Main / Nov2207

Nov 22 07 - Father Knows Best

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 23 17:18:26 EST 2007 ====

[DM] testing

[DM] I am away from the keyboard.

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 18:27:26 EST 2007

[DM] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] welcome

[DM] how are you tonight?

[DM] Kira is on the right map

[Lorie] Great...but I'm not Kira

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 170'11".

[DM] and now Kylia is on the right map

[DM] grins

Lorie is receiving the map Section B...

Lorie has received the map Section B.

[DM] was just letting you know to load the right one

[DM] that is the room they holed up in last week

[DM] you did rest so you have full spells again

[Lorie] okay

[Lorie] any chance healing would have happened before the resting?

[DM] no, they were out of spells

[Lorie (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kylia Wolfslayer modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 7 (6). CHANGED: 5 -- Current: 2 (1). CHANGED: 6 -- Current: 2 (0).

[DM] Moirra lost her memory

[DM] so they decided to hunker down and get through the night

[Lorie] ugh

[Lorie] that's awful

mikE has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 18:36:08 EST 2007

[DM] yeah

[DM] was rough for a bit but they got through it

[DM] Howdy Mike

[mikE] hi bob

[mikE] hi lor

[Lorie] Hey Mike

[DM] so last week they explored the rest of the map for the most part

mikE is receiving the map Section B...

mikE has received the map Section B.

[DM] except for the room that was making them blind and the memory area is still fuzzy, pun intended

[mikE] i need to keep the chinese menus i get on the door

[DM] just ask by name, the numbers are the only thing that changes

Beth has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 18:43:17 EST 2007

[DM] hey Bedth

[DM] beth even

[Beth] :)

[Beth] hiya!

[Lorie] Happy Belated Thanksgiving

[Lorie] Hope there is no snow where you are

[Beth] Same to ya! :)

[DM] none here

[Beth] there is almost never snow here lol

[Lorie] :P

[mikE] hey lizzie

[Lorie] We didn't get snowed in at my mother's that was a bonus

[Beth] hiya, Mikey!

[DM] are they still changing out the field for Monday Night Lor?

[Beth] we get snow in the hills, but seldom any here on the coast

[Lorie] Yeah...trying to get the scent of dolphin off the turf LOL

[Lorie] ;o)

[DM] lol

[Beth] ROFL

[Lorie] Nah...

[Lorie] Heinz Field is in good shape, despite the WPIAL playoffs for football

[Lorie] and Pitt

[DM] I heard it was because the high school teams were putting the field to better use than the Steelers, ;P

[Lorie] but apparently NFL players hate it

[Lorie] Yeah... WPIAL had their playoffs

[Lorie] WPIAL consititutes several counties around Pittsburgh

[Lorie] So there isn't just Pittsburgh and Allegheny County...but there are schools from Westmoreland and Butler

[DM] if they loose to the Jets and Fins, shakes his head

Beth is receiving the map Section B...

Beth has received the map Section B.

[Lorie] Yeah

[Lorie] The Jets lost was almost expected though

[Lorie] It was really funny

[Lorie] At least it isn't on a Sunday

[DM] smile

[Lorie] I can do grocery shopping for a change

[mikE] ordering a pizza

[DM] lol,

[Lorie] because Steeler fans are rabid in the grocery store for a game

[Lorie] you's true

[DM] I was at Mike's pizza

[mikE] you get to go grocery shopping? so lucky. wish i could

[DM] instead of chinese

[Lorie] they have to start tailgating at 10am for a 1pm game and 11:30 for a 4pm game

[DM] becasue he has no menu's

[DM] they just back the beer truck up to tail gate I thought?

[Lorie] kegs mostly

[Lorie] plus the grills

[Lorie] you might laugh...but it's totally true

[mikE] i want to go tailgating and skip the game

[Lorie] and the cold weather doesn't deter these people at all

[Lorie] they drink IC Light

[Lorie] and they eat Silver Star Hot Dogs

[Lorie] or handmade pierogies and sausage

[DM] now there you go

[DM] hmmm

[DM] grilled italian sausage

[mikE] i swear peter jackson has a gay thing going on

[DM] sighs

[DM] why that Mike?

[Beth] ::chuckles::

[mikE] both sets of hobbits are just so flamboyant for each other

[DM] that is the way they are in the books

[DM] JRRT was very open about it in his writings

[Lorie] South Beach hobbits?

[Lorie] nifty

[Lorie] I must have missed that chapter

[Beth] Didn't Sam have a thing for Rosie?

[DM] grins, about how much Sam loves his master?

[DM] and yes Sam has a thing for ROsie

[DM] they get married, lots of kids, etc

[mikE] no he doesn't. it's frodo all the way.

[Beth] ROFL

[mikE] he even has frodo ride him piggy back

[Lorie] Oh bother...this is taking a turn for the worse

[Lorie] so ... about that Heinz Field

[Lorie] We just had our annual offsite there for two days

[mikE] he does! at the end on the last strech up mount doom

[Lorie] It might be great for football games...but being there for hours for a corporate business function was not fun

[Lorie] and the staff wasn't pleasant

[DM] Mal moved 201'11".

[DM] Pepe moved 178'07".

[mikE] being anywhere for corporate business function is not fun

[DM] did you use the suites? or jsut the regular stands?

[Lorie] we were on the concourses

[DM] ahh

[Lorie] Being there at 7:30 am until 7:30 - 8pm and the wireless connection sucked

[Lorie] and then being body searched by the guard with alcohol on his breath

[Lorie] and the food was terrible

[DM] you would not recognize Dolphin stadium now

[Lorie] They served us hamburgers, corn and baked beans and coleslaw

[DM] the concourses have been radically changed

[Lorie] waht a horrid horrid meal

[Lorie] I'm sure the food is better

[DM] sorry

[DM] there is a ton of room now

[Beth] ::shudders:: sorry, Lor... I feel for you

[mikE] sounds like my thanksgiving

[DM] Beth Mike, you both have your full spells again

[Lorie] The tried fajitas

[Beth] oh, good

[mikE] my mom even tried making pumpkin pie. we used to have at least a decent store bought one

[Lorie] but it was all "pittsburgh-ese" so no authentic ingredients

[Lorie] My mom bought one from Wal-Mart... it was awful

[DM] grins, we had frozen apple pie here

[Lorie] Not her fault at all...but really icky sweet

[DM] the kids thought Nyrma made it

[Beth] My son made 6 pumpkin pies

[Lorie] Tomorrow I'm starting our Thanksgiving

[Lorie] You have a son Beth?

[DM] they actually convinced Nelly and Hector that it was

[Lorie] I had no idea... how old?

[Beth] I have a son and a daughter :)

[DM] grandma

[Lorie] old?

[Beth] he's 27 and she's 30

[Lorie] Oh... umm... I guess you don't look that old in the Facebook picture for that age children :)

[Lorie] But awesome times

[Beth] and 6 grandchildren ranging from 10 years to 4 months

[Lorie] My older sister brought her father

[Beth] LOl, thank you

[Lorie] so that was a weird thing

[Beth] I'm told that a lot

[DM] did anyone know before hand Lor?

[Lorie] Oh yeah

[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mal modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 2 (0), CHANGED: Fireball -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Explosive Runes -- # Memorized: 1 (null), CHANGED: Polymorph Self -- # Memorized: 1 (null), DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. ADDED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null.

[Lorie] Tom is around on holidays from time to time

[Lorie] I like him a lot more than my older sister

[DM] grins

[Beth] that pic was taken a year ago... right now I don't think I look quite so young... more like death warmed over lol

[Lorie] we did the name exchange this year...

[Lorie] I had another injection today... I know that feeling

[Lorie] I wasn't even completely numb when they did it

[Beth] yep, I have mine tonight after game

[Lorie] Paul got Yvonne

[Beth] oh, man...

[Lorie] Yeah

[Beth] that's gotta hurt

[Lorie] The regular staff wasn't there... so the backup team did their best

[Lorie] obviously they didn't do it the same way

[DM] hmmm, which hurts more the shot or Yvonne?

[Lorie] :: shrugs ::

[Lorie] Wow.

[Beth] um... no

[Lorie] Today ... Yvonne

[Lorie] Tomorrow shot

[Beth] I can finally eat again and by tomorrow I'll be back on my "diet" lol

[Beth] at least it is somewhat of a silver lining... by the time I'm done with this, I might be skinny for the first time in 30 years lol

[DM] and you will be able to read in the dark

[Beth] heh... I just about can no ::grins::

[Lorie] Come on over... Alton Brown turkey...two types of stuffing

[Lorie] Mashed Potatoes... Green Bean Casserole. Italian Bakery bread

[Beth] although Earl finally gave up waiting for me to finally remove the glow in the dark nail polish from Halloween... He took it off for me lol

[DM] chuckles

[Beth] ::sighs:: sounds like dinner yesterday

[DM] and think that Lor needs to cook for everyone one night

[Lorie] Well my mom's thanksgiving is interesting, but Paul has a request for these

[Beth] 'cept we had jalapeno and garlic stuffed olives, and candied yams

[Lorie] So I make a smaller version for the family here

[Lorie] I made marinated olives and cheese

[Lorie] we had a relish tray

[mikE] so we get our xp, right bob?

[Lorie] I want to make Sangria for Christmas

[DM] yes to Mike

[DM] and yes to Lor

[mikE] i had a bucket of sangria the other night

[DM] sangria sounds nice

[Beth] Sangria is good

[Beth] haven't had that for a looooong time...

[mikE] it was a big bucket

[Beth] LOL

[Lorie] I love to make homemade Sangria that tilts a bit more towards the jungle juice with grain...but don't like the grain

[mikE] it was great. i was feeling awesome by the end of dinner

[Lorie] so extra red wine

[Lorie] There is a tapas bar in the strip that makes awesome sangria

[Lorie] I would love to get their recipe

[DM] ask

[DM] they just might

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 19:07:41 EST 2007

[Lorie] :: nods ::

[Lorie] Hey Christy

[Lorie] Happy belated Thanksgiving

[DM] of course you need to invite a few more people, if it calls for two gallons of this

[Lorie] BRB

[DM] and 4 gallons of that

[Beth] Hi, Christy

[DM] hey Christy

[Arilyn] hello all!

[Arilyn] hope you all had a good turkey day

[DM] hope the holiday is treating you well

[Arilyn] day 2 of migraine so could be better

[DM] Arilyn moved 206'11".

[Arilyn] ouch

[Beth] yeah, ouch! I hate migraines

[DM] no

[DM] clue

[DM] why that did that

[Lorie] Okay back

[Beth] uh huh

[DM] Pepe moved 6'11".

[Lorie] and you're all invited for all the Sangria you can drink

[Beth] lol, I'll take you up on it next year :)

[DM] Mal moved 3'04".

[DM] Kylia Wolfslayer moved 9'03".

[DM] ok

[DM] can anyone see this?

[Beth] see what?

[DM] thank you

[Beth] yw

[DM] ok, now I am only mising arilyn for some reason

[DM] do you see her on th emap?

[Beth] no, I don't

[DM] I clicked on her and the icon disapeared

[DM] is in a different color on my screen now too for some reason

[Beth] Her name is greyed

[DM] there we go

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] on the map now in that room

[Arilyn] hmm, what's wrong with me?

[DM] somehow her icon got hidden

[DM] like the monster ones do

[DM] fixed now

[Lorie] Okay back

[Lorie] sorry...

[Beth] heheh

[Beth] :)

[DM] so you are all at full spells

[DM] morning

Arilyn is receiving the map Section B...

Arilyn has received the map Section B.

[DM] and you get to figure out how to go after that dragon

[mikE] we dangle a virgin out in front of it

[Arilyn] let's just jump in the water and hope for the best

[Beth] now, just wait a hold it!!!

[Beth] no dangling of virgins

[DM] brb getting a drink while you brainstorm an idea

[Arilyn] let's send the dragon a telegram

[Arilyn] or a pizza

[Beth] Candygram

[Arilyn] exactly

[mikE] i'll just go out and wait for it on the shore

BiBo!! has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 19:20:35 EST 2007

[mikE] j0 bibo

[Lorie] Bibo :O)

[Beth] bibo!!!

[Lorie] It's Mr. Christmas :O)

[BiBo!!] ::waves:: someone decided to convert the office into a walk in freezer and not tell me

[DM] back

[Beth] oh, fun!

[DM] ow are you Maroc

[DM] Marco

[BiBo!!] no feeling in my fingers, but otherwise alright

[DM] laptop keyboards are way too small

[BiBo!!] I wish I was using my laptop right now, then the keyboard would be generating heat

[DM] well that is good then, getting ou all set for winter

[DM] lol

[DM] so any ideas on the dragon? or what you will do when you find it?

[BiBo!!] how mandatory is it to bring it back alive?

[Beth] besides make faces at it?

[DM] the whole point is to bring it back alive

[DM] anyone could kill it, only the Dragonslayers cna capture it alive

[BiBo!!] someone didnt read our name

[mikE] i say we talk to it

[DM] yes the irony is there

[DM] I like that idea Mike

[mikE] we tame it!

[mikE] i ride it like a midget rides a shetland pony!

[Beth] lol, I like that idea :D

[BiBo!!] well, that was pretty much my first plan of attack.. talk and see where that gets us

[Beth] talk to her, tell her she can come along with us peacefully and she gets to live

[Beth] tell her she can eat the brat after she gets delivered home

[Arilyn] we can offer her the position of wizard's familiar if she's interested

[BiBo!!] challenge her to a game of go

[DM] chuckles

[DM] that might take a while

[BiBo!!] nah, we use the small 9x9 board

[DM] in any case

[DM] so the finding is first

[DM] who is going into the water

[BiBo!!] yeah, minus the drowning if possible

[DM] if that is how you are going to do it

[BiBo!!] how many water to dust spells do we have handy? I say we evaporate the lake : D

[DM] so walking to the beach?

[Arilyn] i can swim but not breathe water

[mikE] sure

[mikE] i can fix that if you like

[DM] Moirra is on the other map if you want to look at the hallways,

Beth is receiving the map Pool area...

Beth has received the map Pool area.

[DM] the water caves are the one that everyone else is on now

[mikE] not really. let's go to the beach

[DM] so the beach

[Arilyn] sure whatever

[mikE] yes. the beach.

[DM] everyone refiolled their spells

[mikE] where we last saw the dragon

[DM] you are on the map of th ebeach now

[mikE] the dragon

[mikE] the dragon

[mikE] the dragon

Arilyn is receiving the map Pool area...

Arilyn has received the map Pool area.

BiBo!! is receiving the map Pool area...

BiBo!! has received the map Pool area.

[DM] and so

[BiBo!!] Well, what options do we have for water breathing? I am all out of those.

[mikE] none

[mikE] well, i could polymorph you

[Beth] into a male dragon?

[Beth] ::grins::

[BiBo!!] the less time mal spends casting, probably the better

[Beth] um, true

[DM] listening

[BiBo!!] we could fire fireballs at the water until the lake burns off?

[mikE] snicker

mikE is receiving the map Pool area...

mikE has received the map Pool area.

[mikE] so he coming up or what?

[mikE] doesn't she know who we are? shouldn't keep us waiting

[DM] or maybe she know?

[DM] doubtful but

[DM] so huddled on a dark beach underground

[DM] shall we wait for more fish men to come?

[DM] or ?

[BiBo!!] sounds good. gotta run out of those sometime. maybe one will talk eventually

[Mal (mikE)] "Hey Dragoooooon!"

[DM] the sound echoes a bit

[Mal (mikE)] "I don't think she wants to see us."

[DM] but no one comes

[Mal (mikE)] ::splashes the water::

[BiBo!!] wonder how many tunnels there are under this lake

[DM] so far you beleive you are on the lowest level

[DM] there does not seem to be anyway down on the rest of this level

[BiBo!!] other than possible underwater tunnels

[DM] the areas you flew over are lighted on the map

[Mal (mikE)] so, anyone want to go for a swim?

[DM] there is obviously more to those tunnels

[Lorie] I don't believe I can swim

Percy has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 19:51:55 EST 2007

[DM] Hans! how are you sir

[Lorie] Hey Hans :)

[Percy] Hey, Bibo, Laurie, Mike, Beth & Christy!!!

[Percy] Happy Thanksgiving to all...

[DM] and Percy is on the beach now also

[Percy] Oh, Hi, Bob. You too, I guess...

[DM] grins

[Mal (mikE)] hey there hans

[BiBo!!] howdy hans!

[Percy] Heard something about a dragon and it sounds like certain death.

[Mal (mikE)] so i can cast fly, polymorph other, and self

[Percy] Count me in.

[Mal (mikE)] but not sure how many without going crazy

[DM] hmmm what happens if Mal casts polymorph self, and goes crazy in the casting, to switch to a different personality

mikE has left the game on Fri Nov 23 19:54:37 EST 2007

[BiBo!!] not to mention, we need it cast on pretty much everyone here, and I doubt you have that many memorized

[DM] well that is one answer

[DM] chuckles

[DM] ok, so fly the strongest?

[DM] or figure otu a way to lure the dragon here

mikE has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 19:55:33 EST 2007

[Percy] ::Waiting for the smarty people to figure out a fool-proof plan. Praying...::

[DM] if it is fool proof, won't that keep them from finding it?

[Percy] (I meant "smarter", not "smarty")

[Mal (mikE)] 'Well, I can always go and find her." ::changes into an aquatic elf::

[Percy] heh heh heh. exactly...

[DM] ok

mikE is receiving the map Pool area...

mikE has received the map Pool area.

[DM] make that roll Mal

[DM] then off you go

[Mal (mikE)] it's a permanent ability

[Mal (mikE)] alter self

[DM] ahh

[DM] very good then

[DM] so you are swimming

[Mal (mikE)] not yet.

[DM] how about pepe? flying over the water?

[Mal (mikE)] nah, he'd just stay on shore and fret

[DM] ok

[DM] you can only be out of th ewater for a few rounds

[Mal (mikE)] how's that?

[DM] aquatic elves need to be in the water

[Mal (mikE)] almarin was out of the water for ages

[DM] they actually die in a day or so

[DM] he was not an aquatic elf

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] he was a half elf with weirdo abilites

[Mal (mikE)] well i can change back just as easy. i'm just waiting for someone to have a better idea than me going alone

[DM] grins

[DM] yes,

[Mal (mikE)] if there's one thing i learned from nintendo it's that it's dangerous to go alone

[DM] Ramone can cast fly,

[DM] and arilyn can fly

[BiBo!!] I guess I will fly along

[DM] so who else do you want to go along?

[DM] kylia and percy and kira left behind?

[DM] or?

[BiBo!!] if theres trouble I can dive in for a few rounds

[BiBo!!] we can at least look at what the lake looks like

[DM] so Mal swimming, Ramone flying,

[DM] the rest on teh shore for now?

[DM] Dragon #1 moved 23'02".

Lorie is receiving the map Pool area...

Lorie has received the map Pool area.

[BiBo!!] thats a good sign I guess

[DM] grins

[DM] which is?

[BiBo!!] the dragon #1 moving

[DM] that I have a dragon ready for you?

[Mal (mikE)] yeah.

[Mal (mikE)] let's go

[DM] chuckles

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 89'05".

[DM] want you to remember that

[Mal (mikE)] so can i see it?

[BiBo!!] Ramone moved 82'03".

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[DM] that you LIKED the idea of me having a dragon for you

[DM] no

[DM] it is not near the beach

[Mal (mikE)] well when it's going to become our mount/familar i'm all for it.

Percy is receiving the map Pool area...

Percy has received the map Pool area.

[Mal (mikE)] how far can i see underwater?

[Arilyn] i'm still fuzzy on how we aren't going to kill it

[DM] 60 feet, continual light works normal

[BiBo!!] we worry about that later

[DM] in shallow fresh water

[Mal (mikE)] what he said

[DM] the area here is about 50 foot deep

[Mal (mikE)] well now i'm an underwater elf with infravision and stuff

[BiBo!!] worst comes, we beat it to about 1 hp and demand it to surrender

[DM] and goes out to more about 60 fot deep along this corridor

[Percy] Wow, it's almost 700 feet to the little round thing.

[DM] that is an opening in the roof of that cave Percy

[Percy] Oh.

[Mal (mikE)] well i'm really at a loss of where to go specifically bob.

[Mal (mikE)] i'll just head straight out.

[Mal (mikE)] so tell me when i see something

[DM] you have the corridoor going north

[DM] nods

[DM] swimming

[DM] and Ramone following above you

[DM] Mal moved 110'11".

[Mal (mikE)] that's straight out?

[DM] you cna move where you want

[DM] nods

[BiBo!!] move mal along and we will assume ramone is directly above him

[DM] you have the edges of th ecavern around yhou

[Mal (mikE)] wouldn't east be straight?

[BiBo!!] as long as ramone can see him at any rate

[DM] you can see the top sides and botom from here

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 183'05".

[DM] this cavern goes to the norhter exit

[DM] you just ran into wall

[DM] Mal moved 171'03".

[Mal (mikE)] this isn't much of a lake.

[Mal (mikE)] so i'm swimming along.... when do i see something?

[DM] you go north

[Mal (mikE)] sure. good as any direction

[DM] you find two dead fish men floating

[DM] it is the only way to go

[DM] you are in a cavern/tunnel

[BiBo!!] belly up?

[DM] yes

[DM] dead flloating fishmen

[Mal (mikE)] is this whole map revealed bob?

[DM] everything that you can see so far yet

[Mal (mikE)] with no walls to your water cave it's hard to tell where the hell i CAN go

[DM] yes

[Mal (mikE)] so there's more to reveal?

[DM] yes

[Percy] ::if the lake is 600'x600', it's a 10-acre lake::

[Mal (mikE)] i have no idea which way is swimmable with this map honestly

[Mal (mikE)] which is why i told you to move me

[DM] all of it

[DM] ok, I will move you for now then

[DM] Mal moved 307'08".

[DM] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 22nd, 1259.

[Percy] Thank you, DM.

[DM] and you see you are in a larger cavern

[DM] the north east and south walls are lost in the dark

[DM] the depth here is at least 100 feet you can not see the bottom

[DM] the ceiling is over 100 feet above the surface

[Mal (mikE)] well reveal the whole cavern at least for us

[DM] and there is some dim natural light

[DM] you can se out to 60 feet

[DM] you have all of it revealed you can see

[Mal (mikE)] i swim around in a big ass circle

[DM] the light from above

[DM] ok,

[Mal (mikE)] i can't tell where i can go, i want the whole water surface revealed for my own reference

[DM] Mal moved 267'10".

[Mal (mikE)] ah. okay. so i'll go south now

[DM] and you see that corridor extending tot he south

[DM] Mal moved 186'07".

[Percy] ::we are all humbly content with Mal taking all the time he needs to map out the surface of the water::

[Arilyn] yes, map away

[DM] and that point is the end of the roof line

[DM] although the water section continues

[DM] the roof here dips down to the surface of the water

[Mal (mikE)] so from there it goes underwater?

[DM] so Ramone will have to swim or stop

[DM] Ramone moved 405'01".

[Mal (mikE)] and that circle thing is a hole UP?

[BiBo!!] ceiling hits the water?

[DM] yes

[DM] to both

[Mal (mikE)] want to be polymorphed bibo?

[Mal (mikE)] or should i keep going on my own?

[BiBo!!] is there room to breathe?

[DM] no

[DM] totally water filled at this ppoint

[DM] you do not know how far it goes

[Mal (mikE)] or should i dive down in the cavern area first?

[Mal (mikE)] i can scope that out in a few rounds

[BiBo!!] well, check and see if there is air happening pretty soon

[BiBo!!] within a round or two

[Mal (mikE)] okay. onward it is bob

[Mal (mikE)] give me three rounds of movement to look for air

[DM] Mal moved 196'00".

[Mal (mikE)] so you're going to be playing the part of ecco the dolphin now, eh?

[DM] Mal moved 36'09".

[Mal (mikE)] nice

[Mal (mikE)] i found it

[DM] Dragon #1 targets Mal. Distance: 147'11"

[Percy] Uh....

[Percy] I don't like the way this is going...

[DM] Combat has begun!


[Mal (mikE)] nah, it's cool.

[Mal (mikE)] what's the worst that happens?

[BiBo!!] you get eaten I suppose

[DM] this cavern area has air

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Initiative:(d10-+2+10) [9-2+10] 17

[DM] a small siland

[Beth] huh? who? what? where?

[Mal (mikE)] not sure we really need init. i go first.

[DM] and the area that is dark behind you is the water filled

[Beth] sorry... I guess I dozed

[DM] chuckles, actually she goes first

[DM] she can hear you coming from a long way

[Mal (mikE)] how? she's large

[DM] was holding atack

[Mal (mikE)] her modifier is +20

[DM] will both go off at the same time

[DM] she is waiting to see your intention

[Mal (mikE)] well, then she gets a suprise on me. i still go first in the round order.

[Mal (mikE)] ::waves:: "Hello there."

[DM] Dragon #1: Initiative:(d10+20) [2+20] 22


[DM] casts behind you

[DM] no apparent effect

[Mal (mikE)] she's fishing?

[DM] then says Hello

[DM] INIT: 17 GOING: Mal

[BiBo!!] she totally did a wall of force to lock you in or something

[Percy] What has a dragon to fear from an aquatic elf, I ask???

[Mal (mikE)] 'It's so very nice to meet you. I've never seen a live dragon before."

[DM] Ramone moved 46'07".

[BiBo!!] indigestion?

[DM] Ramone can not hear any of this yet

[Percy] Heh heh heh

[DM] hello, why are you here in my home?

[Mal (mikE)] can i do a spellcraft check on what she cast?

[Arilyn] great, Mal and a dragon

[Arilyn] this should be interesting

[Mal (mikE)] oh, you know no good can come of this.

[DM] hmm, it would be at half but yes you can make that check

[Percy] Now, from a *paladin* on land surrounded by priests & mages, *that's* something to be afraid of...

[Mal (mikE)] Mal: Spellcraft check: (d20) [2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Mal (mikE)] made it

[Arilyn] hopefully he won't turn into Steve the pirate or something

[DM] protection spell of some sort behind you now,

[Mal (mikE)] that's just a proficiency check.

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, we've come here on a kind of quest actually."

[Percy] ::What do you mean? Steve the Pirate might actually be able to *help* us here!::

[DM] what sort of quest?

[DM] you have killed most of my servants

[DM] and now you come here alone to talk

[Mal (mikE)] "We've got to convince some unruly child to go home to her father for some reason. And one of the things she said is we have to bring you alive and well to her first."

[Mal (mikE)] 'In all fairness they shot lightning at us first."

[Mal (mikE)] "We actually came down here peacable like. For once..."

[DM] you take orders from a child?

[DM] I think I can offer you better use of your service with me

[Mal (mikE)] "The group can be a rather violent one at times... Hey now, from what I understand of dragons you're just a child yourself, and you have people taking orders from you."

[DM] at lesat I will not waste your time

[Mal (mikE)] 'Really? You have things we could do?

[DM] of course

[DM] there is always things to

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh. That sounds interresting. What sort of things?"

[DM] and far too many people want to bother me

[DM] thinking that it would be easy to loot my lair

[DM] I am looking for replacements for my servants now

[DM] to help guard my lair

[Mal (mikE)] "We really didn't want to impose. We just have this paladin fellow who makes all these wild promises without anyone else's say so and get's us into all sorts of predicaments."

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, working for a dragon could be fun. I sure would like to study you. Imagine, the chance to study a live green dragon."

[Mal (mikE)] "Most people who try that end up eaten."

[DM] well if your group is used to wild promises

[DM] how about you promise not to harm me for the next 48 hours

[DM] and I will spend some of that time talking with you

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, and I think we even have a budding young wizzard who was wondering if you would like to make a familiar pact with her. She's not near as skilled as I yet, but I already have a familiar, and she's surely going to be a premere wizzard at the rate she's going.

[DM] and your friends

[Mal (mikE)] "Sure. That's not a problem. We never inteded to harm you in the first place."

[DM] very good

[DM] if you want to come up here onto land and rest you may

[DM] the island is littered with gold

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh. Thank you. That's very kind."

[DM] and silver

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 95'06".

[DM] coins goblets, etc

[Mal (mikE)] ::changes back into human form::

[Mal (mikE)] "Gills are interesting and all, but good old noses are well... good."

[DM] chuckles,

[BiBo!!] ::dives in the water to make sure mal isnt dead or worse, level drained::

[DM] I prefer air myself also

[DM] Ramone moved 144'02".

[Mal (mikE)] you know, i think my next char will have a cyanide filled tooth in case of level drain.

[DM] save versus spell Ramone

[BiBo!!] lol

[Mal (mikE)] i swear, death first is the way to go that route

[BiBo!!] well, by the time you get level drained, it is too late for the tooth

[BiBo!!] Ramone: Magical Spell save: (d20) [18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[BiBo!!] this is ramones lucky dungeon

[DM] (10d6) [(5+3+2+2+2+1+3+3+5+1)] 27

[BiBo!!] the only place in the world where he can actually make a saving throw

[Mal (mikE)] sort of.

[DM] so 14 points of electrctal damage

[Mal (mikE)] he still apparently takes damage

[BiBo!!] half

[DM] Ramone's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (-14) - Lightly Wounded

[BiBo!!] I have had worse

[DM] and emerges on the other side

[Mal (mikE)] "Huh? Oh, hello Ramone. That's my friend Ramone who just blundered into your trap."

[DM] seeing Mal and the dragon conversing on the island

[Mal (mikE)] "He pretends to be a wizzard."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] :: waves, his hair sticking out on one side ::

[Mal (mikE)] "But he's not really so much of one. He's not the one who wanted you to make a pact with. She's a girl."

[DM] who is a girl?

[DM] you both look like men to me

[Mal (mikE)] "The one who wants to make the pact."

[DM] I am not sure on all humanoids

[Mal (mikE)] "She's still on the beach."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Hey mal, whats your friends name?"

[Percy] ::are we talking about Christy? Sounds like something Christy would say.::

[Mal (mikE)] "Uh. Dragon?"

[Mal (mikE)] no, beth

[DM] and no you can not have my name

[Mal (mikE)] but hey, i suppose either can try

[DM] you can call me Mistress

[Arilyn] hey! I've been asking for a dagon for YEARS!

[Mal (mikE)] "This is Mistress."

[Beth] heh... Kira would LOVE to have a dragon familiar

[Percy] ::laughs::

[Mal (mikE)] "It's a rather impersonal name. Maybe we can call you, um... Betty?"

[DM] if you wish

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] :: floats up to the edge of the island and hovers :: "Thats rather unfriendly. I suppose mistress will have to do, though the ladies I call that tend to have whips. You seem lacking in that department."

[DM] I am not concerned with what you call me

[Mal (mikE)] "Ramone, meet Betty. Betty, this is Ramone."

[Mal (mikE)] "I'm Mal by the way."

[DM] I prefer to be waited on by those who do not need to be whipped into obedience

[Mal (mikE)] "My familiar Pepe is still outside. He doesn't swim so well."

[DM] very nice to meet you ramone and mal

[DM] so how many others are out there?

[Mal (mikE)] depends on the night...

[DM] and where did you come from?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "5 or 6 hundred I thinkg"

[Percy] ::laughs::

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, there's not that many. I thought you could count Ramone."

[Mal (mikE)] "There's 5 or 6."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "I dont remember. Some think broke my memory here."

[Percy] ::maybe it's not a good idea to fool around with this dragon, Bibo::

[DM] (anyone remeber the scene in the hobbit? the second trip down)

[Mal (mikE)] "We came from Roadhaven."

[DM] have not heard of that

[Mal (mikE)] "One of the ladies out there owns it."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ((pfft, ramone doesnt do not fooling around))

[DM] where is Roadhaven?

[Mal (mikE)] "It's a nice place. It's in the mountains with this valley and a lake and giant invisible beavers and everything."

[DM] and which ladies woudl come with you?

[Mal (mikE)] "You should come see them."

[DM] if they are invisible ow do you know they are there?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "From the dams they build"

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, you see there's a giant beaver dam."

[DM] and you can swim?

[DM] and you have not explored that ?

[Mal (mikE)] i bet i've stumbled upon the bob npc weakness. the giant invisible beavers

[DM] you are more afraid fo beavers than you are of me?

[DM] that is interesting

[Mal (mikE)] "Not really, no. I've always been curious, but we had to go fight off the illithid invasion."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Nah, we dont care about beavers enough to go see them"

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, we're not really affraid of them. You're more interesting."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Beavers are notoriously known for being nonconversationalists."

[Mal (mikE)] "We tend to ignore anything that doesn't directly profit us."

[DM] knot very interesting?

[DM] well I think you would find working for me interesting

[Mal (mikE)] "I'm sure I would."

[DM] would you like to?

[Mal (mikE)] "Can you teach me that lightning trap spell?"

[DM] I can cast a spell on you to forge a bond

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Well, we dont like to get tied down to one place. Any work you got that doesnt involve us sitting around and waiting for adventurers to come along?"

[DM] and I could help you research that

[Mal (mikE)] "I know explosive runes, but I've kind of got a penchant for lightning too."

[Arilyn] uh-oh

[DM] but your mind can not hold the power of the spells I case

[DM] cast

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh. Too bad."

[DM] but I do think I can help teach yhou some thing

[DM] perhaps one you can handle

[Mal (mikE)] "Really? That would be great. We can trade spells. I've never had anyone to do that with before. I was an only apprentice."

[DM] so does your friend agree to your promiseof not harming me ?

[DM] and how do I know your other friends will keep that promise?

[DM] perhaps if you do become my servant

[Mal (mikE)] "Although The Great Pancake has given me spells. He's a nice guy. Er, breakfast food..."

[DM] that will ensure they will not

[Percy] ::players, could you bring her over *here* so the *rest* of us can talk to her, too? Please?::

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] i like how he goes afk as soon as he says that

[Dragon #1] giant pancakes ?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Well we wont harm you if you dont harm us I suppose. Killing you was strictly part of the plan of things not to do."

[Dragon #1] are they invisible too?like the beavers

[Mal (mikE)] "No, not so giant. Just great."

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, only I can see him. He's taught me tons of great spells."

[Dragon #1] mabye they are related

[Mal (mikE)] "Given me gifts, too."

[Mal (mikE)] "You think so? I wonder. That's something to look into."

[Dragon #1] I suppose I can let you go get yoru friends and bring them here

[Dragon #1] I will even drop the ward

[Mal (mikE)] "You should go talk to the rest of the group about working for you. Our leaders are Ramone and this lady Kylia. She's the one who owns Roadhaven."

[Mal (mikE)] "They can't swim."

[Dragon #1] they will not be very good servants then

[Mal (mikE)] "Ramone and I are the only really tallented ones."

[Mal (mikE)] "Though Kira is coming along I suppose."

[Dragon #1] but you will swear that this Kylia will serve like this Ramone will?

[Mal (mikE)] "I swear half the wizards in the group like to hit things with swords more than cast spells."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "well, she wont attack.. No promises on the serving."

[Lorie] ((:: laughs :: Serve? ... ))

[Mal (mikE)] "I guess so. You'd have to ask her."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "At least as long as we are with you anyway."

[Dragon #1] I think that we should have this conversation

[Lorie] ((Now serving... Green Dragon stew ))

[Mal (mikE)] ding

[Dragon #1] I will have Mal with me

[Mal (mikE)] "Okay. Let's go."

[Beth] ((ROFL))

[Dragon #1] Ramone may go forward

[Mal (mikE)] "You mean I get to ride you?"

[Dragon #1] and let them know the details

[Dragon #1] I will carry you

[Mal (mikE)] "Wow. This might be the best day of my life!"

[Dragon #1] you will not ride me like some beast of burden

[Mal (mikE)] "Of course."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Alright, see you soon then

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ::flies back and informs the group about the incoming dragon::

[Dragon #1] reaches out and PICKS up mal in a claw

[Mal (mikE)] "Close enough. I don't know anyone else who's gotten to do that."

[Dragon #1] and starts to swim

[Mal (mikE)] this is such a bad idea. lol

[Dragon #1] Ramone moved 548'06".

[Dragon #1] Dragon #1 and Mal moved 705'05".

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Dragon #1] Mal moved 45'09".

[Dragon #1] and Mal is floating on the surface

[Dragon #1] in the claw of a dragon

[Dragon #1] as Ramone finishes briefing you

[Mal (mikE)] "Hey guys. I found the dragon."

[Arilyn] and I don't find this odd at all

[Beth] "Hey, Mal. nice work"

[Lorie] Great... let's go

[Mal (mikE)] okay, taking even odds right now on whether i get crushed or eaten

[Dragon #1] so this is your group of friends?

[Mal (mikE)] if the odds change to favor one or the other all bets winnings will reflect the change in odds

[Beth] I vote crushed... eaten is difficult to recover from

[Dragon #1] Mal here thinks you would be good servants for me

[Lorie] No...we're just hired friends

[Lorie] His real friends died

[Mal (mikE)] "They did?"

[Lorie] :: sniffs ::

[Lorie] Servant?

[Arilyn] his real friends are all in his head

[Mal (mikE)] "I think these are dopplegangers, Betty. Maybe we should kill them before they try to take over you."

[Beth] ::chuckles::

[Lorie] :: tries to remind herself that this is for payment of Percy's death ::

[Dragon #1] (LOL)

[Mal (mikE)] "Although it's odd for a doppleganger to announce themselves like that."

[Dragon #1] if you think I shoujld breath on them

[Dragon #1] just in case

[Mal (mikE)] "And how much did I promise you? I don't remember hiring anyone."

[Mal (mikE)] "Can you? I would have thought you were too young for that yet."

[Mal (mikE)] "Aren't you about 40 years old?"

[Beth] ::chuckles:: "Mal... we're kidding!"

[Dragon #1] oh no, it is a common misconception

[Arilyn] If he gets us killed, I will come back and haunt him

[Dragon #1] I can breathe over the whole beach with ease

[Mal (mikE)] "Really? Very interesting. All the accounts in the Wolfspack library don't know of that."

[Dragon #1] although as I age the effect is more pronouced

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh. Very impressive."

[Mal (mikE)] ::nods::

[Percy] ::rises from praying::

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "So Betty here was saying she might have work for us. Would you care to elaborate on said work?"

[Percy] "I'm afraid I don't know exactly what's going on here.""

[Mal (mikE)] ::points to Percy:: "That's the paladin"

[Mal (mikE)] ::points to Kira:: "And that's the young mage I told you about."

[Percy] "Dear Lady Dragon, I am Percival."

[Beth] ::waves at Dragon::

[Dragon #1] well I always have work for my servants

[Percy] "Thank you for coming with us."

[Beth] "Wow... You are beautiful!"

[Dragon #1] and I see that I will have to replace the ones that you killed so thoughtlessly

[Dragon #1] but I have been told that you can not swim

[Percy] "How may I be of service to my lady?"

[Mal (mikE)] "With our help she could probably become one of the great ones. That is, if she would quit her gypsy ways and focus on the important things. Like magic."

[Dragon #1] so that will cause a problem

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Again, something that doesnt involve spending our whole lives here would be appreciated."

[Lorie] Oh no... we thought about it quite a bit

[Lorie] and :: points at her tattered robes :: You owe me new robes

[Lorie] Do you know how expensive Bishop Robes are ?

[Dragon #1] I suppose you could find some things for me in the forest

[Mal (mikE)] "Can I get new robes, too?"

[Percy] "Lady Kylia, you can buy new robes from my share of treasure"

[Beth] ::chudkles::

[Mal (mikE)] "Will you buy some for me?"

[Percy] "I am not a ranger, Lady Dragon, but I will do whatever I can if you will come with us to this petulant little girl."

[Lorie] :: turns :: Well ... get your giirlfriend to come already

[Dragon #1] I have a set of robes, with gold trim

[Lorie] I would like to be rid of this place of bad memories

[Percy] "This petulant little girl to whom we are somehow indebted."

[Dragon #1] they have some so spear on them as a device

[Mal (mikE)] "Oooh. Wow."

[Dragon #1] not sure which human I took them off of

[Mal (mikE)] "Really? Don't know who that belongs too."

[Dragon #1] do you really all listen and obey some little girl?

[Mal (mikE)] "I never paid attention to the livery of the guards when they chased me out of town."

[Dragon #1] why not become my servants instead

[Lorie] :: cringes and feels her face go flush ::

[Lorie] Gold trim robes and a spear you say...

[Lorie] I wonder if perhaps you didn't inherit those from Mum

[Beth] No... we do not 'obey'. We are CONTRACTED to do what is required

[Dragon #1] yes, they are a good reminder of her

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, remember how I said the paladin made that promise?"

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, they're from your mom? How nice."

[Beth] I'm afraid we make lousy servants.

[Beth] But, we do make excellent companions and friends

[Dragon #1] and stew I am sure also

[Percy] "I will certainly be of service to you, Lady Dragon. We are in your service for you to accompany us for a brief time."

[Dragon #1] I did that with the last servants that displeased me

[Mal (mikE)] "Not really. Human meat is rather tough and stringy."

[Mal (mikE)] "If you want some meat we can get all sorts of good things for you though."

[Percy] "I give you my word as a paladin."

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, the fish people probably tasted better than us. But I've never been a fan of sea food myself."

[Percy] "But you must understand I cannot be compelled to do anything that would violate my oath."

[Dragon #1] what oath?

[Dragon #1] and if you give me your word

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, I don't have any oaths. Gold trim you said?"

[Dragon #1] then I would expect you to honor that above all else

[Percy] "My oath as a paladin."

[Dragon #1] or what good is your word

[Arilyn] great. Percy takes an oath with the dragon. wonderful

[Percy] "I could give you my oath to die for you but I could not give you an oath to take the life of an innocent."

[Beth] ((feels a migraine coming on))

[Dragon #1] there are no innocents,

[Mal (mikE)] ::Pepe starts rummaging around in the pack for something::

[Dragon #1] anyone can be ripped from their mother's care

[Dragon #1] and left to fend for themselves

[Percy] "I don't know about dragon-folk, but human-folk abide by the law. At least my people do."

[Mal (mikE)] "I heard that happened to you."

[Arilyn] poor poor dragon.

[Mal (mikE)] "Must say you've done a pretty good job for yourself so far."

[Dragon #1] thank you

[Dragon #1] I do like your little group

[Mal (mikE)] "Though I'm not sure about the fish people."

[Arilyn] i didn't know green dragons were the sentimental kind

[Percy] "I am a paladin. I must obey the law and I must do good only. I cannot do evil. I cannot promise to not attack you and then attack you."

[Arilyn] you certainly are something different. i like you

[Dragon #1] you are suitably courteous

[Percy] "I can promise to defend you with my life. That is my service and that is my oath."

[Dragon #1] shakes Mal a bit

[Dragon #1] do you think I shoudl trust the word of this one?

[Percy] "That has already been put to the test in this group and I passed that test, to the chagrin of my fellow team members."

[Mal (mikE)] 'Ow, hey watch out there Betty."

[Mal (mikE)] ::Pepe puts on a necklace from the pack::

[Arilyn] um, well...he's a little batty but he means well

[Percy] ::to wit, the frost giant::

[Arilyn] what did he promise you?

[Mal (mikE)] "I said we wouldn't hurt Betty."

[Arilyn] we never came here with the intention of hurting you

[Mal (mikE)] "That's what I said."

[Arilyn] we were actually hoping to make friends

[Percy] ::No, I promised that we *wouldn't* hurt the frost giant and one of Mike's characters threatened to slay him and I stepped in::

[Percy] ::hold on a sec::

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] ::yeah. you cost me a servant::

[Mal (mikE)] ::I so had him between a rock and a hard place there::

[Dragon #1] so you think that this one **shakes Mal** will make a good servant, and that I can trust the word of that one **uses Mal to point at Percy**

[Arilyn] you can absolutely trust the paladin's word

[Beth] ::watches with fascination::

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "You can trust my word so long as it is mutually beneficial."

[Arilyn] as for Mal being a servant...I'm sure he's do the ebst he could

[Mal (mikE)] "You know, that's not very comfortable"

[Percy] "What is your command, Lady Dragon?"

[Dragon #1] I want you to swear to do your best, to lay down your life if needed to protect me from harm,

[Beth] ::shrugs:: I find traps, open doors, that sort of thing. My word is good if I give it.

[Dragon #1] and to be fair,

[Lorie] :: laughs louldly ::

[Dragon #1] that should last only for a year

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] what happens in a year?

[Dragon #1] you will be tired, and try to find a way out of your agreement

[Dragon #1] I know the attention span of a human

[Arilyn] I'm not human

[Arilyn] I have a long attention span

[Percy] "I swear to do my best, to lay down my life to protect you from harm and to be fair and that will be for one year while I am in your presence."

[Dragon #1] looks at Arilyn do you want to volunter to be my servant?

[Dragon #1] nods at Percy

[Mal (mikE) (to DM only)] would being held by a dragon stop me from casting?

[Percy] ::kneels::

[Dragon #1] and I promise to slay your enemies who try to stop you from fufilling your oath

[Percy] ::rises::

[Dragon #1 (to mikE only)] only verbal only spells

[Percy] "My dear Lady Dragon, I agree to nothing of the sort."

[Percy] "I have made my oath."

[Dragon #1] you do not want anything in return for your service?

[Percy] "I want nothing in return for my service to you."

[Mal (mikE)] "Aren't we supposed to take her to see the girl?"

[Percy] "But I hope these others do."

[Mal (mikE)] "Can I get down now Betty?"

[Dragon #1] why do you want to get down?

[Mal (mikE)] "My armpits are starting to hurt."

[Dragon #1] but I do suppose that now I have his oath

[Dragon #1] gently tosses Mal into the water

[Percy] "I hope, dear Lady, that you will accompany us to the petulant girl who wants to see you for some reason."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] gently toss...

[Mal (mikE)] "Thank you."

[Mal (mikE)] Mal moved 97'05".

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] how does one gently toss a human being

[Mal (mikE)] not into a wall?

[Dragon #1] exactly

[Dragon #1] now,

[Dragon #1] why is this girl so mad to meet me

[Percy (to DM only)] please read my promise: I said "while I am in your presence". That's only when my particular oath is valid. I'm really hoping she'll be in our presence as we return to this girl...

[Dragon #1] and why not bring her here

[Arilyn] wish we knew

[Dragon #1 (to Percy only)] nods, nice touch with that

[Mal (mikE)] "She's rather spoiled"

[Beth] she is a spoiled brat who hoped she would set us tasks too difficult and she would not have to go home to her family

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Is bringing her here an option?

[Arilyn] I think she was just trying to find the most ridiulous things she could think of.

[Percy] "Is bringing her here an option?"

[Arilyn] i don't think so

[Percy] "Would you like us to try and do that, Lady Dragon?"

[Dragon #1] (actually no, the task is to bring her the daughter of the green mistress)_

[Beth] I believe we were to 'bring the dragon to her, alive'.

[Percy] ::oh, thanks for the clarification...::

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Well, she didnt say where

[Dragon #1] if I accompany you to this girl

[Dragon #1] you will not be leading me into a trap

[Percy] "Dear Lady Dragon, the task that we signed up for was to bring you to this young lady.""

[Dragon #1] have an army waiting to ambush me

[Dragon #1] I would be disapointed in that

[Percy] "If it is a trap, I promise to defend you to my death."

[Beth] That is NOT our intent

[Percy] "I am not willing to be a part of some ambush plan."

[Lorie] :: keeps biting her tongue ::

[Percy] "Does anybody here know anything about an ambush plan?"

[Arilyn] I doubt they expect us to return at all, let alone accompanied by a dragon

[Mal (mikE)] "Nope."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Ooh... it has been a long time since I have fought an army. Do we get to fight an army maybe?

[Percy] "It will not go well for you if you keep this from me."

[Percy] "I promise."

[Dragon #1] perhaps we could lave this Mal here to guard my hoard

[Mal (mikE)] "But even if there is one I bet a few good fireballs would take care of them."

[Dragon #1] and I will travel with you

[Dragon #1] then return

[Percy] "Thank you, Dear Lady Dragon."

[Beth] ::mutters under breath:: "after you eat the brat?"

[Mal (mikE)] "I don't need to stay here to guard it. We could roll a boulder in front of the hole and wizard lock it."

[Percy] "May we be off to complete this task sans bloodshed?"

[Dragon #1] brb need to hit the restroom and drinks, as you wrap up your details

[Dragon #1] I am away from the keyboard.

[Percy] "And you have my perpetual gratitude, dear Lady Dragon."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "I think we both know that the chances of no bloodshed are remote."

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] does anybody else have trouble pictuing something other than admiral ackbar?

[Beth] ROFL

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] cant say I have ever pictured admiral ackbar for any reason

[Mal (mikE)] it's a trap!

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] Well, we've signed up for a trap, I guess.

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] how attached are we to the people that we are going to take the dragon to?

[Percy] Is the trap for us, for the girl, or for the dragon, though?

[Mal (mikE)] not

[Mal (mikE)] not me anyway

[Mal (mikE)] think of it this way, they ambush us, we kill them, we take over their little kingdom

[Percy] And let's not forget, this is *all* DM-driven...

[Beth] I personally don't think I'm attached at all

[Mal (mikE)] bob's shown me the maps. we can totally take it.

[Percy] So we can always slap Bob...

[Dragon #1] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mal (mikE)] then we have some good neighboring countries to take over

[Percy] I'm with Mike, I guess.

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Dragon #1] shakes my head

[Mal (mikE)] soon enough we'll be able to rival the biggest one in the group

[Beth] hhmmm... Queen Kylia ::grins::

[Dragon #1] ok, so how do you want to do this?

[Percy] ::It's all good when you get to listen to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra...::

[Percy] However you want, DM...

[Lorie] So BOB, please duly note that I have not pledged my alliance to this Dragon and I do not promise to do her bidding for a year

[Lorie] Thanks.

[Mal (mikE)] well, we start with the smaller of the nieghboring countries

[Lorie] I'm not out to kill her either though

[Lorie] So that's not on the agenda

[Dragon #1] yes, only Percy has an oath

[Beth] Please note that for me as well...

[Mal (mikE)] then once we have the resources of two countries we continually take over the smallest bordering one

[Lorie] Oath making only leads to oath breaking with the Dragonslayers

[Lorie] and most of the characters will be dead in under a year anyhow

[Lorie] :D

[Percy] ::Lorie, I've only promised to defend her with my life *while I'm with her*::

[Dragon #1] lol

[Lorie] ((I love you all :O) ))

[Beth] XD

[Lorie] Okie dokie...just want to be sure that BOB's not tricking us into oaths we may not be able to keep

[Percy] ::uh, isn't that Bob's job???::

[Lorie] in a week or two when now that she knows where we live she comes and bombs us

[Percy] ::he's been pretty successfull in leading us where we definitely do *not* want to go::

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Dragon #1] she does want someone to stay behind

[Lorie] ((So FYI, those were Electra's Robe and her spear that she was brandishing earlier I'm pretty sure ))

[Mal (mikE)] yeah, but then we completely wreck his plans anyway

[Arilyn] okay, so we can go mark one quest off our stupid little list?

[Dragon #1] although if you can guard the place differenctly

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ((That was my guess too))

[Percy] "Can Lady Kylia get that human robe, Lady Dragon?"

[Mal (mikE)] "She said I could have the robes. I want the gold trim."

[Lorie] I don't want her blood rewards Sir Percy. Thank you for the offer

[Lorie] ((You can have the Greek ...priestess of Athena robes))

[Mal (mikE)] "I never get anything nice. The other wizards couldn't snicker at me if I had fancy robes with gold trim."

[Arilyn] let's figure out how to guard her hoard...

[Mal (mikE)] "Maybe a good hat. With a good point. One that doesn't flop over."

[Lorie] I'll stay

[Percy] "Certainly, Mal. You have my respect because you are so smart."

[Arilyn] no Mal, the other wizards wouldn't laugh at all if you were wearing girl priest robes

[Percy] "We need smart people in our party."

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Lorie] You have Mal and Ramone

[Mal (mikE)] "Well, they wouldn't know they were priest robes unless you told them"

[Lorie] That's lots of smart

[Dragon #1] Time of Day: 10:00 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 22nd, 1259.

[Lorie] I'll stay behind

[Lorie] I'm a priest. I have little need for material possessions

[Lorie] and I somehow feel connected to this chamber

[Mal (mikE)] we can set some traps for the horde

[Beth] ::grins::

[Arilyn] um, you were the one who negotiated these little quests

[Lorie] You have the dragon

[Mal (mikE)] i'd rather have the whole party

[Lorie] you don't need me until the dragon returns

[Arilyn] you should probably be there for the delivery

[Mal (mikE)] i can set a wall of stone over the entrance

[Lorie] The Mistress' daughter is fairly eloquent...

[Mal (mikE)] that'll seal it all up

[Percy] "I will remain behind, if you wish."

[Beth] Might be best if ramone did the wall of stone, Mal

[Lorie] no no Sir Percy, you promised to keep the Mistress' daughter safe

[Percy] "Of course, my promise to you is only valid while I'm in your presence."

[Lorie] I am happy to stay behind

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] well, there are several entrances, most I am sure are too big for a wall of stone

[Percy] "I just want to be of service. Lady Kylia is much more important to this group than I."

[Dragon #1] I was thinking I would leave one of you on my resting place

[Lorie] LOL

[Dragon #1] that should be guard enough for while we are gone

[Lorie] I'm not more important than anyone

[Mal (mikE)] lets leave glabius and taurus

[Lorie] I'll stay

[Mal (mikE)] or paul

[Percy] "I will promise to defend your possessions with my life."

[Lorie] Go Go... be quick about it

[Mal (mikE)] or kit

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ::thinks:: Resting place... with all the treasure to look through... hrm...

[Mal (mikE)] they're not doing anything for us at the moment

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 21:35:36 EST 2007

[Lorie] :: draws her sword and starts marching like a solider ::

[Dragon #1] comes over to Kylia

[Arilyn] yes, let's leave Kit or Paul.. John won't mind

[Dragon #1] you will be more comfortable without that sword

[Percy] ::I'm not signing up my henchmen for this job. I guess that's the difference between an LG and a CN character...""

[Dragon #1] reaches out to pick her up

[Lorie] :: turns and smiles ::

[Lorie] Don't touch my sowrd

[Lorie] sword

Vicki is receiving the map Pool area...

Vicki has received the map Pool area.

[Lorie] :: steps back ::

[Dragon #1] hey Vick

[Lorie] You have Mal and Percy under your woo

[Percy] Hello, Vicki...

[Lorie] Go fulfill your promise to them

[Vicki] hello all, dragons too

[Lorie] :: waves at Ms. Vicki ::

[Vicki] lol

[Dragon #1] you can keep it, but you might want to put it away before you go swimming

[Beth] Hey, Vicki

[Lorie] :: slowly sheaths her sword ::

[Lorie] I don't swim

[Dragon #1] I will for both of us

[Lorie] :: points at non swimming garb ::

[Dragon #1] reaches forward to pick up Kylia in a claw

[Lorie] :: steps slowly ::

[Dragon #1] carries her over th water swimming at the surface

[Percy] ::draws steep breath::

[Dragon #1] then later warns to hold your breath

[Dragon #1] and goes through the water passage

[Percy] ::watches to make sure she doesn't hurt Lady Kylia::

[Dragon #1] leaves her on the island

[Dragon #1] of course you will look around,

[Lorie] I'm not here for treasure

[Lorie] believe me

[Dragon #1] but do not be tempted to steal anything

[Dragon #1] good

[Lorie] I'm a priestess

[Lorie] material posessions are trival and shallow

[Dragon #1] so you are looking for sacraficed

[Dragon #1] sacrafices

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] donations

[Dragon #1] I can understand that

[Lorie] :: closes eyes and begins to pray and meditate as if the Dragon isn't there any longer ::

[Lorie] I don't want your thingx

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] you cant very well sacrifice gold. you donate it

[Lorie] These are blood items

[Mal (mikE)] yes, but they're valuble

[Lorie] people died and you took them

[Dragon #1] or they gave them to me so they would not die

[Lorie] :: reshuts her eyes and resumes meditation ::

[Mal (mikE)] isn't that how we get all our treasure?

[Dragon #1] very well

[Arilyn] isn't that kind of how we get our stuff?

[Mal (mikE)] that's our what our coffers are filled with. =P

[Dragon #1] and dives back into the water

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lorie] :: sits quietly and knows that once the group is gone she'll need to listen closely for intruders ::

[Dragon #1] pauses and casts again

[Dragon #1] then swims the rest of the way

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] the difference between us and the dragon is that humans dont die for our stuff.... usually

[Dragon #1] rejoining the group

[Dragon #1] Combat has finished.

[Percy] "Let's be off so we can return quickly to rejoin our comrade."

[Dragon #1] she picks up Percy

[Percy] "I am uncomfortable to be without Lady Kylia."

[Dragon #1] I will fly you up to the surface first

[Percy] ::not resisting::

[Dragon #1] then I will carry th erest

[Dragon #1] or they can walk to meet us

[Percy] "Sure, Lady Dragoooooooon."

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "No need for me." ::flies after them::

[Lorie (to DM only)] I'll heal myself once the group is out of earshot

[Dragon #1] and she deposits Percy on the stone pier up on the opening

[Dragon #1] and the group after a bit is all outside of the caverns and in the forest above again

[Dragon #1 (to Lorie only)] and now you can

[Percy] ::excellent::

[Dragon #1] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 22 Ced ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 22nd, 1259.

[Percy] ::all *without* bloodshed::

[Beth] "thanks for the lift, Betty"

[Percy] ::gotta love it::

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer targets Ramone. Distance: 59'10"

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer no longer targets Ramone.

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) [3+13] 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) [13] 13 unless otherwise specified."

Percy is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Percy has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) [3+13] 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) [13] 13 unless otherwise specified."

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] be back in a min

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[Dragon #1] so you all gather as a group

[Lorie] Kylia Wolfslayer: Orison: "Range: 10 yds The most humble of priestly spells is the orison, a brief prayer or invocation of a minor nature. Because an orisons is not even on par with other 1st-level magic, I memorize a number of individual orisons equal to (3+13) [3+13] 16:9 when I devote a 1st-level spell slot to orison. Unlike cantrip, an orison must have a specific effect, although I need not decide which incantation I will use until I actually cast the spell. Regardless of the prayer chosen, the orison’s duration is never more than (13) [13] 13 unless otherwise specified."

[Dragon #1] Kylia Wolfslayer's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 75 (24) - Unharmed

[Dragon #1] are you all walking along?

[Dragon #1] with the dragon flying above?

[Dragon #1] or how are you getting there?

[Beth] apparently

[Dragon #1] the first place you have to cross is Gallimurfree

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Ramone flies as usual I suppose

[Arilyn] I am back at the keyboard.

[Dragon #1] the country that hired you to kill the Green Mistress years ago

[Arilyn] i'll fly along with the dragon

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Nice. Does the dragon know that?

[Dragon #1] nods

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] So, wouldnt the dragon want to detour around the area rather than fly over?

[Dragon #1] that would be other countries,

[Dragon #1] but it is a reason why she has you with an oath to protect her

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] goodie... we have multiple armies to fight

[Mal (mikE)] how long will it take her to fly over?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] :: ponders ::

[Dragon #1] travel time is 3 d

[Dragon #1] days

[Dragon #1] avoiding the largest population centers,

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Hey Betty? You might be a bit conspicuous flying over towns like this, think you can carry me gently as you fly so I could maintain an illusion over you?"

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Dragon #1] what sort of illusion would you cast?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "A cloud I think."

[Percy] Uh, Bob is setting us up, apparently.

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "People wont question a cloud."

[Vicki] is anyone else's klooge flashing blindingly white at times?

[Dragon #1] not here

[Percy] Well, that quest was fulfilled, no?

[Arilyn] no

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ((nope))

[Percy] We killed the Green Mistress, right?

[Vicki] ok... not sure why mine is

[Dragon #1] ok, so with the disquise of the cloud and the avoidance of larger towns

[Arilyn] we need to get her back to wherever right?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ((we did, but they might not be happy to see another green dragon flying overhead))

[Dragon #1] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 23 Be ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 23rd, 1259.

[Dragon #1] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 24 Pen ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 24th, 1259.

[Dragon #1] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 25 Mid ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 25th, 1259.

[Percy] Yes. Disguise & avoid.

[Arilyn] sounds like a plan

[Dragon #1] so you arrive at the Dukes keep

[Percy] Thank you, Bob.

[Percy] Uh, which number is the Duke's keep?

[Duke of Votral] I see you have completed the first quest

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] Ramone: Phantasmal Force: Lookit this!

[Percy] ::never mind::'

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] wait wait wait... first?

[Duke of Votral] you have the three tasks

[Percy] ::uh, yeah, Ramone. There are *3* inane quests::

[Duke of Votral] Iam osrry to see that Lady Kylia did not survive

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] how many raisings did we GET?

[Duke of Votral] she was an excellent ruler

[Beth] Lady Kylia lives yet

[Duke of Votral] did you leave her at the healing pools?

[Duke of Votral] is she gravely injured?

[Duke of Votral] shall I send for assistance?

[Arilyn] she's...uh...meditating.

[Beth] that will be unnecessary

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "She is pretty okay actually. Maybe some mussed hair."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Cave water isnt always good for the hair."

[Lorie] ((Send for assistance...bring large sacks. I'm not stealing anything... ))

[Percy] "Lady Kylia is fulfilling part of this quest."

[Percy] "We have negotiated at a great price to have the Lady Dragon accompany us."

[Percy] "Bring the girl."

[Duke of Votral] we shall have a feast this evening to celebrate the completion of this quest

[Duke of Votral] she will acknowledge your accomplishmetn in public

[Percy] ::looks to the green dragon::

[Percy] "My Lady, is this acceptable to you?"

[Duke of Votral] I could use an elf or three to eat

[Duke of Votral] (doh!)

[Percy] ::lovin' this, eh, Bob?::

[Arilyn] who's eating elves?!

[Beth] Excuse me?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] I like eating elves

[Dragon #1] I will stay here

[Beth] I'm not touching that one

[Dragon #1] for my dinner I would like an elf or three

[Percy] ::I was going to say: "THIS *elf-eating* dragon does not wait on petulant human females::

[Arilyn] well, I do not volunteer for that gig

[Percy] ::but I might not need to::

[Percy] ::um, or do I need to?::

[Percy] "My lady, you will have to accept a sacrifice of some cattle, sheep and pigs."

[Beth] Um... hmmm... Betty? would a nice tender steer do as well?

[Dragon #1] frowns

[Dragon #1] I suppose I could make due with that

[Beth] I'm afraid people aren't on the menu

[Beth] ::sighs with rellief::

[Percy] "Lord Votral, please bring the sacrifices for the *Dragon* now"

[Beth] thank you

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[Mal (mikE)] "Cows taste better than people anyway."

[Mal (mikE)] mmm... pumkin ale

[Beth] grain fed, tender, juicy

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] youngsters these days. In my day whenever a dragon showed up there would be a feast of virgins lined up with 10 kinds of barbeque sauce!

[Mal (mikE)] pumkinny

[Percy] "I think so. I love a good rare Angus wet-aged steak."

[Beth] Ramone... nix on the virgin idea

[Dragon #1] chuckles

[Dragon #1] so the afternoon fades,

[Dragon #1] you are forced to keep away many curious onlookers

[Percy] ::the paladin does so with all seriousness.::

[Beth] ::stands beside dragon::

[Percy] ::armed *and* dangerous::

[Duke of Votral] at the feast this evening

[Mal (mikE)] does the duke have any fancy robes?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ::charges admission to see the dragon ::

[Mal (mikE)] not priest ones?

Vicki is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Vicki has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[Duke of Votral] there are robes for sale

[Percy] "I do not appreciate the presence of a dragon to be treated as a spectacle."

Percy is receiving the map Pool area...

Percy has received the map Pool area.

[Duke of Votral] more of a toga than robes

[Duke of Votral] at the dinner

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Duke of Votral] the duke presents the group

[Mal (mikE)] those won't do for a respectable wizard

[Beth] ::rolls eyes at Percy:: you promised to protect her from harm, not voyeurism

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Well if they are going to gawk anyway, might as well charge for it."

[Duke of Votral] and loudly proclaims that you have returned from your task

[Percy] "So you know, I have given my oath to defend the life of this mighty dragon, as if she needs it."

[Duke of Votral] (then those should be great for Mal)

[Percy] ::bows head::

[Percy] "Yes, my lord."

[Duke of Votral] then at the end of th efeast

[Duke of Votral] he presents the group

[Duke of Votral] and the Dragon

[Mal (mikE)] gold?

[Mal (mikE)] gems?

[Percy] "It was our honor"

[Mal (mikE)] virgins and bbq sauce?

[Percy] "No gift is necessary"

[Duke of Votral] and Affraic stands up

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] ::kicks the paladin::

[Affraic] how do we know this is a real dragon

[Mal (mikE)] the dragon should breathe on her

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "I will take his gift then."

[Mal (mikE)] "She could breathe on you."

[Arilyn] i like Mal's idea

[Affraic] that this is not just some illusion they are foisting on us

[Percy] "This dragon will kill everybody here if you wish it."

[Beth] ::nudges dragon:: she MIGHT be on the menu

[Arilyn] we can have her bite you if you like

[Mal (mikE)] "while there are many spells that can create the illusion or form of a dragon, none of them can duplicate a dragon's breath."

[Percy] "Although some would say that is too great a cost."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "I am sure she is hungry and could do with a human to eat."

[Percy] ::ROFL::

Affraic pales a bit

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "She likes virgins I hear."

[Mal (mikE)] "That's about the best way to prove she's a dragon I can think of."

Affraic blushes and looks away

[Mal (mikE)] "Oh, but I bet she's not a virgin."

[Beth] ::mutters under breath about doing something about her 'state'

[Affraic] if she only eats virgins

[Percy] "Unfortunately, I have to defend her while she eats everybody."

[Percy] ::ROFL::

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Oh she will eat ANY human, but virgins are preferable I think."

[Affraic] then maybe we should find one for her

[Percy] "But I beg of you to not let that happen, wise Affraic."

[Mal (mikE)] "Told you she wasn't one."

[Beth] I believe YOU fit the bill, don't you, Affraic?

[Affraic] this Paladin must be one ? shouldn't he be?

[Mal (mikE)] "Wise? She's not really very wise."

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "And if she doesnt want it now, I can take care of the virgin until she gets hungry."

[Mal (mikE)] "If she was wise she would have given us really impossible tasks and not just mildly challenging ones."

[Affraic] and he has sworn not to harm her he said

[Percy] ::Um, Affraic *isn't* wise? How does he/she become a counselor to a duke?::

[Beth] politics

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] birth

[Mal (mikE)] "Many paladins don't have to swear oaths of virginess. He's probably had lots of women. I hear they go for a man in armor."

[Arilyn] she's not a counselor is she? I thought she was a foster child

[Percy] "Dear Affraic, if she wished to eat me, she could have done so already."

[Mal (mikE)] boobies

[Affraic] (yes foster child)

[Percy] "But I'm in her service now, for better or for worse. That would be worse for you, I fear."

[Percy] ::um, for the party, yes, I'm a chaste paladin::

[Mal (mikE)] "In fact, if I recall my history, the rulers who are gifted by a dragon's presence and wisdom usually gift the dragon with some riches."

[Lorie] :: rocking out in the cave ::

[Percy] ::Affraic is the counselor, no?::

[Mal (mikE)] "Betty, would you trade some words of wisdom to the duke for some treasure?"

[Percy] ::Is Affraic a he or a she, for the record?::

[Arilyn] she

[Mal (mikE)] she's the daughter we're going to bring home

[Affraic] (is a she, a girl foster child)

[Percy] gotcha.

[Mal (mikE)] "It would be rude to not give a dragon something for showing up like this. And dragons can spend decades plotting against a human who's slighted them."

[Arilyn] oaky, so mark one thing off our to-do list please.

[Dragon #1] I could take her for a flight

[Dragon #1] that will help her decide

[Percy] "Dear Affraic, if you wish for the dragon to eat me to prove that she is a dragon, I would not fight her."

[Mal (mikE)] "I heard this one time a dragon plotted and planned so long that when he took his revenge he wiped out three whole generations of the family of the person who stole some of his treasure."

[Percy] "But I feel that would not serve her best interests in this matter."

[Arilyn] Percy, don't iondulge her too much.

[Mal (mikE)] dooo iiiiit

[Beth] ::whispers to dragon:: could you possibly drop her from a couple hundred feet up?

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "I hear Betty here has some pretty slippery fingers, but should be an interesting flight I am sure.."

[Percy] "She could take you for a flight, as she took me for a flight. Would you like that?"

[Arilyn] let's all clear some space and let Betty breathe on her a little

[Mal (mikE)] "That would be a shame for your children to have to die because you weren't polite to Betty."

[Percy] "Lady Dragon, could you take her for a brief flight and not kill her?"

[Arilyn] brb

[Arilyn] I am away from the keyboard.

[Beth] ::subtly glares at paladin::

[Percy] "But I cannot bargain for Affraic's life when mine is indebted to you."

[DM] Araffac trembles but steps forward

[Percy] ::ROFL::

[Mal (mikE)] he'll never catch it if you're subtle

[DM] and walks up to the dragon

[Percy] ::ROFL::

[Beth] ::chuckles:: true

[Mal (mikE)] actually, we should just have the dragon fly her home.

[Mal (mikE)] then we'd be done

[Percy] Bob, you are *too* funny, man.

[Mal (mikE)] no need for the kirin or trident

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] "Dont breathe on the dragon's fingers, she is ticklish!"

[Beth] ooh! YEAH!

[Ramone (BiBo!!)] oh wait, we had to do all three of those? I thought we had to choose one of the three

[Percy] "Affraic, that's like being picked up by 5 longswords, by the way."

[Mal (mikE)] see, you guys are totally playing this wrong. we could end this adventure here and get gold to boot

[Percy] "The rest of us handled it pretty well."

[Dragon #1] This will only hurt a littl

[Beth] "I'm sure she has plenty of robes to replace the ones she's wearing"

[Dragon #1] and she LUNACHES into the air

[Beth] "and there are healers to bandage the cuts"

[Dragon #1] swoops over the crowd

[Mal (mikE)] go tell her to fly the girl home bibo

[Percy] "And I'm sure the Lady Dragon will be gentle... I really hope so.""

[Dragon #1] and to her credit Araffac does not scream

[Percy] ::ROFL::

[Dragon #1] then the dragon comes back to the crowd

[Beth] too petrified to even scream

[Dragon #1] and sets her down

[Percy] too funny.

[DM] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 23 22:22:20 EST 2007 ====

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

Lorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:23:13 EST 2007

Vicki has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:23:13 EST 2007

Arilyn has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:23:53 EST 2007

[Vicki] um... what happened?

Lorie is receiving the map Pool area...

Lorie has received the map Pool area.

Vicki is receiving the map Southeast Terraguard...

Vicki has received the map Southeast Terraguard.

[Vicki] I am away from the keyboard.

Percy has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:25:05 EST 2007

[Vicki] I am back at the keyboard.

BiBo!! has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:25:26 EST 2007

BiBo!! is receiving the map Pool area...

BiBo!! has received the map Pool area.

[Percy] everything cool now?

Percy is receiving the map Pool area...

Percy has received the map Pool area.

Beth has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:26:29 EST 2007

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[Percy] not good

Percy has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:27:10 EST 2007

[Duke of Votral] waiting every time someone logs in or out

[Arilyn] having issues are we?

mikE has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:27:58 EST 2007

[Duke of Votral] my screen has to redraw evertyhing

mikE is receiving the map Pool area...

mikE has received the map Pool area.

[Duke of Votral] will wait for Hans to finish

Percy has joined the game on Fri Nov 23 22:29:37 EST 2007

[Duke of Votral] ok, so the duke addresses the group and the crowd

[Percy] here

[Duke of Votral] it is obvious that this group has completed this task for all to see

[Duke of Votral] smiles at Araffac who is quietly sitting watching everything now

[Duke of Votral] and I am sure that this fine group of heroes can complete the other two tasks that have been agreed upon

[Duke of Votral] looking out over the group smiling

[mikE] we should let the dragon eat everyone here

[Percy] ::returning smile::

[Percy] ::looking at crowd::

[Percy] ::tempted to sing::

[Percy] I can see significant latency with all users.

[BiBo!!] yeah... laggyness

[Duke of Votral] nods

[Beth] yup

[Percy] Now it's down to 1s

[Percy] Was up to 6s

[Percy] k, we might be fine now.

[Duke of Votral] ok, so the group completes this first taks

[Duke of Votral] task

[Duke of Votral] you are escorting her back to her lair?

[BiBo!!] ((1s is still pretty high considering it is usually in the ms range)

[Duke of Votral] and then use the gem to blip back to roadhaven?

[Beth] I would imagine so, yes

[Percy] Yes, we will mask her presence as before and rejoin our party member.

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 26 Ko ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 26th, 1259.

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 27 See ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 27th, 1259.

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 28 Fin ___ se, Sin {Late Summer} 28th, 1259.

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 1 Trall, Spe {Early Fall} 1st, 1259.

[Percy] Rejoining Lady Kylia should be our priority.

[Duke of Votral] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 1 Trall, Spe {Early Fall} 1st, 1259.

[BiBo!!] yeah, sounds good... I guess. Not complaining or anything, but they just wanted to see the dragon alive?

[Percy] "Thank you, Lady Dragon, for joining us on this adventure."

[Percy] "I will remember my oath from this day."

[Percy] ::DM, I'll need your help in keeping this promise.::

[Arilyn] this was busy work so to speak

[Duke of Votral] nods

[DM] you took a totally different track than they expected

[DM] they were picturing the dragon brought in in chains

[DM] bloddy and beaten

[mikE] lol

[mikE] silly people

[Beth] ::grins::

[DM] you did very well to turn things onj their head

[mikE] and they would finish it of

[Beth] indeed

[Percy] a-ha

[Beth] and call themselves dragonslayers also ::contemptuous sneer::

[DM] and everyone in in Roadhaven

[DM] after the days have past

[Percy] I am away from the keyboard.

[DM] and now you can contemplate how to accomplish the other two tasks

[mikE] i'd say we do the same thing with the kirin

[mikE] find one, and convince it to appear with us

[Beth] ok, I need to go

[Beth] and I agree with Mike

[mikE] bye lizzie

[DM] have a good weekend Beth

[Arilyn] bye

[Beth] :)

[Beth] eh... another shot tonight... weekends are not my favorite time of week anymore

[Beth] good night all :)

[BiBo!!] nighty beth!

Beth has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:40:58 EST 2007

[BiBo!!] so what exactly do we need to do with this kirin? Bring it in for show and tell?

[DM] a kirin horn

[BiBo!!] Any particular requirement for it to be detached from said kirin?

[DM] there is a link in the upper left of th emap to the section of the website for this adventure

[DM] nope

[Percy] I am back at the keyboard.

[BiBo!!] do they have to keep it or seeing it is fine?

[Arilyn] so we could bring in the whole thing like we did with the dragon

Percy is receiving the map Base Map...

Percy has received the map Base Map.

[DM] that is the assumption with this yes

[BiBo!!] okay

[BiBo!!] so.... we have to head out east then?

[DM] no one knows

[Percy] Yep

[DM] how to find one yet

[BiBo!!] kirins are oriental critters last I checked

[Percy] thought we did "research"

[DM] true

[DM] and yes

[DM] found out some good info for that

[DM] think it is the third night of this adventure?

[Percy] ?????

[DM] the chat files have all the info in it

[BiBo!!] well, what info did we find?

[DM] if you look at the website and do a search for Kirin

[DM] you will see it there

[DM] I can not load that read this here at teh same time

[DM] but the basics are there

[DM] you know you need to find it in the oriental lands

[Arilyn] well, my poor brain hurts so I'm going to say goodnight!

[DM] but not sure how yet

[DM] goo dnight christy

[DM] feel better

[DM] hope that goes away

[Arilyn] night! thanks!

Arilyn has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:47:08 EST 2007

[Percy] I'll sign out with her. Solidarity and whatever..

[Percy] You guys have a great night!

[DM] chuckles

[mikE] night all. i won't be here next week.

[Percy] Thanks!

[DM] have a good time Hans

[Percy] I vote for myself as Role-Player of the night.

[mikE] need to put the moves on a cute girl i met last weekend. ;)

[Percy] I need the XP.

[DM] grins

[Percy] ::chuckles::

[mikE] good luck with the kirin

[Lorie] I vote for me... I sat in a cave of treasure

[Percy] Uh.

[Lorie] LOL

[mikE] night all.

[Percy] We need you, Mike.

[DM] night

[Percy] Or, we're gonna miss you, Mike.

[DM] we can pick up here next week

[Percy] Sounds good.

[mikE] you'll make due

mikE has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:48:40 EST 2007

[BiBo!!] hrm... I guess the best way to get the kirins attention is to head off to the orient and start doing good deeds

[Percy] I vote for you *plenty*, Lorie. Not tonight, babe-

[BiBo!!] but lord knows how long itd take to get ones attention and we dont do good deeds

[Lorie] ha ha ha

[Lorie] good luck with that level Hans ;)

[Lorie] You can have my vote

[Lorie] I'm going to be at this level a LOOOONNNNGGGG while

[Lorie] ;O)

[Percy] Well thanks. You're a peach.

[Percy] ::ROFL::

[DM] grins

[Percy] DM, make it sew!!~~~~~

[Percy] Gotta go, man-

[Percy] Gotta put all these kids to bed....

[Lorie] Time to clean the house here

[Lorie] Have a great night all

Lorie has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:51:07 EST 2007

[BiBo!!] nighty!

[Percy] I've been cleanin' all day long!!!!

[Vicki] ok night night

[DM] have a great day Marco

[BiBo!!] will do

Vicki has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:51:29 EST 2007

BiBo!! has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:51:32 EST 2007

Percy has left the game on Fri Nov 23 22:52:14 EST 2007