spell save: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (13) [13] 13!!!

[Fritz] Wolf Moradred: Magical Spell save: (d20) [19] 19. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (14) [14] 14!!!

[Laila (Jess)] ((is releaved the dice roller works this week))

[Fritz] Did I miss something in the book about the ring?

[BiBo's taken over] okie, you guys float down slowly, content that you won't go splat, and no

[Laila (Jess)] we're in the abyss, magicx doesnt work the same here

[BiBo's taken over] the rest of you

[Fritz] I did quite a bit of research before we left and don't remember anything like this do I Bibo?

[BiBo's taken over] like what?

[BiBo's taken over] the hole?

[Jess] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fritz] Some negative effects in using my ring in the Abyss

[BiBo's taken over] nope

[Hagar (BOB)] well if it magic that causes me to fall and hurt myself, then it might just fail when it tries to work on me anyway

[Fritz] They feel that they are overcoming some negative energy of sorts

[BiBo's taken over] nope, they don't feel anything that they aren't supposed to feel

Fritz must make note to double check this ring out ASAP...

[BiBo's taken over] anyway, as I was saying, the rest of you are ejected face first into what at first glance appears to be red sand.

[BiBo's taken over] Some of it has managed to get into your eyes and mouth however and you instantly know better. It is salt, though red in color, the taste is unmistakeable.

[Mobuto (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mobuto modified: Notes -

[mikE] oh yummy

[BiBo's taken over] As you clear your stinging eyes and spit the vile red stuff from your mouth, you see woods surrounding you.

[BiBo's taken over] At least the trees are SHAPED as woods anyway. As you take a better look the trees are also made of salt.

[BiBo's taken over] Some are red as the salt you are standing on, some are white, some are blue, others green.

[Hagar (BOB)] khoser salt?

[BiBo's taken over] how would you know smarty ass?

[BiBo's taken over] anyway the effect is quite strange to your eyes.

[BiBo's taken over] As you glance into the sky, dark clouds indicate that a storm is brewing. Lightning streaks across the menacing sky.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could use a pirate here

[BiBo's taken over] You do not know what a storm on this plane will bring, but it can't be good. According to your map, the place should be a ways due east.

[mikE] great. a salt storm. just what we need

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could use a pirate here

[BiBo's taken over] what are you doing?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Waiting for a Pirate

[BiBo's taken over] gonna be a long wait

[mikE] how far is a ways?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They are usually pretty salty fellows and know their way around the salty sees

[Jess] I am back at the keyboard.

[Laila (Jess)] hardy har har

[BiBo's taken over] in good condition, a few hours, probably before nightfall at least

[mikE] okay. we better get moving, then.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Tell me when we get down to the others Marco

[BiBo's taken over] it'll take you another 20 minutes to catch up

[Mobuto (Fritz)] kk

[Hagar (BOB)] you know, elf boy

[Hagar (BOB)] maybe you can shoot an arrow at one of them?

[BiBo's taken over] you all waiting the 20 minutes?

[Hagar (BOB)] ponts up in teh air

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Look for Morty till we get their

[Hagar (BOB)] and then we can yank them down

[BiBo's taken over] you look up, don't see a hole, just sky and clouds

[mikE] Well, I wonder if their magic has backfired.

[mikE] Do you think we should wait, dwarf?

[Hagar (BOB)] I say we wait ten mintues then leave without them

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Do you see Morty

[BiBo's taken over] morty?

[mikE] ten minutes is probably long enough.

[Hagar (BOB)] they just could not survive

[Hagar (BOB)] a sad thing the little one had potential

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes this must be his place...Morton's Salt

[Laila (Jess)] lol

[BiBo's taken over] ::sigh::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sorry you set yourself up for a Ton of Salt jokes

[BiBo's taken over] I do realize that it is a territory that is not often approached

[Mobuto (Fritz)] You know it

[Mobuto (Fritz)] s gonna pour don't you

[Hagar (BOB)] only when it rains

[BiBo's taken over] yay for chinese night though "Including others in your life will bring you great happiness in bed"

[Laila (Jess)] LOL

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Woot

[Laila (Jess)] way to go BiBo

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Post that one on your wall dude

[BiBo's taken over] ::snicker:: I might. anyways, so 10 minutes go by, your companions don't show up

[mikE] well, dwarf, it looks like they aren't coming. I say we move. maybe we can get that angel before being stuck in some salt storm in this damn place.

[BiBo's taken over] you hear pitterings as though the beginning of a storm

[mikE] do we feel anything?

[BiBo's taken over] razor sharp rocks of salt begin falling from the sky

[mikE] awesome.

[Hagar (BOB)] hey we can make salt angels?

[Hagar (BOB)] I drop on my back

[Hagar (BOB)] swish

[Hagar (BOB)] swish

[Hagar (BOB)] siwsh

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Soon In heaven

[mikE] antarias uses his iron shield as a sort of umbrella, and finglass gets his regular one for the same purpose.

[BiBo's taken over] the salt cuts at your flesh, stinging horribly

[BiBo's taken over] you know right away that you'll not live 30 minutes in this storm without protection

[Hagar (BOB)] feels like the kiss of an elven mother

[mikE] enough jokes, fool dwarf.

[mikE] we need to get out of this storm now.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] La de da....I bet Leomund's Tiny Hut spell would be helpful about now

[Hagar (BOB)] I pass out the amulets to everyone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I thought you already did

[mikE] everyone who is here

[BiBo's taken over] no one's wearing em

[Laila (Jess)] amulets?

[BiBo's taken over] the amulets of protection from salt ya'll went out of yer ways to buy?

[Finglass (mikE)] Good. This should help. Now let's get moving.

[Laila (Jess)] i dont remember those

[BiBo's taken over] ::sigh::

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I have mine on

[Finglass (mikE)] you don't have one according to bob.

[Finglass (mikE)] he said he kept them all.

[Laila (Jess)] if we have them we have them, but i dont remember them, sorry

[Hagar (BOB)] not me Marco

[BiBo's taken over] (you do realize you can't wear any other amulets if you put this one on right?)

[Hagar (BOB)] I thought there were pased out

[Hagar (BOB)] he siad they were not

[Hagar (BOB)] so I qucikly did so

[Hagar (BOB)] we have them Jess, Hagar bought them for everyone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I didn't realize that but ok

[Hagar (BOB)] out of the goodness of his heart

[Laila (Jess)] ok, thanks for the info

[Finglass (mikE)] so then the four (five) of us start toward the angel after the ten minute wait.

[BiBo's taken over] so you don the amulets quickly, you soon see a bubble surround you made completely of deflected salt as it downpours

[Hagar (BOB)] cool

[Hagar (BOB)] //me SPITS out to create a little rock of congealed salt

[BiBo's taken over] the salt rocks are about an inch around and they bounce off your shielding

[Hagar (BOB)] ok

[Hagar (BOB)] lets move

[Finglass (mikE)] are we there yet?

[Hagar (BOB)] they will be missed

[Hagar (BOB)] starts trugging forward

[BiBo's taken over] you head off

[BiBo's taken over] 10 minutes go by and the rest of you softly eject into the middle of a storm

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Do we or don't we have our amulets?

[BiBo's taken over] sans amulets

[Hagar (BOB)] no you have to join us to get them

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ok...stupid dwarf

[Hagar (BOB)] I have enough for everyone

[Hagar (BOB)] you shoudl have been nicer BOBO

[BiBo's taken over] what are you doing?

[BiBo's taken over] you that are about to be ripped to shreds in minutes?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Leomund'sTiny Hut: For (2*(4+6+1)) [2*(4+6+1)] 22 hours a 15 foot diameter sphere in which 7 man sized creatures can fit into an unmoving, opaque sphere of force with me is created using my arcane mystical might. [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[BiBo's taken over] do you have the concentration proficiency?

[BiBo's taken over] because you are taking damage

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I was going to cast it under the wolf for protection

[Laila (Jess)] how are we supposed to move?

[BiBo's taken over] gotta say these things :-P

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Use him as a giant shield

[Laila (Jess)] will he be ok?

[BiBo's taken over] and the wolf alone isn't enough, you more or less need to be encased as the salt blows around

[BiBo's taken over] so, you need some sort of cover for the sides

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How about the other 2 people then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] would they give me cover

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am only a foot tall

[Finglass (mikE)] by the way everyone, bob wants us to call him jade from now on.

[BiBo's taken over] if you got them to do it, possibly

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Would you cover me? give me cover to cast the spell Laila and Ailea

[Finglass (mikE)] not sure why. i think it's because he likes it better than brenda

[BiBo's taken over] he's turning tranny on us

[Finglass (mikE)] so we are no longer to call him brenda. he is now jade.

[Laila (Jess)] I'll help you

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] ok

[Hagar (BOB)] thank you Jess

[Laila (Jess)] huh?

[Hagar (BOB)] I think your a size too big though

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Then I cast the spell

[BiBo's taken over] okie doke, you manage to form enough protection to get your spell off

[Laila (Jess)] grrrrrrrr

[Hagar (BOB)] it is all in the hips,

[Finglass (mikE)] are we there yet?

[BiBo's taken over] the sphere forms around you, salt pings off of it, unfortunately it doesn't move and your companions are gone

[BiBo's taken over] what are you doing?

Mobuto (Fritz) reminds himself to kill the dwarf ASAp

[Finglass (mikE)] i can't count cows because the salt storm killed them all

[BiBo's taken over] you can count multicolored salt trees

[Hagar (BOB)] black sat

[Hagar (BOB)] slat

[Finglass (mikE)] too hard to see through the salt

[Hagar (BOB)] read salt

[Laila (Jess)] Sir Mobuto, what are we supposed to do now?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I can cast a spell to get some help if they haven't gotten to far. And with the dwarf's short feet I doubt they have

[Laila (Jess)] What spell?

[BiBo's taken over] it really is hard to see, you know how hard it is to see in a really strong thunderstorm? well this is the same, only instead of seethrough water, it's opaque salt. visibility is about a couple of feet at the most

[Finglass (mikE)] okay. so, are we there yet?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ok am I limited to a spell level?

[BiBo's taken over] no, silence fool

[Finglass (mikE)] when are we going to get there?

[Hagar (BOB)] are we there yet?

[BiBo's taken over] when you shut up

[BiBo's taken over] yes, priest levels reduced by 1

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Don't make me turn this plane around ...

[Hagar (BOB)] oh ok,

[Hagar (BOB)] so I am quiet


[Antarias (mikE)] i'm bored. when are we going to get there?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Guys stop it you are making it hard on the rest of us so stop

[Hagar (BOB)] we are there

[BiBo's taken over] it got old ages ago, next person to say are we there yet loses 1000 xp

[Hagar (BOB)] heh heh heh

[Finglass (mikE)] are we there now?

[Hagar (BOB)] ok

[Hagar (BOB)] fritz jess

[Hagar (BOB)] move along

[Finglass (mikE)] note the lack of the word yet

[Hagar (BOB)] do your thing

[Hagar (BOB)] catch up to us

[BiBo's taken over] so what spell are you using?

[Laila (Jess)] i'm waiting for Ailea...i cant move without her, apparently

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Checking it is 3rd level so trying to see what I can do to compensate

[BiBo's taken over] you can move, just it involves much deadification

[Laila (Jess)] oh, i dont wanna die

[Laila (Jess)] i'll just sit here under my wolfy friend and wait for the magic

[BiBo's taken over] any idea?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Give me a min please while I look over 2nd level spells

[BiBo's taken over] okie

[Laila (Jess)] would my winter blanket protect us at all?

[Hagar (BOB)] don't be a wet blanket

[BiBo's taken over] not enough to travel by

[Laila (Jess)] ok

[BiBo's taken over] it will tear

[Hagar (BOB)] use johnson's baby shampoo, no more tears

[BiBo's taken over] ::thwap::

[Laila (Jess)] ::double thwap::

[BiBo's taken over] anything fritz?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] They were 10-20 min ahead of us. I my guess. moving slowly. so no more than a quarter mile. and it is a lound storm correct

[BiBo's taken over] yep

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Lighting but no fire

[BiBo's taken over] right, no fire

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ok her goes nothing

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] From the opening of the hut I will send forth at a range that goes the distance I can send it then closer each one a roman candle to flare

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] It is a huge flash of fire that will pulse with a rythm

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] It will be different than the storms lightining and be fire so hopefully they will see it

[BiBo's taken over] I did say 1-2 ft visibility, how big are these flares?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I will angle it i nthe air

[BiBo's taken over] inch diameter?

[BiBo's taken over] roughly?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Hmmm if that is all then that is about right

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] sorry

[BiBo's taken over] and how far do they shoot?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] That wont work then

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] How high a level to dyou have to be to cast 4th level spells as a cleric?

[BiBo's taken over] here? or in general?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] ok make that 3rd level spells here

[BiBo's taken over] 6th

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] really. woot

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I got it then

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I give

[BiBo's taken over] enlighten me then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I give up my ioun stone that gives me an extra level to Ailea. That raises her to 6th level from 5th. She can then cast a third level spell

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] The third level spell I will cast is helping hand

[BiBo's taken over] which does?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Helping Hand: I create a ghostly image of a hand that seeks out within a 5 mile radius at a rate of 48 the type of individual I specify for (5+5/2) [5+5/2] 7 hours. The hand searches out the creature then beckons for it to follow him.

[BiBo's taken over] okie, can it be attacked?

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Nope

[BiBo's taken over] okie, it zooms off

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Not to my knowledge but you have to look it up

[BiBo's taken over] what type are you looking for?

[BiBo's taken over] what type of individual that is

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I have it search out an elven cleric that is good with archery that has a dwarven defender protecting him. I point out the direction that they should be going to help out

[BiBo's taken over] heh, I suppose that's a type of person

[BiBo's taken over] that's a clerical spell yes?

[Finglass (mikE)] you should have been looking for me.

[BiBo's taken over] fritz

[Finglass (mikE)] but i can see from that description you are looking for someone else

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] I am looking for you finglass

[Finglass (mikE)] nah. that's not me.

[BiBo's taken over] ::poke:: it's a clerical spell right?

[Finglass (mikE)] see, you're looking for someone good at archery

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] yes

[BiBo's taken over] types, does filing that sorta thing?

[Finglass (mikE)] me, i'm GREAT at it

[BiBo's taken over] okay good

[BiBo's taken over] finglass, a ghostly hand pops into your protective bubble and beckons you back the way you came

[Finglass (mikE)] okay. so we go back, get the rest of the slow asses and move on.

[Finglass (mikE)] so, we at the angel?

[BiBo's taken over] no

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Sorry About that Finn

[BiBo's taken over] you had out the amulets, everyone I assume dons them?

[BiBo's taken over] yes?

[Hagar (BOB)] I lay down to make salt angels again as we wait

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Yes we put them on

[Hagar (BOB)] swich

[Hagar (BOB)] swish

[BiBo's taken over] okie, you head off to the east

[Hagar (BOB)] you know what I want

[Hagar (BOB)] a pretzel

[BiBo's taken over] After hours of trudging through the salty forest, the heavy thunder of razorlike salt rocks crashing against your protective barrier becomes more than a little irritating.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I put the ioun stone back on

[Mobuto (Fritz)] while waiting

[Hagar (BOB)] almost as irritating as........

[BiBo's taken over] Visibility is nonexistent as the multicolored shards of death fly about and luckily aren't tearing into your skin.

[Finglass (mikE)] you?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] walking

[BiBo's taken over] It begins to grow dark, and you fear what might happen should you spend the night under this.

[Hagar (BOB)] only becasue of my johnson's baby shampoo, no more tears

[Finglass (mikE)] why? do the amulets not work in the dark?

[BiBo's taken over] Judging by the piles that continously form around your feet, you fear that if you were to rest in the storm that you might awaken to be buried alive the next morning.

[Hagar (BOB)] cool a salt dome

[Hagar (BOB)] you can do lots of things wit those

[Hagar (BOB)] cook fish

[Laila (Jess)] ::thwap::

[BiBo's taken over] not so cool if there's no exit ;)

[Hagar (BOB)] store neuclear waste

[Hagar (BOB)] all sorts of things

[BiBo's taken over] Your fear of stopping only grows more pronounced as the night falls and you begin to grow weary.

[Hagar (BOB)] ok, so here is the new plan

[BiBo's taken over] You are exhausted from travel, but you carry on.

[Hagar (BOB)] I go to sleep, you drag me along on a little travious

[Hagar (BOB)] then later on

[Hagar (BOB)] I wake up

[Hagar (BOB)] and drag someone else

[BiBo's taken over] lol

[Finglass (mikE)] okay. sounds good.

[Finglass (mikE)] we do thusly

[Finglass (mikE)] so, angel?

[BiBo's taken over] Finally when you are just about ready to give out, you make out a light up ahead.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] He falls asleep we leave him

[BiBo's taken over] The storm lightens enough to see a glass manor, a beacon of light and safety in this deadly plane.

[Laila (Jess)] why does he get to sleep first?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (Laila and I ride on the wolf with Ailea)

[Hagar (BOB)] becasue it was my idea

[BiBo's taken over] A watchtower stands sentinel before the manor and you can barely make out cries of some sort over the storm.

[Hagar (BOB)] people in glass houses,

[Laila (Jess)] (i've been riding the wolf)

[BiBo's taken over] What is being said you can't make out, but if you are to survive the night, you'll probably need to seek shelter here.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes dear

[Finglass (mikE)] shouldn't throw rocks

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Can I throw a dwarf?

[Hagar (BOB)] what abotu salt cellars? woudl that protect us?

[Finglass (mikE)] okay, so we rush in, slaughter the demonic inhabitants and sleep

[BiBo's taken over] who would sell salt here? it's everywhere for free

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hail we seek shelter from the storm

[BiBo's taken over] dude, quit it

[Hagar (BOB)] riders on the storm

[Hagar (BOB)] riders on the storm

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hail we seek shelter from the storm. I shout

[Hagar (BOB)] pokes finny,

[Hagar (BOB)] hail get it

[Laila (Jess)] (it's a song by the doors, fritz)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No pun was intended. I get it

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[Hagar (BOB)] very peeerrrrty

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

Jess is receiving the map...

Jess has received the map.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hail we seek shelter from the storm. I shout. Will you allow us entrance.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hail we seek shelter from the storm. I shout. Will you allow us entrance?

[Hagar (BOB)] hello we are selling spinning wheels perhaps the lady of the house is arond?

[BiBo's taken over] so, on the you are here you get the pretty map. for a while there is silence, the manor is made completely of opaque glass

[BiBo's taken over] after a few minutes, the door opens

[Hagar (BOB)] have you met your savour?

[BiBo's taken over] A beautiful woman opens the door, keeping safely behind it to avoid the pelting of salt.

[BiBo's taken over] She gestures for you to enter, obviously not wanting to be cut appart by the salt that you are all protected from.

[BiBo's taken over] She shouts over the rattle of salt rocks, "Come in! Come in! Quickly now, don't want to let the storm in."

[Hagar (BOB)] I step i

[Hagar (BOB)] in

[Hagar (BOB)] thank you for inviting us in

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I use my vision to see her. Immune to 1st level illusion, see invis, see magic as I enter with the rest of my entourage

[Mobuto (Fritz)] On Moradred's back

[Finglass (mikE)] what's she wearing?

[Laila (Jess)] i also thank the pretty lady for her invitation

[Marjike] Her outfit, though elegant, is skin tight. Golden curls of hair flow down her back. She smiles to you all in greeting, a look of worry barely masked on her features.

[Marjike] "Greetings berks, it is amazing that you have not ended up in the dead book trudging around on a night like tonight. I am Tasya, may I ask who you all are?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes. (Thank you Laila for reminding me of my manners) I am Mobuto and we are the DragonSlayers

[Laila (Jess)] I am Laila

[Mobuto (Fritz)] This young human lass with me is Ailea

[Hagar (BOB)] hagar the magnificent

[Marjike] bah, I suppose it helps when I chat as the right person

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And our steed ( weary as he is and kind of heart) is Moradred

[Hagar (BOB)] but I am not the right person to be asking such things

[Finglass (mikE)] Good eve, lady. I am Finglass. May I enquire as to what you are doing on this plane?

[Laila (Jess)] (where did we all go?

[Laila (Jess)] )

[Tasya] me? I live here. I might ask the same of you

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And who our kind hostes is

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Who owns this castle?

[Tasya] I said, my name is Tasya, I live here with my siblings

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Ahhh sorry My ears are still filled with the salt air

[Tasya] though calling it a castle may be a bit grandiose, I call it a humble manor

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, but it is odd to see a human here. Unless this is not your true form..?

[Tasya] Of course this is my true form, why wouldn't it be?

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Finglass (mikE)] ;;shrugs::

[Hagar (BOB)] she has a fine form

[Hagar (BOB)] they are weary and stupid

[Finglass (mikE)] as to why we are here, we are... looking for something.

Laila (Jess) glares at the dwarf

[Mobuto (Fritz)] May we ask for lodging till the storm passes?

[Hagar (BOB)] groans

[Hagar (BOB)] we could be askign to stay the night Miss Tasia

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Or until we are rested and refreshed

[Tasya] she blushes, "I thank you for the compliment Hagar, and of course you may spend the night. I would not be much of a hostess if I were to send you all out in that storm."

[Laila (Jess)] Thank you very much, Lady Tasya

Hagar (BOB) sticks my tongue out at laila

[Hagar (BOB)] she likes me better

Laila (Jess) ignores the childish dwarf

[Finglass (mikE)] Yes, thank you for the shelter, but why are you and your sisters living in the abyss?

[Tasya] "The guest rooms are upstairs, you may of course make use of anything here that you wish.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] you called us "Berks" YOu must be from ::Insert Name of Central TOwn Plane::

[Hagar (BOB)] sisters? get thee to a nunnery

[Tasya] We have always lived here, where else should we live? it's a nice place here.

[Finglass (mikE)] If you say so. I don't think I could see it the same way you do.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Uhhmmm as you say. The storms are a bit harsh but your castle is beautiful

[Tasya] Many things to enjoy, though I ask you stay out of the door under the stairs, that is where my siblings and I as well as the servants keep their quarters.

[Hagar (BOB)] I would prefer the plane of beer, if I had my own choice

[Hagar (BOB)] makes a mental note to find that doorway

[Finglass (mikE)] ::mutters:: I would prefer to be done with the crazy dwarf and back home...

[Tasya] meanwhile the room you are currently is an enormous ball room

[Hagar (BOB)] must rescue harry potter

[Tasya] couches along the walls, could entertain hundreds here

[Tasya] there are several doors (those being the blocky things that go off the side of your vision)

Mobuto (Fritz) makes a mental note to send the dwarf on a one way trip on the plain of Bear

[Tasya] "Would you like a tour so that you may make yourselves a bit more comfortable?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Please

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Tasya] "come along then," and she moves towards a door

[Tasya] she opens the door, and quit moving that green dot around

[Tasya] beyond the door is a vast library with a few cozy couches

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am unable to sellect my icon to move him

[Tasya] sitting in one is another beautiful young woman

[Tasya] it's cuz you're moving that green pointer thing

[Tasya] most likely

[Tasya] cuz the people here have no probs

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What green pointer thing?

[Tasya] tasya says, "This is our library, that is my sister Marjike"

[Laila (Jess)] (i can move)

[Marjike] marjike looks up and raises an eyebrow, "Guests? hello."

[Tasya] tasya nods and says, "Yes these fellows came in from the storm."

[Marjike] "oh, hello."

BOB is receiving the map...

BOB has received the map.

Sean is receiving the map...

Sean has received the map.

[Hagar (BOB)] nice books

[Marjike] Marjike looks similar to her sister, beautiful, skin tight clothes, her hair is brown however

[Marjike] she nods, "Yes, do you read?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] can you remove the green pointer thing from me. I don't even see it

[Marjike] I have no clue

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[Marjike] click on the screen and hit p

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thanks

[Marjike] she watches you all enter the room

[Mobuto (Fritz)] What do I see when I look at them?

[Marjike] beautiful women

[Hagar (BOB)] with beards?

[Marjike] no, no beards, one has blonde hair and one has brown

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob be helpful

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglass (mikE)] a pleasure to meet you, lady.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Greetings

[Marjike] the library is filled with shelves of books, a nice fireplace burns on the west wall

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I glance at some of the books

[Marjike] "Welcome to the library. I'm generally the only one who uses it. My siblings don't care much for reading."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I enjoy reading greatly

[Tasya] "Who could ever read all this stuff sister?"

[Finglass (mikE)] and what subjects are your books on?

[Marjike] "You have to start to finish sister." she glances at motubo, "Really? that is a surprise for one of your kind."

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

Finglass (mikE) snickers quietly

[Marjike] "Everything really, cookbooks, fauna, stories, obituaries, magic. whatever your pleasure happens to be."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] 411 Generally all people can see of me is a mirror of themselvs and a 1 foot tall being in robes with wings

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes I am a quandary for most

[Marjike] okay so you look like a mimicy imp :-P

Laila (Jess) yawns, trying not to look obvious

[Marjike] "is there anything you are interested in?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I could be someone's familiar or even unnoticed

[Finglass (mikE)] Many things. But sleep and our goal is the top of the list at the moment.

[Marjike] "odd for a familiar...."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Magica always magic

[Hagar (BOB)] walks like an angel

[Hagar (BOB)] talks like an angel

[Finglass (mikE)] i hope you don't think us as rude, but that storm has taken much out of us, i think.

[Marjike] she glances at finglass then looks at Tasya, "Did you show them the gymnasium sister? Perhaps the one with the bow would like to practice there."

[Tasya] I hadn't yet, getting to it

[Tasya] ::glances at finglass:: you wish to see the gym?

Hagar (BOB) thinks if I want a workout then show me the bedroom

[Finglass (mikE)] Gym?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hmmmmm.

Mobuto (Fritz) looks around

[Tasya] Yes, we have a room, large, mostly empty, has a few targets for practicing on, I sometimes practice swordplay in there with my brother. He practices archery.

[Finglass (mikE)] I will walk with you if you wish. It has been a while since I saw someone as beautiful as you sisters. Since I left my homeland, really.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] How many fingers on their hands?

[Tasya] she blushes again and heads to the next room

[Finglass (mikE)] Your brother practices archery? How good is he?

[Finglass (mikE)] Is he here? I am tired, but I am always up for a bit of a contest...

[Tasya] better than I at least. He actually hits the target... I tend to break the arrows against the walls

[Tasya] they all have 5 fingers per hand :-P

Finglass (mikE) strings his bow and checks the pull of it, full of new energy.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And which way do their hands point?

[Tasya] the way they're supposed to

[Finglass (mikE)] I would love to follow you to the gym.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Looks around to see if anyone in the group carries a crossbow

[Tasya] she opens the next door and shows a room that was about as barren as described

[Tasya] targets are on the walls, and a few practice dummies lay bundled in the corners

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ::ooc:: anyone here have a crossbow?

[Tasya] no clue

[Laila (Jess)] ::ooc:: not i

[Finglass (mikE)] mine does.

[Tasya] apparently finglass does

[Tasya] er, antarius

Mobuto (Fritz) sighs in relief when he sees the crossbow and goes over to Ailea

[Finglass (mikE) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Antarias modified: Weapons - ADDED:

[Tasya] She shows you the gym and says, "My brother is upstairs meditating in his shrine, I'll introduce you to him in a bit."

[Finglass (mikE)] Shrine? TO what?

[Hagar (BOB)] stays in the library and grabs a nap

Laila (Jess) speaks up quietly from Moradred's back "I'm sleepy. Will you please show me where to sleep?"

[Finglass (mikE)] aka, bob's more interested in sports illustrated and the marlin's game

[Tasya] first I'll show you to my last sister, who is no doubt boozing it up in the kitchen. oh, gobineu or something like that. I don't really follow the religion much

[Finglass (mikE)] Gob... Wait. You mean to tell me you are a family of celtics living in the abyss?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Bob are you watching TV again?

[Finglass (mikE)] I would really like to visit with your brother at the first moment possible. and about more than just archery.

[Tasya] we are a family, though I do not know what a celt is

[Hagar (BOB)] (?)

[Tasya] sure, upstairs, the rest of you may go into the kitchen if you are hungry or thirsty. My sister will be sure you are taken care of

[Mobuto (Fritz)] By the way you dont happen to have a large stock of ALE do you?

[Tasya] of course

[Tasya] many other drinks as well

[Hagar (BOB)] perks up,

[Hagar (BOB)] nose twitches

[Hagar (BOB)] follows along

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Antarias I have a question for you

[Finglass (mikE)] Thank you. I will come back down and talk with you if you wish after I speak with your brother, lady.

[Tasya] She takes you to another door, opening it and revealing a kitchen

Finglass (mikE) goes up the stairs in search of brother.

[Tasya] Reza, I believe we have some thirsty guests

[Reza] A gorgeous redhaired woman stands behind a bar drinking down something out of a flagon

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Finglass why don't you stay with us for the moment

[Hagar (BOB)] great

[Reza] she grins, "Sure whatcha'll want?"

[Hagar (BOB)] I will stay here and take care of this for you

[Hagar (BOB)] ale!

[Hagar (BOB)] cheers and wel met

[Mobuto (Fritz)] FINGLASS !!!

[Finglass (mikE)] who's controlling antarias?

[Finglass (mikE)] What, fremlin?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] ;;OOC:: not me

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could I speak with you for a brief moment please

[Reza] she turns around and bends down to a keg, and pours some ale, she turns around and hands a mug to hagar

[Reza] "Well met to you fella, where'd you come from?"

[Finglass (mikE)] Briefly. I have some new business to take care of. Might help us on our trip here.

[Hagar (BOB)] a thirsty place

[Hagar (BOB)] cheers

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 200 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 500 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 20 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Hagar (BOB)] and drains the much

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Woops just happen to knock over the mug

[Reza] lol

[Hagar (BOB)] looks on in amazment

[Hagar (BOB)] picks up the mug again

[Hagar (BOB)] checks it over

[Hagar (BOB)] then refills it

[Reza] she gasps, "I am so sorry."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 200 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 500 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 20 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Finglass (mikE)] if you wish me to watch as you play tricks on the dwarf, I'm not really interested.

[Reza] "I didn't get you messy did I?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] woops

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No

[Hagar (BOB)] looks over, with a smile, you can lick me clean later on

Mobuto (Fritz) whispers to the elf....I think they are Rhacasta

[Reza] she reaches under the bar and fetches a towel, rubbing down hagar

[Hagar (BOB)] and fills my mug again

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 200 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 500 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 20 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Finglass (mikE)] And..? What does that mean to us?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] knocks over the chair

[Mobuto (Fritz)] and causes the mug to spill

[Reza] ::looks around confusedly::

[Finglass (mikE)] If they truely worship Kylia's god, they will mean no harm to us. That is why I am going upstairs.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] They are demon tiger people that read your mind and kill you

[Reza] "Marjike!!! Are you pulling pranks?!"

[Finglass (mikE)] Antarias will protect me.

[Marjike] "No! Why?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No they are highly spell and weapon immune

[Hagar (BOB)] groans

[Hagar (BOB)] please

[Hagar (BOB)] holds out the glass again

[Hagar (BOB)] here

[Hagar (BOB)] beer here

[Mobuto (Fritz)] could I borrow a couple of crossbow bolts please

[Reza] "Things keep spilling here! And I'm not THAT drunk."

[Finglass (mikE)] If they are demons, my weapons will be fine enough against them.

[Reza] "Yes of course"

[Finglass (mikE)] cold iron will affect them all.

[Reza] she refills the mug

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could I have a couple of crossbow bolts please ( I whisper)

[Finglass (mikE)] I don't have crossbow bolts.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] From Antarias

[Finglass (mikE)] If you havn't noticed, I use arrows.

[Reza] she sighs and downs a flagon of something easily, looking a bit tipsier after it

[Reza] "I must not be drunk enough

[Laila (Jess)] ((why didnt i go with everyone else?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] you didn't move yourself that is why

[Hagar (BOB)] becasue you are a book worm little one

[Laila (Jess)] right

[Hagar (BOB)] you like hanging out in libraries

[Laila (Jess)] and no

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could I have a couple of crossbow bolts please ( I whisper)

[Finglass (mikE)] he asks, "Why?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Could I have a couple of crossbow bolts please ( I whisper)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] From Antarias

[Mobuto (Fritz)] That is their only real weakness

[Finglass (mikE)] And he again asks, "Why?"

[Finglass (mikE)] he says, "Crossbow bolts?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] blessed crossbow bolts

[Mobuto (Fritz)] "blessed" crossbow bolts

[Finglass (mikE)] he says, "These aren't blessed. Just normal. I don't even have iron ones for demons."

[Reza] she smiles and wobbles slightly, leaning against the bar and showing ample cleavage. "So, I've never seen a human quite like yershelf, that normal for you? I'm Reza by the way."

[Reza] she says to hagar

Laila (Jess) thinks to herself "there are humans in this group?"

[Hagar (BOB)] well if I was a human

[Hagar (BOB)] then i would be king of the heap

[Hagar (BOB)] but I am a dwarf

[Hagar (BOB)] and so I put all humans to shame

Laila (Jess) snickers

[Reza] "Oh" she giggles, "Nice to meetcha mister dwarf."

[Hagar (BOB)] belches in the hope of convincing someone I was already drinking

[Hagar (BOB)] nice to meet you

[Reza] "Another drink?" She wobbles, "Wooo, don't think I should have anymore tonight."

[Hagar (BOB)] so your sister told me you have a little hide away downstairs

Mobuto (Fritz) realizes he was paying to much attention to Finglass and curses

[Hagar (BOB)] and that if I was nice to you you would take me down there

[Finglass (mikE)] Well? What are you about?

[Hagar (BOB)] how about that

[Reza] she opens her mouth then shuts it and giggles.

[Hagar (BOB)] you want to go down with me

[Hagar (BOB)] looks at her

Mobuto (Fritz) whispers angrilly..."Look are you and Antarias going to give me those crossbow bolts or not?"

[Finglass (mikE)] I'm not going to give you weapons just because you ask. If you plan on attacking them for no reason, I'm not going to give you any.

[Laila (Jess)] ((is he hitting on a human? do dwarves do that??))

[Reza] she runs a finger along her chin and says, "Well.... it has been a while since I've brought anyone to my room...."

[Finglass (mikE)] So what are you going to do?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I am not going to attack anyone without reason I just want it for security

[Hagar (BOB)] heh

[Hagar (BOB)] then lets go

[Finglass (mikE)] Whatever. take one. But like I said, they aren't blesed.

[Reza] She smiles and says, "Okays."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thank you....and I take 2,

[Hagar (BOB)] great

[Hagar (BOB)] I lead her to the door we were told about heraly

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Hagar where are you going

[Reza] she touches hagar and says, "Wanna go my special way? Marjike taught me a few tricks."

[Hagar (BOB)] we are going downstairs

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] need company? I could use a place to sleep

[Reza] she touches hagar, mutters an incantation and the two of them disappear

[Hagar (BOB)] floating in a heavenly light

Mobuto (Fritz) starts cursing

[Finglass (mikE)] ((see, i told you the plan should have been rush in, kill them all, then sleep))

BOB is receiving the map...

BOB has received the map.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well Ailea do me a favor please

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Sure

[Mobuto (Fritz)] cast this spell on these for me (whispers in her ear)

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Bless: The Spirits of the Animals and the Ancestors surround you and grant you for 6 rounds with +1 against FEAR and +1 to your ATTACK.

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] Ailea Morakenn: Bless: The Spirits of the Animals and the Ancestors surround you and grant you for 6 rounds with +1 against FEAR and +1 to your ATTACK.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Thank you

[Reza] you do realize that lasts all of 6 rds right?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Actually it lasts longer when cast on bolts

[Reza] heh, okie

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Only when casts on people does it last a short time

[Mobuto (Fritz)] This is the only application it is usefull for

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well Tasya I guess you have done an excellent job splitting up our party

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Your mind reading skills are excellent

[Tasya] I'm sorry?

[Tasya] You are blaming me for your friend hitting on my sister?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I mean it is quite amazing that everything here is exactly what would attract people from our party

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I mean a huge library, a gym for archery, a kitchen full of ale

[Mobuto (Fritz)] a priest of gobinhu

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I mean it is all quite coincidental dont you think?

[Tasya] well the gym isn't specifically for archery, it's for any kind of weapons practice really. and is it all that surprising that there is a kitchen with ale in it?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] One full of all kinds of drink that would entice a weak willed sot of a dwarf... Well yes

[Tasya] come now, any well stocked kitchen would have drink

[Tasya] especially when you have someone like Reza living here...

[Mobuto (Fritz)] my dear departed brother would say.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] I almost perceive the machinations of Rakasta to be involved

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so lets just stop the pretense why dont we

[Tasya] she shrugs, "I have no idea what a rakasta is, marjike might, but if you feel threatened, you are more than free enough to leave."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] No idea what a Rakast is? And you live on the planes. I am indeed surprised. How about a succubus or another demon well versed in the art of illusion and misdirection?

[Tasya] "Heard of those, lots of demons about. They tend to leave this layer alone though, no tactical purpose."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And this layer is?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] (missed last week)

[Tasya] you don't have a name, it's one of the many layers of the abyss, apparently consisting mostly of salt

[Finglass (mikE)] i disbelieve the illusion

[Finglass (mikE)] can i kill them now?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Well I am a bit concerned for the stupidity of my friend the dwarf

[Finglass (mikE)] then get to the angel?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] and the elf so lets go upstairs and look for them

[Tasya] She shrugs and says, "The guest rooms are upstairs, come along."

[Finglass (mikE)] the dwarf went downstairs, i believe.

[Finglass (mikE)] and fudge is standing right there.

[Finglass (mikE)] no need to be concerned for him

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Is that where Finglass went?

[Mobuto (Fritz)] where did finglass go?

[Finglass (mikE)] (he's right in front of you)

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Sorry downstairs then

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And I try and disbelieve illusion which is what I thought I was doing all along as well sorry if I didn't make that clear

[Mobuto (Fritz)] My map was focused to tight to see

[Laila (Jess)] guys, i'm logging off...fritz, please find laila a safe place to sleep, and i'll be here next week, hopefully in person

[Mobuto (Fritz)] everyone

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Take care

[Laila (Jess)] nighty

Jess has left the game

[Tasya] tasya said not to go downstairs as that is where they stay

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And that is where the dwarf went

[Mobuto (Fritz)] With Reja

[Tasya] presumably, as reza said she'd take him to her room

[Mobuto (Fritz)] And we wish to recover the drunken SOT before he makes a fool of himself

[Mobuto (Fritz)] so take us to her room please

[Tasya] she sighs, "Let me just show you to your rooms. You can see him in the morning. You do not wish to interrupt the two love birds, you may see something you do not wish to see."

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Yes I do. So take us NOW

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Please

Mobuto (Fritz) move towards the downstairs door

[Mobuto (Fritz)] detecting magic along the way

[Tasya] ::sighs:: "May I at least knock and make sure they are proper before we go barging?"

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Knock or not as you wish

[Tasya] "Wait here."

[Tasya] she disappears into the door

[Tasya] it closes behind her

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Mobuto: Ring of Telekinesis: Range 200 yards. A sustained force enables me to move a weight of 500 pounds a distance of 20 feet per round. Alternatively, the spell energy can be expended in a single round. The caster can hurl one or more objects within range, and within a 10-foot cube, directly away from himself at high speed, to a distance of up to 200 feet. This is subject to a maximum weight of 500 lbs. Damage caused by hurled objects is decided by the DM, but cannot exceed 20 points of damage. Opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Furthermore, those able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), can easily counter the spell. The various Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.

[Mobuto (Fritz)] Pushes with the ring

[Mobuto (Fritz)] to prevent it from closing

[Tasya] okay, it stays open a crack

[Tasya] and we'll continue next week

[Hagar (BOB)] &&& I think we need to pause here

[Hagar (BOB)] and deal with issues later

[Hagar (BOB)] all sorts of fun

[Finglass (mikE)] great.

[Hagar (BOB)] at least I am having fun

[Finglass (mikE)] well, have fun with the rest of this one.

mikE has left the game

Hagar's side trek

Lord BiBo (10:33:57 PM): "so, this is my place" she says to you. (you can click on your char to see the map)

Anstett Jr (10:34:24 PM): nice

Lord BiBo (10:34:25 PM): looking around you see a bedroom, a couple of paintings an ezel as well as a table with glold bars on it

Anstett Jr (10:34:28 PM): has verything you need

Anstett Jr (10:34:37 PM): a place to drink and a place to sleep

Anstett Jr (10:34:46 PM): now tell me about that other room

Anstett Jr (10:34:55 PM): why did your sister want to keep us out of there?

Lord BiBo (10:34:56 PM): the finished paintings have golden frames, you assume she made them

Lord BiBo (10:35:08 PM): "What room?"

Anstett Jr (10:35:56 PM): I do not know

Anstett Jr (10:36:08 PM): when we came in there was a room,

Anstett Jr (10:36:09 PM): a door

Anstett Jr (10:36:20 PM): she said not to go there, that is for my sister

Anstett Jr (10:36:23 PM): or something like that

Lord BiBo (10:36:27 PM): sisters, and brother

Anstett Jr (10:36:34 PM): so I assumed that meant that only you were allowed to go there

Lord BiBo (10:36:34 PM): and the servants

Anstett Jr (10:36:43 PM): after all you are the more experienced one

Lord BiBo (10:36:44 PM): you're down here, this is where we keep our rooms

Anstett Jr (10:36:52 PM): you can decide what to do

Lord BiBo (10:36:56 PM): not polite to come down uninvited of course ::she winks::

Anstett Jr (10:37:11 PM): grins

Lord BiBo (10:37:55 PM): she runs a finger along your cheek and kisses it. She glances over to her bed and nibbles on her lip, looking as though she's about to fall

Anstett Jr (10:38:41 PM): I put my hands on your waist, feeling for any key or chain

Anstett Jr (10:38:51 PM): then I give a little push and let you fall over onto the be

Anstett Jr (10:38:58 PM): lifting the key off of you

Lord BiBo (10:39:17 PM): no key, you do find a flute, but you don't have pick pockets so you can't very well take it without her attention

Anstett Jr (10:39:39 PM): I take it anyway, and play it for her as she lays there

Anstett Jr (10:39:44 PM): showing that I have it

Lord BiBo (10:40:35 PM): it's a gorgeous flute, it appears to be made of platinum. she reaches for the flute, pulls it away and kisses you on the lips

Anstett Jr (10:40:49 PM): pushes her back onto the bed

Anstett Jr (10:40:53 PM): picks up the flute again

Anstett Jr (10:41:02 PM): let me play something for you

Lord BiBo (10:41:57 PM): she sits up and says, "Okay, though that was made for me, few people can play it very well."

Anstett Jr (10:43:24 PM): I try to play a song on it

Anstett Jr (10:43:30 PM): a short drinking tune

Lord BiBo (10:44:16 PM): since you don't actually have any skill at playing the flute, it comes out quite horribly, but then it IS a drinking song and they are all horrible by nature. She claps along, too drunk to notice.

Anstett Jr (10:44:32 PM): blows, dances a jig

Anstett Jr (10:44:36 PM): calms her down

Anstett Jr (10:44:48 PM): and then ducks out the door way when she falls asleep

Lord BiBo (10:45:11 PM): she doesn't fall asleep, waiting for you to join her in bed

Anstett Jr (10:45:36 PM): looks around to offer her another drink

Anstett Jr (10:45:56 PM): pulls out my flask as a last resort

Lord BiBo (10:46:36 PM): She shakes her head and pulls you close by the beard, stroking your cheek as she kisses you again on the lips

Anstett Jr (10:47:00 PM): hide a grimace

Anstett Jr (10:47:13 PM): pretends to take another drink

Anstett Jr (10:47:17 PM): offers it to her again

Anstett Jr (10:47:25 PM): no reason to stop drinking this early

Anstett Jr (10:47:33 PM): there must be more around somewehre

Anstett Jr (10:47:48 PM): is that what your sister is hiding from you behind that door?

Lord BiBo (10:48:34 PM): "Come now, it's been ages since I've had a man in my room.... What door are you obsessing about? the only door she would have told you not to go in is the one under the stairs because it leads down here, and like I said, my room is here as well as those of my siblings and the servants."

Anstett Jr (10:49:42 PM): nods, that door

Lord BiBo (10:50:22 PM): "you're through it silly, aren't you listening?"

Anstett Jr (10:50:29 PM): shakes my head

Anstett Jr (10:50:30 PM): no

Anstett Jr (10:50:33 PM): sorry

Lord BiBo (10:50:35 PM): she pouts

Anstett Jr (10:50:41 PM): I need to get in that door

Lord BiBo (10:50:42 PM): and sniffles

Anstett Jr (10:50:49 PM): I would do anything for someone who could do that for me

Anstett Jr (10:51:10 PM): drags my finger down her leg

Lord BiBo (10:51:38 PM): "tell you what, you spend the night with me, and I'll show you all of my siblings rooms, since you're so obsessed with them."

Anstett Jr (10:51:57 PM): fair enough,

Anstett Jr (10:52:00 PM): lets go down there now

Anstett Jr (10:52:03 PM): get that out of the way

Anstett Jr (10:52:08 PM): then we can come back here

Anstett Jr (10:52:13 PM): and spend the night in bliss

Lord BiBo (10:53:03 PM): "You're here now, when you are done you can leave. Please, it gets so lonely here."

Anstett Jr (10:53:18 PM): I think we should get this over with first

Anstett Jr (10:53:30 PM): because i like to concentrate on one thing at a time

Anstett Jr (10:53:38 PM): and give it my full attention

Anstett Jr (10:53:44 PM): show my your doors

Anstett Jr (10:53:47 PM): so I can show you mine

Lord BiBo (10:54:19 PM): She sighs, "If you're going to be difficult." She touches you and mutters an incantation.

Lord BiBo (10:54:53 PM): your surroundings change once again, you are in a room with mirrors everywhere

Lord BiBo (10:56:40 PM): She clenches her teeth and says, "Are you happy now?" and disappears

Anstett Jr (10:56:45 PM): sighs

Lord BiBo (10:57:55 PM): the room is barren save for the mirrors on all the walls

Lord BiBo (10:58:01 PM): no apparent doors

Anstett Jr (10:58:43 PM): looks around waiting and listening for a moment

Anstett Jr (10:58:44 PM): then

Anstett Jr (10:58:53 PM): throw my mug at a mirror

Lord BiBo (10:59:30 PM): as you do that, the mug crashes hard against you, stepping out of one of the mirrors