Main / Nov2505

Nov 25 05 - Order of Purity

x[DM] ==== Gaming session has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minute and 20 seconds ====

xmikE has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 18:46:00 EST 2005

xmikE has left the game on Fri Nov 25 18:46:26 EST 2005

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 18:47:52 EST 2005

xClient has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 18:48:27 EST 2005

x[DM] hey

x[BiBo!!!] ::waves:: heyo

x[DM] on the laptop, with theh dreded touch pad

x[DM] so my responses might be a little slower than normal

x[BiBo!!!] dum dum DAH

x[DM] as if you woulc tell

x[BiBo!!!] so you'll be like a scratched cd of william shatner tonight then?

x[DM] exactly

x[DM] and Moon

x[DM] you can change from Client to Moon again

x[DM] Marco, this is Jennifer

x[DM] she is an observer tonight

x[DM] with an eye on playing,

x[BiBo!!!] ::waves:: hello observer

x[DM] we will discuss that later

x[DM] I hope Ed will be here tonight

x[DM] he missed last week

x[DM] we used Juniper to show Jennifer some klooge stuff yesterday, so you can reset her to full again

x[BiBo!!!] full... doesn't look like she's hurt

x[DM] used a spell or two

x[BiBo!!!] ah

x[BiBo!!! (to GM only)] Character sheet for Juniper modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 3 (2).

x[DM] when more people get here Marco will run the questions for Aladtair

x[DM] then the interview with them

x[DM] then the second encounter with them after your group talkes about them

x[BiBo!!!] k

x[BiBo!!!] mike'll be on in a sec

xClient is receiving the map Base...

xClient has received the map Base.

xmikE has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 18:55:19 EST 2005

x[mikE] heyo

xSean has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 18:56:30 EST 2005

x[DM] greetings all

x[Client] Hi, this is Jennifer, observing

x[DM] and you can ask questins Jennifer no problem there, just please do not help them solve anything

x[DM] but if Mike has someeone for you to speak as

x[Sean] Greetings and Salutations

x[DM] you could help in that way

x[DM] how are you tonight Sean?

x[DM] and everything better there now Mike?

x[mikE] Was it bad?

x[DM] you came in and out quickly

x[Sean] I'm fine

xSean is receiving the map Base...

xSean has received the map Base.

x[Client] Speak as?

x[mikE] That was bibo.

x[DM] no you did too

x[mikE] he's running klooge on my laptop, off of his portable harddrive

x[BiBo!!!] no, that was me

x[BiBo!!!] using his computer now

x[DM] darn cool

x[mikE] so i'm on my pc.

x[mikE] because his melted itself again

x[BiBo!!!] well, it was never sufficiently unmelted to begin with

x[mikE] bloody japanese kamikaze computers

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:00:05 EST 2005

x[mikE] hey lor!

x[Lorie] Evening all ;)

x[Lorie] :: spies a new face :: Hello Jennifer

x[DM] just so you know I am on the touch pad, I forgot to bring the mouse

x[Jennifer] Hi Lorie

x[DM] I know that Robert is sitting in my house,

xJennifer sits in confused silence and pretends she's not here

x[DM] and I have not heard from John yet

x[Lorie] of January you know you can buy the 100 dollar laptops... they come with their own neon yellow power crank

x[Lorie] He was online earlier

x[DM] good

x[Sean] so, how's the weather in Arizona, Jennifer?

x[Jennifer] Arizona?

x[DM] and Mike do you have a character for Jennifer to play?

x[DM] grins

x[DM] Sean is our tech guru

x[DM] he does that to scare people,

x[Sean] Well, the IP address you are using is from a copmany out in Tusco.

x[Sean] Tuscon.

x[Jennifer] I'm not in Arizona

x[Lorie] he asks about the weather to scare you?

x[Sean] ah.

x[Jennifer] That would be my "local" DSL provider

x[mikE] sure. she can have a person if she wants.

x[DM] if you have snow that would scare anyone

x[DM] just to talk at Mike, you are in control

x[mikE] give her a sheet and she can make up the name and all.

x[Jennifer] I am on Bainbridge Island in Washington State, hence the confusion there

x[DM] I had Jennifer use Juniper before to show her some ropes

x[Lorie] I have snow

x[Jennifer] Where are you, Lorie??

x[DM] don't you have al bunch of no name's there arelady?

x[Lorie] and I'm happy to give it all away

x[Lorie] I'm in Pennsylvania

x[Jennifer] *misses snow*

x[Sean] Ah ...

x[Lorie] we drove home from my Mother's last night in near white-out conditions... it was quite a trip

x[Sean] I don't miss snow.

x[DM] wow

x[Jennifer] Oh, I don't miss driving in that kind of situation, though

x[Lorie] :: packs all the snow up and sends it to Washington with a snowball's worth for Bibo::

x[DM] I can visit snow if I want to see it, likeit that way

xJennifer grins

x[Lorie] :: whispers :: marco is a HUGE fan of snow and cold

x[mikE] snow sucks! it's cold and wet.

x[BiBo!!!] snow should only exist in a cup with flavored syrup on it

x[mikE] and cold.

x[mikE] and wet.

x[mikE] there's nothing good about snow.

x[Jennifer] Someone will tell me really specifically if there's something I am supposed to do, right?

x[mikE] sure. don't die.

x[Lorie] Umm... sure. Mike is great at being bossy ;)

x[DM] you only have to observe and be teh quiet person in the back

x[BiBo!!!] and don't die

x[Lorie] Bob will smile and watch you die... he's kind and friendly like that

x[Lorie] Where's Ed?

x[Lorie] Did we scare him off?

x[Sean] And if you have a snarky comment about kLooge, that's okay too.

x[mikE] i think he had to go to the vet or something.

x[BiBo!!!] well he said before he started that he'd be like an hour late to most games

x[mikE] yes. this is a free for all insult klooge forum.

x[Lorie] we'll it's only like 4pm for him, so I get that

x[Jennifer] I still have the chat covering the map!

x[Lorie] Klooge is what brings us all together ... let's be less on the snarky ;)

xLorie is receiving the map Base...

xLorie has received the map Base.

x[DM] in your preferences Jennifer

xJennifer tries new color

x[DM] setchat delay to zero

x[DM] etc,

x[DM] they will help with taht

x[Jennifer] I thought I did all that!

x[DM] no clue, why it did not keep your settings

x[Jennifer] Well, it's docking the chat down below, and I set the other thing to zero

x[DM] ok

x[DM] oh and NO private mesages to me tonight use IM for that please

x[DM] as I have no sound here

xJennifer thinks she fixed it now.

x[DM] might take a half hour to notice that blnking light

x[DM] but Lorie or someone will show Jennifer how to do that

x[Jennifer] Uh oh, what IM?

x[DM] you know, my normal one is fine I have that up

x[DM] but there is a private mesage system here in klooge as well so you can talk about me behind my back

x[mikE] snicker

x[mikE] like we bother with that anymore.

x[DM] grins

x[BiBo!!!] or you could do it in the chat room as well if you use /(person's name) so /dm would go straight to dm only

x[mikE] Bob's a dainty troll snatching carbunkle

x[Sean] Hey! Don't insult carbunkles like that!

x[Jennifer] Oh, thank goodness I don't have to learn that right this minute

x[DM] ok

x[DM] so looks like John is not going to be here

x[DM] at least not right away

x[mikE] So who's going to wolfspack?

x[DM] only ALstar

x[DM] first

x[DM] then he comes back

x[DM] and then you have a second meeting

x[DM] and Al

x[DM] your small research turns up

x[DM] the Order of Purity is an infrequent organzation

x[DM] at least they do not come to wolfspack regularly

x[DM] three entries stand out

x[DM] each tme becaue it was after a half dragon came to town after a big adventure

x[DM] shortly there after the Order showed up

x[Sean] What a bunch of bigots ...

x[DM] and that person never returned to WP

x[BiBo!!!] so it looks like they don't care about other half breeds, just half dragons?

x[DM] correct

x[mikE] So we should send Val as our emissary.

x[BiBo!!!] I be this organization is run by a dragon...

x[mikE] I'm sure they'd be fine with a half demon, yeah?

x[DM] and you can say that they have not been active becuse of the fact that it has been a while that they have been here, atl least 5 years

x[Sean] I guess it depends on which half is demon

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] any mention of member names that might be important or where they might be based out of?

x[DM] no, every time it is a new member

x[DM] make a reason check for me

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Alastair: INT check: (d20) [2] 2. PROBABLY SUCCEEDS against (18) [18] 18!!!

x[DM] you could make a fairly certian assumption that there is a member assigned to each new person they target

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so probably not a huge organization?

x[DM] so for your first meeing with them

x[DM] that depends Al

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or would someone who's assigned be a watcher only?

x[DM] three half dragons

x[DM] three member names

x[DM] not sure if that means they are big enough to assign someone new to each person

x[DM] or small and do not have enough people to send two at a time

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, 3 is hardly a telling of a large group

x[Arabella #1] I am back at the keyboard.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but do I get the impression that the person assigned does the hunting or is just a scout for the others?

x[Arabella #1] she stans up and smiles

x[Arabella #1] reaches otu to shake your hand

x[Arabella #1] hello

x[Arabella #1] thank you for agreeing to meet

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Greetings ma'am. I am glad we could be social about this. I trust your journey has faired well?

x[Arabella #1] she is waiting on a bench out side of the adventurers guild in Wolfpsack

x[Arabella #1] she nods, it was not unpleasent

x[Arabella #1] she has no weapons, and a large decorative peace knot

x[Arabella #1] at her waist

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ditto

x[Arabella #1] so you had some questions for us

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] So tell me something of your order. Your purpose is obvious though your reasons may not be. How long have you been hunting half dragons?

x[Arabella #1] we have existed as long as it has been known that we need to remove these creatures from socity

x[Arabella #1] No Name moved 35'07".

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] have they caused some trouble to you to cause such a grievance? who started this order?

x[Arabella #1] No Name #5 moved 34'08".

x[Arabella #1] our history is complicated

x[Arabella #1] but our purpose is clear

x[Arabella #1] we ask that you allow these two to join us

x[Arabella #1] and we will take them with us

x[Arabella #1] we do not wish anyone any extra harm

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but who is your leader? surely such an order must have some authority figure.

x[Arabella #1] I get my orders from someone it is true

x[Arabella #1] but I would not say that that person is the leader

x[Arabella #1] na na na na na leader... nanananana leader

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Well, your founder then. who is that?

x[Arabella #1] we have no founder that we revere as you do

x[Arabella #1] we have been focused on our tasks

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, someone had to have started the group and organized you in your quest.

x[Arabella #1] we have been following this ... person... for several years now

x[Arabella #1] and I was chosen to bring her back

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] back where? and to who?

x[Arabella #1] when we were apraised of the other in your midst

x[Arabella #1] that is not someting I can tell you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] why not?

x[Arabella #1] (so far assuming you are doing the paladin things and she is telling the truth)

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Surely if your cause is just you have no fear speaking of it to a paladin such as I

x[Arabella #1] we have no fears

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] then what have you to hide?

x[Arabella #1] but we do keep quiet and do not spread news of ourselves

x[Arabella #1] some might take it as a sign to encourage other less restrained orders

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Well, still, I would feel more comfortable about all this if I had proof that you were taking orders from a just being. I have known of entire orders who were mislead by such creatures as mind flayers or other powerful evil beings.

xLorie has left the game on Fri Nov 25 19:39:47 EST 2005

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:40:19 EST 2005

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it would be easy for such a being to take over a small number of well meaning individuals

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and twist their once noble quest to less than noble ends

x[Arabella #1] she smiles

x[Arabella #1] you are very percdeptive

x[Arabella #1] but I am not allowed to reveal too much information

x[Arabella #1] perhaps if we meet here, in the spring?

x[Arabella #1] we have time you could go back an discuss this

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and what would change then? would you show me or tell me of your leader then?

x[Arabella #1] and then we can meet here again to finalize matters?

x[Arabella #1] I will take your suggestions and concerns back with me

x[Arabella #1] I will not promise anything

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] very well, still I would like a history of your order if that would not be too much to ask.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] as well as a list of any just claims you have to your cause

x[Arabella #1] my history is that I was found as a young girl

x[Arabella #1] I studied with the Order to learn of the wolrd

x[Arabella #1] and then I was assigned to this... person... to bring her back

x[Arabella #1] she has admited to her heritage

x[Arabella #1] I am slightly shocked that your group takes.... her so lightly

x[Arabella #1] that you will give her free reign

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we try not to judge until we have reason to

x[Arabella #1] you speak of perverting good deeds

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] at least most of us try to at any rate

x[Arabella #1] how long will that take

x[Arabella #1] before you know what will happen

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, if she does no wrong, she can hardly be faulted for that

x[Arabella #1] and neither can the pebble that begins the landslide

x[Arabella #1] but the results harm many

x[Arabella #1] she stands up

x[Arabella #1] thank you for this codial visit

x[Arabella #1] I must be going

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Until the spring friend.

x[Arabella #1] but we will talk in the prings

x[Arabella #1] she bows her head,

x[Arabella #1] smiles at you

x[Arabella #1] and makes a small circle on her chest

x[Arabella #1] then walks awasy

x[DM] ok

x[DM] so now you have the extra info such as it is

x[mikE] god... can i kill her yet?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so I get back then

x[DM] and you have about 4 months of time to figure out what you want

x[DM] talk amoung your selves,

x[DM] Jennifer if you have any questions, ask

x[DM] I will go get a drink and brb

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I would say that this order more likely than not is headed by a dragon of some type

x[Jennifer] Um, I think I'm good.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] mostly because they are only going after half dragons

x[Finglass (mikE)] Good. Then we can go and live up to our name.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm going to try scry on arabella and see if I can get any information that way

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] do it a few times a day if she's in a warded area in case she leaves it so we can perhaps get some clue as to where they might be

xJAA has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:54:01 EST 2005

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oooh boy, john broke it

x[DM] you do not scry her at all

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not in months of scrying?

x[JAA] if I am one too many let me knwp

x[DM] correct

x[DM] John, let us know when you are caught up on the chat room

x[JAA] please do go on

x[Lorie] he's caught up Bob... he knows the deal :)

x[DM] so do you want any other info? no other ideas between the next meeting?

x[Lorie] :: ponders :: Don't we know a gold Dragon or Silver Dragon or someone we could get as an informant

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I want to cast contact other plane

x[Finglass (mikE)] What type of dragons were killed so far?

x[DM] ok

x[DM] what do you mean Mke?

x[Lorie] Black, rRed, Green

x[Lorie] Blue...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think he means the 3 that were killed

x[DM] yellow if you are counting the ones your group has killed

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what types they were

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] half dragons

x[DM] no one was killed, that you know of

x[DM] the three that went missing

x[DM] half bronze

x[DM] half blakc

x[DM] half mercury

x[Lorie] Hmmm....

x[Lorie] LG, CE, CG

x[DM] everyone's wheelsare spinning?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm thinking of the questions I'm gonna ask for my spell

x[Lorie] We're going somewhere warmer I guess

x[Finglass (mikE)] so where are we in the build process, bob?

x[DM] done

x[DM] the spring meeting comes after that is complete

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay so I'm casting contact other plane

x[Kit (JAA)] can I ask a question?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure

x[DM] of course

x[Kit (JAA)] Before this meeting but afetr Fin's hechman and Kit came to WP

x[Kit (JAA)] was there two more logs?

x[Kit (JAA)] like we each got assigned someone?

x[DM] no

x[Kit (JAA)] and what was the "purpose for oming to WP" for the last three?

x[DM] no mention of the OoP showing up in Wolfspack in the past 5 years

x[Kit (JAA)] what about dragons leaving or arriving in WP?

x[DM] thinking of how to phrase that one

x[Kit (JAA)] and what was the "purpose for coming to WP" for the first three?

x[DM] ok, as to dragons in WP

x[DM] the last to enter was one of the name Pittsburgh

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh goody

x[mikE] sweeet.

x[DM] and the other three half dragons came to WP as part of adventuring groups

x[mikE] And did the truth grid get pitt's color?

x[DM] yeah, never thought you woudl ask that question here, sighs

x[DM] steel

x[Jennifer] hee

x[Kit (JAA)] that what I am here for, when did this dragon arive?

x[Lorie] :: frowns and rolls eyes ::

x[DM] what, come on Lorie, it is a great name, especially wehn you look at that pun

x[DM] about 8 months ago, shortly after you encountered him

x[Lorie] Don't ask Paul to help you come up with names anymore... :: shakes head ::

x[DM] in his human form

x[DM] grins

x[mikE] bob, that was just dumb.

x[Kit (JAA)] sorry, we encountered a steel dragon?

x[mikE] bloody stupid.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] apparently so

x[mikE] i'd expect that from sean

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] he gave fin a sword that'll start a war

x[DM] you never caught on and it was right in front of you

x[DM] fill them in Mike

x[Kit (JAA)] and in the time line was that before the OOP?

x[mikE] pittshburg steelers

x[mikE] and bibo's the one that caught it.

x[DM] yes beofre the OoP

x[Sean] I'd liketo think I'd name him Dan

x[Sean] (Or Danielle if female)

x[mikE] steely dan?

x[DM] almost damascus, but that is a little too obscure

x[Sean] But Pittsburg?

x[Lorie] Oh and SPC, I know it's 2 years too late... but I now get Firefly... thanks

x[Lorie] Danielle Steele... I got it ;)

x[Kit (JAA)] YEA to FireFLY!

x[Sean] (I was thinkingof Steely Dan)

x[mikE] woot.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] anyone got any questions they want to ask while I'm contacting the outer planes?

x[Sean] Yeah, if 42 is the answer, what's the question 8-P

x[mikE] what is six times seven?

x[Lorie] :: pondering questions that she can't verbalize ::

x[Kit (JAA)] Well, I'd like to know who put the contract on my head so I can kill them

x[mikE] because it couldn't be something as stupid as how many roads a person must walk down.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we know that

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] the order of purity

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm gonna ask some questions to figure out stuff about them

x[Kit (JAA)] so get a list of names and I'll work on them one by one

x[Sean] So ask, "Who put the contract on Kit via the Order of Purity?"

x[Lorie] I want to know what's the rhyme or reason to the targets. Mercury? Bronze? Steel? and then Black ?!?

x[Kit (JAA)] well if they want to kill all 1/2 dragons, I do not think color mattres

x[Lorie] I see why they would want Kit...she's half Gold, correct?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] what he said

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they don't care about color

x[Sean] Well, iron is black...

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] just that they're half dragon

x[Kit (JAA)] I understand why you think it is a dragon behide it all

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I can't think of another race that would be so devoted to hunting half dragons

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and only half dragons

x[Kit (JAA)] but why are the foolish "humanoids" helping?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] they're followers

x[Kit (JAA)] like sheep

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I'm thinking

x[mikE] could be any number of reasons.

x[mikE] they hate half dragons

x[mikE] dragon's got em hoodwinked

x[mikE] just paid swords

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I doubt they're just paid swords

x[mikE] blackmail

x[DM] Kit likes sheep?

x[Sean] Or they're dragons in human form

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright so anyone got any questions to ask about the order before I get casting?

x[DM] actually a no to Sean, because Pitz was the last dragon to enter wolfspack

x[Kit (JAA)] WP would know

xLorie has left the game on Fri Nov 25 20:20:02 EST 2005

x[Sean] Really powerful dragons that can fool the truth grid ...

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:20:25 EST 2005

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] probs lorie?

x[DM] how many questions will you get Al?

x[Lorie] Yeah... I got bumped offline. not sure why

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] 5 unless you give me enough xp to level

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] course I can always cast it again

x[Kit (JAA)] and again

x[DM] you are how close?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I dunno like under 200k away

x[DM] i did not add in teh XP sorry, meant to and then got distracted by some director of a detective agency

x[DM] and then 5 for now

x[Kit (JAA)] blah blah blah

x[mikE] stupid detective

x[DM] so first question

x[Kit (JAA)] (What is your Quest?)

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Nov 25 20:24:01 EST 2005

x[Kit (JAA)] (What is your favorite color?)

x[DM] Mike? what happened there?

x[Kit (JAA)] (What is the average speed of an unladdend swallow?)

x[DM] Marco is at your place?

x[Lorie] ((African or European ))



x[mikE] shrug

xBiBo!!! has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:25:18 EST 2005

x[BiBo!!!] stupid freezing klooge

x[BiBo!!!] okay so question one

x[DM] it is lorie's fault she mentioned snow

x[BiBo!!!] Does the order of purity have a divine sponsor?

x[DM] her and Jennifer

x[DM] and in answer to your question

xJennifer has left the game on Fri Nov 25 20:26:41 EST 2005

x[DM] no there is no devine

x[BiBo!!!] Is the order of purity lead by or founded by a dragon?

x[Kit (JAA)] fondled?

x[Kit (JAA)] must b wax in me ears

x[Kit (JAA)] Al you have a dirty mind

x[DM] ok

x[BiBo!!!] okay is the answer?

x[DM] sorry, and the answer is "unclear"

x[Sean] unclear?

x[Kit (JAA)] "reprase the question"?

x[Sean] (I think that means you tried to pass two questions off as one)

x[Kit (JAA)] or "Not really but kinda of"

x[BiBo!!!] Does the order of purity take orders from a dragon?

x[DM] yes

x[BiBo!!!] What is the dragon's name?

x[DM] no ansser

x[DM] answer

x[BiBo!!!] What type of dragon is it?

x[DM] no answer

x[DM] it appears that it is a closely guarded secret, that seems to change

x[BiBo!!!] the dragon's name and type?

x[Sean] Tiamat ... multiple colors that one

x[BiBo!!!] no, cuz that would be a divine sponsor

x[DM] sorry, seems I am blocking people from reentering just a sec

x[Kit (JAA)] maybe one location?

x[DM] the dragon's name is not known

x[DM] the type has been gold

x[DM] red

x[DM] cloud

xJennifer has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:35:39 EST 2005

x[DM] shou lung

x[DM] and recently Gem

x[BiBo!!!] great, so random dragons lead this order. prolly will be taken up by another dragon if we kill this one

x[Sean] So we don't kill it, just subdue it to our will.

x[Kit (JAA)] so the ultimate arch nem for the DS

xJennifer is receiving the map Base...

xJennifer has received the map Base.

xJennifer thinks she's back at last

x[DM] Jennifer, you are ok so far with this< will you be back later on ?

x[DM] I know you have that thing to go to

x[BiBo!!!] well at least we don't have to worry about it having psionics I guess

x[Kit (JAA)] shhhh

x[Jennifer] I need to go in about twenty minutes, am fine with everything so far

x[Jennifer] Think it looks fun, interested in exploring joining game

x[Jennifer] (except for cracks about detectives!)

xJennifer grins sleuthily

x[DM] oh, and work on Lorie, she knows Sleuth too

x[BiBo!!!] so how much xp DO we get anyway?

xBiBo!!! is receiving the map Base...

xBiBo!!! has received the map Base.

x[Kit (JAA)] before we die

x[Lorie] 3 Marco... it's only Thanksgiving on an Odd year

x[DM] grins

x[DM] there is like 150-225 K in the bank for each right now I think,

x[DM] i forgot to add in the construction encounters too

x[DM] plus the misc roleplay

x[BiBo!!!] Kit moved 7'01".

x[Kit (JAA)] Al, if you want to make the next meeting, go ahead,

x[Kit (JAA)] I say e move on with our lives and let them try and take us

x[Kit (JAA)] err me

x[BiBo!!!] alright, anyone anything else before I get going?

x[DM] it was assume that all the group woudl attend teh next meeting

x[Kit (JAA)] What is our goal now, do you expect anything to come from this meeting?

x[Kit (JAA)] this pawn clearly has no power

x[Kit (JAA)] the only use she has alive is if she leads us to the "dragon"

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, we can't very well attack something we can't find

x[Kit (JAA)] we can kill the messanger

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that won't do anything though

x[Kit (JAA)] it will make me feel beter

x[Kit (JAA)] I think Kit will go and see Sabrina while you all are in WP, stop by and see me there

x[JAA] I am away from the keyboard.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] alright, off to wolfspack I guess

x[DM] ok

x[DM] so who is not there?

x[DM] just Kit is absent?

x[DM] Mike? what about ?

x[mikE] no

x[mikE] fin'll just be in the way there

x[mikE] it's probably better if he stays home and deals with things that need doing

x[DM] and antarias?

x[mikE] no...

x[mikE] he got sent home.

x[DM] who will you send as your emisarry from Greenbough?

x[mikE] and why would we send him when they want him dead?

x[mikE] well, do i have followers yet?

x[DM] just asking

x[DM] and yes you have your followers

x[mikE] Val will go instead, then.

x[mikE] That'll piss them off.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] probably not

x[mikE] Fin can only hope

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we'll just have ANOTHER order after us that hunts half demons and is lead by a full demon

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sooooo.... is anyone paying attention?

x[DM] yes

x[DM] just wating to be sure of who is there,

x[DM] I am ready with the two of them

x[mikE] well, val is

x[Lorie] I

x[Lorie] err I am there... what's with the delay?

x[DM] just want to be sure,

x[DM] so WP again

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no one was saying they'd be accompanying me to wolfspack and bob was wanting to know who was going

x[DM] the adventures guild

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sure, the adventurers guild'll follow me, so who's there waiting?

x[Lorie] sorry the way the original leading question was phrased was who isn't going... I took that to be if I didn't speak, I was present. All apologies

x[DM] arabell and Blueberry are there

x[DM] both are waiting outside

x[DM] when they see the size of your group

x[DM] they ask if you want to go to a bar

x[DM] and is anyone not wearing a peace knot?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Sounds fine by me

x[DM] no spells or weapons?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] question, if you're not wearing a peace knot, can someone who is wearing one hurt you?

x[Jennifer] This looks like a good transition time to say thanks and bye for now?

x[DM] thanks Jenn, see you around later on ?

x[DM] how long will you be gone?

x[mikE] val'll wear a peace knot, i suppose.

x[Jennifer] I

x[Jennifer] I

x[DM] no, if you are wearing a peace knot to hurt someone is a very bad thing

x[Jennifer] I won't be back before midnight your time, I don't think, Bob

x[DM] ok

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] k, I'm wearing one

x[DM] then see you tomorrow most likely

x[DM] have fun

xLorie has left the game on Fri Nov 25 20:59:30 EST 2005

x[mikE] if alatair is wearing one, val is.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so, to the bar

xLorie has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:59:48 EST 2005

x[Jennifer] Thanks for letting me observe; I'd love to come back sometime!

x[DM] you know where I will be

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] bar bob

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] focus

x[DM] I am

x[DM] ready

x[DM] did you have a suggestino for a bar?

x[mikE] so go already!

x[mikE] that one. over there.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] wine women and more wine, what other bar is there?

xJennifer has left the game on Fri Nov 25 21:01:08 EST 2005

x[mikE] see it? with the bar and the booze.

x[DM] they agree to go in there with you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] The special here is genie wine, you should try it before you go.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] very rare stuff

x[DM] Blue smiles

x[mikE] Ooooh... Is this where that guy who was one a member is?

x[DM] good we should stry it

x[DM] brb

x[mikE] I wonder what he's doing tonight...

x[Mike's new (mikE)] Finnie won't mind if I bring home a guest or two, I'm sure.

x[DM] b

x[Mike's new (mikE)] ((gotta chat as this since bob can't find a way to fix the names.))

x[DM] and yes to Mike this is bolt

x[DM] sorry Mike, when I am home we will work on that

x[Mike's new (mikE)] ((that was in character. i just didn't want to use this stupid thing))

x[DM] so you get a private room upstairs? or the main room ?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] might as well get a private room, easier to hear in there

x[DM] they go up with you

x[DM] Blue asks for a glass of the genie wine

x[DM] any one else joingin in ?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I had my fill for the month, I'll just have a juice

x[DM] and arabella takes a small glass of mead

x[DM] blue takes a sip

x[DM] smiles

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] good stuff eh?

x[DM] and swallows a mouthfull

x[DM] and HICH

x[DM] yeaasssss

x[DM] ttthhiiisss isss goooo stuuff

x[Valedianna (mikE)] I'll have a red. Dark as they come.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Just a suggestion, don't have more than one glass.

x[DM] he nods,

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Oh, relax, holy boy. Let the man drink to his dear little heart's content.

x[DM] and looks a little loopy

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] oh, I'd be surprised if he could get another glass to his mouth

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Tell you what, little man, you can have another on me and later we can go to our own private room.

x[DM] he brbs

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::raises an eyebrow and shrugs:: Whatever you do on your free time I suppose is not my business.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Unless, you would like to have a private chat, Al. I'd always be up for that. ::winks::

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::coughs:: Keep your hands on the dwarf m'lady.

x[DM] Arabella clears her throat

x[Lorie] :: rolls eyes :: Can we get on with the pleasantries ?

x[DM] (and Blue is a gnome)

x[Valedianna (mikE)] ::sighs:: All you holy ones. Too much starch in your robes or something.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] right, the drinking and foul temper made me forget

x[Lorie] I'm going to put starch down your throat if you don't bite your tongue. :: glares ::

x[DM] Arabella looks approvingly at Kylia

x[Valedianna (mikE)] ::raises her hands:: Alright. No need to make this a cat fight. I'll keep my hands off your man.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] There are plenty other fish in the sea, of course.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] :sighs:: Why did we bring her again?

x[Lorie] :: looks at the paladin :: Because in all your goodness you couldn't say no?

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Probably because Finnie dear wanted me out of the house. Not like I really want to be stuck around him anyway.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] This is much more fun than watching him set up his little temple.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::waves his hand dismissively:: So ma'am, are you able to tell us of your order now?

x[Lorie] :: turns :: I'm going to say this one more time and this time, very slowly since you seem so daft. If you don't shut your mouth, I'll help you find your quiet place.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] ::smirks and takes a drink instead::

x[DM] arabella smiles and says you should feel free to ask your questions

x[DM] but I do not see either of our subjects here

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] They are accessable, but I've still yet to see the papers I requested on our first meeting.

x[DM] and what would that be? you asked about our papers from Terraguard

x[DM] we have none

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I asked for your evidence of wrong doing that would subject them to a trial of any sort. Terraguardian or otherwise.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] as well as your order's laws

x[DM] our laws are simples

x[DM] is the..... person an abomonation?

x[DM] if so then they must come with us

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and abomination is defined as?

x[DM] anyone who is tainted by dragon blood

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so would a dragon be an abomination? they are certainly tainted by dragon blood.

x[DM] if they have mixed blood yes

x[Valedianna (mikE)] So purple dragons would be abominations?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so mixed bloodlines are abominations. does this apply to half elves? or tieflings? or other mixed bloods?

x[DM] I can not answer for any of those things

x[JAA] I am back at the keyboard.

x[DM] I know that I have been tasked to bring back

x[Kit (JAA)] (ooc) Not my job

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] why not? surely if you seek purity of blood you would wish to see purity in ALL things yes?

x[DM] I do not, I am not able to make such decisions

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] seems strange that half dragons would be the only ones singled out does it not?

x[DM] she shrugs

x[DM] I am not the one to anser that

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Other mixed bloods could certainly have a greater ability to cause evil than half dragons. Why do you not seek cambions?

x[DM] I can only answer for my self

x[DM] I only seek this one you seek to hide from us

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so you are under orders then

x[DM] she nods

xJAA has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 21:24:34 EST 2005

x[DM] John has invented cloning apparent;y

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but surely if you follow these orders you must have some desire to see this cause through. otherwise it sounds suspisciously like you might be possibly manipulated by others. You know my concern for such a senario.

xJAA has left the game on Fri Nov 25 21:26:03 EST 2005

x[JAA] my other self had to leave, I was a little early

x[DM] I understand your point of view, I do not agree with it

x[DM] i belive that perhaps you should have greater focus on your task at hand

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I would not wish to send them off to their deaths at the hands of a doppleganger or mind flayer or any other number of evil manipulative creatures

x[DM] are you ever finding our self that you are not on the path you set for yoru self

x[DM] you are wandering aaimlessly

x[DM] perhaps you shouldu practice some purity of thought

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] My path is to seek knowledge, and that is all I wish

x[DM] she sips her wine

x[DM] blue BURPSand growls

x[DM] what are we waiting for

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] So if you wish to win me to your cause, you will have to provide some to sate my curiosity

x[DM] lets just go and we can tackle them later

x[DM] take them when they least expect it

x[DM] arabells looks at you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I see your friend is much like Finglass

x[DM] so you agree that our cause is just

x[DM] and you are just unsure of our methods?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] It might be, it depends on the reason for your cause as well as the methods.

x[DM] how can purity ever be un just

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well, fire is often considered the epitome of purity, but it would be unjust to set fire to all towns in the name of it.

x[JAA] good one

x[DM] some towns would benefit from some flames

x[DM] and how can you know waht will grow from the ashes until you feel that heat?

x[Lorie] Great...t hen can we start with your hometown ?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Perhaps some do, but some do not. I would like to know that the method of choosing which towns deserved the flame to be motivated by justice instead of manipulation.

x[Lorie] :: rolls eyes :: Witty banter isn't your forte darling. so just get to the point of telling us who is holding your purse strings

x[DM] I am not permitting to give out that knowledge

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Why not?

x[DM] I may only ensure that I follow my oders

x[DM] orders

x[DM] it is how we operate,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Surely a cause devoted to justice would have nothing to hide.

x[DM] we are in constant fear that someone will pervert our ideals as you mentioned before

x[DM] we do not want anyone to miss use such powers

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Well prove to me that they aren't being misused then.

x[DM] have you ever heard of our order? and of any such abuses?

x[DM] do you not think that retobutions woudl be swift adn devestagingt

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I've never heard of your order, but I've never heard of many orders. And there are many wicked orders out there.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] And you refuse to tell me of anything but your goals.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] No reason. No method. No leader. Nothing.

x[DM] becasue you are one who can see through any subterfuge

x[DM] and peirce any veil of lies

x[DM] you would know if we were of nefarious means

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I would know if you were, but not necessarily the person giving you your orders as I have never met this person.

x[DM] but I am all you have to judge

x[JAA] exactly his point

x[DM] thank you

x[DM] she smiles

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] but it would be like judging the justness of a king by a few of his guards. You are given orders and you follow them without question. While that is admirable in a soldier, it means nothing of your order's moral outlook.

x[DM] so

x[DM] she looks puzzled, what will make you feel better that I have not already said I can not do?

x[Lorie] you and your order go find something else to do... why not hunt the evils of this world... the true evils of this world, not just your idea of evil this hour

x[Lorie] There are innocents killed everyday by real evils... where is your order to right this wrong?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I suppose a direct conversation with your leader is out of the question?

x[DM] she nods, to Alastair

x[DM] and she looks appolgetically at Kylia, no one can fight all evil,

x[DM] and we are not trhing to do so

x[DM] we are only fixated on our own goals

x[Lorie] but you don't even try to fight it... you pick on the innocent and accuse them of falsities to further your cause

x[DM] what false accusations to you feel we have made?

x[Lorie] You're a sad and pathetic order. You are self-righteous bigots. I want nothing further to do with this discussion. I'll repeat that Kit is under my protection and that of Roadhaven. Steer clear of my lands.

x[Lorie] :: turns and leaves ::

x[JAA] (yea!)

x[DM] she stands and bows as you leave

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::sighs:: If you can provide strong evidence of wrong doing I will agree to come to a trial and represent both kit and antarias in your trial.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Well, isn't she just sunshine and roses.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Reminds me of my brother, actually.

x[DM] arabella lopks at Alastair

x[JAA] she is sunshine and lightning

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] If you still find them guilty, I will not fight you.

x[DM] the evidence of wrong doing is evident in thier very being

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] That is not wrong doing, that is wrong being.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] They did nothing to be what they are.

x[DM] or do you deny that they are not who they are

x[DM] but niether does the oak

x[Lorie] ((Now they hate Oak trees? This is a bit far-fetched!))

x[DM] but the mightly oak may fall and crush many in its wake

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] And you would burn every oak for fear that it might fall?

x[DM] no

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Then why kill every half dragon for fear that they might do something wrong?

x[JAA] (but every 1/2 dragon?)

x[DM] I am only concerned with this one particular creature

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you are, but your order is not

x[Valedianna (mikE)] One? I thought it was two.


x[DM] blue in the corner says

x[DM] yeah

x[DM] two

x[DM] and slumps back to his stupor

x[Valedianna (mikE)] ::eyes him disgustedly:: I pitty you, woman.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Having to travel with that thing.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Give me evidence that they are a threat. Pedigree does not count as evidence.

x[DM] arabella smiles at Val

x[DM] there are many worse cratures out there

x[Valedianna (mikE)] But I must say, Anterias isn't one of them.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Could I interest you in a trade? One brother for the other?

x[DM] I have heard tales of a previous guide who had to bring back an half blue half githyakki abomonation

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I have known anterias to go to the abyss to save an angel from the depths. It hardly sounds to me the work of an evil creature.

x[JAA] (all of asudden 1/2 dragon is plentiful)

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Add to that, that growing up, all the other elves shunned me in the name of purity.

x[DM] it is not my place to judge his evil or good nature

x[Valedianna (mikE)] But Anterias was always a sweet brother.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Then who's job is it?

x[JAA] (they thik they are the marines)

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Smoke and shadows? That's all you talk about.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I would think that saving an angel from the depths of the abyss would be just as well.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Certainly leaving such a being there would not be justice.

x[JAA] (let Gd judge them, our job is to arange the meeting)

x[DM] she smiles

x[DM] perhaps we can not come to a resolution today

x[DM] I do not wish to anger you any further

x[Valedianna (mikE)] I tell you what, missy...

x[DM] we will lieave

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Perhaps not. If you can provide evidence of wrong doing, perhaps we might aid each other.

x[DM] and return in our own time

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Since I apparently find myself the emisarry of Greenbough,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Until then, we will have to part ways.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] You are just a peon. So if you want to talk, you can talk to one of our farmers.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] When your boss wants to talk, he can talk to our bosses. Sound fair?

x[DM] she smiles,

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Seems like an even and PURE arrangement.

x[DM] she stands

x[Valedianna (mikE)] I swear, zealots will be the end of the world one of these days.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] You might wish to buy a flask of that genie wine for your friend for later, he does seem to enjoy it.

x[DM] she gives a shake of her head

x[DM] he will not need any more for a long time I beleive

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] ::chuckles:: Perhaps not at that. It has been a pleasure as always. Good day m'lady.

x[Valedianna (mikE)] Can we go now, Al?

x[JAA] liar

x[DM] she bows, thank you for yoru courtsy

x[DM] she helps BLue stand up

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Yes we may go. ::stands and bows::

x[DM] and then they leve the bar

x[DM] anything in particular?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not really, wait for further contact or encounters or adventure hooks I guess. got juniper trained for whatever level she is whenever you give us xp

x[DM] okl

x[DM] John

x[JAA] yes

x[DM] to continue here then the rest of the group is going off to Road haven?

x[JAA] we can take it step by step

x[DM] and they two of them walk about of the Northern gate and continue out

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] we were supposed to meet kit in wherever it was

x[DM] up th eroad

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] rivertown

x[DM] and you as kit see them walking towards you

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] or whatever it was called

x[DM] Rivertown is to the south Marco

x[DM] but yes going there

x[DM] to see sebrina

x[JAA] then that is where Kit would be

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] kit said to meet her there

x[DM] ok, thought you said you were following

x[DM] fair enough

x[DM] so everyone meets in rivertown

x[JAA] wrong gate

x[DM] and they go out the north gate

x[DM] so you get word back that they walked outside of town

x[DM] about half a mile

x[JAA] I did ask Sabrina to have someone at each gate

x[DM] and then teleported or some such thing away

x[JAA] cast or item?

x[DM] not sure

x[DM] they held hands

x[JAA] ahhhh

x[DM] they were not close enough to be certain

x[Kit (JAA)] so can we kill them now?

x[DM] asking who that?

x[Kit (JAA)] Kit to Al when they meet

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] We have no way of finding them to kill them even if we wanted to.

x[DM] brb have to go sing happy birthday,

x[DM] will take a moment

x[Kit (JAA)] we could arage anither meeting, can we find out how early they got to WP

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if they're using magical means, we would have to some how monitor every possible location they might teleport in from and then use some sort of spell to reverse track their teleportation path.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Sounds like a good spell to start researching I suppose

x[Kit (JAA)] beter mouse trap only leaves beter mice

x[Kit (JAA)] Paul has enough on his to do list

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Well I could research that spell, I am very aquainted with divinations

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] We know that scrying for them directly is useless or we'd know where they are right now

x[Kit (JAA)] so I giess Mike's GM ing is next?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] and we can't physically track them if they're teleporting

x[Kit (JAA)] or are we trying anything else with this

x[Kit (JAA)] well, maybe

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so seems to me the best method would be to track the teleportation path with a specialized divination spell

x[DM] back

x[Kit (JAA)] beter to create an item that can specifical be tracked

x[Kit (JAA)] like a beacon

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think I've vaguely heard of a spell that can yank teleporters back after they've been teleported, but that doesn't tell us where they went

x[DM] so

x[Kit (JAA)] Sew

x[DM] questions concerns

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] if they are blocking out divinations I'd think anything we put on them would be blocked from divinations as well

x[DM] what issues are we dealing with

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you not giving us our xp for one

x[DM] and what for next week?

x[DM] grins

x[Kit (JAA)] figuring out what you expect us to do

x[Lorie] he expects us to play along

x[DM] I just had a lack of time that will be fixed soon

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so do it now :-P

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] not doing anything now

x[DM] I expect you to know there is someone out there

x[Kit (JAA)] what will be fixed the xp or the time?

x[Lorie] Umm... there's always someone out there...

x[Kit (JAA)] dito

x[DM] ok, if you can give me about 15 minutes or so to collect my notes

x[Valedianna (mikE)] i think we should deliver the letter to the necromancer.

x[DM] I can add that to your sheets now

x[Kit (JAA)] you just want a reason for Paul to play

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sounds fine to me

x[Lorie] Today it's creepy dragon.... tomorrow it's creepy Lich... after that it's creepy fill in the blank

x[DM] ok, discuss what you wan tto do next week then

x[Kit (JAA)] Can we kill the lead dragon?

x[Lorie] we're done for the night then?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] lead dragon? sounds heavy

x[Kit (JAA)] yea yea

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I wonder what a lead dragon's breath weapon would be

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] Priest, do anyof you have a spell that will let us know when someone is being attacked?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] cloud of heaviness?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] from far away

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] I think juniper does

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] well I was hopping someone who was staying at home

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] so I could continue my work

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] this group doesn't tend to rely heavily on divinations.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] neither do I

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] it'll give you another magic item to work on

x[mikE] my portal first.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] well we can dicuss that

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] any item that I make now must be rechared with a spell I know

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I would not think Teleport would work per se, not all the time

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] not sure, night need teleport without error and or teleport object or Other

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] and as I have said in the past, it can be a lot of gold for little or no reslut

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I would rather make scrolls or rings of Spell storing

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] much more practical

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you can make rings of spell storing? I'll take one

x[mikE] me too

x[mikE] i'll take three!

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I have had the formula for a long time, thoght you all knew

x[mikE] excuse me, but what exactly is a ring of spell storing?

x[mikE] well, you see, it's when you put your little thingie in here aaaand...

x[mikE] snip the tip!

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] "we" just need "gold untouched by Magic"

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I was trying to get it from the Dwarfs when the son of the high priest died in our last, sorry only fiasco

x[Sean] Wold not gold pieces work?

x[mikE] then go get some.

x[mikE] my god, you get so hung up on that gold.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] I was hoppin gto undo that but none of you Celtics seem to care

x[mikE] say, haaaaay you dwaaaars

x[Lorie] :: blinks ::

x[Lorie] Umm... well then.

x[Lorie] I think that's it for me tonight

x[mikE] we need gold rings that aren't mined with magic.

x[Sean] Good night lorie

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] good night Lori

x[Lorie] :: redirects the hostility to Bob :: Have a good one

x[mikE] and they say: magic? who the hell mines with magic?

xLorie has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:25:56 EST 2005

x[Sean] and the gold for gp is mined with magic?

x[mikE] and poof! you got untouched gold.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well it has to be untouched by magic, I imagine having a spell cast in the vicinity counts as well as divinations near it

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] sorry I found the quote "gold that has not seen magic"

x[Sean] So get blind gold

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] so how do you enchant that?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] once you start enchanting, oops, not valid

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] the current theory is the ring has to be made then I can enchant it

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] then dip it in positive and negitve plane

x[DM] ok

x[DM] the XP is awarded

x[DM] I would like to do any training issues in email so that we can start next week fresh

x[DM] and what do you wan tto start with next week?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] something?

x[DM] where are you goign to be gathered, adn what do you want to entounter

x[mikE] i want to encounter more basilisks.

x[mikE] i think we should become the basilisk slayers. much easier.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] what about a Gorgon?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] and a Vampire

x[mikE] vampires suck.

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] so

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that's their job

x[mikE] gorgons would be about as easy as a basilisk.

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] sucking your blood

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] good

x[DM] my orginal idea was a dragon, but now think that may be off base

x[mikE] so which one has a higher treasure rating?

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] yea we did not find the one you hid for us to find

x[DM] ok,

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] (3d8) [(6+7+8)] 21

x[DM] well rather than drag this out here

x[DM] i will take email requests and solve any training issues i can

x[DM] I will be driving back from St Augustine on friday morning

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] wow realy, you'll answer my e-mails?

x[DM] so shoudl be back in plenty of time for the game

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] heh, what issues are there?

x[DM] not sure

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] any issue getting juniper trained at all?

x[DM] but I want to try and roleplay the first part of the night

x[DM] no, you can train her

x[DM] and move to what ever enounters there are after that

x[DM] you just have to decide who trains her Marco

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] okay

x[DM] wolfspack

x[DM] Roadhavne

x[DM] Mactiirr

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] you said roadhaven couldn't do it

x[DM] I said I do not know, that is a Lorie issue

x[mikE] well damn. i only have a 16 wis.

x[DM] you have to ask her if she has a priest of that god to do the training

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] well if roadhaven is a possibility there, otherwise wolfspack I guess

x[DM] her selction is limited

x[DM] so anything else before I close this?

x[DM] everyone saved their charcter sheets?

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] no, hold on

x[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Finglass modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 7 (6), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 7 (6). CHANGED: 3 -- Maximum: 5 (4), CHANGED: 3 -- Current: 5 (4). Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 900000 (675000). Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 10-$ATK (11-$ATK). Missile THAC0: (MTHAC0) : CHANGED: 10-$MATK (11-$MATK).

x[DM] ok

x[mikE] hang on

x[mikE (to GM only)] Character sheet for Finglass modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 51+($HPADJ*$L) (49+($HPADJ*$L)). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

x[mikE] ok

x[Paul Elvenstire (JAA)] good night all

x[Sean] Good night

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] Can we assume fin's had the time to make that bow for juniper he promised?

xJAA has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:40:22 EST 2005

x[mikE] i'd hope so.

x[mikE] it's only been two years

x[DM] yes

x[mikE] hell, in two years, he's probably had to make her three

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] She's 14 now then I guess?

xmikE has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:42:22 EST 2005

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Juniper modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 1 -- Maximum: 5 (3), CHANGED: 1 -- Current: 5 (3). CHANGED: 2 -- Maximum: 4 (0), CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 4 (0). Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 1 free. Weapons - ADDED: Longbow, , , 20, 2, +0, +0, 1d6, 1d6, , $Mthac0, , , , . Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 1 free, , , . Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 9 (10). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 13 (14). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 12 (13). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 15 (16). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 14 (15). Notes - CHANGED: priest stuffs -- : WP Club, Bow AR a SP All, animal, charm, combat, creation, divination, elemental (all), guardian, healing, law, plant, protection, summoning, sun, thought, war, wards PW 1) Friends 1/day, 3) Charm person 1/day, 8) Mass charm person no turning ( WP Club, Bow AR a SP All, animal, charm, combat, creation, divination, elemental (all), guardian, healing, law, plant, protection, summoning, sun, thought, war, wards PW 1) Friends 1/day, 3) Charm person 1/day, 8) Mass charm person no turning). CHANGED: XP Awards -- : ==== Fri Nov 25 22:28:50 EST 2005 ==== Clearing Land - 10000 (Fri Nov 25 22:15:56 EST 2005) (==== Fri Nov 25 22:28:50 EST 2005 ====

Clearing Land - 10000 (Fri Nov 25 22:15:56 EST 2005)

). Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 14/female (12/female). Next Level:: CHANGED: 13000 (1500). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 37 (10). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 37 (10). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 18 (20). Missile THAC0: (MTHAC0) : CHANGED: 18-$matk (20-$matk). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 4 (1). Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 4 (1).

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] that should be it for now I'll decide her profs later

x[DM] ok

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] night bob

x[DM] thanks

x[DM] hope you had fun

x[Alastair (BiBo!!!)] yep

x[Sean] Good night.

xBiBo!!! has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:43:51 EST 2005

xSean has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:43:56 EST 2005