Nov 25 16 - War by Art
[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 25 15:42:18 EST 2016 ====
Mario Teq LT has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 15:46:10 EST 2016
Mario Teq LT is receiving the map Campsite...
Mario Teq LT has received the map Campsite.
[Master] there you go
[Mario Teq LT] BOBBY!!!
[Mario Teq LT] everyone says hello: two sisters and a mom
[Master] Hello all
[Master] when you guys are back we should talk about the plans for December
[Master] but for now
[Master] working out character stuff
[Mario Teq LT] ok, np
[Master] best thing is to do the 4d6
[Master] drop the lowest
[Master] get those six numbers
[Master] then figure out what you want to do to match yoru idea of how to play him
[Mario Teq LT] i am ton btw two kinds of charcters: i love thieves
[Mario Teq LT] i like the thieving stuff, but i also like the missile attacks
[Master] what part of the thieving things do you like?
[Mario Teq LT] warrior gives better armor and HP, but no thieveing skills
[Mario Teq LT] Thieves are less armor, less HP, but skills
[Master] you could multi class
[Master] elven fighter thief
[Master] or gnome, etc.
[Mario Teq LT] i actually layed out al the skills up to level five, strong on escape, climb, silent, pick locks
[Mario Teq LT] i have never played anything other than Human, dont know if id be good tat it
[Mario Teq LT] i like the ranger idea, but we have one
[Mario Teq LT] we only have one thief
[Master] ok
[Master] so human thief
[Master] then you will want a high Dex
[Master] and a high Int
[Master] to maximize your skills
[Mario Teq LT] exactly
[Mario Teq LT] but it all relies on an 18 in DEX
[Master] chuckles
[Master] does not HAVE to be an 18
[Mario Teq LT] of course, rgiht?
[Mario Teq LT] sur eit does
[Mario Teq LT] lol
[Master] so go for your rolls
[Master] the character sheet is up for you
[Mario Teq LT] if Michael can roll 17, 16, 14...
[Master] and the icon is in the upper right
[Mario Teq LT] im sure i can get an 18 with the point movement
[Mario Teq LT] thanks its open
[Master] (4d6) [4d6=5,2,4,6] 17
[Master] grins
[Mario Teq LT] woop!
[Mario Teq LT] keep it up
[Master] you roll not me
[Mario Teq LT] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=3] 3, Roll #2: (d3) [1d3=2] 2, Roll #3: (d3) [1d3=2] 2, Roll #4: (d3) [1d3=1] 1
[Mario Teq LT] GRRR!!!
[Mario Teq LT] total loss
[Master] considering you rolled a d3 and not a d6 that is not too bad
[Master] 4d6
[Master] not d3
[Mario Teq LT] i opened the dice panel from thre icon, but i cannot select or type in it
[Master] curley bracket 4d6 curley bracket
[Master] just type it here
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=3,6,5,4] 18
[Master] there you go
[Master] 5 more times
[Master] 15
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=5,1,1,4] 11
[Master] 10
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=2,6,6,6] 20
[Master] 18
[Mario Teq LT] holy cow
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=6,5,5,1] 17
[Master] 16
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=5,6,6,1] 18
[Master] 17
[Mario Teq LT] (4d6) [4d6=6,4,2,6] 18
[Master] 16
[Master] WOW
[Mario Teq LT] oh
[Master] 15 10 18 16 17 16
[Mario Teq LT] my
[Mario Teq LT] goodness!!!!!
[Master] are you SURE you want to be a thief?
[Mario Teq LT] talk to me, what options?
[Mario Teq LT] im thinking a missile fighter
[Master] and human?
[Mario Teq LT] im open to a nother race
[Master] those numbers are good enough to get you the XP bonus in two classes
[Master] I am thinking either Fighter/Thief or Priest/Thief
[Mario Teq LT] can i drop the 10 to a 9 , and go w two 18'2?
[Mario Teq LT] 18's
[Master] you do not get to choose the number, you roll a d4
[Mario Teq LT] ohhhh....
[Master] but first they have to be assigned
[Master] so next is picking the class(es)
[Master] would you like to be a fighter with thief skills? or a priest with thief skills? or even a mage
[Mario Teq LT] STR 17, INT 16, WIS 15, DEX 18, CON 16, CHR 10
[Mario Teq LT] fighter w thief skills
[Master] ok
[Master] so next you can choose to roll a d4 if you want
[Master] you would subtract the entire ammount and add that t
[Master] to which ever you wish
[Mario Teq LT] id be screwed if i rolled a 4, but 1, 2, 3 would benefit
[Mario Teq LT] but not higher than an 18, right?
[Master] actually strength can
[Master] and I think wisdom too
[Master] will check for elves
[Master] BUT before you roll
[Master] lets look at those racial adjustments
[Mario Teq LT] k
[Master] going with Elf I would swaps your char and wis scores
[Master] have your wis be the lowest
[Mario Teq LT] will str suffer for elf?
[Master] your Dex gets a plus one and your Con gets a minus one
[Mario Teq LT] aha
[Master] yes to Dex of 19 allowed
[Master] yes to Int of 19 allowed
[Master] and of course for Fighters you get the 18 plus exceptional score
[Master] you can swap around your numbers how ever you want still
[Master] then once you lock those in then you roll the d4
[Master] if you want to
[Mario Teq LT] ok, will an elf clash w the crew so far?
[Master] not at all
[Master] one thing to consider
[Master] put your 18 in strength
[Master] the 17 in Dec
[Master] Dex
[Master] then your elf bonus pushes that to 18
[Mario Teq LT] yep, so elf raises it
[Master] then when you roll your d4
[Master] that would be 10 to 40 percent added to yoru exceptional roll
[Mario Teq LT] ok, cool
[Mario Teq LT] lets lock those in
[Mario Teq LT] str 18
[Mario Teq LT] int 16
[Mario Teq LT] wis 10
[Mario Teq LT] dex 17
[Mario Teq LT] con 16
[Mario Teq LT] chr 16
[Master] ok
[Master] then roll the d100
[Master] for the STR
[Mario Teq LT] (1d100) [1d100=77] 77
[Master] WOW
[Master] you are on a roll
[Master] pun intented
[Master] intended
[Mario Teq LT] this is all to offset playing Anton for a whole year!!
[Mario Teq LT] lolol
[Master] so go type these in
[Master] hit save on the character sheet
[Mario Teq LT] k, brb, checning screens
[Mario Teq LT] changing*
[Mario Teq LT] for dex, 18, or 17? add the elf bonus now, or later?
[Master] add in the bonus
[Mario Teq LT] ok, save or commit?
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: Mario (null). Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 18 (10). Exceptional STR: (XSTR) : CHANGED: 77 (null). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 18 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 1 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: null (10). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 15 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 16 (10).
[Master] great
[Master] now you can make that choice about the d4
[Master] your next break point on the exceptional strength is 91
[Master] you passed the previous one of 76
[Mario Teq LT] i think im ok with tthese
[Master] so if you roll a 1 it moves to 87, 2 move to 97
[Master] 3 moves to 100
[Mario Teq LT] holy cow
[Mario Teq LT] but it will come from WIS
[Master] Elves cannot get to 19
[Mario Teq LT] i could be a 6 then
[Master] Or what ever you wish
[Mario Teq LT] not to wisdom-y
[Mario Teq LT] too
[Master] but yes Wisdom can drop to a 3
[Master] for elves nothing else can be below a 8
[Mario Teq LT] or take from chr
[Master] well Con could go to 7
[Mario Teq LT] down to a 12
[Master] nods
[Master] it is up to you
[Master] you could roll a 1
[Master] adn then decide to up the Dex instead
[Master] or roll a 3 and get 18 00
[Mario Teq LT] ok, lets do this!
[Mario Teq LT] (1d4) [1d4=3] 3
[Master] so a 3 from ......
[Master] and added to .....
[Mario Teq LT] CHR
[Mario Teq LT] to STR
[Master] go for it
[Master] for all the details on what the numbers are for each
[Mario Teq LT] ok, i have a Q on the STR sub abilities: i can go up two 'slots, and drop two "slots"
[Master] hit commit so your numbers on there
[Mario Teq LT] Slots cuz of the 18/xx numbers
[Master] no need to on Str
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Ability Scores - Exceptional STR: (XSTR) : CHANGED: 100 (77). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 16 (10).
[Master] you are the highest you can be
[Master] 100
[Master] you maxed it out
[Master] both are 18 00
[Mario Teq LT] ah, so i cannot change stamina or mscle, cuz 18/00 is max?
[Master] right
[Mario Teq LT] cool
[Master] I am in the sheet now
[Master] doing the XP set up
[Mario Teq LT] ok, giime a sec to review, ill be in the website
[Master] and done with the XP
[Master] your levels are in the upper right like normal a 4th level fighter and a 5th level thief
[Master] but your XP is correct also, as you stillhave a ways to go to earn enough XP for those totals
[Master] you are at 7,500 XP on each class right now
[Mario Teq LT] understood, i have 14.2K ~
[Mario Teq LT] right on
[Master] your next level in Fighter is at 16,000
[Master] your next level in Thief is at 20,000
[Master] so when you are awarded XP it goes to the grand total number, then we have to divide it out between the two classes manually
[Mario Teq LT] perfect, understood
[Mario Teq LT] i have all hte subs except INT
[Master] you want the Knowledge score to be higher
[Mario Teq LT] i want to see the NWP like observation to be decent, but i also would like a bunch of nwp!!
[Mario Teq LT] can i add the subs into tthe sheet?
[Master] yes go for it
[Master] I will work out how many proficiency slots you get when you tell me what your knowledge number is
[Mario Teq LT] for Fitness< the number +2(+3) for warriors), do i use the +2 or +3?
[Master] you use the plus 3
[Mario Teq LT] fit = 17
[Mario Teq LT] thanks
[Master] and we know you will have a total of 5 wpn slots, 4 non-wpn slots and at least 5 Int slots
[Master] if you shift Knowledge up by one it got to 6 and by two it goes to 7 slots
[Mario Teq LT] REA = 15, KNO = 17
[Master] Lisa said... SUPER MARIO!
[Master] so then that is a total of 6 Int slots for skills
[Master] of course you can use Weapon slots for non-weapon things too
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Ability Scores - AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 18 (1). Missile Attack Adjust: (MATK) : CHANGED: +2 (null). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 18 (null). Reaction Adjust: (RA) : CHANGED: 2 (null). Defensive Adjust: (DEF) : CHANGED: -4 (+0). Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 13 (10). System Shock:: CHANGED: 85 (null). Poison Save: (PS) : CHANGED: 0 (null). Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 17 (10). Hit Point Adjust: (HPADJ) : CHANGED: +3 (null). Resurrection Survival:: CHANGED: 98 (null). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 15 (10). Max Spell Level:: CHANGED: 7 (null). Max Spells/Level:: CHANGED: 14 (null). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 17 (10). Add'l Languages:: CHANGED: 6 (null). % Chance Learn Spell:: CHANGED: 75 (null). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 13 (16). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Loyalty Adjust: (LADJ) : CHANGED: 0 (null). Max # of Henchmen:: CHANGED: 4 (null). Appearance: (AP) : CHANGED: 15 (10). Reaction Adjust: (RADJ) : CHANGED: +3 (null).
[Master] but of course you will want the long sword
[Mario Teq LT] lol, and yes i will!
[Master] BUT
[Master] you could specialize also
[Master] you can be great in combat
[Master] front line fighter
[Master] then do the thief stuff as wanted
[Master] and also be good with missle weapons
[Mario Teq LT] ya, i have to do some research, for weapons and NWP
[Mario Teq LT] total well rounded character
[Master] very much so
[Mario Teq LT] i was very fortunate for super luck rools!
[Mario Teq LT] rolls
[Master] my advice would be Long Sword Specialized, add in fighting styles, tight group Bow
[Mario Teq LT] yes to both
[Master] 2 slots fo tight group bow, you know how to use all bows, plus you then get your elven bonus on most of them
[Master] then 2 slots on Long Sword
[Mario Teq LT] how many weapon slots total?
[Master] 5 weapon slots total
[Mario Teq LT] ok
[Mario Teq LT] either hand axe or dagger
[Master] wait
[Mario Teq LT] ...
[Master] you can use them for weapon styles
[Master] as an example single weapon style
[Master] gives you a bonus to your AC
[Master] Advantages The advantage of single-weapon style is that the character keeps a hand free for grappling, for switching weapons, for surprise maneuvers, for whatever comes along in the course of combat. For instance, two fighters are going at it and one pins the other's weapon; the single-weapon fighter can use his free hand to perform barehanded maneuvers such as pummeling. Disadvantages The main disadvantage to this style is that the character does not gain the benefit of a shield's AC bonus.
[Master] PLUS you can take Two Hander Style
[Master] Style Specialization Two-Hander Style gives you a very specific benefit: When you're using a weapon two-handed, that weapon's Speed Factor is reduced by 3 or goes one phase faster. For example, a fighter with Two-Hander Style Specialization and wielding a Bastard Sword can wield his weapon faster in two-handed style than in one-handed style. Used in one hand, the Bastard Sword has a Speed Factor of 6. In two hands (normally), it has a Speed Factor of 8 (slow). But used in two hands by someone with Two-Hander Style Specialization, it has a Speed Factor of (8–3) 5 (average). This is because when a fighter wields such a weapon with both hands on the hilt, he has more leverage on the blade and can move it faster. One-Handed Weapons Used Two-Handed Many one-handed weapons can also be used two-handed. Since these weapons don't do any more damage two-handed, there usually isn't much reason to use them this way; however, with Style Specialization in Two-Hander Style, now there's a reason. If you specialize in Two-Hander Style and then use a one-handed weapon in two hands, you also get a bonus of +1 to damage. Thus, if you take a Two-Hander Style Specialization, when using a long sword two-handed, you do 1d8+1 damage instead of the base 1d8 (or 1d12+1 vs. large targets, instead of the base 1d12). The one-handed weapons which can be used two-handed in this fashion include: Battle axe, Club, Footman's flail, Footman's pick, Horseman's flail, Horseman's mace, Horseman's pick, Morning star, Long sword, Warhammer.
[Master] This is the page
[Mario Teq LT] ahh
[Master] so overall you spend two more slots, one weapon and one knowledge
[Master] and get a minus one to ac when you are fighting single handed
[Mario Teq LT] single hand, definitely
[Master] and when you are fighting with two hands on the sword you get an additional plus to damage
[Master] on top of specialization, etc
[Master] AND you can also add in two weapon style
[Master] and use two long swords at once
[Master] like Indigo does with his short swords
[Master] you will be great in combat
[Mario Teq LT] im sold on that one too, dual weapons seems pretty sweet!
[Master] but that would only leave you with 4 Non-weapon slots and 4 knowledge slots left
[Master] and you ahve to use one of those on W Comm to be able to speak to non-elf people
[Mario Teq LT] lol, ok, cool
[Master] and you will want to use one more on Ambidexterity so you do not get a negative with the second weapon
[Mario Teq LT] i have a short list of what i would like
[Mario Teq LT] rope use, observation
[Mario Teq LT] ambidexterity
[Mario Teq LT] which leaves me with how many then?
[Master] so you might want to reconsider moving the Knowleget up to 18
[Master] to get the extra slot
[Mario Teq LT] cool done. want me to change it?
[Master] yes
[Master] then while there to to proficiencies and add in all the possible things you might want
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Ability Scores - Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 14 (15). Illusion Immunity:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 18 (17). Add'l Languages:: CHANGED: 7 (6). % Chance Learn Spell:: CHANGED: 85 (75).
[Mario Teq LT] ok
[Master] then we can total up all the slots
[Master] and when you want to roll for magic items
[Master] I have that ready also
[Mario Teq LT] holy cow! i get magic iitems, too????
[Master] maybe
[Mario Teq LT] thish is Xmas one monthe early!!
[Mario Teq LT] lol
[Mario Teq LT] k i can roll
[Master] roll d100 3 times
[Mario Teq LT] (1d100) [1d100=13] 13
[Master] you want low
[Mario Teq LT] (1d100) [1d100=87] 87
[Mario Teq LT] (1d100) [1d100=10] 10
[Master] ok
[Master] so now 2 d20
[Mario Teq LT] (1d20) [1d20=6] 6
[Mario Teq LT] (1d20) [1d20=20] 20
[Master] OK
[Master] your luck streak needs one more time
[Master] another d100
[Mario Teq LT] (1d100) [1d100=40] 40
[Master] shakes my head
[Master] OK
[Master] so you have a potion of humanoid control
[Mario Teq LT] good, im guessing?
[Mario Teq LT] cool
[Master] a potion of levitation
[Master] and a long sword plus one, with a name and special abilities, meaning intelligent
[Mario Teq LT] omg
[Master] which means I need to dig out another book
[Mario Teq LT] im having an issue adding NWP: in the Value field, do i add the name?
[Master] I can help with that you pick if off the data list
[Mario Teq LT] i cannot seem to add to the Add'lSlots/Level field
[Master] you go tot eh Non Weaspon secoin
[Mario Teq LT] ok, i have a list on my home PC, it may have to wait until i get home fo rtose
[Mario Teq LT] and the thief skills as well
[Master] then under that where is says Name and Value
[Master] there is another list
[Mario Teq LT] ahhh!!! i see it now
[Mario Teq LT] tx
[Master] over to the right you click on the drop down and it says New (Data)
[Mario Teq LT] ya
[Master] and I need a d6 from you now
[Master] sorry d10
[Master] and then one more d20
[Mario Teq LT] (1d10) [1d10=1] 1
[Mario Teq LT] (1d20) [1d20=5] 5
[Master] so you will have to come up with a back story etc, and a name for your sword
[Master] you have a magical long sword called "???/" that is a plus one magic adjustment normally, except it is a plus 2 versus magic using or enchanted creatures
[Mario Teq LT] wow, ok
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Sword, Long, 1. Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Rope Use, General, , 1, $ai, +0. ADDED: Ambidexterity, General, , 1, N/A, +0. ADDED: Observation, General, , 1, $re, +0.
[Mario Teq LT] i added three nwp, and Long Sword, ill let you do the specializatrion and two handed, and also bow group
[Master] I will go check
[Mario Teq LT] also, i added the AC 'bonuses as negatives, if you could check the numbers are entered properly
[Mario Teq LT] sorry, i also see i didnt STAM and MUS adjustments either
[Mario Teq LT] sorry!
[Master] do you want a short bow or a long bow?
[Mario Teq LT] short bow pls
[Mario Teq LT] magical +3
[Mario Teq LT] lol
[Master] it will take a bit to make sure your weapon stuff is all right
[Master] will be a longer list of weapons to use, depending on how you are
[Master] for example, Long Sword, magical normal attack
[Master] long sword magical spell user attack
[Master] etc.
[Master] plus bows ranges, etc.
[Master] but the beginning stuff is in there
[Master] Now will you be able to log in at 7?
[Mario Teq LT] cool, we're going out to dinnner now, so i may be on later, we shall see. if nothing else but to gather a back story
[Master] going to see if there will be another new character/player
[Master] yes you should be in
[Master] will be good for you
[Mario Teq LT] if i can, i most certainly will
[Master] go
[Master] see you later
[Mario Teq LT] lol, thanks Bobby!!! see you later for sure
Mario Teq LT has left the game on Fri Nov 25 17:12:31 EST 2016
[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Nov 25 18:19:05 EST 2016 ====
[Master] For Mario: Damage v SM: Long Sword, non-magical two handed: ((1d8)+2+1) [1d8=7] 10 [MODIFIED (+1)]
[Master] For Mario: Attack: Long Sword, non-magical two handed: ((20-(d20+0))+11) [1d20=1] 30 [MODIFIED (1)]
[Master] For Mario: Attack: Long Sword, non-magical two handed: ((20-(d20+0))+1+1) [1d20=11] 11 [MODIFIED (+1)]
[Master] For Mario: Attack: NAME, one handed: ((20-(d20+0))+1+1+1) [1d20=16] 7 [MODIFIED (+1)]
[Master] For Mario: Attack: Name, two handed, vs Magic using/Enchanted: ((20-(d20+0))+2+1+1) [1d20=20] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)]
[Master] For Mario targets Jilly. Distance: 80'09"
[Master] For Mario: Attack: NAME, one handed: ((17-(d20+0))+1+1+1) [1d20=20] 0 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Jilly (AC FINAL: 1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]
[Master] For Mario: Attack: NAME, one handed: ((17-(d20+0))+1+1+1) [1d20=19] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Jilly (AC FINAL: 1)!!!
[Master] Jilly moved 166'11".
mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:00:08 EST 2016
mharm-15549 is receiving the map Campsite...
mharm-15549 has received the map Campsite.
[mharm-15549] Am I late?
Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:00:42 EST 2016
Lisa is receiving the map Campsite...
Lisa has received the map Campsite.
[mharm-15549] Guess not
[mharm-15549] Hi Lisa!
[Master] Hello there
[Master] working with a new player to log in
[mharm-15549] Hey Bob!
[mharm-15549] Ah
[Master] good to see that you two are in so that means nothing is wrong on this end
[Master] Mario was in earlier and creating his new character
[mharm-15549] Oh okay
[Lisa] Happy Black Friday
[mharm-15549] No
[mharm-15549] just no
[Lisa] lol
[mharm-15549] :)
[Lisa] maybe mario's super stats broke klooge
[mharm-15549] haha
[Lisa] just wait
[Master] Oh he made insane rolls
[Master] his character is in the upper right
[Lisa] could he have made a paladin good?
[Master] easily
[Lisa] aww man
[Master] wanted to be a thief
[mharm-15549] WOW. He did something right
[Lisa] when you could be the most despised char type made?
[Master] lol
[Master] you typed in the IP number right?
[mharm-15549] I didn't
[Master] what did you do?
[mharm-15549] It let mie right in today
[mharm-15549] I just selected your game
Crispy-79689 has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 19:04:44 EST 2016
Crispy-79689 is receiving the map Campsite...
[Lisa] I saved it the last time you changed it
Crispy-79689 has received the map Campsite.
[Master] I am going to guess this is our new player
[Master] Hello there
[mharm-15549] Hello person!
[Master] Ok
[Lisa] Hit View
[Master] so we managed to get that set
[mharm-15549] Chat History
[Lisa] Then Chat History
[Lisa] :)
[Master] grins, I just sent that to her also, thank you both of you
[mharm-15549] I rememver the struggle
[mharm-15549] :)
[Crispy-79689] It works! Hello :)
[Master] and you will be perfect to help
[Lisa] Hi
[Master] so Carissa, this is Lisa and Michael
[Crispy-79689] Hi!
[mharm-15549] Hello!
[Master] Carissa is EST, Michael is MST and Lisa is PST
[mharm-15549] I'm actually AST: Abnormal Standard Time also kno9wn as Arizona Standard Time
[Master] and you can go to Edit and Preferences to change your display name,
[Master] and I will let Lisa and Michael give you hints on what other settings they prefer
[Master] from the players side of things
[Carissa] Cool. This is better.
[mharm-15549] I immedietly suggest you get two monitors if you don't already have them. One for chat, one for game lol. But, to each there own.
[Master] LOL
[Carissa] I'll keep that in mind! Not an option right now :)
[Lisa] or just one big monitor - i have 28" and is fine
[Lisa] tougher when I play on laptop
[mharm-15549] Defintely
[Carissa] Well, I'll find that out...since I'm on my laptop. I'll have to get my desktop running next time!
[Master] first things from me are A - ask anything anytime, no bad questions
[mharm-15549] If you need any help def ask.
[Master] B - have fun
[Lisa] in any order
[Master] grins
[mharm-15549] We mostly have B, but sometimes we have C. Which is face BOB's Wrath
[Master] nah
[mharm-15549] lol
[mharm-15549] :)
[Carissa] Haha I'll try to avoid C.
[Master] ways to communicate are here in Chat, you can whisper to a different person so only they see it by typing the slash and then their name
[Master] /carris like this
[Master] but spelled correctly
[Carissa] Got it
[Lisa] not exactly like that since I can see it
[Lisa] lol
[mharm-15549] Can you see the current map? Which is the campsite?
[Master] and if you click on a name you can send a private message that does not appear in the chat log
[Carissa] Yep
[Master] a telephone will ring on your tool bar at the top
[Master] so show you that
[mharm-15549] Huh. Just learned something new. See, even we still learn stuff haha
[mharm-15549] Thanks bob
[Master] and if you do the Chat As function with an icon it will look like you are talking as that person
[Master] This is BOB
[Jilly (Master)] This is Jilly
Jilly (Master) cooking in the morning
Jilly (Master) wondering how much to make
[Jilly (Master)] slash me to emote
[Carissa] I'm still stuck on trying to find the Chat As...
[Master] but for the most part I think just ask questions in the main chat as you are feeling your way around so who ever can answer will and you will be able to hear multiple points of view
[mharm-15549] Do you see the list of characters on the right side?
[Lisa] left?
[mharm-15549] Yes left duh. Sorry
[Lisa] yours is on right?
[Lisa] ok
[mharm-15549] Right click on your character
[Master] I will shut up and let the three of you poke around
[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.
[New Player (Carissa)] Ah there we go
[Master] yeap
[mharm-15549] Yep
[mharm-15549] Lets see
[mharm-15549] Okay so how to do a dice roll
[mharm-15549] how to describe
[mharm-15549] say it's a six sided dice
[Master] curley bracket 1d6 curely bracket
[Lisa] dice panel on top of screen
[mharm-15549] thanks bob
[Lisa] for people that don't like brackets :)
[mharm-15549] :)
[Master] or as Lisa says, there are always three or four ways to do something in this program
[mharm-15549] That is true too
[Carissa] Haha so I see
[mharm-15549] Do you know how to view your character sheet?
[Master] she knows nothing
[mharm-15549] Okay
[Master] Carissa Snow
[Carissa] Right click showed me
[Lisa] doesn't look like bob's done anything with it yet
[mharm-15549] Right
[mharm-15549] just showing
[Lisa] sorry
[mharm-15549] Hm, Lisa? Anything else outside of combat?
[mharm-15549] That is better when it is actually during combat to learn for me anyways
[Master] current thought is an Elven Priest, that will be paired up with Mario's new character
[Lisa] basically when not in combat we just move and talk as we please
[Lisa] standard movement for humans in a round is 120 feet
[Lisa] Branwyn moved 42'00".
[Lisa] if you drag icon it will show you how far you've moved
[Master] OH colors
[Lisa] says the blind guy
[Master] yeah yeah
[mharm-15549] LOL
[Lisa] hee hee
[Master] you will have to tell me what works for her
[Master] and Carissa will say what color she likes
[Carissa] Colors where?
[Lisa] or you can use the sextant on top bar to meassure distances
[Master] text
[Lisa] she can pick herself since she only has one character at the moment
[Carissa] Some kind of purple maybe?
[Carissa] How?
[Master] like that?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] like this?
[Master] do chat as now
[Branwyn (Lisa)] edit pref will change your chat when you are both in and out of character
[Master] I picked one for the New Person icon also
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bob needs to fix it if you want in and out of character different
[mharm-15549] Chat as : Right click on new person select chat as.
[Carissa] Edit pref I can understand...except this is still green.
[mharm-15549] We'll name you soon enough no worries
[Carissa] Oh, nope! Just tpyes in green.
[Lisa] this is good
[mharm-15549] Good color
[mharm-15549] easy to read
[Lisa] you are lavendar to us
[Master] and try the chat as for New Player to compare the difference
[New Player (Carissa)] Let's see...
[Lisa] too dark
[Master] too dark?
[mharm-15549] too dark
[New Player (Carissa)] Way too dark
[Lisa] Bob - just match it to her OOC
[Lisa] Lisa is the same as Indigo, Michael as Hugh
[Master] try now please
[New Player (Carissa)] Trying
[Lisa] better
[mharm-15549] better
[Master] do you like it Carissa?
[Master] we all like the Out of Character (OCC) color
[New Player (Carissa)] Can you go one shade lighter?
[Master] how about the In Character (IC) color
[Master] try now
[New Player (Carissa)] Trying
[New Player (Carissa)] Perfect.
[mharm-15549] I like it
[Lisa] much better
[Master] and when OCC
[Carissa] Still good
[Master] wonderful
[Master] TMO will be very late, but hopes to be in
[mharm-15549] Gotcha
[Master] Mario hopes to be back in,
[Master] have not heard from Spring
[Carissa] Is there a faster way to switch between OOC and IC beside right clicking and selecting it?
[Lisa] thought she was a no?
[Master] there is the chat ballon on the upper tool bar
[Master] you can click that
[Master] when you have the icon highlighted
[Master] so if you do not click off the icon you can switch back and forth that way
[Carissa] Let's see..
[New Player (Carissa)] This?
[New Player (Carissa)] Oh much better. Thank you.
[Master] so I was thinking you would like to be a priestess
[Lisa] Branwyn moved 36'02".
[Master] it will give you magic, and some fighting abilities
[Master] this is who I had picked as an elven god
[Master] BUT of course it is open for you to pick what ever you like
[Master] what you would like to play is the important part
[Lisa] do you have a lot of D&D background?
[Master] and does not need to be decided tonight, there are lots of NPCs to let you run a character to test things out
[Carissa] Ahaha, no, that's perfect! Priestess was always my default in other RPGs. It works :)
[Carissa] Not much. Mostly computer, Baldur's Gate and all.
[Lisa] sounds good - I had none when I started so people had to explain a lot to me
[Carissa] Oh, good! Not sure how my little bit of knowledge will stack up so glad to know it's not just me starting that way :)
[Master] we always try to find new players, you can learn all you need to as long as you have fun
[mharm-15549] Yep
[Carissa] And ask questions. In any order ;)
[mharm-15549] Double Yep
[Master] one other thing to mention, but you know it, is that all these chat logs get posted to the site each night, so anything you type here, or in the whispers gets posted, so nothing personal you do not want out there, grins
[Master] and yeap
[Carissa] Haha got it.
[Master] brb restroom
[Master] there is a button for that too :)
[Master] I am away from the keyboard.
[mharm-15549] OH and
[mharm-15549] I'm sure bob's shown you the website
[mharm-15549] but if not
[mharm-15549] Here it is
[mharm-15549] look around if you have questions or randomly get bored during the week
[mharm-15549] lots of stuff to entertain yourself for world domination
[mharm-15549] at least in the game anyways
[Carissa] I've looked around some, but not quite prepared for world domination. Yet.
[Lisa] lol
[Lisa] since we had a death last week maybe a few words on that
[mharm-15549] Ha
[Lisa] your char's hit points will be after their names on the left side
[Lisa] Hugh D'Ambray has 31 of 31 HPs
[Lisa] If you get to 0 you are unconscious
[Lisa] if you get to neg 10 you are dead
[mharm-15549] And it becomes a pain in the butt to get you back haha
[Lisa] so that 0 to -10 is the time where other characters need to bind your wounds
[Lisa] stop the bleeding
[Carissa] Got it
[Lisa] if you get down to 1 more hit and you will most likely be dead there is nothing that says you must stay and fight
[Lisa] feel free to retreat or call for a medic
[Lisa] my indigo char got whacked once for half his hit points so he ran backwards
[Master] I am back at the keyboard.
[Lisa] staying and getting yourself killed doesn't help anyone :)
[Lisa] happier words of wisdom anyone? :)
[Master] Do you have an idea for a name for your character?
[Carissa] I am horrible at names.
[Lisa] there are websites for that
[Master] did you want to be female or male?
[Carissa] Female
[mharm-15549] And video games lol. Hugh is named for the Kate Daniels Series and Neith is the egyptian goddess of the hunt. Whatever you'll choose, it'll be great
[Master] the Wildlands The Wildlands is an area bordered by Terraguard to the east across the Velikaya River and to the west by the Central Mountains. The southern border blends in with the northern shire of Gold Hills and the northern border merges into the Northern Wastes with no fixed delineation although some say the Gelion River marks the border between the two areas. The Lorien woods are said to be the home of several Elven towns while the Orcnest Deep provides a hiding place for several humanoid tribes that pillage on the Velikaya River.
[Master] is where you are from
[Lisa] that's confusing
[Carissa] Got it. I thnk.
[Lisa] glad you do
[Master] I pop links to the site in a bunch of times
[Master] you can copy and paste (ctrl C etc. ) to view in browsers
[Master] and when the chat log is posted they all work automatically
[Master] so I set up the basics for your sheet
[Master] saving throws, thac0 etc.
[Master] stuff that you did not need to roll for
[Master] do you want to be thrown into the deep end?
[Master] and start talking as? wandering into their camp?
[Master] or watch the two of them go first?
[Master] ginrs
[Master] grins
[Carissa] Hmm, watch first.
[Master] ok
[mharm-15549] No worries. Not to bad
[Master] It is morning on the 8th
[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Chaos -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Ray of Fatigue -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Sleep -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Waterbane -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Whip o' Pain -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),
[Master] Branwyn, and everyone has full spells
[Master] Jilly is cooking up some sort of meat over the fire
[Master] Jilly moved 18'02".
[Jilly (Master)] Indigo
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius, can you take a look at the map again since Ilero and Shur are ... indisposed?
[Jilly (Master)] maybe you can find something else to get for us next time instead of another badger
[Indigo (Lisa)] Good morning Jily
[Jilly (Master)] or maybe Ilero like them?
[Jilly (Master)] maybe it is a delicacy where he is from?
[Indigo (Lisa)] I didn't get the badger
[Jilly (Master)] do you think he likes this?
[Indigo (Lisa)] It was here when we woke up.
[Jilly (Master)] I bet he thinks you like it
[Jilly (Master)] that he got it for you
Indigo (Lisa) shrugs
[Jilly (Master)] OH and we need more water please
[Indigo (Lisa)] They are a little tough
[Jilly (Master)] and if you want me to make scones I need more flour
[Jilly (Master)] but I did not bring anymore
[Jilly (Master)] so we have to keep and eye out for a miller
[Indigo (Lisa)] Where am I supposed to get flour?
[Jilly (Master)] he might sell us some flour
[Indigo (Lisa)] What miller?
[Jilly (Master)] you have the spy glass!
[Jilly (Master)] you can look for them
[Jilly (Master)] right?
Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head
[Indigo (Lisa)] water
Indigo (Lisa) grabs a bucket and heads down to the stream
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 82'10".
Lord Branadarus (Master) chuckles
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 194'09".
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I could be indisposed with you too
[Carissa] (Phone call, brb)
Branwyn (Lisa) pokes him
[Branwyn (Lisa)] No
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We need to focus on the task at hand
[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is a graveyard and bridges here so that means villages
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anything on that map?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] or at least there was a village?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I did not see antyhing last night
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe Neith or Hugh can help you
[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and there are no villages marked on these maps
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] But what kind of Villages Branwyn?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] They might be hostile
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We can look around and scout if you would like
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Whoever made this campsite and graveyard
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (this is going to be hard without the other guys lisa haha)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Then Neith and I can look around
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Well I think the campsite has been used by a lot of people
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We got sent in this direction by this map and we've been travelling for two days now
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] it is in a good spot, near water
Branwyn (Lisa) waves map a little
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (lol)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] are we close to the second keep?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] well the water is flowing that way (points to the left of the map) so the hills are that way (points opposite) so we just go that way
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] we must be near it
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but there is a lot of ground to explore
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] thank goodness
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] we might find all sorts of things!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Like a keep!
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] When is the last time you had this kind of fun
[Branwyn (Lisa)] With secret miltary treatises
Branwyn (Lisa) thinks of Anton
[Branwyn (Lisa)] well, it hasn't been all fun
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] BRB doorbell
[Branwyn (Lisa)] But yes, it is much better than the manor all day every day
[Branwyn (Lisa)] so we go east over that wooden bridge to get to the hills?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 235'09".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] back
Indigo (Lisa) hand Jilly the bucket "Water"
[Jilly (Master)] Thank you Indigo
[Jilly (Master)] did you find a miller?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Yes I think we go east there
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and then find a path that leads around and up into the hills
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Jilly, the only millers around here are likely hostile. We'll grab whatever we can when we find it. For now, lets see about this map eh?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] to see where we can find a place to survey the area
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hostile millers?
[Jilly (Master)] Really Hugh?
[Jilly (Master)] you think Millers are monsters now?
[Indigo (Lisa)] All they do is make bread all day
[Jilly (Master)] you are becoming very mean
[Indigo (Lisa)] or grind wheat
[Jilly (Master)] you were not like this before
[Jilly (Master)] what happened?
[Jilly (Master)] did the bugbears hurt you somehow?
[Jilly (Master)] Or maybe you just need more scones!
Indigo (Lisa) looks at Hugh curiously
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) rolls eyes
[Jilly (Master)] see you just need to find flour
[Jilly (Master)] and I can make you scones
[Jilly (Master)] and eveyrone will be happy
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We will do just that jilly.
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) looks appropriatly scorned
[Jilly (Master)] (hint hint check your spell list, do you have the creation sphere?)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Neith?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (scorned or sconed?)
[Jilly (Master)] (lol)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm not seeing it bob.
Carissa has left the game on Fri Nov 25 20:07:39 EST 2016
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] uh oh
[Jilly (Master)] (might not have it, but low level creation spells can create basic things like that)
[Jilly (Master)] but
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] How about Orison for that?
[Master] would only make a small bit
[Master] checking how much
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] there is Addition, but out of my range and only temp
[Master] no to Orison
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] then nah. Don't got anything
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Did she just not lik eht egame or having trouble?
[Master] no clue, sent her a message to let her know it was only her
[Master] but I doubt it
[Indigo (Lisa)] (she had a phone call so maybe that was it)
[Master] we just continue on and see what happens
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] well darn
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] anyhoo, no don't got that
[Master] Orison would make a handful of flour perhaps
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] How about bran?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Could she use Amplify spell on my Orison?
[Master] Branwyn is not looking for scones, grins
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well I'm not haha
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry Jilly. I'm not sure I have anything that culd help with our trouble with scones
[Jilly (Master)] Well poop
[Jilly (Master)] then we have to have your badger steaks without them
[Jilly (Master)] at least there is some fat here
[Jilly (Master)] it does smell a bit
[Indigo (Lisa)] That's okay Jilly
[Jilly (Master)] I think in the spring they will taste better
[Jilly (Master)] they have been sleeping all winter
[Jilly (Master)] right?
[Indigo (Lisa)] This is the best we ever eat when we're adventuring
[Jilly (Master)] that is what they do?
[Jilly (Master)] OH, I am sorry Indigo
[Jilly (Master)] I did not know you had it so bad
[Jilly (Master)] that is horrible
Mario Teq LT has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:16:22 EST 2016
Mario Teq LT is receiving the map Campsite...
Indigo (Lisa) laughs
[Jilly (Master)] no berries? no vegitables?
Mario Teq LT has received the map Campsite.
[Jilly (Master)] I am not sure how you
[Indigo (Lisa)] Berries sometimes
Jilly (Master) shakes her head
[Jilly (Master)] I will do better
[Jilly (Master)] tomorrow I can make you a cobbler
[Jilly (Master)] if you find me berries
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hello Mario!
[Indigo (Lisa)] You already do fine Jilly
[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)
[Jilly (Master)] (hey there SUPER MARIO(
[Mario Teq LT] Hello hello!
[Mario Teq LT] ahh, so enduring w Anton surely paid off
[Indigo (Lisa)] (so ignoring the soon to be family in Michigan for the game?)
[Mario Teq LT] theyre watching Frosty the Snowman
[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh this is much better)
[Master] don't spoil it for them
[Indigo (Lisa)] (I always cry at the end)
[Master] so Mario you have things to tidy up on your character but I think your weapons are right
[Master] and when/if Carissa comes back
[Master] her new character is traveling with you
[Master] she is a priestess
[Master] elven
[Mario Teq LT] cool, i havbe to decide on NWP
[Master] from the Wildlands
[Master] the Wildlands The Wildlands is an area bordered by Terraguard to the east across the Velikaya River and to the west by the Central Mountains. The southern border blends in with the northern shire of Gold Hills and the northern border merges into the Northern Wastes with no fixed delineation although some say the Gelion River marks the border between the two areas. The Lorien woods are said to be the home of several Elven towns while the Orcnest Deep provides a hiding place for several humanoid tribes that pillage on the Velikaya River.
[Mario Teq LT] i have to read up on Elves, never been one
[Master] there is a bit of a backstory on your character sheet too now
[Master] you need a name for you and a name for your sword
[Master] and your sword is intelligent
[Master] can speak
[Master] so it needs a name
[Indigo (Lisa)] Keebler
[Master] LOL
[Master] and so Michael and Lisa, what else before packing up camp and heading into the hills?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I'm not really sure bob
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I think we've don't all we can unless someone has something they want to do
[Indigo (Lisa)] (let's see how far we can get without healing - we're in pretty good shape)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Am I missing something?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless branadarus is feeling low)
[Master] He is always ready to go out and adventure
[Master] Time of Day: 07:49 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 1266 TGR.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] brb gatting drink
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neith, do you want to take the lead with your tracking, outdoor skills? I believe we are heading east over that wooden bridge
[Master] and Mario questions or things to know about your new character?
[Mario Teq LT] i have a few, but i dont want to disturb your flow right now
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (didn't see thief skills yet)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] back
[Mario Teq LT] (those are at home, yet to be loaded)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I would be happy to M'lady
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (one moment)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't think I'm tracking anything am I
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] ?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Wonderful. We shall be close behind. Unless you wish to give Lord Branadarus just a dab of healing first.
Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "He'd never ask"
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps just one when he isn't looking.
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Smiles warmly. I'd be happy too.
Branwyn (Lisa) louder
[Branwyn (Lisa)] No we aren't tracking
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 110'03".
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets Indigo. Distance: 24'06"
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We just trying to find the keep and if you need strange tracks or signs it would help I think
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 18'01"
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against Lord Branadarus: Orison: I can create minor effects.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] 7HP Brandarus
[Master] Lord Branadarus's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 45 (7) - Lightly Wounded
Branwyn (Lisa) whispers "Thank you Neith."
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Distant Sense check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bob, that is to measure how far we have come in regard to the map
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] to get an estimate of where we are in relation to the keep
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Will you accept that rolll?
[Master] yes
[Master] checking
[Master] so I will say that gives you that you know you are close by the middle of the search area
[Master] and you just need to find the right alignment of hills
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So I guess we can consider this a central "starting" point guys
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Is there a rather high hilltop nearby I can see form the top of?
[Master] that is what you are currently looking for
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Oh
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] um
[Master] TMO is about 20 out by the way
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Looks for a high hill
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] of life?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay
[Indigo (Lisa)] You wanna look through the spyglass?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] That would be really helpful thank you!
Indigo (Lisa) hands it to her
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) looks around for high hill with spyglass
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] can someone wave TMO's character around
[Indigo (Lisa)] [Shurkural]] moved 62'11".
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 61'00"
[Indigo (Lisa)] [Ilero]] moved 182'08".
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] thanks
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt no longer targets Lord Branadarus.
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt no longer targets [Shurkural]].
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt no longer targets Indigo.
[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 61'00"
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against [Shurkural]]: Orison: I can create minor effects.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] 7HP Three left
[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 39 (7) - Lightly Wounded
[Indigo (Lisa)] (sounds good)
[Master] That is what Neith sees through the spy glass
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, if it's on a hill, I say let's go for it.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I can scout a little ways ahead
[Master] It is not
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Oh
[Master] it is on a smaller hill, not the highest one around
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Shruggs
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Personal Information - Race:: CHANGED: Elf (null). Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 100 (10). Weight Allowance:: CHANGED: 335 (null). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 100 (10). Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: +3 (+0). Damage Adjust: (DMG) : CHANGED: +6 (+0). Max Press:: CHANGED: 480 (null). Open Doors:: CHANGED: 16 (null). Open Locked Doors:: CHANGED: 6 (null). Bend Bars/Lift Gate:: CHANGED: 40 (null). Bonus Spells:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Chance of Spell Failure:: CHANGED: 15 (null). Magical Defense Adjust: (MDADJ) : CHANGED: 0 (null). Spell Immunity:: CHANGED: 0 (null).
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So I see a delapidated windmill
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] it is on a small hill
[Indigo (Lisa)] Windmill?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] but I can likely climb to the top and see from there if I can spot a keep nearby
[Indigo (Lisa)] To grind flour?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Yes, but it looks in poor shape
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) rolls eyes
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Shhhh
Indigo (Lisa) claps hand in front of mouth
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't want to get Jilly's hopes up
[Indigo (Lisa)] Let's go then
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) mutters "or mine. I like those scones"
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) looks around
[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll be right behind you
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hugh, Indigo, Bran, and Bran. I think we can handle this brief scouting run. The rest of you should rest up
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (since they aren' there)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (oh mario's in isn't he)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (also Mario's characters)
mharm-15549 is receiving the map Campsite...
mharm-15549 has received the map Campsite.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] One moment while I roll
[Mario Teq LT (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mario modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Potion of Human Control, , 1, . ADDED: Potion of Levitation, , , .
[Indigo (Lisa)] (how far away is this hill? I don't want to leave the party too far away from us)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
mharm-15549 is receiving the map Campsite...
mharm-15549 has received the map Campsite.
mharm-15549 is receiving the map mountain7...
mharm-15549 has received the map mountain7.
[Master] you are about 1,000 feet from the hill with the windmill on
[Master] Neith is on that map now
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I should wait for the others
[Master] depends on how close you want to be
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] OH
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] gotcha
[Indigo (Lisa)] I think they should come too if that is the direction we need to go. If they get in trouble we won't be able to hear them
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Yeah, I would like to be let's say 20 meters in front
[Indigo (Lisa)] So let's go
Indigo (Lisa) nods
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 121'05".
Lisa is receiving the map Campsite...
Lisa has received the map Campsite.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So...
[Master] OK so will move everyone to the new map that is there
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry, didn't know if klogge spazzed
[Master] and what from here?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith will go check out the windmill. Anyone want to join her?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 121'00".
[Master] I put Sneeza on the windmil picture
[Master] so you can jump to see it as you wish
[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure
mharm-15549 is receiving the map TFS-med3 (4)...
mharm-15549 has received the map TFS-med3 (4).
[Indigo (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus moved 184'05".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 157'00".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 275'03".
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] WHOH, WE ARE ANTS for this Windmill
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (bob can you just move us up there?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (some maps are better scaled than others)
[Master] I can how close do you want to be there?
[Master] Lord Branadarus, Indigo, Branwyn and Neith of Inholt moved 378'03".
[Indigo (Lisa)] (100 ft to start maybe?)
mharm-15549 is receiving the map mountain7...
mharm-15549 has received the map mountain7.
[Master] Indigo moved 33'02".
[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.
[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 112'06".
[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 90'09".
[Master] Branwyn moved 78'09".
[Master] there you go about 120 feet away, one round of movment
[mharm-15549] AFK 3 Min
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 506'08".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 167'00".
Branwyn (Lisa) looks at windmill
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] looks to be in worse shape than the bridges where just half a mile back or so
[Branwyn (Lisa)] This place is in pretty bad shape. Worse than those old bridges.
Indigo (Lisa) calls out "ANYBODY HOME??"
Indigo (Lisa) listens
[Master] echo echo
[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks safe to me
Indigo (Lisa) walks up to the windmill but doesn't enter yet
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 135'04".
Indigo (Lisa) peers inside
[mharm-15549] Back
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello!
[Master] looks dusty inside
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Any documents or anything salvagable?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Old Flower :)
Indigo (Lisa) reaches in with his sword and taps on the floor
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oh geeze
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] flour
[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)
Master tap tap
[Master] nothing visible happens
[Master] sounds like a wodden floor
[Indigo (Lisa)] Floor seems solid?
[Master] reasonably so
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So...Who wants to climb to the top and look for our keep?
Indigo (Lisa) steps in with one foot
[Indigo (Lisa)] Seems okay
TMO has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:54:51 EST 2016
TMO is receiving the map mountain7...
[Indigo (Lisa)] steps in and looks around
TMO has received the map mountain7.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] HEY TMO!!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We need you to climb something.... :)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ;p;
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We might as well catch up
Lisa is receiving the map mountain7...
Homer has joined the game on Fri Nov 25 20:55:31 EST 2016
Homer is receiving the map mountain7...
Lisa has received the map mountain7.
Homer has received the map mountain7.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 139'01".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus moved 141'11".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 39'02".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 135'04".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 126'07".
Indigo (Lisa) looks up at ceiling to see if it looks like it will fall in
Indigo (Lisa) coughs
[Indigo (Lisa)] Dusty
[Master] ceiling looks questionable
[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi TMO!)
[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm
[Indigo (Lisa)] The roof doesn't look too fit!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I wouldn't climb up there unless you had skill in that area
[Indigo (Lisa)] (anything inside?
[Master] nothing visible
Indigo (Lisa) walks back out
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) looks for basement trapdoor
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Master] large one in the floor
[Master] large rusted iron ring
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Can I go in?
[TMO] evening folks
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] HEY TMO!!!
[TMO] sorry to be so late.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] No worries
[TMO] Bob, is Homer with us tonight?
[Master] yes
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So TMO. Basically we are looking for the next keep and we started with checking out this old windmill
[Homer] Homer moved 48'04".
[TMO] k, it won't let him chat as Homer, as he's an NPC
[TMO] Oh, I see. We named the player Homer, so it will show alright
[TMO] anything I need to know before I get started?
[Master] and converted to PC
[Homer] I am back at the keyboard.
[Homer (Homer)] Hello everebody
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Who is playing Homer
[TMO] (my son. 9 yrs old.)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi JT :) )
[TMO] (goes by JTom online)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] HI JT
[Indigo (Lisa)] JTom sorry
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Yep same
[TMO] (no worries. JT is fine too)
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 15'02".
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 25'01".
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Also, Neith found a trapdoor she is checking out, and if you are feeling daring, you could climb the tower to look for the keep
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Just don't fall, cause this is a big windmill :)
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 11'06".
[Indigo (Lisa)] (roof looked somewhat unstable)
[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Also yes
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 51'08".
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 87'09".
[Ilero]] (TMO) looks over the windmill. "Yah, hye do."
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 111'11".
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 131'07".
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 40'01".
[Master] Snee is on the windmill picture if you need to go look at it
TMO is receiving the map TFS-med3 (4)...
TMO has received the map TFS-med3 (4).
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 676'10".
Ilero (TMO)] (looks like a proper challenge. ;) )
TMO is receiving the map mountain7...
TMO has received the map mountain7.
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 58'06".
[Indigo (Lisa)] (do we need to climb the windmill?)
Ilero (TMO)] (*we* don't)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (are we on a windmill on a hill?)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (I just suggested it so someone could see if they could see the keep
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (don't do it if you think it's dangerous)
Ilero (TMO)] (Bob - what is Ilero's estimation of the chances?)
Ilero (TMO)] (I can roll a Climb Walls for his professional judgement, if you like)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (you also asked to be reminded Ilero is working on no sleep)
[Master] It looks like it can hold him, without ropes etc will take a Climb Walls to make it to the top
Ilero (TMO)] (oh yes - that too. thanks!)
Ilero (TMO)] (hiding the roll)
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=45] 45 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!
[Master] and Ilero makes it up to the top of the roof there
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 120'00".
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 117'11".
[Master] stretches his legs on either side of teh peak
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] SEE ANYTHING?
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) calls up
Ilero (TMO)] Yah!
Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] does he?
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!
[Master (to TMO only)] can see several dilapidated buildings on the other side of the hill
[Ilero]] (TMO) points over the hill.
[Master (to TMO only)] and a path that leads out and up into the hills, it splits farther away one winding upwards the other down
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] BRB
Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] path leads past the dilapidated buildings?
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 4'05".
[Master (to TMO only)] there is the path past the stream there heading to the east on this map,
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Very good news!
Homer (Homer) pushes at the wall
Branwyn (Lisa) looks up at Ilero nervously
Master the wall shakes
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps you should come fown now...
[Master] (path to the east there drawn on the map now)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (down)
[Ilero]] (TMO) whistles as he makes his way down from the peak of the roof.
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=53] 53 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!
[Master] Ilero slides down easily
[Branwyn (Lisa)] This place looks like it is ready to fall apart
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 14'04".
Ilero (TMO)] Nah. Tougher t'an t'ink.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh, maybe you can try something safer like checking the trapdoor for traps
Branwyn (Lisa) she says brightly
Ilero (TMO)] (did you say something about a new player Bob? Did they step out?)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she got a phone call and logged out)
Ilero (TMO)] (ah, ok.)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hopefully she will be back)
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 12'03".
[Ilero]] (TMO) wanders over to the trap door.
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Find/remove traps* check:(d100) [1d100=70] 70 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 13'11".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Shouldn't all trap doors have traps?
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 132'09".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Otherwise they should just be called floor doors
[Master] Ilero gives a TUG on the door and the ring breaks off in his hand
Ilero (TMO)] Hope not. Difference tween trapped and trap.
[Indigo (Lisa)] You just don't know your own strength!
[Ilero]] (TMO) flexes.
Ilero (TMO)] Anybody got axe?
[Indigo (Lisa)] I got shovels
Indigo (Lisa) maybe we could stick it under and use it like a pry bar
[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Sure." He takes the shovel and tries to pry up the floor door.
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!
[Master] OK then
[Master] (1d20) [1d20=19] 19
[Master] and the shovel makes its save
[Master] Ilero bends it almost in half
[Indigo (Lisa)] (very talented shovel)
[Master] and then SPRONG
Ilero (TMO)] (very talented Ilero.)
[Master] wing wing wing
Ilero (TMO)] (he only has a 9 str....)
[Indigo (Lisa)] BATS!
Indigo (Lisa) ducks
[Master] the shovel quivers in place
[Master] the door did not move
[Indigo (Lisa)] (what was all that winging?)
[Ilero]] (TMO) looks toward the shovel where it landed after flying through the air. "Huh..."
[Master] the handle of the shovel vibrating as it goes back and forth
[Indigo (Lisa)] (did the door lift a little?)
[Master] not a budge
Ilero (TMO)] (oops, guessed wrong)
[Ilero]] (TMO) hands the shovel back to Indigo.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hmmm
Ilero (TMO)] Lemme take not'er look...
Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Open locks* check:(d100) [1d100=84] 84 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 38'09".
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 64'09".
[Indigo (Lisa)] There are hinges on the door?
[Master] Ilero cannot seem to get a grasp on where
[Master] yes there are three large hinges
Ilero (TMO)] Nope. Not find lock. Can burn it, probly.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (if only we brought a screwdriver)
[Homer] I am back at the keyboard.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe I can try before we burn the door?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (were you rolling or Bob just failed you?)
[Ilero]] (TMO) moves back out of the way. "'Course."
[Master] rolling
Indigo (Lisa) takes shovel and tries to stick the edge under the door
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 8'08".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] (that correct?)
[Homer (Homer)] Did anyone check for roten wood?
[Master] yes correct, no to checking and no to making the door open
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo did some tapping on the floor and it seemed okay
[Indigo (Lisa)] Good idea!
[Homer (Homer)] ok
[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe it's magic
[Indigo (Lisa)] Why would you have a magic door in a windmill?
Ilero (TMO)] (or maybe it's Maybelline)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)
[Master] Homer checks around for rotting wood and finds it in several places around the building but not here with the door in the floor or the spaces around it
[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.
Indigo (Lisa) gets down and looks at hinges carefully
Shurkural (TMO)] Mebbe they have a magic granary underneath.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (need screwdriver or wrench for bolts?)
[Master] Indigo can make an intuition check
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: INU check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] magical hinges? in the party pack or back home?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (home)
[Master (to Lisa only)] these hinges look rusted shut, unable to move
[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] sorry home - we never thought we would EVER use those silly things!
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 6'01".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sorry i'm back
[Indigo (Lisa)] These are all rusted. They don't look like they'd come off even if I had tools
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] burn it
Shurkural (TMO)] Is it that important that we see the basement?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Might be something cool in it)
[Indigo (Lisa)] Well it's a basement we can't get into ...
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Could I orision the bolts to be new?)
Shurkural (TMO)] Boys..
[Shurkural]] (TMO) shakes her head.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Bend Bars/Lift Gate check: (d100) [1d100=72] 72 - ROLL FAILED against 20!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] And is the windmill is old but the door is in good shape it means that someone might be using it as a hideout!
[Indigo (Lisa)] Or a treasure stash
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Wow. I thought I would have gotten that
[Homer (Homer)] Did anyone check for secret passages
[Indigo (Lisa)] (My guys can't do that today)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (anyone else?)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I really want in there to be honest.
[Indigo (Lisa)] JILLY! Got any more badger fat to oil these hinges?
[Jilly (Master)] Sure
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have to yell at her?
[Jilly (Master)] do you think that will work?
Shurkural (TMO)] Is it rusted, or is it just locked?
Indigo (Lisa) makes a face at Branwyn
[Jilly (Master)] I thought you priests would just warp the wood or soemthing?
[Jilly (Master)] isn't that how magic works?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Well it's the closest thing we have to oil and look how rusted they are
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Im looking)
Indigo (Lisa) points
[Jilly (Master)] brings a small pot of lard/fat to Indigo
[Jilly (Master)] Anton used to use this in his hair
[Indigo (Lisa)] Fat?
[Indigo (Lisa)] I thought Marisu magicked his hair
[Indigo (Lisa)] Yuck
[Indigo (Lisa)] I won't use it all
[Jilly (Master)] Well he will not need it
Jilly (Master) sighs
Indigo (Lisa) takes a bit and rubs it over a hinge
[Jilly (Master)] Does it get easier? she whispers
Jilly (Master) wanders down the hill towards the ruins
[Master] Jilly moved 1021'03".
Indigo (Lisa) looks at Jilly sadly and shakes his head
Shurkural (TMO)] (are we in a desert like the pictureimplies?)
[Jilly (Master)] not desert but no growth, still too early
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ( I can age an object technically till it rots away, but I am one level benethe it. Darn)
Indigo (Lisa) looks at hinge
[Jilly (Master)] you can see where some trees will be blooming soon
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] How has a hammer?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Who
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] OH SHoot
[Indigo (Lisa)] (better?)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Bob Hugh has a vial of acid
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Can I use that?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] on the Hinge?
[Master] yes you can
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I do so
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] le me delete that from my inventory now
Indigo (Lisa) steps back to avoid splashing
Lord Branadarus (Master) puts an arm aroudn Jilly
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] It will be ok
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] We will remember him
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] that is enough
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (honestly it's probably nothing, but its the principle of the matter haha)
[Jilly (Master)] I will hope so
Branwyn (Lisa) watches the two of them and smiles
[Master] and the acid smokes and sputters
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Hugh D'Ambray modified: Notes - CHANGED.
Indigo (Lisa) coughs
[Master] and the hinges start to disolve
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 24'02".
[Master] and then the entire door colapses into the floor with a CRASH
[Indigo (Lisa)] Uh-oh
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 26'08".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Attack: Long Sword:: is now ARMED.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hope there wasn't a set of crystal glasses down there
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] HONEY, I"M HOME!
[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello!
[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] HERE"S JONNY
[Master] crickets
[Ilero]] (TMO) watched the acid with interest.
[Indigo (Lisa)] :)
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Climbs down
Indigo (Lisa) takes out his light buckle and holds it over the opening
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Nice bob. Jeeze
[Mario Teq LT] ewww, creepy
[Homer (Homer)] /me Gives Jilly a hug.
[Master] the room below looks dark
Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Homer
Jilly (Master) HUGS Homer
[Indigo (Lisa)] Can you see with the light coming in from above? How far down was that drop anyway?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Is there stair for normal people?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (I climed)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "Indigo, may I borrow your special buckle?"
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 90'05".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay, catch!
Indigo (Lisa) tosses it down
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (Unless there wasn' tstairs. Then I guess I probably felll and took damage. Bob should tell us"
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] sorry )
[Master] no stairs
[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you need anyone to go down with you?
[Master] there are the remains of a ladder
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Did I take damage?
[Master] you look down into the dark pit
[Master] the belt buckle lights up the area
[Master] you can see stone walls with barrels and rotten bags piled against them
Shurkural (TMO)] So, where's the treasure?
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Invesitgates bags
[Master] if Hugh wants to jump down there?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] hm
[Indigo (Lisa)] We have a rope
Shurkural (TMO)] (it could have been worse, you know. There could have been a "Keep Out" sign. That would have made it *mandatory* we go down there.)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Is it a safe distance or a large distance
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 18'09".
Ilero (TMO)] Hye can go
[Homer (Homer)] Homer moved 2'05".
[Master] looks like about 15 feet or so
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hm
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Lower me down anyone?
[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll hold the rope and you two can go down if you want.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Alright
Ilero (TMO)] Pfft. Rope....
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Okay, I'll use the rope
[Indigo (Lisa)] I think I can pull you both back up
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Illero can go nuts
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] :)
[Homer (Homer)] May i come in?
Ilero (TMO)] (oh, he's already nuts)
[Indigo (Lisa)] It could be dangerous!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] You most certainly can! Just let us drop down to make sure there is no wierd dragons or anything. Check with Illero
[Indigo (Lisa)] Use the rope to go down
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Climbs down slowly
[Ilero]] (TMO) hangs from the lip and drops down.
[Master] Indigo makes a STR check
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Master] and Ilero makes a
[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't want to tie it to the beams because they aren't stable
[Master] well then
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: STR check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Master] so Ilero makes it to the bottom rather quickly but manages to roll to his feet without harm
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] oops one moment
Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero's showing off. He's really only got one decent ability. :) )
[Master] and Hugh makes it down much slower but safer
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Alrighty
[Master] the two of you are down on the floor
[Master] all stone down here
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Holds up buckle
[Master] stone floor and walls
[Ilero]] (TMO) pins on his glowing cloak clasp
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) investigates sacks
[Master] stacks of rotten bags,
[Master] some barrels
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] rotten flour and stuff or just empty bags?
[Indigo (Lisa)] You ready Homer? Just slide down the rope.
[Homer (Homer)] IS it safe?
[Indigo (Lisa)] No it isn't completely safe
[Ilero]] (TMO) turns from investigating and uses the Hand to help steady the boy on the rope.
Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.
[Master] hard to tell what was in teh bags, you can guess it was flour or grain of some sort
[Indigo (Lisa)] That's better
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Neith! Come down here. Got a present for Jilly!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] "Alright"
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Uses rope after Homer
[Master] there is nothing in the bags now
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Darn, was going to conjure flour.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] welp guess since it isn' trotten that I cant
Shurkural (TMO)] Well boys, did you find any fabulous treasure?
Branwyn (Lisa) laughs at Shur
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) laughs
[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know they have to look
Shurkural (TMO)] How about some coins? Maybe a copper piece or two?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "take a guess haha."
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) High Fives Illero
[Shurkural]] (TMO) grins and winks at Branwyn
[Homer (Homer)] Should I go check for secret panels?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] We found sacks and barrels. We can retire as kings and queens!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sure you can
[Homer (Homer)] ok
Shurkural (TMO)] That'll improve your wardrobe, for sure!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I can stick with you
[Master] that is on a d12
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (is it just a store room or are there tunnels?)
[Master] to make that hidden panel check
[Master] just a store room, stone walls and floor
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Home thought of it, he can roll for it
[Homer (Homer)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=6] 6
[Master] no you do not find anything
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Slaps homer on the back.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "You never know!"
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] "good call"
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) Begins to climb up the rope
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Homer (Homer)] thanks
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh yeah, thank you Lisa :)
Ilero (TMO)] Homer, grab rope tight.
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
Ilero (TMO)] Hugh and Indigo pull you up
[Indigo (Lisa)] (oops)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yeah, I help
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: STR check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero's speech pattern is infectious)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol
[Ilero]] (TMO) steadies the boy with the Hand again
Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head "Are you okay Homer?"
[Master] by the way next time, when helping the person with the higher strength rolls and you get to add half of the other person's strength check also, so in this case would only fail on a 20
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=95] 95 - ROLL FAILED against 80!!
Ilero (TMO)] Oop
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] um
[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we have neith and ilero left)
[Master] tumbling check
Ilero (TMO)] (forgot about Neith)
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] so did I haha
[Master] so avoids damage
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: STR check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!
[Ilero]] (TMO) looks annoyed as he stands up and dusts himself off.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So I fall off the rope
[Master] Neith does not check Hugh does
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol
[Indigo (Lisa)] Just use the rope!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] oh
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] duh
[Indigo (Lisa)] (not indigo?)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith climbs up
[Master] with Indigo's help
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!
Ilero (TMO)] lol
[Master] Hugh has a higher STR than Indigo
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hugh is helping
Ilero (TMO)] (fails on a 20)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] so it would only fail on 220
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] sorry lisa
[Master] nods
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol
[Master] and Neith falls
[Ilero]] (TMO) tries to catch her
[Master] takes (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 of damage, unless Ilero makes his Strength check to catch her
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: STR check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Thought you said she didn't need to roll?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I assume she used the rope?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (hugh needed to)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] OH
[Master] yes she did and Hugh and Indigo let it slip through their hands
[Indigo (Lisa)] (and indigo)
[Master] Neith of Inholt's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (-5) - Moderately Wounded
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] One moment while I crawl through text tyring to understand that
[Indigo (Lisa)] (one more time)
[Master] so Ilero and Neith still down there
[Master] Hugh makes the Str check
[Master] only fails if you roll a 20
Indigo (Lisa) wipes badger fat off his hands
[Master] grins at Lisa
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: STR check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Figutes haha
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: STR check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Master] and Neith is up
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ilero?)
Homer has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:07:51 EST 2016
[Master] and Ilero
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Uh oh
[Indigo (Lisa)] (rolled a 4 for me)
[Master] (J Tom ok?)
Ilero (TMO)] (JTom is closing down forthe night. He says goodnight to everyone and thanks for the game)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (just 1 more)
Ilero (TMO)] (he's tired. been a busy day)
[Master] not a problem, glad to have him in
[Indigo (Lisa)] Goodnight JTom!)
[Master] tell him we said he did a good job
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] G
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Mogjt
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] *G'night JTOm
[Ilero]] (TMO) studies the wall before trying again.
[Master] chuckles how much as Michael been drinking
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I don't drink lol but yeah
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] horible typing tonight
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=58] 58 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!
[Master] and everyone is up
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Okay
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] (did TMO see any keep?)
Ilero (TMO)] Old buildings, over t'e hill.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (to the east)
[Ilero]] (TMO) points over his shoulder.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (at the big block that says ruins? or the sliver of new item?)
[Master] no, but farther up that path there to the east he did see that it does split into a path that goes higher and a path that goes down into a valley
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So, should we take a look at the map?
Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Orienteering check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] (he saw these ruins? they look kind of close)
[Ilero]] (TMO) searches his pockets, then his pack, before finally finding the map.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was a fail to find the map? lol)
[Indigo (Lisa)] :D
Ilero (TMO)] (it was that bad of a roll)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (It;s in one of these pockets)
[Indigo (Lisa)] Let's walk up to the fork you saw and then see what looks better maybe
Ilero (TMO)] So, we go find anot'er lock door?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)
[Master] Ilero saw the ruins, before anyone else because no one else walked over to the other side of the hill before that
[Indigo (Lisa)] (let's go there)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I cannot even entertain us until we get there!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bad day for rolls
[Master] so you want to be at the fork in the road?
[Master] or at the ruins?
[Mario Teq LT] Bobby, i have touched afew areas, but im off to bed; early rise to drive home. We'll be in touch.
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ruins wasn't sure what came first)
[Mario Teq LT] Good nogiht all!! see you next week
Ilero (TMO)] (cya! travel safe)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Night Mario!
[Indigo (Lisa)] (have a safe trip back - can't wait to see new character)
[Indigo (Lisa)] Goodnight!
Mario Teq LT has left the game on Fri Nov 25 22:16:25 EST 2016
[Master] ruins first
Ilero (TMO)] (Jtom was talking about wanting to make a character. Not sure he's ready for that yet)
[Master] up to you TMO
[Master] he has done well so far
[Indigo (Lisa)] (I will try not to drop him any more)
Ilero (TMO)] (lol)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Oh by the way
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] 7 HP for Neith
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Clumsy firl
[Indigo (Lisa)] (good)
[Master] Neith of Inholt's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (7) - Lightly Wounded
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 132'05".
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 129'10".
[Master] He could create a fighter, easy enough to run
[Master] and can always use anothe rone
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Or a palladin
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
Ilero (TMO)] (would y'all be okay with that? I have no idea how constant he would be - he doesn't have the greatest attetion span yet)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm fine with it
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] He can faze in and out of the game
[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'm fine with it if you are)
[Master] he has been here more this year than Guy or Eric :)
Ilero (TMO)] (LOL)
Ilero (TMO)] (ok, maybe he and I can get together with Bob some time to start that. I don't think we should do it during game time. would take forever)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (in meantime he can think of a name for his character)
[Master] nods, name and a story
[Master] and Mario and Carissa have two elves that are coming in next week we hope
[Indigo (Lisa)] (so these are ruins of what?)
[Master] several buildings
[Master] looks like it was a town
[Master] a small town that now is abandoned and in ruins
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] seems to be a theme here
Shurkural (TMO)] Hm.. which one of these, Branwyn, do you think has a basement?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Town in the middle of nowhere!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh Shur, you know they all will!
[Shurkural]] (TMO) grins. "You're probably right!"
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We will be rooting around in fruit cellars all day
Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549) rolls eyes
[Branwyn (Lisa)] We might as well get started. This is strange. I wonder how old this place is.
Branwyn (Lisa) heads over to the ruins
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 91'03".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 99'04".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Master] Branwyn can make an Intuition check also
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 172'05".
Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 242'10".
Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 427'00".
[Master] Joseph Shortkin, Wu Sen Cho and Howard Plum moved 1384'00".
[Master] Time of Day: 10:20 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 1266 TGR.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] wood rots away after a decade or more, so this has been long ago abandoned, none of this including the mill looks like it was prepared for a long term departure
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Joseph Shortkin moved 63'09".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm, this place looks like its decades old.
Shurkural (TMO)] Too old to be what we're looking for?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] And abandoned. Like they left and weren't coming back. They didn't try to make the buildings last for a return.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hm
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh no! Wasn't Sir Art about 100 years old?
[Master] ?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Do you think the peasants for the local keep may have lived here?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] He was Duke Brandish's great great uncle
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (forgot to hit enter)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was checking my memory on the site)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ?hugh wanders into random houses looking for something that may have indicated local rulership
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] A constabulary perhaps?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Town Center?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Something with a crest perhpas
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Statue?
[Master] there is a clearing in the center, perhaps where fairs were held
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Can I look for where the jail may have been if there was one?
[Master] no stone buildings
[Master] the wood of the walls looks much like the windmill did
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Any buildings with metal poles
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] like aj ail
[Master] as Branwyn said, could be a couple of decades that someone lived here
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Then i don't really know what to do guys
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] The keep isn't here.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Thoughts?
Shurkural (TMO)] Just look around at random, I guess. Each of us take a building?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Sure
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (look for trapdoors)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 67'10".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 54'06".
Branwyn (Lisa) looks at a building
Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur and Ilero each take a building)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: INU check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] it does not look like anyone planned on leaving but it is not like someone fled in a hurry, they just walked out one day and did not come back
Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: INU check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Master (to Lisa only)] it does not look like anyone planned on leaving but it is not like someone fled in a hurry, they just walked out one day and did not come back
[Master (to mharm-15549 only)] it does not look like anyone planned on leaving but it is not like someone fled in a hurry, they just walked out one day and did not come back
[Master (to TMO only)] it does not look like anyone planned on leaving but it is not like someone fled in a hurry, they just walked out one day and did not come back
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] it does not look like anyone planned on leaving but it is not like someone fled in a hurry, they just walked out one day and did not come back
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Since we all go that I just copied pasted
[Branwyn (Lisa)] My thoughts exactly
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't like this
[Branwyn (Lisa)] So they probably took everything of value with them
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] If there is nothing here, we should leave
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Yeah, this pleace just giiving me the creeps
[Branwyn (Lisa)] So to the fork in the road that Ilero saw?
Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, probably best we get out of here. It's creepy.
[Master] Time of Day: 11:00 AM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 1266 TGR.
[Master] Time of Day: 12:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 1266 TGR.
[Master] heading into the hills
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what was the new item?)
[Master] what new item?
Shurkural (TMO)] (that was the path I think)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] oh
[Master] yes that was the path
[Master] deeper into the hills now
Shurkural (TMO)] (anything interesting here?)
[Master] this area seems quiet
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So. Just keep following the path?
Shurkural (TMO)] (aye)
[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.
[Master] but you have the choice of winding down to the center there, or up higher along a ridge to the right
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) I can scout ahead
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I think we should take the high ground
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I love your drawing bob.
[Master] grins
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the last keep was down in between four hills - no clue if that is any indication of future keep locations)
[Master] both paths wind considerably from here
Shurkural (TMO)] (let's split the party!)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] um
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yay!)
[Master] yes to Lisa all three spots for potential keeps are in the middle of four hills
Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm ok with either path)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be at the keep before ye!"
[Master] laughs
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can sing in text chat)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] can't
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) sighs
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hugh and I will scout the high road
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 18!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Distant Sense check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob says they are long paths - we can't scout for far we have to decide)
[Master] so does anyone follow those two along the upper path?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (my questions are does it look like the carts can make it up the high path?)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I thought we had pack animals
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] not carts
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have mules pulling carts)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Ah
[Master] waggons would be hard to make it along either path, but a cart could make either
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok)
Shurkural (TMO)] then let's follow the leaders
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay. I'll follow bran
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
Shurkural (TMO)] (by leaders, I meant the people in the lead. :P )
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I think she meant the two that ran up a path already)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Lol
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'll tell you what. Why don't you flip a klooge coin?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you picked already - it's ok we will see what the fates bring us)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Oh no
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] haha
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So I guess we just meander on
Shurkural (TMO)] (You may have just doomed us all... but that's okay)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can use the spyglass to keep checking, ilero can do his orienteering)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] No pressure or anything right TMO?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
[Master] so the path is narrower where you have been
Shurkural (TMO)] (yup!!)
[Master] so I do need a marching order laid out
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no more pressure than if someone else picked the other one)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 360'04".
Shurkural (TMO)] (doooooooommmm....)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith failed Alertness so someone may want to be with her and roll for that
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo can take the back with the npcs)
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Orienteering check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray moved 337'03".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Branwyn can be in the middle)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt moved 157'05".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (branadarus in front of her?)
[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 907'09".
[Master] Hugh D'Ambray moved 800'03".
[Master] Branwyn moved 932'01".
[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 830'11".
[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 956'08".
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 3'01".
[Master] you can lay people out along that line
Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 13'08".
Shurkural (TMO)] (if we have scouts in front, Ilero can watch the back)
Shurkural (TMO)] (be rear guard)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 627'09".
[Master] Jilly, Homer, Wu Sen Cho, Howard Plum and Joseph Shortkin moved 597'00".
Shurkural (TMO)] (fair waring, will be putting kids to bed soonish. I'm okay with you running my 2 thru a combat if necessary)
[Master] Howard Plum moved 525'04".
[Master] Homer moved 433'02".
[Master] Wu Sen Cho moved 364'08".
[Master] Joseph Shortkin moved 254'07".
[Master] [Ilero]] moved 318'07".
[Master] Wu Sen Cho moved 312'11".
[Master] is that what/how you want to be along the path?
Shurkural (TMO)] (that works for me)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sure
[Master] Lisa?
[Master] this is the mid-day encounter
[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes?
[Master] are you happy with the marching order?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] sure
[Master] ok
[Master] so as you move along the path
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (again - no way to predict so you just choose and let the boulder fall where they may)
[Master] heading deeper into the hills
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (hopefully not on us :) )
[Master] so the path comes along the edge of a valley
[Master] and down below
Shurkural (TMO)] (stepping out to do stories. bbs)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (aliens!)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL
[Master] there is no way down there, and the path winds quite a bit still
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Anyway to climb down with rope?
[Master] and Hugh is along the edge
[Master] and Hugh can make a save versus spell please
[Indigo (Lisa)] What kind of a building is that?
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!
[mharm-15549] I am back at the keyboard.
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] ouch
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] That looks like a very fancy temple Indigo
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] HEY HUGH!!!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] In the middle of nowhere!
[Master] Hugh jumps off the cliff
[Master] and falls down the side of the cliff
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Um
Indigo (Lisa) spins around "WHAT?!?"
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Ow
[Master] taking (6d6) [6d6=2,6,5,3,5,2] 23 points of damage
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Well, Suicicide pact. An Oldie but a goodie
[Master] Hugh D'Ambray's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-23) - Heavily Wounded
[Indigo (Lisa)] What did he do that for?
[Indigo (Lisa)] We have ropes
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Beats the hell otta me haha
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] My guess would be a failed spell sace though
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh D'Ambray: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] So I land on my feet and not my face at lesat? Gotta save that for the firls
[Master] no
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] lol
[Master] if you had tumbling maybe
[Master] Hugh lands on a ledge far below you, as he lands he kicks out several scaattered debris
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Oh my telephone went off
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] LOL
Indigo (Lisa) tries to look over the edge from where he is
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] But he cannot tell you what is wrong
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Cause hes off the cliff
[Master] Neigth and Shur can make checks
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] you should really really do obs
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] I mean really
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Hugh is dead
[Master] but Shur is not here
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] OBS
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] !!!
[Indigo (Lisa)] (no he's not)
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] You'll see
[Indigo (Lisa)] (neith can make checks Bob said)
[Master] Neith if she has Observation, and or can make a reason check
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] She does not have OBS
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] only alert
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] but I'll check for reason
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: REA check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So uh. Does she know what happened an can relay?
[Master (to mharm-15549 only)] Neith realizes that the debris that Hugh kicked up on that ledge are bones
[Indigo (Lisa)] (problem with single file lines - hard for people behind to see what happens up front and vice versa)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Uh guys. There are bones all around us.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] They've been picked clean
[Master] and Hugh is down there about 60 feet below you
[Indigo (Lisa)] (on our path or below?"
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] And miraculously not dead.
[Master] below your path
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] big fall
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I think this might be the work of a siren
[Indigo (Lisa)] (bones are below or at our feet I meant)
[Master] below
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't know if I can infer that so bob needs to check on that
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bones are on ledge
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So who wants to tumble down the cliff to jump hugh?
Indigo (Lisa) takes the two coils of rope and ties them together
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] No way i can make it in time though
[Master] so far only Neith and Hugh and SHur
[Master] you are yelling back to them Neith
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Also I don't want to get effected by the spell
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] affected
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So no idea what to do
[Master] Lord Barnabus is next
[Master] what did you want to say?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok sorry)
[Master] Branadarus
[Master] no clue why it came otu that way
[Indigo (Lisa)] (we are taking turns down the line?)
[Master] so far the only people who have seen and know are Neigth Hugh and Shur
[Master] Branadarus is next up to walk along
[Indigo (Lisa)] (got it)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Bob is a siren classified as evil?
[Master] no
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] than I got nothing
[Master] seriously?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I feel terrible for High, but don't really want to lose two characters and/ jump off a cliff soooo.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm thinking
[Master] OK then
[Master] so Branadarus just walks forward
[Indigo (Lisa)] (you don't want to tell us what happened? Bob says we couldn't see)
[Indigo (Lisa)] (we can't help if we don't know)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Nieth just shouted a ton of stuff back at you guys
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] read the text?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Did I not do that?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hold on
[Indigo (Lisa)] (I got confused as to what Indigo knows and what he doesn't being at the back)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay yeah, i'll just retype this
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hugh jumped off the cliff
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] There are sirens donw there
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] You should probably stay back
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] There are bones on the ledge
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Stop walkinng?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Does anyone have ideas?
[Master] I did not catch the stay back or stop walking part
[Indigo (Lisa)] (so does indigo kniw what's happening or not?)
[Master] yes with Neith calling out that
Indigo (Lisa) takes two of the ropes and ties them together
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Indigo, there is no way down without risk from the sirens. Also it is a long drop
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't think this will work
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Also still going through ideas)
Indigo (Lisa) takes a potion out of the chest and walks up to where Neith is
[Indigo (Lisa)] How far up ahead was Hugh when you fell?
[Master] how far forward is Indigo walking?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, I was in front of him
[Indigo (Lisa)] (Is Hugh yelling for help or spellbound?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I think he fell 60 feet
[Master] not yelling for help
[Indigo (Lisa)] (up to Branadarus)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] who?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 136'11".
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I don't want others to have to get the siren call
[Master] ok
[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'04".
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm amazed he didn' tdie
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hm
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'll go run back to the others to let them know what's going on?
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) does that
[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay. We have two potions. How about you take one and I take one? One of us holds the rope and the other gets Hugh? They're protection from magic potions
Indigo (Lisa) looks up at Branadarus
[Indigo (Lisa)] You hold the rope and I go down?
Lord Branadarus (Master) glances at Indigo,
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Hugh is really strong, what kind of rolls is bob ghoing to make us roll ofr htat?)
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I will hold on to the rope
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but will this potion keep us safe?
[Indigo (Lisa)] Only the people that drink it and we only have two
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I have heard that all men drown or go to their death
[Indigo (Lisa)] so everyone else would need to get away
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] if we just get away now
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Does anyone have a spell to knock out hugh?)
[Indigo (Lisa)] And leave him?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] can anyone make us deaf?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] then we can go back in
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Deaf done' st work. It's a spell
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] We tried that
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Oh?
Shurkural (TMO)] back
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] you have seen Sirens before?
[Indigo (Lisa)] (it might not technically be a spell - was just the save for that peril)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Hugh has. He plugged his ears and you wouldn' tlet him get away with it. :) )
[Indigo (Lisa)] Wait .. think so but I don't remember
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (that was Hugh, not Neith)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay guys
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] We can try to plug our ears and see if that works, but only TMO and Mario was in that group I think and they are both AFK
[Indigo (Lisa)] So you don't think the magic potions will work.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I have no idea.
[Indigo (Lisa)] We can't leave him
[Shurkural]] (TMO) waves.
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I do not know
Lord Branadarus (Master) looking at Shur
Shurkural (TMO)] (that was ooc, sorry)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (LOL TMO sorry, I thought you were with kids haha)
Shurkural (TMO)] (I'm back now)
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (Shur is in front of Branadarus and Indigo)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (The potions might work, but I got no clue. I don't really know wha tto do for this one guys.)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (ALSO I know this is bad time, but I'm going to help an employee jump an engine real quick be like three min)
[Indigo (Lisa)] So if it singing then what if we put cloth in our ears and just do this quickly?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] AFK
Shurkural (TMO)] (so we're hearing singing?)
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I do not know if that would work
[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't know if anything will work
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] (Neith told you there was singing and Hugh plunged off the cliff and landed on a ledge below scattering bones everywhere)
[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't hear anything
[Indigo (Lisa)] Neith heard singing but it didn't bother her?)
[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.
[Ilero]] (TMO) looks over the edge to where Hugh is.
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] That is what I am afraid of he says softly
[Indigo (Lisa)] OHHHH! If Neith heard it and she didn't jump off the cliff maybe it won't affect girls!
Ilero (TMO)] (oh, he's too far away, isn't he)
[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn! We need you to jump off a cliff
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I think we have to stay back
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] NO
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] We cannot let her
[Indigo (Lisa)] If it doesn't affect women ...
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] the song does not
Shurkural (TMO)] Want me to give it a try?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but there must be someone or something at the other end
[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it won't affect me then I should go
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] it cannot just be a song
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] can you make me deaf?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] You just need to lower me down safely and then I can grab Hugh and cast so we get back up here in a moment
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] then I cannot hear
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and will not need to worry
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know how to do that!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] If Neith heard it and she was fine maybe Indigo is correct.
Shurkural (TMO)] I'll go. Y'all can cover me.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] But you will have to climb up the rope with Hugh. I'm faster
[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you can lower me down
Shurkural (TMO)] You're the boss.
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Indigo!
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just need to grab him and cast
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] We cannot
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] but
Lord Branadarus (Master) groans
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ummm ... I need both Shur and Neith to take hold of the rope and lower me down.
[Shurkural]] (TMO) grabs on.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo tied two 50 foot coils together so I'll be fine
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Sorry about that. Back
[Branwyn (Lisa)] If it makes you feel any better I will take one of the potions. All right?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] just catching up
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just in case
Lord Branadarus (Master) grabs Branwyn
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] KISSES hard
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] you have to come back
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] lets her go
[Branwyn (Lisa)] mmmm save that for when I get back
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (I'm really grateful for the help guys but jeeze don't do suicide okay?)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Also
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] AWWWW
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Love you
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ready girls?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] I know
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Step back gentlemen
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL Bob
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 301'05".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 112'01".
Shurkural (TMO)] (13 str for Shur)
[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 148'03".
[Master] Branwyn moved 109'03".
[Master] Neith of Inholt moved 114'11".
[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 76'07".
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (both neith and Shur should be ok)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I hope :) )
[Master] So Neith what is your STR?
Branwyn (Lisa) grabs rope and makes her way down
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] 17
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] do you want a roll?
Shurkural (TMO)] (she wins)
[Master] so Michael rolls,
[Master] fails on a 20 at holding the rope steady for Branwyn
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: STR check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!
Branwyn (Lisa) quickly looks for Hugh's body
[Master] he is laying there in a pile of bones
[Master] uncouncious
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Crap bob, you could have said he was uncouncios)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (I thought he was running to the sirens)
Branwyn (Lisa) pushes the top bones aside and grab hold of him tightly
Branwyn (Lisa) concentrates of the path where she was first standing when they stopped and closes her eyes
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Dimension Door: I can teleport up to (30*11) 330 yards away.
[Master] Branwyn and Hugh D'Ambray moved 342'00".
[Hugh D'Ambray (mharm-15549)] Mubmle Mumle
[Master] the rope goes slack and Branwyn disapears into a doorway
Branwyn (Lisa) takes a deep breath
Branwyn (Lisa) slowly opens her eyes wishing this path was wider
Branwyn (Lisa) looks around
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius!
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] HERE
Branwyn (Lisa) grins "About that kiss?"
Lord Branadarus (Master) a coupel of long strides
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and PICKS her up and SQUEEZES tight
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) rushes to Hugh to check on his wounds?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Um. 60 Fett
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Is his femurs shattered?
[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think maybe the other path mught be a bit safer
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Neith binds his wounds and stops him from bleeding
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] This is bad
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (looking thorugh spells)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is he still under the spell?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Good point.
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] heading back down the path to the fork again
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Think we shoul drag him back?
[Lord Branadarus (Master)] and I think that is a good spot to stop for the night
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'll carry him
Shurkural (TMO)] Can we put him in a cart?
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] To the cart
[Master] Time of Day: 01:34 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 1266 TGR.
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Good call TMO_
[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes, we can carry the chests until we're all fixed up
Indigo (Lisa) grabs a chest off the cart to make room
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (So was that a keep or just a random temple thing?)
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Settles Hugh in
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that thing looked brand spanking new)
[Master] Neith of Inholt XP award: 150. Next level in 4853.
[Master] Indigo XP award: 150. Next level in 19185.
[Master] Lord Branadarus XP award: 150. Next level in 0.
[Master] Hugh D'Ambray XP award: 250. Next level in 33795.
[Master] Homer XP award: 150. Next level in 0.
[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 150. Next level in 25641.
[Master] Jilly XP award: 150. Next level in 0.
[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 336018.
[Master] [Ilero]] XP award: 300. Next level in 34276.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and it was in the below the ledge so we might run into it from the other road)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Lol Bob don't give Hugh XP. He jumped off a cliff. That's like negative XP
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] haha
Shurkural (TMO)] (It's called learning from your mistakes)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] It's hard to learn how to fix a failed roll haha
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no mistake - just bad luck)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Just looking ofr a spell right now.
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he was the first male in line)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he is at +8 is it different healing than normal?)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] No. Looking for a major healing spell
[Master] I think waiting till next week is good
[Master] can take time
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay
[Master] and who knows maybe two elves will stumble upon you
[Master] who are imune to charm spells
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Just please remind me to not forget that Hugh is basically a walking dead right now
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, walking is a bit of a stretch
[Master] his more than that,
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he isn't)
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :)
[Master] it has been much worse than that
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Isn't 0-10 basically disabled?
Shurkural (TMO)] (and Ilero is still one night sleep deprived)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes and he is +8)
[Branwyn (Lisa)] 0 to neg 10
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay so disabled but not dead
[Branwyn (Lisa)] no
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] nevermind
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I got it
[Branwyn (Lisa)] he is just heavily wounded
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] sorry had numbers mixed up
[Branwyn (Lisa)] just a flesh wound
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOl
Branwyn (Lisa) Hugh sits up "I;m not dead yet!"
Branwyn (Lisa) whack!
Shurkural (TMO)] Shush! You're stone cold
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) 'Cant you do us all a favor?"
Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Wacks him with shephards crook"
[Master] by the way Carissa applogized
[Master] and will be in next week
[Branwyn (Lisa)] good news!
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay
[Master] had a work call that too far longer than she expected
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I thought for a moment I may have offended her :)
[Master] she said to throw her into the deep end next week
[Lisa] thought it was something like that
[Master] so yes you will get her new charcter then
[Lisa] we have a cliff right here
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] You mihg say its a "cliff hanger"
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] for next week
[Lisa] LOL
Shurkural (TMO)] but nobody is hanging
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Yeah. He just jumped. Didn' teven bother to hand
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Welp
[Lisa] okay - we all made it - s'all good
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'll put together a summary and I'll see you all next week
[Master] thank you Michael
Shurkural (TMO)] g'ight!
[Lisa] See you next week! Goodnight! :)
Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 25 23:50:59 EST 2016
[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Nite all! Glad I makde it another night haha
mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Nov 25 23:51:13 EST 2016
[Master] and yes TMO
[Master] help him work up a character and we will have him roll dice at some point
[TMO] ok. What level will he start at
[Master] 5
[TMO] I assue his char will be from this area. Anything useful we should include
[TMO] or interesting?
[Master] nah
[TMO] ok
[Master] he can be traveling with the other two new people
[Master] they are both elves but that does not mean he has to be
[TMO] I figured probably base human
[TMO] simpler that way
[TMO] but I'll check to see what he want
[TMO] s
[Master] nods
[Master] and could be a human traveling with them
[Master] they are searching for a bugbear lair
[Master] where they keep the major loot
[TMO] heh. half-orc slave.
[Master] like magic weapons, grins
[TMO] oo.. magic weapons.... :)
[Master] searching for lost magic items
[TMO] that sounds vaguely familiar
[TMO] :)
[Master] grins
[Master] for a keep in the woods
[Master] they have an elven priestess and an elven fighter/theif
[Master] which is an amazing character, Mario got so lucky
[TMO] good stats?
[Master] three 18's for stats
[TMO] nice!
[Master] and an intelligent magical weapon
[TMO] give him a low willpower so the sword takes over. ;)
[Master] grins
[Master] he does not know that yet
[Master] night
[TMO] cya
[TMO] take care
TMO has left the game on Fri Nov 25 23:59:24 EST 2016
XP awarded