Main / Nov1204

Nov 12 04 - Sea Devils

Fritz has joined the game

mikE has joined the game

[DM] welcome

[Fritz] Hello

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

[DM] ok, fritz, try to get the map on your own now

[Fritz] My charaacter isn't up

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] ok,

[Fritz] Try and savemap now?

[DM] you should not have to anymore

[mikE] don't bother.

[DM] but feel free to if you want

Lorie has joined the game

[mikE] all it does is save a screen shot of it

[mikE] hey lorie!

[DM] and there you go Lorie

Fritz is now controlling Reign Tandem

[DM] just get the map like always

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] outstanding

[DM] much better

Fritz is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

Fritz is now controlling Motubo

[DM] off to grab sodas, gve jess and brian a chance to show up

Fritz is now controlling Laroosh

Fritz has left the game

Lorie has left the game

mikE is now controlling Finglass

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] what happened?

[Fritz] Reset for some reason.

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

Jessica has joined the game

[Jessica] I am away from the keyboard.

Jessica is receiving the map...

Jessica has received the map.

Fritz is now controlling Reign Tandem

Lorie has joined the game

Fritz is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

Fritz is now controlling Motubo

Fritz is now controlling Laroosh

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[DM] so the map sending recieving seems to be much better now

[DM] you are getting them very fast Lorie

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Bob I found out some more info on combat do you want me to tell you?

[DM] sure

[DM] going to give Marco and Jess about 15 more minutes

[DM] as Laila is the point person

[DM] and Brian

[DM] so shoot

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Ok first unless you have free action everyone is at a -4 to their initiative. As well as to hit. Also they lose all benifit from Specialization

Fritz has left the game

Lorie has left the game

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] sorry Fritz

[DM] I am getting a network reseting message

[Fritz] What happened?

[DM] everything resets itself

[DM] message programs,

[DM] etc.

[DM] all interenet traffic

[DM] just happened again

Fritz has left the game

mikE has joined the game

Fritz has joined the game

[DM] testing

Fritz is receiving the map...

Fritz has received the map.

[DM] ok

[DM] looks good so far

[Fritz] Shall I try and finish as we test?

[DM] sure

[Fritz] Ok

Lorie has joined the game

Lorie is receiving the map...

Lorie has received the map.

[Fritz] Also you lose all benifits of specialization including number of attacks, to hit, damage, etc

[Fritz] All weapon damages are blunted unless you have free action or using a thrusting piercing weapon

[DM] ok

[DM] seems to be stable again

[DM] I think that when we started to have the extra traffic

[DM] bellsouth thought somehting went wrong

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hey Mike

[Fritz] Missle weapons are out including crossbows. If you are attempting to attack something that is partially submerged it is at a +8 to hit

[DM] we are having a new problem here,

[DM] Sean can not update or install Klooge

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Is this a 2nd edition rule?

[Fritz] Yes it is

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] where did you find this?

[DM] ships and sea right Fritz?

[Fritz] Yep

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Thanks

[mikE] welp, that sucks.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] BRB... need to run supper dish downstairs

[Fritz] Also all fire based attacks are out unless it is in the affects of airy water

[Fritz] Only if you have free action AND waterbreathing or airy water alone can you cast spells under water

Jessica has joined the game

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Yup...that's what I've been doing

[Jessica] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Freeaction + Waterbreathing

[DM] yeah but I am not sure that marco or the rest have both Lorie,

[DM] I know you do

[Fritz] That is why underwater or water based adventures are always rated at a higher level. Also if you are swimming you have to do things like dex checks to manuver and stop to attack

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well I have been honest about that...

[Fritz] I have free action and water breathing as well

[DM] grin

[DM] but yours comes from a magic item Fritz,

[Fritz] yes sir

[DM] so

[DM] I am goign to turn on the combat counter to test a new thing also

[Fritz] It is specifically adressed in the book

Client has joined the game

Fritz is now controlling Reign Tandem

[DM] go ahead and roll int Fritz and Lorie

[Fritz] Reign Tandem: Initiative:(d10+10-+2) [8+10-2] 16

Client is receiving the map...

Client has received the map.

mikE is receiving the map...

mikE has received the map.

Fritz is now controlling Ailea Morakenn

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Kylia Wolfslayer: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

Fritz is now controlling Motubo

Fritz is now controlling Laroosh

[DM] roll for motubo also Fritz please

[DM] then I will turn it off

[Fritz] Motubo: Initiative:(d10+0-+2) [9+0-2] 7

[DM] INIT: 7

[DM] GOING: Motubo (affected by: Invisibility (OPC=30) for 176 rounds (00:02:56:00))

[Fritz] Sweet

[mikE] Finglass: Initiative:(d10(+10+-2)) [3(10-2)] 11

[DM] did you like that?

[DM] INIT: 16

[DM] GOING: Reign Tandem

[Fritz] Very sweet

[DM] INIT: 19

[DM] GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer


[DM] INIT: 7

[DM] GOING: Motubo (affected by: Invisibility (OPC=30) for 175 rounds (00:02:55:00))

[DM] now

[DM] you can hit a button on your end to say you are done

[DM] mutubo

[Fritz] yes sir

[DM] go ahead adn do that please

[Motubo (Fritz)] what button?

[DM] don't know I can not see it on my side

[DM] can restart combat to include the people here at this table also if you like

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] That red one up there next to the initiative number Fritz

[DM] INIT: 16

[DM] GOING: Reign Tandem

[DM] yes

[Motubo (Fritz)] sweet

[DM] INIT: 19

[DM] GOING: Kylia Wolfslayer

[DM] now, try to move Motubo


[DM] INIT: 7

[DM] GOING: Motubo (affected by: Invisibility (OPC=30) for 174 rounds (00:02:54:00))

[DM] or reign

[DM] wait

[DM] ok,

[DM] reign or kylia try to move

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I moved

[DM] ok

[DM] saw those

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hey! You moved me back :X

[Motubo (Fritz)] me 2

[DM] I thought I was locking that

[DM] so you can only move on your own intitive number

[DM] can get that later on

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: laughs:: I have a book for you to buy Bob... The TOMB of Magic ::giggles::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Only ebay people

[DM] cool

[Motubo (Fritz)] He he that is funny

[DM] ok,

[DM] so that will help combat go faster from now on

[DM] as long as you are controling the character

[Fritz] You can also target now from your pop up window

[DM] only you can click on that button for the advance

[DM] ok,

[DM] Sean says Jessica should be here in teh next few minutes

[DM] how do you think we soudl rule this

[DM] brian and her are not here

[DM] they are the ones in combat

[DM] if they are a round behind

[DM] then do I get to capture them?

[mikE] they die!!! yar har har har!

[Client] No! It was always that nothing happened to those a round behind

[DM] we have never had this happen

[Fritz] Who is client is that you Sean?

[Client] oh sorry, yes.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think we should sell them to the highest bidder ;)

[DM] where the person in the middle of combat did not show up the next week

[DM] well, I have been attempting to capture people

[DM] I have been using my nets, etc.

[DM] we could just roll it out here in front of everyone

[DM] there will be the log

[DM] to show what happened

[mikE] i think that if they are a round behind they cannot be affected by magic cast on them, right?

[Fritz] Why did you stop the gaame in the middle of combat? We never did that before. Was there a special reason this time that may help answer the question.

[DM] yes

[Sean] what's different about this time?

[mikE] if that is the case, they are now underwater and suffocating. and we can't help them because they are a round behind.

[DM] because of timing,

[DM] the magic cast on them currently works

[DM] just no new magic

[DM] last week lots of bad issues

[DM] connection problems

[Fritz] Jessica will be here soon. I say wait.

[DM] one reason for the update this week

[DM] ok,

[DM] I can hold off for that

[mikE] why are you being so mean, fritz?

[DM] Brian is not online right now either

[mikE] if we wait she's going to get captured.

[mikE] she can't swim or anything.

[DM] yet another reason to not split up the party ;)

[Fritz] Mean I say wait so that she can be here so we can have her here and we can do this all together. How is that mean?

[Fritz] If we dont wait then it is an auto capture by Bob

[mikE] read up.

[mikE] brian's not here, so when she comes she'll be alone with the sahuigan.

[mikE] we don't know what's over there to help her.

[mikE] she can't swim to safety.

[mikE] so she's effectivly screwed.

[DM] just pulled in the front gate

[mikE] of course, that's her at the gate, so yup. she's screwed

[mikE] it was nice knowing her

[DM] when combat starts,

[DM] I will give her the first round,

[Fritz] Bob tell me if I am wrong but if we play this without her she is automatically captured? I thought I was helping her

[DM] well Mike's point is that she will likely be captured either way

[DM] if I do it automatically

[DM] we can fudge the rolls, etc.

[DM] she will sink to the floor

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Roll fudging? Auto capturing? What is is Cuba?

[DM] smile

[DM] ok I can wait

[DM] will be up here in less than two minute

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Aren't I a round behind her that I could catch up?

[DM] not yet

[DM] first round will be her in combat

[Fritz] What ever is in her best interest Bob I always thought it was best if the character/player was around. Not if we did things without them. If I was wrong I apoligize. I misunderstood what you were saying Bob

[DM] we will be ok

[DM] explaining this to her now

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I'm playing under protest :: holds up her placard::

[Jessica] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] let her read up first

[mikE] what else is new, lorie/

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::thwaps Mike::

[mikE] =P

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Mike, do you have Msn Messenger or just AIM?

[mikE] hold on. i'll sign on.

Jessica is receiving the map...

Jessica has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bob, are you having a Christmas party this year?

[DM] not sure

[DM] still negociating

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay...Paul was asking

[DM] want to

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I think he wants to bring the girls down

[DM] maybe if I tell her you guysa re coming down

[DM] cool

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] But I think he wants to know sooner or later...

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: laughs:: I don't want you in the doghouse...

[Jessica] ok, so this is me not wanting to die

[DM] well when we get back to normal next weekend

[Jessica] i am not thrilled at all being in combat with someone who isnt here to control his character

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hey Jessica... Bob was going to feed you to the fishes... I'm protesting

[Fritz] Again I thought I was helping Jessica by waiting. I wasn't here last week. Usually it is not in the players best interest to let Bob decide what to do with them. I am sorry. I was trying to help her

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] And the men all thought Bob's idea was a good one

[Jessica] Hi Lorie, thanks for protesting for me

BiBo!!! has joined the game

[Jessica] Hello Fritz

BiBo!!! is receiving the map...

BiBo!!! has received the map.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Oh don't worry... I love a good protest :)

[Fritz] Hello Jess

[Jessica] of course the men want to kill me

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: protests cold weather ::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Did you steal something Jessica that they would want you dead?

[BiBo!!!] ::holds up a protest sign:: we're not gonna protest! we're not gonna protest!

[DM] Nyrma said it snowed in boston today

[Jessica] it was their idea that i'm out here in the first place

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Hey Bibo!

[BiBo!!!] heya

[Jessica] no, i didnt steal anything

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Poor Nyrma

[DM] she loves it

[Jessica] they told me to scoutt

[DM] weird

[Jessica] so i scouted

BiBo!!! is now controlling Alastair

[Jessica] and now i'm gonna be sahuigan food

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Not me... I want to be where it's warm

[Jessica] i dont like this

[DM] ok,

[DM] so to put this back on track

[DM] everyone ready?

Jessica is now controlling Laila

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] What we need is a good Teleport other spell

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sure Bob

[DM] Laila will get her round of combat

[DM] then we will see what happpens

[Laila (Jessica)] so, unless someone can catch up to me before they kill me, please do

[DM] now remember

[DM] the plan was for them to go ahead

[DM] and then come back

[DM] so it would likely take you a couple of rounds to wait

[DM] at least

[mikE] more like turns

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yeah, couple turns at least

[mikE] you don't wait 30 seconds for a scout.

[Fritz] Am I in shark form Bob?

[DM] yes

[mikE] i don't know. are you?

[mikE] you have the ring, you get to decide.

[DM] they are still too far away for you to detct them

[Fritz] Would I be able to sense the additional movement and thrashing in the water nearby?

[DM] around too many corners

[DM] if (when) there is a considerable amount of blood

[DM] then you will get teh chance

[mikE] gotta wait for the scent of blood. ::enter ominous thunder and evil laugh here::

[Laila (Jessica)] who's blood!?!?!?!

[DM] well remember the three sharks that are dead behind you

[DM] so

[DM] without further ado

[Sean] mmmmmm .... shark sushi

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sucks to be ya all

[Fritz] Brian is here

[Fritz] Wait a sec

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] I thought you said Sushi was the devil's food?

[Fritz] Brian just logged on to AIM want to wait and give him a chance to save Jess?

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Initiative:(d10+0) [1+0] 1

[Sean] It is ... just making an ironic statement

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Initiative:(d10+0) [3+0] 3

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Initiative:(d10+0) [6+0] 6

[Laila (Jessica)] Laila: Initiative:(d10+0+-2) [7+0-2] 5

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4: Initiative:(d10+0) [5+0] 5

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5: Initiative:(d10+0) [10+0] 10

[DM] he has to get his update

[Fritz] Ahhh dont forget to add +4 to your initiative unless you have free action

[Laila (Jessica)] no, dont have to

[DM] will do that next combat

[DM] to make it easier for everyone

[Laila (Jessica)] i dont want to die!!!!

[DM] hmmmm

[DM] waiting

[Motubo (Fritz)] I will save you

[Laila (Jessica)] thanks, but you dont know i need to be saved

[Laila (Jessica)] if you can save me, i would be rather grateful though

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm... could I go through my portal home then scry for Laila and go get her?

[DM] once you think you need to yes

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] okies

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] of course... she's about oh... 100 feet away

[Laila (Jessica)] i dont wanna die

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no need for all that

[mikE] in that case, can we go home and scry for that other chick?

[Laila (Jessica)] noooo

[Laila (Jessica)] dont go home, come rescue me

[Fritz] Editing Motubo Bob while we wait

[DM] sure

[DM] brian is trying to log in now

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: 4000 (0).

[Fritz] What is the thac0 of a 4 hit dice creature Bob?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] what class?

[Fritz] monster

[DM] standard monsters are fighters

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] oh nevermind

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] so that's 18 right?

[Fritz] so 16 or 17?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Temporary Modifiers - Altitude: (ALT) : CHANGED: +0 (0).

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: +4000 (4000).

[mikE] 4th level is 17, fritz

[Fritz] Thank you

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: +4000+{d20} (+4000).

[DM] for some reason Brian is having a problem

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: 5d20 (+4000+{d20}).

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] hey fritz, is that for matobobo?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes -

[Fritz] yes

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes -

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] matobobo doesn't count as a monster for purposes of thac0 since he has a class

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] all his stuff would change as per a wizard

[Fritz] No it is a spell affect that acts as a monster of hit dice equal to the caster level

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes - Altitude:: CHANGED: null (5d20).

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ah, k

[Laila (Jessica)] Grug: Initiative:(d10+10+-2) [7+10-2] 15

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Misc. Attributes -

[DM] INIT: 1

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #1

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1 targets Laila. Distance: 8'00"

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(20+0)] -1 [CRITICAL HIT]

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(14+0)] 5

[DM] Probably MISSES Laila (AC FINAL: 4)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Attack #1: Rake: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(13+0)] 6

[DM] Probably MISSES Laila (AC FINAL: 4)

[DM] only one hit

[E. L. Fudge (Sean) (to GM only)] Character sheet for E. L. Fudge modified: Weapons - Ability Scores - Non-Weapon Proficiencies - Spells - Saving Throws - Armor - Notes - Personal Information - Magic Item Summary - Combat - Misc. Attributes - Custom Expressions - Temporary Modifiers - Class Levels - Equipment -

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2+0) [2+0] 2 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 3

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #2

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2 targets Grug. Distance: 6'05"

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(17+0)] 2

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] INIT: 5

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #4, Laila

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4 targets Laila. Distance: 15'00"

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4: Attack #1: Trident: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(11+0)] 8

[DM] Probably MISSES Laila (AC FINAL: 4)

[DM] INIT: 6

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #3

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(18+0)] 1

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(8+0)] 11

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3 targets Laila. Distance: 2'10"

[Laila (Jessica)] i cant do anything

[mikE] A flip of the ol' kLoOge Coin results in: Heads

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(19+0)] 0


[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(7+0)] 12

[DM] Probably MISSES Laila (AC FINAL: 4)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Attack #1: Rake: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(20+0)] -1 [CRITICAL HIT]

[DM] ok,

[DM] so that is two hits and a grab

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2+0) [1+0] 1 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[mikE] and sean's stuck ordering food.

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3: Damage v SM: Rake: (1d4+0) [3+0] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

Laila (Jessica) cries out in pain

[DM] INIT: 10

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 targets Grug. Distance: 18'05"

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(3+0)] 16

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] INIT: 15

[DM] GOING: Grug

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Motubo modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 3, 20, 20. Weapons - ADDED: Sepia Snake Sigil, F, 1, +0, , , , , 17, , , red-ball, . Spells - ADDED: Sepia Snake Sigil, 3, 3, , 1, , , . Custom Expressions - ADDED: Sepia Snake Sigil, Motubo pulls out a rather worn book titled "THE WORLD'S GREATEST POEMS BY ME" and starts to read one. " I met a fair lass from Timbuktoo, who loved to to have sex up the wazoo. I showed her the size of my wang, She marveled and asked for a bang. She now wants no other and often invites her mother, but to you I wiggle my butt, for you are as frozen as a mutt..

[Jessica] Grug targets Sea Devil #4 #5 #2. Distance: 6'05"

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Motubo modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sepia Snake Sigil -- Expression: You are frozen for {d4+$L} days or until I set you free (),

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] brb

[Laila (Jessica)] Grug: Attack #1: Longsword +2: (13-(d20+7)) [13-(19+7)] -13

[Jessica] PROBABLY HITS Sea Devil #4 #5 #2 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Laila (Jessica)] Grug: Damage v SM: Longsword +2: (1d8+9) [6+9] 15 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM (to GM only)] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-15) - Massively Wounded

[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grug modified: Weapons - ADDED: manta sting, , , +2, +4, 1d6, 1d6, , $thac0, , , , .

[DM] and so?

[Fritz] Brian has asked me to run Grug and help jess out till he works out his connection problems


[DM] INIT: 1

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #1

[Fritz] If that is ok with Bob and everyone else

[Laila (Jessica)] it's awesome Fritz, thanks

Fritz is now controlling Grug

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Attack #1: Rake: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(17+0)] 2


[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Damage v SM: Rake: (1d4+0) [3+0] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] Laila's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[DM] INIT: 3

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #2

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(9+0)] 10

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Attack #1: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(11+0)] 8

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Attack #1: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(8+0)] 11

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] INIT: 5

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #4, Laila

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(3+0)] 16

[DM] Probably MISSES Laila (AC FINAL: 4)

[Laila (Jessica)] i cant do anything

[Grug (Fritz)] Laila try and git behind Grug me will block and be wall to protect you

[Laila (Jessica)] wait, i cant attack

[Jessica] Laila targets Sea Devil #4 #5 #3. Distance: 2'05"

[Laila (Jessica)] Laila: Attack #1: Dagger +1: (17-(d20+1)) [17-(14+1)] 2

[Jessica] PROBABLY HITS Sea Devil #4 #5 #3 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Laila (Jessica)] Laila: Damage v SM: Dagger +1: (1d4+1) [2+1] 3 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM (to GM only)] Sea Devil #4 #5 #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Grug (Fritz)] Har !!!!

[DM] INIT: 6

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5 #3

[Grug (Fritz)] Killer Halfing

Laila (Jessica) giggles

[Laila (Jessica)] wait, take me bacck

[Laila (Jessica)] i dont wanna be foos

[Laila (Jessica)] food

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1 targets Grug. Distance: 6'00"

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4 targets Grug. Distance: 11'00"

[DM] INIT: 10

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #4 #5

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5: Attack #1: Trident: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(20+0)] -1 [CRITICAL HIT]

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5: Damage v L: Trident: (3d4+0) [(2+1+3)+0] 6 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] Grug's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 63 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[DM] INIT: 15

[DM] GOING: Grug

[DM] ok, go ahead

[Grug (Fritz)] Use manta ray cloak and follow

[Laila (Jessica)] you're gonna leave combat and follow me?

[Laila (Jessica)] there are thingies in your way

[DM] you have a lot in between you

[DM] all woudl get free attacks

[Grug (Fritz)] How come I didn't get a free attack when he went by me?

[DM] you already did attack him,

[DM] or had your chance to

[DM] you chose not to with yoru tail

[Grug (Fritz)] When was this?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] when jess was in control

[Grug (Fritz)] Oh

[Laila (Jessica)] Brian opted not to use the tail via AIM cuz there is a chance it would hit me

[DM] you did not attack, because you had a 33% chnce of hitting her

[DM] it would have killed her if it hit

[DM] so

[Grug (Fritz)] What about a called shot? If it had missed it wouldn't have hit her?

[DM] you can't see your back

[DM] so no called shot

[Grug (Fritz)] k

[DM] in any case

[DM] what is grug doing

[DM] attacking?

[Grug (Fritz)] Wait She is bleeding correct?

[DM] or going back

[Laila (Jessica)] she is

[DM] yes to bleeding

[Grug (Fritz)] Sharks and Sahuigan can track by blood correct?

[DM] yes

[Laila (Jessica)] but you're not Reign right now, you're Grug

[Grug (Fritz)] That is a NATURAL ability correct?

[DM] yes

[Grug (Fritz)] And the swimming speed of a sahugain is slowed while carrying prey correct?

[DM] yes

[Laila (Jessica)] please stop referring to me as prey

[Laila (Jessica)] lol

[DM] but to the point riight now

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well you are :-P

[Grug (Fritz)] And the swimming speed of a sahuagin is a NATURAL ability as well correct?

[Laila (Jessica)] no

[DM] are you following, going back, or attacking

[DM] yes

[DM] wondering where you are going with this

[Grug (Fritz)] Fine I am going back and getting Reign and the others. Reign can turn into a Sahuagin and go ahead and track her while we finish the rest. I dont move as fast. This is in her best interest

[DM] ok,

[DM] fair enough

[DM] you break off

[DM] or retreat?

[DM] retreat does not give me attack of opportunity

[DM] but movement is halved

[Grug (Fritz)] screw that give them the extra attacks

[DM] ok then

[DM] let me make thsoe rolls them I will have you move

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #2: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(10+0)] 9

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #1: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(10+0)] 9

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5 #4: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(8+0)] 11

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] Sea Devil #4 #5: Attack #1: Heavy Crossbow: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(11+0)] 8

[DM] Probably MISSES Grug (AC FINAL: -8)

[DM] ok, go ahead and move fritz

[Grug (Fritz)] Maximum distance as a manta ray full out is what bob?

[DM] 36

[DM] so double that as you run

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you realize that 1 movement rate is 5 feet right?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so you went about 3 and a half

[DM] so 18 ten foot squares

[DM] as they are on the board

[DM] and there you go

[DM] ok,

[DM] out of combat for a sec

[Grug (Fritz)] This is a totally submerged cavern?

[DM] yes

[Grug (Fritz)] except at the end?

[DM] everyoen is underwater ehre

[DM] here

[Grug (Fritz)] except at the end?

[DM] yes

[DM] but underwater where you are at now

[Grug (Fritz)] I wrap my tail around reign and tug him toward the end

[DM] anyone can follow who wants to

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] aren't I a round behind?

[DM] no you are there with them

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn follows Reign Tandem.

[mikE] wouldn't grug grab alistar?

[DM] fritz you can undo that target

[Fritz] Motubo follows Ailea Morakenn.

[Fritz] Laroosh follows Motubo.

[Fritz] Grug no longer targets Sea Devil #4 #5 #2.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Bob could you please put me on the map in a non-yellow capacity so I can move then?

[DM] how is that

[Grug (Fritz)] At the end of the room I switch to human form and with my head above water tell reign that I want him to change to Sea Devil form. Track Laila and save her.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Umm... :: shrugs ::

[DM] you can move now

[Grug (Fritz)] Bob would you put an Icon on for my character as a sea devil and as a shark so i can switch back and forth

[DM] you guys do your planing

[DM] I will use the bathroom,

[DM] will do that when I come back fritz

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Grug (Fritz)] Reign If it is ok with everyone will take off right away and try and save Laila

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I dunno this whole solo tracking thing is what got us into this mess, I say we just all rush together

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if you get captured, there'd be no way for us to know

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Your character, do what you want... but I am in general anti-spliting of the party. :: shrugs ::

[Grug (Fritz)] If you can cast fly you can then swim at a much faster rate of speed. but otherwise you cant keep up with them any other way

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and we wouldn't be able to track you

[Laila (Jessica)] ooc, since i cant switch, please go as a group, i dont want anyone else to get hurt

[mikE] i would think we'd be better off as a group, but if you want to charge ahead whatever.

[Laila (Jessica)] i would think it in Laila

[Laila (Jessica)] 's best interest as well as that of the group that you go together

[Fritz] Well If I take Motubo and laroosh with me laroosh can always back track and come and get you all

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... go

[DM] ok

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] unless he's captured

[DM] so

[Laila (Jessica)] so i dont wanna die

[Fritz] He cant be captured unless they have a genie trap

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we heard

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and who knows, they might

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it would be just bob enough to have another sha'ir down here to capture your jin :-P

[Fritz] Well my characters are will to try. Motubo would not slow me down he is to light and small. I will just rush by the sea devils fast and try and save her.

[Fritz] Well if that is the case we die trying to save a party member and that is what we would rather do

[Laila (Jessica)] wait, i just thought of somethin

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, have fun storming the castle then

[mikE] okay. we'll just sit here and wait then.

[Laila (Jessica)] Fritz, if you are a sea devil, how is Laila gonna know you're not one of the ones trying to eat her/

[Fritz] Attack the other sea devils and try and follow is what I would suggest

[Fritz] He has horns

[Laila (Jessica)] would he still have them in that form?

[DM] no,

[DM] the ring is full polymorph?

[Laila (Jessica)] so, how is Laila gonna know that you arent trying to attack her

[Fritz] Yes bob I polymorphed into a sea devil with horns befor

[DM] ok,

[DM] then yes on the horns,

[DM] polymorph allows that

[Laila (Jessica)] ok

[Fritz] So unless someone is going to really stop me as I try and save her I will wait for bob to change the icon and then move as you guys advance to attack the other sea devils

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn no longer follows Reign Tandem.

[Fritz] Motubo no longer follows Ailea Morakenn.

[Fritz] Motubo follows Reign Tandem.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no one's stopping you, we're waiting

[Fritz] Can I go Bob?

[DM] there you go Fritz added the icon to your list

[DM] empty cavern

[DM] blood goes both ways

[Fritz] I have a light bob can you show the tunnels?

[Fritz] smell for halfing?

[DM] not able to detect

[Fritz] In this direction or not able to diferntiate?

[DM] both

[DM] lots of blood

[DM] in this direction

[Fritz] There is blood in this direction?

[DM] but not able to ditermine if any is hers

[Fritz] Could any of my left over minotaur abilities help?

[Fritz] Track by sent 50%?

[DM] not blood

[DM] and not enough of her to trace her by normal scent

[Fritz] How about here?

[DM] more blood

[DM] but still no firm trace of her

[Fritz] old or new?

[DM] new

[Fritz] Any sense of water disturbance?

[DM] no

[DM] more blood to teh right

[Fritz] blood trail goes in what direction?

[DM] that way

[DM] but that is also where the dead sharks are

[DM] you are going right by the underway passage

[Fritz] I know how about here?

[DM] nothing

[Fritz] no blood?

[DM] blood

[DM] but nothing else

[DM] ok

[DM] freeze there

[DM] does anyone else want to do anything

[Laila (Jessica)] i want to be rescued

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::waits::

[mikE] don't really have anything TO do.

[DM] ok then

[DM] back to fritz

[Fritz] Blood?

[DM] less

[DM] but it is being draed

[DM] to the right

[Fritz] ??

[DM] blood trails downward

[Fritz] what is draed?

[DM] dragged

[Fritz] I go downward

[DM] pulls that way

[Fritz] I follow

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] rap

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Crap

[DM] well

[DM] here we go

[DM] laroose and motubo

[DM] strength checks

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Har

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Laroosh blips out

[DM] motubo then

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Motubo: STR check: (d20) [16] 16

[Fritz] PROBABLY FAILS against (9) [9] 9

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can reign try and grap him?

[DM] reign is fighting the current himself

[DM] checking on a rulling just a sec

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] He will forfit his fight if needed

[DM] ok,

[DM] so

[DM] well, reign would fall into the current ten

[DM] motubo is

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Is it a strength or save vs breath weapon bob?

[DM] strength

[DM] to go against teh current

[DM] you as reign are too big

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] basically swimming check

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] that is fine. He will accept his fate to grab motubo

[DM] ok then

[DM] then you let go to fall into the pool

[DM] are you sure?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Can I grab Motubo? you didn't say wether or not you would let me?

[DM] you can grab him, but then you can not hold your self out of the whirlpool,

[DM] you will be sucked in

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I want to grab him and throw him in the air. I will suffer my fate

[DM] ok

[DM] ok then

[DM] make the dex check to throw him out of the whirlpool

[DM] and a to hit to grab him,

[DM] but I assume you will make that one

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Reign Tandem: DEX check: (d20) [20] 20

[Fritz] PROBABLY FAILS against (15) [15] 15

[DM] oops

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Shit

[DM] ok then

[DM] let me think and type something up for everyone,

[DM] just a sec

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Cant get any worse then that. The gods were against me. Sorry Jess I tried to save you

[Laila (Jessica)] it's ok, you gave it your best shot

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] ok, here it is

[DM] ok, so you are sprialed around in the whirlpool. it bobs you around like a cork, then down into the tube below. Normally this would drown a person, your spells keep you alive. You ride the tube like a slide, plunging downward, bouncing of of walls, the water going faster and faster, Then it all goes black. *********** what happens is the suction brings you downward, after several rounds you move down into a magma pocket, boiled alive in steam. We will work out new characters later on,

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::glances over at kylia:: so, when you think they're coming back?

[Laila (Jessica)] oh my

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] What about my fire resistance?

[Laila (Jessica)] Nice knowing you Reign

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] hehe lets all cheer

[DM] not going to stop that

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs :: Can't say... I am really getting annoyed with pruny skin though :: shows her fingers::

[DM] redues the damage

[DM] but still going to be steamed alive

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] ok. no new characters

[DM] we will talk agbout that later

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so how long you think we should wait?

[mikE] Can't we scry for them and go get them?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we can, but we're supposed to stay put

[mikE] I don't like being underground and underwater. My skills are useless here and I'm not a dwarf.

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Well I guess we should continue along and if they are in trouble, not waste time waiting

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Well I guess Laroosh will pop in say they died and then disappear how does that sound bob?

[DM] that could happen

[DM] aliea is still with the rest of the group

[Laila (Jessica)] Fritz, thank you for sacrificing Reign to help me

[Laila (Jessica)] i'm sorry he died

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Happens

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] Also her candle go out that she had for both of them

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, I guess we wait like 2-3 turns then assume the worst?

[DM] nods,

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] So Ailea new they were dead

[Finglass (mikE)] We need to find Laila and get out of here.

[DM] one point though

[DM] spell effects?

[DM] anyone have somenting on them from Motubo?

[DM] those disapear

[DM] any that require him to sustain them

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] like what Bob?

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] No body had any spells

[DM] ok

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] don't think he put up any spells anyway

[DM] so

[DM] the rest of the group

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so **20 minutes later** ::glances over to kylia:: I think he's dead jim

[DM] Ailea tells you that they are dead

[DM] Laroosh pops in to tell you they are dead

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and that he's free

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::cheers::

[Finglass (mikE)] What killed them?

[DM] steam in a whirlpool

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ouch, think you can point us away from it?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::we stop for a moment of silence:: Okay all, let's not waste more time... let us move on and try and save Laila while there is still time and then get the bloody hell away from here

[Finglass (mikE)] Did the sahuigan and laila die there as well?

[DM] no clue to that one

[DM] they were following a trail of blood

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] again I say, think you can point us away from it?

[DM] off to the right as you go back out the tunnel you are in front of

[Finglass (mikE)] Then i suggest we go south. Where the sahuigan were and not toward the whirlpool. The blood was probably carried that way by the current and not because it is where they went.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure sounds good.... I guess

[DM] ok then

[DM] choices?

Laila (Jessica) thinks from wherever she is "i really hope someone will come rescue me"

[Finglass (mikE)] Lady Kylia? Should we continue in the direction Laila was scouting?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] De we know where Laila was scouting?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] err Do

[Finglass (mikE)] south

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] South the way we came?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ::points out of the cavern they are in::

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Or South behind us?

[Finglass (mikE)] no. that way ::points to the 29::

[Finglass (mikE)] that's where she went and got captured

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] critically failed your direction sense dija?

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Okay... then let's go? :: is confused how if Laila is at 29 how Reign ended up at 20 and dead::

[DM] empty area around 22 and 28

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, everyone to 28 via 29

[DM] the current from everything from 26, 22 and north of that

[Finglass (mikE)] sure. sounds like a plan.

[DM] is pulled towards the whirlpool

[DM] current

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] :: shrugs, still really confused ::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, 29, sahuigan?

[DM] no sea devils

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, off to 28, unless anyone says specifically they aren't following I'm assuming everyone is

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Off to 28 then!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay, at 28, anything?

[Finglass (mikE)] sw

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Marco, don't get too far ahead of us... okay?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] just moving an area at a time

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Where is Grug?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] following us, but no one's about to physically drag him

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, a round behind

[Reign Tandem (Fritz)] I was just playing him for that one senario

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] ok

[mikE] Finglass follows Alastair.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, does that tunnel show light or something?

[DM] no

[Finglass (mikE)] so nothing else on this shelf?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I want to examine the shelf here

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] and the wooden posts

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Sorry all... I am out

[Kylia Wolfslayer (Lorie)] Night

[DM] night

[Laila (Jessica)] nighty

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] night lorie

Lorie has left the game

[Ailea Morakenn (Fritz)] bye

[DM] ok

[DM] wisdom check on the ones who are up on the ledge

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: WIS check: (d20) [8] 8

[mikE] PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (16) [16] 16!!!

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: WIS check: (d20) [15] 15

[Sean] PROBABLY FAILS against (6) [6] 6

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] well, never said I was wise

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you have all the wisdom of a gnome

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Did I mention I am a "master thief"

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but none of the intelligence

[Finglass (mikE)] a lawn gnome

[DM] ok, so you get scraps of clothing, no bones,

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] And as a master theif, I of course, expect traps

[Laila (Jessica)] lol

[DM] it looks like anyone who was here was taken away at some point

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] does it look like they were tied to the posts?

[DM] yes

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] lik ein King Kong?

[DM] and the water line here is all the way to the ceiling

[Finglass (mikE)] well, i say we turn around and explore the main passages.

[DM] befroe you leave

[DM] that chasm

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] yes, that's a chasm ...

[DM] beneath the water surface

[DM] 10 foot wide

[DM] downwards

[DM] farther than you can see

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] not gonna there

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] not gonna go there at all

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] drop a light rock down there :)

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] Sorry Bob ... Leviathan will have to wait

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we can see light much further than we can see from light

[Finglass (mikE)] kraken!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we already had ON giant octopod

[Finglass (mikE)] yes, but now we want off giand octopod

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] no need to bother C'thuhlu

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] remind me to shoot you

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 10 times

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] in the head

[Finglass (mikE)] that's okay. i have steve as a henchman.

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] with a rifle

[DM] wet tight cavern

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] never mind

[Laila (Jessica)] ::snicker::

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] remind me to shoot BOB

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 10 times

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] in the head

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] um Bob ... are you trying to tell us something?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] with a rifle

[Finglass (mikE)] so can we go back to 22, then?

[Finglass (mikE)] and head sw from there?

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure

[Finglass (mikE)] i don't think we're going to be able to explore this chasm

[Sean] E. L. Fudge follows Alastair.

[Finglass (mikE)] only fudge can swim

[DM] Sea Devil #1: Initiative:(d10+0) [2+0] 2

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Initiative:(d10+10+0) [8+10+0] 18

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Initiative:(d10(+10+-2)) [6(10-2)] 14

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn: Initiative:(d10+10-+3) [7+10-3] 14

[DM] sorry

[DM] reroll

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Initiative:(d10(+10+-2)) [9(10-2)] 17

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: Initiative:(d10+10+0) [10+10+0] 20

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Initiative:(d10+10) [9+10] 19

[DM] Sea Devil #1: Initiative:(d10+0) [4+0] 4

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ailea Morakenn modified: Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: +4. ADDED: ADDED:

[Fritz] Ailea Morakenn: Initiative:(d10+10-+3+4) [5+10-3+4] 16 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] INIT: 4

[DM] GOING: Sea Devil #1

[Fritz] I added my +4

[DM] Sea Devil #1 targets Alastair. Distance: 17'08"

[DM] Sea Devil #1: Attack #1: Trident: (19-(d20+0)) [19-(12+0)] 7

[DM] Probably MISSES Alastair (AC FINAL: -2)

[DM] INIT: 16

[DM] GOING: Ailea Morakenn

[DM] INIT: 17

[DM] GOING: Finglass

[mikE] Finglass targets Sea Devil #1. Distance: 25'00"

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Attack #1: Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (12-(d20+11)) [12-(5+11)] -4

[mikE] PROBABLY HITS Sea Devil #1 (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Finglass (mikE)] Finglass: Damage v SM: Composite Long Bow of Heartseeking: (1d6+6) [4+6] 10 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]

[DM] INIT: 19

[DM] GOING: E. L. Fudge

[DM (to GM only)] Sea Devil #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-10) - Dying

E. L. Fudge (Sean) watches the sea devil turn into a pin cusion

Fritz has left the game

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I climb up

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Climb Walls: (1d100) [92] 92 -- E. L. Fudge fall down, go boom!

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] good boy

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] E. L. Fudge: Climb Walls: (1d100) [51] 51 -- Spider-Man, Spider-Man! Does whatever a spider can!

[Finglass (mikE)] 3.6

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 1.2

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] I examine the area

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] carefully checking for traps

[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but not out of sigh right?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] yup,I'm out of sighs right now

[Laila (Jessica)] i was out of sighs when i got caught

E. L. Fudge (Sean) tosses down a rope

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] oh, you meant to climb up it! 8-P

[Finglass (mikE)] Uh, hello?


[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] can you do anything but attack us blindly?

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] WE COME IN PEACE

[E. L. Fudge (Sean)] WE WISH YOU NO HARM



[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I am the king of pirate

[DM] ok

[Finglass (mikE)] no no no. we all know i am the king of pirate.

[DM] he name is Olmes Oakham

[DM] he was woring with Lychelle

[DM] the sea devils are only interested in the green stone figures

[Finglass (mikE)] what can you tell us about the sahuigan?

[DM] kept asking us about the something called the Stone which abides,

[DM] we will reset everyting and see what happens

mikE has left the game

Jessica has left the game

Sean has left the game

BiBo!!! has left the game