Main / Nov2009

Nov 20 09 - Trade Wars

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 20 17:47:40 EST 2009 ====

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Nov 20 17:49:16 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] I don't know why you say good-bye, I say hello!

[Kaz] Hello, hello.

[BOB] grins

[BOB] off to organize food will be back

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Nov 20 18:02:38 EST 2009

[BOB] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 20 18:09:20 EST 2009 ====

mikE] has joined the game on Fri Nov 20 18:15:24 EST 2009

mikE] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

mikE] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] Howdy Sir

[BOB] the new computer desk setup will take some getting used to

[BOB] have to tweak the monitors still

[BOB] placement and I think the color settings need work too

[BOB] how was the week in school?

[mikE] craptacular

[BOB] and your ring tone

[BOB] Message for you Sir!

[BOB] you have that as an MP3?

[mikE] heh. yup.

[BOB] Kaz would like that

[BOB] and she suggested that I replace the telephone ring for private messages with that

[BOB] that is how it came up

[BOB] she wanted some sound

[BOB] and suggested that one

[mikE] that would be way better

[mikE] i still want to find akbar it's a trap

[BOB] hmmm

[BOB] it is out there

[BOB] I got the retched hive of scum and villiany

[BOB] from a site that has all the clips

[BOB] then I remastered it to hive of villiany and scum

[BOB] I did talk to John on Wed, he said he woudl be here

[BOB] no clue on Lorie or Fritz

[mikE] ok

Kaz] has joined the game on Fri Nov 20 18:29:22 EST 2009

Kaz] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

Kaz] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[mikE] hey kaz

[Kaz] Hey guys

[Kaz] Good to see you Mike

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] Freaking aggravation... I made a nice, warm, toasted cheese sandwich, and when I was cutting it in half, one of the halves went flying to the floor.

[Kaz] And I don't have any butter soft enough to make another one. I guess it's gonna be soup. :(

[BOB] but the cats love you even more now

[Kaz] Oh, heck no they don't. I snatched that thing up so fast, Grover went cross-eyed watching. I don't let the cats have cheese, not that much cheese, anyway. It's a VERY rare treat.

[Kaz] It's currently wasting away in the garbage bin. *sigh* My nice, warm, toasty sandwich.

[Kaz] back in a few, there's a tin of tomato soup calling my name

[Kaz] and I want to kill it or it'll off me while I'm sleeping. They're very untrustworthy, those soup tins.

[Kaz] I am away from the keyboard.

[BOB] I would think that soup tins are very trustworthy, it is the can chili that will do you in

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kaz] back

[BOB] rough fight?

[mikE] i distrust cheese from a can

[Kaz] well, it's broken and bleeding

[Kaz] not to mention covered with yummy cheddar cheese!

[Kaz] You mean like... Easy Cheese? Or whatever it's called

[BOB] I thought that was only Cheese Flavored

[Kaz] artificially flavoured, processed cheese-food product, or something like that.

[Kaz] You know, like Velveeta.

[BOB] I actually like Velveeta's mac and cheese

[BOB] add in some baco bits

[BOB] and you have a full pseudo meal

[Kaz] omg

[Kaz] I almost just hurled. Thanks, Bob.

[Kaz] Velveeta anything gives me the creeps

[mikE] sweet

[Kaz] Even the name grosses me out.

[BOB] so Kaz you want to run Val tonight?

[BOB] so you have a speaking role on the island?

[BOB] and do you two even remember where you left off?

[Kaz] Not really. I don't like playing other people's characters.

[Kaz] I'll just pipe in from the sidelines.

[BOB] chuckles just trying to save Mike

[Kaz] Why would you do such a silly thing?

[mikE] lol

john2] has joined the game on Fri Nov 20 18:55:42 EST 2009

john2] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

john2] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[Kaz] Hi there John

[john2] hello all

[mikE] hola john

[john2] so we can finish this tonight?

[mikE] pft. no

[BOB] you are on the island of Borinquen

[BOB] you are just off the harbor

[BOB] you are staying at the rusty pelican

[john2] Lord J knows where we are going

[BOB] Lord J said he would meet you there later on

[BOB] then he disapeared into the ship yards

[john2] where did he go

[BOB] you are on your own

[john2] ok

[mikE] did he give us a time frame?


[BOB] no

[BOB] you would guess this evening

[mikE] okay. is the clock right?

[BOB] but that is pure speculation

[BOB] ] Time of Day: 02:00 PM. Day 16 Mid ___ tre, Ze {Mid Summer} 16th, 1260.

[BOB] now it is

[mikE] alrighty.

[mikE] there a good marketplace?

[mikE] exotic goods market?

[BOB] several

[mikE] i guess we can go browse through that area.


[BOB] to give you an idea of where you are

[BOB] and the timeline is up to date on The Missing Island page

[john2] do we think the next step is the islands?

[BOB] the Ten Kingdoms

[BOB] is where Lord J said he was last time

[john2] so this is next to last step?

[mikE] and is that a common enough trading route?

[BOB] it is if you are heading towards Manetho or Kapyrimtia

[BOB] Desert Gate is the main entrance twon

[BOB] town

[BOB] you visited there many years ago when you went off to the Elephant Graveyard

[mikE] and what do they not allow at desert gate? water magic?

[Kaz] *snerk*

It's me!] has joined the game on Fri Nov 20 19:05:33 EST 2009

It's me!] is receiving the map Base Map Trade Wars...

It's me!] has received the map Base Map Trade Wars.

[BOB] they don't really care

[BOB] and hello there

[mikE] hey mario

[BOB] the first issue is what you want to do on this island

[BOB] and second is how are you getting to the other island

[Kaz] Hello, It's you!

[BOB] Lord J is apparently working on something on his own right now

[john2] I would rather not get myself into troubble

[BOB] you will organize with him later on

[BOB] and just as a hint, you did tell him that Lady Kylia would be joining yoru group

[mikE] i already said what i want to do

[BOB] and he is worried about that

[It's me!] Hi there... how is everyone tonight?

[mikE] i want to go through the markets

[BOB] anything in particular at the markets

[BOB] and hello there Me

[john2] I'm good and you?

[It's me!] I like markets...

[It's me!] I like shopping

[john2] is prostition legal?

[BOB] yes

[BOB] slavery is legal also

[john2] do you need a permit?

[BOB] not here on

[mikE] well anything regarding archery would catch fin's eye

[BOB] ok

[mikE] ant would browse armor and weapons, though not expect to find anything better than the kylia made armor

[BOB] there is little in archery as in bows, but there is a builder who would like to show him the balistae

[BOB] he specializes in ship weapons

[mikE] i suppose he'll look

[john2] is there an area for ladies of the eveing to meet johns

[mikE] bring ant to gauge defensive value for greenborough

[mikE] though i'm assuming we already know how to make balistae

[BOB] there are a couple of flop houses where they meet Kit

[john2] I'll let you finish with Mike

[BOB] and yes to Ant and Fin

[BOB] the "improvement" he touts is the grappling hook

[BOB] it is a Spike on the end with hooks that flare out

[BOB] enables you to either sink into the side fo a ship

[BOB] or put it over the railing of the ship

[BOB] then pull it closer

[BOB] mostly standard warfare sort of thing

[mikE] ah. lovely. inventive. in case the forest pirates in their tree ships come and attack.

[BOB] exactly

[mikE] fin will show interest and then when appropriate politely extricate himself from the salesman

[BOB] he tells you to make sure to talk to your captain

[BOB] he will know the value

[BOB] and he will give you a finders fee

[mikE] ::smiles and nods::

[It's me!] :: approaches the gate and identifies herself and asks to be sent to the Archduke ::

[BOB] (which archduke would that be?)

[mikE] of hell?

[It's me!] ((aka the evil creature running this place :O) ))

[BOB] well that would be Moirra for tonight

[It's me!] ((but if Mr. Invegarry shows up so much the better))

[BOB] chuckles

[BOB] always warms my heart that those place names are remembered

[Kaz] Moirra is the archduke of hell?

[Kaz] Waaaiiiiittttt a minute...

[BOB] she is in charge of dealing with Kylia

[BOB] which is worse?

[BOB] wink

Kaz] steps into an elevator

[Kaz] Down, please...

[BOB] lol

[Kaz] I dont' think Moirra has any problem dealing with Kylia, with the exception, perhaps, of her morbid fatalism.

[Kaz] Now leave me out of it.

[BOB] well actually we are at the point where Kylia and Moirra woudl be discussing what is happening to the rest of the group, Moirra is the one who has been monitoring

[BOB] going with the idea that this is Lorie and Kylia is getting involved

[john2] but what if it is Fritz?

[It's me!] ((umm.... if I am not Lorie, than I am in the wrong house))

[It's me!] ((FYI, I am mutli-tasking though, helping Alyssa building a Christmas list))

[john2] maybe your visiting Lori?

[It's me!] well ... I know that you have spelled my name wrong

[john2] that was a test :0

[mikE] PONY!!!!

[mikE] laurie!

[It's me!] I know that Mike has had a miserable week

[It's me!] :X

[mikE] laury

[mikE] looree

[It's me!] I know that BOB talked to me earlier this week and I was not having a good moment

[It's me!] I know I haven't spoken to Kaz or hubby in several weeks

[mikE] lore-ee?

[It's me!] and I know that I love purple

[john2] your hubby or hers?


[It's me!] lorry -- it is what I tell europeans

[mikE] you haven't talked to me in several hours... sniff

[Kaz] You're a truck? :D

[It's me!] to a European it's much easier

[It's me!] then being Laurie

[It's me!] whihc irks me (of course which encourages Mike(

[Kaz] of course

[mikE] snicker

[BOB] so lets hear Moirra's version of the morning report on day 20-2-1260 two days after Liam goes off, and the day after Finglas joins up with Lord J

[john2] storry time

[Kaz] Thanks, Bob.

[john2] ::sits back and listens::

[BOB] would you rather be an arch duke in hell?

[Kaz] I am back at the keyboard.

[john2] (repeat after Kylia "WHAT!")

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Currently, I kind of feel hot enough to be in hell, thank you.))

[It's me!] ((Grrrr.... grrrr....grrrr))

Moirra (Kaz)] clears her throat and takes a deep breath.

[mikE] i wanna be an archduke in hell

[john2] "POOF"

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, my Lady, Liam went to the sea city, to see if he could ferret out information about Blue Gill or Lord Joqcuin. He figured it had best be him, since he is not known as a Dragonslayer.

[BOB] (you are already in hell you just call it elementary school)

[mikE] that is true...

[Moirra (Kaz)] He is currently in the city, trying to get signed onto a merchant ship as a guard. So far, he hasn't had any information for us.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Yesterday, I scryed Jocquin so we could see where he was and what he was up to.


[Moirra (Kaz)] Finglas, Anterias, Valediana, and Kit went to meet up with him, and they are currently together.

[Moirra (Kaz)] When I scryed Anterias this morning, he was sparring with one of Jocquin's men, and Jocquin was giving him pointers.

[mikE] but not in the biblical sense

[Moirra (Kaz)] There is not much more at the moment. We have a colour code worked out, and I will check on both of them daily.

[It's me!] :: frowns ::

[mikE] ummm whatis the code?

[BOB] lol

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((LOL))

[BOB] Told you to put that on the site

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Will do it shortly))

[mikE] anterias will wear the purple flag

[BOB] thought he might be a rainbow warrior

[It's me!] I could take my sword and help with the sparring

[It's me!] and if my sword stabs him...oopsie

Moirra (Kaz)] breathes a faint sigh of relief, as this isn't the explosion she was expecting.

[It's me!] yes I like that plan

[BOB] (18 days behind at the moment)

[It's me!] come Moirra we need to go see my former sweetie petie and give him a stabbity stab

[Moirra (Kaz)] Oh, dear.

[john2] (what about Liam?)

[It's me!] (I'm not planning to stab him at the moment)

[BOB] actually more than that

[Moirra (Kaz)] I've stayed behind, my Lady, because we didn't know what sort of situation we'd be walking into with Jocquin, and it may be that Liam needs us.

[It's me!] (unless he needs it)

[BOB] (grins)

[Moirra (Kaz)] But of course, I shall go wherever you need me to.

[It's me!] well perhaps I should "court" him

[It's me!] turn the tables and all that fun

[It's me!] and then our courtship will have a tragic end

Moirra (Kaz)] looks uncertainly at Kylia, then grins.

[It's me!] since my sword will have found his spleen

[It's me!] and pancreas

[It's me!] I tire of these games

[Moirra (Kaz)] I do not think that would be necessary, my Lady.

[It's me!] this has gone on far too long

[It's me!] Sir Paul is now baby paul

[It's me!] and we've lost more dragonslayers

[Moirra (Kaz)] If you were to 'court' him, he would probably expire of heart failure.

[john2] (that is Keith now)

[It's me!] :: convulses as if to vomit ::

[It's me!] Men

[It's me!] I tired of their games

Moirra (Kaz)] frowns and nods, thoughtfully

[It's me!] so what is it that the men have decided that they will achieve with this subtrifuge?

[It's me!] Joquin will confide in the young sparring Liam?

[It's me!] we'll be in on his contrived plan and march to victory?

[It's me!] :: frowns ::

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, Jocquin has been twice to Blue Gill's lair. Finglas hopes to find out from him where it is.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Liam is being more subtle, just looking for information.

[Moirra (Kaz)] He is not with Finglas and the others.

[It's me!] :: frowns :: I really really hate these subtle plans, they never end wsubtle

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, Liam is a very quiet person, it seems. I can't imagine him doing anything wild.

[Moirra (Kaz)] I mean, it's not like he'd join a pirate crew or anything, he'll either get information in the city, or perhaps from a merchant ship.

[It's me!] hmmmm

[It's me!] I still vote we stabbity stab the "Lord"

[Moirra (Kaz)] My Lady!

[It's me!] I haven't stabbed or blown anyone in several years now

Moirra (Kaz)] gives Kylia a reproachful look.

[It's me!] I like my plan much more

[Moirra (Kaz)] You know I would just have to heal him.

[It's me!] :: yawns ::

[BOB] (chokes on that mis quote)

[BOB] (have not blown anyone in several years)

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Freudian slip?))

[It's me!] :X

[It's me!] I vote we go to Thedd after this so we can make with the dead for many creepy things there

[john2] soon

[BOB] So there are a few days that slip on by after the main group leaves

[It's me!] this guy is evil but tends to be a coward and hide a lot

[BOB] if Lyia wants to do something

[It's me!] I really think we should just dispatch of him

[BOB] Kylia

[john2] i was thinking Lord J was evil, was not sure if anyone checked

[BOB] Percy did

[john2] and....

[BOB] came out clean everyone in teh group

[BOB] brb Nyrma just got home

[BOB] I am away from the keyboard.

[john2] so how are you L?

[mikE] i suppose i can check when we meet him next

[It's me!] It's been a long few weeks but you know... managing

[It's me!] how are things with you?

[john2] might be getting better, hard to tell when things are so dark

[It's me!] yeah

[john2] Mike and Miranda are great

[john2] Mirnada is demoing Karate and is a student embasador

[BOB] I am back at the keyboard.

[BOB] and back

[john2] need time to catch?

[john2] up

[It's me!] Kristen is being tested for enrichment... scouts are going well for both of htem

[BOB] nah

[It's me!] Alyssa is loving school

[BOB] very glad for all four of them

[john2] so hard to give specifics on Mike. he is a guy

[BOB] so Kylia and Moirra have a few weeks to do what ever they want

[BOB] before they catch up

[john2] i

[BOB] then Keith is only a week or two behind that

[mikE] short, shrivelled and a bit to the left

[Khan (john2)] Well, You could check on Rave?

[BOB] Kylia could do the reincarnate on him?

[Khan (john2)] that was not the deal

[BOB] raise dead?

[Khan (john2)] he is willing to wait for resurection

[BOB] someone will have to travel to negociate for that

[mikE] we can send kylia


[It's me!] send me?

[Khan (john2)] I thought Kylia is next in line after his own henchmen

[It's me!] I'm not your envoy

[BOB] the Spy 'n Scry code is up

[It's me!] send yourself

[BOB] thanks to Kaz

[Khan (john2)] no way of your followers lifting you to be able to reincarnate?

[Khan (john2)] sorry, agaisnt your religon

[Khan (john2)] (smallville stole my idea)

[BOB] (about?)


[Khan (john2)] (turning the sun red)

[BOB] for anyone who needs a refresher on the different methods

[Khan (john2)] i am right about Kylia's religon?

[It's me!] I am Celtic

[It's me!] I think that spekas for itself

[mikE] i suppose ant will wear blue then

[BOB] raise or reincarnate no resurection

[It's me!] speaks

[Khan (john2)] then I will wait for his compainons and see if I may be of assistance

[It's me!] I am not inclined to bring him back

[It's me!] we have no will that would indicate that was his desire

[It's me!] and he did not seemed overly attached to our group... seemed to be seeking a final destination after the Dragonslayers

[Khan (john2)] I understand how you feel, if Keith were not so busy, I am sure he would explain

[Khan (john2)] He seemed to connect the best, as Rave was wizard like, and misunderstood like Keith

[mikE] snerk

[Khan (john2)] But in a way Keith and Rave have never met, so perhaps I speak too soon

[It's me!] Rave did attempt to help the group on several occasions...

[Khan (john2)] If that is all, I will bid you a do

[It's me!] but... I'm jiust not sure we know his wishes

[Khan (john2)] that is what I heard

[Khan (john2)] but it could have been self preservation, depending on the cercumstances

[It's me!] I am not with access to a spell to know what they are... I cannot speak with his soul

Moirra (Kaz)] makes a faint throat-clearing noise

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Moirra COULD, but without Fritz, would she just get static?))

[Khan (john2)] would you care for some tea Moirra?

[It's me!] ((that's the glitch... we have characters that could but Fritz isn't here, so it'd be guess work))

[It's me!] ((so it'd be a waste of a spell))

[It's me!] ((hence why having the wills are nice and saves guess work))

Moirra (Kaz)] smiles warmly at Khan. 'Thank you for asking, but I'm fine.'

[Khan (john2)] miranda says "please can we come over to your house for christmas, Uncle BOB"

[BOB] grins

[mikE] NO

[BOB] tell her that we will have her over soon

[BOB] and not wait till christmas

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Just wondering, does she say his name in capitals?))

[BOB] lol

[Khan (john2)] miranda says: "I love you Uncle Bob"

[Khan (john2)] (it is on the site)

[Khan (john2)] Bos is my brother, BOB is the DM

[Khan (john2)] you know what I mean

[BOB] grins

[BOB] two new articifical trees for them to see now too

[BOB] plus the new computer desks

[BOB] but back to Kylia

[BOB] anything you want to work on ? new spells? investigations?

[BOB] Moirra up to anyting beyond sewing her fingers off?

[BOB] stabbing her thumb several times?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'll have you know that she's an accomplished seamstress. She doesn't stab her thumb.))

[Khan (john2) (to mikE only)] miranda asks how you are doing?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((not that often, anyway. Sheeeeeesh.))

[BOB] haven't you seen that simpsons with the quilters thumb?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((no))

[It's me!] Not sure what to research as of yet

[BOB] Lorie do you want to just block in X ammount of days of spell research? or which ever? then catch up to the rest of hte group?

[BOB] as Morria continues to scry on the groups

[It's me!] that's fine

[Khan (john2)] making scrolls?

[BOB] after the first couple of weeks

[Khan (john2)] weaponds?

[BOB] on the 26th

[It's me!] weapons

[BOB] Moirra you want to report in on the events that day?

[BOB] after being gone for a month

[Khan (john2)] (do not mention the bowl, please)

[Moirra (Kaz)] Ahh, the day of the merchant-ship merger?

[BOB] yes

Moirra (Kaz)] reports to Kylia

[mikE (to john2 only)] sorry, was being distracted. i'm doing good

[Moirra (Kaz)] My Lady, I have news regarding Liam.

[Moirra (Kaz)] The merchant ship he was guarding has been attacked by pirates.

[Khan (john2) (to mikE only)] np she is my distraction, and on to something else

[Khan (john2)] (good news?)

[It's me!] oh this great

[Moirra (Kaz)] They murdered the captain, but the crew members were all allowed to choose between staying on the ship or going to the pirate ship. Liam has gone to the pirate ship.

[It's me!] and you tried to stop me

[Moirra (Kaz)] Actually, if he can pull this off, it may be wonderful.

[It's me!] I think we should go stab the pirates

[Moirra (Kaz)] An inside man in the pirates!

[It's me!] I've always wanted to stab pirates

[It's me!] :: rolls eyes :: do you want to make friends too?

[It's me!] :: shakes head ::

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs

[mikE] i wanna be a pirate

[It's me!] I wanna be an airborn ranger

[Khan (john2)] ;)

[Moirra (Kaz)] My Lady, the merchant ship - it was put under the captainship of the pirate's first mate.

[It's me!] ;O)

[It's me!] great... please tell me it's someone we know

[Moirra (Kaz)] The pirate then scuttled the merchant ship, and as far as I can tell, all aboard perished.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Going to the pirate ship saved Liam's life.

[It's me!] and this is great

[It's me!] I'm glad to hear you value loss of life as great

[Moirra (Kaz)] No, that all those innocent people died, that is not great. You know me better than that.

[It's me!] this has to be one of the worst ideas...

[Moirra (Kaz)] Or you should, anyway.

[It's me!] well then we'll hope Liam makes nice with the Pirates I suppose

[Moirra (Kaz)] But Liam is now aboard a pirate ship, with a much better chance of finding a way to Blue Gill's lair.

[It's me!] :: shrugs ::

[BOB] (and then 5 days later)

Moirra (Kaz)] frowns.

[Moirra (Kaz)] My Lady, the pirate ship Liam is on has attacked a merchant ship.

[It's me!] please tell me what good news you bring today

Moirra (Kaz)] shrugs

[It's me!] clearly this is a good omen

[Moirra (Kaz)] I do not know. The pirate captain seemed well pleased with him.

[BOB] (Second Mate on the Pirate Red Fishes crew

[It's me!] well hooray for that I suppose... happy deaths and all that I'm sure?

[Moirra (Kaz)] It did not seem that many, if any, perished.

[It's me!] well that is good news

[mikE] can't have slaughter without the laughter

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Remember that when you open your eyes at 2am and some huge dude with a giant knife is standing over you))

[mikE] just as long as he's laughing when he does it

[It's me!] well, what is your next step in this plan

[mikE] find blue gill

[Moirra (Kaz)] I do not have a next step. I merely observe and wait for either Liam or Anterias to signal for us.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Liam wore blue today - it means that all is okay.

[It's me!] hooray

[It's me!] :: sighs and returns to her prayers ::

[Moirra (Kaz)] So whatever plan he has, it is going well.

Moirra (Kaz)] sighs and goes off on her own way, giving the wall a kick of frustration.

[mikE] poor gnome

[Khan (john2)] Lady Kylia is so hard to please, but remember you are just the messenger

[Khan (john2)] you should go chat with Wilson

Moirra (Kaz)] gives Khan a grateful smile.

[Moirra (Kaz)] Thank you, I believe I shall.

Moirra (Kaz)] wanders off to find Wilson.

[It's me!] ((Are you expecting me to do something here Kaz??))

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((please, no.))

[It's me!] ((Because I'm at a loss as to what the group wants Kylia to do exactly ))

[It's me!] ((At this point I would have to be honest that I am and Kylia is frustrated and confused ))

[john2] I think some thought you might want to join the fight?

[mikE] come to the group?

[john2] you can get liam and at least get him to the group

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Honestly, if Kylia wants to join up with Finglas' group, then that's what should be done. And I don't think Liam wants to be 'gotten'.))

[It's me!] ((I thought that was NOT what you wanted since you sent Liam to be the "INSIDE" man))

[It's me!] ((Hence why I am ocnfused))

[It's me!] ((and typing poorly))

[john2] it was more of Guy's plan then a DS plan

[john2] at least you have two clear options

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Well, Kylia and Moirra and whomever else (Khan?) can join up with Finglas' group and Jocquin. Maybe she can 'acccidentally' cut him while he's shaving.))

[mikE] i was out that night. i claim ignorance

[john2] or e) none of the above

[It's me!] ((Sorry why did Guy split the party in three essentially?))

[It's me!] ((and why did we collectively allow this?))

[It's me!] ((I'm just trying to figure out what Guy wanted to accomplish ))

[john2] he is a big boy

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Because Liam is not a known Dragonslayer, so he thought he would have a good chance to find information))

[john2] I thought Mike was going to train or make things

[It's me!] ((so the party is in 4??))

[john2] so I thought he had time to "kill"

[BOB] (and Guy wanted an alaternative becasue he misses so many weeks he wanted to hellp out the group with more outside information)

[john2] well, not yet

[It's me!] ((Okay BOB, that's helpful))

[It's me!] ((Okay gang, thank you for the feedback... let me decide a plan... BOB can you go to the other group))?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((perfect example, he was supposed to be here tonight, as it's his 'day off'. Ha ha ha. They called him in to work close tonight.))

[It's me!] ((:: nods :: it's that time of year ))

[It's me!] ((I fell asleep last week ))

[BOB] does anyone else on the behind tracks have anythign to work on ? or move back to Finglas et al in the markets

[It's me!] ((I'm plotting and thinking ))

[BOB] then we come back to Kylia and Moirra

[BOB] so Mike

[BOB] Kit, Fin Ant etc

[It's me!] ((I'm sorry all...that was a long time for you all to sit... ))

[BOB] anything in the markets you are looking for?

[john2] all in good fun

[BOB] and any plans on getting to/through the ten kingdoms?

[BOB] any questions for anyone?

[BOB] avenues of investigation to follow?

[john2] I thought we had a guide?

[BOB] you have Lord J who said he was meeting you at teh Rusty Pelican tonight

[BOB] other than that no guide

[john2] I want to make sure I am there, training with Val till then

[john2] hard to train on a ship I would think

[john2] at least Training in Tumbling

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I would think that the more difficult balancing would actually be a bit of a plus - once you're done with the training, should be actually better than if done on non-moving land))

[mikE] actually, a bed is best for training

[john2] i was thining space and time

[mikE] taking a good tumble in bed is always a good time

[john2] but it does make it hard to concentrate

[BOB] or focuses very well given Kits claws

[BOB] but you are not doing anything else ? just waiting passively for Lord J to show up at the Inn?

[mikE] nothing at all interesting in the amrkets?

[john2] i think we draw enought attention toourselves

[BOB] depends on what you are looking for

[BOB] I need some guidence from you on what you are looking for, tryign to find, etc

[mikE] archery shit

[mikE] big ass quivers

[mikE] new arrow heads

[mikE] underwater bows

[mikE] cool armor or weapons

[john2] they are called tridents

[mikE] crossbows

[BOB] no underwater bows, there are arrows availble, some fishign arrows you don't normally see

[BOB] fishing arrows actually are like miniature tridents

[mikE] i'll grab some

[BOB] three heads on teh end

[BOB] in a small triangle

[BOB] they are good for un-armored flesh

[BOB] you can pick up 8 of those

[BOB] they are expective

[BOB] expesive

[mikE] sure sure. a few is all i need to start making them back home

[john2] copy item

[john2] next spell

[BOB] for Kieth?

[john2] it's on the list

[BOB] there is a spell like that already John

[BOB] is a priest spell

[BOB] creation sphere

[BOB] but

[BOB] arrows are purchased

[BOB] sets you back 80 gold pieces

[BOB] they are heavy, will not fit in a normal quiver

[BOB] metal shafts not wooden

[john2] he will see who makes it back

[BOB] anything else before going to find the inn?

[BOB] Val and Kit walkign down the street in front of Ant and Fin

[BOB] you come upon a building sign

[john2] sure sure, bring it on fast

[BOB] wooden sign hanging out in the street

[BOB] of a large pelican

[BOB] looks like it is crossed with a harpy

[BOB] bare womens breasts on it

[BOB] the Busty Pelican

[john2] does it look rusty?

[BOB] the words are in red if that counts

[john2] I checked you did say the rusty pelican

[It's me!] Miami Beach FTW?

[BOB] that is what you think Lord J said

[BOB] but this si what you found so far

[john2] as much as I want to go in, I will ask someone on the street

[mikE] busty, or rusty?

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((keep looking!))

[mikE] seriously? we don't know what inn to go to?

[john2] we heard Rusty and found busty

[john2] classic BOB trap

[john2] he knows what we like

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((I'm just picturing a battle because you're trying to keep Val and Kit from being sold into prostitution slavery))

[john2] a clever play on words

[john2] fighting for it?

[BOB] what did you want to ask someone on teh street? who is asking what?

[john2] i guess they are all human?

[BOB] yes

[john2] looking at us funny

[BOB] no non-humans around

[john2] I look for the toughest, sober guy and ask if where the Rusty Pelican is

[BOB] he looks at you,

[BOB] you think you can afford that/

[BOB] ?

[BOB] maybe you should be looking elsewhere?

[john2] Well my rep can not afford the Busy Pelican

[mikE] ::sighs:: "Rusty is where we're heading."

[john2] I was thinking I would find me work

[BOB] shrugs, fine they can give you the boot just as easy

[BOB] sharp barking laugh, you shoudl look for work there - points at the busty Pelican

[BOB] you could charge a pretty penny there I bet

[john2] looking for a little more of a chalange

[BOB] the Rusty is down the street about 3 blocks down and 2 buildings over,

[BOB] you want a challenge you should go try exploring the haunted ruins

[BOB] up on teh mountain

[BOB] jerks his thumb towards the interior of the island

[BOB] mountain pass up there, white

[john2] you gonna pay me?

[BOB] pay you for what?

[Kit (john2)] for doing you a favor, why else would I go up there

[BOB] frowns, you wanted a challenge, that is a chalenge, not many every come back from there, and half the stories are beyond belief

[BOB] shrugs, but suit your self

[BOB] you can go work there at the Busty Pelican for all I care

[Kit (john2)] i did say I was looking for work to, but I'll be on my way, if you need me, I'll be at the Rusty Pelican

[Kit (john2)] ::keeps walking::

[BOB] ok, so following the directions you move out farther away from the dock area

[BOB] up the hill and over

[BOB] and find a two story inn, with a metal statue of a pelican out front

[mikE] is it rusty?

[Kit (john2)] does it look rusty?

[BOB] it is red

[BOB] and it is an inn

[mikE] soooo.. rusty?

[Kit (john2)] :;wipes feet and dusts off:

[BOB] going in?

[Kit (john2)] is there a seperate entrance for the bar part?

[BOB] no apparent bar,

[BOB] just a large double door

[Kit (john2)] ok

[Kit (john2)] Fin, shall we?

[mikE] is the pelican rusty?

[BOB] no

[mikE] stupid not rusty pelican

[mikE] ::walks in::

[Kit (john2)] ::follows::

[mikE] anyone? anyone? beuler?

[BOB] you enter a well lit cozy sitting room

[BOB] upper windows are open to let in air and light

[BOB] a desk in the corner,

[BOB] an older halfling looks up, looks the group over, "can I help you?"

[mikE] "Yes, we are here to check in."

[mikE] "We are the rest of Lord Jocquin's party."

[mikE] "Has he been in yet?"

[BOB] no,

[BOB] I have not had anyone check in by that name this week

[mikE] "Ah, I see. He will probably be back later."

[BOB] but I owuld be glad to help you

[BOB] how many rooms did you need?

[mikE] "This is the Rusty Pelican, right? Not Busty or Musty or anything like that?"

[BOB] frowns, no, if you are looking for that sort of thing then you can leave now

[mikE] ::sighs::

[mikE] "He said the Rusty Pelican, right guys?"

[BOB] I run a well established inn here

[Kit (john2)] do I look like.. :X

[BOB] I will not allow that sort of behaviours here

[mikE] "What is the name of this place, then?"

[BOB] the Rusty Pelican

[BOB] if you want the busty pelican you can leave right now

[mikE] "... That's what I asked."

[mikE] "I'm sorry, are you deaf? I didn't realize."

[BOB] I don't like you

[BOB] you can leave

[mikE] "I don't like you, either. I asked you if this was the Rusty Pelican, and you told me no."

[mikE] "Then you caused a scene because you mis-heard me."

[mikE] "That it NOT the service the Lord Jocquin and I expect."

[BOB] You are the one causign a scene young man

[mikE] "Young? I'm older than you will ever be."

[BOB] and I have not heard of any Lord Jocquin

[BOB] most elves never learn to actually grow up

[BOB] so I doubt you will actually grow old

[BOB] but you can leave now

[mikE] "Fine."

[mikE] ::goes otuside::

[BOB] and go find your self a place more suited for your type

[mikE] ::walks around back::

[mikE] ::summons an unseen servant::

[Moirra (Kaz)] ((Ooh, he's a racist. SUE! SUE!))

[BOB] the stable boy looks at you

[mikE] "Go find Lord Jocquin and tell him we are going to meet him at the bar down the street from the Rusty Pelican."

[BOB] ok

[BOB] and which bar would that be?

[mikE] the one we passed

[mikE] down the street

[mikE] there must have been one

[BOB] just picking one at random near the harobr?

[mikE] one farther from it

[mikE] more upscale

[BOB] there are many near the harbor

[mikE] yes, but they suck

[mikE] we want to buy expensive drinks on his tab

[BOB] you could explore some more,

[BOB] you left the harbor area and went uphill

[BOB] towards the expensive part of town

[BOB] now you want to go back down the hill?

[mikE] ... bob are you typing deaf?

[Kit (john2)] do they have brothells in this part?

[BOB] a couple blocks away

[mikE] i asked FIRST for the right name, and your NPC was an idiot

[BOB] you also compared his place to the busty or musty pelican

[mikE] now i tell you want a NICE bar and you ask why i want to go into the upscale places...

[mikE] no i did't

[mikE] i made sure it wasn't something else that rhymed

[mikE] because we got directions from an npc

[mikE] and all your npc's are freaking retards

[mikE] and you made a half hour oreal already about finding a simple inn, so i wanted to forestall anotehr waste of time by confirming the name

[BOB] or insulted by a group of armed thugs entering a nice clean establishment

[mikE] but now we have more of a waste of time.

[BOB] but yes you can have a bar a couple of blocks away

[mikE] whatever. john, good luck. apparently we get no breaks at all and every freaking person we meet is a headache.

[mikE] good night

[Kit (john2)] have a good week?

[Moirra (Kaz)] NIght MIke

mikE] has left the game on Fri Nov 20 21:40:45 EST 2009

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so next?

[Kit (john2)] now we really keep a low profile

[BOB] where? doing what?

[Kit (john2)] giet a room close by and give the stabble boy a couple gps to keep his ear out for anyone looking for "us" and tell him where we are

[BOB] ok

[BOB] so when night falls

[BOB] you all have a large room together

[Kit (john2)] all me

[Kit (john2)] and my three sleeping friends

[BOB] from Mike - [21:42] mkul316: bob, you need to stop nitpicking the game to death. it stops being fun after a while. we walked in and asked the name of the place. and now we're crude armed thugs. [21:43] BOB: you walked into the waldorf wearing biker clothes and expect to get good service? [21:44] BOB: after already learnign that there are NO other non humans around [21:44] BOB: you find a halfling running an inn [21:44] BOB: and just barge in, no hello no greeting adn demand to know the name of the place [21:45] BOB: and you tell the person you are there staying with someone he has already told you is not staying there

[BOB] moving forward now

[BOB] Kaz? Lorie? any plans yet?

[Kit (john2)] you could check on Lor, I was just going to ask

[Moirra (Kaz)] I have neither plans, nor brain right now.

[It's me!] ((Based on what I've observed, I'm not sure that Kylia's presence is going to help the group))

[john2] Lori, and Kaz, you underderstand there is a point where you will not be able to join the group

[john2] she is human

[john2] Lord J wants to impress her, help her

[john2] marry her

[john2] but I digress

[Moirra (Kaz)] Have her babies?

[BOB] and John is right, once you pass behind the veil protecting/hiding the missing island

[It's me!] ((no... that was all a guise, of that I'm confused

[john2] she can also kick ass

[It's me!] ((convinced and I'm still confused ))

[BOB] who ever is with the group is there and who ever is not needs to wait till the end of the story arc)

[Moirra (Kaz)] Well, we should probably join the group, or figure out a way to get to Liam. We could be pirates!

[Moirra (Kaz)] Or not...

[john2] i was really hoping you would Pool to him, the three of you jump off the ship and disapear back to the pool. You would be legands on that ship

[Kaz] Lol, how awesome would that be?

[john2] crazy story no one would believe

[Kaz] we'd be "mermaids" and he'd be a pirate legend

[It's me!] well I guess at this point there isn't anything for Kylia to do then ... since she can't join the group

[Kaz] why can't she?

[It's me!] BOB just said we have to wait until the end of the arc

[It's me!] because she's not there

[Kaz] No, if we don't join them now.

[BOB] no, I said there is a point coming up that will happen

[john2] and if you are not here next week, it will probablly be too late

[BOB] after the group leaves this island and travels to the ten kingdoms

[BOB] then when you happen upon the missing island

[BOB] you effectively are cloaked

[john2] NonDetection Island, think he has that dwarf there?

[john2] or his evil twin

[BOB] (Kaz has no idea what you are talking about John)

[john2] (let her wonder or ask)

[Kaz] I don't have too much left in me, guys. I'm passing out.

[john2] I 2nd the notion

[john2] call it a night strat fresh next time

[BOB] I can live with that

[Kaz] I think we should join the group, Kylia and Moirra.

[BOB] we don't play next week

[BOB] but we can do things on the site

[john2] but can Lor?

[BOB] Lorie? you want to pause here and pick up in two weeks?

[john2] if we play with her, Morria is also stuck

[It's me!] whatever

[john2] without

[john2] I am here for you Lor

[BOB] chirsty or lorie needs to be here for anyone to BLIP to the rest of the group

[BOB] they have the two characters who can teleport or pool

[john2] well, no, we still have the Memorial way

[BOB] this is true also John

[It's me!] if that's what you wanted it would have been EXTREMELY profitable to just tell me straight out

[Kaz] Actually, Moirra can probably get to Fin's group the same way they got to Lj.

[It's me!] I don't need Kaz to play Wilson

[It's me!] that's a waste of everyone's time

[Kaz] ?

[It's me!] Kaz you were relegated to playing Wilson and giving updates

[john2] I thought is was a nice roleplaying, it was the plan

[john2] Morria was scrying using reflecting pool

[It's me!] Mike is agitated

[Kaz] I figured it was bringing you up to date on what happened last week, too.

[It's me!] it's just not in a good place

[john2] someone always is

[BOB] the problem is (as I see it) people think I am leading them by the nose.... but when you are given the option to chose what to do you do not have any plans

[john2] these open ended adventures are a little more tricky

[BOB] you have a very high level bad guy you are looking for

[It's me!] You are leading the group by the nose BOB...for more than a year

[BOB] people have done zero research on him

[BOB] ok

[It's me!] the group had little choice... despite what you consider choice

[BOB] so what do you want to do instead then?

[It's me!] Choice is MEMORIAL DUNGEON or.... Adventure X

[It's me!] This is ... Adventure X part 1 or Adventure X part 1

[john2] Mike wants this adventure

[It's me!] sadly, at this point we have to continue along

[john2] keith is doing what he wants

[It's me!] there is else we can do

[BOB] you can always just drop it and go to what ever you want

[BOB] you have done that several times

[It's me!] it's not that easy

[It's me!] and you would never let the group off that easy

[BOB] it is just like the Lich in Thedd

[It's me!] no...

[BOB] or the spyder fiends in Roadhaven

[It's me!] not really

[It's me!] no... not really again

[BOB] you chose to deal with them as you want

[BOB] and when you don't they go on and do their own things

[It's me!] see... Mr. Lich he lived there... and he was a recluse, he didn't go out and kill things and claim to be the DSers

[Kaz] Yeah, but this guy's own thing is destroying the DS.

[It's me!] and the Spyder fiends only killed what was what in there

[It's me!] this NPC is actively going out and causing a problem

[Kaz] and if we choose not to deal with him, he'll still be after us. So we have no choice but to deal with him.

[It's me!] so dropping it in your mind is a LOT easier

[It's me!] than what the reality you've created for us is

[BOB] ok

[BOB] he will be after you

[john2] we could have delt with it diffrentlyly

[It's me!] again, this is NOT your fault

[BOB] the lich is after you, you did destroy his phylactry

[It's me!] this is a PARTY issue that has spiraled

[john2] but Mike is the defacto leader, being here, and who he is

[BOB] tons of loose ends floating around

[It's me!] let me be clear about this

[It's me!] this is a combination problem of the DM and the party

[It's me!] but this isn't the same as the dungeon monsters we've left behind

[It's me!] but he's making sure that he's not alone...hiding behind the drow or whatever

[BOB] thr group found out exactly who was the big bad guy behind the story line,

[It's me!] so we're on a non stop loop of wild goose chase

[It's me!] and it's getting mind-numbing

[It's me!] I applaud Guy for wanting to try and contribute in the way he wanted

[john2] no, we are making progress

[john2] would be noce if the group was together

[It's me!] the last two times I've logged in... Mike has ended up logging off

[It's me!] yes it would have been...but now we're in three

[It's me!] which is rule #1

[BOB] you started with low level henchmen and progressed right up the chain of command to find the leader of the whole thing

[john2] you can join us now

[john2] that you are here

[BOB] then you get back home after finiding that out

[BOB] and the only plan anyone can come up with is to scry for Lord J, then teleport to where he is

[BOB] with no return planned

[It's me!] we need to get a better handle on what skills / abilities he has

[john2] that was not to only plan, just the one Mike choose

[BOB] or plan on what to do when you get there

[john2] Kylia can bring everyone home

[john2] and start all over

[It's me!] we can't continue to have the DS blip where he "is" only fo rit to be where he "was"

[BOB] in interacting with Lord J John and Kaz do you think you have a better handle on him?

[It's me!] some point BOB, it's got to stop

[john2] she is the only one who can stand up to fin

[BOB] how do you want it to stop Lorie?

[It's me!] who? Kylia?

[john2] yes

[It's me!] well, it depends... you keep saying this is the last arc

[BOB] it is

[It's me!] but this arc feels like a circle

[BOB] how so?

[BOB] you have a simple quest

[It's me!] how long has this last arc been going on?

[It's me!] :: laughs :: simple

[john2] i'd like to know

[BOB] find an invisilbe pirate

[BOB] three weeks now

[john2] hide and seek

[john2] a kids game

[BOB] this is actually week five sorry

[It's me!] yes...that's more like what I thought

[It's me!] we'll be in at least week 10 before this is actually done

[john2] the first was a bot of clean up

[It's me!] a kids' hide and seek there are finite places to hide

[It's me!] BOB has seen fit to make the campaign available so far

[It's me!] so ... it's not quite as easy (nor should it be I suppose)

[john2] we are on a path, we can continue or change it. You are in control now

[It's me!] If you think you can continue John, I'm more than willing to push onward

[It's me!] you feel you are making progress

[john2] i think if Kylia does not join the group, they are doomed

[john2] probably doomed anyway,

[john2] no Fritz or Frtz character

[john2] Mike is out for blood, but at least he has the characters to back him up

[john2] and have lost both before

[It's me!] you can't be out for blood from a ghost

[It's me!] and right now that's what we're chasing

[john2] welcome to grown up hide and seek

[john2] that is why Keith is not following Fin

[It's me!] I just don't know what Kylia is going to do to help you're in a city

[john2] lead, follow or get out of the way are the three options I see

[It's me!] you can't just fireball people

[BOB] and that is teh crux of it

[BOB] you have to think

[BOB] you can not just kill

[It's me!] I have been thinking

[BOB] ok

[It's me!] but I think we need more information

[BOB] yes I agree

[It's me!] and we can't get the information

[It's me!] so you have to act

[It's me!] and the act is ending up like egg on the face

[BOB] and I have no clue why no one has bothered to actually look for any information

[BOB] you looked in Wolfspack barely

[BOB] and then nothign else

[john2] ::following::

[It's me!] I believe BOB if you will recall several weeks ago I was dedicating Kylia to it

[BOB] did not talk to anyone in Seagate

[It's me!] I got no answer or information

[It's me!] so... I didn't bother to press on

[BOB] sigh

[It's me!] so... it felt like you didn't want information given out

[It's me!] or there wasn't any

[BOB] yes you are right

[BOB] you asked a math person about how to grow plants

[It's me!] I can't be expected to be a mind reder

[BOB] he did not know much

[BOB] so you just gave up

[It's me!] reader

[It's me!] but... alas

[BOB] that is what you did

[BOB] you asked scolars in a land locked city thousands of miles form the ocean

[BOB] about a mythical pirate

[It's me!] wolfspack is considered the font of information

[BOB] and then when the group actually gets to the area where the stories say he is

[It's me!] now it's dried up?

[john2] in this area

[BOB] ZOOM right on by do not ask

[It's me!] :: sighs ::

[BOB] wolfspack does not have every bit of info in the world ever

[john2] I thought we had a guide

[BOB] Lord J

[It's me!] Mike talked about a guide

[It's me!] what happened to him / her?

[BOB] and you are following him

[BOB] Lord J is the only person you know

[BOB] or have talked to

[BOB] zero other research about the issue

[BOB] Lor you and Kaz have weeks of game time to puzzle out things, research investigate, etc.

[BOB] you have teleports etc

[Kaz] Don't look at me, I don't have teleports.

[BOB] nods but as a group you do

[Kaz] I DO have information coming from the temple, whenever that is.

[john2] you can telepot to anywhere, just need lor to get back

[Kaz] Yes, but as a group, I've basically been on my own.

[BOB] I agree Kaz

[BOB] and I am not faulting anyone

[Kaz] And if Lorie isn't here, then I'm stuck.

[BOB] I am letting teh group do what the group wants to do

[BOB] up to this point that has meant following Lord J

[BOB] and doing what he says

[john2] kaz,

[BOB] except for Liam

[john2] if Moirra is still here when Kieth is done, they can talk

[Kaz] Okay John

[john2] I really only started the reaserch because Mike said Fin was taking time to do what ever

[john2] khan was waiting for Fritz, but it seems that is a waste

[john2] I thought Lori would show up and get us back on track, or at least together

[It's me!] no...I logged in and tried to do something and was promptly given the Wilson treatment

[john2] it is a roleplaying game

[It's me!] In retrospect I should have pushed harder to fast-forward time

[It's me!] it's a role playing game... not a CRPG

[john2] you still have time, that is a good thing

[john2] c=?

[It's me!] C= Chat

[john2] there are times when combat takes a back seat

[It's me!] I'd be happy with any action

[It's me!] I haven't cast a spell in months John

[It's me!] My sword has dust

[It's me!] that's the least of my concerns

[john2] I have killed the same character twice in the same time

[john2] i have lost more treasure than the whole party has found

[It's me!] ... in the last 5 years

[It's me!] but that's not why we play

[john2] we are here now and all we are doing is chatting

[john2] just say Kylia spends two weeks reserching in SeaGate and it's done

[john2] pool back and we will have something to discuss

[john2] or....

[john2] does Moirria have a sugestion?

[john2] or are we back to calling it a night?

[It's me!] :: shrugs :: I'm trying to listen to others

[john2] sorry, did not see

[It's me!] I talked a bit I want to hear what others have to say

[Kaz] Well, if we've also magically jumped forward the month or whatever, then Moirra should have word from the temple.

[BOB] takes more than a month for Rhys to get there

[Kaz] And I think using that time to go to Seagate is a very smart idea.

[BOB] then again that long for a messenger to get back

[Kaz] I don't recall you saying it would take that long

[BOB] plus that is late winter in the northern/temperate climes

[BOB] and the rest of the group is in the sub tropics in early summer now

[BOB] takes a just under a week to go from Roadhaven to Wolfspack, then a week north from there to Colmet

[BOB] best of times

[john2] I thought se was oing to pool there?

[BOB] this is Rhys

[john2] yes

[Kaz] Well, and all that time was zipped by last week. I didn't have the option of pooling around, really. Well, only of pooling one way, I guess.

[BOB] This is what is on the Calendar Events document in the campaign tree

[BOB] Rhys travel to Colmet, 'home' to the temple, and then to his brother-in-law. Temple to deliver messages and money from Moirra, and then on for training. Training in: Composite Longbow proficiency and then bowyer/fletcher Starting on 17-2-1260 and taking a total of 15 weeks. (ending on 17-8-1260 with no interuptions)

[Kaz] And a messenger with him to return with any information about Blue Gill and/or Ozzy

[BOB] nods

[Kaz] In retrospect, they could have pooled to Gon, then the Memorial Dungeon, then to the temple. That would have left only the trip back.

[Kaz] But I no longer thinkn that quickly.

[BOB] you will eventually get a response back

[BOB] but again remember that you are asking here in the north about something in the islands

[Kaz] *shrug* and it won't matter when I do.

[BOB] the priests will have what ever information is shared between the churches

[BOB] there are celtic churches in the island kingdoms

[BOB] celtic circles

[BOB] but as the rest of the group is re-learning

[BOB] 95% of the rest of the world moves slowly along

[BOB] no teleports or magical pools

[BOB] people ride or walk places

[BOB] it took Lord J a year on his last quest for Lady Kylia

[BOB] if the group is going to get frustrated by traveling at this pace then they need to figure out a way to move faster

[BOB] but I think we are done for the night

[Kaz] I'm not frustrated by traveling at a slow pace

[BOB] we can pick up on the site hopefully over the next two weeks

[BOB] so that when we meet again there is a plan in place and some things ready to click off

[Kaz] I'm frustrated by traveling at a slow pace while weeks and months get ticked off

[Kaz] Good night

Kaz] has left the game on Fri Nov 20 22:48:06 EST 2009

It's me!] has left the game on Fri Nov 20 22:48:12 EST 2009

[john2] ok, take care

[BOB] we have things for the kids John

[BOB] I forgot to give them to you last week

[john2] no big deal, unless it spoils

[BOB] hope to see you over the weekend, maybe on SUnday

[BOB] I am workign tomorrow

[john2] well shall see

[john2] be good

[john2] enjoy

[BOB] have a fun weekend

john2] has left the game on Fri Nov 20 22:49:39 EST 2009