Main / Nov0510

Nov 05 10 - Home Stories

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 05 18:24:05 EDT 2010 ====

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:33:56 EDT 2010

Kaz is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:34:18 EDT 2010

Kaz is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Kaz has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Kaz] Yay!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Nov 05 18:35:13 EDT 2010

[BOB] and there we go

[BOB] and where are my brownies?

[BOB] listening to Miami 2017

[BOB] cranking it up loud

[Kaz] I haven't made the brownies yet.

[Kaz] But if you really want some, you'll have to come up for Story Time tomorrow. :) 10 am - BE THERE!!

[BOB] I have to work form 10-6

[Kaz] awwww

[Kaz] too bad we can't video conference it. I can have one of the little guys eat a brownie for you. :D

[BOB] be right back have to go negociate dinner, do not think I will have brownies for dinner either, sad but true

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] aww

[Kaz] I have to go get Guy. We'll be back soon.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] and I have drinks and food is cooking

temp John has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:48:11 EDT 2010

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] greetings sir

[temp John] clearly your not talking to me

[BOB] grins

[temp John] not even left yet?

[BOB] left for what?

[BOB] they have done a lot in the last two weeks

[BOB] did you hear about the Plague?

[temp John] what ever adventure you were setting them off to

[temp John] no

[BOB] grins

[BOB] welcome to the Grey Death

[BOB] first outbreak in over 200 years

[BOB] two of the Mosskin family has already died

[temp John] well I guess I need to hit the site

[BOB] Kristelle caught it

[BOB] and Foriso,

[BOB] snuck into the Keep while it was under quarentine

[temp John] so do we know the cure?

[BOB] you should look at the Home Stories page

[BOB] fire

[temp John] burn the body?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] you have two paladins from the Order of Brotherhood

[BOB] they are coming with you now to the Keep to cure Foriso

[temp John] henchman?

[BOB] go check out the Home Stories page

[BOB] then

[temp John] i read the main page, i guess i need to read the whole chat log

[BOB] nah

[BOB] not yet

[BOB] the nutshell is they got home

[BOB] they went to visit the keep

[BOB] found out about plague

[temp John] I was there for that

[BOB] Foriso goes over the wall

[temp John] decided to break in anyway

[BOB] the rest go looking for help

[BOB] Kristelle gets infected at a local farmhouse

[BOB] they leave her there and go visit the Treant for help

[BOB] he says he can help delay Foriso's wasting disease but not the Plague

[BOB] on the way back to the keep they remember a shrine they went to before

[BOB] your crisis of faith with Miranda

[BOB] they revisit

[BOB] get help from the current priest there

[BOB] they travel to a nearby town

[BOB] and to an Inn there

[BOB] where the Dragonslayers orginally hid under during the dragon attack

[BOB] the Attack fo the Dragon

[BOB] as they locals call it

[BOB] then they get the paladins to come back to the keep with them to help Foriso

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:56:20 EDT 2010

Lisa is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[temp John] reunion episode already?

[BOB] grins

[temp John] clip episode already

Lisa has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] and Hello Lisa

[temp John] hello lisa

[BOB] John they need your help in trying to do what they can for Kristelle

[BOB] bonuses to saves, etc

[Lisa] Hello :)

[temp John] i am a fighter, what can I do

[temp John] I was just thinking about armor and weaponds

[BOB] you know the ins and outs of spells and items and potions and such

[BOB] you and Marco and Guy can come up with some crazy scheme to help Kristelle's saves

[temp John] what are our assets?

[BOB] your brains

[BOB] her muscle

[temp John] then we are in trouble

[BOB] and Indigo's swords

[temp John] 'funny

[BOB] waitign for Lisa to catch up to that

[Lisa] and all caught up

[temp John] we have palidins, they can cure the disease right?

[BOB] if you only had a wheelbarrow

[Lisa] not plague I guess - I was going to ask if they have something that will help her roll

[Lisa] well not that directly but you know what I mean

[Lisa] Kaz said the bless spell won't help on a save versus death so we were at a loss as to what Miranda could do

[BOB] and Lisa is correct that they can cure the wasting disease that Foriso caught in the swamps

[BOB] but not the Grey Death

[temp John] not sure on the rule of the plage, once yoour sick, there not a lot to do

[BOB] there will be a roll to see if Kristelle dies

[BOB] it is not a save versus death

[Lisa] no?

[BOB] no

[BOB] that would be unbalanced

[temp John] how many priests of the same religon can we get together?

[Lisa] well if she fails saves she dies

[BOB] this wipes out high level, low level, etc

[Lisa] thought it would be that

[Lisa] seemed like a common sensical thing

[temp John] so it is an atribute roll?

[Lisa] so what is it then?

[temp John] or percentage?

[BOB] you hvae 2 priests Miranda and Brother Elmond

[BOB] sorry

[BOB] Father Ilgen

[BOB] Brother Elmond is the Paladin

[temp John] i thought there were two palidins?

[Lisa] and don't foregt Brother Toth

[BOB] right

[BOB] Brother Toth and Brother Elmond are the Paladins

[temp John] but two diffrent religions, as is Miranda and the two palidins

[BOB (to GM only)] Brother Toth moved 67'07".

[temp John] does sleep help hold off the plage?

[BOB] actually yes Father Ilgen is Kayugan

[BOB] and the two Paladins are unknown at this time

[temp John] miranda is not Kayugain?

[BOB] but the Brotherhood is non-demoninational

[BOB] and Miranda is Norse

[BOB] so two different religions so far

[temp John] so would sleep help or hurt as far as we know?

[BOB] normal sleep has not hurt

[BOB] it is the passage of time that you are worried about

[BOB] you know that it is a 4 day period

[BOB] from start to finish

[temp John] if only we had a necromancer

[temp John] or my priest of fate

[temp John] is it a percentage roll or an atribute?

[Lisa] so what is Kristelle rolling then? Did you say and I missed it?

[BOB] why a necromancer?

[BOB] I never did say, smile

[Lisa] answer the question!

[Lisa] please....

[BOB] I will when you get to that point

[temp John] well i ment to say chronomancer, but necromancer might be able to bring her back after we burn her

[Lisa] grrrrr

[Lisa] LOL

[temp John] it chnages how we plan, but what ever

[Lisa] like a phoenix Kristelle busrts forth from the ashes

[BOB] tonight is the plague story

[BOB] then we start the Favor Stories

[BOB] one for the Brotherhood for saving Foriso

[BOB] one for Ancien for the potion from him

[BOB] and one for the Temple of Air and Light for raising Kristelle from the Dead

[Lisa] so the next era will be called Payback's a Bitch?


[BOB] each of these are small fun stories

[temp John] the cure is worse then the disease?

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] plus we have the rest of the Home Stories weaving around these

[temp John] imagine what it will cost to bring her back from the plage

[BOB] spells and trainign and such

[BOB] and no one has come back from the Plague

[Lisa] I'm concerned that even if she is dead we can't come near her or risk catching it ourselves

[BOB] after they die you need to burn the body

[BOB] exactly

[temp John] has miranda tried the old fasion way yet?

[temp John] exactly

[temp John] Aid helps saves but this is not a save so will it help

[BOB] I will say Bless works because it is a 5% bonus

[BOB] talk to me about Aid

[BOB] and or Prayer

[temp John] aid is bless plus temp hit pts

[temp John] chant is +1 also that works with prayer

[BOB] Hoffman XP award: 500. Next level in 3033.

[BOB] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 18190.

[temp John] we don't have prayer unless the NPC does

[BOB] ok, so Prayer and Chant together give a total of ?

[temp John] +2

[BOB] so 10%

[BOB] figuring otu what is likely to get first

[BOB] then figure out how to get it

[BOB] magic items?

[temp John] disple fatige in theory should help

[Lisa] prayer is a spell? not on Miranda's list

[BOB] Marco sends his regrets, has to go to Tokyo this morning

[BOB] he said have fun storming the castle

[temp John] yea yea, and I need to go to Miami

[Lisa] who's going to set Kristelle on fire?

[temp John] 3rd level

[temp John] sound like the job for a mage

[Lisa] I can, but Scarlet would have much more fun doing it

[temp John] we can look at the mage scroll and maybe get somthing wildly lucky like reincarnate

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] we did look at them

[Kaz] Baack!

[Kaz] Hi John and Lisa :)

[temp John] so we now have a toys r us on the corner

[BOB] and Marco said : [19:18] Lord BiBo: she will still be there to be set fire to next week [19:18] Lord BiBo: save the corpse for me

[temp John] Hi Kaz, sorry to here your character is going to die

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] Hi Kaz! :)

[BOB] is the Toys R Us open already? saw them deliver the shopping carts earlier this week

[BOB] and welcome back Kaz

[temp John] how does the plage effect her?

[temp John] Weak?

[BOB] aches pains chills, like a bad flu

[Lisa] she was out chopping wood last time we saw her

[BOB] very considerate of her to cut the wood for her own funeral pyre

[BOB] ok

[temp John] is guy expected?

[BOB] yes he is setting up now

[temp John] looks like a scroll and spell book, not that the spell book will help

[temp John] the scrolls might, but he is sick too?

[BOB] no

[temp John] we have to pull off two, of what ever we do?

[BOB] Foriso made his save

[Kaz] Okay, and Bob, she WAS cutting wood for her own pyre. Sheesh.

Guy has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 19:24:02 EDT 2010

Guy is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Guy has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Kaz] When she's too weak for anything, she's going to climb onto the wood and lay across.

[Kaz] So all you guys have to do is throw a torch onto it and set her up :)

[temp John] does the npc priest have numbers?

[BOB] no to numbers

[Guy] foriso is just dying of a swamp disease no plague for him

[temp John] good for him

[temp John] now the thief just has to ask a palidin for a little favor

[Lisa] we gave Practu a draught from Ancien to help you - we'll see if he actually gives it to you

[temp John] what does that do?

[Guy] now that is gonna be fun

[Lisa] supposed to keep him from getting weaker - not sure if gives any positive effect

[Lisa] he was a real pain in the butt last week about it

[temp John] what about a blood transfusuion, Fortiso clearly has an imunity?

[Guy] i do?

[BOB] Well Practumnarishkill is immune too

[temp John] if only we had a lab and weeks to do research, not to mention the tons of gold

[Kaz] lol

[Lisa] Foriso just rolls better than Kristelle, don't think it's in his blood

[BOB] it is morning at Old Man Millers Inn

[BOB] your group is ready to travel back towards the Jistelle Estates?

[temp John] what for?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure)

[BOB] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 3 Lad ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 3rd, 338 SKR.

[temp John] thought she was at the farm house?

[BOB] no Kristelle is at the farmhouse

[BOB] your group went off to find help

[temp John] ie palidins?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right nearby)

[BOB] is about 6 hour west of the Estates and yes

[temp John] I follow the group

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (meant farmhouse is really close to Keep)

[BOB] nods

[BOB] brb then ready for roleplay along the travel back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] mirnada have 3rd level spels yet?

[Kaz (to temp John only)] No, she hadn't had a chance to learn them yet.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] ah, should be moved up priority list

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz (to temp John only)] She only just leveled, didn't have the chance.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] sorry

[BOB] and

[BOB] we will work out training after the Plague issues

[temp John] let me know if we pass a store

[Kaz (to temp John only)] Eh. *shrug* I'm dyin' all over the damned place!

[temp John (to Kaz only)] thought I was at the wrong gamne for a sec

[BOB] there is not a store per se in town

[BOB] but what are you looking for?

[temp John] somewhere I can pick up a real ax or two

[BOB] that you can do at teh black smith

[temp John] at the estate

[BOB] Brother Toth takes you over to the blacksmith

[BOB] here in town

[BOB] she will sell you two axes

[BOB] well one axe and one axe head,

[BOB] she has not mounted the other

[BOB] one is on a metal rod, the other head is meant for a wooden handle

[temp John] (can I mount it?)

[BOB] sure

Kaz bites her tongue. Hard.

[temp John] ok, two it is

[temp John] ;0

[BOB] will cost 5 Gp total

[BOB] she would prefer somethign other than coin but if that is all you have

[Hoffman (temp John)] could you pay her Brawny, till I get my cut

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Talk to Indigo, he has the coins

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll pay. Don't worry about it.

[Hoffman (temp John)] thanks so much, still not back on my feet after the lizardmen took everything

Indigo (Lisa) pulls out 5 gold pieces and hands them to the blacksmith

[BOB] she bends them over an anvil

[BOB] and nods in satisfation

[Hoffman (temp John)] promise to bring you more business when we have time

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::trots off::

[BOB] she shrugs, and Brother Toff walks off with you

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified:

[BOB] heading out

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Throwing Axe -- Kind of Weapon: (null), Equipment - DELETED: stone hand ax, null, null, null.

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] so how many people are affected by the Grey Death? do you know yet?

[Hoffman (temp John)] Only as many as GOD deems necessary

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not sure. Most at the Keep and who knows how many at neighboring farms

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I have only been in the area for a month or so

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I was looking for the relics for the shrine

[Hoffman (temp John)] GOD must have sent you here for a reason

[Hoffman (temp John)] (cough cough)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (not that I know wha t your talking about, I was not here)

[Hoffman (temp John)] relics they would help I am sure

[Hoffman (temp John)] I bet a staff of healing?

[Hoffman (temp John)] cloak of hollyness?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I was sent here because Friend Jerome was eaten by Wolves

[Hoffman (temp John)] so not a nature lover?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] and Sister Magdaline was struck by Lightning before that

[Hoffman (temp John)] not a GOD of weather I take it?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] she came because she always said she was not frightened of Thunder

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but before her was Uncle Clemint

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] he was an adherent of Cogse

[Hoffman (temp John)] let me guess

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] before he apparently decided to pursue undead more feverently

[Hoffman (temp John)] has anyone made sure he was dead, dead?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up startled, "He was your uncle?"

[Hoffman (temp John)] or do you mean hunt undead down?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] shakes his head, smiling, no Uncle is a badge of Office

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I am a Patron by title

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sorry, I am not familiar with your priestly terms

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but everyone calls me Father Ilgen because Patron Ilgen sounds a little odd to those outside of our faith

[Hoffman (temp John)] still sounds like a curse to me

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but Uncle Clemint was gifted of a Mace of Undead Slaying, he thought here in The Mist it would be put to good use

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Yes it would be

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Do you know where it is now?

[Hoffman (temp John)] would not seem to help us right now

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe I know where it is.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] turns

[Hoffman (temp John)] but we can be enlisted to help you look for it

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] turns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is in the hands of Witch Kulgarth unfortunately

[Hoffman (temp John)] (there are undead? here to turn?)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] grosn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (grosn?)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] Groans at the pun

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] who is this Witch Kulgarth?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] and how do you know she has it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A bothersome witch in the swamps

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] does she have the other holy relics?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Believe me, I know. I do not know if she has other relics though.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would not think so

[Hoffman (temp John)] (scroll?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what scroll?)

[BOB] and &&&&

[BOB] meanwhile back at the keep

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( looking at partypack on web, wht was found here)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] So

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((yay))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] you really want to go down there and wake him up?


[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] (grins, yes john)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] after the trouble i went through to get him his toy, you better believ it

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] so even if it kills you, shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] Your friends brought this for you ?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i assume you are talking about forisos mentor?))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] holds up a large wooden cup sealed with clay

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] (yes)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] they said you were to drink this

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ugh

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] they said it same from some friend in teh forest?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) takes the cup and breaks the seal carefully so as to not spill any

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] do you know a lot of squirrels?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /shudders at the thought of the walking tree

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lets just say trees should stay in one spot and not talk

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I can say that about a lot of things

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to temp John only)] John spells on scroll is on party pack page 2nd paragraph of New to Pack section

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks all of the potion

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] saves versus poison please

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Miranda: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok that was weird))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and Foriso shudders, gasps, and then passes out for a moment

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] when he wakes up

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the first thing he notices is Practumnarishkill laughing at him

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the second thing is that Foriso's skin has all turned blue

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( what happens to miranda? lol))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ugh

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] never trust a tree

Practumnarishkill (BOB) laughing

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] /laughing even louder

[Hoffman (temp John)] (that is what happens when you seperate the party)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] laugning

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] coughs and calms down

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] then giggles again

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] pulsl out a small cystal vial

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] here you go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not our fault Foriso has a death wish)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] this is from your Treant friend

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bastard!!)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) glares at the gnome for a moment

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you realize of course that this means war!

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] stifles a laugh

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles a moment which turns into a coughing fit

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks the contents of the vial as soon as he is able

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] You really will jsut drink anything anyone hands you? as long as they say it is good for you?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] hands you another potoin bottle

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] how you humans ever live long enough to catch the plague is beyond me

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what plague?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the Grey Death

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /me shrugs

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the whole reason you are quarentined in here

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] just drink that one,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] not me

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] points to the bottle

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] look

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] mine is from our trip to the swamp

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] crystal vial with s bit of moss inside

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and the Dragonslayer symbol on the seal

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] you have friends like that you might just live

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe ill save that one till i come back from waking him up

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] but stay away from the dungeons and Regor

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] just wait

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] till after the quarentine is over

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] only 2 more days

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] unless this can cure me completely i could be dead in a couple days

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] well we will see what happens in the mornign then won't we

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and if you are dead you don't have to see Regor the Mad at all

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] at least not in this world

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) takes yet another vial from the gnome

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] taps the side of his nose

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh sure just cheer me up why dont you

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I am goign to go check on the guard

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] have to keep him awake

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks the contents of the vial

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] whistles a happy tune as he schemes what to do to the guard

[BOB] roll a d6 Guy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (d6) [1d6=5] 5

[BOB] nice!

[BOB] roll a d4

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (d4) [1d4=2] 2

[BOB] a 2 point bonus to yoru Con for (6d6) [6d6=5,4,1,4,4,3] 21 turns

[BOB] that is enough to make you feel much better for now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i think that actually makes my con 1 better than normal))

[BOB] and back to Miranda and company

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] so you were telling me about the relics from the shrine?

[Hoffman (temp John)] I thought you were tell us of them

[Hoffman (temp John)] what else is missing, maybe we can help find them

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] the loss of the Mace is a sad thing but it was only recently part of the churches possesions

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] there is the service goods

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] a plate and chalice

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] a prayer book

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] things that we use in our services

[Hoffman (temp John)] Would they help us with the plage?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (didn't we have the book?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (didn't think we sold the book but not on party pack page - need Kaz's input on what happened)

[BOB] Father Ilgen moved 14'00".

[BOB] Brother Toth moved 4'09".

[BOB] Brother Elmond moved 7'00".

[BOB] Brother Toth moved 3'07".

[Kaz] I don't remember, I'll have to check back

[BOB] Hoffman moved 29'11".

[BOB] Miranda moved 13'01".

[BOB] Scarlet moved 27'08".

[BOB] Indigo moved 11'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Brother Elmond, we know that you cannot cure plague. But is there anything you can do to help our friend fight the disease?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (prayer and chant)

Branwyn (Lisa) wanting to change subject from missing holy items

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I have no spells to help

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] my power is not so great yet

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I knwo tha tthe Grey Death resists all attempts to cure it, fire is the only sure thing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] it is disturbing to have it stalk the lands again

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we must inform the others of our order to be careful

[Hoffman (temp John)] (checking history on site, 6 chat logs with "prayer book")

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if you check teh party pack

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and then the history link at the top

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] can see all the changes to that page over the years

[BOB] you found it during the Green Acres story arc

[Hoffman (temp John)] (got that far)

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( it was after Brian help us save the group from the ghouls)

[BOB] yes

[Hoffman (temp John)] (but still does not help us find out what happened for sure)

[BOB] Kaz will know that way if you sold it or not

[BOB] Is there anything else you want to talk with the Brothers about? or Father Ilgen? before getting back to the Estate?

[BOB] Father Ilgen has 3rd level spells

[Hoffman (temp John)] so we only have one caster of each religon?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we sold them - 7/16/10 chat log. paid for training)

[BOB] ok, so you do know who you sold them to at least so you can tell him that

[BOB] all three in one package right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the magical multi-character training coordinator)

[Kaz] yes, I think so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't think we specified which items went to whose training specifically)

[BOB] that is ok, all sold at the same time you can make up a name of a merchant you sold them to

[Kaz] No, but we sold it all at once

[Hoffman (temp John)] if you went along we me, we could have retrived them as a favor, now we have to retrive them to pay back a favor

[Kaz] Barnaby Trader

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Shylock, merchant of Venice)

[Hoffman (temp John)] If we can make it up, we make up that we did not sell them

[BOB] lol

[Kaz] Trader Vic :D

[Hoffman (temp John)] (man in red cloak?)

[BOB] and so?

[Hoffman (temp John)] on to Kristle?

[Kaz] NOthing for Kristelle to do

[Kaz] She's sleeping, resting, and burning the dead guy.

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::following party:

[BOB] Lisa?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (when is Kristelle's roll? quarantine will not be lifted until tomorrow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not sure about timing in all this)

[BOB] you can be back at the keep CLICK now and then work on Foriso and Kristelle

[BOB] or you can talk more with the Priest and the Paladins

[BOB] is up to the group

[Hoffman (temp John)] (as much as I would love to chat, I'd like to make sure Kristlee is ok, now)

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( i love to talk religon with a priest and a palidan, but the rest of the group has heard enough)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (would be good, we can talk to Paladins later)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am curious how they got into the whole vampire slayer thing)

[BOB] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 3 Lad ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 3rd, 338 SKR.

[BOB] Brother Toth, Miranda, Scarlet, Indigo, Branwyn, Hoffman, Father Ilgen and Brother Elmond moved 109'08".

[BOB] Kristelle moved 49'01".

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] cough Cough,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Halt

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] OUCH

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] swats at his neck

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] who goes there?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (cantrip flie)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (fly)

[Hoffman (temp John)] :X

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's only us again. Did you get any rest? You sound terrible.

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groan, no, I have not slept in days

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] and I never know where that damn Gnome is

[Hoffman (temp John)] Would you like me to take over for an hour?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no one enters

[Hoffman (temp John)] Miranda here can fix you right up in an hour

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I am already in enough trouble

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Foriso

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] calles down

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) searches for straw and eggs

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Forsio

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] WHAT?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] you have someone HACK someone to see you

[Hoffman (temp John)] I'll stay on the outside and make sure no one enters, you just lay down

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so send them on in

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] is Nap touch spell?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groans,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] you never give up

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'm not going in)

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] just come up here to talk to them

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] wheezes

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) smirks "at least ive have a good nights sleep"

[Hoffman (temp John)] (dead man talking)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads up to the top of the wall

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand moved 37'09".

[Kaz (to temp John only)] I don't have Nap

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How are you feeling Foriso? Did you get the draught from Ancien?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thanks to a certain gnome i had several potions

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB) (to Guy only)] and yes you are still blue

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] I swore we used it, who has it?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] how did your trip go?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] /me, sees Foriso's face peer over the wall and yells in horror

[Kaz (to temp John only)] Imari, perhaps?

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] not that it matters if you don't have it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened to you???

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman is still keeping waych outside

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ask the patchwork gnome

[Hoffman (temp John)] GOD has sent a sign, it says "do not enter"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] he decided to start a war that he will regret

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you are not ill ... just ... blue?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just blue

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'll have a Blue Foriso, sound like a good drink)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so any news?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'll be so Blue, thinking about you)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have brought help. Two Paladins have agreed to cure you.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (you'll be doin' alreaight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But of course we cannot enter until the quarantine is over.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] good ill let them in they can help

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] paladins are immune to disease arent they?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Where is Miranda, she is so quiet tonight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tomorrow Foriso. After the quarantine is lifted.

[BOB (to Guy only)] not to the Grey Death

[Kaz] Miranda is with you. I'm just feeling quiet today.

[BOB] she is making me brownies

[Hoffman (temp John)] (bad roleplaying week)

[Kaz] I'm not making the brownies yet, but I should before I pass out.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Brother Elmond

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do suppose you could help with Foriso's pallor as well could you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I do not know

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey Branwyn could you find me some rotten eggs out there?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I have not seen a blue man before

[Hoffman (temp John)] (we could make a lot of money(

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neither have I but this will not do.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (but we need two more)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] he is noticalbe

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] will be hard to miss in teh Mist

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We count on his stealth and he is quite conspicuous in this state

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] frowns

[Miranda (Kaz)] We could ask Practu what he gave to Foriso that caused the blue pallor.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am going to strangle Practu

[Hoffman (temp John)] (can you change him to grteen or brown at least?)

[Miranda (Kaz)] I'll help you.

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((lol John))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((black is the best color for a rogue))

[Medoro (BOB)] Mistress Branwyn

[Medoro (BOB)] is that you down there?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (you should be hard to see in water)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is Medoro. How are you feeling?

[Medoro (BOB)] I am healthy and whole

[Medoro (BOB)] if not particularly joyful

[Medoro (BOB)] we will lift the quarantine at dawn if no one else in the keep comes down with the Plague

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] practus been causing lots of trouble

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at Foriso,

[Medoro (BOB)] go drink

[Medoro (BOB)] that will take care of it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I plan on locking him in the dungeon with the mad one

[Hoffman (temp John)] (alchol cures the blues, how original)

[Medoro (BOB)] he did that same trick to the Faclon Master

[Medoro (BOB)] and you will be well served to leave him alone, he has saved the keep at this point

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Miranda can you please find me a couple of very rotten eggs?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How did he do that?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont worry Medoro i dont plan on killing him

[Medoro (BOB)] much as we might like to wish he had other means of entertaining himself while he is here with us

[Medoro (BOB)] looks down to Branwyn

[Medoro (BOB)] he has been the only one who can feed the pyres

[Medoro (BOB)] bring the bodies without being infected

[Medoro (BOB)] we woudl have all died without him

[Hoffman (temp John)] (reverse purify food and drink? or too much?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, I am glad he has been good for something.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How is the rest of the Mosskin family?

Medoro (BOB) claps the guard on the shoulder, only 12 more hours and we can rest

[Medoro (BOB)] Lord Mosskin is in mourning

[Medoro (BOB)] the Missus is tending to the sick

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at the guard "you can do 12 more hours easily"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But they are still with us. I am glad of that

[Medoro (BOB)] the scars will take a long time to heal over after losing so many

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman is outside,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groans

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] yes Sir

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] grips his spear

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Medoro, there is no one to relieve this poor man? He is barely standing

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) pats the guard on the shoulder "go get some sleep Ill watch for a while"

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] deep sigh

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no

[Medoro (BOB)] swallows hard

[Medoro (BOB)] shakes his head

[Medoro (BOB)] no

[Medoro (BOB)] we lost all of the guard

Branwyn (Lisa) feels bad for making such harsh comments about him the night before

[Medoro (BOB)] 14 good men

[Miranda (Kaz)] Oh, that's bad.

[Medoro (BOB)] he is the last

[Hoffman (temp John)] (plus 2 lousy)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (rim shot)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) gently takes the spear from the guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And no word from Yulotte I take it?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] tightens his grip

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] go on get some sleep Ive got the watch

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] My captain said to stand guard

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] and I will till the end

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I can make it

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] *cough

[Hoffman (temp John)] again Foriso and the transfer of germs escapes him

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I can make it till morning

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] takes a deep breath

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im sure you can but you wont have to

[Medoro (BOB)] takes Foriso's shoulder

[Medoro (BOB)] leads him a bit away

Branwyn (Lisa) looks hopefully up at Foriso, "Your mentor didn't happen to catch the plague did he?"

[Medoro (BOB)] looks down to the group, nods to the Brothers

[Medoro (BOB)] Thank you for coming Brothers

[Medoro (BOB)] I will send Foriso out to you in the morning or you can come in

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] not him hes locked up

[Medoro (BOB)] and no word from or about Yulotte Branwyn

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) whispers to Medoro "you can convince him to get some sleep I will guard this keep till my dying breath"

[Medoro (BOB)] he made it out of the gates before we locked them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is too bad. I should like to know where he is. And how his demons were coming along.

[Medoro (BOB)] looks over at Foriso, nods, I appreciate that sir Foriso, but he wants to keep his word, and I will not take that last thing from him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He did not summon any when he was at the Keep?

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at Branwyn, no

[Medoro (BOB)] unless he did with Hystelle, but we will not know that anymore either

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] if he survives then Id say you have a damn good Captain of the Guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hystelle is dead?

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((was that the first teacher?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (after my original mentor, yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (pompous windbag but harmless)

[Medoro (BOB)] yes

[Medoro (BOB)] nods at Foriso

[Hoffman (temp John)] Branwyn is the most powerful mage in the area?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] youll have to give him a name now lol

[Medoro (BOB) (to Guy only)] grins, yeah guess so

[Hoffman (temp John)] Not that I had any doubt

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a sad thing. I was worried that Yulotte may have summoned a demon that somehow created this plague we were in

[Medoro (BOB)] I am sorry Branwyn but Hystile's things were burned already

[Medoro (BOB)] if there was anything in there about that it is gone now

[Hoffman (temp John)] (should we hunt down this Yulotte?)

[Miranda (Kaz)] Even if she weren't the most powerful mage in the area, she'd still be the wisest. (Whispered to HOffman)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did Yulotte take his books and journals with him?

[Medoro (BOB)] pauses, I am not sure

[Medoro (BOB)] if he did not they are burned

[Medoro (BOB)] I do not know which were his and which were Histile's

[Miranda (Kaz)] Perhaps it is for the best, if they were here and burnt.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would not weep to see the loss of those demon journals, but the lab and Hystille's spellbooks is a sad thing

[Medoro (BOB)] I will open the gates at Dawn barring any strange happenings

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Medoro. May you have a safe night

[Medoro (BOB)] whispers to Foriso, stay on the walls but leave him to his post

[Hoffman (temp John)] Until then Hoffman is watching the front gate, from the outside

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) nods at medoro

[BOB] Kristelle is at the farm house about a half hour away

[BOB] you can see it in the dusk

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((They should be able to see the dead guy's pyre, unless it's already burnt out.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[BOB] still smoudlering but not burning brightly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should see how Kristelle is doing. From a distance of course.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (only way to help is to chant for as long as possible to help with "the roll")

[BOB] talking to Kristelle now? or in the morning?

[BOB] or with the Brothers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (perhaps Miranda can convince our friends to help her)

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 47'03".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((back)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) stands watch on the wall near the guard

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 27'09".

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 58'02".

[Hoffman (temp John)] I got this side of the wall covered

[BOB] Ok, so we skip to morning

[BOB] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 4th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] dawn comes up

[Hoffman (temp John)] is she cute?

[BOB] Medero says to open the gates

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (you suck john i was gonna say that lol))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads down and opens the gates

[BOB] the Guard nods and give a little shudder as he slides down the wall and falls asleep immediately there on teh battlements

[Hoffman (temp John)] (too fast, or too obsessed?)

[BOB] Brother Toth, Father Ilgen and Brother Elmond moved 85'03".

[BOB] Practumnarishkill moved 23'07".

[BOB] Branwyn, Miranda, Scarlet and Indigo moved 83'02".

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] looks solemly at Foriso

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] gestures him over

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) moves over to the stranger

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] can i help you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Your friends wish you to be cured

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we can do that for you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we will charge you with a missoin for the brotherhood

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if you accept we shall remove this sickness from your body

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] what does foriso know of the brotherhood?

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( what did the last three potions do, besides turn him blue?)

[Brother Elmond (BOB) (to Guy only)] they are the Paladin order in Drillian, sworn to teh defeat of the Vampire Lords

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((the one from Ancien boosted his Con, temporarily))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] now what would a bunch of paladins need with a finder of lost items?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((basically slowing the disease's wasting aspect))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Your friends say you are best at sneaking and exploring

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we have a particular task that those skills would serve well

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] i see and just where would this be taking me?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] not far

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] a day and a half away from these Estates

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] just beyond the reach of this Lord

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and if you say the swamps i promise you that ill tell you what you can do with your item and your brotherhood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They are good men Foriso. Let them help you.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] there is no where here in the Kingdom that is out of the reach of the swamps

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we do not wish to heal you only to send you to your doom

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) sighs "I dont have a lot of options now do i"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Ill agree

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you have apparently survived the Plague of our Age, you must have a future

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] kneel

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] kneel?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you must be penitent to recieve the blessing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] or at least appear to be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i hate you bob lol))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] LOL

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((suck it up and get on your knees))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((MUAHAHA))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) kneels while muttering under his breath

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] both of them lay their hands upon your head, they murmmer a short prayer, and a blue light extends from their hands and covers Foriso's body

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] he shivers

[Hoffman (temp John)] (so can we see it?)

[Hoffman (temp John)] blue on blue?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] then they remove their hands

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (yes)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you should rise and go help your friend

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) stands up

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we will give you your mission later

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] after we visit with the Lord of the Estate

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and do what we can to help here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thanks

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] now wheres Kristelle?

[BOB] Father Ilgen moved 100'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She's at a nearby farmhouse

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I will come with you adn do what I can

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] why is she there and not with you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hopefully the old woman there has not shot her with too many arrows

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We were looking for wood to burn and Kristelle opened a shed on a farm.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A plague-ridden body fell on her and she now has the plague herself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There was nothing we could do at the time and we had to try to save both of you.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so youre telling me that you basically sacrificed Kristelle to save me?

[Miranda (Kaz)] Foriso, there is no cure for plague.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We did not sacrfice her.

[Miranda (Kaz)] There is nothing we could have done that would have helped her over these days.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one knew that crazy old woman was keeping a corpse in her shed.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (she's a witch)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (burn her)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] After it happened Kristelle would not have let us come near her anyway

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((burn her!!!)

[BOB] I am not a witch I am just like you

[BOB] I am you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yikes! never want to hear that again - stop I say)

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] with Kristelle at the farmhouse

[BOB] and just so that everyone knows how the mechanics of the Grey Death works

[BOB] if you have caught it and survive you never have to worry again

[BOB] if you are infected but do not catch it you do not have to worry again

[Hoffman (temp John)] thought as much

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((so, Foriso will always be immune now?))

[BOB] if you come in contact (physical) with a plauge victim

[BOB] you have a 66% chance of catchign the plague

[BOB] correct with Foriso

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bob, did you mean infected but do not catch, or exposed but do not catch?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((but foriso didnt catchit ?__

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Because if you were infected, you'd have caught it.))

[Hoffman (temp John)] (can you be a carrier but not catch it?)

[BOB] right Foriso was exposed but did not catch it

[BOB] that is not known John

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okay, all clear on that, then))

[BOB] not going to reveal everything!

[BOB] but once you do have the Grey Death

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((so i can never get this plague again?))

[BOB] you have a 50% chance of survival

[BOB] yes to Foriso

[BOB] you have survived

[BOB] Paladins can not cure this , cure disease does not work

[BOB] no spell directly cures it

[BOB] if you want to look at the stats you can extrapolate that about 1/3 to 2/3 of the human populatoin will die from this

[Hoffman (temp John)] (any race exposed to it?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does Indigo have any hind of immunity?)

[BOB] demi humans are not affected, halflings, gnomes, elves, dwarves,

[BOB] humans, half elves, etc are all affected

[Hoffman (temp John)] (so plymorp to elves should cure it)

[BOB] so what this means for you right now

[BOB] or spread it to them John

[Hoffman (temp John)] (snkcker snicker)

[BOB] but right now Kristelle has a 50% chance

[BOB] unaided

[BOB] if you can come up with a combo of things to affect her roll now is the time

[BOB] is not a direct save

[BOB] every +1 is a 5% chance

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what about bless?

[BOB] that would be a 5% chance but it is touch based

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Bless gives a save vs. fear

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Chant aids with save rolls.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((umm bless isnt touch based Bob))

[Hoffman (temp John)] prayer and chant would help but do not have same religon available

[BOB] for this is it, just like when you Bless Crossbow bolts

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((does it have to be the same religion?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but both Miranda and Ilgen can chant and get an extra 10%?)

[BOB] if you have a magic item to help with saves I will give you the 5% for that also

[BOB] can not stack Chants

[BOB] but can have one for 5%

[Hoffman (temp John)] I will pray to my GOD!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my ring gives immunity to mind based spells, would that help?)

[Hoffman (temp John)] Forsio want to check out the scrolls

[BOB] no

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((cant do anything till 10th level))

[Hoffman (temp John)] just for traps, if there are helpfull Brawny can cast them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry to be grumpy but why do you keep mentioning magic items when we don't have any that work?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((how about prayer and chant?))

[BOB] I just want to be sure you have looked at everything Lisa,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can throw the magic net over her head and see what happens)

[Hoffman (temp John)] we do not have two priests of the same religon

[BOB] I am always pleasently surprised by the things the group comes up with

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((why does it have to be the same religion?))

[Hoffman (temp John)] I am hoping for mage spells, summon numbers priest

[BOB] when you think you are ready we will have Kaz make the roll

[Hoffman (temp John)] for chant and prayer to work together

[Hoffman (temp John)] have to be same religon, norse and norse works

[Hoffman (temp John)] norse and greek, does not add up

[Hoffman (temp John)] does kristle have any edge to burn?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (lol)

[temp John] (got to know your crowd)

[BOB] so as of now I am hearing you have +5 for chant or for prayer

[BOB] and +5% for Bless

[BOB] so can move it to 60%

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (any herbal concoctions Miranda can make to help?)

[temp John] don't forget Hoffman's praying

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((So, Hoffman can pray, Ilgen can chant, and Miranda can Bless.))

[BOB] it will mean Miranda has a chance at contractign the Plague

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I don't think there are herbal concoctions that help in the way that's needed.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] *shrug*

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I'm on a spree. I'm killing off all my characters in every game I play.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Miranda is a henchman at this point. If Kristelle dies, doesn't she have to leave the group? Unless someone else takes her as a henchman, that is.))

[BOB] yes or become a NPC camp follower

[temp John] (we will deal with that as need ne)

[BOB] so we are ready?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((My point is this: either Kristelle dies and Miranda leaves the group and we lose her, or she does the Bless and possibly gets the plague and possibly dies.))

[temp John] no one want to check out the mage spells?

[BOB] I think Lisa already knows all the spells you have in the scrolls

[temp John] check if aid is also touch

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] it is

[temp John] not accoring to the web

[temp John] unless you know what we do not

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (which spell are you talking about?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] aid is touch based

[temp John] scrolls we do not have identified

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we don't have any that are unidentified)

[temp John] doubt they would help, but ...

[temp John] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (talking about that scroll case at bottom of party pack sheet? that confused me a couple weeks ago. it is just the case, not a scroll)

[temp John] Kaz, have Miranda do what you think she would do, not what we want her to do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I agree)

[temp John] just above carried in large sack

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Miranda is going to do the Bless. Tell me you wouldn't have had her do it, John.))

[temp John] scroll with 6 wizard spells

[temp John] oh I would but then again , I have a death wish

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so what does bless,aid, and either chant or prayer give her?

[temp John] er had one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (John, I will fix that this weekend. I'm sorry we got a lot of stuff opened at once. Those spells are the ones listed above)

[temp John] and the scroll case is unopened so it could have a rasie dead scroll

[BOB] bless is a +5%, aid is a +5% and prayer is a +5% so a total of +15%

[BOB] but both aid and bless are touch spells

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (scroll case was opened and it is empty)

[BOB] Miranda has both spells correct?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yes Bob))

[BOB] or do you want Ilgen to do one

[BOB] ok

[temp John] he has to do prayer

[BOB] so you are up to a 65% chance of survival

[temp John] and too amny favors to pay back to die now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((lol))

[BOB] ready fro the roll Kaz?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((as I'll ever be.))

[BOB] 65 and lower Kristelle lives

[temp John] ::crosses fingers::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] d100?

[BOB] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] (d100) [1d100=64] 64

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] roflmao

[BOB] smiles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] O M F G

[temp John] whew

[BOB] laughs

[temp John] Hoffman helped!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] WOW

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Wow Guy, that REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING drum roll you did must have helped!))

[BOB] smile

[BOB] and now the other roll

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((what does Miranda have to roll? I don't remember.))

[BOB] Miranda

[BOB] 66% or lower and she has the Plague

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can Ilgen help with that?)

[BOB] no

[BOB] only surviving

[Miranda (Kaz)] (d100) [1d100=21] 21

[Miranda (Kaz)] /facepalm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] damn!

[temp John] not that any help would help that roll

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] wait she has to roll again i didnt get to do the drum roll

[BOB] and so Kristelle and Foriso are now immune

[Miranda (Kaz)] (at least Kristelle can care for her.))

[BOB] and you have Miranda in a four day quarentine

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and the funeral pyre is already set up

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((see how well that worked out Lisa?))

[BOB] chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so sad)

[BOB] Ok

[Kaz] Thank you all for your help and support.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Clears his throat as he walks up behind your group

[Kaz] I'm going to go now. If you figure out a good place for Miranda to be quarantined... the shed, maybe?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I am glad to see that the fever has broken and your friend will survive

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think that is our only option. Kristelle stays with her?)

[Kaz] Yes, of course. If you'd be kind enough to leave some food and water, they should be all set.

[Kaz] And someone bitch-slap the broad shooting arrows.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will take care of it.

[Kaz] Night all! *hugs all around*

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bye Kaz!

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] So Mister Foriso

Kaz has left the game on Fri Nov 05 22:13:16 EDT 2010

[temp John] ttfn

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] its just Foriso its not mister foriso

[BOB] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 4th, 338 SKR.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I want to talk to you about your mission

[temp John] did foriso finish with his boss?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (no)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((nope))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I kind of figured that was what you wanted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Our mission. We all share in this debt.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] There is a church on a hill nearby

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] the locals say it is haunted

[temp John] more gremlins?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but we do not believe it is so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we know that it was a church to Kiputytto of the Suomi relgions

[temp John] (let me check that link)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] looks up, really?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] they used to have a shrine near mine

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] it melted years ago

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] yes well be that as it may

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] of course you dont

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] now the church is inhabited by something or someone

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and our guess is someone

[temp John] (can I add notes to the page?)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] it is more difficult for just the two of us to venture there

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (yes to John)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but it is not worth the efforts of a group of Brothers

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] so I want you to go there and investigate

[temp John] (I was going to say any fighter who prays at a temple gets a perment bless)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and of course you couldnt ever get anybody to help you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (rolls my eyes at john)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we believe there is a young Necromancer there who is attempting to explore the church

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((slaps john upside the head with a 2x4)))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] a young family started a farm nearby recently and they have gone missing

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hey Sparkles might be more spells for you

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we simply want you to go there, find otu what happened to the family and if you can determine it is a necromancer then report back

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you may keep anythign you find in teh church

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] COUGHS,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] like we would let a necromancer stay alive

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] holy relics should be given over to a church

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] only we will know how to properly store or dispose of them

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh really

[temp John] Necormancer does not mean priest

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] The Brotherhood leaves that up to the Dragonslayers Company's discrescion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you want this necromancer unharmed?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he is harming others, you may feel free to stop him

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he does exist

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he does not we want to know what is causing these reports about the church

[temp John] what reports wexactly?

[temp John] dead walking?

[temp John] plants dying?

[temp John] or just fram family disapearing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] there is your sketch of the church

[temp John] looks like a scroll

[temp John] skull, sorry

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] that is why this story arc is called Skull Church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Is that the farm on the right?)

[temp John] what is the second house?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that is a nice map)

[temp John] and the eyes and nose are ponds? Stones? or just for effect

[BOB] caves

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] im not going anywhere until i know for sure everybody is going to be ok, its been this long im sure a few more days wont matter

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] nods at Foriso

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we can live with a short delay

[temp John] four days, he can made 2 undead a day, only 8 more if he can get the dead bodies

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but we will want a report back by Midsummer's night

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (it is the 4th, midsummer's night is the 15th)

[temp John] np

[temp John] so we can't click 4 days, what else can we do?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can find you at the tavern when we are done?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] yes we will be in that area on patrol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the hill is in what direction from here?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] the northwest

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] about a day and a half away

[temp John] I spend my time making torches

[temp John] ax handle

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] good now first things first i deliver a gift to my mentor

[temp John] ax handle with torch head? hmmmmmmm?

[BOB] Ok,

[BOB] just a moment for that Guy

[BOB] restroom break

[BOB] work out what else you need to get done

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[temp John] did you split up any treasure, or is it all party money at this point?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Midsummer's night. I think that is the night that Ancien wanted us to repay him. We shall have to be back by then.

[temp John] what do we have to do for him? her? it?

[Lisa] Don't know. Bob forgot to roleplay that part out and night ended. He told me we owed him too later

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] is there anybody we dont owe a favor too?

[Lisa] not really

[BOB] the Temple of Air and Light

[temp John] man in red cloak

[BOB] for raising Kristelle from the Dead

[BOB] three favor stories

[Lisa] we owe him the favor of slashing his throat

[Lisa] We need to check in on the Mosskins while we wait too I suppose

[Lisa] John, we had decided (Guy correct me if I have percent wrong) to put 90% of loot to training since so many of us needed it

[Lisa] And group needs, like your axes, replacing Kristelle & Indigo's chain mail etc

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i dont remember the percentage off hand))

[temp John] ok, sounds like a plan

[Lisa] We were going to re-evaluate when we got to higher levels and training needs weren't so constant

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( i know it was at least 50%))

[temp John] as long as you tide to my GOD

[temp John] tithe?

[Lisa] yeah yeah

[temp John] ;)

[Lisa] But if GOD saved Kaz that 1%, I'd throw him a coin or two :)

[temp John] lets try and finsh with Fortiso and his boss,

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads back to the keep and the dungeons to confront his mentor

[temp John] which I can't help with, so I will bid you a do

[temp John] ado

[temp John] good night

[Lisa] adieu

[temp John] hasta later on

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((night john see you tuesday))

[temp John] that too

[BOB] waves

[temp John] dito

[Lisa] :)

temp John has left the game on Fri Nov 05 22:39:29 EDT 2010

[BOB] is Branwyn coming with Foriso?

[BOB] how about Indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Foriso do we get to see this mentor of yours? Or should we meet you back at Orchard House?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (your choice)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles "id enjoy seeing you and him btt heads"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'd be glad to go then

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lets go the sooner he gets this dagger the happier ill be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll try to restrain myself, but can't make any promises

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at Indigo

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] this should be fun

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno. This might not be a good idea.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ill make sure Bran doesnt hurt him too much

[Medoro (BOB)] (I am ready when you are)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks into the keep still trying to reassure Indigo

[Medoro (BOB)] Medoro leads you to one of the towers and down to a lower level to a door made of bars

[Medoro (BOB)] he opens that door with a key

[Medoro (BOB)] there is a short line of cells, two on a side

[Medoro (BOB)] and a heavy iron bound oak door at the end

[Medoro (BOB)] he walks up to that door

[Medoro (BOB)] and pulls out a second key

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at the three of you

[Medoro (BOB)] are you sure you want to do this?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Medoro

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] its only fair, I got to insult her mentor now shes gets to try mine

[Medoro (BOB)] he opens up the door, there is another set of bars, he opens and gestures you inside

[Medoro (BOB)] gestures to a rope hanging on the far side of the foyer room

[Medoro (BOB)] then closes and relocks the bars

[Medoro (BOB)] and the door

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks over to the rope

[Medoro (BOB)] (that is to call Medoro back)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey boss you got company

[Medoro (BOB)] the door on the other side is a large oak door

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((yeah i remembered just in time lol))

[Medoro (BOB)] dim and dark

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks very carefully over to the door

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you two watch your steps

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] be ready for anything

Indigo (Lisa) lays a hand on in short sword but stands quietly

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) checks out the door

[BOB] suddenly the door BURSTS open and the three of you are blinded by bright light

[BOB] a silver hook flashes out and SNAGS Indigo on the chest of his cloak

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I HAtE it when you do that

[BOB] YANKS him sinde

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you brought me a gift

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah but thats not the gift

[Indigo (Lisa)] Let me go!

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] low chuckle, relax little man

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and SETS Indigo into a arm chair

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Indigo

[BOB] as your eyes adjust to the room

[BOB] you see a man sitting in a chair next to a small talbe with a small keg broached on it

[BOB] there is a chair with Indigo sitting in it across the table from him

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im glad to see you made it through the plague intact

[BOB] there is plush carpet on the floor, wall hangings, and a doorway open to a bedroom

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that's it?)

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] So my good pupil, you were able to find the Dagger of Sardix?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks over to the table and places the dagger on it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and you really think it is wise to being Branwyn and Indigo here ?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] He is brave but he still might talk

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] picks up the dagger

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I owe her the chance to insult you like I insulted her mentor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] caressing it with a finger tip

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] flicks his fingers at that comment

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] her bite is worse than her bark

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looking at the dagger

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] eyes distant

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and Indigo has been through a lot and I trust him with everything

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] gripping it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] then balancing it on the tip of one finger

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How do you know our names?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Branwyn

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks up, I would be a poor source of information if I did not know the significant visitors here at the keep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You have been discussing us with this madman?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) starts laughing

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] how is Captain Harkness ?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] he knew about us the first time i ever met him

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /stops laughing

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hes gone

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] only 1 guardsman survived the plague

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks sharply at Foriso

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you are slippign my boy

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Skycaptain Harkness

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes the room carefully not seeing what she expects

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do not believe he was here during the plague

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and it is a pity about the guards,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((coughs ok so im not good at names))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We know who you meant and Harkness is not here so yes he is gone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But obviously you do not need reports from us

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] it depends on whether he met up with that coward yulotte

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Branwyn, it is not what I need from you but what you want from me,

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and he does actually sigh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I want nothing from you

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Yullote is a problem

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do not know where he went

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] as painful as that is to admit

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] passing out silver chalices for you to drink from

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I thought you knew everything. And who's slipping?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at his mentor, his eyes widen slightly

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] smiles and nods at Branwyn

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You have the mages books dont you

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] the Grey Death does interfeer with even my reach

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] no, they were not here, he took them with him when he left long ago, this most recent visit he did not have them with him

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] So Branwyn are you going to take up the Mosskins on being the new Court Mage?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now how could I possibly replace the wonderous Hystille?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] well if you catch the Plague it will be very easy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey Bran this could be a good chance for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no desire to spend my days doing parlor tricks and I have no intention of catching the plague

Branwyn (Lisa) rolls eyes at Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran youre not thinking it through

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just because youre a court mage that doesnt mean you have to spend every minute here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is not a thing I will discuss with this sorry excuse of a man here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I mean you will need to travel to get new spells and experience

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] oh no worries my dear, they will wait a day or two before makign the offer

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I would say 12-8 that it will be two days

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but he might move faster

Branwyn (Lisa) tuns to Regor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will you be quiet! This is not up for discussion

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran not everything is as it appears

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] chuckles, it is not my decision to make, but if it makes you so nervouis already you might want to give it serious thought before accepting

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] sorry Regor I guess i was too convincing in my acting afraid of you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He is as evil as the Yuan Ti he put you in danger with

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] warm smile, you give me a great compliment but I fear I do not reach that high

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I am content here in my dungeon

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] gestures at the opulent room

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Do you truly think Lord Mosskin would allow him to live if he was truly as evil as you think?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Arahael owes me for too much to not want me within the chance to reach me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no idea what to believe any more. Mosskin was friends with Yulotte too

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] My dear Branwyn, the world is filled with conflict

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That does not mean we have to court it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and if you can keep the problems swirling around you undercontrol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You revel in it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you get to worry about the others outside of that

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] nods his head, thank you my dear, you do have a silver tongue

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And what are your plans for this new dagger of yours?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] twists his hook a bit in the light

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] oh this trifle?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The trifle that almost got us all killed, yes, that one

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] it is the aquisition that is pleasurable

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and so you prove your strength

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most assuredly mad

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Indigo, she is a fury isn't she

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Foriso, I can see why you like having her around

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to BOB only)] cast knock

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] (1d20) [1d20=10] 10

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] my friends are the reason why I never just laid down and gave up

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Regor looks at Branwyn as she mutters something, and one of the doors on a wardrobe cabinet opens up

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] really if you want to get mroe comfortable feel free my dear

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but I do not have a color to match your eyes in there

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Oh wise teacher what do you know of the brotherhood

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] They are solid in their tasks

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((we have the map to the church dont we?))

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] yes

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) lays the map on the table

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] how bout this place

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks over the map

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks up at Indigo

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you ready to go into a haunted church?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you know what happens to her, gestures at Branwyn, if she sees a ghost

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sure you are dying to tell us

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] some how i think the ghosts would be afraid of her

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looking at Indigo intently

Branwyn (Lisa) takes a few steps towards open doorway

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Leave Indigo alone Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Raised eyebrow at Indigo

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks over the situation and thinks for a moment

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran stop theres more to this than meets the eye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] More to what? If there is value to him more than improving your skills I don't see it

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) sighs

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just be patient

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I do sometimes know what Im talking about

Branwyn (Lisa) turns away and takes a few more steps towards the doorway as if in disgust with the conversation

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then I shall keep silent and let you two talk

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] are you goign to let her go in there by her self? looking at Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps I just want you out of my sight while Foriso speaks with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no intention of entering whatever you calla bedroom

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] smiles, you canot really be that upset my good man, and I know you are not that scared

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] sighs

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but in any case

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I must move on

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I am expecting a guest this afternoon

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and I would like to freshen up before hand

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do hope you will come back to visit soon

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] enjoy your new toy

Branwyn (Lisa) walks to doorway first and looks in from the front room

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] a large king sized bed

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] with a desk and chair nearby

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] a rug inside the doorway

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and a hat stand with several different styles of head gear on it

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) picks up the map

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So this is it Foriso?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] this is what?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are leaving or do we have more business here?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we have to get ready for our trip dont forget

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you coming indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I am sure we don't want to meet whoever this guest is

[Indigo (Lisa)] Gladly

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] have a pleasent trip

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Regor ill be back another time

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to BOB only)] cantrips cloud of gnats at Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and be sure to look for the Vanity on the first full moon of the harvest

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] (1d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont let that dagger get the better of you

Branwyn (Lisa) quickly walks towards the door toleave

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come on Indigo

[BOB] you see a cloud of gnats around Regor and his lips tighten but he resists any other reaction

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should really take care of that bug problem before your guest arrives

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks out the door and pulls the rope

[BOB] and the door closes behind you

[BOB] the three of you in the foyer area

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] did you really have to do that Bran?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sorry Foriso I couldn't help myself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] he really is worse than I imagined

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im sure the paladins would agree with you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] but Ill tell you this much , hes a better man than my father ever was

Branwyn (Lisa) looks back in shock

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry for that. It must have been terrible

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where else does he live? I expected something else to open other than that wardrobe.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] there is a reason why i hate elves like i do and that is my father

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] as far as I know those rooms there are his home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Was your father a thief too?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] no he was one of those who could combine magical and warrior skills

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But he was evil?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] since i have no skill in magic and was never really interested in fighting i was used as a target for many of his spells and as a sparring partner

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head, "I am sorry."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] to me he was more evil than a a yuan-ti could ever be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I understand. You are with friends now. I hope that being free of him can help in some way.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Regor may be mad he treats me the way myfather never did

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins sadly at Branwyn "Id gladly give my life to save regor"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then I guess I should not try to kill him then.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh and Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will stick to petty annoyances that will irritate him

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] that whole hook thing, he did that to me the first time i met him too

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] did you even see how he reacted to your gnats?

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was only for your sake that I did not make him pay for that

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I think you both earned his respect

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] there is 1 thing i need you both to promise me though

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know about that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is that?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont mention his name outside of this room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With pleasure.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I won't Foriso.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thank you both

[BOB] and applause from the audience

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lol

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) bows

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thank you thank you

[BOB] very well done

[BOB] and I already had a vote for Guy for RP of the night

[Lisa] where is this guy's stash? You have to let me keep coming back the next time you see him

[Lisa] me too

[BOB] grins

[BOB] he has a whole lot more up his sleeves

[BOB] need to keep some surprises for when you are 8th level

[Lisa] If I live that long

[Lisa] pissing off mr master thief might not have been my brightest move

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 250. Next level in 13994.

[BOB] Branwyn XP award: 150. Next level in 18040.

[BOB] Indigo XP award: 50. Next level in 1672.

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 75. Next level in 501.

[BOB] Hoffman XP award: 100. Next level in 2933.

[BOB] Miranda XP award: 50. Next level in 12428.

[Lisa] If we find a dagger in my back at least we'll know where it came from

[Guy] lol

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 500. Next level in 1.

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 500. Next level in 13494.

[BOB] and chuckles at Kristelle

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] JUST that close

[Guy] you couldnt give kristelle that 1 little xp?

[Lisa] was just seeing that

[BOB] weird how that works out

[BOB] but next week she will get it

[Guy] oh and i was just told that im supposed to share 1 xp or my rp of the night with kristelle lol

[BOB] lol

[Lisa] LOL

[Lisa] 1% from death 1 pt from level - amazing

[BOB] both her and Foriso got the 500 xp for surviving the plague

[Guy] oh speaking of next week i will be off so ill be in early

[BOB] great

[BOB] I will work on the maps and such for the Skull Church

[BOB] but first we will work on training issue

[BOB] etc

[BOB] spells, etc.

[Guy] we played late tonight

[BOB] nods

[Lisa] Miranda's plague, minor details

[BOB] did not want to interupt the flow

[Lisa] I'm off. Have a good night!

[Guy] its so much fun creating a backstory for a chacter as you play

[BOB] grins

[Guy] night lisa

[BOB] have a great night both of you

Lisa has left the game on Sat Nov 06 00:01:17 EDT 2010

[BOB] see you later

[Guy] night bob

Guy has left the game on Sat Nov 06 00:01:31 EDT 2010 [BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 05 18:24:05 EDT 2010 ====

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:33:56 EDT 2010

Kaz is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:34:18 EDT 2010

Kaz is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Kaz has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Kaz] Yay!

Kaz has left the game on Fri Nov 05 18:35:13 EDT 2010

[BOB] and there we go

[BOB] and where are my brownies?

[BOB] listening to Miami 2017

[BOB] cranking it up loud

[Kaz] I haven't made the brownies yet.

[Kaz] But if you really want some, you'll have to come up for Story Time tomorrow. :) 10 am - BE THERE!!

[BOB] I have to work form 10-6

[Kaz] awwww

[Kaz] too bad we can't video conference it. I can have one of the little guys eat a brownie for you. :D

[BOB] be right back have to go negociate dinner, do not think I will have brownies for dinner either, sad but true

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] aww

[Kaz] I have to go get Guy. We'll be back soon.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] and I have drinks and food is cooking

temp John has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:48:11 EDT 2010

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] greetings sir

[temp John] clearly your not talking to me

[BOB] grins

[temp John] not even left yet?

[BOB] left for what?

[BOB] they have done a lot in the last two weeks

[BOB] did you hear about the Plague?

[temp John] what ever adventure you were setting them off to

[temp John] no

[BOB] grins

[BOB] welcome to the Grey Death

[BOB] first outbreak in over 200 years

[BOB] two of the Mosskin family has already died

[temp John] well I guess I need to hit the site

[BOB] Kristelle caught it

[BOB] and Foriso,

[BOB] snuck into the Keep while it was under quarentine

[temp John] so do we know the cure?

[BOB] you should look at the Home Stories page

[BOB] fire

[temp John] burn the body?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] you have two paladins from the Order of Brotherhood

[BOB] they are coming with you now to the Keep to cure Foriso

[temp John] henchman?

[BOB] go check out the Home Stories page

[BOB] then

[temp John] i read the main page, i guess i need to read the whole chat log

[BOB] nah

[BOB] not yet

[BOB] the nutshell is they got home

[BOB] they went to visit the keep

[BOB] found out about plague

[temp John] I was there for that

[BOB] Foriso goes over the wall

[temp John] decided to break in anyway

[BOB] the rest go looking for help

[BOB] Kristelle gets infected at a local farmhouse

[BOB] they leave her there and go visit the Treant for help

[BOB] he says he can help delay Foriso's wasting disease but not the Plague

[BOB] on the way back to the keep they remember a shrine they went to before

[BOB] your crisis of faith with Miranda

[BOB] they revisit

[BOB] get help from the current priest there

[BOB] they travel to a nearby town

[BOB] and to an Inn there

[BOB] where the Dragonslayers orginally hid under during the dragon attack

[BOB] the Attack fo the Dragon

[BOB] as they locals call it

[BOB] then they get the paladins to come back to the keep with them to help Foriso

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 18:56:20 EDT 2010

Lisa is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[temp John] reunion episode already?

[BOB] grins

[temp John] clip episode already

Lisa has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] and Hello Lisa

[temp John] hello lisa

[BOB] John they need your help in trying to do what they can for Kristelle

[BOB] bonuses to saves, etc

[Lisa] Hello :)

[temp John] i am a fighter, what can I do

[temp John] I was just thinking about armor and weaponds

[BOB] you know the ins and outs of spells and items and potions and such

[BOB] you and Marco and Guy can come up with some crazy scheme to help Kristelle's saves

[temp John] what are our assets?

[BOB] your brains

[BOB] her muscle

[temp John] then we are in trouble

[BOB] and Indigo's swords

[temp John] 'funny

[BOB] waitign for Lisa to catch up to that

[Lisa] and all caught up

[temp John] we have palidins, they can cure the disease right?

[BOB] if you only had a wheelbarrow

[Lisa] not plague I guess - I was going to ask if they have something that will help her roll

[Lisa] well not that directly but you know what I mean

[Lisa] Kaz said the bless spell won't help on a save versus death so we were at a loss as to what Miranda could do

[BOB] and Lisa is correct that they can cure the wasting disease that Foriso caught in the swamps

[BOB] but not the Grey Death

[temp John] not sure on the rule of the plage, once yoour sick, there not a lot to do

[BOB] there will be a roll to see if Kristelle dies

[BOB] it is not a save versus death

[Lisa] no?

[BOB] no

[BOB] that would be unbalanced

[temp John] how many priests of the same religon can we get together?

[Lisa] well if she fails saves she dies

[BOB] this wipes out high level, low level, etc

[Lisa] thought it would be that

[Lisa] seemed like a common sensical thing

[temp John] so it is an atribute roll?

[Lisa] so what is it then?

[temp John] or percentage?

[BOB] you hvae 2 priests Miranda and Brother Elmond

[BOB] sorry

[BOB] Father Ilgen

[BOB] Brother Elmond is the Paladin

[temp John] i thought there were two palidins?

[Lisa] and don't foregt Brother Toth

[BOB] right

[BOB] Brother Toth and Brother Elmond are the Paladins

[temp John] but two diffrent religions, as is Miranda and the two palidins

[BOB (to GM only)] Brother Toth moved 67'07".

[temp John] does sleep help hold off the plage?

[BOB] actually yes Father Ilgen is Kayugan

[BOB] and the two Paladins are unknown at this time

[temp John] miranda is not Kayugain?

[BOB] but the Brotherhood is non-demoninational

[BOB] and Miranda is Norse

[BOB] so two different religions so far

[temp John] so would sleep help or hurt as far as we know?

[BOB] normal sleep has not hurt

[BOB] it is the passage of time that you are worried about

[BOB] you know that it is a 4 day period

[BOB] from start to finish

[temp John] if only we had a necromancer

[temp John] or my priest of fate

[temp John] is it a percentage roll or an atribute?

[Lisa] so what is Kristelle rolling then? Did you say and I missed it?

[BOB] why a necromancer?

[BOB] I never did say, smile

[Lisa] answer the question!

[Lisa] please....

[BOB] I will when you get to that point

[temp John] well i ment to say chronomancer, but necromancer might be able to bring her back after we burn her

[Lisa] grrrrr

[Lisa] LOL

[temp John] it chnages how we plan, but what ever

[Lisa] like a phoenix Kristelle busrts forth from the ashes

[BOB] tonight is the plague story

[BOB] then we start the Favor Stories

[BOB] one for the Brotherhood for saving Foriso

[BOB] one for Ancien for the potion from him

[BOB] and one for the Temple of Air and Light for raising Kristelle from the Dead

[Lisa] so the next era will be called Payback's a Bitch?


[BOB] each of these are small fun stories

[temp John] the cure is worse then the disease?

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] plus we have the rest of the Home Stories weaving around these

[temp John] imagine what it will cost to bring her back from the plage

[BOB] spells and trainign and such

[BOB] and no one has come back from the Plague

[Lisa] I'm concerned that even if she is dead we can't come near her or risk catching it ourselves

[BOB] after they die you need to burn the body

[BOB] exactly

[temp John] has miranda tried the old fasion way yet?

[temp John] exactly

[temp John] Aid helps saves but this is not a save so will it help

[BOB] I will say Bless works because it is a 5% bonus

[BOB] talk to me about Aid

[BOB] and or Prayer

[temp John] aid is bless plus temp hit pts

[temp John] chant is +1 also that works with prayer

[BOB] Hoffman XP award: 500. Next level in 3033.

[BOB] Branwyn XP award: 500. Next level in 18190.

[temp John] we don't have prayer unless the NPC does

[BOB] ok, so Prayer and Chant together give a total of ?

[temp John] +2

[BOB] so 10%

[BOB] figuring otu what is likely to get first

[BOB] then figure out how to get it

[BOB] magic items?

[temp John] disple fatige in theory should help

[Lisa] prayer is a spell? not on Miranda's list

[BOB] Marco sends his regrets, has to go to Tokyo this morning

[BOB] he said have fun storming the castle

[temp John] yea yea, and I need to go to Miami

[Lisa] who's going to set Kristelle on fire?

[temp John] 3rd level

[temp John] sound like the job for a mage

[Lisa] I can, but Scarlet would have much more fun doing it

[temp John] we can look at the mage scroll and maybe get somthing wildly lucky like reincarnate

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] we did look at them

[Kaz] Baack!

[Kaz] Hi John and Lisa :)

[temp John] so we now have a toys r us on the corner

[BOB] and Marco said : [19:18] Lord BiBo: she will still be there to be set fire to next week [19:18] Lord BiBo: save the corpse for me

[temp John] Hi Kaz, sorry to here your character is going to die

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] Hi Kaz! :)

[BOB] is the Toys R Us open already? saw them deliver the shopping carts earlier this week

[BOB] and welcome back Kaz

[temp John] how does the plage effect her?

[temp John] Weak?

[BOB] aches pains chills, like a bad flu

[Lisa] she was out chopping wood last time we saw her

[BOB] very considerate of her to cut the wood for her own funeral pyre

[BOB] ok

[temp John] is guy expected?

[BOB] yes he is setting up now

[temp John] looks like a scroll and spell book, not that the spell book will help

[temp John] the scrolls might, but he is sick too?

[BOB] no

[temp John] we have to pull off two, of what ever we do?

[BOB] Foriso made his save

[Kaz] Okay, and Bob, she WAS cutting wood for her own pyre. Sheesh.

Guy has joined the game on Fri Nov 05 19:24:02 EDT 2010

Guy is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Guy has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Kaz] When she's too weak for anything, she's going to climb onto the wood and lay across.

[Kaz] So all you guys have to do is throw a torch onto it and set her up :)

[temp John] does the npc priest have numbers?

[BOB] no to numbers

[Guy] foriso is just dying of a swamp disease no plague for him

[temp John] good for him

[temp John] now the thief just has to ask a palidin for a little favor

[Lisa] we gave Practu a draught from Ancien to help you - we'll see if he actually gives it to you

[temp John] what does that do?

[Guy] now that is gonna be fun

[Lisa] supposed to keep him from getting weaker - not sure if gives any positive effect

[Lisa] he was a real pain in the butt last week about it

[temp John] what about a blood transfusuion, Fortiso clearly has an imunity?

[Guy] i do?

[BOB] Well Practumnarishkill is immune too

[temp John] if only we had a lab and weeks to do research, not to mention the tons of gold

[Kaz] lol

[Lisa] Foriso just rolls better than Kristelle, don't think it's in his blood

[BOB] it is morning at Old Man Millers Inn

[BOB] your group is ready to travel back towards the Jistelle Estates?

[temp John] what for?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure)

[BOB] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 3 Lad ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 3rd, 338 SKR.

[temp John] thought she was at the farm house?

[BOB] no Kristelle is at the farmhouse

[BOB] your group went off to find help

[temp John] ie palidins?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right nearby)

[BOB] is about 6 hour west of the Estates and yes

[temp John] I follow the group

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (meant farmhouse is really close to Keep)

[BOB] nods

[BOB] brb then ready for roleplay along the travel back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] mirnada have 3rd level spels yet?

[Kaz (to temp John only)] No, she hadn't had a chance to learn them yet.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] ah, should be moved up priority list

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz (to temp John only)] She only just leveled, didn't have the chance.

[temp John (to Kaz only)] sorry

[BOB] and

[BOB] we will work out training after the Plague issues

[temp John] let me know if we pass a store

[Kaz (to temp John only)] Eh. *shrug* I'm dyin' all over the damned place!

[temp John (to Kaz only)] thought I was at the wrong gamne for a sec

[BOB] there is not a store per se in town

[BOB] but what are you looking for?

[temp John] somewhere I can pick up a real ax or two

[BOB] that you can do at teh black smith

[temp John] at the estate

[BOB] Brother Toth takes you over to the blacksmith

[BOB] here in town

[BOB] she will sell you two axes

[BOB] well one axe and one axe head,

[BOB] she has not mounted the other

[BOB] one is on a metal rod, the other head is meant for a wooden handle

[temp John] (can I mount it?)

[BOB] sure

Kaz bites her tongue. Hard.

[temp John] ok, two it is

[temp John] ;0

[BOB] will cost 5 Gp total

[BOB] she would prefer somethign other than coin but if that is all you have

[Hoffman (temp John)] could you pay her Brawny, till I get my cut

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Talk to Indigo, he has the coins

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll pay. Don't worry about it.

[Hoffman (temp John)] thanks so much, still not back on my feet after the lizardmen took everything

Indigo (Lisa) pulls out 5 gold pieces and hands them to the blacksmith

[BOB] she bends them over an anvil

[BOB] and nods in satisfation

[Hoffman (temp John)] promise to bring you more business when we have time

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::trots off::

[BOB] she shrugs, and Brother Toff walks off with you

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified:

[BOB] heading out

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Throwing Axe -- Kind of Weapon: (null), Equipment - DELETED: stone hand ax, null, null, null.

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] so how many people are affected by the Grey Death? do you know yet?

[Hoffman (temp John)] Only as many as GOD deems necessary

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not sure. Most at the Keep and who knows how many at neighboring farms

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I have only been in the area for a month or so

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I was looking for the relics for the shrine

[Hoffman (temp John)] GOD must have sent you here for a reason

[Hoffman (temp John)] (cough cough)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (not that I know wha t your talking about, I was not here)

[Hoffman (temp John)] relics they would help I am sure

[Hoffman (temp John)] I bet a staff of healing?

[Hoffman (temp John)] cloak of hollyness?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I was sent here because Friend Jerome was eaten by Wolves

[Hoffman (temp John)] so not a nature lover?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] and Sister Magdaline was struck by Lightning before that

[Hoffman (temp John)] not a GOD of weather I take it?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] she came because she always said she was not frightened of Thunder

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but before her was Uncle Clemint

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] he was an adherent of Cogse

[Hoffman (temp John)] let me guess

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] before he apparently decided to pursue undead more feverently

[Hoffman (temp John)] has anyone made sure he was dead, dead?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up startled, "He was your uncle?"

[Hoffman (temp John)] or do you mean hunt undead down?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] shakes his head, smiling, no Uncle is a badge of Office

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I am a Patron by title

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sorry, I am not familiar with your priestly terms

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but everyone calls me Father Ilgen because Patron Ilgen sounds a little odd to those outside of our faith

[Hoffman (temp John)] still sounds like a curse to me

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] but Uncle Clemint was gifted of a Mace of Undead Slaying, he thought here in The Mist it would be put to good use

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Yes it would be

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Do you know where it is now?

[Hoffman (temp John)] would not seem to help us right now

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe I know where it is.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] turns

[Hoffman (temp John)] but we can be enlisted to help you look for it

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] turns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is in the hands of Witch Kulgarth unfortunately

[Hoffman (temp John)] (there are undead? here to turn?)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] grosn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (grosn?)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] Groans at the pun

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] who is this Witch Kulgarth?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] and how do you know she has it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A bothersome witch in the swamps

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] does she have the other holy relics?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Believe me, I know. I do not know if she has other relics though.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would not think so

[Hoffman (temp John)] (scroll?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what scroll?)

[BOB] and &&&&

[BOB] meanwhile back at the keep

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( looking at partypack on web, wht was found here)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] So

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((yay))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] you really want to go down there and wake him up?


[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] (grins, yes john)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] after the trouble i went through to get him his toy, you better believ it

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] so even if it kills you, shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] Your friends brought this for you ?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i assume you are talking about forisos mentor?))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] holds up a large wooden cup sealed with clay

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] (yes)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] they said you were to drink this

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ugh

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] they said it same from some friend in teh forest?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) takes the cup and breaks the seal carefully so as to not spill any

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] do you know a lot of squirrels?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /shudders at the thought of the walking tree

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lets just say trees should stay in one spot and not talk

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I can say that about a lot of things

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to temp John only)] John spells on scroll is on party pack page 2nd paragraph of New to Pack section

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks all of the potion

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] saves versus poison please

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Foriso Fairhand: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Miranda: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((ok that was weird))

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and Foriso shudders, gasps, and then passes out for a moment

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] when he wakes up

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the first thing he notices is Practumnarishkill laughing at him

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the second thing is that Foriso's skin has all turned blue

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( what happens to miranda? lol))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ugh

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] never trust a tree

Practumnarishkill (BOB) laughing

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] /laughing even louder

[Hoffman (temp John)] (that is what happens when you seperate the party)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] laugning

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] coughs and calms down

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] then giggles again

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] pulsl out a small cystal vial

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] here you go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not our fault Foriso has a death wish)

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] this is from your Treant friend

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bastard!!)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) glares at the gnome for a moment

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you realize of course that this means war!

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] stifles a laugh

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles a moment which turns into a coughing fit

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks the contents of the vial as soon as he is able

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] You really will jsut drink anything anyone hands you? as long as they say it is good for you?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] hands you another potoin bottle

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] shakes his head

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] how you humans ever live long enough to catch the plague is beyond me

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what plague?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the Grey Death

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /me shrugs

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] the whole reason you are quarentined in here

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] just drink that one,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] not me

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] points to the bottle

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] look

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] mine is from our trip to the swamp

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] crystal vial with s bit of moss inside

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and the Dragonslayer symbol on the seal

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] you have friends like that you might just live

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] maybe ill save that one till i come back from waking him up

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] but stay away from the dungeons and Regor

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] just wait

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] till after the quarentine is over

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] only 2 more days

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] unless this can cure me completely i could be dead in a couple days

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] well we will see what happens in the mornign then won't we

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and if you are dead you don't have to see Regor the Mad at all

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] at least not in this world

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) takes yet another vial from the gnome

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] taps the side of his nose

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh sure just cheer me up why dont you

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I am goign to go check on the guard

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] have to keep him awake

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) drinks the contents of the vial

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] whistles a happy tune as he schemes what to do to the guard

[BOB] roll a d6 Guy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (d6) [1d6=5] 5

[BOB] nice!

[BOB] roll a d4

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (d4) [1d4=2] 2

[BOB] a 2 point bonus to yoru Con for (6d6) [6d6=5,4,1,4,4,3] 21 turns

[BOB] that is enough to make you feel much better for now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i think that actually makes my con 1 better than normal))

[BOB] and back to Miranda and company

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] so you were telling me about the relics from the shrine?

[Hoffman (temp John)] I thought you were tell us of them

[Hoffman (temp John)] what else is missing, maybe we can help find them

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] the loss of the Mace is a sad thing but it was only recently part of the churches possesions

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] there is the service goods

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] a plate and chalice

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] a prayer book

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] things that we use in our services

[Hoffman (temp John)] Would they help us with the plage?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (didn't we have the book?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (didn't think we sold the book but not on party pack page - need Kaz's input on what happened)

[BOB] Father Ilgen moved 14'00".

[BOB] Brother Toth moved 4'09".

[BOB] Brother Elmond moved 7'00".

[BOB] Brother Toth moved 3'07".

[Kaz] I don't remember, I'll have to check back

[BOB] Hoffman moved 29'11".

[BOB] Miranda moved 13'01".

[BOB] Scarlet moved 27'08".

[BOB] Indigo moved 11'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Brother Elmond, we know that you cannot cure plague. But is there anything you can do to help our friend fight the disease?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (prayer and chant)

Branwyn (Lisa) wanting to change subject from missing holy items

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I have no spells to help

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] my power is not so great yet

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I knwo tha tthe Grey Death resists all attempts to cure it, fire is the only sure thing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] it is disturbing to have it stalk the lands again

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we must inform the others of our order to be careful

[Hoffman (temp John)] (checking history on site, 6 chat logs with "prayer book")

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if you check teh party pack

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and then the history link at the top

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] can see all the changes to that page over the years

[BOB] you found it during the Green Acres story arc

[Hoffman (temp John)] (got that far)

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( it was after Brian help us save the group from the ghouls)

[BOB] yes

[Hoffman (temp John)] (but still does not help us find out what happened for sure)

[BOB] Kaz will know that way if you sold it or not

[BOB] Is there anything else you want to talk with the Brothers about? or Father Ilgen? before getting back to the Estate?

[BOB] Father Ilgen has 3rd level spells

[Hoffman (temp John)] so we only have one caster of each religon?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we sold them - 7/16/10 chat log. paid for training)

[BOB] ok, so you do know who you sold them to at least so you can tell him that

[BOB] all three in one package right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the magical multi-character training coordinator)

[Kaz] yes, I think so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't think we specified which items went to whose training specifically)

[BOB] that is ok, all sold at the same time you can make up a name of a merchant you sold them to

[Kaz] No, but we sold it all at once

[Hoffman (temp John)] if you went along we me, we could have retrived them as a favor, now we have to retrive them to pay back a favor

[Kaz] Barnaby Trader

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Shylock, merchant of Venice)

[Hoffman (temp John)] If we can make it up, we make up that we did not sell them

[BOB] lol

[Kaz] Trader Vic :D

[Hoffman (temp John)] (man in red cloak?)

[BOB] and so?

[Hoffman (temp John)] on to Kristle?

[Kaz] NOthing for Kristelle to do

[Kaz] She's sleeping, resting, and burning the dead guy.

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::following party:

[BOB] Lisa?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (when is Kristelle's roll? quarantine will not be lifted until tomorrow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not sure about timing in all this)

[BOB] you can be back at the keep CLICK now and then work on Foriso and Kristelle

[BOB] or you can talk more with the Priest and the Paladins

[BOB] is up to the group

[Hoffman (temp John)] (as much as I would love to chat, I'd like to make sure Kristlee is ok, now)

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( i love to talk religon with a priest and a palidan, but the rest of the group has heard enough)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (would be good, we can talk to Paladins later)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am curious how they got into the whole vampire slayer thing)

[BOB] Time of Day: 06:00 PM. Day 3 Lad ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 3rd, 338 SKR.

[BOB] Brother Toth, Miranda, Scarlet, Indigo, Branwyn, Hoffman, Father Ilgen and Brother Elmond moved 109'08".

[BOB] Kristelle moved 49'01".

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] cough Cough,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Halt

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] OUCH

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] swats at his neck

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] who goes there?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (cantrip flie)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (fly)

[Hoffman (temp John)] :X

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It's only us again. Did you get any rest? You sound terrible.

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groan, no, I have not slept in days

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] and I never know where that damn Gnome is

[Hoffman (temp John)] Would you like me to take over for an hour?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no one enters

[Hoffman (temp John)] Miranda here can fix you right up in an hour

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I am already in enough trouble

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Foriso

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] calles down

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) searches for straw and eggs

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] Forsio

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] WHAT?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] you have someone HACK someone to see you

[Hoffman (temp John)] I'll stay on the outside and make sure no one enters, you just lay down

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so send them on in

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] is Nap touch spell?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groans,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] you never give up

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'm not going in)

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] just come up here to talk to them

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] wheezes

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) smirks "at least ive have a good nights sleep"

[Hoffman (temp John)] (dead man talking)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads up to the top of the wall

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand moved 37'09".

[Kaz (to temp John only)] I don't have Nap

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How are you feeling Foriso? Did you get the draught from Ancien?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thanks to a certain gnome i had several potions

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB) (to Guy only)] and yes you are still blue

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] I swore we used it, who has it?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] how did your trip go?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] /me, sees Foriso's face peer over the wall and yells in horror

[Kaz (to temp John only)] Imari, perhaps?

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Kaz only)] not that it matters if you don't have it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened to you???

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman is still keeping waych outside

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ask the patchwork gnome

[Hoffman (temp John)] GOD has sent a sign, it says "do not enter"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] he decided to start a war that he will regret

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you are not ill ... just ... blue?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just blue

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'll have a Blue Foriso, sound like a good drink)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so any news?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (I'll be so Blue, thinking about you)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have brought help. Two Paladins have agreed to cure you.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (you'll be doin' alreaight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But of course we cannot enter until the quarantine is over.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] good ill let them in they can help

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] paladins are immune to disease arent they?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Where is Miranda, she is so quiet tonight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tomorrow Foriso. After the quarantine is lifted.

[BOB (to Guy only)] not to the Grey Death

[Kaz] Miranda is with you. I'm just feeling quiet today.

[BOB] she is making me brownies

[Hoffman (temp John)] (bad roleplaying week)

[Kaz] I'm not making the brownies yet, but I should before I pass out.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Brother Elmond

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You do suppose you could help with Foriso's pallor as well could you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I do not know

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey Branwyn could you find me some rotten eggs out there?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I have not seen a blue man before

[Hoffman (temp John)] (we could make a lot of money(

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neither have I but this will not do.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (but we need two more)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] he is noticalbe

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] will be hard to miss in teh Mist

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We count on his stealth and he is quite conspicuous in this state

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] frowns

[Miranda (Kaz)] We could ask Practu what he gave to Foriso that caused the blue pallor.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am going to strangle Practu

[Hoffman (temp John)] (can you change him to grteen or brown at least?)

[Miranda (Kaz)] I'll help you.

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((lol John))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((black is the best color for a rogue))

[Medoro (BOB)] Mistress Branwyn

[Medoro (BOB)] is that you down there?

[Hoffman (temp John)] (you should be hard to see in water)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is Medoro. How are you feeling?

[Medoro (BOB)] I am healthy and whole

[Medoro (BOB)] if not particularly joyful

[Medoro (BOB)] we will lift the quarantine at dawn if no one else in the keep comes down with the Plague

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] practus been causing lots of trouble

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at Foriso,

[Medoro (BOB)] go drink

[Medoro (BOB)] that will take care of it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I plan on locking him in the dungeon with the mad one

[Hoffman (temp John)] (alchol cures the blues, how original)

[Medoro (BOB)] he did that same trick to the Faclon Master

[Medoro (BOB)] and you will be well served to leave him alone, he has saved the keep at this point

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Miranda can you please find me a couple of very rotten eggs?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How did he do that?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont worry Medoro i dont plan on killing him

[Medoro (BOB)] much as we might like to wish he had other means of entertaining himself while he is here with us

[Medoro (BOB)] looks down to Branwyn

[Medoro (BOB)] he has been the only one who can feed the pyres

[Medoro (BOB)] bring the bodies without being infected

[Medoro (BOB)] we woudl have all died without him

[Hoffman (temp John)] (reverse purify food and drink? or too much?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, I am glad he has been good for something.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How is the rest of the Mosskin family?

Medoro (BOB) claps the guard on the shoulder, only 12 more hours and we can rest

[Medoro (BOB)] Lord Mosskin is in mourning

[Medoro (BOB)] the Missus is tending to the sick

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at the guard "you can do 12 more hours easily"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But they are still with us. I am glad of that

[Medoro (BOB)] the scars will take a long time to heal over after losing so many

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman is outside,

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] groans

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] yes Sir

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] grips his spear

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Medoro, there is no one to relieve this poor man? He is barely standing

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) pats the guard on the shoulder "go get some sleep Ill watch for a while"

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] deep sigh

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] no

[Medoro (BOB)] swallows hard

[Medoro (BOB)] shakes his head

[Medoro (BOB)] no

[Medoro (BOB)] we lost all of the guard

Branwyn (Lisa) feels bad for making such harsh comments about him the night before

[Medoro (BOB)] 14 good men

[Miranda (Kaz)] Oh, that's bad.

[Medoro (BOB)] he is the last

[Hoffman (temp John)] (plus 2 lousy)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (rim shot)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) gently takes the spear from the guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And no word from Yulotte I take it?

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] tightens his grip

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] go on get some sleep Ive got the watch

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] My captain said to stand guard

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] and I will till the end

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I can make it

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] *cough

[Hoffman (temp John)] again Foriso and the transfer of germs escapes him

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] I can make it till morning

[Generic Guard #6 (BOB)] takes a deep breath

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im sure you can but you wont have to

[Medoro (BOB)] takes Foriso's shoulder

[Medoro (BOB)] leads him a bit away

Branwyn (Lisa) looks hopefully up at Foriso, "Your mentor didn't happen to catch the plague did he?"

[Medoro (BOB)] looks down to the group, nods to the Brothers

[Medoro (BOB)] Thank you for coming Brothers

[Medoro (BOB)] I will send Foriso out to you in the morning or you can come in

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] not him hes locked up

[Medoro (BOB)] and no word from or about Yulotte Branwyn

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) whispers to Medoro "you can convince him to get some sleep I will guard this keep till my dying breath"

[Medoro (BOB)] he made it out of the gates before we locked them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is too bad. I should like to know where he is. And how his demons were coming along.

[Medoro (BOB)] looks over at Foriso, nods, I appreciate that sir Foriso, but he wants to keep his word, and I will not take that last thing from him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He did not summon any when he was at the Keep?

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at Branwyn, no

[Medoro (BOB)] unless he did with Hystelle, but we will not know that anymore either

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] if he survives then Id say you have a damn good Captain of the Guard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hystelle is dead?

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((was that the first teacher?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (after my original mentor, yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (pompous windbag but harmless)

[Medoro (BOB)] yes

[Medoro (BOB)] nods at Foriso

[Hoffman (temp John)] Branwyn is the most powerful mage in the area?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] youll have to give him a name now lol

[Medoro (BOB) (to Guy only)] grins, yeah guess so

[Hoffman (temp John)] Not that I had any doubt

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is a sad thing. I was worried that Yulotte may have summoned a demon that somehow created this plague we were in

[Medoro (BOB)] I am sorry Branwyn but Hystile's things were burned already

[Medoro (BOB)] if there was anything in there about that it is gone now

[Hoffman (temp John)] (should we hunt down this Yulotte?)

[Miranda (Kaz)] Even if she weren't the most powerful mage in the area, she'd still be the wisest. (Whispered to HOffman)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did Yulotte take his books and journals with him?

[Medoro (BOB)] pauses, I am not sure

[Medoro (BOB)] if he did not they are burned

[Medoro (BOB)] I do not know which were his and which were Histile's

[Miranda (Kaz)] Perhaps it is for the best, if they were here and burnt.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would not weep to see the loss of those demon journals, but the lab and Hystille's spellbooks is a sad thing

[Medoro (BOB)] I will open the gates at Dawn barring any strange happenings

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Medoro. May you have a safe night

[Medoro (BOB)] whispers to Foriso, stay on the walls but leave him to his post

[Hoffman (temp John)] Until then Hoffman is watching the front gate, from the outside

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) nods at medoro

[BOB] Kristelle is at the farm house about a half hour away

[BOB] you can see it in the dusk

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((They should be able to see the dead guy's pyre, unless it's already burnt out.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((brb))

[BOB] still smoudlering but not burning brightly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should see how Kristelle is doing. From a distance of course.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (only way to help is to chant for as long as possible to help with "the roll")

[BOB] talking to Kristelle now? or in the morning?

[BOB] or with the Brothers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (perhaps Miranda can convince our friends to help her)

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 47'03".

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((back)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) stands watch on the wall near the guard

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 27'09".

[Hoffman (temp John)] Hoffman moved 58'02".

[Hoffman (temp John)] I got this side of the wall covered

[BOB] Ok, so we skip to morning

[BOB] Time of Day: 06:00 AM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 4th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] dawn comes up

[Hoffman (temp John)] is she cute?

[BOB] Medero says to open the gates

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (you suck john i was gonna say that lol))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads down and opens the gates

[BOB] the Guard nods and give a little shudder as he slides down the wall and falls asleep immediately there on teh battlements

[Hoffman (temp John)] (too fast, or too obsessed?)

[BOB] Brother Toth, Father Ilgen and Brother Elmond moved 85'03".

[BOB] Practumnarishkill moved 23'07".

[BOB] Branwyn, Miranda, Scarlet and Indigo moved 83'02".

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] looks solemly at Foriso

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] gestures him over

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) moves over to the stranger

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] can i help you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Your friends wish you to be cured

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we can do that for you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we will charge you with a missoin for the brotherhood

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if you accept we shall remove this sickness from your body

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] what does foriso know of the brotherhood?

[Hoffman (temp John)] ( what did the last three potions do, besides turn him blue?)

[Brother Elmond (BOB) (to Guy only)] they are the Paladin order in Drillian, sworn to teh defeat of the Vampire Lords

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((the one from Ancien boosted his Con, temporarily))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] now what would a bunch of paladins need with a finder of lost items?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((basically slowing the disease's wasting aspect))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Your friends say you are best at sneaking and exploring

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we have a particular task that those skills would serve well

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] i see and just where would this be taking me?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] not far

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] a day and a half away from these Estates

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] just beyond the reach of this Lord

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and if you say the swamps i promise you that ill tell you what you can do with your item and your brotherhood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They are good men Foriso. Let them help you.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] there is no where here in the Kingdom that is out of the reach of the swamps

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we do not wish to heal you only to send you to your doom

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) sighs "I dont have a lot of options now do i"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Ill agree

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you have apparently survived the Plague of our Age, you must have a future

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] kneel

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] kneel?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you must be penitent to recieve the blessing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] or at least appear to be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i hate you bob lol))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] LOL

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((suck it up and get on your knees))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((MUAHAHA))

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) kneels while muttering under his breath

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] both of them lay their hands upon your head, they murmmer a short prayer, and a blue light extends from their hands and covers Foriso's body

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] he shivers

[Hoffman (temp John)] (so can we see it?)

[Hoffman (temp John)] blue on blue?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] then they remove their hands

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (yes)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you should rise and go help your friend

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) stands up

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we will give you your mission later

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] after we visit with the Lord of the Estate

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and do what we can to help here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thanks

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] now wheres Kristelle?

[BOB] Father Ilgen moved 100'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She's at a nearby farmhouse

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] I will come with you adn do what I can

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] why is she there and not with you?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hopefully the old woman there has not shot her with too many arrows

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We were looking for wood to burn and Kristelle opened a shed on a farm.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A plague-ridden body fell on her and she now has the plague herself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There was nothing we could do at the time and we had to try to save both of you.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so youre telling me that you basically sacrificed Kristelle to save me?

[Miranda (Kaz)] Foriso, there is no cure for plague.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We did not sacrfice her.

[Miranda (Kaz)] There is nothing we could have done that would have helped her over these days.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one knew that crazy old woman was keeping a corpse in her shed.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (she's a witch)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (burn her)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] After it happened Kristelle would not have let us come near her anyway

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((burn her!!!)

[BOB] I am not a witch I am just like you

[BOB] I am you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yikes! never want to hear that again - stop I say)

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] with Kristelle at the farmhouse

[BOB] and just so that everyone knows how the mechanics of the Grey Death works

[BOB] if you have caught it and survive you never have to worry again

[BOB] if you are infected but do not catch it you do not have to worry again

[Hoffman (temp John)] thought as much

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((so, Foriso will always be immune now?))

[BOB] if you come in contact (physical) with a plauge victim

[BOB] you have a 66% chance of catchign the plague

[BOB] correct with Foriso

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Bob, did you mean infected but do not catch, or exposed but do not catch?))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((but foriso didnt catchit ?__

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Because if you were infected, you'd have caught it.))

[Hoffman (temp John)] (can you be a carrier but not catch it?)

[BOB] right Foriso was exposed but did not catch it

[BOB] that is not known John

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((okay, all clear on that, then))

[BOB] not going to reveal everything!

[BOB] but once you do have the Grey Death

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((so i can never get this plague again?))

[BOB] you have a 50% chance of survival

[BOB] yes to Foriso

[BOB] you have survived

[BOB] Paladins can not cure this , cure disease does not work

[BOB] no spell directly cures it

[BOB] if you want to look at the stats you can extrapolate that about 1/3 to 2/3 of the human populatoin will die from this

[Hoffman (temp John)] (any race exposed to it?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does Indigo have any hind of immunity?)

[BOB] demi humans are not affected, halflings, gnomes, elves, dwarves,

[BOB] humans, half elves, etc are all affected

[Hoffman (temp John)] (so plymorp to elves should cure it)

[BOB] so what this means for you right now

[BOB] or spread it to them John

[Hoffman (temp John)] (snkcker snicker)

[BOB] but right now Kristelle has a 50% chance

[BOB] unaided

[BOB] if you can come up with a combo of things to affect her roll now is the time

[BOB] is not a direct save

[BOB] every +1 is a 5% chance

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] what about bless?

[BOB] that would be a 5% chance but it is touch based

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Bless gives a save vs. fear

[Kristelle (Kaz)] Chant aids with save rolls.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((umm bless isnt touch based Bob))

[Hoffman (temp John)] prayer and chant would help but do not have same religon available

[BOB] for this is it, just like when you Bless Crossbow bolts

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((does it have to be the same religion?))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but both Miranda and Ilgen can chant and get an extra 10%?)

[BOB] if you have a magic item to help with saves I will give you the 5% for that also

[BOB] can not stack Chants

[BOB] but can have one for 5%

[Hoffman (temp John)] I will pray to my GOD!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my ring gives immunity to mind based spells, would that help?)

[Hoffman (temp John)] Forsio want to check out the scrolls

[BOB] no

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((cant do anything till 10th level))

[Hoffman (temp John)] just for traps, if there are helpfull Brawny can cast them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry to be grumpy but why do you keep mentioning magic items when we don't have any that work?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((how about prayer and chant?))

[BOB] I just want to be sure you have looked at everything Lisa,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can throw the magic net over her head and see what happens)

[Hoffman (temp John)] we do not have two priests of the same religon

[BOB] I am always pleasently surprised by the things the group comes up with

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((why does it have to be the same religion?))

[Hoffman (temp John)] I am hoping for mage spells, summon numbers priest

[BOB] when you think you are ready we will have Kaz make the roll

[Hoffman (temp John)] for chant and prayer to work together

[Hoffman (temp John)] have to be same religon, norse and norse works

[Hoffman (temp John)] norse and greek, does not add up

[Hoffman (temp John)] does kristle have any edge to burn?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (lol)

[temp John] (got to know your crowd)

[BOB] so as of now I am hearing you have +5 for chant or for prayer

[BOB] and +5% for Bless

[BOB] so can move it to 60%

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (any herbal concoctions Miranda can make to help?)

[temp John] don't forget Hoffman's praying

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((So, Hoffman can pray, Ilgen can chant, and Miranda can Bless.))

[BOB] it will mean Miranda has a chance at contractign the Plague

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I don't think there are herbal concoctions that help in the way that's needed.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] *shrug*

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((I'm on a spree. I'm killing off all my characters in every game I play.))

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Miranda is a henchman at this point. If Kristelle dies, doesn't she have to leave the group? Unless someone else takes her as a henchman, that is.))

[BOB] yes or become a NPC camp follower

[temp John] (we will deal with that as need ne)

[BOB] so we are ready?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((My point is this: either Kristelle dies and Miranda leaves the group and we lose her, or she does the Bless and possibly gets the plague and possibly dies.))

[temp John] no one want to check out the mage spells?

[BOB] I think Lisa already knows all the spells you have in the scrolls

[temp John] check if aid is also touch

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] it is

[temp John] not accoring to the web

[temp John] unless you know what we do not

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (which spell are you talking about?)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] aid is touch based

[temp John] scrolls we do not have identified

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we don't have any that are unidentified)

[temp John] doubt they would help, but ...

[temp John] ok

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (talking about that scroll case at bottom of party pack sheet? that confused me a couple weeks ago. it is just the case, not a scroll)

[temp John] Kaz, have Miranda do what you think she would do, not what we want her to do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I agree)

[temp John] just above carried in large sack

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Miranda is going to do the Bless. Tell me you wouldn't have had her do it, John.))

[temp John] scroll with 6 wizard spells

[temp John] oh I would but then again , I have a death wish

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] so what does bless,aid, and either chant or prayer give her?

[temp John] er had one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (John, I will fix that this weekend. I'm sorry we got a lot of stuff opened at once. Those spells are the ones listed above)

[temp John] and the scroll case is unopened so it could have a rasie dead scroll

[BOB] bless is a +5%, aid is a +5% and prayer is a +5% so a total of +15%

[BOB] but both aid and bless are touch spells

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (scroll case was opened and it is empty)

[BOB] Miranda has both spells correct?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Yes Bob))

[BOB] or do you want Ilgen to do one

[BOB] ok

[temp John] he has to do prayer

[BOB] so you are up to a 65% chance of survival

[temp John] and too amny favors to pay back to die now

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((lol))

[BOB] ready fro the roll Kaz?

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((as I'll ever be.))

[BOB] 65 and lower Kristelle lives

[temp John] ::crosses fingers::

[Kristelle (Kaz)] d100?

[BOB] yes

[Kristelle (Kaz)] (d100) [1d100=64] 64

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] roflmao

[BOB] smiles

[Kristelle (Kaz)] O M F G

[temp John] whew

[BOB] laughs

[temp John] Hoffman helped!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] WOW

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((Wow Guy, that REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING drum roll you did must have helped!))

[BOB] smile

[BOB] and now the other roll

[Kristelle (Kaz)] ((what does Miranda have to roll? I don't remember.))

[BOB] Miranda

[BOB] 66% or lower and she has the Plague

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can Ilgen help with that?)

[BOB] no

[BOB] only surviving

[Miranda (Kaz)] (d100) [1d100=21] 21

[Miranda (Kaz)] /facepalm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] damn!

[temp John] not that any help would help that roll

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] wait she has to roll again i didnt get to do the drum roll

[BOB] and so Kristelle and Foriso are now immune

[Miranda (Kaz)] (at least Kristelle can care for her.))

[BOB] and you have Miranda in a four day quarentine

[Branwyn (Lisa)] and the funeral pyre is already set up

[Miranda (Kaz)] ((see how well that worked out Lisa?))

[BOB] chuckles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so sad)

[BOB] Ok

[Kaz] Thank you all for your help and support.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] Clears his throat as he walks up behind your group

[Kaz] I'm going to go now. If you figure out a good place for Miranda to be quarantined... the shed, maybe?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I am glad to see that the fever has broken and your friend will survive

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think that is our only option. Kristelle stays with her?)

[Kaz] Yes, of course. If you'd be kind enough to leave some food and water, they should be all set.

[Kaz] And someone bitch-slap the broad shooting arrows.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will take care of it.

[Kaz] Night all! *hugs all around*

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bye Kaz!

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] So Mister Foriso

Kaz has left the game on Fri Nov 05 22:13:16 EDT 2010

[temp John] ttfn

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] its just Foriso its not mister foriso

[BOB] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 4 Ced ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 4th, 338 SKR.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] I want to talk to you about your mission

[temp John] did foriso finish with his boss?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (no)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((nope))

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I kind of figured that was what you wanted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Our mission. We all share in this debt.

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] There is a church on a hill nearby

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] the locals say it is haunted

[temp John] more gremlins?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but we do not believe it is so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we know that it was a church to Kiputytto of the Suomi relgions

[temp John] (let me check that link)

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] looks up, really?

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] they used to have a shrine near mine

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] it melted years ago

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] yes well be that as it may

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] of course you dont

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] now the church is inhabited by something or someone

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] and our guess is someone

[temp John] (can I add notes to the page?)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] it is more difficult for just the two of us to venture there

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (yes to John)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but it is not worth the efforts of a group of Brothers

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] so I want you to go there and investigate

[temp John] (I was going to say any fighter who prays at a temple gets a perment bless)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and of course you couldnt ever get anybody to help you?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (rolls my eyes at john)

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we believe there is a young Necromancer there who is attempting to explore the church

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((slaps john upside the head with a 2x4)))

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] a young family started a farm nearby recently and they have gone missing

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hey Sparkles might be more spells for you

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we simply want you to go there, find otu what happened to the family and if you can determine it is a necromancer then report back

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] you may keep anythign you find in teh church

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] COUGHS,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] like we would let a necromancer stay alive

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] holy relics should be given over to a church

[Father Ilgen (BOB)] only we will know how to properly store or dispose of them

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh really

[temp John] Necormancer does not mean priest

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] The Brotherhood leaves that up to the Dragonslayers Company's discrescion

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you want this necromancer unharmed?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he is harming others, you may feel free to stop him

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he does exist

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] if he does not we want to know what is causing these reports about the church

[temp John] what reports wexactly?

[temp John] dead walking?

[temp John] plants dying?

[temp John] or just fram family disapearing

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] there is your sketch of the church

[temp John] looks like a scroll

[temp John] skull, sorry

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] that is why this story arc is called Skull Church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Is that the farm on the right?)

[temp John] what is the second house?

[BOB] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that is a nice map)

[temp John] and the eyes and nose are ponds? Stones? or just for effect

[BOB] caves

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] im not going anywhere until i know for sure everybody is going to be ok, its been this long im sure a few more days wont matter

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] nods at Foriso

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] we can live with a short delay

[temp John] four days, he can made 2 undead a day, only 8 more if he can get the dead bodies

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] but we will want a report back by Midsummer's night

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] (it is the 4th, midsummer's night is the 15th)

[temp John] np

[temp John] so we can't click 4 days, what else can we do?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can find you at the tavern when we are done?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] yes we will be in that area on patrol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And the hill is in what direction from here?

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] the northwest

[Brother Elmond (BOB)] about a day and a half away

[temp John] I spend my time making torches

[temp John] ax handle

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] good now first things first i deliver a gift to my mentor

[temp John] ax handle with torch head? hmmmmmmm?

[BOB] Ok,

[BOB] just a moment for that Guy

[BOB] restroom break

[BOB] work out what else you need to get done

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[temp John] did you split up any treasure, or is it all party money at this point?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Midsummer's night. I think that is the night that Ancien wanted us to repay him. We shall have to be back by then.

[temp John] what do we have to do for him? her? it?

[Lisa] Don't know. Bob forgot to roleplay that part out and night ended. He told me we owed him too later

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] is there anybody we dont owe a favor too?

[Lisa] not really

[BOB] the Temple of Air and Light

[temp John] man in red cloak

[BOB] for raising Kristelle from the Dead

[BOB] three favor stories

[Lisa] we owe him the favor of slashing his throat

[Lisa] We need to check in on the Mosskins while we wait too I suppose

[Lisa] John, we had decided (Guy correct me if I have percent wrong) to put 90% of loot to training since so many of us needed it

[Lisa] And group needs, like your axes, replacing Kristelle & Indigo's chain mail etc

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((i dont remember the percentage off hand))

[temp John] ok, sounds like a plan

[Lisa] We were going to re-evaluate when we got to higher levels and training needs weren't so constant

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (( i know it was at least 50%))

[temp John] as long as you tide to my GOD

[temp John] tithe?

[Lisa] yeah yeah

[temp John] ;)

[Lisa] But if GOD saved Kaz that 1%, I'd throw him a coin or two :)

[temp John] lets try and finsh with Fortiso and his boss,

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) heads back to the keep and the dungeons to confront his mentor

[temp John] which I can't help with, so I will bid you a do

[temp John] ado

[temp John] good night

[Lisa] adieu

[temp John] hasta later on

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((night john see you tuesday))

[temp John] that too

[BOB] waves

[temp John] dito

[Lisa] :)

temp John has left the game on Fri Nov 05 22:39:29 EDT 2010

[BOB] is Branwyn coming with Foriso?

[BOB] how about Indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Foriso do we get to see this mentor of yours? Or should we meet you back at Orchard House?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (your choice)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) chuckles "id enjoy seeing you and him btt heads"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'd be glad to go then

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lets go the sooner he gets this dagger the happier ill be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll try to restrain myself, but can't make any promises

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at Indigo

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] this should be fun

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno. This might not be a good idea.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ill make sure Bran doesnt hurt him too much

[Medoro (BOB)] (I am ready when you are)

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks into the keep still trying to reassure Indigo

[Medoro (BOB)] Medoro leads you to one of the towers and down to a lower level to a door made of bars

[Medoro (BOB)] he opens that door with a key

[Medoro (BOB)] there is a short line of cells, two on a side

[Medoro (BOB)] and a heavy iron bound oak door at the end

[Medoro (BOB)] he walks up to that door

[Medoro (BOB)] and pulls out a second key

[Medoro (BOB)] looks at the three of you

[Medoro (BOB)] are you sure you want to do this?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Medoro

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] its only fair, I got to insult her mentor now shes gets to try mine

[Medoro (BOB)] he opens up the door, there is another set of bars, he opens and gestures you inside

[Medoro (BOB)] gestures to a rope hanging on the far side of the foyer room

[Medoro (BOB)] then closes and relocks the bars

[Medoro (BOB)] and the door

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks over to the rope

[Medoro (BOB)] (that is to call Medoro back)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey boss you got company

[Medoro (BOB)] the door on the other side is a large oak door

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((yeah i remembered just in time lol))

[Medoro (BOB)] dim and dark

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks very carefully over to the door

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you two watch your steps

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] be ready for anything

Indigo (Lisa) lays a hand on in short sword but stands quietly

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) checks out the door

[BOB] suddenly the door BURSTS open and the three of you are blinded by bright light

[BOB] a silver hook flashes out and SNAGS Indigo on the chest of his cloak

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I HAtE it when you do that

[BOB] YANKS him sinde

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you brought me a gift

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah but thats not the gift

[Indigo (Lisa)] Let me go!

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] low chuckle, relax little man

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and SETS Indigo into a arm chair

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Indigo

[BOB] as your eyes adjust to the room

[BOB] you see a man sitting in a chair next to a small talbe with a small keg broached on it

[BOB] there is a chair with Indigo sitting in it across the table from him

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im glad to see you made it through the plague intact

[BOB] there is plush carpet on the floor, wall hangings, and a doorway open to a bedroom

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that's it?)

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] So my good pupil, you were able to find the Dagger of Sardix?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks over to the table and places the dagger on it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and you really think it is wise to being Branwyn and Indigo here ?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] He is brave but he still might talk

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] picks up the dagger

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I owe her the chance to insult you like I insulted her mentor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] caressing it with a finger tip

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] flicks his fingers at that comment

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] her bite is worse than her bark

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looking at the dagger

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] eyes distant

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and Indigo has been through a lot and I trust him with everything

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] gripping it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] then balancing it on the tip of one finger

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How do you know our names?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at Branwyn

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks up, I would be a poor source of information if I did not know the significant visitors here at the keep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You have been discussing us with this madman?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) starts laughing

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] how is Captain Harkness ?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] he knew about us the first time i ever met him

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] /stops laughing

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] hes gone

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] only 1 guardsman survived the plague

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks sharply at Foriso

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you are slippign my boy

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Skycaptain Harkness

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes the room carefully not seeing what she expects

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do not believe he was here during the plague

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and it is a pity about the guards,

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((coughs ok so im not good at names))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We know who you meant and Harkness is not here so yes he is gone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But obviously you do not need reports from us

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] it depends on whether he met up with that coward yulotte

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Branwyn, it is not what I need from you but what you want from me,

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and he does actually sigh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I want nothing from you

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Yullote is a problem

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do not know where he went

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] as painful as that is to admit

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] passing out silver chalices for you to drink from

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I thought you knew everything. And who's slipping?

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks at his mentor, his eyes widen slightly

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] smiles and nods at Branwyn

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] You have the mages books dont you

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] the Grey Death does interfeer with even my reach

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] no, they were not here, he took them with him when he left long ago, this most recent visit he did not have them with him

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] So Branwyn are you going to take up the Mosskins on being the new Court Mage?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now how could I possibly replace the wonderous Hystille?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] well if you catch the Plague it will be very easy

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Hey Bran this could be a good chance for you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no desire to spend my days doing parlor tricks and I have no intention of catching the plague

Branwyn (Lisa) rolls eyes at Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran youre not thinking it through

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just because youre a court mage that doesnt mean you have to spend every minute here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is not a thing I will discuss with this sorry excuse of a man here

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I mean you will need to travel to get new spells and experience

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] oh no worries my dear, they will wait a day or two before makign the offer

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I would say 12-8 that it will be two days

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but he might move faster

Branwyn (Lisa) tuns to Regor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will you be quiet! This is not up for discussion

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran not everything is as it appears

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] chuckles, it is not my decision to make, but if it makes you so nervouis already you might want to give it serious thought before accepting

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] sorry Regor I guess i was too convincing in my acting afraid of you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He is as evil as the Yuan Ti he put you in danger with

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] warm smile, you give me a great compliment but I fear I do not reach that high

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I am content here in my dungeon

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] gestures at the opulent room

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Do you truly think Lord Mosskin would allow him to live if he was truly as evil as you think?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Arahael owes me for too much to not want me within the chance to reach me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no idea what to believe any more. Mosskin was friends with Yulotte too

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] My dear Branwyn, the world is filled with conflict

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That does not mean we have to court it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and if you can keep the problems swirling around you undercontrol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You revel in it

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you get to worry about the others outside of that

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] nods his head, thank you my dear, you do have a silver tongue

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And what are your plans for this new dagger of yours?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] twists his hook a bit in the light

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] oh this trifle?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The trifle that almost got us all killed, yes, that one

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] it is the aquisition that is pleasurable

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and so you prove your strength

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are most assuredly mad

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Indigo, she is a fury isn't she

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks at Foriso, I can see why you like having her around

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to BOB only)] cast knock

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins at regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] (1d20) [1d20=10] 10

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] my friends are the reason why I never just laid down and gave up

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Regor looks at Branwyn as she mutters something, and one of the doors on a wardrobe cabinet opens up

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] really if you want to get mroe comfortable feel free my dear

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but I do not have a color to match your eyes in there

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Oh wise teacher what do you know of the brotherhood

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] They are solid in their tasks

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((we have the map to the church dont we?))

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] yes

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) lays the map on the table

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] how bout this place

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks over the map

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looks up at Indigo

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you ready to go into a haunted church?

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] you know what happens to her, gestures at Branwyn, if she sees a ghost

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sure you are dying to tell us

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] some how i think the ghosts would be afraid of her

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] looking at Indigo intently

Branwyn (Lisa) takes a few steps towards open doorway

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Leave Indigo alone Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] Raised eyebrow at Indigo

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks over the situation and thinks for a moment

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Bran stop theres more to this than meets the eye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] More to what? If there is value to him more than improving your skills I don't see it

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) sighs

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] just be patient

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I do sometimes know what Im talking about

Branwyn (Lisa) turns away and takes a few more steps towards the doorway as if in disgust with the conversation

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then I shall keep silent and let you two talk

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] are you goign to let her go in there by her self? looking at Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps I just want you out of my sight while Foriso speaks with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no intention of entering whatever you calla bedroom

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] smiles, you canot really be that upset my good man, and I know you are not that scared

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] sighs

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] but in any case

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I must move on

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I am expecting a guest this afternoon

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and I would like to freshen up before hand

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] I do hope you will come back to visit soon

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] enjoy your new toy

Branwyn (Lisa) walks to doorway first and looks in from the front room

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] a large king sized bed

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] with a desk and chair nearby

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] a rug inside the doorway

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and a hat stand with several different styles of head gear on it

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) picks up the map

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So this is it Foriso?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] this is what?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are leaving or do we have more business here?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we have to get ready for our trip dont forget

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you coming indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I am sure we don't want to meet whoever this guest is

[Indigo (Lisa)] Gladly

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] have a pleasent trip

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Regor ill be back another time

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to BOB only)] cantrips cloud of gnats at Regor

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] and be sure to look for the Vanity on the first full moon of the harvest

[Regor the Mad (BOB)] (1d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont let that dagger get the better of you

Branwyn (Lisa) quickly walks towards the door toleave

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come on Indigo

[BOB] you see a cloud of gnats around Regor and his lips tighten but he resists any other reaction

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should really take care of that bug problem before your guest arrives

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks out the door and pulls the rope

[BOB] and the door closes behind you

[BOB] the three of you in the foyer area

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] did you really have to do that Bran?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sorry Foriso I couldn't help myself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] he really is worse than I imagined

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im sure the paladins would agree with you

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] but Ill tell you this much , hes a better man than my father ever was

Branwyn (Lisa) looks back in shock

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry for that. It must have been terrible

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where else does he live? I expected something else to open other than that wardrobe.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] there is a reason why i hate elves like i do and that is my father

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] as far as I know those rooms there are his home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Was your father a thief too?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] no he was one of those who could combine magical and warrior skills

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But he was evil?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] since i have no skill in magic and was never really interested in fighting i was used as a target for many of his spells and as a sparring partner

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head, "I am sorry."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] to me he was more evil than a a yuan-ti could ever be

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I understand. You are with friends now. I hope that being free of him can help in some way.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Regor may be mad he treats me the way myfather never did

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) grins sadly at Branwyn "Id gladly give my life to save regor"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then I guess I should not try to kill him then.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Foriso

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] oh and Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will stick to petty annoyances that will irritate him

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] that whole hook thing, he did that to me the first time i met him too

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] did you even see how he reacted to your gnats?

[Indigo (Lisa)] It was only for your sake that I did not make him pay for that

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] I think you both earned his respect

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] there is 1 thing i need you both to promise me though

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know about that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What is that?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] dont mention his name outside of this room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With pleasure.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I won't Foriso.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thank you both

[BOB] and applause from the audience

[Branwyn (Lisa)] lol

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] lol

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) bows

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] thank you thank you

[BOB] very well done

[BOB] and I already had a vote for Guy for RP of the night

[Lisa] where is this guy's stash? You have to let me keep coming back the next time you see him

[Lisa] me too

[BOB] grins

[BOB] he has a whole lot more up his sleeves

[BOB] need to keep some surprises for when you are 8th level

[Lisa] If I live that long

[Lisa] pissing off mr master thief might not have been my brightest move

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 250. Next level in 13994.

[BOB] Branwyn XP award: 150. Next level in 18040.

[BOB] Indigo XP award: 50. Next level in 1672.

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 75. Next level in 501.

[BOB] Hoffman XP award: 100. Next level in 2933.

[BOB] Miranda XP award: 50. Next level in 12428.

[Lisa] If we find a dagger in my back at least we'll know where it came from

[Guy] lol

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 500. Next level in 1.

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 500. Next level in 13494.

[BOB] and chuckles at Kristelle

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] JUST that close

[Guy] you couldnt give kristelle that 1 little xp?

[Lisa] was just seeing that

[BOB] weird how that works out

[BOB] but next week she will get it

[Guy] oh and i was just told that im supposed to share 1 xp or my rp of the night with kristelle lol

[BOB] lol

[Lisa] LOL

[Lisa] 1% from death 1 pt from level - amazing

[BOB] both her and Foriso got the 500 xp for surviving the plague

[Guy] oh speaking of next week i will be off so ill be in early

[BOB] great

[BOB] I will work on the maps and such for the Skull Church

[BOB] but first we will work on training issue

[BOB] etc

[BOB] spells, etc.

[Guy] we played late tonight

[BOB] nods

[Lisa] Miranda's plague, minor details

[BOB] did not want to interupt the flow

[Lisa] I'm off. Have a good night!

[Guy] its so much fun creating a backstory for a chacter as you play

[BOB] grins

[Guy] night lisa

[BOB] have a great night both of you

Lisa has left the game on Sat Nov 06 00:01:17 EDT 2010

[BOB] see you later

[Guy] night bob

Guy has left the game on Sat Nov 06 00:01:31 EDT 2010

Xp awarded