Main / Mouseburglar

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Gnomish Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings.

Another Burglar kit is available from the Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings.
Another Burglar kit is available from the Complete Thief's Handbook.

These stealthy characters are consummate spies and sneak thieves who in some ways behave more like halflings than the average gnome thief. Striving to be as quiet as mice, they infiltrate lairs, mansions, or enemy camps. They rely upon secrecy, disguise, and silence in order to conceal their presence. Preferring very much to flee rather than fight, they consider a truly successful mission one which is concluded before the victim even learns that the gnome has been there.

A Mouseburglar must have both Dexterity and Intelligence scores of 13 or better.

Role: Mouseburglars, like other gnomish thieves, rarely prey upon victims of their same race. They will be much more inclined to look for targets among the settlements of clan enemies, especially humanoids, or in anonymous settings like large cities.

In addition to their larcenous activities, Mouseburglars also serve as scouts and spies, should there be a need for such reconnoissance. Their emphasis on stealth and concealment--together with their generally high Intelligence--makes them excellent eavesdroppers. Many a gnomish military campaign has been laid over the carefully gathered reports of a Mouseburglar.

These characters also find great application as adventurers, lending a lot of advantage to a party of mixed races and classes. Their small size coupled with their skills (and the fact that most have infravision) allow them to get into places that larger thieves can't.

Secondary Skills: Any secondary skill can be appropriate to this kit.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Mouseburglar always chooses to specialize in weapons that can be wielded silently, preferring the sling or bow over the crossbow and the dagger or short sword over the hammer and axe.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Mouseburglars receive either Disguise or Rope Use as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: This character can benefit by knowing additional languages (very important for one who intends to spy or eavesdrop!), as well as Forgery, Reading Lips, and Tightrope Walking.

Thief Skill Emphasis: The Mouseburglar is likely to find the Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Open Locks skills to be particularly useful. At first level he or she must divide the 60 discretionary points between these three abilities.

Equipment: The Mouseburglar will be sure to maintain a complete set of lockpicks. He or she prefers to wear dark clothes and soft boots when on a job and will often have the materials for one or two effective disguises concealed somewhere on his or her person.

Special Benefits: A Mouseburglar gains an additional 5% chance of success to both Open Locks and Move Silently at first level. For each additional level he or she advances, the character receives another 5% bonus that can be applied to any one of the following scores: Open Locks, Move Silently, Find/Remove Traps, or Read Languages.

Special Hindrances: The Mouseburglar so prefers stealth to combat that the character's fighting skills suffer as a result. Specifically, the Mouseburglar receives a -1 penalty on all attack rolls made in melee combat (except those delivered with the backstab benefit). This does not affect damage inflicted.