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Comments on The Bigger They Are story arc

This is where having it in writing helps. The text we got in game said kill them all (add link). We (I) was prepared for a quick raid then I find out we have to kill them all.

We were also told that it was "taken over" by giants when in fact they are co-existing just fine. If they were indeed "taken over" by giants, why do they have giant size doors?

I understand with Klooge it is harder to "freelance" and understand this is designed to be what it is, but this is one of the reason I do not play as often. A group as powerful as us, should have handle this different.

If I had a choice, and been more involved, I would have done some patrolling of the pass, try and take out a few giants separated from their home. But a lot of that has to do with group dynamics, and that belongs on another page.


And this is where the truth comes out about who did the actual hiring, and how the adventurers became involved. By the end of this story arc the characters did find out much more about the who and why.