Main / Nov1210

Nov 12 10 - Home Stories

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Nov 11 18:11:44 EST 2010 ====

[BOB] Zombie #16 moved 8'05".

[BOB] Zombie #16 moved 12'08".

[BOB] Zombie #16 moved 9'09".

[BOB] Zombie #16 moved 14'09".

[BOB] Zombie #16 moved 19'04".

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 12 18:32:01 EST 2010 ====

[BOB] looking for food and drink will return when my foraging is done

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

temp John has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:36:10 EST 2010

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

temp John has left the game on Fri Nov 12 18:36:22 EST 2010

Guy has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:42:20 EST 2010

Guy is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Guy has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Guy] howdy howdy

Kaz has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:43:34 EST 2010

Kaz is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

Kaz has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] Hey there

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Hi hi!

[BOB] glad to see you both in early

[BOB] Lisa is on her way home, so might be late

Dee has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:44:17 EST 2010

Dee is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

temp John has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:44:28 EST 2010

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[BOB] Hello Dee, long time no see

[Kaz] Hi Dee, welcome back John

[Guy] ill be here early next week too

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

Dee has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

temp John has left the game on Fri Nov 12 18:44:59 EST 2010

[Kaz] Poor John

[Dee] hello everyone!

[Guy] hi dee

[Kaz] Good to see you

[Dee] thanks!!

[BOB] I have not heard from Marco yet

[BOB] but I would guess he will be in

[Kaz] Hey Bob, Guy and I won't be around on December 4th

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Lisa will miss next week

[Kaz] NM, I was thinking it was a Friday

[BOB] and I figured it would be hard to get people to play on Christmas eve

[BOB] and new years eve

[Kaz] Most people, probably.

[BOB] so we have 6 more sessions this year

temp John has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 18:49:35 EST 2010

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[BOB] with Home stories and Skull Church being the most likely story arcs

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[BOB] and maybe John is stable now?

[BOB] readies the paddles

[BOB] get the crash cart just in case

[temp John] maye?

[BOB] looks like he wil make it

[temp John] nope

[temp John] still can't type

[BOB] grins

[BOB] that is how we know it is John

[temp John] hello all again

[temp John] that worked

[Dee] hello john

[Guy] hey john

[Kaz] Heya John

[temp John] good to see all your names again

[BOB] and Dee your icon that you were working on is on the map now

[BOB] upper left corner

[BOB] there is a stats tab on your notes section that has what you rolled before

[temp John (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hoffman modified:

[Dee] so what class does the group ned the most?

[temp John] Dragon

[temp John] oh wait, God

[temp John] sorry

[BOB] Priest

[temp John] can Kaz roll first?

[BOB] and yes Kaz can roll for Miranda also but there is always room for more priests

[temp John] yes, true true

[Dee] oh yeah, I was going to play a warpriestess of Isis.

[Kaz] One healer is not enough

[temp John] not for this group at least ;)

[Kaz] hehehe

[Guy] something to kill werewolves ........ oh wait wrong game

[temp John] something to cure warewolves would be more important

[temp John] the ablity to cure the Grey death would be nice in this one

[temp John] or at least a priest with numbers?

[BOB] no priest has ever cured the Grey Death

[Dee] well, my atats are 18 11 9 5 10 13.

[Dee] not placed in any order yet.

[BOB] going to send everyone a new map just so you can see it might take a moment to load so do not panic

[Dee] Panic?? what ?? who me??

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so that did not work I take it

[BOB] no one got the new map

[Dee] I just did

[BOB] or do you have the new one now?

[BOB] Small Kingdoms?

[Dee] yes

[temp John] call me when it is loaded

[BOB] do you see it John?

[BOB] Guy? Kaz?

[Guy] i see the top part

[temp John] about an inch along the top

[Kaz] I've got a tiny strip across the top

[Kaz] yeah, what John said

[BOB] Ok just resent Jistille Estates map to everyone

[Dee] yeah, I got the same.

[BOB] do you see that now?

[temp John] looks much beter then the 1st draft, realitive speaking

[Kaz] yep

[Kaz] Guy sees that, too

[BOB] ok

[temp John] dito

[BOB] so you are all on the right map at least

[BOB] and I will go post that other map for you to see

[BOB] someplace else

[BOB] so as to training

[temp John] thank you ever so kindly

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 19:07:34 EST 2010

Lisa is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[Guy] hey lisa

Lisa has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Kaz] Hiya Lisa

[Lisa] Hello all! :)

[BOB] and just sent an email to you with the map as an attachment

[BOB] door be right back

[Dee] Hi Lisa

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[temp John] Hey Lisa

[Lisa] Wow! Map looks great!

[Kaz] VERY nice

[Lisa] Didn't know we were getting it in color

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] smile

[BOB] Ihave a couple of minor tweaks to make

[BOB] one of the escarpments is in the wrong direction

[BOB] and I want to change the icon on the great plains to be an adobe city

[BOB] but other than that

[BOB] is very much what I wanted

[BOB] she did a nice job on it

[Lisa] I didn't notice but then I don't know what an escarpment is

[BOB] the line of cliffs

[BOB] the should both be pointing "inward"

[BOB] the ones out west where the falls are are pointing the wrong way

[BOB] but like I said very minor

[BOB] so now that everyone is here

[BOB] we need to work out the day to day activities, training, etc

[temp John] well not everyone

[BOB] it is the afternoon on the 4th

[BOB] this is true John, thank you

[BOB] you have a meeting with the Treant on the evening of the 15th

[BOB] midsummers night

[BOB] you have a report back to the Paladins about the missing family and if that is a necromancer living in the church

[BOB] that report is due by the morning of the 15th

[BOB] so you have a few days to explore plus train work on spells, for Miranda to recover etc

[Guy] they were on hold till we found out about miranda i thought

[BOB] it is up toyou

[BOB] nothing you can do for 3 more days

[BOB] she caught the Plague on the 3rd

[BOB] on the 7th she will find out if she lives or dies

[BOB] ifyou want to do something between now and then, this is the time to work on it

[Lisa] we can order the new chain mail?

[Lisa] Hoffman would like chain mail too?

[Kaz] Bob, what can I do that will give me the ONE exp I need to level?

[Lisa] lol

[Kaz] Seriously... sheesh.

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] what sort of bribery will I fall for

[Kaz] bwownies?

[Kaz] *flutters eyelashes*

[Dee] thanksgiving dinner?

[BOB] Foriso Fairhand XP award: 333. Next level in 13161.

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 333. Level-up!

[BOB] Hoffman XP award: 333. Next level in 2600.

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] ROFL

[temp John] yes on chainmail

[Kaz] Yes, Kristelle will want new chainmail, too

[Lisa] we should get those ordered - Indigo's takes longer to make

[Lisa] Indigo can also teach Hoffman how to swim - some free training if he still wants to learn

[Kaz] brb

[temp John] I will be in your debit

[BOB] I will trust Lisa or Kaz to find the chain mail time and prices from last time

[BOB] then you get a 15% discount on each for your service to the Estates during this time of crisis

[Guy] harumph that discount is of no use to me since i cant wear chain mail

[Lisa] 75 gp each

[BOB] ok

[Lisa] Indigo's will not be ready for 5 weeks - he will have to wait a bit to pick it up

[BOB] is that the discounted rate and time?

[Lisa] 75 is regular price

[BOB] they will work overtime to make it happen a bit faster

[BOB] and they will give you a discount on the cost

[Lisa] how sweet of them

[BOB] per orders of Medero

[Lisa] Medoro is the best :)

[BOB] and for Spells?

[Kaz] sorry, back

[BOB] did you want to try and learn any of the new spells?

[BOB] Kristelle has her Chain Mail now, it just needs to be fitted and that can be done in a day or two

[Kaz] We love Medoro. He rocks.

[Lisa] drat! forgot to look some of them up

[BOB] John you wanted Indigo to teach you swimming?

[BOB] what is Indigo's wisdom? 19- indigo's wisdom is how many weeks it will take to learn swimming

[Lisa] I'd like to wait and talk to Marco if no one minds so we can decide which of us want to learn what

[Lisa] 10

[BOB] so 9 weeks

[Lisa] not the sharpest tool in the shed

[BOB] so on 4-7-338 Hoffman will know Swimming

[BOB] and by the way Hoffman can get the Chain Mail at the reduced cost also if the Dragonslayers Company so requests

[Guy] muhahahahaha

[temp John] he has the sharpest sward

[Guy] now then do we want to be nice to hoffman or not lol

[temp John] and they are paying so they may want the discount

[Lisa] Didn't think he had any swords

[Lisa] I want a discount

[BOB] I think that was a complement towards Indigo having the sharpest swords

[Lisa] oh - got confused but what else is new

Guy makes a not to remind himself that lisa is confused easily

[Lisa] lol

[Guy] and a note too

[temp John] now if I wanted to say shortest I would be talking about Fortiso

[BOB] Kaz any ideas on Kristelle for training?

[Lisa] ouch

[BOB] and this is the time to look at picking up any new henchmen if you wish

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 75000 (36000). Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 15 (16). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 6 (5). Ranger: (RL) : CHANGED: 6 (5).

[Guy] i wanna hire nodwick

[BOB] a new healer perhaps

[BOB] you can not afford him

[Lisa] who is nodwick?

[BOB] and after Lisa is done with Jest she can start on Nodwick

[BOB] they are all online now I do believe

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Tracking -- Modifier: +2 (+1). Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Move Silently -- Total (% - w/modifier): 47 (40), CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Total (% - w/modifier): 37 (31),

[BOB] will let Kaz and Guy describe the comic

[Kaz] Nodwick is TEH AWESOME!!

[temp John] I want a Gnome priest

[BOB] that can be arranged John

[temp John] iron something of other

[Kaz] it's about a group of adventurers - the violent, greedy, dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks (and that's an insult to the rocks!!) fighter, the likewise greedy mage, the goody-two-shoes cleric, and Nodwick, then henchman.

[Kaz] I'll link you the site, Lisa.

[Kaz] I wanna be a Piffany cleric, but I can't keep a straight face long enough.

[BOB] John you can have a 2nd level Gnome Priest that you can create, or I can create a 3rd level one for you

[BOB] Guy? any desires for a henchman? Kaz?

[temp John] do I still pick the God?

[BOB] no

[temp John] ok, 3rd level it is

[BOB] grins

[BOB] ok will work on that in a moment

[Guy] not right now

[Kaz] Not sure about training yet, Bob. I'd probably like a new henchman if Miranda dies.

[BOB] ok

[Kaz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kristelle modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Kaz] brb again

[Lisa] (lloked over spells and the only one I'd want to learn at the moment would be acid arrow)

[BOB] ok

[BOB] that would only take a couple of days

[BOB] on average

[BOB] if you want to add it to your spell books, learn it etc

[BOB] the roll to learn it can be done from the scroll

[BOB] then you can copy it to your books

[Lisa] and if Marco wants it too he can learn it from my book or does scroll stay in tact?

[BOB] you can chose to let him use your book

[BOB] scroll is used up in the act of writing it to your spell book

[Lisa] how much? not sure we can afford it with armor and such

[BOB] it is on the spell list, will be 100 gp per spell level I think? checking now

[Lisa] (actually let me think about it - components are screwy)

[Lisa] Branwyn running around all day looking for adders so she can cut out their stomachs??

[Lisa] never mind the rhubarb

[Lisa] nice spells - ridiculous ingredients

[BOB] cost to write it into your spell book is 50 gp per page it takes up

[Guy] branywn kills black adders

[BOB] the traveling spell book is full but that would cost 100 per page

[temp John] it is an intresting problem for wizards

[BOB] you can always keep that spell in its scroll form

[BOB] that way you can use it

[Lisa] then lose it

[BOB] when you create a scroll you create it usign the components of the spell

[BOB] so when you use it that is all you need

[BOB] but yes it is a one shot item then

[temp John] what is her int?

[temp John] how many spells can she know?

[Lisa] 18 with my ring

[temp John] so all?

[temp John] or like more then you need

[Lisa] forget where it is on the site - am checking

[Guy] wheeee

[temp John] so it won't hurt

[Dee] yee haaaw

[Lisa] no, but we are poor lowly adventurers and I don't want to waste the cash on something I can't use

[BOB] so those that talk to Mike in the other game, it has been 11 weeks, you can tell him his vacation is up and he is due back next week

[temp John] fair enough

[Guy] ok

[BOB] and it has been 20 weeks that he came over to the house

[BOB] so how much cash do you actually have?

[BOB] after buying three sets of chain mail

[Lisa] how muchis discounted mail?

[Lisa] we have 216 gp but other coins and gems too

[BOB] 15% off

[BOB] and questions Dee?

[Lisa] sigh - thanks

[Lisa] make me do math

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] (75+75+75) 225

[BOB] (225*.15) 33.75

[BOB] (225-33.75) 191.25

[BOB] 191 gp

[Dee] where do I fit in the group, or am I not there yet?

[Lisa] thank you

[BOB] you are not there yet, Dee but you will be able to join them tonight

[BOB] as part of the gathering

[Guy] there can be only 1

[BOB] you can show up at the Jistelle Estates

[BOB] groan

[Kaz] lol

[Dee] Gathering?

[Kaz] Bob, how long would it take for me to learn a weapon proficiency?

[BOB] they are gathering to celebrate the lifting of the quarentine

[BOB] all trainign is 19-the wisdom of the trainer

[Dee] ahh, okay

[BOB] so depends on the trainer Kaz

[Guy] Im Duncan Mc Cloud of Clan Mc Cloud

[Kaz] Pleased to meet you, Duncan. I'm Dunkin Donuts of Clan Noms.

[BOB] I am a spanish peacock

[temp John] I thought Dee was part of the Hand?

[BOB] Dee can be part of that yes John

[BOB] you shoudl help her on that

[Kaz] Bob, it would be for Weapon of Choice, for longswords.

[BOB] ok, so if you want to pay 700 Gp it will take 7 weeks

[Kaz] I don't know if we even have 700 gp.

[BOB] of course when you miss a day or three for adventures you will have to make it up, but those details are all on the training page

[Lisa] need to start adding up gems again :)

[Kaz] I can wait. I guess while everyone else is training and doing stuff, I'll be hunting and things for the household and whomever hires me.

[BOB] Kaz it is not a timing thing, you can start now

[Lisa] thought you were nursing Miranda

[BOB] and then it will be finished when ever

[BOB] as long as you do not go too far away from the Estates area

[Kaz] You know, you're right, Lisa.

[Lisa] we got a green spinel in the last chest worth 500 gp

[Kaz] AFTER Miranda recovers.

[Lisa] we can come up with the cash

[Lisa] wow! two gems worth 1000 gp each

[Kaz] Okay, well, depends on how much everyone else's training will be.

[BOB] and you do have some good value in Branwyn's library now too

[Kaz] ooh, dang.

[Lisa] we're rich! :)

[BOB] 2,450 gp in the library able to research and learn new 1st level spells

[Kaz] Okay, will start training, Bob, after Miranda is done with the plague.

[BOB] John you and Dee work out the details for her character please

[Lisa] should we give chalice to Priest Ilgen? only 25 gp and the only thing we haven't sold after looting the shrine he now lives in

[Lisa] would be a nice gesture I think

[Kaz] I believe that we should, as a gesture of good faith.

[temp John (to Dee only)] what do you need?

[Lisa] just hope he doesn't keep asking where the rest of the stuff is

[Guy] i thought we already told him that the other stuff had been sold

[Lisa] just noticed it on party pack

[BOB] and yes you did tell him you sold it

[Lisa] we don't have to - was just thinking it would be nice since he was busy praying for us

[Lisa] oops - look what we found!

[BOB] the other things

[Kaz] Without his prayer, Kristelle wouldn't have won against the plague

[Kaz] So we give him the chalice.

[Lisa] and Foriso has another 2 levels of thief training with evil mentor?

[Lisa] is training sheet right?

[Guy] lol

BiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Nov 12 20:18:06 EST 2010

BiBo!!! is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

[Guy] hes not evil

BiBo!!! has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Lisa] no - but no boy scout either

[Lisa] Hi Marco :)

[BiBo!!!] morning

[BOB] so Marco did you hear that you do not have to burn Kristelle

[Guy] and yes i have 2 lvls of thief training

[BOB] she survived the Plague

[Guy] hey marco

[BOB] but Miranda caught it from her

[BiBo!!!] oh, thats good

[BiBo!!!] so... I have to burn miranda?

[BOB] but now that you are here

[BOB] I have a small bit of roleplaying to do

[BOB] with Hoffman,

[BOB] and Practumnarishkill

[BiBo!!!] okie doke

[BOB] and Scarlett

[BiBo!!!] bless you

[BOB] Peder Fotopoulos moved 11'06".

[BOB] Practumnarishkill moved 9'06".

[BOB] Hoffman moved 140'09".

[BOB] Peder Fotopoulos and Practumnarishkill moved 97'05".

[BOB] John?

[temp John] yes?

[BOB] just checking

[BOB] so as Indigo walks out from his fitting session at the armorer

[BOB] he sees two gnomes

[Hoffman (temp John)] (ok)

[BOB] Practumnarishkill who he knows

[BOB] and Pract is gesturing over at Scarlett and Hoffman to come over

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::wanders over::

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] Hey

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] you two are with the Dragonslayers Company right?

[BiBo!!!] I am back at the keyboard.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Yes?

[Hoffman (temp John)] Not with with, but yes

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Well... depends on how you define with

[Hoffman (temp John)] we are staying in the sme house

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] well that is good enough for me

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I have a young man who needs some exercise

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he gestures the other gnome forward

[Indigo (Lisa)] He doesn't get enough running from you?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he looks down his slightly twisted nose

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Um.... we are personal trainers now?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] looks over at Indigo,

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] snorts

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] This is Peder Fotopoulos

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he came to our mines two months ago

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I am pretty sure that is illegal in most places...

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::to young gnome:: How did you come to the mines?

[BOB] he is dressed in leather armor with a hammer etched on the front, and a medalion handing from his neck with a hammer that is surrounded by flames

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] He came to us from the north

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] but it is just not quite working out so well

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Makes the children uncomfortable does he?

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] it is not my fault you let the Tree tell you what to do

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] things burn because they want to

[Hoffman (temp John)] So you do not agree with the tree?

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] I think that fire is a good cleansing thing

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] not somethign to be afraid of

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Oh excellent. So he is a fire lover and not a child lover. That is a relief.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You set a fire in the Ancien's forest? It's a good thing Branwyn is not here

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] No no no

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he did not set fire to the forest

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he did take some wood from the forest

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Is that a problem?

[Hoffman (temp John)] Well I take it the tree did not like that?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and we had a slight incident with some farmers

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] but overall he has been a good hard worker

[Hoffman (temp John)] I certainly understand, we all have to live together with GOD?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] I just think he needs to spend some time out and exercising his talents in the greater world

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] What work exactly does he do?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and he will learn some things by travelign with you

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] I am a priest of Flandal Steelskin

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] it is my duty to protect and look after the safety of miners

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] and smiths

[Indigo (Lisa)] Errr... we don't see a lot of miners

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Or smiths

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] nods, I thought so, see I knew this would be a bad idea, that I should just keep working away

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] No no no, he needs to learn some more skills, see teh world

[Hoffman (temp John)] Maybe GOD has sent you here to see the world from a diffrent view point

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] he would be equally adept at protecting a group such as your selves

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] How about you expand your portfolio to protecting people other than miners and smiths?

[Practumnarishkill (BOB)] and from what I have seen you do have adventures and at least he will not be afraid of flames

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Why would anyone be afraid of flames?

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] exactly

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] fire is the cleanser

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] it helps heal wounds

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] People have played with fire since the dawn of time when the first man found a stick that was hit by lightning by the gods.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Nothing to be afraid of

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] right

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I dont rightly trust someone who is afraid of fire, because you know they have something to hide

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] looking at Hoffman

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] looking at Scarlett

[Peder Fotopoulos (BOB)] I guess it would not hurt to travel with you

[BOB] and this is where you John make an offer for him as a henchmen

[BOB] offer training or spoils of war, etc

[Hoffman (temp John)] I think it would be good for you to spread the word of miners to the whole world

[Indigo (Lisa)] Word of miners?

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::to Practumnarishkill:: I can see taking on an apprentis as a favor to the good gnomes of the area

[Hoffman (temp John)] Assuming he works out, we will take care of all his standard needs and give him a fair share of any rewards

[Indigo (Lisa)] So you wish to join the Dragonslayers then Hoffman? Or are you speaking only for yourself and Scarlet?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The others would be happy to hear that

[Hoffman (temp John)] I had not yet agreed to sign my name to the DS's, I thought you were joininhg us

[Hoffman (temp John)] or atleast working together, the two teams as one

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "What does your benefits package look like? Do you have a retirement plan? How about medical insurance?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] That is not for me to say. But for Foriso, Kristelle and Branwyn. It just sounded like... Nevermind

[BOB] (Kristelle and Foriso and or Branwyn can wander into the conversation now if you wish)

[Kaz] ((Kristelle really can't, she's taking care of Miranda))

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol to Marco!)

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] sounded like what little man?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "How many days of sick leave do we get?"

[Hoffman (temp John)] I have not met anyone at the estate, let along the generals of your little company

[Hoffman (temp John) (to Dee only)]

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] whoa whoa whoa what are you talking about?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I just thought Hoffman and Scarlet were joining our company. But now I don't know what to think

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] They're more than welcome to join if they want

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: pats indigo on the back :: Its okay, I know such complex contractual negotiations may be above your head.

[Hoffman (temp John)] are you sure your boss lets you make those dicissions Foriso?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] considering we are our own bosses yes

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Why dont you go lay down and work out the notches of something sharp." ::smiles::

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "That sounds fun doesnt it?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we are part of the Dragonslayers Mercernary Company buit we are under our own command, and if you keep talking to Indigo like that I promise you that the last thing you se will be a burning torch as its shoved down your throat

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "What? I was just trying to be friendly. She likes pointy things right? I wasnt asking her to SWALLOW a sword..."

[Indigo (Lisa)] She can say whatever she wants. She just better not hope for the protection of my swords is all

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] He is an adult not a child theres no reason to treat him as if he was one

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] and Hoffman if we choose to add people to our group then we are free and clear to do so

[Hoffman (temp John)] That is good for you

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: shrugs :: "I was merely trying to relate to Indigo here. If I had some questions about how best to sever the head of an orc, he would be the best person to ask. Asking about a complex benefits package is obviously out of his realm of knowledge."

[Hoffman (temp John)] I am not one for paperwork, so I will take your word on it

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we report to only ourselves and there is no paperwork

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "It is nothing personal, I am equally ignorant of the ways of the sword."

Dee has left the game on Fri Nov 12 20:56:59 EST 2010

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Im not sure i would want to be part of anything that involves paperwork

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "So, to be clear, the contract essentially is this: we follow you and kill things. If the dead things drop anything we get to keep a portion of it?"

[Hoffman (temp John)] You have a contract don't you, that's what a mercernary unit is all about?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Does that about sum it up?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yes Scarlet that sums it up

[Hoffman (temp John)] That was my understanding Scarlet

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Do you actually get hired for jobs at all?"

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we all have an equal share with an extra share set aside for training and expenses

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Dee modified:

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] weve been working for Lord Mosskin for a while now

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] when we met up that was a favor for my mentor

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "So Mosskin is the one paying the group for now? How much does he usually offer for services rendered?"


[Hoffman (temp John)] Well, this is a prime example Peder, to be careful who you work with

[Hoffman (temp John)] If we were to sign up with them, we would be as deep in dept as they are

[Brother Fotopoulos (BOB)] Actually it is Brother Fotopoulos,

[Hoffman (temp John)] while they are doing favors for all their "freinds", we can worry about making the world a beter place

[Hoffman (temp John)] oh, Brother

[Brother Fotopoulos (BOB)] Peder is my given name, but no one ever uses that

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] you are an idiot Hoffman we are not in debt, we actually have our own home and are in no danger of losing it

[Hoffman (temp John)] I should have used the word Obligations, but do not mean to mine words

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we get paid for any jobs we do for Lord Mosskin

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "Homes are attacked and burned. They are not as safe as you would like to believe."

[Brother Fotopoulos (BOB)] fire is not to be feared

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] but when he do acquire debts we make sure they are repaid whether by money or deed as soon as possible

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "No, but people weilding it are."

[Hoffman (temp John)] Scarlet, maybe you and the Brother can be the Fire Twins

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: looks down at the gnome :: "I dont think anyone would believe that."

[Hoffman (temp John)] we are all GOD's children

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] "But not all of us are GOD's twins."

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] come on Indigo lets leave these "people" to their egos hopefully they dont swell to much more or they might not fit throuogh the gates

[BOB] Ok, so Brother Fotopoulos will become Hoffman's henchmen

[Indigo (Lisa)] Fine with me. Theycan take care of themselves for all I care.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks away whistling a tune

[BOB] I think Hoffman and Scarlet still need to work out a few details with Branwyn, Foriso, Kristelle, about organizational stuff

Indigo (Lisa) follows Foriso and looks for Branwyn

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] or lack thereof

[Hoffman (temp John)] Branwyn, do we not have an agreement in place?

[Hoffman (temp John)] I was sure you led your little group

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The only agreement I am aware of was that if we shared in the risk of the adventures we would share in the spoils.

[temp John] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I do not appreciate your and Scarlet's treatment of Indigo.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And your disdain for our mercenary unit. We have done quite well for ourselves.

[Hoffman (temp John)] I have come to respect Indigo greatly and understand his sence of humor is not as I had thought halfling to be

[Hoffman (temp John)] I am sorry to prejudge you Indigo

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (((be very glad kristelle is not here lol))

[Hoffman (temp John)] I will no longer think of you as a halfling, but a stought warrior

[Hoffman (temp John)] ::bows::

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: shrugs :: I was merely trying to say that she had her expertise of knowledge. As for your group, I do not disdain it any more than any military group"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you do not like us or wish to be a part of our group. why continue on with us? There is surely something you could be doing with the Right Hand?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((bah.... indigo is still a he...))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and yes I know jow that sounded)

[BOB] grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((hey bob i gotta question, are scarlett and hoffman merely henchmen if they follow us but arent part of the group?))

[Hoffman (temp John)] I have not yet been instructed by GOD to move on

[Kaz] LMAO Lisa!!

[Hoffman (temp John)] (::smaks Guy::)

[Kaz] *snerk*

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((play nice john, kaz is right here watching))

[BOB] chuckles at Guy, no, not henchmen but they could be considered camp followers, not part of the Dragonslayers Company Detatched

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] :: shrugs :: I offer my services where ever I go. Unfortunately military groups tend to need them more than most.

[Kaz] Yeah, John. I'm right here watching.

[Kaz] Smack him again. :D

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((so they are essentially hookers ladies lol))

[Hoffman (temp John)] (groupies)

[BOB] right now is all part of the one group, later on when you get together with the rest of the Dragonslayers Company they would not be able to be part of all the situations

[BOB] and yes Groupies is a nice analogy

[Hoffman (temp John) (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Dee modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[BOB] which does bring up another touchy subject,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (except groupies actually like the people they follow)

[BOB] those who did not see the end of last week

[BOB] Foriso's mentor Regor the Mad

[Hoffman (temp John)] (i like them all)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sssshhhhhh

[BOB] said/predicted

[BOB] that Branwyn would be offered the Court Mage job here at the Jistelle Estates

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((oh scarlet doesnt dislike anyone, shes just a bit snobbish is all))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sigh)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] this is a touchy subject?

[BOB] it has not been offered yet

[Hoffman (temp John)] (and that is the royal BOB'd)

[BOB] and that might be several game weeks away which might mean several months of real time

[Hoffman (temp John)] (how can she be a memeber of DS and be the court mage)

[BOB] just letting those who were not here know that

[BOB] that is part of it john, how to juggle both desires

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((it actually wouldnt be that hard))

[Hoffman (temp John)] (if it is a desire)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's what I was thinking - will have to negotiate)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] court mage has to stick around the castle and be all court magey. cant be off adventuring

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((not entirely true and besides im sure there is plenty of stuff around here to do))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we will see - Branwyn wasn't thrilled at the discussion last week)

[Hoffman (temp John)] (after reading about mercany units, I find it hard to believe it is possible, unless the boss says you have to do it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but will see what Lord Mosskin says and how much he will pay)

[BOB] with the Grey Death killing off 2/3 of the human populace will be lots of adventuring things

[BOB] this is just the beginning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not going to worry about it until Mosskin talks to me)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] yeah, but then the group would have to defect from the dragonslayers entirely and be part of the castle people, whoever they are

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((branwyn wasnt thrilled about being in the same room as regor who are you kidding Lisa lol))

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL - very true!)

[BOB] it was a very nice roleplaying episode if you get the chance to go back and read it

[Hoffman (temp John) (to BOB only)] clearly you have HIS hit point wrong

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((takes abow))

[BOB (to temp John only)] yes, I have lots of stuff to work on for Fotopoulos

[BOB] so is there anything else that you want to accomplish before morning?

[BOB] Marco did you look over the spells that were found?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] nope, where would I find that?

[BOB] Scarlett want to learn any?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((how about putting scarlets hand in a bucket of warm water?))



[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] whats on the wizard scroll with 6 spells?

[BOB] at your level?

[BOB] fist of stone

[BOB] feign death is a lvel three spell

[BOB] and metamorphose liquids

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] not interested in that I guess

[BOB] some higher level spells too

[BOB] plus the protection scrolls

[BOB] plus the things in the spell books you found

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (acid arrow is 2nd level - but has funky components)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] the only spells I see that scarlet would be interested in she already knows

[BOB] did you look at Branwyn's spell books?

[BOB] there are a couple in there that are appropriate level

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] yeah

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] not interested in stone spells

[BOB] and of course there is teh library if you want to take the time to research a new spell

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] or plant spells

[Hoffman (temp John)] does the Brother need chain main, while we are ordering?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and of course Scarlet would have to learn to be a lot nicer to use it)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] no idea what sky hook is, but probably not what Scarlet would like

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] he can use chain mail

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((oh she was being VERY nice, relatively speaking))

[BOB] but has good sturdy leather armor right now

[Hoffman (temp John)] (probably can make his own)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] not as good and sturdy as chainmail

[BOB] and yes he does have smithing skills

[BOB] will have to check if he has armorer though

[BOB] need to flesh him out fully for you for next week

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] honeslty, branwn's spell book looks almost like scarlets with a couple extra things

[Hoffman (temp John)] So Brawny, are you who I talk to about making additions to the house?

[Kaz] Brawny? lol

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) looks for Practu to find out if he still has any of that potion to turn people blue

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What kind of additions do you want to make?

Branwyn (Lisa) ignoring Hoffman's manner as he will never be polite to anyone

[Hoffman (temp John)] Well, I was going to see if the Brother would help us out with our own smith work, but that would require us to have our own smith area

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] Castle doesnt have a smithy?

[Hoffman (temp John)] for rent I am sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you being a carpenter could build one yourself I am sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We would have to check with Widow Washburn and see if there is room for one on the grounds.

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] a wood smithy?

[BOB] and just to confirm with everyone, Kristelle got the magic long sword correct? who is taking the net?

[Kaz] Just as a matter of point, a smithy should be built of stone, not wood.

Foriso Fairhand (Guy) walks back over to branwyn

[Kaz] I thought someone claimed the net.

[Kaz] Can't remember who, though.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't think so)

[Kaz] Maybe it was just someone asking about it, who seemed interested but didn't actually claim it.

[Hoffman (temp John)] and I would love a work space, but I work where I can

[Kaz] Hell, that was what, two weeks ago? I don't remember!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Foriso, what do you think about a smithy shop at the orchard house?

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] we would have to clear about a pretty big spot for one

[BOB] Kristelle XP award: 400. Next level in 38268.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] its possible though

[BOB] just so everyone can see the farmhouse and refresh their memory

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We can't destroy the orchard for it.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (does the group know of any unclaimed or abandoned mines?)

[BOB] not in the swamps of Drillian

[Kaz] If it's not expected to be close to the house, we should be able to find a space.

[Hoffman (temp John)] (i was thinking a seperate building)

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] kinda silly to build a smith in the house

[Kaz] I wasn't thinking anyone would build a smith in the house

[Hoffman (temp John)] but I can fix any damage from the haunting

[BOB] actually john that was over a year ago

[Hoffman (temp John)] (wow, time flys when your away)

[BOB] so spending the night at the farm house like normal

[BOB] ?

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] guess so

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah

[Hoffman (temp John)] do we have room for the Brother?

[BOB] Widow Washburn moved 28'01".

[Widow Washburn (BOB)] pitch fork sticking out of the gate as you approach

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to BOB only)] foriso will be putting scarlets hand in a bucket of warm water lol

[Kaz] yes

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Widow Washburmn are you all right?

[Hoffman (temp John)] "Is that some sort of code?" (200 pts)

[Widow Washburn (BOB)] Plague stalks the lands!

[Widow Washburn (BOB)] We must be Vigilant!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] We are plague free my dear lady

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((im not....))

[Kaz] Scarlet has the plague?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then maybe Branwyn can set you on fire :) )

[Hoffman (temp John)] (no Marco)

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Miranda is the only one who has the plague and Kristelle is staying with her until we know if she will survive

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] ((no, I do))

[Kaz] Aww, poor Marco. :(

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] (marco is saying hes sick))

[BOB] Marco is importing OJ from FL

[Kaz] Chicken soup, sweetie.

[BOB] but the widow does relent when she sees foriso's scars

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] ((plomeek soup would be better))

temp John is receiving the map Jistille Estate Keep...

temp John has received the map Jistille Estate Keep.

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] Kristelle sends her fondest hope that everyone here is doing well

[temp John] I will signing off for now, goodnight all

[BOB] Foriso and Kristelle should mark it on their sheets in the notes about they survived the Plague

[BOB] night John

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] night joihn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And if you could make us some nice food in the morning we can take it to her and Miranda

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] I think I will too, head is getting a bit dizzy

[temp John] enjoy all

[BOB] feel better Marco

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight John!)

[temp John] going to bed Marco?

[BOB] relax adn nap

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you too Marco)

[temp John] kind of early

[temp John] for you

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] possibly, just want to stop looking at a screen for now

[temp John] take care

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] definately gonna lay down

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Foriso Fairhand modified: Notes - CHANGED.

temp John has left the game on Fri Nov 12 21:49:00 EST 2010

[Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] later!

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] night marco

BiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Nov 12 21:49:20 EST 2010

[BOB] Ok

[BOB] so you are in a good spot as far as everything except Miranda

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yeah

[BOB] as to cash

[BOB] is there any spell you really want to work with Lisa?

[BOB] only applies to the ones you potentially can learn

[BOB] and want to add to your spell books

[BOB] from teh scrolls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] don't think so right now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] will be on the lookout for black adder

[BOB] ok

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] rofl

[BOB] do you want to make the percentage chance to know any of the spells in the misc books ?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can't remember that theme song - but was the best)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (even if I don't learn them? can I re-roll for sky hook?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (forgot about that until Marco mentioned it)

[BOB] yes you can re-roll when you make a new level

[BOB] both Ray of Fatigue and Sky Hook

[Lisa] I am at new level

[Lisa] I rolled at 5th now am 6th

[BOB] ok

[Kaz] Theme was slightly different for each time period.

[Kaz] In fact, the Elizabethan one, I think there was a small difference in every episode.

[BOB] plus if you want to roll from the scroll your chance to learn it,

[BOB] do not have to copy it right now if you do not want to

[Lisa] (just picturing him riding a horse across country side with that music)

[BOB] the change to know spell takes hours per level

[BOB] the copy it over takes days per level

[BOB] if I remember the ratios properly

[BOB] but the chance to know you can do now while you wait to hear about Miranda

[BOB] and another thing to be sure of before next week is how you want to tackle the Skull Church

[BOB] soon as Miranda is known? go out there and investigate

[Foriso Fairhand (Guy)] yup

[BOB] is the plan to come right back as soon as you know

[BOB] or to stay and loot

[BOB] etc

[Guy] depending on the time

[BOB] Lisa will not be available next week

[Guy] booooo

[BOB] but everyone else should be

[Kaz] Want LISA! *pount*

[Kaz] *Stamp foot*

[Lisa] and Foriso is training in exchange for another favor?

[Kaz] *generally act like a baby*

[BOB] she said somethign about not wanting to use the wifi on teh plane for klooge

[Lisa] Will be flying back from Wisconsin

[Kaz] Ooh, Wisconsin isn't that far from Illinois :D

[BOB] and Foriso can train

[Kaz] *slutter eyelashes*

[Kaz] **flutter, even**

[Lisa] I know - it is not where I want to be in November

[Kaz] It was lovely today. Walked around in short sleeve shirt. :)

[BOB] rolls eyes

[BOB] lovely 40 degree weather today

[Lisa] you are in Wisconsin?

[Guy] will there be enough time before leaving?

[Kaz] They kept saying, "For god's sake, put some PANTS on!", but I was comfy.

[Kaz] No Bob, it was in the 60's today, I think.

[Lisa] I am landing in Chicago Sunday and driving around til I get to Madison on Friday

[BOB] so sweat shirt weather

[Lisa] LOL

[Kaz] Can't help it if you have no blood. :P

[BOB] if I want winter, I can go visit it thank you very much

[Lisa] or not

[BOB] exactly

[Kaz] We're several hours south of Chicago. Too bad you can't come visit for a few hours. :(

[Guy] i agree with you bob

[Kaz] Much warmer here than upstate.

[Lisa] Going to Champaign and Peru before I hit Wisconsin

[Lisa] Is crazy trip

[Guy] champaign is only a couplke hours from us

[BOB] future Dragonslayer Con will have to wait I guess

[Lisa] wish my trip was longer considering all the places I'm going

[BOB] so we move to the morning and Branwyn makes her rolls for learnign those two spells plus maybe more?

[Guy] dragonslayer con??????

[Lisa] where would that be held?

[BOB] There will be one for the 20th

[BOB] not sure when exactly yet

[BOB] 2013

[BOB] sometime

[BOB] we will see

[Guy] sweet

[Lisa] have to build up those FF miles

[BOB] so Lisa ready for those rolls?

[Lisa] okay - ray of fatigue

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=20] 20

[BOB] nice

[Lisa] sky hook

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=23] 23

[BOB] very good

[BOB] now are you goign to roll for Metamorphose liquids? Feign Death? Fist of Stone?

[BOB] those three are in that one scroll

[BOB] is up to you

[BOB] will go change your library page for those two now

[Lisa] might as well

[Lisa] liquids

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=29] 29

[Lisa] feign death

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=30] 30

[Lisa] fist o' stone

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=36] 36

[Lisa] that one would go kinda well with the whip o' pain

[Kaz] lol

[Lisa] Bran would get off slugging people I think

[Lisa] would surprise them at least

[Kaz] hee hee

[Lisa] and the mage gets into a fistfight

[Kaz] Rocks fall - the mage SMASHES 'em!

[Kaz] Nobody dies :D

[Kaz] Bob, I thought Dee's character was joining us tonight?

[BOB] she logged off

[BOB] no explination

[BOB] guessing a run

[BOB] John helped continue to fill out her sheet for her

[Lisa] hope she comes back next week - was a sort of taking care of business week tonight

[BOB] priestess of Athena

[Lisa] so fist o' stone gets combat bonus of STR 18 if used in combat - what does that mean in reality?

[Guy] if you hit its gonna hurt

[BOB] yoru strength goes up to 18

[Lisa] but still keeps my odds of hitting things? which is not great

[BOB] we will create an effect for that

[BOB] you get a + to hit

[BOB] + to damage

[Lisa] did not know str went into damage calculations

[Lisa] maybe I should learn that one

[Lisa] no spell components

[Lisa] lasts 6 rounds

[BOB] +1 to hit +3 to damage

[Guy] +1 +2

[BOB] hmm

[BOB] is that from the PH?

[Guy] yup

[Guy] i looked it up because i thought it was more

[BOB] ok fixed the Muscle page on the site

[Guy] +!+3 is at 18 /01-50

[BOB] so Lisa the total effect is you have a +1 to your thac0 and a damage of 3-4 points per round with your fist

[BOB] damage from punching is 1-2


[Lisa] so not much more than my dagger

[BOB] difference is you get a % chance of knocking someone out

[Lisa] but can use it to break things

[BOB] if you roll a 11 for example

[BOB] you do 2+2 points of damage and a 10% chance of knocking them out

[BOB] they fail that roll and down they go

[BOB] no matter that they have 6 hp or 120 hp

[Lisa] tko


[Lisa] ok

[Guy] and the you just cut their throats

[Lisa] :)

[BOB] chuckles

[Kaz] Honey, you're so bloodthirsty.

[Guy] yup

[BOB] and just in case you ever get really really lucky and roll a 2 that is modified down to -1 or lower and still hits you get a 25% chance at knockout

[BOB] but overall it is a nice spell to add to your spell books

[BOB] even if not used very often

[Guy] im channeling my dead chaotic neutral fighter mage

[Lisa] lol

[Kaz] You really never know when it will come in handy, Lisa.

[BOB] and yes a fist of stone has other uses

[Kaz] as opposed to your living chaotic neutral theif?

[BOB] if you need to reach into acid

[BOB] etc

[Lisa] if we have the cash, that and sky hook would be nice to have

[BOB] you have Sky Hook now

[BOB] you made that roll and it is in your spell books

[Lisa] I forgot - so that is only roll to learn it?

[BOB] Fist of Stone is on the scroll, so you need to copy it over to your spell books to be able to cast it

[BOB] right

[Lisa] lovely

[BOB] three spells you can copy over to your books

[BOB] ummm did you roll Feign Death?

[Lisa] think I will only do fist of stone right now

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] got them all

[BOB] checkign on the level

[Guy] shes a pokespell master

[BOB] ok, it is 3rd level not fourth copied it wrong

[BOB] so total cost is 250 Gp

[BOB] to copy those three from your scroll to your book

[BOB] and of that 125 gets added to the value of your library

[BOB] no strike that last one

[BOB] no value added sorry

[BOB] not for copying only for creating new ones

[Lisa] Is that okay? I can just copy the one right now

[Lisa] this is where that court mage gig might be helpful

[BOB] and as Lisa ponders that, Guy are you ok with doing training and interupting it to go out to the Skull church etc?

[Guy] sure

[Kaz] Is that happening before Miranda recovers or dies? Going to the Skull Church?

[BOB] I had the impression the group wanted to wait

[BOB] because you have time

[Kaz] nm, Guy told me that.

[Lisa] thought we were waiting

[Kaz] brb

[Lisa] and we decided chain mail for Peder the Greek fire mining priest?

[BOB] so Branwyn spends the 250 for the three spells and that takes 1-2 days per spell level so 2-4 + 3-6 days total to finish

[BOB] 1st level + 1st level + 3rd level

[Lisa] you keep pushing those spells on me

[Lisa] we're the ones that have to pay for them

[BOB] no just want to be sure, because this is the time to work those times into the training schedule

[BOB] and yes you will have to pay for them both in GP and time eventualy

[Kaz] sorry, back

[BOB] it makes Branwyn a better mage

[Lisa] smiles

[Kaz] I don't remember talking about chain mail for Peder, but I'm not against it.

[Lisa] Hoffman wanted it

[BOB] and it is part of why Mages end up costing the party so much

[BOB] there is always another spell or book to spend money on

[Kaz] Probably take as long for his mail as it takes for Indigo's, being an uncommon size.

[Guy] yeah but at higher lvls mages are a wanted commodity

[Lisa] yes - 64 gp

[Lisa] was just going to change my quick note on party pack page so we don't forget

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] I do think it is nice to get the chain mail for him, if he lives will be a nice thing for him to have after this/these adventures

[Guy] provided we dont kill him

[Lisa] does he really start with 3 hp?

[BOB] no

[BOB] he is third level

[BOB] so around 16-20 hp

[BOB] need to work out details

[Lisa] okay

[BOB] my shorthand is 1 hp per level for non combat NPCs

[BOB] so I can tell what level they are easily

[BOB] Prac is not a combat person for example

[BOB] is Kristelle spending the 700 on the long sword training?

[Kaz] If we have it to spare, then yes

[Lisa] we have it

[BOB] and Foriso will owe more favors

[Kaz] Will give me +1 to attack rolls

[Guy] whimper

[BOB] and the magical bonus as well

[Kaz] ROFL

[Kaz] damn, I have to add it to my sheet, Bob

[Lisa] can't wait to see next favor he wants

[BOB] we will do that later

[BOB] oh he is not done with favors for previous training

[BOB] you are just adding to the pile

[Guy] sheesh

[Kaz] what do I have to change for the magical sword?

[Guy] although foriso really does like his mentor

[BOB] will look later Kaz

[BOB] Lisa has the purse still open?

[BOB] guy and kaz what do you say about that 250 for spells?

[Guy] im cool with it

[Lisa] thanks

[Guy] kaz says she cool with it

[Lisa] so that's 950 for that

[Lisa] anything else we need?

[BOB] just so you know if you wanted to add Fist of stone from scratch, researchign it and learning it

[BOB] would cost you 200-1200 gp per week

[BOB] and 2 weeks per spell level

[Lisa] even with my library?

[BOB] nods

[BOB] without the library is more expsenive

[BOB] expensive

[BOB] at least the cost of reasearch some of it gets added to the value of the library

[Guy] the more you add to your library the cheaper it gets i believe

[BOB] but one first level spell can cost 2000 gp

[BOB] so 50 is a bargain

[BOB] you were lucky to find it, then to know it, then to be able to add it to an existing spell book

[BOB] so Lisa mark off the cost

[BOB] and we will work out the exact timing

[Lisa] okay

[BOB] did Branwyn want to start today? or wait the two more days to see what happens with Miranda

[BOB] you could get one of them out of the way right now

[Lisa] If I can do one while we wait that would be good

[Lisa] then do the others as we have time

[BOB] Ok so roll a d2

[BOB] for the number of days and pick which first level spell you want to do first

[BOB] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 5 Be ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 5th, 338 SKR.

[Lisa] fist o' stone

[BOB] and the d2

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] d2?

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2

[BOB] nods

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so on the 5th (today) Branwyn is workign away in the library

[BOB] when night falls she does not show up for dinner

[BOB] and keeps on working away

[BOB] on the 6th

[BOB] she finishes adding in Fist of Stone to Vasyugan, her large spell book

[Lisa] Widow Washburn is getting grumpy cuz she can't go in and dust

[BOB] how many pages does that take up?

[Lisa] 2

[BOB] lol

[Lisa] that's what I thought I was rolling

[BOB] 0-5+1

[BOB] no that was the number of days it takes

[Kaz] It's been a year. I'd think Widow Washburn would be pretty used to us by now.

[Lisa] 1d6 -1 +spell level

[BOB] right

[Lisa] would have been a d6

[Lisa] sigh

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=2] 2

[Lisa] HAH!


[Kaz] yay!

[Lisa] kept page count low

[BOB] and the library page is current

[Lisa] should I roll the others just to take care of it or when I have time to learn them?

[BOB] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 7 Mid ___ de, Ze {Mid Summer} 7th, 338 SKR.

[BOB] and now we can roll for Miranda

[Kaz] okay, so, questions.

[Lisa] tonight?

[BOB] sure

[Lisa] eek

[BOB] and yes Kaz

[Kaz] (a) will that priest pray for her, and (b) can she cast on herself or is she too weak?

[BOB] she is too weak to cast

[Kaz] okay

[BOB] and yes you can go ask him for the help again

[Lisa] bring the chalice

[Kaz] What do you guys think?

[BOB] and yes he will agree because you gave him back teh relic

[Kaz] okay

[Lisa] definitely

[Kaz] so, she has to roll a 55 or less

[BOB] he can give the +5

[BOB] so yes

[Kaz] (Say good-bye to Miranda, gang)

[Lisa] can new priest help if we wait til next week?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] is up to you

[Lisa] should we wait til then?

[Kaz] Not sure how he can help

[BOB] bless?

[Lisa] I want Miranda to have best chance possible

[Kaz] Right, I doubt he'll chance getting the plague.

[Lisa] gnomes are immune

[Kaz] okay, then.

[BOB] just have to hope that John is in to start the night

[Kaz] If he has aid, that would give her the same chance that Kristelle had

[Lisa] post on website that we need him

[Kaz] To be honest, I don't think I'm going to make the roll. I don't have very good luck with Klooge dice.

[Lisa] first test of new henchman

[Lisa] yes you will

[Lisa] will send good vibes from airplane

[Kaz] You're my half-full glass, Lisa :D

[Guy] (d100) [1d100=75] 75

[Guy] glad im immune lol

[Kaz] Good think you're not rolling for me, hon

[BOB] and so last question for the night

[BOB] the wizard scrolls

[BOB] are we adding them to Branwyn?

[BOB] not the protection scrolls

[BOB] just the wizard ones

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

[BOB] and then next week everyone intends on the first scouting of the Skull church right?

[Guy] yup

[Kaz] yes

[BOB] is that yes to scrolls? or yes to church?

[Guy] yes to church

[Kaz] yes

[Kaz] church

[Kaz] Dunno what you're asking about the scrolls.

[Guy] we can send one of the groupies back with the news we find while we do the real work

[Lisa] lol

[BOB] for the scrolls, Branwyn can add them to her library

[BOB] to do what she wants with

[BOB] or you can keep the Acid Arrow (and which ever others) in the party pack to sell or trade

[Lisa] we can't use most of them for some time unless we read them off the scroll

[Kaz] depends on whether or not she wants them.

[Lisa] better to carry them for a while?

[Kaz] You know, if Bran wants them, we can put them in the hidden chest in the bench.

[Kaz] If Bran doesn't care, we can carry them for possible use.

[Guy] i thought bran was going to put all those soells into her spell book?

[Guy] maybe not right this second but over time

[Lisa] I know I'll want to learn them if we can, but never know if maybe we get into a world of hurt and need them

[Lisa] learned 3 of 6 - three are still there

[Guy] id say save them toll you can get them into your book

[BOB] and then finally for Lisa, question on the other two spells do you want to have Branwyn working on those now, and then only play Indigo over the next couple of game days? or waiti to start writing those others into your spell book?

[Lisa] that is hard - we are up against possible necromancer. wouldn't more mages be helpful?

[Lisa] or not a big deal? this is new to me

[BOB] everyone could wait for you too

[Lisa] I will have time to learn as others complete their training too

[BOB] will be 1-2 days for the next one then 3-6 days for the other

[Guy] its only a couple days travel to the church?

[BOB] a day and a half

[Lisa] when we come back Kristelle and Foriso still have to do theirs

[Guy] so we can leave by the 10th and still have time to report back

[BOB] is a decent way outside of the Jistille Estates area

[BOB] nods

[BOB] and it is the 7th now

[Lisa] work simultaneously with them

[BOB] nods to lisa Kristelle and Foriso are already started on theirs

[BOB] then the take a couple of days off to go to the church

[BOB] then have to make up that time on the end of training

[BOB] Indigo and Hoffman will be doing training while traveling

[BOB] there are lots of lakes, streams etc

[Guy] maybe indigo will drown him lol

[BOB] you can also tell me during the week Lisa

[BOB] so that we know what Branwyn is doing "one round behind"

[Lisa] was trying to restrain myself

[BOB] of they click off time when you are not here

[BOB] grins

[Lisa] and Indigo

[BOB] Indigo is training

[BOB] teaching

[Lisa] so just not paying attention to creatures attacking his friends

[BOB] exactly

[Kaz] lol

[Lisa] if it is easier to leave Branwyn at house to explain why she isn't there that is fine

[BOB] no that is not it,

[BOB] but we can talk it out during the week

[BOB] no need for a choice this second

[Lisa] she's off looking for adder stomachs

[Kaz] Bob, another thing we never did follow-up on is making sure the formula for attacks is correct. So, we still need to talk about that and what I have to add for the sword.

[BOB] nods

[Kaz] So we'll talk this week. And Lisa, it's better for you to be with us but a round behind.

[BOB] I only need my 8th day in the week

[Lisa] sounds good to me

[Lisa] I thought I saw Imari and wandered off

[BOB] smiles

[Lisa] got lost in woods for a bit

[BOB] Ok, good night mary ellen

[Kaz] Good night, all

Kaz has left the game on Fri Nov 12 23:16:15 EST 2010

[Lisa] Goodnight all! :)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 12 23:16:25 EST 2010

[Guy] night

Guy has left the game on Fri Nov 12 23:16:49 EST 2010

XP awarded Nov 19 10