Main / Nov1309

Nov 13 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 13 18:23:36 EST 2009 ====

[BOB] just got home need to change and get something strong to drink, will be back in a short bit. When last we left our intrepid band of adventurers........

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Nov 13 18:25:41 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] Hiya

[Kaz] Also afk while I get my supper together.

[Kaz] Oh, and Guy gets off work at 7 tonight, I need to pick him up.

[Kaz] I think this is the only Friday this month that he gets to play - the other ones see him gettinghome at 9 or 10.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] back

[Kaz] When last we left our intrepid band of adventurers....

[Kaz] Liam had blipped off to Seagate alone, trying to dig up information about Lord J or Blue Gill, also attempting to sign on to a ship.

[Kaz] Meanwhile: Finglas, Anterias, Percival, Valedianna, and Kit, guided by Moirra's scrying, blipped to the road in front of (or in the middle of) Lord J and his band of merry men in tights. Tight tights.

[Kaz] Both Anterias and Liam were given a supply of coloured strips of fabric, to be used as a code. Moirra scrys them daily, to check the strip colour and make sure her friends are okay.

[Kaz] In other parts... Kylia is doing research to prepare for the upcoming confrontation, Moirra also does research (and sewing!) when not scrying, and Keith is learning new spells.

[Kaz] And I think that covers the basics.

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] grins, that is a wonderful summation!

[BOB] Mike called, will be late

[BOB] and online only

[BOB] so now I can work on my own dinner then will be here for you

[Kaz] ok

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Nov 13 18:55:09 EST 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[mikE] hey kaz

john2] has joined the game on Fri Nov 13 18:57:01 EST 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

john2] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[mikE] evening john

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] and hyello Mike and John

[BOB] dinner is cooking, or at least Nyrma is cooking it

[BOB] warm simple grilled cheese

[john2] hello all

[BOB] I refilled at Total Wine Mike

[BOB] 2 cases in the cellar now

[john2] you have a celar?

[Kaz] Hi there Mike, Hi there John

[BOB] wine center

[BOB] the racks and the fridge

[john2] close enough I guess for Florida

[BOB] How has the week been all?

[john2] same more or less an you? How is the boring job dragging?

[BOB] it was hectic today

[BOB] my problem child returned to work today

[BOB] amazing

[mikE] meh

[BOB] out for three weeks

[BOB] and she returns to work on a Friday before the weekend

[Kaz] Gotta love those problem children.

[BOB] but all is well at least as far as I can tell

[BOB] and if anyone wants to teach computer classes

[BOB] 0 a class for teachers

[BOB] 80 dollars

[BOB] county employees can not apply

[BOB] so they are about to pay someone 5 times my salary to do what I used to do

[john2] when and where?

[BOB] some computer lab in the county

[BOB] beyond that I do not think they know the details

[BOB] just heard yesterday and today about them starting this

[john2] so it is working for the county?

[BOB] grant funded posistion

[BOB] party time

[BOB] part

[BOB] and it does not affect our game but on the 24th I have Jury Duty

[john2] Laura was schedule for her b-day but got it switched for the Monday after Thanksgiving

[john2] so boaring travel day?

[BOB] well that depends

[john2] on?

[BOB] the group that Finglas is traveling with

[BOB] shoudl have few problems

[BOB] but now that you are both here you can work on getting mroe info out of Lord J

[john2] I thought he was the magnet?

[BOB] and or anything that you want to work on back home

[BOB] and if Lorie or Christy show up

[john2] Khan is with Shadow one and shadow 2

[BOB] do you want them to blip to you? and or blib you back?

[BOB] what is the plan there?

[john2] I don't want Keith going any further

[BOB] he can not until he catches up on the calendar


[BOB] and in case you missed it

[BOB] I did post the responses about me on the site but not the ones about others

[john2] Lori and Christy have enough control of their characters

[john2] saw

[BOB] ok so Mike? any questions for Lord J? John?

[BOB] he previously indicated he thought you would arrive in Seagate in a couple of weeks

[john2] Kit is not going to overstep her bounds, just listen and watch

[john2] casual chatting is her style

[mikE] nothing

[BOB] chuckles

[john2] besides Kit is trainiing

[BOB] ok is there anything that you will not tell Lord J in conversation ?

[BOB] any topics you will not answer?

[BOB] questions?

[BOB] as he asks you about life with Kylia

[BOB] how Roadhaven is being governed

[john2] I say we had a falling out and I do not spend much time there

[BOB] Ok then

[BOB] so just quietly traveling along with his group

[BOB] when you stop at small towns for supplies, the locals seem to remember him, and welcome him

[BOB] he makes a point of not staying at Inns but camping out

[Kaz] Sounds like he's well-regarded

[BOB] although he does pay for dinners to be delivered to the campsites just outside of town

[BOB] apparently he has been by this way several times

[john2] what is the weather like

[BOB] slightly cool evenings

[BOB] getting warmer as you head south

[BOB] lots of flowers

[BOB] the planting is in full gear

[BOB] fields are being sowed etc

[john2] good hunting weather for young doe

[BOB] as you move along you are seeing the hills grow closer to the Trade Route, still off in the distance

[BOB] but you can see the hills rise west and east as you travel south

[BOB] you stop for the night to camp and Lord J indicates that you will reach Kal in the morning

[BOB] a large city along the trade route,

[BOB] tens of thousands of people, but not as organized as Wolfspack is

[john2] should we be worried?

[BOB] or Varn more like Bozawa

[BOB] he shrugs, only be worried about thieves

[BOB] there are also some gypsy caravans he indicates

[BOB] he seems more concerned with those

[BOB] but unless you have some great desire to stay there he plans on skirting the city

[BOB] and picking up the trade route south

[john2] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kit (john2)] gypsies?

[Kit (john2)] no I love the outdoors

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I am always careful around gypies

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] some are fine folk

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and others seem like fine folk

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] but all of them have a keen eye for mischief

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and we are on a mission for Lady Kylia

[Kit (john2)] I am always on a mission for Lady Kylia

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] so I do not want to risk any misunderstandings

[BOB] Ok,

[BOB] so is no other interuptions?

[BOB] do you want me to just finish clicking off the days?

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 25 Mid ___ se, Lec {Early Summer} 25th, 1260.

[BOB] so let it be written so let ti be done

[BOB] so it is now 25-3-1260

[BOB] if you are comparing notes on the calendar events

[Kit (john2)] so very boaring trip

[BOB] and you arrive at Seagate

[BOB] other than the scrying attempts on you

[BOB] nothing unusual

[Kaz] Attempts?

[BOB] and those are normal now

[Kaz] Only attempts, not successes?

[BOB] you only know there is an attempt to scry when you make your save, if you fail the save you do not even know they are scrying you

[Kit (john2)] how many weeks is Kit trainning for?

[BOB] and any attempt counts as a success unless you are doing someting to block it

[BOB] Kits finishes training in tumbling on 8-6-1260

[BOB] so 4 more months

[BOB] just about

[Kit (john2)] gee thanks Val

[Kit (john2)] you trying to say I'm a slow learner?

[BOB] you wanted cheap and good not fast and good or fast and cheap

[Kit (john2)] I am enjoying every minute of training with Val

[BOB] lots of groping

[BOB] practicing holds

[Kaz] So Finglas is enjoying it, too, then.

[BOB] so is Moirra doing anything with her time? has been weeks now

[BOB] how much sewing do you have?

[Kit (john2)] Keith needs lots of new clothes

[Kaz] Well, she can be doing clothing for Keith as well, then.

[Kaz] But she is also doing research, trying to find information about BlueGill/Ozzy, and about the area they will be going to (Ten Kingdoms?)

[BOB] where would she do that research?

[BOB] travel to wolfspack?

[Kaz] Probably, if that's the best place.

[BOB] will have to go out in the late snows

[BOB] take a week or so to get there

[Kaz] Isn't that where Kylia was going to do research, too?

[BOB] Lorie never said but she rarely actually goes INTO Woflspack

[BOB] they have truth grids you have to answer all sorts of question on

[BOB] if you want to enter the city

[Kaz] ahhh

[Kaz] that's right, I do remember that

[Kaz] Where else is a good place to do research?

[BOB] plus they are politically religiously in opposisition all are Celtic but red state blue state sort of thing

[Kaz] *nods*

[BOB] and that is the best place other than the Island Kingdoms

[BOB] Or magic divination

[BOB] etc

[Kaz] Guys? Any suggestions then for Moirra?

[Kaz] She doesn't mind the truth grids, I don't mind her going to Wolfspack

[BOB] Or ideas on what you are oing to do now that you are in Seagate?

[john2] guarding Val

[BOB] ok

Hansie] has joined the game on Fri Nov 13 19:47:07 EST 2009

Hansie] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Hansie] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] Heya Hans :)

[john2] Moria should not leave Roadhaven

[Kaz] Too dangerous?

[Kaz] i think, if nothing else, every day she is scrying both groups - I'd say in the evening.

[john2] you are the contact point

[Kaz] true

[Hansie] Hello, everybody!

[john2] Hello Hans

[Kaz] Okay, then Moirra is just doing whatever she can do from home.

[Kaz] Ooh, is there time for her send a fast messenger to her home temple and get a reply?

[Kaz] They see all kinds of people, maybe they've 'heard' something.

[BOB] sure you can send someone

[BOB] but fast to Colmet is two - three weeks

[BOB] when are you sending them out?

[Kaz] Will do that then, a letter to Willem, asking for any information. Right away, as soon as we got home and decisions were made.

[Kaz] A messenger and Rhys could go together, messenger comes back alone.

[BOB] and to confirm that for everyone, you are being scryed at least once a day that you know of by someone you trust, so you are not taking any precautions about any other scrying attempts on you

[BOB] ok on Messenger and Rhys

[Hansie (to BOB only)] I'll try to get Christy to login when she gets home. She's at karate right now with all the kids. She's been very busy with her literature courses and we're very excited about her starting her master's degree in January. We're pumped! In about a year, she should start making some money... Woo-hoo!

[Kaz] Okay, and I have to go get Guy from work. Will be back soonest.

[BOB (to Hansie only)] very cool!

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] what precausions could we take

[BOB] I do not know

[BOB] wards, blocks, etc

[john2] go to the underdark

[BOB] grins

[Hansie] "My prayers, sword and armor are all the precaution I need."

[john2] I will keep an eye out for liam and wink at him if I see him

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percival (Hansie)] (whoops)

[Percival (Hansie)] "My prayers, sword and armor are all the precaution I need."

[Percival (Hansie)] (I like how Mike chats, with his icon up and quotation marks)

[BOB] ok so now you are at the edge of the city

[BOB] there are several vendors selling water tight wraps for weapons

[Percival (Hansie)] "Oh, and let me not forget my trusty steed and my shield (sometimes)"

[BOB] and continual light rocks

[BOB] NO FLAME is stenciled on several signs

[Hansie] love those continual light rocks...

[BOB] Lord J reminds the group

[BOB] that any fire making materials will be confiscated by teh watch

[mikE] i'll get wraps for everything i need

[Hansie (to BOB only)] Yes, please remind me of whatever it is that I need to know.

[Hansie] brb

[Kit (john2)] does that include me?

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] and anyone caught with any fire spells or magic items is subject to punishment up to drowning

[BOB] wry grins see what happens when you try to enter the city

[Kit (john2)] whispers:: what about having the ablity to berath fire?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Lady Kit

[Kit (john2)] HA!

[Kit (john2)] Lady

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I would hope that they will allow you to enter the city

[Kit (john2)] ::bends over laughing::

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I do think they will only muzzle you when you enter

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] that is what they typically do for other fire breathing creatures

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kit (john2)] do I look like I breathe fire?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] you are very dragon like

[Percival (Hansie)] "That will be a serious problem. Let's avoid that altogether. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble, Lady Kit."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I am sure the guards will have an issue with that

[Percival (Hansie)] "This might be a place that almost might be expecting such a one as you."

[Percival (Hansie)] (2 mights in one sentence? I'm losing my mind. It's obviously been a long week)

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] they are very very stringent

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] No Flame is the defacto motto

[Kit (john2)] you would think a place so close to water would not have as much an issue

[Percival (Hansie)] "Even the appearance of dragon-ness might be enough to raise suspicions."

[Percival (Hansie)] "In a place such as this."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] actually Lady Kit it is becuase of all the water

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] almost 90% of the city is built of wood over the water

[Percival (Hansie)] "You know I respect the law, and I can see why this place requires just such a law."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] any fire would quickly destroy large parts of the city

[Percival (Hansie)] "I'll bet many young people here are good at 2 things:"

[Percival (Hansie)] "#1-Swimming"

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I have heard that as much as 20% of the people actually live below water level

[Percival (Hansie)] "#2-Identifying and Fighting fires"

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] in water proofed rooms

[Finglas (mikE)] "Identifying fire is hardly a skill."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I typically just put my items in a guard locked chest

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and then retrieve them when I am on board ship

[Percival (Hansie)] "Identifying possible *sources* of fire, that is."

[Percival (Hansie)] "Identifying hazardous flammable materials, perhaps."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Sir Percival, are you going to give up your sword or your shield?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and what of you Anterias?

[Percival (Hansie)] "Identifying *people* who might bring fire, magical or otherwise."

[Percival (Hansie)] "It's partially because they are always looking for it."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] You will not be allowed to have more than one piece of metal

[Finglas (mikE)] we have to give up all weapons?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] if you have two you could create a spark

[Percival (Hansie)] oh, brother.

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] not all weapons

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I keep my sword

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and I use a club with it instead of my other sword

[Finglas (mikE)] this place is gay

[Finglas (mikE)] maybe if they didn't build a stupid city, they wouldn't need stupid laws

[Kit (john2)] How do they stop mages?

[Percival (Hansie)] "I will change into my leather armor and only bring one sword."

[Finglas (mikE)] i wonder if we can wake the sea god kylia was in the egg of and have it swamp this whole place.

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] the guard does sell locks for chests

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Sir Finglas that is exactly why they are so stringent

[Percival (Hansie)] "We have to decide who is staying outside the city and who is going into the city."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] when the city was rebuilt after the second cateclysm

[Finglas (mikE)] aren't we going on a boat?

[Kit (john2)] we will be mostlikly leaving from a diffrent way

[Finglas (mikE)] why would anyone stay?

[Percival (Hansie)] "Apparently, it would be best for Lady Kit to remain out here." ::pointing in general direction away from the city::

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I intended to book passage on a ship

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] but that was before you all joined me

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I was goign to have my retinue wait outisde of the city for me

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] after they escorted me to my berth

[Kit (john2)] I can deal with a little restraint, maybe get a lease for Val

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] do you have a map of this that you can show us what's going on?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB) (to Hansie only)] of the great trade route yes, of Seagate city no, of the Island Kingdoms nearby yes just a sec

[Kit (john2)] leash?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)]

[Kit (john2)] for Val to hold

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)]

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)]

[Percival (Hansie)] so this is Bob's way of making us go through this and only this city in order to accomplish the objectives of this adventure. hmmm...

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)]

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] actually I did not think you were going through this city at all, you normally just teleport to where you want to go

[Kit (john2)] or pool

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] but no one researched the where, and now you just spent over a month on the Great Trade Route traveling here

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] without Arilyn Kylia or Keith you do not have your normal teleport abilities

[Kit (john2)] Lord Jocuin knows where he is going

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] nods

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and he is taking you the standard route all none magic users take

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] that last link for the Great Trade Route shows how far you have some, some thousand miles

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] from Wolfspack at the top to Seagate at the bottom

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] then the Island King Group B map shows the local islands you need to start inviestigating

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and the Ten Kingdoms

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] that are the original Island Kingdoms

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] part of the old Manetho Empire

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] grins, see how I weave things from the far past and the recent past all back into your present for you

[Percival (Hansie)] Okay. So we can put our metal armor into locked chests.

[Percival (Hansie)] "Okay. So we can put our metal armor into locked chests."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] or sacks, etc. the guard sells magical locks

[Kit (john2)] and extra weaponds

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] and enclosures for you

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] they will even transport thigns for you

[Percival (Hansie)] "And we have to muzzle you, Lady Kit. Perhaps there is a stylish way to do that."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] all for a price of course

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] they will want to know about Anterias also

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] are you prepared for that?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Mike? John? Hans? ready to meet the guards?

[Finglas (mikE)] sure

[Kit (john2)] (i live or it)

[Percival (Hansie)] "Maybe his one piece of metal that he takes is the helmet that he will wear."

[Percival (Hansie)] "The helmet would disguise the dragon-ish features of Anterias' face."

[Percival (Hansie)] Wait, Bob.

[BOB] I am

[BOB] plan and figure out how you will answer their questions

[BOB] there will be a test grins

[Percival (Hansie)] Do we all have to go in there just to find transportation? Maybe just a few of us should go. I can see this as a lot of opportunity to get into trouble.

[Percival (Hansie)] We would almost be lightning rods if you will.

[Kit (john2)] (how long does Lord J expect to be in town?

[BOB] overnight at the most

[BOB] but that was when he planed on just purchasing a passage

[Kit (john2)] (and his crew is waiting outside?)

[BOB] his retinue is waiting outside the city for his return

[Percival (Hansie)] "Anyone who has firebreathing or fire magic or fire-making items should stay outside."

[Percival (Hansie)] "And we will come back once we find passage to the island where we are going."

[Kit (john2)] (his return will be weeks or months?)

[BOB] he had planned on months

[BOB] if by the fall solstist he has not returned

[BOB] then the are to start a search

[Percival (Hansie)] "Once we find passage, then we will escort everyone swiftly and safely through the town so as not to arouse the ire of the town guard."

[Percival (Hansie)] "How does that sound?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Percival, I order you to stay outside and guard Lord Jocquin's retinue."

[Percival (Hansie)] (and when we have Arilyn or other mages, we have teleport and fly, etc."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Anything could happen outside the gates."

[Percival (Hansie)] "I would gladly do that, Finglas."

[Percival (Hansie)] "They should be protected."

[Finglas (mikE)] "At the last hold we stopped at I heard one of the farmers speaking of bandits."

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nods::

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] thank you very much Sir Percival

[Percival (Hansie)] "The town guard can keep everybody safe in the town. I will help keep everyone safe out here."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] my own leitenet should be more than enough but if you are willing to stay that would be appreciated

[Finglas (mikE)] "Val, take to the skies. Look for my signal. Or Percivals if there is trouble."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] we may be gone for months, are you sure you want to spend that much time away from your companions?

[Finglas (mikE)] "You'll be our link to each other."

[Kit (john2)] whispers to Fin: are we looking for Liam?

[Finglas (mikE)] "We'll get him in before we leave."

[Percival (Hansie)] Okay, I think I need to reiterate.

[Percival (Hansie)] I think a select group should go into the city and find passage.

[Finglas (mikE)] "We all are going with you Jocquin, to Blue Gill's lair one final time."

[Percival (Hansie)] Then we will safely and quickly escort everybody to the ship once we are ready to *leave* the city.

[Percival (Hansie)] I'm saying that all of us walking around the city is bad news. And you all know that.

[Percival (Hansie)] Percival can stay outside the city while the rest of you go look for passage. I'll stay with Kit and anybody who wants to carry around fire magic, like Arilyn.

[Finglas (mikE)] "I want Anterias with me in case of trouble."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Kit, do as you wish."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I was going to book passage to Borinquen then decide from there what to do

[Kit (john2)] (BOB, what are the chances of the boat waiting for those outside the city?)

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] it should be a voyage of about a week or two, depending on teh weather, the early summer there are not many storms

[Percival (Hansie)] brb

[Hansie] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] (John, you pay they will do anything you want)

[Kit (john2)] How much did you bring Fin?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] we need to keep to the east as much as possible,

[Kit (john2)] I need to stay with val,er except for the flying

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Hilltorn is not a stopping point I wish to see again

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)]

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] how quicky did you wish to travel?

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] we can hire a mage's vessel if you have the funds

[Finglas (mikE)] "If we have to wait for an equinox to get to Blue Gill, we need not hurry."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] they can travel against the currents easier than the sailing ships and far easier than the oared vessels

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] at Borinque we will find almost as many ships as we will here at Seagate, so we can take the more sure route to there first

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I have had much success with the sailing ships in this area

[Kit (john2)] let's hope your luck continues

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well, here you are the expert."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I claim no expertise, only experience

[Kit (john2)] ::follows::

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Ok

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Welcome Strangers

[Finglas (mikE)] "Afternoon."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Welcome to Seagate, home of the greatest adventurers in the world

[Kit (john2)] good day kind sir

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] you are looking to enter our fair city I presume?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Greatest, eh? Sounds impressive."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Yes."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it is the people that make the city great Sir

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I am sure you know most of our rules if you visited any of the inns on the way into the city

[Finglas (mikE)] "We heard about the fire ban."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] just beyond there, he points to a two foot tall stone wall

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] there is NO FLAME

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] he intones the motto ingrained from birth

[Kit (john2)] Understood

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] he holds out a rod to you

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] offering it to Kit first

[Kit (john2)] Soory, you want me to hold it?

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] yes please

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it is a truth rod

[Kit (john2)] ::takes it::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it will incinerate you if you tell a lie while holding it

[Kit (john2)] that seems extreem

[Finglas (mikE)] "Oh the irony."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] smiles at Finglas,

[Hansie] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglas (mikE)] "And hyppocricy."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it seems a fittign punishment

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] if you are caught with a flame inside the city you will be drowned

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] so outside it seems appropriate

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] do you wish to enter teh city? looking at Kit

[Percival (Hansie)] "Please only tell the truth, everybody."

[Kit (john2)] yes

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] what is your anme

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] name

[Kit (john2)] Kit

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] who do you swear alligence to ?

[Finglas (mikE)] ::coughs lightly::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] (they are not keeping any notes like they do in Wolfspack, they are only asking questions)

[Kit (john2)] I do not see how that has anything to do with entering your city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we ask so that we know if you are telling the truth

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] there are many factions of thieves, cutthroats, and other scondrels in the city

[Kit (john2)] I thought that is what the rod is for

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] you are free to associate with any of them

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] iswear aligeance to any of the guilds you will tell us

[Kit (john2)] I swear no alligence to anyone in your city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] but who do you swear alligeance to?

[Finglas (mikE)] ::nudges her::

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] back, and catching up

[Kit (john2)] I have sworn to serve Lady Kylia

[Finglas (mikE)] "Really? Still?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] very well

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Do you have any means of creating a flame?

[Kit (john2)] It is a natural ablity for me to breathe fire

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I see

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] he looks at his other guards

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we will need to stop that while you are in the city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] hmmm

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Can you breathe without air?

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] I was going to stay outside if Kit was going to stay outside.

[Firewatch Guard (BOB) (to Hansie only)] ok

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] But since she's obviously *not*, I'll be going in as well.

[Kit (john2)] no

Guy] has joined the game on Fri Nov 13 20:52:42 EST 2009

Guy] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Guy] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Firewatch Guard (BOB) (to Hansie only)] understood, if christy shows up it might all be moot if you see what Lord J said about where he wants to go anyway

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] nods and asks for a moent

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] takes the rod back

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] consults with the other guards

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] then comes back

[Percival (Hansie)] oh boy.

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Miss ?? Kit

[Percival (Hansie)] ::waiting for the shoe to drop, as it were::

[Kit (john2)] Kit is fine

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] hands you back the rod

[Kit (john2)] ::takes it::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we would prefer to not make you wear a muzzle

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it seems rude for someone of your intelligence

[Kit (john2)] as would I

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] would you wear a clear helmet instead?

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it would have air holes for you to breath

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] and if you do breath flame into it it will fill will water

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] drowning you

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] Okay this isn't so bad.

[Kit (john2)] is it big enough?

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we have several sizes, we typically use them for other... beasts... but I hesitate to force you to keep your mouth closed in a muzzle, you should be allowed to speak

[Kit (john2)] I trust the firewatch

[Finglas (mikE)] "What if she expells all her fire outside, here?"

[Percival (Hansie) (to john2 only)] This isn't so bad.

[Finglas (mikE)] "She will then be incapable of breathing fire."

[Kit (john2)] I can handle this Sir Fin

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] she could be in the city for years

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well how are you going to eat with a helm on?"

[Kit (john2)] Only for a day, they need more assurances clearly

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] she can visit the watch to have it removed temporarily

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we are spread throughout the city

[Percival (Hansie)] ::beaming with pride at how the dragon-kin is handling herself under pressure::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] never very far away

[Percival (Hansie)] "We understand your rules are for your particular circumstances and we respect them."

[Kit (john2)] For Lady Kylia, I will

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] very well

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] he sends one of the other watchmen to go fetch the helmet

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] he walks up to kit

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] looks at her head, nods, then takes off

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] the guard then looks at Anterias

[Finglas (mikE)] ::glances at Percival:: "Didn't I ask you to stay over there with the guards?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] takes teh rod from Kit and offers it to him

[Antarias (mikE)] ::takes it::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] do you wish to enter the city

[Percival (Hansie)] "I was staying with Lady Kit, Priest. She didn't seem to want to stay with the guards for whatever reason."

[Antarias (mikE)] "Yes."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] what is your name?

[Kaz] What is your quest?

[Kaz] what is your favourite colour?

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] (grins)

[Antarias (mikE)] "Anterias."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] who do you swear alligiance to?

[Antarias (mikE)] "Finglas Galwythe."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Do you have any means of creating a flame?

[Antarias (mikE)] "Yes."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] You are a dragon breed?

[Antarias (mikE)] "Yes."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] do you wish to have a helmet like Miss Kit?

[Antarias (mikE)] "To be honest, no."

[Percival (Hansie)] (not particularly, I'm sure)

[Antarias (mikE)] "And since I am supposed to be honest..."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] nods, I understand that, do you have a suggestion for an alternative?

[Antarias (mikE)] "I will expell my breath and sleep overnight in a watch house, to safely do so again on the morrow."

[Antarias (mikE)] "You have my word."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] nods, I understand that, but we can not permit that

[Antarias (mikE)] "And since I am holding this thing, either you trust me, or this is just a plain stick."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we know you intend that with all your honesty

[Antarias (mikE)] "Curious. So you do not trust your own security measures."

[Percival (Hansie)] "He has a point there, Firewatch Guard."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] but we can not trust that someone will not provoke you

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] or cause you harm in the city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we are the Firewatch

[Antarias (mikE)] "Percival, please be silent. I will deal with this matter."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] the other guards are not always as proficient at their own protections

[Antarias (mikE)] ::chuckles:: "I haven't breathed flame in over a year. I usually just stab them to death>"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it would not surprise me to have soneone entice you to stay overnight

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] so you could use your breath on an enemy

[Antarias (mikE)] "If there is no other way, I will wear your helmet, I suppose."

[Percival (Hansie) (to BOB only)] I'm gonna get going. You guys have a good night-

Hansie] has left the game on Fri Nov 13 21:04:04 EST 2009

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] (Jo-ann is here telling the story about how Bobby Flay cooked her food when she was in NY)

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] wow that was fast Hans

[Kit (john2)] ooooo aaaaaa

[Antarias (mikE)] "But I would really like to find some other way than an embarissing helmet liek that."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] and Sir Antarias I wodl appreciate it if you could please

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] if you were staying the city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I could giive you this amulet

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it it quite effective

[Antarias (mikE)] "What does that do?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] any flame within 10 feet of it

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] causes it and all things in ten feet to convert to water

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] but I am not sure you wish that

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] as you are not staying here

[Antarias (mikE)] "All things? Including people?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] yes

[Kit (john2)] what happens if someone breakes the helment?

[Antarias (mikE)] "That does not seem safe at all."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] the helmets will not break

[Kit (john2)] whew

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] the amulets are very effective,

[Kit (john2)] must have cost a fortune

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] as anyone seeing it will be very sure to not have any flame or they will be turned to water also

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] chuckles at Kit

[Antarias (mikE)] "Again, in all honesty, your security measures seem... lacking. If we had more time I'm sure I could be of service, but we are only arranging for a ship."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] the Firewatches protections are worth a smaller kingdom's random

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] ransom

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] but we are most stringent because we know the importance fo it

[Antarias (mikE)] "Just give me one of your helmets, then."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] very well

[Finglas (mikE)] "And how do you treat visiting dignitaries and diplomats who have the ability to create fire?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] they do not enter the city unless they also follow our strictures

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] (any need to make you all walk through the rest of this)

[Finglas (mikE)] "I am Finglas Galwythe, priest of Solonor Thelandira, ruler of the elven city of Greenborough, and leader of the DragonSlayers."

[Kit (john2)] (what happends with Fin?)

[Guy] other than the sheer fun of watching mike get annoyed lol

[Finglas (mikE)] "I plan to enter your city and I can conjure all manner of fire by my god given powers."

[Kit (john2)] (do they take away his holy symbol?)

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Sir Finglas

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] you may not conjure any flame inside of the city

[Finglas (mikE)] "What do you plan on doing to me?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] or use any

[Finglas (mikE)] "Very well."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I will give you this amulet

[Finglas (mikE)] "No."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] you must

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] how else can we guard?

[Finglas (mikE)] "And let an assassin light a fire near me and kill me?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Well, considering I can conjure a storm to blow apart these wooden buildings, I can call up the seas to swamp them, I can call down lightning, summon monsters, warp the very wood of your foundations..."

[Finglas (mikE)] "I don't think that my fire spells are actually the most destructive to your city."

[Kit (john2)] they only care about the fire

[Finglas (mikE)] "I should be honest, should I not?"

[Antarias (mikE)] "See? Poor planning."

[Antarias (mikE)] "My mentor told me of the seven P's. Propper prior planning prevents piss poor performance."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] we do care about these things Sir Finglas and I appreciate your honesty in pointing out your power

[Finglas (mikE)] "ON the other hand, I am a peaceful person, and can extinguish flames."

[Finglas (mikE)] "But I will not wear an amulet others can use against me."

[Finglas (mikE)] "That would be the height of foolishness."

[Kit (john2)] (peacefull?)

[Finglas (mikE)] how big of a city is it?

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] (about a mile or two across)

[Finglas (mikE)] "What else do you suggest?"

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] honestly not entering teh city Sir Finglas

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] if you fear for your life already

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] then when you interact with the guilds

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I am sure that you will incite further violence

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] and your fears might very well come true

[Finglas (mikE)] "I only fear for my life if rediculous magic items are forced on me."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] We are the Firewatch, we can not protect you inside of the city except from flame

[Finglas (mikE)] "I can take care of myself just fine."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Then you are quite useless as guards."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Why do they even pay you?"

[Finglas (mikE)] "Jocquin."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] smiles, only if you do not value protection from Flame

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I fully understand your opinion Sir Finglas, many have it

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] and we do not force you to enter the city or take our protections

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] it is just the way we protect the city for those that do enter

[Finglas (mikE)] "Oh stop prattling. I'd rather not have a head ache while I deal with your inane stupidity."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] smiles

[Finglas (mikE)] "I swear, I try to be nice, and everyone insists on being stupid."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] protective,

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] not stupid

[Finglas (mikE)] "Gods, i could destroy your city several times over, and you quivel about the weakest of my schools. Jocquin,"

[Finglas (mikE)] ::raises an eyebrow::

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] Yes Lord Finglas?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Would you go in and secure passage for all of us, please? I'm sure you can appriciate my position in this quest."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] I would be glad to do so Sir Finglas

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] but how will you reach the ship?

[Finglas (mikE)] ::smiles:: "Just return to us when you have news. I'll have a way by then."

[Lord Jocquin (BOB)] ok

[Finglas (mikE)] "Kit, go or stay as you wish. Jocquin, remember to keep your eyes on the sky." ::winks::

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] I will Sir Finglas

[Kit (john2)] where will Val be, or Ant for that matter?

[Finglas (mikE)] "Anterias stays with me."

[Finglas (mikE)] "He was willing to play by their rules, I am not."

[Finglas (mikE)] "When Blue Gill comes for this city, I will not be defenceless."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] Laughs, Blue Gill is a story sailors tell to scare the new recruits

[Finglas (mikE)] ::glaces over his shoulder at it:: "He just might burn it down to the waterline anyway."

[Finglas (mikE)] "Oh really?"

[Finglas (mikE)] ::smiles a thin smile, a cold glint in his eye:: "You keep telling yourself that so you can sleep at night."

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] brb restoom

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Finglas (mikE)] ::walks away, back to Jocquin's guard:: "Foolish."

[john2] Guy, you want Liam to join "us"

[Guy] i was gonna wait and ask bob just what all ive learned

[john2] Mike if the plan is for you not to go on the boat, then Kit will find Liam and join you outside the city

[Finglas (mikE)] we're all going.

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm just gonna magic us a way onto the boat without going through the city.

[Finglas (mikE)] fuck their rules.

[Finglas (mikE)] maybe as we leave we can lob some fire at them

[john2] so I still need to find Liam? how much time will I have?

[Finglas (mikE)] i don't know. do you?

[Finglas (mikE)] i wasn't here for that plan

[john2] plan,what plan?

[john2] we know he is here

[john2] or was

[john2] i guss I will look while there but keep with Lord J

[Finglas (mikE)] bob, how far can a ship sail from the shore?

[Finglas (mikE)] i'm looking at 200 yards

[Kaz] Mike, the better revenge plan would be to have Finglas create a huge storm or giant wave that engulfs the city. Give them more to worry about than just fire.

[john2] you forget, he is a peaceful man

[Kaz] Although you know Moirra would seriously advise against such an action. It'll come back to bite us, in the end, if you do it.

[Kaz] Oh, yeah. Peaceful.

[Kaz] Riiiiiiight.

[Finglas (mikE)] meh

[Finglas (mikE)] it can kiss my ass for all that.

[john2] the rod thinks so

[Finglas (mikE)] sending a gale at them would be fun.

[Finglas (mikE)] fin can take perfect calm and whip it up into a gale of over 100mph as i recall

[Kaz] It's awfully short-sighted of them to worry only about one thing.

[john2] they may have a gale watch

[Finglas (mikE)] that would tear shit up like no body's business

[john2] Weather Watchers

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] back

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[Finglas (mikE)] oh hell, with one water walk fin can get the whole party. lol

[Finglas (mikE)] we can just walk to the ship.

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] they are used to hurricanes remember

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] teh gulf streams brings them right up to the city

[Firewatch Guard (BOB)] and gettign to the ship will depend on your captain

[BOB] and where he will go etc.

[BOB] so who is going into the city,

[BOB] fin is staying out

[john2] Kit

[BOB] Kit and Ant going in?

[BOB] with the helmets ?

[john2] sounds like just Kit and Lord J

[BOB] ok

[BOB] Mike is that right?

[john2] two Lylia kiss ups

[john2] Kylia

[Finglas (mikE)] no....

[BOB] and Guy sorry I did not get to you earlier

[Finglas (mikE)] ant isn't going in

[BOB] you are on a ship by the way

[Finglas (mikE)] he stays with fin

[BOB] you did get hired on as a boarding guard

[BOB] to help fend off pirates

[Guy] cool

[Finglas (mikE)] so bob, i asked how close to shore ships can sail?

[BOB] I said it depends on your captain

[BOB] an great one can get very close

[Finglas (mikE)] okay, well i'm planning on just having everyone water walk out to a ship, rather than walk through the city

[Finglas (mikE)] one water walk will last 12 turns, and affect 7 people

[BOB] how long will that last?

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] you have less than 7 right?

[john2] that need to walk

[Finglas (mikE)] yup yup

[BOB] but 120 rounds of 6 movement for your slowest person?

[Finglas (mikE)] well, i can cast it more than once.

[BOB] or are you planning on not having Moirra around for that part of the journey?

[Finglas (mikE)] when we're closing on two hours, recast for another two hours

[Finglas (mikE)] isnt' she at roadhaven?

[BOB] right now yes

[john2] yes

[BOB] ok then

[BOB] so Lord J and Kit go hire a boat

[BOB] you are all ok with him hiring a sailing captain

[john2] he understand Fin's plan?

[BOB] will be more expensive than a ship that is crewed by rowers

[john2] Fin will pay him back

[john2] brb

[BOB] Fin's plan is to hire a boat get them to sail near the coast outside fo the city, have the rest of the group water walk out to it

[BOB] so Lord J needs to know how many berths to book passage for

[BOB] and who those people will be

[Finglas (mikE)] well have him book one for moirra and kylia as well

[BOB] tingles

[Finglas (mikE)] and hopefully they'll join the group someday

[BOB] really!

[Finglas (mikE)] shrug

[Finglas (mikE)] we can hope

[Kaz] Moirra is just waiting for the various signals from Liam and Anterias

[BOB] Liam is on a sailing boat

[BOB] a merchant ship

[BOB] trading cotton from the northern islands to the south

[BOB] and spices from the south to the north

[BOB] they plan on being gone for 6 months

[Guy] im on a boat lol

[Finglas (mikE)] with your flippy floppies?

[BOB] they are on the western side of the islands near Borinquen right now

[BOB] and sailing to the southwest

[BOB] he has about a week's head start on the rest of the group


[Guy] sorry couldnt resist lol be warned its not edited

[BOB] so John Kit is following Lord J's lead in hiring the ship?

[BOB] how many berths do you want to book?

[BOB] Kit, Lord J, Fin, Ant, Percy, Val, Liam, Moirra, Kylia, and?

[BOB] Arilyn?

[john2] can I get paid for guard duty?

[BOB] and?

[BOB] depends

[john2] why do we pay for Liam, we have no idea if or when we will see him

[Finglas (mikE)] we can work as guards if it'll pay for our trip

[BOB] no clue

[BOB] it will again depend on your captain, if that is a condition of your booking passage Lord J will take that into consideration

[BOB] but most captains will expect all hands on deck to defend the ship no matter what

[john2] are we paying per room? becuase Morria can bunk with me and val

[Finglas (mikE)] well he can mention fin's priesthood

[Finglas (mikE)] he can do things on a ship no normal crew can

[Finglas (mikE)] plus, we're uber guards

[BOB] ten berths? or are you wanting more?

[Finglas (mikE)] fin'll tell him to really milk their skills

[BOB] ten?

[BOB] more?

[BOB] it matters based on ship size

[john2] i do not think so

[BOB] you do not think so what?

[BOB] you guys need to make some choices

[BOB] so I can move forward

[john2] I count eight, and that is expecting

[john2] we can deal with any more if and when it happends

[BOB] ant val fin kit percy arilyn

[BOB] lord J

[BOB] liam kylia moirra

[BOB] that is ten

[john2] why do we need to book a room for Liam when we have no idea if or when he will join us?

[BOB] that is what I am asking

[Guy] why count liam yeah what he said lol

[BOB] are you planing on him coming back?

[BOB] or is he gone for this part of the adventure

[BOB] you are trying to reach Borinquen first

[BOB] then another ship from there

[Guy] i thought that was the plan?

[Guy] liam was going ahead to try and get as much info as possible

[john2] I did not know that Liam knew where we were going, If he found out we will try and meet up

[Kaz] So why can't we hold off on booking a berth for Liam until we know if they'll all meet up?

[Kaz] Liam doesn't even know they left Roadhaven.

[Kaz] He left the day before you guys did.

[BOB] I am just asking how many you are looking to book

[BOB] I am laying out the maximum for you as I see it

[BOB] but do not want to make choices for you

[Guy] id say not to include liam for now

[john2] i said eight

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so 8 is enough

[BOB] and moving on

[BOB] Lord J finds a captain willing to take on 8 passengers as long as they are willing to contribute to defending the ship, he is sailing to Borinquen and beyond, and is willing to go the day out of his way to pick up the passengers off shore

[john2] good job LJ

[Finglas (mikE)] wewt

[BOB] it will cost 1,000 GP for the trip overall

[BOB] Finglas has said previously he would pay for such things

[john2] that what I heard

[BOB] and if Fin does pay then we can BLIP forward to the time on Borinquen

[Finglas (mikE)] wow. is that normal price?

[BOB] no that is higher, because you must be smugglers to not want the city watch to know you are booking passage ona ship

[BOB] but it will get you to Borinquen with no problems

[Finglas (mikE)] how much is it normally?

[BOB] 500 gp or so for the 8 slots

[Finglas (mikE)] eh, only twice as much. okay.

[BOB] ok so we click off the time to put everyone at Borinquen?

[Finglas (mikE)] uh, sure.

[Finglas (mikE)] so we've been travelling for a month+ and no encounters?

[john2] nothing intresting happens?

[BOB] this is one of the most heavily traveled parts of the Island Kingdoms

[BOB] lots of encounters,

[BOB] but a well guarded ship so no problems

[BOB] Liam on the other hand

[BOB] ........

[Guy] yes?

[BOB] if the rest are done?

[BOB] Guy has been waiting almost patiently

[john2] done

[Guy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (lol)

[BOB] so to recap the rest of the group is now staying on the island of Borinquen, you are booking into an Inn on a mountain side, you have a nice view of one of the harbors and Lord J is workign with you on figuring out the next step

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((i knew this was going to be a waiting time because of my idea))

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 16 Mid ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 16th, 1260.

[john2] this game is all if's

[BOB] it is now the 16-4-1260 and you are on Borinquen

[BOB] and The Missing Island story arc page is updated to this point

[BOB] now to Liam

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((whos on a boat lol))

[BOB] Liam appears in Seagate on 18-2-1260

[BOB] he takes a week or so to get acclimated, and find work on a ship heading into the prime shipping lanes where he thinks the most peopel will be, and perhaps the most encounters

[john2] i thought he was getting information?

[BOB] he is trying

[BOB] that is how

[BOB] he asked about the docks etc for blue Gill

[BOB] gets told that it is a legend for the most part

[BOB] but some say it is based on facts

[BOB] of a shauagin prince who hunts human ships

[BOB] Liam does find work as a guard on board a fast trader

[BOB] a small sailing vessel that takes small bulk goods around the islands

[BOB] going south there is not much

[BOB] so they are taking a load of cotten bales

[BOB] but they are planning on picking up spices

[BOB] that were harvested in teh spring

[BOB] now it is mid summer

[john2] when you say human ships, you mean ships run by humans?

[BOB] so they are dried and ready to ship else where

[BOB] yes to John

[john2] isn't Ozz human

[BOB] yes

[BOB] but as you saw above Blue Gill is not human

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((or does he just pretend to be?))

[BOB] according to legend

[john2] what is a shauagin?

[Kaz] It's a fish man

[Kaz] thingy

[Kaz] ...

[john2] ok, go on

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((its an ocean equivalent of a lizard man))

[Kaz] Think... Creature of the Black Lagoon?

[Kaz] ...ish

[john2] good enough for me

[Kaz] :D

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((real friendly with shark totally hated by sea elves and totally hating sea elves))

[BOB] so Liam sails off

[BOB] gets into a small skirmish near Hiltorn

[BOB] in port

[BOB] and outside of port

[BOB] and again

[Kaz] LOL!! Guy is flexing.

[BOB] finally the captain shakes the pirates

[BOB] and makes for open waters

[BOB] gets out and makes the first drop

[BOB] then the second

[BOB] the third week into sailing however a huge storm comes up

[BOB] rips off the mast

[BOB] and the ship flounders for a bit

[BOB] untill another ship finds them

[BOB] unfortunately it is a pirate ship

[BOB] the captain of the ship is executed first thing

[BOB] the rest of the crew is given a choice

[BOB] join in the pirate crew

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((rofl this is almost like good news bad news)))

[john2] arrrrrr

[BOB] or stay on teh existing ship

[BOB] with a new pirate captain

[BOB] and maybe live to see a new port

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] Ill join the pirate crew

[BOB] ok

[BOB] good choice as the second in command of the pirate ship takes over the new ship

[BOB] the pirate captain

[BOB] then turns his ship around after sailign away for a short bit,

[BOB] and SLAMS it into a broadside of the ship sinking it

[BOB] and the remaining crew

[Finglas (mikE)] i've gotta get going. too tired. night all.

[john2] ttfn

[BOB] night Mike

[Kaz] Night Mike

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((night mike))

[Finglas (mikE)] good luck with the piracy guy. =P

mikE] has left the game on Fri Nov 13 22:26:53 EST 2009

[BOB] so Liam is now a pirate

[BOB] and as one of the four new crew members you are being watched

[john2] That's Eagle eye to you and me

[BOB] this is about 4 weeks into your solo travels

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] i figured i would be watched


[john2] arrr there be eyes all arround you

[BOB] for the timeline of what has happened so far

[BOB] and for Moirra's information as well

[Kaz] *noddity*

[BOB] refresh as I just fixed the formatting there

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((thats a good thing isnt it?))

[BOB] I guess so

[BOB] so Liam is part of the crew now

[BOB] and the Pirate Red Fish sees a new ship on the horizon

[BOB] he gets his priest to cast a spell

[BOB] to see what is in their holds

[BOB] Pepper

[BOB] sealed in ten gallon barrels

[BOB] a dozen of them

[BOB] is worth well over 5,000 Gp or more

[john2] that's a priest spell?

[BOB] (magic font, grins)

[BOB] he looks at the group

[BOB] are you ready to earn your keep?

[BOB] looking at Liam

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] aye

[BOB] the goods on that ship are worth more than both these ships combined

[BOB] ok

[BOB] we can not sink that ship

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] what about damaging their rudder?

[BOB] we need to take it in one piece, at least at first

[BOB] good plan Liam

[BOB] (or what name are you using?)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((using liam))

[BOB] can you swim?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] never learned

[BOB] so bad plan then

[BOB] how abotu lighting their sails on fire?

[BOB] you good with that bow?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] give me room and ill show you just how good

[BOB] I want you to use an arrow or two to light their sails on fire

[BOB] while they are putting it out

[BOB] we will sail along side and board them

[BOB] they will know we are coming

[BOB] I hope you are good

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((is there a crows nest?

[BOB] you will get 1 chance (one round) to hit them before they get out of range if you miss

[BOB] (no)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (drat that would have made for a better shot))

Liam Dugan (Guy)] gets ready and set up for his shot

[BOB] ] Merchant Ship moved 60'02".

[BOB] there is an icon for you to target

[BOB] with teh correct AC

[BOB] you are at long rang so a -5 to your shot

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan moved 6'08".

[BOB] do you want me to adjust the AC of the target? or do you have that in your weapon effects already?

[Guy] Liam Dugan targets Merchant Ship. Distance: 117'05"

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((i have no clue to be honest might want to adjust the ac to be safe))

[BOB] ok

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] any chance of sailing closer?

[BOB] there you go

[BOB] one full round of attack on her

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Draigbwa: ((13-(d20+0))+2+0+-1) [1d20=9] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Merchant Ship (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Attack: Draigbwa: ((13-(d20+0))+2+0+-1) [1d20=18] -4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED]. PROBABLY HITS Merchant Ship (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[BOB] roll damage

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Damage v L: Draigbwa: ((d8)+1) [1d8=4] 5 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Merchant Ship

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ] Liam Dugan: Damage v L: Draigbwa: ((d8)+1) [1d8=3] 4 [ROLL WAS MODIFIED] added to: Merchant Ship

[BOB] the first was a miss and the crew is alerted

[BOB] the second is a direct hit

[BOB] and the upper sails catch on fire

[BOB] Red Fish follows along behind the burning ship

[BOB] then as they tear out the sails

[BOB] he comes up along side

[BOB] and sends over the grappling hooks

[BOB] to lash the two ships together

[BOB] hand to hand fighting

[BOB] (naratvie to speed things along)

[BOB] Liam takes out one of the other ships gaurds

[BOB] then makes it down to the hold

[BOB] (strength?)

[BOB] (how many pounds can you lift?)

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((max press is 195))

[BOB] ok, so Liam manages to wrestle one of the barrels up on deck

[BOB] and over to Red Fishes shipo

[BOB] others bring more

[BOB] then he cuts loose the lines as the fight starts to drag on

[BOB] and the ships separate

[BOB] Liam roll a percentage

[BOB] 80% you are on teh right shio (red Fishes) when it gets cut free

[BOB] 80 or lower

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] (1d100) [1d100=28] 28

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so you are on the pirate ship again

[BOB] watching the helpless merchant float off

[BOB] his crew tryign to recover and repair the ship

[BOB] you manged to bring over a total of (1d10) [1d10=1] 1 barrels of the pepper


[BOB] so Liam was the only one to have success

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((roflmao))

[Kaz] Ooh, so the Captain loves him now

[BOB] grins

[john2] it was a team effort

[BOB] and in the celebration afterwards

[BOB] Liam is promoted to Second mate

[Kaz] Ruh roh

[BOB] the day is 3-4-1260

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] ((hmmm not sure that is a good thing after what happened to the las one lol))

[BOB] and you are sailing southwest after more booty

[BOB] grins

[BOB] I will update the site with the propper year for SGR instead of TGR

[BOB] unless someone beats me to it

[BOB] I think this is a good spot to pause

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] cool

[BOB] Liam has a couple more weeks as part of the Pirate crew

[BOB] what color is he posting for Moirra to see the evening of the raid

[BOB] when he gets promoted?

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] since im on a ship blue

[BOB] what is that color for

[Kaz] Everything is okay

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] when we hit land and i can get space and time for myslef ill probably go green

[BOB] no colored ribbon for "I am a pirate now"

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] nope lol

[john2] it's how he wears it

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] its tied to my bow, and if anybody asks why i tell them its so i know which way the wind is blowing

[BOB] remember most o th etime your bow is wrapped up against the weather

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hmm then the colored ribbon will be whats holding the covering on

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so if anyone talks to christy or Lorie over the week

[BOB] or other ways of figuring otu what could happen with the rest of the group

[john2] or fritz?

[BOB] that will be a bigger leap

[BOB] as he still needs to come back from teh dead

[john2] he has weeks to do that

[BOB] weeks without the characters around to help him do that

[BOB] almost two full months have gone by now

[BOB] 6 weeks

[BOB] of constand scrying on your group

[Kaz] Moirra and Kylia are there, and he is in Deep Freeze

[john2] in one more Keith will be done

[BOB] nods at John

[BOB] the time line on the Missing Island story arc is up to date

[BOB] to Liam getting Second Mate

[john2] good night all

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] hehehe

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night john

[Kaz] Night John

john2] has left the game on Fri Nov 13 23:02:58 EST 2009

[Kaz] Well, it's just Kylia and Fin that are the targets, isn't it?

[Kaz] I mean, would Keith be a target? He's not Paul any more.

[BOB] Moirra is

[BOB] Wilson

[BOB] Brad

[Kaz] I thought you said it was the leaders

[BOB] all the mains plus second in commands

[BOB] Kit

[BOB] and as they watch who is hanging out with who

[BOB] they can see who else to watch

[BOB] Liam gets "pinged" every day

[BOB] so he would not know if it is only Moirra or others looking for him

[BOB] Moirra would know that no one should be looking for her

[Kaz] But does he get pinged more than once a day, that's the question?

[BOB] Finglas is getting pinged

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] why would liam be getting pinged?

[BOB] that is the issue

[BOB] Moirra is looking for Liam

[BOB] make a save versus spell and you know she is looking at you, fail it and you do not know she is

[Kaz] So?

[Kaz] but a person would know they're being pinged?

[BOB] Finglas knows he will get looked at

[BOB] nope

[BOB] unless you make your save

[Kaz] How would he know to make a save?

[BOB] anytime you want to make one you do

[BOB] and I tell you if somone is looking at you

[BOB] grins

[BOB] and or when someone is actively searching for you

[BOB] and you get some sort of effect at you THROUGH the scrying

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] why would anybody but moira be pinging liam?

[Kaz] Hrm, is there some way to set up an "alarm"?

[BOB] there are blocking spells

[BOB] and other things yes

[Kaz] Personally, I don't think anyone would know enough to ping Liam, because he's not been with the group much (above ground)

[BOB] nods

[BOB] I agree

[BOB] was only 2 days

[BOB] then he was gone

[BOB] lots to plot and plan on the site during the week

[BOB] grins

[Kaz] :)

[Kaz] I'm going to log out of here, now, then.

[BOB] night guys

[Kaz] Later gators!

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Nov 13 23:10:58 EST 2009

[Liam Dugan (Guy)] night

Guy] has left the game on Fri Nov 13 23:11:20 EST 2009