Main / Nov1717c

Nov 17 17 - A River Runs Through It

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 17 18:28:03 EST 2017 ====

John A has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 18:53:47 EST 2017

John A is receiving the map Overland travel...

John A has received the map Overland travel.

[Master] Hello

[John A] HEY

[John A] what is new with you

[Master] I am alive

[John A] that is not new is it?

[John A] or did you have a close call

[Master] tomorrow I am working the Story Book Festival the last day of 16 out of 17 days of work

[Master] we had a window shot at in the Creation Station again

[John A] dead tired, ah different story

[John A] oh

[Master] and when I was going to respond to that I discovered that we have a new leak right above the stairs leaving to the first floor

[Master] I caught myself on the railing with one hand and smashed up the knuckles of my other

[Master] but I only fell three or four steps

[Master] so could have been much worse

[John A] ouch, I can see

[John A] you need a day or two off

[Master] I get Sunday off

[Master] and then Thursday through Sunday off

[Master] so looking at it that way I am only working 4 of the next 9 days

[Master] and after tomorrow I think I have like 4 events outside of Main Library

[Master] for the rest of the year

[Master] so should be fairly easy

[John A] would have rather broken up the 17 days more but to each his own

[Master] very true

[Master] most of this was planned back in the summer when we thought I was going to have an assistant

[Master] so when that happens.....

[John A] you will not know what to do with yourself and your free time

[Master] make Alexa skills

[Master] is my next task

[Master] going to start teaching a Voice Assistants class in January

[Master] have to do some research and learning

[John A] how to talk to an AI

[Master] grins not an AI

[Master] deep learning

[John A] What not to say to a computer

[Master] and how to tell the difference

[John A] the computer is your friend

[Master] which will fly right over everyone's heads so I have to make it much much simpler

[Master] and YES

[Master] that is a good line to use

[Master] and of course HAL

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:02:30 EST 2017

Carissa is receiving the map Overland travel...

Carissa has received the map Overland travel.

[John A] would you like to play a game

[Master] going to need to record some of them talking too

[John A] hey Carissa?

[Master] chuckles

[Carissa] Hi John!

[Carissa] (You added an extra R ;) )

[Carissa] And Bob! You get a hello too

[Master] oh man

[John A] with fix in editing

[Carissa] lol

[Master] but again with an excellent summary

[John A] I feel somehow I am to blame for the extra work, even though bob started it

[Master] wondering if there are other stylistic choices to challenge you with

[Carissa] I had to concede to the ghost of the muse that writing dialogue like that worked best for it.

[Master] it was very fun to read

[Carissa] I've already considered a few, like epic poetry, but THAT will likely be more work than I can do now :)

[Carissa] But I will take style suggestions! Fun trying something new.

[Master] limericks

[John A] you do not roleplay the wolfs enough

[Carissa] Also writing the "other" dialogue for Cinna was fun. Kind of sad we've left if only for that

[Carissa] Oooh limericks...yep, going to have to try that at some point.

[Master] you did very good

[Carissa] I guess I need to figure out what else to have the wolves do...

[Carissa] Thanks :)

[Master] by the way will you both be here next week?

[Master] and for those logging in later will you be here too?

[Carissa] I do refuse to talk like a wolf. Until someone else can talk to them, I can get away with not.

[Master] hungry like a wolf

[John A] no need to see why not

[Carissa] Hope so. Going to relatives for holidays, but should be able to get on later.

Spring has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:08:00 EST 2017

Spring is receiving the map Overland travel...

[John A] Nice, Hi Spring

[Master] hello Spring

[Master] you have been coming up at work lately

[Master] twice I have called the head of The Studio Spring

[Master] when her name is Autumn

[John A] ouch

MarioCS has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:10:10 EST 2017

MarioCS is receiving the map Overland travel...

MarioCS has received the map Overland travel.

[Carissa] Hi Spring!

[Carissa] And hi Mario!

[MarioCS] Hello Hello

Spring has received the map Overland travel.

[John A] oh hey Mario

[Spring] I think I have finally arrived

[John A] trying to play it cool

[Spring] hi hi hi hi hi!

[Carissa] There. Made a challenge list. Feel free to add to it or tell me to add to it :P

[Carissa] Woo! No more winter? Does this mean skipping winter?

[John A] even Florida has winter when the population doubles

[Spring] I might have some lag. I’m online from the train tonight

[Master] and laughs at Carissa

[Master] and impressive Spring

[Spring] I see some lag in this chat log but not in Facebook chat, so maybe klooge doesn't like my connection or something

[Master] that is more than I have tried to do

[Spring] where I am staying I have no Wi-Fi, but I have an unlimited pass for public transit

[Spring] so I’ll be riding between Provo and Ogden tonight :-)

[Master] very cool

[Spring] and miracle of miracles, I’m actually caught up

[John A] it was a slow week

[John A] jumping two days helped

[Spring] although I am not quite clear on what Miss Big Evil plans to do in 6 days

[John A] we know nothing

[Carissa] Evilness.

[Spring] okay that's fair

[Carissa] But dunno. She just said she'd "come for (Branwyn)"

[John A] ignorance is bliss

[Spring] so I’m IRL traveling through this valley, it's all wet due to the rain

[Spring] to my right are snow covered mountains

[Master] she actually said she would give Branwyn a six day head start

[Master] not that she was actually going to kill Branwyn in six days

[Spring] to my left, that side of the valley and the mountains to the west are also all snowy

[Master] sounds very pretty

[John A] guest DM?

[Spring] the sun has set and the clouds above are dramatic and heavy

[John A] I keep my eyes to the West

[Master] out of the clouds comes

[Spring] it's funny that the west is where spirits of the dead go, and it's where most of the weather comes from

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:17:54 EST 2017

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Overland travel...

[Spring] like they swim upstream

mharm-15549 has received the map Overland travel.

[Spring] hi Michael!

[MarioCS] Hi Michael

[mharm-15549] Hello@

[John A] are spirits affected by winds?

[mharm-15549] !

[John A] Hey

[John A] I need to know for my TV show

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Spring] that is a good question. I wish I knew

[Carissa] And never thought of it that way, Spring.

[Spring] gosh there are tons of students getting on the train

[Spring] many have blankets.

[mharm-15549] I will be semi-afk :) Making some popcorn

[John A] better share

[Carissa] Ooh popcorn sounds like a good idea, actually...

[Master] and so

[Master] you are are at the last town before leaving Cornelia

[Master] the group has your wagon and is moving forward

[Spring] so glad I have a good place staked out hehe

[Master] chuckles tell them you are playing D&D Spring and you will have an audience

[Master] Branwyn and Tiberius are off talking

[Spring] I think there's a football game

Miranda Paige (John A)] is there no wgere we can get you an extra wagon Lord Branadarus?

[Spring] good grief that comment took two full minutes

Miranda Paige (John A)] maybe a nice tent?

[Master] he is not paying attention to you

[Master] and it is morning

[Carissa] (Question to group: charm bird a yes or no?)

[John A] just on foot, horses or what?

[John A] Na

[Master] you are on foot, the horse to drag the wagon

[John A] and the love birds?

[Master] they are walking off to the side

[John A] ah

[John A] ok

[John A] so we roll

[John A] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Master] and Mario Michael Spring did you understand the Charm Bird question?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] no

[John A] I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (John A)] (like I do)

[mharm-15549] no

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] holy crap my comment appeared right away!


[MarioCS] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I do not

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I saw all the discussion about charming things and how command breaks charm)

[Carissa] (Aww so no one read it?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (but I don't know why we would do it to a bird)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I read about 50 pages, I never know if I get the right ones)

[Kel (MarioCS)] ah, I do now! I did read it beforehand! it just didn’t stick

[Carissa] (Long story short: permanent messenger bird/also a way for Sam to tie ring to bird if we use it to send messaged)

Miranda Paige (John A)] I understand you want to pass messages via bird but charm does not help if the bird is not here

[Carissa] Figured best do it now so bird knows where "Cornelia" is and can understand way back

[John A] I would think you would have to imprint on a person in this case

[Carissa] Shi has a giant list of spells to make it more permanent. It even states under one that charm and friendship combined will make animals stay put (or fly)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I was wrong, I am not caught up)

[John A] the trick is getting it to understand specifically where to go and who to see

[Carissa] So you talk to it :)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (one of my comments just now vanished entirely)

[John A] Sam will be traveling if he wants to be king

[Carissa] And train it. Like you do in falconry.

[Carissa] We don't know that yet.

[Carissa] But could also be useful for party.

[Carissa] If the party splits and the one with bird/Shi need to send a message?

[Carissa] Like if Branwyn took it with her that night? She could have sent word back to the party.

[John A] training and charm do not mix in my book

[Carissa] My thoughts, at least.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I’m not opposed to it, if you want to charm one

[Carissa] Don't think of it as charming. That's not the same spell.

[John A] but then again Vamps with human kids, so yea sure go ahead

[Carissa] The wolves were "caught" under the friendship spell. And that allows for training.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I’m not opposed to it, if you want to befriend one

[Carissa] Charm just makes it more permanent.

[Carissa] Haha nice word change there.

[Kel (MarioCS)] :0)

[Carissa] Sorry. Friendship + Charm make it more permanent.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I’m not opposed to it, if you want to perm one

[Carissa] lol

[John A] also makes it magical and able to be detected

[Carissa] Does it?

[John A] ask the DM

[Carissa] Does it, Bob?

[Carissa] Spells says you're convincing the animal to be friends. Not forcing it...

[Master] detect magic will show something is up

[Master] detect charm will reveal what the type of charm is

[John A] remember at this point we do not have any reason not to visit Sam or think we might

[Carissa] The thought evolved from Sam, but not tied entirely to him.

[Master] the only one who is not allowed to come back is Tiberius

[John A] yes, you need a bird friend

[Carissa] More came about as one way to send messages and give him chances to use the bird to send back the ring

[Carissa] ....and yes, that too :)

[John A] we do not even know that but thanks

[John A] maybe a gryphon?

[Carissa] And question to Bob again, how specific are your birds?

[John A] we know a young dragon don't we

[Master] I do not think I understand that question

[Carissa] As in do you stop at falcon or get more specific like peregrine and kestrel?

[Master] you can be specific

[Carissa] *kestrel

[John A] young gold dragon

[Carissa] (Not because I want both in real life...but really do...)

[Master] blood hawk

[Carissa] Ha!

[Master] for example

[Carissa] We don't charm the young clerics!

[John A] I was thinking Beast master, if you want me to kill off Hoffman

[Carissa] ...wait those are the older one. Maybe we do. Better grades.

[John A] all sorts of animal friends

[Carissa] So then last question: tiny, easier to hide falcon or slightly bigger falcon/faster falcon?

[John A] fairy dragon

[MarioCS] can’t imagine the falcon will be dive bombing too often. I’d go with smaller

[Carissa] Good plan! If only because I can't legally think of a reason to get a kestrel.

[Spring] I’m looking at the thing about kestrels and think it sounds ideal

[Spring] good balance of fierce, fast, smart, and inconspicuous

[Carissa] And cute.

[Spring] and cute

[MarioCS] and fits in a front pocket

[John A] not too cute

[Carissa] :)

[Carissa] Going to take some of her spells, so Shi will keep an eye out and if nothing then evening use a spell to locate one.

[MarioCS] cam I ask a few clarifying questions as to what we know, for me and for the record?

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[MarioCS] do we know the Queen is a vampire?

[Master] of course

[Master] no

[Carissa] Nope

[MarioCS] do e know she will kill the siblings?

[Spring] we might have noticed she's kind of creepy

[Carissa] Only one who knows pretty much anything is Jenn

[Carissa] And Branwyn, of course.

[Master] you can go with the idea that Jenn shared the contents of the letter that Branwyn wrote to her with the group last night

[Master] on your last night in Cornelia

[Carissa] Wait, sorry, looks like letter doesn't mention killing the kids.

[Master] so that this morning you would be moving on

[MarioCS] do we know what Aunt Jenn gave Sam? the ring and cash scroll?

[Master] yes that was in front of everyone

[Master] just with no prior warning

[Carissa] (But letter does mention vampire)

[MarioCS] do we know Sam is forbidden to leave Cornelia?

[Master] no

[MarioCS] Do we know Ty is forbidden to return?

[Master] is that in the letter?

[John A] implied

[Carissa] Yes

[Spring] looking for it

[John A] barely

[Carissa] Is Sam forbidden? Cinna said he was free to come and go.

[Carissa] "There is no turning back for me now. I shall marry Prince Branadarus and take him away from his mother. My heart aches for him and I do not know if I have the strength to shatter the illusion of what he thinks he knows of her."

[MarioCS] ok, that’s all for now. thank you!

[MarioCS] I’m sure I'll have more later

[John A] just another master thread in bib's attempt to take over the world

[Spring] all the students are getting off the train. apparently there is a football game. that's why all the blankets

[Carissa] Not worth it. Too cold for that.

[Spring] I’m amused they are getting off at my stop, and I am not. I’m staying on northbound to Ogden

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:43:38 EST 2017

Lisa is receiving the map Overland travel...

[mharm-15549] hey spring :) You on trax?

Lisa has received the map Overland travel.

[John A] that sound familiar somehow

[mharm-15549] front runner?

[Spring] FrontRunner

[John A] Hey Lisa

[Spring] I have no Wi-Fi at home, so this is it

[mharm-15549] I remember that haha :)

[MarioCS] Hi Lisa

[Spring] hi Lisa!

[mharm-15549] LOL

[mharm-15549] You are hilarious!

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Spring] I say "home" I mean where I am staying temporarily

[Master] brb

[mharm-15549] Hey Lisa!

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[mharm-15549] Hey you could choose something worse :)

[Spring] I have moved out of Johnny’s house

[mharm-15549] Ah

[Spring] it beats McDonald's or Denny's because I have an unlimited transit pass

[Spring] so no need to pay money for Wi-Fi hehehe

[mharm-15549] :)

[MarioCS] or a pretentious coffee house

[MarioCS] unless you like pretentious coffee

[Spring] any of those :-)

[Spring] I like humble coffee

[Carissa] Library doesn't have Wi-Fi?

[MarioCS] me too!

[John A] how long do the trains run?

[Spring] you have to be a member of the library

[Spring] on the weekend, until something like 1 AM

[John A] pretentious library

[MarioCS] sounds like

[Carissa] And you're not? Don't tell Bob ;)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] b

[John A] busted

[Master] and hello Lisa

[Spring] I am a member of the Springville library, but I’m now staying in Murray, an hour and 45 minutes away

[Carissa] Ahhh got it

[Spring] I have no utility bill to establish residence with :-(

[Carissa] Wow. Not a nice library.

[Spring] all the libraries are like that, although some have reciprocal agreements with neighboring towns

[Master] and now with Lisa here Mario you can ask Branwyn all your questions

[Carissa] If you're ever in Estes Parks, they'll let anyone use Wi-Fi

[Spring] when I lived in American Fork, I could legally use the Lehi and Pleasant Grove libraries too

[Carissa] Well, or did years ago

[MarioCS] "oh Bran, Do we know that Ty isn’t allowed back?" can’t exactly work that into conversation

[Lisa] those are Lisa questions

[Lisa] no

[Master] Tiberius go fetch us some water

[Spring] "Maybe we should come back and visit next summer?"

[Spring] heh

[MarioCS] We elves should be home by next summer

[Carissa] "The Queen seemed so nice! We need to come back and visit!"

[Carissa] The elves better find a reason to go back home. We worked damn hard on their home.

[MarioCS] lol, exactly!

[Lisa] Branwyn didn't even tell Jennevive that the children would be killed and they could not return

[MarioCS] excellent < Lisa, good to know

[Lisa] all she told her was that she was a vampire and to make sure Sam would be okay

[Lisa] that other thing Branwyn thought was too big a burden for anyone else to carry and so when/if it comes out the load falls directly on Branwyn's head

[Lisa] you all have plausible deniability :)

TMO has joined the game on Fri Nov 17 19:51:40 EST 2017

TMO is receiving the map Overland travel...

TMO has received the map Overland travel.

[MarioCS] gotta love the legal loopholes

[TMO] yo

[Carissa] Provided that vampires do, too.

[Lisa] Hi TMO

[MarioCS] Hey TMO

[Carissa] Hi TMO!

[mharm-15549] HEY TMO!!!

[John A] hello TMo

[Master] hey TMO

[Spring] hi TMO!

[MarioCS] aw. all the colors of the rainbow welcoming you

[TMO] I feel so gay now. ;)

[Master] laughs

[John A] we were all talking before we knew she was a vamp about killing people to keep alive as a witch

[Master] yes to John

[John A] we may think more of her now she is just a vamp

[MarioCS] not less?

[John A] with kids and everything?

[Lisa] not sure whether to discuss the scrying thing I was thinking out this week

[MarioCS] which is more powerful? Witch or Vamp?

[John A] do vamps need to kill to say alive?

[John A] stay

[Carissa] Scrying thing?

[Carissa] And wouldn't think so, but not sure.

[John A] easier to kill a vamp with known weakness

[MarioCS] aha

[John A] in a way

[MarioCS] can’t we just pour a bucket of water on the witch though?

[MarioCS] I’ve seen that somewhere

[Lisa] well scrying and divination are spells - I don't think you can turn it on like a tv and just leave it

[MarioCS] or drop a house on her

[John A] not according to Once Upon a time

[Lisa] so most of the time I would think no one is watching

[John A] that was just a trick to make Dorothy think she killed her

[mharm-15549] lol

[Carissa] And she might be too preoccupied to watch right now

[MarioCS] I don’t know...I saw the feet roll up under the house...

[Lisa] lol

[John A] murders to plan and her own wedding

[TMO] different witch

[TMO] h

[John A] and blame it all on Branwyn

[Master] lol

[mharm-15549] :)

[Lisa] yup

[MarioCS] So Lisa, Bran wants to scry to check up on Sam?

[Lisa] she can't

[Lisa] her crystal ball is in dryads lair

[MarioCS] sorry, I’m confused on what she wants to scry

[Lisa] even that she can't look at for too long or she risks going insane

[Lisa] oh I meant Queen Annia spying on us

[MarioCS] ah, got it

[John A] I check to see if someone if scrying on us

[John A] [Miranda Paige]]: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] no one is watching you

[John A] remember that BOB?

[Spring] :-(

[Master] grins

[mharm-15549] haha

[John A] we were doing that all the time at one point

[John A] mindflairs I think

[Lisa] that's all you have to do to check for that?

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Nice.

[Master] mindflayers had taken over a town

[Master] they were trying to rescue the town

[Master] Lorie started a "is someone reading my mind?"

[John A] the people in the town at least

[Master] if you make your save versus spell you can tell if someone is listening in on you

[John A] you have to make your save

[Master] if someone actually is listening in

[Lisa] Branwyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Carissa] Anyone or just mages?

[Master] if you fail, or if no one is listening, then no one is listening to you

[Lisa] please

[Master] anyone

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] and no no one is reading Branwyn's or Shi's mind

[Carissa] Hmm, but scrying isn't just reading minds, right?

[Master] correct

[mharm-15549] lol bob. "or if no one is listening. then no one is listening." That's awesome :)

[Carissa] So does it work on "is anyone watching?"

[Master] yes

TMO tries very hard not to murder any children.

[MarioCS] nice Michael

[Master] no one is watching TMO

[mharm-15549] it was all bob :)

[Master] make your save

[Master] grins

[TMO] [Marisu]]: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Master] see

[Spring] are we all rolling? is that necessary?

[Master] no to Spring

[mharm-15549] I’m not

[Master] they just got carried away

[John A] only if your paranoid

[Spring] I figure if she's not watching several of us, she's not watching any of us

[mharm-15549] my characters are too boring :)

[Carissa] Us? Never.

[Master] and your conversations as you are traveling today

[Master] everyone is there now

[Carissa] P.S. To TMO and Lisa, Shi is now searching for a kestrel to befriend

[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.

[mharm-15549] I feel bad the love birds didn't actually get a honeymoon or anything

[Carissa] Shi didn't make her obs. Does Shur have anything to help? Otherwise Shi will use her locate spell this evening.

[TMO] Fleeing for your life is *kinda* like a honeymoon

Hoffman (John A)] this is not a honey moon. it is only a quarter

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Neith can summon you a bird if you want)

[Spring] LOL!

Hoffman (John A)] when we get back they can have a proper honey Moon

[TMO] I don’t know if this will help

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[TMO] [Shurkural]]: Hunting check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Carissa] Nah, they can look for now.

[Lisa] this is day 3?

[Master] yes

[Master] first day outside of Cornelia

[Carissa] The nah is to Michael. Did it work for Shur?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (How many do we have before death and destruction again Lisa?)

[TMO] (6)

[Carissa] The queen implied she might wait longer, though...

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (K So we better book it :) )

[Spring] (we don't know that though, so it's up to Bran to suggest we book it)

[Master] There is a 30% chance of a kestrel is in the surrounding woods that Shur can detect so under 30 (1d100) [1d100=1] 1

Hoffman (John A)] no hurry now, now where to go but home

[Carissa] Wow.

[TMO] How many kestrels would you like?

[Master] and so that would be a yes Shur points to a kestrel sitting on a dead tree

[Carissa] Just one, lol.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (At first I thought he pointed to a dead bird on a dead tree lol)

[Lisa] just don't let Ilero make a kestrel puppet

[MarioCS] The elves mourn the dead tree

[TMO] spoilsport

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.


[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Kestrels are too small to make a good puppet...I hope :) )

[Lisa] lol

[MarioCS] lol

Miranda Paige (John A)] ssshhh we are hunting birds?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Am I waiting for a kestrel icon or just want me to cast?)

[Master] HAH

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Befriending birds to hunt!

[Master] thank you very much for having such faith in me that I would have one ready

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shh I'm optimistic!)

[Master] grins

[Master] go on and cast

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Animal Friendship: I convince an animal that I want to be friends.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (At least it isn't a giant spider, right?)


[Master] no save for animal intelligence

[Master] so yes you have a kestrel now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wait are you saying it's not smart?)

[Master] it is as smart as the wolves

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (:P)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And now I have a flock!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Though it needs a name...

[Master] it is better than Marco's tag along group that Lisa and TMO put up with

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I sense a story here :)

[TMO] A group of kestrels are collectively known as a " flight", " hover", and "soar" of kestrels.

[Lisa] he was very good about getting rid of them before we went into town

[Lisa] Marco charmed one or two of everything we encountered through the swamps

[Lisa] we had cats, lizardmen, ogres

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] and bob let him?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Among the elven words I'm looking up, I see Cinna means peaceful?? HA!)

[Lisa] can't remember what else

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Ogres?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Lol

[Lisa] yes

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Cannon fodder or just a hoarder?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :_

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha oh dear. This is the last. Maybe. No promises...)

[Lisa] it was fun

[Lisa] they did help in encounters

[Lisa] sometimes we lost some

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] that he promptly replaced

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[TMO] that sounds vaguely evil

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh no! Well, expected but aww...)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] anyways sorry for distraction just curious

[Lisa] but not exactly the entourage after months that you want to say hello Count Drake, they're with us :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] test?

[Spring] test

[Spring] hahahaha

[TMO] boop

[Lisa] you and I are here at least :)

[MarioCS] ..

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] yep, just waiting

[MarioCS] Kel: Hey! Do I look like I need stabilizing?!!?

[Master] hah

[MarioCS] sorry, playing w the dice panel

Branwyn (Lisa) walking

Miranda Paige (John A)] I rolled for my encounter

[MarioCS] and YES, you def look like you do!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) cooing to her new pal

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so we get to watch John get encountered?)

Kel (MarioCS) rolls eyes

[Kel (MarioCS)] pretty soon, you can start a zoo

[John A] I failed my roll

[Master] chuckles no encounter you can manufacture your own

[Kel (MarioCS)] I suggest you teach the wolves what’s considered a snack and what isn’t

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (This still feels like a trap, but okay...)

[Master] hah

[TMO] Kel, snack. Everybody else: not.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Hey...not cool

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah, they're fine. See? They know better.

[MarioCS] Kel targets Tebhoundrin. Distance: 0'01"

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Grapple: (d20$m) [1d20=9] -1

[Kel (MarioCS)] ok, sorry

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And Kel gets grappled, instead.

[MarioCS] Kel no longer targets Tebhoundrin.

[Kel (MarioCS)] lol, looks like!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Sometimes I think the wolves might be a bit smarter....

[Kel (MarioCS)] WOW!!!! rofll

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay no more distractions. New friend is named Fete)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[TMO] (Stinky Fete?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Kel: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Kel (MarioCS)] omg

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...supposed to mean fire and now I'm reconsidering...)

[John A] Boba fete?

[Kel (MarioCS)] no idea what I clicked on

[Spring] LOL that's usually my line

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay that's better)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] haha

[Kel (MarioCS)] how is that pronounced? FEET, or fet, like pet?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not sure but those low rolls...maybe good not doing encounter rolls?)

[Spring] or Fait, like a festival?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (like pet. Supposedly means Fire)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fete like a French party?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (A French party??)

[John A] kestrel run in two 15 parsecs?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (HA!)

[Kel (MarioCS)] FTW!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fete it is now based on that comment alone!)

[Spring] hahahhaa

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Fete! Such a perfect name.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) pets the kestrel

Miranda Paige (John A)] It is a girl or a boy?

[TMO] it's a bird

[Kel (MarioCS)] I think it’s a boy since it will be used as a Mail bird

[Kel (MarioCS)] (see what I did there??)

[TMO] we is on a roll tonight

[TMO] ba dum pish

Miranda Paige (John A)] but will it ask for directions?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] nice Mario

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] See how small it is? It's a boy.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] TMO nailed the drum

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And Mario decided its gender because pun win)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Spring] :-)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Three Amigos

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] He knows the landmarks in this area. I'll have to let him fly around as we travel to learn the way.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] BRB getting a drink

Miranda Paige (John A)] How often can you talk with him?

[Kel (MarioCS)] so can you have him circle, and then speak to him to ask what he saw?

[Kel (MarioCS)] Nice john

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] As often as I cast the spell, usually for half an hour or so each.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So...yes, I suppose so.

[Kel (MarioCS)] I suppose he would have to first learn the word for castle, or keep, or whatever

[Kel (MarioCS)] or do they know what a castle is

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Falcons are better with words, but I don't know if he does.

[Kel (MarioCS)] "did you see a river close by?" shrugs wings

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Sparrows are the worst. "Big house! Big house!"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They can't specify...

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Marisu]] (TMO) watches fascinated as Shi talks to the bird.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Like those dang squirrels...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) holds him out a little

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do you want to say hello?

Miranda Paige (John A)] there should be a spell to improve him

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) to Marisu, not the bird

Marisu (TMO)] Is it safe?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I think the more I talk to him, the better he'll get. I doubt he's talked to others much

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah...hmm...

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] how lovely he is!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] and so smart too!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) holds out a small piece of meat

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Maybe not yet, but you can try feeding him.

[Marisu]] (TMO) takes the meat and holds it out with the very tip of her fingers.

Miranda Paige (John A)] I am more of a dog girl, but I do love animals

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) watches Fete take the meat, missing her fingers.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Marisu]] (TMO) flinches.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins

Kel (MarioCS) sulks "meh. it’s just a bird"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It'll take time, like the wolves, but I'm sure you'll be friends.

Master SNATCH the hunk of meat

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (pfft fine, that's...better description)

Kel (MarioCS) startled " wow! he almost got your finger!"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Good thing his beak is tiny.

[Master] as he learns more his THAC0 will go up

[Master] grins

[Kel (MarioCS)] I think I’ll stick with the wolves

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) eyes go round

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er...not that it won't still hurt.

[Kel (MarioCS)] (what color is he?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Tiny screech-owl I used to work with had it out for me. So tiny but wow she could hurt with that tiny beak)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (All the colors!)

[Master] and look at his little mouse friend

Miranda Paige (John A)] (I think he meant what color is this one?)

[Master] just handing out together

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (That color in the photo :) )

[Kel (MarioCS)] (wow, super pretty!)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (wowie)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (kind of shoots down the inconspicuous thing, though)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (looks grumpy)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (did it come with the vermin?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Can be found all continental states; start looking at telephone wires now when you drive ;) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And the look like sparrows at glance, still kind of hides in sight)

Miranda Paige (John A)] still not she how it will find anyone or how that might help

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Wasn't sure if he came with a friend or if I missed a reference....)

Miranda Paige (John A)] though maybe I could get a Familiar, maybe even Eddie?

[Kel (MarioCS)] ( in the pic, its holding a Deadmaus

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha whoops. Was focused on the bird, not its prey)

Miranda Paige (John A)] not sure he would like that, but maybe

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Eddie?

Miranda Paige (John A)] My Dog, left him at home

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh! What kind of dog? Will you take him with us the rest of the way?

[Kel (MarioCS)] brb

[MarioCS] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (John A)] I hope so, not sure he will like the Wolves

Miranda Paige (John A)] might have some talking to do

Miranda Paige (John A)] and he was not a fan of the boat before

[Master] You are here moved 11'08".

Miranda Paige (John A)] He is an Eddie dog, what other kind of dog would he be

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I do not know. We don't really have dogs in the Wildlands.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I hope they get along, though.

[Master] that is to let you know how far you are along your path

[Master] that is the start of the day

[Master] 24 miles per day at your normal pace

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not far enough!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We're just outside the border of Cornelia, right?)

[Master] at the start of the day yes

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (put Little Miss Short Legs on the wagon so we can book it)

[Master] so now half way through the day about 12 miles out

[Master] this presumes that Kenna is in the wagon

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] oh ok good

[Master] or would be 12 miles per day

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] Mario were your questions answered?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (my last several characters had terrible movement)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) leans over to whisper to Miranda, "So this isn't normal for a honeymoon?"

[Master] anyone else have any?

[Master] there is a nice one

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) whispers not in my princess story

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) but for Hoffman, it would be better than expected

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) look at him looking out, just waiting for a fight

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods, "It doesn't seem like a bad one to me, well, except I might prefer not being with a group..."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Jennevive, do you have omen reading or those types of divination spells? I have heard strange things lately that we shall not be able to verify once we get home

[Master] (checking on specifics )

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks - QuiFon would be extraordinarily helpful right now

Miranda Paige (John A)] (he is much more fun)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (of course we just went looking for a bird of prey so we make our own omens)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha! At least I didn't decide on a crow or raven)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (say that three times fast)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I have not thought much on omens,

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I like to think I can out think bad luck

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head "Probably best that way"

Miranda Paige (John A)] You should be Happy Branwyn, just for once

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

Miranda Paige (John A)] you passed the Mother in law test apparently

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, that would be nice

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would like to hurry to the ship and see Indigo

Miranda Paige (John A)] she not only let you r marry but made sure you married

[MarioCS] I am back at the keyboard.

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) nods with approval

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And then perhaps Tiberius and I could take some time for a honeymoon of sorts

Miranda Paige (John A)] A little dinny off port side?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] a more private one :-)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh good. I worried this was your honeymoon.

Miranda Paige (John A)] dingy is it called?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I was thinking that she wants me to tell her when she gets pregnant

Miranda Paige (John A)] Hoffman can build you a cabin in no time

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] which I am certain that Kenna can help with

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh let's not think about that right now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was thinking more of a few days in Rivers Bend

Miranda Paige (John A)] yes, you can't have all the fun

Marisu (TMO)] (brb - need to pay some attention to the dog. no one else has)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I can help with health and safety. I will not be spying and making secret diagnosis

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] no need for it to be secret

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) sulks away

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] everyone will be wanting to know

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] and it would be up to Branwyn to decide when they may

Aunt Jennevive (Master) gestures to Miranda see

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] not me or anyone else

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) casting a stern look

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I haven't gotten pregnant in all this time, I highly doubt now that I am married that things will magically change on that account

[Hoffman]] (John A) looks a Miranda and smiles

Hoffman (John A)] [Hoffman]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Aunt Jennevive (Master) laughs lightly

[Kel (MarioCS)] (do peeps know what takes to get pregnant? is that common knowledge?)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] it has not even been quite a year has it?

[Kel (MarioCS)] (or do they think it’s a blessing or whatever)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (moon tea?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Herbs?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Kenna would know the mechanics but not the microbiology)

Hoffman (John A)] (Hoffman has no clue)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Heck the Romans knew so they can't be that ignorant, right?)

[Master] yes to Hoffman being clueless

[Master] grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well, not all)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[Master] and yes to the women all understanding the process and how to prevent if wanted

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thank goodness)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh, seems like I’m in Ogden now. since it got dark I haven't been paying attention)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am sure that accidents still happen - we shall see)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Dun dun dun. As Jenn might be implying? :) )

Hoffman (John A)] (would it be up to the roll of the dice?)

[Hoffman]] (John A) sees Miranda sad and hugs her

[Master] roll 1d10,000 to see which swimmers hit their mark

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (LOL)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (LOL)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Marisu (TMO)] (back)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my turn - brb)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] other questions for Jenn or anyone?

[Master] the chance to plot and plan things before they just happen

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (None I can think of...)

Marisu (TMO)] (are we aware IC that we might be ambushed at any time?)

[Master] no

[Master] no one has talked bout that or asked

Hoffman (John A)] (Hoffman almost asked how to kill a vamp, but thinks it may be too much to ask in mixed company)

[Master] Branwyn would be the person to ask

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

Marisu (TMO)] (it's the next day after Marisu used the Message spell, right?)

Hoffman (John A)] (we always could be ambushed)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (that's kind of a given)

Hoffman (John A)] (we were ambushed by orcs and no one was worried

[Master] it is late afternoon on the third day after the wedding

Hoffman (John A)] (let me know when it is late in the evening)

[Master] Paul Simon song

Hoffman (John A)] (BINGO)

[Master] so I am hearing to have it evening and make camp

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] *or lack of hearing*

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 PM. Day 19 Fin ___ tre, Spe {Early Fall} 19th, 1267 TGR.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

Hoffman (John A)] (I like that plan)

Hoffman (John A)] [Hoffman]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] an so watches and rolls

Hoffman (John A)] Hoffman on 1

[TMO] Kel and Ilero on 2

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do spellcasters need to do watches tonight?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi can also do first if needed

Hoffman (John A)] (would be nice)

[TMO] Shur on 3

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Kenna can do 3 if needed)

[TMO] we also have Hugh

Hoffman (John A)] (Hugh on 3?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sure

Hoffman (John A)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=5] 5

Hoffman (John A)] [Hoffman]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (back)

[Master] and second watch

[TMO] (1d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Master] and third

[TMO] (Hugh, or Shur?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (1d20)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 1(d20)

[TMO] {

[Master] curly

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] thx

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (1d20) [1d20=5] 5

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] forgot

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Master] and morning breaks

Hoffman (John A)] Good morning my sweet thing

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 20th, 1267 TGR.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (wow)

Hoffman (John A)] I hope you slept well

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] You are here moved 2'06".

[Hoffman]] (John A) offers hand to Miranda

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) gets up quietly

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] we have not been eating enough greens

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well, we have goodberries we need to eat soon before they go bad.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Er, not really greens, though.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] no, though healthful certainly

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] we should have fruits too

Shurkural (TMO)] We would eat more, but I'm afraid Shi will try to make friends with the lettuce.

Miranda Paige (John A)] hurry before all we have is fish

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) tries not to laugh

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Unfortunately, I can't yet talk to plants, but soon!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

Miranda Paige (John A)] you do know we are going to a swamp Shi?

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Chaos -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Glitterdust -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Shocking Grasp -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 2 (1),

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I know! It sounds quite interesting. More of a swamp than any I've visited.

Miranda Paige (John A)] will you friends of the snakes and frogs?

Miranda Paige (John A)] will your wolves be able to swim

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I did teach them how to swim before we left Dryad's Lair.

Miranda Paige (John A)] Nice of you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But I don't think they'd appreciate more friends. They're already eyeing Fete with a little jealousy, I think.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I did not think it a good idea to go on the knarr and them not know how to swim.,

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ...especially as I can't.

Miranda Paige (John A)] How did you teach... you did not throw them in the river did you

[Kel (MarioCS)] lash yourself to the seat. you'll thank me one day

Miranda Paige (John A)] I can teach you quick quick

Miranda Paige (John A)] when you are ready

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not that drastic, but...well, they have gotten better with their doggy paddle.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I admire how persistent you are in trying to tie Shi up Kel

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sighs

Kel (MarioCS) rolls eyes

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) trying to ignore Jenn, turning to Miranda, "Perhaps I'll take you up on that one day."

[Kel (MarioCS)] it takes a better Elf than I to tie her down

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] or did you mean to use the lash on her?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I have not judged just what Shi is interested in

Miranda Paige (John A)] so many things I want to do, trying to focus on the ... ones I have more control on

Miranda Paige (John A)] We all know what .....

Miranda Paige (John A)] .me bits toung

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Some prefer mystery, don't they?

Kel (MarioCS) raises eyebrows

Miranda Paige (John A)] I would hope so

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] a mystery is always fun to explore

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] but they are meant to be solved after all

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Bad plan to egg her on, I know, I know)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (it is hard not too)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Exactly!)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Branwyn finds it hard to leave one alone too

[Kel (MarioCS)] (don’t get her egg cited)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or she'll "crack" this mystery?)

Miranda Paige (John A)] So matve fete can find berries?

Miranda Paige (John A)] (OUCH)

Miranda Paige (John A)] maybe

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ya, but the yolk's on us)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Hmm, maybe, but he's probably better finding grasshoppers and mice.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (maybe Shi will be over easy?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (HAHA)

Miranda Paige (John A)] ( I am walking away now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I'm laughing too hard now. You both win this round)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (don't let it scramble your thoughts)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (:_)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just feeling a bit poached)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Omelet it go, though)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] So we should be getting back to a hard boiled mystery then

[Kel (MarioCS)] (bob on fire)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (he pulled that out of someone’s A$)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] which? the chicken?

[Kel (MarioCS)] (Shi over easy, nice)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (I know what you want to do with that chicken)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He hashes these out without a problem)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] boil softly and carry a wire whisk

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Better stop now before we go huevos our heads)

Miranda Paige (John A)] So pancakes for breakfast

[Miranda Paige]] (John A) goes to help Jilly

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ONG!! foreign language pun!!!))

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (:D)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (but can you do than in Elven)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (LOL)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm apparently not punny tonight. but I'm enjoying reading yours)

[Jilly (Master)] I wonder what ever happened to that waffled iron thing that Jill was making

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sadly not)

[Master] and moving westward again today

[Master] Branwyn might have some thoughts or questions about the things that Jennevive gave

[Master] if Kel and Shi do not

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh yes - forgot to ask about one thing)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi already tried asking. Scrying will keep her quiet for a while now)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (glad I did not start on the books)

[Master] which books?

Shurkural (TMO)] (would you like Marisu to memorize Sound Bubble this morning?)

[Master] and which Shi?

Miranda Paige (John A)] (keeping track of money)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And what type of spell did you put on the quill?

[Master] (was that to Jenn?)

Shurkural (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Marisu]] modified: Spells - CHANGED: Sound Bubble -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

Shurkural (TMO)] (done)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi asked about the ring already)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I did not put any spell on the feather

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] just a simple hippogriff feather

Miranda Paige (John A) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Miranda Paige]] modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 4 (3). CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 2 (4).

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)]

[Kel (MarioCS)] Hmmm, not magical?

Branwyn (Lisa) somewhat disappointed "Oh. I thought when you said it would write powerful letters, you had enchanted it"

[Kel (MarioCS)] like if he wishes on it, it would turn into a real hippogriff?

Miranda Paige (John A)] If he thinks it is magical, just another deception

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] if he believes he can write strong letters

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is nice I suppose. And that the Queen heard you say it

Marisu (TMO)] An honest to goodness magic feather.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Poor Imari. If she only knew how many of her bird's feathers we kept...

Miranda Paige (John A)] kept or swept

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She would be quite distraught

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It must have been molting season when we arrived. The thing was dropping feathers all over the place

[Master] did Shi feel she got an answer at all about the ring?

[Master] and Marisu understood the part of the Credit scroll?

Marisu (TMO)] (

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No; thinking of a question)

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]] casts a spell against : Sound Bubble: Creates a bubble wall that sound does not cross

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] What of that wooden ring, Jennevive? Anything we should know about it?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods a thanks to Marisu

Marisu (TMO)] Hopefully the Queen cannot hear us while we're inside this sphere.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (*anything else)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] It is a simple wooden ring that I picked up at the market

Miranda Paige (John A)] (do thoughts make a sound?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] As I thought, but now we'll have to give it purpose...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sighs, "I should send a letter home, let them think on it..."

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] do you think that Kel can find his special purpose?

Marisu (TMO)] (the jerk??)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (snert)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (he hates these orcs)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrugs, "Probably, but that is not my concern at this moment."

Kel (MarioCS) pretends not to hear

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (Kel cannot)

Miranda Paige (John A)] (Sam "Things are gonna start happening to me now)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (outside of the bubble)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (ahh!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Who is inside?)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Jenn and Shi and Marisu

Marisu (TMO)] (all the important people)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Branwyn yes or no?)

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] that would be up to Marisu who cast it

Marisu (TMO)] (Branwyn yes)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I'll send a message home once we reach the knarr. If you have ideas for what to possible write, as it now involves Sam, I would appreciate.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I do not know how much you care for them to know.

[John A] over the years I have learn Bob hears all

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Such as his heritage...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He even seems to hear things that are typed. Talented. And scary)

Marisu (TMO)] So the ring and the feather were both distractions. What else do we need to cover while we're hopefully protected?

Marisu (TMO)] [Marisu]]: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It seems Sam wishes to embrace his heritage so I see no real harm in it at this point. And do the elves care who rules Terraguard?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's better)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) wane smile

[John A] (they would rather not a vamp)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Some certainly would be very against helping a Farthorn on the throne. They were likely looking forward to the end of their rule.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It was not that long ago his ancestor tried to destroy our home.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then perhaps they would not be of any assistance at all and no message is necessary since no aid would come

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] True, if he did somehow get a message to them, they might ignore it..

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or hurt him?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Not unless he tries to go to the Wildlands.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That would defeat all the precautions I have tried to take

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] He would only be at risk if he tries to seek us out.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Is that a possibility, you think?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] He now believes we'll help him. What if he seeks our aid, finds none? Or ignorance?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Doubtful if he is listening to Queen Annia. If the history between the elves and the Farthorns are so terrible that he would be captured or killed on sight I doubt the Queen would allow him to go and would warn him thusly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Unless she somehow convinces him she can help him succeed where his ancestor failed.

Marisu (TMO)] I imagine she would aim him toward the throne first. Solidifying his power would take a very long time.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] True...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can put it in a letter to him to stay away from the Wildlands at all costs. It should be simple

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But then does that not ruin the belief of the wooden ring being useful?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Perhaps I'll still let my Father know. He can take it to council. They may do nothing with the information.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well it sounds like it is not useful and harmful to him to believe that it is

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Just tell him to use the ring first and not go to the Wildlands directly. That should work, yes?

Marisu (TMO)] As a messenger service, they’ll be useful. As a refuge, not so much.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It is a good refuge, if they'll have you.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles.

John A is receiving the map Overland travel...

John A has received the map Overland travel.

MarioCS is receiving the map Overland travel...

MarioCS has received the map Overland travel.

[John A] I am back at the keyboard.

Marisu (TMO)] Was that the real money from Dryads Lair?

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] of course

[John A] I am gonna call it a night, see you all later, on line or otherwise

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] (night)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Good night, John!)

[John A] enjoy

[Marisu]] (TMO) smiles. "Poor Queen. She just donated a lot of money, didn't she?"

[Kel (MarioCS)] bye John

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goodnight)

John A has left the game on Fri Nov 17 21:57:01 EST 2017

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] gnite John!

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Branwyn avoided one potential threat

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] this creates a large distraction

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] that will consume Terraguard for years

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] almost as good as a Crusade

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] unless Branwyn disagrees with me

Aunt Jennevive (Master) grins,

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] would you like to go the crusade route instead?

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

Marisu (TMO)] This is true. And a good thing if Drillian looks weak from a civil war.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No I do not want a crusade

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Drillian will be weak from this civil war

Marisu (TMO)] Yes, but it's a past event, not one we can prevent.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I shall be quite happy when my involvement in politics is over

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks about the Queen's message and gives a small shudder

Aunt Jennevive (Master) smiles yes Princess

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh no one will care about that after a month back at home

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] test

Marisu (TMO)] Is there anything else we need to cover while this bubble lasts?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (yes)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shakes head

Marisu (TMO)] Aunt? Marquessa? Anything?

Marisu (TMO)] I can always prepare one of these each day if you want.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I am always listening

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] I am not worried about others

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That might not be a bad plan.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No I think we are fine.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As far as anything else today I mean

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just wish we could get to the ship faster

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Missing Indigo?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, that is it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is much to tell him.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles, "I'm sure he'll be disappointed he missed the wedding."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think so too

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It shouldn't be but a few more days, right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can't wait that long I'm afraid

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That impatient?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, in fact I am.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I'm sure you'd prefer to be on your honeymoon.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Haha oh poor Branwyn, probably ready to smack some people/Shi)

Marisu (TMO)] You can always hold another one in Drillian.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We'll see

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no she is just worried is all)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Heh, I know. I just imagine her shout thinking "No I just don't want us to die!" to most those questions)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she wants to be as far away from all of you when the deadline hits)

Marisu (TMO)] (gee, that sounds familiar. ;) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Good point!)

Marisu (TMO)] (Ilero much? :P )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Ilero's seems to self-imposed)

Marisu (TMO)] (no, just more vague - he's under an Interesting Death Sentence of his own)

Marisu (TMO)] (but no idea when or what)

Marisu (TMO)] (so what next?)

[Master] up to you

Marisu (TMO)] (dissolve wipe to Drillian, as we all say "Wow, that was close!")

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Good plan)

[Master] laughs

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

Marisu (TMO)] ("I can't believe how exciting that was! We'll be telling that story for years!")

Marisu (TMO)] (and then never mention it again)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I think if we aren't getting encounters and we are running out of small talk we can just keep getting time checks)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Run run run to the knarr)

[Master] I am ok with that

Marisu (TMO)] (agreed)

[Master] you are going to be still in civilized territory the next two days

[Master] then back into the orcs, etc.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if we aren't at the knarr at the end of day 5 she will run)

[Master] as you get closer to the river

[Master] you will not be

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hope she has a good story. "Training for a marathon!")

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then on day 5 she will teleport to the knarr to talk to Indigo, then to dryads lair then to rivers bend)

Marisu (TMO)] (and then she will never see us again because the queen will teleport in and wipe us all out :P And Bran will always wonder what happened to us. )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hope rivers bend is far enough that they will be safe until the knarr catches up)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (queen kinda said that she doesn't care about you unless you are holding Branadarus)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Before you teleport, make sure the kittens walk over the keyboard)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] :-)

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 AM. Day 21 Lad ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 21st, 1267 TGR.

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 22nd, 1267 TGR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but if she does divination she will see that you all are heading back and we are not there - if she looks for you at all)

[Master] five days after the wedding now

Marisu (TMO)]

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - spell learning time)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So we gotta get moving :()

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (divination usually needs a focal point and that would most likely be Branwyn or Branadarus)

[Master] You are here moved 1'07".

Marisu (TMO)] (is River's Bend within the Mist?_)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no but close)

[Master] still about 70 miles from the knarr

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So forced march?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Seriously, why did she give six days?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and hundreds of miles from Cornelia)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] What do you think Lisa?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or Six+?)

[Master] Rivers Bend is about 170 miles away from The Mist

[Master] so a little more than the distance you have already traveled

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Feign Death - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Telekinesis -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 3 (2), CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So...

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] just start praying?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (If I thought the group was in danger I would have Branwyn stay and fight)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] ( I really think you all will be fine if we get out)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (rivers bend is a gamble)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Alright. I trust you :) )

Marisu (TMO)] (do you have any contacts to help defend you if she goes after you there?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if she gets worried they can jump on a ship to Portown)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my original mentor set up a mage school in rivers bend

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and I will have that awkward conversation about casting feign death)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (honey will you give me permission to pretend kill you if necessary?)

Marisu (TMO)] (Shades of Romeo and Juliet)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that would be my best strategy I think)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (zap him with a flourish and he drops)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hitch is I can't do it on the unwilling)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but anyway now that I told BOB my secret defense plan ...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Doomed)

[Master] hah

[Master] I am just letting you create your own encounters, grins

Marisu (TMO)] (obviously we're not used to that)

Marisu (TMO)] (we're all sitting here waiting for someone else to do something)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yep. Hard habit to break)

[Master] soon enough you will be chasing orcs out of the camp again

Marisu (TMO)] Miranda, Hoffman - what do you want to do when you get back to Drillian?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I’m assuming we are still walking/riding)

Marisu (TMO)] (he left, didn't he?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yep_

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'll explore

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Haven't been there before

Branwyn (Lisa) takes his hand "Tiberius, I am not sure I wish to spend our first weeks as a married couple on a river with a dozen of our closest friends.

Marisu (TMO)] Hugh, Neith - what are your plans once we get there? Neither of you has been, right?"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] snort

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] No

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) puts arm around Neith

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Oh they are just fine

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] This will be new for both of us

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] we only have the one wagon

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] babies happen everywhere, so no mystery what I will be doing

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] injuries, too

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "Yes but we could go on ahead and have some time alone in Rivers Bend

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe they will be having a Regatta

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I can show you the city

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They'll catch up to us

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Please...

Lord Branadarus (Master) smiles and laughs

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I am more than happy to leave them all behind

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (babies happen everywhere - lol)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] if you think they will be safe

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do. We travel with some pretty powerful people you know.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] maybe we can go and then come back to help with the ship

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] in case they find another dragon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would like to see Indigo first.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] that would be very good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can he take care of your things in Dryads Lair or should we stop there first as well?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] oh

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I did not think of taking anything from there

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] the house has been there for a long time

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I suppose there are a few things there I should take

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] how long do you think we will be gone?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not sure. But we will be so far away that you should take more than travelling clothes. Don't you think?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I really only have traveling clothes

Lord Branadarus (Master) grins

Branwyn (Lisa) grinding her nails into the palms of her hands as she talks

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] KEL!!!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right then

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Branwyn is taking me away

Marisu (TMO)] (Bran needs more Bluff skill)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Hey Kel

[Kel (MarioCS)] are the important peeps dome speaking in silence?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she has a last resort spell but is trying not to have to use it)

[Kel (MarioCS)] Can I hear you mow?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (no spell up)

[Kel (MarioCS)] and now?

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] So I am going to be gone

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] that makes you in charge

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] you have to keep everyone safe

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] you are responsible for them

[Kel (MarioCS)] Yes, Sir!

Marisu (TMO)] (KEL is in charge???? O_o)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Eh, what? I thought Ilero was in charge...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (better than putting Teb in charge?)

[Kel (MarioCS)] /mw whispers " he is. Let's just get him to go"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] If you need us just let Branwyn know

[Kel (MarioCS)] Aye Aye, Cap'n.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and we will be right back

[Kel (MarioCS)] we will be fine

[Kel (MarioCS)] Travel safe

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it will be nice for them to honeymoon in peace Marisu (TMO)] Will you return, or wait for us?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Jennevive "We will be either in Rivers Bend or in Portown if things look dangerous."

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] what a good idea

Aunt Jennevive (Master) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will try to wait in Rivers Bend.

[Aunt Jennevive (Master)] Red told me about Portown

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Better than a honeymoon stuffed on boat.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But worst case we will meet in Portown, Marisu

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You will not travel through Drillian without both myself and Jennevive.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Portown is where we dock the knarr at home.

Marisu (TMO)] Aright. Enjoy yourselves. We'll see you soon.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Best of luck and enjoy!

Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Hugh and Neith both bow

Shurkural (TMO)] Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Take care of yourselves. We will go tell Indigo to expect you.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs at Shur "Maybe too late for that?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I still haven't figured out what Shur won't do...

Shurkural (TMO)] There isn't much!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) laughs

Branwyn (Lisa) puts her spell books in her backpack

[Ilero]] (TMO) facepalms.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ufff! Those are heavy together.

Lord Branadarus (Master) casually reaches down to lift them up to his shoulder

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "Thank you, husband"

Lord Branadarus (Master) silly grin

Branwyn (Lisa) takes his hand, "To the knarr"

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] so a POOF on the evening of the 22nd

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Teleport: I teleport where ever I wish to go.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=97] 97

[Kel (MarioCS)] Underwater

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (You almost forgot the kittens, didn't you??)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Back to the queen :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no kitten jumped on desk as I rolled)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (forget if high is up or down)

[Master] checking the number on that

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thank goodness. Kitten knew you needed it. Let's hope kitten wasn't too late)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Feather Fall: For (11) 11 rounds the target falls gently so as not to go splat.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (for something you know really well I believe is a 3% fail rate on both sides)

[Master] and you land on the deck of the knarr with a little shudder but otherwise ok

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Should have chanted/blessed, but oh well)

[Kel (MarioCS)] (We're blessed Branadarus is gone)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (who knew I could have such good odds and continue to roll so badly)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just remember first time I saw Branwyn teleport she did almost die....)

[Master] actually a 97 does end up in death in most cases

[Master] only if you are very familiar with or studied carefully do you not

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] or bob takes pity because it would screw up the story otherwise

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Master] hah

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well Queen Cinna wouldn't have been upset by it, though....)

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is just as interesting as Branwyn and can be the main plot point, right? :P )

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 PM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Spe {Early Fall} 23rd, 1267 TGR.

[Master] Teb could be a main plot point

[Master] or Neith

Ilero (TMO)] (well, he is a point)

[Master] never know where the story will take us

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (actually just looked at the book - 99-00 is fail for knowing really well)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] my characters are nothing compared to the length of time of the others :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bigger fail rate on high end)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] two years vs what 15?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Lisa how long you play?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so she should have been ok for reals)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (not the same character the whole time though)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (since 2010?)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Eh, Bran is so powerful iw would be willing to bet it's original

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oh my bad

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and yes the same char)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 7 years lol

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (ah ok)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] how many for you TMO?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (why I know her inside out - she is the soap opera char I play)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] HAH!

[Master] Spring has more time and more characters

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well shoot. You beat me to adding that key point, Bob)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry for forgetting spring :) I sometimes have a hard time keeping track of who’s who in Bob's world :)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (that's way understandable)

[TMO] only 5 years for Ilero, but he's a lot more low key

[TMO] longest I've ever played a character though.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] anyway. the point was that my characters are interesting to me but aren’t a focal point of the game

[Master] Spring and Lisa both have 7 years actually

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (that's a fun trivia question, though, who is the longest running character, rather than longest running player)

[TMO] I think 2 years is my previous record, although that was on an online mmo that I was often on daily, rather than a weekly like this.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Bob

[Master] currently would be Branwyn

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] no its' bob

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Cause he's god

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hahaha)

[TMO] But he's not playing

[Master] but overall would be Barb playing Sebrina she did that for 10 years

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh he's playing just as hard as us. Haven’t you noticed he's always 6 steps ahead of us?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ;)

[Master] from 0 XP all the way up to 12th level

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wow)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I want that

[Master] she had her own thieves guild

[Master] the Art House Gang

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] in ten year5s I better be 12th level bob

[Master] they specialized in forgery

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (wow)

[TMO] I doubt Ilero will last another 5 years, unless Bob just doesn't come through on the Worthy Death thing.

[TMO] or Ilero is just too slippery and escapes it

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Master] have to balance both

[TMO] and doesn't randomly kill himself before then

[Master] that is always the higher probability

[TMO] "Your worthy death was ... falling into a bee hive and being stung to death"

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] jeeze don't off your character. All that hard work :(

[TMO] Eh, I like making new characters

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hope they're something like Japanese hornets that do him in and not honeybees)

[TMO] I've almost retired him a couple of times

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (At least make it slightly badass)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I plan on Hugh and Neith making it to 12th

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] by golly

[TMO] I am *not* used to playing the same character for this long

[Master] Sweet Wall of Death was a story arc dealing with giant bees

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Ah, so a new experience?

[TMO] I am fairly certain that I have some ADD characteristics.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ....friends?

[Master] no

[TMO] it's not easy sometimes sticking to the same thing.

[TMO] :)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Aw :(

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That stings a little.

[TMO] eh, buzz off. :P

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I totally understand it's just something that will hurt me a lot if my characters get offed before my plans for them are complete?

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] also love the puns

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol

[Lisa] I'd never played before so I didn't know any better

[Master] that took place back in 1239 TGR so in game terms not quite 30 years ago

[TMO] Ilero and Shur had no plans to complete. Marisu's were vague


[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well thankfully bob let me make a second character, so I get to get them both to interact with each other in different ways and expand their stories and plans. One of the reasons I have so much fun with you all

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Thanks for that link bob. I want to see that :)

[Master] First journey to Thedd to deliver message for the Archbishop of Hades 7-7-1240 TGR attacks by ants kill 4 characters, finally after 5 tries the group eliminates the nest, encounter cantobele & Sphinx, death by wyvern, wolves and wraiths attacking at night, encounter with "the mistress", kill and take her spell books after battle of mirrors (when Ty and his wife were killed), death by Ankheg

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] 4 characters died!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Really?

[TMO] time for me to put the kids to bed. If you're not here when I get back, good night and thanks for the game!

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] If I wasn't scared before, I sure as hell am now!

[Master] night

[Lisa] they kill the mage but lose to giant bugs?

[Master] nods

[Master] I think we are at a good place to pick up next week

[Master] Lisa can do the interactions with Indigo on the site

[Lisa] ok

[Spring] and I’m back in Provo again :-)

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Lol.

[Master] or here next week

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Haha awesome spring :)

[Master] and we can move things forward

[Master] and nice Spring

[Master] right on time

[Spring] well, I have to go back up to Murray again, but that's ok

[Spring] I can use internet for other things :-) hahaha

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well I had fun tonight guys :) I may not be on until late on Friday though next week. I'm entertaining guests :(

[Spring] thanks for the lovely evening. so glad I could make it for a change

[Lisa] think kittens will need to be locked out of room for all future teleport rolls

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)

[Spring] hehehehe

[Lisa] very good to have you back!

[Carissa] That's asking for failure.

[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Night all!

[Spring] gnite!!!!

[Kel (MarioCS)] Bye Michael

Spring has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:16:43 EST 2017

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:16:44 EST 2017

[Kel (MarioCS)] Bye Spring

[Lisa] lol to Carissa

[Lisa] they are the luck in these near death scenarios?

[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 200. Next level in 58221.

[Master] Kel XP award: 200. Next level in 15394.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot XP award: 200. Next level in 49765.

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 200. Next level in 98027.

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 150. Next level in 9333.

[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 200. Next level in 207391.

[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 100. Next level in 7501.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] XP award: 150. Next level in 3253.

[Master] [Marisu]] XP award: 150. Next level in 7238.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 200. Next level in 19847.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 250. Next level in 279141.

[Carissa] So far, yes, it seems so.

[Lisa] they turned on the water at kitchen sink the other night

[Carissa] The minute you lock them out? Boom. 100. First floor. Death.

[Carissa] Haha! Smart kitties.

[Lisa] no clue when or how many gallons just drained away

[Lisa] so sad

[Carissa] Glad my cat hasn't figured it out yet, but he loves watching me use the sink. Probably a matter of time.

[Carissa] Also glad it's cold. He doesn't like leaving the bed at night.

[Lisa] wish it would get colder here

[Lisa] oh well

[Lisa] Happy Thanksgiving!

[Carissa] I'll glad try to send all the coldness your way. I'm already tired of it.

[Master] see you all on Friday

[Lisa] See you all the day afters

[Carissa] Happy Thanksgiving :)

[Lisa] Goodnight

[Carissa] No one die early next week please.

[Master] that is up to Mario

[Carissa] Er, mean in game, but also out of game, too?

[Lisa] okay :)

[Lisa] lol

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:20:18 EST 2017

[Carissa] Probably means I should stop typing now...

[Kel (MarioCS)] good night all!

[Carissa] Night!

Carissa has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:20:40 EST 2017

MarioCS has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:20:40 EST 2017

TMO has left the game on Fri Nov 17 23:20:47 EST 2017

XP awarded