Main / MissingMuse-Play

Missing Muse

The Play (inspired by the Aeneid and Shakespeare)
written and performed by the esteemed Sir Francis Bacon
disclaimer: based on a true story with some generous liberties taken.

O Calliope! The bravery and deeds relate;
What goddess was provok’d, and whence her love;
For what behavior the Queen of Heav’n began
To uplife so brave, so just a company of man?

(lines of epic poetry describing the start of the journey)

To the fruitful miller their course they steer,
And for their value’d friend design new leaflts there.

(lines of epic poetry describing the first night of camping)

Loud peals of thunder from the skies ensue;
Then flashing fires the transient light renew;
The face of things a frightful image bears,
And present death in various forms appears.

(lines of epic poetry describing the first skeleton fight)

O, when she's angry, she is keen and shrewd!
And though Thistle be but little, she is fierce.

(lines of epic poetry describing the second skeleton fight)

Struck with unusual fright, the lovely Priestess,
With lifted hands and eyes, invokes thus;
"Unheeded are you by strong arms be slain,
But see thy noble light not be in vain!"

(lines of epic poetry describing the second night of camping)

“If broken, then it is no fault of mine.
If by moss broken, what fool is not so wise?”

Snee spoke; and mix'd her speech with anguished cries,
And fruitless tears came trickling from her eyes.

Paelius, with mournful Snee sitting by side
Under a forest shade, began to comfort her.

(lines of epic poetry describing moving the camp)

Then to his fellows thus aloud Sir Indigo calls:
“What rolling howls, my friends, approach the walls?
Arm! Arm! Prepare your swords and spears,
And pointed darts! The foe is sure to appear.”

(lines of epic poetry describing the approach of wolves)

The beasts, who miss’d their meals, fill’d all around
With howlings, and the rocks restor’d the sound.
In numbers thus they sung; above the rest,
The den and dregs of swamp given feast.
The woods to hollow vales convey the sound,
The vales to hills, and hills the notes rebound.

(lines of epic poetry describing Indigo saving a boy who is definitely not Bacon)

What should he next attempt? What arms employ,
What fruitless force, to free the captive boy?
Or desperate should he rush and lose his life,
With odds oppress’d, in such unequal strife?

(lines of epic poetry describing the following combat with the wolves)

“I am arm’d and well prepared.
Give me your hand. Fare you well!
Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you:
For herein Fortune shows herself more kind
than is her custom!”

And then he clapped Indigo on the arm,
”Even thus,” quoth Hugh, “the warlike god guide thee.”

(lines of epic poetry describing Skarp because dwarves make for epic poems)

He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need;
With axe in air, and dreadful call,
Skarp joined the battle with all.

(lines of epic poetry describing the end of combat)

Through the velvet leaves the rainbow,
All unseen, gan passage to find.

(lines of epic poetry ending an epic tale)