Main / May2909

May 29 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 29 16:35:44 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 29 16:47:25 EDT 2009 ====

[BOB] ] Antarias, Valedianna and Kwan Sun moved 119'08".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 11'00".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 11'03".

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 29 17:49:35 EDT 2009 ====

Death] has joined the game on Fri May 29 17:53:47 EDT 2009

Death] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Death] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Death] ] Finglas moved 23'04".

[Death] ] Finglas moved 27'02".

[BOB] ] XP award: 1000. Next level in 145998.

Lorie] has joined the game on Fri May 29 19:07:05 EDT 2009

Lorie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Lorie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Din {Mid Spring} 21st, 1260.

[Lorie] Hey

[Lorie] Skipped Happy Hour... did work and just got home

Lorie] is receiving the map Temple B...

Lorie] has received the map Temple B.

[BOB] Howdy Ho Neborino

[Lorie] How are you guys?

[BOB] Mike decided to wait through the night and head into the temple in the morning

[BOB] so I just set the calendar to the correct date and time for your side of things

[BOB] life is good

[BOB] food is order, arrived and consumed

[BOB] I have my BOB's Oatmeal and Cranberry cookies

[BOB] a glass of Merlot

[BOB] nice quiet peaceful and relaxed

[BOB] how are you starting your evening

[Lorie] thinking about how much work I should have done

[Lorie] and that's about it

[BOB] sorry

[Lorie] ehn

[Lorie] I gave up

[BOB] doyou have to do it over teh weekend? or does it wait till Monday?

[Lorie] I can only cram so much in

[Lorie] I have softball and T-Ball for the girls

[BOB] which is at least as important

[Death] hey lor

[Lorie] hey Mike

[BOB] so the three of you are there and we can move forward with your side of things

[BOB] Ant want to bring Kylia up to speed?

[BOB] and I added to the website the new things that Kylia was able to unearth about what is going on

[Antarias (Death)] sure. temple, bad crazy set prests who kill elves, no elves killed yet, no sign of fin & co.

[BOB] Along the southern edge of the Raurin Desert is a broken series of mountains called the Dustwall by those who live to the south of the range. Along the western tail of the Dustwall is an area of blasted landscape that is rumored to be haunted by remnants of the old gods. Called the desert of curses by the wandering nomads of the Raurin Desert the Dragonslayers visited this area during the adventure of Khamsa's Folly. The nomads in the southern regions of the Raurin use the phrase "Khamsa's Folly" as a parable to chastise excessive pride, for though little is remembered of his rule, the very mention of his name humbles the most boastful of men. According to legend, Khamsa's conceit soared so excessively that he descended into madness, rejecting the known gods as false, abolishing their worship, and proclaiming his own divinity. This brought the gods' ire upon him, for nothing is more likely to stir the anger of the gods than a claim of superiority over them. Hallstatt and Semphar profited from Khamsa's example, for they built great armies of warriors and wizards in anticipation of this revenge. Khamsa Anura, instead, sapped the vitality of his people for his own personal glorification. His fall is remembered still many hundreds of years later although not for the reasons that Khamsa wished to be remembered for.

[BOB] for ease of reference

[BOB] That enought for you Lorie?

[Lorie] ok

[Lorie] it's enough

[BOB] so

[BOB] Ant, Val and Kylia

[BOB] A pair of matched semicircular projections, each 50' high and pierced by long, thin windows provides entry to the structure. Sand enters the chamber through the base of these windows, spilling into the foyer like a vast waterfall.

[Antarias (Death)] "Kylia, welcome. It is good to see you."

[Antarias (Death)] "I'm glad you decided to come help."

[Lorie] "It's not that I wasn't going to help... I just opted to come prepared" :: holds out sack ::

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri May 29 19:18:27 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Hansie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[BOB] blinks

[Antarias (Death)] "Can you perhaps heal Val before we venture inward?"

[Antarias (Death)] oh good. my squire finally shows up again!

[BOB] pinches himself

[BOB] hello there sir!

[BOB] Mike and I were just talking about you before the game

[Antarias (Death)] good to see you hans

[BOB] welcome!

[Hansie] Howdy, folks!!!

[Hansie (to Death only)] back at ya, Death

[BOB] that is what you are dealing with hans

[BOB] are you here for the night?

[Lorie] Hey Hans ... how are you doing ???

[Hansie] Good, thanks, Lorie!

[Hansie] Been travelling a bunch

[Antarias (Death)] good places?

[Antarias (Death)] or smelly places?

[Hansie] Plus, when we are here on Fridays, it's kinda hectic with Karate et al. No Karate tonight. It's kinda like we have the night off...

[Hansie] Philly

[BOB] so both good and smelly

FRITZ] has joined the game on Fri May 29 19:20:57 EDT 2009

FRITZ] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

FRITZ] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Hansie] I Philly.

[Lorie] you probably have no idea what to do with free time

[Hansie] I heart Philly

[Lorie] that's how we are with the girls

[Hansie] Exactly, Lorie...

[Lorie] Scouts are almost over for the year... I'll have :: gasp :: free time

[Hansie] Cool pitcher, Bob.

[Antarias (Death)] philly's a great town

[Antarias (Death)] i love going there

[Lorie] Philly isn't so bad.

[Lorie] ANyone going to be in PGH for the G-20 Summit?

[Hansie] Spent 4 weeks there on a project for the EPA...

[Lorie] :: waves :: Hey Fritz

[Antarias (Death)] although the italian section has gotten scary

[Antarias (Death)] and more hispanic than italian

[Hansie] Hullo, Fritz-ster.

[BOB] let me explain... no time let me sum up... Kylia Antarias Val are off trying to explore this ancient temple because Finglas Rave (fritz) Paul, Moirra, Liam (guy) all disapeared in some sort of dream travel

[BOB] Finglas is trying to destroy a Flail of the Desert Kings

[BOB] that was given to him by an Evil human in the Underdark

[BOB] how is that for a story line?

[Hansie] Ugh, but cool.

[BOB] so Kylia grabs Percy (and if Christy is coming Arilyn) and tells you that you are going to a desert, strip out of your paladin plate mail

[BOB] and then POOF you are there

[BOB] and hello Frtiza

[Lorie] :: taps sack :: we'll but that shiny armor in here for the moment

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Yeah, I think Christy will login

[Antarias (Death)] "Why?"

[Hansie] ::no plate mail:: :<

[FRITZ] hello al. Just trying to catch up

[Antarias (Death)] "I've been fine with it so far, and we're going inside now."

Hansie] frowning, puzzled

[Antarias (Death)] "If I wasn't wearing it the sphinx would have been bad news, too."

[BOB] so you have that temple front and the waves of sand up towards it

[BOB] you have a handful of windows to peek through

[BOB] it is daylight so you can see in


[BOB] ] Finglas moved 25'05".

[Antarias (Death)] "Can you heal Val, Kylia?"

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 88'06".

[Lorie] :: points :: She doesn't appear injured

[Hansie] ::echoes same::

[Antarias (Death)] "I suppose the sun on the sand is getting in your eyes."

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Death only)] how did Lorie get up to you? I missed that.

[Lorie] I don't hear her whining

[Lorie] perhaps she is ill

[Hansie] 43/43?

[Antarias (Death) (to FRITZ only)] offline i guess

[Lorie] ((nah 22/58))

[Valedianna (Death)] "I could whine if you want me to."

[Lorie] ((but... there are two Val's on the tree... BOB isn't good at cleaning that thing ))

[Valedianna (Death)] "I can whine quite well. Probably bring anyone in there out to see what the commotion is."

[Hansie] ::Right:: That was the other "Val": Val'Iant

[Lorie] ((BOB, if I arrived in the evening... wouldn't we have done this BEFORE the morning and we're standing outside the temple?))

[BOB] yes you can do that

[BOB] will be a useful hint to everyone

[BOB] what spell are you using to heal her?


[Lorie] ((Okay... so then... I would have healed Val before bed and then in the morning got them all back))

[BOB] never mind, I forgot what track

[Lorie] ((Okay then))

[BOB] ] Valedianna's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (36) - Unharmed

[BOB] ] Antarias's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 85 (1) - Unharmed

[Lorie] ((Ant would have been healed by me as well ))

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so everyone on this track is fully healed, Kylia arrived in the evening with provisions, gear, and supplies

[BOB] then you decided to tackle the temple in the morning

[BOB] everyone is at full spells

[BOB] etc.

[BOB] you can look in the windows and see that

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)]

FRITZ] is receiving the map Temple B...

FRITZ] has received the map Temple B.

[BOB] fritz are you typing there? or just hitting enter?

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Valedianna (Death)] ::ties a rope to herself and Ant::

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ok

[BOB] no check needed if not in combat

[BOB] you can auto do that

[BOB] over there in the corner you can see where part of the wall has colapsed

[Valedianna (Death)] "Right, I'll go first to check things out. If there's sand pits hopefully I can fly, but if not, pull me out, eh?"

[BOB] and you could get through

[Percival (Hansie)] "I want to put my armor on before we go into *there*" ::pointing::

[Valedianna (Death)] "I really don't feel like getting sand all down my corset."

[Percival (Hansie)] "I'll just need a few minutes"

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] Hi ya doing buddy. Long time

[BOB] Fritz you are on Map A this is on map B they are running right now we will jump to your track in a bit

[BOB] so Val flys over?

[Percival (Hansie)] "I feel so, uh, unprotected, without it."

[BOB] or walks?

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] NP just watching to see what is going on

[BOB] always use protection

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] Hey, htere!

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 77'01".

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] well, I wanted to say "Naked" but I thought that would be too charged. Whatever!

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 27'04".

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 8'09".

[Lorie] ((Sorry, need to step away for a moment to finish dinner))

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] is she walking or flying?

[Valedianna (Death)] walks in

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] Yeah, I was telling the gang I've been on the road a lot and even when I'm in town, I don't get home until late. It's been working out for me, though. I've gotten some good projects recently-

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] should I come back later? I can go back to sleep and you can just call me when it is my turn

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] Congratulations

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Antarias moved 2'03".

[BOB] she gets about 15 feet in and then needs to make a Dex check

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] plus I'm being sponsored for a top secret security clearance. that'll be cool. It mainly means that I don't have to be escorted to the bathroom at those high security places!

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 9'04".

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] heh heh heh

[BOB] so she starts to sink in but her wings are strong enough to keep her out

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] LOL...Yea I bet you are the guy they frisk while he is taking a leak

Hansie] has left the game on Fri May 29 19:40:17 EDT 2009

[BOB] /frtiz no jumping back and forth, no worries

[Valedianna (Death)] "Pit." ::starts edging around to find a safe route::

[BOB] and she sinks again

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 16'07".

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[BOB] it looks like if you put more than 50# or so in one spot it colapses

[BOB] and you sink into the sand

[Lorie] ((back at Keyboard))

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri May 29 19:41:14 EDT 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Temple B...

Hansie] has received the map Temple B.

[BOB] need to figure out a way to cross without walking,

[Valedianna (Death)] "Shield."

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 27'00".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] LOL...Yea I bet you are the guy they frisk while he is taking a leak

[Valedianna (Death)] ::flies along, using the shield to put weight on an area to tamp it down::

[BOB] it still sinks but seems to be better at staying stable

[BOB] does not seem to be actually packing any sand down though

[Valedianna (Death)] "I hate sand."

[Hansie] ] Percival moved 68'03".

[Valedianna (Death)] is there anything to tie a rope to at the hole end?

[BOB] rocks

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 72'03".

[Valedianna (Death)] ::flies down and ties her end of the rope to a rock::

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 9'01".

[BOB] Observation check

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[BOB] oh well

[Hansie (to Death only)] is Ant wearing his armor?

[BOB] you see thtat here are pillars farther into the room

[Valedianna (Death) (to Hansie only)] heck yeah

[Valedianna (Death)] okay, but is there a good place to tie off not farther in?

[BOB] it is very early in the day, the heat is just startign to build up

[BOB] no, just the rocks

[Hansie (to Death only)] Just making sure. I'm putting mine on. I'll probably die with it or without it anyway...

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 87'06".

Hansie] ::continuing to put on pieces of armor::

[Valedianna (Death)] ::flies back and ties off up top::

[Valedianna (Death)] "Okay, slide down now."

[BOB] nothing on the outside to tie it off to really

[BOB] but Ant and Percy could hold it

[Valedianna (Death)] that won't help in the end

[BOB] and then what light source does Val have?

[Hansie] "Let's put my Hill Giant strength to work!"

[Valedianna (Death)] rock

[Valedianna (Death)] they're prepared, remember?

[BOB] ok

[BOB] just checking

[Valedianna (Death)] bob's making us open the PP for rope to do this.

[Valedianna (Death)] everyone okay with that?

[Valedianna (Death)] hell, unless we emptied out the PP it doesn't have crap anyway.

[Hansie] why, what could happen?

[BOB] you can only open the Scroll of Shelter once per day

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Lorie did you ever go and check on Rave to see how he was doing?))

[BOB] so if you open it now to get rope out

[BOB] etc

[Valedianna (Death)] unless someone else has a better way to get down that rope slide

[Lorie] ((Umm... I don't know that i knew where Rave was to go check on him))

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 60'01".

[Lorie] ((Kylia spent time to research where you all went and tried to come prepared. BOB indicated that Ant / Val were closer, so I ended up with them))

[Valedianna (Death)] well, and not in weird pocket plane

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((He was living in your palace. In what ever room or closet you provided. You should have known. ok))

[Valedianna (Death)] so let's rock this

[BOB] soyou are opening and taking the rope out

[BOB] anythign else while you have it open?

[Valedianna (Death)] no one has said to the contrary yet.

[Hansie (to BOB only)] FYI, I might not be able to stay up too long. I've been getting up at 5AM every day and that makes me *very* tired starting at about 9PM. I'm actually starting to feel tired now :(

[BOB] then roll it back up

[Valedianna (Death)] hang on

[BOB (to Hansie only)] no problem glad to have you when ever we can

[Hansie] ::continuing to don armor::

[Valedianna (Death)] anyone?

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] If they had gone looking for Rave I could have helped them. He had rope, grappling hooks, water, food, etc in the PH

[Hansie] Nope. Good here.

[Valedianna (Death)] alright.

[Valedianna (Death)] let's go go go

[BOB (to FRITZ only)] nods, we will see what happens, she did do some prep work and such before coming, there is more on the site if you have not seen it yet

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] well I guess that goes to show how inconsequential the group thinks he is

[Hansie] ::taking his time, trying not to look desperate or off-balance while putting on the metal boots::

[Lorie] ((Fritz, since Rave spends nearly 99% of his time invisible, it's unlikely that Kylia would have known where Rave was unless Rave specifically told her so. I have no record of that conversation, so I have no idea where Rave is))

[Antarias (Death)] ::stands near the poor paladin to lean on::

[Antarias (Death)] ::understands the pain of plate::

[Hansie] Where did he go? Where did *who* go?

[BOB] sand flows over and through the windows

[BOB] up to taht level of the broken in wall

[Hansie] "THanks, Ant. You know, I'm really not that vain. Well, maybe just a little if you must have the truth. I can't lie, you know..."

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 90'06".

[BOB] Val says there is a floor over there

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Well I guess all that would depend on wether he was considered a dragon slayer or not and if he was then he would have needed a place to sleep. If not then I gather no one would know where he was))

[Antarias (Death)] ::slides down ala um... lethal weapon 2?::

[Hansie] ::done putting the armor on. goes and joins Antarias::

[BOB] ] Ariella moved 161'08".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 171'11".

[Antarias (Death)] or die hard 3? crap, which was bruce willis and danny glover?

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 88'02".

[Antarias (Death)] with the bombs all over the city?

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] DH 2

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] no DH 3

[Percival (Hansie)] That was Samuel L. Jackson. Get you soul right.

[Antarias (Death)] okay, ::slides down ala die hard 3::

[Antarias (Death)] was it really?

[Percival (Hansie)] Man.

[Antarias (Death)] i thought it was glover.

[Antarias (Death)] haven't seen it is too long, i guess.

[BOB] This long hall is lined with tall columns covered with dozens of slithering, jet-black snakes.The enormous chamber ends in a set of heavy bronze doors.

[Percival (Hansie)] ::laughs, sighs::

[Antarias (Death)] i hope sammy doesn't show up at my door tonight and beat the tar outta me now.

[BOB] so that you know what you are standing on the edge of

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Hansie is you have any rythm Mike? can you dance?))

[Antarias (Death)] you know he monitors the interwebs for stuff like that

[Antarias (Death)] hell no. i'm bloody white.

[Percival (Hansie)] (and Fritz was right, it was DH3 with my man Samuel L. Jackson)

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Yep you are again correct Hansie...He's got no Soul!!))

[Antarias (Death)] why did it have to be snakes?

[Antarias (Death)] i hate snakes

[Antarias (Death)] i sold it for my mad min/maxing skillz

[Percival (Hansie)] (Remember it had Hans Gruber's brother in it and they wanted to set off a nuke on a barge in NYC. Well, maybe not a nuke, but a really really big bomb)

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((LOL))

[Antarias (Death)] i think bibo's been using it to keep his TV straight

[Percival (Hansie)] ::laughing at Fritz::

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((To fake out the radioactive gold loss from the treasury))

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[BOB] so Kylia and Percy gliding over?

[BOB] so Ant can see the snakes that Val missed

[BOB] and the fact that there are pillars to tie the rope off on

[Antarias (Death)] "You failed to mention the snakes, Val..."

[Antarias (Death)] how big are these snakes?

[BOB] small, each are 2-5 foot long

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Snakes I can handle...I bet on our side it is spiders...ugh I am a major arachnaphobe))

[Antarias (Death)] vipers?

[BOB] some smaller, none bigger than that

[BOB] how do you know until you go up to them? black shiny snakes

[Antarias (Death)] well hell, all desert snakes are vipers. dammit

[Antarias (Death)] head shape

[BOB] and Ant is a herpatologist?

[BOB] moving along there are others still outside in the sun

[Percival (Hansie)] Now Samuel L. Jackson was in that movie "Snakes on a Plane". Maybe that's what you were thinking of. But it still wasn't Danny Glover...

[Antarias (Death)] hey, everyone needs a hobby.

[BOB] are they coming across

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((I can give hiim a pill for that))

[Antarias (Death)] we gotta get the mother f'ing snakes, out of this mother f'ing temple!

[Antarias (Death)] now normally, i'd say we go in calm and slow, and they wont' attack us, but these are bob snakes

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((I had a patient that came in yesterday with Herpates...It can be very painful if you don't take the pills, and of course it does spread by sexual contact))

[Antarias (Death)] they'll attack us two steps into the room

[Percival (Hansie)] And "Black Snake Moan", if I remember correctly.

[Antarias (Death)] fireball?

[Antarias (Death)] anit snake barrier?

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Damn straight with my girl in one of her sexiest roles yet))

[Antarias (Death)] just step on them one by one?

[Antarias (Death)] oh hell, ant can keep them off us, let's go.

[Antarias (Death)] just stay close to ant and you'll be good. ::grin::

[BOB] doors on the far side

[Percival (Hansie)] Yeah, Ant is a dwarf version of a human food processor.

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Of course he disgraced himself by being in the movie "The Spirit"...probably the worlds all time worse movie - It ties or beats "In the Name of the King" depending on your point of view))

[Antarias (Death)] wait, nevermind, we have babies with us.

[Antarias (Death)] i was just going to dragon fear them away from us

[Antarias (Death)] but the level 7's would need a fear check as well

[Antarias (Death)] soooo..... anyone?

[Antarias (Death)] yes? no? maybe?

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 82'11".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((I forgot the name of the director for "The Name of the King", but I did go and sign the web site that he promised if he got 1 million signatures he would stop making movies.))

[BOB] Percy? Kylia you moving acorss the sand

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] I know you must have seen Speed Racer, then. She was looking extremely hot in that movie, too. Yowza!

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] Damn Skippy I did...Especially in those black boots and short skirt

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] Yeah, the Spirit was exceedingly stupid. Very disappointing.

[Antarias (Death)] going once,

[Percival (Hansie) (to FRITZ only)] Exactly. Ouch.

[Antarias (Death)] going twice,

[BOB] so Percy and Kylia/

[BOB] outside looking in

[BOB] crossing? ideas for the snakes?

[Percival (Hansie)] Do we have to do anything special to get to where Ant is?

[Antarias (Death)] yeah. say you're coming down

[Lorie] ((I could try and Air Walk to them))

[BOB] weigh less than 200#

[BOB] an dyou can use the rope

[Antarias (Death)] or you could just slide down the rope like everyone else did

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to Hansie only)] worse than was almost suicidal. I honestly couldn't decide whether to kill myself or burn down the theater...Luckily the theater was on the first floor, I didn't have a knife or a gun handy, and since I don't smoke I didn't have matches or a lighter.

[Percival (Hansie)] What do we need the rope for?

[Antarias (Death)] to slide down like in DH 3

[BOB] to avoid sinking into the sand and going under

[Antarias (Death)] which is where fritz started going off about sammy

[Percival (Hansie)] LOL at Fritz. Oh, boy!!! You kill me!

[Lorie] ((Okay...I do thusly))

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 86'06".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] (hehehehe))

[BOB] so how much is Percy?

[Antarias (Death)] we could let the snakes kill you instead...

[Percival (Hansie)] 200 lbs plus armor, weapons, etc. Nowhere near 200...

[Antarias (Death)] lorie, ideas about the snakes?

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Ant etc has to help with that issue, Kylia can help with the snakes

[Lorie] Any parseltongues in the group?

[Percival (Hansie)] "It appears I am not much use here."

[Antarias (Death)] take off the armor, throw it down , slide down, put it on again

[Antarias (Death)] and if no one else has any suggestions for the snakes i'm reasonably sure that ant can protect val who can maybe even hide in shadows to the door

[Percival (Hansie) (to Death only)] that'll take about 20 minutes or so...

[Antarias (Death) (to Hansie only)] who cares? we click time, done.

[Percival (Hansie)] ::starts taking off the armor so as not to sink in the sand::

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Reminds me of an old Indian saying Lorie - He who speaks with forked tongue needs to learn to take utensil out of mouth before chewing))

[Percival (Hansie)] ::10 minutes later, he's done::

[BOB] ok so in the time that Percy stripps slides and dresses

[BOB] ] Percival moved 102'02".

[BOB] Rope is left tied there

[BOB] what abotu the snakes?

[Percival (Hansie)] "Careful with this armor" ::wrapping armor carefully in blankets and sliding it down the ?hill?::

[Antarias (Death)] are they evil snakes hans?

[BOB] no

[Antarias (Death)] do a check evil on them

[BOB] snakes are snakes

[Antarias (Death)] unless they're not

[Antarias (Death)] or evil

[Antarias (Death)] or sentient

[Antarias (Death)] in an evil temple

[Antarias (Death)] or legless lizzards

[BOB] just black shiny snakes around pillars in an evil temple what could there be to be worried about

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Or worse...Spiders... I hate it when snakes are actually spiders...))

[Antarias (Death)] so val's going to go real quiet like right along the wall

[Antarias (Death)] ant is going to walk real clanky like along between her and snakes

[Antarias (Death)] in defensive mode, shield at the ready, etc

[Antarias (Death)] they're going to move slow and make no sudden movements toward the snakes

[BOB] ok, move on out

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 15'05".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 23'08".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 6'11".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 4'10".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 1'04".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias and Valedianna moved 6'07".

[Lorie] Okay... I have reviewed all of my spells

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias and Valedianna moved 10'06".

[Lorie] I have nothing that specifically addresses Kylia does the next best thing and lights a torch to keep the snakes away.

[Percival (Hansie) (to Death only)] sorry, stepped away for a minute. I guess Bob said no, they're not evil. I would have detected for you if I saw your request-

[Antarias (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=100] 100 - ROLL FAILED against 95!!

[BOB] and Val does not find any traps

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] Hey you know since it is just mike and me if you want to play with this group tonight since Hans is here I can actually take off, go to the hospital and be back in a couple of hours...I do have things to do and they can get alot accomplished here.

[BOB] and it is locks

[Antarias (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB (to FRITZ only)] was just jumping to your side in two mintues soon as they are don with the room

[BOB (to FRITZ only)] just hang for a sec

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] I really don't mind...hint hint

[BOB (to FRITZ only)] yeah but want to push your side along too

[BOB] and the door is unlocked

[Antarias (Death)] ::opens door::

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ) (to BOB only)] it is just me and mike...what does it matter?

[Antarias (Death)] rocks fall, everyone dies

[BOB] ] Antarias and Valedianna moved 8'03".

[Antarias (Death)] no wait, SAND falls, everyone dies

[BOB] This chamber contains the war implements of long dead cultures. Lining the walls are many spears, shields and other antiquated designed weapons. There are double doors on the far wall.

[BOB] ] Ariella moved 21'02".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 15'08".

[Antarias (Death)] what condition are they in?

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 32'09".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 45'00".

[Lorie] :: wipes brow :: whew! I thought BOB said... Spiders lined the walls

[BOB] they look ok, but you would have to go in to check them

Hansie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Hansie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((hehe...Yea I am with you Lorie...)

[BOB] looks like no one has been in this room for maybe a century or more

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 4'06".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 8'03".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 12'05".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 5'06".

Hansie] has left the game on Fri May 29 20:20:00 EDT 2009

[BOB] ] Percival moved 5'11".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Bad housing market...))

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri May 29 20:20:25 EDT 2009

[Antarias (Death)] are these things thousands of years old looking or fresh outta the forge looking?

[BOB] it looks like some of them are in decent condition, you would guess that an antiques dealer would go crazy here, but none look to be magicaly new and shiny

Hansie] is receiving the map Base Map DDD...

Hansie] has received the map Base Map DDD.

Hansie] is receiving the map Temple B...

Hansie] has received the map Temple B.

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Hehehe Did Set foreclose on Khamsa's overdue Mortgage?))

[Lorie] ((Hey... my deity is of blacksmithing lore... can I make any checks to see what I know?))

[Valedianna (Death)] "Meh. I don't see anything immediately useful. Though I know a guy who might be able to off load these to some collectors. Maybe we can come back."

[Death] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] Kylia can tell that some of these are from Ancient Druid ceremonies

[BOB] back in the early days of the Celtic Empire

[Hansie] "Sounds good, Val. Let's continue to map this out and come back to appraise historic artifacts later."

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] ] Antarias and Valedianna moved 26'06".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 29'02".

[Lorie] :: explains to the group ::

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 9'00".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 8'05".

[BOB] ] Ariella moved 6'11".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 9'04".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Celts in the desert???? Is that like Boston playing the Lackers?))

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((lackers=Lakers))

[BOB] and soon as Mike is back upstairs we are jumping to the other Track

[BOB] so Fritz any ideas on hwo to get that group across?

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 67'00".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 85'10".

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 74'04".

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 71'02".

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] ((Back stroke?))

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 81'01".

FRITZ] is receiving the map Temple A...

FRITZ] has received the map Temple A.

[BOB] and Hans when you return, the group is split into two tracks, A and B, Percy is in Track B, we are catching track A up now, then jumping back to track B

[BOB] if there are things you think of Lorie, just ask

[BOB] for your track

[Lorie] ((Okay... still listening to NC here))

[Rave Starfire (FRITZ)] afk...gonna get a glass of water

[FRITZ] I am away from the keyboard.

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Finglas moved 6'04".

[Death] I am back at the keyboard.

[Valedianna (Death)] well, we have no rope.

[Valedianna (Death)] no skis

[Finglas (Death)] rave can fly

[Finglas (Death)] i can't

[Finglas (Death)] if this was lotr fin would be okay

[Damn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Damn)] hello

[Rave Starfire (Damn)] Heheehe....get it? "Damn I am back at the keyboard"...Oh I crack me up))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Well I guess I fly in to check out the room

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 27'03" (5.4 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 30'06" (6 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 49'06" (9.8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I tell them what I see.

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 5'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I can try and fly one of you across but that is about it.

[BOB] Rave flying in sees the snakes on the pillars, and the double doors at the far end of the chamber

[Finglas (Death)] "I think this flail is about as useful as a regular one."

[Finglas (Death)] "Nothing seems to happen if I probe it."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hey spiders disguised as careful.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh so you have

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] OK.

[Finglas (Death)] "I have consulted with the amulet and have figured out the flail is not sentient or has any readily apparent powers other than bad dreams."

[BOB] it does glow like a magical weapon

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ahh haa...then how the hell did we end up in No-where-land?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok well you want me to take you across Finglas?

[BOB] (when you meet up with Kylia she can explain part of that Rave, grins)

[Hansie] /bob gotcha, Bob. "Track B"

Hansie] is receiving the map Temple A...

Hansie] has received the map Temple A.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((..If...Don't you mean "If"?))

[Finglas (Death)] "I suppose that would be best."

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] if she dies she is coming back to haunt you and you have already said you are goign to be a ghost

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Flies across the treachorous looking Sand holding on to Finglass

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 96'11" (19.3 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Finglas moved 109'05" (21.8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I go and check out the first door, then the second door for traps if I can.

[BOB] make those rolls

[Finglas (Death)] "Snakes. Lovely."

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri May 29 20:36:20 EDT 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Temple B...

Kaz] has received the map Temple B.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 40'02" (8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=24] 24 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 73'00" (14.6 squares).

[BOB] you can roll that only to me you know Fritz

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] but that is ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh ok sorry.

[BOB] so how are you getting them all across?

[BOB] and Welcome Kaz

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Remind me enxt time

[Finglas (Death)] hey kaz!

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] glad you could make it!

[Lorie] ((Evening Kaz))

[BOB] but no traps

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hello Kaz

[Kaz] Hi Guys! I'm sorry I"m so late

[Finglas (Death)] it's okay. i already docked you dessert.

[Kaz (to Death only)] I would have been here earlier, but I actually fell asleep at my desk. :- [Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] yea I bet you said that statement before!!!!

[BOB] so crossing the sand pit of doom now Kaz

[Kaz (to Fritz only)] who what?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] Hi Guy! I'm sorry I am so late

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] bad joke

[Kaz (to Fritz only)] I actually was late picking him up.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Can you cast anything to improve my strength Moirra.

[Kaz] Sand pit of doom. Yay.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to Kaz only)] LOL

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] If you could I may be strong enough to carry you across

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I must think for a moment, Rave.

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] poor kazzy. hope you're up for adventure now

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] not so much, but I'm going to do my best!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok. While at each door Bob I look to make sure that there is no sand leaking from behind them that might indicate a room filled with sand behind. I do first door, then second door.

[Finglas (Death)] really fritz, she just needs HELP

[Finglas (Death)] bob said 50% weight was okay

[BOB] and no sand Rave

[Finglas (Death)] so if you TRY to fly her, you'll at least reduce her effective weight

[Finglas (Death)] physics says that she can get down without sinking

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh ok...Sorry mike...I was half asleep in the beginning. I was dozing off and on at the computer

[Moirra (Kaz)] I don't think there's anything in particular I could do, spellwise.

[Finglas (Death)] or turn into a sand shark and let her surf you down

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((One day I'll know my spells by heart... I swarez))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok Bob I lend her my support to keep her as aloft as possible and reduce her weight on the sand

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Lorie only)] *hugs*

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 118'07".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I thought about that, but didn't know if Bob would say I knew what a land shark was?

[Finglas (Death)] gotta love physics

[BOB] ] Liam Dugan moved 103'05".

[BOB] ] Paul Elvenstire moved 102'01".

[BOB] so the room has the pillars

Death] has edited Finglas's effects.

[BOB] covered with black shiny snakes

[BOB] The vast width of this chamber is difficult to determine, even in daylight, and the shadowy reaches of the far walls are not revealed by torches. The air is thick with dust, making breathing difficult. A massive stone head can be seen below against the opposite wall of the chamber, partially covered by sand. Most features of the grim countenance are worn away, but the figure still reflects great power, and the enormous statue is an awe-inspiring creation, indicative of the advancement of the culture that created it. Near the southern end of the opposite wall, a large, rubble-strewn fissure allows access to the inner temple.

[BOB] This long hall is lined with tall columns covered with dozens of slithering, jet-black snakes.The enormous chamber ends in a set of heavy bronze doors.

[Finglas (Death)] well, we know what's behind THAT door...

[BOB] that was the sand pit and then the gallery

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] No snakes on the floor they are just on the pillars?

[BOB] so you are all in the gallery together now

[Finglas (Death)] any good paintings?

[BOB] they are curled around the pillars, they shy away from you

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((snerk))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I check the doors for locks

[Finglas (Death)] so big doors, or little doors?

[BOB] big doors

[BOB] heavy bronze doors

[BOB] not locked Rave

[Finglas (Death)] does the flail urge me in a particular direction?

[BOB] none

[Finglas (Death)] useless crap

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 85'03".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 85'08".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Both are not locked or just this one?

[Finglas (Death)] why do i get saddled with all the useless crap?

[BOB] both are not locked

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok I open the nearest one first

[Finglas (Death)] and this guy thought he was going to conquer the gods with this thing?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 75'07" (15.1 squares).

[Finglas (Death)] what a dumbass

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 65'02".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 75'04".

[BOB] ok

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] :: hugs back :: How are you doing????

[BOB] This chamber contains the war implements of long dead cultures. Lining the walls are many spears, shields and other antiquated designed weapons. There are double doors on the far wall.

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Lorie only)] Tired, but good, thanks. How are you doing?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ok. wait here I am going to go and listen at both far doors for noise

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 30'06" (6.1 squares).

[BOB] all clean and shiny new weapons, but you hear no noise on the far doors

Moirra (Kaz)] eyes the weapons, wondering if they would be of any use, or if they are a trap of some type.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Any daggers that I could use Bob?

[Finglas (Death)] "Thank god, something useful in this god forsaken place."

[Lorie (to Kaz only)] :: sighs :: sadly ... tired too. Work has been CRAZYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyy

[Finglas (Death)] bows?

[Finglas (Death)] spears?

[Finglas (Death)] shields?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Forks?

[BOB] no daggers or bows, all are spears or what you would call a lance

[Finglas (Death)] what kind of spear?

[BOB] shields and spears

[Finglas (Death)] long?

[Finglas (Death)] short?

[BOB] short

[BOB] and long

[BOB] some with weird shaped heads

[Finglas (Death)] "Rave, do they seem trapped?"

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((rusty spoons with which to carve out hearts?))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I will check

[Finglas (Death)] mellon ballers?

[BOB] there is a khopesh in the bunch also

[Finglas (Death)] i hear they're great for eyes

[Finglas (Death)] ::shudders::

[Finglas (Death)] ihate khopeshes

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Rave Starfire: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=25] 25 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Did that wok Bob?

[BOB] Rave says he can not find any traps on the weapons

[Finglas (Death)] long sword?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 89'04" (17.8 squares).

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Rave Starfire: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=49] 49 - ROLL FAILED against 45!!

[BOB] no long sword

[BOB] but everyone can make a poison save please

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 9'05".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 9'01".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz) (to GM only)] ] Rave Starfire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 79'10".

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 6!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Why did we touch any?

[Finglas (Death)] what are we getting poisoned by?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Or was it in the air?

[Finglas (Death)] i didn't touch any yet

[BOB] so Rave failed the first one, Fin succeeded

[BOB] Moira?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Moirra failed. I saved

[Moirra (Kaz)] I rolled

[BOB] no Rave you rolled twice

[BOB] the first you failed

[BOB] and I need a second one after that

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I didn't know I couldn't see

[BOB] so now Moirra you can roll the second now

[BOB] is ok

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] And what is the poison from?

[BOB] you made the second which is important

[Moirra (Kaz)] ] Moirra: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 7!!

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so Finglas starts to reel from something in the air, and grabs at Rave tossing him towards the doors, clutches for Moirra and misses

[BOB] Finglas struggles on his knees to the doors, calling out for help

[BOB] Rave is yelling and screaming gibberish

[BOB] after a moment or two

[BOB] finglas is breathing properly again

[BOB] he sees Rave spinning circles in the air

[BOB] and Moirra lying on the ground in the chamber

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Break Dancing Pixie style?))

[Finglas (Death)] can i tell what it was from?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((while 'singing' rap music, apparently))

[BOB (to Fritz only)] esentially insane, madness gibbering, you know who you are, but not why you are there and what you can do, you are liek that orignail nomads brother driving mad

[BOB (to Kaz only)] very sorry,

[BOB] you do not see anything in particular

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((I would have prefered to sing Barry Manilow))

[Finglas (Death)] ::holds breath and goes back for moirra::

[BOB] you can drag her back out

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Boogey, Boogey...Woogy Woogy Woogy....Hey Finglas...Did I ever tell you that the moon is a river that flows through the earth like a rock

[BOB] she is dead

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Moirra. Wake up Girl Friend....quit playing mole.

[Finglas (Death)] well crap. really?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] You want me to crap? Ok

[BOB] no movement, no gibberish like Rave is

[Finglas (Death)] or just appears dead?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Pulls down pants and takes a dump))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Oh wow look, I think this one looks like Moirra.

[BOB] ] Moirra moved 9'08".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 10'10".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Come on Moirra dance with me....(Turns into an Octopus)

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 27'06".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Dance fever

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Fritz only)] that was really disgusting, thanks

[BOB] so Finglas anything? or skip back to the other track while you think?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Changes into a girl. Look I think I am going to change my name to Adam and go audition for a show called Khamsa's Idol!!! Think I will win the dance off with Gilles?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Turns into a bear..."Hey Booboo"

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[BOB] Moirra is dead

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Changes into a human..."Go on Punk...Do ya feel lucky? Did I crap 5 times or 6?"

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] well. crap, i'm sorry that happened.

[BOB] and Rave seems to have gone insane, gibbering mad like the orignal caravan leader said happened to his brother

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] kinda lame to sign in, and die like that

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] Such is life. :(

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] I agree.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] hey what is that on your hip? Is that a Flail of Kings or are you just unhappy to see me?

[BOB] Lorie you almost ready?

[Finglas (Death)] "hey crazy, go unlock the other door"

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] Would you please take my holy symbol and have Rhys return it to her home temple?

[BOB] Rave can not

[Lorie] ((Just to confirm Moirra and Rave both picked up random weapons they saw in the temple?))

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] eh, i'll raise you when we gethome

[BOB] he can not use any skills usfully

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Turns to Finglas "Who you calling Hey"?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((changes into a horse))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] I am Mr. Ed

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Howdy Wiiillllbur

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 70'01".

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] it's against my religion. Resurrect only. Maybe I'll be a butterfly! :D

[Finglas (Death)] ::tries to open door::

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] did you put it in your will?

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 12'00".

[Finglas (Death) (to Kaz only)] you mean reincarnate?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((No Lorie, it was something in the air, I guess))

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Lookie, snakes...good thing they aren't spiders....Damn I hate spiders

[Finglas (Death)] ::holds breath::

[BOB] This chamber must have once used by Khamsa to greet important worshipers and other dignitaries, is dominated by an obsidian platform atop which rests a heavy wooden chair ornate in design and decoration. A broken door in the northeast corner leads out of the chamber.

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 56'11".

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] That is what I meant, yes. Thanks.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hey Finny, want a glass of Beer Sand?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 27'03" (5.4 squares).

[Finglas (Death)] "If I wasn't so nice I'd throw you in to see if you die in there, too."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Look I am not your averaaage bear!!! (turns into turtle)

[Moirra (Kaz) (to Death only)] Heh, I dont' think I ever did a will.

[Finglas (Death)] ::holds out the Flail of Kings and says a quick prayer::

[Finglas (Death)] ] Finglas moved 56'05".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Ahhhh why not...Throw me...It would be fun

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire moved 57'03" (11.4 squares).

[BOB] finglas feels a suge of a mental attack go over him, but he seems to be immune

[BOB] Rave make a save versue spell please

[Finglas (Death)] "Finally, it becomes useful."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Starts blinking in and out of invisible....) Hey do you think I could give myself a seizure by doing the strobe effect?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[BOB] so now Rave is Blind

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ] Rave Starfire: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[BOB] still

[BOB] wry grin

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] It was the wrong roll.

[Finglas (Death)] wow. he's doing about as well as bibo does

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Hey who turned on the lights

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 47'06".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 10'03".

[Finglas (Death)] ::ties a leash around rave::

[BOB] what does Fingla swant to do with Rave?

[Finglas (Death)] "Let's go."

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] See I knew it one of these days I would make my eyes invisible and now I can't see.

[BOB] ok

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 9'04".

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((Changes into a dog)) Meow

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Meow

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 52'02".

[BOB] ] Finglas and Rave Starfire moved 73'09".

[BOB] This hallway is filled with dust, cobwebs, and crumbled rock, appearing to have been unused for many years. The walls feature faded, cracked paintings of Khamsa's great achievements, portrayed in both literal and symbolic fashion. While the specifics of most of these scenes are not discernible, a common theme seems to be powerful beings of varied types paying homage to a human king. The hallway turns to the left and continues with an opening on the left, followed by double doors and then another lefthand turn.

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] ((changes into a snail and moves vvvveeerrry slowly)

[BOB] and now we BREAK &&&&&&

[BOB] back to track B

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] Wait

Death] is receiving the map Temple B...

Death] has received the map Temple B.

[BOB] yes Fritz?

[Rave Starfire (Fritz)] (Turns into Baby Huey....) Daddy carry me, my legs are tired!!!

[BOB] ok

[Fritz] Ok now I am done

[BOB] so back to Track B

[BOB] Lorie

[BOB] Hans

[BOB] you have a room full of dusty old antique weapons

[Lorie] So... if this room was originally celtic, do I need to re-sanctify?

[Fritz (to Death only)] was that acting crazy enough for you?

[BOB] adn a set of double doors in front of you

[BOB] no

[BOB] not ogrinaly Celtic, just a couple of celtic weapons captured in previous wars

[Lorie] Hmmm...

[Lorie] okay

[Lorie] well does it feel evil in there?

[Fritz (to BOB only)] can I leave now or do you still need me to stay and bug the shit out of Finglas?

[Lorie] :: points at girdle ::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm sorry guys, I'm going to go. I wish you all major luck tonight.))

Kaz] has left the game on Fri May 29 21:10:39 EDT 2009

[BOB (to Fritz only)] you can leave, wry grin, sorry about that, we will see if they can bring you back to normal afterwards

[Lorie] ((Oh, okay ))

[Finglas (Death)] /kaz night kaz. sorry again. i'll rais you against your will since you left no will!

[BOB] and no evil for Kylia

[Lorie] Okay...

[Lorie] well then let's push on

[Fritz (to BOB only)] No worries....I have already rolled up my battle rager...He is all set to go...I can type up the story anytime. Just will need to know his final level

[Finglas (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] no traps

[Finglas (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 25!!

[BOB] no noise

[Fritz] Well night all. I also wish you all luck. Bob says I am not needed any longer tonight.

[BOB] This chamber was designed to house books, scrolls and artwork apparently by the long destroyed shelving that runs along the walls. There is a set of double doors on the far wall.

[Finglas (Death) (to Fritz only)] wow, crappy night for side a

[Fritz] Oh and what sweet irony.... I got to "BUG" the shit out of Finglass!!!

[Lorie] :: looks sadly at the ancient weapons of her culture and keeps focused to continue on ::

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 34'09".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 13'02".

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 10'07".

[BOB] ] Percival moved 40'02".

[BOB] ] Ariella moved 35'11".

[BOB] ] Kwan Sun moved 34'01".

[Finglas (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=20] 20 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] no traps

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 24'10".

[Valedianna (Death)] "These wouldn't even be useful to collectors."

[Fritz (to Death only)] not and john are still ok...I had fun. I feel sorry for Kaz, but I am just glad it was an adventure. That is all I ever ask for. The good outcomes are nice, but the bad can be fun as well. Of course if I had my magic items I wouldn't have failed my rolls. I could adjusted all my saves because I didn't have my usual protections. Plus if I had one of my items I could have forfitted it to guarentee my success on that poison save. But since I dont have it I am now insane.

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 24'00".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 17'00".

[Lorie] :: nods :: we keep moving

[BOB] ] Percival moved 6'03".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 3'06".

[Lorie] "These are from my people... there is value, but we aren't here on a loot mission"

[Lorie] :: keeps moving quickly ::

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Looting check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Looting check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Fritz (to BOB only)] well night Bob. It would have been different if I had my magic items with me. I lost alot of saving throw protections.

[BOB (to Fritz only)] nods, night

Fritz] has left the game on Fri May 29 21:16:34 EDT 2009

[BOB (to Death only)] Val finds a small ornamental scroll tube of an oddly purplish glass, hidden within a kilt of studded leather, inside is an ancient scroll that looks like it might fall apart if not handled extremely carefully

[Lorie] Well gee BOB

[Lorie] you must be riding high on the hog now

[Lorie] you scared all the gamers away

[BOB] wry grin

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valedianna modified:

[BOB] moving forward though

[BOB] I did have a plan and it will still work

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Character sheet for Valedianna modified: Wealth - DELETED: null, null, null.

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Find/Remove Traps check:(d100) [1d100=75] 75 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 8'06".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 9'00".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 8'11".

Hansie] has left the game on Fri May 29 21:20:57 EDT 2009

[BOB] you see that cooridor on both sides

[Valedianna (Death)] alright lor, it's me n you

[Valedianna (Death)] lol

[BOB] there seem to be stairs to the left

[Valedianna (Death)] let's clear this baby

[BOB] going down deeper into the temple

[Valedianna (Death)] clear the floor first?

[Lorie] OR...

[Lorie] we can go to the right?

[Valedianna (Death)] okay.

[BOB] you can go to the right

[Lorie] hmmm.... that's an interesting choice

[BOB] there is a cooridor stretching out opening on the right then turns to the right at the end

[Lorie] normally I'd vote go down...but let's finish this level

[Valedianna (Death)] okay.

[Lorie] Let's see what else there is about

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Antarias moved 26'04".

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 14'11".

[BOB] Antarias make a saving throw verus spell please

[BOB] actually all three can

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 18'10".

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 2'01".

[Lorie] ] Kylia Wolfslayer: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Antarias: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 7!!

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Valedianna (Death) (to GM only)] ] Valedianna: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Valedianna: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[BOB] so Val turns to Antarias and Kylia and says, "it feels like there is a ghost here, like a dead friend"

[Lorie] Oh?

[Antarias (Death)] "No friends here, I'm sure."

[BOB] This chamber apparently was a chapel in the past, there is a shattered marble alter on the far wall flanked by two alcoves in which stand statues that are partially decayed.

[Antarias (Death)] are there holy symbols apparent on the altar?

[BOB] none

[Antarias (Death)] can we tell what gods the statues are?

[Antarias (Death)] horse head, owl head, ect

[BOB] it is clear it was an altar but there is no symbol left, like someone erased that god from existance

[BOB] and no, they look like decayed men

[BOB] they look like statues

[Antarias (Death)] are they statues or actual mummies?

[Antarias (Death)] lorie, anything you want to do to this room?

[BOB] from outside the room they look like statues

[Lorie] I don't want to touch or linger too long, but want to walk around to see if there is anything that I would recognize

[Antarias (Death)] ok.

[BOB] there are no symbols or other trappings in the room

[BOB] just the shattered altar and the statues

[Lorie] and no apparent exits?

[BOB] none

[Lorie] if that's the case we should keep going

[Antarias (Death)] ok

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 58'06".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 58'01".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 29'04".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 28'04".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 10'10".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 11'04".

[BOB] at the end of that cooridor you see a broken door

[BOB] leading to a larger room

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 68'05".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 62'01".

[BOB] This chamber must have once used by Khamsa to greet important worshipers and other dignitaries, is dominated by an obsidian platform atop which rests a heavy wooden chair ornate in design and decoration. A broken door in the northeast corner leads out of the chamber.

[Antarias (Death)] i don't want to go in there......

[Lorie] :: ponders ::

[Lorie] Why not?

[Antarias (Death)] think it's safe in form b?

[Antarias (Death)] bob's rolling dice

[Antarias (Death)] that's never good

[Antarias (Death)] are you going in lor?

[Antarias (Death)] if there's no other doors i'd say we just go down

[Lorie] Well Antarias said he didn't want to go in there, I want to understand why

[Antarias (Death)] i said that

[Antarias (Death)] and because in form a you go blind when you go in there

[Lorie] ((well is it magical blindness and didn't we come there?))

[BOB] (no to Lorie, you have not gone into that chamber there yet)

[Antarias (Death)] yeah, it was magical.

[Antarias (Death)] it blinded rave

[Antarias (Death)] granted, we didn't get the poison gas, either

[Lorie] well the door is broken, so is it air or item based?

[BOB] in this track you have not encountered it yet, so you don't know

[Antarias (Death)] do you want to go in?

[Antarias (Death)] it's a pretty empty looking room, right bob?

[BOB] yes just hat large throne like chair on the pedestal

[Lorie] Yes.

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 133'03".

[Lorie] ((Are we looking for the group in here or just hoping for inspiration?))

[Antarias (Death)] yes

[BOB] brb

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Antarias (Death)] as far as ant knows fin is in this general area somewhere

[Antarias (Death)] this temple seemed the most stand out feature here, so he headed toward it

[Antarias (Death)] so we can either check the room or head downstairs

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Antarias (Death)] ] Antarias moved 157'09".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna moved 162'02".

[BOB] ] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 163'00".

[BOB] Stairs going down

[BOB] and quickly switching back while Lorie is gone

[BOB] &&&&

[BOB] Track A

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 54'09".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 48'07".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 23'07".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 38'04".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 39'09".

Death] is receiving the map Temple A...

Death] has received the map Temple A.

[Antarias (Death)] ] Finglas moved 6'04".

[BOB] This chamber apparently was a chapel in the past, there is a shattered marble alter on the far wall flanked by two alcoves in which stand statues that are partially decayed.

[BOB] make an altertness check

[BOB] ok, Intuition

[Antarias (Death)] ] Finglas: INU check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[BOB] ok, no

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 4'11".

[Antarias (Death)] ] Finglas moved 26'00".

[BOB] This chamber was designed to house books, scrolls and artwork apparently by the long destroyed shelving that runs along the walls. There is a set of double doors on the far wall.

[Antarias (Death)] ] Finglas moved 27'02".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 53'03".

[BOB] ] Rave Starfire moved 79'08".

[BOB] ] Finglas moved 6'09".

[BOB] Val make an Intuition check

Death] is receiving the map Temple 2 A...

Death] has received the map Temple 2 A.

[BOB] Finglas make a save versus spell please

[Antarias (Death)] ] Valedianna: INU check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[BOB (to Death only)] Val suddenly looks around... LOOK!!!!!! There is Finglas coming down the stairs!!!!!

[BOB] and Finglas's save verus spell please

[Valedianna (Death)] "Fin?"

[Valedianna (Death)] ] Finglas: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[BOB] Finglas enters the huge chamber and feels a chill in his bones, an itch in his fingers like Cleathis is nearby

[Finglas (Death)] ::stops and looks around::

[BOB] The ceilign in this chamber is over 100 feet tall

[BOB] (Track A still)

[BOB] Winding around the atrium are three levels of walkways, each 15' wide. The inner edges feature ornate stone railings overlooking the center of the chamber below. A section of the second tier is broken away along the eastern wall,

[BOB] Winding around the atrium are three levels of walkways, each 15' wide. The inner edges feature ornate stone railings overlooking the center of the chamber below. A section of the second tier is broken away along the eastern wall,

[BOB] ] Valedianna moved 2'00".

[BOB] ] Antarias moved 1'01".

[BOB] Ok, so I am sorry I guess we have to stop here

[Lorie] That's fine BOB... with two of us we probably should think about calling it

[BOB] we were callign it because you had not said anyting in the last 20 minutes

[BOB] but ok

[BOB] we can pause here and pick up fresh next week

[BOB] both tracks are in sync again

[Lorie] I hadn't said anything in 20 minutes because Finglas entered a room and turned around because his fingers were itchy

[Lorie] so I guessed you two were RP it out there

[Lorie] wasn't entirely clear to me that you were back on me

[BOB] it was all typed

[Lorie] :: shrugs :: okay then...

[BOB] sorry

[Lorie] good night

Lorie] has left the game on Fri May 29 22:01:45 EDT 2009

[BOB] for not being clear

Death] has left the game on Fri May 29 22:01:53 EDT 2009