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Moktravtor Sousterra

Moktravtor Sousterra is the Chieftan of the Sousterra Orc Tribe that lives in the northeastern corner of the Leper Mountains. He rules the Sousterra tribe with a strong hand. He is the one who introduced this tribe to the plunder that could be made by pirating ships that traveled on the Rumbling River.

Unlike most other orc leaders he has placed a high value on understanding the languages of those around the tribe. He has made the point in tribal meetings, "If we do not understand what they are saying, how can we know we have taken ever last coin from them before they are unable to speak anymore?". This last part refers to the traditional Sousterra victory celebration of swallowing a captive's tongues whole while the captive is watching. Most of the time the tongue is cut out with a knife before hand, although some particularly aggressive celebrants have been known to use teeth to cut and swallow in one act.